#twins deserve to rant to each other
hxney-lemcn · 1 month
Prince and the Frog — Housewardens x gn! reader
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summary: you find yourself cursed and you go to your prince to lift it.
tw: none that I can think of.
a/n: I saw something about the princess and the frog and got inspo. This is so fun, goofy, and lovely, I hope y'all enjoy <3
wc: 1.9k (~300 each character)
Master List
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You weren’t sure what you’ve done to deserve this, but even you felt it wasn’t enough. I mean a frog? Really? And the cure was a true love's kiss? Seriously? Can it get any more cliche? You might as well search for a princess and turn her into a frog as well and then set off into a journey of personal growth…you suppose a prince will have to do. You went to the first person you thought could help, time to see if they really would still love you if you were a worm, err…frog.
Riddle Rosehearts
Okay, so maybe Riddle wasn’t technically a prince, but a queen is a step above that, no? You were a little scared of his reaction, but you couldn’t stay a frog forever. Not to mention that someone else had cursed you, it’s not like you turned yourself into a frog. So when you managed to find him he freaked out, mouth agape as you explained your situation. Thank the sevens you could still talk. Riddle’s face soured, lips twisted into a scowl. At first you thought he was going to find a way to collar you in your current slippery state, but he ended up ranting about the person who cursed you, asking for any details that you could provide. The thought of kissing you to break the curse hadn’t even crossed his mind, instead skipping straight to punishing the fool who’d curse the Queen’s rose and making them reverse it. It was then that you learned just how quickly Riddle could sniff someone out if he wanted to, because the effects had been reversed by the end of the same day. (If that doesn’t show you how much he loves you then I don’t know what can).
Leona Kingscholar
…are you sure about this? I mean…yeah he’s a prince and all but he might just toss you mistaking you for a random frog who dared to encroach on his space. The type to argue he wouldn’t have to love you if you were a worm cause how ridiculous is that? Well…not so ridiculous now, huh? Thankfully, you had found Ruggie first, explaining your situation and asking for him to bring you to Leona. Not so thankfully, Ruggie found the entire thing hilarious and had to take a moment to calm himself down. He kept snickering to himself the entire way to Leona, making you want to die, or just stay a frog and live a happy life in a nice little pond and start a little froggy family. When Ruggie managed to tell Leona what was going on in between laughter Leona just stared at you like you were the stupidest motherfucker. Hey! It wasn’t like you were asking to be cursed! Has an internal conflict on what to do. On one hand he wants to prove he’s your true love, and kissing you seems to be the quickest way to get this over with…on the other you are a literal frog. Shooing Ruggie away, Leona bemoaningly gave you the quickest peck ever, making a face of disgust as he pulled away. The transformation back took a few seconds, but the look of disgust quickly turned to a smug smirk, feeling proud that you were truly his. 
Azul Ashengrotto
Okay, so again, not an actual prince…but he excelled at potions, so it only made sense…except he’ll probably make you sign your life away. So maybe not a good choice once again. I pray for you because one if not both of the Leech twins are gonna find you first and they’re gonna have a field day. ‘My, you’d look perfect in one of my terrariums’ Jade would note. Floyd would probably accidentally kill you because this entire situation is oh so hilarious and he forgot he’s supposed to be holding you gently. After the two have their fun (Jade plays with you and his terrarium like you're a doll in a dollhouse), they finally bring you to Azul, laughing their asses off in their own ways. Azul stares at you blankly as the two eel brothers leave, trying his hardest to not laugh. His face is red from concealing his humor, looking to the side to collect himself. He’ll offer you the cure, but for a price. Kiss you? He has a reputation to upkeep you know. He can’t be seen kissing frogs, imagine what that’ll do to his image! No, no, just sign the contract, and to sweeten the deal he’ll have the twins deal with the pest who thought it was a good idea to curse his angelfish. If you really persist, he’ll give in eventually. To be fair, he is also curious to see if you're his true love, but on the other hand he’s terrified if you're not. He doesn’t want to lose you. And to both your delight, you transform back after he gives you a small kiss on your little froggy head…he’s also running laps in his mind at how happy he is.
Kalim Al-Asim
He’s a prince and won’t think twice! He loves you truly, so it has to work! Too bad Jamil stumbled upon you first. Adamantly tries to hide you from Kalim and he feels his headache growing ten times worse. Why did you stupidly get yourself cursed? He asks like you did it on purpose. You didn’t know why the guy cursed you either! Jamil keeps you tucked in his hoodie until he can find time to bring you to Professor Crewel. You tried to fight him at first as you’d rather stay a frog than get detention for something you had no control over, but Jamil knew how to keep a tight leash on the unruly…it was his job after all. Unfortunately for him, Kalim walked into the kitchens right as you hopped out of his pocket. At first he was confused, and then even more confused, and then ecstatic. You hopped over to him, asking for him to protect you from Jamil (who was giving you a major side eye). Then you explained your predicament, and Jamil butted in about bringing you to Crewel. Innocently, Kalim offered to kiss you. No need to bother Crewel if the cure was so simple! Jamil couldn’t stop him in time, as Kalim kissed you the second he finished the sentence. Even Jamil couldn’t hide his disgust for a second at the action. Thankfully, Kalim was your true love as you had transformed back, and he hugged you gleefully. Unfortunately for Kalim, you refused any of his kisses until he rinsed his mouth (lmao).
Vil Schoenheit
Another queen. Best person to go to. He can whip up any cure just as fast as he can whip up any potion/poison. Rook, saw the whole encounter with the other student, and brought you to Vil without a second thought. He already knew everything about the idiot who cursed you so no need to stick around. Vil’s gaze turned into a disapproving stare as he looked at you. Even though Rook tried to stick up for you, dramatizing the whole event as stating how brave you were to face such a curse head on, Vil only shook his head. He motioned for Rook to follow him, not wanting to pick you up. He loves you, really he does, he just can’t afford to get his clothes dirty or stained. He picks the ingredients effortlessly, starting to brew the cure without a second thought. Both you and Rook seemed to want to get on his nerves as you both prattle on about true love and how he should kiss you. He didn’t expect you to be a cheesy sap (he’s lying), besides, don’t you know how many curses list true love’s kiss as the cure? The meaning is pointless. Besides, he doesn’t need some curse to prove his love for you, hasn’t he shown you how much you mean to him already? Or was he lacking, because he didn’t think you’d doubt him. Either way, you’re drinking the cure, he couldn’t risk that your slimy frog skin might make him break out. But don’t worry, if you really have room to doubt his love, he’ll make sure you can’t within the week.
Idia Shroud
Hahaha. Again, are you sure? He’s always holed up in his room, the only chance you're brought to him is if Ortho finds you (or vice versa). At first Ortho found you adorable, cooing at you as he floated to Idia’s room. He thought this was the perfect opportunity to show both you and Idia just how much you care for the other. How could either of you doubt the other if it's sealed with a true love's kiss? It was a brilliant opportunity! (Orthos a little too into this). He barely let his brother welcome them in before barging in and shoving a frog (you) into Idia’s face. At first Idia screeched, falling out of his gamer chair and scrambling away from the amphibian. Was Ortho pranking him? That’s totally uncool, he wasn’t some normie. But then Ortho happily blabbed about you and the curse and then it clicked…YOU WERE A FROG? Now he’s rolling on the floor laughing at you. You’d smack him if you WEREN’T A FROG. After he’s done laughing it up, he then freezes. Ortho wants him to kiss you? B-but that's gross! Who knows what diseases he’ll get if he kisses you. k. Wait, don't go to someone else! Fine, he’ll do it, but he won’t like it. Inside, he’s absolutely terrified. His mind is running a mile a minute. He doesn’t think you’ll actually turn back, someone like him doesn’t deserve true love…so imagine the face he makes when you do. Face a bright red, his hair a bright pink. Oh no, he feels faint. Give him a peck on the lips to finish him off.
Malleus Draconia
Uh oh. Queue the thunder and lightning. Whoever cursed you is the stupidest motherfucker. Malleus is the one to stumble upon you this time, to the disdain of his family. Lilia on one hand wanted to laugh about the situation, on the other, he knew he’d have to protect the stupid human from being smite for cursing Malleus’ love. Silver and Sebek are sweating as Malleus holds you gently in his hands. If he thought you were gentle as a human, he’s being ten times more careful with you in your froggy state. On the outside, he’s silent and brooding, on the inside he’s lamenting on finding you an enclosure where you can be happiest. What type of tank, soil, plants, water…someone please tell him this is reversible. Lilia chimes in before the rain outside can get worse, mentioning true love's kiss is able to reverse the effects. Malleus’ green slitted eyes never move from your tiny form, he finds you absolutely breathtaking even as a frog (this man is down so bad), but he’s nothing but relieved when he hears the news. Human lifespans are already small as is, he would’ve been completely gut wrenching if that time was cut even shorter. Another one who doesn’t hesitate to kiss you. This man would love you if you were a worm. He strokes your moist skin gently as he leaves a small kiss to your adorable head. His entire being, soul, mind and body all belong to you, and if that isn’t true love then I don’t know what is. His eyes shine brightly as you transform back, holding you gently as he promises to protect you from any miscreant that dares even look at you wrong…yeah so the guy who cursed you is still fucked and now you have a protective dragon at your heel 24/7.
