#but my stupid little brain is so quick on the draw that I just say whatever comes to mind unless I make an active attempt to shut up
docholligay · 2 years
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Oh don’t misunderstand me I fucking love my job. I have high job satisfaction like...90-95% of the time. I actively enjoy 80-90% of the activities I do in a work sense. For most people that is wild. I have never liked anything so much. I am lucky as hell. I am most definitely not saying I dislike it!
I’m saying, “My sister is very smart, and I have very smart friends, all with really incredible educational bonafides, and I’m, uh, an anime blogger” ahaha.
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gukkie01 · 1 year
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Pair: demon! Jimin x human! Fem reader
Rating/Genre: 18+, demon au, smut, attempt at humour, oneshot
Words count: 6 178
Warning: explicit content, chocking, blood kink, demon Jimin although he’s the coolest demon you’ll ever meet, stupid and shy Y/n, penetrative sex, dirty talking, praise kink, light degradation, unprotected sex but like he’s a demon so…
Summary: Y/n was having a normal Friday night until she thought it would be smart to try and summon a demon. Too bad it worked.
Note: it’s been months since I’ve written any fanfic and this is my first time on here. Hope you guys will like it. Loved writing this one! Also sorry for any typos :(
💞 quick little reminder that comments and likes are appreciated 🥹. Enjoy! 💞
Night of Evil
Many would say demons didn’t exist. And maybe that’s what you’d say. But everyone was curious, right? And you just so happened to give into your curiosity. Thus explaining why you were currently sat on the dark wooden floor of your bedroom, candles lit and forming a circle around you. You were crossed-legged with your phone in front of you.
You knew this was ridiculous. I mean, demons didn’t exist. Obviously. But somehow, all those shows and movies you’ve watched convinced you to try. You weren’t even sure if you were going at it the right way. Did you even need candles? A book with spells?
You had watched a video—more like a dozen—explaining in detail how to summon a demon. They were clear, the only problem being that each and every single one of them were different.
Draw a white circle and stand up in the middle. Chant your spell out loud with your eyes closed, alone with your stick of incense waving in the air.
Light candles around you and say your spell out loud. Do not step out of the candles.
Cleanse yourself and throw salt around you (wasn’t salt supposed to push demons away?) and put a stick of incense near you. Sing your spell and the demon shall appear.
You were almost a hundred percent that all of it was bullshit. If demons did really exist, there would be only one way to make them appear, right? Even so, you closed your phone and pushed it out of your circles of candles. You had memorized your spell and were ready to say it out loud, although nervous.
It was stupid, really. But your brain couldn’t help but ask what if it worked? What would happen then? What would it look like? You were sure that in any case, you would probably shit your pants. Having a demon in your house, looking scary or not, was not a normal-everyday occurrence.
After a long shaky intake of breath, you looked around you one last time before closing your eyes. You decided that it would be better this way. If it got to the point where it actually worked, you preferred having some time before having to see it. Otherwise, you’d surely have a heart attack.
“Te invoco a profundus inferni... (From the deepest hell I summon thee...)” your voice was probably too weak and you remembered on a particular website, it had said to use your deepest commanding voice. Awkwardly, you cleared your throat before continuing the incantation, this time, straightening your back and lifting your chin up, trying so desperately to look confident although it was obvious you were nervous.
“ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me! (to likewise bind them before me!)”You breathed in again. There was only a sentence left. You had to admit, your Latin was bad. Very bad. You weren’t even sure how it was supposed to sound like but there was one thing you knew, you were doing terribly. If you’d succeed in summoning a demon, he’d probably laugh in your face the minute he’d appear.
With a last deep breath, you whispered the last sentence, “Daemon, esto subjecto voluntati meae! (Demon, submit yourself unto my bidding!)” You waited. One second, two, three and then four but nothing. Not one sound, except for the occasional ruffling of your curtains. You prayed your eyes open, extremely slowly and looked around. Nothing. Your bedroom was empty. Nothing had changed from before. No one was here. Not even a shadow.
Despite the immediate relief washing over your entire body, there was this little ounce of disappointment buried deep inside. You were a sucker for horror/paranormal movies. Deep down, you knew that you’d have liked to see a demon.
And just thinking that way made you snort at your own naivety. How stupid were you to even hope for one second that a demon would actually appear? Very stupid, that was for sure.
With a little sigh, you turned around, reaching for your mobile that laid in the same spot you had left it earlier. You had texted your best friend a couple of minutes before your ritual, promising to text her right after. You didn’t want to have to admit to her that once again, you got a little too excited and that of course, not one fricking demon appeared.
You swiped your thumb across the screen all the while getting up on your feet. You walked out, looking in your contacts until your eyes fell on the familiar nickname you’d given your friend. Fav dumbo <3. Now was the time to admit that you should have listened to her and that she was right. These days, she was always right. It frustrated you, especially considering she would always bet on it too. And that made you lose money every damn time.
You: you were right. No demon :(
Fav dumbo <;3: aww, poor baby. We’ll get candies later and binge watch every of your favorite horror movies.
Candies. That sounded nice.
You: you’re paying for them candies tho.
Fav dumbo <;3: yeah yeah
Smiling, you retracted into the kitchen, knowing exactly where it was without even lifting your eyes from your phone. Nights of sleep-walking into the kitchen for Oreos made you an expert. You knew each square inch of this house.
“Stupid demons. Of course they don’t exist. They’re all just~”
“Stupid demons? Excuse me?” Okay what the fuck was that voice. Surely it came straight from your brain because what the hell? Deep and sultry with a tad bit of sass. Who was it?
Slowly, painfully slowly, you raised your eyes away from your cell phone. You didn’t have to search for long. The owner of that statement stood right in front of you, probably four feet away. Which was not far at all. Too close actually.
He was not much taller than you, yet his height wasn’t what intimidated you. It was the way his eyes—dark and with a deepness you never saw before—stared right into yours, as if he was forcing himself inside. It made shivers break out across your skin, everywhere. You suddenly felt so uncomfortable, small under his heavy gaze.
He had pale skin and if you didn’t know better, you’d be worried at how sick he looked. It was almost translucent. He had a thin yet long scar that went from the right corner of his forehead to the bottom of his left cheek. He was very, very fucking beautiful. Ethereal really. But so damn scary. Who was he? A voice inside of you gave you an answer, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to listen to it.
This guy couldn’t be a demon. No way.
You remembered thinking earlier that if you’d see a demon, you’d shit your pants and scream until your lungs had no air but now, now you couldn’t find it in you. You weren’t even sure why. Part of you was scared but the other part, the bigger, wider one was in total awe.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” His voice, a little less deep this time, snapped you right out of your thoughts. You knew you had been ogling at him for far too long now. You cleared your throat, not an idea on what to say next. He frowned, cocking his head to the side. “Are you mute? Clearly, you could talk when you summoned me earlier.” He had this hint of annoyance in his voice.
Your heart was louder and faster by the minute. You were frozen. Too lost in your own thoughts.
“You’re a—who are you?” You asked, slipping your phone in the side pocket of your shorts. He snorted and took one step closer. You took one back. “I’m Jimin, nice to meet you.” He said, reaching his hand forward. It took you an embarrassing amount of time to realize he wanted to shake hands and even then, you hesitated. “What? I’m not venomous.”
He sighed and retracted his hand, looking around. “Nice house. The nicest I’ve seen in a long time,” he walked back, turning his back to you as he let his hand wander around your kitchen. His arm was veiny. So veiny, it seemed like his veins would pop out any minute. You gulped the little lump in your throat, fidgeting with your fingers nervously.
Were you supposed to say something, do something? A couple of minutes ago, you didn’t even know demons truly existed!
“Why are you nervous? I won’t bite you,” he said as he turned to you, “yet.” You gasped. Literally gasped. Did he say that on purpose? Did demons eat humans? You were not only nervous now, but scared to the point where you could barely stand straight. Almost shitting your pants. Jimin looked visibly pleased at your reaction, seeing the little smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Which were the plumpest lips you’ve ever seen. And now you couldn’t look elsewhere.
“Don’t worry, I don’t eat humans. Not very tasty.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes and focused on something else. Like the fact that he seemed to know each of your thoughts since earlier.
“Can you read minds?” You asked, a feeling of pride filling you when you were able to muster a complete sentence without stuttering.
Jimin smiled and shook his head. “You’re not very discreet and you’re easy to read. For example, I know you can’t stop staring at my lips.” Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Were you that obvious, that stupid? Your cheeks heated up and you looked away, not able to hold his eyes any longer. “Sorry,” you muttered under your breath.
“If you wanna taste ‘em, all you gotta do is ask.”
What the hell? Not only was he a sarcastic sexy little piece of shit, but he was a tease too! If you could, you’d wipe his grin off of his face. Too bad you didn’t have the courage to.
“So,” he started, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Why did you summon me?” Good question. And you didn’t have an answer to that. Why did people summon demons? How could a demon possibly give you what you needed? You were confused and Jimin seemed to see right through you.
“Some people summon me to listen to them although it’s the most boring shit I’ve had to go through. Others want me to take care of some… people for them and then, my favorite people, need something a little more personal.”
You frowned curiously. “Personal?”
“Well, intimate if that explains it better.” Intimate… Did Jimin mean sex? Demons could have sex? To say you were confused now was a complete understatement.
“You have a dick?” Sometimes, in particular moments, you found out that it was better for you to keep your mouth shut. In most of these moments, it had been too late and before you knew it, you’d say something stupid that would’ve been better left unsaid. And now seemed to be one of those moments where the words left your mouth before your brain could process them.
Jimin bursted into a fit of laughter. And goddamn, you never knew demons could have such angelic yet attractive laugh. It made you want to record it and fall asleep to it.
And this was your first mistake because now you couldn’t stop thinking about his wide smile and contagious laugh. Could demons cast humans in a spell? Did they have superpowers? You were sure that Jimin must have done some super-top-secret-demons spell on you because your entire brain was high on him. His face, his voice, his oh-so-veiny hands and the way he held himself.
“Actually, I do have a dick although some say that it’s better than the real thing.” The last part of his words came in a deeper voice an octave lower, flying right to you and hitting your strong. It was almost as if you heard it right beside your ears, making goosebumps erupt through your body.
Deep in thoughts, you hadn’t even realized that Jimin had gotten closer to you. He walked slowly and without any sound. In no time, he was right in front of you, maybe a foot separating you two. His face up-close was more beautiful. His skin had no sign of imperfections. His lips were more rosy from where you stood and you couldn’t help but bite your own.
Jimin caught in because the grin widening on his face was teasing and knowing. He knew the effect he had on you. Of course he knew. He was probably used to it. Used to making everyone drop to their knees in front of him. It was hard to believe that he was even a demon. His beauty fell more under the definition of an angel. But he was a little snake. That much you knew.
He quirked an eyebrow, still looking down at you. “So, how can I help?” He asked again with his teasing smile curving up his lips. His body was close to you. Way too close. It blurred all rational thoughts because all that went through your mind was how good it would feel to have his hands over you or his soft lips devouring your own.
Despite standing up, you stuck your legs together, an uncomfortable and foreign feeling setting itself in your crotch.
Jimin saw, just like he seemed to be able to see everything. He took a little step closer, looking down at your legs. “Seems like you’re having a little problem down there,” he mumbles, licking his bottom lips. They looked so fucking soft and plump and good. You seriously had to control yourself because it was slowly becoming embarrassing how much effect he had on you.
You didn’t answer his words. You couldn’t. Your voice was hidden deep in your throat, stuck there.
“Mind if I help?” Jimin asked in a softer tone this time. Your heart dropped. Literally. It busted out of your chest and a weird kind of warmth took over your body. Something exciting that made you giddy inside. The rational part of you screamed no but you were never the type of girl to stay reasonable. Despite being shy most of your goddamn life, you loved chaos.
And maybe this little thing between you and Jimin would lead to chaos.
That’s all you needed to nod your head with a muffled sound that was meant to be “yes”.
Jimin had a bright and broad smile brightening his face. He knew you’d give in. “Lead me to your room, kitten.” Oh my gosh. Kitten. Of course he had to say that. As if his existence alone wasn’t enough to make you a horny and stuttering mess, he had to call you kitten. He had to make it harder to resist jumping on him and kissing the life out of you both.
Ok, maybe you were going a little far. Maybe you were more horny than you thought. But you blamed that one on Jimin.
After a minute or two in silence, you shook the thoughts out of your head as much as you could and turned around, not before feeling Jimin’s warm hand clasp around your wrist softly. You took a deep breath to calm your heart that you were surprised still resided in your chest and walked to your bedroom. It was at the end of a small hallway so it wasn’t long before you stopped in front of your entrance.
The candles forming a circle were still intact on the floor. It made you wonder where Jimin had appeared but those questions flew out the window, the second Jimin’s hand pressed on your waist and you could feel his body heat mere millimeters away from your back.
“Such a beautiful room. May I enter?” His sudden politeness didn’t calm you, if only made you more weak in the knees. You nodded your head and stepped away so he could come in. He placed delicate and soundless steps on the floor and it was only then that you realized that he was barefoot. It made your eyes trail further up to the skinny black jeans adorning the thickest thighs you had ever seen.
Gosh, every time you looked at him, it only made you want him more, despite the voice in your head repeating, he’s a demon, he’s a demon, he’s a demon.
Jimin glanced around one last time before settling his eyes on you, a wide wicked smile on his face. One that sent shivers up and down your spine. He walked up to you and stopped when he was close enough that you were breathing each other’s breath, which in other words meant, extremely fucking close.
He lifted his right arm and let it trail along your arms. You were almost shaking under his touch, on the verge of begging for him to stop teasing and take you right now.
He stopped his hand at the hem of your crop top, meeting your gaze as if asking is it okay? You nodded, and you didn’t once look away as his fingers wrapped around the fabric of your t-shirt. You sucked in a long sharp breath as he slipped it off of your skin. His eyes darkened and he licked his lips as if mentally devouring your upper body.
“So beautiful,” he mumbled, his fingers traced invisible patterns along your stomach and he stopped at your bra. He unclipped it and let it fall on the floor. His thumb grazed your nipple slightly, as if it never touched it in the first place and this time, you couldn’t stop a moan from escaping your lips, even as you kept them shut in a tight line.
Jimin smiled triumphantly and he let his arm fall on his side. “Go lay on your bed, kitten.” He demanded but it left no room for argument. You gave him a little nod and laid on your back, trying to let the tension slip away. Jimin was being so soft, the opposite of how you thought he’d act.
You arched your back when he turned around, purposely trying to make your breasts pop more. Jimin muttered a small “tsk” along with “such a little slut for me, hm?”. It shouldn’t have made your heart beat this fast and a whine leave your lips but you couldn’t stop it. You never thought you’d like being degraded by anyone but with Jimin, it sounded so good.
