#upgraded hotel
babble-brooke · 5 months
I love the detail of Vox having a CRT Television in older photos.
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bunnybuns-art · 5 months
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So I have made these redesigns of hazbin hotel characters I'll make more soon
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prince-liest · 16 days
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Honoring @abstractsplat's idea of Alastor absolutely hating the slippery texture of silk sheets, because it just makes sense that Vox would be buying those. All iterations of Alastor cannot pass up the opportunity to mock Vox, regardless of gender. unu
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konaharts · 3 months
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shhh, he's recharging.
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ghostr0tz · 2 months
hi!! first i wanted to say that ur art is so AWESOME and i'm going to start reading unfair circumstances as soon as i send this ask :D
but anyways,, i'd love to hear some of ur heart issues!vox hcs!!1!
(/nf of course!!)
thank you that means a lot!! And thank you for checking out the fic :3!! I don't have a whole lot of headcanons but sure :3!! I feel like with his powers he was just destined for heart issues....
But i feel like his powers would take a hefty toll on him.... iirc one of his monitors was displaying his heart rate during stayed gone....
so he has to watch himself to make sure hes not overworking his body too much....
i feel like he keeps track/records his heart probably daily just to make sure, probably like a portable monitor or maybe figured out a way to internally track it or smething....
His body is wired SO weirdly so he definitely has blood flow issues too.
i feel like he already had issues before coming to hell (and i like the hc that he died of a heart attack ;3 !), but when he got to hell it got so much worse..
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veetowervaporwave · 2 months
It's funny that Vox canonically flies but we don't know if Val does or not. I want to see fanart of them flying together 😭
Though my personal headcanon is that Val can't fly. (He's just so huge and those wings don't look that big. Maybe with demon magic?)
And even though I don't really think moth qualities actually affect him that much in canon, I'm imagining a what-if scenario maybe. Maybe he could before, but not anymore with his antenna damaged? (In the same verse, he can't dance because of that either, at least not like he used to. This isn't even contradicted by canon so far. He mostly stands there while Angel dances around him in Poison and he lets Vox lead and drag him around in the Finale)
Ok now I'm imagining Val taking Vox flying at the beginning of their partnership but now Vox is the one taking him...
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bookshelfpassageway · 2 months
Miles Edgeworth is rocketing in my appreciation levels as I am playing Investigations
this man will not stop ending up in Situations, so far he's been kidnapped, framed, knocked out, passed out, had a guy murdered in his fucking office, and he just matter-of-factly rolls with it like "hm. guess i'm here now. inconvenient i suppose." while sassing everyone around him and being breathtakingly neurodivergent
like I can't screenshot my physical 3ds but i'm going insane over various moments, like him noting a flight attendant's lounge, going "smells like women's perfume. well, there's nothing of interest to me in there" and then immediately hard Zoning Out until someone goes "...you good?"
and this bc i remembered i have a phone camera
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"that's all." MILES
rotating this gay little man and all his mental illnesses
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
My Top 10 Favorite Ships
Happy Valentine's Day! I decided to do a little update on my Top 10 Fav ships list (LINK HERE) cause my opinions have changed. Enjoy! <3
10) Godzilla x Mothra (Godzilla)
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9) Laszlo x Nadja (What We Do In The Shadows)
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8) Rian x Deet (Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
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7) Hak x Yona (Yona of The Dawn)
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6) Donatello x Kendra (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
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5) Hua Cheng x Xie Lian (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
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4) Angel Dust x Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
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3) Branch x Poppy (Trolls)
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2) Vegeta x Bulma (Dragon Ball)
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1) Raphael x Mona Lisa (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
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redladydeath · 3 months
ooo, idea: when we finally get a flashback of vox pre-1970’s, his outfit should be entirely greyscale.
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I know you just finished writing
(Once again it’s fucking AMAZING! A MASTERPIECE! *chef’s kiss 👌*)
But when you feel like you want to do a part two, I have a plot
(You can add or remove things if you want! :D)
Plot Line:
When Vox manages to get out the room that he was in, he feels everyone staring at him (not that they recognise him) and some started to call animal control to get him out of his own tower.
Vox figured out he can’t speak - due to his mouth being malformed and his long tongue - when he sees his assistant, Papermint. Vox tries to get their attention but only a mix of garbled groans, chirps, and chitters would escape his mouth, much to his own surprise.
