#this is so correct it's ridic
yakumtsaki · 10 months
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Continuing to part 2, part 1 here!
Laksmhi gives us Gallagher Newson and they have 3 bolts! I've been playing the Tinkers because Melody is like 150yo and it'd be too sad to have them outlive their only kid. They both wanted a baby but were a few days from elderhood so I had them foster the Newsons in their giant house! It's such a wholesome household to play, like literally the exact opposite of this one.
Gallagher is super cute and I'd normally consider him for spouse but thanks to Barth's ridic 20 woohoo LTW all we want here is to get our first kiss and bounce. Will we do it???
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-And we're here to help! -The wolf that is, not our son!
FFS. Despite all this malicious sabotage-
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-which at some point included Liz playing catch with the wolf, which Jojo only got him to do after like 30 years-
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-this went really well! Not Felina-Meadow tier well, but well for Barth subterranean standards..
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..Gallagher even got a crush on him from one little flirt! Cute!
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We take our date Downtown to seal the deal, everything is going great-
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-Bartholomew is pulling these impressive moves.. and then.. FOR NO DISCERNIBLE REASON..
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-How dare you not accept my flirting! -YOU JUST PUT ME IN A HEADLOCK, FREAK -What's your point!
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-Look at these shameless idiots dancing! Gross! I'd have to be like.. 200% drunker than I am right now to even consider it! -You're drunk?? -You're not?? Man if I was a broke orphan I'd be drunk all the time. Which I am. Drunk all the time, I mean, not a broke orphan. -I'm outta here. -WHAT! WHY!
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Welp, we still got our first kiss thanks to the automated goodbye kiss thing that I finally have to get the mod that disables it because it pisses me off. But whatever, a win all around!
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-Hi, Grandpa >:( -What's wrong, Bartholomew? -I WISH I WAS DEAD
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-This is exactly what I was worried about when your mother married into that trash family, look at you.. -What! There's nothing wrong with me! -Nothing? Really?? The correct form is 'I wish I WERE dead'! -WHO CARES -Clearly not your dimwitted, Union-gene inflicted self! -OH THAT'S IT, GET READY TO RUMBLE
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-I can't believe Grandpa Ti-Ning beat me up! This is the worst day of my life!
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At least you have Jimbo!
-Yes, yes I do.. It'd definitely make me feel better seeing the shock and betrayal in his eyes as I choke him to death.. -Ha, like you can get your tiny hands around my thick-ass neck, pussyboi, I'll bite your entire head off! Now shut up and clean off this manure I've been rolling in, and look at me in the eyes while you do it!! -..I need a drink.
Yes you do, I mean if this is how your life is gonna go you might as well be drunk.
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Sandy has found a new dog bestie in Veronica to the point she completely missed work to stay and play with her-
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-while iVan is team Wendi!
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-Forget it, Jim, it's Uniontown.
As I'm intently watching the billionth iVan-Sandy fight the fighting window pops up again-
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-and sure enough, THIS BETTE/JOAN SHIT HAS ESCALATED. I 1000% blame Barflina.
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Bruh. Not only did Sophie lose-
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-but her disloyal hoe wife immediately went to chat with Liz after! SHAJAR FFS
-What! I'm allowed to socialize with whoever I want and I happen to like Liz! It's not because I have some deep-seated resentments toward Sophie or anything!
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It's ok, Soph, you'll always have your pets💛
-And my pets will have Eliza's heart for dinner💛
Can't blame you💛
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It's officially time to fuck off for college as there's some glitched bill on the lot and we got repo'ed despite not owing anything! Gross!
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For a moment I thought you were taking Glitched Butler #7!
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You know what, take Shajar while you're here. BITCH FFS
You've talked more to Liz since she beat up Sophie than you have the entire time you've known her!
-That's a complete coincidence!
Ya well when you get fed to the dogs it'll be a complete coincidence too!
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Alright we're outta here, college time for Barflina. Can't say I'm looking forward to it!
-Anything to get me into Meadow's arms and away from Grandma Victoria's batshit ghost!
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Vic, I don't know how to tell you this, but you are not currently living. Well, I guess you metaphorically ~live through~ Barflina.
