#well…..except Leliana and alistair I guess
niamnomas · 1 year
OH MY GOD I ACCIDENTALLY KILLED ALISTAIR NOOOOOO NO NO 😭😭😭😭😭 wowowowowowow I played this whole game expecting to die and hurt my companions BUT GUESS WHAT THE JOKES ON ME AHAHHHHHHHHH
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
My favorite thing about the Origins romances isn't just the romance itself, but also how vindicated I felt when playing DAI and hearing Leliana talk about the Warden. For so long, many in the fandom had such a shitty attitude towards the DAO gang, except for Alistair who was everyone's little woobie (I adore Alistair but that got very old, very fast).
Basically people were saying that Morrigan/Zevran/Leliana were all just using the Warden. That they were faking the whole romance. Leliana's DA2 cameo got people saying that she was merely using the Warden like Marjolaine did her. Zevran's bugged cameo in DA2 had everyone saying that he was also using the Warden. And Morrigan? Well, she was the evil apostate, you see. It got so frustrating!
Then comes Inquisition and we learn that ALL of the Origins romances are not only still with the Warden, they're all still in love with the Warden. And suddenly all the naysayers got quiet. Funny how that works, huh?
I'll be honest, I didn't get into Dragon Age until well after DAI came out so I can't speak to what the fandom was like before that point. But I do adore the mentions of the Origins romances in DAI? Like, that confirmation that even ten years later the Warden and their LI are still very much together (emotionally if not physically) and in love is so good. Leliana, Morrigan and Alistair all talking about how much they love their Warden? Zevran still travelling with his Warden and that's why he doesn't show up even in war table missions if romanced? I love it so much.
(Also Zevran's romance cameo in DA2 if you mod the game to get it working is so damn good. His clear affection for the Warden and how open he is about missing them and wanting to get back to them? Fuck yeah. Also I love him flirting with Hawke and Isabela only to backpedal immediately when Isabela actually suggests sex and Isabela instantly correctly guessing why is so funny to me, it's great.)
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blarrghe · 2 years
posting this little wip for WIP Wednesday even though no one asked except the discord chat. I just like it a lot. Tags for @transfenris-truther @plisuu @n7viper @hawkeshep and @rosella-writes , and as always just anyone else who would like.
“So, you and Violet, I couldn't help but notice that… or, rather, are the two of you still… alright?" 
"I could ask the same of you." Zevran looks up from the pot, which actually smells amazing, and raises a knowing eyebrow. 
Alistair quickly darts a hand to his hair and glances away. “Guess she’s still mad at me,” he admits, “my idea to come up here and all.” 
He wonders if Zevran agrees, he’s already admitted to not being particularly devout, but he just shrugs. 
“What must be done must be done,” he says. 
Alistair nods, but they’ve gotten off topic. “So-o. You and Violet?” He is very good at getting them back on it. A master of sensitive conversation. 
Zevran snorts. “Violet is a fine leader and I continue to follow her, just not to bed,” he says, “that is what you wish to know, yes? Do not worry, I have no intentions of taking up my previous objective with regards to either of our mighty Warden leaders.” Zevran smirks at him, but it has a bit of a pained strain to it, worry in the brows. 
“Oh. Um, I — uh, I’m sorry, then.” 
Zevran chuckles dryly, sighs, and takes up a long wooden spoon with which to stir his pot. “It’s nothing you need apologize for.” 
“Right, but, you two seemed… well, happy together. So, I guess, if it’s sad?” Do assassins get sad? 
Zevran snorts again, so apparently not. 
“We were never together, Alistair. No more than you and I are.” Another smirk, and this one makes Alistair blush and ruffle up his hair some more. Do something else with your hands. 
“Uh. Bit more, pretty sure.” 
“It is entirely possible for two people to enjoy the pleasing functions of one another's bodies without any requirement that more come of it.” He says that with a wink. Alistair plunges his gaze into the stew pot. “Possible too, to cease such relations without harm. My loyalty to Violet… to you both,” he keeps doing that, smirking or winking with his voice, so that Alistair can’t avoid it by looking elsewhere, “remains perfectly intact. It is nothing to fret over.” 
“Uh, ok,” Alistair stammers a little, “that’s good then.” 
“Indeed.” Zevran says, “in fact it allows us both to seek out other affections, should the desire arise. I would not begrudge you yours.” 
Alistiar isn’t even chewing on anything, but somehow he chokes. “What?” 
“For Violet,” Zevran explains on, light smirking amusement in his voice, “is that not why this topic interests you and the bard so?” 
Maker blight Leliana. Or, no. Don’t. That would leave them with only one rogue outside of Violet. 
“Whoa,” Alistiar says reactively, stepping back and shoving hands into his pockets, this time. “No, I wasn’t, that’s not why I — I’m not planning to, wasn’t going to… I mean, code of friendship and all that.” 
Zevran blinks back at him, his smile less a smirk and more confused, but still definitely amused by all this stammering. “You do not need to do anything to protect our friendship, Alistair.” 
“I meant with Vi,” Alistair says quickly. And stupidly. He had come over here on the pretense of being nice about Zevran and Violet’s not-really-a-split split, hadn’t he? “I mean, not that we aren’t friends,” he adds the correction on more quick stammers, “we can be, that is, we’re friends.” Are they? “Yeah?” 
“I had certainly hoped so.”
“Right. No, yes, of course we are. Nevermind.”
Alistiar sighs. Zevran hands him a bowl of stew with another smirk, and Alistair wolfs down several bites in order to prevent himself from saying anything else that’s stupid. 
Zevran joins him, serving himself a bowl and taking a perched seat on a nearby bench of cold stone. A few moments later, Alistiar is saying stupid things again, sitting on the bench and talking to Zev about Violet. 
Well, if they’re friends. 
“She makes me nervous, though,” he admits, “in a nice way. But… nervous.” 
She’s easy to work with, they plan every step together, and when it comes to fighting he doesn’t even have to think about it. Something about the Warden taint or just the muscle memory of having spent every day for the last several months encountering rampaging darkspawn together has turned them into a well oiled machine where chopping off heads is concerned. Everything else, though. The way she smiles and the way her eyes light up when she laughs, the way she sounds when she’s being decisive, the way she walks and talks and — 
He can’t talk right around her. He tries and winds up making clumsy jokes, filling up the air with hastily spilled out nonsense, words everywhere. 
“Of course she does,” Zevran says with an understanding nod. “Because of how you care for her.” 
He should deny it, would be the proper thing to do, but his gut absolutely plummets when Zevran says that so instead Alistair takes three more hasty bites of stew. 
“And you wouldn’t… murder me in my sleep?” He asks tentatively. 
“I would not murder you in your sleep.” 
“Or awake!” Alistair adds, “don’t, don’t murder me awake either.” 
“Alistair, my friend, I have no intentions of murdering you.” 
“Right. Ok. Thanks, Zev. I mean. No, good. That’s good. And I’m not glad you — I mean, that wasn’t what I was trying to — well you know, just, good. Good talk. I’m going to stop now, though. Talking. Stop talking.” He says all of that in one breath, and leaves the cold bench by the cooking fire feeling, somehow, like he really needs to cool off.
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marabrosca · 3 years
[REUPLOAD] I Know Better Than To Let You Go (Surana & Morrigan Friendship)/(Zevran/Surana)
commission for @mahalzevran with her oc rhian
read on ao3
words: 1k
summary: When Zevran breaks the Warden's heart with his gift, Morrigan steps in. A cute ficlet about Surana and Morrigan's growing sisterhood.
tags: friendship, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, bonding
The changes had begun long before the Warden noticed them. They hadn’t started when Rhian sat in her tent alone, holding a pillow close to her chest in defeated heartbreak. It hadn’t started when she avoided Zevran, and started taking anyone else with her away from camp. It hadn’t started when she began to notice that when Morrigan’s barrier was cast on them during battle, her spell just so happened to miss the assassin. Or when the injuries were severe and health poultices were gone, Morrigan only managed to supply enough mana to heal everyone except Zevran.
No, this had all started with that book. The old, leathery book that was bound in twisted branch patterns, and radiated the smell of cinders from Rhian’s hands, is what started the changes. Since then, Rhian saw Morrigan’s eyes melt in a way they never had, and she spoke quietly to her. She called her a novel experience- a friend, a sister. The elf’s heart leapt from her chest at the declaration, as the witch’s heart was becoming something new as well.
Since then the mages were often joined at the hip, even if Morrigan denied it upon Leliana’s teasing. Rhian felt a special bond growing between them, something that felt earned and special.
Then one night, seemingly from the blue, Zevran approached her with a gift. It was a gift of gratitude, he claimed. He offered a token of appreciation and loyalty, and nothing else. Rhian grasped in the dark for a deeper meaning, and not only was she refused, but scorned. That was when she began to spend her fleeting hours of peace alone. Shortly after a few days passed, Morrigan approached her just as the elf had finished her dinner, smoothly striding across the grass directly to her friend.
“Warden, I wish to have a word with you.” The witch stated, fingers entwined, stopping in front of her tent.
“Of course. What do you want to talk about?”
“I do not wish to speak here. Come, walk with me so we may be away from prying ears.” Morrigan replied, gesturing to the thick woods parallel to their camp.
“Don’t go,” Alistair spoke up from the fire “she wants to get you alone so she can hypnotize you. Or turn you into a rabbit and eat you.”
“If there is anyone I would wish to hypnotize, Alistair, you would be my first choice. At least possessing you would mean we could go a night or two without listening to your incessant humor, or mouth-breathing. Though you need not worry about being devoured; as I imagine eating you would cause one to become deathly ill.” Morrigan retorted without missing a beat.
Zevran chuckled from his tent, and Morrigan shot him a sharp look from across the fire. Rhian didn’t bother to look up at him, instead walking into the shrubbery with the other mage in tow.
The forest was pitch black aside from the glowing orb Morrigan had summoned on their trail. It unnerved Rhian to be unaware of her surroundings, as she had a hard time seeing even in daylight. Morrigan peered down at her, brightening the light over her hesitant movements.
“Do not be so frightened. Nothing will attempt to harm us here.” Morrigan assured with more confidence than the elf was willing to believe. The witch walked forward through the night, with no sense of alertness or fear to be had. Rhian broke the silence to settle her nerves.
“You said you turned into animals often when you were a child. Are you able to sense what creatures are out here because of that?”
“Becoming a beast does not make you omniscient.”
The answer did nothing to assure Rhian, so she stepped closer to the other mage and her hypnotizing glow. But she smiled suddenly, turning to her.
“Oh, I always wondered; can you turn into a giant bird like Flemeth? Or a dragon?!” Rhian asked almost too excitedly, her black eyes lighting up.
Morrigan let out a quiet laugh, and Rhian almost didn’t catch the rare expression before receiving her answer.
“I have never attempted such a form, for I see no use in it. My reason for such transformations was to hide in plain sight, amongst the wilderness and the village. I use them to observe and become part of the world around me, so I may study them at a safe distance. To become a giant, flying creature –such as Mother prefers- would be counterintuitive. She always had a flare for the dramatic.”
Rhian pouted, disappointed she wouldn’t be getting a ride on a mythical beast into the starry sky. But she enjoyed the witch’s presence nonetheless, trailing beside her along the shimmering river that glittered with her light.
“And that’s what you always did?” the elf questioned “weren’t you lonely?”
“Loneliness was a luxury; it was not as you know it. When the greatest thing you have to fear lies within your own sanctuary, it does not act as a loss. It is a relief to grow amongst your own terms without feeling the anticipation of anger…or amusement.”
“I think I do know how that feels, a little.” Rhian replied, crushing down memories of the Circle before they ruined her night. She stopped suddenly when Morrigan turned to her.
“You are not in a place of isolation any longer. Danger may well be around us, but you do not have to go through perils alone…darkspawn or otherwise.”
Rhian paused for a minute, registering the woman’s words.
“Is this about Zevran?”
“It is about you. I was aware of the Crow’s intention from the beginning, but you are far too trusting. I knew one day he would turn his back on you, but I was not expecting it to be so personal.” Rhian’s eyes fell to the ground, and she held back the need to cry.
“To be given the mercy of his life by the very target he failed to erase, only to string you along? He is far more arrogant than I gave him credit for- though I am not surprised. Tis a man’s nature.”
“He didn’t string me along, he…I guess I was just feeling more about us, our thing than he was.” The elf sniffled, rubbing her nose with her sleeve.
Morrigan abandoned the orb to levitate in the air beside her, placing a hand on Rhian’s shoulders, eyes piercing hers. “I am not versed in expressing my concerns to others; but you need not hide to deal with your sorrows alone. I will not let a man make you feel as though you are not deserving of affection. Do not be afraid to speak with me. There is much else in the world with value than someone who is not worthy of you.”
Rhian’s cheeks dampened with tears and the crisp wind in the air, heart filling with both loss and relief. She opened her arms, a grasp in the dark once more, a silent plea. Morrigan embraced her, for the first time, a foreign gesture the witch would offer to no one else. She could feel the shorter mage smile against her, whispering a thank you barely heard over her muffled face.
Morrigan allowed Rhian to stay there as long as she needed, admittedly less than comfortable, but with a feeling of accomplishment. The elf lifted her head, a quirked smile on her lips, distracting from her swollen eyes.
“Hey, you said you didn’t want to be a bird or a dragon, but you fought with us as a giant spider. I guess your mother’s not the only one with a flare for the dramatic.”
Morrigan’s mouth gaped, offended by the comparison, sending Rhian into a fit of giggles.
“That is not the same thing!”
“Sure it isn’t.”
“Certainly not! I do not parade myself as display of power.”
“You're telling me a giant spider isn’t showing off?”
Morrigan huffed, and Rhian laughed as she pulled away, gathering her composure. She was still feeling the weight of sadness in her chest, as it displayed itself on her face.
“Come,” Morrigan faced the path ahead “was there not a question you had for me a few days ago?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah there was! When you lived in the Wilds, did the trees ever move?”
“Did the trees…ever move?”
“Or talk to you? When I was in the Brecilian Forest, there were these magic trees that would…”
Rhian recalled her memories of the Dalish camp and the werewolves to Morrigan as they moved farther away from the camp, leaving her troubles behind with it.
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ooachilliaoo · 3 years
(Read on AO3 here)
How… how was she fighting her second dragon in less than two months?
Perhaps she would have been better off striking a deal with Flemeth. Lying to Morrigan about what she’d done and just taking the offered grimoire.
But, then again, for all her… prickliness, Morrigan had served them well. Despite her faults, Elissa had come to like her, to depend on her, even. Lying to her just didn’t sit right.
But then, as Alistair had pointed out, it was Flemeth who had saved them from certain death at the tower of Ishal. Technically, she owed Flemeth her life, Alistair’s too.
But then, she owed Morrigan her life several times over and they needed her.
