#the big bad wolf series
schmede · 2 months
I forgot I had this art blog whoops....Im reading the big bag wolf series by Charlie Adhara and I am obsessed so here's Cooper and Park 💕💕💕
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bird-inacage · 1 year
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LITA DVD Behind the Scenes | ‘He did it’
MY SWEET SUNSHINE CHILD. I WANNA PROTECT HIM FROM THE WORLD SO HARD. I mean look at him. (*screeches*) LOOK AT HIM. How could you possibly resist? Well Fort can’t, that’s for sure.
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tangledbea · 7 months
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Group Halloween icons!
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verilydigital · 3 months
Thinking about 🎺him🎺 currently
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from the Disney’s House of Mouse episode “Big Bad Wolf Daddy”
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Can everyone please read the Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara? Is it gay? Yes. Is it the most slept on gay werewolf detective books in existence? Yes. Did it change my brain chemistry? Yes. Is there smut? Yes. Read ittttt, it made my brain feel good and I feel like all my ROTE besties would like it too :)))
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locitapurplepink · 6 months
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Angry & Red on "Who's afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf ?"
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writer-wren · 1 year
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"I don’t deal with sad, weepy women.”
“And I don’t deal with pretentious, arrogant assholes.”
His lip twitched and his eyes scanned down her form. “Then I suppose we should part ways.”
“I suppose we should.”
The next morning came with a mild hangover, scratchy motel sheets, and Olaf’s body coiled around hers.
— big bad wolf
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Patrick Warburton
okay has anyone else watched Hoodwinked????? LIKE those movies WERE MY CHILDHOOD and I LOVE THEMMMM
it also made me realize that Patrick Warburton was also my childhood LOL he was in like ALL THE SHOWS I WATCHED
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holdsome · 1 year
Okay fellow werewolf lovers I have a question for you. Let me start with some background.
So, I *love* fiction about werewolves, and I go out of my way to find books about queer werewolves because why the hell wouldn't I.
I was talking to my coworker about one such series, the Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara (it's not half as kamp at the title makes it sound). I told him that while this series ended up being one of my favorites, it took me awhile to actually read it because the main character starts out as a cop (spoiler alert: he does not stay a cop for the reason I'm abt to mention) with werewolves being the target of racism in a way that is high key an allegory for the racist system that rewards cops for killing poc. I read the first chapter, got super mad, and put it down for a month or so. But I decided to give it a second chance and see if the author was actually going anywhere with that, and they were. I learned to trust the author and ended up loving the story.
My coworker felt that this was actually not a great allegory though, because werewolves are built for violence, and so saying that they're the stand-in for POC in this scenario is like saying that POC are inherently violent.
This is something that had never occurred to me, especially because in the series, werewolves *know* they're capable of hurting humans, but they're also just regular people - most don't want to hurt anyone, especially not without good reason. Plus, more werewolves are being killed by humans out of fear than werewolves are actually harming anybody.
As a trans person, and also as a person who has dealt with some significant trauma, I tend to like the monstrous aspect of werewolves, who are at the end of the day more than the monstrous part of themselves. Its easy to feel like a monster when so much of spciety portrays you that way, but there are people who will love you not despite it, but because its you, monster and all. I go HAM for that shit. I really liked this story for flipping the usual narrative and making it so that werewolves were just people, just as worthy of love, and having needs unique to their identities as werewolves in order to flourish in society.
But I know that what my coworker said was a good point, and that I'd probably never thought of it that way before because I'm white and seeing things from my own lens of experience. I think that at the end of the day, it comes down to how the author uses the concept and the care they take in portraying their message. However, I want to really think on this more and sort out my feelings about it, and I thought I'd start by casting a wide net of thoughts and opinions to consider.
So my questions to y'all are:
- Do you like or dislike werewolf stories being used as allegories for the experiences of othered communities?
- Is this a concept that makes you feel seen, and if so, what aspect of it makes you feel that way?
- Do you feel that this concept is harmful to othered communities, especially those that are often portrayed as violent as a way to other them?
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wordsgood · 1 year
dog food commercial: the thing a wolf in the wild craves most is meat
me, just finished a smutty m/m werewolf shifter audiobook: you can say that again
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upontheshelfreviews · 7 months
Faerie Tale Theatre Reviews: Grimm Party (Faerie Tale Theatre’s Greatest Moments)
For years, Grimm Party was considered a lost episode of Faerie Tale Theatre. I didn’t know much about it going into these reviews, either. When I found out it was packaged with the complete series I was more than a little excited, and knew I had to include it in these reviews. What could it be? A behind-the-scenes look at how the show was made? An in-depth documentary detailing the grim and often…
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sowlmates · 1 year
books that leave you mentally unwell despite being about healing and overcoming trauma and allowing emotional vulnerability >>>>
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tangledbea · 7 months
Catalina's werewolf form should have had red fur tbh, there are wolves with a reddish hue. Also it was kinda vague but I really don't buy that some spirity miasma got ahold of her and now she's a furry every full moon. It's another case of too much inexplicable magic oversaturating the show (it could have been better if they ditched the whole werewolf hunter profession)
I have no problem with either her design (especially because they were trying to keep who the wolf was a mystery), nor with how they chose to portray how the werewolf is passed on. It's a refreshing take, and the whole thing was an allegory for mental illness, anyway.
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verilydigital · 9 months
Anyone else remember
🎺Big Bad Wolf Daddy🎺
from House of Mouse?
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I adore his design!! Clearly Tex Avery Wolf inspired while still resembling Disney’s own Big Bad Wolf.
Plus his song is criminally catchy with a ton of fun animation!
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Just… just don’t show him any doors…
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Overall, a top-tier wolf character, and it’s a shame he’s only in one episode.
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from the Disney’s House of Mouse episode “Big Bad Wolf Daddy”
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iwasreading · 2 years
hot take, but if something is 'bad, but you still love it' it's not actually bad. the very fact that you like it makes it good. media isn't some monolith that can fit into a good/bad binary, there can be many different reasons that it was made. the same way that some things that are technically good, but aren't enjoyable could be deemed bad.
I have a friend who regularly tries to justify himself, because he likes movies that look good but don't necessarily have a strong story line or acting. he's just a sucker for good directing and photography, which honestly, fair enough! the thing about art is that it is a very personal experience, and i personally don't think that people should feel guilty or ashamed for liking something. that is completely counterintuitive and takes away from the experience. anyways, just my two cents.
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circusd0g · 1 year
when you're listening to Mice on Venus and suddenly you're hit with the absolute horror and tragedy of the story you're writing. four kids, of countless others stolen from life by a monster who took the face of a beloved children's character. they came at the wrong time, on the wrong night. and the person who knew about it- let it happen. she knew the horrible things her brother was doing - and let it happen. they would've grown to be amazing in their respective fields- i know this, because i am writing them.
anyways here's the very first teaser ever of the video series i'm writing
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