wedrawyouroc · 4 years
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Fullbody for @verminator-rex101 by @throughoutthestars
Want to request yourself? Check the bio for the rules!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
This may sound a bit vague, but for the character ask, your all time fave villain.
Oh CRAP. This is hard lmao. But if I really had to pick... 
 It's probably Nephrite from Sailor Moon (90's version of him, I haven't read the manga of seen Crystal). I love that despite him working for Beryl and being evil, he actually learned to love and genuinely cared for Naru. I kinda ship them, but at the same time, I don't haha. But WHY??!?!?!? Why did Zoisite have to kill him?! It's sad, really *sniffles, wiping tear from eye*. 
Thanks for asking!
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angel-blitz · 4 years
More Mysticons concept art finds!!
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@extremely-pearlmethirsty @crisp-sweet-pink-lady @verminator-rex101 @herebeminis (im tagging yall in case tumblr fucks up and hides this fnogii u n9fhf)
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wedrawyouroc · 5 years
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Fullbody for @verminator-rex101 by @moon-wolfie
Want to request yourself? Check the bio for the rules!
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
For the ask game, I don’t know if you have access to Netflix, but if so what are your thoughts on She Ra?
Yes! I do have Netflix, and started watching She-Ra 2018 around last month, and am currently at the beginning of season two as of right now. As for my opinion on it -
Not Familiar | Hate It | Don’t Like It | Indifferent | Like It | Love It
What I like: I really like the colors/aesthetic of the show and the animation style. It almost resembles a comic book, but at the same time, doesn’t, and overall, I just really like it.
What I don’t like: Having to wait forever to find out who Shadow Weaver is. (No spoilers) I’m also on the fence about Catra; don’t hate her, don’t love her either. (Sorry fandom, I know everyone else loves her but I just don’t as much)
General opinion: Overall, I really like it so far, and it has a good premise and story to it. I know I mentioned being a fan of the animation above, but I also like the costuming and clothes that the characters wear. On that note, my favorites so far are, in my top three for girls in order; Glimmer, Adora and Mermista. I also love Seahawk and Bow too, I laugh so hard at that scene of them in the fourth episode of s1. (Friendship goals tbh) As for ships, the only pairings I’m set on so far are Seamista and Glimbow.
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I took forever to answer.
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Since you post about this fandom most often: 001: Miraculous Lady Bug
Okay! (I can’t put it in all at once haha, I’ll post then edit immediately)
Favorite character: Well, if we’re doing my top ten, here they are: Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Kagami, Luka, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, Alix, and Nino. They are my children and I WILL PROTECT THEM.
Least favorite character: Lila and Gabriel. Although Gabriel’s much worse. (Chat Blanc makes me want to destroy him.)
5 favorite ships: Love Square, JuleRose, DJWifi, ChloKim, and Lukagami!
Character I find most attractive: Adrien or Luka. Lucky Mari and Juleka! (I don’t ship Juleka/Luka, don’t worry, I’m not sinful LMAO)
Character I would marry: LUKA LUKA LUKA. IF Mari, Kagami and Chloe don’t want him, I’ll gladly take him NOW, please.
Characters I would be best friends with: Alya, Rose, and Marinette! Along with Max and Alix. (Smart kids ROCK.)
Random thought: I want a Miraculous Ladybug AU with a 90′s Sailor Moon setting. Marinette as Usagi, Alya as Ami, Chloe as Rei, Sabrina as Makoto, and Kagami as Minako. Adrien as Mamoru, Luka as Motoki, Lila as Reika (don’t ship her with Luka), Alix as Naru, Max as Umino, Nathaniel as Jadeite, Kim as Nephrite, Nino as Zoisite, and Marc as Kunzite, Tikki as Luna, Plagg as Artemis, Emma as Chibiusa, Sabine, Tom and Manon as Ikuko, Kenji and Shingo, and Juleka as Setsuna. I only have it planned to season two, however. Better yet, I’m not even finished with season one…. (although from watching themes online, I know that Setsuna/Pluto appears in the second season a few times). Finally, Nathalie as Beryl and Gabriel as Metalia. (I’ll get back to it when there’s more villains.)
Unpopular opinion: I loved season three. Sue me; it was my favorite so far. New Miraculous holders, character development (yes I think so), and we see the Peacock kwami and Chat Blanc? Yes, please! I liked the finale a lot too; and despite my dislikes of Adrigami and Lukanette as ships, it will help the two main characters develop more in the end, and I’m here for it!
Canon OTP: Adrienette/JuleRose
Non-Canon OTP: Lukagami/ChloKim
Most badass character: KAGAMI TSURUGI. Hands DOWN. Dragon Lady can kick butt. Ladybug is a close second, then it’s Rena Rouge.
Pairings I dislike: Ninette, Lukadrien, Marigami, Alyadrien, NathChlo, Tomatofox, Chlobrina, Lukloe, LukaLila, Gabrinette (YUCK), Chlolix (they hate each other, I just can’t see what’s good in it), Kimax (they’re too mismatched, and this is coming from someone who actually likes polar opposite pairings most of the time) and worst of all, Juleka/Luka. Big FAT no on that one.
