#these are SO cute god bless. great work everyone
lakesbian · 10 months
Im at work pls enjoy first draft of realistic wolf brian and sparkledog aisha finished version to come, will accompany previously posted wip coydog rachel and others
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i have truly successfully kickstarted wormblr's undersider furry era this is fucking great. i love her silly little facial expression these are SO cute. everyone look at Them. manifesting that someone will draw alec's fursona hanging out w aisha's because i KNOW the contrast btwn neon eye-melting batwings demonhorns silly XD XP sparkledog and haunted looking white rabbit in a prissy dress or pantaloons with a little special prince crown would be fucking incredible
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z3rinn · 8 months
in which link has secretly been pining for the new librarian, and when he finds out you like someone he goes a bit batshit. warning : theres some blood and yandere content ahead !!
this took so long omg T_T testing and everything was hectic, but i hope you guys like it! this was written with botw or totk link in mind !! is it weird that I love Zelda so much but I haven't written much for it?? yes. but uh. LINK !!!
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Link had been blessed. That's what everyone told him. He was a hero. Someone who saved this land for more than a millenia. He weilded the legendary sword, the one said to seal the darkness. He was blessed by the Triforce of Courage, given to him by the gods themselves.
Link had many titles in life, many burdens he had to carry. It was his job, his duty as a citizen of Hyrule. His duty as the hero.
He had almost everything in life. An outstanding reputation, a good job that kept him steady and afloat. A big house, secluded from others but close enough to not be considered an outcast. Good cooking skills that could impress anyone. Girls flocking and cooing over him. Link was the perfect man for anyone. He had it all.
Except for you of course.
The cute castle librarian.
He first noticed you in the old, rundown, library. A place that definitely needed to be renovated. The hylian glanced around as he stepped into the room. Cracks and shatters littered the room, bookshelves were close to falling, and the roof just seemed to barely be holding up. Books were piled everywhere and anywhere the eye could see.
It was an impressive library, he had to admit. Just a bit outdated. Perhaps that's what gave the building its beauty though.
Link glanced over to the small door near the end of the library, noticing a person coming out of it. You must’ve been the librarian, he quickly realized. He sized you up and down, you looked… done, oddly enough.
Zelda was the one to first talk to you of course. You were the head of the library, so kind and soft-spoken. Links eyes stayed fixated on your form as you greeted him and Zelda, showing them around. It was obvious you were trying to impress the princess while still being as kind as you could.
However, Link watched closely, scrutinizing your form with his piercing gaze. He noticed the way you talked about the different books and architecture of the building in great detail. Usually people spoke about the details with great pride, flaunting how they were so well versed in the subject.
Yet Link could tell you were tired. Tired of your duties and being stuck in this library. The way you spoke sounded energetic, and the smile on your face could fool anyone.
Yet he noticed the way you deflated after speaking with the princess. As if you had said these words a hundred times over. It was all calculated. A prepared speech. You were tired. That much he could tell.
He was tired too.
Link found himself gravitating to the library after his first visit. There was something about it that called to him. Perhaps the want to know of his ancestors and their accomplishments. Thats what he kept telling himself.
He wouldn't do much while there however, other than picking up a book ot two before taking a seat at the table closest to your desk.
He tried reading the books of course, and at first succeeded without much distraction. However from the corner of his eyes he watched as you worked. Placing books onto their shelves, helping out customers, and tidying up as best you could.
Link’s eyes followed your form wholly. Although he could still notice ths small details, like your walking being sluggish, the knight couldn’t help but gawk. You were just so captivating. So fluid with your movements.
The way you moved around so swiftly yet carefully, aware of what you were doing while still being carefree. You could balance various books in your hands, all in different sizes. You maneuvered across the children running around, being steady to not harm them.
A light laugh escaped your lips as you told them to be careful, this was a library after all.
Link could tell that laugh was genuine at the least.
The heroes gaze fell to his hands. He wondered how you could act so engaged while still hating your job. The book he held felt as if it weighed just as much as his sword now.
"Oh, if it isn't the princesses guard! Uhm, Link... right?"
Link’s head snapped up, his gaze meeting your own. He was quick to note that the library had become silent. He hadn't realized it, but it seemed as if it was only you two left in the library now.
"What brings you here?" You spoke with a soft smile on your face. A costumer service smile it seemed. You were probably just waiting for him to get up and leave so you could close shop.
You shimmied over next to him, eyes focussing on the book in his hands. "Ah, a book on the master sword. You must be reading about your ancestors, correct?"
Link nodded, as you came to sit besides him. "I can help if you'd like? I’ve been researching the master sword ever since I was young. I’ve always been fascinated by the legends and heroes that fought with it.”
You turned to him, “It’d be nice to learn from someone who actually wields it as well.”
You spoke with a smile on your face, it was bright and real. He noticed the way you glanced at the sword on the table. Awe and admiration in your shimmering eyes. It looked as if you wanted to learn about it for a while now.
Hm. A small smile grazed his face. Blue eyes shining down at you.
Perhaps this could blossom into a nice friendship.
It seemed as if Sir Link was visiting your library more and more often as of late.
You couldn’t help but smile as you noticed him outside office window, seeing the familiar blonde hylian sitting at the desk closest to you. He always sat there, eyes glancing around for you before just sitting and silently waiting. You giggled, placing the book back on your desk before walking out of the small room.
Walking towards him, you reminisced, recallinghow much time had passed. It had been around a month since you first met the hero, asking him to collaborate with you.
It started off simple, researching the master sword while talking about the heroes of past. There wasn’t much meaning to it, in fact it was just pointless chatter.
I mean the both of you knew the same exact things anyways.
However, you couldn’t help but think of Link as some sort of idol. It was a practically a dream come true, being the wielder of the legendary sword. Almost every kid that had heard of it wanted to become the great hero.
It was an honor and a sign of courage.
But also a sign of power.
You sighed, well if you couldn’t keep the sword, you could at least be friends with the person that did.
So it was only obvious to propose your grand idea.
And ever since then, Link would visit whenever he was off.
Sure, you didn’t expect him to show up every other day, but Its not like you were complaining. Link was basically unreal. He had a pretty face, and great hair. He was quiet and mysterious, yet soft and kindhearted. Plus he could cook. Practically everything you could want in a man.
You tapped your fingers against the table, another sigh escaping your lips.
Hm. Too bad you were already engaged.
Sure it was a forced marriage, but you wouldn’t cheat. You couldn’t deal with that guilt on your conciseness. You had to do it for your parents.
Your soon to be partner wasn't a bad person. He just wasn't the right one for you.
You didn't like him.
If only you could make someone get rid of him.
