#we were at al wedding this summer and I was talking to my wife like
docholligay · 2 years
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Oh don’t misunderstand me I fucking love my job. I have high job satisfaction like...90-95% of the time. I actively enjoy 80-90% of the activities I do in a work sense. For most people that is wild. I have never liked anything so much. I am lucky as hell. I am most definitely not saying I dislike it!
I’m saying, “My sister is very smart, and I have very smart friends, all with really incredible educational bonafides, and I’m, uh, an anime blogger” ahaha.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 64
Ok wow that took a while. Sorry, it took so long to update. It wasn't an easy chapter to write but I think it's time out cool. This was certainly a challenge to write but I found it quite fun. I probably would gotten this out quicker but it's the summer holidays, meaning that work is busy. Anyway the next chapter will be Backwarder, meaning I'll finally be able to get some of Fu's history out and I get to introduce Marianne so yay!
Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!- You are trespassing! Leave now! La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!- It's ok. They are on our side
Ánthropoi tis Athínas! Eímai i theá rara!- People of Athens, I am the goddess Hera! fére mou ton pséftiko theó, ton Alfeió kai tha deíxo éleos stin póli sou- bring me the false god, Alpheus and I will show mercy on your city Thavmatourgí paschalítsa- Miraculous ladybug
Chapter Sixty-Four: History Keepers
~City of Camelot, England~
 "In the name of God, I hereby name you man and wife," The priest stated as King Arthur stood in front of Gwenevieve, holding her hands in his and smiling like a damn fool. His eyes were sparking with pure joy and Gwenevieve matched. The priest smiled a little before turning to Arthur. "You may kiss the bride,"
 He leaned down and kissed Gwenevieve as the entire church cheered in joy. However, at the back of the church, a single knight looked on. He had a smile on his face but it didn't reach his eyes. Instead, he turned on his heel and walked out of the church. He took a deep breath as he walked away. He really wanted to be happy for Arthur, he really did. However, his heart ached in pain as watching him marry Genevieve was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He blinked and wiped his eyes before shaking his head. He shouldn't be sad. He knew Arthur didn't feel the same way for him or even swing the same way. He knew Arthur was in love with Gwen and she wasn't a bad woman at all. She would make Arthur happy and that's all he wanted. Even if it hurt him and broke his head.
 "Rene!" A voice shouted, causing him to stop and turn around. Lancelot was stood outside. "Where are you going?"
 "I just need some time alone," He replied, giving Lancelot a weak smile.
 "You're going to be at the party right?" He asked, frowning. Arthur and Rene were practically brothers so he didn't understand why Rene would just leave his wedding without saying goodbye. A brief expression of sorrow came across Rene's face as he didn't answer. "Right?"
 "Yeah... I'll be there later... I just... have something to do right now..." He replied before turning back on his heel and walking off. Lancelot frowned and tried to call out after him but Rene got on his horse and rode off, heading deep in the forest. He came to a stop and jumped off his horse before walking deeper into the forest. He stopped and waved his hand, creating a shimmer in the air before stepping through it, entering a cave with a waterfall and a small hut in the distance. He walked over to the fire pit where two others sat. One looked much younger then Rene. Part of his head was shaved and the rest was braided. He wore what could be described as ancient egyptian clothing and had no shoes on. In his hand was a huge toad and he seemed to be talking with it. The other had curly hair but it was the same dark shade. He wore a greek toga and sandals on his feet. He had an arm band on his right arm and was moving his fingers as he controlled water droplets around him. He glanced over as Rene walked over as the younger looked over as well. Rene gave them a weak smile and sat down. "How's Ra doing, Khnurn?"
 "He's ok," He replied, tracing his finger across the toad as Rene nodded.
 "You're not though," The water mage stated, turning the water into ice.
 "Don't worry about me, Al," He smiled, causing Alpheus to roll his eyes as he looked over at the hut. For the last few weeks, it has been shut and locked. "Is it still locked?"
 "Yep," Khnurn replied, tracing his finger over Ra's back again. "Toutai got in earlier but he didn't say much when he came out. I think Feng told him not to,"
 "I wonder why he locked it," Rene replied, sitting down as he picked up the kettle and poured a tea from it.
 "Probably cause he's bored," Alpheus replied, rolling his eyes again. "I know I am,"
 "You're always bored," He replied as he took a slip and smiled a little before turning his attention to Khnurn. "So how's Egypt doing?"
 "Well, there was a few issues with Imhotep but I stopped him as you well know," Khnurn replied, placing Ra onto the ground. "And I still don't like people,"
 "You never did," Alphus replied as he trapped Ra in a bubble of water, allowing the toad to swim in it.
 "Given his upbringing, it's no real surprise," Rene replied, making Alpheus glare at him. "The desert is a harsh mistress after all,"
"Well, my childhood wasn't exactly a walk in a path either," He grumbled as Khnurn fished Ra out of the water and glared at the mage, who smirked at him. "Why not trade him in for a camel? They're more useful,"
 "A common theme among us," Rene replied, as the toad croaked, glaring at Alpheus, who glared back. Rene shook his head and rolled his eyes as he slipped his tea.
 "Don't worry, Ra," Khnurn muttered, holding him. "I wouldn't trade you for a camel. You're much more fun than them,"
 "Oh yeah," Alpheus replied. "Much have been so hard been born to a lord and lady of the manor,"
 "Well, been a mage and born in a kingdom where magic was illegal wasn't exactly fun, Alpheus," Rene replied, shaking his head before a fourth person joined them. He resembled them as he shared the same hair shade and silver eyes but he was dressed in more asian style clothing. "Feng... you're actually gracing us with your presence today?"
 "I assume Arthur just got married," Feng replied, looking at Rene with a sympathetic look. "My condolences,"
 "Well, he's happy..." Rene frowned, holding his cup. "That's all that matters to me. Besides, he sees me as his brother..."
 "And you want him to see you in a different light?" Alpheus grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Rene went bright red and glared at him, making him laugh. "If you ask me, you're over thinking this. Just enjoy what life gives you,"
 "Of course, you would say that," Rene muttered, rolling his eyes as Feng smirked. "What's your thoughts on love, Feng?"
 "Overrated," Khnurn muttered, making the four of them look at him. "What?"
 "Personally, I think love is a wonderful thing," He replied, making Khnurn roll his eyes and Rene smile. "And I was very happy with my lovers,"
 "Ok but what's with the door been locked?" Khnurn asked, making both Feng and Rene look at him due to the sudden change of subject. Alpheus merely snorted in amusement. "What? Love, relationships and stuff like that makes me uncomfortable and you want to know just as much as I do, Rene,"
 "True..." Rene muttered as Feng shook his head with a slight smile. "Well?"
 "Alright," He smiled. "We have a new incarnation,"
 "Really?!" Khnurn gasped, making Ra jump a little before he croaked. "Oh sorry Ra,"
 "I thought that Toutai was stripped of his title?" Rene asked, frowning.
 "Well, he was but that doesn't change what we are," He replied, making them both nod. "Besides, it wasn't like he actually dishonored the title. It was taken from him by force,"
 "By that jerk!" Khnurn huffed. "See? This is why we shouldn't trust people!"
 "And the new one?" Rene asked. "What is he like?"
 "Very brave and creative," Feng replied, smiling a little. "He actually wields the ladybug miraculous,"
 "Impressive," Alpheus whistled before stretching. "So when do we get to meet him?"
 "Soon actually," Feng replied, waving his hand over the fire pit. Smoke rose up from it, showing several images. Each were in their own time, showing a number of people from the future appearing and facing different situations. "There will be an incident that will send his friends back in time and he will have to find them,"
 "When?" Rene asked, looking over the image of his time showing a boy and two girls cowering from one of Mordred's beasts. "How long do we have?"
 "Two weeks," Feng replied, making them nod. "Best be prepared as well,"
 "For what?" Khnurn asked as Feng gave them his all knowing smile. 
 "You'll see soon enough,"
 ~Paris, Modern Day~
 "There is nothing in this book, Master!" Luka sighed, running his fingers through his hair as Master Fu frowned. He was so sure the answers would be in that cave but as soon as he got back to Paris, he checked out the book. Well, actually the first thing he did when he got back was collect Juleka's and Rose's miraculous and returned them to the miracle box since he was back in Paris but the second thing he did was go through the book. To his utter horror, he discovered nothing on the pages. Not a single letter or word had been written. Four days later and nothing had changed. "Why is it empty?! Why did I get that damn riddle if there is nothing in this book?!"
 "Luka, take a deep breathe and calm down," Fu ordered as Luka paced.
 "How can I?!" He gasped, close to tears. "I am been haunted by nightmares I don't understand and I've been possessed by something that made me write a pointless riddle and I don't know what is happening to me anymore?! I am scared and tired and... I just want to know why I have a connection to Feng! Why me?! I'm nothing special! I'm just... Luka..."
 "Luka, you're definitely something special," Tikki gasped, flying up to him. "You're amazing and the best bug I've ever had and whatever is happening to you, we'll work it out so please don't put yourself down like that,"
 "I'm sorry, Tikki," He muttered, flopping down onto the floor and hid his head in his arms. "And I'm sorry, Master. I... I just want to know what's happening to me. Why did Feng send me to Shanghai if the book has nothing in it?"
 "Maybe to stop Meishi from destroying it and to help that young lady to become the hero she was meant to be?" Master Fu pointed out as Luka looked up. "As for the book, maybe it is invisible ink?"
 "I tried that..." He admitted, frowning. "Feng did mention that I wasn't ready to see what was beyond the hut's door..."
 "Hut's door?" Master Fu asked but Luka shook his head and hid it back in his arms. Master Fu sighed and got up. "I'll make some tea,"
 "At least, it's the summer holidays now," Tikki smiled, making Luka nod as Master Fu came back in. He set up his kettle and began to make tea as Luka sat and hugged his knees. "Have you considered reaching out to Koro? Maybe she knows how to unlock the book's secrets?"
 "I don't want to bother her..." He muttered, frowning to himself. He had considered asking her but he wasn't sure if he wanted to reach out nor was he sure if she would be able to help. Master Fu placed a cup of tea in front of him, causing Luka to sniff at it before he picked it up and sipped it. "Do you think I should ask her, Master?"
 "I think that is only you can decide but maybe ask Lady Noire's advice on it too," He replied, making Luka nod as he sipped the tea. Maybe he should ask Koro about stuff. Maybe she would know but he wasn't sure about anything. He was also worried about Hawkmoth and his current silence. Since Shanghai, he had been oddly quiet. There hadn't been any akumas yet and it worried Luka. Usual when he was this quiet, it was because he was planning a big attack. It was his pattern. He was quiet before Heroes Day, Miracle Queen... if you don't count Loveater but Luka was certain that was a distraction in order to allow Miracle Queen to gain control over him. He repressed a shudder as his mind flicked back to it. Hawkmoth was also this quiet before New York and Shanghai. Other than Cash and Meishi, the last person to be akumatized was Mrs Mendelieve so Luka was concerned but he also realised that Yan Woshi was the first akuma to actually kill him so maybe Hawkmoth is taking a break. Hell, he might be quitting. Luka immediately casted that thought aside. There was no way he was quitting. He jumped a little as his phone buzzed, causing him to look at it. He frowned as it was Marinette calling. He shouldn't really be surprised even though it was fairly late. She often stayed up late to do her projects but usually she would text him. He gave Master Fu a look, who nodded before he pressed answer and held it to his ear.
 "Hey," He stated but almost instantly, he heard her sniff and he knew she had been crying. "You ok?"
 "Not... really..." She admitted in a sad voice. "I... I was hoping maybe you could come round for a little bit... it's cool if you can't though..."
 "I'll be there in a few minutes, Melody," He replied, feeling her relief through the phone. 
 "Thank you," She whispered, making him smile a little. "I'm just gonna cuddle Mr Whiskers until you get here,"
 "Ok, Melody. I'll see you soon," He replied before he said goodbye and hung up. He turned to Master Fu as he picked up the book and put it in his bag. "Sorry, I gotta go,"
 "Alright," Master Fu nodded as he transformed. "I hope your friend is ok,"
 "She will be," He nodded before leaving out the window and heading to the Bakery. He got there in record time before he knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Marinette opened the door, holding Mr Whiskers in her arms. It was a black cat plushie he had won for her at the fair they went to before they went to Shanghai. She kept it on her bed. Her eyes were bloodshot and it was obvious she had been crying. Luka held open his arms, causing her to instantly hug him. He wrapped his arms around her as she nuzzled her face against his chest. "You ok?"
 "It's silly really but I dreamt I got killed again by that big monster again..." She muttered, making him frown. He felt really bad but she had been caught up in the attack on Shanghai and had been zapped by Wan Yoshi when trying to help people escape and since coming back, she had been having nightmares about it. Luka also got nightmares about it, along with the rest of his ones but he didn't get killed in his. Instead, he watched as Yan Woshi killed everyone while he was helpless to save them. He pushed his thoughts aside and walked into the apartment as Marinette led him inside. The two of them settled on the sofa in the living room with Marinette resting her head on Luka's lap as he gently played with her hair and hummed. "Thanks for coming, Luka,"
 "I'm always here if you need me," He replied, making her look up at him. She looked a lot calmer and the shine in her eyes were returning. He gave her a smile as she reached up and moved a bit of his hair. Her hand lingered as her eyes moved down to his lips, causing him to blush a little. She gave him a soft smile. However, she realised what she was doing and went bright red.
 "I.. um... s-sorry," She gasped, sitting up. "I must seem like such a creep doing that. Oh god, you're gonna hate-"
 "I could never hate you," He replied, gently leaning over and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, making her blush even more. He smiled a little before deciding to change the subject. "I won't be able to stay over tonight,"
 "T-That's ok," She replied, still red before looking at the time. It was ten to 11. "It's pretty late though... will you be ok getting home?"
 "Don't worry. I'll be fine," He smiled, making her smile back. "Do you feel better?"
 "Yep," She smiled, resting her head on his arm. "You're just like a lucky charm, Luka. Are you coming to the picnic tomorrow?"
 "Of course," He smiled, making her smile even more. "I should head back, Melody,"
 "Ok," She nodded, getting and walking to the door with him. He smiled as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for coming over, Lu. You'll text me when you get back to the boat right?"
 "Of course," He replied, placing his own kiss on her cheek. She smiled before he waved to her and walked out into the night. She couldn't help but sigh a little before she closed the door and locked, heading back upstairs to the quiet apartment. Her parents were out on a date night but were due back in the next hour. She yawned a little as she grabbed Mr Whiskers before heading up to her room and back to her bed. She had fallen asleep in the evening and woke up from a nightmare, hence why she called Luka. She frowned a little as she felt bad not telling him the full dream but she didn't want to start crying again. Sure, she had flashbacks of been zapped by Yan Woshi but that hadn't been her nightmare tonight. Instead it had been Luka who had been zapped in her dream. In it, he had pushed her out of the way and took the hit instead. She had woken up screaming and crying worst then she ever had which was why she wanted to see him. It wasn't to comfort her but to know he was alive. She curled up her bed as her phone buzzed, causing her to look at it.
 L: I'm home. Sleep well, melody
 M: Yay! Sleep well as well, Lu.
M: *typing* Love you ❤️
 Marinette held her breath as her thumb hovered over the send button. She wasn't sure if she should it. Normally she wasn't so bold but she felt like she could be with Luka, especially since they had been getting closer and tested the waters with each other but they weren't exactly a couple yet. She bit her lip and deleted the message before retyping a new one. 
 M: Sweet dreams 😘
 L: you too, Melody 😘 
 She giggled and put her phone down before curling up in bed and hugging Mr Whiskers. The picnic will be fun.
 ~The Next Day~
 Marinette hummed to herself as she walked over to the park, holding a basket full of baked treats. She had chosen to wear a light pink summer dress with her ballet pumps that matched. She had her hair tied up in a loose, low ponytail and had the purse she made out of her Nonna's gift across her chest. She looked over and saw her friends sat on the grass chatting. By the looks of, almost everyone in her friendship group had turned up and had brought drinks and snacks too, meaning she wasn't the only person to bring food. Ondine and Kim were sat with Max and Marvok. Sabrina, Aurora, Chloe and Mirelle were sat talking to Kagami, who was playing with Adrien's hair as he laid on the grass with his head in her lap. He walked talking to Nino about some anime he watched and Alya was sat talking with Rose, Mylene and Ivan. Marc and Nathaniel were just sat whispering about their comic, causing to smile as she looked over them. She called over and waved at them as she walked over before sitting down on the grass and looking around. The only people that were missing were Alix, Juleka and Luka. However, the Couffaines turned up pretty quick, causing Marinette to smile as she greeted them. Soon the group were just waiting on Alix, who turned up a few minutes later.
 "Sorry, I'm late," She grumbled, sitting down and grabbing an Eclair before stuffing it in her face. Kim snorted a little before doing the same, trying to see if he could finish it before her. Most of the group waved it off but Juleka muttered asking her why. "Oh, Pa got a new painting for the museum and he insisted I see it before I came to meet you all. He wanted to know what I thought before he sets up it's grand unveiling,"
 "Ooh what is the painting?" Rose asked excitedly, clapping her hands together. Alix took out her phone before unlocking it and passing it to Rose. "Oh, wow!"
 "He looks so cool," Juleka muttered, looking at the phone before she passed it to Luka. He took off her and glared at it but as soon as his eyes landed on the picture, he felt a pulse similar to the one he experienced when he looked at the Eagle Miraculous. Only it wasn't half as bad as it had been. The painting was of a young knight kneeling down on the ground as he rested his hands against on his sword. His helmet was on the floor and behind him was a slained beast. He had dark shoulder length hair and wore silver armor with a golden trim over silver chainmail and leather breeches. He had his eyes closed and in one of his ears, he wore a jacket earring, making Luka frown a little as he felt like he had seen it before but couldn't remember where. What surprised him the most was he resembled the knight he had seen during Miracle Queen's attack. The only real difference was that the armor he wore and that he didn't have horns or a tail. Despite this, he was certain that it was the same knight. He frowned again before he passed the phone to Adrien. He couldn't help but wonder if he had the Wyvern miraculous as Alix's phone got passed around the group.
 "He's kind of cute," Marinette grinned, passing the phone back to Alix.
 "According to Pa, he was one of King Arthur's knights! Apparently, he had the nickname the Dragon Knight but his real name got lost to history," Alix replied, locking her phone. "In fact, that painting is like super rare and the only known picture of him!"
 "His name was Sir Rene..." Luka muttered with even thinking, making everyone look at him in surprise before he blinked. "What?"
 "Dude, you just said that the Dragon Knight's name was Sir Rene!" Alix gasped, making Luka frown. He didn't know the Dragon Knight's name but... yet somehow he knew that it was Sir Rene. "You said it was-"
 "Sir Rene," Juleka muttered, making everyone look at her before she looked at Luka. "I thought he wasn't real?"
 "Huh?" He asked, generally confused. Seeing his confusion, Juleka frowned.
 "Back when we were really little, we use to play a game of knights. I would play Morgana and you always played Sir Rene the Dragon Knight. In the game we use to 'save' King Arthur from the evil warlock Mordred," She mumbled, making him frown. He didn't recall it but at the same time, it sounded so familiar. "But we stopped playing it after... um... after Issac put you in hospital,"
 "I don't remember..." Luka admitted, frowning before looking at her. "Was it fun?"
 "So fun," Juleka smiled, making him smile. "Why... why don't we go and see the unveiling? M-Maybe it might help you remember the game..."
 "That's a great idea!" Rose grinned, making Juleka smile. "Oh we can make a day off it!!"
 "Me and Marc are down for it as we'll can get some inspiration for the comics," Nathaniel grinned as Marc nodded to. Alya grinned and turned to Aurora.
 "We could do a video on it and other exhibitions for our blogs," She suggested, making the other reporter grin. 
 "Definitely!" She smiled as Mirelle nodded as well. "Oh, Mirelle, you can do a photoshoot!!"
 "That sounds like a great idea!" Adrien grinned, sitting up. "Even Father will let me go because it's 'education',"
 "Mother would be the same," Kagami replied as everyone nodded and agreed they wanted to see it. Luka couldn't help but smile. "Plus it might help trigger how Luka knew about this mysterious knight,"
 "Oh what if your family is related to him!" Marinette gasped, making Juleka and Luka flush. They're pirates, not knights but it would be really cool to be related to a knight of the round table. Luka looked at Juleka, who gave him a shy smile and thumbs up. Given that just seeing an image of the painting gave him a smaller reaction of what happened in New York, he would be mad to skip out on it as it might have something to do with the miraculous. Maybe even to do with the journal. "What do you say?"
 "I'm down for it," He smiled, making everyone grin. "It's a once in a lifetime chance to see a rare painting and maybe it will help me remember why I knew about him,"
 "Maybe you're psychic," Juleka smirked, making him chuckle a little. Maybe he was and made that's why he had dreams about Feng. "Either way, it will be cool for you to remember. That game was awesome,"
 "How often did we play it?"
 "Almost every day," Juleka admitted, making him frown a little. "We use to play at school as well,"
 She sniggered a little, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "You had a go at a teacher and got detention," She explained, looking at him. "She had told you that Morgana was the evil witch in the story and that you shouldn't make me play her. She always told you that there was no such knight as Sir Rene but you insisted that he was real and that Morgana wasn't evil either. In fact, you said she was extremely lucky,"
 "Lucky?" He asked, frowning. Why did he say that about Morgana? "But how did I get detention?"
 "You called her a dorbel, which apparently means a petty, nit-picking teacher in old english," She giggled, making him blink. "You basically swore at her in old english. Ma thought it was hilarious apparently. Issac... not so much..."
 "I'm not surprised by that," He replied, nodding before turning to Alix. "So when's this grand unveiling?"
 "This Friday," She replied. "When I go home tonight, I'll ask pa and let you know,"
 ~The Night before the Unveiling~
 Rose and Marinette were sleeping over at the Liberty so the four of them could head to the museum together. Alix's father had been really happy that the class had wanted to come and see it. He had ensured her that her friends would be on the guest list. Apparently, a lot of high profile people would be there as well. Apparently, a number of people wanted to buy the painting but Alix's father was refusing to sell it, stating it was priceless. 
 "Are you excited to see it?" Marinette asked, causing Luka to look at her. She was sat cross legged in front of him on his bed with a grin on her face. He couldn't help but match her expression.
 "I am," He replied as she moved and stretched. "It's gonna be strange though,"
 "How so?"
 "Well, that painting is priceless," He replied as she moved so she was laid on her stomach. "And I did some research on it. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1300s and was considered part of his 'lost' work,"
 "Really?" She asked, surprised. "Wow,"
 "Yeah," He replied, smiling a little. "I can't believe that some of his lost work was found..."
 "I didn't know you liked painting," She grinned, making him smile. "Been friends with Anatis must be rubbing off on you,"
 "Well, he is basically the embodiment of creation," He grinned, making her smile. "Though... he's not my muse. You have that title,"
 "Luka!!" She gasped, going bright red as he laughed, causing her to playfully hit his arm. "Y-You're not serious are you?"
 "Very serious," He replied, leaning against his wall and placing his hands in behind his head. "I don't know what it is but I could write a hundred songs after spending a moment with you,"
 "Lu!!" She gasped, going red again as she hid her face in her hands. He couldn't help but smile at her. Slowly, she peeked from her hands as she looked at him. "Y-You really mean that?"
 "Yep," He smiled, causing her to blush and hide her face again. "You're so cute,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Luka couldn't help but smile as he looked around the room that the unveiling was been held in. He was generally surprised at how many people had turned up. Chloe was there with her family and Sabrina's. He knew those two were coming but he was surprised that their parents did as well. A number of reporters including Nadja Chamack had turned up as well and to his surprise, Gabriel Agreste had turned up. Well..technically he was on his tablet as usual and it was actually his assistant who was here.. but it wasn't his usual assistant though. It was actually the Gorilla but Adrien and Kagami seemed happy so that's what mattered. It turned out that Tom and Sabine were providing the caterating for the event too and that Penny had gotten an invite. She had explained to him that she had banned Jagged from the event because he would more then likely try to buy the painting plus he didn't really like museums much. Luka wasn't surprised by that. Even a number of teachers from different schools were here as well as Alix's brother. He was actually stood talking to Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt. Apparently, the two of them were actually helping with the unveiling and in the same history club as Alix's brother. Unfortunately, Lila was also there with her parents, though they seemed more bothered about other people then Lila. Instead, she was sulking in the corner. She had tried to tell Alya that she was related to Leonardo da Vinci but Alya just told her that she didn't need to lie to impress her. Luka was a little disappointed that Alya was still trying to give Lila the time of day but he was glad she knew she was lying, even if she didn't realize that Lila was malicious with it. She would get there at some point. Alim tapped his glass, making everyone look at him.
 "Thank you all for coming," He smiled as he addressed the audience. "I'm also really happy to see so many young people in the audience today. As you know, today is the unveiling of one of the lost works of Leonardo da Vinci,"
 He turned and pointed to the velvet curtain that covered the painting.
 "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present the Dragon Knight," He declared, pulling the curtain off and revealing the painting. Everyone clapped and oohed at it as they stared at it. Luka couldn't help but stare straight at it, almost in a sort of trance as he looked at the knight. Alim had continued to talk and people moved around yet Luka just stood there staring as his mind pulsed in a similar way to how it had with the eagle miraculous. He blinked as he heard someone talking, causing him to look around as the world caught up to him. Lila was talking to some other kids from a different school about how she knew a lot about the subject while her parents talked far from her and so didn't hear her lies. Luka frowned as he listened.
 "Oh, yes, apparently he was a real lady's man. ," She laughed, making him frown as he walked over, not caring for the restraining order. He would not have her lie about his possible ancestry. Rene was not a lady's man at all. He didn't even like women.
 "Actually, Lila, he was gay," He pointed out, making her look at him. "So stop making up lies,"
 "That's kind of hypocritical, isn't it?" She smirked. "Since you just lied,"
 "Unlike you, I'm not lying," He stated, making her frown. He didn't know how but he knew it was true. "Sir Rene was gay and never married,"
 "Knights can't be gay!" She gasped, making everyone look at her. "It was against the code and he would have been killed for it since it was considered a crime punishable by death,"
 "Actually, he was a holy knight, meaning it was a crime to try and hurt him as he was considered a man of god," Luka pointed, making Lila grit her teeth. "So actually yeah he could be a knight and gay. Deal with it,"
 "Well, I don't believe you!" She gasped, making him roll his eyes before he walked away. However, his words had caused the people listening to her to also walk off, causing her to narrow her eyes. "Stupid Couffaine,"
 Naturally, no one replied but she felt like someone was watching her. Looking around, she noticed the painting was facing her. Despite the fact that the Knight had his eyes closed, she felt like he was staring at her and strangely enough, that enraged her. She would have to do something about that. She saw her chance when people began to leave the area, leaving her and the new painting alone.
 ~Half an Hour Later~
 Luka was stood, talking with the rest of the group when they heard a scream echo through the museum. They looked alarmed and rushed from where it came from, causing them to stop in the area where Sir Rene's painting for. To their horror, they saw someone had defaced it with some marker pen and a few slashes. Luka frowned as he suspected it may have been Lila but that wasn't the person who screamed. It had been Jalil Kubbel. He was kneeling in front of it with his head in his hands while Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt tried to calm him down and reassure him. Alix and their father were also trying to calm him down.
 "You don't understand!" He cried, looking up. Luka frowned as he saw Lila smirking from the sideline. He narrowed his eyes as he was sure she had something to do with this. "This painting is one of a kind! It's the only known painting of the Dragon Knight and Father... you put me in charge-"
 He suddenly cut off as an akuma entered his pendant and the butterfly mask appeared over his eyes but to Luka's surprise, it also appeared over Mr Damocles' and Mr D'argencourt's eyes as well, despite that they weren't actually touching them. Alix and her father backed off as the three men listened to Hawkmoth, causing Luka to glance at them in shock. He frowned as he noticed each of them had similar necklaces around their necks, all looked black. It concerned him because Hawkmoth had never akumatized more than one person who wasn't touching the object. He took a step back as a blue feather also appeared, entering the watch on Mr Damocles' wrist. Mayura was helping him today.
 "We shall protect history and punish those who disrespect it," The three of them declared, accepting whatever Hawkmoth had offered. The purple smog engulfed them as a blue smog appears in the air. It disappeared, revealing a huge floating clock that was orange, black, red and blue in color. It had a huge smile on it's face and single eye. The purple smog disappeared, revealing Darkblade and the Pharaoh in the place of Mr D'Argencourt and Jalil but Mr Damocles hadn't turned into the Dark Owl but a new villain. He resembled a greek god and seemed to be themed around time. Luka slammed his hand on the fire alarm, triggering it as everyone started at them before he turned his friends.
 "Run!" He shouted, causing them to come back into reality before they rushed into action. He noticed Lila rushing to get out among the rest of them.
 "You shall not escape our wrath, Knaves!" Darkblade called, causing the Pharaoh to glare.
 "Thoth, give me time!" He declared, turning his head into a gaboon as he made bubbles. He threw them at people, trapping them in them but the moment he did the sentimonster fired a beam at them and they disappeared. 
 "You can't escape Chronos!" Mr Damocles declared, jumping over to a number of people and slashed them with his scythe, freezing them in place. Once again, the sentimonster fired at them. Darkblade began to turn people into his knights as the group and others ran out, causing the akumas to give chase. Naturally, Rose tripped up, causing Juleka to rush over to her as Luka turned around. She pulled her up and began to run as the akumas chased them. However, it did them no good as Chronos jumped in front of them and slashed them with his blade, freezing them in place.
 "Juleka! Rose!" Luka gasped, going to rush over to them but Adrien grabbed his arm as the sentimonster fired at them, making them disappear, causing Luka to just stop and stare at where they had been. It had been like something out of his nightmares.
 "Luka! Come on!!" He gasped as the akumas began to attack others, including the rest of their group. Pharoah directed a time bubble towards a number of people including Lila, who pushed Sabrina towards it, trapping her in the bubble. Chloe shouted and tried to help but got caught in the bubble. Like Rose and Juleka, they were erased by the sentimonster. Mylene and Ivan were next, followed by Nathaniel, Marc and Lila. "We have to get out of here!!"
 "R-Right..." Luka replied, shaking his head before he looked around. His eyes widen as he saw Marinette wasn't around but was sure she hadn't been hit. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was just ri-" Nino started but Chronos suddenly sliced him, freezing him before he stalked over to the remaining members of the group. Darkblade and Pharaoh followed him, causing the remaining members of the group to back away. Luka tried to glance around to find a way out of there so he could go and transform.
 "Disrespectful youths!" Chronos growled, lifting his blade but before he could hit them, Lady Noir jumped down and blocked his attack with her baton before she turned to the group.
 "Get out of here!" She shouted, pushing Chronos back and dodging the beam the sentimonster fired at her. Luka, Adrien and the others ran away from them. Darkblade jumped down and fired his sword at them, hitting Aurora, Ondine and Mirelle as the rest of them dodged and ran in the other direction as Darkblade knighted them. Pharaoh jumped in front of them and threw time bubbles at them, trapping Kagami, Kim and Max. Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien by their arms and pulled them out of the way of more time bubbles before they turned to run again, only to find they were completely surrounded by the akumas, their mind controlled knights and their sentimonster. Luka panicked as he tried to find Lady Noir. His eyes widen as he saw her trapped inside a time bubble but she seemed to be moving. Albeit, really slowly but she was lifting her hand in the air and saying something. He realized she was summoning her cataclysm as the dark energy appeared in her hand. Looking around, he saw the sewer lit up in his luck vision as the akumas were just about to attack them. Lady Noir slowly placed her hand against the bubble, causing it to explode as Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien and pulled them to the ground, avoiding the shatters of the time bubble. Lady Noir gave him a look as if to say 'get out of here while I distract them'.
 "Hey! Time freaks!" Lady Noir growled and spun her baton, getting the akumas attention as they, the sentimonster and the army charged towards her. She gave out a battle cry and charged back. Seeing a chance to escape, Luka pulled Adrien and Alya to the sewers and opened it.
 "Get in!" He ordered, making them blink. "Now!"
 "But what about Lady Noir?" Adrien asked but then they heard the sound of the blast from the sentimonster's eyes, causing the three of them to look in shock and surprise. "Oh no..."
 "Go!" Luka ordered, causing the two of them climb down the ladder as the mini army rushed over. Luka jumped in and ran, along with the other two as he took out his phone and put out an alert on the akuma app. They kept running through the sewers with the akumas hot on their tail, only to come to a sudden stop when they reached the end of the tunnel. Looking down at the drop, Luka frowned as they heard the akumas coming towards them. "We need to jump!"
 "What?!" Alya gasped as Luka jumped, causing Adrien and her to follow. However, Pharoah threw time bubbles at them, trapping Alya and Adrien in the air but missing Luka completely. Hr took a gulp of air, just before he hit the water before swimming off. He made his way to the edge and pulled himself out of the water as he looked around. Apparently, the akumas decided he wasn't worth following. He jumped as he felt someone on around. He thought for a second it was the akumas but when he looked around, nothing was there. He let out a sigh of relief as Tikki flew out of his jacket.
 "Sorry," He gasped as she shook the water from herself. "You're ok right?"
 "I'm fine, Luka," She smiled, making him smile back but before he could transform, he had that feeling again. He glanced around, seeing no one. "Luka?"
 "I.. I feel like someone is here..." He replied, causing Tikki to frown before they felt the wind around them.
