#the natural history of the gent
clove-pinks · 10 months
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"Let's make a night of it," in The Natural History of the Gent (1847).
Happy Eighteen-Forties Friday, my friends!
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CENTRAL CAFE-NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM-LONDON-ARTE-LONDRES-PINTURA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: CENTRAL CAFE-NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM-LONDON-ARTE-LONDRES-PINTURA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Escena con muchas personas sentadas en el CENTRAL CAFE del NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM de LONDRES, la arquitectura neogótica envuelve a la gente tomando sus bebidas y sus sandwiches de salmón en una atmósfera mágica. Interior del Museo de Historia Natural de London, pintura con luz, movimiento y detalle del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros.
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nartml · 4 months
No, because imagine waiting years to get the answer to the one, most burning question you have about a franchise.
Your curiosity, growing more and more potent with every new installment, every new development.
So many possibilities, so much potential, the sheer capacity for interesting twists and intricate plot points.
All to be crushed, wasted, with the lamest, truly most moronic answer.
Night Furies were one of the most mysterious parts of HTTYD.
Personally, I was brimming with excitement just thinking of all the endless ways the directors could expand upon this species, its history and its culture.
Naturally, we got nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Like, really? You expect me to believe that Grimmel (actually now? bffr, get this discount-Viggo outta here) cleared the entirety of, arguably, the most elusive, most careful, most intelligent, most powerful species of dragon.
(Which, even if rare, we're looking at at least several hundred dragons.)
Because they can't travel long distances (Who are you talking to right now? 🤨) and because they can't bear the cold (Girl, be so serious 😮‍💨).
Ladies, gents, my non-binary friends; I've heard it all. This is it. It was so ridiculous, so disappointing, so ridiculously disappointing I started laughing.
And maybe fans who've only watched the movies don't get the hysteria, but if I'm anything, it's a RoB, DoB, RTTE truther. And damn, those series are laying it on thick, especially RTTE.
You have the Dragon Eye. Places like Vanaheim. New and fascinating discoveries about dragons left and right.
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I was kicking my feet up and down when I saw this.
We could've done so much more with this, but nope. Of course not.
Fuck, I will die mad at this movie.
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Help! Recently I had acquired a mid-19th century townsman who seemed fairly satisfied with his wardrobe. I did my best to provide him with only woolen attire for the health benefits and the darker colors preferred by most of his type. However, lately he has taken to brighter colors and patterns on waistcoats and insists they be made of silk. I fear he might actually be a dandy. That's more than I bargained for, given the expenses and behavioral changes. Is there any way to dissuade him gently?
I think the key phrase in your enquiry is right at the beginning: a mid-19th century man. Not only does he have a predilection for patterns and bright colours, but his longer hair and likely penchant for historical costumes makes him yearn for a bold wardrobe.
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Not a dandy, just the average man of the 1850s.
But don't despair for your budget just yet! There are many ready-mades and new patterns suited even for humble mid-19th century means.
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New illustrated pantaloons: only 70 francs in 1843!
"Townsman" or not, your petit bourgeoisie man is from an era of flashy clothing and accessories that even a working class or lower middle-class man can obtain. You might try to steer him away from the silk textiles at the best drapers (if he's that extravagant) and towards more economical tailors.
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An illustration from The Natural History of the Gent (1847), by Albert Smith, an invaluable guide to this type of mid-19th century man who loves loud patterns and bijouterie. Note his huge tie pins in the caricature drawing.
Gent or not, your mid-19th century man is probably not an inveterate dandy, but he loves his colourful clothing and dressing gown at home. It's not difficult to accommodate his natural behaviour for a happier, healthier 19th century man.
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tepig-spanker · 3 months
Sus taconazos se oyen desde la entrada del edificio, son graves, pesados y esta vez lentos. Son el suficiente aviso de su llegada, la alarma que cualquier pringado necesita para saber que tiene que apartarse de su camino. Para los que no la oigan su cara de pocos amigos tiene el mismo efecto.
Samantha es alta, más alta que la mayoría de mujeres de la empresa, lo cual con su anchura natural ya le otorgan una gran presencia allá donde va. Y su estatus solo es capaz de multiplicarla.
Teniendo su renombre, su historial y su popularidad, cree que puede permitirse pasearse por la empresa como si fuera suya sin que le digan nada, que no tiene que aprenderse nombres o pasar por pasillos llenos de gente si no quiere.
Y eso mismo hace, empuja a un miembro del staff contra la pared para que le deje pasar antes de entrar en el taller de @not-sad-just-tired sin siquiera llamar a la puerta. Tienes que arreglarme la chaqueta.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
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[ YES ]
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Oh, my! You're a lucky one. Getting KAZUHA'S interest is one thing, but HEIZOU, too? Surely there must be a reason why you have been swiped right for these two lovely gents!
To start with, you and KAZUHA resonate well with the empathy and creativity. KAZUHA is quite creative as he creates haikus, sometimes he even plays instruments. As a musician, he's got skilled hands, and he'd appreciate seeing you make things. Alongside that, he's quite perceptive, so you being as observant as he is to enjoy the finer things in life is a nice touch.
HEIZOU, meanwhile, loves that you are honest. He works as a detective, so he enjoys having to hear your honest (and often blunt) takes. He didn't even need to worry about you potentially lying... right?
(Oh, they both know you are good at lying. They won't forget that, though.)
Now, the duo aren't as picture perfect as you may expect. In actuality, both are open for sharing with each other, but not with specific people. One being Ayato (you hear that it may be because of his naturally dubious nature, but is it, really?), and unsurprisingly, that... "Wanderer". Should you mention it to either, KAZUHA and HEIZOU will react negatively.
(Do they have history? ... Who knows?)
Now, the upside is that you three work together as a way to bounce each other off as a throuple. KAZUHA is observant and knows that you struggle on sleeping and maintaining a healthy schedule, so he can always help out on that department.
If you're anxious, you can always inquire HEIZOU for assistance, for he can help you decide on something. It can even spark up debates between you three if you get KAZUHA!
(Don't debate with either on criminals and morality. HEIZOU knows too much that it can scar a man.)