Your eyes shifted to Link’s form, staring at him intently. A smile was on his face as he rambled on about his first time seeing the sword. There was a childlike joy on his face as he spoke.
He was experiencing an old memory. A vivid scene from his past.
You noticed Link seemed to be opening up to you more, speaking incessantly and happily. You couldn't help but smile too. He was just perfect.
Someone that was already wrapped around your fingers.
Link was opening up more and more to you throughout your time together. At first he was silent, just watching you speak. You were the one to hold most of the conversations, with him just humming or intensly nodding along. He was so serious it was kind of funny.
You knew he had gone through a lot, so you'd let him take his time. He could become closer to you as time passed.
It didnt take as long as you assumed however, as the shell he hid behind had begun to crack. He started to smile and laugh when you told him a dumb joke. He was relaxed around you, his stiff posture loosening with a soft look on his face.
He started speaking on his own as well. That was probably the biggest improvement. The first time you heard his voice you practically swooned.
Link opened up conversations now, speaking about his experiences and abilities.
Someone that was already yours.
“So Link,” you suddenly started, staring at the wooden table before you while placing your head on your palm. Might as well as do it. “Have you ever had a lover?”
You were nervous to look at him. It was an odd question for sure, and you weren’t certian if you were close enough to ask him. A moment passed. And then another. Sweat ran down your back. Perhaps you were right for being concerned, as Link was silent.
You couldn’t help but glance up at him, gazing into his eyes fearfully. However, instead of the disgusted and judging look you expected, you were met by red.
Links face was flushed scarlet, hot and warm. His eyes were wide and darting to every corner of the room, so obviously avoiding you. Their pretty blue color was accentuated by his reddened face. Magically, his pretty hair became disheveled, adding to the almost comical scene before you.
A small smile played on your face, mischievous and sly. You couldn’t help but giggle, "Have I struck a nerve?"
He looked away from you, albeit, while shaking his head. It surprised you honestly. He was oddly embarrassed for such a simple question...
A laugh escaped your lips, a joking tone laying on your tounge. "Really? I would've assumed the hero of hyrule would have a partner..."
You paused, watching his expression closely. He was just sitting there, listening to you intently. The blush on his face had slightly subsided, yet was still present on his pale face.
Was it right to say this now?
A smile grew on your face, elegant and sweet. Hiding your intent. "Especially since even I have one."
You looked closer.
It was subtle, but you could tell Link’s expression changed. His face fell, even if it was just slight. You could see his eyes grew wide, mouth slightly falling agape.
But as quickly as the shock arrived, it left.
A soft smile grew on Link's face, gentle and calm. It would've captured your heart if you didnt know him that well. It was so obviously sad it kind of hurt.
Eh. No. No it didnt.
"I'm surprised, you don't seem all that shocked...," you leaned forward against the table, placing your head in your chin.
The hylian simply shrugged, lip twitching as if he wanted to say something.
Suddenly Link stood up, stammering something about Zelda needing his help. It almost gave you whiplash with how quickly he tried to leave. What an obvious lie. You tried to hide the smirk peeking up on your face.
You didn't expect him to loose his cool that fast.
Instead, you mirrored Link's sad expression, standing up to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Ah, I'm sorry to have taken your time away from the princess..." You flashed him a smile, patting his shoulder while trying to convey a solemn expression. "I guess I'll see you later?"
He nodded, taking your hand off his shoulder and keeping it in his. You noticed that he hesitated for a moment, eyes fixated on your softer hand.
He brought your hand to his face, gently kissing your finger tips and knuckles before turning away. You gaped, holding your hand close to your chest. Subconsciously, it seemed, that Link did the motion.
And he left you in the dust, just like that. With your heart beating and your mind racing. A smirk grew on your face, shining brightly as you giggled.
Link was the right choice.
Link was sure he knew everything about you. From your favorite book to how many fruits grew in your backyard; despite never being formally invited.
It wasn't unwarranted for him to... conduct experiments per say.
You always told him to research if he was ever curious about something. And doing it hands on was one of the best ways to get good information.
So he researched, learning practically everything there was to learn about you.
Including your lover.
He just hoped you'd forget about them. Hoping you realized you didn’t need them. Link was so much better, he could love and care for you more than they ever would. He could protect you better then they ever could.
Your lover wasnt even there half the time. They didn't care for you. They didn't love you. They weren't right for you—
Link stepped back, startled. He reached for his sword, before a light sigh escaped his lips, relaxing. A pretty vase sat in front of him. Now broken and shattered. He was getting carried away it seemed.
But Link cared for you. He was capable of everything. He could protect you. He would always be there for you.
He would love you.
Link would always love you.
Although. Sometimes he couldn't figure out why.
Perhaps it was because you spoke to him as if he was normal. Being the head librarian led you to learning heavily about Link's ancestors, and of course, their legacies.
They were all courageous hylians, heroes that were blessed by the gods themselves. Heroes that held the triforce.
Heroes he had to live up to.
But you didn't treat him like that.
While yes, you commented on him being a hero, and how he was lucky enough to have everything, you still treated him like a regular hylian.
You didn't judge him for his mistakes. Nor his skills. You laughed with him as you would a friend, jabbing and joking with him. No matter what he did, you accepted with a smile. Speaking to him as a friend would.
With you, he was like he was any other person.
He was so glad to have you.
It could've also been your mannerisms. You were gentle and soft-spoken, helping others with no compensation needed.
You were a model to many. The embodiment of a worthy citizen.
Yet there was also an air of mystery surrounding you. As if you knew more than you let on. It made you oddly compelling.
He noticed how you payed close attention to things. Just by the way he would speak, you could tell how he was feeling. Just by glancing over at someone's expression, you could tell what they wanted.
Link especially noticed how you looked at him. How you paid so much attention to him.
And only him.
Or maybe it was the way you slept with all the light's off. In pitch dark, no light whatsoever. It made it absolutely perfect for him to just stand over you in the night, breathing heavily over your gorgeous face. His hot breath mixing with yours—
Link blinked, glancing down at the broken shard from the vase in his hand. He had clutched it too hard it semed, as blood coated his hand.
It steadily dripped to the floor. A small pool of blood seeping into your wooden floors. It was red. Deep and scarlet like.
So different from the blood of monsters he'd slain countless times before.
He wondered how scarlet red blood would look pooling out of your lover.
While looking up at the clock on your bedroom wall he smiled.
You should've been home soon.