 Luka... this way... A voice inside the wind whispered, causing his eyes to widen before he turned to Tikki, who apparently didn't hear anything.
 "Tikki! Spots on!" He declared, transforming into Anatis before he ran to where the wind had directed him. It was one of the exits so he climbed up it. However, he carefully took out his yoyo and used it to check around. It seemed like no one was around and was in an alleyway so he climbed out. He would need a lucky charm straight away so he threw his yoyo in the air and quietly summoned one, causing a small mirror appear out of thin air. He caught it and frowned as he tried to look around to work out what to do with it before he realized it was a normal mirror. It had a frame that was Ladybug patterned but the glass itself wasn't normal mirror glass. It was in fact black, making him frown as he looked at it. He held it up so he could look at the reflection but jumped and dropped it when he saw someone stood behind him. He quickly picked it and looked behind him, frowning as no one was there. He took a deep breathe and held it up again, causing him to see the man behind him again. Only this time he recognized him. "Feng?"
 Feng gave him a smile before holding up something. Anatis' eyes widen as he saw it was the Rabbit Miraculous but that meant...
 It is time... Feng's voice echoed, confirming his thoughts before he faded away, leaving Anatis alone. He took a deep breathe and looked around, finally noticing it was the alley right next to Master Fu's apartment. He blinked before detransforming and catching Tikki. He gave her a cookie and rushed inside the building, heading to Master's apartment. He burst through the door, causing Master Fu to jump. 
 "Master, I need the rabbit miraculous!" He gasped, surprising Fu. "Scrap that... I need all of the temporary miraculous including the rabbit,"
 "What?" Fu asked, surprised as Luka moved pass him and opened the phonograph. "Luka?! You ca-"
 "I'm sorry, Master. Normally I wouldn't do this but we have no time to argue or to delay," He replied, taking out the box and opening it. "I have three akumas, one sentimonster and a number of brainwashed citizens to deal with. My team, including Lady Noir, have been erased. Since Feng showed me the Rabbit miraculous, I'm guessing they are lost in time so I need the Rabbit Miraculous to rescue them,"
 "But if you merge-"
 "I won't merge them," He replied, placing the miraculous he needs in his pockets before he took out the rabbit miraculous. "I'll be giving it to Alix Kubbel. It will mean she'll find out the temp heroes' identities but this is the only way. If I take on the akumas alone... I'll be lost in time too or worst, Hawkmoth will get my miraculous,"
 "Can you trust her?" He asked, making Luka nod.
 "I've already met her from the future," He explained, making Master Fu frown. "She's Bunnyx or she will be... which is happening now. Anyway, I need my whole team to take down the akumas, the sentimonster and their army. I just don't know how yet,"
 "Well... I trust you so do what you need to," Master Fu nodded as Luka closed the miracle box and placed it back inside the phonograph. "But how did you know my code?"
 "I have a really good memory," He replied, shrugging before pointing to the turtle miraculous. "I'm gonna need that one too,"
 Master Fu looked down at it before he took it off, causing Wayzz to disappear into it and placed it in Luka's hands.
 "Good luck," He smiled, making Luka nod before he left. He smiled a little as he looked out the window and saw Anatis jump off.
 ~At the Louvre~
 Alix curled up, making sure to hide behind the stone tablets in the ancient egyptian section of the museum. Honestly, she was terrified and she didn't know what to do. As soon as her brother had accepted Hawkmoth's powers, her father had grabbed her and told her to run before going back to try and talk Jalil out of it. He hadn't come back yet, meaning he was probably either erased or a knight or a mummy. She flinched as she heard a noise before she got up and grabbed a spear from one of the displays, holding it out to protect herself. However, she dropped it when she saw Anatis. She rushed over and hugged him, making him jump in surprise.
 "Anatis! It's my brother!" She gasped, looking at him.
 "Alix, take a deep breathe and calm down ok?" He ordered in a calm voice. She nodded and did so. "I need your help,"
 "M-My help?" She asked, surprised as he took out his yoyo and opened it. He reached his hand in it and took out a colorful watch, making her eyes go wide as she recognized it as the rabbit miraculous. "Is that..."
 "Yes," He replied before he hesitated. "But I need you to promise me you'll never repeat what you learn today to anyone,"
 "I... I promise," She declared with a look of determination before he nodded and help it out to her.
 "Alix Kubdel, here is the Miraculous of the Rabbit that will grant the power to travel through time. You will use it for the greater good," He declared, making her blink as she took it. "Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"
 "You can rely on me, Anatis," Alix replied, opening the box and allowing Fluff to manifest. "Hi, Fluff,"
 "Oh, what is now? And where is then? What..." Fluff blinked before frowning and turning to Anatis. "Master Anatis... something is wrong with time. People aren't where they are suppose to be!"
 "So I was right," He frowned, holding his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Alix, we need to go back in time to find the temporary heroes and Lady Noir. Here.."
 He pulled a jar of small carrots out of his yoyo and handed them to her.
 "You're gonna need those," He replied, making her blink. "You can only use burrow once and then you'll detransform once five minutes has passed but we're gonna need to make a lot of trips,"
 "Ok," She nodded, holding out the watch. "Fluff, Clockwise!"
 Fluff got sucked into the watch, turning it into it's miraculous form. Alix swiped her hand over her eyes, creating her mask before holding it as the light blue light traveled down her arm, creating her suit. She spun around as her outfit changed. She tucked the watch into her pocket and created the ears on her head before she held up her hand and caught her umbrella before swiping to the side then opening it, completing the transformation. She grinned and looked at herself.
 "How come my outfit is different to older me?" She asked, noticing she had shorts on, trainers and elbow length gloves instead of the outfit she had seen her older self wearing.
 "You're younger than she was," Anatis pointed out, making her nod. "Now we just need to work out where everyone is... if it was like Time Tagger then history should have altered... so let's start looking for any changes,"
  ~Shanghai, China, 1600 AD~
 Lady Noir blinked as she looked around, wondering how she suddenly appeared in what appeared to be china. She knew she had family there but this was not where she had stayed. She got up and dusted herself down as she looked around before she heard a gasp. Before she could react, she felt someone suddenly hug her.
 "Lady Noir!!" Rose's voice echoed as she looked down and saw the hyper girl was the one hugging her. "Oh I'm so glad to see you!! Mylene look! It's Lady Noir!"
 "Oh thank goodness," Mylene smiled as she came over from her hiding place. "Do you know where we are?"
 "It's more of when," A calm, male voice stated, causing the three girls to look over at where it came from. Leaning against the wall of a building was a young man with long black hair. He was wearing traditional chinese clothing with bandages on his legs and martial arts shoes on his feet. His shirt was light blue and had silver details on it. He wore light gray pants and a dark blue jacket over it with a dark blue belt around his waist. In his hair was a silver ribbon and he had gray fingerless gloves on. He also had gray eyes. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to them "Come with me. There are a lot of imperial soldiers around who will attack you on sight, especially since you're not from here,"
 The two girls looked to Lady Noir, who nodded as she had a feeling she could trust this guy. She didn't know why but he kind of reminded her of Anatis. She wasn't sure why but she just knew she could trust him. She, Rose and Mylene followed him through the city until they came to a temple. The man let them inside and locked the door behind him, telling Rose and Mylene to rest before turning to Lady Noir again.
 "Follow me," He replied, making her nod as he walked deeper into the temple, away from the others. 
 "How are you speaking perfect french?" She asked as he opened a door and brought her inside.
 "I'm channelling Khnurn's magic," He explained, making her look at him with confusion. "His magic manifested itself as the ability to speak in any language,"
 "Oh that is useful," She replied as her miraculous beeped rapidly before she detransformed, causing her to catch Plagg before she gasped. "Oh no! I-"
 "Don't worry," He smiled, making her calm down. "I won't tell anyone. There's some Nguri for Plagg to recharge. It isn't the type he usually prefers but it should be enjoyable enough,"
 "Thanks, Toutai!" He called, diving straight into the pile of cheese, causing Marinette to look at the young man.
 "You're Master Toutai, the celestial guardian?!" She asked, remembering what Koro had said. He smiled and nodded. "Whoa... is this how you knew about..."
 "You appearance in my time? Yes, I was given a heads up about it," He explained, making her raise an eyebrow. "Those are details that I can't tell you, Miss Marinette. It is not my secret to give,"
 "Ah," She nodded. "I get it... still thank you for rescuing us,"
 "It was nothing," He smiled in a shy manner before he looked behind him as in the distance a chime echoed. He turned back to her. "You might want to retransform. We're going to have some guests,"
 Marinette nodded as Plagg flew over to her before retransforming into Lady Noir. Toutai smiled and lead her back into the main temple as the chimes came to a stop. When the last chime finished, a glow portal she recognized as a burrow opened in the middle of the temple before Anatis followed by a younger Bunnyx walked out, causing Lady Noir to rush over and hug him. Instantly, he hugged back as Bunnyx glanced over at Rose and Mylene as well as Toutai. Anatis pulled away from her.
 "I'm glad you're ok, Kitten," He whispered, making her smile before he looked around. "But..."
 He went silence as his eyes landed on Toutai, who merely nodded towards him and stepped forward.
 "Hello, Anatis.. it's nice to actually meet you in person," He smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx, who was talking to Rose. Rose nodded as she gave her the bee miraculous discreetly, sipping it into her pocket. "Miss Rabbit, there is a room down there where you can detransform and charge up Fluff,"
 "Oh, right... cool. Thanks, random person from history," She grinned, holding up her thumbs before going to that room. Anatis stepped over to him.
 "How are you here?" He asked, making Lady Noir frown a little.
 "This is my time," Toutai replied. "China, 1603 to be exact. I'm 303 years old,"
 "Damn, you look good," Lady Noir gasped, making Toutai smile. "I mean... your wife won't kill me right?!"
 "Oh, no she won't," He smiled, making Lady Noir let out a sigh of relief. "She's currently doing her guardian trials so she isn't home right now,"
 Lady Noir nodded before walking over to Anatis.
 "What's wrong?" He asked, frowning.
 "Should we tell him about... the fact that he's gonna be murdered?" She asked, causing Anatis to frown. Koro had explained he had been killed before he fully lived out his life as the celestial guardian. "Maybe we could prevent it,"
 "I... I don't think we can," Anatis whispered, frowning as he felt Toutai's song. It was a song full of hope and sorrow. One of wanting to live happily before it was too late. "I think... I think he knows it's going to happen... he just doesn't know when or how,"
 "Ok! I'm good!" Bunnyx declared before Lady Noir could answer. She walked over to them as Lady Noir gave Anatis a nod. "Where to now, Boss?"
 "I'm not sure," Anatis replied, frowning. "I think we might just need to visit different-"
 "We need to go to Egypt, Ancient Greece, Medieval England and Ancient China," Toutai stated, walking over. "Those are the times and locations your friends are in,"
 "Oh thanks," Anatis smiled before he realized what Toutai had said. "Wait... what do you mean we?"
 "Simple," Toutai smiled. "I'm coming with you,"
 ~The Sahara Desert, 1200 BC~
 Chloe blinked as she looked up at the sky. She was sure she had been inside the Louvre museum with her friends so why was she laid on her back, looking up at the very clear, open sky? Blinking, she sat up and looked around, causing more concern to fill her mind as she saw she was laid in the desert. Laid next to her was Nathaniel and Max but both of them seemed unconscious. She scrambled up and shook Max awake before moving to Nathaniel, waking him up. He looked around alarmed as Max pushed his glasses up.
 "Um... where are we?" He asked as Max stood up and dusted his clothes down.
 "I would guess a desert but I don't remember how we got here," He replied, frowning as Chloe helped Nathaniel up while trying to keep him calm. "Is everyone ok?"
 "Physically, yes but I think Nath is having a panic attack," Chloe replied, gesturing to him as he looked around and tried to breathe. However, the sound of horses made her own panic rise, especially as she saw a cloud of sand in the distance. "Um... Max tell me that can be explained and isn't a bad thing,"
 Max looked over before clearing his throat.
 "I think we should run," He stated, making her look at him as he began to step back. The sand cloud was getting closer. "Yep... definitely run!"
 Chloe wrapped Nathaniel's arms around her neck and began to run, along with Max as some horse drawn chariots came at them with great speed. The men riding them were yelling as they gained on them but before they could do anything, the cariotes came to a sudden stop. The men fell forward before looking around bewildered as they tried to make their horses move. Chloe looked back as she, Max and Nathaniel kept moving. The men jumped off the chariots to chase them on foot but the moment they passed their horses, something in the air changed as a number of figures jumped towards them and landed in the sand. Chloe's eyes widen in fear as she thought they were about to attack them too. 
 "Who are they?!" Nathaniel asked as one of them stepped forward. He looked their age but was dressed very different to them. He wore a white kilt with a golden belt that had golden and blue material hanging from it. He had no shoes on at all but had golden cuffs around his ankles and his wrists, though the wrist ones were slightly bigger. His hair was partly shaved and the rest of it was braided and finally, his eyes were brown in color. Despite his age, he had an sense of authority about him. It was clear he was the leader of this group. He walked past the three of them and up to the leader of the men who had chased them.
 "Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!" He stated in a calm but firm voice. At first the leader seemed to hesitate before he turned to his men and began to shout them, causing them to back off. The boy watched them leave before turning to the three of them. "Come. I'm sure the desert has left you weary and in need of food and drink,"
 The three of them stared at him in surprise. It was pretty obvious that they were in ancient times but yet he had just spoken to them in perfect, modern day french. He rose an eyebrow at them as they stared.
 "It's complicated but basically I can speak any language that has ever existed or will exist," He stated, making them blink and nod before he walked off, causing them to follow him to a number of camels and horses. One of the others with him leaned over to him and said something. The boy replied, causing him to nod before he stopped and looked over at the sky before he turned to his companions and said something to them. They looked at each other but stopped when a white portal appeared before Anatis and a girl in a rabbit suit stepped out. Instantly, the others around the young leader went on edge, ready to attack. However, he turned to them. "La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!"
 The group lowered their weapons as Anatis stopped in his path and looked completely taken by surprise as he stared at the young leader, making the rabbit girl look at him. A few minutes later, Lady Noir and a man dressed in Chinese clothing stepped out again, causing the young man to smile at him.
 "Hi, Toutai!" He grinned as Toutai nodded to him as Anatis turned to the older person.
 "I know him... why do I know him?" He asked, making Toutai chuckle.
 "All in good time, young hero," He replied, turning to the boy. "Anatis, this is Khnurn,"
 "Yes, that is my name," He replied, causing Anatis and the rabbit girl to blink in surprise. "And you're Anatis... or at least like this you are..."
 He smiled and gestured to him.
 "Come! We shall take cover in our camp so your friends may have food and drink to recharge," Khnurn declared, causing Anatis to nod before he followed. He gave a nod to Bunnyx, who nodded back and took the chance to slip the horse miraculous to Chloe, telling her something and winking at her. Chloe nodded and hid it in her purse before Lady Noir whispered something to Bunnyx, who nodded. A few minutes later, she slipped something to Nino and told him something without anyone else noticing. Nino nodded and slipped the tiger miraculous into his pocket. The group followed Khnurn and his group over to their camels and horses before climbing on with them, riding off to their camp. It took a bit of time but they came to a pyramid hidden in the sands, just as Bunnyx's miraculous beeped. Khnurn jumped off his camel and walked over to the edge of the pyramid before placing his hand on it. A golden light came from it before forming a phoenix and disappearing, revealing a hidden doorway. "Follow me,"
 He walked inside, causing the group to follow him. Once inside, it was revealed to be a camp area with a number of tents and areas sectioned off with curtains. Another thing Anatis noticed was the number of animals in the place. All kinds of birds, dogs and cats were around. There was even a cow and a toad. The toad hopped over to Khnurn, who picked him up.
 "It isn't much but it is home," Khnurn replied as he smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx. "You can detransform and charge up Fluff over there,"
 He pointed to one of the hidden areas, making her nod as she walked over and moved behind a curtain. Lady Noir moved over to Anatis as he took a seat near a fire pit. Khnurn moved over to Toutai, switching to chinese to talk to him with anyone else understanding. They both glanced in Anatis' direction, making him look over.
 "I don't trust them," Lady Noir grumbled, making Anatis smile a little. "I mean how do they know each other? Why do they even look the same?"
 "They're connected to each other," Anatis replied, making her look at him. Toutai's song and Khnurn's song were eerily similar. "I just don't know how yet but I think we can trust them,"
 "Well, I trust you," She replied, making him smile. "Not sure about them though. Like Toutai seems nice but... Khnurn seems odd,"
 "He doesn't like people," Anatis muttered as Khnurn stroked the toad in his hand. "That's why he talks to Ra,"
 "Ra?" Lady Noir asked, making Anatis look at her.
 "That's what the Toad is called," He replied, making her blink and look at him before he shook his head, gripping it a little. "I don't know how I know that,"
 One of Khnurn's friends walked over to them, holding out a goblet. Anatis looked up at her, noticing she was wearing the earrings that resembled the ladybug miraculous but when they weren't active. However, he couldn't sense Tikki but maybe it's because he was out of time so to speak.
 "Yashrab," She stated, making Anatis shake his head.
 "Ana last eatshan," He replied, making Lady Noir look at him in surprise.
 "Annie, I didn't know you could speak ancient egyptian," She replied. He looked at her in surprise.
 "I... didn't?" He asked, not certain. He noticed Khnurn smirking like he understood something that Anatis didn't. "I just said I'm not thirsty since she told me to drink,"
 "You understood what she said, didn't you?" Khnurn asked, walking over. Anatis looked at him with slight confusion, causing him to smile. "Fascinating,"
 "I'm all charged up!" Bunnyx shouted as she walked out and back over. Anatis stood up with Lady Noir. "So where to next?"
 "Ancient Greece," Toutai stated, making everyone look at him before they looked at Anatis for confirmation. "If you're willing to listen to me that is,"
 "Yeah... ok... Greece it is," He nodded, causing Bunnyx to open a burrow. "Chloe, Nathaniel and Nino. Stay inside the room,"
 "No problem," They replied, walking inside the burrow but to Anatis' surprise, Khnurn put down Ra and told his group that he would be back soon before he turned to Anatis.
 "I'm coming with you," He replied, making the remaining heroes blink. Though Toutai didn't seem surprised at all. Anatis suspected that he knew Khnurn would do this. "You're gonna need my help,"
 "Right..." Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go then,"
 ~Athens, Greece, 470 BC~
 "Oww," Ivan groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. He was sure he had just been in the Louvre with Mylene and the rest of their group but now he was lying under a giant statue of a man with a beard. He looked around and saw Marc curled up and still asleep while Alya was just sitting up. "Alya, you ok?"
 "I'm fine, Ivan," She replied as Marc stirred. "But where-"
 She was cut off by the sound of a huge roar, making the three of them jump up in surprise before Alya excitedly took off, causing Ivan and Marc to follow her. They ended up hiding behind some urns as they came across a scene that wasn't unfamiliar to them. A creature they recognized as a hydra breathed fire and destroyed thing with it's tail as a woman dressed similar to Mayura watched the destruction. She was wearing a blue toga and held the fan of the peacock holder in her hands.
 "Ánthropoi tis Athínas! Eímai i theá rara!" She declared, making the three of them look at each other in confusion. "fére mou ton pséftiko theó, ton Alfeió kai tha deíxo éleos stin póli sou!!"
 "I think she's threatening the city," Marc whispered, making Ivan frown. However, before they could do anything, a wave of water hit her, knocking her off the building before flames wrapped around the Hydra. A woman dressed in a ladybug patterned Toga jumped down and wrapped her yoyo around the beast before another hero, dressed as a lion, jumped down and crushed a pillar, causing a blue feather to disappear from it. The Hydra disappeared, allowing the woman to capture the feather with her yoyo before she threw up an item into the air.
 "Thavmatourgí paschalítsa!" She declared, causing the item to burst into the cure and fix everyone. Alya couldn't help but squeal. However, the woman Hera was no where to be seen. 
 "Oh my god! That's a holder of the Ladybug miraculous!!" Alya gasped, practically vibrating with excitement but Marc looked just as excited as he looked at the two heroes.
 "She's Hippolyte and that is Hercules!" He gasped, making Ivan look at them before they heard someone clear their throat. The three of them turned around to find themselves face to face with a young man roughly somewhere in his late teens. His hair was black and curly in style. He wore a white toga with light blue detail on the trim and brown saddles but what really made him stand out were his eyes. They were the color of the ocean and sparkled with humor and mischief. "Um... hi?"
 "You're not from here," He stated, surprising all of them before they slowly nodded. "Come with me. The others must not see you or they'll think your the enemy and they will attack you,"
 "Attack?" Marc asked as the hero walked off.
 "Wait! Who are you?" Alya demanded, making him stop. "And how can we trust you huh?!"
 "Would you rather I leave you to the hydra?" He asked, making her gasp and quickly follow him. Marc walked over to him.
 "Um... who are you?"
 "I'm Alpheus," He replied with a cheeky grin. "A friend of yours contacted me to find you,"
 "Wait... Anatis?" Ivan asked but Alpheus didn't say anything. Just gave him a smile. "It has to be Anatis,"
 "But Anatis has never mentioned him before," Alya pointed out but the two boys just walked off, following him. She gasped and ran after them as they headed back to the temple Alpheus was staring at the sky, making Alya raise an eyebrow before she walked up to him. "Excuse me! How do you know Anatis?"
 "Let's just say we have history," He grinned, making her raise an eyebrow. The way he said means it was clearly a pun but she didn't get the punchline. However, she didn't have time to think about it as a glowing portal appeared, causing Anatis to step out with a rabbit hero. Alya squealed excitedly as she saw her before Lady Noir stepped out with two others the three of them had never seen. However, Alpheus walked straight up to them and greeted them, making her assume they were his brothers. They looked similar after all. The Rabbit girl went over to Ivan and gave him something, getting a nod of him before she disappeared behind a statue, causing a white light to flash. Alya was very tempted to look behind it to see who the girl was but Anatis gave her a stern look as if he knew what she was thinking. She gave him a calm smile before walking over to him.
 "Can I ask you a question?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Who is that guy? He said you contacted him and said you had history with him but he said it like a joke but I didn't get it,"
 "I'm not sure I get it yet either," Anatis replied, frowning. "I do know him though. His name is Alpheus... I didn't contact him though..."
 "You've never mentioned him before, Annie," Lady Noir stated, making him frown. "Don't ya think they kind all look like each other? Like if I didn't know any better, I'd say they are all related,"
 "Aren't they?" Alya asked, making both heroes shake their head. "But... they look like brothers?"
 "I noticed that too," Anatis replied, frowning. "But there's no way for them to be brothers. Possibly descendents of each other but definitely not immediate family. For one thing, Khnurn is from ancient Egypt but Toutai is from China in the 1600s,"
 "But they know each other?" Alya pointed out, making Anatis frown. That he didn't know how to explain. He knew that Toutai was a celestial guardian of the miraculous but as far as he was aware, Alpheus and Khnurn had no connection to the miraculous or to Toutai. The only thing he knew as that Khnurn was a mage and that Alpheus might be channeling his magic like Toutai was but that's all he knew. As soon as he thought that, a little voice in the back of his head made him question it as it asked him if he was sure. He let out a sigh and put his fingers through his hair. Lady Noir gave him a look of concern as he looked stressed.
 "I'm alright, Kitten," He smiled at her before sighing. "I just... It feels like a riddle but I can't solve it because I'm missing a vital piece. They have a bond that runs deeper then family but I don't know what it is,"
 "Also... the greek one... Alpheus... he was speaking perfect french?" Alya questioned, making the two heroes look at her before Lady Noir bit her lip.
 "Toutai said he was channelling Khnurn's magic right?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Then maybe Alpheus is doing the same? Maybe he's... Like Toutai..."
 "Khnurn's magic?" Marc asked, having been listening into the conversation. The three of them looked at him, making him blush and look down. "So-Sorry... I didn't mean to listen. It just sounds so amazing,"
 "It's ok, Marc," Anatis smiled in a reassuring way. "Khnurn is a mage and his magic is based on communication. He can speak, write and understand any language that has ever existed no matter when it existed. I'm guessing by channelling his magic and their connection with him, Toutai and Alpheus can communicate with anyone they want or need to,"
 "That is so cool," Alya grinned as Ivan nodded and Marc smiled, clearly inspired. "But how do they do that?"
 "I don't know how," Anatis admitted as he noticed a glow coming from behind the statue before Bunnyx stepped out. "Ready?"
 "Yep," She grinned before the two of them looked to Toutai. "Since you lead us to Egypt and here, I'll let you choose next,"
 "Medieval England," He replied, walking back over as Anatis nodded. Khnurn and Alpheus walked over too, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "Let me guess... you're coming as well," He stated, making Alpheus grin.
 "Of course," He replied, shrugging. "Bunnyx can drop me off at this exact moment and Hera won't attack for at least three days. Even if she does, Herc and Hip have it covered. Hip has the ladybug miraculous so she can restore the damage done but you would know all about that, don't you Anatis?"
 "Right," He replied, turning to Bunnyx. "Open the next burrow,"
 "Sure thing, boss," She grinned before holding out her hand. "Burrow!"
 The glowing portal reappeared, causing Marc and Alya to grinned excitedly.
 "Alright, everyone! Let's go!" Anatis declared before disappearing inside, causing the rest to follow.
 ~Lake Avalon, England, 750 AD~
 "Rose!! Luka!!" Juleka called out as she looked around the island she had climbed up on after finding herself floating in a middle of a lake. She was sure that she had been in the musume with Rose, Luka and everyone in their friendship group but then suddenly she was here alone. She looked around and noticed Kagami lying in the water. She gasped and rushed back over as Kagami jolted awake, splashing in the water. She waddled back in the water and helped her up as waves on the water moved. Both girls gasped and stepped back, aware of what might be swimming towards them. They both screamed when it broke through the water, only to hear the laughter of Kim.
 "Ha! That was amazing!!" He grinned, stretching as they both stared at him. "There's a castle under the water and everything!!"
 "A castle under the water?" Kagami asked, looking around before she looked pale. "Where are we?! Where's Adrien?!"
 "I don't know," Juleka mumbled, feeling afraid. "No one else is here from the group either. It's just us three,"
 "We should try and find someone," Kagami replied, looking around. It seemed to be nothing but trees around them but they had to be someone around there. Juleka nodded and followed Kagami as she walked off into the forest, with Kim trailing behind them. The forest seemed to go on forever as they pushed through the leaves and branches until they came out in a large clearing. In the distance, they could see a castle but something felt wrong. There were no birds singing like there was in the forest. The grass looked dried, the ground looked cracked and there was a strange smell in the air that made them feel sick. Juleka carefully grabbed Kagami's hand as both girls looked at the castle ahead in fear. Everything about it screamed danger. "We should leave,"
 "I agree," Juleka muttered, taking a step back before the ground began to shake. It stopped as soon as it started, causing the girls to look confused as Kim snored in amusement. "Was that an earthquake?"
 "If it was, it was weak as-" Kim stated but then they heard a crack, causing them to look over. The color drained from their skin as they saw a rotten corpse pulling itself from the ground.
 "Run," Kagami stated as another started to climb up. "Run!"
 The three of them turned and ran as fast as they could, though Kagami and Kim were at lot faster then Juleka. She kept going but she missed placed her footing, causing her to trip and fall as the forest came to life. She screamed as a vine wrapped around her ankle and the undead gained on them. Kagami stopped and turned around, running back towards her. She jumped at one of the undead, knocking it down and grabbing it's sword before swiping at the vines of the trees but they grabbed at her. She tried to cut them as they wrapped around her waist but before she could, they grabbed her sword. Juleka tried to scream as the vines weaved around her but some began to cover her mouth and Kim was been hosted into the veins, making them all panic. However, the sound of an arrow cut through the air before it landed on the ground.
 "Flare!" A voice declared, causing the area where the arrow landed to be engulfed in a burst of light before a number of figures jumped down and attacked the undead. Juleka's eyes widen as she saw one of them using a yoyo as well as another using a flute. The undead creatures retreated as the light dimmed, revealing the newcomers to be knights and what looked like to be a wizard. "Victory is ours once again!"
 "Perhaps we should help these young ones," The woman in the ladybug themed armored pointed out, making the men look at her as she gestured to the three of them. "Merlin, if you will,"
 "Of course, mi'lady," He nodded in a respectful way before touching the tree. Juleka noticed that while he looked like a wizard, he seemed to be themed around a black cat. In fact, all of the group were themed around animals. There was a fox knight, a turtle knight, a rooster knight and even a snake knight. Her eyes widen as she realized they were holders of the miraculous. "Cataclysm!"
 The trees and their vines turned to dust, freeing the three of them. As soon as they were free, Kim jumped up and grinned.
 "Real life knights! So cool!" He grinned, making the knights look at each as Kagami dusted herself down and grabbed the sword. The woman in the ladybug miraculous helped Juleka to her feet. "I can't wait to tell Alix about this!!"
 "You have our thanks," Kagami stated, nodding. "But could you tell us where we are?"
 "The Island of Avalon... 750 AD," A new voice stated, causing the knights to turn to as another knight joined them. The three of them stared in surprise and awe at him as they recognized him as the subject of the Dragon Knight painting. Only he didn't have his full armor on. He had his chainmail with a blue tunic over it and brown boots. His hair hung by his shoulders and was black in color. He had a single jacket earring in his left ear but what made him really stand out was his piercing green eyes, which surprised Juleka. She had envisioned he had blue eyes, just like Luka but that could because Luka use to pretend to be this knight. Sir Rene gave them a gentle smile, causing them to feel calmer then they were before he turned to the other knights. "Let's move north. We'll set up camp near the lake so we might have her protection. Sir Bedivere, you're in charge of finding us a boar to roast. Sir Galahad, would you be so kind as to make sure a nice fire tonight?"
 "Of course, Sir Rene," Sir Galahad nodded before the group began to head off. Sir Rene turned to Juleka, Kagami and Kim.
 "Mordred will recover and attack again so please come with us," He stated, making them look at each other. "He can't go near the lake,"
 "Mordred?" Kagami asked, looking at the other two who shrugged. "Is that who lives in that castle?"
 "He has overtaken it," Sir Rene confirmed as Kagami frowned before they began to follow the other knights. They would rather go with them then deal with those creepy trees or undead monsters again. Juleka kept looking back at Sir Rene as she walked with them, making him give her a questioning look. "Is something wrong?"
 "Um... I want to as-"
 "Is it true that you're gay?!" Kim asked, interrupting her. Rene cocked an eyebrow at him. "Sorry but it's just this girl was claiming knights can't be gay-"
 "I am joyous," He replied, making Kim look at him. "Since that is what gay means at this time but if you referring to the fact that I have a preference for male partners then females then yes that is true. Will that be a problem?"
 "Oh no! Not at all!" Kim gasped, holding up his hands to show that he didn't mean to be offensive. "I was just curious! That's all!"
 "Good," Rene smiled before turning to Juleka. "I believe you were going to say something,"
 "My brother knew about you before anyone else..." She mumbled, making him look at her in a little surprise. "We use to play knights when we were little and he always insisted on been the lengendary 'dragon knight' Sir Rene but I don't know how he knew you, given that your name is lost to history.. sorry..."
 "It's fine," He smiled, making her nod.
 "So do you think we're related?" She asked as Kim tried to challenge the other knights to an arm wrestle. "Is it possible that we are your descendents? Do you have a family?"
 "I have no family," Rene replied, frowning a little as they came to a stop. "As for your brother knowing, it's possible that he knew me before that,"
 "Like he had a past life with you?" She asked, frowning. Luka did seem wise beyond his years so it made sense that maybe he had lived before.
 "It's a possibility," He stated, smiling as he knew something she didn't. "But I wouldn't worry too much though,"
 She nodded as Sir Galahad and a few of the other knights set up tents. Soon there was a roaring fire and a wild boar was been roasted over it, thanks to Sir Bedivere. Some of the knights were talking, some were taking Kim up on his challenge and one of them was fencing with Kagami. She was sure that was Sir Lancelot but Sir Rene himself was merely keeping an eye on the boar and seemed a little sad but as soon as night fell, he glanced over at the lake. Juleka glanced over as well. The stars reflected off it, making it look like diamonds but literally seconds after she looked over, a glowing portal appeared near the shore. The other knights jumped up in alert as Merlin and the woman with the Ladybug miraculous looked over.
 "Merlin's beard! What is that?" Sir Kay gasped, looking over as Merlin rolled his eyes and muttered something about his beard. However, relief flooded through Juleka as Anatis stepped out, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and three men who she guessed were brothers. "Sir Rene, should we attack?"
 "No, they are friends," He smiled, getting up and walking over. "Welcome!"
 "Sir Rene?" Anatis asked, generally surprised as the Rabbit girl walked over to Juleka and suddenly hugged her. Juleka was slightly taken back but hugged back as she felt the girl give her the fox miraculous.
 "Anatis said to give this you," She whispered, making Juleka nod. "He said wait until we're back in Paris before using it,"
 "Alright," She replied as the girl pulled away and walked over to Kagami before talking to her. Juleka didn't notice as she slipped Kagami the dragon miraculous and gave her Anatis' instructions. "Anatis?"
 "Yes?" He asked, looking at her as she played with her hands.
 "Is Rose ok?" She asked, hoping her girlfriend wasn't hurt. He gave her a soft smile.