But then, someone who would destroy her own daughter’s soul and use her body wasn’t exactly a nice person… witch… being? And Morrigan hadn’t actually done anything heinous in the entire time they’d been travelling together.
(Though she was certain Alistair would probably disagree with that.)
It was all rather… confusing.
“Look out!”
Alistair’s panicked yell had her looking up just in time to see the massive claws headed her way. She ducked, rolling under the dragon’s foreleg and bringing her new blade, Starfang, to bear against its underside. The dragon roared, thrashing, and she caught a glimpse of its sharp white teeth as it tried to use its long neck to snap at her.
Luckily, she was quicker and smaller and managed to duck out of the way in time, heading further under the belly of the beast.
“Oh no, you don’t,” she heard Alistair growl through gritted teeth and then the dragon’s head was gone and another great roar echoed through the wilds.
She used the opportunity to slice at its underbelly with both sword and dagger before ducking out from between its limbs somehow avoiding both claws and tail.
When she emerged, it was to see Alistair sitting astride the dragon’s neck plunging his blade into its side.
The dragon growled, using its long-muscled neck to toss him into the air as if he weighed no more than a feather. Her heart nearly stopped as its massive jaws came within inches of him, but as he turned, he caught hold of its neck once more and stabbed his sword up to the hilt in its flesh.
The dragon roared, faltered and finally fell, crashing into the ground and sending Alistair sprawling.
“Wynne,” she screamed, nodding towards him before turning to make sure that the creature was finally and fully dead. She was all too aware that while it might look like a dragon, it had once been the infamous witch of the wilds, and who knew now many tricks she had up her sleeve?
When she looked back towards Alistair, satisfied as well as she could be that it was, in fact, dead, it was to see him surveying the corpse with a horrified expression on his face.
“What? What is it? Are you hurt?” she asked, sheathing her blades and running her eyes over him to find the source of his injury even though she knew Wynne had likely already done so.
“No… I’m… I’m fine.” His eyes didn’t move from the corpse. “Just… Just please don’t tell Morrigan that I killed her? Please?”
Relieved, Elissa rolled her eyes.
“Whyever not? Morrigan did ask us to kill her.”
“That’s exactly the problem.” He turned his gaze from the dragon back to her, though his expression was no less horrified. “I can’t have done Morrigan a favour.”
“Well, you did.” She headed towards the hut that had been Morrigan’s childhood home. “And I think she should know. So she can thank you.”
“You’re kidding right? Tell me you’re kidding. I don’t want to be thanked by her. What if she feels she has to do me a favour in return? It could get… messy.”
Elissa blinked, curious but equally trepidatious.. “Why? What would you ask her to do?”
“Oh, something suitably disgusting,” Alistair assured her as she pushed open the door to the hut, thumbing the key she’d taken from the dragon’s corpse. “Wash my socks maybe? Clean my smalls?”
Elissa snorted, imaging the look on Morrigan’s face if she were asked to clean Alistair’s smalls, even in return for such a grand ‘favour’ as killing her mother.
“Maybe it’s best if she doesn’t know it was you,” she conceded as she retrieved Flemeth’s true grimoire from the locked chest.
“Urgh. That looks like a fascinating read,” he drawled as she drew it out.
He wasn’t wrong. It was a rather… unpleasant looking volume. The cover was black and embossed with hideous looking imagery, the pages yellowed and aged. She wouldn’t like to guess at how old it was, or what manner of dark magic it contained.
“Come on.” She stuffed the book into her pack. “Let’s just get back to camp.”
When they returned, she went straight to Morrigan, both in order to reassure her that they’d done as she’d asked, and to hand over the grimoire.
Moments later, when she stumbled back across the camp to join the others by the fire it was her turn to be utterly stunned.
“What?” Alistair asked her around a mouthful of food. “What is it?”
“Morrigan,” she said slowly, taking a seat beside him. “Morrigan just called me her friend.”
Alistair gaped at her as, behind him, she heard Zevran start to cackle.
“I am truly, deeply sorry.”
She punched him in the arm.
This was, all things considered, an incredibly weird year. Never would she ever have anticipated the turn her life had taken. If her father could see her, half-covered in mud, unkempt hair tied back, wearing armour more days than she didn’t, she was fairly certain he’d have had a heart attack.
It had taken a long time for her to be able to think of her father and mother without crying. She was sure that she would always miss them and she would certainly never forget them but… looking around the camp, her new family was a more than fair substitute.
Collection of oddities though they were.
Some days she couldn’t believe that the fate of the entire world had fallen to them. Her and her partner in crime, unexpected best friend and… perhaps more. Not that she was quite willing to admit that, even to herself yet, but she liked being with him. She appreciated his jokes and the way he’d somehow made the entire situation so much more bearable; even enjoyable at times.
Except when he was bickering with Morrigan, of course. Not that she thought he meant it maliciously; it was honestly more akin to a sibling rivalry. She and Fergus had certainly had worse arguments when they were younger. More violent ones, too.
She just didn’t think Morrigan knew that.
Not that anyone else was any better, to be honest, with Zevran constantly hounding Wynne, and Leliana and Morrigan too, come to think of it. Oghren was… well, Oghren. She was fairly convinced that Shale only just barely tolerated any of them, and Wynne was scolding more often than not.
And yet..
They were a family.
Unequivocally so.
Despite all the teasing and the arguments and bickering over Alistair’s truly terrible cooking, they cared about each other. Even though they hadn’t been travelling together for very long, she knew there was nothing any of them wouldn’t do for each other.
Honestly a part of her would be sad when this was all over and they would no longer be travelling together. It scared her just a little bit. If her drastic change in circumstances had taught her anything, it was that she was far more adaptable than she had ever supposed.
She was sure she could handle whatever the future held. She just… didn’t want to have to handle it without her new family.
Particularly without him.
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lavellander · 3 years
more bc i am unstoppable now
I Am Thinking About My DA Protagonists’ Taste In Romantic Partners both their “usual” type and why they’re drawn to their canon love interest (and the hypothetical ones from other games). i expect no one to give a shit abt this except me lsdfjd but im on a roll and its a good exercise or whatever. i’m sure i’ll use it eventually?????
once again. i know no one gives a fuck but if anyone DOES happen to want to torture themselves and read this pls know all my ocs are bi except zaniyah, who is a lesbian<3
general disclaimer that “in the circle love is just a game” etc etc etc so while she definitely is more inclined to romantic relationships, she only really had friends w benefits at most
she likes smart people! she likes fun people, she likes people who can get on board with her fucked up sense of humor. she’s witty and charming and loves to flirt just to flirt, and in the circle that wasn’t much of an issue lol. leliana is the first person she ever feels like...foot-in-mouth around, bc suddenly she likes and is attracted to someone and...that’s allowed? it’s all very foreign to her but she falls Real Hard, Real Fast
in a hypothetical da2 romance obviously isabela is extremely hot but also sarenan canonically has a foursome w her, leli, and zev so dLFKKDS it makes sense that bela’s the love interest of choice<3 (but also i think it would be like...friends-to-friends with benefits-to-lovers lol)
in a hypothetical dai romance once again josie is very hot and also so sweet and cute and delightful !!!!! idk if its just me but i see similarities bw origins leli and josie so again it just makes sense to me that josie is the LI for an inq romance :’)
(BUT for the most part. it is pretty hard for me to imagine sarenan w anyone but leli, bc they are the only couple i have that like. makes sense. lmfao)
actually doesnt often have romantic relationships? she has ~flings~ and rarely catches feelings. she describes her type as “anyone sexy” 
(her and isabela do in fact have a brief Thing but strictly no strings attached; this is bc i was very very adamant about romancing isabela when i played da2 and then anders fucking SNIPED me. so i incorporated it into canon i guess. lmao)
her attraction to anders is originally just “sexy tortured man” and then “sexy tortured man that gives free healthcare to poor people!!!!” and then - after it’s clear it won’t be a fwb situation - she realizes she has Actual feelings for him and is like well. its been a good run. guess i’ll die! until he reciprocates dflksdjf then they are kirkwall’s weirdest couple to everyone except themselves :’)
in a hypothetical dao romance her and zev would be classic fuckbuddies who accidentally start having a crush on each other, absolutely refuse to acknowledge it, then someone else in the friend group is like “oh my god PLEASE just kiss we are all going insane watching yall do this” <3
in a hypothetical dai romance im still torn bw sera and bull. maeve would just keep hitting on sera until sera did something about it; bull would be similar to zevran in the fuckbuddies-accidentally-caught-feelings dynamic
i feel like (depending on the size of the clan etc) alani was prob mostly involved w people she’d known almost all her life. she’s obviously attracted to other ppl who like to learn and stuff, but other than that it’s equal opportunity crushes ykwim. she doesn’t even Know she has a thing about people who are like. puzzles to be solved until solas lol
in a hypothetical dao romance she’d be drawn to alistair bc...who wouldnt be. hes adorable. they’re both warm friendly charming sunshines and i think it’d be natural for them to be drawn to one another. once she realizes he has Baggage she’s like oh. OH. i have to defend you against the world now
in a hypothetical da2 romance i thiiink it would be kinda similar to solas. like oh this bitch has a lot of emotional walls up, he’s got some real shit going on. I Like That. also mage rights, hes a sad sexy doctor, we love a revolutionary, etc. it makes sense imo
similar to maeve i think she’s more of a fling person than a relationship person, but she has had a couple gfs. she’s not very comfy being super serious but she’s a good gf and is very devoted. generally speaking i think she just likes Hot Ladies but is esp drawn to quirky / weird ppl lol
in a hypothetical dao romance she’d like morrigan bc 1) she’s hot and 2) she’s standoffish lol. she’d take it upon herself to get morrigan to like her as like, a personal triumph, but then along the way realize she has a real crush on her and be like shit? fuck? (the same goes for morg. it would be an oh shit oh fuck moment on both ends)
in a hypothetical da2 romance i think her and merrill would be more like friends to lovers :’) zaniyahs immediately like “youre weird. i like you” also they bond bc dalish etc, and over time she starts liking her more and more. eventually zaniyah just cant take it anymore and kisses merrill, apologizes profusely, etc, and merrill’s like “oh. i thought we were dating?” sldkfjsLDKFJds i care them
(josie is kind of an outlier bc she’s so graceful, collected, knows what to do/say always, etc. i dont believe in love at first sight but if i did thats what zaniyah and josie would be<333)
she doesnt like. have a type really. because she’s just been in love w her childhood best friend since forever and doesnt think of what she might like in other ppl bc well. he’s right there? she assumes they’ll be together forever, even if only platonically :( 
when she meets morrigan she’s like oh i like women too apparently. cool?? when she meets alistair shes a little put off by the fact that hes a golden retriever, then clings to him bc Trauma, then VERY begrudgingly realizes she has a crush on him but feels like shes betraying tamlen 
eventually she comes to terms w the fact that like. theres nothing she can do about tamlen unfortunately, and alistair is here and Loves Her and he’s been the only person to make her truly happy in a very long time. it takes a lot for her to think she deserves that, but she does, and the rest is history :’)
in a hypothetical da2 romance it makes perfect sense to me that she’d latch onto the other Elf Who Is Full Of Rage immediately. they are both very intense and it can put other people off sometimes but they dont really care! die mad about it, shem! etc
in a hypothetical dai romance she’d be drawn (platonically) to blackwall bc grey warden stuff, but subconsciously they both kind of feel like frauds, like they dont deserve happiness, etc; theyre both kinda brusque, at least at first, too. she just kinda sees him as a buddy til she watches him bonding w sera or with some kids or something and then shes like  😳 😳 😳 and then angry that shes like that lmao
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morganlefaye79 · 3 years
Morgan, Morgan, Morgan! I've cherry picked the fluff asks because I am evil. Any characters you like, and 13, 21, 36 and 39 for the oc asks!
Thank you for the ask! You've chosen well! 😁
If I really would want then I can turn even fluff into pain, mayhem and devastation! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Watching the stars/falling stars:
Morgan/ Alistair
Gore/ Anders
Jonne / Cassandra
Reading/telling stories:
Dante/ Morrigan
Goldie/ Fenris
Nadia/ Josie
Some kind of sports/ sparring:
Aedan/ Ser Gilmore
Gretchen/ Sera
This was a tough one and I needed some time to answer this question.
FUN FACT: I realised that all my OC's share one thing. None of them would ever give up as long as winning is an option. Hope dies last!
I guess that's a good thing that you can have 😉
Kahlan/ Morgan / Gretchen:
-I told my friend she was drawing her eyebrows too high.
-She looked surprised.
Nava/ Gore/ Goldie/ Jonne/ Dante:
-Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
-He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.
Aedan/ Dagur/ Linea/ Nadia/ Aeryn:
-Hear about the new tavern called Karma?
-There’s no menu: You get what you deserve.
They all share mostly bad and/or anti-jokes.
I love this one <3 and because of that I will answer this question for all pairings (except my Inquisitors, because they are not that far developed yet) even when there is no happy end but you asked me. You should have known 😉!
Aedan/ Ser Gilmore:
Either one or both die at different times in most of my HC, but I have one fuzzy warm happy ending for them 😆.
After being cured from the taint, they both leave the grey wardens and buy a little farm where they work and live together for the rest of their lives. Without anyone knowing who they are.
Dagur/ Natia:
They inherit the throne after the former king dies. I didn't specify much more yet but I guess they will have at least one baby.
This Relationship is mostly canon with the difference that he will not leave Kieran and Morrigan but will be with them during Inquisition. Because other Wardens are searching for the cure.
Kahlan/ Leliana:
They are married but only few people know that, Kahlan never left Leliana's side after the fifth blight even if you cannot spot her. She is there. When Leliana becomes Divine, Kahlan becomes her personal bodyguard. When she doesn't become Divine, they go back to Ferelden. I am not sure but Leliana might become Fereldens spymaster.
Linea/ Zevran:
After the blight Linea travels with Zevran, they go to the Free Marches to find her clan, she is enraged when she finds out that they casted Merrill out and left the clan to never return.
She goes to Kirkwall to find Merrill and they refresh their friendship and write letters to one another. Then they go to Antiva to bring revenge to the Crows.
When they are done fighting they finally settle down (she is cured from the taint) in Antiva, get married and starting a Family.
Morgan/ Alistair:
I have too many HC for them, some very bad and some very sweet. Hm.
OK. Fine I pick a sweet one :)
After the fifth blight Morgan becomes Warden Commander and Alistair is ordered by Weißhaupt to leave Ferelden. He disobeyes and stays at Morgans side. after the events in Awakening, Morgan and Alistair disappear for some time. Morgan made Nathaniel Howe Warden Commander before they left. Some years later they were seen together as they were searching for a cure, which they found after the events of trespasser. They both are cured and they also cure every grey warden that comes to them and asks to be freed from the taint. They find a cozy cabin in the countryside where they settle down. A year later their fist child is born and shortly after a second child. On many occasions they were asked to mingle in politics because of their birthrights (royal bastard/high-ranked nobility) but they always refused.