And he was right here waiting for you. :)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello I'm a new follower of you can I request to you about honkai star rail x archon older sibling reader (any gender and any archon) and the archon older sibling is the god of luck , life or death and the honkai star rail characters are the astral express crew or Gaspard , blade , luocha and Jing yuan is it ok and thank you for your great writing
(Honkai star rail x genshin impact)
A/N: Hello, thank you for following me and your great request! I hope, I can do your idea justice!<33
Characters featured: Gepard, Blade, Luocha, Jing Yuan
Content: Fluff, some tiny angst, reader is an op god sibling, mentions of death(?), no one except for chosen characters know that you're a God, platonic sibling relationships
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
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You are the god of luck and Gepard's, including Serval's and Lynx's, older sibling, which comes with alot of responsibility at times. Especially in keeping your godhood a secret from everyone outside of your family.
Being the god of luck is very beneficial in Gepard's case, mainly because he needs alot of it out on the front lines. You keep him safe and make his days easier, which he appreciates alot.
He doesn't fully grasp your abilities or power, yet still tries his best to understand everything. He is grateful to have you and very proud at that. He'll listen intently when you tell him stories of a long forgotten past, always asking questions and noting things down, if he has to. He wants to know and understand everything, so he can best take care of you.
Gepard does everything to keep you and your secret safe with him. You mean the world to him as his older sibling and he makes sure you know it, with how he keeps you safe and content. It's the least he could do, for the luck you grant him.
He always asks and prays for your blessings, whenever he has longer weeks at the front lines, always keeping a picture of you and his other siblings in his pocket just in case. He feels more confident and at ease, knowing you're always watching over him.
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Despite never admitting it out loud, he is very grateful to have you by his side. You are the God of death and therefore aid him in causing havoc and chaos. You love your little brother after all and can't say no to him. Though you have to admit, that collecting the souls after his chaotic endeavours was becoming quite tiring...
He doesn't treat you like a god or something above him, in fact, he sometimes is arrogant enough to think he's better than you. You let him think what he wants, finding it cute and amusing even. You always support him in anything he does, no matter what it may be.
Though there are days, where you have to keep him in check. Keep him sane. And whilst he constantly defies you stubbornly, deep down he's glad that you are keeping him stable and safe. It comforts him to have his older sibling watching over him at all times.
He doesn't care, if people know of your secret or not. If they know, then people would be more intimidated and scared, which benefits him greatly. Whilst he has his power and ego trips, he doesn't notice the invisible child leash you always have on him, keeping him away from serious trouble and death for that matter. You sometimes seriously wonder, what he'd do without you.
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You are the god of life and therefore quite useful to Luocha's work as a doctor. You are, amongst other things, able to heal people with him and he's grateful to have a sibling like you helping him out.
You both travel the countries together, the coffin always accompanying you everywhere you go. You never inquire about it, even if you find it a bit odd as the god of life. But everyone has their secrets and as long as your little brother is okay, you don't mind... though you are still quite curious about it in secret.
Speaking of secrets, yours is safe with him. If anyone asks about how you can heal people so easily, he just simply says that you're special. He never elaborates either. You are important and valuable to him and anything that dares hurt or question you will be kept far away from you.
He protects you and takes care of you, always keeping you close during your travels. He enjoys spending alot of time with you and listening to you tell him about your abilities or stories.
Luocha is happy, that he has a sibling like you and likes to remind you of it with kind, gentle words. Your blessings makes his job and skill better and he's more than grateful for it.
》Jing Yuan
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You are the god of luck and boy... does he sometimes take advantage of that. You usually tolerate everything your little brother does with you. Whether it is helping him make his elaborate and exhausting plans true or helping him have luck achieve better skills at something, you do it all for him.
And usually you never complain... although you're starting to feel like he should make pay you first with offerings or just money at this point, before you do anything for him anymore. But with enough sweet talking and borderline manipulation, that you see through completely, he still gets everything he wants. Did you maybe spoil him too much with your powers? Yes, you have and no, you can't stop now.
Don't get him wrong though, he is eternally grateful for everything you've done for him. He's convinced that you're the only reason he ever survived on the battlefield, so he can't be thankful enough for you watching over him.
He keeps you and your secret safe, you're his first priority in everything and asks for your blessing everyday, before he leaves for work.
He keeps you close, joking teasingly to others, that his older sibling is his "luck charm". You're not very amused.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
♡All requests are appreciated♡
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acutecoral · 8 months
I have to say that that was amazing. The way everyone played, the amazing rolls, the work and effort in production, the twists and turns and just everything...that was fantastic and horrifying and was so much to take in
This campaign has made me so much happier to see them telling this story together and just how much they got into it and how much they stuck close like man
Im sad that Baghera's character had to die, but I love that everyone at the end made sure to remember her and honor her, I hope she's okay and that everyone gives their support to her, because it’s so rough to have your character die it SUCKS, but she played so well and her presence was missed and I hope she knows she did so fucking good
I love Benito's character development, and how Q had slowly gotten a hold of how it goes and you can see him just getting settled and then how he popped off, also maybe he should gift some of that luck over to Baghera because those rolls were awful
Pac's reaction to her death was Hhhhh man....I thought they would actually see Lucie's dead body since Cellbit described the monster dragging her body out into thr snow, I wish they still did that but also man...jeez, he got into it and got settled and played such a good roll
And he worked off well with Foolish's Jeffrey, and man, I do hope they get those therapy sessions together before they are gonna NEED IT
Foolish learning more about Cellbit's GM style and how he gradually got more sus over him and also just him popping off at the end??? The jar and the phone??? Holy shit??? Oh my god, it was enough for Cellbit to just go FUCK IT, THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA and went ahead and did it oh my godddddd
Roier is such a joy to watch while everything was happening, he's so into it and also just adding so much with the sound effects and it's so cute, and also just him playing Luis was great!!
Bagi!!! Man!!! I'm so sad we didn't get to see more of Carol! But like, the dice spoke! Luck favoured Quackity (again who the fuck blessed him with his luck dude he's like an Anti-Wil Wheaton), and we weren't able to see her plans of likely turning on them and trying to get everyone killed, it would have been so much fun!
I hope everyone of the QSMP who was watching has a fun fucking party and they get excited and gush about how amazing that was because it is!!
I hope to see more of them! I hope to see even more of the others maybe throwing their hat in the ring to play some games in Cellbit's universe
And CELLBIT! Man is such a good GM! I love his style of storytelling and just the world, there's so much more to see and so much we haven't seen and the mystery and world, this was INSANE. He made us feel so many things and would subject ourselves to being torn apart by creatures in his world again tenouttaten BEST
This is insane and amazing and it was so lovely to experience it like this, and just obrigada, that was a magnificent experience
Wishing them so much more joy and success and fun!