Self-care being neglected? Oblivious to signs? Scared of confrontation? Why, KAZUHA can help you with it! Do you crumble on peer-pressure and guilt tripping? HEIZOU got your back!
What I'm saying is that you three just... Work together. Like you three are meant for each other. I'm quite envious, actually, since ██████ ████ ████████ ███ █████████ ████████████
████ ███████████ ██ █████ ████...
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hestiasroom · 11 months
At first I wasn’t particularly inclined to watch Matt Walsh’s documentary What is a Woman? I know the answer to that one already. Everybody does.
A woman is someone who isn’t allowed a final say on what a woman is. Pretending not to know this — that defining “woman” is incredibly complex and bewildering — is an age-old tactic deployed by non-women, usually in order to excuse treating us badly. 
Are women fully human? Do they have souls? What do women want? Far greater men than the host of The Matt Walsh Show — Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Sigmund Freud — have tried and failed to answer these questions (they could always have asked an actual woman, but first they’d have had to establish whether women can think, and then they’d have been back to square one).
As Matt himself says at the start of his film, “I like to make sense of things. Making sense of females is a whole other matter”, noting that “even astrophysicist Stephen Hawking” was “completely dumbfounded by women”.
Even astrophysicist Stephen Hawking! Honestly, ladies, if the author of A Brief History of Time hasn’t a clue what the hell we are, what hope do any of us have? 
The thankless nature of the task may be why the twenty-first century version of The Woman Question has now been allocated to those somewhat lower down the male intellect hierarchy: Edinburgh fringe comedians, disgraced MPs, right-wing shock jocks, Owen Jones and Billy Bragg. 
The proposal that a woman is anyone who defines themselves as a woman — and that no woman may say anyone isn’t a woman — has led to a particularly unimpressive stage of the debate, one which can only be described as the Summa Theologica meets incels r us. 
On the bright side, it’s clear the men are bloody loving it. If you’re left-wing, it’s your chance to put those TERFs in their place after years of having to “do feminism” as part of the right-side-of-history package deal. If you’re right-wing, it’s your opportunity to own all those feminists who suggested female bodies weren’t inferior and that pink, fluffy ladybrains were a myth. As Walsh declares of his film, “the movie makes utter fools of educated elite liberals”. I’m guessing that’s the point. 
I confess to having known very little about Matt Walsh up till now. “I’m a husband, I’m a father of four, I host a talk show, I give speeches, I write books,” he tells us by way of introduction. Hey, that sounds nice! Alas, a quick perusal of his twitter account shows that he’s the kind of renaissance man who tweets things like “feminism is an ugly and bitter ideology” and “rapists love abortion. It helps them cover up their crime”.
He’s also the kind of man who, should feminists show themselves to insufficiently appreciative of his recent woman-defining efforts, tells us we would “rather be a victim than win the fight” and that we “just want to sit on the sidelines and whine”. He’s been, like, getting death threats due to his challenge to contemporary gender mores! Would you risk that, eh, feminists? What’s anyone ever done to you, JK Rowling, you massive coward? 
I first wrote about the problematic nature of a gender identity-based definition of women over eight years ago. Other women, such as Julie Bindel, were sounding the alarm far earlier, and with little support. I know we’re supposed to be eternally grateful to Matt for stepping into the breach. What a gent! As the Onion once put it, Man Finally Put In Charge of Struggling Feminist Movement (admittedly it’s a man who thinks feminism is an ugly and bitter ideology but hey, we can’t have everything). 
In any case, I gave in and watched Matt’s film, just on the off-chance I’d missed something (more fool me; I read Gender Trouble on that basis, and look where that’s got me). There was little in What is a woman? that I didn’t already know from the work of feminists themselves, but that’s no reason to discount it. What’s wrong with alerting the normies to the excesses of trans activism too? 
Walsh never acknowledges the role his own rigid beliefs play
Perhaps the most difficult thing about conveying the absurdities of extreme trans activism to anyone who hasn’t yet encountered it, is that you either sound as though you’re making it up (usually in order to “stoke moral panic”) or the person to whom you’re talking concludes you must have missed some essential point (it would indeed be horrific if teenage girls were having their breasts removed due to social contagion and “progressive” institutions were cheering it on, therefore it can’t be happening. There must be something else afoot).
One of the great things about Walsh’s film is that he shows, first, that harmful things are indeed taking place, and second, that there is no hidden meaning behind them. The therapists, surgeons, academics and politicians to whom he speaks don’t suddenly pull back the curtain and reveal, yes, this is the reason why it isn’t total bollocks to claim that no one really knows what sex anyone is. That moment never comes (and believe me, I’d have loved it if it had. Being a Known TERF is a pain in the arse).
Instead they say things like “a chicken has an assigned gender” and that the word truth is “condescending and rude”. Ha! Aren’t liberals ridiculous? At one point Matt interviews someone who identifies as a wolf (or some other animal. I got bored and went to the kitchen for a biscuit at that point). What’s striking is that you sense his interviewees know on some level that they’re bullshitting. That’s why a number of them end the interview early, citing Walsh’s alleged bad faith as the reason why. 
There are some genuinely moving sections to the film, such as the interviews with female athletes cheated out of prizes by the inclusion of males in the girls’ categories. The contribution from Scott Newgent, a trans man deeply concerned about the impact of medical transition on young females, was incredibly engaging. I could have watched a whole film on Newgent alone, as someone clearly driven by both personal trauma and compassion for others. 
So why, overall, did the film leave a bad taste? Am I just an “ugly and bitter” feminist, peeved that a man has come along and claimed a number of feminist observations as his own? Am I a purist, unwilling to accept any support from anyone whose views don’t align precisely with mine? 
I don’t think so. The problem for me is that Walsh never acknowledges the role his own rigid beliefs play in creating and perpetuating the current situation. 
He finds countless people convinced that the only way to avoid imposing harmful social norms on individuals on the basis of their sexed bodies, is to pretend we can’t define said bodies or impute any social meaning to them at all. Yet he does nothing to suggest one shouldn’t impose said norms, or that his own pink/blue fantasies of girlhood and boyhood might be leading those who don’t conform to feel they are somehow “wrong”. 