Vox is big. Like. Really big. Let’s just say, he’s about the size of an elephant. And, when you’re trying to maintain your dignity while also being (quite literally) the elephant in the room.
Also, due to his impeccable security, he gets chased out. After Vox gets kicked out of his own tower, he retreats to an alleyway and tries to rest.
Also, Vox realises that his clothes shredded, (but, let’s just pretend his dick is retractable so that we don’t have to imagine it) and he is left with just his bare scaled body.
Vox also find that he has grown a liking towards raw meat. Idk why it just sounds neat 👁️👄👁️👍
I TRIED. PART 2 (ft. A tired and slightly sick editing Juno)
The dim glow of the room was suffocating. Vox felt trapped, an alien in his own skin, but he couldn't stay here forever. With a grunt of effort, he pushed the door open and lumbered into the hallway, his quadrupedal form awkwardly navigating the narrow space.
As he emerged, the bustling activity of the tower ground to a halt. Employees stopped in their tracks, eyes wide with confusion and fear. Vox's new form cast a monstrous shadow, and whispers quickly turned to alarmed cries.
"What is that thing?"
"Someone call animal control!"
"He shouldn't be here!"
The words stung. He was an Overlord, CEO, the master of this domain, and now he was being reduced to an animal in the eyes of his own employees. He felt the pit in his stomach grow, the weight of indignity pressing down on him.
Vox tried to call out, but his voice was gone, replaced by garbled groans, chirps, and chitters that sounded foreign to everything but his own ears. He struggled to articulate, but the malformed mouth and long, unwieldy tongue thwarted every attempt.
Desperation clawed at him as he saw his assistant, Papermint, across the lobby. If anyone could help him, it would be him. He moved toward him, but his massive size and clumsy gait made the approach slow and painful. His heart sank as he saw the alarm in his eyes, the way he recoiled.
"Papermint!" he tried to say, but it came out as a distorted, pitiful sound. He didn't recognize him.
He couldn't understand the sounds coming from his twisted maw.
Papermint turned to the security team, his voice steady but urgent. "We need to get it out of here. It could be dangerous."
"No!" Vox tried to shout, but his protests were reduced to more incomprehensible noises. The security team advanced, tasers and containment gear at the ready.
Panic surged through him as he backed away, but the narrow corridor made it impossible to maneuver.
He was big, so much bigger than before. His body scraped against the walls, and he felt his claws gouge the floor in his desperation to escape.
The first jolt from a taser struck him, sending a shockwave of pain through his body. He roared, a sound that was more animalistic than he'd ever imagined himself capable of. It spurred him into action, and he barreled through the lobby, scattering furniture and people alike.
The tower doors loomed ahead, and with a final, powerful surge, he burst through them, stumbling out into the cold, unwelcoming city. The cacophony of sirens and shouting faded behind him as he retreated into the shadows of an alleyway, panting heavily.
He collapsed against the wall, the reality of his situation crashing down on him. His clothes, once a symbol of his power and sophistication, were shredded, leaving his scaled body exposed. He looked down at himself, the sight of his bare, monstrous form filling him with a mix of disgust and resignation.
A scent wafted through the air, sharp and metallic, drawing his attention. A pile of discarded raw meat lay near a dumpster, and despite the turmoil within him, a strange hunger gnawed at his insides. It was primal, undeniable.
He crawled towards the meat, each movement a reminder of his new reality. As he bit into the raw flesh, the taste and texture sent a shiver through him. It was abhorrent, yet oddly satisfying, and he couldn't deny the strange pleasure it brought.
Vox lay there, the alleyway cold and unyielding, his mind a whirl of frustration and anger. He had been reduced to this— a creature, a beast in his own city.
For now, he would endure. He would adapt. And he would have to deal with the consequences of this horrific malfunction. How could a simple upgrade go so wrong?
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aviafloras · 2 months
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My silly little take on Vox when he had his CRT head!! :]
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sarcastic-clapping · 1 month
have you ever had luck so good that it made you suspicious? like yes everything happening right now is objectively amazing but like. what, for free? i don’t believe you. why? what steaming turd is god going to dump on me later to balance these scales? sorry but i’m looking that gift horse directly in the mouth i don’t trust like that
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piromantic · 6 days
wtf do you even do if your airline delays your flight and then refuses to book you a hotel. do i just kill myself or
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classificationhell · 3 months
I don't know if this has been asked, but what would happen if the reader disappeared for Alastor, Morningstar, and Fizzarolli/Asmodeus? Like they were kidnapped or something?