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snowangeldotmp3 · 4 months
mean girls (2024)
fine. FINE. it is time to discuss mean girls (2024) bc i can't stop thinking about it and i had a severe mean girls the musical phase in 2018 and 2020 two separate times. and also i took notes watching the movie last night. so now you are all subject to hearing them. spoilers, obvi. (under the cut, of course)
i think it should be noted here that i also have Thoughts and Feelings on the bway musical. so if anyone wants to know those... moving on.
it's a movie-musical adapted from the stage musical adapted from the 2004 movie adapted from a BOOK called Queen Bees and Wannabes released in 2002. now that that's out of the way:
the good:
the sets are so much fun in the movie. the musical is like. a few desks and tables and a bed that all move and then. screens. i missed real sets. so much
opening the musical with janis and damien recording the video in the garage and having their narration work like that worked sooooo well. and then of course ending in the garage was very fun.
speaking of janis and damien, these are my favorite versions of janis and damien. auli'i and jaquel KILL IT as janis and damien.
angourie's cady (acting-wise) is really good. really cute and naïve and it feels authentic as a transition from new kid cady to plastic cady.
i also don't mind the changes to apex predator. i think auli'i and jaquel killed it and i think it works! i like the choreo too where everyone is acting animalistic (re: this is Girl World in the og movie) except regina.
avantika and bebe wood are also really great as gretchen and karen. this might be my favorite version of karen. ily karen shetty.
LOVE this version of someone gets hurt. i love regina controlling the atmospehere around her and literally becoming the apex predator. the partygoers don't move unless she allows it, and even planning cady's reaction (which is. gayer than expected) is so good.
CONTROVERSIAL TAKE? i prefer the story behind the pyro-lez thing. i never liked the space dyke story in the musical and i thought it was weird (though i prefer them calling her a space dyke because it's supposed to be mean. ya know)
im saving this for this bullet point bc every other bullet point would've been about but i've been a fan of renee's regina for forever now, so being able to see it outside of broadway and outside of shaky bootlegs is a blessing.
after regina eats shit at the talent show, during the social media montage, you can briefly hear the intrumental version of world burn, and i think thats cool.
SOMEONE GETS HURT (REPRISE) you will always be famous. i am so sorry they didn't put you on the soundtrack
damien on the jazzy will forever be funny. it's better than the og movie. i will stand by this.
also the background/looming beat of world burn like a second after janis gets done singing + the looming threat of regina's revenge is very cool.
OH world burn is very awesome in this bc. duh. of course it is. but what really stands out to me is that it's like apex predator again where everyone is acting like animals and reginas above it all (bc she did this lmao). another thing is the transition between one of the high notes to regina fake crying in mr duvalls office. that was so slay.
the reginald joke is my fave in the whole musical and im so glad they kept it. it makes me giggle every time.
canon lesbian janis imi'ike i love you.
the bad:
i miss all of the songs. give me back It Roars, Where Do You Belong, the entirety of Meet the Plastics, the What's Wrong with Me reprise, FEARLESS! and Whose House is This, More is Better, and Do This Thing!! GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!!! PLEASE!!! OH my god and Stop. jaquel would've blown this out of the water i just know it.
i miss the jokes about mrs george and her boob job. that shit was hilarious.
i don't care for cady's pov in revenge party in this one. those who have seen it Know.
i also miss the "NO! THEY'RE BOTH IN THE COSTUME!" that shit killed me. absolutely hilarious.
the musical (bway edition) actually did cut some of the iconic scenes from the movie, but i think this movie would've benefitted from adding them back in. give me the "we should totally just stab caesar!" line.
i hate Rockin Around The Pole. so fucking much. i hate it in the broadway version and i hated it in this. i hate this song so fucking much.
chris briney. that's all. he's got about as much personality as a wet piece of paper. get a different aaron.
even the broadway musical is like, actually mean. it still pales in comparison to the og movie. this movie could have done a little more to stand out from the actual musical and the og movie. idk. it could've said something. but if you walked into this movie and expected it to say something then that's on you. sorry.
this isn't something that needs to be categorized but i miss cady's inner monologue. it's very obvious in the movie but she's even got these cute little asides in the musical that i WISH they would've kept. like: "it seems kinda bad to spy on someone, but they're the first friends i've got, and i don't want to have none." is so much fun and gives cady so much character and i love it so much. erika henningsen is my favorite variation of cady. she's believable as both nerdy cady and plastic cady. also she's so, so funny. (honestly i think they should've brought her back for cady's songs in this musical. sawry. i don't think they should've replaced angourie bc i really like her cady But.)
another cute and quirky thing that i like from the musical that isn't in the movie (because it would be really hard to pull off) is that mrs heron/mrs george/mrs norbury are all played by the same actress.
anyway that's all i have to say about mean girls (2024). in my (completely unprofessional) opinion, they should've literally just adapted the actual musical script if they wanted to make this so bad. or released a pro-shot with renee as regina and this cast or something. they should've gone all out campy musical with this one instead of trying to market it as a remake bc it's not Really a remake. like it Is but it's Not.
if u read this whole thing thank you. if you saw this post and went "jesus christ" im sorry. i wish i could stop thinking about it, too.
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giantmushyfriend · 5 months
It's not a want, your honor, IT'S A NEED
Okay, okay, okay.
Y'all, I'm snowed into my house after Iowa just got slammed by a lot of snow, so I predict some cabin fever mess to spew from this page (I'm sorry).
So, we all know how Michael Sheen was on the celebrity episode of the Great British Bake Off, and he was an absolutely chaotic and competitive little shit. Michael always jokes about his competitiveness, but he just came out of the gates swinging, acting like the chaotic little Welshman he is. And we loved it. How could we not? Michael is so loveable, even when he's causing chaos and making Wales 4 Ever treats. That being said, I vote Michael comes back for another episode.
But Giantmushyfriend, I hear you ask, won't that be repetitive and boring?
No, because not only is Michael unpredictable and very funny, but also because two other people would be joining him: his TV husband, David Tennant, and Neil Gaiman, the destroyer and repairer of all hearts.
There are so many different ways this potential episode could play out, and it is the best thing the Great British Bake Off could produce. Because just think about it.
Michael would inherently go back to being the chaotic menace we all know he will be. He'd come in with the attitude, "I performed great the last time I was here, and I am going to do great again, and if I don't, then at least I'll be cute."
David would come in, and everyone would expect him to be all nice because he's practically known as the Patron Saint of Pleasantness in the acting world, but he turns out to be a menace. I can picture David either trying to create an alliance with Michael, trying to impress Michael, or trying to demolish Michael. There would be no in-between. In the case of the third scenario, I can practically hear David saying, "Listen, Michael Sheen is a dear friend who I love immensely. Top of the line, man, Michael. However, I am going to annihilate him- exterminate him." Because, as Georgia has warned us, he would be insufferable.
Either way, every compilation of David and Michael acting like a married couple for X minutes would get new content, and Anna and Georgia would get a good laugh.