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evenmoreofadisaster · 11 months
Hello!! I'm the creator of Not a Run of the Mill Family and the first sep au going against you. I am really excited since I have liked your au for a while now and it is mind fucking blowing that I am against you right you rn. And I'm just here to wish you luck for the polls later today :))
Leo: Hi!! I heard we are going against each other during the first round of the competition. (Begins to rant at incomprehensible speeds in spanglish)
Hueso: Ah, to translate he wishes to say good luck to you all, and that we got a present for you.
Leo: Apparantley alot of turtles get more motivated when we mention pizza so . . . WE DECIDED TO MAKE PIZZA! You guys get first pick of course, we got any kind you may want. Except for the Super Disgusting Supreme Pizza . . . we don't have enough stuff for that. Sadly.
Hueso: I don't think most of them would like it, Pepino. I mean besides the one that are born in the Hidden City.
Leo; Who wouldn't like it? It's pizza! Anywayyyy, I am your amazing waiter, Leo, and I'm here to take your order!
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One spaced out a little at "pizza"
SORRY FOR THE WAIT Idk what took over me but suddenly I had a whole Onesagi lore thing and I REALLY wanted to draw our AUs together. I love the concept of your AU so much, little Leo is adorable and I already loved Hueso and Leo's dynamic in the show but the father son relationship in your AU... chef's kiss
I really hope I captured your Hueso alright, he is such a good dad and the twins deserve a little bit of support. Plus I couldn't NOT draw the Leos together >:) (also I saw some fanart where Hueso's threatening Draxum to get Leo and I thought it was so good so I tried to nod to that concept here as well lol)
Anyway I hope they can all be friends :) We're also super excited for the poll! I have seen some stuff for your AU around tumblr and it is amazing.
Good luck and thank you for the ask!!
(translation below because I forgot to include it in the image I'm so sorry)
"I'm going to kill that sheep"
"I promise you"
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readingrynbow · 4 months
a little httyd & rtte rant:
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ok watching race to the edge for the 1 millionth time and i’m doing some thinking.
first of all:
this is still one of my favorite shows ever and it’s an underrated masterpiece—every story beat is so well crafted.
if you watched the httyd movies and asked yourself: ok, how did we get here? what happened in those 5 years? why are hiccup and astrid suddenly in a long-term relationship, who are gobber and stoic’s dragons, why is berk so different, why does he have a flaming sword and flight suit?
well—they made a show abt all of that.
i like the way the main cast is portrayed in this show WAY more than in the movies.
i just did a marathon of the movies and toothless and hiccup are really the only two to have ample screen time—i get it, they’re the main characters that’s the point—but the beauty of rtte is that with six seasons they are able to feature everyone equally and do.
i love the relationship development between hiccup and astrid too ofc!!!!
the twins, snotlout, and fishlegs are fully fleshed out characters and i’m reveling in it. they all have such great chemistry with each other and it’s so fun to watch.
i think the villains in rtte are farrr more compelling than the movie villains.
vigo is one of the best tv villains ever imo and the twists and turns the show takes when he is in power is so entertaining and engaging (he's literally a cockroach and won't leave/die). i love and hate him and you never know if you can trust him or not!!!! GAH THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD
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holyyyy shit why isn’t heather in the movies?? her and dagur making a cameo would’ve astronomically altered my brain chemistry—mae whitman deserved to be in the movies. heather as a character is so interesting--as well as her and dagurs’s relationship (what a redemption arc holy shit). their character development is impeccable. + fishlegs and heather are so made for each other that deserved to have made it into at LEAST one movie (and let's be real her and astrid def were a thing at one point).
closing remarks:
tuff and ruff are slowly becoming my favorites tbh
i miss this show!! watching it as it came out was so fun.
hiccup and astrid have my heart
david tennent you are everywhere
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
Beautiful boy part 2 - Mason Mount
Request: Can you do a part 2 where the next day while mason sleeps in and he is the only one to not have breakfast yet; you guys go over all the pictures and videos since he was little and such. You gush over them sm and picture if your baby boy will look the same as Mase when he will be born as Mason’s genes are strong. You and his family joke that your baby boy will come out as Mason’s twin and will look the same as baby mason and you will birth his carbon copy. When mason comes down all sleepy and sees what you guys do, he starts to whine and “threatens” you again and starts joking but you take it seriously and because of the hormons you start to cry and shake. His mum scolds him and they try to calm you down. Mase is so protective over you and comes by your side in an instant and just hugs and kisses you and whispering sweet nothings to you to calm down.
You can read part 1 here 🥰
Warning: anything worth mentioning I guess apart from some cuteness overload
Tag list: @masonxomount @chelsealover @masterclassbaby​​
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You didn’t wish to end your night any different from how it did: you and Mason cuddling each other on your bed as you, a little drowsy, were trying to fight your sleep to pay attention to all of your boyfriend's talking that went from your plans for the next day to the sweet nothings he kept on whispering into your ear and against your belly, by way of ranting about the name you should have given your baby.
He just stopped when you let out a loud yawn, snuggling closer to his chest and kindly asked him to resume the conversation the next day. Mason stayed silent for a moment, glancing down to your peacefully sleeping face against him and smiled, love overwhelming him.
"Sleep tight, baby girl" He whispered as his thumb brushed over your cheek and his lips got closer to yours in a soft, feather-like kiss.
The next morning you were the first one to wake up and you were all smiles while staring at him sleeping deeply. You would have liked to see that relaxed expression on his face everyday because that meant everything was okay. His slightly parted mouth caused your smile to grow even wider. God, what if your baby looked exactly like him? He would have been the most gorgeous baby ever.
That thought sent a shiver down your spine as well as goosebumps all over your skin. The journey you were going through bigger than you and a constant rollercoaster.
You leaned down carefully, in order not to wake him up, to place a first gentle kiss against his lips then a second one on his forehead. Stop looking at him was impossible as he looked like an angel while fast asleep, he needed some well deserved rest with the hectic life he had to face everyday. You brushed his exposed tattooed arm before leaving and closing the door behind you.
"Good morning sweetheart" Debbie cheerfully welcomed you in the living room as you were making your way down the stairs.
"Hi everyone" You smiled back, taking your seat at the table.
"Is your baby daddy still asleep?" Lewis teasingly asked you, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Nobody knew about those two nicknames, baby mummy and baby daddy, you secretly used for each other but his brother somehow knew it and you couldn’t help but blush violently.
"Lew really? Mind your own business"
He chuckled, hugging you and pressing a kiss against your cheek.
"She knows I'm just joking"
"Don't ever let it slip out of your mouth in front of him" You playfully warned him.
"You should have been quieter the other day…but don't worry, I won't" He winked mischievously: he wouldn't have missed the chance to tease Mason for the world.
"Debbie, I was wondering…" You felt a little embarrassed to ask for it out of the blue but you didn't stop thinking about baby Mase since last night.
"Yes, love?"
"How was Mason as a baby? I saw a few pics of him but tonight I started wondering how he was really like"
"Oh dear, he's the same as he's now: always happy and smiley…but I'm biased"
You and your mother-in-law shared a laugh and in that moment she read your mind asking you if you wanted to see some pictures. In a few minutes photo albums were sprawled all over the table, Summer looking curious about who that boy was and she squealed in surprise when her mum told her it was her beloved uncle Macey.
You were all smiles while looking at those pictures of him kicking the ball around, wearing a Brazil jersey. Then you all bursted out laughing when Debbie showed you a pic of him in a silly Halloween costume. 
"Look at him! That's the man you're having a child with" Lewis joked.
"And so? He's so cute!" Your cheeks were aching from all the smiling you had been doing that morning. The love you were surrounded by was thr most valuable thing ever, it was like living in a little bubble of happiness.
Your heart shattered when your glance fell on some pics of newborn Mason, in his cot, fresh from the hospital. 
"He was so tiny" His mother recalled with the most loving expression on her face.
"I wonder if our baby will look like him…"
"I hope not!"
"Lewis come on!"
"Yes, I mean I think he will be the perfect mix of you two"
"Well, I hope he doesn't have our nose at least"
"Why?? I love your nose…okay that sounds weird"
Your line made everyone laugh but you really meant it, you thought one of Mason's sexiest features was his nose which made his side profile irresistible but you couldn’t state it in front of his family, of course.
"I think he'll be like Mason's carbon copy, you will birth his twin" Jaz joked, holding the photo album in her hands.