You shut your legs together and Jimin didn’t fail to notice. He lifted one of his eyebrows teasingly, grasping his entire hand around your thigh. “Someone likes being called a slut, I see.” His voice was mocking and although normally you didn’t like feeling humiliated, you breathed in his words welcomely.
His fingers stroked the bare skin of your thighs, squeezing the flesh so tight you groaned but the pain felt good. He snorted and pulled your shorts down very slowly, letting you some time to react and push him away.
But you didn’t. You wanted him to go further. “Stop teasing, please. Take it off,” you whined, biting your lips and looking down as Jimin stopped his movements. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
“Ah sweetie, one thing you have to know is that you never tell me what to do, hm?” His voice wasn’t harsh but he made sure his words were clear. You nodded your head and muttered a pathetic “sorry”.
His face instantly softened and his right hand fell on your cheek. His thumb found your lower lip, playing with it and pulling it down slowly.
“It’s okay, kitten, but don’t you think you deserve to be punished for that?”
You shook your head. No. No, you didn’t want to be punished. In the multiple erotica books you’ve read, punishment often came as spanking or orgasm denial. You didn’t want that.
“No? I think you deserve a little punishment. Don’t worry, it’ll be quick.”
You whimpered when he took a seat between your legs, pushing your thighs away from one another. The cold air immediately hit your clothed core, and chills ran all over you. Jimin rubbed his thumb over your panties, adding some pressure but stopping right away once he heard you moan. You frowned but you knew better than to go against him.
He slipped off your panties so slowly, you had to groan to stop yourself from begging him even more.
When he saw you trying to squeeze your thighs shut together, he grasped them and pushed them away, sitting himself in between. “Let me see that beautiful cunt of yours. Don’t be shy,” he said and lowered his head right between you.
His hot breath fanned over your whole crotch area and it elicited a loud, “Fuck, Jimin,” out of you.
“So fucking beautiful, kitten,” he mumbled, “I feel honoured that I get to see that.” He licked a strap of your skin, right beside your pussy. His tongue was hot and heavy on you but it was the best feeling ever. His hand moved until it rested on your inner thigh and suddenly, without any warning, he dug his nails into your skin.
You screeched, trying to get away from him but his hold was too strong. “What the hell?” You asked, trying to sit up but in your current position, it was impossible.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. It’ll be quick. Just a little punishment to make sure you never tell me what to do again, okay?” He asked although you knew it wasn’t really a question. “Okay,” you softly said.
Jimin’s smile made it all worth it the second his nails cut through your skin. You couldn’t even understand how his short nail could cut this deep but the feeling of his tongue suddenly sucking onto your clit distracted you.
“Oh god,” you moaned, throwing your head back and arching your back when he sucked on it again. You cried a little when his grip on your inner thigh became stronger and that his nail went deeper. A warm feeling drooling down your skin let you know that you were bleeding.
You were fucking bleeding.
Jimin didn’t seem to mind the blood. In fact, it seemed to get him more into it as he thrusted his tongue into your cunt. He pulled away as soon as you moaned, keeping his nails deep in. “Look at all of this blood,” he said in awe, “isn’t it gorgeous?”
You didn’t answer and simply watched incredulously when he licked the warm liquid on his tongue and entered you again. It was so warm and so damn good that you had to slap your hand across your mouth, stopping yourself from screaming.
Jimin pulled away from your crotch, glancing up at you with the most predator set of eyes you’d ever seen. “Let me hear you pretty moans, kitten. Don’t stop yourself.” You keened, shaking slightly at the pain that surged through you as more blood fell down your thigh.
“Your thigh look so fucking gorgeous bathing in your blood.” He mumbled more to himself as he cut another strap of skin. You cried again this time because goddamn did it hurt.
“Please, Jimin. Stop. Please.” You didn’t care that you were begging him and you cared even less that you were going against his words from earlier. It hurted and all you wanted was for him to fuck you. Not cut you until you were fucking bleeding.
“Since you’re begging for me so nicely, I’ll stop.” You sighed in relief but hissed when he licked the blood off of your skin. It was sensitive and it burned slightly. He pulled himself over you, his face so close to yours, you could count his lashes.
“Kiss me,” he ordered, staring right into your eyes. You hesitated a bit. You had barely kissed people before, the few of them being quite messy. But under Jimin’s hungry gaze, you couldn’t bring yourself to disagree or let your insecurities take over.
You wrapped your hand around his neck and crashed your lips against his. It was messy at first, but very quickly, Jimin took control and tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss. It was quite different from every other kiss you’ve had in the past. It was no doubt better and hungrier and… tasted like blood?
You widened your eyes, meeting Jimin’s opened ones as he smirked against your lips.
“What was that?” You asked, wiping your hand against your lips, furrowing your eyebrows. Jimin simply grinned, licking his own lips and humming. “It was the last part of your punishment. But now, I think my little kitten deserves a reward.”
Your heart thumped inside your chest and you almost purred at his words. Finally.
Jimin pushed you further into the mattress, hovering over you and hooking his legs on both sides of your waist, sticking you there. You couldn’t move much but honestly, you loved it so fucking much.
You felt a little dizzy. From your denied orgasm to your bleeding inner thigh to your want for Jimin so big it couldn’t be described in words, your head was extremely dizzy.
You looked down, suddenly realizing that Jimin was still very much dressed. It was too many clothes in your opinion. “Take it off, please,” you asked sheepishly, refusing to meet Jimin’s eyes. He chuckled and undid the buttons of his silver dress shirt. He was almost doing it teasingly.
When his dress shirt was finally off, you felt like the air was knocked right out of your lungs. Jimin’s body was fucking prefect, heavenly proportionned. His stomach was adorned with abs although looking quite lean at a certain angle. It glowed and all you wanted was to lick every inch of his chest.
“Like what you see?”
“Very much,” you replied back, surprising yourself at how quick it left your lips. Since earlier, you had barley muttered any words and Jimin seemed to realize it as well, seeing as he arched his eyebrows.
He opted for another of his infamous smirks and slipped off his pants and you literally drooled at the sight of his clothed bulge.
He hovered back over you and this time, you didn’t stop yourself, running your hands around his entire body and feeling each muscle, each bone and little scars that were invisible to the eye.
“Better?” He asked, groaning when you squeezed his pecs. “Yes, so much better.”
He took both of your hands and wrapped his own around your wrists, placing them on top of your head. He looked around and snatched a t-shirt from the floor. He wrapped it swiftly around your wrists and let them go.
He smiled and snuggled his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, kitten. Until you can’t even remember your own name, until all you’ll know is how good my cock is buried deep inside your pretty little cunt.”
You moaned, loving the way his dirty words heaved into the air and made their way to your ears. He bit a spot under your jaw, and he only stopped when it was bright red.
“I’ll mark every single square inch of your body until you can’t see the skin anymore. How would you like that?”
You closed your eyes, arching your back until your breasts made contact with his own chest. “Please, yes. Ruin me. Use me, please, Jimin.” Your words seemed to trigger something in Jimin’s brain as suddenly, he slammed his lips against your own almost forcefully. You moaned when he practically shoved his tongue deep until it almost reached the back of your throat.
You needed air but you didn’t dare to pull away, loving the way Jimin’s tongue swirled around your own, touching the roof of your mouth. Gosh he was so fucking good at this.
“Who taught my little kitten those filthy words, hm?” He asked after pulling away and regaining his breath. His eyes were so dark and full of lust and want. It was hard to look away. Maybe he had really casted a spell on you because you didn’t see yourself stopping him any time soon. He could do whatever he wanted with you and you’d gladly let him.
His right hand covered your cheek, stroking the skin softly and biting his lower lip. He let his hand roam lower until it reached your neck and his thumb rubbed against the middle until it wrapped around your entire neck. His hand was big enough that it covered the entire skin.
“Is it okay, kitten? Do you like my hand around your neck, like that?” He asked, his voice an octave lower and making something in the pit of your stomach tightening.
You nodded your head, whispering a soft, “yes”. And it wasn’t a lie. The weight of his calloused but gentle hand wrapped around your neck was oddly comforting, and undoubtedly extremely exciting. Knowing he could snap the life out of you by adding a little more pressure, made your wetness drip down your thighs.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Jimin who arched his eyebrows in interest.
“Are you turned on by this? Do you want me to fuck you with my hand around your throat until you barely breath?” Gosh, his words were not good for you. Every little word leaving his mouth made you wetter and wetter, the excitement inside of you becoming unbearable. You needed him so bad.
“Yes, fuck yeah.”
“As you wish.” His smile was wide, and an ounce of excitement and desire was hidden in his eyes. The thought of him wanting you as much as you wanted him earned a moan out of you.
With his free hand, he ran it down your cleavage, rubbing and pinching your nipples until they were swollen. He took in a sharp breath as his hand moved lower and it stopped just between your thighs. He ran his fingers along your slick and retracted his hand, placing it before your mouth.
“You’re so fucking wet, kitten.” He said, rubbing some of it on your lips. Through hooded eyes, you saw his fingers pry open your mouth, ordering a small, “suck”.
You opened your mouth wide enough for two of his fingers to insert themselves inside and sucked on them until your jaw ached. Even then, you didn’t stop, enjoying Jimin’s devouring gaze on you. He lifted his chin slightly, running his tongue over his bottom lip and grinding against your crotch, eliciting a loud moan out of you.
Jimin didn’t stop there. He kept grinding down on you, rolling his hips slightly, as if he was trying to get inside of you through the fabric of his boxers. His groans were pure heaven. He sounded so good and arousing and fucking hot.
And his cock, fucking hell. You felt just how hard he was and it made your arch your back until Jimin’s finger slipped out of your mouth and your chest was stuck entirely against his.
He slipped his hand once again between your thighs, rubbing one of his fingers on your clit.
“Ah, Jimin. I need m-more, please~” you moaned again and again and again as he entered two of his fingers swiftly inside. Your saliva on them eased the way in and the sound it made was obscure.
“You want more, kitten?” You nodded rapidly, getting more impatient as the minutes passed and as your orgasm neared. “You know what you have to do for it. Beg like the good girl you are, hm?” Beg. For him, you’d throw yourself on your knees if it meant that you would get fucked stupid into oblivion.
“Please, Jimin, fuck me. Use me. Please, I need it.” You were whining at this point, wiggling under Jimin’s body, trying to get more friction against your aching pussy. Jimin’s face brightened once he heard your words. He looked so proud.
“That’s my perfect little kitten. Begging so cutely for my cock.” With one hand around your throat and the other at the waistband of his boxers, he pulled them down slowly until his cock sprung out, almost hitting his lower abdomen. He hissed at the contact of the cold air on his length, biting onto his lips.
You were wide-eyed, unable to look away. Jimin’s cock was so thick and veiny, you could see one big vein that went from his shaft to the tip, pulsating. He was big and oh god, you couldn’t wait until it was pounding inside of you.
“Please, need it inside of me.” You looked up at him and for a moment, you could swear Jimin’s eyes flashed red. It was slightly disconcerting but the feeling of his tip rubbing on your inner thighs distracted you. You glanced down just as Jimin was stroking his dick slowly, rubbing saliva around it.
Not once did he look away, supporting himself on the bed with his knees. “Wrap yourself around me, sweetie,” he asked and you obliged, moaning when you felt his cock between your thighs.
You were nervous but mostly excited. So fucking needy for him to just slip inside of you and fuck you good.
Jimin seemed to see right through you once more as he let go of his cock, positioning himself in front of your entrance. “I’m finally gonna fuck my little kitten like she deserves.”
“Fuck yes, oh god, please.”
You closed your eyes when he entered the tip inside, arching your back and intertwining your fingers in the sheets. Jimin’s free hand hooked under your chin harshly. “Open your eyes. Look how well you take my cock.”
You opened your eyes, whimpering when you saw his length disappearing between your folds, hitting so deep you could barely make any sounds. You walls were tight around him, taking him so fucking well.
Jimin was looking less controlled now. His head was thrown back with his eyes closed and the arm that was holding your throat was shaking but the grip still didn’t falter. He looked so fucking perfect, you had to stop yourself from reaching out to his face and run your fingers over his features.
The faces he made every time he slammed back inside of you were obscene and you found yourself immensely happy that you got to witness it. You were the one he was fuckjng and calling kitten. He was choking you, fucking you.
Just thinking about it made the knot in your stomach tighten until it was unbearable, until you were so close it hurt. Jimin’s hand wrapped around your neck didn’t help. But the pain mixed so well with the pleasure, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“My little kitten is enjoying this, isn’t she? You love my cock so much, huh?”
“Yes, yes I love it. You fuck me so well~” every tiny praises you gave him made him go faster, harder as if he was making it his personal mission to make sure you wouldn’t be able to walk after this. Not that you minded. You liked knowing that every step you’d take would remind you of tonight.
“Jimin~” You mumbled, throwing your head back when a particular hit from him seemed to find the exact spot that made you lose your mind. “I’m so close. Please, let me come.”
Hearing you beg like that surprised Jimin but it was quickly taken over by an expression of smugness. “You’re behaving like such a perfect little kitten. How could I refuse?”
You smiled, feeling your climax getting nearer and nearer, until it was hard to breathe. You knew Jimin was getting close as well. His grip around your throat only seemed to get tighter. Soon, you knew you wouldn’t be able to breathe but knowing that the last thing you would see was jimin on top of you, fucking the life out of you, made you much more relaxed about it.
“I’m close too, kitten. You’re taking me so well, fuck, I can’t keep it in anymore,” he growled, literally, before his legs started to shake slightly and his hands got more loose on your neck. You took a deep breath before you could feel Jimin’s cum filling you up to the brim.
You whined as he kept riding his high, stopping only when he knew you had come too. He could feel it drip down your inner thighs.
He pulled out slowly and you wiggled a little bit, uncomfortable as you felt Jimin’s seed dripping out of your cunt. He cursed under his breath, pulling his hair back. “Wish I had a butt plug so I could keep my cum inside. I want you to stay full, kitten.” He said at the same time he got up.
You were laying down, catching your breath and looking at Jimin. He stood up, and naked like that, goddamn, he looked perfect, like a fucking god that you wanted to bow to.
He looked at you with a little grin and flushed cheeks. “I’ll be right back, sweetie. Gotta clean us up.”
And it was only then that it dawned upon you that you just had sex with a fucking demon.
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cecropiacrown · 8 hours
for the kiss prompt meme! fengqing and 49? 👀
I took this one a bit literally, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the ask! :) #49 a kiss out of necessity
“What are you saying?” “Are you deaf, or just stupid?” Mu Qing crosses his arms, jutting that regal chin of his out and up in an arrogant display of self-righteousness.