And then there's Neil, the mastermind. Neil would be a more secretive, chaotic force brewing beneath the surface. He would seem all nice and just happy to be there, enjoying making some goods and having fun. But behind the scenes, he's turning people against each other and watching them take each other down. Because Neil is an evil mastermind, we've seen it with all of his works. He's a writer. He knows how to cause conflict. And he will wipe the floor with David and Michael, alongside everybody else. There would be a slew of "Neil Gaiman Big Brain" compilations and edits all over the Internet, all of which would be retweeted by Michael, who is salty about it. And we would relish in it.
Listen, this would be my Roman Empire. I don't know who I need to write for this to happen. I don't know how hard I need to grovel at God's feet for the Earth to be blessed with this, but I need it so biblically. I'll grovel harder than Aziraphale, but for the love of all things both Holy and Unholy, P L E A S E
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thisisthinprivilege · 7 months
thin priviege in rave/festival/EDM culture
I have always loved raves and music festivals since I was an early teenager (I'm 23 now).  Since I've been 18 I have been able to travel around to different festivals like Ultra, Zoo, Cochella, Bonnaroo, etc. And because I live in Vegas I have been able to attend some of the most elite clubs where internationally famous DJs have played. In many ways I am aware of how incredibly lucky I am to have the economic privilege to do all of these things thanks to my very supportive parents (they were hippies and enjoyed quite a few festivals in their day I'm guessing).
But instead, I want to talk about thin privilege at these events. The events themselves have become incredibly fashion conscious these last few years. People plan their outfits far far ahead of time and put so much thought into them. Which is great to some degree. But for me it is incredibly frustrating.  My thin friends that I go with were tiny shorts and skirts, wear body paint and next to nothing.  I am far from slut shaming them, I encourage them and help them plan outfits. I am happy for them. They are often asked by event photographers to take pictures.Their instagram photos get 100s of likes, DJs invite them in stage to dance.  They look great and everyone compliments them. It seems that dressing up is part of the fun for them. It is pretty much expected that you'll look good at the events, instead of actually enjoying the music. Not to mention the amount of people, that wear fat shaming clothing items that say things like "no fat chicks" and or "body by god and iron". As if being thin is all about being blessed by god and working out, not simply just genetics.  Thin girls wear shorts that say bootyful and get applauded and agreed with, not laughed hysterically at.
But then there is me. I am 5'6 and about 278. I have trouble in a size 24, usually the largest size available in places to do have larger sizes in my area. I feel often as I am somewhere between small fat and just simply fat. I know I don't have it to the worst, but growing up in  where literally everyone is hot and thin, I often feel much larger than I am, and I am usually the fattest person in the room, and I am then treated the worst because of it. As you guys and FBP have mentioned, fat shaming is usually relative, which I can 100% attest to. I only realize that I am not alone when I visit other cities where people are my size or larger.
I cannot ever find festival clothes that will fit my body and look good on me. The best I can do is usually wear leggings or tights with large men's hunting tops (those bright yellow/green/orange tshirts) and try and repurpose them to have ties, holes, etc. I've become really good at it (at least, I think so) and no one ever notices. I put just as much into my outfits and yet I never get noticed. I was even asked to step out of a picture because all my friends had on matching clothes that I couldn't fit into and therefore couldn't wear. I had to go as the fat friend on the side.
When I'm not going unnoticed, the stares i get are always out of disgust. People cannot fathom why a fat girl would bother with one of these events. Apparently only thin people in cute outfits can like EDM.
I just wish that the attention could go back to the music and happy community vibes and not the fashion of thin people.
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mrcarmenile · 4 months
okay HI
holy fucking god do i have words to say
here’s some INCREDIBLY unorganized thoughts:
alastor losing his filter temporarily made my heart DROP dude. also is it just me or did he lose his accent too? like it just kind of sounded like amir to me lmao
angel with his “charlie said to live tonight however we wanted” JUMPSCARED ME and then when he said “so pour me a fresh one” i was like Oh
adam said some real knee slappers this episode i was laughing so hard. “SUCK MY HOLY LIGHT FUCKERS” “chill lute. fuck” “wow i didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT” are my favorites
the whole “now i’m going to fuck you” gag had me ROLLING (angel’s little 🤨 and valentino’s “well this just got interesting” got me dude)
vox screaming at the tv also had me choking from laughter, especially the “NOOO FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!! PUSSY!!!” (that is absolutely me yelling at the tv ur not alone vox 🙏)
the “these fucking angels won’t stop coming” “HA!” scene was weirdly cute and i love it
also lucifer’s hot
alastor and niffty was the cutest thing i love them so much why are they wholesome ☹️☹️ “i dub thee - king roach!!” and the little crown 🥺
the last song nearly had me crying like i SCREECHED when lucifer started singing to the tune of happy day in hell and the fucking vox and val duet???? and velvette filming them dancing??? the vees are terrible fucking people why was that scene wholesome LET ME HATE THEM STOP GIVING VILLAINS DEPTH AND EMOTIONS AND REAL BONDS PLEASEEEE (/nsrs obviously well written villains are peak but I WANNA HATE THEM SO BAD) also alastor’s part gave me fr chills like. “great alastor, altruist, died for his friends” THE WAY AMIR TALAI SANG THAT LIKE HE WAS ON THE VERGE OF SNAPPING. ROUND OF FUCKING APPLAUSE. and the new hotel looks fucking fire i can’t wait to see the interior!!!