“Give my son a BB gun and that’s just about all the emotional support he needs,” he muses over a children’s party scene, all boys in blue jeans, all girls pink princesses. “My daughter on the other hand … I’ve heard people say that there are no differences between male and female. Those people are idiots.”
Hmm. I have three children, all biologically male, all of whom have played with dolls houses and worn dresses. Two of them have Frozen-style long blonde hair and I’ve never bought any of them a toy gun (nor have any of them asked for one). 
Women are caught between two forms of misogyny
According to Walsh’s own gender ideology, I’m on the slippery slope towards the erasure of any stable definition of “male” and “female” at all. This is the mirror image of the absurdities of trans activism. Both Walsh and the people he interviews conflate sex difference denialism with the rejection of gender stereotypes. He thinks we should suffer the stereotypes; they think we should suffer the surgery. Feminists believe we shouldn’t suffer either. 
There’s a particularly grim scene where Walsh attends a Women’s March, and delights in harassing female protestors who don’t want to give a precise definition of the word “woman”. Much as this reticence frustrates me, too, I know where it comes from. The polarised politics of the day has told these women they must choose between denying their sex and accepting an anti-choice, conservative vision of what it means to be an adult human female. It’s a vision Matt Walsh shares.
These women are caught between two forms of misogyny but to Walsh, it’s all “own the libs” fun and games. This man is not on our side, nor will he win over the women he lazily misrepresents as not knowing what’s good for them. 
At the end of the film, Matt returns home from his gender odyssey to his waiting Penelope. She is, of course, in the kitchen, and happens to be struggling with a pickle jar. 
“What is a woman?” he asks her.
“An adult human female — who needs help opening this!” she responds. Got it, ladies? He’ll defend our right to exist as a sex class, as long as we can all agree it’s the weaker one. 
In the end, I’m just so fed up with the machismo. Last year I spoke to one of the founders of Woman’s Place UK, who told me sex-based rights will ultimately be defended best by those in it for “the victory, not the glory”. The people, mainly women, often lesbians and women of colour, who do the dull, behind the scenes work of compiling data and challenging unfair practices one by one. The people who aren’t seeking to reimpose other, equally oppressive beliefs about sex and gender. 
It may be that What is a Woman? helps, by showing some still on the fence that the problem is real. Others, it may push in the other direction. Either way, women themselves won’t be thanked for their own hard work and significant risks. 
After all, that’s just what being a woman is.
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lukegleeson · 2 days
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🩺 LUKAS GLEESON ; 24 años, médico internista (recién titulado). Ha vivido toda su vida en Chicago.- @chicagoacts
tablero | imágenes | about
Es nieto de la jefa de hospital, la dra. Kathleen Gleeson. Son una familia con un largo historial con la medicina en la ciudad.
El origen de su familia es irlandés, su padre y abuela perteneciendo a esa ascendencia; él nació en Estados Unidos.
Nunca ha tenido problemas de dinero, por lo que creció con lujos y caprichos cumplidos. Según él, intenta que no se le suban los humos a la cabeza, pero puede actuar como un niño malcriado la mayor parte de las veces.
Fue bastante rebelde cuando adolescente, su familia lo veía como un caso perdido, por lo que sorprendió a todos cuando se decidió dedicarse a la medicina. No era el mejor estudiante, pero logró finalizar la primera parte de sus estudios. Ahora está en el proceso de decidir una especialización.
Le gusta ser social, conocer gente y hablar de él mismo con un característico aire exagerado, pero con sus amigos o cercanos es alguien más natural y verdadero.
amigos de la infancia:
amigos o mejores amigos:
amigos que se volvieron enemigos (o al revés) :
rivales: se cayeron mal, o compiten por algo en común, o quizás tienen o tuvieron el mismo crush, etc
one night stand:
compañeros de trago/fiesta:
crush o antiguo crush:
mentor y alumno: sería bueno que alguien lo adoptara y lo obligara a estudiar o mejorar ;;
romance de pasillo: algo que duró poco
flirty relationship:
compañeros de depto:
más ideas obvioooo:
conexiones establecidas:
Frenemies: con Choi Mijoo. Tiene facilidad para agotar su paciencia.
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allovertheworldblog · 2 months
Not finished with Japan?
When I was in Fukuoka I could have taken the ferry to South Korea.
I didn’t.
I’m not sure if I was apprehensive about going to a new country, one I didn’t know much about, or whether I felt I wasn’t finished with Japan.
From Fukuoka I took a bus to Nagasaki.
The bus was up on an elevated motorway at times, so we got good views of Japan from above.
There was an ugliness about the place, the over-planned nature of the countryside, not a blade of grass out of place, every line perfectly straight.
This was something I felt a good few times as I travelled throughout the country, the need to conquer nature, to be the master. 
Nagasaki turned out to be one of my least favourite places in Japan. It was interesting nonetheless.
I think the hostel I stayed in coloured my unfavourable memories of the place.
The bedbugs and cockroach that were among the delights of the hostel didn’t help this.
Like Hiroshima the city was destroyed at the end of World War II by a nuclear bomb, this one was called ‘fat man’, on account of the shape of it. 
The project that led to the creation of these bombs (The Manhattan Project) was one of the biggest, in terms of people employed and the cost involved, ever in the history of mankind. 
The Manhattan Project resulted in two types of bombs, both atomic. The first type was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6 1945. It scorched the city off the face of the earth. The second type of bomb was dropped on Nagasaki three days later on August 9 1945. 
People still question why the Allies needed to drop two bombs.
Some say it’s because the Japanese didn’t surrender immediately after Hiroshima.
Others say that the Allies wanted to test both bombs, in effect 'get their monies worth’.
I went to the Bomb Museum in Nagasaki.
It dealt with how the city and it’s inhabitants were affected by the bomb.  
Aside from the bombing, Nagasaki has reasons of its own to feature in the annals of Japanese and world history. During Japan’s self imposed isolation from the world, until the mid 19th century, Nagasaki was the only port in the county open to international trade.