Feng Xin would say the other martial god is looking down his nose at him, but Mu Qing’s eyes are still fucking closed. He seethes, unobserved, and clenches his fists so hard he’s surprised his gloves are still intact.
“A kiss?” Feng Xin tries to clarify, instead of bashing his head into the nearest wall as he has been so wishfully imagining.
“A man with a history like yours, I assumed you’d know what that meant.” Feng Xin knows Mu Qing would roll his eyes right now if he was able to—but he can’t—he just keeps talking. 
“Yes, General. A kiss. A press of the lips. I don’t know.” Mu Qing waves his hand in the air dismissively, his head still held high, but his eyes still as magically closed as when Feng Xin first arrived at his chambers.
“I am not the one who crafted the damned curse. So, yes, a kiss. Or my eyes will stay this way.” 
There is an underlying sense of unease to Mu Qing’s tone that Feng Xin is sure only he can pick up on, purely from the fact the two of them have known each other for 800 years. 
“And before you ask—yes, I have tried to hold them open. And, yes, I still am unable to see.” Feng Xin sighs and racks his brain for any other possible solution, but Mu Qing is growing more impatient by the second, if the tapping of his perfectly polished boot is any indication. Feng Xin holds back the groan of frustration that sits so readily at the back of his throat, and tries to bide some more time.
“Is… well, I mean. Is there no one else who could—”
This was, evidently, the wrong thing to say.
Mu Qing’s face is alight with unbridled fury as he whips his whole body in Feng Xin’s direction. His arms shoot down to his sides, and Feng Xin can tell he instinctively reaches for his zhanmadao even though the saber lays discarded on a nearby low table. “What?” he spits, venomous and clearly defensive. He’s quite agitated now and throws his arms up in the air as he speaks, a habit he has had since his time as a mortal. His face twists and contorts, save for his eyes, which stay almost peacefully closed as he rants, “Is it such a cruel fate to kiss the austere and ruthless General Xuan Zhen that you’d sooner pawn off the task to some other poor, unfortunate—”
“Stop.” “—soul? What—is it so beneath the mighty General Nan Yang that he’d rather—”
Feng Xin crosses the room in an instant and grips Mu Qing by his shoulders before he can stop himself. He has half a mind to shake him, as if that could knock any sense into him, but he knows better. “Enough.” Mu Qing draws in a quick breath through his nose, his face pinched unpleasantly as he stoically faces forward.
“Unhand me.” 
Mu Qing’s voice is low, like a threat, but it’s tinged with something else that Feng Xin can’t quite place. Something delicate. “Fine,” he says, and pushes Mu Qing back a little out of habit before he removes his hands completely. 
“But stop speaking such nonsense.” Feng Xin straightens his own robes and clears his throat. “Of course I will help you. You’d be a fool to think I’d allow you to remain this way and leave me to watch over the South on my own.” Mu Qing sets his jaw, his mouth twisting into a snarl, but he says nothing. His arms are crossed over his chest again and his hands… his hands are shaking.
“Are you nervous?” Feng Xin asks before he has the sense not to. “No,” Mu Qing snaps, like the notion itself is preposterous.
But Feng Xin sees the way Mu Qing presses the tips of his middle finger and his thumb together, drawing small circles, and he knows he’s caught him. Now that’s an anxious tick he hasn’t seen the other god display in centuries. “Then why are you trembling, General?” “I’m not.” Mu Qing says this through gritted teeth, as if this helps his case. “Ah, but you are.” Feng Xin reaches forward now and, with a featherlight touch, he cradles Mu Qing’s face in his palm. The other god noticeably stiffens, but that near-imperceptible tremor in his hands is still there. Whether because he is stubborn or because his lack of sight limits his range of movement, he does not pull away.
“Remember now, it’s your eyes that are closed. Mine have been open the whole time.”
Mu Qing swallows audibly and Feng Xin tracks the movement down his pale throat until it’s hidden by the top of his collar. “Mu Qing,” he says quietly and Mu Qing’s mask of indifference instantly crumbles. With where Feng Xin’s hand rests along Mu Qing’s jaw, he’s in prime position to feel the spike he just caused in the other god’s pulse.
“Be still. I’m going to kiss you now.”
Mu Qing’s breath goes ragged and Feng Xin feels the jaw under his palm go taut.
“It’s okay,” Feng Xin breathes, and guides his face slowly closer to his rival’s. He trails his hand down Mu Qing’s jaw to rest at his neck, gently thumbing at the soft skin of his earlobe. 
He gives Mu Qing ample time to pull away, to decide he doesn’t want Feng Xin to take his first kiss after all, but Mu Qing surprises him. It seems Feng Xin’s gentle caress has Mu Qing softening, just a little, because there’s something so bashfully pliant about the expression he’s making. Feng Xin can hardly take his eyes off of him. And even though he closes his eyes, he swears that when their lips do finally touch, that Mu Qing leaned forward to meet him there.
The kiss is oh so tender; quiet in a way the two of them never are. It’s brief too, lasting only a few moments, but when they part, there’s a lingering warmth that radiates through them both.
Feng Xin sees the moment Mu Qing opens his eyes and looks at him—sees him—and he realizes his hand is still on Mu Qing’s neck. He lets his eyes rove over the thin jaw, those soft lips, before he pulls back completely and straightens out his sleeves. “Cured?” Feng Xin asks, even though he knows the answer. “Cured,” Mu Qing replies quietly. 
Feng Xin isn’t sure he’s ever heard Mu Qing speak in such a hushed tone and he finds himself wanting to hear it again.
“I suppose I’ll be on my way then. Wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome.” “Right. Good of you to know your place.”
As Feng Xin reaches the door, his hand poised to open it, he turns to speak over his shoulder, finding he desperately needs to know the answer to this question.
“Why ask me?”
“Why would I ask anyone else?”
Feng Xin smiles and slips silently out into the corridor.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
This is a fun idea that I’ve had rolling in my head for a while, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! What if the reader likes to draw, so obviously, when surrounded by those snackable men in East company, she draws them! She puts little notes next to the faces (ex. Thinks he’s gods gift to women, or sweetest man alive), and maybe how some of the Easy boys would react to flipping through the sketchbooks and seeing the notes? With Toye, Luz, Bull, and Shifty?
A/N: I drew them for no reason. In like half an hour. I am so stupid somebody sedate me. Btw I actually read this when you sent it and thought omg I love it, and then completely forgot it existed. Enjoy these super delayed headcanons? <3
Warnings: none
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"Hey, whatchu got there?"
Bad start.
You halfheartedly let him flip through the pages and this man's slack jawed.
Keep in mind that, while Joe knows you sketch in your free time, he has no idea you sketch them.
Double shock when he gets to his face.
Doesn't process the silly notes at first because something's not clicking.
You drew him. Him. Out of- him?
Tries his best not to blush
Genuinely doesn't know how to react
This man cannot hold back a little smile of endearment when he reads 'toughest motherfucker' because that's a big ass compliment.
Specially considering he thinks he's a dud.
'an actual sweetheart' this man choked on his own words. A SWEETHEART. HIM. A-
"Do you... Like it or...?"
"It's— yeah no, I-I love it. They're really good huh..." Tries to act cool while he hands it back.
He can't look at you in the eye for a hot minute because you made his brain shortcircuit with a quick sketch.
Tough and a sweetheart. No one had ever called him a sweetheart.
Toye knows he's got a soft side to him, but it's buried so deep he never thought someone would notice.
Bot you did, and it keeps him up at night for months I'm not even kidding.
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George is bored. He's very vocal about it.
You don't care. You're very vocal about it too.
Well too bad because Luz wants attention so he's going to annoy you until he gets some.
Verbal vexation doesn't work because you're currently focused on sketching Malarkey, so he switches to plan B; snatching the sketchbook away from you.
Immediately teases you about drawing Don while you chase him through the house you're billeted in.
Flips through the pages without actually seeing shit because initially he just wanted your attention and he got it.
But then he catches a glimpse of his face and sudden he's actually interested.
A boyish grin lights up his gaze.
He's way too happy about a damn sketch and he knows it but he can't help it.
You drew him and he looks handsome. He has never thought of himself as handsome but apparently you did.
Shoves you away to read the notes.
'Easy's source of joy'. THE REASSURANCE HE FEELS-
He snickers at the 'human lucky charm.
Then his head snaps at you in disbelief.
"SHORT?!" He's FLABBERGASTED. It's your turn to laugh.
Also run because George is so chasing you.
He's not sure what he's gonna do when he gets you. Probably hit you with the goddamn sketchbook. Probably kiss you idk he'll see.
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Bull knows you sketch them for fun.
He's caught a glimpse of a couple of drawings here and there but never said anything, not even to you.
But now you two are sitting by each other's side at a bar in silence and he's adamant about making a conversation with you.
He bumps your arm, tilts his chin at you and then at the sketchbook peeping from your bag.
"Can I see 'em?"
How are you gonna say no to this absolute darling? To be fair you forgot about the little notes on his drawing.
He nonchalantly flips the pages, occasionally nodding and making quiet comments.
"You got talent, Y/n/n."
He's got the book wide open so you can see what he's seeing. And you see his drawing. And the notes.
Bull's heart swells at the sketch. It shouldn't surprise him— the fact that he's got his own page, but it does.
He reads the first note and the corner of his lip twists up. HE READS THE SECOND NOTE AND SNORTS.
He quirks a brow at you. "Anything you wanna tell me?"
You're mortified. He assures you he's completely kidding. Congratulates you on the drawings. Gives it back and watch your every move.
Husband material huh?
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Shifty makes eye contact with you while you're sketching him. Thrice.
First time you give him a mortified smile and he doesn't get why, but he returns it.
Second time he knows something's up. He sees the sketchbook.
Third time he walks up to you.
You attempt to uhm pretty much run away because you just finished so there's no need to stick around anymore.
He cuts through and get to you before you can leave.
"What were you drawing?" He asks, but he means 'were you drawing me?'
You show him and his eyes light up with joy.
He struggles with words but his visage is a very telling sign that he actually loves it.
He goes through everybody's sketch and asks if you were gonna add any notes to his.
The fact that he seems so excited about it dims your embarrassment and gives you a little bit of courage.
So you take back the sketchbook and scribble the notes before giving it back.
'certified guardian angel' HELL YES, HE'LL KEEP YOU SAFE ANY DAY.
'lovely but deadly' he wants to kiss you. Much like Toye, he's not used to people seeing both parts of him, but... You do?
"Could I... Maybe... Keep it?"
You're surprised no one else has asked for the drawing. Maybe they assumed you wouldn't give it away.
Shifty's eyes widen momentarily when you rip the page and hand it to him.
He'll cherish the sketch forever.
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Band Of Brothers: @francois-ceverts @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
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doppel-doodles · 7 months
What is Shui's opinion on a certain "Albino Witch" wandering in the mortal realm? xD (Aka: Yeva shdhsjjd-)
Also, do they have any hobbies? :0
Ayayayaya you are tickling my writers brain I see-
Let’s say in this scenario Shui and Yeva probably met via Redson dragging her along to his lessons with Arthur because uh yeah he is kinda his teacher-
And in that case congrats she is now part of the family and no rejecting this is not an option.
Of course a friend of redson is a friend of hers! But for Yeva specifically I can see Shui would probably mother hen after her a lot, I feel like her more quiet nature and lack of emotion remind her a lot of one of her own daughters.
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And a bonus for if she would have known her in her younger years, while Shui was a lot less terrifying than she was in her celestial warrior years she was still not the most approachable person however when Yeva decided to become her problem she would probably become the unpaid babysitter because „I guess I won’t let you die from stupidity.“ meant affectionately of course XD
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She definitely would have made Yeva babysit her little brats once they came into the world as revenge :>
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Well as for hobbies they all have something going on :0
But this is already way to long so have a quick list-
Shui: One of her favorite pastimes is researching marine biology and the underwater world in general, as an aquatic type demon it is pretty easy for her to just dive into a body of water and explore to her hearts content after all. On these trips she also looks for shiny knickknacks for her ever growing collection but besides that she also works out.
Arthur: Honestly if you were to just ask him then he would probably just answer "work." And to be fair almost blowing the roof of your house is a fun pass time but what he also likes doing is cooking which he is quite good at. Does adopting everything that breaths in your general direction also count as a hobby?-
Adrien: He's pretty into books but Adrien doesn't just like reading he also likes to write them himself. (definitely wrote a lot of fanfic in his teen years)
Klara: Oh she definitely is the type of kid that would do millions of activities and hobbies all the time and would leave nothing untouched, does everything from sports to researching physics for fun-
Katie: She likes to draw and dabbles in fashion design, really wants to learn how to actually make clothes, also a pretty big theater kid.
Jú: Dancing and singing were her main ones but she definitely doesn't do those a lot anymore, another one where the answer would just be "work." If asked. Volunteers at animal shelter's in her free time.
Băoshí: Also pretty big into working out but also likes to craft, everything from cute little bird houses to full on furniture if bro can make it himself then he won't buy it. He to has a collection of shiny things stashed somewhere and it's only growing. He does some gardening on the side.
Yúnlü: Her passion lies in music, she is on a mission to try and learn as many instruments as possible. Besides that I picture her to be really into video games, definitely gets way too competitive when playing Mario party.
Ming: I guess the closest thing he had to a hobby after his death was etching a line into his gravestone to keep track of the days, though eventually he couldn't even do that.
Baí: Sleeping, he doesn't need it anymore but it's a nice break from reality. Other than that he isn't exactly allowed to do anything that isn't serving or training.
Mengtao: Gardening is her main one, even if it is technically her duty she still enjoys it. Other than that she also likes to annoy Nezha and Lao tzu-
Amia: She likes to knit! Her webs make for surprisingly comfy sweaters. Amia is also into crappy romance novels as well as making candy and baked goods.
Wanna know who you can ask a question? Click here!
Of course Yeva belongs to @chuitu
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bangobeep · 4 months
A Love Letter to Jazzpunk, by Ed
It's crazy how fast time can go by when you're enjoying yourself. It's been about three years since I first encountered this game, and I could not be happier with where it's brought me. I've learned so much and met so many wonderful people through it.
For a game that can be played in 2 hours and a half, it sure is complex; so full of jokes and content that can take literal hours to be taken apart. It's brought me closer to an appreciation of things like abstract art, the cyberpunk genre, analog tech, vintage clothing, suits, among a few others.
I remember my first interaction with the game. Funnily enough, it was not through Ranboo like what I usually tell. Back in the day, 2021, I was a mere high school student who, to cope with the horrors of the pandemic, used to be into the DSMP. Woo. Yeah. No shame in admittance. Well, only a little bit.
There was this one cosplayer I used to follow on TikTok (if I recall correctly, their name is Fern [they/them]); mainly because of their c!Foolish cosplay. I was drawn to them and their energy and the way they portrayed characters! So, naturally, I followed them and interacted with their videos every now and then.