the end of the last song nearly brought me to tears it was such a perfect ending note
SPEAAAAKING OF SONGS. HOOLY SHIT. THE MORE THAN ANYTHING REPRISE??? shit made me shed a tear like. AND THE KISS???? finally we get the goddamn lesbians god bless 🙏🙏🙏
also can i just say vox and val making out with tongue at the end for 0.5 seconds SENT ME. i was caught so off guard that i laughed until i choked dude like that shit fr got me
“how’s mercy taste ya little bitch” is officially one of my favorite hazbin quotes cuz the way jeremy jordan said it was fucking hilarious
oh and the battle scenes were fucking crazy i can see where half the budget went lmfao the fight scenes ATE
also wtf lilith was in heaven this whole time? just chilling? idk what to think or say about thing honestly
and if lucifer fucked eve is she in hell too???? is SHE the one who has alastor on a leash?? what is her relation to lilith??? are they working together or are they enemies or is eve pretending to be lilith or do they have nothing to do with each other??? why did lilith leave hell??? why did they let her leave hell??? what did lute mean by “your deal is done”???? i need answers bro
ALSO I WONDER WHERE EVERYTHING’S GONNA GO NOW THAT PENTIOUS PROVED SOULS CAN BE REDEEMED. now that they’ve proved it is the main plot going to be actually redeeming people? or is heaven gonna hide it from them??? can angel dust be redeemed when valentino owns his soul??? does angel dust truly WANT to be redeemed? once they know that you have to die to be redeemed are they gonna be able to take that risk?? now that i think of it wtf will be the main focus of season 2?? we know the vees play a big role so maybe they’ll try to prevent souls from leaving (maybe valentino will make it really hard for angel to leave and that’ll be a big part?) idk i got a lot of questions man
and it seems like they’re setting alastor up to be the main villain at the end. it seems although his mysterious deal isn’t allowing him to unleash his full power, so when he’s free of the deal i can only imagine how feral he could go. (my guess is that he uses the favor charlie promised to help release him from the deal and then charlie regrets it later when he goes crazy)
anyways all in all the finale is crazy good and i will NOT be getting over it any time soon and i am not ready to wait another few years 🥲
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tetsunabouquet · 7 months
The Art of Ryota's Physique
A/N: A small Kinktober drabble I hope you can enjoy! (18+)
Kise's body was perfect and he knew it. His abs looked sculpted, his eyelashes impossibly long and dark, his dick was a good size. Kise Ryota was blessed by the gods and had his looks carved by angels. Even his eyes, that seemed like liquid gold, captivated everyone. Including you. He met you not too long ago, sketching some outfits with your aunt who was the designer of the brand Kise was promoting at the photoshoot. You clearly had talent for drawing, something Kise didn't have. After chatting with you for a bit, he learnt you were studying illustration. Which is why he was here today, posing for you so you could sketch his perfection. You seemed to be trying so hard to stop yourself from drooling all over his figure as you sketched. It was your proffesional attitude, why Kise didn't minded your lustful eyes. You actually seemed to posess enough of a brain to treat Kise as a person and to do your course work like a good girl. He could respect you for your work ethic. You scrunched your nose as you tried to discern the precise details of how the light fell onto his shoulders and muscular chest. Kise was only in his boxers, as you had said you'd prefer to see as much of his body as possible but that you were okay with letting him keep on his boxers. Kise really appreciated that at first, but something about your eyes dark with desire taking him in, the cute blush on your face as you tried not to focus on how handsome he was. It made him wish he hadn't told you he was fine with you looking at his cock. He wanted to see you grow wet at the sight of it. Wanted to see you bite your lip, and hopelessly try to keep yourself sane. Kise felt like he was losing some of his own sanity under your intent gaze. Neither of you spoke a word throughout the entire thing, the only thing Kise could hear was your breathing and the sounds of a pencil. Which only added to the growing sexual tension in the air. It came as a relief to the both of you, when you placed your sketchbook down. Kise grinned as he saw your sketches, "That was some great work." "Thank you." "Though concentrating with these on, huh? Shall I get rid of them now?" He breathed as he hooked his fingers in his boxers. "You can take a peek now if you want." Then, he finally got the reaction out of you that he wanted, as well as so much more.
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1eos · 10 days
kendra you are a normal person and your taste is good. im in a bit of a slump do you have any bl recs 😭😭
u know i got u 😌 some recent faves:
furimuite tsukamaete by yoriko - not full translated and uploaded BUT its been super fun. oblivious cute guy thats fun to tease is getting over the guy he's in love w getting serious w his gf and then the guy's little brother barges in and does a bad job showing that he's in love w the main guy. will be popping the biggest bottles when they get together
the dreaming trainer's ideal master by rai yaezaki - buff guy w big tits trains subs for a living and wishes someone could match his bara freak and eventually meets a man who does just that. second story is kinda funny. this depressed guy gets saved by some mf who just goes around fighting and the guy's pussy is so good it changes his whole world view 😭😭😭😭
netsujou drawing by sakura hitsuji - college student sees a guy thats so pretty with a body so great he wants to draw him and then becomes gay. as one does
the handsome salesman at work is an ideal master 1 + 2 by nocori/atarayo - mostly porn but very funny very expressive characters. everyones openly gay and into it i love it the bottom is a gloomy introvert but loves dick he is so real god bless
itsuka no true end by nakamura makino - PLEASE UPDATEEEE. straight guy is isekaied into another world to defeat the demon king and the demon king ends up as his wife. love seeing how the hero turned into a very devoted husband for his equally as devoted male wife
30 sai kara no coming out by saike natsuhara - this ones very cute. 30 year old man moves to the city to lose his virginity and meets a great guy. theyre awkward the bottom has a fat ass. no complaints
fuck buddy by hinako -CURRENT FAVEEEEE. surly black haired tsundere discovers he's been bisexual all along after his bestie teaches him about the magic of a prostrate orgasm. and then there's drama but the tsundere is superrrr cute bussy worth every problem he causes imo
ookami-sama no koiwazurai by tobi washio. love love love this one will recc it until i dieee. love the artstyle. wolf guy and human have a bad meet cute (meet ugly? meet uncute? idk) and then wolf guy apologizes and things go from there. its only like a year old but its a classic TO MEEEEEEEEE
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starfxkr · 1 month
BABY YOU DONT NEED AN ASS!! you said you have great titties, let them do the work! no but seriously not everyone is super curvy at hooters. i’m opposite in more gifted in ass than boobs so god bless push up bras.
awww that’s so cute, i would fall in love while you recommend me books probably.
i found my daddies name and i’m going to look for him on facebook tbh
ukw ur right tbh ppl who still frequent hooters like T more than A
i was low-key a mean bookseller...i judged ppl to their faces so they know the barnes and nobles worker do in fact laugh at them....but thats bc i love psychological torment and i hated doing anything tht wasn't restocking giftcards
but you're gonna get him...thats gonna be urs...