 "She's safe in Bunnyx's burrow," He explained, making her let out a sigh of relief as Bunnyx disappeared into a tent. A few seconds later, a white light appeared inside. "As soon as Bunnyx is recharged, we'll be heading inside. Toutai, is this the last place?"
 "No, one more place," Toutai replied, surprising Juleka as he spoke perfect french. "We'll be heading back to China but not from my time. It will be Ancient China,"
 "Ok," Anatis nodded before looking to Sir Rene. "You're gonna come with us, aren't you?"
 "Yes," He replied, making Anatis nod. "You will require my blade,"
 "Sure," He replied, pinching his nose. "Just... don't add to the argument,"
 "Argument?" Juleka asked, making Anatis groan as Lady Noir grinned.
 "Oh what fighting style is better," She replied, making Juleka raise an eyebrow. "Toutai does martial arts but Mr Khnurn thinks that Marksmanship is the better style while Mr Alpheus-"
 "Call me Al,"
 "Al likes more defensive action but seems to favor the trident,"
 "Oh," Juleka nodded. "I think Marital arts is the best,"
 "Oh that's another one for Martial arts!" Lady Noir grinned, making Toutai whoop and Juleka smile a little before Sir Rene cleared his throat.
 "Clearly Swordsmanship is the truest art," He stated, making his knights cheer in agreement as Bunnyx comes out of the tent. "Ah the young doe is ready,"
 "I'm not a deer," She replied, raising an eyebrow. "And I thought girl rabbits are called Jills?"
 "I believe that is the hare, my dear," Sir Rene replied, making Bunnyx make a thoughtful face. "Either way, it is time yes?"
 "Right," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go,"
 ~Feng's Family Temple, China, 1300 BC~
 Adrien blinked as he looked around, wondering where he was. One minute he had been running away from the akuma with Kagami and Luka, the next he had woken up in this strange little temple. It actually had a nice feeling to it but he wasn't sure where he was. As he looked around, he saw Max laid on the ground next to Marvok and Sabrina was curled near them. Max groaned as he woke up before sitting up and pushing his glasses as Marvok flew up and looked around. 
 "Where are we?" He asked with question marks in his eyes as Max looked around.
 "I can confirm we are no longer in the Louvre museum," He muttered as Sabrina groaned and woke up, sitting up as well. "I would guess the akuma has somehow transported use to a different location,"
 "Chloe?!" Sabrina gasped, looking around as Adrien realised Kagami wasn't there. "Oh no! Where is she?"
 "Your friends are all quite safe," A voice stated, making them jump as they turned and saw an older man who appeared in his late 30s. He was dressed in a gray handfu suit and had his hair tied back in a long ponytail. He had a faded blue jacket on and wore martial art shoes on his feet. Next to him was a cone-shaped hat and he was sat near one of the stones in front of a small fire with a pot of tea on it. He also had four cups out as if he was waiting for them. "I sent word to my friends to ensure their safety and they should have been picked up by your friend with the beetle miraculous by now,"
 "You know Anatis?" Adrien asked as he took the teapot off the fire and poured it into the cups before handing one to Adrien. He looked at it and took it, sitting down in front of the strange man. "Are you a friend of his?"
 "I'm more of a guide to him," He replied, passing one to Sabrina and one of Max as both had sat down. "I would pass a drink to your friend but it would fry his circuit board,"
 "You know of robots?" Sabrina asked, surprised.
 "I know that they will come to exist," He replied, sipping his own drink. "My name is Feng by the way. You are Adrien, Max, Marvok and Sabrina,"
 "How do you know our names and robots?" Adrien asked, surprised.
 "I was born with the ability to see the future," He replied, blowing on his drink. "In a moment, a burrow will open behind me and your friend, along with six others, will step out,"
 As soon as he said it, a glowing portal appeared and Anatis stepped, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and four others. Adrien stared in shock but he wasn't the only one. Anatis himself was staring straight at Feng, who stood and turned around.
 "Feng?!" Anatis gasped, clearly off guard. "... you're here? wait... am I having one of those dreams again?"
 "No, this is actually real,"  Feng reassured as Bunnyx took the chance to give Adrien the snake miraculous and Max the Rooster. "And I know you have a lot of questions and I will answer them but not yet. Bunnyx, it's good to see you again. You can feed Fluff over there,"
 "um... thanks?" She asked, confused as he pointed to a small area cornered off by material but he chuckled. 
 "I met your older self when I was younger," He explained, making her blink in surprise before he waved his hand. "The rest are spoilers. Now I believe you should go and feed her then we should get going. We have much to achieve,"
 "Right," Bunnyx nodded before hiding behind the thing as Feng walked over to the rest of the group. Anatis just stood there, completely silence. Lady Noir frowned and walked over to him, gently poking him in the cheek.
 "Sooo... Hao Feng huh?" She grinned, nodding towards him. Anatis nodded in silence. "You ok?"
 "Weirded out... I was wondering if he was real... or just something I made up in my mind," He muttered, looking over at him. "I thought I was going mad but he's actually real..."
 "That's good right?" She asked, glancing over. Feng seemed to have an air about him but so did the others they had picked up. Even though he looked roughly her age, she got the impression that Khnurn was no more a child then Feng himself was. Toutai, Alpheus and Rene all looked like they were in their early twenties but they also seemed to have a feeling of been much older then that too. Funny enough, it was a feeling she associated with both Luka and Anatis. If she had to pick a way to describe them, she would say an old soul in a young body. A flash of light got her attention before Bunnyx stepped out from behind the curtain. Anatis looked at her before Feng walked back over. 
 "We should head back to Paris," He stated, making Anatis nod.
 "Umm... Bunnyx, would you mind?" He asked, causing her to summon a burrow. It opened, causing everyone to walk inside. It wasn't what Adrien expected as he thought they would just be transferred straight to modern day Paris but instead they entered a white room with lots of tvs in it. Well, he thought they were tvs but he wasn't sure. However, before he could have a look, Feng moved over to him and pulled him away from them.
 "Spoilers," He smiled, making Adrien look at him confused before he looked over to where he was been lead to. Kagami looked over as he stopped, causing her expression to turn to one of relief as she saw him. Next to her was Rose and Juleka, hugging each other as if their life depended on it. Nathaniel and Marc were sat next to them, whispering excitedly to one and another. Mylene was curled up in Ivan's arms and Chloe was holding Sabrina in a similar way. Kim was sat talking to the Rabbit hero, along with Max. Nino was sat nearby as Alya spoke excitedly about seeing an ancient ladybug holder. Adrien smiled a little before he looked around, frownin a little.
 "Where's Marinette, Luka and Lila?" He asked, frowning.
 "Luka contacted me and is hiding from the akumas back in Paris," Anatis stated before frowning. "But I didn't see Marinette-"
 "That's because she's hiding too!" Lady Noir gasped, causing Adrien to raise an eyebrow. "She alerted me then went to hide,"
 "Are you telling the truth, Lady Noir?" Adrien teased but noticed the youngest of their guests held back a snore as Lady Noir looked a little panicked. "I'm just kidding,"
 "Now is probably not the time, Adrien," Anatis stated, making him nod and apologize to Lady Noir, who brushed it off with a nervous laugh. "Alright, everyone, we're gonna go back to Paris. You all need to go and hide as soon as we do so you don't get hit by the akuma again,"
 "Mr Anatis, while I'm grateful that you came and got us but just why did you come and get us? Wouldn't the lucky charm just bring us back?" Sabrina asked, making everyone look at her. Those who hadn't been slipped a miraculous began to mumble in agreement with her. However, Anatis held up his hand.
 "I'm not sure if the cure would have reached you and the item that was summoned lead me to do so," He explained, making them nod in understand as he glanced over at Feng and the others. "Feng, you can come with us but the rest of you... I'll have to ask you to stay in here. I know you wanted to come along and I know you have 'magic' but none of you have a miraculous and I can't use magic tricks during battle so it's too dangerous to let you join me in this battle. Also... you might get in the way... no offence..."
 "Should we tell him?" Rene asked, looking to the others. 
 "We probably should," Toutai agreed as Alpheus and Khnurn also nodded, surprising Anatis. They had been arguing among themselves since meeting each other. Mostly about small things like who had the better fighting style, who had the coolest magic...he wasn't sure why they argued about that but he was pretty sure the only one with real magic was Feng... who's food was better, why the greeks were better then the romans or why they weren't. The point was they were arguing over small, pointless things which lead him to believe they wouldn't be good for the battle plus no miraculous. The four of them looked to Feng as if waiting for his blessing before he let out a sigh and nodded.
 "You can tell him," He replied, causing Khnurn to grin and Alpheus to make a whoop noise. Toutai had a calm smile and Rene nodded.
 "I'll go first!" Alpheus declared before opening the small satel he had attached to his hip. "Nepp, you can come out now,"
 Anatis' eyes widen in surprise when a kwami that resembled what the Lock Ness Monster looked like flew out. Or at least, how he envisioned it but it was definitely a kwami. Apparently, he wasn't the only one staring as everyone in the room was. They had been with a miraculous holder and had no idea.
 "This is Nepp, the kwami of Focus," He explained, causing Nepp to wave.
 "Hello, it's nice to meet everyone," She replied, smiling a little shyly before turning to Alpheus. "Where are we, Al? It doesn't look like Greece,"
 "We're in a burrow," He explained, making Nepp nod before she flew over to Feng and hugged him. Well, hugged his cheek.
 "It's good to see you again, Master Feng!" She grinned, making him smile back before she flew back to Alpheus and sat on his shoulder. Anatis blinked and shook his head before sighing.
 "Do all of you have miraculous?" He asked, making the three others grin sheepishly as three other kwamis flew out.
 "This is Bennu, the kwami of renewal," Toutai explained, gesturing to the kwami that resembled a phoenix, who waved at Feng. He waved back.
 "Niix, Kwami of Intelligence," Khnurn explained, gesturing to the kwami that reminded Anatis of an egyptian cat. 
 "Hello," Niix stated, smiling. "Master Feng, it's been too long,"
 "Likewise, Niix," Feng replied, nodding as Rene gestured to the little dragon kwami that was sat on his shoulder. Though it resembled a western day instead an eastern day.
 "This is Vernn, Kwami of Chivalry," He explained, causing the Kwami to fly up.
 "It is truly an honor to meet you all," He bowed, making Lady Noir coo at his politeness before he turned to Feng. "Master Feng, it was an honor to serve with you,"
 "The honor was mine, Vernn," Feng replied, bowing back before he looked over at Anatis with a knowing smile. "I believe my friends here will be joining with this battle, Anatis,"
 "... Alright but this is my time and therefore my rules. I expect you to listen to me and follow my plan. Got it?" He declared, making them look at each other and mutter something in a language he had never heard before before they nodded and turned back to him, making him raise an eyebrow.
 "Alright, we'll follow your lead, Boss," Alpheus grinned, making Anatis nod before he glanced at them.
 "You should probably transform in here..." Anatis stated, causing them to nod.
 "Nepp, Submerge," Alpheus declared, transforming. His hair become midnight blue and he wore a light blue toga with dark blue detail. He had matching gloves on his hands and dark brown sandals. His ears had fins on them and he had small horns on his head. On his right arm was a golden arm band with blue gems in it and he had a light blue mask with a dark blue trim over his silver eyes. In his hand, he had a trident. 
 "Bennu, Rise again," Toutai declared, making him transform. His outfit changed into a hanfu style, giving him an orange shirt with yellow detail. His pants turned red and his hairstyle changed a little. It was still loose but part of his hair tied in a bun with a golden headpiece that resembled flames. He wore a mask that resembled a bird's beak but it was red that faded into orange in it's color. He had two folded fans that were attached to his belt and he wore a brooch in the middle of his chest that Lady Noir now recognized as the phoenix miraculous. She blinked and grabbed Anatis' arm before looking at him.
 "Wasn't that the one Fenix Rouge was using during Miracle Queen's attack?" She asked, making him nod. "So cool!! You look awesome, Toutai!!"
 "Thank you, Lady Noir," Toutai smiled, causing Alpheus to look at him before back at Lady Noir.
 "Don't I look awesome?" He asked, a little disappointed.
 "I think you look cool," Marc muttered, making Alpheus grin happily.
 "Mett, Let's March!" Khnurn declared, causing Mett to disappear into his head chain. His outfit changed, causing him to wear a royal blue kilt that had a metallic belt that was purple with material straps hanging from it that were blue and gold in color. He wore a large necklace that was made from golden, blue and purple metals. He still had golden cuffs on his ankles and wrists but there were amethysts embedded in the ones on his wrists. His feet were still bare and he wore a royal blue mask with a purple trim and golden eyeliner that forms Horus' eye on his right eye. Upon his head were cat ears and his hair was royal blue as well. He wore a disc headdress and had a lion's tail. 
 "Oh my, you're a pharaoh! That is so cool," Nathaniel gasped, making the others look at him. Khnurn smiled a little. "Sorry but when Alix is your best friend, you learn a thing or two about egypt. Only Pharaohs had lion tails on their belts as a symbol of power,"
 "He's not wrong," Bunnyx confirmed, making everyone look at her. "What? History is my jam,"
 "Your friend is kind of right but I'm more of a leader then a king," Khnurn replied in a cryptic manner. "Anyway, Rene, you gonna transform?"
 "Just waiting for you to finish your talk," Rene smiled before turning to Vernn. "Ready?"
 "When you are, my lord," Vernn replied, making Rene smile
 "Vernn, Defend," He replied, causing Vernn to disappear into his earring that turned into a dragon. His outfit changed, giving him bronze and green armor over a green tunic and silver chainmail. His boots turned to greeves that were made of bronze, matching his gauntlets. His hair turned dark green and he gained four green horns as well as a tail. A green mask covered his eyes, that had turned lizard like. His scleras were green but his irises stayed silver. He also gained a sword. 
 "I knew it," Anatis muttered, making everyone look at him. "Yours is the Wyvern Miraculous,"
 He turned to Lady Noir.
 "In our time, it's Dame who uses it," He replied before looking at Feng. "Are you going to transform too?"
 "Sass, Scales Slither," He declared, transforming into his hero form. "I'm going to set a second chance in here,"
 He pushed the head of the snake back, setting it before nodding at Anatis. 
 "Right... let's get going... um... Khnurn, Toutai, Rene, Alpheus... I guess you should come with me and Lady Noir-"
 "We should drop everyone off in the metro I think it was," Feng stated, making Anatis look at him. "Three resets... each time, you've been send back in time or Lady Noir has..."
 "Oh... right..." Anatis muttered, nodding. "The Metro it is,"
 "Ok!" Bunnyx nodded before creating a burrow. Everyone stepped out and found it was completely empty. Bunnyx looked at Anatis as the civilians went off, leaving the heroes. "Should I charge up?"
 "Yeah, we might need a burrow again," He replied, taking his yoyo and checking the news feed as Bunnyx went to the bathroom but there wasn't one. "Damn it,"
 "Annie?" Lady Noir asked as he typed on his yoyo before their temporary heroes came to the metro where they were. Abeille and Culpeo were the first to arrive, followed by Ryuko and Aspik. Leatherback turned up next then Apollo and Valkyrie. Finally, Sabertooth turned up. "Whoa, how did you get to everyone in time?"
 "It was the first trip we did," Anatis stated. "Bunny and I went to a few moments before the akuma happened and grab the temps their miraculous... apart from Apollo and Sabertooth that is but I'm guessing you got Bunnyx to somehow get their miraculous to them?"
 "Um... yeah..." She replied, making him nod. "Sorry..."
 "Don't apologize," He smiled, making her smile back. "I trust you and I trust Bunnyx. Remember she told us she can keep a secret... now we just need a plan to defeat the history keepers.. Feng, is it possible to do a second second chance?"
 "Yes... while they are the same miraculous, mine is younger then his plus I didn't set it out here... The burrow is outside of time. Since I set the save point there, it means that the usual rules don't apply," He explained, making Anatis nod. "But his will still it's timer on,"
 "I see," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's move out. I need to see what the akumas are doing..."
 All of the heroes nodded and followed Anatis as he headed up the stairs and carefully looked around. He frowned to himself as he saw no one in the streets before they jumped onto the rooftops and ran to the Louvre. He came to a stop and ducked down, causing everyone to do the same as they looked at the scene in front of them. Tied to three pikes were Koro, Dame and Snowbird. Luckily, none of their miraculous had been taken yet but it appeared to be some sort of trap to lure him out. Pharaoh, Darkblade and Chronos were stood on a platform above them with their sentimonster while surrounded by an army of knights and mummies.
 "Anatis! Lady Noir! Surrender your miraculous and we won't send these three to the big bang," Chronos declared, causing the army to call out as Anatis gulped. This reminded him off Mob Boss too much and he felt himself feeling afraid and sick. He flinched a little as Feng gently placed his hand on his shoulder.
 "It's alright to be afraid," He whispered, making Anatis look at him. "What matters is what you do next. Do you let your fear rule you or do you channeling it and make a strength?"
 "... right..." He nodded, taking a deep breathe before he turned to Aspik. "Aspik, I need you to activate second chance. We need to come back to this point should anything go wrong. Bunnyx, be on guard and stay back. You are our last hope so if all else fails, go into your burrow and get the older versions of us. I hope it doesn't come to that but-"
 "It's the back up plan in case things go wrong," She nodded, making him nod before he turned to Feng but he knew he didn't have to say a thing. Feng gave him a nod and look that said that he knew what he was. He was the first back up plan. If all but himself are captured, he would reset to be back in the burrow and give them a second chance. He would also defend Bunnyx to ensure she could get away if it came to that. Anatis nodded at Aspik, who pushed back the snake head.
 "Second Chance," He declared before Anatis turned to the rest of the team. He explained they were going to go after Chronos first as he was the most powerful but before he could continued, Aspik shook his head. "Time Keeper can free anyone of them from been venomed,"
 "Ok," He replied, nodding. "Then we need to focus on Time Keeper... right?"
 "Tried that," Aspik replied, frowning. "We can't get near it. The army and the akumas make it impossible..."
 Anatis frowned before quietly summoning his lucky charm. He frowned even more as he caught the rope that appeared before looking around in his luck vision. Apollo and Culpeo lit up first, followed by Abeille and Valkyrie before it lit up Time Keeper. Next, Ryuko and Toutai lit up, followed by the army then Leatherback. Khnurn and Rene lit up before Pharaoh and Darkblade. Lady Noir was lit up next then to his surprise, Ryuko lit up again, this time with Alpheus before it finally lit up the rope and Sabertooth, making him understand the plan. He tied the rope into a lasso before hooking it on his belt before looking at everyone.
 "We need to attack them all at the same time," He stated, making them look at him. "Culpeo, I need you to make an illusion of clones for all us and as many as you can to confuse Chronos. Apollo, use flare to blind Time Keeper. Valkyrie, create a portal directly above it so Abeille can dive through it and use venom on it. Ryuko and Toutai, you need to use Wind Dragon and Ash Phoenix to round up the army. Leatherback, use Shell-ter to trap them inside it,"
 "Right," He nodded, making Anatis nod before he turned to Khnurn and Rene.
 "Rene, I need you to distract Darkblade. Challenge him to a duel. Khnurn, you need distract Pharaoh. Calling him a fake should be enough to get him to fight you. Once you both have their attention, lure them away from Chronos and to the Seine. Alpheus, you need to use Stream to trap them in a water cage. Ryuko, that where's you come in again. Use lightning dragon on them and once they are weakened, Lady Noir will use Cataclysm on the akumatized item," Anatis explained, turning to Sabertooth. "While this is happening, we're gonna tackle Chronos. You'll need to use Veil so he can't see you. While he's focused on the illusions provided by Culpeo, I'll get behind him and use this to trap him. That should get him to focus on me then you can near enough to grab his watch and destroy it,"
 "That is a very complicated plan," Lady Noir admitted, making Anatis nod as everyone looked unsure.
 "Yes but we can do it," He replied. "And if it fails, one of them can reset the timeline or get our older selves... now let's do this,"
 Apollo and Culpeo nodded, taking out their respective weapons. Culpeo played her flute before throwing the charged up ball into the air.
 "Mirage!" She declared, causing it to burst into an orange light. When it disappeared, there was literally hundreds of clones of all the heroes stood on the buildings, making the akumas gasp before Apollo took out his bow and arrow. He aimed to in front of Time Keeper, muttering Flare as the clones dived towards the villains, causing Chronos to hit a few of them while the other two began to attack them. Anatis and Sabertooth used the chance to get behind Chronos as he fired at one, gasping as he did.
 "They're illusions!" He called out, causing Apollo to release his arrow, causing a blinding light when it landed. As soon as it did, Valkyrie opened a portal as Ryuko and Toutai used their powers, blinding the army and swiping them up in the air. Khnurn and Rene attacked Pharoah and Darkblade as Anatis threw the lasso over Chronos stopped him from freezing anyone. "Time Keeper! Attack!"
 "Venom!" Abeille called, diving out of the portal and slamming it into Time Keeper, freezing it. Chronos struggled against Anatis as he called out, failing to notice Sabertooth activating Veil. Meanwhile, Leatherback used Shellter to trap the army inside it. Ryuko reformed near the Seine as Khnurn and Rene lead Darkblade and Pharoah there. As soon as they got there, a burst of water wrapped around them, trapping them inside as Alpheus moved his trident.
 "Lightning Dragon!" Ryuko called, diving towards them and hitting the water. It electrocuted them before the water dropped, causing them to fall to the ground defeated. Meanwhile, Anatis was thrown over Chronos' shoulder but before he could freeze him, Sabertooth punched him, knocking him down before he grabbed his watch and stabbed it with his knife. At the same time, Lady Noir grinned and yanked the pendent off Pharoah's neck, using her cataclysm to destroy it. The three akumas turned back into their normal selves as the akuma and amok escaped. Anatis got up and captured the amok before heading to where Lady Noir was and capturing the akuma as Feng, Aspik and Bunnyx jumped down and joined the rest. They joined the rest of the team before Anatis picked up the lasso. He looked at it before looking to Feng.
 "If I cast this... will you go back to your own time?" He asked, making Feng shake his head.
 "We'll need Bunnyx to return us as it was technically her who brought us here," He explained, making Anatis nod. "We'll talk in the burrow,"
 "Alright..." Anatis replied before throwing the rope in the air. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 It burst into the magic swarm and spreaded across all of Paris, fixing everything and restoring the people who had been sent back in time or turned into a mummy or a knight. Anatis looked at the sky as it did before turning to the temporary heroes. 
 "Culpeo, Abeille, Leatherback... I'll collect your miraculous as soon as I return," He replied before turning to Lady Noir. "Could you collect Valkyrie's, Ryuko's, Aspik's, Sabertooth's and Apollo's miraculous? I know I should-"
 "Go and talk to him," She smiled, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll get them back to the box-"
 "Toutai?" A voice interrupted, making everyone look over as Koro walked over. Anatis mentally groaned. He had forgotten about them. Toutai gave him and look before walking over to her.
 "You're still as beautiful as ever, my flower," He stated, taking her hand in his before he switched back to Chinese. She closed her eyes and gently pressed her forehead to his before nodding. He whispered something to her, making her kiss him. Khnurn rolled his eyes at their moment before clearing his throat. Toutai pulled away and gave him a look before turning back to Koro and telling her something. She nodded again before he let go and walked away. "I believe it is time for me to return to my time,"
 "I think it's time for all us to go home," Feng replied, causing Anatis to nod at Bunnyx. She opened a burrow before walking inside with the five historical figures and Anatis. As soon as it closed, Feng turned to Anatis. "Have you realized yet?"
 "Realized what?" He asked, looking at him. "That somehow you five are all connected? That much is obvious. You somehow told them that I would be arriving and would need their help. What I don't understand is how you're all connected and how I'm connected to you. I want to know and please don't say I'm not ready because I'm tired of hearing that. I'm tired of the nightmares, I'm tired of been confused and I'm... I'm just tired, Feng... so just tell me. Who are you to me? And why do I know them?"
He gestured to the other four, making Feng sigh. He knew this day was coming. Anatis looked at him with a desperate look.
 "Please... just tell me..." He stated, making Feng nod.
 "Do you have the journal from Dragon's cave?"
 "Yes but there is nothing in there," Anatis replied, running his fingers through his hair. "The pages are blank. Why would you send me to get an empty journal?"
 "It's not empty," Feng replied, making Anatis frown and look even more annoyed.
 "Then why can't I read it?" He asked before looking to the side. "What am I do wrong?"
 "You're not doing anything wrong," Feng stated, trying to reassure him. "It's just you don't have the means to read it yet,"
 "Just tell him already!" Alpheus stated, making Feng and Anatis look over at him as he walked over. Feng knew he was going to do this but it still didn't stop him from been annoyed with him. He wanted to break it to Anatis gently and slowly so he could help him instead of just throwing him in the deep end. "You're not-"
 "Alpheus, don't," He warned, making him look at him and roll his eyes.
 "You can't protect him from everything, Feng," Alpheus gasped, making Anatis frown. "I know you want to but life doesn't work that way and he needs to. Keeping it from him will hurt him more in the long run. You should know that! Or have you had a vision that we don't know about?"
 "No, I didn't," He replied, frowning. "I just-"
 "Just what exactly?!"
 "I just don't know how to tell him ok!" Feng shouted, surprising everyone in the burrow before he gestured to Anatis. "He isn't like you or those three! He's different,"
 "Of course, he's different, Feng!" He shouted, making Anatis frown. "He's one of us after all!"
 "That is not what I mean!" He growled back, making Alpheus argue back. Khnurn looked down and played with his hands as Toutai sighed and shook his head. Rene tried to get in between them and break them as Bunnyx just started. Anatis frowned and pinched his nose as they began to argue in a different language, causing a similar buzz in his head as went he got possessed by an akuma. Only it was different at the same time. He closed his eyes as they argued before he gritted his teeth.
 "That is enough!!" He shouted, snapping his eyes open. When he did though, he found he could see something that he didn't see before. He could see their auras. They were surrounding all of them but what made him really confused was that they weren't different like they should be. In the back of his mind, he recalled seeing auras before when he was younger. His mother's was bright red and resembled a flame, Juleka's was purple but acted more like watch. Issac's was gray and sharp looking but these auras were gold in color and all of them were identical and took the exact same shape. A phoenix. Feng and Alpheus looked at him as he stared at them. "You're... the same..."
 "Anatis..." Feng started as he looked down. 
 "Phoenix... the fact that you knew each other... and resembled each other... even your names... it's been in front of me along..." He muttered, glancing down before he noticed his own aura. It was the same shade of gold as well. He looked up and rushed past them over to one of the windows that didn't show anything in it. It was just blank and dark, meaning that he could see his reflection. His eyes widen as he saw the phoenix around him. His mind flashed back to the hidden passage in Dragon's cave and the fact that he could open. Realization washed over him like a tidal wave as all the pieces fitted together. From the time he saw what he thought was Issac by the Liberty last Christmas to the dreams of the hut and the riddle. He felt lightheaded and sick as he remembered how he talked to his Grandmother after she had died and how Issac screamed at him, causing him a demon for talking to the dead. He closed his eyes as he tried to keep calm but this was a lot to take in. However, he needed to know for certain. In a small voice, he spoke. "I'm... you.... aren't I?"
 "It's not quite like that," Feng tried to reassure. "You're still you... it's just... we share the same soul that's all,"
 "Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, looking at him.
 "Yes but I was hoping to ease you into it..." He sighed before frowning. "Even though knew it wouldn't go that way... I was hoping that I could change it. Alpheus can be... impulsive,"
 "Right..." Anatis replied before turning to Bunnyx. "Can you send them home please?"
 "Anatis, I'm sorry," Alpheus gasped, reach out to touch him but Anatis shook his head, making him sigh and lower his hand. "I just got frustrated... I should have thought about what I was saying... I'm sorry..."
 "It's fine..." He muttered, frowning as Rene gently pulled Alpheus away. Khnurn frowned as Bunnyx told opened a burrow for him. Because she wasn't stepping out, she wouldn't need to recharge so she would be able to send them back home. She sent Khnurn home first then Alpheus, Toutai and finally Rene. Feng lingered for a moment and Anatis looked at him. "Go home, Feng. There's no point in you staying as I will be going home myself... I need..."
 "Time... I understand," He stated, frowning. "When you're ready to learn more and talk about this, I'll be there..."
 Anatis nodded but remained quiet as Feng walked over to the last portal and disappeared through it. As soon as it was close, Bunnyx walked over to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, making him blink and look at her.
 "Let's go home," She smiled, making him smile back weakly before she opened a final burrow and walked out with him.
 ~The Eiffel Tower, 12.00am~
 Lady Noir landed on the tower as she frowned. She had just decided to go with a run and had noticed Anatis' tracker was activate so she went to investigate. She frowned as she found him sat on the tower, holding his knees close as he buried his head in it. It reminded her of how Luka reacted to the attempted kidnapping. She glanced around and frowned as she noticed a number of white butterflies. 
 "Annie?" She asked as she walked over to him. She was praying he hadn't been akumatized. Relief flooded through her as he looked up at her with his normal eyes. Though they were a little bit bloodshot. "Are you ok?"
 "N-not really," He admitted, wiping his eyes as she looked at the butterflies. "He gave up an hour ago,"
 "How long have you been out here?" She asked, sitting down next to him.
 "A few hours..." He muttered, frowning as she moved her arm around him. He let her pull him close and moved his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
 "You should have called me.." She mumbled, stroking his hair. "You know I don't mind keeping an eye for butterflies,"
 "I didn't want to disturb you..." He muttered, making her frown. "Besides... it's kind of stupid as to why I'm upset..."
 "Is it to do with Feng?" She asked, making him nod. "Want to talk about it?"
 "Not really..." He admitted, making her nod. "Can you stay with me?"
 "Sure," She nodded, making him give her a weak smile back.
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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Another interesting article from the Irish DM.
By Maeve Quigley
Heartthrob Aidan Turner has a track record of dating co-stars and it seems like he’s finally found his leading lady as it’s revealed he and Caitlin Fitzgerald have tied the knot
THEY were the pictures that broke the hearts of thousands of fans — the dark-haired actor affectionately smooching his new wife on the romantic streets of Rome, as their wedding rings flashed in the warm Italian dusk. After three years of dating, Aidan Turner tied the knot with fellow thespian Caitlin Fitzgerald in a secret ceremony in the Italian capital last summer, although news of the nuptials has just broken.
The pair met on the set of adventure film The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot and it seems — despite Turner’s previous protestations that he would never date another actress — they couldn’t help falling for each other.
Pictures taken on August 8 show the newlyweds days after tying the knot as they flashed their gold bands while enjoying a romantic al fresco dinner date at Pierluigi’s restaurant in Rome.
In the newly-released images, the loved-up pair seem unable to keep their hands off each other as they sip their drinks, holding on to one another as they gaze into each other’s eyes.
It is believed Fitzgerald also came to Ireland before the pandemic to meet Turner’s extended family — possibly ahead of their big day. Of course, she’s not the first woman with beauty and talent to be seen on the arm of the dashing Dubliner.
But at 37, the man whose shirtless scything in BBC drama Poldark had women everywhere a-quiver is now officially off the market.
Turner was born in Clondalkin, the son of Eileen, an accountant, and Pat, an electrician. He is the youngest of two boys; his brother works for the Revenue.
The family later moved to Walkinstown where growing up he was quite shy so his mum sent him to ballroom dancing classes as she felt it would help him no matter what career he chose. He became quite the champion and could possibly have been headed for an international career before he got bitten by the acting bug when he attended the Gaiety School of Acting, where he dated classmate India Whisker for a short time.
Even then, Turner’s dashing good looks were getting him noticed off stage.
To supplement his acting career, he got a job as a barman in famous Dublin nightclub Lillie’s Bordello, where he proved to be a big hit with the VIP guests
‘Women would come in just to stare at him,’ said former hostess now wellness guru and television presenter Andrea Hayes, who gave the acting student his position behind the bar. ‘I’m not joking.’
His first big acting break came when he landed the part of receptionist Ruairi MacGowan in RTE’s long-running medical drama The Clinic, taking the seat left vacant by another major success story, Chris O’Dowd, who also played a medical administrator on the show.
Around this time he was dating Charlene McKenna. The thenaspiring acting stars were together from 2007 to 2009 and shared a flat together in London before their relationship ended just weeks after McKenna had said in an interview how happy she was.
McKenna has recently got married in secret herself, to actor Adam Rothenburg, with whom she starred in Ripper Street, although she has said she still has a friendship with Turner.
‘He’s flying and I’m so proud of him,’ she said of Turner in a 2016 interview. ‘We still keep in touch and I knew he would do this well for himself. I always told him he would be a movie star.’
While they lived together, Turner landed his breakthrough role as tortured vampire Mitchell in the BBC Three hit Being Human.
Mitchell was torn between his blood lust and doing the right thing and was keen on leather trousers and coats, allowing Turner to smoulder on screen for the first but certainly not the last time.
He managed to gain a cult following from the role — as well as a new girlfriend in the form of his co-star Lenora Critchlow who played a ghost to Turner’s vampire.
When their relationship ended, Turner also chose to quit his role on the show.
But it was Being Human that got him his role in The Hobbit after director Peter Jackson saw him in the show and was struck by his elfin features. He never made it to the elves though, instead playing a dwarf.
And as his star ascended, he began dating another actress, this time Cork-born Sarah Greene. They had been friends for a few years after meeting on the set of Titus Andronicus, directed by Selina Cartmell at Dublin’s Project Arts Centre; but love didn’t blossom until much later.