When this is not a slowburn then i don't know what is! Oh wait, what? Nah I cannot write slowburns, I don't have enough patience for that. But this is more like a woman runs after a man. It sounds worse than it is actually. Their happily ever after is as at the end of Inquisition stated when Cullen romances the Inquisitor with kids of course because I love kids.
Gore/ Anders:
Cry when I'm gone
Sorry, no happy end
This is a happy end in a very unconventional way. Both Goldie and Fenris are free spirits need their own space and work. They have a more open relationship. When they meet up they stay together, sometimes for days, weeks, months or even years until one of them goes their own way again.
Eventually they are getting too old to run around and settle down. They then live in the same house, but both with their own space.
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mywitchcultblr · 4 years
The chantry is right and mages should be in the circle. Solas and anders are terrorists and anyone who believes they arent is delusional or a hypocrite. Anders killed a hundred innocent civillian non combatants and solas wants to tear down the veil killing millions in the process. But yes we should let the people causing firestorms and summoning demons go completely un supervised
                                                         MY FIRST ARGUMENT AGAINST A TEMPLAR BOOTLICKER! YAAY!
 @lordaspoons Ok listen, first of all, I'm not felassan nor dalishlicious, my writings style is different and not as good as them, and I love to use a lot of profanities in my writings, so if you ever find ‘shit ‘ or ‘fuck’ in a post, not sorry  I SWEAR THIS POST HAVE MORE THAN 7K WORDS!   That’s why it took MONTHS for me to answer it 
Let’s see the canonical narrative okay? Let's take a look at Dragon Age keep descriptions of each MAGES heroes story and background.
Mage Hawke:
The son of Malcolm Hawke and Leandra Amell, Garrett has lived in many places throughout Ferelden. His father was a mage whose gifts were passed onto both Garrett and Bethany, Malcolm's daughter.
Malcolm refused to submit himself to the Chantry's rule; he kept his abilities a secret and taught his children to do the same.
Therefore, the family was constantly on the move to avoid templar hunters. Ten years ago, the family settled in the village of Lothering, building a home on the outskirts and making a life where they wouldn't forever be on the run.
Though Leandra worried constantly that the templars would one day catch up with them, Malcolm's teachings were sufficient to keep them safe.
He died three years ago, leaving Garrett responsible for the welfare of his mother and younger siblings. When the Blight began, Carver enlisted in King Cailan's regiment, saying the horde spilling from the Korcari Wilds meant their home would be quickly overrun if the darkspawn were not defeated immediately.
If the circle is not a goddamn prison that literally abused and drive so many mages to commit suicide then why the fuck hawke father decided to escaped and run away? The fact that even though his wife is a noble, a noble who should have been powerful enough to support him and their children and protect Malcom and their children with her name and connection is Kirkwall were forced to live in secret and ON THE RUN WITH HER FAMILY! is another of many many proofs that the system that chantry created for Thedas HURT everyone, whatever you are a peasant or a noble, if you have a mage in your family then they will be imprisoned in a circle that definitely will abuse them or you are forced to hide with them and run away from home.
Remember De’Launcet fucking quote:
“You don’t understand. I’ve been in the Circle since I was six. Six! For Twenty years I was locked up. Never had a real drink, or... cooked something for myself. Never stood in the rain... or kissed a girl.”.
You cannot treat people like that! You can’t! it’s not right to imprison and enslaved people, mages, like that, there’s no justification to deny basic human rights/rights for any races. Imagine how desperate, depressed, touch-starved and horny you are, if you are not allowed to touch a woman who consented to have sex with you, imagine beingfucking locked up for twenty years and never feel the rain on your face. 
Maybe you should try being locked up for most of YOUR LIFE, for shit you never did in your life ever, aka committed horrible crimes that you never committed in the first place? 
Where’s the logic? Where’s the humanity? Andrastianism and The chantry is the worst religion and the worst religious institution in Thedas, and templars are not champion of the just, they are champion of abusers. 
But besides because of religious zealotry and dogma, why did the chantry locked up and enslaved mages in circle and put templar in circle to fucking abused them? OH RIGHT! I KNOW! its for power and profits, because using slave labor to make enchantments and used mages as soldiers who never wanted to be dragged into war in the first place,  it was and as prison/free labor to mass products enchantments is profitable for the chantry. !GROSS! DISGUSTING! Disgusting really.   The circle system is not only a prison camp, but also an institutional slavery.  
GROSS! DISGUSTING! But it sounds like any oppressive nations/institutions ever that used prison camp free labor to built factories and to work in their factories right? 
Disgusting really. 
For Mage!Trevelyan:
Born to the Trevelyan noble family of Ostwick in the Free Marches, you were originally intended for a life of privilege—until magical abilities surfaced at a young age and you were forced into a life of confinement within Ostwick's Circle of Magi. Protected but stifled, educated but isolated, the Circle would have been your entire future had the mages not rebelled against Chantry rule.
Trevelyan said that templars are a piece of shit who has two fucking faces (he said it to Josie) they smiled at mages (fake) but then they turned into as still as tone when a mage was punished ‘harshly” 
Remember what Cassandra said when mages find out that Tranquility can be reversed, dipshit fucking seeker, lord seeker lucius punished mages ‘harshly’ and there were deaths, and by definition of harsh for mages in thedas is: 
Isolation in an isolation cell (like what happened to Anders for a year!)
Starved to death like what happened to the real Cole
Tranquility or they are just killed. 
Every mages, adult or child, has seen or experiences abuses daily in their life, you can imagine the physical and physiologicalphysicological damages that templar and chantry have inflicted on them. As a person who was fucking abused by her own father, Ii know too well how lasting scars could damage you for life. 
Look Hero Of Ferelden life when she was still stuck in the circle:
The Hero of Ferelden belonged to the Circle of Magi in Ferelden, and resided in the tower at Lake Calenhad for most of her life. First Enchanter Irving recommended the Hero to Grey Warden Commander Duncan; shortly after the Hero's Harrowing, Duncan recruited her into the order.
Mage child: Are the templars coming for us?
Mage child: Is death painful? Am I going to die?
 This is a letter that Alrik send to justinia before he died.To Her Excellency, Divine Justinia,I am well aware both you and Knight-Commander Meredith have rejected my proposal, but I beg you to reconsider. The mages in the Free Marches are past controlling, their numbers have doubled in three years, and they have found a way to plant their abominations in our ranks. They cannot be contained!
The Tranquil Solution is our answer. All mages at the age of majority must be made Tranquil. They'll coexist peacefully, retain their usefulness—a perfect strategy! It's simply the best way to ensure mages obey the laws of men and Maker.I remain, as always, your obedient servant,
Tranquil solution? Sounds like what Henrich Himmler said about Jews!
 Because Tranquility is a genocidal weapon that the chantry used to decreased the mages population and culling them, hmmm you heard about an 11 YEARS OLD GIRL WHO was MADE A FUCKING TRANQUIL IN KIRKWAL? 
Here I will give you a link to dalishious post about a young mage, 11 years old kid who was made tranquil by templar and chantry: https://dalishious.tumblr.com/post/620951635453149184/im-confused-it-says-that-she-requested-to-be|
ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING *spit on chantry and templar* 
There’s no fucking justification for turning a kid into a tranquil, neither raped woman who was made tranquil or mages in general just because they have magic. Alrik and his man are known for abusing and raped tranquil on a daily occasion, and they were granted a title, position, money, and job by the chantry, meredith is a bitch who treated mages like a slave, she was drunk on red lyrium, she didn’t do shit for refugee and she fucking took over Kirkwall seat of government, forcefully, while it was not her job to lording over Kirkwall like a power-hungry bitch. 
And for years no one checked on this bitch, because miss little grand cleric of Kirkwall is part of Meredith group, and no matter what unless the chantry got fucking destroyed or HEAVILY REFORMED like what Divine Leliana did, people like Meredith and
Ser Alrik will never be held accountable by the chantry or any rulers in Southern Thedas (except by King Alistair who gave rebel mages a safe refugee place I guess) because most shit heads who ruled in Thedas profited from oppression and slavery of their PEOPLE, OF MAGES AND ELVES. 
You are a modern man, how could you ever side with the medieval church like the chantry? YOU KNOW THAT MEDIEVAL VATICAN AND TEMPLAR OF OUR WORLD WERE AWFUL RIGHT?
You knew that the vatican/church in the medieval era trapped people in dark ages with their regressive politic and dogma, you knew that gay people and woman were burned alive just because they were gay and just because they are? Woman? Maybe some of them truly practiced magic, but hey magic is cool.
I don’t understand at all, this fucking hatred and bigotry against mages and elves that spewed by some people in the fandom, anyone who hates mages and elves inherently hates them for who they are, for simply who they are. 
My burning hatred for templar and chantry were caused by templar and chantry terrible actions for the past 10000 YEARS!!!!!!!! And not because they don't have magic or just because they are human. 
The chantry brainwashed human to dehumanize others 
I think this is one of the most disturbing crime the chantry ever committed for the past 1000 years, I can’t even help but shudder in disgust every time i heard chantry sisters or brother calling other people ‘abomination’ or ‘heretic’ because i know how dangerous religious zealotry can be.
As a Muslim who live in Indonesia i have seen people being thrown out of their house or whipped in public (In Aceh province) 
 (deal with it honestly) 
First of all, when The inquisitor went to Val Royeaux, the inquisition met with Lord Seeker who was arguing with chantry sister, he didn’t want to listen to her, and then he punched her (bitch fucking deserve it, to be honest, chantry members except anyone whose not bigoted like Leliana and Giselle deserve to be punched) he insulted the inquisition and the inquisitor! ( what a Bastard Dick! Well, templar order is gone and he’s going to die anyway so....Whatever) 
When the Inquisitor went back to the way he came from (from Val Royeaux gate)
From the very beginning you can see which path is the preferred freaking option, Its In Hushed Whispers and not the other one.
Besides it would make more sense for the sake of continuity to find out about the rift, time magic, who’s the mastermind behind what happened in Redcliff Village (Alexius tricked Fiona and other mages with time magic and blood magic to signed up with Tevinter) AND HOW FUTURE WITH CORYPHEUS WON LOOKS LIKE, rather than I don’t know.....Whatever bullshit in Therinfal Redoubt.
SECOND. Free alliances with rebel mages definitely would give The inquisition more advantages, first mages knew how to deal with magic and the fade, mages are more suited and powerful to fight against enemies that cannot be defeated by shield and swords. 
 The Inquisition's mages – the former rebels led by Grand Enchanter Fiona – are left with a choice.
Leliana is Divine
When Leliana disbands the Circles, they leave the Inquisition and reform the College of Enchanters as a new order. The College, they say, will allow mages of the South to gather in peace and seek new solutions to age-old problems. For the moment, it appears to be working – mages are enjoying unprecedented acceptance throughout Thedas. 
Epilogue for mages freedom in Trespasser:
NOW College of Enchanters, Thedas third or fourth most powerful mage order and government (third if Rivain mages flocked to The College but I think Rivain mages after all mages has been freed (remember its canon) they will unite with Rivain government or if College Of Enchanters turned out to be stronger than mages order in rivain ) , the college is third/fourth-strongest order after Tevinter obviously, Nevarra death mages, and Rivain mages.
And everything is totally fine.
Leliana Divine, Mages recruited as allies
The end of the Inquisition as it had been sent shock waves through the College of Enchanters. Madam de Fer ably played on the mages' fear. Her followers united to build a new Circle - with Vivienne as its Grand Enchanter - in direct competition with the College. What the Circle lacked in numbers, they made up for in political connections; soon they were a force to be reckoned with.
Well about this stuff in trespasser it’s just vivienne stuff I guess *shrug* 
College of enchanters will always exist because like I said before so many many many times, that ever since Hero of Ferelden Era, To Kirkwall and then to Dragon 4:41/ 4:44, the canon and preferred path is to support mages and elves equality and freedom!!!!
Even a chantry sister from haven admitted that the mages looked happier and she said that she supports/give them chance to 
Rivain mages were fine, and their society worked well with mages have their freedom Rivain trained their female mages to be seers, and seers hold important positions within Rivain government and society, oh but what happened? When the chantry fucking find out that Rivain didn’t treat their mages like shits and slave, that Rivain treated mages with respect like any other people. 
The chantry fucking send right on annulment and committed genocide against Rivain fucking mages, chantry you shit organization, Rivain will hate you more than before and I wouldn’t be surprised if the grand cathedral in Rivain will go boom too (i will support it, fuck those people) the chantry literally murdered children there and committed genocide against people of Rivain, No one will defend them in Rivain, no one. 
Codex Entry:
 When we heard of the injustices against our fellow mages at the White Spire, the Circle of Magi in Val Royeaux, I feared what was to come. Our Circle at Dairsmuid is small and isolated; it exists largely as a façade to appease the Chantry.
When the other Circles rose up, the Chantry sent Seekers across the bay from Ayesleigh to investigate. They found us mixing freely with our families, training female mages in the traditions of the seers, and denounced us as apostates. Perhaps they thought we were spineless robes who could be intimidated with a little bloodshed. Before I was first enchanter, I was the daughter of Captain Revaud, of the Felicisima Armada. I know how to plan a battle.They brought with them a small army of templars. We fought. And we might have won. But they invoked the Right of Annulment, with all the unrelenting brutality that allowed. 
It is their right to put screaming apprentices to the sword, burn our "tainted" libraries, crush irreplaceable artifacts under their heels, tear down the very walls of our home. 
No mage has the right to disagree. We of the Dairsmuid Circle wait now, behind barricades. I have sent word to our brother and sister mages of this outrage. When they breakthrough, we will not die alone.—Final journal entry of First Enchanter R
Whoaa look at the chantry and templar, casually committed genocide because they are ass hole who cannot accept that they are wrong, maybe they should accept those different nations have different cultures and traditions? Hmmm, maybe templar and chantry should accept that people are not a mother fucking weapon and slaves to be used and imprisoned since they discovered their magic, chantry and Templar  should learn when to stop, and they should learn that they didn’t know shit and doesn’t want to know shits about spirits? self-righteous much? 
Circle system, templar system, and chantry system cannot be saved because it’s just awful, those systems systematically oppressed and abused people, and we all know that time and time again YOU CANNOT KEEP PEOPLE OPPRESSED AND ENSLAVED FOREVER, THEY WILL REBEL AND SOONER OR LATER THEY WILL WIN THEIR FREEDOM AND THE OLD SYSTEM WILL BE BURNED TO DUST.
