#they still evil
ello-its-slimegoat · 1 year
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WHAT THERES A THING CALLED INEFFABLE MAY!? Omg. Sorry that I’ve been dormant for long I need to do this omg omg OM
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parkore · 4 months
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made a guy btw
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dykealloy · 9 months
how does shanks manage to have some kind of sexual tension with every warlord in the sea whilst also having practically zero screen time. ramona-esque dilf of the east blue. luffy wants to be king of the pirates but is stuck sailing through the several deadly seas of his dad's evil exes. they see the straw hat and it activates their fight reflex. half-convinced that shanks gave it away with full knowledge of this
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marshallmigraine · 7 months
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Love how in BG3 you can play as a more or less redeemable Durge and still say the most deranged shit possible
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FNAF Circus baby or not, she’s still Michael’s little sister,,
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circuscountdowns · 3 months
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various doodles n requests for cuddles, pets, pet names o7
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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The musical episode.
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bungledown-chim · 2 months
i cannot explain how much kristen needs to change her marketing tactic
she keeps going around and saying that cassandra is the goddess of mystery and doubt and the night, but thats not quite true. cassandra is the goddess of finding safety in the unknown. of not being afraid of doubt.
she is the belief that even if you don't know where you are or what to do, if you are lost and alone in a dark forest, there will be something on the other side, and all you have to do is get there. Cassandra is the goddess of staring into the cold, uncaring void and feeling a warm hand clasp your own, of a whisper in your ear saying youre going to be okay. you aren't alone. it is going to be scary and hard and uncertain, but you will never be on your own because i am here with you. you will never be lost because i know where you are
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winepresswrath · 11 months
more sci-fi/fantasy dynastic empires should feature the emperor or empress just cutting out the middle-parent and cloning themselves. I want scenarios where they make like five clones and then force their potential heirs to fight it out and see who the best (evilest? most willing to sit back and watch their siblings murder each other?) mini-me is. I want "I'm nothing like you" yelled at your clone-parent over treasonous regicidal family dinner with like, 12 identical imperial portraits hanging overhead. I want the death of the self in pursuit of immortality. I just think this could really take dynastic familial dysfunction to the next level.
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artist-rat · 10 days
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Guys do not ask how this group is still together.. I'm too afraid to ask (the answer is magic of friendship and ✨Delusion✨)
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diviedrawn · 1 year
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I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, Luis is very Flynn Rider coded
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frodo-a-gogo · 3 months
Let us be brutally honest with ourselves and with eachother for a moment. If he weren't obese you motherfuckers would be capable of percieving evrart claires sexy sexy moral ambiguity and complex charms
#i am (lesbian) sipping him like a fine DESSERT WINE#my evidence by the way is very simple and very damning. joyce messier. there i said it.#if you guys can appreciate the fact that Joyce is a complex figure worthy of disgust yes but also worthy of empathy#despite being a venal coward facilitating acts of violence and slaughter of the organized working poor of martinaise in the name of capital#if you can understand that she is a dimensional figure while also being an embodiment of the moral apathy and cruelty if capital owners#but you cant look at evrart and see that he is (while deeply flawed and morally suspect) also a dimensional figure#on top of the fact that his motivations are eminently relatable and dare i say it baser#and his greatest failing imho is in failing to advocate for the interests of *all* the poor of martinaise#opting instead to marginalize the inhabitants of the fishing village in favor of a power grab in the interests of himself and his union#though this is imo a bit of a grey area morally. undeniably a wrong and bad thing to do but done in service of clairs political goals#to gather power to advocate for the working class against ultraliberal monoliths like wild pines and fascistic orgs like krenel#still super wrong but i can follow the moral arithmetic there tho i don't like it#but like my point is if u can see that joyce is evil and pathetic but still cool and sexy but you consider clair flatly distasteful#thats cus hes not conventionally attractive#cus he is *every bit* as dimensional and interesting as joyce and he is not nearly as politically shite even if hes interpersonally a jerk
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the-witchhunter · 4 months
So Lucifer Morningstar, the fourth of the fallen, (retired) ruler of hell, the Devil himself, is a character in DC comics, appearing in the Sandman comics, his own solo run and various other comics
He is absurdly powerful
The thing is, Lucifer still has access to his Divine power, unlike other fallen angels, and is actually more powerful than other angels
What does this mean?
Lucifer was the guy that shaped the matter to create the stars, an ability he still has
Enter one Danny Fenton
“Omg(oh my ghost) I’m a HUGE FAN of your work”
Just Danny fangirling over the literal Devil because of stars and space
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arabian-batboy · 7 months
I really find it interesting how Zionists have no issues constantly using words like "Islamic" or "Islamist" or "jihadist" to describe the people they're killing without any fear of being accused of Islamophobia or that they're being bigots.
Because they know that we live in a world where anything or anyone remotely "Muslim" are automatically portrayed as inherently evil and deserving of death, especially in the US and other Western countries where Israel gets most of its support from them. So therefore, no one can be mad at them for killing all of these people, right? After all, they're only killing scary radical "Islamists" and "jihadists," NOT innocent people.
Meanwhile you would never hear any pro-Palestine people calling IDF soldiers "Jewists" or "Jewish extremists," even when they're literally branding the star of David onto Palestinians' faces and houses, instead we have to be very careful to not associate Judaism with Israel's crimes and are obligated to write a long essay about how we in fact do NOT want to kill every Jew in the world before we're allowed to show a shred of sympathy toward the thousands of Palestinian civilians being murdered as we are speaking.
Yet somehow that's not enough and they still hit us with the "when you say Zionists you actually mean Jews!" all while ignoring how they themselves aren't putting any effort into not demonizing Islam and Muslims with their words, because demonizing Islam and Muslims isn't an issue to them and the only way they can justify all the killing they're doing.
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ikiprian · 2 months
Clark is taking Kon and Jon out for a classic, super-style bonding flight. Just a quick jaunt around the US and back!
They don’t get far. Somewhere in Illinois airpace, they run across another family.
The three (a hulking man, a snarky teenage boy, and a cackling youngest girl, each a grayscale blur in the blue, blue sky) throw neon-lit beams of energy at one another, quips and insults flying almost as fast as they do. It looks like training. It looks like fun!
The boy of them looks like a younger version of the man. Exactly like, even. Clark is familiar with clones.
The youngest, a girl, looks like both of them, but not quite. Perhaps she will, age sharpening her childish features, but it’s hard to say. More likely, she’s the man’s daughter.
Interested, Clark introduces himself to Dan. He seems to be a hero in his own right, even if Superman’s yet to see him in action. And it’s not often Clark sees a family so like his own!
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mrghostrat · 2 months
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fucking incredible art by @chernozemm (full on ao3)
flawless (E) (35k) (1/5)
When Crowley had snaked himself across the bar top, half purring, half snarling for Aziraphale to live a little, this wasn’t exactly what he meant by it. Not exclusively, anyway. If there was a list of possibilities, it may have been on there somewhere; scrawled as a hasty afterthought, perhaps under a subheading of Things That Would Surely Never Actually Happen. But the sight of Aziraphale lying naked and debauched in the middle of his black satin sheets was not something he was about to hesitate over. (If there was a second list, one surreptitiously scribbled on a napkin in the dark corner of a crowded bar, it would be titled Things Crowley Had No Right To Crave As Much As He Did, and it would start and end with this single bullet point)
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