"That's a bit scary" You chuckled, still fantasising about what your future baby boy will look like. “I mean, he will be a beautiful baby if he takes after Mason but, I don’t know…”
“That’s okay love, a baby is a major shift in a couple’s life so you still have to wrap your head around it. The important thing is that he’ll be a healthy baby”
“Yeah mum but he’s also has to be a beautiful baby”
“Oh Lewis, really? Stop with all that nonsense” You all giggled at his joke as Jasmine playfully scolded him before stopping as Mason entered the room.
"Fuck, I can't believe you're really doing this" He whined with his voice still raspy from sleep as he got downstairs, getting closer to the living room table where Debbie was sharing with you all those memories printed on film.
The morning light was too bright for him to keep his eyes open so the sight of him strugglingto keep his eyes open to the sunlight, his messy hair made you soft.
“Uncle Macey!!” Summer squealed as soon as her favourite uncle came in sight.
“Watch your language, honey” His mum admonished him softly.
“You were the most beautiful baby!”
“There’s some embarrassing things I’d rather you not see” 
“Oh Mase, we all had embarrassing moments during our childhood”
“Well, I hope you never had that Justin Bieber like haircut, at least” Lewis made fun of his younger brother referring to those pictures of him at Chelsea academy where he had longer hair.
His jab made everyone present in the room laugh except for Mason who matched his sleepy eyes with an annoyed grin. He loved being in your company as family was the most important thing to him but he didn’t expect to find you all gushing over him or laughing at funny pictures of him while he was still asleep and unaware.
“Good to know that I’m a joke to you, you’re just jealous of me because I’ve always been the coolest baby in the family”
“Summer is the coolest in the family, aren’t you baby?” Jaz asked his own daughter, making her giggle.
“I was the one in my time” He muttered, sipping on his coffee.
He was still a child sometimes and that never failed to make you smile, that side of him was so endearing to you.
You pressed a soft kiss against his shoulder before laying your head on it. Mason moved his head to look at you, smiling against your hairline before leaving a peck there.
“How are you? Did you sleep well?” He asked considerately, his hand already reaching for your bump under the table.
“Yes, he kicked a bit more than usual but I’m fine”
Mason smiled and pressed a kiss to your temple, before stealing one of your chocolate cookies from your plate as they were the craving you woke up with that morning.
"You broke our vow"
"What vow?" You didn't know why but his serious tone frightened you, did you really break some promise you made him, hence making him angry?
"The one about my baby pics so no more massages for you"
"But I'm in pain! My whole body aches" You whined as he giggled, getting slightly on your nerves. “You can’t be this mean”
"You should have thought about it, hun" He bit on the biscuit as you were clearly falling apart as the hormones were taking over you. The mischievous smirk plastered on his face made your blood boil, nothing about what was going on was funny to you and he was there laughing at you?? That was so inconsiderate you expected him to be a little more careful with you .
"Stop being mean to me" Tears started rolling down your cheeks as you tried to defend yourself from his attack but your hormones decided you had to make it more dramatic than it actually was so trembling was added to your cry.
Jaz and Debbie glared at him even though he was already by your side comforting you.
“Hey babe, what’s wrong? I was joking!” Mason was seriously worried for you, he feared he might have hurt you for real. The fact that you wouldn't look at him but just keep your teary stare down while sobbing made his heart break: all of that was because of him, that was the worst thing.
"Shut up, Mase" 
"But I was just joking! Babe come on, you know it" He tried to get closer to you but his sister pushed him away. 
"Let her breathe for a moment"
"I just want to make sure she's alright!"
"She'll be, love but just let her take a breathe for now" His mum tried to aak him more kindly than his sister did.
Mason was about to snap at his mother and sister but instead he decided it was better to count to ten to let his anger blow off before doing something he would have regretted. As a consequence, he went to finish having his breakfast in the kitchen, as you probably needed some time for yourself or some girl time as his mum and sister were still by your side consoling you.
His heart couldn’t take the sight of you crying, he couldn’t let you be in that state and go so he ignored what his mum asked him and came back in the living room to show you he would have always been there no matter what.
Mason stood behind your chair and lowered himself to hug you, letting his arms wrap around your shoulders.
His nose tickled your ear and your cheek as well as his breathing over your neck. It was the best feeling in the world to have him that close to you.
He sighed before placing a lingering kiss against your temple.
“I’m sorry, you’ll still get all the massages you want” He started whispering sweet nothings into your ear so only you could hear him as what you were sharing was an intense moment of love.
You smiled and let out a weak laugh as an answer to his words while all his family, who was still sitting at the table with you, got up to leave the privacy such a moment would need.
“I would never hurt you, never. I love you so much, you and and the baby are my everything. We're gonna spend the whole day looking at ridiculously tiny, cute clothes for him and I'll keep quiet the whole time, I swear” He joked and you could feel the grin that had been forming on his lips through his voice.
Mason’s speech brought tears to your eyes, happy ones this time as your heart was bursting with love for him.
“I love you, I love you”
You smiled, placing your hands over his arm still around your figure and took a deep breath.
“I love you too, Mase. So much”
You shared a moment of meaningful silence then, him giving you some kisses every now and then.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, placing a kiss on his forearm before he broke the embrace to help you up from your chair.
“What about going for a walk? Uhm?” He asked you, his eyes a bit shiny.
“Yeah but what about the Xmas shopping your mum -”
“Forget about that, we’re going baby shopping” He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows. “I’ll tell her now, don’t worry and don’t worry about letting her down, I know you” He smiled and you smiled back at him as it was what really was crossing your mind right now and he knew that, he always knew everything flashing through your mind. He was amazing.
“Okay, I’ll go get ready then”
“Good girl”
“Don’t tease now” You whined in a whisper as you didn’t want no one from his family to hear you begging him not to call you what he would do in bed as it would have been highly embarrassing as it happened with the baby mummy/baby daddy moment earlier.
The moment you entered your shared bedroom to get some warm but comfy clothes to wear you let out a loud sigh as if you could finally let go of all the tension built up that morning.
Your eyes fell then on the eternity ring on your finger. That shiny circle around your ring finger somehow calmed you down, as if it reminded you how your love for him was the most important thing in your life and that challenging moment you were going through was just something temporary that didn’t deserve your time nor your energy and that shouldn’t have spoiled your relationship with him, even though you were perfectly aware you being rather whimsical wasn’t something you were doing on purpose.
You also knew he knew that and loved you no matter what. You were still his baby girl after all and nothing would have changed that.
“Baby girl, you ready to go?”
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
Jeff is one of my favorite characters and I think we should start a post of all our favorite Jeff headcanons. He and Freak get left out in almost every Eddie-centric fic I read, with his "best friend" being either Gareth or Chrissy, and I'm tired of it. Jeff is wonderful. Here's my hc's:
- Jeff and Eddie have been best friends since middle school. They started CC and Hellfire together.
- they went to the Snowball together and rigged the bubble machine to spew bubbles during the slow dance songs. The dance had to end early and Jeff and Eddie never got caught
- Jeff's parents loves Eddie. They used to have sleepovers at each other's place almost every weekend.
- Jeff was the first person Eddie came out to. Jeff tried to be surprised and "that's great, man, thanks for telling me!" But Eddie saw right through that.
- Eddie is afraid of geese and spiders. Jeff thinks this is fucking hilarious.
- post-Vecna, Jeff is the one Eddie reconnects with first. Eddie tells him everything, despite the NDAs and Steve's warnings. Jeff believes him, because he knows there's wacky shit going on in Hawkins, and he's seen Eddie's wounds.
- they have that kind of friendship that nothing can break. Even if they don't see or talk to each other for years, because Life Happens and people lose touch, they'll always have part of themselves carved out for their best friend.
Ok, that's all I got for now, and sorry for the long ask! I just love Jeff so much and he (and Freak, too, because Freak gets ignored because of fatphobia) deserves just as much love and attention as Gareth gets.
What are your Jeff and Eddie headcanons?
I am loving this Jeff love and your headcanons, thank you so much for sending this to me!!! <3
I think with Unnamed Freak things are a bit different bc, yaknow, he doesn't have a name. For me at least that makes me hesitant to write about him so I don't wanna go as far as to say it's all bc he's fat (even though I'm not gonna deny that that probably also plays a part in how popular he is in this fandom urgh). Anyway, yes this fandom certainly does Jeff dirty. I think it's this gross combination of racism and people copying a lot from already existing stories, characterizations and headcanons without much critical thinking of their own (which baffles me, if you're creative enough to write a story please use that creativity for some originality ffs). Anyway, this is gonna turn into a rant again can you tell I'm still annoyed? so let's turn to something more positive now, like my headcanons for our beloved Jeff:
He was the first person in Hawkins (after Wayne obviously) that Eddie got close to. For Jeff it was kinda the same, being a black, nerdy boy in this town had been very isolating for him and Eddie was his first real friend.
Unnamed Freak made their duo into a trio a bit later. All the others in the group (including Gareth) were Eddie's "lost little sheepies" who he sought out to protect. This means that Jeff and Unnamed Freak are the only people who don't borderline worship Eddie but see him (and love him) for who he is including all his flaws. They're also the only ones not afraid to call him out on his bullshit.