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emailsfromanactor · 3 months
More from Hume Cronyn's memoir, relevant to today's Redfield letter:
Billy [Redfield] writes, “The personal conviction of the individual ac­tor is what finally persuades an audience.” I don’t think that’s an absolute, but there’s a considerable measure of truth in it. But what if the actor’s conviction is in conflict with that of the director? In extreme cases they would best wave goodbye to one another—especially if there is no playwright around to arbitrate and speak passionately of his conception of the char­acter. Who can say with total authority what Shakespeare had in mind for Hamlet? Perhaps Richard Burbage, presumably with Shakespeare at his elbow (and playing the Ghost in the same production), could have spoken with authority, but he’s long gone, and over the past four hundred years it’s been up to the conviction of the actor at bat. No interpretation of Hamlet can satisfy everyone. Gielgud had his, and Burton a somewhat dif­ferent one—“more modern,” he felt—yet both actors had im­mense respect for one another. Richard hoped to learn from John; John felt that Richard’s gifts, his very lyric Welshness, his vigor, sensibility, beautiful voice—and yes, his modernity—would make for an exciting and contemporaneous Hamlet. Both actor and actor-director wanted to work with one another, and yet, and yet... To an extraordinary extent the play Hamlet, Prince of Den­mark is the character of Hamlet alone. He is the sun around which the other characters revolve. So there’s little wonder that the director’s first and foremost concern must be given to that character and the actor playing it. As I’ve said, I’m not sure that Billy or the rest of the company appreciated that fact. We were all in desperate need of John’s attention. The production was awkward, the wardrobe gave trouble, and the bare stage, surrounded by the brick walls of the theater, was as distracting as an unnecessarily elaborate set might have been. The production did not jell. Richard was brilliant but uneven, and the rest of us uneven and less than brilliantly supportive. As Polonius, I never felt any lack in John’s attention to me. My principal concern was that I not be too “cute,” too adorable in mannerism—in short, that I not be too funny. There are marvelous comic aspects to the character of Polonius, but they are there, Shakespeare provided them. The actor adds more at his peril. Having run a sword through Polonius’s guts, Hamlet says, “Thou find’st to be too busy is some danger.” That might be addressed to the actor who plays Polonius as well.
Every actor goes into rehearsal hoping that his director will turn out to be God, that he can do no wrong, and that some­how he will annoint his actors with a magical balm of inspira­tion and capability. They expect him to lead them into some promised land where they will finally be recognized as multi­talented or at the very least “brilliant.” When it comes to this sort of faith, I am not merely heretic but downright agnostic. Directors can be obtuse, blind, abusive, insensitive and wrong. I know, I’ve been one. If there is an actor’s prayer to be ad­dressed to his Godlike director it might run “Dear Father, may you be kind, patient, long-suffering, inspired, and above all may you have reliable taste and judgment: for I, your not-too-humble servant, am extremely vulnerable and in dire need of your blessing.” Afterthought. “Oh, yes, and may you have the gift of com­munication, so that even after having said the same thing to me ten times without result, you will be prepared to try an eleventh—if necessary, in Swahili.” Of course, John had certain idiosyncrasies as a director that were easy to mock, but the mockery was exercised with great affection. For one thing, he believed in trial and error (what else are rehearsals for?) and he moved so quickly—particularly in the matter of staging a scene—that the actors sometimes felt they were caught in a blender. John also didn’t hesitate to read a line for an actor or to demonstrate a move he thought might be helpful. This is a practice some American actors find repre­hensible, even downright insulting. Not me, I like it. Some streak of arrogance in my makeup will allow me to say, “Oh, I see what you mean; now I’ll do it—only better.” Commu­nication needs all the help it can get, either verbal or physical.
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
ep 2 we're watching time pass let's do this!! 12 weeks to open my gosh they're insane
talking about syd's familyyyyy (mom's birthday dinner? there's the mom again, why haven't we heard about her other than these tiny mentions? we hear so much more about her dad) they're over here being domestic! i've said it before but these two are Very intimate for people who've known each other for what, 3 months at most?
real vote of confidence in the career there carmy. God bless you and keep you sir. he is 100% not staying being a chef for his whole life
"i'll call him back" the bear is a comedy
also about carmy not finding himself funny -- carmy is funny, he's just got a very, very dry sense of humor. syd does too, but carmy's is the driest i've seen on tv in a while. carmy has, in fact, a lot of the qualities he prized in Mikey and that he prizes in others, he's just completely unable to see them. i know that's the stuff of character arcs, he'll grow more confident etc etc, but the older sister in me is coming out again and wants to slap him upside the head and make him see it
"if it makes you feel any better, my sister doesn't think i'm a genius" "it doesn't hurt" i love them. can i just say again that i love them and their banter is adorable
natalie is momming this restaurant and i love it. also i'm positive she's pregnant now, and she's gonna be a great mom and pete is gonna cry like a monster when they find out/when she gives birth. i need to see carmy with his little niece/nephew too, i doubt he's encountered many babies, and i think it'd be super cute
from the very little we've heard about mrs berzatto, i think i want her far away from the little baby
EBRA'S GOING TO CULINARY SCHOOL I DID NOT CALL THAT!!! i knew tina would have to in order to sous properly but!!! that's wonderful!! they're taking care to build a restaurant that can function without carmy being actively in the kitchen, and that's a very good thing
the fridge thing looks like it's gonna be a reoccuring thing too. the fridge, the fire stuff, the hole in the wall...anything i'm missing? i'm sure there will be more later, we've got 8 1/2 more episodes for things to go Wrong
blue sweater = mikey hanging over the episode. noting that now in case it comes back. it also looks really nice with his eyes, coloring, and the gold chain, so maybe can we get more blue sweaters that aren't the Trauma Blue Sweater?
"that was really fun!" that is the first time i think we've heard carmy call something fun. that is incredibly sad and this scene is really well acted and giving richie the hat is the right call and
and he turned right to syd and is leaving with her. holy eff.
yeah this is text at this point. gets mikey's letter, texts syd. finds mikey's hat, leaves with syd. syd's what distracts him from pain, syd's what helps him smile when he's in pain. whether you view this romantically or not (and the show does, look at the camera angles, the audio choices, etc), that's not debatable
also "the apartment"?? not "my apartment"??? kids how often do you work there this is Text
marcus looking for her attention away from carmy, that's what i figured -- boy has a crush but he's not Bad about it or anything, refreshing
"i'm not an asshole!" yeah you are syd XD everyone in this show is it's just everyone's more than just an asshole as well
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nicistrying · 11 months
*Don't reblog please!*
Sunday 9th July
God we are so tired. We were both up at 5am yesterday, at work all day, then went out for food with my family to meet my mam's cousin who is visiting from Australia. We had a lovely time and the food was divine but we didn't get home til 11.30, it was a looong day. But I did get to wear a cute dress and some jewellery which made me feel nice.
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Matt walked Maggie yesterday so I let him sleep this morning and took her out at 7.30 and we actually had a lovely walk and I felt really good for having gotten up and outside. Drove over to my sister's for the village carnival and to see my niece for her birthday. We had so much fun and it was so nice to let my hair down a bit after being so stressed about meeting mam's cousin and being judged about my job (the only judgment came from my mother lol). AND I wore a crop top for the first time in years and it felt like nbd at all! I just felt cool and cute. And the weather was beautiful so I'm glad I did. My sister told Matt outright when we got down into the village to watch the parade that I was probs going to end up drunk and he would be driving home and bless him he was so good about it he just laughed, had a coffee, and had a great day even with us getting a bit hammered tipsy. We had so much fun and I'm really glad we went even if we were exhausted. I'm in bed now at 9pm ready for a long overdue good night's sleep bc I only have to walk Maggie and go get my nails done tomorrow and that's it. Rest day for me finally 😍 Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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heroinejinx · 1 year
Post recommendations for your ten favourite fanfics and tag the authors if possible. Tell us what you like about their work.