No matter how you tried change the circle/templar system, it will always be prone to corruption, because the system put templar above mages, and when someone have more legal immunity and power above other people, then abuses of authority will always happen, hey....LOOK AT COPS IN OUR WORLD.
if anyone tries to prevent other people from being equal and free just like any outer people there who have privileges and advantages, holy shit you are horrible, that’s a shitty bigoted view. 
They were talking about The Inquisitor who will completely turn Thedas upside down and changed systems that Thedas know it with better ones. 
SO why even bother to fucking keep an old system that doesn’t work and very oppressive and it was designed to imprison and enslaved people? 
okay, listen here you little templar- oh I mean Ex-Templar, because templar order of the south is just gone forever  ( who the hell wanted to be a templar again after people knew how dangerous lyrium could be? Especially after they saw lumbering red templar ABOMINATION, *not sorry they are really ugly bastard* Wrecking havoc all across Thedas 
Let me explain it to ya! 
1. Mages won their freedom means, no more tranquil, there would be no more long-suffering half walking, half living person who’s cursed in the emotionless body (well at least in the south) 
2. Mages could finally raise their own children, have family, married without fear and they don't have to run away from templar and chantry if they want to marry someone, mages children who were taken forcefully from their parents could finally meet their parents again, you don't want kids who were kidnapped from their family since a young age to be reunited with a family who loves them and misses them so much? Holy shit that’s monstrous.
3. Mage Orphan who has no relatives/family/home/ or friends to return could stay with College of Enchanters with other mages.
4. No more children will be kidnapped from the parents, no more mother who will lose their mage baby again because the templar and chantry ripped their baby away from their arms, never again.
5. New Generations of Mages kids who never have to endure torture and abuses in the circle, they can grow up in a safe and happy environment with their family or with the college.
6. Mages actively participated in society, and they can invent a great many things for Thedas modernization and advancement, remember Zither? He’s a mage and he uses his magic to play in a band, imagine the possibilities of Thedas technology-magic advancement with unrestrained magic, boi based on the newest leak, it seems like Arlathan was a magical cyberpunk empire. 
7. As a free citizen, many mages abilities/ skill can be implemented for different kinds of jobs, hey remember Lysas who wanted to be a mage farmer? Agriculture in Thedas could be improved with magic, Medication, and medical studies could be greatly modernized with magic, not to mention fashion, opera/plays, and music, hell even professional chef jobs will be much easier with magic, The inquisitor used telekinesis/spell to fixes broken bridges, and lit a veil fire are another example that magic could be used for mundane stuff and not just for
8. College of Enchanters definitely would be a steadfast ally for The Inquisition and The inquisitor, and not to mention that the Inquisition new operations area would be in the north/Tevinter, mages would be able to help greatly.  9. With templar order gone forever in southern Thedas, then there will be no more people who are force feed lyrium and suffer from lyrium addiction to the point they become a beggar because they wasted all of their coins for lyrium. 10. So mages now are free, no more circle, then what’s the point of templar or seeker anymore? Actually Seeker, circle and templar are never needed, then how southern Thedas  should handle with magic related crime or just crime in general, well I’ts easy, you see mages guard in Tamriel world? You know those guards in Skyrim? Or guard/law enforcer in Warcraft world who use magic? With mages free they also can work as guards
Why templar and chantry bootlicker literally believed in The chantry fearmongering false propaganda about mages and magic? It’s like medieval Vatican bullshit! fearmongering about technology and ‘sin’, fearmongering about spirit and magic? 
We live in the modern era! So stop believing chantry propaganda! 
Stop living as if its the 10th centuries, don’t keep clinging on the awful terrible system and it’s past, dude, see the future in front of you, and  try to be positive about progressive changes. You know what happened to a world who refused to change? Yeah man look at Anor Londo, everything rot there.  And have we ever heard about terrible accident that was caused by mages from College of Enchanters? Or by any mages at all? NO ONE EVER CONFIRMED THAT FREE MAGES OF THE SOUTH WRECKED HAVOC ALL ACROSS THEDAS, BECAUSE THE FREE MAGES DIDN’T DO ANYTHING AT ALL. AND THE MAGES HAS BEEN FREE FOR TWO YEARS! COLLEGE OF ENCHANTERS HAS BEEN OPERATING FOR TWO YEARS WITHOUT ANYONE ENSLAVED AND JAILED THEM  Hey man, i gave you straight fact that mages being free is the best choice to support, and facts that nothing bad happened with mages being free, so your theory and your fear (that actually is just wrong, and it’s sounds kinda like paranoia to be honest Persecution is really stupid, that’s why it’s called persecution in the first place. HA!  
‘Terrorist’ is a term that can be overused and utilized by people in power to demean and demonized freedom fighter/Resistance movement against tyranny.
There’s fuck tons examples of people who were falsely accused as terrorists by tyrannical power to labeled them as a danger and to demonize them, while ‘the terrorist’ who fight for equality and freedom were demanding their people to be treated like a human, and they wanted equal rights. 
[ I am an Indonesian btw, so I knew personally some stuff about dictator and dictatorship government]
As an Indonesian woman, our people were oppressed by many European nations, from Dutch To British to French and Portuguese, our nations were stripped and reduced to mere colonies of European powers, our people were enslaved in their own lands, woman raped and children murdered, then after Dutch leave, because Hitler almost sunk their nation during WWII, Japan fucking invaded our land and then enslaved us again! 
Japan lost the world war alongside with its axis allies, YAAY! We are free, but wait, the Dutch Empire was such a baby they wanted their ‘toys’ , they fucking demanded the allies to helped them invaded Indonesia again because in the eye of Dutch Empire we are nothing but their slaves to be milked dry and taken advantages of, but we fought back! And now all Indonesian people from children to the elderly are free!
Did Indonesian people won their freedom and built their nation with being subservient and asked nicely? 
FUCK NO, blood was spilled and heads were cut, a lot of head, but at least now generations upon generations of Indonesian people will never taste the brutality of slavery and how does it feel to be enslaved. Our first president was considered as a menace and a terrorist by Dutch Royalty, he was imprisoned in isolation but managed to escape over and over again! 
But wait, if any person who rebelled against the government regardless of their intentions can be labeled as a terrorist *gasp* IS THAT MEAN GEORGE FUCKING WASHINGTON WAS A TERRORIST?! Apparently, by British Empire standards, he was.
 The guy and his friends waged a war against the crown, because British Empire keep treated American colony like shit, from the perspective of King George, Washington was a piece of shit who kept ruined his country and his colonies, but boi Americans would be angry if someone called Washington a terrorist right? Because for them, Washington's struggle and rebellion were righteous. 
Because if you keep doing then, in your perspective every single freedom fighter who rebelled against cruelty and tyranny should be condemned? 
We are talking about what is a ‘terrorist’ here, and if you want to label someone as a terrorist then you have to read their manifesto, understand their motive, try to hear what they wanted to say, and understand the core of ideas behind their rebellion. 
Here’s the thing, will you call the Stonewall riot as an act of terrorism? ( i presume from your blog description you are a supporter of LGBT right? ) 
What about Joachim Ronnenberg? A man who leads a daring raid against Nazi Germany nuclear weapon factory had the german succeded in their efforts, we might have read devastating histories about the nuclear bomb that destroyed London like what happened to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
From the perspective of Nazi Germany...This guy  wasis a terrorist and an enemy!
But it feels so wrong to describe freedom fighter as a terrorist right? How could we label people who resist nazi Germany as a terrorist?!
Because we know, despite the casualties, despite everything that happened, what they did was right, and they needed to fight back. 
Allies marched to Berlin was the right thing to do, American colonies rebelled despite they knew that a lot of people will die in war, but have you ever condemned the founding father and his people for their rebellion? Or argued that it wasn’t necessary for them to rebelled. Soekarno wars and rebellion against dutch colonists and invaders cannot be condemned, because objectively, no one should support slavery and colonization of other nations. 
French people were so sick and tired of their nobilities and royalties bullshit to the point they cut off their own monarch head, but they were right, because French Monarchy was corrupt and incompetent, while nobles and royalties were feasting and drinking as if there’s no tomorrow, poor people in French can’t even afford bread. 
Trans and Gay people who fight back and demonstrated against injustice was right, the woman who demonstrated and rioted against the oppressive system and patriarchy was right.
But what if it were someone like Adolf Hitler who hmmm rebelled against the Weimar Republic, back before his raises to power around 1920-1923, I’m sure that you are familiar with his Beer Hall Putsch, when he held 14 mass meetings in Germany, for the nazi it was a historical moment, ‘a glorious resistance against the weak and incompetent Weimar Republic’
For his supporter it was glorious, but despite their best efforts to convinced themselves that they were right, WE KNEW HE WAS NOT RIGHT, Nazi was god awful.
What is the core idea of nazism? (I'm going to compare it with socialism/communism because some people keep saying that communism is just like nazi, and it's absolutely wrong) 
They are very different. Ya see despite some people who keep yelling that communist is just nazism by any other name. ( and I’m not a communist) 
Adolf Hitler might see himself as a savior, a martyr, and his party also people who supported him
richard spencer, see himself as a ‘liberator’ and voice of white people, but behind all of his fucking bullshit, his core ideas are just Naziism, he is a nazi, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist so does any other alt-right edge lord on the internet who insisted that they are not nazi, despite the fact they fucking followed nazi ideologies and practiced hatred ( btw nazi ideology is based on white supremacist and eugenic ideologies too, so what’s the difference really?” Nazi is white supremacists and white supremacists will always be a nazi) 
Alright and how all of it ties back to Anders and mage rebellion, you might ask, ‘why did you write about histories lessons that I already knew about?’ 
Well templar child, it’s all lead back 
I wrote that fucking long-ass paragraphs so people will be able to differentiate the righteous kind of rebellion (or ‘terrorism’ from the perspective of the power/oppressors) and the god-awful kind of rebellion/terrorism.  
Because instead of listening and learning about what anders wanted, some people are often so fixated on the semantic of the word ‘terrorist’ and got too distracted by that stupid chantry explosion. THE CHANTRY EXPLODED IS THE SAME KIND OF THING IF HITLER OR STALIN’S OFFICE too  
People died? Yeah so does people who died during USA war against British Empire, was it terrible that people died? Yeah it was terrible but just like what i wrote before, the rebellion had to happened. And you said that he killed hundreds? Huh the numbers was never 100% confirmed because i don't think Isabela count the bodies, and second we cannot be sure about numbers of the casualties, because we never really see  ALL them in the first place. And actually arent Hero of Ferelden, Hawke and Inquisitor killed SO MANY PEOPLE? What about The Dragonborn? No to mention that in their journey they also destroyed private and public property and killed so many god damn animals to the point they could have been the reason why some species of animals are endangered.  And no one ever protest or raised a fuss when heroes killed tons of people.  Arent templar and chantry also killed and tortured so many people? What about mages who were killed or made tranquil for the past 1000 years? What about mages who committedcommited suicide like Orsino friend who locked herself in a closet then set herself on fire? Because she no longer can’t stand living in Kirkwall Circle prison? What about Anders friends who often committedcommited suicide because what templar did to them and that lead to severe depression? What about mages and elves who were hunted down and killed just because they escaped from their circle prison, they were killed by order of the chnatry and templar cut them down with their sword? What about Elves of Dales who died because Orlais wanted to expand its fucking territoryterrtotry and justified their racial superiority? Chantry and templar supported that. What about Karl who asked Anders to killed him because he preferred to die rather than be a tranquil again? Or captured by templar again? TEMPLAR AND CHANTRY COMMITED MORE CRIMES FOR THE PAST 1000 YEARS MORE THAN ANY PERSON DID, THE TEMPLAR AND CHANTRY MURDERED, ENLSAVED, TORTURED AND IMPRISON PEOPLE ALSO SUPPORTED GENOCIDE FOR 1000 YEARS!  IF WE CALCULATED NUMBERS OF PEOPLE WHO DIED BY THE CHANTRY ORDER AND TEMPLAR SWORDS, IT’S MORE THAN FREAKING MILLIONS!  ANDERS DID WHAT HE DID TO FREE THE MAGES AND FUTURE MAGES CHILDREN, SAME THING WITH FIONA  AND THE MAGES WHO REBELLED TO FREE THEMSELVES AND  FOR THE FUTURE OF MAGES, THEY ALSO REBELLED FOR FUTURE MAGES FREEDOM, THEY REBELLED FOR THE FREEDOM OF PEOPLE (because unlike what noodle and chantry said and spread, mages are PEOPLE!) so what are you saying again? HUH ? what is your justification? What is your defense? CHANTRY AND TEMPLAR CRIMES CANNOT BE DEFENDED!   If you justified Templar and chantry crimes then THE EVANURIS AND TEVINTER and the stupid qun ideals  can be justified too? From OBJECTIVE perspective Anders ideology WAS RIGHT! HE AND THE MAGES BELONG WITH THE RIGHTEOUS REBELS. Let’s compare chantry/templar mentality and moral vs mages and elves believes and pursuit of freedom. 
Let’s see examples of chantry/templar mentality based on evidence and popular opinion in Thedas that was forced by The chantry to people head.
1. The interpretation of chant of light that mages and nonhuman are abhorred by the maker, and they are ‘evil’ and corrupt’ i must remind you that MODERN and RELEVANT andrastianism in modern Thedas, has twisted whatever Andraste said and they strayed so far away from what andraste possibly could have wanted. 
What if Maferath Betrayal was not based on maliciousness? Or not just based on maliciousness? What if Andraste was truly a mage? The chantry lied about Shartan, the chantry fucking lied about Ameridan, if there’s one IRONIC TRUTH about the chantry, they lied, they twisted story and histories for their political power and their gains.
the whole ‘magic must serve man and not rule over him’ was purposely misinterpreted to fucking justify drakon fucking fanfic holy book, and his campaign to conquer the rest of Thedas. And the chant verses were twisted as a stupid and terrible justification to demonize and enslaved mages and elves in circle towers. 
In a nutshell that chant actually said that magic is a gift that should not be used for terrible deeds. But andrastian changed the meaning and twisted their own prophet words to enslave and oppressed southern mages.
2. The chantry believes about Everything that related to the fade/spirits/ or demon are dangerous and inherently evil, I ALWAYS LAUGHED MY ASS OFF, whenever templar/chantry/andrastian/non mages spouting hateful shits about the fade and spirits, it’s incredibly ironic, because there’s an implication that ALL PEOPLE who were not made by Titans (dwarves was made by titan) were spirits from the fade who ‘created body from the earth’ after they descended to the material world.
The evanuris, first of elven people, Solas and his people were spirits, it can be safely assumed that modern elves, humans and qunari in their truest form are spirits as well. 