Jeff's mom is really cool. Her name is Pauline and she's not like Jeff at all (she was a cheerleader in high school). Despite their differences they love each other a lot. (Jeff's mom is actually heavily featured in one of the fics I wrote so I got her all fleshed out lmao)
He has two little twin sisters. They're friends with Erica, one of them is one of her friends we meet in the mall in s3. He has this typical hate-love relationship with his sisters: they fight a lot, but at the end of the day, he would die for them.
While he can't wait to get out of Hawkins and to a place that'll be more accepting of him, he doesn't want to move too far away from his family.
He's the most loyal friend in the world, 100% a ride-or-die kinda guy
While he does love metal a lot, his guilty pleasure is Tina Turner
Tell me all your Jeff headcanons i wanna hear more about him!
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iamyouknow-yours · 7 months
Marcel is a Mikaelson. He does not have to call himself a Mikaelson as he is fully within his rights to denounce the very toxic family but he is one.
I hate the way the show treated him, I hate the way the characters treated him, and I hate that he is involved with Rebekah. I hate the way he and Hope are only kinda sorta siblings.
1. The show:
So we know Julie Plec is very much a white liberal. We know this. We know she has sexism issues, we know she has racism issues (black women will save us all, really Julie????). I don't know which of her multitude of biases made her (and the rest of the writers) think that the way they wrote Marcel and the Mikaelson's relationships with him, was normal (or like normal in the context of the show). But boy howdy.
The plantation house. We're just going to have the Mikaelsons move into the house where Marcel was owned as a slave????? That's what we're gonna do?????? And where his abusive biological father lived and y'know, abused him. Fucking what the fuck?? I feel like this just epitomises the way the show treats Marcel.
2. The characters:
The family never treats him as part of the family unless they want something from him.
They did not raise him as a son and it is weird and terrible and he was a child!!!!! Why did you adopt him if you didn't want a child???
Why is Klaus so scared of having Hope if he's already had a child?
Why does Klaus treat Marcel the exact same way Mikael treated him just because they're not blood related?? (if they actually explored this it could have been interesting but no they just only half treat Marcel as a Mikaelson).
YOU'RE TELLING ME THEY DIDN'T CHECK?? THEY DIDN'T CHECK HE WAS DEAD????? Not once in the 80+ years did Klaus or Elijah go back to New Orleans or even send someone to fucking check that his SON was really dead??? Didn't think to do that???? No???
3. Rebekah:
Oh my god what do I even say about Rebekah?
They could have at least made her be daggered for the time when he was a child and only meet him when he was already an adult and a vampire because that way she's only technically his aunt and not a full fucking adult who saw him grow up!!!!!!!!
Idk man, they were siblings. Let them be siblings. The whole thing in Legacies where the Mikaelsons just kind of left Hope alone? Weird. Bonkers. Batshit. I know it's because they couldn't get the actors but maybe think about that before writing your fucking show my guy.
Or in TO where Hope was just left alone and Klaus was not there as a dad for like 5(?) years.
Hayley was the only good parent on The Originals or Legacies canon, fight me.
(side note, you're telling me Caroline would leave Alaric, Alaric, an alcoholic, vampire-hating, weirdo (Caroline and Alaric being romantically involved briefly WAS WEIRD GUYS, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HE USED TO BE HER FUCKING TEACHER) in charge of the school for supernatural children??
You're telling me she left him in charge of parenting Lizzie and Josie?? Yeah okay sure.
And look how well that turned out. Locking teenagers in goddamn prison worlds, excellent headmastering there Alaric well done. And just swell parenting of the twins. Favouring Hope over them at all times and letting them bully each other weirdly for years and allowing your mentally ill children to just get more mentally ill from your parenting. Great moves. Very good.
Okay Legacies rant over)
Yeah okay my whole rant is over I think.
TL;DR: Marcel deserved better.
(and so did the kids on Legacies.)
Also PSA, the only reason I have so many feelings about this is because I like the freaking shows okay? I like the characters (except Alaric and Damon and the ones we're supposed to dislike like Mikael and Esther).
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raphmybeloved · 10 days
Just In Case
Recently been thinking about @idiot-mushroom ‘s TTNM iteration and this idea just wouldn’t leave me alone.
TW: unsafe driving, death threats, child endangerment, talk of child death
Raph hates when his Dad does this in the car. At least when he has his outbursts at home Raph and his siblings can hide to some level. There’s nowhere to hide in the car, no way to tune things out.
“You are so ungrateful! I have raised you! Fed you clothed you!” Only one hand is on the wheel but it was asking Dad to drive safely that had started this rant so all the children kept their mouths shut. “I could have drowned you in the bath, you know? But I did not!”
“I could crash this car!” Splinter continues to rant , his voice reaching that dangerous pitch that his children are all too familiar with.
“I could kill us all right now and no one could stop me, no one could blame me. But I do not because I am a good father and I expect the respect a good father deserves.” The rat glares at them in the rear view mirror, swerving whether from lack of focus or intentionally Raph isn’t sure.
Raph is glancing in the rearview too, it’s her only way to check up on her brothers and she watches Donnie freeze, watches Mikey and Leo grab each other's hands so hard it looks like it hurts.
Raph watches because she can’t do anything else. Stuck riding shotgun he can’t comfort his brother, can’t make her father do better, be better. All she can do is witness.
Later when the car is parked on the street and they are safely (more or less) back in the apartment they don’t talk about it. If they say something, if they talk about it then it's real and none of them are ready for it to be real. Instead they all crowd around Don’s laptop in the twins room and watch youtube video game theory videos until they fall asleep.
For the next week Donnie is too afraid to ride in the car. They don’t say it directly but they start turning down errand runs, 2 am fast food trips, even visits to April.
Raph starts collecting fare cards she sees in the street. Most of them are duds but some have a few bucks on them, enough for a bus ride or two. They all go into a duffel under his bed.
The duffle under her bed has been there for years. It’s old with the initials of a stranger monogrammed on in a script that’s hard to read.
It’s one of the many things that Raph tries not to think about. It’s there just in case but if Raph doesn’t want to think about what ‘just in case’ means.
He adds items to it periodically, cash, granola bars, toiletries. It’s hidden as it slowly fills over time. Raph isn’t sure what she’ll do when it’s full.
A month later Donnie is able to ride in the car again, at least when Raph is driving. Raph keeps collecting fare cards though, just in case.
Just in case.
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honeymark · 2 years
𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒏𝒄𝒕 𝟏𝟐𝟕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ㅡ
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click 〔 here 〕 for the maknae line.
˗ˏˋ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 :: hi miss soojin ! could u write smth ab 127 comforting their insecure gf ? thank u so much ! ´ˎ˗
⇢ 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐈𝐋 never really thought much about his self-esteem, so coming home and finding you balled up on the couch with a pair of jeans crumpled on the table certainly leaves him stunned. he nearly trips on his feet as he runs over to you and immediately cups your cheeks in his hands as he asks if you’re okay. he carefully wipes away the hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you quietly reveal that you no longer fit into your favorite pants. he waits for you to finish admitting the insecurities you hadn’t even realized you were holding in, but each word that you confess only deepens the sorrow hanging heavily on his chest. “y/n,” he starts, taking your hands into his. “honestly, to me, your weight is the least interesting thing about you. you’re bright, you’re considerate, you’re so funny you make me laugh until i’m crying on the floor. i could go on forever.” he presses a kiss to your knuckles before gathering you into his arms. “being with you fills me to the brim with joy i’ve never felt before. i love you the way you are, y/n.”
⇢ 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍𝐍𝐘 is more than happy to lend you his ears (and his lap) after you come home from another draining day at your new job. he listens attentively as you rest your head on his thighs and elaborate on how inadequate you feel in comparison to the other fresh recruits, but he squeezes your cheeks when the conversation spirals into a self-deprecating rant. “hey, you better watch it. that’s my best friend you’re talking about,” he jokingly warns you. the sudden gesture is enough to disrupt your destructive train of thought, and you can’t help but smile as you sit up and climb on top of his lap in a warm hug. you murmur a quiet “thank you” as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, and the night ends with tender kisses as johnny lists out all of the qualities he loves about you.
⇢ 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐆 knew that fatherhood was going to be exhausting, but he didn’t expect to be on the verge of collapsing within the first two weeks. he also understands that whatever he’s going through is just a fraction of what you’re experiencing, so he can’t help but tear up as he watches you fall deeper and deeper into despair. “i can’t fucking do this. i’m not cut out for this, taeyong. i feel like i’m going crazy, and i just can’t do a single thing right. i’m already a terrible mother,” you manage to huff in between sobs, after finally getting your twins to fall asleep. 
he envelopes you in a warm, secure embrace, and he presses a kiss to your forehead as he caresses your back in soft circles. “you’re doing your best, and that already makes you a fantastic mother, y/n,” he tells you, gently. “this is a completely new experience for both of us, so of course we aren’t going to be perfect parents right off the bat. it’s okay to struggle. i’m right here with you, i promise. be compassionate with yourself, honey. you deserve it.” 