Alright so Mourningstar has kinda been answered by them managing to escape because no way is a sinner getting them out. However, I guess we could go with the theory of heaven taking them which heh congratulations you played yourself because he was fine living in hell and not bothering anyone about anything, but they go and pull this maybe as a power play and they made their own worst enemy because while you'd think it might make him extremely docile you just made him snatch fucking Adam in retaliation and send back only one singular exorcist with the message he better get his baby back or else.
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Alastor is concerned, but also partly excited at the prospect of whetting his appetite with whatever urchin who thought they could kidnap his Little and get away with it. This is worse than disciplining on his behalf he's so keyed up that he doesn't even bother dragging them into his shadow. He tells Reader to close their eyes before the giant kaiju tentacle moster he has become drags their captors into his open maw its vicious delight. Will, of course, comfort Reader later.
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For Fizz and Ozzy.... you know that scene from Spirited Away where Yubaba thinks Haku did something to her baby?
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Yeah..... that's both of them, but mainly Fizzarolli is the one losing his complete cool. God forbid they find the ones responsible themselves. However, given that Reader is an imp the situation has to be handled delicately since Reader can die very easily compared to a Sinner. I think they'd employ I.M.P. to help them track down their baby since Blitzø has proven to be at least semi-capable. Fizzarolli still isn't sure because Blitzø can be so blasé at times and his darling little star is out there without them.
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Girlies (gn) when the fucking Homestuck hyperfixiation comes back and now you want to make trollsonas for the other hyperfixiations (SPG and Hazbin Hotel)
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mordecai is the first funny bitch like spends 90% of his time literally just standing there going "i'm dapressed" to himself while everyone in the vicinity takes potshots and then he's clocking in for the night shift where for the next 9 hours people go "god mordecai would it kill you to act like you're having more fun at the [kills you] factory"
#The First Funny Bitch as a phrase from the ''cain was the first funny bitch'' post that i will use with some flexibility. yaknow.#i love going like oh boy a coworker triumvirate. their funny little guy (other duo going ''i want him dead'')#though it's unfair to the savoys lmfao if he's at best sometimes a desk toy to them: they do at least keep calling him babygirl#and giving him special mordecai invitations (by not inviting him) to their hotel room to try to marry him#so if nothing else we do appreciate adding a ton of flair to [afflicting the autistic coworker]#in turn i appreciate that mordecai and viktor's dynamic probably consisted of mutual ''i Do Not Care if my coworker seems weird''#but outside of that; was anyone at lackadaisy aggrieving mordecai with the style & variety that the savoys bring....perhaps not#an upgrade in that realm....and there seems to be Some mutual [i do not care if my coworker seems weird] there again too lol#even while they've all probably been working together like half a week & haven't all worn their getalong sweater long enough#and already mordecai is doing his [not just literally standing there] rogue lone mystery solving deal lmao. wild card that he is#lackadaisy#oh also speaking of [before mordecai went grr i Hate still working here; ripped off the fridge door; went & got a new Hated job]#it's pure bonus comic realm & particularly Elevated Silly Goofs genre at that; but#points for ivy having that Younger Sibling dynamic w/mordecai w/the implication she takes his forbidden condiments index seriously#and like; in general lol not even just a [it's serious when it comes to dealing with this weird guy] way. all the more powerful for that#wait i nearly forgot to mention the hot new otp: mordecai / j.j.#that's right [sad trombone] providing guy. i know enough. first funny bitch 4 first funny bitch.#[guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass] 4 [guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass]#and ofc because it is funny in & of itself. & basically like Your New OC. so much room to maneuver that you cannot crash#also hmm like if your nickname for someone is Maybe ''annoying mf'' does it cancel out....eh#numbers flying around intense focus like everything points to ''hatchet would directly translate to hatchette not petit hache''#and if you mon petit hache it (read this w/such a meter that it all rhymes)#900 tons of restraint not going ''wow this is just like analyzing billions'' & by even saying i've managed to avoid as much; now i haven't
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