‘I played Demetrius, her character wasn’t a named character but we met on that,’ Turner said in a magazine interview. ‘It was all very platonic and we never hooked up or anything, but that’s how we got to know each other. Then years later we just met again and it just sort of took off.’
Turner and Greene became the golden couple of the Irish drama scene, both with careers on the rise. They were together when he landed the role of Ross Poldark in the BBC revival of the Cornish drama that became a huge international success.
The fame that came with the role was difficult for both to handle as Turner is not a fan of being seen as a celebrity while Greene hated people taking photographs of her boyfriend while they went about their daily business.
Though then happy in his relationship with Greene, Turner admitted that he had been heartbroken in the past and it was something he was able to channel into his role as the brooding Ross Poldark, a man torn between two women.
‘I don’t know anyone on this planet who hasn’t had their heart broken,’ he told the Radio Times. ‘It’s happened to me. Love is love it’s the purest and rawest thing we have in life.’
As their careers progressed, the couple spent more time apart as Turner was in New Zealand with The Hobbit while Greene was working on projects like Vikings closer to home. But he insisted the distance wasn’t a problem.
‘You meet someone, you fall in love, then you can only see them over Skype or phone calls or texts and emails. And you have this whole other side to your relationship and it’s... it was fun,’ he said in a 2015 interview. He added: ‘We knew we really wanted to be together. And knew if we could do that, we could tackle a lot more. It was never: God, this is hard, bloody hell, we need to review this. This sucks. We never questioned it; it was great. So we had that from the beginning...’
But as the Poldark mania went into overdrive, so did the rumour mill and there were false reports of an engagement and even a secret wedding between himself and Greene. In actual fact the opposite was the case, with the relationship ending in 2015, five years after it started.
Turner then seemed to swear off dating those in the same business, despite his track record. In a press conference for the fourth series of Poldark, he said dating in acting circles meant you could never get away from work, admitting: ‘If you’re in my business and you find somebody who does exactly what you do and you’re living with them, then you’re in the business all the time.
‘You go home, talk about casting directors, you talk about the press, you talk about the next job you’re doing — it can become quite dull and taxing,’ he added.
So instead he was linked to a mystery law graduate, an advertising executive and then the artist Nettie Wakefield, who he dated for around a year before their hectic schedules drove them apart in what was described as an amicable split.
But obviously when he met the stunning blonde Irish-American, Caitlin Fitzgerald, 38, on a film set three years ago, Turner’s new rules went out the window, so bowled over was he by the beauty and talent of his co-star. By the time the film was premiered, the pair already looked smitten, posing on the red carpet together.
Fitzgerald appeared at a concert with Michael Sheen, with whom she starred in Masters of Sex but was seeing Turner at that time and like him, is an intensely private person.
Despite his fame and the stir his bare-chested scything caused, Turner has never been one to chase the celebrity lifestyle — perhaps because of those nights he spent observing celebrities while working behind the bar in Lillie’s.
‘If I allowed myself to let it change my life, it could,’ he has said in the past of his fame. ‘Where there’s celebrity, it’s easy to slip into that — being followed in nightclubs, or dating famous people or getting adverts. I’m just not interested in that stuff.
‘I want to do good work with good actors and filmmakers, read interesting scripts. I didn’t get into this business for celebrity. I did it for my love of film and stories and theatre.’
So although it has now been widely reported that he and Fitzgerald tied the knot in front of his parents Eileen and Pat, neither of them are likely to confirm their nuptials at any stage in the near future.
In fact, the only kissing Turner is likely to talk about is for his role in the film Leonardo, which explores the life and sexuality of Leonardo Da Vinci. In the film we will see Turner as the renaissance artist in a passionate clinch with another man as it explores Da Vinci’s sexuality and his rumoured affair with his apprentice Gian Giacomo Caprotti, better known by his nickname Salai. It is for his art that Turner intends to keep us all guessing as he’d rather we were interested in his roles than his romances.
‘It’s important to me that people don’t know too much about me because I’m trying to play characters,’ he has said in the past
‘Sometimes you see actors who are really good, but you have trouble separating that actor from the celebrity profile.
‘I don’t want to be one of those guys. It helps that people don’t know a lot about me, I guess.’
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goldencuffs · 4 years
fake dating au part two
Whenever Laurent was overwhelmed, or feeling the kind of loneliness even a good cock couldn’t cure, he would sneak off into the library in the north wing of the Palace, where most of his mother’s official portraits were displayed.
Laurent loved all of them; Hennike was smiling in every single one, blonde hair curled perfectly, and teeth a stunning white. The colouring of her gowns and crowns were so bright, even painted, they seemed to shine in the dullest light. Laurent didn’t really know her; she had died three days after giving birth to him, but he had watched so many interviews and home videos of her, he felt like he had. She had been beautiful, well spoken, and everyone had been shocked when she had fallen for Al, because she had been betrothed to someone else.
Laurent liked coming down here to talk to her. It helped to have her listen to his dramatic tirades. He had started doing it when he was thirteen, when Auguste had enlisted in military training and left him alone, but had stopped a few months later, when Al caught him, his face ashen as he’d watched his youngest son babble to his dead wife.
After that, Laurent made sure to only come down in the dead of night, when he was absolutely desperate.
Which was clearly now; Laurent’s head had been spinning since the dinner at Heston’s. Even dessert hadn’t cheered him up — Heston, the absolute cretin, had served only four options of dessert and not a single one had chocolate in them. Not even one! It was like people intentionally went out of their way to put Laurent in a foul mood. Laurent had already drafted a wordy letter about Heston’s appalling lack of class and hosting abilities on the way home, and he was going to send it to the local tabloid first thing in the morning.
Laurent paced around the library, addressing his favourite portrait of his mother. It was her wedding portrait, and he loved all the detailing in it. The blush pink flowers in her bouquet matched her lipstick and her blush, and the tiara she was wearing had 588 diamonds in it. It was called The Laurent Tiara, and when Laurent had found out it had been Hennike’s favourite crown, he’d cried into his pillowcase for an embarrassingly long time.
“If I tell Al the truth now, he’ll kill me,” Laurent wailed at an appropriately low volume; he was very considerate of the sleeping guards when he threw his tantrums. “Or worse — get me married! Oh god, he’ll set me up with that idiot Torveld and I’ll have to spend the rest of my life hearing about his coin collection. Who even uses cash anymore? And what exactly is the point of having money if you can’t use it? And has Al even considered the aesthetics of our coupling? How are we supposed to wear matching outfits if Torveld looks rubbish in Egyptian blue and azure? Hello! Those are my signature colours!” Laurent sunk down on the lumpy sofa and buried his head in his hands. “Maybe death really is the better option.” He looked up at Hennike’s green eyes. “Is heaven overrated? Where would you personally place it on a scale of one to ten?”
She didn’t answer him, obviously. It was no use, anyway; Laurent was definitely not getting into heaven.
Laurent woke up irritated and unrested, and not for his usual, fun reasons. He hadn’t come up with any sort of solution to his dilemma and he had had a very strange dream where Damianos punched him while Al watched on. Then the scene had changed, and Laurent was on stage accepting his tenth Oscar for Best Actor, even though he had yet to star in any films.
“I’m thinking of becoming an actor,” Laurent told Al later that night during dinner.
Al’s eyes narrowed and his mouth became a sharp line. “What?”
“I mean, I have the looks, obviously. And really, how hard is acting anyway? Clearly you don’t even need to be very good at it to star in a movie — look at Channing Tatum. I’m sorry, but it’s very obvious his height was the only thing that got him into Hollywood, and even then it’s not that impressive.”
Al put down his knife and fork. “Can we —” He sounded very strained, “have a normal conversation for once.”
Laurent considered this. “I don’t think we’ve had enough conversations to statistically find out what constitutes a normal one,” he said. Al went red, so he continued, “So you don’t think acting is for me? Shall I try directing then? Or maybe —” He sat up excitedly in his chair. “I could write movies! I have so many ideas! Why, for instance, has no one considered a gay version of The Princess Bride? What would that even be called? The Prince Groom? Ugh, no, that’s terrible. Oh, who am I kidding — with my face and my body I have no choice but to be on camera. Otherwise, it’d be such a waste.”
The vein in Al’s forehead was throbbing. If he had been wearing his crown, it would have gone unnoticed, but like this, it was rather unflattering.
Al said, “Laurent,” in a sombre tone. “I really hope you’re joking.”
“About The Prince Groom? Kind of. But the acting thing — would it really be that bad?”
“You are a prince,” Al said, teeth clenched. “If it is the glam and glitz you want, you have more than enough here.”
Laurent, uncomfortably, thought of his room, the only place in the Palace that was truly his, devoid completely of personal artefacts. He swallowed. “Yes, well.” He tried a smile. “Maybe I should borrow another crown from the royal archives. I don’t think I’ve worn one with emeralds yet.”
Al resumed eating. “Speaking of crowns,” he said, completely glossing over Laurent’s last statement. “I’d like you to wear the Crown of Naos when King Damianos arrives.”
Laurent’s mouth dropped open. “As if! Al, the gold colouring on that completely washes me out! Not to mention the fact that that thing weighs like, five kilograms!”
Al’s nostrils flared at the word Al. He said, “The crown is a gift from Damianos’ great great grandfather to yours. It will be an appropriate and symbolic gesture if you wear it.”
“But why can’t you wear it? Or Auguste?”
“I am not the one having an affair with the King of Akielos,” said Al.
Oh, right. Laurent had forgotten about that. But what was the point? It wasn’t as though Damianos would recognise the gesture. If anything, he might think of it as inappropriate.
Instead he said, “Well, gee, Al, I didn’t peg you as a romantic.” Laurent fluttered his lashes a little.
Al pushed away his plate. “I’m done, thank you.” A servant immediately came to clear away his food.
Al left the dining hall, his shoulders tight. Laurent wished Auguste would hurry back home already.
In the morning, on the way back from the stables, Jord said, “Looks like your wish came true.”
Laurent stopped dead. “Oh my god — is Pierre-Alexis Dumas here? Is he finally going to collab with me?”
“Who’s Pierre-Alexis Dumas?” said Jord.
Laurent whirled on him. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
“Sorry.” Jord said, not sounding the slightest bit sorry. The audacity! “But look.” He pointed past Laurent, to the front of the Palace.
Laurent looked. There was a nondescript black limousine parked on the long, gravel pathway. Laurent would have dismissed it, if he didn’t spot sight of Jeurre, Auguste’s chauffeur, leant up against one of the doors, smoking.
Laurent gasped. He passed on his bridle to Jord, who fumbled to catch it, and ran inside.
Auguste and Al were in the plate room. Al was sitting on the large, velvet throne, a glass of whiskey in his hand. It wasn’t even noon! And he was baring his teeth in that weird way — smiling, as he called it.
Auguste was standing in front of him, hands behind his back. He had gotten very tan, and his hair was much darker, a strange golden colour that made the blue-green of his eyes more appealing.
They both turned when Laurent entered. Al’s mouth was already drooping at the sight of him, but Laurent only had eyes for his brother, whom he hadn’t seen in eight whole months.
Laurent wanted to hug him, which surprised even himself. Laurent was not a hugger. He wasn’t much of a toucher, either, unless it involved getting laid.
Auguste gave him a nod. He sometimes acted so much like Al, it disgusted Laurent; the only difference was that Auguste’s eyes were always kind.
Laurent peered at him closely, shocked. “What have you done to yourself? Are you having a mid-life crisis? Should we call Paschal for a yearly psych evaluation?”
Auguste laughed. “It’s a moustache, Laurent. It’s very fashionable in Kempt, you know.”
“It’s horrendous!” Laurent cried. He stared at the thick hair above Auguste’s top lip in horror. “Right. I’m officially ruling Kempt out as a holiday destination this summer if all the men are growing that.”
Al’s eyebrows furrowed. “I like it. It’s very refined.”
“Oh god, now we have to get rid of it,” said Laurent, which made Al frown and Auguste laugh. Auguste squeezed Laurent’s shoulder. He was always mindful of Laurent’s boundaries. “I think you’ve grown taller.”
“I haven’t,” Laurent said. He showed off his riding boots. “See? It’s three inches of heel.”
“Very impractical,” Al said under his breath, which was not a very Kingly thing to do.
Auguste was still smiling. “I like it. It matches the piping of your coat.”
“Yes, exactly!” Laurent was so happy in that moment, he leant forward and hugged Auguste. It was very short, but Auguste looked so pleased afterwards, Laurent wished he had prolonged it.
“Did you get me anything?” he asked, to cover the embarrassment following his sudden burst of affection.
Auguste raised an eyebrow. “I’m hurt, Laurent. You’re not going to ask me about my classes or my rather excellent Anthropology professor?”
Laurent scrunched up his face. “Are you stalling because you didn’t get me anything?”
Auguste smiled. “There’s about fifty boxes of Grand Cru chocolate in your bedroom.”
Laurent’s sound of ecstasy was too loud; Al spilled some of his whiskey onto his pants. Auguste clapped him on the back in commiseration.
As the servants laid out a small meal —  roses of smoked salmon on cucumber slices, macaroons, thin slices of cured meat and cheese, crunchy shrimp salad on crusty rolls, grapes and strawberries and mango and pineapple, individual strawberry shortcakes, that kind of thing — Auguste said, “Father tells me you’re having an affair with the King of Akielos.” He said it casually enough, but Laurent could see he wasn’t thrilled about the idea.
Laurent swallowed his last bite of sandwich and placed a hand on his heart. “Al! You should know better than to gossip, shame on you!”
Al just sighed, a long, suffering sound, and Auguste glared openly at him. “I thought you promised to stop disrespecting Father like that.”
Laurent’s stomach pooled with an uncomfortable tightness. Being told off by Auguste somehow was always worse than being told off by Al.
“Fine,” Laurent said shortly. He said to Al: “Oh dearest Father, Papa, Your Majesty, light of my life, the man who impregnated Queen Hennike, so I, your glorious creation, could be born to bring some joy to this bleak, bleak world: stop gossiping immediately.”
There was a very long pause. Then Auguste laughed. “You are such a shit.”
Al sighed again. “He’s becoming more and more insolent by the day.”
“Thank you so much,” Laurent said, wiping away an imaginary tear.
Auguste barked another laugh. Al sipped more whiskey; a very good sign. Laurent was going to take advantage of this; he wanted a new watch.
Auguste continued his questioning a few minutes later. “So. You and the King — it’s true?”
Laurent flapped a hand. “Oh, you know how it is. He saw those pictures of me from Aimeric’s birthday party where I wore those silk shorts that were just long enough to be tasteful and the poor darling had absolutely no choice but to slide into my DMs and woo me.”
“What’s a DM?” asked Al, and if the question had come from anyone else, Laurent would have found it adorable. He probably would have tweeted it as well.
“Texting,” Auguste said. He seemed contemplative. “Aimeric’s birthday — from last September? It’s been a bit more than a year.”
“Yes,” said Laurent. He tried to say it as wistfully as possible. “He bought me a Ferrarri.”
“Really?” Auguste sounded impressed. “The 1954?”
Laurent grinned. “Do you want to drive it?”
“Fuck yeah,” Auguste said, then quickly cleared his throat and looked at their father. “I mean, yes. Perhaps later in the afternoon.”
Al shook his head, but he didn’t say anything for the rest of the meal. Well, he didn’t say anything to Laurent. He really was in a good mood.
Having Auguste back had Laurent so distracted it wasn’t until a few days later that he realised how frantically the staff were cleaning the floors and walls and painting frames.
In fact, he became so relaxed doing less than nothing all day, since Al was too busy doing this and that, or fawning over Auguste, he didn’t comprehend why the chefs needed fifty boars delivered fresh on Friday morning, until Al told him before their weekly Council, “I want you to wear your red high neck blouse tomorrow.”
“Why?” Laurent asked, checking for any fine lines in the shine of the armour of one of the propped knights in the hallway.
“It is the colour of the Akielos banner. I am trying to seem as diplomatic as possible.”
Laurent went very, very still. With dawning horror, he said, “The — Damianos is coming tomorrow?”
Al’s expression turned thunderous. “Do not waste my time asking stupid questions, Laurent. You know how much I despise it.”
Laurent’s eyes widened. “Oh no,” he said quietly, real fear settling into his bones. Damianos was going to murder him tomorrow. He would need to get a facial tonight, to ensure he was the most beautiful corpse the human eye had seen. And then something much more horrific occurred to him. “Wait! I can’t wear the red high neck with the Crown of Naos! Those colours completely clash!”
Al seemed to age a few centuries in a blink of an eye. With a shake of his head, he walked into the Chambers, leaving Laurent alone in the hallway.
Laurent frowned. One of these days, he was going to be the one storming out. It was only fair.
Things only got worse.
Laurent’s last minute facial broke him out, so he threatened to sue and smashed one of their stupid reclining chairs.
Laurent had honestly thought that was going to be the worst of it; the pimple along his jawline was easy to cover up once he got the local dermatologist to inject something in it.
But on the morning of Damianos’ arrival, Laurent was in a terrible mood. He hadn’t slept at all, worried about his pimple, his horrible outfit, and the fact that a man who was the size of a small house — Google said Damianos was 6’6”, but he was definitely way more, no arguments — was going to viciously kill him.
“Hurry up,” Laurent snapped at the servant dressing him, who had been pulling too sharply at his laces for the last six minutes.
“Yes, Your Highness,” he answered meekly, and continued fumbling about.
When a few more minutes passed, Laurent looked down at him. “Okay, seriously, this is ridiculous. You usually get me dressed in ten minutes or less. What is the problem?”
“I —” The servant looked like he was on the verge of tears. “Your Highness, the laces — I can’t do them up. It’s uh — it’s too tight.”
“What do you mean?” Laurent asked, narrowing his eyes. “This fit perfectly a month ago.”
“Yes, well —” And his eyes slid over to the bed, where an empty, open box of chocolates was stacked against many other empty boxes of chocolate.
Laurent saw red.
It took three guards and then Jord and Lazar to keep Laurent restrained enough to not kill him. In the end, he yelled until his throat was hoarse and the servant broke down, running out the room with his face covered in tears.
Afterwards, Laurent attempted to do up the laces himself, because he was not fat, and he definitely had not gained weight; he was svelte and sexy and desirable.
In the end, he could only do his trousers up, and only just. If he let out a particularly deep exhale… well, breathing was overrated anyway, Laurent had always thought so.
“Oh, forget it!” Laurent howled, miserable and on the verge of tears himself. “I look ridiculous.”
“No, you don’t, Your Highness,” Jord assured quickly. Too quickly.
Laurent glanced at himself in the mirror. His ass was practically suffocated in these trousers — and that was his best feature! He ran a hand down it forlornly. “It’s too tight.”
Jord’s eyes followed his hand with avid interest. He was drooling.
“Could be tighter,” said Lazar, leaning against the bedpost.
Laurent flung himself on the bed. “No it couldn’t. I need to lose about three kilograms in the next —” He checked the clock, “half an hour. Oh god. Just tell Al I died. It’ll make his day, go on.”
“Orgasms help with weight loss,” said Lazar. “I could fuck your face.”
Laurent sniffed “Don’t be so stupid.” He looked at the clock again. “Obviously, riding you will help me lose more calories. Both of you get on the bed, quick.”
Laurent did not lose three kilograms in half an hour. As enjoyable as the sex had been, it had only made him tired and anxious.
Jord suggested that Laurent should just let the laces at the back trail, and cover it up with a coat, even though it was far too hot in the year to wear one. Laurent obliged anyway, knowing how difficult Al would be if he showed up wearing undiplomatic colours. He changed his trousers into a different pair, making sure it had an elastic waistband to stretch accommodatingly.
When the crown was placed on his head, he staggered a little. It really was unnecessarily heavy. His great great grandfather must have had a head the size of a watermelon.
Laurent walked unsteadily down the hall, towards the Palace steps where Auguste and Al were already waiting. His insides became so twisted with the thought of seeing Damianos, he had to make a detour and hide behind a tapestry to have a panic, but only a little one.
Outside, the sun was blazing. Auguste clapped him on the back in greeting, and Laurent winced, the material of his blouse sticking to his armpits. Al’s lips curled at his outfit, but Laurent couldn’t care. He hoped he looked beautiful enough — just enough — so Damianos would reconsider his murder. At the very least, Laurent hoped nothing happened to his face.
“Alright?” said Auguste. “You’re sweating.”
“Shut up,” said Laurent, mortified. He was a prince; he did not sweat.
Auguste’s response was cut off by the sound of the gates opening and rolling tires on gravel. Laurent’s heart was in his ears; he swallowed, but it made him feel more sick.
The sleek, black car was parked in the driveway. Several seconds later, Damianos stepped out, tall and handsome.
Laurent whimpered. It was one thing to see photos of Damianos on the internet, walking briskly down the street or shaking hands with Al, and it was another thing entirely to see him in the flesh as he walked down their driveway.
He was so tall. And he was built like a tree; all thick arms and chest and thighs. Laurent had such a weakness for thighs, they were really the best part of a man’s body, how they framed the groin and the cock and —
Laurent realised, suddenly, that he had not prepared at all for how he was going to greet Damianos.
Lovers kissed each other, yes? Laurent didn’t think he could do that without being punched but god, would Al think it was weird if he didn’t at least attempt to kiss Damianos? Maybe he could pretend to suddenly be shy, too coy to look into Damianos’ eyes in front of everyone — yes, yes that sounded perfect.
Damianos came up the stairs, smile wide and straight. His teeth were amazing. Were they fake? Laurent didn’t think so; he ran his tongue over his own, nervous, heart still thumping in his ears.
He greeted Al first. Laurent’s head was spinning. What if Al said something? What if Auguste did? What if Damianos said something that alluded to the fact that this was technically, the first time he and Laurent would be speaking to another?
And then Laurent couldn’t think of anything else, because Damianos was standing right in front of him.
He reached out, one large, dark hand to shake Laurent’s. Laurent staggered forward, into his chest, and closed his eyes.
When he opened his eyes again, Laurent saw the most beautiful angel.
“Wow, you’re hot.” Laurent poked a very hard, very strong bicep. “Heaven’s pretty cool.” He was dead, obviously,  because people this good looking didn’t exist in the mortal world.
“You’re not dead, Laurent. Can you sit up?”
Laurent thought about it. He wasn’t dead? That was good news. But he felt like he was dead because he couldn’t move his body at all.
“Here, can you follow my finger?”
“Hmm.” Laurent said and stared unblinkingly at what he assumed was a finger. It was quite blurry.
“I think he’s concussed.”
Laurent giggled. The stranger’s accent made it sound like he had said cock-cussed. It made Laurent want to suck cock.
He said, “If I’m not dead, I’d like to be. Jord, get me my blue Prada scarf. I want to be buried in it. Lazar, get your gun out.”
“He doesn’t seem concussed.” That was Al. The compulsion to die was suddenly much stronger.
“We should take him to the hospital,” the hot angel said. Laurent was in love.
He said as much: “I really love you,” he told the blurry figure. Then he rolled over onto his side and threw up.
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mimiswitchywrites · 3 years
Not A Burden: Chapter 3
TW: SH references, attempted s****de and references, child/s***al a**se references (not graphic but enough that could be triggering). Vague r**e scene at the end.
Master list or read on AO3
2.2k words
Percival, sat with Elyan and opposite Arthur and Lancelot’s bickering, kept tabs on Gwaine and the girl. He didn’t miss the way his face lit up with glee and, if he understood correctly, mischief. It made him happy to see his friend on his way back to normal, but he still felt the pit in his stomach filled with anxiety. Why had his joyous little friend been in such a state in the first place? He had initially dismissed the thought that he was spooked by seeing the girl looking so unwell as he was well versed in bloody bodies, but that was the only explanation he could find.
“You see it too?” Elyan asked from his spot next to the giant. He could only grunt in response, too caught up in his concern for his friend. “Maybe he just needed some rest like he said last night.”
He understood the suggestion, but Percival had seen Gwaine when he was tired, and this wasn’t it. Unless, the cynical side of him thought, you don’t know him as well as you think you do. He tucked that thought away into the back of his mind to deal with at home. The woods with an injured woman and the king are not an appropriate setting for a crisis.
“We should help Merlin pack everything up and get a move on. I think it’s best that Lancelot and Arthur are separated as soon as possible.” Elyan said, knowing that things could only get more heated if they stayed where they were any longer.
With the horses all loaded up and the argument currently settled (Arthur was wrong, regardless of his pitiful defences) Lancelot mounted his horse and helped Percy lift Miriam up to him again. He was looking forward to riding with her now she was fully back to the land of the living. She seemed like an interesting young woman and reminded him of Gwen, somehow. The whole party – bar Arthur, if that morning was anything to go by – seemed to look at her in a sisterly manner. They wanted to help her, but no one knew how to treat her. They knew not talk walk on eggshells around her, but she was still a stranger, and they didn’t know the appropriate limits yet. Hopefully, they would figure them out soon, for everyone’s sake. That was the one good thing that came from Arthur’s outburst last night: they knew shouting was not a wise idea.
Well duh, he added.
“Are you comfortable, Miriam?”
“As comfortable as one can be on the second day of riding with a head that won’t stop spinning.” She quipped back. It took everything in him to not laugh at the way she made her remark.
“We can go slowly if that would help. Or I have water. Or you could sleep again, maybe more sleep is what you need?” She shook her head but leant back against his chest anyway. He could feel warmth spread through him and his cheeks heat up.
“It is okay. I would like to get to still, stone ground as soon as we can anyway.” He understood the feeling – it was often one he experienced on the return from hunting trips. While not quite as against them as Merlin, they always drained him and he found he slept far better the first night back. He hoped it would be the same for her as, judging by the bags under her eyes, she hadn’t got much sleep the previous night. “And I wanted to hear more of your stories.” She tilted her head back to look at him as she said this and he couldn’t help but notice how the freckles that littered her face reminded him of the constellations his mother taught him when he was but an infant.
“I suppose there are a few more I could tell you. Anything in particular you are after?”
They sat in silence as she pondered the question. Just as he was considering asking again, she answered: “tell me about Camelot. Is it truly as free as they say?”
This was not the topic he was expecting. He mulled the question over, what did she really want to know with one like that? Was it, he worried, that she wanted to know about the attitudes towards magic? He had enough to worry about with Merlin and his magic (that isn’t to say he isn’t grateful that his friend still confided in him, but he was quite the chaotic individual and more than once he had feared for Merlin’s life and the likeliness of him getting himself killed) and the prospect of befriending another magical individual did not do his heart much good.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer, I am sure you don’t want to disrespect your home or king.”
That was curious, she didn’t expect the answer to be positive, then? Deciding to brave it, he asked her to elaborate.
“When I was younger, maybe eight summers, a woman passed through the village I was living in. She wore armour of leather and steel and carried curved swords – like I’ve carved into the handle of my knife that your large friend has taken from me,” Percival turned on his horse at this, and gave her a small, apologetic smile, “and she told the most curious stories of lands she had visited. One such land – Camelot, she told me – had women like her. Women that wore armour and…” She paused to take a deep breath. She was getting rather warm; Lancelot could feel it on his arms as they curved past her to hold onto the reins. She began again, voice lower this time, “Women that would do unto each other as a man might his wife.”
She stopped, hoping her riding partner might catch onto what she was asking. Her head was so foggy that she was no longer sure that she knew what she was saying, really, but she had to ask before they arrived at their destination. She had been watching the way the King interacted with his manservant since she awoke the day before and she needed to know if they were what she thought they were.
If they were like her.
Gwaine watched as the girl slumped against Lancelot, clearly exhausted. He remembered the first time he was in her position and how it drained him. The thought of riding for days before finding a bed, while in that condition, was not a pleasant one and he certainly didn’t envy her.
He had enjoyed their conversation that morning. Having yet another person that could see Arthur as the ‘prat’ he was (he really needs to thank Merlin for introducing him to that word) was nice but the moment they stopped talking, he noticed his mind drifting back to why she was with them in the first place.
He hated it, plain and simple.
He thought that those days were far behind him and that, wearing the royal red and gold cloak, he was free. To have years of repressed memories hit him at once like this did not do him well.
The pounding behind his eyes grew. He really should have eaten dinner last night. Serves you right.
He sighed, rolling his eyes at himself.
The sun was directly above them before the pearly walls came into view. It was getting swelteringly hot, and all Arthur could think of was his large wooden tub in the centre of his room. And, though only a brief thought that he shoved away as quickly as possible, what Merlin would look like in it with him. He cleared his throat and raised his hand.
“I can see Camelot; we should be only another half of an hour.”
He heard Percival cheer, possibly sarcastic but probably not. Internally, he was reacting the same way. With Merlin by his side, he led the party back home.
Miriam insisted that she could walk to the Physicians chambers herself and that she didn’t need carrying. After reaching the top of the entrance steps, she began to reconsider. She could hear the sea in her ears, and her vision was fuzzy. I’ll just rest against Percival for a second, she thought.
She woke in a small cot with a blanket pulled up to her neck. She was so hot, sweat pooling in every crevice. Her head was pounding worse than it had the night of Anabella’s wedding and her arm was burning again. This isn’t ideal. She can’t die right and now it seemed as if she can’t not die right either. What a cruel irony. The ocean in her head was quieter and she could hear distant voices. One sounded like Merlin and the other someone old – the Physician, perhaps? After a few attempts, she pulled her eyes open and waited for them to focus. She could see ointments lining shelves, herbs drying from the ceiling, and more books than she had ever seen before. A woman with beautiful brown skin sat beside her, rinsing a cloth in a bucket on the floor.
She opened her mouth with the intention of greeting this stunning stranger, but could only make a quiet, choked sound. She brought her hand up to her throat as if that would make it better. The woman, noticing her distress, jumped up and retrieved a goblet of water. She lifted the back of Miriam’s head and helped her take a few sips, before setting her back onto the feather pillow.
“I’m Gwen. Guinevere. I’m a friend of Merlin’s.” She smiled and Miriam couldn’t help but notice the way it made her eyes sparkle.
“Miriam but you can call me Miri.” She forced out, hoping she didn’t sound too eager.
“’Miri’, I’ve never heard a name like that before. It’s cute.” Gwen looked down at the goblet, red seeping into her cheeks.
Miri began to push her hands on the bed, attempting to sit up. She could feel the torn skin protest, but she couldn’t bear to lie down any longer. Merlin rushed over, helping Gwen push her back down onto the bed and the old man – Miri could see him properly now – made his way to the empty chair beside her.
He had white hair that reached his shoulders, more wrinkles than she would expect on a man that could move as well as he could, and an impressively judgemental look on his face. One eyebrow seemed to be permanently raised and, feeling small, she obeyed Merlin and Gwen’s direction for her to lay back.
“You need rest, my dear.” He spoke gently, but she could feel the order behind his words. She sighed and, giving up, closed her eyes again.
It took a while to get to sleep, as it always does for the broken girl. She could feel Gwen put the wet cloth back onto her forehead which was quite a relief for a little while, and she listened to the trio talk. The old man said that she was too stubborn for her own good and that she reminded him of Merlin when he was sick (she wondered if he was often sick, she hoped not for the man’s sake if Merlin was truly as stubborn as he said) and Gwen asked what happened to her. The room went silent at that and Miri felt herself freeze up. She knew people would talk, especially while she was being treated, but she had hoped that she would at least not hear it. She wondered how she would explain it when she was allowed to talk again, and if she even wanted to explain it. What would they think?
Secretly, she thought that Gwaine fellow would understand. There was something about the way he watched her that made her feel like he knew what had been going through her head when she made her way into the forest that day. For his sake, she hoped he didn’t, but she resolved to talk to him about it when she could. Even if she was wrong, he seemed fun and she was in dire need of someone fun right now.
When she finally did get to sleep, thinking of plaiting daisies into the knight’s hair, she met her nightmares. It shouldn’t have surprised her but a part of her had expected them to leave her alone for a little while after such a traumatic event had happened to her body. Gods, did she hope they would leave her alone.
It stared as they normally did. The fire was burning, casting a warm orange glow against the back wall of the hut. Miriam, around five summers, was sat on a stool, occasionally throwing sticks onto it. She looked behind her and she was in the village hall, bodyless hands traveling over her body. One made its way up her dress, softly tracing the inside of her thighs, and a laugh sounded in her ear. A body formed next to her. It had the same brown eyes and curly black hair as her – his cropped close to his scalp – and that smile that she had seen everyday since she was born.
All she could do was gasp “No, please. Please stop.”
But she knew it wouldn’t do anything.
It never did.
She was pressed against the mud, one hand holding her face down and the other gripping onto her hips. Please, not again, she begged her mind to stop showing her this.
Fabric teared, bruises formed, and tears poured.
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head ever since I finished FMAB for the first time a few months ago. It exists now. So I’ve posted again. Queue all the slightly enthusiastic fanfare you can muster for me because I’m too tired to do it myself.
“Ah, I’ve seen this before,” Alphonse said, leaning against the wall with a smirk.
Ed looked over to his brother with an unamused glance before resting his chin back on his crossed arms, slumped over the table he sat at and staring at a full glass of milk.
“The battle you could never win,” Alphonse said as he walked to get a glass of milk for himself.
“Winry said she has something to tell me,” Ed said, his voice a low mumble, “but I have to drink a whole glass of milk first.”
“I see, I see,” Alphonse said with a few nods. “That’s rough.”
“It’s probably what she told me last night.”