⇢ 𝐘𝐔𝐓𝐀 showered you in so much affection that you usually didn’t have any room left in your mind to entertain insecurities or negative comments. unsurprisingly, you never really understood why some people became so fixated on their partners’ exes. until now. 
two days have passed since you came across yuta’s ex’s instagram page, and since then, an awful ache has been churning in the pit of your stomach. anyone with eyes could tell that the two of you are polar opposites ㅡ in looks, in style, in seemingly everything. out of sheer anxiety, you’d bought a couple of outfits that definitely leaned more towards her aesthetic than your own, and it doesn’t take long for yuta to notice the shift in your appearance. he’s quick to point it out, and you’re just as quick to confess the thoughts that’ve been hanging on your heart. he offers a kind smile, then leans in for a warm kiss before pulling you into a tight hug. “y/n, i love you for you. for the way your silly brain works. for the way you treat other people. for the way you work so hard for your goals. i mean it. i love you, whether you’re wearing this, your usual clothes, or no clothes at all.”
⇢ 𝐃𝐎𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 has always understood your determination to succeed, so he isn’t surprised when he wakes up and finds you hunched over at your desk, typing away at your laptop. he reaches his arms above his head in a stretch, then mindlessly slips out of bed and sleepily shuffles over to you. he asks you why you’re still awake, and you stifle a yawn as you recite a complicated summary of your night. he presses a chaste kiss to the top of your head before attempting to lure you to bed, but the way your voice breaks as soon as you start talking about how you’re “behind” compared to your peers is enough to shake him from his initial intentions. “y/n, you aren’t behind at all,” he tells you, after swiveling your chair to face you directly. “i know it’s hard not to compare yourself, but the pace you’re working at is fine. you’re already doing a great job, y/n, really.”
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chongoblog · 1 year
Okay this was originally just gonna be a silly addition to a shitpost but I'm dedicating a whole ass post so I can gush about The Prestige (2006), which is my favorite movie of all time.
Before I go into it, here's what it's about. Some of you may be familiar with the plot of The Prestige, but for those of you who aren't, do not be alarmed, the summary that you're about to read is considered safe. And any spoilers are after the read more.
The Prestige is a movie directed by Christopher Nolan, who also did Memento, Inception, and Dark Knight, which are all also incredible, but I'll save rambles on those for a later day or for a white guy who makes film-based video essays on Youtube. The story revolves around two rival magicians played by Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, leading to it being called "Batman vs. Wolverine: Magic Edition ft. David Bowie". Oh yeah also David Bowie is in this as Nikola Tesla. The movie opens with a magic show that ends with the death of Wolverine, with Batman being the primary suspect. The story is framed as Batman reading through Wolverine's diary in jail as they attempt to learn one another's tricks.
Just like any magic show, learning the secret to the tricks reframes parts of the movie, so I'm putting the actual analysis behind this spoiler cut. If you haven't seen The Prestige yourself, PLEASE find a way to watch it. I can't recommend it enough.
Okay, now that the noobs are gone, I'm gonna refer to them by Angier and Borden instead of Wolverine and Batman. And now that you know the twist because you TOTALLY didn't open the read more without watching it, we'll call the surviving Borden twin "Fallon", since the difference between the two twins is a very big part of the movie.
Before I go into anything I'm gonna say this miscellaneous thing because I literally just realized it after loving this movie for YEARS. This story contains the feud of two visionaries who constantly sabotaged and stole from one another while they tried to do amazing things in their field, and such a feud led to some significant violence. But anyway, enough talking about Tesla and Edison, let's get onto the actual story of Angier and Borden. (As snarky as that comparison was, it really adds to the speeches Tesla gives Angier, along with the parallel between cats and birds but thats a whole other rant)
One thing I adore about the movie is that it addresses a theme of sacrifice in exchange for spectacle. Sacrifices had to be made in order to put on a show. Borden obviously knew this perfectly well, since he was actively playing out that sacrifice. But Angier was obsessed with discovering a way to bypass that sacrifice. You can see this with how Borden's far less bothered by killing birds while Angier has Cutter create contraptions to save the birds. Angier begins to understand the sacrifice while using a double, but even the sacrifice of being under the stage while the audience applauds is too much for him. In the end, Angier DOES sacrifice, but also doesn't. His sacrifice isn't half of his life in the way Borden/Fallon's is (with each one living half of a life), but living half of the life by way of Russian Roulette (with entering the machine either killing him or letting him live his full life). Ironically the "die or live a full life" thing comes back for the Borden/Fallon combo in the end.
And you could be forgiven for thinking that perhaps since Angier is attempting to find a way to create spectacle without harm, he's in the right here. After all, in the end, the only thing he's truly sacrificing is himself. While Borden/Fallon's lifelong sacrifice had a dramatic impact on Sally and Olivia (the two main characters who truly did nothing wrong and did not deserve this), if Angier just did this trick and called it a day, it wouldn't hurt anyone except his own clones, which seemed to accept the coin flip. But the other aspect of Angier (and to a somewhat lesser extent Borden, and to an WAY LESSER extent Fallon) is obsession with being the best. And in terms of that particular theme, I think that the film says all it needs to about that.
I'm sure I could go on, but I've spent the last few days adding more and more to this draft so I figure I should just let it go into the world. I love this movie so so much you guys.....
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prototypelq · 2 months
vergil for the ask game?
thank you and @river-muse for asking about the series #1 Motivated Loser!)))
favourite thing about them
First place - his inner softness. Vergil is very much his momma's boy, he is emotional, touchy, and he loves with his whole heart, he loves so much that he is scared of the feeling consuming him whole. I thrive on seeing him simply be the older brother, father (and adopted uncle) figure that he wishes to be.
Honourable mention: just how Iconic he is. Vergil is THE anime katana wielder, he is THE Storm That Is Approaching, he is THE Rival Videogame Boss, he will kick your ass into Easy mode without breaking a sweat. Dante is an iconic protagonist for sure, but Vergil is one of THE Videogame Bosses Of All Time and that position is absolutely deserved. And, y'know. He is super fun to fight.
least favourite thing about them
V(ergil). I appreciate all the character development we got out of that time, but I also firmly believe it could have been achieved in other ways, plus V(ergil) just makes the story completely unrelatable. Dante faces human trauma and human struggles. Vergil faces those same problems, however, his path through them is an emotional mess human (and fans') experience cannot account for. For me, that dampens the emotional investment in the story, especially considering how much simpler, but no less impactful in Dante's in comparison to Vergil.
DisHonourable mention: 'Dreams of a black throne I keep on repeat' and 'Call me your majesty' lines from BTL and Fire Inside respectfully. None of those lines fit Vergil at all, and they only further the ginormous amount of misconceptions about him.
(I do adore the demonic pet therapy tho, it was adorable)
favourite line
'We've got plenty of time' (watch me bawl till final stage of dehydration to this)
I mean, it's in the name. Sparda Loser Twins, my beloved. I also completely support every opinion that Vergil will get along with Trish, Lady, Nico and Patty just fine.
I admit, I am intrigued by Vergil/Lady, I think they can have something good together. They both seek challenge, and could provide it for each other (by challenge I also mean just generally new experiences, I don't mean they have to fistfight each arguement). I can see them together in some post-dmc3 AU scenario, but also. Surprisingly. Post-dmc5. Cause Lady very much needs to retire if she wants to live any longer than she has, and Vergil has known nothing but violence for his entire adult life (which is also not much). Post-dmc5 both need to learn how to handle peace times, and this parallel is what I can see driving them together in this setup. Again, I think they can have something nice, also probably much sweeter than in post-dmc3 version.
nOTP fucking incest
random headcanon
Vergil is a freakin romantic to the core. He likes reading, he would enjoy himself in an art gallery, I think he would also like visiting theater and/or musicals. This man forced himself to weaponise his nerdiness and I'd love to see him slowly, badly, but surely, letting go and just enjoying himself and different hobbies. Also, just a totally random thing - I think he'd enjoy pottery (after he breaks a few dozen mishapen figures first, of course)
unpopular opinion
I doubt I can come up with something more unpopular than my previous rant about V(ergil)
song i associate with them
I have a few actually! Vergil would love Bring Me To Life and I Am Right About This. I can also see him enjoying Break The Silence.
This track is an absolute BLAST, and I have a concrete vision that Vergil would like to learn and play it. This vision was extended by the brainrot into Dante hearing the track, loving it, then bringing himself and Nero along to play the song (just don't ask me how, I have counted at least four different instruments, and it either means Dante and Nero have to switch drums and base guitar mid-song, or that Vergil and Dante have to switch on the guitars). This song is just so beautiful, and I think the losers will have an amazing time playing it together.