 I think during his personal quest, All New Faded forFor Her, Aka The Dreadwolf Fen’harel, Solas has explained the truth about what human, elves and qunari truly are and what is their true form would be once they are died ( if they are not a remarkable person then they will simply be lost to the fade ) 
Besides it’s the chantry who spread hateful and ignorant propaganda about evil of spirits/demons, the fact that chantry spread such misinformed propaganda and derailed hates of the fade and spirit into people mind actually is one of the reasons why demons and unwilling possession as modern thedas know it exists, I know Cole explained that  spirit who crossed from the fade to the world was simply traumatized by their journey, the veil hurt them ( we can blame Solas for that) rules in the material world is just confusing, the earth and it’s mostly inflexible and unchanging rules confused them.
But if The fade can be bend and shaped by powerful dreamer/mages/ dreams and believes of people. That means...Demons were also created by The chantry ignorant and hateful propaganda. If many people believed that spirits are dangerous or ‘they are demon’, that spirits and the fade are scary then that’s how they will manifest.
The fade and spirit can be influenced by people's collective beliefs and perceptions. That’s mean it also The chantry and their dogmatic backward propaganda that made spirit/demon as we know it today, I mean for some reason Cole called himself a ‘demon’? While the boy was never corrupted nor twisted from his true nature, i think it’s because people perception of him and spirit.  The chantry dogmatic believes backfired on their own face. rule about 
3. Blind devotion to Orlais Chantry, theThe chantry foundation was made of bones upon bones and blood, emperor kordilius drakon butchered many cults and stamped out any non-andrastian religion or branch of andrastianism that didn’t conform to his cult believes so he can establish his cult of andraste as the dominant religious power in southern thedas or thedas in general. 
The Daughters of Song 
Wine. Music. Poetry. And the wanton and frenzied indulgence of carnal fancies. These things characterized the hedonistic cult known as the Daughters of Song. Calling them an order of the faithful lends them a legitimacy they do not deserve. The daughters (and sons, though they saw themselves also as "daughters") celebrated Andraste's holy union with the Maker in almost every way imaginable. And it was only the "holy union" they venerated. Andraste's life, her war, her teachings, and her sacrifice were blithely ignored.
At its height, the Daughters of Song numbered in the thousands. They maintained a stronghold in a village called Virelay, in the Fields of Ghislain. Virelay saw a yearly event during which the Daughters of Song paraded carven images of the "Maker's Glory" through the square.The Daughters of Song were wiped out by the righteous forces of Emperor Drakon during his campaigns to unite all of Orlais. When the emperor's forces sacked the village, the Daughters would not arm themselves and were either killed or captured. The village was destroyed, and the cult never recovered.—From Before Andrastianism: the Forgotten Faiths by Sister Rondwyn of Tantervale
HA! Blithely ignored her fucking war and ‘sacrifice’ is much better than using the story of andraste life as propaganda and tools to conquer, murder, enslaved, and wiped out groups of people who didn’t buy to your shit.
The daughter of the songs was not a cult of a sex-crazed hedonist, they were another group of pacifist andraste cult who didn’t do anything wrong at all (seems like they were peaceful, they didn’t even willing to armed themselves when Drakon butchered their people) and they just wanted to be left alone to their own device, but of course Drakon,  that egotistical bastard who sees himself as a martyr and narcissistic self-proclaimed holy man, so he put any people who didn’t want to listen to his bullshit to sword. 
The chantry and Orlais using their god, their prophet words, and their religion as a bludgeoning tool to conquer and forcefully converted people, the foundation of modern andrastianism religion was based drakon totalier philosophy his ambitions to rule all of Thedas. 
Ironically if there are people who smeared and desecrate andraste and the maker, its their followers. 
This kind of religious militant mentality has ledlead to people justification of exalted march, because they thought that they were doing it for the maker, they believed that the march is the maker works, anyoneany one who supported exalted march were so convinced that they were right to spilled so many blood and butchered so many people for their religious zealotry (and political ambition of their rulers but eh peasant rarely know anything about what happened in winter palace right?) 
if you supported exalted march of dales or exalted march against mages then.... As a Muslim i just want to say, what’re the differences between exalted march and Christian crusade? And we know that Crusade was a waste of resources and lives  or ISIS ambition for expansionism? 
Military and Religion is a dangerous and scary combination. And I can’t comprehend why any modern human could be so thirsty and horny to destroy other people's nations for their religion and their interpretation of their religion. and let me remind you again, the chantry and templar supported this mentality and often using the maker as a reason and justification of their terrible deeds.  The chantry refusal to acknowledge and respect different kind of andrastian religion and their outright rejection of different religion lead them to wiped out pre-chantry andrastian cult aka their own brethren and destruction of The dales, destruction and deaths of so many dalish clan, prejudice and bigotry against qunari and dwarves. and we don’t have to talk about what happen to old god religion worshipper. Y’know sounds like dark age church and their obsessions to stamped out any kind of ‘heresy’ , you like that shit? You supported it? EWWWW. D:  4. Templar and Chantry brainwashed people to be hateful bigot, I don’t care about any kind of justification or ‘positive deeds’ that andrastianism has done, a thousandthousands years of proofs and facts has proven that most of the time they spreading bigotry and hate for their own political power and gains, the chantry instilled intolerance on people mind and using terror as a way to control population of Thedas, people except for the ruling class are live in uncertainty and fear, we might see peasant in thedas just living their simple life, but if the temple and chantry find out that they are doing anything ‘suspicious’ or they hide their relatives who can use magic then that’s it, their life will end by chantry order and Templar sword, not to mention that the chantry bigoted cheating also lead to  these kind of situation, remember  that mage who were murdered in the storm coast by villager? She died because the chantry brainwashed people to hates on anything non-human and to hate on mages. NOW THE MAGES, let’s take a look at the mages and elves. 1.The mages and elves just wanted to be free and to be treated as an equal in society, not as a walking weapon to be enslaved and imprisoned and not as a servant/slave to non-mage human (or in tevinter and the qun not as a slave in general for elves and mages too who suffer under the qun ) if anyone supporting an ideology or people who deny other people rights, BASIC RIGHTS, then all of you fucktard can rot in hell. 2. Fiona, despite the chantry and Templar oppressed and enslaved her people for must I remind you again 1000 year! Fiona Was still willing to let other fraternities and other circles to vote, whenever they wanted to follow her rebellion or not, AND THE SOUTHREN MAGES CHOSE TO REBELED AND FOLLOWING HER! 3. Now mages freedom is canon, the mages now have their own government and they   rule over themselves( college of enchanters) and they never try to enslave, oppress, brutalize and hurt non mages 4. Now Briala rule in Orlais, she  could help to keep:  1. Remember that mage who died in Gaspard on leash and preventing him from invading other nations, not to mention that she definetly
Oh, Solas where are thou ~
Now about Solas and the veil, we might speculate to our heart content about Solas plans and what he might do in the future, but to be honest, truth to be told, NO ONE EXACTLY KNOW what is his actual plan for the evanuris, for the blight, for titans and to tear m down the veil. We only have morsels of information about his plans from trespasser, and Tevinter night (also from the leaks).  Who knew maybe Solas plan will ironically save the world? Doomed it? Saved some people? Only doomed half of the world? Will the world end? Or survive?  Now i want all magic to come back but without have to kill millions of people in Thedas, Because it will solve non-mages vs mages problem, everybody will be mages and the centuries of problems will be solved, not to mention that with the minuscule amounts of magic Thedas physical world now have, people seemed to slowly devolving, being cut from magic of the fade is not only horrible for mages but also for non- mages (Because the fade is the sources of power and life itself, not to mention that Solas referred to it as ‘The sea of souls’ in Tevinter Nights)  Here’s the thing, with or without Solas even waking up from his long sleep, i think The veil will be destroyed either way, here’s the evidences that supported my theories (But i still have no idea about What exactly will happen just like many other people out there ) Sandal Prophercy:  “Sandal: One day the magic will come back. All of it. Everyone will be just like they were. The shadows will part, and the skies will open wide. When he rises, everyone will see.”  Grand Duchess Florianne: “ A great CHANGE  is coming for all of us lord seeker lucius:  “ We created a decaying world, and  fought to preserve it even as it crumbled, we had to be stopped” Kieran:  “My mother is the inheritor of the next age” Mythal: WE HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT WHAT SOLAS PLAN IS, what is he going to do with other evanuris? What bout the titans? What about mythal? and ghilan’nain creatures that has been slowly emerge from the sea? What about the blight and darkspawn? I feel  like Solas wouldn’t be the true next main villain, he wouldn’t be Corypheus 2.0, why? Because unlike the blight or Corypheus, Solas have important relationship with The inquisitor, while most any other fucking villain have little to no relationship with heroes. So here Solas quote from Tevinter Nights: His look pinned her “I have no choice.What  I am doing will save this world, and those like you- the elves who are still remain-may find it better, when  it is done.” Solas might call himself “Prideful, hot headed and foolish.”  but he’s not a fucking idiot, he wouldn’t just tear down the veil  just to bing elven glory back,  there must be something bigger behind his motives, like the evanuris and well titans I don’t want to say much about the possible consequences of what might Solas  do, because frankly we don’t know anything about it. It is possible tho that the veil destruction will be the same thing just  like the fifth blight, mage and elves vs Templar and chantry/human war, Corypheus rises and fall  and the fucking explosion of both Kirkwall chantry and temple of sacred ashes,  it just going to happen, it is what fucking it is man. To quote Steve Jobs “One more thing” Patrick  fucking Weekes and their wife supporting mage and mage rights MEANWHILE... if you could live anywhere in Thedas, where would you live? PATRICK: I would live in Rivain. Because Rivain is not as hung up on magic, because they have seers who let themselves get possessed... they also have a relatively peaceful relationship with the Qun. And they're kind of a melting pot and multicultural... they're a place where a lot of different cultures come together. And also? Beachfront property. KARIN: I was just gonna say... if you need further justification, they get to say, "I want to live on the beach."
Yeah, that was a really good one. Okay, moving on: Mages or Templars? PATRICK and KARIN (in unison): Mage
http://www.dumpeddrunkanddalish.com/2020/05/castles-fennecs-and-player-engagement.html http://www.dumpeddrunkanddalish.com/2020/04/chatting-with-weekeses-part-3-romances.html
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hoochieblues · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: Day 12
So for today, let’s do some discovery writing. I give you a prompt, and you write at least three paragraphs of a character reacting to it. Let's see who you discover.
The prompt: Unfortunately, things never go according to plan around here.
for @the-wip-project 
Aw, man. I have such a stack of WIPs rn that I do not need to discover any new characters with stories to tell. So, going to take this as an opportunity to do something with a character I struggled writing....
I did a DA:O Cousland playthrough waaaay back that was supposed to be a very nice, strong-female-anti-hero-learns-acceptance, HEA type deal - romance Leliana and Alistair, then plonk him on the throne and consolidate power. Viva la Princess CousCous. Except no. 
The character that emerged, Isobel, was... kind of awful. She had no patience, no tolerance, and the kind of ruthlessness inspired by privilege in the worst way possible. She wasn’t an anti-hero, she was straight up unsympathetic, and I ended up not really writing her bc her only redeeming trait was... uh... I guess being a 6′+ lesbian with a strong sword arm? Even that didn’t redeem her too far, bc I never gave her the time she needed to develop. 
So... ta-daaaa....?
Leliana shivered, glancing up the darkening trees. “Ooh. This spot seemed much more hospitable before we made camp. I didn’t think the wind would be so cold.”
“Yeah? Well, it seems things never go according to plan around here. Unfortunately.”
Isobel narrowed her eyes at Alistair across the fire, and continued stroking the whetstone along the length of her blade. It was a petty, childish shot, but most of them were. He was throwing her words back at her, still angry about the mess at Kinloch Hold, and Redcliffe... and Lothering. As if they could have done anything to help those people. Maker, he’d even blanched when she killed the assassin! It was a wonder such a bleeding heart could pump enough blood to keep him alive. 
He hadn’t the balls to challenge her outright. Not yet. Not that she couldn’t handle him if it came to it. A few well timed put downs and a reminder of what he owed his dead mentor and he’d probably have been too busy sobbing into his bedroll to question her leadership again. 
She had planned for things to be different, yes. Planned not to kill the boy, planned to find a third way that hadn’t involved so much bloodshed... but plans were what you held close and counted while life was creeping up on you with a knife in its hand. She had planned to see her brother again, after all, planned to take Oren out for a ride across the coast, to Penstan, to get the wind in his hair and put the worries out of his mind, no matter that his mother would fuss and fret and they’d have been back late for dinner. Every child should know the freedom of gulping in cold air against hot breath, free and flying and exultant, responsibilities trailing out behind like a pennant... and here she was instead, in the armpit of nowhere in the miserable, mountain-pocked south, with the taste of salt on her skin from tears instead of a sea breeze. 
Oh, yes. Let Arl Eamon’s bastard weep and wail about Ostagar. His grief grew from failure and shame, not loss. Not true loss. A life stolen, shorn at the root and thrown into the midden. 
The only plan Isobel was holding to now was cutting out the heart of every Howe left standing. 
At her foot, Ryder stirred and whined softly. She blinked, gave the dog an absent pat, and glanced over at Leliana. The firelight played prettily on her hair, but she looked cold and sad. She glanced up, her face tightening at the distant sound of a rabbit’s truncated scream. That would be Morrigan catching dinner.
“There’s a spare blanket in my pack,” Isobel said gently. “If you like. We’ll resupply at the next village, get some good furs, too. The winter’s going to be a cold one. Have you seen how red the rosehips are?”
Leliana, already crossing to where she sat, brightened. “You have that story here too? When I was a child, I used to hear people used to say red rosehips meant white snow. I’m not sure how you’d translate the phrase, but--”
“Hips red as lips bitten, be kissed by snow’s quicken,” Isobel finished, repeating the rhyme with a bit of Nan’s cadence to it. 
“Yes!” Leliana beamed, delighted. “Oh, that’s perfect.”
Isobel smiled... and let her gaze settle on the bard’s mouth. “I’m glad you like it. You could put in a song if you want.”
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felassan · 4 years
Do you think we're ever again going to hear from Hero of Ferelden or even see them on screen? I mean ik that Bioware said it is tough, because in many cases HoF is dead (ultimate sacrifice thingy) but... Leliana could be dead too, and here she is, standing proud as Inquisition's spymaster - pretty big role for a dead woman. Lyrium spirit you say... Same question about our old companions from DAO and DA2. Well, except Wynne I guess. 😅
Under a cut for length. TN spoilers under cut.