Ed’s golden eyes shot from the full glass of milk before him to his brother taking a nonchalant sip from his own.
“Excuse me?”
“Some pretty big news if you ask me,” Al said teasingly.
“What?” Asked Ed eagerly, his head lifting quickly and desperately. “What is it?”
Alphonse shook his head.
“No can do, Brother,” Alphonse said. “I was sworn to secrecy. I never go back on my word. Besides, you’ll probably want to hear this one from her.”
“This is ridiculous!” Ed said with a gesture of his hands. Alphonse took another sip. “I’m a grown man and my wife is forcing me to drink milk?! What if I just dumped it out?”
“Mm,” Alphonse murmured as he finished his gulp of milk. “Then I’d tell her.”
Ed’s expression flattened.
“If you’re not going to be any help, then you can leave,” Ed said as he returned his chin to his arms.
“Nope,” Alphonse insisted. “Today is a very special occasion. It’s the first day in a long while that you drink milk. Lots of big things happening in your life that I just don’t want to miss. As your best brother, I must stick by you in these monumental times.”
“You’re my only brother,” Edward muttered. Alphonse finished the last of his milk with a tip of his head before putting the rim near his eye, looking at his brother through the glass as if it were a telescope.
“Clear as day,” He said before placing the empty glass next to the full one. “And as refreshing as a cool breeze in the summer heat.”
“You’re going for a second cup?!” Winry said, entering the kitchen and shocked at the sight of an empty glass.
“No,” Alphonse explained. “That empty cup is mine. I thought maybe he would learn by example.”
“Ah, I see,” Winry said. She placed a gentle hand on Ed’s tense shoulder before she pecked his cheek. She didn’t expect him to react and he didn’t, continuing his pout.
“So how did it go?” Alphonse asked.
“Perfect,” Winry said, moving to stand next to Alphonse.
“How did what go?” Ed asked, changing his glance to Winry.
“Nuh uh,” she said. “Not until you drink up.”
Ed huffed back into looking at the glass of milk.
“I still can’t believe it,” added Alphonse.
“I know right,” Winry said with an encroaching smile.
“Fine!” Ed said, slamming his hands palm-first on the table. The glasses rattled but nothing spilled. “I’ll drink your stupid milk!”
With a fierce determination, greater than either of them had seen during his career as a state alchemist, he grabbed the glass and held it. Alphonse and Winry watched intently as a wince of disgust twitched his face.
He slowly brought the glass to his lips and shut his eyes tight as he took a reluctant sip.
He placed the glass back down with shakes of his head.
“Are you okay?” Winry said with a laugh.
“So I don’t know your secret,” Ed said, his voice strained. “I don’t need to know anything. If it was really important you wouldn’t torture me like this.”
“Don’t you think torture is kind of a strong word?” Alphonse asked. “It’s just milk.”
“I suppose you don’t need to drink it,” Winry said, a glimmer of hope and relief rising in Ed’s chest. “You’ll find out eventually one way or another.”
“That’s true,” Alphonse agreed with a few nods. Ed knew they were goading him. “Maybe Mae will come from the East and tell him.”
“Mae knows?” Winry asked excitedly, carrying on a conversation with Alphonse. “What did she say when you told her?”
“Okay!” Ed exclaimed, standing up completely. Winry and Alphonse’s heads shot to focus on him.
Ed closed his eyes and started to drink the milk without stopping, Winry and Alphonse surprised. He took a pause to breathe before downing the last half and slamming it down on the table.
“Blegh!” He exclaimed, releasing a couple coughs. “It better be worth it.”
“Ed, I…” Winry started, completely stunned. “I didn’t think you would actually do it. I was going to tell you at the end of the day no matter what.”
“Well, I did it,” he said. “Now let me into your secret club.”
Winry exchanged a small smile with Alphonse before she stepped forward towards Ed.
She pulled a chair from the table, sitting upon it and letting her hands rest above the wood. Ed followed suit at the seriousness he didn’t expect. With a concerned expression, he studied her with intrigue.
Winry took his hands into hers.
“We did it,” she said with a squeeze.
“We did what?”
“We...created life,” she said with a smile. “Just like you always wanted to.”
“I’m not following.”
Alphonse’s hand met his forehead. Winry bowed her head with a chuckle.
“Ed,” she said, returning her gaze to him. “I...I’m expecting a baby...you’re going to be a father.”
Ed’s eyes widened and froze, Winry waiting for more of a reaction before she ripped her glance away to look at Alphonse.
“I think you broke him,” Alphonse said with a step forward.
“Apparently,” Winry said with a laugh.
“Ed,” she said, addressing him. He only barely shifted his glance. “Ed, listen to me. I know it’s a lot. I don’t know if the business can support a baby and we’ve talked about building a new house but since we haven’t started yet the baby will likely come before it’s done and there are so many things to wo--”
With a hand on the back of her head, he interrupted her words with a kiss, them both closing their eyes. As Ed rescinded he moved to kneel before where she sat.
“You’re not upset?” Winry asked.
“How…” Ed said. “How could I be upset? This is such a miracle. By all laws of alchemy, it...it’s impossible, but…”
Ed chuckled.
“Life,” he said, “we created life.”
He hugged her where she sat. Winry could feel his happiness in the way he held her. She heard it every time he went on and on about the miracle over the next several months. She saw it in his face every time he looked at their son, and later their daughter.
And she found over the years that his smile was terribly contagious. With every bit of his love expressed in it, she needed it and wanted it and reveled in it and reflected it inadvertently. She couldn’t help but love him, to, by his terms, give him all her life in exchange for such the lovely life he had given her.
But by her own terms the transaction was no equal trade. The day they had wed she knew the equation was flawed, that really it wasn’t an exchange, one for another. Their lives were conjoined and shared, blurred together in a way that somehow resulted in a newfound clarity. With every new milestone they learned that the equation was flawed, that life is something to be shared, and that is what gives it meaning.
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alfredo-kesmann · 3 years
WIP ask game!
My Italian ass is asking for "Ci sarà", but my angst heart beats for "Solitaire". I don't want to be greedy, so let's pick Solitaire.
Thank you so so much for asking, and I'm sorry for reponding so late! The reason for this is mostly that I actually finally got inspiration for Solitaire again after you send me this ask, so thank you for that! I'll give you little snippets of both WIP's, because greed sometimes is good (namely when it motivates me to finally work on WIP’s). 
So, first things first: Solitaire.
You're absolutely, completely right about the angst. The entire plot is Martín angst, I'm not even kidding. The general outline is that it forms a series with Fear and loathing/ Now I see, I see it for the first time, which is about Andrés in the Mint realising he should never have left Martín but accepting that it is too late now anyways. Solitaire is to be Martín's experiences of the Mint heist and the time afterwards. The title is taken from MARINA's song by the same name, and although it only is vaguely is inspired by the song, I want to match the vibe I get from it: a supposedly beautiful life that actually is just... loneliness and tears. A ‘we could have had it all’ and ending up with empty hands. 
I only have a few paragraphs jotted down yet, though, because I find it one of my hardest WIP's to work on: I want to show a canon compliant Martín, and I want to accurately portray the way he feels like a victim, even if he isn't truly one. I want to correctly talk about his mental ilnesses (I am guessing at least depression and narcissistic personality disorder, though I’m not planning to label them in the story), but I am no psychologist. I started this WIP around March or April and I suppose I am now more sure about what I'm doing, and now the words are (finally) slowly flowing. 
That being said, enjoy these little snippets:
“Andrés was like a poisonous drug, flowing through my veins and cutting off any necessary blood supply, but it felt so exquisite, like a breeze in the warmest summer day."
Martín sat in the middle of broken glass, a reflection of him in more than one way, and cried until breathing was getting hard and his eyes were red and dry. 
The two of them had become so intertwined that sometimes it was difficult to see which one of them was dead and which one of them was still living.
The television only showed static now, ever since he had thrown an empty bottle of vodka towards it. ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’, went the saying, but Martín hadn't been able to think straight after he had heard the news. In a way the image was fitting, because Martín’s life had become static too, ever since that horrible day.
But now he understood Andrés’ romanticizing of the death, for his best friend had lived his whole life knowing he would take his own one day. And he had wanted to make his final show grand, he had wanted a last standing ovation, one that deafened his eyes, before the red curtains closed forever. Martín also knew that Andrés would dissaprove of the method he was contemplating, in his sad little flat, a simple shot instead of blazing guns. So he put the velvet box back and instead took a bottle of vodka in hands, waiting until a better idea came to mind, waited until he had a plan, ignoring how those were harder to come by now Andrés wasn’t with him anymore.
Now, Ci sarà is practically the polar opposite of Solitaire: it's pure and unadulterated fluff. The only thing they have in common is that they both are named after a song and both get too little of my attention ehehe oops. I have no idea where I want to go with this story, whether to make it a one shot, or something more. I think the latter, though.
Basically, I had been studying (very) late and it was around 3AM. I was listening to a music playlist when Ci sarà came on. It is one of my favourite Italian songs (though honestly I love anything by Romina Power and Al Bano) and yes I know, I know, my music taste is just as basic as Andrés de Fonollosa's. I, myself realised that exact fact then as well. So, I thought: what if this would be the song for Berlermo's first dance at their wedding? The song just makes me so happy in an undescribable way, and since feelings are always much stronger deep in the night, I felt so incredibly happy and in love listening to it, in the middle of the night, at a volume that was a little too loud. This resulted in me putting the song on repeat, and trying to describe that feeling I had felt. So in a way, ci sarà is a writing exercise. 
The plot thus far basically is Andrés being overwhelmed by happiness during his wedding dance with Martín (and everyone is alive and happy). Because as much as I love making him suffer in stories, I also like writing his strangely soft side around Martín. I might write the entire wedding and also the proposal, because I have ideas, especially for the latter (Andrés had been planning to propose for months, then Martín is the first to ask him. Andrés is divided between tremendous frustration and great happiness, but obviously says ‘yes’; that’s also why I imagine that they both take the surname ‘Berotte-de Fonollosa’). 
So, here some snippets (I couldn’t choose so it’s slightly more than ‘some’):
They were spinning, whilst the music was swelling, and it was dizzying Andrés. One step back, to the side, close, one forward, to the side, close, an endless repetition. Martín spinning him around and pulling him in his arms again. Their friends all singing Ci sarà, all wearing white clothing and pearly smiles, the adoration clearly visible in Martín’s eyes, how beautiful Martín was looking in the suit. No, not just Martín, his Martín Berotte-de Fonollosa. They were turning again, his husband’s -he couldn’t believe it, his husband’s- warm hand burning on his waist, then on his right cheek, only shortly and suddenly the refrain started and Martín was singing too, albeit softly, yet it’s still too loud in Andrés’ ears. Everything is so loud, so bright, so vibrant. It’s all so pure, and he’s drowning in love, with the sun shining brightly as if it was God’s blessing of their union, the perfectly green grass as nature’s wedding gift to the new spouses. 
Andrés manages to spot his hermanito in the choir made of bank robbers, he’s holding hands with his wife and Paula and he looks so happy and carefree. He has finally accepted Andrés’ relationship, he had even been the one to walk Andrés to the altar, and the things Sergio had told him then were still going through his head.
The butterflies in Andrés’ stomach were taking him over more and more, he is growing dizzy and dizzier. All this love, he has no place for it, it is seeping through his veins, bursting out of his fingertips like rays of sunshine, out of the fingertips that are currently in Martín’s hand and on his shoulder. Andrés knows that he hasn’t had much to drink yet, but he has never been more intoxicated, intoxicated on this eternity captured in less than four minutes. Martín is turning them again, leading him gently, keeping him steady. Martín is there for him like he has always been. And now it’s finally right, it’s finally the way it should be, the other ring on Martín’s hand. Finally, he has married his last spouse, it’s finally the one who he was meant to be with. Finally, finally, finally.
Andrés feels like he is flying, like his feet aren’t touching the floor anymore. The two of them form a leaf in a strong summer wind by the blue sea, slowly going upwards in an intricate dance, but they’re also so much more. They are the wind and the sea, the entire universe is drowning in their love and they are drowning in the universe. It’s all so much, so so much, yet so small. There is no Berlín, no Palermo, no monastery, no friends forming a choir, no wedding cake, it’s just Andrés and Martín Berotte-de Fonollosa, and their love for eachother. 
Andrés is oh so dizzy with happiness and love, and then he feels it, wet on his cheeks, rolling over his lips, Martín’s hand gently sweeping the oceans welling in his husband’s eyes away. He wants to open his eyes, but he can’t and he doesn’t need it anyway, he already knows what Martín’s soft smile would look like. When Martín kisses him again, softly cupping his cheek, Andrés realises his husband had been crying as well, their tears mixing together like everything between the two of them always has, the way they’ve always been. Like so many of their clothes, their ideas, their furniture, their past and future, their personalities, their love. They have always been intertwined, it just took Andrés a while to see. 
“I can’t believe you cried,” Martín said as he giggled, truly giggled, and Andrés thought it was somewhat comparable bubbles coming to the surface in a fishing pond, and then decided it was a stupid thought because nothing can compare to his husband. Andrés can’t help smiling. “You were crying too, mi marido,” he says softly, the quip in there lost, replaced by pure adoration. He takes Martín’s face into his hands. “Today was my last wedding, I know it for sure. No one else has ever made me feel like this.” And normally, Martín would have joked that he must had said that to all of his wives too, but he didn’t. Instead, his hands mirrored Andrés’, softly stroking Andrés’ cheekbones, which were still wet with tears. Their lips met without any of their usual aggression and hunger, and maybe this kiss was even more important than the one after the exchanging of vows, for Andrés just had made a promise that was much more meaningful. 
Thank you again for asking, I hope you liked these snippets! I might or might not have just started another WIP based on the season 5 trailer, so I have no clue when these two will finally be published. 
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emospritelet · 4 years
Key to the Cell - chapter 13
Last time, Belle freed Rumplestiltskin from the clutches of the Blue Fairy and returned home.
After her night of travelling through portals, freeing fairies and releasing the Dark One from the spell containing him, Belle was exhausted. She had hoped to sleep a little later than usual, but news of Gaston’s unconscious state had spread through the castle, and it was in uproar. Maurice himself hammered on Belle’s bedroom door when she was still in her dressing gown, pacing back and forth and ranting about how her intended might never wake up.
“What are we to do, Belle?” he asked, almost wringing his hands. “All those plans for a good marriage, for the merging of our lands! All gone if he dies! I should have insisted that you marry him weeks ago! I shouldn’t have let you talk me into all this waiting!”
“He slipped in his bath, you said.” Belle beckoned to Marilee to enter. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. Has anyone sent for a healer?”
“Yes, but they won’t be here for hours!”
“Well, there seems little point in panicking,” said Belle. “I suggest we have breakfast and wait for the healer to arrive.”
“But the King is here!” persisted Maurice. “The guests! The wedding!”
“Isn’t for another week,” said Belle calmly. “If we have to postpone until he wakes up, then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll explain to the guests that Sir Gaston is ill and needs rest and quiet. We can see them off after breakfast.”
“How can you be so casual about this?” demanded Maurice. “This man is to be your husband! You’re to own these lands after you’re wed! If he dies before he makes you his wife, I don’t know where I’ll find another suitor of his calibre!”
“I suggest we worry about that when it becomes an issue,” said Belle, her voice cool. “From what you say, Sir Gaston is very much alive. If a good deal quieter than usual.”
“The master’s a strong man, milord,” said Marilee diffidently, hands clasped at her waist. “If anyone can survive a blow to the head like that, it’s him. He’s taken worse while jousting.”
“Yes, yes, I suppose you’re right,” sighed Maurice, running a hand through his hair. “We must all pray for his swift recovery.”
“Of course,” said Belle neutrally. “We all want that. Marilee, I believe I’ll wear the green today.”
“Very good, milady.”
“Papa, I’ll see you at breakfast,” said Belle. “I’m sure Sir Gaston will be up and about and bellowing orders before you know it.”
Maurice gave her an exasperated look, but threw up his hands in defeat and stomped out. Belle sighed in relief. A few days of peace. I shall make the most of it.
After breakfast, and once she had bid farewell to their guests and accepted their good wishes for Sir Gaston’s speedy recovery, she selected a book and casually asked Marilee to send the new maid to bring her parasol out to the garden. She walked amongst the last of the summer flowers, breathing in the scent of them. The autumn air was cool despite the sun, and the leaves on many of the trees were starting to turn, the treetops kissed with red and orange, as though fire was devouring them. The patter of footsteps on the path behind her made her turn, and she smiled as Gerta hurried up to her, parasol in her hands.
“Oh, milady, I’m so glad you’re safe!” she gasped. “I couldn’t sleep a wink last night for worrying!”
“I’m fine,” said Belle warmly, taking the parasol. “I take it the steward believed your story?”
“I’m not sure he even listened to me,” said Gerta, wrinkling her nose. “As soon as I said the master had fallen, he shoved me aside and went running. But never mind about me, milady, what about you? And - and him?”
“I did as I promised,” said Belle, smiling at the memory. “And a little more besides. The Dark One was content with our bargain, and considers it paid in full.”
“Thank goodness,” said Gerta, sounding relieved. “I was so worried that he might try to trick you. Do you think he’s right about the master? Will he really remember nothing?”
“If Rumplestiltskin says so, then I believe him,” said Belle. “He keeps his word. You’re safe, Gerta, I promise.”
Gerta hesitated, fingers twisting in her apron.
“It’s - it’s not my place, milady, but - but the master is - well, he’s - he’s not a kind man.”
“Indeed he is not,” said Belle dryly. “My father insists upon my marrying him, though. The wedding is in a week.”
“What if the master doesn’t wake up in time?” asked Gerta. “What if he forgets he’s supposed to be getting married? My uncle got kicked in the head by a cow once. Out cold for four days and when he came to he couldn’t remember anything past turning thirty-two. Bit of a shock for my aunt.”
“Rumplestiltskin said three days,” said Belle. “I suppose he understands how his magic works far better than I.”
“You say his name so easily,” whispered Gerta, her expression one of awe tinged with fear. “I think I’d be scared to, in case I called on him by accident. Making deals is all very well, but I can’t imagine what the Dark One might do if you disturbed him for nothing.”
“Well, he doesn’t frighten me,” said Belle. “I think he’s a good man, beneath it all. Better than he thinks he is.”
“Begging your pardon, but I think you try to see the best in everyone,” said Gerta, and Belle smiled.
“I do,” she admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”
Over the next two days, Belle had the most peaceful time she had enjoyed since arriving at Sir Gaston’s castle. She spent her days seated in the gardens with her books on magic, and her evenings shut away in the library, practising everything she had read. Maurice and the servants fretted over Gaston’s unconscious body, but the healer had inspected him, had shrugged and prescribed a poultice for the head wound.
“He’ll either wake or he won’t,” she said, with a matter-of-fact air that made the steward exchange uneasy looks with Sir Maurice. “Three days will tell, I reckon.”
There was only one thing to cause Belle distress, and that was the news of the approaching ogre horde. The servants returned from town full of stories of the horrors that awaited any men that tried to push the creatures back. Tales of the earlier Ogre Wars were told, in which thousands of men and even children had been drafted to stand against them, and had been cut down like barley. The tales made Belle uneasy; although there had been no battles against the ogres yet, it was only a matter of time before the King decided that he had to deal with the threat massing on the border of his realm.
On the third day, Gaston woke up.
Belle flinched at the sound of his disgruntled bellowing, audible even from behind the closed door of the library. She buried her nose in her book, eyes scanning the words of a new spell she had not yet mastered. A binding spell. It was far more complicated than anything else she had tried, and suitable only for defensive purposes, but she thought it a useful thing to learn, nonetheless. She thought she could see a way to adapt it, using something similar to the book she had used to call on the Dark One. A question for Rumplestiltskin, when she next saw him.
Maurice burst into the library, breathless and red-faced, and she sighed and laid her book aside.
“Gaston is awake!” he said urgently. “Our prayers have been answered!”
Your prayers, perhaps.
“Is he well?” she asked.
“As well as ever, and calling for ale!” laughed Maurice. “Come, I’ll take you to him. This wedding is happening, my girl!”
Belle wanted to sigh, but got to her feet. Not if I have anything to say about it.
Rumplestiltskin had been true to his word. Gaston remembered nothing that had happened in her bedchamber, his last memories being of the hunt, and those somewhat hazy.
“Must have been riding at an incredible speed, to have knocked myself out like that,” he declared, banging his cup on the table to call for more ale. “Damn stag almost killed me, but I brought it down! No shame to fall in the hunt if you get back up again!”
“You fell in your bath,” said Belle, but he wasn’t listening, and Maurice glared at her.
“Have all preparations been made for the wedding feast?” asked Gaston, reaching for the plate of roasted pheasant and tearing off a leg.
“Everything is in hand, milord,” said the steward, bowing. “The King has sent word, though.”
He handed over a letter, and Gaston sniffed, wiping grease from his hands and breaking the wax seal to scan the letter.
“He plans to move against the ogres,” he announced. “The Duke’s army has marched on them today, and King George plans to join him in a week. He wants to know that he can count on my support. Seems like we’re headed to war, Sir Maurice.”
“But - fighting the ogres.” Belle shook her head. “The men will be slaughtered. Everyone has heard what happens to armies sent against them.”
Gaston snorted, handing the letter to Maurice..
“They’re not so tough,” he said. “My men and I have encountered ogres before, and they came off worse, believe me.”
“Then why do all reports that I hear suggest that the ogres are formidable?” asked Belle, and Gaston shrugged.
“Cowards will always find an excuse.”
“Indeed,” said Maurice, reading the King’s letter. “Still, they are not to be underestimated.”
“Perhaps we ought to delay the wedding until after the battle,” suggested Belle, and Gaston chuckled.
“What, with everything arranged? I think not. The battle is a week away. What difference will a few hours make?”
“It’ll mean a short honeymoon,” observed Maurice.
“Only takes one night, eh?” Gaston guffawed, slapping him on the back, and Maurice looked as uncomfortable as Belle felt.
“It means the King won’t be able to attend the wedding, of course,” said Gaston, reaching for the pheasant again. “Nor Prince James. No doubt Lady Belle will be disappointed.”
“Not at all, I assure you,” said Belle tonelessly.
“The ceremony can still take place,” said Maurice. “You can be married, and we can have a proper celebration when the ogres are defeated.”
“In eight days’ time, then,” said Gaston, and downed his ale in one.
The day before the wedding, Belle woke with a start, nerves making her belly flutter and tighten. This evening he’ll come. What will he do? What will I say to him? I know what I want to say, but will I get the chance? 
She could barely concentrate all through the day, but luckily Maurice and Gaston were closeted in the Great Hall, discussing the approaching ogre horde, and their possible plan of attack. Belle had her own preparations to make, and tried to summon all her concentration to channel magic through the crystal wand. Whether she had been successful in her attempts at magic would not become clear until she had to use what she had created.
As the sun sank towards the horizon, Belle had Marilee dress her in the gold gown that she had worn to the ball. Her wedding dress hung in the closet, along with a long veil of embroidered lace. It had been the wedding gown of Gaston’s mother, with a frothy skirt of white gauze, crystals studding the bodice and a high collar edged with pearls. Belle hoped she would never have to wear the thing.
She made her way down to the Great Hall, a book tucked under one arm. The sound of raised voices reached her before she entered, and she found her father and Gaston bent over a map of the kingdom, rolled out on the large table with markers for troop movements. Shadows stretched long and thin on the floor, the setting sun going down in a blaze of fire.
“If the tales are true, this is a disaster in the making,” Maurice was saying. “We must change our plans. The King cannot hope to prevail.”
“The men were unprepared,” said Gaston shortly.
“The men were slaughtered!”
“The Duke’s auxiliaries!” Gaston straightened, scowling. “Thieves and cutpurses, for the most part, not proper troops! What were they thinking, attacking before the King’s armies joined them?”
“What has happened?” asked Belle, and both men looked around.
“A minor setback,” said Gaston, waving a hand.
“A battalion of the Duke’s soldiers came upon three of the ogre scouts,” said Maurice curtly. “They attacked, and the ogres destroyed them. Almost to a man. The stories of the ogre horde are true. This is not a war that can be won by force.”
“The King thinks otherwise!” snapped Gaston.
“Then the King is a fool.”
Gaston pounded the table with his fist.
“We do not run from these creatures!” he shouted. “They run from us! Shall I tell the King you turned traitor?”
“My father is no traitor,” said Belle, glaring at him. “But no more is he an idiot. If the war is unwinnable, we must find a way to make peace.”
“You cannot reason with these creatures!”
“Has anyone tried?” she retorted.
“We have to do something,” said Maurice desperately. “We have to stop them!”
“Well, perhaps you can.”
A snide, familiar voice came from behind them, and Belle turned on her toes to see Rumplestiltskin lolling in Gaston’s chair, eyes alight with mischief. He was dressed from head to foot in tight black leather, the collar of his coat standing high, brushing the curls of his hair. Belle felt her heart begin to thump hard. He came! He’s here!
“Who are you?” asked Maurice roughly, and Rumplestiltskin bounced out of the chair, bending one leg in an elaborate bow.
“Rumplestiltskin,” he announced. “Or as others know me, the Dark One.”
“The Dark One,” breathed Maurice. “The most powerful man in all the realms.”
“He’s an evil imp,” said Gaston sourly. “We need no dark magic here.”
“Oh, I beg to differ,” said Rumplestiltskin lazily. “The ogres are quite upset, you know. Only blood will suffice. The blood of one person in particular.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Belle, and he eyed her for a moment, his gaze dropping briefly to the book in her arms before flicking back to her eyes.
“I heard an interesting tale from the ogres,” he said.
“You - you spoke to the ogres?” asked Maurice.
“The most important part of deal-making,” said Rumplestiltskin. “Is finding out what the other party wants more than anything. Take the ogres, for example. They spoke of a dark-haired man in a red doublet, who kidnapped one of their children several weeks ago, and tortured him. What they want, more than anything, is that man’s head on a spike.”
He pointed at Gaston, and Belle felt her mouth fall open.
“So I tortured one of them,” said Gaston, with a shrug. “So what? How else would I find out what my men might face when going against them? Everyone’s heard of the Ogre Wars. Their numbers have been swelling for years. It was only a matter of time before they attacked again. We had to be prepared for what might come.”
“You tortured a child?” said Belle, horrified.
“It wasn’t human!”
“What difference does that make?”
“Like I said,” interrupted Rumplestiltskin. “His head on a spike. A simple enough request to prevent all that war and bloodshed.”
“Begone, demon!” snarled Gaston. “My men are loyal to me! No one will betray me on the words of a twisted little imp!”
Rumplestiltskin pursed his lips, shrugging.
“In that case,” he said. “I could offer the ogres something else. You have mountains to the east, enough space to allow them to settle down and live peacefully. I’m sure they could be persuaded to call off this war in exchange for a place to call their own.”
“Yes!” said Maurice eagerly. “The mountains straddle both my land and Sir Gaston’s. I say yes.”
“I say that the Dark One is not to be trusted,” said Gaston suspiciously. “Why would he do this great favour and ask nothing in return?”
“Oh, you’re right, there is a price,” agreed Rumplestiltskin, tapping his fingers together. He seemed to be enjoying their discomfort, his eyes twinkling. Belle felt as though her heart would beat its way through her chest.
“We have gold!” said Maurice. “I’m sure the King would contribute, he—”
“Ah.” Rumplestiltskin shook his head regretfully. “No, you see, I make gold. What I want is something a bit more - special.”
He was pacing, slow, swaggering steps, circling around the two men.
“My price,” he said. “Is her.”
He had turned on his toes, pointing at Belle, and Maurice let out a sound of horror. Belle met Rumplestiltskin’s gaze with her head held high, and he winked.
“The young lady is engaged,” said Gaston harshly. “To me!”
He stepped in front of Belle, and she frowned at his back, slipping around him again. Gaston threw an arm up in front of her, keeping her in place.
“I wasn’t asking if she was engaged.” Rumplestiltskin waved a hand, looking amused. “I’m looking for an apprentice. And I want her.”
“What, so you can turn her into your whore, Dark One?” he sneered. “I think not.” 
Belle opened her mouth angrily, but Rumplestiltskin tutted, shaking his head.
“I said an apprentice,” he said. “Not a lover.” 
“You expect me to believe that you’d take someone of Lady Belle’s face and form and train her in magic?”
“What do her looks have to do with her potential?” Rumplestiltskin sounded genuinely baffled. “I asked for an apprentice. She doesn’t need to be pretty to mix potions, and the fact that your mind took a swan-dive into the gutter is hardly my concern.”
“She doesn’t know one end of a wand from the other!” Gaston’s tone was jeering. “She’s - she’s just a girl! She has no ability beyond embroidery!”
Belle could feel anger rising in her at Gaston’s incredulity at anyone seeing anything beyond her beauty. She was about to inform him exactly where she would shove the next magic wand she found, but Rumplestiltskin caught her eye briefly, as though he could read her mind. She sank back on her heels, glowering at Gaston’s back.
“Well, perhaps my assessment of her abilities is more accurate than yours,” said Rumplestiltskin. “It’s her, or no deal.”
“But - but - she’s betrothed!” said Maurice, looking appalled. “The King himself agreed to the match!”
Rumplestiltskin shrugged.
“He’s not my king.”
“They’re to be married tomorrow!” persisted Maurice.
“Oh, inviting the ogres to the wedding breakfast, are you?” said Rumplestiltskin snidely. “How very open-minded of you. Be sure to provide extra ale, I hear they have a head for it.”
“But…” Maurice looked to be almost wringing his hands, glancing desperately at Gaston, who stepped in front of Belle again, throwing out his chest and rolling his shoulders to make himself look even bigger than he was.
“She was promised to me!” he shouted, jabbing a thumb at his chest. “She is mine, Dark One! Choose another!”
“You speak of the lady as though she were a possession to be handed around,” drawled Rumplestiltskin. “Isn’t the decision hers, not yours? Perhaps she would find more purpose in becoming a sorcerer’s apprentice than in - well, whatever dull provincial life you have to offer her. The lady as my apprentice, in return for dealing with the ogre threat. That is my final offer.”
“Get out!” said Maurice sharply. “Leave!”
Rumplestiltskin gave a lazy shrug.
“As you wish,” he said, swivelling on his heels and sauntering towards the door.
“No, wait!”
Belle slipped out from behind Gaston, dodging his grasping hand and circling her father. She stepped in front of Rumplestiltskin, who was tapping his fingers together, his eyes gleaming at her and a hint of amusement in the twist of his mouth, as though he was enjoying himself. Belle raised her chin.
“I will go with him,” she said decidedly.
“I forbid it!” shouted Gaston, as Maurice reached for Belle, mouth wide open in horror.
“No one decides my fate but me,” snapped Belle. “I shall go.”
“You’ll do as I tell you!” thundered Gaston, his eyes flashing as he jabbed a finger at the floor between his feet. “I won’t have my wife-to-be carried off by the Dark One to be his slut! Don’t you know how our people will see this? Don’t you care how this makes me look?” 
“Your reputation would be in tatters, Belle!” added Maurice wretchedly. “If you go with this creature you will never be part of our society again! You will be shunned, and I too, for letting it happen!”
“Society is overrated,” remarked Rumplestiltskin.
“Out!” shouted Gaston. “Go back to your lair, you twisted creature!” 
“Certainly,” said Rumplestiltskin. “If the lady will accompany me.”
“She will not be your whore!”
“Sir Gaston is right,” said Belle loudly.
“See?” Gaston gestured at her. “Belle knows this is madness! Begone, imp! I’ll have the Blue Fairy banish you to the deepest pits of the underworld!”
“Sir Gaston is right,” repeated Belle, frowning at his interruption. “If I go with you as your apprentice, the world will call me your whore. No matter how honourably you treat me.”
“Honourably?” Gaston let out a hollow laugh.
“So I will go with you,” continued Belle. “If you’ll take me as your wife.”
She had seen surprise on Rumplestiltskin’s face before: a hint of a smile when she had said something clever, a flick of his eyebrows at a question she had asked, but she had never seen him shocked. His eyes almost bulged out of his head, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard. 
“Have you lost your mind?” thundered Gaston, stomping forward. “You can’t seriously be suggesting that—”
Rumplestiltskin flicked his fingers almost contemptuously, and Gaston was silenced, mouth opening and closing. He also appeared to be frozen in place, his face turning red with rage as he glared at Belle. She decided to take advantage of his silence, and turned her attention to Rumplestiltskin, who was staring at her with that same wide-eyed look of disbelief.
“It seems a fair exchange to me,” she said. “After all, my father was happy to give my hand to Sir Gaston for the sake of land and gold. Surely if the bride-price is an end to death and destruction for all the people in this kingdom, the King could not object.”
“Belle, this is madness!” hissed Maurice.
“No, Papa, it’s good sense,” she retorted. “You said yourself that you wanted a good match for me in terms of wealth and status. I imagine that the Dark One must have an impressive estate.”
“It is - rather large.” Rumplestiltskin appeared to have found his voice again. “But - my Lady, please think this through...”
“I have,” she said simply. “I’ve watched my father and Sir Gaston and the other nobles argue and bicker over strategy and I have counted the cost in potential lives lost if we do not stop the ogre horde. You can stop them, can you not?”
She had stepped up to him, almost close enough to touch, Rumplestiltskin licked his lips, a brief flick of his tongue, as though he was nervous.
“I can,” he said.
“And do you have any objection to taking me as a wife?” she asked. His eyes flicked left and right, as though he was uncertain whether he was really there.