A small settlement (Dejima) of Dutch traders took over a former  Portuguese settlement.
The Portuguese were kicked out because the Jesuits who followed them introduced Christianity, which in turn led to a rebellion by Christian converts.
The Portuguese were held to have helped the rebels.
A recreation of the settlement looks so different from anything Japanese of the same period.
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The former Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank stone building is on a small scale, smaller than provincial, but quite impressive all the same.
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After a couple of days in the city I’m ready to move on.
Hearing a few Finnish guys in the hostel talk about the town of Aso, which is in the biggest volcano caldera in the world, makes me want to go check that out.
I get to Aso after two trains, a ferry, a bus and finally a another train.
Before I board the ferry I’ve got some time to sit around the terminal building and gaze in awe at the cloud covered volcano behind Shimabara, a down at heel town.
In the terminal building there’s some kind of gambling place.
It’s full of older gents with small folded up newspapers playing the horses or whatever. 
After what feels like an exhausting day I get to the small town of Aso at 20.30.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Ooh if you want roommate AU suggestions, then Farawyn please! Maybe even a She’s the Man kinda situation where Eowyn is pretending to be a man? Up to you!
My dear, yes, of course...(I've taken the liberty to put this into an AU that might make you grin)
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The boarding house
Words: 1k
Characters: Faramir x Éowyn
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Faramir adjusted his cravat awkwardly and rang the doorbell of the sprawling house nestled at the end of a quiet street.
As the door swung open, he glimpsed a jovial, friendly face under a mop of honey-coloured hair that looked slightly unkempt as if he had been engaging in vigorous physical activity just before answering the bell.
“Ah, you must be Faramir,” the man said in a melodious voice and jerked his head towards the yet unrevealed inside of the house. “I hope you’ll be all right sharing rooms with another young person we have staying here.”
Dazed, Faramir followed the merrily chattering fellow and his colourfully embroidered vest into a large sitting room.
“Oi, Merry,” he called, “is our other lodger in?”
Another man – just as unusually short and stout as Faramir’s guide – looked up from his pipe and shook his head regretfully.
“Is that the new gent? Fine-looking young man, I’m sure they’ll get along great,” he commented and tapped the side of his nose as if he had just made the most hilarious of hidden jokes.
“Come with me,” the first man huffed and led Faramir up a flight of narrow steps. “Don’t mind Merry; he’s my kinsman and…”
As they mounted slowly – considerably encumbered by the voluminous travel bag Faramir was dragging along both the wall and the banister – the poor prospective lodger was treated to an extensive exposé on the history and idiosyncrasies of the cosy boarding house.
Faramir smiled and nodded at regular intervals even though he felt already quite overwhelmed with the many new impressions he had gotten since leaving his father’s estate to pursue further schooling of which the esteemed Lord Denethor did not fully approve as of yet.
“Here we are,” the cheery voice of his host chirped as a door was pushed open with a flourish. “Dinner is at 7; I’ll leave you to get settled in. Your roommate should be back soon.”
Dazed, Faramir watched him retreat before starting to unpack his books and notepads, setting them in neat piles on the empty desk in the corner of the room; he was not entirely sure whether it was a shared piece of furniture, but he told himself that he could clean them away if the need arose.
In the privacy of his temporary refuge, he loosened the stifling formal clothing he was wearing – one never knew what distant acquaintance one would meet in the busy streets of the big city – and sat down on the edge of the narrow bed that was allotted to him.
When the door swung open and a tall, blonde person strode in confidently, Faramir rose to his feet hastily to shake hands.
His warm words of polite introduction died on his lips though as he took in the apparition now standing proudly in the middle of the room; he had naturally expected – for propriety’s sake – that his fellow lodger would be a bachelor gentleman like himself.
“Éowyn, how do you do?” A broad, strong hand was thrust towards him jovially as the very female latecomer stepped up to him.
“Faramir,” he muttered in a muted voice. “I am well, thank you for inquiring.”
A thousand questions raced through his mind, bumping into one another and jostling his poor brain until he felt positively dizzy with thinking. Did she not object to find a man in her rooms? Was she not in the least worried about her reputation?
“I see the gents had a little joke on your expense,” the very comely young lady commented with a cheerful peal of laughter; she was wearing sturdy boots and had tucked her skirts up to reveal sensible riding leggings underneath. “I was just out on a social call,” she explained then, “usually I shall not submit you to frilly dresses and the like.”
Her dismissive tone struck Faramir like a fist to the chest; he could not discern anything frivolous or overly ornamental about the sober, straight-forward cut, style, and colour of her garments.
His mouth opened and closed helplessly a few times.
“Don’t go expecting me to darn your socks or smile prettily at you,” she then hissed, her eyes narrowing threateningly.
“I’d never dare,” he assured her feebly. “I shall not bother you, let me swear to this I can swear. My goal is to study at the local seminary and not to get into any trouble.”
Instantly, her eyes lit up with keen interest.
“You’ve been accepted at the university?” she cried out, taking hold of his upper arms in a distinctly unladylike fashion and giving him an insistent shake. “Can you smuggle me in?”
Faramir blinked; he had been a stickler for the rules as long as he could remember and – on account of his momentarily woefully diminished mental capacities – he could not fathom what the young woman was angling for.
“I beg your pardon?” he muttered, visibly confused and blushing under her intense scrutiny.
“Just give me a second and I’ll show you,” she cried enthusiastically and rushed out of the room in a flurry of flying skirts and carelessly tied-up hair. “I can impersonate my brother, Éomer! You’ll see!”
Faramir did not even dare move from where he stood until she returned, dressed in a smart suit not unlike his own, her long, flaxen hair tucked neatly under a fashionable cap. She looked every inch the young bachelor as long as one did not inspect the fine lines of her face or the sensual curve of her smiling mouth too closely.
“I…” Truly lost for words, Faramir merely stared at her in amazement. His father would be livid if he found out that Faramir had not only defied his wishes in the mulish desire for learning but had also broken the law by risking his name and reputation to get a woman access to it.