See you at La Fiesta!
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l-ii-zz · 9 months
u are correct about the age thing. it depends which source(s) u use. I think the show bible calls him a kid (but iirc it also says Dib's exact age and last name should never be given and yet we have both in Enter the Florpus), but if u go by lost/unmade eps, iirc the Trial shows that irkens are smeets until they are 10 and then they are adults (and they aren't human so saying "but in human years!" is ridic imo. we don't say "but it human years that would be..." except for our domestic animals, and even then not every person does THAT). if u take Word of God, Jhonen has said Zim is an adult so many times idk why ppl think he's STILL just having a laugh. he's said it's bc he thinks it's funny that a grown ass man would count a Literal Child as his nemesis, and cites the Dennis the Menace comic series. but if u take ONLY what is on screen then it's a mystery and up to interpretation. it's just sort of *shrug emoji*.
The show bible (made by JV btw) calls him a kid, yeah. There's one section of an old magazine talking about the series and describing Zim as a kid too.
Honestly there are a bunch of things that have been told about the IZ universe that doesn't even make sense now. Like yeah, Dib's last name and age, another example would be about the Tallest and the cut thumbs and how this was entirely forgotten/discarded for their new design for the movie.
I also agree with you about the possibility that human and irken age concept could be different from one to the other. We're talking about aliens anyway. Alien society with alien customs and alien ideals and alien culture and alien environment etc etc etc. Who knows? maybe planet Irk rotates/revolves faster that Earth's and by that it would mean that an irken year is way shorter than an earthling year. Nothing in the series can confirm that, yeah, but you cannot either deny that it's a possibility. Hell, even irkens can have another extremely different perspective about maturity
Like, the show itself is so ambiguous about these themes that I don't even understand why people are so stubborn to gatekeep one single concept as the entire truth, even if the show is a whole pile of nonsense that doesn't even try to take itself seriously.
"But JV said this" yeah.... and? not everyone support the "Word of God" thingy. If the final product doesn't give you a clear answer then you are on your right to have different interpretations. Not to mention that the creator is not the only one developing the concepts of a show. There's a whole team behind the show, and behind the team there are different perspectives.
I'll give you one example with another fandom: Cuphead! when fans were speculating about the age of the cupbros (and this was looong before the dlc and animated show's announcement) they asked Studio MDHR (the creators) if the bros were kids or adults. They replied saying that they were "kidults" (adults with childish tastes). But then, another person asked the same question to the writer of Cuphead, and he answered that they were teens! So, in this case, is one answer more valid than the other? I don't think so, 'cause both parts worked for the final product. This is one of the reasons why I don't truly take "Word of God" seriously.
Also, and this is just my opinion btw, even if Zim is a straight up adult, he can still be interpreted as a kid. Because well... he dresses up as a kid, he goes to school, he interacts with other kids, his nemesis is another kid, he has robo parents, he's small like a kid, he behaves like a kid, he sounds like a kid... (WITH ALL THIS ONLY REFERRING TO IZ'S UNIVERSE, I'M NOT SAYING THIS ALSO APPEALS THE REAL WORLD)
"Yeah, but visualizing Zim as a kid triggers me" that's valid, but have you ever thought that other people can also feel triggered by visualizing Zim as adult? Because well.. some people can feel uncomfortable with the thought of a straight up adult fighting a kid and pretending to be one, even if it's just comedy.
Can't we all.. stop gatekeeping and let everyone interpret fiction however the heck we want without pointing each other and talking shit to each other? I know it's too much to ask, but wouldn't be nice to respect the fact that no one will think the same way you do? (NOT SPECICALLY TO YOU ANON, ALL QUESTIONS ARE RETORIC, LOL).
It's just so absurd to me, we're talking about fiction. Why are we fighting for the age of a character that doesn't even exist? We're going coconuts.
It's more fun to create headcanons and aus, I prefer doing that instead of fighting nonsense.