Tag five people of your choice to do the meme too.
okay well there’s more than ten because i’m indecisive & these are all too good not to mention!!
for some sense of order, i’ve separated them by ships, and then further by if they’re canon or au, because the 2 are essentially different genres so 🤓 
i’m also not gonna expand too much on what i like about each of these because it’ll just be me waffling & saying ‘i love this ship and this person writes their dynamic so damn well’ over and over lol 
- ‘Ill-Fortune and Illumination’ series by @questionablecuttlefish 
ft. scenes of extreme chaos and extreme tenderness, sometimes in the same chapter, always brilliant 🤌
- ‘The energy that pumps through my veins’ by @ghostofyaz
in which jinx is the ultimate masochist & lux aims to please ✨
- ‘Flashbangs and Frag Grenades’ series by @calchexxis (which there’s also a podcast on Spotify for!!🔥)
‘jinx is crazy, lux is crazier’ - a must read
- ‘Bright Eyes’ series by @calchexxis
college au in which jinx is a ‘tattooed punk on a motorcycle’ - need i say more? 👀
- ‘Friction Coefficient’ by @blood-lich-crow
and so they were forced to be study buddies 😙
- ‘Fight and Flight’ by @onegraycat
the closest to top gun i will ever willingly get, ft. angst and planes ✈️
- ‘My Boy Savior’ by Elssandra on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
wherein jinx’s journey to becoming a firelight is cute, dark as hell, dramatic and frequently heartbreaking - yay 🥲
Pistolwhip / CaitJinx
- ‘Dancing After Death’ by @prettyaveragewhiteshark
jinx and caitlyn bond over their grief & it hurts & it’s so satisfying to read 💔
- ‘Hollow bones and bird song’ series by @natsukashenby
the fic that got me into the crackship, so much angst and pining, god bless 🙏
- ‘Lithium’ series by @ravenkinnie
okay i need to re-read this asap but the angst in this knows no bounds 🖤
- ‘Love Sonnet aka Escort AU’ series by @ravenkinnie
this fic is so tender and their connection feels so real - idk how else to describe it other than saying just go read it right now 🥺
- ‘Lover, will you look at me now? I’m already dead to you’ by @natsukashenby
ft. caitlyn and jinx bonding a little too much at a party… gotta love the drama
Liquorbomb (Jinx x ‘Chuck’)
@unknownstellardepths has this monopolised lololol thank you for your service
- ‘Toy Guns with Real Bullets’
jinx turns to ‘chuck’ after killing silco and things get *complicated* ❤️‍🩹
this fleshes out thieram/chuck so so well, and the writing in this? the crafting of the fight scenes, the sex scenes, and character development? yeah, read it.
- ‘Scissors and Heartstrings’ 
more thieram and jinx antics - can’t get enough tbh 🫶
Honourable mentions for some non-Arcane fics I adore:
SPOP (Catradora)
- ‘Falling feels like flying (till the bone crush) by ehj on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
what if catra and adora started secretly fucking while still at war with each other? yeah this is that & it’s bloody great 😌
- ‘Break a Leg (and break the bed)’ by @dandyvela 
catradora as stunt workers who are secretly fuck buddies, minus the friendship & add on a whole lot of repressed feelings. genius 💖
- ‘Take me home’ by feistypants on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
exes running a farm together and slowly confronting the past… when i tell you i cried 😭
Killing Eve (Villaneve)
~~what everyone in the old fandom wishes could’ve been canon~~
- ‘Saving Eve’ by DontShoveTheSun on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
okay i’m not exaggerating when i say that this fic has improved my mental health lol anyone still reeling from that abysmal finale needs to read this. this whole thing is like the most comforting hug ever & idc it’s canon to *me* 🥹
tbh i’d also extend this rec to anyone who enjoys the murder wives trope in general, even if you haven’t seen the show - this fic truly delivers everything that kind of story needs. can’t praise it highly enough.
okay, this was super fun to do so i’m tagging all the authors mentioned here, plus anyone else who wants to do it! 💕
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the-consortium · 6 months
Dear doctor Bile.
Say, if someone was interested in on of your minions/subordinate, in a more.... Romantic manners, how should they proceed? Do they need your blessing, before attempting courting? Do you take bribes? I have some wines from the TS... Would a bottle or 5 make the deal?
Someone having definitely pure feelings about Saqqara.
In this one word lies astonishment, anger and the suffering of the world.
Oleander can certainly appreciate the emotional depth, savouring it briefly like a good wine, before he pushes his work aside, arranges the scalpels so that the Vatborn can mop up the blood, then rises and walks carefully towards the doorway to Fabius' current semi-public laboratory.
He stops at the door and just throws a, "Huh?" into the room.
Fabius turns to him, lifting up a datapad. "What is it with Saqqara that people find him so cute? The man's a bloody assassin, keeps these disgusting creatures as pets and is always in a bad mood or obstinate or both!" - "In my opinion, the cutest thing he ever did was let that Chaosspawn eat him and cut his way back out through the stomach wall. I thought that was very sweet indeed."
Fabius spreads his arms, the Chirurgeon feels compelled to do the same, so that the Chief Apothecary now resembles a many-armed statue of a god from the early days of Terra. "Exactly! He is useful and efficient. That's why he's still alive, unlike his less useful squadmates! But apparently he triggers something in some people. The fact that Arrian seems to let him do things to him is something I can live with, with a certain harried ignorance. I see worse things when I have to go visit our degenerate brothers of the twelfth Millenial in their den of debauchery. But strangers? What do these humans (are they really just humans?) see in this reproach incarnate?"
He tosses Oleander the datapad, "Deal with it." And goes back to work, demonstratively reaching for the headphones connected to a music servoskull specially provided for this purpose.
His disciple catches the datapad and allows himself a grin as soon as he has turned round to stroll out of the room.
He lights a pipe, retreats to a balcony overlooking the devastated old palace city and begins to write:
"To approach a member of the Consortium appropriately, you need to make special preparations. A crate of good wine is always an excellent conversation starter - but a shipload of genetically interesting slaves is even better by far! The rule here is: more is more! The whole contact can take place with great pomp - after all, everyone should get something out of it. I can't yet say whether the Chief Apothecary will be attending this event, as he is a very busy man. But I am absolutely convinced that he will have a strong reaction.
Best regards, Oleander Koh"
He briefly considers whether he should tell Saqqara, but then decides that everyone likes surprises and leaves it at that.
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