On the 23rd of June of 2021, I found myself doom-scrolling on the app (as one does), and I came across one of their videos, though this one was not from any media I knew or was used to watching from them.
The song spy? by WHOKILLEDXIX started playing, and there he was. Glasses and (makeshift) orange tie. Business card. Coat. A little unhinged, yet classy. The Editor.
I feel as if I was so drawn to him because of what I wanted to do after high school. I wanted to study literature in college to become an editor myself! I wanted to correct people's texts, be annoying about it and get paid for it! And would you look at that, the name of the guy is quite literally The Editor. LOL.
As the days went by, I found myself going back to the video, waiting for them to upload more, to feed into my curiosity. I loved the video I saw so much I saved it to my gallery the exact same day I saw it.
Then came the second one, with actual footage from the game. "Quick, look behind you." The Director says, and the camera cuts to the ground, and Fern's shoes. I heard their voices for the first time. "Improvise, I know you'll do well by me." He says again, and I grow ever so drawn to it. Five videos are more than enough. And while I don't look it up just yet, it's in my head.
Until the 25th of July 2021! Like I said, I used to be into the DSMP, though by then, the fixation was fading, and I found myself in that limbo where nothing quite caught my attention. On that day, Ranboo tweeted something about a Jazzpunk stream, and it instantly caught my attention. I was quick to put down anything I was doing to find out what it really was.
And though I was not particularly interested in them, or their streams anymore, I was hooked! I was not the kind to stay for an entire stream, yet there I was. Two hours and thirty something minutes of being beamed in the brain with pure madness.
And then it was over. And I found myself gripping every single piece of fanart I could find with my bare hands, screaming because there had got to be more, right? There had to be more.
And there was! That's when Tumblr became my main form of internet presence. First was Instagram, then came Twitter, and well, would you look at that, I made it here.
I started drawing. I must admit, my first few drawings were atrocious, but looking back on them now, I feel proud. People say that when you fixate on something, your art develops as you go, and they're right!
A year and a half are all my prior account lasted. By the same name. I made a stupid joke to my boyfriend, sending one (1) spam message in their ask box and it was gone! And so, bangobeep 2.0 came to fruition. But that's not the point.
Back when I first got into the game, the need for connection was strong. I found myself craving the partnership; the long, late-night talks about little details of the game, the roleplaying, the scenario thinking, and so the Jazzpunk server came to life on the 13th of August 2021. Named Jazzpunk Moment. I sent a DM to the people I saw most often in the tag back then: Pangolin-404 and Vendotlover, both of which I admired very much!
I remember looking at their art and reading their fanfics and thinking to myself: 'Wow, what I'd give to be able to talk to the cool kids!' And well, I did! I talked to both, and they both agreed to give me their discord, after which they (and a few others with time) joined the server.
Some time after that, I befriended them personally through our mutual love for the game and similar interests, as well as through general chitter chatter about me being hyperactive when on caffeine, 404/Caligula telling me about Sammy Lawrence from Bendy and the Ink Machine, and Ven telling me of xeir OC whose name came from Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss. I’m happy to say nowadays I still talk to both Caligula and Ven very often. In fact! I consider Cali one of my best friends, and I am kinda gay dating Ven. So, you know. Fun things bring fun people together. :)
Then came around people like Jazz Jazzanon, Zippy Zippycup, Jazzhands, Noah, Wither, and a couple others that, while I won’t mention, made this experience something wonderful for me.
I can’t quite find the words to express this something so dear to me. Jazzpunk, as short as it is, changed my life in ways I could’ve never imagined. I’ve started researching things I thought I’d never be into, started books I loved, got into music I had never listened to before, and it all helped build me as a person these three years. It’s brought me unimaginable amounts of comfort and joy, and I don’t think I’ll ever find something else that will make me feel this whole.
I could go on and on about how I have projected so many little aspects of my life onto my interpretation of it. About how the way I interpret Polyblank is highly influenced by those I love. About how the paintings in The Editor’s house fit him and his personality, but those are topics for another day.
The world out there is wacky and crazy, and Jazzpunk does a great job at feeding into the fact it can be strange, it can be difficult, and it can be fun.
So, to 10 years of community, 10 years of happiness, 10 years of a game that will stay with me forever, and many more to come!
Thank you, Jazzpunk.
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
Yugi: SHORT KING. He is very smol and he weighs ninety pounds soaking wet and he will KICK YOUR ASS like the worlds most high school aged chihuahua. Always the friend who offers to dm when everyone talks about starting a dnd campaign. Despite what canon has gone on to say, I choose to believe he maintained his King Of Games title while using his cutesy deck we see in the Yami v. Yugi fight. Doesn't wear heels to events (that was Yami's thing) and always takes time to talk to fans, even if they run up to him on the street.
Jaden: Altered my brain chemistry on a fundamental level. Depressed and queer and a failure, proving you don't have to be innocent to deserve innocence. Does not pay his taxes. The character for anyone who's ever felt monstrous, alien, foreign in their own skin, then breaking down that none of those things make you less human, less deserving of love. Reads comic books and will enthusiastically lend you 300 issues if you even casually mention you've been thinking of doing the same.
Yusei: My son. My boi. I can say so much on him that I haven't even touched on in my numerous essays rambling about this funky little mechanic. If the ygo shows tend to focus on forms of love that aren't romantic, then 5Ds is about familial love. Yusei is passionate and caring and a bleeding heart. The only shonen protag to ever get told by his mom "You're grounded." and say "Okay." and NOT go fight space gods until his mother gives him the go ahead. He's a revolutionary. He knows the trash collector by name. He's a planet. He's a star with gravitational pull strong enough to change the world. He's Just A Guy.
Yuma: Bisexual colored hair. Continuing the proud yugioh tradition to be adhd af. I know he sleeps in a hammock so I'm gonna go ahead and call that he's the kid always rocking in place. Leg bouncer. Dyslexic and doesn't know it, just knows that words are easier to read when looking through the blue tinted screen of his weird visor thing. Possibly kills satan? Good for him. Watches telenovellas and gets overly invested in the plotlines. Would probably eat the popsicle stick because he thinks it's part of the experience. He is NOT stupid he is just a dumbass.
Yuya: Tomato head. Looks somehow exactly like three different people I worked with when I did theatre, right down to the googles perched on the forehead with mismatched lenses. I've seen arc-v's opening and idk why but I really like the animation of him slinging his jacket over his shoulder. Really wonderful gender. One of those kids that didn't know about heterosexuality until he was at least ten, then proceeded to be very upset and confused by the concept. The guy leading the rowdy table at waffle house at 10pm that will at some point burst into song and disturb every patron's night but their own.
Yusaku: The kid at the same waffle house just trying to order a coffee. Draws in the margins of his notebook. Skateboards. He does not like to talk about either of these things, but then one day you show him a video with like a million views of some guy inking a giant masterpiece, or doing a backside tailslide off a shipping container and he'll just casually go "Oh hey that's me." Desperately in need of a stim toy and a hug.
Yuga: Had a phase where he was obsessed with firefighters. Also likes to light things on fire. Is shocked everytime when the result of lighting a thing on fire is Thing: *Is On Fire*. I don't think he uses hair gel I think he just scrunches up his eyebrows and concentrates really hard and his hair just Does That. Really wants a dog. Shockingly good at math, favorite number is 25. All of his pencils have bite marks and the erasers are completely chewed off.
Yudias: Looks like a glaceon. It's really heartwarming to see yugioh continually get autistic representation right; a lot of stories don't include the fact that we carry swords and can fire lasers from our eyeballs. Every time I see him I want to hand him a wrapped sandwich, a babybel cheese, and a clementine. Would probably enjoy keeping plants on the windowsill. Every picture I see of him, he is either wondrously excited, or completely baffled, to find himself in the situation he is currently in.
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mi-spark · 3 months
started this shiny hunt in pokemon Y a lil while ago in light of the recent plza announcement :] i’m gonna play with the same team i originally played this game with, so froakie is my target :D
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not super far in bc these resets are slowww, for those who haven’t done this hunt you have a whole conversation with the friend group which includes getting 2 key items and choosing your nickname, and i insist on typing in mine each time LOL (it’s just “mimi” so it’s quick n easy to type, but if i have to type it in over 4096 times then so be it)
also!! i’m gonna dump my thoughts i had jotted down last week about plza below the cut. i’m excited for it!
i am mostly very happy for the xy freaks and those who grew up with the games. this is exactly how i felt about dppt and sinnoh getting attention with pla + bdsp a couple years ago! sinnoh is my baby and legends arceus has become one of my favorite pkmn games ever!! i’ve had my moment with its resurgence, and now the kalos people get to have this and IT’S REALLY NICE TO SEE :”)
my personal feelings about xy are that while they rank pretty low in my list of favorite core games, i do Not think they are bad— in fact, i liked them a lot (i am very easy to please when it comes to pokemon lol, but i still think they are solid games)! so i am looking forward to z-a too!!
i’m a little torn about the possible types of gameplay we’ll get. the fact that it’s set in one large city is an interesting choice but one that doesn’t worry me (i will say that it reminds me of detective pikachu in that way LOL). i have no doubts it’ll be a fun experience, but i just. REALLY love the gameplay of arceus dkjgdjfj i enjoy how it’s a nice mix of the usual pokemon strategy and action rpg, it scratches my brain. SO i can’t decide if i like the possibility of it being Just like pla, or something completely different. i guess i’ll be expecting a middle ground of those options as of now? not concerned, but interested ^_^
please. let the graphics be better. we love to see the 2025 release, it gives me hope for improved rendering and set design! arceus was kinda slacking on those fronts
i’m excited for another story and cast of characters to be Normal about… especially looking forward to anything they may do with my stupid idiot divorced french dads Sycamore and Lysandre
i’m definitely not the only one getting fullmetal alchemist vibes from the aerial drawing of lumiose + the prospect of underground catacombs, and the fact that Amestris is based off european countries hello? maybe i’ll have to do an fmab rewatch soon idk 👀
okay this has gotten off track lol the tl;dr is that I LOVE TO SEE NEW CONTENT ABOUT THE EXISTING REGIONS because there is!! so much to work with!!! and i’d genuinely be okay with not getting a brand new generation for another 7 years. THX FOR READING have a good day :D
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ikoarts · 5 months
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October 2023 Art
for some reason i wrote a novel under the cut, for those of u actually reading, thank u for being so patient x
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 03/10/2023 : another of my faves of last year, was trying to get better at drawing trainz, so just Edward and Toby hanging out, displaying the duality of old men x
2 - 04/10/2023 : got a new puter! one of the first things i set to doing after getting set up was to draw a Ru, of course, it was also just me trying to get used to the new MS paint..... it feels very odd
3, 4, 5 - 06/10/2023 : part 1 of redrawing random pics i have of Edward on my phone with my human version of him, this was really fun tbh, and the third here is one of my fave drawings of the year probs.. like sir.. those look heavy... what big uhh.. Glasses.. you have
6, 7, 8 - 07/10/2023 : part 2! i think i just like drawing his face... dare i say this train is cunty or will that get me exiled
9 - 08/10/2023 : something stupid i thought of and couldn't get out of my head for days so had to draw it..... little johnny from oingo boingo's only a lad, doing what he does best, fantasising about radios he wants oh so bad and running people down with a boyish craving for blood.. based on that 1 meme of the guy driving and thinking of a thing then making that insane face
10 - 09/10/2023 : based on that 1 silly vargskelethor song (that could not be less specific), had Shed 17 on the brain and was reminded of the milk song where the skeleton comes out.. thomarse dank 2 much milk and died..
11, 12 - 10/10/2023 : chooshada again :333 first a little doodle on my phone bc i was wondering about her livery, i do think she'd have originally been NER apple green but then painted NWR colours, butttt with a twist... coz i can do whatever i like... the twist is just that she's painted dark blue rather than a sky blue, coz its more her colour x
ALSO MS paint shada, wanted to draw her more uh, idk, detailed ig, idk i love this one, it also served as more train practice
13 - 13/10/2023 : previous one, but with COLOUR!! not much 2 say other than that shes very cute
14 - 18/10/2023 : saw a tweet abt old photos of engine crews posing with their crashed locos and how the NWR crews would do that, made me think of how, if Toni was (choo)shada's driver, she'd do that.. probably x .. very like her to slay in the midst of a terrible accident
15 - 22/10/2023 : predictably, i have some playlists for the ttte engines, one for Diesel which is notable here, so uhh, i have the scrapped song from the lorax "biggering" in there, bc i see it as like a Duck vs Diesel song, ik im surpassing several layers of cringe here but hear me out ok... i drew this at 2am coz i couldn't stop thinking of Duck lecturing Diesel
16, 17, 18 - 25/10/2023 : speaking of playlists, think i was listening to my Robin one here, and felt like drawing him, i have "the land of make believe" in there, which ive always found to be an oddly haunting song, so this is semi based on that, though that wouldn't be apparent if i hadn't just told u x .. this looks like vent art but tis not i was just having fun
also tiny chooshada, i was in the middle of writing something which i have literally Just remembered now and i was writing a scene where Ru is stuck between some characters who shes not looking forward to working with bc they're about to bicker the whole fuckin time and one of them thinks shes a dick, so i drew her being sad that shes forced to work with morons..... and speak of the devil, 3rd drawing is here with 2 of the aforementioned morons :D i think D+D take a liking to her, they're just a little obnoxious (love them for that)
19 - 27/10/2023 : a quick(ish) digital thing of Chooshada again that i did on the side of another project, more engine drawing practice he he, she'll be out of proportion and lacking detail but really it was just to not be too hard on myself about that, it did help i think to understand how to draw her more, plus just look at her lil face... also she has a number here, doesn't mean much other than 8 being her lucky number, other than 11, like those are just her numbers, suppose i could have it be 1188 to ref her bday, idfk x
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All Of Me Changed Like Midnight
Summary: When Elain Archeron has one disastrous night with Azriel as a teenager, the long-standing crush she'd been harboring vanishes.
Five years later, Azriel is back, and he wants to redeem that night.
Happy Halloween! It's nice to have this out of my brain.
Read on AO3
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Elain Archeron took a breath—and then another. 
“Did…are you finished?” she asked timidly, raking her fingernails through the dark hair over her. 
“I–” Azriel halted, his expression unreadable in the dark. 
Having spent the better part of a year listening to her eldest sister's soft moans from the bedroom beside hers, Elain had expected…something. More, maybe? She’d sought Azriel out on purpose—he was so handsome, her long-time crush and Cassian, Nesta’s boyfriend’s best friend. She wasn’t the only girl at school who watched him. Azriel was easily the best looking boy at school. 
She’d just assumed that like Cassian, he knew what he was doing.