As you said, dear anon: *Shrug emoji*
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averseunhinged · 6 months
aaaaaand we're back. hello. welcome. good to see everyone emerging from exchange hibernation!
this is from the second chapter of my exchange fic, and all that i've learned is everything burns for @purplesigebert. gabby wanted pre-canon canon divergence with a different first meeting for klaus and caroline, and it went to a slightly ridic extreme, as usual. it's centered around the death of bill forbes, sheriff of mystic falls, and the previous events that lead liz forbes to flee town with enzo and three-year-old caroline and live in secret.
klaus is there, too. for the record.
anyway, this is caroline meeting bonnie for the second first time. i'm shooting for an every other week update schedule, but i'm generally not in great health, and the holiday season is demanding for me. so.
She stumbled down the stairs, pulling a sweater on over her pajamas and futilely trying to finger comb the knots out of her hair. The impatient visitor knocked again with more aggression. Caroline yanked open the door, suppressing disgruntled grumbling, and stubbed her big toe on it.
"Ow! Shit!" she yelped and bashed her knee trying to move her toe out of the way while the door was still swinging. "Double, extra shit!"
The young woman on the porch seemed surprised to find herself laughing. "If I didn't already know about," she nodded her chin at the lapis ring on Caroline's left hand, where it clutched the door frame, "I never would have guessed."
"Believe it or not, I'm way more graceful, now. I hadn't quite grown into my arms and legs. My best friend used to call me a confused baby giraffe. Just wobbling around, running into things."
"I can picture that," she grinned. She was petite and very pretty, casually dressed for the unseasonably warm weather in ballet flats, leggings, and a long cardigan, the green of her shirt bringing out her eyes.
There was something achingly familiar about her.
"Are you Bonnie?" Caroline asked hesitantly.
The other girl breathed in sharply. "Yeah," she bit her lip, "do you remember me?"
"No. I wish I did. Miss Sheila talked about you and," she looked down at her feet and carefully continued, "you remind me of her."
"Oh," Bonnie breathed and her voice roughened. "Thank you for saying that."
Caroline searched her, but found only gratitude and grief. "Do you want to come in? It's just me and Enzo and he's on the phone with my mom. I think he made fresh coffee. I mean, if you want to come inside. You don't have—"
"Okay, okay," she said, laughter changing her more somber mood. "I trust you."
"What? Really? Already?" Caroline stepped back and welcomed Bonnie inside.
"Well. I trust my ability to melt your brain if you try anything."
"That's better!" Caroline laughed and led the way to the kitchen. "Do you like chicory? We brought it from home, so it's the good stuff. It has regular coffee in it, too. Miss Sheila liked it, but," she stopped herself and winced. "Sorry. The committee doesn't really get a session going until I've been awake for a while."
"The committee?" Bonnie queried.
"The committee in my head that tells me when to shut up and other very important functions. Not that I hear actual voices or anything," she quickly corrected, waving her hands around. "It's the part of my brain that tells me to stop bringing up my new friend's dead grandmother and I just did it again. Oh my god."
They'd come to a stop in front of the coffee pot. Caroline clapped her hands over her eyes and was richly glad Enzo wasn't in the room, even if she was certain he was listening in.
"It's okay. It's kind of nice being around someone who can't hide anything," Bonnie said, giggles overcoming her, much to Caroline's relief. "I don't know if I like good chicory. Let's find out."
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lookingforcactus · 6 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog: ep 1
This is so much fun. Nostalgia time. 13 year old me is LIVING
Warning for like whole ep 1 spoilers and all
Yusuke and Botan look great which I already knew going in from the gifset that informed me this show exists lol, but it's delightful, bc the characters in this show aren't necessarily the easiest to translate to live action
Botan is adorable. Her hair is adorable. And I'm delighted to see that Yusuke's hair is the Correct amount of Poufy
Plot twist: Kuwabara hot. He looks great actually. Translated nonliterally compared to Yusuke but v well. The actor is selling me on it too, fun casting
Kuwabara was always hard for me to watch in the original bc he set off my vicarious embarrassment soo hard. Glad they're less committed to making him the constant source of painful comedic relief here lol
Laughed out loud for real tbh
Idk if I'm a little disappointed he's not a baby but like live action would make that ridic hard to do in a lot of ways so I don't blame them at all. He's in his adult form which makes sense. Still damn glad they kept the pacifier it is RUINING his dignity and I love it
I also don't blame them for cutting the flying oar effects. A lil sad but the initial transition to Reikai looked great so they're forgiven
Yusuke. "No thanks." I knew it was coming and the delivery still made me laugh out loud. Just dropped it in there. Yusuke I love you please see a therapist
Fight scenes are v creative and p epic
Seriously they do a really good job of making Yusuke's fighting style as a human believable, fun to watch, and effective. He rly does come off as just kind of a natural fighting genius (with practice ofc)
Sakyo in ep 1? Weird but I'm not opposed. The wavy hair is kinda freaking me out though ngl. Smoothness was just such his THING in the show it's distracting
Really liked Yusuke's mom's introduction (not that it was flattering to her as a character) but I wish they'd done more with her in the rest of the ep. Her power hug at the end is great tho
Show's slowing down a bit but it's fine I'm still having fun, the nostalgia power will get me through basically whatever
NO PUU!!!! This is tragic but I Do understand this as an adaptation choice. Reluctantly. Tragic tho.