Character I feel was screwed up/over: Hmm… likely Chloe. Although I do have hope that she’ll be redeemed one day; maybe through a friendship with someone more considerate. I’m hoping for a Luka and Chloe friendship in season four, although that’s just a hope/theory I have.
Favorite friendship: Alya and Marinette for the win!
Thanks for asking!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Who do you think would win in a fight, Ladybug or Dragon Mage?
CRAP. This is hard, but... despite how powerful they both are, Ladybug would likely win. Depending on how fast she moves and the Lucky Charm's power, she could win easily.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Choose between... Anything: Science Fiction or Fantasy
Oops! Sorry for such a late response sksksksksk
Fantasy for sure lol. I haven’t seen much sci-fi in my life, but I do want to write for the genre soon. But for now, fantasy all the way.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
In regards to the “send me a character” thing: Piper
OTP: None
BrOTP: GoldenBrook friendship is the BOMB!! (But I don’t like it romantically lol)
Any other ships: …
Their best friend: Is it bad that I like Piper/Em friendship more than Piper/Zarya? Because I like Piper/Em’s bond much more. So those two are BFFs in my headcanon.
Favorite nickname: Pipes or one I saw myself, Firebird (in regards to her avatar animal being a phoenix). That one’s really cute to me.
Favorite AU of them: Hmm. this fandom’s too small for their to be multiple options for me, but I was thinking of making a Emasey Miraculous Ladybug AU where she was supposed to be Chris (Nino’s little brother, Malkayna is DJWifi in this AU). I find it really funny to imagine her with Chris’s behavior, lol. (Look up the Chrismaster episode to see what I picture)
Favorite outfit they wear: I love Piper’s coronation dress in episode three!
Would I date them: No, but I would 100% adopt her as my child. Give this baby love.
First impression: I expected her to be over-the-top and irritating (basically a Gawayne 2.0), but I’m pretty thankful she isn’t. She almost reminds me of a less-crybaby version of Sailor Moon (with brains lmao).
Current impression: PROTECT THIS CHILD. I love her and she’s my second favorite character out of everyone, she’s adorable and extremely underrated.
Hogwarts House: Hmm…. I haven’t seen/read HP yet, but from what I read about traits and my sister’s explanation, Piper would be… I guess a Hufflepuff? XD
Pokemon Starter: I am not into Pokemon LOL. But seeing by Ellie’s blog that she is, I’ll ask her what she thinks soon, haha.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Thank you! That means a lot.
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Since you asked; 🎃
I don’ play any instruments as of right now, but if I could, I’d like to learn the piano or guitar. And the violin. I actually really wanna start taking singing lessons starting soon too, lol.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Extrovert or Introvert?
I’d say introvert at first, but I gradually turn into a more talkative and sociable person over time. Thanks for the ask! :)
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
Trope Game
Rules: How it works: Copy and paste the options below, then bold your fic preferences. You can only choose from one pair (it’s hard, I know!), then tag some friends to do the same.
I was tagged by @darkenedhrt101. Thanks for tagging me, this is gonna be really fun! ^_^
Slow burn or love at first sight
Fake dating or secret dating
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
Oh no, there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence
Hurt/comfort or amnesia
Fantasy AU or modern AU (I like both though... it really depends on the plot!)
Kid fic or road-trip fic
Mutual pining or domestic bliss
Smut or fluff
Canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage (maybe I picked arrange because of the MakoNeph March project coming up, lol!)
Alternate universe or future fics
Angst or crack
One-shot or multichapter
Reincarnation or character death
High school romance or adult romance
Time-travel or isolated together
Neighbors or roommates
Sci-fi AU or magic AU
Body-swap or genderbend
Apocalyptic or mundane
I tag @desi-pluto, @verminator-rex101, @extremely-pearlmethirsty, @sasuke-kamui, and @officialmiraclequeen
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
Since @extremely-pearlmethirsty is currently doing it, give me a character or a ship and I’ll put together a playlist for them!
Fandoms are in the tags! Have fun! You can also send in friendships, so BrOTPs apply as well. (And if you feel like it, my NOTPs if you like them asjaskjkskjsa. But only a NOTP that doesn’t come from enemies and is friends/good with each other in canon lol)
@jazzymarie1006, @officialmiraclequeen, @emsylcatac, @sailormew4, @purple-moonfang, @verminator-rex101, @chatnoirinette, @you-wear-socks, @sasuke-kamui, @desi-pluto, @mygeekycorner
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
I hate all adults except for my parents, awesome adult friends, older half-sister and brother-in-law, and my grandmother.
Me when I was angry about an adult insulting my writing (back in June 2019)
@desi-pluto, @darkenedhrt101, @extremely-pearlmethirsty, @verminator-rex101 y’all are the good adult friends
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
 I’m feeling a little bored right now. I really want to answer stuff for the first time so people can get to know me a little better, so, I’m tagging most of my friends in here. Come on, all of you, I’m open to answering your questions out of all people on Tumblr. The first question is likely which character I would be out of any ones in the fandoms we share, so, ask me anything @desi-pluto, @extremely-pearlmethirsty, @verminator-rex101, @sailorpoppette, @purple-moonfang, @wase-line, and @breakingdawn77. I trust you all to ask whichever character I give off vibes of.
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