“I - no, no objection,” he said. “But your father speaks the truth. Married or not, you will be shunned by your peers if you choose me. You will have chosen exile, and censure.”
“I will have chosen a man who values me for more than my beauty,” she said clearly. “A man who brought peace to our lands, and saved countless lives. If the nobles of this land shun me for that, I shall count it a worthy sacrifice.”
He was staring at her with something like wonder, his eyes wide, and she watched his fingers twist in the air, a nervous motion. She arched an eyebrow at him.
“Do we have a deal?” 
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bibybuck · 4 years
I die of love for him (3/6)
fandom: The Old Guard
pairing: Joe/Nicky
rating: teen and up
word count: 1.2k words (4.6k in total)
summary: ‘Yusuf can’t help but stare at him, but that’s okay, because Nicolo’s staring as well. He wonders if this was the reason God has brought them together: two people on opposing sides, giving them the opportunity to see, to experience, the other’s life.’
or: Six years and six places in Yusuf and Nicolo’s lives and relationship.
title is from a poem called ‘Love in Bloom’ by the Arabic poet Abu Nuwas
for @santiagosnart​ <3
[read on ao3]
or under the cut!
Maybe this entry will live on. Maybe it will outlive me. All of us. Maybe five years or 500 years from now, hoping that it’s in good quality, someone will read this. But I feel like, after the day we had, this is the most accurate way to document it.
It started normally. By our standards, I mean. I woke before Nicolo, who looked like he finally got the much-needed sleep. Exhaustion hit us both hard, but him especially. The lines on his forehead were nonexistent, his skin was smooth. I ran my fingers through his hair gently, doing my best not to wake up. He hummed in his sleep but continued dreaming. I spent the first 20 minutes just lying there, fingers in his hair. The room was basking in the morning sunlight and outside of our window, birds were singing their melodies. I wanted to sketch him, lying there, sunlight creating dramatic shadows on his face, but I didn’t dare to move. I wanted to stay like that for as long as possible.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he said.
Over the past 350 years, I have learnt that he is not a morning person. If he is forced to wake up by an outside force, he will get grumpy. With me, he just speaks in a weird mixture of Arabic and Genoese.
“Can’t stop staring at what’s beautiful.”
The next moment, the door to our room opened. Fear swept through me for a second. We’ve been found. Either someone found out who we are, what we’ve done or what we are or even force. But then Quynh walked in, along with her love of theatrics.
And she had a look. She managed to find the biggest straw hat in all of Malta.
“Nicolo, would you braid my hair?” she asked. “Andromache has talked me out of this,” she points to her hat.
Nicolo and Quynh have a special kind of relationship. He thinks of her as his little sister and she regards him as his older brother, even though Quynh is dozens of centuries older. She loves having her hair braided by him, a unique skill he’s picked up during our travels.
And right on cue, Andromache walked in. “Sorry,” she shot us an apologetic look, “tried to stop her.”
Nicolo sighs. “Give us five minutes, please?”
Quynh clapped and out she walked with Andromache behind her who shut the door.
We were invited to a wedding that day. Even though it’s been centuries, and I have learnt a lot about Christianity through Nicolo, it still feels weird whenever I’m having to enter a church.
Nicolo knows about this. I could feel his careful eyes on me. I smiled at him and I wanted to reach for his hand and he wanted to reach for mine, but we couldn’t.
We sat on a pew in the middle. The father of the bride invited us after we happened to chase some thieves away. He waved when he saw us but otherwise was preoccupied with the wedding.
“Do you think we’ll be able to do this one day?” Nicolo asked quietly; his words easily got lost amongst the chatter of the wedding guests. “Do you think we’ll live long enough?”
“You mean get married?”
In every sense, we are married. We have shared three and a half centuries, shared a bed, shared a life. I know what stresses him out, what makes him happy, what he loves, what he hates. I know how much he loves me, I know how much he loves Andromache and Quynh. I know every single movement, thought, fibre of his. I have never loved and never been loved by anyone as much and I never will.
I cannot imagine sharing immortality with anyone else.
“I want to believe that,” I told him. “I want to believe that one day people will be accepting enough.”
“Of people like us? Of a man lying with another man?”
“Of love so big, so overwhelming, so passionate.”
He smiled at me and I touched his hand that was resting on the pew. No one saw us. Maybe God, of whichever religion, wanted to curse us out.
“Would it be rude to use their wedding to have one of our own?”
He laughed, making it seem like a joke, a passing thought, but I realised this is no laughing matter. Maybe, until the world turns, until people stop being afraid of loves like ours, this is as good as it gets.
“Nico… What if we did just that?”
He turned to me. “What are you saying, habibi?”
“Until we can get married, however long that may be, why don’t we do it? Here and now?”
We have talked about marriage. But two men getting married is impossible. No matter how much we wanted it, it cannot be an option. This is the second-best thing.
The bride walked in and the ceremony began. So for a while, Nicolo stayed silent. Then, he leant closer and I will never forget the words he said to me.
“I will love you until the day I permanently die,” he whispered in Arabic. “I will care for you, I will always be there for you, I will always make you happy. You are the man made amongst the stars and you are perfect for me. Your heart and your soul is full of love and kindness. I will never stop loving you, Yusuf al-Kaysani. I want to be your husband and I want you to be mine.
I looked at him then and saw the tears in his eyes. How I wished I could kiss him.
“Nicolo, I…” I tried gathering my thoughts. “What I feel for you cannot be captured into a few words. You are a breeze on the warmest summer afternoon. You are the moon guiding me through the darkest nights. Sometimes I feel like I’m not worthy of your love, you have so much of it and you give it all to me. My love for you is eternal, evergreen and ever-growing. I love you and I love you fiercely. I will never stop loving you, Nicolo di Genoa. I want to be your husband and I want you to be mine.”
Just as we finished, the priest said ‘I pronounce you man and wife’ and I think both of us imagined that he said ‘I pronounce you husbands.'
“What are you doing up still?” Nicolo asks quietly as he walks out to the balcony. He puts his hands on Yusuf’s shoulders. “The bed is always cold without you, my love.”
“Almost done. I had to immortalise the day we had.”
Nicolo rubs the back of Yusuf’s neck. Yusuf leans into the touch. He still hasn’t had enough of these absent-minded touches and he doesn’t think he ever will.
“It was a good day.”
“It was.” Yusuf reaches for Nicolo’s hand, kissing his palm. “I love you, husband.”
“I love you, husband.” Nicolo kisses the top of his head. “Come to bed, habibi.”
“I am.”
Yusuf closes his journal, deciding the drawings for the entry can wait. He stands and blows out the candle on the table, then follows Nicolo inside where Yusuf shows him just how much he loves him.
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Stark Spangled Forever- Utter Nonsense Drabble... 40 Questions!
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Yeah so don’t ask me where this came  from, but I saw these floating around and for some reason decided it would be funny if Steve and Katie answered  some of them instead of me...
I think the original post was from @odaatlover​  and I think I was taggeed by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​. Anyway, I took my favourite ones and this was the result...enjoy!
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
Katie: I’d kinda like a tiger. They’re so graceful and  pretty but pack a mean bite and you wouldn’t mess with one would you?
Steve: Who does that remind you of?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Steve: (grinning) Nothing.
Katie : I can confirm that is also my favourite thing he sleeps in...
3. What song really gets you going?
Katie: In what way? If it’s to dance and just act like a crazy fool to then its always going to be “Back in Black” because it reminds me a lot of Tony and happy times growing up. But if its one to spark memories then its our wedding song.
Steve: “The Only One In Color” by Trapt. I also kinda like the John Legend song  “You and I” because it reminds me of her, you know, the bit aout trying on every damned out fit she ownes before we can go out.
Katie: I don’t do that.
Steve looks at Katie, eyebrow raising.
Katie: Ok, maybe I can be a little incecisive....but tha wasn’t really the point of the...you know what, never mind. Next...
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
Steve: It depends. If its breakfast or lunch dring the week then it’s usual eaten on the go whilst we’re getting the kids sorted or I’m in between classes...but dinner, well we always try and sit down. And at weekends we always eat at the table with the kids. 
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Katie: Dinner. During the week Steve and I eat a little bit later than the kids so we have that time to ourselves just to decompress and talk about our day, have a bit of us time...and at weekend we’re al together so I love it.
Steve: I love it for all those reasons, and also because she’s the best damned cook on the planet.
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Katie: Erm...
Steve: It’s pretty embarassing when you throw a Brat tantrum about something.. Katie: I don’t do that in public.
Steve: Bullshit. I refer you to the whole car purchasing situation a few years ago.
Katie: Jamie was only a baby...I was hormonal.
Steve: Hormonal my ass, you were being a brat.
Katie:  Whatever.  Yours is definately the need to stand with your hands on your hips and give someone your Captain look, especially when it’s someone you have never met before but they just happen to be doing something to piss you off.
Steve:  I make no apologies for this.  People can be idiots.
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
Both at same time: Chocolate.
Steve: Preferably British.  Cadbury’s to be specific. I got a taste for it when I was in London during the war.
Katie: He has a secret stash he hides from the kids...it’s great to blackmail him with.
8. Soft or hard tacos?
Steve: Soft
Katie: Hard
Steve: Although hard ones always remind me of when you went into labour with Jamie.  We were making them for lunch and you had a contraction and crushed one...
Katie: Oh yeah, maybe soft in that case...because that was painful.  And then I went throguh that another 3 times.Which is your fault.
Steve: I take full responsibility, yes. 
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
Katie: Walk into the middle of it and say “Prove it, put the hamer down...” Steve: sighs, That was one time.
Katie: And it levelled a forest.
Steve: Did it work?
Katie: Hmmm, suppose so.
Steve: There you go ...but if its a fight between us, the I can think of the best way to break it up...
Katie : grinning, yeah...that’ s pretty funny. Or the worst one is telling you you’re in the spare room.
Steve: Yeah...that sucks.
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
Katie: Putting on deep voice “Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?”
Steve: Sighing  I wish I had some smart reply to that bu I don’t...
Katie: No, you just threw us out the side of the damned thing from 14 storeys up
Steve: 19
Katie: That’s...that’s not better Steve.
11. Any hidden talents?
Steve: Not so much hidden really but I’m not a bad artist and Katie’s singing and piano playing is off the scale.
Katie: Steve’s really good at DIY. Like, brilliantly good.  And also pretty savvy with technology all things considered...
Steve: When you say all things considered you mean because I’m like 112
Katie: Actually, you’re like 127 if you count the 15 years you spent back in time after putting the stones back.
Steve: hesitates I thought you said they didn’t count because I didn’t spend them with you.
Katie: They don’t, but they still happened.
12. Socks or bare feet around the house?
Steve: Socks
Katie: Bare feet
Steve: Neither of those protect you from standing on lego, which for the record, I reckon has to be a pain worse than chilbirth.
Katie:  Seriously? You’re going there?
Steve: Ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but it still hurts like hell.
13: Favorite board game?
Katie: Monopoly. Its funny to watch Emmy and Jamie getting really agitated and annoyed. The younger 3 don’t really get it, Rori just likes to help Steve by sorting all his money into piles and suggesting things he can spend it on.
Steve: Namely tutus and tap shoes...she still wants to be chorus girl.
14:Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Katie: Oh my God. Steve is a nightmare as he runs hotter than any of us, so whilst we want the fire or heat on he’s complaining he’s boiling hot all the time. Our bedroom is like an ice block.
Steve: Doll, I’ve been in an ice block. Trust me, our bedroom is like a furnace in comparison.
Katie: It si nice though, like sleeping with a big hot  water bottle.
15: At what age did you first have alcohol?
Katie: I’m sure Tony gave me beer when I was 15 or something but the first time I ever got drunk was aged 17. I went to a keg party at one of my friends and I was aboslutely shit faced. Tony held my hair back whilst i puked my guts upt for a good hour once I was home. I had the hangover to end all hangovers the next day and he cracked JARVIS up to maximum volume just to teach me a lesson.
Steve:  I think I was 18. Me and Buck drank a bottle of his dad’s home made hooch...yeah, it didn’t take me much to get me drunk back then and I was very, very illl. Ma thought I had a fever. Mr Barnes thought it was hilarious, but still gave us both a slap upside th head...
16. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
Katie: I would say my wedding dress, but Tony bought that for me, so it would probably the the dress I wore to the  SIP Launch for The Color Of Revenge...that cost...well it was in the tens of thousands
Steve:  Blinking How much?
Katie: You don’t need to know.
17. What do you typically wear to formal events?
Steve: Whatever my gal tells me to.
Katie: And you always look great Soldier.
18. Favorite memory?
Steve: Oooh, other than when we adopted Emmy or the kids were born, I’d have to say when Katie agreed to be my wife. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live.
Katie: Me neither, not least becase I got my camero...
Steve: rolls eyes.
Katie:  Joking aside, yeah the engagement sticks in my mind but I think it was when you finally kissed me for the first time. I knew then that I was never gonna let you go.
Steve: yeah...that...ok you know what this is an impossible question after being together for so long.
19. Favorite shoes?
Katie: I have a pair of sparkly gold Jimmy Choo stilettoes that I’ve had for ages. They’re gorgeous, with ankle straps and pointed toes. I’ve had them for almost  17 years but they’re amazin.
Steve: grins. Yeah, they’re my favourite shoes too...
Katie: Pervert.
Steve: I’m not even gonna deny it. Those shoes ALWAYS stay on if I can help it.
20. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Both start to laugh hysterically.
Steve: Where do we start?
Katie: New York, Washington, Sokovia, Lagos, Leipzig, Siberia, Wakanda, Upstate and proablly a whole load of other places in between could be good places Stevie.
Steve: Yeah, this...I can’t answer this. 
21. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
Katie: I was 7 when my parents died but taking Tony as surrogate, I reckon him catching us in the kitchen when we were...you know, and he didn’t actually know about us has got to be up there.
Steve: Yeah, that was pretty bad... although my Ma once caught me and Bucky measuring our... looks down.
Katie: splutters What? You never told me this?
Steve: Well its not exactly somethign that crops up in conersation sweethheart? “Oh by the way, once when we were 16 me and Buck compared sizes...” Katie: Blinks. Boys are strange. So who had the biggest...
Steve: Next question...
22. Last time you had an orgasm?
Both grin.
Steve: Last night 
Katie: I can confrim this...there’s not many nights to be fair where we don’t...
23: Celebrity Crushes?
Katie: grins. Does Bucky Barnes count?
Steve: Fuck you.
24: Makeup or natural?
Katie: Normally I just wear a bit of tinted moisturiser and mascara, now I have the kids anyway. I don’t have time to really do my face in a morning. I’ll make the effort when we go out though...
Steve: You don’t need it honey.
Katie: Awww thanks baby.
Steve: Although that red lipstick you wear, the bright red..yeah...I like that... grins wickedly and winks It smears well...
Katie flushes: dirt bag
25. Favorite season?
Katie: Summer. Growing up in Malibu I like the sun and warmth.
Steve: Fall. It’s an artists dream...the colours and textures are amazing to work with
Katie: Fall is rubbish. Everything dies and it’s a bit shit.
Steve: But you make apple pie and get to snuggle in my sweaters.
Katie: literally the only 2 things good about it. 
26. Are you a competitive person?
Katie snorts and looks at Steve
Steve: I’m not even going to deny it. 
Katie: He even refuses to let the kids win a games sometimes.
Steve: Important life lessons, Doll. 
27. First pet you’ve ever owned?
Katie: My goldfish Flounder, the one that Tony replaced about 8 times. Other than that it was my Turkey Marv, he was ace.
Steve: I didn’t have any growing up so mine would be Lucky. He was a great dog. 
28. Favorite pasta dish?
Steve: Mac and Cheese, specifically Katie’s. It’s amazing.
Katie smiling: Yeah  I like Mac and Cheese, but I also enjoy carbonara.
29. Favorite kind of pizza?
Both: Pepperoni.
Steve: New York Style.
Katie: I like Deepdish every now and then.
Steve: It’s not the same...
Katie: well dur, that’s the point.
Steve: Yeah, not convinced. 
30. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Katie: Handful of close friends, without a doubt. They become an extension of your family, you know. All of us in the Avengers were close and when you have that bond, you’ll do anything for one another.
Steve: Agree completely. When you’re close like we all are then it makes everything that little bit easier, knowing that whatever you’re facing you’ve got each others 6.
31: Something that ruins your appetite?
Katie: Narrows eyes Whenver I see Ross on Tv. Makes me want to puke.
Steve: You really should let that go you know?
Katie: Never. I hold a grudge very well.
Steve: Don’t I know it.
32. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
Steve: I’ve never been one for big nights out. I enjoy the odd one now and then but, I’d much rather curl up on the sofa or round the firepit with Katie or Sam or Bucky with a beer and some decent talk.
Katie: Yeah, at one time I would have said night out hands down, but certianly since having the kids, or even since we started dating, it’s definately change my ideas a little. Some of the nicest nights we’ve had have been spent on the sofa.
Steve grins: yeah...
Katie: And not just because of that....
33. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
Steve: I’ve only ever told one girl I loved them and she’s sat right here, and I said it first that night...
Katie: smiling Yeah, yeah you did. I wasn’t far behind though, like 3 seconds or something.
34. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Katie: Does a one night stand count as a first date? Because if so then yes...
Steve: Same.
Katie: Lottie?
Steve: Storm?
Both look at one another,  teasingly.
Katie: Ok next question...
35. Heroes or villains?
Steve: Some people might say there’s a fine line between the two. Katie: Oh here he goes, getting all Captain Philosophical again...look, everyone knows we were suposedly the heroes Steve, and to be fair we saved the world a fair few times, we were even fighting in the shadows during the Nomad years.
Steve: I know, I know...
36. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Steve: You know I’ve never actually counted.
Katie: You did 20 at the last brunch we went to.
Steve: 20...that’s...impressive.
Katie: smirking Bucky did 22
Steve: sighs Of course he did...
37: Favorite dessert?
Steve: Apple pie, preferably Katie’s
Katie: Pecan pie. Hands down. 
38 Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
Steve: Ooh, that’s..i suppose it depends. I do like a good TV series, especially if we can curl up and binge watch once the kids are going to bed but I do have fond memories of us working through the films on my list...
Katie: smiling, yeah we had a lot of fun. Still
39. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Steve: I love telling Katie how beautiful she is, and what a wonderful mother she is...all of which is true.
Katie: I like to remind Steve that he’s my Steve Rogers, not Captain America...because he is. And he’s the most amazing man on the planet, with or withouth that serum coursing through his veins. Which is what makes him the best dad the kids could wish for.
40. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Steve: smiling,  she’s sat right next to me.
Katie: smiling , back at ya soldier.
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scav-eng-er · 4 years
“I Will Always Find You.” Reylo Soulmate/Multi-Universe AU
Summary: In a soulmate/multi-universe AU, two hearts take time to find one another. But in the end, it’s all worth it.
Words: 3,222
OMG this took forever! It is so bad but it’s kinda cute?? Right? I don't know! Guys I would love feedback! If it sucks, tell what I should edit! If it’s good, what was your favorite part? Some parts are obviously rushed while others I wanted to savor. It is long!
The downtown streets of the city bustled in the bright summer morning. Commuters walked swiftly to their jobs, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of others walking in the same pattern as them. Among the crowded sidewalk, Ben Solo nonchalantly made his normal route to work. His black messenger bag hung off his shoulder as he skimmed his company’s new grant proposal. His lukewarm coffee was in his other hand as he re-read what he was up until 2 A.M. working on. He couldn’t help but grin at his work, it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Soon, he would be able to finally visit his mom and dad for the weekend. He had felt so guilty putting it off for weeks now, but had to get this done. 
He had been thinking about what flowers his mom would like when a quick and surprising force knocked into his right shoulder, knocking his coffee all over his navy button down…and on his grant proposal. He stopped in the center of the sidewalk, passerby filtering around him, not even caring about what just happened. He gaped at the mess on him. Anger swelled in his chest. He looked up in time to see the culprit who just ruined his morning. He saw the back of a head, tied up in a messy bun. She flew by in an army green bomber jacket with a tan canvas backpack bouncing as she swirled around the strangers of the city. 
With a quick glance to nothing in particular, she shouted out as loud as she could, “Sorry!” 
That voice.
Ben’s heart suddenly became sore. Something ached in his gut and his head hurt like a dream he was trying really hard to remember. 
As a lord, Kylo had a duty at birth to take care of his people. He would provide, care and try to give his best to make sure they would thrive for generations. This meant that his life was planned since he was born, especially when a lord overseas had a baby girl when he was ten. The engagement was announced after Kylos father and the foreign lord had agreed that a trade would keep the two lands at peace until the marriage on the girls 20th birthday. 
Kylo had heard of her, that she was born on a stormy day, but the moment she cried when she entered the world, a ray of sunshine broke through the gray clouds into the castle of Niima. Throughout the years, Kylo had heard about Rey through letters between his father and the Lord of Niima. She was a fiery little girl who enjoyed getting dirty, playing in the stables and wanted to learn how to sword fight. Kylo had thought it was unladylike and didn’t pose a good image for anyone in relation to her. Then, the Lord had decided to visit Chandrila to finally have Kylo and Rey meet. At 16, Kylo was a studious boy who occasionally would glance at the young kitchen maids as they passed by him the dinner table. At six, Rey was an adventurous girl who arrived to the castle of Chandrila is mud and sticks. Kylo grimaced at the dirty child and groaned at the thought of having to have her in his company for the rest of his life. She laughed at him when she caught him with a girl in a dark hallway. He scowled at her when he watched her play sword with his uncle in the courtyard. She made his blood boil! It seemed like everyone liked her, everyone but him! She was an annoying, gross, intrusive little brat!
He sighed in relief when she was finally sailed back home…far away from him, until next time. 
When he was thirty, it was time to take over his fathers legacy. Lord Han had passed a few years prior, and Kylo had reigned the land since then. He had been doing a wonderful job, until the council finally aid that the marriage had to happen. He had to prepare for a Lady and soon, heirs. Kylo had wondered what the young Rey would be like at 20. He had hoped she was a reserved, calm young woman who would listen to her future husband, or anyone for that matter. He stood at the entrance with his mother and rest of the castle staff as they welcomed the Lord and his daughter again. 
But when the Lord stepped out with his engaged daughter at his hand, Kylo’s breath got caught in his throat and his body suddenly became very warm.
She was an angel. 
Rey of Niima was downed in a light gray, flowing dress. The summer sun gave her tan freckled skin a glowing radiance that Kylo couldn’t pull his eyes away from. Her petite figure caused images to run through his mind, clenching his fists. Her tight corset didn’t help with his imagination. She was absolutely gorgeous. Thick chestnut locks piled on her head, with loose strands framing her face. Her eyes showed determination and strength. She held herself in an elegant fashion and Kylo could only imagine kissing that smirk off her face. She wasn’t a little girl. She was a woman. She was his bride. His queen. Leia gave a small chuckle and mumbled under her breath, “uh oh.” 
A ball was held that night in celebration before the wedding the next day. The room was filled with food, merriment and cheer. Ale was constantly poured and dancing was non-stop. Kylo was seated at the head of one of the tables, but his eyes grazed over the entire party. He searched for his bride-to-be. He had only heard her brief “thank you” when they had talked at their arrival and her voice was so sweet, he craved for more. 
“I do think there was someone who wanted some fresh air.” His mother started calmly, before bringing a goblet to her lips. Kylo rolled his eyes at his mother, but as he stood to leave, he placed a quick kiss on her temple. 
The young Lord hurried out to the courtyard. The bright moon illuminated the summer night. He felt his heartbeat in his ears in anxiousness as he looked for the young woman. 
“Good evening, milord.” A calm voice spoke behind him. He turned to find the beauty he was looking for. She had changed into a white gown, lace details on her bodice made her look more heavenly than Kylo had ever imagined. The only thing he thought would be better on her was nothing. 
“Good evening.” He stated. She had to feel as strong as he did, right? This marriage would work, it had to, there was no other choice. 
“You’ve grown into quite a Lord.” She hadn’t moved from her spot, her hands delicately held in front of her, emphasizing her chest. 
“A Lord with a future wife by his side,” he eyed her up and down, stalking towards her in the shadows, “You have also grown into quite a woman. I must say, I’m impressed at how you have finally grown out of your childish nonsense. I was a afraid my future bride would be a child fore-“ 
The lord was caught off guard by the woman, pushed into the stone wall of the castle. Her forearm pressed against his throat. His eyes widened at her sudden act that he froze for a moment. 
“You listen here you entitled, ignorant fool. You have been a thorn in my side for as long as I can remember. You were a cold, distant, selfish boy when I was little and now we have to spend the rest of our lives together. I’m not a little girl anymore, I know you saw that when I arrived. I’m not naive either, I’m aware that I’ve been molded for your…desire.” She glanced down his body, her face flushing red, but continued.
“But know this, I care about my people just as much as you care about yours. I will do anything I have to to protect our lands. I will be your wife, your bride, the..mother of your children. However, I am your equal. You will be my husband, and you will aid my father and land in any assistance they require from now until death. We are in this, together. Is that understood?” 
Kylo could only nod. 
She released her grip on him and turned back to the celebration inside. She could feel his eyes on her as she flaunted her figure on her way out. Thank god he couldn’t see her blush.
Kylo had sighed at the image of her.
Fuck, he was in love.
Ben felt like he just had a crazy dream. He was brought back to the sidewalk like no time had passed. How long was he gone? Where the fuck did he even go? He glanced ahead to the army green bomber that was only a few feet ahead of him. He had to get to her. 
Was this the woman in the gray dress? They had the same voice, did they share the same face? The same memories? The same feelings? He felt the dampness of the coffee soak on his skin, causing him to smell like old coffee grounds. But it was forgotten as he hurried to catch up to her swift figure. She weaved through people like she had done it for years. It took him some time to move, thanks to his towering height and bulky body. He groaned as he continuously apologized to passerby…ironic. Upon further glance, he saw her tight skinny jeans and how they hugged her so well. It didn’t take long for the crowd to settle as she turned to a less densely populated street. She picked up her pace, causing Ben to curse as he hiked up his bag, the proposal crumpled in his large hands. He tried to keep his distance, not wanting to look so obvious following the girl just a few feet ahead of him. If she didn’t know him, or got scared of this tall man following her, he would hate himself for the rest of his life.
She slowed down as she arrived at a coffee shop, swinging the door open and practically jumping through the entrance.
‘Jesus, she’s quick on her feet.’ Ben commented to himself. 
He finally caught his breath at the shop. Too eager, he swung the door open too, causing the hinges to reel it back and smack into his side as he gazed into the shop. 
The front of the shop window welcomed natural light from the summer sun, with an exposed brick wall all around the perimeter. The far left corner had a light blue counter with an array of pastries, desserts and sandwiches behind a glass wall. A large letter board menu took up the back, hanging over coffee machines and espresso makers.
He found her walking to the back where white wood booths lined the back wall. She hurried to a table with two other men seated.
He wanted to run over and hug the two, as if they were old friends and they were surprising him. His heart hurt as he watched the three friends reunite, set up their computers and paperwork at the table. 
“Come on Ben!” Poe had tugged his much taller friend towards the celebration. The two U.S. soldiers scurried in the NYC streets to the Victory Parade. Thousands of people gathered at the edge to see the floats while soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division marched down the pavement. The chilly January air didn’t stop Ben and Poe from dressing in their uniforms, proud to show that they fought for their country. The childhood friends stood tall and proud in their green uniforms, hat and tie in all as hundreds around them celebrated the long awaited victory. Poe could see a few women glance in their direction, and couldn’t help but send a wink. Ben however wasn’t feeling as interested in the women around him. Too caught up in the war, he never had much time to think about dating or finding his gal. After this weekend, he planned to go back to London to help repair the city. Seeing it destroyed while he was deployed over seas tugged this heart. He had to help clean it up, and maybe he would go elsewhere, travel. There wasn’t much holding him back to the States anyway. 
“Do you see Finn? He’s with the Triple Nickles out there,” Poe stood on his toes, looking out for his missing friend, “he said he brought a girl over from London. A real pretty thing! Her name was Kay, or was it May?” He shrugged.
After the parade, Ben and Poe searched in the ending parade for Finn and his date. Ben tried to use his height to his advantage and helped find him. 
“Finn! Buddy!” Ben turned to find Poe run off towards a dark skinned man and embrace. He caught up as Finn spoke.
“Fellas, this is Rey!” Behind Finn was the most beautiful woman Ben had ever seen. Her chestnut victory rolls made her look pristine and untouched. Her pale pink button down coat only accentuated her incredible smile.
He’s seen her before, right? He had to based on her reaction seeing him too. Her gaze never left his as she went to shake his hand. 
“It’s a pleasure.” She spoke as if only to him. Her warm, soft hand disappeared into his. He wanted to pull her flush against his body and hold her like they were long, lost lovers.
“Have..have we met before?” He couldn’t help but ask. His deep voice scratchy from not speaking since they arrived to the parade, “Perhaps in London?”
Finn and Poe looked to Rey in curiosity. The young U.S. soldiers could tell something already sparked between the two strangers.
“I…I don’t think so. I don’t think I could forget a face like yours.” She smiled. A blush crept from Bens neck all the way to his ears, poking out from underneath his black locks. 
Oh boy, he was smitten.
Slowly, Ben made his way to the booth. It took every ounce in him not to run and hug them. Her back was turned towards him while the men - Poe and Finn - were seated on either side of the booth. She had a notebook in hand, discussing something that sounded like a potential article story. 
His heart started pounding as he made his way closer. He missed her. He missed her so much. He wanted to feel her in his arms as they hugged, feel her tremble in pleasure beneath him, feel her belly as it grew with his child, feel her wrinkles along her cheeks as they grew old together. It’s like they’ve done it a hundred times and he wanted to do it a hundred times more. He gently placed his messenger bag on the ground as he took a closer step. A crumpled grant proposal sat beside it, forgotten. 
When Ben felt Finn and Poe lock eyes with him from behind her, his breath - as well as theirs - caught in their throats. Poe stopped fidgeting with his pen, and Finn’s jaw slightly dropped. However, even in their confused eyes, he saw some sort of recognition. They knew him, they remembered him. He could only imagine what memories the three friends would make together this time, in this life. He was so excited. 
But that could wait. Now, he needed her to remember. 
The young jedi would know that voice anywhere. It was her, his other half. She was okay. The redeemed man looked around the ship dock as pilots and resistance members ran around him. The falcon had brought him home, brought him to her. The battle was won, a personal one between him and the now deceased Palpatine. The internal struggle he experienced through years of torment was gone. After Ben Solo was reborn from the ashes of Kylo Ren, he knew he had to get home, to his friends, to his mother, to his love. 
“Ben!” He heard again. Where was she?! He turned and looked up and down, searching for the love of his life. 
Then he sensed her. Gate C, second level.
He saw her hurry down the stairs, practically skipping every step. Her white cloth fluttered behind her as she sprinted towards him. She dodged each person swiftly on her feet, nothing stopping her to feeling Ben safe in her arms. When they reached for each other, the warmth, the loneliness, the need for each other was satisfied. Rey wrapped her arms around his neck, holding so tight, she thought she would choke him. Ben pulled her into his body and finally felt himself take a real, deep breath. A breath of freedom, of love. Her warmth filled him with hope of a future, many futures, together. He lifted her from the ground and held her. The world stopped around them.
He felt a shudder from her as she held back a sob.
“It’s okay, I’m alright. Shh.” He cooed into her ear. Her face was hidden his shoulder. Her tears staining his black tunic, drenched in sweat, dirt and blood. But he was safe, alive, in the arms of his love. 
She pulled back, her bright brown eyes glimmered with tears. Strands of hair stuck to her forehead and Ben thought she was the most beautiful thing when she gave a sweet smile. He sighed when he felt her warm hand against his cheek, and nothing could stop him from leaning to taste the sweetness of her lips. Rey froze for a moment, never having felt a sensation like this, but it was almost like she already knew what she was doing. Her fingers delicately made their way into his hair as she closed the gap between them, desperate to have her heart touch his. She had to feel it beat, to know he was truly here. 
With the chaos of the outside world around them, the two jedi simply held onto each other, never to be parted again.
“Guys?” Her accent had not changed a bit. Goosebumps peppered Ben’s skin as she turned in wonder.
“What are y-“ Her eyes caught his mid-sentence. 
She stopped.
Her eyes widened.
She remembered.
Ben didn’t know what to do. But he felt himself get choked up. He shook, wanting to hold her like the millions of times he had before. He felt himself complete just looking at her. But now, to be with her all over again, was enough to make him cry. 
A tear fell down his cheek when she dropped her notebook and ran into his arms. The force of her impact into his chest was one of the happiest blows in his entire being. Rey’s cries of happiness were music to his ears, his silent sobs intertwining with hers. Her fingers played with his hair at the nape of his neck, just how he liked it. She had done it after he had a stressful day, or after they forgave each other after a bad fight. It had felt so good to be somewhere so safe, familiar. Her arms. 
Ben felt a hand on his shoulder and opened his tear filled eyes. Poe and Finn stared at him in happiness and support at the reunion, knowing that after this, they would have to catch up.
The gang put the computers and paperwork away. Four warm cups of coffee sat amongst the friends as they chatted away on what they were working on in their present lives. 