Hello, sorry, I know it is a popular wish but I don’t think we will see the HoF on-screen again :[ The HoF’s story is long-over, both in-universe and irl, and they led 2 whole games and a host of DLC. Compounding this, as you say they can be dead and BioWare have said something along the lines of how bringing them back would be tough and that it’s unlikely. It would be a lot harder to bring back the HoF compared to the lesser challenge bringing back Hawke in DAI was, due to the larger amount of base variables (3 different races as an example, no set voice) and the lack of easily-defined personality (like red or purple). In addition, even with the lower amount of variables involved, the implementation of Hawke in DAI for a large section of the fandom went down like a lead balloon. There were opinions and complaints that Hawke was OOC - for example, genuinely amazing as it was to see Hawke again, my blood mage Hawke went on nonsensical rants about hating blood mages and I was like huh? BW will have seen that sort of response and how it got a bit messy and taken it on-board. If the Inquisitor will return as an NPC like Hawke did in DAI (which is most likely out of the three previous PCs, owing to the obvious Solas connection), I imagine they already have their hands full with this. The other thing to keep in mind is that Hawke could not die in DA2. Hawke was alive in all worldstates. In quite a lot of universes, the Warden is dead. another thing is that around 2017 Laidlaw tweeted that the HoF was never going to feature in any of their products again. ofc things can change in the years since and he has left, but that was a fairly strong statement.
Hearing from them via letter or in dialogue references I think is possible, more likely and way easier to implement. Saying that, even then - the HoF’s story has been concluded and tied off. If they survived Origins, they traveled west on their quest for a cure for the calling. We can tell from romanced Leliana’s Trespasser epilogues that they have at the very least returned (I don’t see why only Lelimance Wardens would have). It’s not clear but from them I also assume that they found a cure.
I know that other main characters such as Leliana could be dead but were brought back, but I don’t see them repeating that trope for a big-name character again. After a few times it becomes over-used and cheapens the deaths that supposedly occurred. It also has the potential to get messy. How many lyrium ghost people or “surprise! this character who died in game actually survived!”s are we supposed to accept before the premise becomes silly, over-used and immersion-breaking, you know? 
About the old DAO and DA2 companions, I mean… that’s a big question, especially if you’re asking “will we see them on-screen” and “will we hear from them again” about each of them. We could easily hear from any of them from among the ones who still live, especially if they bring back receiving letters and a war table-esque type game mechanic.
Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana, Warden Loghain and Oghren have already been seen again in big ways in a subsequent game. His smaller amount of re-appearance content is a sore point for a lot of folk, but Zevran appeared again in DA2. Dog is a no. Wynne is dead. Morrigan might be brought back if they go for the “Flemythal isn’t really dead” or “Flemythal pushed her godhood through the mirror to Morrigan” or “Morrigan has advice on how to deal with this new threat” angles, or if they choose to delve into an end outcome for the person who drank from the Well. Leliana could feasibly be seen again if she’s Divine. If she’s not Divine she might appear as the Inquisition-remains’ Spymaster, although it really depends on the time that has elapsed because she’s clearly been grooming and preparing successors for that role. Whether she’s still a direct part of the “Inquisition’s generals” depends on the specific timeframe I expect.
They leaned quite hard into fleshing out and making prominent-once-again the Crows in TN. There’s a bit of potential there for Zevran to reappear, but I can’t tell how much of that is wishful thinking/reaching. The last time we saw and heard from him he didn’t exactly hold the Crows in high regards (more idle reaching/rambling on the Zevran question here, ctrl-F “Zevran”, TN spoilers at link). Sten is the Arishok in most universes. The Qunari Antaam invasion seems like it’s going to be a big plot point or at the very least a major backdrop/context to the next game. Whether we encounter him I think will depend on what’s going on with the hinted schisms in the Qun, whether it was he that ordered the Antaam to invade, etc. Some more thoughts on the Sten thing here (TN spoilers at link). It would be cool if we (well, us in a meta sense) ended up meeting him on the battlefield or something like he foretold years ago in DAO, or if we could have a meeting with him to try and propose peace or allying to try and defeat Solas or something. Shale… iirc some endings of DAO have her heading for Tevinter, but she was followed up on in Asunder, and was DLC only. I had originally thought she might be a good shout to tap, but that isn’t the case anymore since Solas is confirmed to be able to freeze even golems, and TN also makes a point of hinting at the existence of other intelligent/sentient golems.
Re: the possible return of DA2 companions I have less thoughts, and tbh I don’t really see a need in most cases. Many of them can be dead. Anders in particular can be dead, as in shanked in the back as a story decision cinematic from Hawke-dead rather than just “fought against Hawke after disagreeing with them at the end and ‘died’ at the time” (the latter could be story/gameplay segregation). Aveline has a role and steady job to do in Kirkwall. I don’t know why Prince Sebastian would leave Starkhaven and he’s been back in comics. The siblings can be dead. Bela was already back in comics and DAI. Varric’s done his time as a companion in 2 main games, although I can certainly see us getting reports/info/jobs from him, in the form of letters sent from the Viscount of Kirkwall. Merrill would be interesting to see and might be able to help us given that she’s an expert on eluvians. I would also like to hear what she thinks of the Dread Wolf being a Thing, you know? Find out where she stands on that, if it’s impacted her world view, would she support him or not, etc. Fenris has obviously been moved on the chessboard to Tevinter, putting him in the local area. I could see encountering him as the Blue Wraith in game, perhaps working for or with him a bit or getting a quest or two from him, but I don’t envision him as a DA4 companion. It’s also important to remember that the comics are not supposed to be nor designed to act as a prologue for DA4, like it’s not a direct-set-up situation (see the notes on the podcast mentioned towards the end here).
NB I love these characters! Please don’t interpret this post as not liking them.
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dalishious · 4 years
hey, hi! can i ask you a few questions? ive found myself in a wikia vortex and cant find any answers so far... like when they say corypheus faked the calling for every warden in orlais... does that mean that every single warden in ferelden (which was not affected by the fake call) ran to orlais just bc clarel said so? did they suddenly hear the calling as soon as they crossed the border into orlais? since the warden in crestwood is still under its influence, is it like a disease? 1
2 also like, why didnt clarel call on other wardens? couldnt she have sent a note to the first warden?? did corypheys not want her to? would it not be advantageous for him to have more wardens? now that i think of it, i dont remember if the first warden/weisshaupt is brought up in inquisition? aside from that, avernus in soldiers keep stopped himself from hearing the calling for 200 years. what happened to him?
3 like why did he go with the other wardens, you know? wouldnt he think it was weird that suddenly he got the calling when he stepped in orlais? or that literally everyone else did except for him? why didnt he go back? or flee with the dai warden? why didnt he send a note to weisshaupt? actually, why didnt the dai warden send a note to weisshaupt? if it was only orlais that was affected, why did they hide out in ferelden instead of going to get help with other wardens?
4 do we know where was the architect in all of this, assuming he survived in awakening? actually, since theyre the OG darkspawn and corypheus can transfer his soul to other blighted beings and take over like an archdemon, why couldnt the architect, to get away from the warden? conversely, why doesnt the warden die if they kill the architect? also i might not be remembering dai correctly but i dont think this is addressed in any way after the arbor wilds?
5. hes a resourceful shit from what we've seen, cant he like... just have a demon do the same as what happened in soldiers peak and come back?? cant he find any leftover rifts and step through? also, he was already a tainted creature with blight magic and then he incrusted himself w red lyrium, isnt that gonna fuck up stuff in the fade? corrupt more spirits into demons at least? fuck up mages trying to cast spells? peoples dreams?
6/6 sorry for the barrage of questions /facepalm
hi sorry just one more i swear. "If the Warden shared a night with Morrigan without performing the Ritual: Kieran was conceived when the Warden slept with Morrigan and was born a normal baby without the soul of an Old God." kierans wikia page doesnt explain how that was possible since the warden is supposed to be sterile? in all my playthroughs i always did the dark ritual and dont know if it was explained in game. sorry again!!!!!!!! 
1. Every warden in Thedas is hearing the calling, not just in Orlais. For example, Hawke says that their sibling hears it if Carver of Bethany are a warden, all the way in the Free Marches.
2. Clarel did call in other wardens; that’s the reason Leliana sends the Inquisitor looking for Blackwall, because all the wardens went missing, and he was the only one she could find word of.
3. The First Warden doesn’t really do shit. They’re mostly a figurehead at this point, involved in Anderfels politics, leaving the Warden-Commanders to do the real running.
4. Weisshaupt is brought up; that’s where either Hawke or Alistair / Stroud / Loghain, depending on who survives the Fade, ends up going. It’s also mentioned in the epilogue that there’s war within the Grey Wardens for control, then all communication from the base is cut off.
5. The last we know of Avernus is from the DA:2 quest Dark Epiphany, if he’s alive. He very well may not be, because the warden killed him in DA:O, or perhaps he finally died on his own.
6. If the Architect is alive, I guess he’s just screwing around in the Deep Roads, minding his own business. As far as why the warden was capable of killing him, I don’t know. Perhaps he did survive by jumping into the body of another darkspawn, somewhere, and we don’t know. Or perhaps he just doesn’t have that ability like Corypheus does. 
7. If Corypheus survives the Fade, I suppose he might find a way back. But that’s assuming he’d survive it.
8. Warden’s aren’t completely sterile, it’s just really hard for them to have kids. Fiona was still a warden when she became pregnant with Maric, for example, and states how rare it was.
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
It has recently come to my attention that my AO3 is an overwhelming dumpster fire in terms of organization. Instead of writing 100-chapter longfics (I wish I could focus on one story for that long), I actually use (abuse?) the “Series” feature of AO3 to string together my long and short fics into epic, inter-connected sagas, I guess? So allow me to give you all a glimpse into my non-linear madness with this Masterlist? Apology? Explanation? Roadmap! for my first (and most complete so far) such series, Lost and Found: The Misadventures of Marian Hawke and Everyone She Meets.
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This canon-divergent series revolves around my ridiculous, boorish, horribly awkward and irreverent Marian Hawke and the absurd tragedies and even more unbelievable victories that befall her and all her friends and relations at the end of DA2 and then after that.
Works are arranged (and re-arranged) in chronological order within the series, but that is totally not how I write, so you’ll notice some things are still marked “incomplete” (I have an endpoint in mind, I just haven’t gotten there yet) or “ongoing” (these are mostly drabbles or head canon fills). I try to view each work as a self-contained story-within-the-larger-story, and write them so you can just dip in if you want. “Parts” with Roman numerals follow the main plot, while the Prologue, Epilogue, and shorter works in between are like...bonus features?
1. Prologue: In Kirkwall (ONGOING, 10.9k...)
Most of these started as flashbacks/background writing for the relationships and world state the rest of this series is set in (9:30-9:37). Most of this is not canon-breaking, and fits into a rogue purple female Hawke friendly Handers playthrough (except Bethany and Carver are both still alive).
2. Part I: Lost (COMPLETE, 22.5k)
This is the setup for the rest of the series, and contains a big break from canon, and some head canon development of Orana. Basically, a rewrite of the Chantry explosion. A certain character's death results in Hawke's early departure from Kirkwall (9:37), prior to the endgame showdown(s) at the Gallows. 
3. Fenris the Dreamer (COMPLETE, 5.1k)
Fenris is processing the Chantry explosion (9:37) through dreams and nightmares and...possibly some kind of backwards prophetic abilities. Angst, grief, anger, romance...lyrium dreams! Way deep into my head canon (and non-canon). 
4. Part II: Those Who Remain (COMPLETE, 16.9k)
I originally intended this to be a quick summary of Aveline's non-canonical role in the mage-Templar conflict (9:37) after Hawke leaves, but I am a sucker for bringing in supporting characters. So basically everyone who is left or randomly shows back up in Kirkwall gets a chapter here.
In Violation (INCOMPLETE, 10.3k...) Ser Agatha spin-off, with Orsino and all the disaster Templar boys (Ser Thrask, Cullen, Samson...) and eventually maybe some of the other supporting characters who show up in Kirkwall after DA2 (like Rylen and Leliana and Cassandra...). THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THIS SERIES because it kind of became its own Templar-focused thing, even though it's the same world state...but it dips back and forth in time between 9:30 and 9:42 exploring all the politics and drama with the Templars in Kirkwall.
5. Part III: Fly Away (COMPLETE, 68.8k)
Hawke and Fenris and Isabela and Merrill and Varric grieving and sailing around aimlessly after the Chantry explosion (9:37). So much angst, but there's also sex in this one! Head canons abound! Slow(ish) burn Fenhawke...side Merribela...everyone is sad, though. 
6. Letters To and From Kirkwall (COMING SOON!)
Correspondence between Hawke, Varric, Isabela, Merrill, Fenris, Aveline, Bethany, Carver, and a certain dagger-wielding former employee of the Hawke-Amell Estate in the months following the Mage Rebellion in Kirkwall (9:37-38). 
7. Part IV: Legacy (COMING SOON!)
Carver seeks out his older (and very pregnant) sister for more than just a nice family visit (9:38), and they meet up with Bethany along the way. Wardens, lyrium-addled dwarves, ancient Magisters, Kirkwall reunions, Fenhawke, and weird preggo cravings...this fic will have it all. 
8. "And when it comes..." (COMPLETE, 5.4k)
Domestic Fenhawke parent!fluff drabble...inroducing toddler half-twins Malcolm and Leandra Hawke. This one happens right before Hawke joins the Inquisition (9:41).
9. Part V: Found (COMING...LESS SOON?)
Hawke and Fenris bring the kids to Skyhold (9:41-9:42). It’s cute, until Hawke volunteers herself to stay behind and fight the Nightmare in the Fade at Adamant…well, shit. Spoiler: Fenhanders finally, what?!
Reunited (ONE-SHOT, 1.3k) Alistair and Brosca fluff, post-Adamant/Weisshaupt (9:42?)...that's all. ALSO REMOVED FROM THIS SERIES, because minor spoilers...kinda?
10. Epilogue: Home (and Other Fluff) (ONGOING, 6.7k...)
Happy head canon endings, post-Inquisition, pre-Trespasser (9:42). Skipping over all the angst and suspense to get to my OT3. Don't read if spoilers aren't your thing. Dumping all the domestic family fluff and Fenhanders smut here (for now), so this is mostly just a collection of one-shots and drabbles!
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5lazarus · 3 years
Winter in Amaranthine, Ch. 4: Oghren
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Summary: The Wardens' companions decide to leave, and Warden-Commander Arana Mahariel cannot find a reason good enough to tell them no. Meanwhile, letters between the Warden and Leliana get lost in translation, and Arana makes it worse. Chapter 4, Oghren: Oghren sobers the Warden up.
Read on AO3 here. On Tumblr, read here for Justice & Anders, here for Velanna & Sigrun, and here for Nathaniel Howe.