Bug under guy's face effect EPICALLY creepy
That said I keep watching the motion of him and the other demons in this ep and thinking about Hayao Miyazaki said about the disgusting cruelty of using effects technology to make the scary scary inhuman monsters just fucking. look and move like disabled ppl
Seriously I keep seeing flashes of the appearance and movements of people I know with developmental disabilities (particularly this one guy I know with cerebral palsy but also I've worked in care work for disabled adults and just kind of a lot of people in general) and. I hate this. Especially as a person who DOES have a (nonvisible) developmental disability myself. This is such a rising trend in horror/sff/fantasy tv/movies/video games and I hate everything about it. Hayao Miyazaki was right this kind of attitude and shit really is "an insult to life itself"
Anyway fight scene cool
I love Keiko btw. Her crying and blaming herself! Her face when Yusuke comes back! Also Yusuke "I'm not gonna die just bc you talked shit" pffft jackass (affectionate)
Kurama looks pretty good. Goki actually looks wayyyy better than he did in the anime imho, which I did not see coming.
Effects on Kurama and Hiei's fighting looks surprisingly great. They pulled off the rose whip way better than I thought they would, and did some great wirework with Hiei's speed and fighting style
That said....Hiei...oof. That hair was always gonna be a Challenge but I think their ambition here did uh. not play off rip. Hopefully it'll look better later on
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expfcultragreen · 5 months
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Defensive ppl cherrypicking the stupidest strawmen to shadowbox like ok this doesnt super duper make you look less stupid or more correct
All of this is ridic, and not new
If you want to make edgy fiction you have to stand behind the potential consequences of someone taking it too seriously in The Wrong Way ....and some of that collateral could be you, the author. But its your right to take that chance so go ahead.
Anyone here see misery? I never did lol
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Irony Poisoning Chapter 5 (Chapter 1)
When morning came, Wednesday was still on her back, and Enid was still on her stomach, but Enid was also sort of… on… Wednesday.
Not completely, of course. Enid's arms were wrapped around Wednesday's waist, and Wednesday's arms crossed over Enid's back. Their legs were only a little tangled.
Enid was back on her side of the bed before she was even fully awake. She spent several anxious minutes watching Wednesday's chest rise and fall, not daring to breathe herself. Finally letting out a sigh, Enid looked away, only to catch sight of herself in the well-polished blade of the automated guillotine.
She had pillow marks on her face from Wednesday's collar.
"You should talk about your nightmare too."
Enid let out a little shriek that she really hoped no one else in the house had heard. "W- Wednesday! Wh- What did you say?"
Wednesday under her pillow and retrieved a piece of folded typewriting paper. She passed it to Enid.
"What is this?"
"I've been probing my own psyche since the incident at Nevermore. One of the final pieces of advice that Dr. Kinbott gave me was to try writing outside of my comfort genre. This is the first attempt. Its inadequacies should make you feel more confident in sharing your own narrative."
"Thanks," said Enid, "I think?"
She unfolded the paper. It wasn't full to the margins like excerpts from Viper de la Muerte Book 3: Till Breath Do Us Part that Wednesday had finally let Enid read ten days into term just to shut her up. There were only eight lines.