But maybe not. 
“It’s fine,” she lied, suddenly embarrassed and frustrated. “It was—” quick? Underwhelming? Not what she expected? “Good.”
He cleared his throat, sliding himself out of her body quickly. Elain watched, rising up on her elbows. How quickly a crush could evaporate, she realized. The kissing had been good—really good, even—but everything else had happened too fast. She thought that was just passion, but she wondered now if this was just who he was. He’d gotten what he wanted, at any rate.
And some little part of her was resentful. 
“You should probably go,” she whispered as he trashed that condom. He whipped around to look at her, though if it was relief or frustration, she couldn’t tell. They’d turned  off all the lights.
“My dad will be home soon.”
That was a lie. Her dad would be gone all night. She’d be home alone just like she’d planned. Stupid to think Azriel could keep her up for even a third of it. She’d read too many romance books, she chided herself. This was real—he was real, and this was done. 
“I’ll uh…I’ll call you?” he whispered with that midnight voice. Elain drew the blankets to her chin.
She had no intention of repeating this. Once was enough, she decided. Or, some mean voice whispered in her mind, he had no intention of calling at all. Just something he told all the girls to make them feel better. 
Elain just wanted him to go so she could turn on the television and pretend the whole thing never happened. He’d taken her virginity, and at least that was done. Maybe the next person would draw those sounds from her. Maybe she’d feel something besides surprise and mild discomfort. 
He dressed himself quickly, as if he, too, was desperate to escape. She kept her eyes on anything but him. Even when Azriel came towards her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, Elain didn’t look. 
“I’ll see you around,” he murmured, fingers stroking her cheek. Elain very gently pulled herself out of his grasp.
“Sure.” Lie, lie, lie. 
And that was it. Elain waited until she heard his bike start up, the bright lights illuminating her bedroom until he pulled out of the drive. Only then did Elain make her way to the shower to clean the smell of Azriel’s masculine cologne off her body.
And forget the whole thing entirely.
[5 years later]:
Elain halted in the vestibule of the church, hands sweating at the sight of the best man. Azriel gazed down at her with cool, hazel eyes. Rehearsal, this was just practice—She didn’t know what to say to him. The last time they’d spoken was the day after their ill-fated night together. He’d asked what she was up to, she’d brushed him off, and that was that. He’d gone back to…whatever it was he did with his free time and Elain forgot all about him. 
Five whole years. Had she thought he’d been a man back then? She might have laughed had she not been so nervous. She felt awkward. There had been other men since Azriel—some much better, some a lot worse—and yet he was the first.
“Elain,” he said by way of greeting. Clearly there was no awkwardness on his end. The smirk on his stunning face annoyed her.
Yeah, yeah, we had sex. So what? 
She lifted her chin in the air. “Azriel.”
“Long time, no see,” he pressed, coming to stand just beside her. She glanced over at the tall, muscular man just beside her. Her heart pounded against her ribs, though that was just anxiety and nothing else. It was ridiculous how attractive he was. High cheekbones, a full, sensual mouth, and those hazel eyes that had always made her weak—set in his warm, golden brown skin. The light reflected off his inky hair, reflecting blue against this strands. He offered her his arm, revealing hands that were truly massive. 
Just my type.
Had she not known what it was like to sleep with him. Elain slid her hand over the crisp material of his suit, and the pair stepped from that linoleum room into the church Nesta would be wed in. No one sat in any of the pews as they passed. This was just practice for tomorrow so everyone knew the whens and wheres.
And most importantly—no one embarrassed Nesta on the most important day of her life. 
The walk seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each step aging Elain by a decade. The familiar, masculine scent of Azriel invaded her senses until she was awash in memories she’d mostly forgotten. 
Add that to the general aura of danger he’d always exuded, and the tattoos peeking from the neckline of his suit, and Elain practically ran to her place on that dias. Cassain was already there, casual in comparison with his best men. When Azriel approached, her soon-to-be brother-in-law winked at his friend, a smile curling over his face. 
It was all forgotten when Nesta stepped in. Dressed in a white, lacy sun dress, Nesta looked stunning.
“Fuck yes, Nes!” Cassian called over the music. 
Nesta threw her hands up in the air. “You better not do that tomorrow!” Her narrowed, blue eyes seemed to gleam silver with warning. Cassian only chuckled.
“If I don’t, I’m gonna cry.”
“I think she’d prefer the crying,” Elain offered as Nesta continued her descent towards Cassian. He only looked at her, shrugging powerful shoulders. Elain was reminded that fundamentally, weddings were boring to everyone but the two people getting married, and her feet ached from the shoes she’d chosen to wear. 
She kept herself from fidgeting. As the maid of honor, she set the example. If Feyre realized Elain was bored, who knew what sort of shenanigans might erupt? Elain was delighted when the whole thing was over and Nesta began splitting them up to drive to the restaurant. Elain and Feyre had come together, and Elain stupidly assumed they’d go back together.
She ought to have known Feyre never missed an opportunity to spend time with Rhysand. 
“Elain can come with me,” Azriel interrupted her smoothly, a hand resting on his stomach. “I didn’t bring the bike.”
“Perfect,” Nesta declared, turning back to Cassian. “Meet there in thirty?”
“In thirty?” Elain gasped. “The restaurant is a block away.”
“Read the room, Archeron,” Azriel murmured, putting a warm hand on her elbow. “They want to be alone. I’ll drive around the city…you can tell me what you’ve been up to since we last saw each other.”
Her heart took off again. Anxiety crept up the back of her neck, burning every inch of her skin. He led her into the warm night, vanishing into shadow for a moment. Elain, like she’d done the last time she’d seen him, kept her eyes on the concrete beneath her feet until Azriel pulled open his car door. 
She slid into the leather interior, drinking in the rich, spicy smell that seemed to permeate everything he owned. Maybe she should have gone with Rhysand and Feyre. Sure, they would have spent the whole time arguing as some form of strange foreplay. Anything was better than the tension between her and Azriel. 
“We could just go early,” Elain tried when he started the ignition. “Order something to eat?”
He didn’t respond to that. Azriel pulled into the hazy night traffic, one hand gripping the wheel, the other resting against his own thigh.
“What have you been up to, Elain?”
Oh God. “Nothing much.”
“No boyfriend?”
She scoffed. “Is that what you wanted to know? All these years—”
“I want another night with you,” he interrupted smoothly. Elain’s stomach splattered at her feet.
“What did you say?”
“A do-over,” Azriel repeated. “To rectify my past mistakes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Elain lied, forcing herself to stare at the oncoming traffic blurring past.
“No? Did you come, Elain?”
She shivered. “Oh, did we have sex once?” she lied, licking her lips. His dark chuckle forced her knees together. Elain wondered if she was trapped in some sort of incredibly vivid hallucination. Surely no one would be so bold. Certainly not the guy who had made her first time so ridiculously disappointing. 
Her words had the opposite effect of humbling him. “If you’ve forgotten, then you didn’t come. Let me settle the score between us.”
“There’s no need,” she insisted, slapping a bright smile on her face. “Seriously. It’s ancient history. I never think about it.”
“You sure know how to make a man feel good about himself. My pride won’t let me forget it.”
“Have you tried therapy?” Elain asked, looking over at him. Mistake! Her brain screamed. Azriel’s eyes were so impossibly dark, that chiseled jaw clenched tight. She clenched her fingers into fists, letting her nails dig into her palm so hard it dragged her back to reality. 
Azriel was determined to keep her in that in-between world. His free hand slid over her knee, warm fingers pressed against the fabric of her dress.
“Is this how you want to make it up to me?” Elain demanded, grabbing his wrist when he began pushing her gown up over her leg. His fingers continued pulling at the fabric, revealing inch after inch of skin. “In your car?”
“In my car…the restaurant…and then in my bed,” he agreed softly. “I want you on my fingers, my face, my tongue and then I’ll have you on my cock…” he trailed off as she released her grip on his wrist, half trembling at his words. 
“Spread your legs, baby,” he murmured, the word more command than plea. “Let me see how wet you are.”
“I’m not,” she said, though her legs seemed to operate outside of her control. They spread obscenely wide. Azriel chuckled, sliding one of his fingers up the seam of her pussy.
“Liar,” he crooned, taking those wet fingers and smearing them over her lips. “Taste yourself, tell me if it's sweet.”
“Azriel,” she whispered, not daring to respond to that. His fingers were back between her legs, stroking everywhere but where she wanted him. Elain might have laughed—all talk, even after all those years apart. She swallowed, deciding she’d count to one hundred, fake her orgasm, and call it a night. She could take a cab home before he realized she was gone.
The light in front of them turned red just in time for Azriel to slide finger over her clit. Elain’s eyes flew open, head jerking to look at him.
He accessed her with a predator's gaze. “Nice try,” he whispered, leaning over the console between them to lick just behind her ear. “You can’t fake it with me.”
“Azriel,” she began, unsure what she’d even say. Pleasure bloomed low in her gut, drawn with each new circle of his lazy finger. Azriel touched her like he had all the time in the world.
“Just like that, baby,” he praised. “I love the way you say my name.”
The light flickered green, though they might have still been stopped for how his hand continued to work. How he was splitting his concentration, Elain couldn’t say.
Didn’t care, so long as he didn’t stop rubbing. She was utterly indecent, legs spread wider to give him better access to her body. He didn’t react at all—didn’t grab her hand and demand she stroke him, didn’t betray he felt any lust at all.
It was strange, but it put her at ease. She could focus on herself without worrying about him or his pleasure. Elain very much wanted to be selfish. She lifted her hips into his touch, rolling in a mimicry of fucking that she couldn’t wholly control. Instinct took over some of her actions, letting pleasure override whatever common sense urged her to stop this.
“You’re making a mess of my seat,” he chuckled, his voice low and rich—dark, like the night around them. He might have been made of ribbons of shadows, might have been fluid for how he moved against her.
“That’s it,” he whispered when she whimpered, her pleasure undeniable. “Come for me, Elain.”
His fingers sped up, moving in tight circles over her clit. Over and over, inescapable as he pushed her closer to the edge. Vaguely, Elain had some awareness that the car had stopped moving, though in truth the only thing she truly knew in that moment was him. His hands, his scent, his presence. 
“You’re such a pretty girl,” Azriel whispered, his face close enough she could smell something distinctly sweet on his breath. “Come all over my hand, Elain. Be my good girl and come for me.”
That did it. Elain arched, hips bowing off the seat as she gripped his arm. Her whole body ignited, fracturing into spools of violet flecked midnight. It was pleasure and it was pain all at once, locking her body as he rode her through it. 
She shoved at his hand when pleasure eroded wholly to pain. Azriel lifted his fingers obscenely to his mouth, sucking them clean with such obvious delight.
“Just like I thought,” he murmured, eyes never leaving her face.
It was jarring to see the fluorescent lights of the restaurant right in front of them. They were ten minutes early. Jesus Christ, but how long has he been fingering her? Forcing her heart to settle, Elain shoved her dress back over her knees.
“Where was that five years ago?” she demanded, wanting to humble him.
He chuckled. “What does any virgin know about pleasuring a woman?” he replied. Elain’s heart stuttered.
Some of his amusement faded into uncertainty. “Yes. You were my first.”
She had to resist running a hand down her face lest she smear her makeup. “You…but I just assumed…”
“I was eighteen,” he replied, so obviously confused. “Why would you assume I wasn’t?”
She gestured at his face helplessly. “You were so…”
“Shy?” he supplied. “Nervous around girls? Yes, I see how you would confuse that with game.”
“Cassian was—”
“Your sister was his first, and I have it on very good authority he was just as embarrassing. I wanted to rectify that night, but you wouldn’t talk to me. I suppose I know why.” He laughed, like the whole thing was funny. Elain wrenched open the car door, unsure how she felt. 
Ashamed, maybe? 
But that wasn’t it. 
“I’m not done with you,” Azriel called when she stepped into the darkness. She slammed the door in his face, shivering all the same.
It was want. Pure, undiluted want that was flooding through her. Elain was grateful when she saw Nesta’s friends Emerie and Gwyn sitting inside when she arrived. She planted herself between Mor and Emerie, facing Gwyn so there was no room for Azriel to sneak himself beside her and continue his torment. If it bothered him, Azriel gave no indication. He holed up at the end of the table, ordering a drink with a smirk that sent the waitress running to fill his order.
Cassian and Rhys weren’t far behind, joining their friend while the rest of the bridal party squeezed together. Elain could almost forget what had happened in the car. Watching Mor flirt with Emerie certainly helped soothe the buzzing between her legs. And the waitress was so shamelessly flirting with Azriel and Rhys that Elain could pretend this was just who Azriel was. He’d gotten to finger her in the car and now he was trying his luck with the waitress, too.
And maybe that was what prompted her to take that first shot of tequila from Mor.
And the second.
And then the third.
Elain didn’t dare do anymore—she was pleasantly tipsy. Any more and she’d be drunk and who knew what she’d do then. Climb into Azriels lap and rub herself against him like a cat in heat was her guess. 
She excused herself for the bathroom, phone in hand. She had the app to Uber open when she pulled open the single stall door, intending to slip out before anyone realized she was gone.
That proved difficult when a large, tattooed hand slammed against the wood. Azriel slipped between the crack, locking the pair of them in with amused eyes.
“Give me your phone,” he murmured, holding out his palm. What was wrong with her? She handed it over, letting him see the app open.
“Going somewhere?” he asked, sliding it into his pocket as he paced towards her. Elain stepped back, until she was pressed against the wall just beside the door. 
“With me,” he reminded her, dragging his lips over her neck. “Or have you forgotten?”
“I think I forgot,” Elain lied. He lifted his head, nose brushing her own. It was a game—one he wanted her to play along. 
“Do you need a reminder?” he asked her, kissing the corner of her mouth. She wanted him to kiss her fully—she remembered how good he’d been at that. Azriel denied her, instead sliding down her body until he was kneeling in front of her.
Elain’s breath caught in her throat. She typically had to beg a man to go down on her. Even when Azriel had said he wanted her to come on his face, she’d chalked that up to the usual male bravado. All men talked a good game—even if they were good with their hands and their cocks, they were typically shitty with their mouths. 
Azriel pushed her dress back up over her hips before reaching for her knee and hauling it up over her shoulder. Elain could barely breathe, watching him press feather soft kisses over her sensitive, aching skin. He never took his eyes off her, watching her every little reaction.
“This, I remember,” he said, staring at her body through the pair of pink lacy panties. He rubbed his nose over the fabric, teasing her until she couldn’t stand it.
Azriel pushed the fabric aside with nimble, clever fingers. “Look at your pretty, perfect pussy,” Azriel murmured when she was bared beneath his gaze.