Poe and Finn talked about how they and Rey were lucky enough to get internships at a magazine company together. Finn had been talking to a TA, Rose and they were planning on going on a date. Poe got a dog after he moved into the city, who he loved more than his vintage leather pilot jacket (which is saying a lot). Giggles and tales of small adventures filled while Ben held Rey on their side of the booth with blood shot eyes and the occasional sniffle into a tissue. His hand rubbed her arm in soothing, slow motions. She would squeeze her free hand into his to let him know she was thinking about him. 
For once again, they had found each other. And they were ready to finish this new lifetime, together.
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thestrippershateyou · 5 years
I’m forced to conclude that radfems who advocate gender separatism have never actually lived it for any amount of time longer than it takes to go to the bathroom or get dressed in a locker room.
I used to be a practicing Muslim. Mosques are almost all gender separated. I’ve never actually been to a mosque that wasn’t and even the most liberal one I went to that didn’t have actual solid barriers up for meals and had mixed gender festivals still had separation for almost everything else. I know there’s some in recent years with female Imams and no separation and I know there’s a Muslim LGBT summer retreat that has no separation but I’ve never gone.
And, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the separation there. Most of the women I know either do or are neutral about it. I’ve even seen women advocate for more separation or say they’re going to start wearing niqab unless it’s made so that no men can even glimpse them from afar. But here’s the thing...None of these women are living this 24/7. This is in western mosques. So the mosque is a refreshing break from the rest of life. Not something that they’re wanting in every aspect of life.
Let me fill you in on what happens in gender separation:
- Husbands and wives cannot pray side by side at mosques. Mothers cannot pray beside their sons and Fathers cannot pray beside their daughters. I’ve never seen children over the age of about 5 with their opposite sex parent in the prayer area and not older than maybe 10 for meals. At home, the women stand behind the men who lead prayer. But at mosques you’re behind a partition at a minimum and likely in entirely separate rooms. Sometimes you can only watch on a monitor and hear through a speaker.
- Spouses and even parents can’t contact each other unless they’ve got their phones on them and on sound or vibrate which isn’t always a thing at events and especially not during prayers. I’ve seen fathers standing at the tiny window of space in the barricade trying to wave and get their wife’s attention because their son needs something out of the car and she’s got the keys, needs to run home, needs something from mom, etc but his wife didn’t see him and no one will speak to him because he’s a man and he’d face backlash if he just walked over to find his wife. I’ve seen women doing the same thing trying to contact their husbands. 
- If you’re bringing a guest to the mosque that is the opposite sex, you can’t go with them to their area. So if a son converts and decides to invite his mother or sister to learn more about Islam, then she’s is going to have to go stay fully separate from him in a room full of strangers. If she doesn’t speak Arabic, she’s going to be very lost.
- Families cannot eat meals side by side in mosques or the community centers commonly attached to them for events/holidays. Ramadan dinners (iftars) are a big damn deal and families cannot share them if they’re attending the community dinners at Mosques. They have to choose between family and community. 
- Meals are stupid wasteful too because there has to be 2 of everything. 2 buffets, 2 dessert tables, 2 seating areas (sometimes 2 rooms even), etc. If you can’t provide two of everything, men and women have to be fully separate when going through the lines which takes up so much extra time. Regarding the wastefulness? You got a giant expensive decorated cake for Eid? Cool. Now you gotta pay for 2 of them because you can’t just cut a pretty cake with writing on it in half and carry the other half to a separate room. You gotta make all your dishes twice over with separate serving dishes instead of just making one big one and sharing it. You gotta order pizza (or whatever delivered food) in even numbers instead of just ordering odd numbers and sharing it. Towards the end of meals, I’ll see people going around and combining the dishes to bring more to the sex that has run out of something or to prepare take out boxes. And there’s almost always take out boxes because there’s almost always so much extra food that people take home whole other meals.
- Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are the two Islamic holidays....and families can’t pray and eat together for them at the mosque. Imagine if you couldn’t watch your own child open Christmas presents because you were their mother and your child was a 15 year old boy. There’s literally only TWO EIDS and if you celebrate them at the mosque, then you do it without the members of your family who aren’t the same sex.
- Wedding receptions are often gender separated. This means a husband and wife can’t even celebrate their own wedding together. The wedding itself will almost always be separated as well though you’ll be in the same room for that of course and obviously the couple is together when signing the Nikkah. But they’ve got to separate for the reception.
- Non school classes (I never went to an Islamic school and can’t speak for that but I know the smaller one attached to my Florida mosque had mixed classes due to being so small. The graduating class there in my year was like 7 people.) and sports are separated. This means if there’s not enough demand for EACH SEPARATE CLASS then one sex won’t have a class. Men almost always get more classes and sports because a lot of them don’t have enough interest only among women for women to have one. At one mosque I used to go to women got ONE SPORT NIGHT A WEEK because that was the only night they could drum up enough interest and get enough women to show up to shut down the community center to men to all men and boys. Men got the other six nights. ICLR, my prefered of the local mosques, actually had TWO WHOLE YOGA CLASSES FOR WOMEN but they couldn’t maintain enough interest in them. If you could mix men and women, you’d have enough attendance for almost any sport or class you want. But without mixing, the smaller attendance events get cut. Unlike with men, there’s no rule in Islam that says women actually have to go to the mosque ever if they don’t want to. So the result of this is that men wind up more involved in the community there. 
And finally...
- Western dating is...not really a thing. It’s changed more with dating sites and tinder and the like. But a lot of marriages (especially first marriages) are still worked out through a glorified game of Telephone. Here’s how it goes... - A person glimpses someone of the opposite sex they decide is physically attractive from what they can see of them (modesty is a big thing in Islam for men and women). They have most likely never spoken to this person except maybe basic greetings in passing and might not even know their name because of the separation. So you’ve got nothing more than “I think they’re physically attractive” to decide if you want to build a lifelong relationship with this person. - They go to their opposite sex sibling (if they have one), a close friend’s opposite sex sibling (if they have one, and if their friend if on board with chaperoning the conversation), or their opposite sex parent (if they have one who is also Muslim, alive, around, and agreeing with their pick) and say “Hey, so I saw this person who I think is attractive. I’d like to get to know them and see if they’re interested in marriage” - That opposite sex person goes to the person deemed attractive and asks if they would be interested in getting to know the original person with the intent of marriage if everything works out. The answer is largely gonna depend on “do I feel like getting married at this point in time” and “are they physically attractive?” because, again, that’s all you get to know about them when you are separated - If yes, then families get together and work out chaperoned public dates. If you’re like me and you don’t have a family then you will likely either not get married in the mosque community or you will have to find a family to adopt you. Not literally, of course. Just in a parent friend kind of way. I had a husband and wife kind of adopt me like that because their little daughter decided I was her sister now. They told me if I ever wanted to get married to let them know and they’d find me a good spouse.
Now. All this assumes that radfems gender separatists aren’t just lesbians who are advocating for heterosexuality and bisexuality to be abolished from humanity. But we all know that won’t happen so let’s not entertain idiocy. And of course this is just mosque things and not all of life. And yet there’s already problems with it. Especially in the dating thing. But also...if I need spiritual guidance from the Imam? I gotta go find his wife. If I need to discuss something like renting the community center or finances with the mosque board? Gotta go hope they didn’t gender segregate that too or else I gotta go find the brother I don’t have. 
Story: When I was 18, my (non muslim) grandparents were being abusive and my phone had gotten wet and broken. So a woman from the mosque wanted to use mosque charity funds to get me a phone to they could keep in contact with me and I could call them for help if I needed it. She had to call up her husband to drive back out to the mosque and talk to the Imam because the woman in the mosque’s board (Yes, only one. Mosque male population vastly outnumbers the female population. The one was specifically there to counter the separation so women didn’t have to talk to men to communicate with the board) was out of town. Because, of all people, the imam ESPECIALLY couldn't be seen violating the gender separation and especially not with so young and so unmarried a woman as me. So what should have been a 15 minute “can I fill out this form for these funds?” turned into over an hour because her husband had to find someone to wait at home for their kid who was on the way home from school.
In short. Gender separation can be fine when it’s a short time and not strictly enforced. Women only spaces are a great concept though measures should be taken for things like emergencies. But asking the world or even a whole individual society to be like that? Oh hell no. That’s not how societies were meant to be. And if you’re out here advocating it then I’m honestly forced to conclude you’re just talking out of your ass, are reacting based purely on emotion with no logic, and that you have no idea what you’re talking about. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
5,000 questions survey series–part forty-two
These surveys always take me so long to get through, hence why I took such a long break from them. The questions are just too much at times and some are just plain annoying. But, I’ll try and finish it eventually. A couple of you have been taking it lately, so I figured I’d start up again.
4001. How would you rate your sex drive? It’s been non-existent the past few years, honestly.  4002. You are sitting alone with a stack of videos and a vcr. Of the following which are you most likely to puut on (1 is most, 10 is least) I’m just gonna bold which one I’d likely watch out of all of ‘em...
The good the bad and the ugly, dracula, slc punk, twin peaks fire walk with me, jerry springer too hot for tv, singing in the rain, flash gordon, the matrix, blade runner, the muppet movie 4003. Are you more likley to get or send random instant messages? I receive nice messages more often than I receive random ones. I got a rude one recently; however, about how I’m still a 31 year old virgin. Does it affect their life? No. So, don’t worry about it. *eye roll* I do get a lot of random comments on my surveys from su*ar da**ies, though... super annoying. 4004. If you were writing an ad telling people to come to your town what would you say about it? I wouldn’t write such an ad. My town sucks. 4005. What part of your body can you not stand to get an itch on? One that’s hard to reach.
4006. How many people do you suppose have stolen that System of a Down album called 'steal this album'? I haven’t heard anything about that, I’m not even familiar with that album of theirs. I’m there were people who tried/did.  4007. Name a band you like: Linkin Park. What are/were this band's roots and influences? Zeppelin, Run DMC, Public Enemy, Rage Against the Machine, Depeche Mode. 4008. would you rather have a poster of john lennon or a cute fuzzy black cat? Cute fuzzy black cat. 4009. make a public service announcement: Wear a mask! 4010. What makes you feel the need to escape? Just the need for a change of scenery and to help take my mind off things a bit for a little while. I’m sad I couldn’t go to the beach at all this summer because that’s my one place where I’m able to relax at all and just zone out. 4011. You and your signifigant other, crush, interest etc...who is the ernie and who is the bert? I don’t have any of those. 4012. When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself 'did I do the right thing?'? I hate when I forget if I took my medicine or not. I end up taking it, questioning and hoping that I didn’t already take it. I feel so robotic at times and like I’m just living life on autopilot, so things like that tend to happen. 4013. What do you find it hard to say goodbye to? I have a hard time getting rid of things because of my emotional attachment to them. 4014. What is your fantasy valentine's day like? I’ll admit it, it would be nice to experience a Valentine’s Day with someone and actually do something. It’s always been just another day for me. 4015. If you had to have a color for a name, what color would it be? Jade. 4016. Should preference be given to minority students during the college admission process? I think everyone should have the same opportunity.  4017. Sweet wine, fresh crisp appples, bagles with creme cheese and lox...what is the most incredibly luxurious food? I don’t know about those options, but if I were to think of luxurious foods I’d think of like expensive wine, cheeses, fresh fruits, and seafood like caviar and lobster and whatnot. I’m picky so I personally don’t care for fancy foods. 4018. Is there really anything to fear in communism? I don’t know enough about communism and socialism and all that to speak on it. 4019. Best sesame street character: Uhh, Big Bird. most annoying sesame street character: Elmo can be a little annoying sometimes. 4020. feast or famine? I don’t need to overindulge and have excess, I just would like to be able to have food.  4021. Write a poem right here in five minutes or less: Nah. 4022. Do you stay and help clean up after a party? I usually was one to leave early. 4023. Why was the teddy bear named after teddy roosevelt? His name was Theodore, Teddy for short, and apparently while out on a hunting trip he refused to kill a bear and someone dedicated a bear stuffed animal to him and called it Teddy’s Bear. Then it was just called a teddy bear and the rest was history. 4024. What are you the prince or princess of? Uhhh. 4025. Some people think that Christmas should be taken off of public school calanders because it is politically incorrect. What aould you say to this? I say no. It can still be winter break for those who don’t celebrate. 4026. Would you rather go to an excorcism or a step aerobics class? Uh, I think an aerobics class sounds a lot better than an exorcism. I wouldn’t be able to participate in a step aerobics class, though. I’d have to do something else. 4027. Do you believe in spells and curses? No. 4028. What tv show does your family watch together? There isn’t really one all 4 of us watch, but there’s several that 2 or 3 of us watch together. I guess Family Guy or American Dad could be one all 4 of us could watch, although I don’t really care for either one much. 4029. What's on your calander this year? Nothing. 4030. Is anything ruining your life? It has felt that way with my health issues. 4031. How was life meant to be lived? “We were meant to live for so much moreeee.” 🎶
4032. What is your usual breakfast? I rarely have breakfast, but I like breakfast foods like eggs and hash browns. And country gravy, yum. 4033. If you had kids, would you worry about what they did online? Of course.  4034. Will you be maxin and relaxin this weekend? Sure. If not, what are your weekened plans? 4035. Who has the most interesting story to tell: someone who used to fly to asia as a drug trader the ceo of Nike a nyc homeless person a preacher's wife
^^^They all would. 4036. What do you have a bad feeling about? The future regarding this virus. 4037. Do you have a lot to say? No. 4038. If a smallpox vaccine was offered to you, would you take it? Wasn’t that one of the ones given as a baby or child? I should mention I live in the US. 4039. Would you ever work at a kissing booth? No. how about a dunking booth? No. 4040. There is a woman who paints by stripping naked, rolling around in paint and then pressing her body against the canvas. What do you think of her art? I’ve never seen it, but hey do your thing. 4041. Have you ever bought something you saw on tv? Yeah, I mean that’s what commercials are intended to do. However, I’ve never called the number for a product advertisement to order something that way. Like those as seen on TV products. There have been some of those products sold in actual stores, though, that I’ve got like the Snuggie and that Finishing Touch Flawless Razor. 4042. Name a relative:  that relative dies unexpectedly. On the same day 9/11 happens. You can either bring back your relative or bring back 1/2 the people who dies on 9/11. What do you do? I don’t like these type of questions. 4043. Have you gone mental? I’ve definitely felt like that. 4044. What do you think of jews for jesus? You word this like it’s the name of a group or something. Okay, so I Googled it and see that it’s an organization.  4045. Has anyone ever tried to 'save' you? Yes. 4046. Quick! picture santa clause in your head... ...Okay. Was he black or white when you pictured him? White. That’s just how I’ve often seen him portrayed. 4047. Would you ever buy a black santa clause? Sure. Santa isn’t real, you can make him look any way you want. 4048. or take your kids to vist a black santa clause? Yeah? why or why not? Santa is Santa.  4049. What do you smell like? I just smell my clothes laundry detergent scent. 4050. What kind of soup do you eat? I’m a ramen girl all the way. 4051. What have you heard about the next Harry Potter book? Will you pre-order it? I know this is old, but I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter books. 4052. Would you rather go out or stay in? I’m a hermit crab.  4053. What's your favorite song to hear on halloween? I like the classics like Monster Mash. Oh, and the Halloween movie theme music for spooky vibes. 4054. What song makes you feel all tingly like you want to laugh and scream and cry? Uhh I don’t feel that way about any song. 4055. If you were starting a website that was not about you, what Would it be about? Nah. 4056. Do you ever take the long way just for fun? I don’t drive. 4057. '..and god said let there be ____and there I was.' Fill in the blank, as if if you were talking about yourself. ‘...and God said let there be Stephanie and there I was.’ 4058. What do you think of when you hear the word 'mill'? A million.  4059. What do you think of when you hear the name: weird al? Parodies. bob dylan? Music. michael jackson? Moon dance. henry rollins? billy idol? White wedding. gary numan? will smith? Fresh Prince of Bel Air. paul mcartney? Black Bird. alice cooper? Rock and roll. J Lo? Jenny from the Block. 4060. What is one social disater you have had? It was really embarrassing getting sick in front of everyone at my party 7 years ago aka the last time I drank alcohol. I just threw up on myself in front of everyone and sat there and my friend had to help clean me up. What really messes me up is that I don’t remember drinking that much, so I don’t know how I got so drunk. 4061. Can you moonwalk? No. 4062. If a presidential candidate went on late night tv, picked up a guitar and rocked out on it and could really play, would that influence you to like/respect them more? I’d probably be like wow that’s cool, but no I wouldn’t let that influence my vote. Them being able to play an instrument doesn’t say shit about their policies or whether they’d make a good fit for the job. 4064. If it was possible for people to instantly change from one sex to another, would everyone be straight in the end? Uhh just cause they could switch their gender it doesn’t change their brain/sexual preference.  Would you change your sex? No. 4065. Finish the sentance: nobody broke your heart, if you're alone... I don’t know. 4066. Would you rather have a best friend OR a boyfriend/girlfriend on a Friday night? I’d rather stay at home and do my own thing, ha. 4067. Would a woman rather be complimented about her intelligence OR her looks? Depends on the individual.  4068. Do you tend to think of the right thing to say after the moment is gone? Always. Super annoying. 4069. Would you rather a potential mate have nice hair OR nice legs? Nice hair out of the two. 4070. Okay,…. nice hair OR a nice rack/bulge? I don’t look for a “nice bulge” when I look at guys. 4071. What is one thing you thought you would enjoy, but actually didn’t? Hmm. I’m blanking at the moment. 4072. Be in the spotlight OR in the shadows? In the shadows. 4073. What is your favorite part of the newspaper? I haven’t read a newspaper in several years. When I was a kid I loved the comics, though. 4074. What in your life has been an “acquired taste” for you? Alcohol. I never really cared for it, honestly. I drank because my friends were and felt like that’s what people in their early 20s liked to do. And because it was fun sometimes, though I more often just felt like crap. It’s been 7 years since I last drank and I truly haven’t missed it. 4075. Do you find sunlight makes you happier? No. 4076. If you could conquer one fear, it would be...? I’d take care of some health related things. 4077. What's the dumbest thing you've ever seen someone do or heard anyone has done? There’s been a lot of things. 4078. How do you feel about the fact that J-Lo earns 37 million dollars a year? Is that actually true? This survey is also like a decade or so old. Do you buy anything that contributes to her salary? I haven’t bought any JLO related in several years. Is J Lo the ultimate ideal of what a woman should be? To some people. 4079. What is unforgettable beauty? I don’t know. 4080. Worst fashion mistake EVER: I don’t know or care. 4081. What is your advice to someone on their first date? Ha, I’m definitely not one to ask for dating advice. 4082. Is there a musical performer more ridiculous than Avril Lavigne (I don't think there is)? I didn’t think she was ridiculous.  4083. What is the best: daytime talk show? Dr. Phil. late night talk show? I don’t watch any anymore. 4084. Are you afraid of total freedom? What would that mean? 4085. Do you live in an invisible prison? I feel that way with my mind and health. 4086. Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to? I’m not close to anyone anymore outside of my immediate family.  4087. Rate the following song lyrics (1 = you like it the most, 9 = you like it the least). Nah, I really hate the rating questions. Maybe you shouldn't care/throw away those dreams/& dare Eden lets me in/I find the seeds of love/And climb upon the highwire/I kiss and tell all my fears I know the pressure is on/In a race for the life of endless love/If it seems to much/Remember/All these things are endless I see the wind, oh I see the trees/Everything is clear in my heart/I see the clouds, oh I see the sky/Everything is clear in our world Inflatable doll/Lover ungrateful/I blew up your body/But you blew my mind Well I jumped into the river/too many times to make it home/I'm out here on my own/drifting all alone/and if it doesn't show/ give it time/to read between the lines The very thought of you makes/My heart sing/Like an April breeze/On the wings of spring/And you appear in all your splendor/My one and only love now I've had lots of girls/most of them from other worlds/but lookin through the galaxey/the valley girls are the ones for me I'm the dandy highwayman so sick of easy fashion/the clumsy boots, peek-a-boo roots that people think so dashing/so what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?/it's kind of tough to tell a scruff the big mistake he's making 4088. Can you name any of the nine bands/songs above? I didn’t even read any of the lyrics. 4089. What would your reaction be if a total stranger called to say s/he loved you and told you that you were to pass the message on to others in a telephone call you make yourself? Uh, I wouldn’t answer a call from a total stranger first of all and even if I actually did, I would be like wtf and hang up.  4090. Would you like to take a journey to jupiter? No. I have no desire to take any trip to outer space. 4091. Can you crack nuts in your bare hands? I’ve never tried, but I’m going to assume that I couldn’t.  4092. Do you take walks at night? No. Or ever. 4093. Beavis and Butthead or daria? Neither. 4094. Cow or chicken? Chicken. 4095. Do you think you will visit China in this life? I don’t see that happening, but who knows.  4096. Are you having a happy day? No. 4097. When was or will be your 'golden birthday' (when your age is the same as your birthdate, like turning 17 on the 17th)? My golden birthday was 3 years ago. 4098. Enlighten everyone with something profound: Nah. 4099. When has the third time been the charm for you? Hmm. 4100. What is kinda sick, but fun? Uhhh.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
MM Anon 3
MM Anon 3
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Oct. 1
MM ANON … 🎼” back to black”🎼…… uncomfortably reunion …… “ AND THE CROWDS WENT…… home”… “blend in with the POC”🤣🤣🤣🤣…… Pressed for time. …… PR with blinkers… don’t Sue the messenger …… Harry on camping…… background colour …… “ bloody African Queen ‘ don’t think so”…… “ returning after their triumphant tour “…… OMG’ it’s definitely her
Oct. 2
MM ANON, This vacuous tart is in need of serious therapy ‘ she’s trying to intimidate the British press who employ Rottweilers as journalists and have brought down whole governments. They string antagonists up by their Gonads and bury pieces of flotsam like nutmeg alive. Not only is this virus on a hiding to nothing,she has underestimated the established reading matter of middle England ‘THE DAILY MAIL. ………… ‘popcorn darlings ‘ popcorn !!!!!!!!!!!
Oct. 2
MM ANON …… Dear Darlings ‘ today is my birthday 🎼 happy birthday to me🎼…………🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 2nd Oct. 1944. ……… “ a day that live in ignominy” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Oct. 2
MM ANON …… Thank you dear Skippy and all your faithful helpers ………… your blog is a joy and a privilege to post on …… GBTQAOGC👑👑👑👑👑 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
You are so welcome! We are honoured to have you join us! You are loved!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct. 2
MM ANON …… A TM visit?…… a pitiful cry for help …… “tears of a Crown”…… “ Philip’ stop swearing!!”…… ink block carnage … a scathing edi-TORY-al……”A Sunday surprise “…… “well,well,well’ fe-MAIL- empowerment”…… Fleet St. circling the wagons …… 🎼 “ Homeward bound, I guess ………” 🎼j…… … ace card archificial …… “SA’ well that was a dud Megs”…… leap-Frog to Calipornia 🤫🤫🤫
Oct. 3
MM ANON …… rogue withdrawal …… a petulant rattle slays fleet st. …… royal analysis paralysis ……… “ settlement now!!!! ……TM lawyers up…… tabloid utopia …… “ This is a bloody tape diversion old thing “…………“A spitting Halloween 🎃 “……… “ remember ‘remember, the 5th of Nov.” …… “ Philip ‘ this year you give the Queen speech”…… 🎆🎇😱🇬🇧💩⚖️⚖️⚖️…… GBTQ.
Oct. 3
MM ANON , UNDER THE RADAR!!!!!!!! The Queen probably has information and physical evidence appertaining to “It” regarding her “ lost” years. During the summer PW spent a week at MI6 at Vauxhall. ( being briefed?) what on? Suddenly this week there’s a story of a certain acquisition of a “tape” the next day , via H. she sues the MOS regarding a letter. (Smoke And Mirrors) The hinges are falling off that locked door on her past ………………………!!!!!!!! Allegedly.
Oct. 4
MM ANON …… Meanwhile at CH…… A Family meeting’ o dear!!…… “ One is apoplectic with disappointment “… (two red faces)…… “ this isn’t a game of happy f%#@k families!!!”…… an atmospheric cut…… legs and tails …… They Aga successful …… in the brown Windsor soup……a green beret chum…… nutmeg begs…… happy Harry …… SS documentary’s doom.
Oct. 4
MM ANON …… Smoke and Mirrors divert us from the elephant in the doom!!!, nothing to do with nutmegs bawling in the bathroom over being picked on by those nasty hacks 🤣🤣🤣 or hacked phones (it’s a daily mine field for the high profiled) abysmal failure on behalf of their security. It’s the tape darlings ‘ murkmegs very sore-did past. Popcorn’POPCORN 🍿 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Oct. 5
MM ANON …… chocolate sundae …… don’t give up your day job …… single exit west …… a SMALL diversion … “ is he mine?” …… home alone ………… “ I fear for them Philip” …… Duty calls …… 🎼” you wore out your welcome with random precision “🎼……… “ we must talk Harry”……… jack and Jill went up the hill ……… “ it’s all on This memory stick.
Oct. 5
Does this mean PiersM is a friend of Her Majesty (👑) or a friend of MM?
So many players, so much darkness in this schtick. My brain is fried. Thank you Skippy🐼
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Oct. 6
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
Oct. 7
MM ANON …… “MORGAN ‘ a suitable case for treatment” …… sue- da - nam?
Oct. 7
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
Oct. 7
MM ANON …… This is only my opinion on the validity of the alleged article. AN OPINION!! like skippy suggested in all posts , re disclaimer ……… what would be verified in this situation is “ face recognition tech.” ANYBODY?????? 👃🏾👁👄👂
Oct. 7
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Oct. 8
Oct. 8
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct. 8
MM ANON …… This is only my opinion on the validity of the alleged article. AN OPINION!! like skippy suggested in all posts , re disclaimer ……… what would be verified in this situation is “ face recognition tech.” ANYBODY?????? 👃🏾👁👄👂
Oct. 9
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
Oct. 10
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
Oct. 10
MM ANON, for Mr Skippy, “ take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear wittiness of thy love ,thy power and thy way of life “ …… GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. 💜💜💜💜🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oct. 11
MM ANON … aggressive tabloid PR…… desperate image…… manipulate a student …… public fear…… ((loving wife and mother))…… 🎼” Money, get away”🎼…… a fence for Harry …… “ how do I milk this”…… most dangerous tour…… “ I guess I never got the memo”…… the natives are getting restless …… nutmegs public anticipation …… Scrambled eggs!!
Oct. 12
MM ANON … Sunday sensation??……… LG will give the word…… lots of dirty dirt…… 🎼” love me or leave me”🎼…… when the going gets tough ……”…… “ not another chicken dinner”…… “ is She nice”…… “ I think you should know something”. …… “ Fair is foul,and foul is fair”…… WOW!! ace down the line!!…… “advantage MOS”… location,location vexation.
Oct. 13
MM ANON … “ THE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK …… 🎼”Sparkles spangles, see how they shine, sing-a-linga “🎼…… Tom the Bomb… “A woman of sub-stance🤣”…… maybe ‘ sex lies and video tape … 🎼” when you come to the end of a lollipop”🎼… ……” A kid for two farthings” …… “ you know how to whistle don’t you Harry”…… “an obvious cuckold…… “…… home to roost”
Oct. 13
MM ANON, Tom Bowers , Britain’s most feared biographer is going to write a “TELL ALL” Tome on the evasive one , will we expect 🎼sparkles spangles, your heart will sing , jing-jing-a-ling a 🎼…… OMG, the anticipation for this one is EPIC , 🎼 yachting, hotting, see how she lays ,toss-a-lotta🎼 This author flays his victims alive ‘ WE WAIT IN APOPLECTIC SUSPENSE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣PLEASE TOM DO TELL “EVERYTHING!, emails,sexts And video tapes. 🎼”Sparkles spangles and deeds”🎼
Pakistan Tour 14-18
Oct. 14
MM ANON …… Pakistani perfection ……”will anything ever happen?” …… “ she’s a disease” …… HMTQ is feeling the strain ……… oh’ oh , the green eyed monster …… “MA has all the answers” …… ( and the evidence)………” if I had a penny ……… “…………” she got to show, to much gossip!!” ……… “ Harry, Dear heart, pull your head out of the sand” …… “it’s Kismet old thing,kismet!! “
Oct. 15
MM ANON ……A sense of humour ‘ tuk tuk …… 🎼nobody does it better 🎼……… REAL ROYALTY …… ‘after the Lord Mayor show came the dustcart …… Charlotte the “NEW”future people’s Princess 👸 …… Little Louie people’s Prince 🤴 ……… “, it’s nutmeg crumble for desert marm,…… “ that’s the bloody way to do it!!!”…… “ what’s that other silly tart doing?”…… “it’s a mystery Philip”
Oct. 16
MM ANON …… On the banks of Huntspill River …… a pretty Sum-erset …… O dear ‘ how not to be princely …… 🎼” everybody’s doing the loco- emotion”🎼……… In the real steps of his mother…… “Protocol, dignity and humour “…… Their successes drove her apoplectic …… LIZARDS 🦎 ……” please George ‘ don’t do that”🦎🦎🦎…… … Nanny doesn’t like🦎🦎🦎…… “I miss the children”…… ROYAL AIR FORCE ONE. …… MI6 and the visit??…… “ de visit was spectacular ‘ de-brief was better”. ……” Thanks M.”
Oct. 16
MM ANON… nutmegs agenda ‘ write his nauseating tome, push in front, psychologically undermine him , feed his anger and resentment for W&K! , Don’t get near the public ( fears of rejection), continue emotional blackmail, put pressure and endorse his lack of self esteem ,psychotropic drugs?, cry and keep asking him why people hate you ‘, convince him the BRF are against both of them …… question his grasp on reality. This is her agenda ‘ allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct. 16
MM ANON … after one year of marriage the boys a total wreck , mounting the Dias in Africa all disoriented ,and blubbering at child works , he’s in a psychotic purgatory that she continues to perpetuate. How does Harry dump the faux bump and find true happiness????? Britain is waiting for the inevitable divorce and the English rose Harry will one day meet. It’s Kismet LG ,pure Kismet!! “ Cry God for Harry’………… “.
Oct. 16
MM ANON …Harry’s split second mishap…… A choreographed comforter. …… 🎼” 19th nervous breakdown” 🎼…… a plethora of past lovers … 🎼” we have no secrets”🎼🤣🤣…… The announcement,an unstable Stable. …… 🎼” I’m not in love, so don’t forget it” 🎼……… fixan a vixen. ……… nutmeg on Toast……… MA” is he mine? Yup!! ……” accolades on the return”.
Oct. 17
MM ANON …… Thank you for the wonderful and ingenious humour LH. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oct. 18
MM ANON …… “Festering,yes”💸💸💸💸”it’s a struggle” 💸💸💸💸……… comment section ‘ #@&*#¥……… “ I was flying “…… 🎼” Never cried when granny died 🎼”……soon,wonderful weekend with the children …… FaceTime mummy’🦎🦎🦎🦎……… “ Kate , ones so proud”…… “ you’re a stalwart William “ …… “ you’re very pretty dressed as a Unicorn 🦄 “…… $h!t !! She’s gone nuclear!, …… well’ that Doc was a load of boll***.…… “shhhh’ I heard that too!!”… gossip darlings ‘ gossip!!… “ all that glitters,”
Oct. 18
MM ANON, OMG , Harry’s festering, nutmegs struggling, Archificial is having an identity problem. ( “ I wanna know who’s my dad’) ……… “ is it mine”, nutmeg gazing towards a distant horizon, someone with a all knowing smirk gazing back from distant horizon ‘. And there both going to try and flog this p!$$poor Documentary to the savvy Brits. Are they both off their f#@ing trolly , who TF wants to see them whining about how they struggle on 20 million a year , not those trying to pay a mortgage.
Oct. 18
MM ANON , “ not many people asked if I was alright”, well I wasn’t alright…… , Ahhhhhh , what a shame nutmeg,perhaps if you didn’t fake your pregnancy people would have warmed to you ‘ ( NO , DONT THINK SO ). So nutmeg plays the poor me card , poor me, poor me pour me a drink. ………… I wonder what the RPO conversation is when she’s not being obnoxiously present. , she apparently treats everyone like 💩💩💩💩. I have news nutmeg, Britain doesn’t give a $h!t.
October. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”.
Oct 19
MM ANON , “THEY DON’T MAKE IT EASY”, I’M OKAY, can’t wait for the trawling that the whiner is going to be subjected to. The comments section of the DE&DM and MOS is 95% negative, and aggressively anti Megain. The Mocumentary will only draw more humiliation and subtle sarcasm from the tabloids. Juxtaposition this with the shining success W&K received on their return from Pakistan and you have the pulse of National opinion. The big takeaway is “Nutmeg is hated”.
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marmolady · 5 years
Broken Chains: Epilogue
Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC/Taylor (f),
Summary: Part 8: Post-ending (Endless ending). Epilogue... June 2023
Word Count: 2194
Previous chapter
It’s finally finished.
June 2023
 Taylor blinked awake, her face against Estela’s chest, which rose and fell to the sound of soft, contented snores. After all this time, she could not get over the utter blessing it was to be there with her. She ran her hand over her wife’s tight and rounded belly, feeling for movement within. A fluttering bump against her palm made her heart soar. This was it… paradise.
“Good morning, baby…” she whispered, then looked up as she felt Estela stirring. “And good morning, mama.”