“Yes,” he finally breathed, new vigour and a strange sensation of exhilaration swelling in his chest, “yes, I will help you. Let’s get ready for dinner!”
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@fellowshipofthefics here's my entry for the Weekend WIPS :)
@scyllas-revenge I hope this made you smile lol
Lots of love from me
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clove-pinks · 1 year
The Dictionary of Fashion History by Valerie Cumming really quotes Albert Smith in the entry for Albert boots:
Albert boots
Period: 1840–ca. 1870.
Side-lacing boots with cloth tops and patent-leather toe-caps; often with “a close row of little mother-of-pearl buttons down the front; not for any purpose, for the real method of fastening being by the humble lace and tag at the side” (1847, Albert Smith, The Natural History of the Gent).
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dangoarts · 1 year
i realized something as i was falling asleep yesterday: if i want people to like the au i'm making, i need to actually share what the hell's happening in my brain. therefore
Blotted AU Masterpost!
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I've mentioned the Blotted AU a bit here, but I've barely gone in depth about what it actually is. In short, it's a Batim/Batdr rewrite AU inspired by Epic Mickey. It roughly merges the concept of the Cycle with the early game story of Epic Mickey, ideas from Ink Machine and Dreams Come to Life, and the story of Dark Revival. The general plot is that the cast from Bendy and the Ink Machine are all dragged into the Cycle by the Ink Demon and now have to survive as a team.
Before I go in depth (and it's gonna be long i apologize), here is the google doc where I wrote down every idea dump I had for it, a cast list with their roles and brief history in the au, and a rough timeline. It won't be any better of a tl;dr for this post since it's a barely organized mess that only makes sense to me, but if you're interested in seeing how the au developed over time, feel free to give it a read! A lot of the idea dumps ended up being about Sammy whoops (he's my favorite).
The rewrite starts off when Joey commissions the Ink Machine from Gent. Originally it was to cut down on animation costs and time, but when he realizes he could make 3D actors with it, he starts to experiment.
His first attempt that lives is Ink Bendy. His disfiguration and uncannily human appearance is immediately met with hostility and rejection, and Joey basically crams him back into the machine to try again. Unbeknownst to him, that creates the Cycle and Bendy never actually died. The rejection and isolation along with being trapped in a realm that mimics the fleeting glimpse of the real world he could've lived in started brewing up his very negative feelings towards Joey and humans in general.
Joey tries to make Bendy again, but the only surviving clones are the Wandering Sin Bendy and Concept Bendy, both of which are "scrapped" like Ink Bendy. Once he accepts that Bendy won't work, he tries with the Butcher Gang. A lot more clones survive, but they all end up horribly disfigured and mutilated. All of them are thrown into the Cycle.
His attempts with Alice Angel make incredibly humanoid creatures (original Lost Ones minus the dead employee bit), and that leads him to try creating an actual human with the Ink Machine. Everyone is really concerned about his actions and the ethics behind it at this point, and they get Henry to try and stop him. Naturally, Joey ignores them, makes a secret room for it, and continues his experiments.
After numerous failures that end up creating the population of the Cycle, Audrey is born in 1941. Joey discovers the joys and struggles of being a single dad working an executive position until 1946, when the Ink Demon finally gathers enough power over the Cycle to control the Ink Machine. Joey Drew Studios floods with ink, and every employee in the building is dragged into the Cycle.
Nathan Arch inherits the studio rights and adopts Audrey like Joey's will requests. A lot of her childhood with Joey is forgotten due to normal childhood amnesia, but she still goes by Audrey Drew. Her life is relatively uneventful and she gets hired as an animator in Archgate Studios like normal.
Meanwhile, in the Cycle, the studio employees quickly have to find shelter from the hostile toons. After finding refuge in Artist's Rest, they start pushing back against the Ink Demon's relentless aggression. It turns into a war of survival, with each side fighting to trap or destroy the other.
The animators start losing the fight when Sammy gets his eye torn out by the Ink Demon. The ink from the wound creates a mental connection between the two, and he's slowly corrupted from the inside out. It culminates into the Ink Demon puppeteering him, forcing him to lead the toons into the animators' base. A massive fight breaks out that kills most of the studio employees, and the Ink Demon consumes Joey's soul to permanently kill him.
Besides Joey, the employees who died are reincarnated as toons or Lost Ones, dubbed "conversion death." Usually their memories of their past life are blocked off, allowing their original personalities to stay but creating a blank slate for the Ink Demon to control. Conversion killed toons can keep memories from their past human life, but they never keep all of them. They can also regain their human memories again, but the process is usually very confusing, drawn out, and painful, with the memories coming back as visions accompanied by migraines.
Sammy was conversion killed after the fight that killed Joey. He was made into the Ink Demon's second in command, complete with receiving a fraction of his power as shifting through walls and manipulating his ink appearance. Susie and Norman were conversion killed during the fight, and they became Twisted Alice and initially a Lost One respectively. Norman's body was incredibly unstable and needed mechanical implants to survive outside of the Puddles, resulting in the Projectionist.
Henry steps up in Joey's absence and leads the surviving few to the Gent workshop after a few days of living precariously without safety. They switch their focus from fighting against the Ink Demon to surviving, now locked in a defensive stalemate with the toon forces. During the time, Thomas uses the familiar tech and supplies to create the signal towers, sealing off the workshop from the toons.
During the stalemate, the animators still had to brave the studio to gather food and materials. Jack, Wally, Shawn, and Daniel did most of the scouring, and Allison and Thomas only ventured out whenever they needed more supplies for his machines. While on those missions, Daniel was conversion killed into Buddy Boris, Jack's left arm was slashed and corrupted, and Allison and Thomas were conversion killed together into Allison Angel and Tom.
Boris forgot everything from his past life, but still shows sympathy to the animators. He lets them stay in his hideout he made if they need to and helps them evade the other toons. Allison and Tom forgot most of their past, but they remembered that the Ink Demon was dangerous and the animators weren't. They quickly went back to their side as soon as they could.