“I was trying to find something on that shitty menu I wanted to eat,” he continued, eyes laser focused between her legs. “Looks like I found it.”
“Az—” her soft plea choked into a soft, garbled cry when his tongue slicked over her clit without warning or preamble. 
“Spread your legs, baby. Let me look at you,” Azriel ordered, keeping her suspended on one foot. Elain did as he asked, earning a soft swear of appreciation. His tongue slid up the center of her cunt, robbing Elain of all rational thought for the second time that night. 
“I thought I’d lose my mind,” Azriel continued, teasing the tip of his tongue over swollen, sensitive flesh. “I was seconds from crawling under that table.”
Elain arched into his face, raking her hands through his thick, dark hair while his own fingers kneaded the soft flesh of her thighs. It only heightened her pleasure. He’d avoided touching anything but her clit and Elain was desperate to know what it would feel like to be penetrated by him again. 
Her eyes fluttered shut, giving way to that fantasy. She remembered the thick, long appendage hanging between his legs. She’d been so nervous about it back then.
Now she wanted him to split her open with his cock. If he’d flipped her around, told her to grab the edge of the sink, and pushed into her, Elain would have presented her ass gratefully. He didn’t—instead, Azriel plunged his tongue into her wet, tight channel and Elain had to bite back a scream.
“Open your eyes,” he ordered, his dark voice echoing around her. “Don’t let me catch you close them.”
She couldn’t tell him that she’d been fantasizing about him—not when that tongue slid back up her center, taunting and teasing her clit until she was breathless.
“Tell me the truth about something, Elain,” he murmured, pulling his mouth off her again. Thumbs hooked into the lips of her pussy, pulling her open wider for his scorching gaze. “Are you being fucked well? All these years apart…have you been taken care of?”
She whimpered, arching into him in an attempt to get him to lick her again. Azriel only chuckled.
“That’s what I thought. Criminally underfucked.”
Elain yanked at his hair, dragging him back to her pussy with as much force as she could muster. Azriel laughed, so ridiculously handsome the sight merely heightened her pleasure. Still, he didn’t bring his tongue back.
“Tell me what you want,” Azriel whispered, kissing everywhere but where she needed him.
“Please, Azriel,” she pleaded.
“Please what, Elain?”
“Don’t stop,” she whispered, meeting his gaze. Azriel offered her one slow, languid lick before he stopped again. She whimpered, hating how badly she needed this. How every protest she’d made before now was a proven, bald-face lie.
“You want me to lick your pussy until you come?” he teased, replacing his tongue with the pad of his thumb. He rubbed torturously slow circles, the sort that kept the arousal humming between her legs without doing enough to bring her to the edge. That finger teased down her pussy, pressing against her opening without pushing inside. 
Elain wanted him to fuck her so bad she couldn’t think straight.
“Are you going to come all over my tongue?”
“Yes,” she whined, bucking her hips.
He pulled away his thumb, instead plunging two of his fingers into her body without warning or preamble. Elain had to bite down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming. It was enough to convince Azriel to go back to licking, even as he pumped those fingers in and out of her body. It wasn’t enough and yet it was—it was enough to pretend it was his cock in her body, to get the phantom feel of what it would be like to grip him again.
He groaned, rubbing his tongue over her again and again until Elain was trembling, was losing herself to hot,  sparkling darkness. 
“Az, please—”
He sucked his lips around her clit and Elain was gone. She clapped a hand over her mouth to keep the restaurant from knowing what they were doing. Azriel’s fingers curled inside her body, rubbing over more sensitive flesh. There was no reprieve—one vicious orgasm became two. He was feral, hungry and Elain was greedy. She was all too happy to let him take what he wanted, to let him keep her pinned against that wall until she was boneless and sated.
He pulled away when she whimpered, her pleasure edged with pain again.
He was on his feet in a blur, his mouth slanting over her own. “I’m not done with you,” he growled, teeth nipping at her bottom lip in order to gain entrance to her mouth. Elain whined at the taste of her arousal on his tongue, the musky sweetness of it invading her senses.
“It’s too much,” she panted, positive there was no way she’d be able to come again.
Azriel’s hand closed around her neck, tilting her head as he squeezed gently. “You’ll take what I give you.”
Elain nodded her head up and down. What else could she say? She wanted him—and he knew it. There was no use pretending, no sense in denying whatever was happening between them. His fingers tightened ever so slightly in direct opposition to the sweet kiss he pressed against her mouth.
“You’re my good girl, aren’t you Elain?”
“Yes,” she panted, sliding her hands up his chest. “Let me prove it.”
She tried to slip to her knees, but Azriel held her by the neck, eyes flashing. “Don’t tempt me,” he warned. 
“I want to taste you,” she whispered. Azriel lowered his face, sliding his nose against her own.
“If you put your lips around my cock, I’ll fuck you against the bathroom stall.”
“I don’t see how—”
“I want to fuck you in my bed,” he continued, ignoring her words entirely. “Over, and over, and over,” he added, punctuating each word with a sensual, bruising kiss. Elain was practically dripping down her thighs and she suspected he knew it. 
“Now be my good girl and go back out there like I didn’t just eat your pussy within an inch of your life,” he ordered, caressing her cheek. “And when it’s time to leave, you’ll let me drive you home. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” she breathed.
Azriel smiled.
Walking back to the table was hell, though. Elain was certain everyone would know. They’d take one look at her and recognize what happened. She supposed that was the magic of alcohol. Everyone was too drunk and wrapped up in their own world to notice her. 
Her chair had been commandeered by Mor, and Cassian and Nesta had rearranged themselves so Elain found herself exactly where she’d once hoped to avoid.
Beside Azriel. 
He slid beside her after waiting an appropriate amount of time—perhaps thinking the same thing she had. No one noticed his return, laughing and talking over the televisions blaring and the other patrons.
Azriel reclined in his chair, reaching for his half finished beer. Elain waved away the server when she offered Elain something stronger than water. She wouldn’t risk going numb just for the sake of her friends.
Scooting her chair as close to the table as she dared, she watched Rhys pull out a deck of cards. 
“Deal me in,” she agreed, smiling at a doe-eyed Feyre. Azriel, too, nodded as he pulled out his wallet.
“Is it that kind of night?” Cassian asked, scooting closer as he drew out his own money. Nesta merely clicked her teeth, warning him not to lose too much, which earned laughter from both Rhys and Azriel. 
Elain had no interest in playing, even when Azriel politely offered her up a twenty dollar bill. 
“Thank you,” she murmured, because the table would expect her to. She put her hand on his knee and squeezed, noting how stiff he went. She wasn’t allowed to suck him? Fine. She accepted that might be too much for him—but surely she could tease him through his pants.
Elain was too pleased to find him bruisingly erect. Azriel’s face was impassive, eyes locked on his cards. He gave nothing away, though he did lean his elbows onto the table, concealing her hand further. Elain rubbed the heel of her hand against him, pleased with how he jumped towards her hand.
Not so unaffected after all. Elain folded her hand, unaware of what cards she even held. It wasn’t her money—and she didn’t care if she won or if she lost so long as he didn’t move.
“Read and weep, boys,” Azriel murmured, the utter smug bastard. Rhys and Cassian rolled their eyes, while Elain handed over her money.
“Keep it,” Azriel told her. “Play another round.”
One round turned to three, turned to five. Elain kept her up with her steady, slow teasing while Azriel continued to clean out his friends. He didn’t betray what was happening beneath the table and Elain might have thought he was unbothered had she not felt how his cock pressed against his pants. 
It was Nesta who ended the night, declaring herself exhausted. Elain removed her hand, confirmed the details for tomorrow, and then just as she’d said she would, agreed to let Azriel drive her home.
She wondered how he’d managed to conceal his cock as they walked, his hand gentle against the small of her back as she guided her towards his car. Anyone might have thought him a gentleman ensuring Elain remained steady on her feet.
She wasn’t half as drunk as the stumbling, laughing Mor. Elain was perfectly fine up until Azriel got into his car, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and began kissing her like he needed her mouth to breathe.
“Clever little thing,” he moaned, sliding his tongue between her teeth. “Trying to make me come in my pants.”
“Could you have?” she wondered, grasping either side of his face to kiss him back.
More, she needed more—
“Yes,” he groaned, hips bucking against nothing. “You were driving me to madness.”
“No one could tell,” she informed him, disappointed when he released her to start his car. Azriel glanced over at her.
“Are you worried your friends will find out?”
She shrugged. “I don’t want to distract from Nesta’s wedding.”
He nodded. “And after Nesta’s wedding?”
Elain scoffed. “Are you asking me out?”
It was Azriel’s turn to shrug, uncertainty sliding over him like a cloak. How could he have his hand around her neck one minute and then next seem so nervous over asking her out? 
“What if I was?”
“I guess it would depend on how tonight goes?”
Azriel grinned. “Start thinking about wedding venues, then, Elain.”
Her jaw dropped. “You—”
“I’m not eighteen anymore,” was his smooth, irritating reply. Elain was tempted to tell him she didn’t want to sleep with him now. That he was far too cocky for her liking—as if that were true. Crossing her arms over her chest, Elain let the pair of them fall into silence. Whatever Azriel thought of eluded her, though she wondered if he wasn’t doing the same thing she was.
Comparing her to all his past lovers. Elain hadn’t had many, and truly none were worth thinking about other than her longest boyfriend.
They’d dated for three years in college, breaking up just in time to graduate. How he’d wrecked her heart with his declaration that despite everything he’d said to the contrary, he actually did not want to get married.
A lie, given the last time she’d peeked at his instagram, he was engaged to some pretty, tan blonde. What a slap in the face, although, in retrospect, maybe it was for  She’d thought Graysen was as good as it would ever get. It almost made her laugh.
There was still time for Azriel to disappoint her. She thought about it the entire walk into his building. He slid his fingers between her own, holding her hand as they stepped into the elevator, and then his apartment. 
Clean, dark, masculine. It was exactly what Elain expected. Her heels clipped over the hardwood, her arm draped over his shoulder as he led her into his large, neat bedroom. The sound of the closed door was loud.
They faced each other, waiting for the other to speak. What could she say? 
Don’t fuck this up?
That old crush was back in full force. Tall, dark, handsome Azriel was looking down at her with those beautiful, hazel eyes. She had the benefit of knowing what it felt like to come at his whim, at least. Even if the sex was disappointing, Elain could replaced that first memory with the car and the bathroom.
The score between them was settled, whether he agreed or not. 
She went to him, kicking off her heels as she did. He caught her around the middle, holding her against his chest as she kissed him. There was an unhurried quality to the way his mouth moved against her own—like they had nothing but time. That wasn’t quite true. Elain needed to be at the hotel her sister would be staying by six am if she wanted to help Nesta get ready.
Elain slid her fingers up his chest, finding the buttons of his shirt. Azriel didn’t seem to realize she was undoing them until she pulled the rest of the fabric out of his pants. He groaned when her nails raked lightly down his bare skin, prompting him to shuck off his tie, his jacket, his shirt. 
She was already undoing his belt. She just wanted to see him like he’d been looking at her. 
“Elain,” he moaned when the belt clattered to the floor. She pushed, knocking him against the door. Pressing a sucking kiss against the hollow of his throat, she licked down the length of his body until it was her turn to kneel between his parted thighs. She undid the clasp of his pants with her teeth, just to show off a little.
“Who taught you that little trick?” he demanded, raking his fingers through her hair. 
“Jealous?” she taunted, yanking his pants and his briefs over his hips.
“Burning with it, baby.”
She shook her head. He was so ridiculous—so lovely and stupid all at once. Elain licked the underside of his cock, drawing a ragged moan from his throat. It was Azriel’s term to tremble, to be made boneless and needy beneath her touch. There was something erotic about having the powerful man over her need her the way she needed him. 
She was tempted to ask him if he was going to be good for her, too. She suspected if she took it too far, he’d drag her to the bed by her hair…and she’d like it far too much to put up any sort of fight.
“Baby, let me take you to the bed—-” his words choked into another moan. Elain licked the precum from the slit of his cock, swirling theatrically. Azriel stroked his fingers through her hair, rubbing at her scalp as he panted. He was loud, here. Loud and desperate and so utterly sexy she had her thighs pressed together in an effort to alleviate some of the arousal she couldn’t get rid of.
Elain took his cock into her mouth, unable to manage more than half of him before she began gagging. 
“Just like that, Elain,” he praised, hips thrusting ever so slightly. “Look at how pretty you are choking on my cock.”
It was her turn to moan. Dirty talk was so often cringy and embarrassing—but when Azriel said it, Elain was reduced to nothing but a wet mess. 
Azriel held her face in his broad hands, carefully fucking her throat with his cock. Ropes of saliva pulled with each sucking pass, and though she’d meant to be the one in charge, somehow Azriel had wrangled control of the situation.
“Fuck, Elain, your pretty mouth…” 
She hummed her approval, earning another loud groan for her effort. If he wasn’t going to make her bob her head up and down, the least she could do was suck and lick as much of his hard, swollen skin she could get into her throat. 
He pulled himself out of her with what she swore was a whimper. “I’ll come in that pussy the first time or not at all,” he panted, hauling her up by her elbows. Azriel kicked out of his pants and shoes, tugging her dress until she heard the fabric tear. He didn’t care that she had nothing to wear out of his place, not as she reached around for the zipper he’d neglected and pulled it down.
“Asshole,” she whispered. Azriel pushed her to the bed.
“You like it,” he replied, chasing after her up his neatly made bed. Elain was the one who removed her bra, unwilling to risk the expensive piece of clothing on his demanding hands. 
“Fuck me,” he whispered, drinking in the sight of her. Azriel reached for the bedside table and flipped on a lamp, bathing her in hazy, warm light. “Look at how fucking gorgeous you are.”
She spread her legs wide enough to let him sit between them, his gaze a brand against her naked skin. Unclothed, Elain could see nearly every inch of him was covered in dark ink. One day she’d sit him down and make her tell him the story behind each one—though she suspected she’d hear I liked it, more often than she got some cute, well-thought out memory. 
Azriel’s calloused hands covered her breasts, lips parted in absurd awe. 
“Stop it,” Elain demanded, slightly embarrassed. He tugged at her nipples, drawing a gasp for his trouble.
“I won’t,” he told her, petulant even as he rubbed his cock over her stomach. “I’ve never seen anyone half as beautiful.”
“We’ve had sex before,” she reminded him, using her own hand to grip him as he rubbed against her. Azriel’s eyes rolled into his head.
“Then you understand my desperation to have you again.”
“It was one night,” she whispered.
Explain this to me.
Azriel held her gaze before lowering his mouth to her aching, peaked nipples. “Maybe for you. Not for me. I can’t risk you leaving me again.”