Monday's child was full of shit.
Tuesday's child was done with it.
Thursday's child had not a fuck
to give. Friday's was out of luck.
Saturday's child could finally rest,
and Sunday's child felt truly blessed.
You may think something was withheld,
but Wednesday's child was canceled.
Enid almost laughed, but if this was anything other than a parody of Wednesday's eponymous nursery rhyme, it meant she thought…
"You don't need to be canceled. Why would you think that?"
"I left you alone with a monster."
That came out of nowhere, but there were only two things Wednesday could be talking about, and it probably wasn't Enid's mother. "Um, are you forgetting I'm also a monster? And that I totally kicked Tyler's ass?"
"You got hurt."
"Just a couple of scratches," said Enid, suddenly feeling self-conscious. It was a small bed, and Wednesday's face was barely a foot away. "A little Clinique, and you can't even see the scars."
"How could evidence of your bravery ever diminish your beauty?" asked Wednesday.
Enid had no idea how to respond, but Wednesday spared her by continuing, as if the question had been rhetorical.
"I'm sorry," she said, and the word only sounded a little foreign on her tongue. "I shouldn't have left you alone. It was your first transformation. It was almost certainly your first fight."
Enid was quick to correct her. "I wasn't alone! Thing was there. He held my hand and everything."
"I should have been there," Wednesday barely more than breathed.
"I was glad you weren't there."
Wednesday's brow furrowed, and Enid resisted the urge to smooth it back down.
"You were?"
"Well, duh! It meant I didn't have to worry about you." Enid sighed. "At least, I thought it did, but of course you were running towards danger. I should have known. I did know you had a good reason, and I was right. Saving all Outcasts from genocide is a pretty good excuse for bailing, even on your best friend. Oh, and it meant you trusted me to handle Tyler by myself. That was cool."
Wednesday didn't speak much, but Enid had rarely seen her speechless. Eventually she said, "It wasn't your fight."
"Excuse you," said Enid. "I get to decide what my fights are. Anyway, what makes you so sure it was your fight?"
"I was the one who resurrected Crackstone."
"That's ridic- Wait. What?"
"Goody Addams cursed him," said Wednesday. "So my blood was required to break the curse."
"Your blood?"
"Yes," said said. "Laurel Gates cut my hand and used the blood to initiate the ritual. Did I not tell you about that?"
Enid was trying to remember that night, and things got a little blurry between all the blood and tears, but she was pretty sure…"I thought that was from the sword- the broken sword you used to stab Crackstone?"
"We might make a journalist of you yet," said Wednesday. "Goody healed my wounds right before you saved me from the Hyde."
"Wounds? Plural?"
"Crackstone stabbed me," said Wednesday, in the same sort of voice one might use to describe the weather. "He did a decent job of it too. I don't think I was his first."
The next thing Enid knew for sure, she was back in Wednesday's arms, she was being patted very awkwardly on the head, and a voice from somewhere above her was asking, "There, there?"
"It's not supposed to be a question," said Enid. It was only a little muffled.
"I'm new to this."
"Don't force yourself." Enid tried to raise her head, but Wednesday pressed it gently back to her chest.
"You scare me, Enid Sinclair. I'm not used to it. That does not mean I am forcing myself."
"I scare you?"
"I'm fairly sure it's fear," said Wednesday. "I've certainly never felt it before. I suppose that alone indicates you are… uniquely important to me."
Enid raised her head just in time to see Wednesday's cheeks completely ruin her monochromatic color palette. At first she thought it was a fever, but the flush darkened under further scrutiny. It turned out Wednesday Addams could blush.
Maybe Enid was a little competitive, but that felt like a win.
"You can say it," she said. "You won't get struck by lightning. Well, in this house, you might, but not because-"
"I love you," said Wednesday.
Enid choked on her own spit, and Thing had to come pound on her back.
Wednesday's shouts attracted an audience. They applauded politely when Thing had finished, and he gave a little bow. Then they all dispersed for breakfast, with an invitation for the girls to join them once Enid had caught her breath.
"Well, now they'll never let you leave," said Wednesday. "You owe Thing a life debt."