Musical Spardas, one of my most critical of weaknesses.
also I wish there was a way to mod Kitsune Dance to be the M19 bossfight music. beautiful song, it has very distinct musical phases which would easily match the fight escalation, and it just sound much more fitting for Vergil than the in-game track.
favourite picture of them
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this is one of those pics where the context of the original shot was painful, but the resulting image looks wholesome as hell and I love it. (pls share source if you know it)
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alwaysinstyle · 19 days
A Long-Overdue RANT Girlies Appreciation Post
Tonight feels like the perfect night to tell you how much I love you all, and I apologize in advance for the length of this post.
~ Nina ~
My precious Pastel Woods outfit hype-woman who’s always ready to Style Carry™️ me onto the battle field, deceive the enemies with her iconic mermaid hair extensions and then KICK SOME ASS for the both of us. Darling, if your Pinterest board is any indication, you have me absolutely figured out and it is both hilarious and iconic. You are for real my Kenny-coded friend’s evil twin and I know without a doubt that you two would go full GTA mode on the NPC bad drivers to bring me an iced coffee (from ANYWHERE but the Bad Vibes Café). Speaking of which, I hoping you’re treating yourself to an iced chai, because you deserve it, you gorgeous and talented REAL author who I adore. Thanks for climbing up on stilts to give me a kiss on the cheek whenever I’m feeling down. Your constant kind words mean so much to me and yes, you did make me cry actual tears when you called me your IRL Superhero. Your dear Wal-Mart Taylor Swift sends all the love in the world.
~ Teri ~
Scary Teri, my favorite Ten Ferrets Stacked in a Trench Coat, my fellow road rage gal who loves screaming in the car as much as I do. I can’t even tell you how much I appreciate you for biting the bullet and being the Cartman friend with whom I can make THE darkest jokes and tell THE darkest stories (and, of course, exchange graphic jump-scare surgery pics) without scaring you away. At the end of it all, you still tell me I’m vibrant and resilient, and that warms my heart more than I can express. Thank you for allaying my fears of becoming a Cynical Asshole (formal diagnosis as you all know). Thank you for making me feel strong when I feel weak. I look forward to many, many more unhinged conversations and overly analytic beta reads of your spectacular fics. I do, in fact, still expect to receive a package containing the buckets of tears I have harvested through Hourglass.
~ Riley ~
My dearest WARRIOR, sword-wielding protector Riley, co-sponsor of the Style Carry™️ who makes me spontaneously combust with everything she writes. We come together to form one joint Whump Deity as the Queen of Injury Fics and the Queen of Sickfics, and I love that everyone on ao3 GENUINELY lumps us together as one being. I don’t blame them since we really do be sharing one brain cell. It kicks ass being each other’s target audience because even with our most self-indulgent shit, mark my worms, the other WILL be absolutely blended. Whenever I’m feeling down, you’re ALWAYS locked and loaded with lizard pics and not to mention graphic illness and injury for my viewing pleasure. Your fics, bedtime stories and sneak peeks that are ALWAYS tacitly solicited bring me such an incredible amount of joy. I mean it. It was the sweet siren call of OJV that brought me to Tumblr in the first place. I am so glad to have come to the dark side and to have become a RANT girly, and I owe that all to you. You are the heart of RANT, dear. Without you we’re just ANT, and ants aren’t even that cool. Thank you so very much for being the ultimate hype gal, for being THE world’s best commenter, for reminding me to take care of Ye Olde Flesh Prison when I’m being terrible about it, and for worrying about me when I’m too stubborn to worry about myself. Your support means the world to me, my dude. Our chats and headcanon dumps have actually been the grounding force keeping me sane (ironically, since we’re so insane about Style). Keep kicking ass and avoiding creepy pizza men, okay? I love you so much and I love being NOT normal together.
@1moreoffkeyanthem @asteria7fics @boxwinebaddie
All three of you, and everyone else on this crazy website who makes me smile, THANK YOU.
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imakemywings · 5 months
2023 Fic Roundup
No one tagged me, I just love doing this to reflect on the year :3 Mostly Silm fic to no one's surprise.
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Total Words Published at end of year: 162,562, which is a huge jump up from 47k last year, something I attribute wholly to having graduated in the spring (not that life hasn't kept me busy since then). This is actually even higher than 2021, when I started doing an end-of-the-year reflection!
Fandoms: Tolkien with a one-off Arcane in there (might have been more if there were more Ambessa requests on the kink meme)
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments): 
Hits: As Little as Might be Thought (555)
Kudos: As Little as Might be Thought (59)
Comments: What the Water Gave Me (64)
New Things I Tried: Not totally new, but I think this was the first year I wrote chaptered Silm fic? I don't usually write fic that long but I got two this year so I'm pleased with that. Also, finally wrote and published Maglor/Thranduil and Maedhros/Thingol after ranting about them in DMs for literal years XD
Fic I Spent the Most Time On: What the Water Gave Me just because it's by far the longest thing I wrote.
Fic I Spent the Least Time On: Let Me Lie on Grasses so Green, but that was probably comparable with the other two fics in that "trio" of parent&child fics I wrote in February
Favorite Thing I Wrote: Honestly I was very happy with how Sandbox Love turned out! It really captured the energy I was going for with Galadriel's possibly-not-totally-sure unrequited (?) crush on Luthien and the realization that Luthien has sort of grown out of their friendship while Galadriel has not.
However I'm also quite pleased with both my Maglor/Thranduil pieces, which were both spawned as brainchildren of me and @meadowlarkx so they have a special place in my heart <3
Favorite Thing(s) I Read: I deserve an award for limiting this to 15 fics shhh no it wasn't originally supposed to be 10
Less Wise by @meadowlarkx - I know I've flailed about this one multiple times this year already, but here we go again. Our brainchild pairing may be unusual, but I would implore you to give it a chance, particularly if you're a fan of either Maglor or Thranduil. Lark's characterizations here are so fantastic and the dynamic between them is so juicy! Maglor trying to redeem herself through service to Thranduil is so compelling!
Berrypicking Time by swampdiamonds - This fic captures the best part of Finduilas/Nienor which is their healing and moving forward together. Both of them are trying so hard to process their own trauma, but they also want to help each other!
It's the Secret That We Keep by Loriand_Lost - Beautiful fic exploring Galadriel’s relationships with both Celeborn and Luthien in Doriath. Absolutely fantastic characterization! And great smut scenes.
The Pleasure of the King by Anonymous - Ahhh this is such a great fic. Azaghal and his wife Khoreti are quite eager to show Felagund the depths of hospitality in Belegost. Absolutely fantastic characterizations and such a fun time for everyone here. Also, origins of Finrod’s nipple piercings ;D
Beware of Women with Beards and Men Without by TheLionInMyBed - Azaghal and Maedhros’ alliance was full of cultural misunderstandings, but they push their way through it. Delightful characterizations here, particularly of Azaghal who gets basically none in canon, and a funny but also touching relationship between them.
Nesting by LiveOakWithMoss - It has great characterizations and a fascinatingly toxic Kidnap Fam dynamic, both between the twins and the Feanorians and between Maedhros and Maglor themselves. The whole thing is delightfully fucked up.
A Poetry Lesson by HewerOfCaves - Gorgeous characterization for Ingwion and I love seeing cocky prince Maedhros in Tirion who’s hot and smart and he knows it. Also, hitting on someone in a library feels like such an incredibly Maedhros move.
You are Coming Down with Me by TheLionInMyBed - Dark comedy look at the Kidnap Fam which takes, imo, a much more realistic look at how unhealthy the situation was for everyone involved, particularly the twins. Excellent characterizations!
Daeron Nails It by Tallulah - I am in LOVE with this little fic, it incorporates so many delightful details about the court in Menegroth. I am so pleased to see I am not the only one picturing Thingol and Melian with the cringiest pet names for each other.
A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaethae - Delicious. Maglor goes to the Havens at Sirion to try to wheedle cooperation out of Elwing, but she is not having it. Their argument takes a interesting turn in private. Love how desperate and pathetic Maglor is here.
A House of Nettles by Ias - Amazing delicious sexy fic where Eowyn becomes haunted by the Witch King–former queen of Numenor Tar-Miriel. It is SO good.
Strength Like a Tower by potatoesanddreams - This fic almost made me cry over a building. Fantastic look at how Elves connect to their environment.
Bite Thy Wings and Let Thee Crawl by @meadowlarkx - I shit you not this fetish porn fic has one of the best theses on Morgoth I've seen in this fandom. Lark displays a particularly deft talent in being able to take what could easily be considered a comical fetish and imbue it with such terror.
And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed - Absolutely obsessed, some of the best Elwing characterization I’ve ever seen. Gorgeous look at Elwing’s relationship with the other refugees of the Havens and at the Feanorians’ dynamic with them. One of the best Elwing fics I’ve ever read.
Shadow of the Evening by RussetFiredrake - Captures that lady knight/noblewoman thing with Arwyn SO well…both characters are so loveable here.
Writing Goals for 2023: Nothing specific. Life is a bit in flux right now so I can't say what I'll have time or energy for.