In 1963, Wilson disappears from the real world after finding out what the Ink Machine does in Archgate's museum honoring Joey Drew Studios. In the Cycle, he picks up where Thomas left off on the development of technicolor to combat the toons, along with trying to create his own ink life. He succeeds at both with the creation of the Keepers and technicolor ink, and the war flares back up.
Eventually, he uses the technicolor to gravely weaken and imprison the Ink Demon after a large fight. Henry is against his actions and torturous experiments on the Ink Demon, and he leaves after getting into a massive argument with him. To everyone else, he completely vanishes, but he instead takes up residence with Boris.
In 1973, the Ink Demon escapes from his physical prison Wilson trapped him in. He starts to recover from Wilson's treatment, but still can't get past the mental prison of Dapper Bendy he trapped him in. On the anniversary of the studio's disappearance, Audrey is lured into the Cycle by the Dark Puddles. Most of the story here follows Dark Revival's, with Allison finding her after a Piper raises the alarm, Audrey discovering Bendy and accidentally shocking him with her power, the Ink Demon getting released periodically from his toon prison, and Audrey finally making it to the Gent workshop.
When the Ink Demon's toon prison destabilizes, he acts a lot more aggressive and automatically treats everyone as his enemy. He kills anyone he can get his hands on, which included an overjoyed Sammy that ran straight to his death. He calms down after Audrey shows him kindness as Bendy, and he especially calms down when she shows him that same level of kindness and additional sympathy both as Bendy and the Ink Demon once she learns what had happened to him.
However, during that, Sammy took the death extremely badly, believing that he was killed because he didn’t free him, and does everything he can to earn his forgiveness again. Along with suffering through memory flashes of his past life, he tries to sacrifice anyone he can get his hands on, which includes the other toons that once trusted him. They reject him as their leader and start forming isolated groups, with some of them becoming Amok and their followers, the Ink Jets, the Demon Followers that still fight against the animators, and colonies of Butcher Gang clones. Alice wanders the studio alone, and the Projectionist stays in his designated area.
Sammy gets imprisoned after trying to attack the Gent workshop in a desperate attempt to please the Ink Demon. During his imprisonment, he regains most of his memories and starts to question how genuine his loyalty was to the demon. Audrey finds Henry shortly after and brings him back. Henry explains the full history of the Cycle to her, including what Joey did and the revelation that she's not human.
I'm still unsure whether or not I want Wilson to create a big scene with Shipahoy Dudley, and if he did, he would permanently die like Joey. However, I do want Audrey to deescalate the situation between the Ink Demon and the animators. His problems all came from Joey, and the other workers did nothing and were against his actions with the Ink Machine. Once he calms down and stops, he'd release everyone who isn't native to the Cycle back into the real world.
The ones who died in the Cycle revert back to mostly human in the real world. Some traits from their previous forms carry over like scars, Alice and Allison keeping their horns for example. They'd have to readjust to living like humans again along with revoking their legal death status.
and that's it! if you made it this far congrats you're a trooper
i'm still working on it and i wanna make stories for it like i did with sammy already, so praying to the motivation gods that i can get enough brainthoughts to write
now that i have the explanation done i can go back to posting cryptic nonsensical stuff about it
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Dia De Los Muertos Special Part 2 of 2: el Tigre: The Grave Escape (Comission For WeirdKev27)
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Hola a todos ustedes gente feliz! It's time for the second part of our day of the dead spectacular so I hope you lost souls are hungry as we dive into one roast beast of a show with El Tigre under the cut!
El Tigre was part of something that i'm endlessly fascinated from and will likely keep touching on on and off till the end of time.. or until my lifespan reaches it's natural end.. being devoured by geese: the 2000's superhero show boom, which was awesome as hell and I still have to get to Jake Long, Kim Possible (which I sorta count), My Life as A Teenage Robot and MANY more at some point. It was a grand time and i'm still shocked this is the second show from it i've fully covered but here we are.
El Tigre set itself apart from the already great pack though with it's simple but brilliant premise: It's the story of the tweenage Manny Rivera, better known as El Tigre, who's the son of the goody good super babyface hero White Pantera.. and Grandson of the ubervillian Puma Loco. And that my friends is the hook: Instead of being a straight up superhero or crimefighter like his peers, Manny is torn between being a superhero or a supervillian, exploring both sides of his heritage. Helping him out or sometimes just hanging around is his best friend, sorta love intrest and enabler Frieda, a wild spirit whose ironically the daughter of the local asshole police chief. And to the shows credit the cops are not potrayed as good guys just due to position, with Frieda's dad, while meaning well, not being the best guy.
It's a hook that simply slaps. Manny still fights supervillians and has his own rogues gallery of course, many of whom hate him in paticular, but instead of just fighting the good fight he can often be motivated by his own selfish motives and impulsivness. He can also fight dirty, with the most memorable bit to me being from when he ended up fighting a bunch of senior citizen supervillians he bonded with.. and collapses their retirment home on them. They surivive, this cartoon's heavy on slapstick and very light in tone, but it's still not something you'd see Danny or Jenny pulling unless the villian was REALLY that strong or terrible. It gave the series it's own unique flavor.
It's also one of the two thigns, the other being the flash arc the return of barry allen which i've just added to the giant pile of things I need to cover, that cemented one of the superhero tropes I love the most: Legacy Heroes. The sense that this mantle the hero is wearing has a long history before them and will after them and that whoever picks it up matters. While Manny's only the second El Tigre, we'l lme the first in a moment, he's the latest in a long line of super heroes and villians and it's hard to pick which side of his lienage to go with and which beloved family member to turn his back on. It also makes the lack of him making a choice for some time easier to swallow as it's understandable a 12 year old both dosen't want to pick between his guardians, and wants to really think this out.
So naturally having never seen this episode in full I was excited to plunge into the Grave Escape. In addition to being a Dia De Los Muertos episode from Jorge freaking Gutieerz, series creator and awesome dude, it dives into that legacy as Manny meets every previous rivera.