She stays in her office all night drinking. Arana sits at her desk and sips slowly at her tumbler, enjoying the warp of the fire in the high-priced Serault glass. She is perhaps the only Dalish elf to ever have the privilege to drink from glassware normally preserved for the Divine and Her Holiness’ followers. They had been sent to the Divine as a bribe from the notoriously eccentric Marquis de Serault and waylaid by Leliana. Remembering that, Arana’s hand tightens around the glass and she contemplates smashing it, as she has smashed most of the relationships in her life. But she is the Warden-Commander of Ferelden and the Arlessa of Amaranthine, and it looks bad enough that she is drunk--she does not want to imagine what the servants would say, if they had to clean up glass worth several years of their salary. Instead of breaking it, she tops up her glass. She wakes up to the cool seabreeze whistling outside of her open office window, gulls crying out for bread. Blearily she pulls her head off her desk, cheek sticking slightly to the surface. Her head is heavy but the hangover has not begun to ring through her yet. Arana wrinkles her nose: coffee in a silver pot, embossed with the Warden crest, steams before her, with an equally beautiful silver cup. “Drink up,” Oghren says. “You’re gonna need it.”
She fixes him with a red-eyed stare. Did she cry last night? She should have, if she didn’t. “Food?” she asks. They have done this before, the two of them, after they killed Branka, after Alistair left, and then Leliana. Oghren grunts. “Enough to tide you over,” he says. “Servant’ll be bringing it up, not me.” Ashara snorts. “Distinctions of rank must be preserved,” she says drily. “You want a cup? I imagine you brought your own.”  A servant knocks on the door and brings in a hefty rasher of bacon, thickly-sliced, and three eggs fried in the grease, along with a shot glass of a mysterious green liquid. Ashara raises an eyebrow at Oghren. “Pickle juice,” Oghren grunts. “Works every time. Now get eating, we have to get to the city by noon.” “You don’t give me orders, Warden,” Ashara says, and laughs when Oghren rolls his eyes. “Fine. Enjoy your hangover. I’ll take the bacon.” Oghren feints towards the food, and Ashara waves him off. She eats, feeling her flesh gradually restore around her bones, and takes that shot of pickle juice. It is all surprisingly good. “No hair of the dog?” she says. “That’s a road you don’t want to go down,” Oghren says. “Trust me. Been trying to walk back up it for three months.” He grins at her. “Three months sober today. Sister Nightingale sent me a pretty little amulet to wear. Silver. Supposed to ward off poison.” He laughs. “‘Nuff poison I’ve thrown into myself. And out.” “You’ve been corresponding,” Arana says flatly. She sips her coffee. Leliana has been corresponding personally with Oghren, but has not bothered to send her a letter in months. She is furious--how can she find Oghren more pleasant to talk to than her? Did her letter anger her that much? She could have at least written her back, rather than turning her quill towards other people--to Oghren, of all people. Arana tolerates Oghren, and sometimes she even likes him--she has grown to respect him, after he joined the Wardens and apologized to Felsi, and she knows sobriety is not easy. Still, out of everyone left at Vigil’s Keep, one would think she rates higher than that fool. But Leliana has always liked a good redemption story, especially if she can prompt it. Arana scowls again. Oghren snorts at the look on her face. “Aye,” hen said. “And that’s why I’m taking you on a walk.” “Is this an intervention? I’m not a drunk, Oghren. Not like you--were.” “Andraste’s tits,” he says. “You’re not a drunk like me, no, and you haven’t puked away all your opportunities and shat on all your loved ones--” “You shat on Felsi?” Arana interrupts. Arana occasionally finds Oghren’s stories reassuring: it is always nice to know that someone has fucked up more than she ever can. Oghren pauses. “No!” He considers it. “Maybe. Her doorstep, more like it.” “And she answers your letters.” Arana leans back in her chairs and downs her coffee. Leliana doesn’t answer her letters, and Arana has never even drooled on her, let alone shat on her doorstep. “Sweet Sylaise, that woman has the patience of a Keeper.” Oghren snorts. “She doesn’t answer my letters, but she certainly cashes the notes I send her. You good? You drank your coffee? You gonna eat that? Let’s go.” They leave the keep quietly. The keep is bustling as usual, with the trainers and the recruits and the cooks and the cleaners running about. Arana catches sight of Ser Pounce watching from a young tree she planted, that passes as a Vhenadahl, and she stops a second. Ser Pounce cocks his head at her and mews. He looks very well-fed. “He hasn’t been hunting the Blighted rats, has she?” she asks anxiously. “I do not want Anders to hear we poisoned his cat.” Oghren says, “Ser Pounce took out a hurlock alpha. Think he’s immune to the Blight at this point, Commander.” Ser Pounce lets out a meow, and disappears into the leaves. Arana hopes he has not been pissing on the tree. They move off the main road to avoid listeners, and because Arana deeply craves the woods, the feel of the living earth under her soles, and the whisper of the lost that press against the almost sheer Veil, trying to get their stories heard. They trudge along in silence for the first hour. Oghren hums to himself. He is not a particularly good singer, Arana well knows, but she enjoys having company. They meander, and Arana loses herself in the cool gray copse that acts as a natural barrier between Vigil’s Keep and anyone avoiding the King’s Road. When they are far  from Vigil’s Keep but still an hour  from Amaranthine City, Oghren finally speaks up. “You been getting a lot of mail lately.” “Yes,” Arana says. “I have certainly been filing my dispatches.” Oghren looks at her sideways. “Dispatches,” Oghren says. “From ol’ King Alistair, from that warden from Clan Lavellan, maybe even one or two from Tabris. But nothing from Surana, or Brosca, or Zevran, or Leliana even. Except that one, right? From the batch that came in before Anders left.” “Are you reading my mail?” Arana says, annoyed. Her hand reaches for her sword handle. “Fen’Harel take you, dwarf, those letters contain sensitive information, and you are enough of a drunk--” Oghren raises both hands. “Three months sober,” he emphasizes. “Since Anders left. Ser. Though I guess I’ll always be a drunk, I’ll be a dry drunk for sure. And no--I file your mail. Quartermaster told me to make myself useful, and it keeps me from going to the tavern for lunch.” Arana deflates. She crosses her arms instead, and looks up at the bald trees reaching for the gray sky. It does not snow in Amaranthine, even in winter. She hopes it does not rain. Oghren continues, “Struck me as weird, it did. That you’d only get official business, but Tabris was writing Velanna and Nathaniel, Leliana was checking in with me every two weeks, Alistair even sent me some cheese. ‘Twas moldy to be sure, but I think he did that on purpose.” “Some Orlesian cheeses are supposed to be moldy,” Arana says, amused despite herself. “Leliana told me.” Oghren shot her a look. “Didn’t it strike you as weird that Leliana was writing me but not you? And I didn’t want to intrude on whatever your lover’s spat was, I know how you get.” Arana opened her mouth to protest, but Oghren barreled on, “So I did some investigating. And guess what I found out?  The courier who takes letters from the crossroads, and sends them up the coast? Well, her husband’s got an Orlesian last name, and his cousin works in the Divine’s scriptorium.” His moustache twitches as he beams up at her triumphantly. “The Divine’s been stealing your mail, lass. She’s trying to fuck you and Leliana up.” He spreads his arms out, as if he is expecting applause. “You took me out here to tell me this?” Arana says incredulously. “You couldn’t have told me this in front of my fire?” As she says that, she feels a cold drop hit her forehead. She wipes it away, crestfallen. It begins to rain. She glares down at him. Oghren says cheerfully, “Better get to Amaranthine quick. Time to sprint!” They reach the city gates, mudsplattered, soaked, and sour. Arana bitches the whole way back onto the King’s Road and through the gates. It is the most she has spoken since Velanna left, and her throat gets sore. “And now!” she exclaims, as Oghren shepherds her towards a relatively nice inn near the alienage, “now my throat hurts! I will get a cold, and I will be bedridden, and someone else will need to find a polite way to tell the Chantry they have no right to censor us for recruiting whomever wanted to flee Kinloch Hold, while simultaneously keeping them from scrutinizing too heavily whatever Blighted nugshit Weisshaupt is up to--you know Morrigan has been sighted in Serault, bearing a writ from the Divine? And somehow it’s my fault.” She has not spoken this much, or so openly, since Surana last visited, and though she knows it is perhaps unwise to confide this all in Oghren of all people, she cannot stop the torrent of words. “And, and, I need to apologize to my clan, and--” In the corner of the steaming inn, a woman sits, tuning a lute. Arana stops dead. Leliana looks up and smiles. “My love,” she says. “My heart.”
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crqstalite · 4 years
34 glancing at lips (dealer’s choice on ship)
yet again, another one that got away from me. focuses a tad bit more on alistair/svenja but there is a few mentions of that prompt near the end! the line is used :,D mostly the rose conversation.
ship: alistair theirin/svenja tabris word count: 3,024
shems are such odd creatures -- sure they were closer to being elves than dwarves or qunari were, but they tended to be bulkier, taller, and all around not nearly as bright or dexterous.
that wasn’t to say there weren’t ones that were, (morrigan and leliana specifically) but svenja is concerned (or should she say worried for the state of thedas would them in charge?) she may never fully grasp exactly how one thinks. or what one wants.
well, she tries to at least. from their travels she’s learned they like shiny objects (lots of jewelry for the ‘witch of the wilds’. svenja doesn’t understand that either), books of all shapes and sizes (wynne seems to like them, especially the ones about magic) and religious trinkets (leliana seems to adore andrastian figurines -- as a cloistered sister, svenja thinks she gets that one...except she’s never set foot in a chantry before redcliffe. nor is she sure what a cloister is, she’d have to ask.).
and sometimes, it seemed, was a mix of all three. why alistair liked the statues she found was unclear, that and the two runestones she’d found more recently. the jewelry this time made sense, once she’d taken a moment to think of the significance behind it when she’d found it in redcliffe castle. it meant a lot to him, and instead of the disgust at such an emotional response that she’d usually have, she instead felt some semblance of...happy? feeling like she’d done something good for this odd human when he’d smiled so. svenja had flustered and retreated to her tent as quickly as she could after that.
that kept her up at night as well.
svenja genuinely wondered if all shems were like this -- people who liked all sorts of odd things. that wasn’t to say she wouldn’t jump at the chance to acquire some sword and repurpose it for later usage, but it seemed every little shiny trinket the shems would happily say they’d treasure at a chance to take it. even she didn’t do that when she got better than meager gifts from shianni.
except...she’s not beginning to mind it as much as she used to. with morrigan at least, she’s almost surprised to see such a warm smile cross her expression after she’d found a mirror just like the one she’d lost as a child. and alistair...
alistair’s eyes are still roaming the white runestone that she’d picked up days ago hours later, or so she thinks with his big bulky back turned to her. the fire is still just barely crackling, throwing shadows around the camp while she stokes it. it couldn’t have meant that much to him, could it? really he should’ve just given it to sandal to enchant into his blade if he really liked it so much.
she doesn’t know what persuaded her to stay up for watch alongside him. maybe it’s the fact the darkspawn are starting to get bolder around the borders of the campsite, especially after she assigned at least two of her party to stay awake for watch instead of just one (a rookie mistake, one she wouldn’t make again when they’d all been woken from a pack of blight wolves roaming in the distance, too close for comfort in her book).
for some other reason, one that boggles her mind even now, she wanted the post with alistair.
this shem -- human (if she were to be nice about it, and it’d taken quite a while to get to that point) had piqued her interest long ago by now. how he managed to be just this carefree and humorous in the middle of a blight, she wasn’t sure. she didn’t know how to explain it, and a part of her wasn’t sure she wanted to. all svenja knew was that somehow, he set butterflies in her chest whenever he was around, and that was just one of the things that bothered her most. he had no right acting like they were friends directly after ostagar, and yet he stayed friendly as much as she tried to give him a freezing cold shoulder.
he was not deterred. managed to chip away at her frozen exterior until he had the audacity to call her beautiful of all things.
of all things.
svenja tabris, little more than a city elf with a tendency to stab what she didn’t like instead of talking and spent the rest of the evening beating back the nausea caused by her anxiety with a sword into the tree further on the border of camp.
the only person who’d ever called her beautiful before...well that was her mother. and cyrion on occasion. this? this was new territory right her, someone she didn’t share even a drop of blood with thought she was beautiful.
the word feels weird on her tongue.
they’d spoken more than once before (a lot of the time she spent in camp was by herself in the beginning, but somehow she’d started to gravitate toward alistair), and it has always been pleasant, even the day prior hadn’t been.
how can he even do that?
sighing, she eventually puts the stick she’d been using down next to the fire, dragging her bare feet against the ground as not to spook her watch partner. it’d happened once before, and while mildly amusing, she felt a need not to do it again. her mouth dries when he turns to her, the words dying in her throat. she was going to mention that they needed to switch out with morrigan and sten and some point, right.
at least she thinks so, up until she glances up to his own rattled expression.
“here, look at this. do you know what this is?” he asks, his voice barely loud enough to carry over the crackling of the fire and the other weird sounds of the night. svenja raises an eyebrow, then descends her gaze towards his hand, where he holds out a bloomed rose. a deep, luscious red comparable to that of the lip paint shems liked to wear, nearly blood if she were to guess. and yet...it had a sense of beauty to it.
“is...this a trick question?” she asks, confused, watching his face for any hidden expression of amusement at her expense. did he really think she received such little education in the alienage that she wouldn’t be able to identify a basic flora of fereldan?
(maybe he was half right. wynne had to teach her the difference between elfroot and deathroot. it wasn’t her fault they looked deceptively similar. she wasn’t about to tell him that though.)
“yes, absolutely. i’m trying to trick you. is it working? aw, i just about had you, didn’t i?” he asks, chuckling when a grin spreads across his expression. a beat and then her brain catches up, he was jestering her, pulling her leg. probably made more evident by his tone, as she allows herself to smile -- not without a roll of her eyes, of course.
“oh yes...you’re...a wily one.” she responds, unsure of herself. is her smile weird? she’s never known quite what to do when presented with such a joke.
“nefarious, even.” his smile only grows wider, a genuine laugh following it. except, she doesn’t feel like he’s laughing at her. maybe with her.
damn shem, making her feel all nervous again.
“i picked it in lothering.” he thumbs one of the petals, the corners of his lips quirked upwards as she focuses anywhere else but his eyes, “i remember thinking ‘how could something so beautiful exist in a place with so much despair and ugliness?’“
there’s the smallest scar just underneath his lip, she notices.
she’d never had reason to before, but she does now.
“i probably should’ve left it alone, but i couldn’t. the darkspawn would come and their taint would just destroy it. so i’ve had it ever since.” he says, shifting his stance again.
he radiates nervous energy and it’s infecting her in a way that her hands are shaking. eventually she just crosses her arms to keep them from being too obvious.
it’s a an interesting way to look at a rose of all things, she’ll give him that. even if she doesn’t entirely understand why he’s telling her this, nor does she understand how he managed to keep it alive for so long (or maybe it hasn’t been that long and all the days are beginning to blend together, travelling isn’t her favorite thing to do). does he want another hug?  