“I don’t think I’ll get another chance,” he added, licking her skin. Elain arched into him, just as desperate. She felt wild, out of control. All she knew was if he stopped touching her, she’d fracture into thousands of splintering pieces.
They’d never put her together again. Some little part of her would always be hidden beneath his bed or tucked against his breast pocket.
Elain raked her fingers through his thick, dark hair while Azriel took his time sucking and nipping at her breasts. 
“Azriel,” she whined, rubbing her hips against the thigh he had lodged between her legs.
“I know baby,” he whispered, breath hot against her wet skin. “I feel it, too.”
She was trying so hard to get him to slide himself into her. Azriel’s iron control seemed to snap when she dragged her dripping wet pussy over the bare skin of his thigh. He pressed his forehead between her breasts, arranging himself so his cock slicked through her. Elain moaned, gripping his forearms tightly.
“Azriel, please,” she begged. 
He pushed himself in and in and in, robbing Elain of what little breath was left in her lungs. The stretch of him was exquisite, filling her until there was no space left—only Azriel. He held himself over her, watching her adjust to accommodate the sheer size of him. 
“That’s it,” he praised, careful not to crush her beneath the weight of his body as he kissed. “You take my cock so well.”
Elain dragged her nails down his back. “More,” she panted, pleading for him to give her everything.
Azriel rolled his hips, gripping her waist to hold her steady. Elain locked her legs around him, arching with each new thrust so he could drive himself into her deeper. It was what she wanted, to feel him so completely the memory of him lingered for days afterwards. 
His soft, slow strokes quickly yielded to near vengeful, furious thrusts. 
“This is what you want, isn’t it?” he moaned, pulling at her hair to arch her neck upwards. His teeth scraped the sensitive skin, lips sucking near bruising kisses. Elain whined in response, taking everything he gave her, just like he’d said she would. 
It was almost enough—but not quite. Sweat dripped from Azriel as he worked, pulling as much pleasure out of her with his cock as he could. He held her gaze, watching each breathless moan, each drag of her nails against his skin.
And when he realized she needed more, he slid his hand between their bodies and began rubbing at her swollen clit. Elain couldn’t help the series of moans that escaped her, each louder than the last. Azriel drew up on his knees, hosting her legs over his shoulder so he could fuck her while rubbing unimpeded. 
“That’s it,” he managed, unaware of how close she was. “Come on my cock, baby. Let me feel how bad you need me.”
She clenched around him, his fingers rubbing tighter and tighter circles. It was too much. She’d never come so hard or so often in her life—and this was no expectation. Elain screamed, convulsing around him. Feel planted against his chest, he held her in his hands while she bowed and bucked, trying to both get closer and escape the onslaught of pleasure.
Azriel whined, his own hips erratic. A flop of dark hair shielded his eyes like shadows, hiding the moment he, too, came. He was no quieter, erupting like some long forgotten, dark god. Elain swore she came again at the sight alone. He was so stunningly beautiful.
For a moment, neither of them spoke. Azriel struggled to catch his breath, falling over her to clutch her against him. Elain didn’t dare move, still coming down. 
“I think you managed it,” she whispered, kissing his cheek. 
“Oh? Is this redemption, then?” he half teased. The look in his eyes told her he was still nervous. Elain smoothed his hair from his forehead.
“If you want it,” she agreed solemnly. 
“I do,” he whispered, lips against her jaw. “I want it so bad, Elain.”
“Ask me out, then,” she murmured, holding his gaze.
“Let me take you out tomorrow…and the next night…and the next night,” he added, some of his smugness returning.
She flicked his cheek.
But Elain agreed all the same.
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wormdolls · 2 months
I found an old story in my Google Docs from last year that I actually enjoyed re-reading. I might rewrite it one day but as of right now I'm not doing anything with it, so I figured I might as well post it here. I hope y'all enjoy!
I used to bite my nails.
Usually when I say this, people start to reassure me that they do so as well, and that it’s not anything to be ashamed of. What they don’t realise is this: when I say I used to bite them, what I really mean is I used to chew them down into pink stubs, tearing right into the quick, and nibble at the skin around them too. Frankly it’s incredible I didn’t get an infection from that old habit, but my fingers were always red and sore, with a tendency to bleed. But I kept biting. Whenever I was nervous, or agitated, or even just a little absentminded, my teeth would find my fingers and bite them until I physically couldn’t anymore. Then I would feel stupid and insecure for having such a shameful habit.
I used to joke about it, too. Whenever my more fashionable friends commented on their own nail polish, I would feel the need to bring up those little warped gravestones on my fingertips, as if by drawing attention to them they would become less of a burning point of inadequacy for me. I’d go even further and say I took pride in that rather ruinous part of my personality.
One day things changed—or more accurately, I forced the change upon myself. I went out and bought myself a tiny little bottle of black nail polish. That set me on a vague path to recovery, forcing me to consider whether it was worth wasting nail polish just for that momentary relief. It wasn’t an overnight change by any means, and I definitely chewed off more coats than I care to admit (and accidentally consumed more polish than can possibly be good for someone) but it gave my poor hands a chance to heal and made my nails much easier to look at in the process.
Months went by and my nails were now at a decent length for the first time in my life. It may sound trivial to some, but I felt good flaunting my progress, and they looked even better. I had even graduated to various other colours. It feels ironic that on the morning that changed I was painting them black once again. I was just finishing my pinkie finger when my phone rang, almost scaring me into smudging them. I answered knowing full well it would be my mum—nobody else would call when a single text would suffice. Sure enough, I heard the sour notes of her voice greet me. She sounded upset, and since I was unclear on whether I was the cause, I decided to treat her as one treats a landmine.
“Hi, mum.” My voice rose a few notes and I winced, blowing absently on my nails to dry them. “Is something up?”
“I’m just wondering,” I flinched at the accusatory tone—so I was the cause after all, though I’d be lying if I said I knew what I’d actually done, “Why exactly have you been lying to me.”
“Lying about what?” I said, but my mouth was dry and my chest was starting to fill with fear. I began to raise my hand to my mouth.
“Lying about your boyfriend. Or do you not remember? Come clean, Alice, I know you’ve not really been seeing him.”
“No mum,” I mumbled through my fingers, “I told you I stopped.”
I heard her irritable sigh through the phone and felt my ribs tighten. Mum always had liked my boyfriend much better than I had, enough that when we broke up she refused to listen to my reasons and instead insisted we still see each other. I may have told her, aeons ago, that Maybe We’d Try It Out Again, but I certainly hadn’t told her I was seeing him nowadays. She continued to sink her talons of disappointment into my brain with her next words.
“I don’t know why you didn’t stay with him. He was the best you’re ever going to get.” These words made my sore eyes overflow, and I started to sniffle. I don’t remember the rest of that dismal conversation. In all honesty I was just trying to get off the phone as fast as I could, but what I do remember is that when I did put the phone down, I realised that my hand was now free of polish and that my fingertips looked red and wet with spit. I almost howled in outrage—it was just like that woman to take my one good accomplishment and turn it against me.
In the next few weeks, I tried everything to set myself back to rights, but it was all for nought. As my mother’s words played on repeat in my head, my mood sank lower and lower, and my nails seemed to get shorter and shorter. My fingertips started bleeding again. I stopped wanting to show them off.
It all culminated in one particular night. It was raining outside and instead of being out with friends, I was just staring at the wall of my bedroom and biting relentlessly on what remained of my fingers. I could feel the warmth of blood trickling down my hand as I tore into my flesh but I couldn’t stop. My face was numb. Everything was numb, all sensation centred on my hands, as I ripped into them like a starved animal. My breathing sounded weird. My eyes were tearing up. The sensations intensified and I started to pant, sweat dripping down my face. And then…I wrapped my hands around the first bottle of nail polish I could find, and stared at it hatefully. If I hadn’t started painting my nails, I wouldn’t have had the fragile illusion of recovery, and I wouldn’t be stuck in this rut now, feeling so weak and helpless and…and…
I don’t allow myself to be around my nail polish anymore. I scrubbed for weeks, but the neon green is never coming out of that wallpaper. I don’t really care anymore though. My fingers are worse than ever and I’m pretty sure one of them is swelling up, but I don’t care about that either.
I just can’t stop biting my nails.
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Like You, Like Me (Steddie Halloween)
I am swamped by writing and drawing challenges, but in honor of October starting I just have to share this Halloween ficlet because this is all my brain can produce nowadays. I am this close to writing this as a fanfic. Hell, I probably will. Bye, free time.
The kids want Steve and Eddie to throw a Halloween party in their home (yes, they've moved together and Steve finally escapes his parents AND the wallpaper), he goes completely overboard with preparations and ropes Eddie into it. Eddie grumbles a lot about "needy and spoiled shitheads", but hanging those stupid paper decorations apparently comes with music choice privileges, so he also gets pretty immersed in it. They're about the same height, but it gives Eddie the ammo he needed to claim he's the taller one since Steve obviously can't hang them on his own. Steve slaps him with a carton witch. 
They cut out the weirdest decoration shapes ("That's not a bat, Eddie!" "It is if you squint hard enough. Maybe a demobat?" "I don't want those things anywhere near you or me in the nearest millennium, Munson"). 
They attempt to bake some cookie and muffins because they know everyone will start whining about being hungry in 2 hours tops and the mountain of food they bought will disappear before one can say "Dustybun". The neglected rich kid and the trailer trash kid join hands in the best effort to do...something. Eddie pours all his restless energy into mixing the batter (he keeps muttering "die, you floaty fucker!" to the stubborn blob of flour that refuses to dissolve while drops of batter splash everywhere around and Steve yells "DUDE, NOT IN THE HAIR!"). 
They teenage-proof their flat, because there will be pumpkin carving and there is likely to be a) mess, b) teenagers with knives, thank god Robin, Nancy and Jonathan are coming over as well. 5 adults supervising 6 kids should hopefully be enough. Probably not. Eddie remarks he wouldn't trust the little Wheeler with tweezers, not to mention a knife, and Steve just sighs "don't I know it." 
They get so caught up in the preparations that it's the day of the party and they don't have costumes. Steve just wants to have everyone to have a good time, so of course he doesn't think about himself. Eddie just follows his lead because it's so nice to see Steve passionate about something. But when Dustin arrives 30 minutes early (in a costume that does his curly hair and happy smile justice, he excitedly explains to Steve that he's Bilbo from the Hobbit, he might be too young and his feet are freezing, but who cares, he looks awesome!), he seems a bit disappointed that they didn't prepare any costumes. And Steve's face drops very slightly, but Eddie can notice because he knows how important Dustin's approval is to Steve. He leaves Dustin in charge (of nothing significant, it's just to keep him occupied) and drags Steve off to their bedroom. He whispers to Dustin to make a quick phone call to Lucas. 
When the rest of the guests arrive, they are greeted with a beautifully decorated flat, delicious food and...this. This being Steve dressed in Eddie's clothes, all torn jeans (maybe a bit too tight on him and Eddie will explore that thought later in the evening), a band t-shirt, rings and Eddie's battle vest, his hair styled to be a bit more wavy. Eddie's unruly curls are combed down for once, into a very preppy ponytail. He is wearing Steve's polo and jeans and somehow he even got a marker to imitate his boyfriend's moles. And before anyone can remark that's a very lazy costume idea, Eddie greets them in the doorway. 
"Welcome to the Harrington-Munson household and vice versa! Lucas, do you have what I asked for?" 
Lucas gives him a weird look, but tosses him the basketball he brought. "Yeah, man. I don't get why, but there you go." 
"Wonderful" purrs Eddie and grabs the ball, slotting it against his side. "Now I'm the perfect Steve Harrington. With the perfect hair, this perfectly ironed polo shirt. I am very ready to bounce this ball against the ground as one does when playing the basket game and score a basket. Unfortunately," he adds and puts hands on his hips, perfectly mimicking Steve's I'm your mom posture, "I must have misplaced my high school shorts somewhere, which is a damn shame, I tell you MUNSON." 
Steve just snickers and fidgets with the rings. "Oh shut up, Harrington, order is for fools, an intelligent person can handle chaos." Eddie is pretty sure he had an easier way to say this, but Steve paraphrases and Nancy snorts in laughter when Steve pretends to pick a strand of hair from his mouth. "Now move along with your laundry basket game friend. I'm deep in conversation with Dustin here about the board game I totally know so much about. He has been telling me about a palettin-"
"-that has been so heroic in our most recent play session-"
"-that I just have to say he's very metal, man. Did he bite anything, Dustin?" 
Dustin's brow furrows. "Um. I guess his mount bit an enemy that was trying to sneak past us, but-" 
Steve waves him off. "Yeah, so his mighty steed-" he pronounces very stiffly and Max thunks her head into the door, "is very Ozzy, I tell you. You wouldn't get it Steve. He's in a really cool band, Ozzy is. He's the real music." 
Eddie has hard time keeping straight face and Lucas nudges him. "Okay, we get it. Let us in. And if you want to copy Steve's mother vibe, you should frown more." 
"HEY! I smile! I mean. Harrington does," interjects Steve. 
Max slings her arm around Lucas's waist. "You should also call us shitheads. That's his chosen term of endearment." 
Eddie manages to scrunch his eyebrows together, but the grin doesn't go away. "Oh yeah, thanks for that, little shithead, very helpful. Care to help Eddie be a bit more Eddie too since he's too caught up in trying to remember the name Black Sabbath - I swear to god, love, it's literally on the poster over our bed! - to act like himself." 
"You should jump on furniture!" Mike points out and the rest of the kids nod in agreement. "Eddie does that a lot." 
"Is that the main thing you notice about me?! I mean, him?" Eddie asks, bewildered. "Okay, you know what, I don't care. In you go, shitheads. And the rest," he nods at their adult friends. When he's ushered them all inside, he closes the door and beams at Steve, pecking him on the lips. "I like you in my clothes."
Steve laughs and returns the kiss. "You're just saying that because I mentioned Ozzy. I do remember Black Sabbath, by the way. Let's go, Harrington, we have guests to entertain." 
And so they do.
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Steve Loves Robin, Pre Capital P
When Steve works at Scoops Ahoy, he asks out damn near every girl who walks into the place. 
He asks out the girls who just graduated alongside him, the girls who are a year older than him, the girls who are old enough to never have gone to school with him and not remember King Steve or his quick and shameful fall from grace. 
Every single one of them says no. They all know they’re too good for him, a lowlife with a dead-end job who once ruled Hawkins High. 
Robin draws tally after tally on the “you suck” side of the whiteboard and Steve can’t help but feel that she’s more right than she knows. 
Steve’s confession of love to Robin is in an unglamorous, unromantic public bathroom after they’ve both vomited the drugs mostly out of their system. After they’ve been tortured together. After Steve realizes that Robin is the type of person who will stay behind and hold the door with Steve to allow two kids she hardly knows the chance to escape.
