#tw narcissistic abuse
ghostslimu · 11 months
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reblog if you have narcissistic eyes and dark energy
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bioniclemanga · 2 months
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Okay I was worried that I was going to have to postpone the update another week, but I got the big work done over the past day and a half!
Note: I’ll go back and fix the previous and next buttons later tonight… so please use the scroll function for now to get to previous pages!
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c-ptsdrecovery · 1 year
I’ve recently figured out something from my childhood.
Although my mom did compliment me on a job well done, she also always seemed to find something to criticize or “correct”. This led me to feel like nothing I did was ever quite good enough. (Interestingly, one of the only areas she didn’t seem to do this in was my artwork, and art/crafts are one of the few things I don’t have a complex about as an adult!)
I couldn’t figure out why my mom always did this, but I’ve worked it out. My mom has a narcissistic personality disorder. She wanted to be a good mom, but her instincts were not great as a parent. So she would compliment my work--but then she would make a correction. When you correct somebody, you get a little boost to your self-esteem: you are teaching them something. You know something. You are better than them at this. So my mom just did that all the time. Heck, I doubt she even realized she was doing it! But it had an enormous effect on my mental health and self-esteem. It wasn’t that my work wasn’t good enough, it was that she wanted to find something to criticize to get narcissistic supply, and if there was nothing to criticize, she would make something up. Because it wasn’t about my performance; it was about her self-esteem.
The other thing I’ve started to understand is her moving goalposts. I never knew if I was doing tasks the way she wanted me to, because she would always find something to fault me about what I did, even if I did it exactly the way she had told me to do it the last time. This was, of course, incredibly anxiety-inducing. As a child I used to ponder how it was that my mom was so PERFECT? Because everything she did, she did RIGHT, while I so often got everything wrong. I’ve realized that she didn’t just move the goalposts for me, she moved them for HER. If she wanted to keep working on something--well, the obviously right thing to do was to keep working on it! If she wanted to take a rest--well, taking a rest is good for you! You should always take a rest! (Either that or she would laughingly describe herself as being lazy, which was also not helpful to her children.) But when *I* wanted to take a rest, that was a time when I should’ve still been working on it! The goalposts were always subtly moving to put me in the wrong, and also subtly moving to put her in the right. That way she could always feel a little superior and always get a little self-esteem boost. 
I *am* actually capable of making good decisions for myself as an adult. I can figure out when I need to stop, take a break, when I’ve done something well enough, when I need to try again. I don’t have to look to external validation to tell me when I’ve measured up: I have a good yardstick inside my own heart and head, and as an adult, it’s my privilege to use my own measurements instead of measuring myself against an always-moving external goal.
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cringefailroboguy · 13 days
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months
I don’t know if this has been answered yet but
Sk boys’ reaction to narcissistic/mentally abusive parents? The kind that keep a smile and lie through their teeth in public, gaslight and complain bout no contact but refuse to take responsibility for the mental and emotional abuse they put their child through?
Yep that counts.
They'd give the parent(s) one chance to get their act together. Otherwise, the boys take care of them.
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ikamigami · 6 months
Sun gives a lot of signs of someone who lived through narcissistic abuse...
Take that however you want
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dabisqueen · 6 months
do you mind if I rant a bit?
I just really hate being blamed and guilt tripped all the time. One minute we’re laughing and talking about a drama. The next minute I’m being yelled at, called a disappointment, and basically being a emotional punching bag. I hate it so much. I have no one supporting me, I have moments when I think “this is fine, we’re all happy.” But that turns into “why am I being blamed? Why the hell am I taking all this? Why is everything always my fault? Am I at fault?” I just can’t stand this cycle. Then they’ll just say it was all a joke they didn’t mean it and I shouldn’t get mad. Mad?? Does being mad mean wanting to break down and cry? I want to cry but I can’t, the tears won’t come
Hey sweet pea, I am so sorry to hear that you are in a situation like this. It sounds like that someone has a Narcissistic personality disorder. have you ever heard about this? please research and read about it.
I have a lot of personal experience with narcissist people and I am actually seeing a therapist to learn how to handle it. A lot of it is all about not taking their actions too personal. like, realizing that its not YOU who has a problem but them.
that helps the most. and keep telling yourself its not your fault, this person tries to warp reality in a way that they are always the smarter, better, more perfect - that they are never at fault but everyone else.
please seek help by talking to close friends about this. and please research. get yourself acquainted with this personality disorder and how to deal with narcissist people.
Please reach out to me via dm if you ever need to ok? I am here for you.
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cemitadepollo · 10 months
Just saying that I was so excited about Hobie Brown when he came on-screen the first time I saw the movie.
And then I got punched in the gut with the "narcissist" thing. Felt like I had gotten a bucket of cold water thrown at me. I still think about it a lot.
Is Spiderverse good? Absolutely, but I am still angry that that was apparently necessary.
Dunno man. Just ouch.
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ghostslimu · 1 year
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i know we know that r/narcissisticabuse sucks but like what the fuck is this?? do they. do they know that cluster bs can be ...like... abused too? jesus christ
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oakfarmer · 2 years
Back to blocking that tag and staying in my own Everlark lane where I’m happy 😊
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wildlyinsecure · 9 months
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cringefailroboguy · 14 days
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damien-mlm · 1 year
i opened up about my mom's narcissistic abuse to my sister
she doesn't believe me
i haven't felt this alone in so long
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frostworkxfiction · 10 months
Went to the doctor. I don't have the flu but I have what he called a "flu-like" illness. I expressed to both him and my uncle that some of the medicines I go prescribed do not work on me and ofc they didn't listen and prescribed it anyways. In case you're wondering, those medications are zophran and Phenegran cough syrup.
I took some of that God awful cough syrup before I went to the doctor and it didn't do a damn thing! I was still hacking like a fucking squeak toy. And the zophran worked for like 5 minutes and then the nausea hit me again.
Yet my uncle was just like "It works." Bitch, you clearly see this shit ain't doing nothing for me. Wtf!
I also looked up if you can take the two nausea medications I have together. You're not supposed to. *Slow clap for the American Healthcare System*
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priestessofcreation · 2 years
Why do empaths fall victim to narcissists? 🤔
Our whole shtick is that we can sense other peoples’ pain. You’d think we’d be able to sense the truth too.
I mean seriously. I think that is one of our things. So why do we get caught in the trap?
Narcissists just seem really sincere in the beginning. But as they peel back the layers, you start to see the holes.
But I have one more idea. Perhaps the reason that we don’t sense the bad is because narcissists aren’t “bad or good.” It’s a personality disorder and an insidious one at that. Not just because it is hidden to the external world, but also because the sufferer themselves has no fucking idea. Also, the other reason is because the sufferer genuinely believes their isn’t a problem and that their perspective is completely valid.
Empaths sense energy and energy is heavily influenced by the person whose energy you are sensing. The reason the person feels authentic is because they are being authentic. They have no idea they have NPD. Which means the only the people on the outside can see it in the end.
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manic-kagura · 2 years
Man it absolutely sucks when your suspicions about how your family hates you and you were nothing more than the group punching bag get proven absolutely undeniably correct.
They can all burn in hell tbh. I know the hurt I'm feeling is the beginning of the healing process from 2 decades of abuse but God. It fucking sucks. It sucks.
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