So I was expecting a bit of an epic.. and what I got.. was…
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The Grave Escape isn't a terrible episode, but it's underwhelming espeically since the setup is decent: Manny as he's grown older has gotten tired of day of the dead and while he feigns excitment for his Dad and Grandpapi's sake, he has no real intrest in it. This works as a lot of kids get disillusoned with holidays and it's a classic trope for a holiday special. The only part of it that dosen't it is Manny not believing in the Land of the Dead despite his famlies collective deadliest foe being.. Sartanna of the Dead. Whose the villian of this episode. It dosen't help both Manny and his father get their powers from magic and it's heavily implied Puma's mech suit is also magic powered. So yeah he has NO reason to not belivie this is possible.
He's not the only one though as Sartanna, fittingly enough, has a day of the dead plan: create a giant monster from the forgotten dead. It's simple, but it works, tying into the holdiay's themes of rememberance and Manny's own mistakes without making him responsible.
Said colossus easily trounces our three main characters and frieda.. and sends Manny and Frieda into the land of the dead. The Land of the dead is beautifully drawn and designed, and it's awesome that Gorge got to really expand it with book of life. I especially love how he draws calevera's, with a real flair to it. We also get a LOT of good comedy from Frieda whose entirely useless marevling over how awesome it is being a skeleton bones while Manny has to keep reminding her that if it finishes she dies… which never really takes. I do agree with her that being able to store a bird in your ribcage would be dope though.
The problem is that while we get the grand occasion of meeting all the past rivera's who wielded the various powers, and as expected of Jorge their designs are dope.. their ALMOST all interchangable, half being good half being bad. I mean one of the is Manny's great Grandfather, Grandpapi's DAD. But other than a brief hug between the two when the rivera's head ot the surface there isn't a lot. The conflict between them and Manny, them being mad he ate their offerings but eventuallyc oming to respect him and Manny becoming contrite, works well enough, it's why the episode is again mor e
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Than actually bad, there's just no real personality to them. I get that Jorge likely coudln't get the runtime he wanted and this would've worked better as an hourlong, so I can't fault him there, and that he assumed there'd be more seasons where they could likely have flashbacks, but even with the small time other than one of them being a pirate, there's really nothing special other than neat designs.
Thankfully while most of them have no real personality we do meet one whose actually intresting and if Jorge was going to just pick ONE and stick with it this was the one. El Tigre. No not Manny.. THE ORIGINAL El Tigre. The first rivera and the one whose belt Manny inherited. He's a neat glimpse at what Manny could be both in good and bad ways: the good is that he shows off new powers Manny likely woudl've gotten had Nick not been nickleloden and we got more seasons: extending his claws, a firey roar, and the ablility to summon an ancient tiger spirit, an abliity that could be something all rivera's could do with their respective animals if they tapped into it but as seen by their confusion something Papi and Rudlopho haven't learned of. There's a lot of potetial here that's sadly untapped thanks to teh series short run, seriously Paramount give it a revivial come on.. or at least put it on there COME ON.
The bad.. is that El Tigre I didn't pick a side.. thus he developed two personaliteis instead, one a hero, one a villian and flip flops between the two. It shows that if Manny dosen't pick a side or find his own path between them, it could destroy him. And the potetial is there: Manny's being asked to pick between the two people he loves the most and can't just pick both: while his grandpapi and dad will always love him whichever side he chooses will turn one of them into an enemy. It's a stark cautoionary tale while also showing that this man is damn badass, kind and the kind of cool masked vigliante Manny could be no matter what side he chooses. The two are also great togehter with El Tigre Senior easily accepting his younger legacy and helping tutor him. It's also nice in that while Pantera and Loco take intrest in Manny there's no agenda to push him to a side here. El Tigre I just wants to help and leaves Manny in the hands of his family to figure it out, knowing whatever he decides, it's his path and he'll take one unlike him.
The finale is also awesome. Naturally the two sides split off into heroes and villians and it takes Manny shouting them into working together to save the day? how? (Something out of my butt)
yeah while the "Rivera Super Awesome Macho Blitz" is well.. super awesome, it comes right the fuck out of nowhere. I checked it's wiki entry: it wasn't in any other episode before this. Manny just brings it up as a possibly suicidal super move. It is a neat one, as it's a fastball special but instead of just throwing a guy, each rivera accelerates like ar ocket, then slowly one breaks off leaving the last one as a human bullet, with Manny having to pull out the ancient tigert spirit which WAS actually foreshadowed , to get to the finish line. It's an ass pull sure.. but it's so gloriously cool to see all the riveras in one attack that's so neatly thought out it dosen't matter.
So the rest of the Rivera's head into the sunset, Manny has a newfound respect for tradition, and everything is good. This episode.. is as I kept saying okay. it's not at it's full potetial but it's still enjoyable, still has good worldb luiding and tha tfinal attack really is something great. It's just too short for it's own good but what we have is still pretty great. Thanks for reading, consdier joining my patreon and viva los muertos.
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I just want to say, this blog is so much fun, and it even feels like the kind of jokes those 19C Men made themselves about different Types of guys --I can absolutely imagine a little pamphlet on How to Care For A Dandy, Proper Management of Your Artist, etc. Bravo!
Thank you, this is the highest praise!
Other followers of this blog may not be aware that categorizing 19th century men in silly ways was pioneered and perfected by... also 19th century men! Albert Smith and his "Natural History" books (The Natural History of the Gent, The Natural History of Stuck-Up People, The Natural History of the Idler Upon Town, etc.), Gavarni's Physionomie de la population de Paris, Henry Monnier's Scènes Populaires, even Dickens' Sketches by Boz. Cartoons stereotyping different social classes and professions like "newspapers and their readers".
The main theme of popular literature and entertainment in the 19th century isn't social inequality or coping with the effects of the industrial revolution, it's "Get a load of this guy."
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ghostwise · 9 months
tagged by @palipunk for 9 ship songs 💖💖
Thank you for the tag! <3 I'll tag @vlwv @antivan-surana @coldshrugs and anyone else who'd like to do it!
Do you still want to die? 9 ZevHamal ship songs ::
Note, all translations are my own, with liberties taken to match what I think suits the feeling of the song; not literal translations. Certain words have different feelings from their translated counterpart. Un espacio carente, after all, is rather different from *checks google* a 'lacking space'. Literally as well as poetically.