She’s the type of girl to laugh while tied to a chair in a torture chamber. The type of girl to spit in a Russian soldier’s face. The type of girl to give up information, not because she’s being threatened, but because Steve is.
She tries to protect Steve.
No one ever tries to protect Steve. Steve is the shield. He’s the one who puts himself between Nancy and the demogorgon, between Lucas and Billy, between Dustin and the demodogs. 
It feels weird to be the one being protected for once. 
It feels almost like being loved. 
At least he thinks so. What would Steve know about love? His parents have never loved him, Nancy never loved him, certainly none of the girls he’s dated have ever loved him. The kids like him, like how he drives them places, like the free ice cream he gives them and how he lets them sneak through the back into the movie theater. 
But Steve thinks Robin — brave, sarcastic, beautiful Robin — might love him. 
Someday. Maybe. If he’s good enough. 
She turns him down. Of course she does. But it’s actually kind of nice, knowing it’s not about him. Robin doesn’t like him because Robin likes girls and Steve isn’t a girl. Not because Steve is too cool or not cool enough, because he’s stupid, because he’s fake, because he’s bullshit. 
Robin says she likes him. 
She doesn’t mean it that way, but she doesn’t have to. 
Robin Buckley, one of the best people Steve has ever met, likes him. 
He’s never letting her go.
Three nights after Starcourt, Robin shows up at Steve’s front door at two in the morning. 
“I can’t sleep,” she says. 
Steve doesn’t think he’s slept since 1983. 
He invites Robin in and leads her up to his room, where she hesitates by the bed. 
I have a girl in my room, says the part of Steve’s brain that’s used to registering these things. She’s only in her pajamas, ratty shorts and a t-shirt so big it falls off one shoulder, revealing freckled collarbones. She looks so pretty, and part of Steve still wants to kiss her, wants to belong to this girl who followed him into hell and held his hand when he was scared. 
But she looks nervous, watching Steve like she isn’t quite sure she trusts him. Like after all they’ve been through — after Russians and monsters from another dimension — what scares her is being a girl, wanted by a boy. 
Steve wrenches his eyes away from her. “I can sleep on the floor.”
This is going to hurt like hell. Steve’s head hasn’t stopped hurting for a single second, no matter how many painkillers he’s taken, and he’s pretty sure his broken ribs won’t do well on the hard ground. 
But he’ll do anything to keep her from being scared. He’ll do anything to keep her here. To not have to be alone.
Robin’s shoulders drop a little with relief, but she still says “I didn’t come to your house to kick you out of your own bed.”
Steve watches from the corner of his eyes as she climbs into his bed, under the covers on the side he never uses. 
It was Nancy’s side, once upon a time. 
“C’mon, Dingus,” Robin says, chin tilted a little like she’s trying to be brave. “I trust you to be a gentleman.”
He climbs into bed carefully, staying a foot away from her, not crossing any lines. He can hear her breathing in the dark, steady and even, and it’s enough to lull him to sleep. 
When he wakes in the morning, he’s wrapped around her. Her head is on his shoulder and she looks peaceful. The sun is up, and Steve can’t remember the last time he slept for so many hours in a row. 
Steve makes extra sure his hands haven’t come to rest anywhere Robin wouldn’t want him touching. He needs to keep her, this girl who teases him and trusts him and helps him sleep through the night. 
Robin sleeps over every night after that.
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weirdcat1213 · 11 months
trimax volume 4 thoughts here we go oh boi oh boi :D
chap 1:
-hospital yuri you are so important to me you have no idea
-....countdown to what
-I LOVE THAT SCENE LMAO, boyfriend taking care of his boyfriend
-...why are the tomorrows appearing this early
-yey :D earth here we go
-whos giving vash that stupid tie i love him
-also aw :3 they are both creppy as hell :3 bros
-"i cried all day" ME MEMEMEMEMEME
chap 2:
-yeah bro kill them with the power of music >:D
-pure evil you say....interesting...
-he has vash's smile what if jumped off the plane
-oh hes crazy i like it
-ok but...why does he have to be so cool....god damnit
-glad you have it clear
-knives wins again the idgaf war lmaoooo
-thats what you get for bringing musical instruments to a knife fight
-hey if you can keep secrets from vash i think its fair he keeps some stuff for himself too
-ah...yeah....i forgot about that.....why are you like this....
-i love the girls so much
chap 3:
-lmao they were just in the hospital
-hey arent those the gloves she uses in stampede-
-wolfwood what if you shut up. like yeah you're right but. shut up. pls
-"thats the tough part" yeah cuz they may not know everything but they KNOW YOU and that's everything for a lonely man such as yourself huh
-yooooo thats so interesting cuz imagine sealing your life like that and regretting all the killing and suffering you caused, sadly they have to pay for what they chose. nice karma if you ask me. and to make it even better nai (aka the mf with the god complex) is the one with the higher power to seal lives like that
-wait so like a swarm of bugs took meryl? this is one of the confusing volumes for me so help me here
chap 4:
-yeah exactly gauntlet, just kill the people responsible instead of by proxy, nice nice
-ah shit hes so mad
-and there he fucking goes out of the window, go get her my mna
-zazie pls dont say that...dont say that
-i love that the gun ho guns KNOW how to upset vash: by challenging him in a place full of people :D like this man has made his weakness so obvious yet he has survived so far
-"... no :]" i love her sm
-i like that she didnt have to prove herself (that's just sexist) BUT i would have liked my milly vs wolfwood combat
-oh that looks gorgeous actually
and....i remembered where are we going now :)
chap 5:
-you are a bullet you say? you mean it? (mcr reference I'm sorry)
-sadly, he kinda is
-i love him and his "coins? dont be silly I'm here for my friend" attitude
-hmmm i wonder why he gets the impression vash is enjoying the fight, is it because of his quick draw?
-yey context for meryl :D
chap 6:
-nooooo :c he looks so young and little
-hold up hes right whats with that face lmao
-:c aw here we go
-and heres with the tone changes and DEAR GOD I'm sad now
-...gates you say.....-
-wolfwood nooooooooooooooooooooo i remember i was so worried about this
chap 7:
-well that panel fucking hurts
-yeah you go babygirl >:3 get revenge
-also i deadass forgot vash wanted to kill him like holy fuck we should talk more about that. he really has more rage on him than any other version *so far*
-i get why but omg why, just why
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cellard0ors · 1 year
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Where Eliza gets off to, Travis could really care less about.
His concern now is keeping Laura safe, and while his mind is still a reeling, complicated mess, he takes her hand in his and looks for shelter.
He feels both drunk and hungover, the way everything in his brain is sloshing around:
Laura and himself playing pretend pirates.
Laura and himself eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Laura kissing him - kissing him so well after days and days of deliriously good practice.
She's everywhere. She's in everything. She brings color to his past, to his life. Jesus Christ, how could he have forgotten her?
There's been a hole inside him for so long and now it's full - overflowing, bursting with her. With love for her and as they take refuge behind a large clump of trees, Silas's howls ringing out again, Travis turns to her, "Laura, Laura I'm so sorry. Fuck, all that stupid shit I said-!"
"It's okay." Her voice is warbling with emotion as she runs her fingers through his hair, tucking a few strands behind one ear, "You didn't mean it."
"No." He grumbles and he takes that same hand, kissing it tenderly, "No, I did. Don't make excuses for me. I was a fucking idiot. But I'll make it up to you. I swear to God, I will."
Silas howls again and Travis curses, pulling her closer as if to shelter her, "Once we get ourselves out of this mess. Any ideas?"
"You're asking me?!"
"Yeah." Travis deadpans, "You're the smart one."
Laura's smile wiggles some, overcome with emotion as she is, "You really do remember..."
She looks at his mouth and dear fucking God, does he want to kiss her, but, "Gotta wait, sweetheart. You kiss me now, I'm not going to stop. And while there's no other way I'd like to die..."
Laura draws in a loud breath and nods, directing her gaze back up to his eyes, "Okay. You're right."
Looking around the copse of trees they're hiding behind, Laura turns to Travis, "Alright, you said this site disappeared after the fire?"
Travis nods, "The fire happened at night. Next day we started the clean up - firetruck crew, garbage men, cops - the whole lot. We cleaned out some debris, a few bodies - but the day after," he shakes his head, "It was all gone."
"Hmm, no doubt Eliza shrouded it after that, because she not only came fully into her incorporeal form, but because she wanted to protect her body."
"That sounds plausible." Travis agrees, "We weren't finished in just one day - there was a lot left behind. We thought we had plenty of time. When none of us could find it..."
He lets out an aggravated snarl, "Let's just say red tape in a small town is both looser and stickier than you'd think. Mayor wanted it all tied up quick - found the whole thing an embarrassment - was worried it'd reflect poorly on his reelection."
Travis actually spits to one side, "After the curse hit my family, we looked for it too. But no luck. Yet here we are..."
Laura swishes her mouth from side to side in thought, "Well, it's been a long time, but looking around now, I seem to recall the contortionist's stage being over there and the cotton candy stand over there...so that would put Silas's cage and Eliza's caravan..."
She peeks around the trees once more before motioning to Travis that he should follow her. They stick low to the ground, picking carefully through the underbrush around them so as to make little to no noise.
They reach a burned out area of trees, small signs of life returning to the scorched wood in the form of green moss.
There's a loud, shuffling to one side of them and Laura grabs one of Travis's arms, tugging on it tightly so that he'll move with her behind some boulders.
They do so and only seconds later, Silas darts by, his nose raised and sniffing loudly. The two hold their breath as the werewolf prowls around the spot they were just standing.
Neither of them can say why luck has chosen to smile upon them for once, as Silas can't seem to pinpoint their exact location. Grunting and growling as he bounds off into the distance, away from them.
With the danger passed (for now) the two practically collapse in on one another. Laura gasps 'That was close' even as Travis looks at her and says softly, "You haven't changed."
Laura blinks at him, confused, until he looks down, his voice bitter, "You're just as beautiful as you were the last time I saw you. Just as young..."
"A-actually, I'm twenty two now..." She offers this as if it will help, but he merely snorts even as she tacks on, "In a manner of speaking..."
Laura shrugs, "Magic. She kept Silas and I young. Better that way - easier to keep us in her control. It's not the kind of spell someone can use on themselves though, so-?"
Another shrug, "She aged. It's probably why she forgot she'd been here before. It's why I sent you the tickets..."
"You found out I was the sheriff." Travis sighs and rubs at his face, guilt hitting him like a freight train, "You thought I'd come and save you. Save both of you."
One last helpless shrug and he lets out a sour laugh, "Here I was earlier, blaming you - when this really is all my fucking fault."
"No, Travis-!"
"If I'd have just fucking gone that night, none of this would have happened. I've thought that before, long before tonight," He laughs again, sadder this time, "At least now I know for sure it's true."
Laura looks like she wants to object again, but Travis isn't done as he looks at her, takes in her lovely face, "Look at you...still so young, still so beautiful...and here I am..."
He shakes his head ruefully, looking away from her, and she finally gets her chance to speak, "You have nothing to apologize for, Travis. You grew up. That's all."
"You can admit it: I grew old." Travis stresses, looking back at her, "Old and nasty - twisted. You don't even know the promises I broke, the ones I made to you-!"
"Hey!" Laura cuts him off sternly, takes his face in her hands so he'll look directly at her, "You didn't know you were breaking anything. Okay? I took your memories from you...I-I thought it would be easier. That you'd be fine without me...happy even..."
She runs her thumbs over his cheekbones and he leans into the touch as she whispers, "I hurt you first, Travis. So...it's okay. And-and I know you just got your memories back, but...nothing's changed for me. I still lov-!"
Silas howls again and there's the sound of him thrashing through the forest in the distance. He's not close to them, far from it, but the sounds remind them of their mission, of what they're here to do.
Laura lets his face go and returns with determination, "To be continued..."
"Oh," Travis grins, "You better believe it."
The two move out from behind the boulders. Bound and determined to continue their search.
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cvbullshit · 6 months
Could we have more of Mafia!Fell and CV!Dream? 🥺
So it begins, well, I don't have any drawings or minifics to show off atm, but since my LV Triangle Incorrect Quotes part 2 just came out, I'll do the same for them!
Also just imagine as much as you want of the two, my favorite thing to imagine is Mafiafell picking Dream up by the back of his neck like a cat, possibly with or without the snake tail to make it better
MafiaFell: Hey Sunshine, do you have any hobbies? Dream: Swimming.. MafiaFell: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to- Dream: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
MafiaFell: What's this? Dream, hugging MafiaFell: Affection! MafiaFell: Disgusting. MafiaFell: ...Do it again.
Dream: I think I'm falling for you. MafiaFell: Then get up.
MafiaFell: Start talking! Dream: Well, I- MafiaFell: Shut up!
Dream: From 1 to America, how free are you tonight? MafiaFell: I'm America. I'm only free for the very attractive and very wealthy.
Dream: Do you need help getting up? MafiaFell: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor.
Dream: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!? MafiaFell, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Dream: You remind me of the ocean. MafiaFell: Because I'm deep and mysterious? Dream: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Dream: Am I in trouble? MafiaFell: Take a guess. Dream: No? MafiaFell: Take another guess.
Dream: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. MafiaFell: Okay. Dream: And make out during the scary parts. MafiaFell: Th- MafiaFell: The scary parts. MafiaFell: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
MafiaFell: Don’t worry, I have a permit. Dream: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
*Dream and MafiaFell texting...* Dream: So, wanna makeout? Dream:I mean hangout** damn autocorrect. MafiaFell:So, wanna sit on my face? MafiaFell:I mean grab a drink** damn autocorrect. Dream:Autocorrect clearly just wants us to bang. Dream:I mean hang** Dream:Everytime...
Dream: MafiaFell, you risked your life to save me! MafiaFell: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
Dream: MafiaFell is playing hard to get. Dream: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Dream: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer. MafiaFell: You're right, Sunshine.. Violence can't be the answer. Dream: Correct, MafiaFell. Now, on to the next lesso- MafiaFell: Violence is the question. MafiaFell: And the answer is yes! Dream: MafiaFell, no!!
Dream: My head hurts. MafiaFell: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
MafiaFell: You’re giving me a sticker? Dream: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!” MafiaFell: I’m not a preschooler. Dream: Fine, I’ll take it back- MafiaFell: I earned this, back off!
MafiaFell: You can do it Sunshine! MafiaFell: But if you can't, at least your death will be quick, painless, and really cool to watch.
Dream: I shall cast a spell to make you have a good day! MafiaFell: Burn the witch.
MafiaFell: Are you ready to commit? Dream: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Dream: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment...at all? MafiaFell: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.
MafiaFell: Open up. Now. Dream: ...It all started when I was 6 years old. MafiaFell: Open the fucking door.
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