Enid's breaths were still stuttering and inconsistent, but that was barely a pop-up notification in the corner of her mind.
"Wh- What did you just say, Wednesday?"
"I said they'll never let you leave."
Enid growled. "You know that's not what I'm talking about!"
"Oh," said Wednesday. She put one finger to her chin in a caricature of thought. Between her twin braids and collared dress, she looked so young and innocent that it made Enid want to scream at the duplicity of it all. "You owe Thing a life debt."
"I'll kill you," said Enid, and Wednesday smiled.
"You don't have it in you."
"There's still time, Wednesday." She found it hard not to repeat her roommate's earlier words when everything Wednesday had ever said ran through her head on a loop like a 24/7 news feed.
Wednesday gave her an appraising look. Enid didn't know what it was appraising, but she sucked in her stomach, just in case.
"I suppose there is."
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downswalsh18 · 1 month
Service și reparații GPS Secrets
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romitricrazed · 1 year
I love this scene
His protests were cut off by a feminine scream. A small Moroi boy, no more than six, had suddenly broken from the crowd and run toward us. It was his mother who had screamed. I moved in to stop him, grabbing his arm. I wasn't afraid that Dimitri would hurt him, only that the boy's mother would have a heart attack. She came forward, face grateful.
"I have questions," the boy, obviously trying to be brave, said in a small voice.
His mother reached for him, but I held up my hand. "Hang on a sec." I smiled down at him. "What do you want to ask? Go ahead." Behind him, fear flashed over his mother's face, and she cast an anxious look at Dimitri. "I won't let anything happen to him," I whispered, though she had no way of knowing I could back that up. Nonetheless, she stayed where she was.
Reece rolled his eyes. "This is ridic--"
"If you're Strigoi," the boy interrupted loudly, "then why don't you have horns? My friend Jeffrey said Strigoi have horns."
Dimitri's eyes fell not on the boy but on me for a moment. Again, that spark of knowing shot between us. Then, face smooth and serious, Dimitri turned to the boy and answered, "Strigoi don't have horns. And even if they did, it wouldn't matter because I'm not Strigoi."
"Strigoi have red eyes," I explained. "Do his eyes look red?"
The boy leaned forward. "No. They're brown."
"What else do you know about Strigoi?" I asked.
"They have fangs like us," the boy replied.
"Do you have fangs?" I asked Dimitri in a singsong voice. I had a feeling this was already-covered territory, but it took on a new feel when asked from a child's perspective.
Dimitri smiled--a full, wonderful smile that caught me off guard. Those kinds of smiles were so rare from him. Even when happy or amused, he usually only gave half smiles. This was genuine, showing all his teeth, which were as flat as those of any human or dhampir. No fangs.
The boy looked impressed. "Okay, Jonathan," said his mother anxiously. "You asked. Let's go now."
"Strigoi are super strong," continued Jonathan, who possibly aspired to be a future lawyer. "Nothing can hurt them." I didn't bother correcting him, for fear he'd want to see a stake shoved through Dimitri's heart. In fact, it was kind of amazing that Reece hadn't already requested that. Jonathan fixed Dimitri with a piercing gaze. "Are you super strong? Can you be hurt?"
"Of course I can," replied Dimitri. "I'm strong, but all sorts of things can still hurt me."
And then, being Rose Hathaway, I said something I really shouldn't have to the boy. "You should go punch him and find out."
Jonathan's mother screamed again, but he was a fast little bastard, eluding her grasp. He ran up to Dimitri before anyone could stop him--well, I could have--and pounded his tiny fist against Dimitri's knee.
Then, with the same reflexes that allowed him to dodge enemy attacks, Dimitri immediately feinted falling backward, as though Jonathan had knocked him over. Clutching his knee, Dimitri groaned as though he were in terrible pain.
Several people laughed, and by then, one of the other guardians had caught hold of Jonathan and returned him to his near-hysterical mother. As he was being dragged away, Jonathan glanced over his shoulder at Dimitri. "He doesn't seem very strong to me. I don't think he's a Strigoi."
-Spirit Bound, Richelle Mead
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threefled · 3 years
what form of gentle affection are you?