NFWMB - Hozier
If I was born as a blackthorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you Held by you Fuel the pyre of your enemies
Silvana Estrada - Te guardo
Tengo dos besos pendientes / I've two kisses pending Uno por cada mejilla / One for each cheek Y un abismo de cristal / And I've a crystal chasm Por cada herida / One for each wound Tengo el espacio carente / I've a wistful void Que ocuparía tu abrazo / That your embrace would fill Si se nos diera el caso / If we happened to De vernos lejos de la gente / Find ourselves alone Tengo la vida muy corta / My life is too short Y tú la mirada decente / And you've an honorable look Y a mí no me importa pensar / And I don't care to consider Lo imposible de tenerte / The impossibility of having you
Natalia Lafourcade - Tú sí sabes quererme
Corazón, tú sí sabes / My heart, you know just Quererme como a mí me gusta / How to love me the way I like Por favor, no me dejes / Please, don't leave me Que soy valiente en corresponderte / For I bravely belong to you Ha pasado tanto tiempo / So much time has passed Finalmente, sé que estoy dispuesta / Finally, I know that I am ready Es tan difícil encontrar un amor / It's so difficult to find love Que aquí me quedo con heridas bien abiertas / I'm left here with wide open wounds Ya no me importa lo que piensan los demás / I no longer care what others think Aquí me quedo para ser testigo siempre de la vida / I'm here to witness life Aquí por siempre, para siempre / I'm here for always, to always Para siempre amarnos / Always love us
Tamino - Only Our Love
I got my sin and you got your sorrow They're born from the din and come out at night And they claim a debt on the rising of morrow And only our love can suffice Yes, only our love can suffice
Florence and the Machine - 100 Years
I let him sleep, and as he does My held breath fills the room with love It hurts in ways I can't describe My heart bends and breaks so many, many times And is born again with each sunrise
Julieta Venegas - Andar Conmigo
Hay tanto que quiero contarte / There's so much I want to tell you Hay tanto que quiero saber de ti / And so much I want to know about you Ya podemos empezar poco a poco / We can start small Cuéntame, ¿qué te trae por aquí? / Tell me, what brings you here? No te asustes de decirme la verdad / Don't be afraid to tell me the truth Eso nunca puede estar así tan mal / Surely it's not so terrible Yo también tengo secretos para darte / I have secrets to give you too Y que sepas que ya no me sirven más / So you'll know I've no further use for them Hay tantos caminos por andar / There's so many roads to take Dime si, ¿tu quisieras andar conmigo? / Tell me, would you like to come with me?
Hozier - Movement
When you move I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be When you move I could never define all that you are to me So move me, baby Shake like the bough of a willow tree You do it naturally Move me, baby
Miguel Aceves Mejia & Lola Beltran - Vamonos
Si no somos iguales, ¿qué nos importa? / If we're different what does it matter? Nuestra historia de amores tendrá que seguir / Our history of love will continue Y como alguien me dijo que la vida es muy corta / Someone told me that life is short Esta vez para siempre he venido por ti / So I've come back for you, for good this time Pero quiero que sepas que no te obligo / But I want you to know there's no obligation Que si vienes conmigo es por amor / If you say yes, do it for love Di con todas tus fuerzas lo que soy en tu vida / Say what I mean to you, openly Pa que vean que me quieres / So everyone sees that you love me Como te quiero yo / As I love you
Quisiera - Flor de Toloache, Cultura Profetica, & John Legend
Y contar contigo / And to count on you Y tocar las calles / And to feel the streets Y sembrar guayabas / And to plant guava trees Y soñar con mil detalles / And dream a thousand little dreams Revelar tus ojos / Uncover your eyes Celebrar tu nombre / Celebrate your name Y salir contigo / And go out with you Disfrazado de horizonte / Disguised as the horizon Quisiera y tantas cosas más quisiera / I want all of these things and more
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European countries have pulled a lot of shit (from colonialism to two world wars) but they’re all so beautiful! The architecture!! The history!! I am obsessed!! I can’t help it
Yeah! The colonialist part is especially bad in Italian history because it’s sooooo downplayed here. There’s a phrase that goes “Italiani brava gente” (which means “Italians are good people”) which was coined at the end of the XIX century in relation to the occupation of Eritrea and Ethiopia. It’s like a refrain that was repeated for years (and still gets said) and that basically means: “yeah, we’ve done bad stuff but we’re not bad guys and whatever pain we caused or crimes we committed are nothing compared to what other countries have done”. An Italian writer defined this myth as “a shield of goodness, friendliness and natural inclination towards mildness which should have kept Italians safe from heinous hostility; a comfortable pillow capable of softening the dramatic impact of history and cruelty”.
It’s the reason why when people talk about fascism it’s often followed by “at least it wasn’t as bad as nazism”. It’s the reason why when colonialism is discussed there’s always someone who says “but we built schools and brought our culture, we helped them!”. It’s the reason why the persecution of Jewish people in Italy is seen as not as horrible as the one in Germany (I actually recently discovered that freaking Hannah Arendt herself said that Italians were good at heart and their persecution of Jewish people wasn’t that bad).
And all of this is false, obviously. Italy was among the very first countries to use chemical weapons, for example. It was so bad and it caused so much damage and so many victims in Ethiopia that Italy was actually sanctioned by the League of Nations in 1935. And, if I remember correctly, every single country except for two-three voted in favor of the sanctions (so, like, 50 countries).
It was so bad, and while its objectively true that Italian colonialism caused less deaths than the Belgian one, for example, that doesn’t take away from the fact that Italian colonialism was just as heinous.
Instead, there’s this myth that fascism was just a watered-down nazism, colonialism was just a friendly meeting between populations and an opportunity to build schools, and what happened to Slavic people in eastern Italy was a nuisance and nothing more.
It sucks and there are so many examples and I could talk about this for days but basically there’s this idea that Italians are good at heart and even when they commit international crimes, those crimes are really not that bad.
And unfortunately Italian art plays a big part in this myth that Italians are talented and kind and have never made anything more than small mistakes.
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