Tagging: @meadowlarkx @polutrope @swanmaids @illusivesoul @maironsbigboobs @welcomingdisaster @undercat-overdog
Please note you are by no means required to follow my template or include individual fic stats at all! You can just answer the questions if you prefer (❁´◡`❁)
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whateven333 · 3 months
A mature bonkai reunion how would you approach it after or during legacies?
In regards to mature BK during legacies I'm unsure, I've never watched legacies but I know that Bonnie never appears in that show but Kai appears on it and the general opinion seems to be that he was ooc in it
I think something that would have avoided him being ooc in that show, might have been to have him paired in scenes with Bonnie, (but just to clarify I would never actually want Bonnie/ Kat to be anywhere near any of those writers, this is just hypothetically speaking)
I feel that he seemed most true to his character and he had more interesting reactions/ interactions when his character was paired with Bonnie.
I tried looking up Kai's storyline on legacies...but I just didn't really know what any of that was or who other characters were meant to really be except for like Jo's grown up twins and Alaric ? - freakin Alaric man ...anyways
I was so confused, I thought Kai was left chained up in Karaoke Hell prison world or whatever but for some reason in legacies theres all these other random people that were students? Being punished? Alaric sent them there? I think I'm misremembering what I read 😭
I'm sorry for the legacies rant, but since I didn't even watch anywhere close to all of TVD I'm even more confused about what's supposed to be going on with Legacies 😭😭
So im gonna have to leave legacies stuff out of this but for mature BK -after the events of TVD but ignoring the part where they randomly sent Bonnie off to Africa:
I'm thinking we have Kai in his Karaoke prison world, he's all bitter and angry and half-dessicated.
We have Bonnie, who on the outside seems to be doing good, maybe she's found some distant Bennett relatives, so she moves to where they are, it's a quiet town, there's a local witch community who her relatives introduced her to, she keeps in touch with the gang from Mystic Falls from time to time, all seems to be going well, but maybe too well ?
Maybe she's a little bored ? For the majority of her life she's been in the centre of so much mayhem, whether she wanted to be or not. She knows she deserves peace, she deserves to rest. It just seems like she doesn't know how though. She probably wouldn't describe herself as a thrill-seeker, yet she finds herself drawn to other people's problems -the witchy kind of problems that require witchy solutions... and maybe siphon solutions.
She doesn't know many siphoners, to her annoyance, they seem pretty rare and she wouldn't feel right forcing just any of them to do her bidding. Except, she knows one siphoner who she wouldn't feel guilty about ensnaring to join her cause.
And so, she gets him out (we all got that one prisoner we keep locked away in an alternate dimension, guys chill).
And our boy Kai is as vengeful as ever, he will obviously not make this easy for her and Bonnie knows this, so she takes some necessary precautions -a spell to ensure that he is bound to her in some way, but he is still a pretty powerful coven leader (nvm the fact that coven's population is very small now) so the spell comes with some stipulations -she is in turn bound to him.
The spell ensures they're not able to hurt each other past a certain degree, so cue a ton of psychological warfare on both sides as they both try and out-manipulate the other (it turns into a power play sort of situation *wink wink*).
Kinky shenanigans.
I'm done.
(Hi Anon ! I feel there's a chance I may have misunderstood the ask 😖 I'm sorry <3, also I probably went off topic but when do I not lol, Uni has me stressed asf so my brains a little...ugh, so I'm sorry for the delay in response, also this was probs vague as hell -I wanted to come up with something more but this was all I could produce I'm afraid 😭 I hope you don't mind, thank you so much for the ask 💖)
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haknom · 1 year
honestly i used to want to do them sooo bad when i was actively posting on tiktok etc but never had the chance soo... EVERYBODY CHEER HERE THEY ARE!!!! *insert crowd cheering*
here are the awards for tonights show; funniest mutual(s), the one(s) i cherish most, my #1 hater, mutual that only speaks truth, best music taste (the artists we have most in common with), mutual with the best series/fics, the mutuals i look up to the most, the mutual i love hearing life stories from, and lastly, the mutuals i love being around!
let’s start off strong and go with my #1 hater !! 
lately, i’ve been getting sm HATE from my mutuals bc of the jungwon fic i am currently writing and it’s been coming from MANY of them. our nominees (by ME) for tonight are; fee, soph, rei, and diana.... It was really hard choice but. @feeeli wins the award bc tell me why SHE IS SO TOXIC DANGG like cmon bae it was never that serious 💔 we literally went from enemies to lovers so It’s an easy win tbh BUT SECOND PLACE WAS DEF REI LIKE DAMN SHES ALSO TOXIC 😭 i can say one word and i’ll get a “shut up” in response I SWEAR.
now that that little rant is over (love u both sm!!) let’s move onto the second award... the one with the longest name - best music taste (the artists we have most in common with). obviously my mutuals and i stan a lot of similar groups but there is the one mutual who literally. I js adore them for this. ANYWAYS NOMINEES FOR TONIGHT ARE moki, rei, and sia (literally gives the best song recs tbh). Really difficult to choose Once again but this award goes to... @mokiverse !! u don’t know the GASP i let out when i saw that u also love dept on ur carrd. LITERALLY NOBODY KNOWS HIMMM makes me so sad BUT DEF DESERVED THIS dept4life yall ! sia and rei have GREAT music taste esp sias song recs SHADY AND ONE NIGHT >>>> been obsessed since she gave me them!
3rd award of the night is..... funniest mutual(s)!! nominees for this one are rei, soph, flo, sona, sia, mari, diana, yen, sunny, esther, eju ema, sav, fee, and jules!!
no joke.. i wish i could js @ like every single one of my mutuals for this one bc u should see how much they make me laugh under the span of 5 minutes..
hard choice tbh and im Srs abt this one but i’ll try and limit it to at least 5 mutuals 😞 BUT ANYWAYS these 5 mutuals r like IDK They make me giggle, their comebacks r so funny and good, THEIR HUMOR?? dont get me started, and their jokes r js so good. the winners for this award areee @soov @son4taa @hanniluvi @wonieleles @eundiarys and @feeeli (again Ik) GUYS DONT BE SAD PLS if u dont win this is all for fun..... BUT REIS JOKES R SO FUNNY IDK WHY even if theyre directed at me im still gonna giggle.. SIA >>> her dn jokes when i first met her always made me laugh ESP THE CHEWING GUM ONE i forever hold onto it LMAOOO 😭 SONA AND SOPH.
theyre literally twins i swear Bc why do i let out the same three laughs whenever they make jokes. SOPHS SMAUS R SO GOOD AND HER RESPONSES TO EDITS OR REACTIONS TO THINGS LMFAOOO i saw ur reaction to that one edit soph Dont hide “eats my walls” WDYM??? 🤨 and sona is js so funny theres no reason needed. DONT EVEN TRY AND DISCREDIT HER 😒 i giggle sm its unbelievable. FEE!! double award how r u feeling bff!! ever since we met each other under esthers comment section LMAOOO ive always found u funny 😭
okay now for the 4th award “the one(s) i cherish most” No joke. this one is literally impossible idk how i was able to narrow it down 😓😓 but todays nominees areee.........................................................JK U RLLY THOUGHT 🤣🤣🤣 i cherish every single one of my mutuals! theyre all special to me to the point where i cant even separate them into categories nor rank them. BUT ANYWAYS next award guys!
this award is called “the mutuals i look up to the most” once again! this one was acc a hard choice since i look up to everyone but if we’re going by who i admire the most / am inspired by then it’s not that bad. here are the nominees!! sona, soph, rei, sia, yun, yen, esther and sue!! the winner(s) of this award will now be announced. @soov @soobnny @amakumos @hanniluvi @son4taa @yenqa @urszn Funny how they all won the award... BUT FR! yun has been my main inspiration for starting an acc SHOCKING IKK LMAOO and when she followed me back tears formed in my eyes HELP i was so surprised tbh but i admire her sm and enjoy ALL her works! as well as sue! i love sue and when i saw that she followed me back??? i literally SCREAMED.