Without opening her eyes, Estela leaned down and kissed the top of Taylor’s head. “Morning…”
It was six years to the day since they first set foot on La Huerta, and as per tradition, the anniversary marked the first day of the annual reunion. Everyone had remained close, even having finished college and gone in different directions, but the yearly gathering on the island was always a great event. It was the third such reunion, and even in that short time, much had changed. Grace and Aleister, now with their infant son Reginald in tow, had taken over responsibility for The Celestial, and had seen to it that the resort was taken down. In its place, an impressive Vaanti-built structure now stood-- after the still-standing Elysian, the largest building on the island. Affectionately known as ‘The New Celestial’, it housed private offices for both Aleister and Estela, an art studio for Grace, a sprawling laboratory, and cosy accommodations and facilities specifically for times like these when the Catalysts were in residence.  The contents of Rourke’s jaw-dropping library had been saved, along with countless items that had taken significance to many of those residing on La Huerta. Oftentimes, The New Celestial hosted Vaanti visitors from all corners of the island, but when the reunion came along, space was happily and respectfully given. With most of the gang flying in imminently, Aleister and Grace been busy with preparations, assisted by Taylor, Estela and Diego, who were semi-permanent La Huerta residents themselves.
In their triple-storey shack in the old Catalyst village, a little house that was now truly a home, with photographs of loved ones and treasured memories looking down from the walls, Taylor and Estela got ready side by side. Packing a bag for the reunion was par for the course, but this time there were a few extra items put away in anticipation of the birth that could happen at any time. They wouldn’t be going far but… just in case.
Briefly rummaging through a drawer, Estela pulled out an envelope. “Taylor… happy birthday, mi alma!”
Taylor laughed and took it from her. “Oh, you shouldn’t have! Especially because it’s not actually my birthday.” She opened the envelope and pulled out a colourful greeting card. “And I am not turning six.”
Giggling, Estela put her arms around her and kissed her temple. “Look, it’s even got a badge for you to wear.”
“I am six,” Taylor read. “Great. I wonder how many of these I’ll get this year.” She opened the card. “At least you didn’t write a message wildly inappropriate for the card’s clearly intended audience. Like last year.” With a snigger, she hugged Estela back. Those six years had been a ride, and she was eternally grateful for every one. Joking aside, it was always a special occasion to reflect; six years since she’d come to being, six years since she met the eleven most wonderful people she’d ever know. Six years since she first met the gaze of the woman who would forever own her heart. “I love you, Estela.”
“I love you too. Always, always.”
While Taylor rushed around, gathering all the home-grown fruits she’d promised to bring for Raj, Estela found herself left behind, slowed down by the extra weight and a painful back. She couldn’t wait to hold her baby… and neither could she wait to have her body back to normal.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked, a little frustrated.
A little smile came to Taylor’s face as she took Estela’s hand and pulled her into her waiting arms. “Maybe, just one thing…” She wove a hand up to Estela’s chin and gently drew her in for a warm and tender kiss.
“That’s exactly what I was hoping for.”
The New Celestial’s pool seemed to shimmer in the midday sun, the cerulean waters disturbed by the frolics of friends reunited once more. A big lunch cook-up and a lazy afternoon was tradition by this point, and the air was already filled with the most delicious scents as Raj got down to business. Naturally, Quinn had brought along a great selection of cupcakes for dessert, and already three or four had been snaffled by those who simply couldn’t wait.
At the shallow end of the pool, Aleister sat with little Reggie on his knee, kicking his tiny legs merrily as he babbled to himself.
Pulling faces, Quinn reached over to tickle the baby’s tummy, and beamed as Reggie gave a delighted squeal. “Oh Al, he’s gotten so big! Haven’t you Mister Reginald?”
Pride was clear on the father’s face as he held out his boy to splash around on his belly. “He’s so like Grace; bright… inquisitive…”
“Food’s out, doodlebugs!” came a holler from the central table.
Grace crouched beside the pool and took Reggie in her arms. “Come on, little man; let’s get you dried up and ready for some yummy lunch!” She leant to give Aleister a kiss. “Isn’t he doing so well? I thought he’d be shy with so many people.”
“I don’t think he’s quite sure of Craig still, but to be quite frank, that troglodyte scares us all.”
“Oh, you! We’ll save you a seat.”
Amid the chattering and scraping of chairs, Sean rose to his feet to begin the celebration.
“Well,” he said, “we’re all here, despite the ongoing concerns for the competency of our beloved pilot.”
His feet up on the table, Jake just shrugged it off. “Laugh it up, assholes. Without me, you’ll be walkin’ home.”
“So,” Sean continued, “I think it’s time for the birthday girl’s traditional speech to get us started.”
A party hat lopsided on her head, Taylor gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “It’s not my birthday, peeps.”
“Didn’t stop ya from accepting that three-tier cake last year, Princess…”
“Speech! Speech!”
Resigned to her fate, Taylor stood up. “All right, here goes.”  For her show of resistance, she actually loved this… it was almost like old times, and she lived for it. “So, uh, this has been a big one. In so many, so many ways. You think that you survive the end of the world, everything after that’s gotta be a cakewalk. But life is hard. Some days you wake up, and it feels like everything you ever dreamed of will always be just out of reach.” Her voice trembled, but she recovered herself. “There’s not one of you who didn’t have to put up with a blubbering phone call from me this past year; you comforted us when we lost hope, and celebrated right along with us when hoping and trying finally paid off.” Automatically, she looked over to Estela who glanced up from stroking her bump to meet Taylor’s eyes with a gaze overflowing with affection. She had to take a moment before continuing, wiping her eyes. “Michelle… truly a queen. I honestly don’t know how you do it--“
“Coffee. So much coffee.”
“--but you managed to kick the third year of med school in its ass, all the while being willing to drop everything in a heartbeat if one of us needed to talk. And that you’re here to help us out with the baby… there’s just… there’s no words for what it means. I am so over the moon for you both about your engagement; you are two of the strongest, kindest souls I’ll ever know, and you truly deserve each other.”
“Quinn just wants an excuse to make a ridiculously extravagant cake.” Michelle gave her a wink.
“Hey!” Quinn laughed, wrinkling up her nose in feigned offense. “Well, between your last year of school, my first public speaking engagements, and a wedding to plan, I think we’ll have earned a good cake.” She leaned into her fiancée for a kiss, and there might as well have been no one alive but the two of them.
“One of the greatest blessings in my life has been to watch Grace and Aleister become the most amazing parents to their sweet little man, Reggie. Who, I might add, said his first word yesterday…”
Beaming, Grace tickled under her son’s chin. “What can you say, sweetie?” She wiggled a finger in Aleister’s direction. “Who’s that?”
Another big cheer. The infant looked slightly perturbed by the outburst, and snuggled closer to his mother.
And so they reflected on another year; their trials, heartaches and triumphs. Quinn’s cupcake business had truly taken flight, and she’d begun her first forays into non-profit work. What Zahra did on her computer all day, no one was quite sure, and most were too afraid to ask, but she was happy, opening herself up to new avenues, and always heading up an unstoppable dynamic duo, supporting Craig as he found the confidence to make his way in the world and embrace his own successes. Sean was looking forward to his first season as a pro on the Condors, Raj’s runaway success with his cooking vlog had landed him talks about the television show of his dreams, and Taylor herself was taking a break from fulfilling youth work in San Trobida after having fast-tracked her degree and graduated after three years. Diego was contentedly living back in Elyys’tel, preparing to  knuckle down and make some progress on his book --as well as continue his role as the most sought-after story-teller on the island, and bond with the baby he’d helped bring into existence. Jake had returned home a free man several years prior, but now spent far more time piloting tourists around the Greater Antilles, with home bases on both La Huerta and San Trobida. Rourke International was now a distant memory, the company having been re-branded under Aleister’s direction as Catalyst International. It was only then, with Rourke’s influence scorched from everything he’d once touched, that Estela’s resistance to Aleister’s attempts to gift her a fair share of inheritance waned. Her objective was simple; to use the wealth she’d inherited to rebuild her war-ravaged home, and to offer its young people the opportunities her own mother had sacrificed herself to give Estela. With a family of Tio Nicolas in San Trobida; Grace, Aleister, Diego and Varyyn on La Huerta; and Taylor, right at her side wherever she might be, she was finally contented and at peace.
With tears in her eyes, Taylor wrapped up her ‘birthday’ speech, toasting to another year with a glass of fruit punch held high. Then, to do the rounds… picking up, as anticipated, a great stash of birthday cards, while cramming in as much catching-up as she could manage before the inevitable drunken shenanigans took over.
Taylor picked up a second glass with her refill and wandered back to the poolside hammock where Estela awaited her.
“You look comfy,” she said with a loving wink.
“Should hope so… I’m fairly sure I’m stuck here.”
Taylor giggled. “Thankfully, we’ve got a whole team of pregnant-lady-extractors on hand, so you can just take it easy.” Handing over the fruit drink, she rested on the edge of the hammock and kissed her wife’s forehead.
Closer now, Taylor sensed something… different… new. There was something in Estela’s expression, a look of holding onto a secret, some wonderful knowledge that was all hers. Her heart skipped a beat. Was she…?
An almost imperceptible nod confirmed her suspicions, and she had to hold back a gasp.
“So, uh… how long do you want to give it before I break up the party… and Raj’s heart?”
Estela leaned in close, sharing a clandestine smile and whispering so only Taylor could hear. “The contractions aren’t even a half hour apart yet; we’ve got time. Let poor Michelle relax for a little while longer.”
Gently wriggling up against her beloved, Taylor pressed a sweet kiss to her lips and cradled her rounded belly. As her heart pounded with elation, she looked over the gathering; her family. Raj and Jake were engaged in their annual drinks-mix-off. Jake, as always, was the obvious underdog, but keeping pace and already impressing the eager judges. Cocktail in each hand, Quinn reclined in a floating pool ring, taking her time in making her pick of the winner, while avoiding the wild splashing from the direction of Craig, Sean, Diego and Varyyn, who’d taken a break from drinks tasting for a two-on-two ball game.  Michelle and Grace were taking well-earned respite by the pool, watching the goings-on with their feet up in the most comfortable deck chairs. Clearly under the impression that no one bar the protective father was watching, Zahra was quietly singing for an entranced baby Reggie. Tucked up with the woman she loved and on the very brink of becoming a mother, Taylor smiled helplessly; completely, palpably content. So much had changed, and yet… so little had changed at all.
It was as though Taylor was looking at everything she could have wished for. They’d made it through… together, joined by bonds forged in fire and tempered in grief and hope. They’d survived, just as they’d survive the challenges along each of their paths, for the journey would never be walked alone.
We’re finally on our way…
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pjwritingblog · 5 years
Afternoon Tea
Imagine being Bilbo’s flower maiden at his wedding with Thorin and being paired up with Fili.
A/N: This is super long and several years old, one of my favorite things I’ve ever, ever written. 
“Thank you again, Isi. It really means a lot to me that you would come.” Bilbo thanked you yet again as you gaped up at the splendor of Erebor, having just arrived after a long journey from the Shire.
You two had been best friends, sharing afternoon tea every day before he went gallivanting off with dwarves. Everything seemed to be returned to what it was for a few months, until one day you answered Bilbo’s door to find a dark-haired, bearded fellow you knew must be one of his dwarves.
“I’m sorry, perhaps I have the wrong home. Is there a Master Baggins here?”
“You’re at the right place, he’s just run to market, silly hobbit managed to drop the whole container of tea all over the floor! Do come in.” You stepped aside, letting the stranger enter. You weren’t sure how to proceed, so you did what a hobbit does for their guest. Sit them somewhere cozy and offer them food.
“Thorin, at your service.” He offered a slight bow at the waist before sitting. “I’m sorry to intrude like this, Lady Baggins--” You cut him off with a laugh.
“We’ve got no ladies, Miss Isi will do just fine.”
“Miss Isi.” The stranger smiled. “Bilbo spoke fondly of you, and often. It is no surprise that he made you his wife.” You laughed harder this time.
“Bilbo is my neighbor. And my best friend. Tragically, our love is merely platonic.” Bilbo took that moment to return from his trip.
“Sorry I took so long, there was the first of the summer corn, I just had to get some. I got plenty, if you’d like to stay for sup--”
Bilbo stopped in his tracks as he saw his guest. “Thorin.”
“I had to come. I...I cannot stop thinking about you. Please,” Thorin strode quickly to Bilbo, taking his hands, “End my suffering, and tell me you feel the same. Tell me you love me as much as I love you.”
Thorin stayed for two weeks. When he left, Bilbo went with him. They both promised you that as soon as the details were in place, they would send for you. You were to be the only family Bilbo had in attendance. So here you were, your bare feet slapping against the fine stone floors as you headed to meet the rest of the wedding party.
“Miss Isi!” Thorin rose from his seat when he saw you, placing a kiss on your cheek. He seemed warmer and kinder in spirit for his time with Bilbo. “Welcome to Erebor.”
“Thank you, Thorin. I’m delighted to be here.”
“Come, sit.” Tea was set up on the small table in the room, and you happily helped yourself to a slice of cake. The road had been long. “Afternoon tea is something Bilbo has insisted upon.”
“I told him, it’s important to us hobbits!” Bilbo poured you a steaming cup, adding a bit of sugar and plenty of lemon, just as you liked. “Making time each day for a bit of peace and quiet, a warm drink and good company.”
“Here, here!” You agreed as a fair-headed dwarf entered the room.
“Tea time already?” He asked, sitting.
“Where’s your mother? And your brother?” Thorin asked him.
“Still working on their own to-do lists, I imagine. A wedding starts tomorrow, you know.” He teased.
“Isi, meet my nephew, Fili.”
“At your service.” Fili nodded his head to you, and you offered your hand. Instead of shaking it, he placed a kiss upon it.
“You two will be seeing a lot of each other this week.” Thorin explained. “You fill the same role, Fili stands at my side as you stand at Bilbos.”
“So how exactly does a dwarven wedding work?” You asked, and Thorin and Bilbo began talking over one another to explain. They were quite an affair, the whole event would take five days. Everything began the next morning with the official ceremony, after that it was pretty much just partying.
You awoke early, feeling a bit homesick. Sneaking into the kitchen, which had only one lonely baker at work, you managed to get a hold of a mug of tea. Heading back to your room, you ended up wandering down a separate hall, and somehow you ended up at a door that led you to a balcony, overlooking the valley in front of the mountain. But it wasn’t empty.
“Good morning.” Fili jumped as you greeted him, turning to see who it was.
“Miss Isi. Good morning.” He smiled at you, patting the ground beside him and you sat on the cool rock, wishing you had brought a blanket with you. “How did you find my little secret?”
“Just wandering. I’m glad I did though, being indoors for so long is a bit much.”
“Don’t go telling anyone, but I feel the same way. I know our people live in mountains, it’s what we do but,” He shook his head, “I need to breathe some fresh air each day.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” You sat in comfortable silence for a long while, sipping your tea, offering Fili the occasional sip(it has been said that hobbits are incapable of eating or drinking anything without offering it to their companions).
“We should be going. Big day today.” Fili stood, offering you his large hand and you took it.
“Yes, I’ve got a nervous groom to go help get ready.”
“I guarantee my groom is more nervous.”
“Well, let’s go then, before they can get any more nervous!” You both laughed, headed back through the door into the cloying mountain.
“You look comfortable.” Fili came to stand beside you as you watched the dwarves dance in front of you, Thorin and Bilbo at the center of it all. “Don’t you like to dance?”
“Love to. But uh, things are done a little differently here.”
“Oh, come on. Join me. I think you’ll find it’s not so different after all.” Fili offered you his hand and you took it, being led into the swirling dance floor. He put a hand on your waist, guiding you into a lively jig. It was almost similar to a dance you knew, and you laughed as Fili attempted to push and pull you in the right directions. “See? Not so hard.”
“Having someone to dance with was my obstacle!”
“Well, allow me to pronounce myself your official dancing partner for the remainder of your stay!” He had to lean close to be heard, and his beard just barely brushed your face. It was something unfamiliar, but you didn’t mind at all.
“Might I cut in?” You heard Bilbo ask, and you turned to see your friend.
“Of course. I’ll come find you later, Isi.” Fili placed a kiss on your hand, leaving you.
“You two seem to be getting along quite well.” Bilbo pointed out, leading you in a familiar dance that fit the timing of the song being played.
“He’s quite the charmer.” You admitted.
“This makes me miss the summer festival.” Bilbo admitted, twirling you.
“I can’t imagine ever leaving the Shire for good. No matter how in love I was.”
“Just wait until you do fall in love.” Bilbo paused a moment, taking your hands in his. “And I hope you do, Isi. I really do.”
“Good morning, Miss Isi.” Fili greeted you as you exited the mountain the following dawn.
“Good morning.” It was later in the morning, you had slept in a bit due to last nights drinking. “I brought you tea.”
“Thank you, that sounds quite nice.” Fili accepted the steaming mug, and you sat down next to him, the ground warm thanks to the sun. “So, what do you think after Day One of our festivities.”
“To be honest, I have a few questions.” You sheepishly admitted.
“Shoot.” What began as asking for a few clarifications on some of the traditions and ceremony you had seen yesterday turned into a discussion about hobbit culture vs dwarvish culture. Compared to men and elves, you were fairly similar, but there were definite differences as well.
“We’ve been in here for ages, we’ll be late!” You noticed how high the sun was getting, it must be nearly noon.”
“Today is a boring day anyhow, they’ll just be accepting gifts for a few hours.”
“Then another feast?” You guessed.
“Then another feast.” Fili offered you his hand. “So dust off your dancing shoes.”
“Dancing feet.” You corrected him.
“Dancing feet.” He repeated, and you found yourself blushing. After a long, long afternoon of Thorin and Bilbo thanking dwarf after dwarf for gift after gift, you felt oddly restless. Your own offering had been predictable, it was customary for a newlywed hobbit couple to receive a new tea set.
“Exhausted yet?” Fili approached you with a tankard of ale as you sat down at an empty table. Dwarf after dwarf had asked you to dance this evening, and you felt rude denying any of them, they certainly were a merry bunch.
“I am, indeed! I may have to bow out a bit early, or I’ll have no energy for the next three days!”
“Come with me, let us get some air.” He took your hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, leading you away from the hot, crowded room. You turned for a parting glance, making a moments eye contact with Thorin, who smiled and raised his glass to acknowledge you. You two followed the now-familiar path towards the balcony, the night air blessedly welcome against your overheated skin.
“It’s so lovely out here.”
“It really is.” However Fili wasn’t looking at the beautiful sky above, he was looking at you. You sat on the ground, pulling your knees up as your dress fluttered around your ankles.
“Thank you, Fili, for being such an accommodating host. This wedding would be difficult without you to explain things for me.”
“It’s been wonderful having you here.” Fili assured you, sitting beside you. You shivered in the cold air, and he immediately placed a heavy, warm arm around you.
“Thank you.”
“Shooting star!” Fili pointed to the sky, but you saw nothing.
“I missed it.”
“Well, perhaps if we are patient we may spy another.” Fili took off his jacket, placing it on the rock so you could lie back and gaze at the inky sea above you. You found yourself leaning against his broad chest, fighting sleep.
“There.” You pointed to a streak of white, gone as soon as it appeared.
“We’re even.” Filis voice was a low rumble, and you suspected he was nearing your level of fatigue.
“We should...Get inside…” You managed to mumble, earning a chuckle.
“Come on then.” Fili stood, offering his hand to you, as always, and you wearily reentered the mountain. “My room is just there, why don’t you just stay here? I’m a little worried they’ll find you passed out in the hall.” He laughed.
“Sounds good.” He opened the door to his chambers, and you collapsed upon his bed, sleep finding you swiftly.
“Word has it, you woke up in the bed of a certain crown prince.” Bilbo smirked at you over the top of his mug.
“It’s not what you think. I was just too tired to make it down the hall.” You defended yourself. Having seen very little of you the past few days, Bilbo had insisted on sharing breakfast with you.
“Sure, sure. And I spent last night knitting a sweater.”
“Bilbo!” You swatted him in the arm. “Seriously. We’re just...We get on well.”
“And if he wishes to court you?”
“Well, I’m headed back home in a weeks time.” Honestly the thought of it hadn’t occurred to you.
“I’d be careful, then. Don’t go leading him on if you don’t feel that way about him.” Bilbo warned you.
“It’s not that I don’t feel that way about him--It’s not that I do!--It’s just…Impractical.”
“Well, just the same. Because I see the way he looks at you. Thorin does, too.”
“Hush.” You tried to tell yourself that there was no way Fili had developed any feelings for you. But how could you deny that earlier that morning you had awoken to find him lying awake beside you, just watching you sleep? How could you explain how gentle he had been as you two silently crept to the kitchen for your tea, placing a hand at your waist to guide you? How could you ignore the way his hands had felt in your hair as you enjoyed the morning sun, idly weaving and unweaving braids as you talked of your childhoods?
You took Bilbos warning to heart, and told yourself you had to back off a bit. You didn’t want Fili your friendship was any more than that. You stuck near Bilbo for most of the day, then sitting beside Dis for lunch, enjoying her stories of what Thorin was like as a child. It wasn’t until that nights feast began that you faced Fili, you couldn’t deny him when he came to you, offering you a bright yellow flower for your hair and asking you to dance. A dance was just a dance, after all. “Do you want to get out of here?” He asked, and you knew he simply wondered if you wanted to stargaze again that night.
“I think...not.” You did not look at him.
“Alright.” He didn’t sound too sad.
“I just...I ah, need a bath.” Perfect excuse. “So I’m going go do that. Curly hair, takes all night to dry. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Miss Isi.” He placed a kiss on your hand, bidding you to go. “See you in the morning?”
“Of course.” You retreated from the party and to your room, enjoying the cool water on your scalp as you shampooed your hair. It took a long time for you to fall asleep, wondering if it was right to be ignoring Fili, and by the time you dozed off, you had made a decision.
“Good morning!” Fili greeted you, taking the warm mug you offered him.
“Good morning.” You sat down right next to him, close enough to feel the warmth of his body.
“I feel like I barely saw you yesterday.” Fili commented.
“I have to admit, I was avoiding you a little bit.”
“Why?” Fili looked hurt.
“Bilbos silly comments, putting absurd ideas in my head. I’m sorry. I should have just talked to you about it.” You lay your head on his shoulder.
“Not to worry. It’s forgotten.” Fili smiled at you. “So I was wondering, I’ve got a small errand to run in Dale, it’s just across the valley, would you like to come with me? Today’s a quiet day until nightfall, you wouldn’t be missed.”
“Are you sure? I hate to abandon Bilbo.”
“We can ask him, if you want. But it’s just paperwork and being sworn into office, being a new member of the royal family and all.”
“Oh, that sounds dreadful.”
“So you’ll join me?”
“I’d be delighted.” So an hour later, you found yourself headed out the huge front gate towards the city of Dale. “So, where are we off to?”
“It’s actually, well, it’s for my mother. It’s her birthday next week and with the wedding and all I don’t want her to feel forgotten.” Fili sheepishly admitted.
“How sweet.” You resisted the urge to call him a Mama’s Boy. “What did you get her?”
“Well don’t go telling anyone, but I had something brought over from Mirkwood.”
“From the elves?” You had always wanted to see the elves.
“Yes. There isn’t much elves are good for, but when I heard about this yarn I had to--”
“Yarn?” You interrupted.
“Yes, yarn.”
“All this trouble for yarn?” You laughed.
“It’s made from spider silk. Softest yarn you’ve ever felt, but warm, and very strong. Very hard to come by, but worth every coin I am assured.” Fili explained.
“I’m sure she’ll love it.” You continued down the path, entering the city and heading down a meandering street towards a fabric store.
“Didn’t think I would see you until the wedding was over, Master Fili!” The shopkeep greeted you.
“I had a bit of time today, and I’ve been a bit anxious to see this perfect yarn.” Fili replied.
“Well here it is, just came in yesterday!” The man reached beneath the counter, revealing several skeins of pure white yarn. You stepped forward to touch it, and it was, as Fili said, incredibly soft, seeming to just wisp through the air.
“Wonderful.” Fili nodded to the man and he beamed.
“Always a pleasure doing business with you.” He packaged up the yarn into a bag, handing it across the counter. “Oh, and here. Something for your good lady.” He handed you a strip of pale pink ribbon.
“Oh, I’m not--”
“Thank you, I will be sure to call again if there is anything I need.” Fili cut you off.
“Give my best to your uncle!” The shopkeep called as you exited. At your request, you spent a while sightseeing around Dale, figuring you may as well absorb as much culture as you could.
“Let me braid that into your hair.” Fili offered, gesturing to the ribbon you were still holding from the kind fabric salesman. You handed it to him, presenting your back. Fili worked quickly, plaiting your hair and tying the ribbon into a big bow to secure it. “There. Now I can see your face.” He tucked a stray curl behind your ear, trailing his finger along your jaw. You found yourself closing your eyes, and felt his forehead press against yours. “Isi?” He whispered, and you knew what would come next.
“We should be heading back.” You turned your head away, pursing your lips.
“Right.” Fili nodded, standing. The town had grown crowded, and Fili took your hand so as not to lose you in the throng of men and women. You soon reached the path that would lead you back to Erebor, and Fili apparently saw no need to let go of your hand.
“There you are!” Kili greeted you as soon as you reentered the mountain. “Where have you been?”
“I had to run to Dale.” Fili explained, shrugging his brother off.
“In the middle of a wedding?” Kili protested
“Oh, it’s not as if I missed anything important!” Fili said.
“Well, everyone has been looking for you. As crown prince and second-in-command, your signature was needed. Twice.” Kili explained.
“Oh. Right.” Fili at least looked a little ashamed. “I’ll go sort that out.”
“Next time you want to go on a date, wait until after the wedding!” Kili called after him as he headed off. Your ears turned pink.
“It’s not like that. It wasn’t anything. He just...wanted some company.” You defended yourself.
“I know my brother. He doesn’t like company. Especially after four days of entertaining. Probably my fault, I never stop talking. An afternoon alone walking to Dale and back is exactly what he usually loves. So trust me. It was anything.” Kili smirked at you, heading where Fili had gone, then turned to offer parting words. “Your hair looks lovely, by the way.”
“Miss Isi, there you are.” Thorin greeted you a while later, as you enjoyed a mug of tea in the late afternoon quiet.
“Sorry, I was with Fili all day, apparently helping him abandon his duties.” You smiled at him, he seemed to be practically glowing these days.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s all taken care of.” He said, making his own cup of tea. “Your hair looks nice, did you do it yourself?”
“No, Fili did it for me. Some shopkeep gave me the ribbon as a gift earlier.”
“Fili braided it?” Thorin asked very seriously.
“Yes…?” You were a bit worried to answer.
“Well that’s...Never mind. I’m sure he meant nothing by it. You do not know how to braid it, he was just being polite, surely.”
“What am I missing?” You asked.
“Braiding hair is...not done lightly. It’s somewhat of an intimate affair, typically only family or lovers will braid one another's hair. It’s an affectionate gesture.” Thorin explained delicately. “Placed specifically, or adorned with beads, they signify courtship, engagement, or marriage.”
“Oh. I see.” You were blushing.
“It is just a simple braid. Affectionate, but not intimate.” Thorin assured you.
“You’re the first person so far not to suggest he’s interested in courting me.” You sighed.
“I did not say that. He just is not so impertinent as to braid your hair when you had no idea as to his meaning.” He put a hand on yours, the gesture oddly comforting. “Just as important is the question of if you want to be courted by him.”
“Thorin, I am going home in a few days.”
“That is not what I asked.” Thorin looked right into your eyes, demanding.
“It’s not that I don’t care for him. I do. But I just...” You trailed off
“Talk to him. Before it goes too far. I do not want to see him hurt.”
“Nor do I.” You sighed, draining the last of your tea. “I’ll talk to him.” And so after several hours of dancing with Kili, Thorin, and Bilbo, you went up to Fili. “Would you like to breathe some air?”
“I would indeed.” Fili grinned and your heart ached in anticipation of the conversation you were to have. “So, I have something to ask you.”
“Alright.” You knew what was coming, and you let him go on.
“I don’t think I’ve explained this before, but braiding has significance to dwarves--”
“Your uncle explained.”
“Ah. I should have known. I think you know where I’m going with this.” Fili smiled nervously at you, holding a hand out to your hair, which was still secured in its braid from earlier.
“Fili, I’m sorry.” His face fell. “I care about you. I really do. And if Bilbo and Thorin have taught us nothing, it’s that a dwarf and a hobbit can be very happy together. But I’m not like Bilbo. I can’t give up my life to live in a dark, musty mountain. I want to keep my garden. To dig my hands into the earth each day. I want to feel the rain on my skin. I want to take my afternoon tea as I look out over the sun shining on the flowers.”
“I could find a way!” Fili insisted, taking your hands. “Isi, I’ll build you a garden. I’ll bring you out here each time it rains.”
“I’m sorry.” It was all you could manage to say. “I love home too much. I love my life too much. I’m not going to give up everything I hold dear for you.” It felt cruel to say it out loud.
“I would never ask that of you.” Fili brought your hand to his mouth, kissing your knuckle. “Please, Isi, may I kiss you? I know it doesn’t mean anything, but...l should very much like to kiss you. Just this once.” You knew you should say no. You knew it would only make it harder to say goodbye. But you still found yourself nodding, ever so slightly, before his lips found yours.
His lips were chapped, but full, and his beard against your face was more ticklish than itchy. Your hand moved to rake through his soft waves, then along his cheek, toying with the bead that dangled from his mustache. You decided that every person who had told you dwarves were rough and harsh was a dirty liar, for Fili was nothing in this moment but soft and gentle.
“Thank you.” Fili said as he pulled away, the corner of his mouth turned upward.
“We shouldn’t,” You began, placing another quick kiss to his lips, “Make this any harder than it has to be.”
“I quite agree.” Fili said, kissing your forehead, then your nose, each cheek, ending with barely a grace across your mouth.
“It would just be,” You took his hand, kissing the tip of each finger, “Unwise.” Many kisses later, you both lie on the rock beneath, he flat on his back, and you upon his warm chest, just nuzzling not-quite kisses here and there, swearing that after just one more minute, you would bid one another goodnight.
“Is it insulting if I say I’m glad that’s finally over?” It was the fifth day of the wedding, and things had finally drawn to a close. After a large lunch, the couple had bid formal farewell to all the visiting dignitaries and the festivities had officially ended.
“No.” Bilbo assured you, offering you a biscuit. Of course everything had concluded at just the right time for tea.
“Good. Because I am exhausted.”
“Now just imagine if you were the one actually getting married!” Bilbo teased.
“None of this five-day nonsense if my time should come. A good simple Shire wedding for me, thanks.” You made the mistake of looking at Fili, who quickly looked down at his cup.
“Would you like to go on a picnic?” Fili came up to you as the meal ended, asking you quietly, so the others would not hear. “Tomorrow? There are some very nice woods to the east.”
“Fili, please, don’t make this more difficult.”
“We’ve got two days. Please let me make them beautiful memories to remember you by.” Fili pleaded and you sighed, but couldn’t keep the smile from your face. And so the next day you enjoyed the outdoors, walking, talking, and eating in the beautiful sunshine. You lie on your backs in the twilight, sharing stories of summers gone by. Once the sky grew dark, you walked back to the mountain, your hands dancing lazily in the cool air. On your last day, Fili took you around Erebor, gazing upon the rows of books in the vast library, allowing you to view the splendor of the jewels the craftsmen worked with, buying you lunch in the market, and helping you select a beautiful necklace to take home with you. A gift.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, I’ve just been so tired.” Bilbo apologized over your final supper before you headed home.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m sure you had someone to keep you company.” Bilbo nodded to where Fili sat at the other end of the table.
“Don’t.” You warned him.
“Oh, Bilbo. I’ve got to go tomorrow. And I’m afraid I’ll be leaving my heart behind.” You explained.
“Believe me when I say I understand. And I think you’re making the right choice. You belong back home. And unfortunately, he belongs here. It’ll get easier.” Bilbo promised you, wiping the single tear that had escaped from your eyes.
You suspected that high atop the mountain, a prince was sitting alone on a perch overlooking the valley, waiting for you. You hadn’t told him how early you were leaving. The journey home was swift and simple, and you found yourself happy beyond belief to be back in your own bed, the smell of flowers drifting through the open window each night. A month passed, then two, and it was easy to slip back into your routine, even without Bilbo.
You sat down at four o’clock, tea steeping, a couple slices of cake and half a sandwich in front of you. Everything was as it should be, you were where you were meant to be. Even if you felt so lonely it sometimes ached. There was a sharp knocking on your door, and you headed to answer it, the large circle swinging open to reveal a golden-haired dwarf.
“Isi, I have a question for you.” Fili held a bouquet of wildflowers in his hand, a nervous smile on his face.
“Fili…” You couldn’t go through this again.
“Would you teach me how to garden?” He held the flowers out to you.
“What?” You took them, confused.
“Please, teach me how to garden. I want to dig my hands into the earth each day. I want to feel the rain on my skin. I want to watch the flowers grow in the sunshine.” He took your hands. “I am yours, as long as you will have me.”
“The crown prince of Erebor cannot just leave!”
“Yes, he can. If something terrible happens, and Erebor needs a new king, yes, I shall have to go back. But seeing as Thorin and Bilbo have just impregnated their surrogate, I don’t see that as likely.” Fili smiled warmly at you. “Isi, I choose this life. I choose the Shire. I choose you.”
You kissed him, having missed the feel of hair against your face. “You are just in time for afternoon tea.”
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