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brushing loose hair behind your lover's ear.
the gentle tenderness and care... deep yearning from the barest brush of skin... wanting to ask for more but being unsure... you spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not you will find love, and sometimes aren’t even sure if romance is something worth pursuing. you have spent so long being on your own, you simply struggle to picture yourself beside another person. perhaps you even secretly worry that you are too much for another person. it it important to not think of yourself as someone unlovable, as you are just as deserving of romance as any. however, it is also important to not place your value on relationships; you are a complete person on your own.
tagged  by:  stole  it  from  @brokenspy tagging:  @fivefled  ,  @brklynlost  ,  @memoriiam  ,  @lunelios​  ( ben )
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coquelicoq · 3 years
the most ridic netflix cql translation choice so far (i'm only halfway through the rewatch) is probably when wei wuxian brings wen qing a tray of food during the Let's Save Jiang Cheng Hackathon in episode 17 and says, according to netflix:
Wen Qing, I made the porridge for you.
but according to the chinese subs, he says:
which transliterated is
nàwǎn zhōu shì shījiě tèyì zuò de
now, even those of us who don't speak chinese can notice something about that sentence. is there maybe a word in there that we've heard before?
nàwǎn zhōu shì shījiě tèyì zuò de
shijie! wait a minute!! did shijie cook this food?? shijie, jiang yanli, the character in this show more associated with food preparation than any other character, who is also residing in the yiling supervisory office at this time, and who in an earlier scene in this same episode made food that wen qing then brought to wei wuxian on a tray? surely not. that's crazy talk!
(the viki subs say "Senior Sister made this congee.")
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dominicvail · 5 years
hello :) I'm very new to the fandom but so obsessed with densi (thanks youtube). I have a question, did kensi take his last name after the wedding? is there a scene where we learn that?
Hi anon!  
Unless I really missed this, we actually haven’t learnt this? I feel like they’d have been Really obvious if name changes had occurred tho, so i’m thinking along the line of she might just be calling herself ‘Mrs’ but keeping the Blye? 
idk how common that is in America but Both of my sisters do this?? (ok.. admittedly this was only b/c one of them is A) lazy and B) couldn’t be bothered to change all her paperwork at her job and the other one realised it actually ends up costing women A Lot of money to change their names after marriage in this country and said fuck that but... yeah)
(besides, i’ve got my heart set of the kids being little Blye-Deeks’es soooo) 
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olivesjaw · 4 years
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samwontshare · 2 years
Ridic Sam and Bucky headcanons that no one asked me for:
-Hot sauce is a near violent discussion in the Wilson household. Sarah is team Tabasco. Sam prefers Crystal. When he came back five years later and saw the house without a single bottle of Crystal, it was on. Sam would never question Sarah’s parenting but these boys need to be exposed to things to make informed and correct decisions okay. The way bottles went missing, replaced, escalated quickly. Bucky held all hot sauce hostage until negotiations resumed.
-Bucky is still a Dodger’s fan and doesn’t care they moved to LA decades ago. They’re from New York and that’s that. He refuses to explain this to anyone unfamiliar that he’s 106.
-Sam secretly prefers the Blue Angels to the Thunderbirds but he will actively deny this to anyone who asks. 😳
-Bucky becomes obsessed with Almond Joys. Everyone thinks he should already know what they are but they came out in 1946 and he keeps making awkward jokes that this was the real crime of not surviving the war.
-Sam and Bucky’s civil war is when the Dodgers play the Astros.
-Sam loves Zapp’s chips. Like. A lot. An unhealthy amount. No matter how strict his dieting is to maintain that Cap physique Zapp’s are always allowed. On a press tour they asked Captain Wilson what he wanted in a green room and it was just Zapp’s.
-Sam’s love of birdwatching came from Sarah’s love of foraging. He would get bored while she was hunting for dinner and spent hours watching for rare birds. So now they spend day trips hiking for plants and bird sightings.
-Bucky becomes beloved by anyone over 60 in the area. He’s charming, he can fix anything, he knows every card game popular with their age group and he takes care of Delacroix’s pride, Captain Sam Wilson.
