#tinyastronaut suggestion
outlawsuggestion · 5 years
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What meme song? What
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A remind that I love you, and I hope things will get better for you ❤ -Tiny
Thank you ♥
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rainysuggestion · 7 years
Crow’s Haunting
Beady eyes.
That’s the first thing I noticed of the crow, before noticing the red, red guts spilling from it.  Tiny organs pulverized, and ripped out and tossed to the sides, as if a meal was interrupted.
The crow was dead, that much was obvious to anyone.  Based on the flies buzzing around it, and the way the flesh receded from the bones, one could assume it had been there for awhile.
I couldn’t place why I had noticed it now. At seven in the morning, on the way home from the convenience store after pulling an all-nighter, somehow the crow had entered my world.  Beady eyes and white ribs, dead.
The crow was dead, I could tell it plainly. But the beady eyes, round and bright, and black and alive.
The crow was dead, with living eyes that glanced back and forth, as if it were hunting for some rotting meat to carry home with it.  And I looked at those eyes, unease creeping up my spine as they rested on me, almost seeming to size me up.
Bright eyes looked at the plastic bags I was holding.  As soon as they stopped staring at me, I set a quick pace back home.
It was a little less than a week before I went back to the store.
Walking along the same road, I wondered if the crow was still there, if it had been there at all.  Surely something would have come for it by now.  Surely.
As I rounded the corner of the street, I saw it.  Ribs visible, now crawling with fat maggots that tore and ate at the stringy flesh of the bird.  The heart was exposed to the air.  Bright red, almost as if it was still pumping blood up the the bright, slightly sunken eyes of the crow.
The beady eyes.  Watching me, again.
The mouth hung open, almost seeming to talk. “what’re you here for this time?” the eyes spoke in a rough voice, aged and pained. “milk?  or sugar?”
I swallowed thickly, my nerves bouncing in fear.  I didn’t want to respond to that voice.
The eyes never left. “milk or sugar?”
“M-milk,” I practically gasped out, “I’m here for milk.”
A sound like a barking laugh came from the corpse. “more of a honey person, i presume?” The eyes glanced at the entrance of the store. “better hurry,” they told me, “they’ll be closing soon.”
Not three days later, I was back on the road by the convenience store.  I dreamt of those eyes.  I saw them pulled from the skull by rats, their own eyes dead as they dragged the entrails of the crow behind them.
Arriving upon the scene, the eyes greeted me again. “you surprise me with a visit.  how lovely.”
I stood over the corpse of the bird, seeing its sunken eyes.  It was a wonder they hadn’t gone already.  My palms were sticky with sweat.
“what do you think i am?” the heart beat, the rough voice of the creature scratching over my ears.
I couldn’t bring forth an answer.  My throat dried up, unable to produce a sound.
A fly landed on the beak of the crow, crawling up to the beady eyes and behind, into the brain.  Another came, and crawled up along the tongue.  The black, beady eyes of the dead bird didn’t waver, staring me down for an answer.
“dead cat got your tongue?” the eyes bore into me. “no matter.  you know, don’t you?” They eyes were alive, and grotesque, and horrible.  They screamed and gargled as the light began to out.
“this is your future, child.  you will be forgotten.”
I couldn’t make a sound.  I held my breath as the life in those eyes flickered in and away.
“death is bleak.  it is horrid, and black, and painful.  the past eats away and the future forgets.  you will be forgotten.”
I turned tail and ran for home.
I went back the next evening.  The sun was low in the sky as I walked to that place. Some morbid thing in me wanted to see the crow, to see if it was dead this time.
The crow was gone.  Save for a patch of dead grass where it had been, the whole area was undisturbed, as if the wretched thing had never been at all.
My hands still wavered, but I let a sigh out, relieved.  I decided not to waste the opportunity and went into the store.  After grabbing a few things, I went to the counter, grabbing a pack of cigarettes off the stand.
“you forgot the milk.”
I froze, dropping the cigarettes.
Slowly, I looked up at the cashier. Dark, beady eyes looked back at me with a smile.
“you will be forgotten.”
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somewhattrash · 7 years
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A drawing for a friend based on their text post :) @tinyastronaut-suggestion
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galaxythinking · 5 years
space explorer searching the stars
leaving behind a life on mars
searching and searching for something not found
eventually the ship is turned around
the astronaut discovers something entirely new
when he returns to a love oh so true
(a poem written for @tinyastronaut-suggestion )
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the-sea-left · 5 years
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by @naps-official
Rules: Answer seventeen questions and then tag twenty one blogs you’d like to know better!
Nickname?  I have a lot of them... but I’m mostly called Neptune here.
Starsign? Capricorn.
Height? 5'4.
Last Film I Saw?  Aquaman...it was ok.
Favorite Musician? Florence & The Machine, Imagine Dragons, Porter Robinson, Purity Ring, And some others.
Song Stuck In My Head? Guilty by Rag n’ Bone Man.
Do I Get Asks? Periodically.