LIKE THE SUE FOLLOWED ME BACK?? i rarely interact with them both since yk a little too shy to do so BUT YOULL SEE ME IN UR ASK BOXES OCCASIONALLY TRUST ! soph sona yen esther and rei i love them smm IDK WHY BUT they js inspire me to write and continue series i want to discontinue LMAOO support them Now. i will appear under ur covers at night do Not test me rn. 
next award!! “the mutual i love hearing life stories from” easy win tbh. nominees r mari, raven, and rose! AND TBH everyones life stories r so entertaining to hear but theres something abt this one mutual’s life... ESP THEIR LOVE LIFE HELLO???? the winner is.... @aezrali !! LIVE LAUGH LOVE ROSE’S LIFE STORIES. YOU LITERALLY LIVE IN A DRAMAA I SWEAR the asks u used to send me always had me so intrigued no joke. PLS BRING THEM BACK 🙏 still rooting for the second lead btw 🤞
7th award tbh Why am i on a roll. “mutual that only speaks truth” Literally everything this mutual says is agreeable (UNLESS ITS ABT ME AND THIS JUNGWON FIC 😒) this is like the 3rd award this mutual won LOL but tonights nominees areee raven, rei, and soph! but the winner is @soov ! EVERYTHING U SAW ABT THIS FIC IS WRONGGGGG (idk what u say so Dont ask me.) BUT ANYWAYS rei literally speaks truth and adds humor into it SO its an automatic win tbh 🤞 never mess with rei I learned that the hard way...
second last award for tonight isss; mutual(s) with the best series/fics! i’d say i nominated all my mutuals for this one but i do have personal favorites! @amakumos @son4taa @hanniluvi @yenqa @eundiarys !! all their seires and fics r so good. Literally go support them pls 🙏🙏 you’ll see me reblogging their posts A lot. So clearly theyre good 😂
LAST AWARD GUYS!! MUTUALS I LOVE BEING AROUND ! as i said before its impossible to put my mutuals into categories like these but if i HAD to choose i’d say @taejays because they’re very comforting and fun to be around! i enjoy our little chats about fics etc 😁 @wonieleles ever since i met sia i always loved being around her! shes one of my favorite people to speak with or at least have her presence around me.
@redm4ri MY OG BFF!! when we first both joined walmart enhypen we literally connected so quickly?? unbelievable LMAOO but youre so exciting i love u sm @feeeli everyday We shall thank esther’s comment section that brought us together bff 🫶 it’s been like 3 weeks of knowing u and it felt like we’ve known each other since diapers...CRAZY RIGHT IDK WHY BUT IT SHOCKS ME EVERYTIME I THINK ABT IT i love ur company sm and our little secret gc LOLOL forever my #1 rival 🤞
@isoob MY FIRST MUTUAL ON THIS APP. everyday i wake up and i am thankful i met u! we literally fell off for like a good 10 months BUT WHO SAID THAT STOPPED OUR FRIENDSHIP 🤣 LOVE U SM EJU!! @ox1-lovesick ty for sending me that ask during math class! i literally smiled ear to ear when i saw it i was sososooso excited and happy u dont understand LMAOO but i love being around u sm LIKE its js sm fun I MISSED U SM WHILE U WERE ON BREAK THO 💔
and everyone in walmart enhypen! i cant rlly @ everyone before this becomes a whole long fic type post LMAOOO but i adore all of u guys and hope the world treats u best! i always wake up grateful that i accepted that little invite rei posted If not... this post wouldve never been this long tbh LMAOO BUT U GUYS R AMAZING AND SO SWEET I LOVE U ALL!
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ill-say-this-fast · 8 months
Hi! Idk if you're still taking scarletsilver/maxicest asks but I'll just shoot my shot I guess.
Idk if I'm alone in this or not but one of my biggest maxicest headcanons is that if Wanda didn't magically create her twin babies... she still would have had them... with Pietro. (Ya know what I mean).
I know, I know, I know. There's plenty of reasons why it sounds illogical. BUT! I feel like if Wanda never loved Vision (or just said "frick it" and just elopes with her brother) or if she really really REALLY wanted to have babies (the 'traditional' way) and asked Pietro... you know that man is 1000% gonna go with whatever his beloved sister wants whether he likes it or not.
Another reason why is because I want them to raise my boys Thomas/Tommy and William/Billy. Especially our lil speed. Baby boy deserves all the nice things. We already see how Wanda interacts with her boys as their mother-not-mother. But imagine if Pietro was their actual dad and how he would interact with the boys?? So many possibilitiessss
And if Wanda and Pietro did raise them, they would also train/mentor Billy and Tommy with their powers early on which would probably make them more powerful or at least more in control in their powers.
Anyways, sorry for the rant! Just wanna know what you'd think of this headcanon of mine and anything you'd like to add really! :)))
I'm never not taking asks, thanks for sending this!
i love having them all as a family. for tommy especially. the kaplans are good parents, but tommy never got to have that and that sucks because wanda loved him so much the whole time and ughh they could have been happy. i would love more wanda and tommy stuff in canon or otherwise. but i also love pietro being more a part of tommys life. not sure if pietro is more competitive or concilliatory with him? bit of both probably. seeing himself in tommy and whether that creates friction or pride or pity.
like in 616 i feel like they have major old cat vs new hyperactive kitten energy and idk if that would be the same if pietro helped raise him from birth but i do love it. pietro's slightly put-on long suffering exasperation and tommy's overwhelming need to annoy this one guy in particular but underneath pietro's really fond of him and tommy's looking for attention and for someone to appreciate him and care that he exists. but they should also get to have stupid fun at high speeds (and together cause i imagine its usually pretty isolating).
in 616 i go with the headcanon that billy and tommy are pietros genetically, like wanda made them as if they were his, but it was still done magically and he just had to see it from afar. theyre the children she always imagined having, the ones she really wanted. so i have no qualms about just making them fully biologically his in AUs, its the way the rebirths and subsequent life experiences affect their personalities that i have to work around.
im working on (slowly) a 616 post childrens crusade fic where the two of them sort of readopt tommy. and they form this kind of nuclear family but dont talk to each other about it really because theyre all afraid the others will reject it. 100% happy ending they get the family they were supposed to have eventually.
also something i probably wont write but have as an idea. a very lighthearted fox xmen au where billy and tommy exist and theyre like 12-14 and pietro (peter i guess) has to keep juggling his job of Saving the World(tm) with dealing with whatever bullshit the boys have done. like the phoenix force is out of control and we need to do something to stop jean from destroying the world, but billy really wanted to see a dinosaur and now theres a time rift in the garden and pietro cannot let his coworkers find out about his children and their godlike powers, so he's bouncing between some really deep placatory conversation with jean and trying to find enough cages to put all the velociraptors in before wanda gets home and finds the house in a mess.
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idkjustletmescroll · 1 year
ah, nostalgia
So, when I was in elementary school, my sister had this book series called Spirit Animals by various authors, and I picked up the first book and read it and was obsessed for a year or two, then put them down and never thought about them again.
But it’s always nice to revisit your old books, so if you’re in the, like, 5-person spirit animals fandom, welcome! If you’re not, you should be. It’s fun. We get a new piece of fanart every few years. You’ll also be hopelessly confused by this post without having read the books.
Now, in blood ties we meet what I think is one of the most underrated and underutilized characters of the series: Lishay.
What do we really know about Lishay?
It’s basically canon at this point that she and Tarik were in love. Her brother’s dead soon before she meets our main characters. Her spirit animal dies at the end of the book, widely considered the worst thing that could ever happen to you. She’s a native of Southern Zhong (in the book of Shane). Oh, and she and her brother were twins. She’s around Tarik’s age, so middle-aged, probably in her forties or at most, late thirties. Tarik describes her as “one of [the Greencloaks’] finest.”
And you can do so much with just that information!
I would actually go so far as to have her and Tarik be married. This is how you can tell I typed this at midnight and that I have too much time on my hands, but seriously, it makes them more than two greencloaks who maybe have a thing for each other trying to keep four kids alive in the middle of a war; they have lives that they left behind! It makes Tarik’s eventual death and Lishay’s entire existence in the series even more tragic. And think of the old married couple jokes there could’ve been!
She and her brother were twins, and I feel like he maybe deserved more than a single sentence in passing. Maybe her brother and Tarik were also friends, and now they have to both cope with their grief. Maybe Lishay’s used to always having her brother guard her back, so Tarik notices that she fights less effectively without him--two halves of a whole, as the whole ying-and-yang thing goes. And with her spirit animal dying, we open up room for Meilin to have flashbacks in Fire and Ice about Lishay helping her through the grief of losing her own father right in front of her. Part of what makes Lishay’s character so interesting to me is that she’s probably the character we see go through the most and worst losses in the least amount of time. Her homeland is being attacked, she’s under constant physical and emotional stress, and she loses her twin brother and spirit animal in what, two weeks, AT MOST? And then she still has to fight a war?
Lishay is a native of southern zhong and seems familiar with the jungles of that region, so why not have her explicitly be a native OF THE JUNGLES? Make up a tribe for her to belong to. That makes the fight in the jungles more personal, because this is her home. Show her skills at hunting, climbing trees, swimming in the rivers, and archery, etc., skills that you could only pick up in the jungle. Give us a perspective of Zhong that goes beyond Meilin’s rich girl, general’s daughter life; give us women of the jungle who are trained to hunt and fight alongside their brothers, people who live in treehouses or wooden huts. And Lishay is supposed to be one of the greencloak’s finest warriors! Give us a taste of her swordfighting or archery skills that makes her so remarkable. Give her a more crucial role in the final battle; show her being close to other powerful greencloaks, like Olvan and Lenori. 
And in the book of shane, make it undeniably obvious that the only reason he got away was because of the talismans, not because she couldn’t shoot him out of a tree. 
In short, give her the fucking credit.
Anyways. End rant.
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