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blackhillverse · 3 years
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oh no no no this is what we AINT gonna do baby, especially not on my watch.
i haven’t been online recently but whenever i decide to visit this hell-site, i always go check if any new blackhill content has been posted. posts like this one, make my blood boil, as i’m a manip “artist” myself and i often see my blackhill edits being reposted without any credits. listen, if you don’t know who’s the artist of the art you like, DO NOT, for the love of god, repost it. i know you want to appreciate it, show some love, etc, but reposting someone’s art without properly crediting them, is not the right way to do that. very often, reposted arts gain much more attention than the original posts published by artists. that’s the key reason why we mustn’t repost someone else’s art. another thing is that some artists simply don’t want their art to be reposted. looking up an artist of the artwork takes 2-5 minutes. to do that, right-click the art and use the “search in google” or use the search by image tool option. if you can’t find the artist, simply do not repost their art.
we, as blackhill community, respect the artists who provide us with wonderful content. please, next time when you want to show your love to someone, try to find the original post and reblog it.
and most importantly, here're the artists of all the fanarts that have been reposted:
https://ladyilena.tumblr.com/post/25682961841/my-current-shipping-status-i-ship-em-i-ship by @ladyilena
https://arsenicjade.tumblr.com/post/115708104304/i-commissioned-this-ridic-gorgeous-artwork-from a commission by @vylla-art
https://ladyilena.tumblr.com/post/26124471091/for-the-past-few-days-ive-been-feeling-like-i by @ladyilena
https://xnorth.tumblr.com/post/23623204705/maria-hill-x-black-widow-yay-lesbians-3-this by @xnorth
https://ta-tsu-ri.tumblr.com/post/38711191356/%E3%83%8A%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3%E3%81%9F%E3%82%93%E3%81%A8%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%81%9F%E3%82%93-natasha-romanoff-and-maria-hill by @ta-tsu-ri
https://avesnongrata.tumblr.com/post/113894492733/kelslk-drew-boxermaria-and-dancernatasha-just a comission by @kelslk-art
https://vylla-art.tumblr.com/post/114540664360/natasha-maria-and-liho-for-avesnongrata by @vylla-art
https://magpizza.tumblr.com/post/24050593292/thats-right-i-went-there by @magpizza
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/43388792 by PSD, a chinese artist who might not be on tumblr (correct me if i'm wrong)
https://ladyilena.tumblr.com/post/82646599934/who-the-hell-is-natasha-i-became-so by @ladyilena
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
How much input do you think Sebastian and his stylist had with regard to the Met outfit? Let's say Valentino invited him (which I do not know if that is the case or not) and then Anna Wintour approved it. How much say do Sebastian and Jon really have in the clothing choice? I'm not sure how this works, but I do wonder if the celebrities don't always have a lot of choice.
But then, the oversized quality of this outfit is right up Jon's alley, so who knows?
Anon 2: Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that designers were supposed to work with their clients to CREATE a look for the Met instead of choosing an outfit from their already existing collections for the self promo purposes
Anon 3: Lol it seems like some at Valentino got the wrong memo because if you look on their IG, they are saying this year's theme is "In America: An Anthology of Fashion", so they seem to be already making their excuse as to why Glenn Close and Seb have outfits that have nothing to do with the Gilded Age.
Anon 4: Honestly feel Seb doesn’t like feeling confrontational and mistakes it for not feeling grateful . That’s why he doesn’t complain even if he knew he looked ridic
Anon 5: Why do they keep drowning him in clothes? Do they think it's a trend? If it is, it must be a genz one I've missed and definitely not appropriate for a 40 year old man 😂 / have you seen all the 30-40-50 celebs dressed like that? it's not only him lmao
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kphungle · 2 years
You got played hakimbeerly
Correct me if im being wrong and perhaps being" silly' to even reply back to this ..but i hope i don't make you feel uncomfortable. tbh it's honestly so easy for me to weed out who sent me this " anon msg ", and as well as the other ones i received in my inbox. this is ridic lets leave the bs , in hs . where it belongs. stop playing this petty thing. will ya? lmao i feel embarrassed to even reply back to this AND WASTING MY ENERGY ON SUCH A NEGATIVE VIBEY POST LOL this aint taking you anywhere so drop it hun 
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