Other Blogs? I have 6 other blogs here.
Blogs Following? I have 428 followers, and I’m following 400 blogs.
What Am I Wearing? Valentines pjs
Dream Job? Illustrator I guess?
Dream Trip? Japan, Greece, and Canada.
Play Any Intstruments? Yeah, I used to play cello.
Languages? Just English, sadly.
Favorite Food? I adore seafood, mangos, pomegranates, strawberries, and bacon pizza.
Favorite Songs? My favorite song varies by mood, sorry.
Random Fact? I was in a cooking competition in Disney last year and we won 1st place in two categories.
Tagging: @corvid-suggestions @deadgodsuggestions @deadman-suggestions @sidera-resonat @resentmentsuggestions @leviathansuggestion (I can’t rem your regular blog for the life of me I’m so sorry...) @darkwatersuggestions @tinyastronaut-suggestion
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Here’s my secret Santa drawing of their muse for @oneiricsuggestions
I had a lot of fun drawing this actually. I hope my random creative liberties are cool (also green eyes hell yes) Merry Christmas!
And thank you to @tinyastronaut-suggestion for organizing this <3
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gmabasic · 6 years
I thought you should know that I love you very much!!! -tinyastronaut-suggestion
aaaa!!! thank you again and i love you too!! (again)
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floatingonuniverses · 7 years
Last sentence tag
I was tagged by @scripturientoctopus
Tag as many friends as there are words in the last sentence you wrote (poetry, fanfic, original work, anything)
“I made it home."
@acidicrainwater @savan27 @mybrainsonvacation @tinyastronaut-suggestion
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Tagged By: @tinyastronaut-suggestion  (tysm, you’re such a dear)
Tagging: @wonderous-writer-suggestions ; @darkgreen-murmur-suggestion ; @intense-suggestion ; @growling-suggestion ; @wandering-warrior-suggestions​
Can they use chopsticks? They haven't used them before, but they’d catch on pretty quick. They never figure out how to eat noodles without making a mess though. 
What do they do when they can't sleep?  Tai chi, yoga, that sort of thing. Controlled breathing and slow movements. Even doubles as training! 
What would they impulse buy at the grocery store?  The biggest, most expensive, most delicious cut of meat they could find. Spices to flavor it, maybe even stuff for side dishes, depending on how carried away they get. 
What order to they wash things in the shower?  Face, hair, and body top to bottom.
What’s their coffee order?  They usually drink it black, but they get it with a TON of sugar for a treat once in a while. 
What apps would they have one their smartphone?  Meditation apps, a planner (what a nerd), uses the notes app for everything ever.
How they act around children? Really wary. They love kids and all, but they have NO IDEA how to deal with them. Loves telling them stories late at night. 
What would they watch on TV when nothing they like is really on and they’re bored? Animal documentaries. All of them. Gets attached to every one of the animals. A huge sucker for Big Cat Diary. 
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Tagged by: @5s-suggestions
Tagging: @plantlikesuggestion @growling-suggestion @tinyastronaut-suggestion @weaponsuggestion
can they use chopsticks? No
what do they do when they can’t sleep: Run around the forest chasing animals.
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store:  All the marbled red meats
what order do they wash things in the shower: Hair, body
what’s their coffee order:  THE KILL ME SPECIAL PLEASE, SILVIA Black coffee with many cubes of sugar
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone:  Neko Atsume, and youtube to only watch animal videos
how do they act around children: Very well behaved. He is very enthusiastic around them and enjoys seeing them laugh and smile. He thinks children are sacred little devils.
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on:  probably the Investigation Discovery channel
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rainysuggestion · 7 years
tag yourself as a suggestion blog that you don't run
( uh.  probably @tinyastronaut-suggestion or @lemonysuggestions )
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theradicalace · 7 years
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@tinyastronaut-suggestion for you, Free of Charge
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artistic-shell · 7 years
was tagged by @ambulantics   thanks!  put your music library on shuffle + list the first ten songs that come up + tag ten people (i dont really have a music library anymore so i put my drawing playlist on shuffle lol) 1.  Pierce The Veil - Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides  2.  Troye Sivan - THE QUIET 3.  Mother Mother - Business Man 4.  FAKE TYPE - nightmare parade 5.  EDEN - Wake Up 6.  DNCE - Toothbrush 7.  Joel Adams- Please Don't Go 8.  Oh Wonder - White Blood 9.  Demi Lovato- Heart Attack 10.  The Zombies - Time Of The Season
@tinyastronaut-suggestion @cryptid-kidd @hlkaroo @britanniafork @cydriel-z @pbgssingingvoice @juggernaut-007 @sheep-kinta @halfbloodhipster
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the-sea-left · 5 years
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I was tagged by @ashes-of-phoenix and quite frankly, this was rather fun!
I'm going to tag: @craftysquidz @deepsea-suggestion @tinyastronaut-suggestion and @witchiestsuggestions though you don't HAVE to do this.
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