“that’s a nice sentiment, alistair.” she responds, nearly tripping over her own words.
he takes a breath, biting his bottom lip, “i thought that i might...give it to you actually. in a lot of ways, i think the same thing when i look at you.”
she barely realizes that he’d intended to give it to her.
that and he thought she was beautiful. again. and admitted it out loud.
well, indirectly.
but still...beautiful all over again.
blood rushes to her ears, and she can already feel them gently twitching against her skull. svenja is struggling not to let her true colors show when she eventually gently plucks it out of his hand with her own shaking fingers, careful of the thorns but immediately enamored with the color.
this is odd, no one has ever gifted her something. not since her mother gave her the sword she treasures to this day. and yet, she’s received something else. her father had once given her mother roses, but she doesn’t ever remember them being so...meaningful before. they’d been prickly things to take care of, and rather finnicky considering there wasn’t the necessary water to really garden in the alienage.
she’s still captivated by it’s beauty.
she looks back up at him with a critical eye. the explanation behind the gifting grates on her nerves,  “you...think of me as a delicate flower?”
“a gentle flower? no, i...don’t think i’d put it that way.” he seems sheepish when she brushes a finger over the flower’s center. good to know he didn’t think of her as incapable of protecting herself or otherwise, “i guess it’s a bit silly, isn’t it? I just thought...here I am doing all this complaining, and you haven’t exactly been having a good time of it yourself.
“you’ve had none of the good experiences of being a grey warden since your joining, not a word of thanks or congratulations. it’s all been death and fighting and tragedy,” he explains, “i thought maybe i could say something. tell you what a rare and wonderful thing you are amidst all this...darkness.”
svenja reads him as a bashful, flustered even just trying to keep from making a fool of himself. she’s not sure what to make of it (as if she isn’t also sure that her own face has been colored red), “so because of all that, you gifted me with a flower?”
“i guess it was, uh, just a stupid impulse,” he pauses again, and she bites her tongue. of course she’d say something to make him feel bad, and it wasn’t even her intention. the gesture was kind, but it’s taking much too long for her brain to catch up that he cares about her enough to give her something so...special.
“i don’t know, was it the wrong one?” svenja finally forces herself to look him in the eye when he asks, so nervous and waiting for her reaction. how does she even respond to that? was it the wrong one? no, she doesn’t think so. in fact she’ll probably treasure this for a long while, at least until it dies inevitably.
she hates this, why does a flower and a single shem able to reduce her to a stuttering mess? damn humans, this one especially. she resists the urge to cover her face with her hands and running.
fighting darkspawn was much less emotionally tolling than this...declaration of admiration. people didn’t usually actually...care about what she thought of them. and they definitely didn’t go out of their way to give her flowers.
why has she suddenly lost every shred of confidence she had?
“no. no it wasn’t.” she’s blunter than she intended, silently reprimanding herself and accidentally pressing her thumb into a thorn, “thank you, alistair. this was very kind of you.”
“i’m glad you like it,” his demeanor changes immediately, a smile sure enough to warm the entire camp if that was it’s intention, “now...if we could move right on past this awkward, embarrassing stage and get right to the steamy bits, i’d appreciate it.”
nothing comes out of her mouth as her face heats, losing just about every active thought that had been racing around her head like a wolf after it’s prey. that, she had not expected. she blusters and her voice cracks, “what?”
he seems just as startled, if not moreso by her reaction, “or not! or not, and we can just have the fluffy bits instead.”
there’s a long pause then, neither of them terribly sure what to say next. she could spend all night staring at this thing without even acknowledging anything else until morning.
it’s pretty.
she glances up at his lips, that same small scar she had noticed earlier. she blinks, however no hesitation precedes her question against her better judgement, “can i kiss you?”
this time it’s his turn to stutter, “you...you want to-”
“if you’d rather i not, i wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable alistair,” she hears shifting somewhere out in the woods, in the darkness that the fire’s light can’t touch. her head is spinning -- she’s...genuinely happy for once, but also beyond rather embarrassed she’d suggested such a thing -- and all her senses are calling for her fight or flight response to snap up, mostly flight.
“i--” he’s mulling it over, she can see it in his face as he rubs the back of his neck. maker she didn’t know shems’ faces could even get that red, and if he thinks about it long enough, well, that’ll give her plenty of time to accept she’s about to get rejected.
his voice lowers to a whisper that she can just barely hear over the fire, “if you wish.”
oh she didn’t expect him to actually accept her foolish request.
one could probably compare her brains pace to both racing along a track and also halting immediately upon acception.
i’ve never actually kissed anyone before.
only now does her hesitation show itself, nearly paralyzing her before she forces herself to take a step forward without a second thought. maker, she’d also happened to forget just how tall he was.
the corners of his lips quirk into a nervous smile. how tightly her body is wound, like the ropes on a ship pulled taut -- except she feels like she’s about to snap. svenja isn’t the most cautious person, only proven by just how much she feels like legs are about to give out as soon as she lifts herself on her toes.
she’s more embarrassed that alistair has to lean down anyways.
she wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but it wasn’t that she’d nearly smack her forehead against his. she wasn’t intending to knock him out, but tries to pull on every memory she could in her nineteen very short years of life.
one small tilt of her head.
svenja is not the best with words, nor is she good at describing things. it is terribly short, just a peck of her lips on his but?
but maybe she wants another. at another time, maybe now. so she takes another. nothing about her is relaxed (no, something is about to snap if she doesn’t go back to her bedroll as in now, and her bare hand is clutching that poor rose -- she’d need to put a bandage over it at some point), but she’s also ecstatic.
ecstatic was too strong a word. content? maybe even merry.
she does pull away only a moment later, trying to ignore the glee that’s written itself all over alistair’s face. she doesn’t hear a word he says while he’s looking out towards the rest of the small camp, and she’s has to ask for clarification after she gently touches her lips.
had just kissed someone.
“i was saying that it’s getting sort of late, morrigan and sten should be woken to watch over the camp, right?” he’s tripping over his words all over again, as if a representation of how she feels inside. a hurricane of emotions ripping around her, all of which boil down to nervous energy.
“i...yes. we should. i’ll wake her,” she doesn’t particularly want to leave, but realizes she’d long left the fire to die down to a few flames, “alistair?”
“yes?” he asks, just a tad startled.
she glances first down to the rose (yep, punctured in a few places), and then up at him. for whatever reason, her eyes drop to his lips again.
she wonders -- no.
oh no.
“thank you. for the rose,” she whispers, “and...the kiss.”
“oh! of course, i--uh don’t...be afraid to ask?” his tone turns it into a question.
svenja is only able to nod before she makes more of a fool of herself than she already had, scurrying off towards morrigan’s small alcove further out on the edges of the clearing. she’s only able to mumble off a few words (three of which being ‘sten. watch. now.’) before sliding herself back into her own tent, heart throbbing like a drum beneath her chest.
what was wrong with her? no self-respecting city elf would’ve fallen in love with a shem, there’s no way.
(but? alistair was different. she thinks. wait. his ears are slightly pointed, maybe he’s a different kind of shem.)
placing the rose down carefully next to her bedroll, she pulls her makeshift pillow off the bed and screams into it.
(she makes it off to a begrudging sleep)
shems may not have been the brightest or most dexterous, but they were okay at giving gifts. a little too okay in her opinion.
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rainbowravioli · 4 years
Bit late to the party but 💩✌️👀💘 for Dragon Age and/or Mass Effect and/or Three Houses
To make up for how late this is I’m going both Dragon Age and Three Houses (not Mass Effect only because I realized I don’t have really interesting answers for that one). Keeping player characters out of the equation here.
Dragon Age
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
@nder$ with either Sebastian or Fenris but especially Fenris. Also, unpopular opinion but, Dori@n and Mr Bovine. 
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
Merrill and Carver. It’s super cute but I personally don’t see it working in the long run I guess.
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
I’m uh interested in the idea of a Warden Bethany and Nathaniel...Harding/Josephine has really cute potential too, I’ve been intrigued since the line about the basket of flowers.
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Alistair/Leliana! I don’t think it’s unpopular so much as non-existent but I’ve shipped them since I played Origins for the first time so ^^' Sebastian/Fenris as well, suuuper underrated. Nate/Sigrun there’s basically me and @breadedsinner shipping it.
Ok you know what opening an exception here, Dorian/Cadash is criminally underrated! And so is Josephine/Cadash while we’re at it! (canon world state baby!) More Dwarf love!
Three Houses
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
I said I wouldn’t include Player Character and yet once again I have to because Byleth/The Archbishop gives me a visceral reaction of disgust and while I have other ships I don’t really like, none legit disgust me like this one does.
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
Lindhart/Caspar. I get it, it has really cute art, but it’s not my thing.
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
I recently opened my eyes to Raphael/Bernardetta and Petra/Claude and I am VERY intrigued. Also extremely recent, as in yesterday recent, but I was sad to learn Yuri and Claude don’t have supports because mmmm well... 👀
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Why is Dimitri/Dedue a rare pair they are so good? (I mean, I know why...) Ashe/Ingrid is also my favourite Ingrid ship. And finally, basically any of the ships I have involving Lorenz since the guy is so mistreated by the fandom and I rarely see him shipped with anyone to start with.
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musingmycelium · 5 years
god okay i info dumped on discord bc thats just who i am as a person so i’m cross posting it here in case anyone else is curious about my canon world state. under a read more bc its, uh, maybe a bit of a monster.
i've got a dummy complex worldstate for no reason other than i like to make things difficult for the sake of a good story i guess. for origins my canon warden is an apostate, ellanis tabris who in an 'accident' had his leg crushed and it never recovered, causing it to have stunted growth. he uses a cane to get around and his disability helped hide him in the denerim alienage since apostacy is probably one of if not the most dangerous crime for an elf.
he's only one of three, though. his best friends growing up are noure surana and attie nehrios. noure gets taken to the circle when they're 17 (and ellanis and attie are 15) and comes into play a bit later, while attie is a seamstress and budding red jenny.
as far as origins itself goes ellanis' canon route is deep roads - dalish - haven - redcliff - circle - redcliff. fairly standard stuff up until haven/broken circle tbh. in haven during the guardian's first trial instead of shianni ellanis sees noure (whom the alienage presumed dead when arrested bc it wasn't, ah, a clean arrest) as the ghosty thing and during broken circle ellanis finds noure again and 'conscripts' them into the wardens. really he just takes them with him and destroys their phylactery so they won't be followed. (noure's phylactery is stored in kinloch instead of the spire after their fourth escape attempt since it gave them too much of a head start to make the templars wait to get it) theres a lot of Feelings surrounding connor but other than that ellanis doesn't super change things there either. he does, however, not have any idea about the dr. which is the biggest break i have from canon in dao with the exception of my inclusion of More City Elves. instead of morrigan going to ellanis she, as his best friend, knows he'll refuse to do it and instead goes straight to alistair. morrigan actually never tells ellanis anything about the ritual, ever.
during unrest in the alienage ellanis meets up with attie again, who is already working to clear the slavers out herself, and she falls head over heels for morrigan pretty quickly. fast enough that when morrigan sets out on her 'nobody follow me' thing attie does anyways bc thats just who attie is as a person. and besides she can't stay in denerim now that she's maybe or not killed a nobleman for what happened during the wedding.
and now its awakening time 
ellanis meets up with anders for the first time and through him learns a bit more about noure's time in the circle. (noure and anders and karl were lovers for roughly three years before shit hit the fan hard) and fuck canon here because ellanis doesn't have time for this. plus the architect is interesting and yah maybe insane but he's in the place for a little madness. ellanis lets him live and strikes a bargain with him, they share research and any ferelden wardens who prefer to answer their calling not by fighting darkspawn but by potentially furthering the cure are welcomed by the architect. but after awakening ellanis leaves vigils keep in nate's hands and goes on 'offical leave' to work on his own cure..... and to live in antiva with zevran...... lkjkjlkjkjkj
noure, after broken circle and during awakening, goes to nevarra via orlais. it takes them a couple of months to settle but noure finds viuus (yes that viuus) who takes them on as an apprentice of sorts bc he's also in a bit of a jam. it works, sorta, noure learns more spirit based magic and reconnects with a part of themselves the circle tried to beat out of them. it only lasts for about two years, though, because templars find them, one a recent transfer from kinloch and noure isn't exactly a forgettable face. so!
well, its around the same time that anders leaves the wardens for good. and ellanis puts anders in touch with noure. they decide to meet in kirkwall, because rumor has it that's where karl is and thats gonna be the place they need to go first.
attie though, she's just hanging out with morrigan and stirring the pot in orlais as a jenny. she also works with the mage underground and defo either knows or works with briala as a kind of agent. her story is more foggy tho bc i haven't read Super much of TME or played some of witch hunt
da2 comes in and i've Recently, like as of last week i think, decided to swap my canon hawkes. william is now my canon hawke instead of the twins. he's an apostate who's magic is mostly clairvoyancy and a shepherd.. or he was until the blight. bethany dies during the escape and its only the Beginning of the sad times for william.
with his pretty suble magic william makes for a Superb smuggler, and lands the gig with bartrand quickly. he Also, gets a bit of a crush on varric while they're still going around raising money. he takes carver, varric, and isabela with him to the deep roads thinking that keeping his brother close will be safer. and, well, it isn't.
act ii is a bunch of horse shit anyways but william tries to keep out of things until isabela is directly threatened by it and only then steps in seriously. for the most part all of the things which go down with petrice are done with noure and anders. they don't like the qunari being in town either but they, at least, can use the situation to weaken the chantry and by extension the circle. even if its only a bit. during act iii the two of them build up the mage underground and start preparing to take direct action against the circle. william is, still uncertain but he doesn't stop them. his magic has never been a large danger to himself, it's suble enough and under control enough that he's never really had to fear templars. he feared them for his fathers sake, for bethany's sake, but not his own. not really. and well, we know how da2 ends but i hate the retcon of 'hundres of casualties' bithc! where! so no, only the grand cleric and a handful of upper level chantry people where inside when it went up and they deserved it.
ellanis is working on the blight cure during this time and makes it far enough that he and zev are surprised by twins (two girls named adaia and killian) but otherwise ellanis is mostly chillin in antiva
while attie is now definitely working closely with briala both as a jenny and as an agent
and we’re up to dai with my canon quizzy - da'ean lavellan, the clan storykeeper (next in line after his father) who only attends the conclave because idrilla was going to first and they didn't want to loose the clan first. i've got... way more canon deviance in dai than anywhere else bc dai Suxxs but its way too long but basically! 
da'ean romances both dorian and the iron bull bc im poly and i said so, idrilla comes to skyhold as magical advisor and she works where morrigan does in the game (tho morrigan still shows up she's not an offical position as much, which suits her and attie just fine). linayel, da'ean's nas'falon (qp) arrives with her and he slots in as an archery trainer. 
plus, ellanis is the warden contact instead of the many (some really wild??) canon contacts. leliana tries to contact him to be quizzy but he's travelling and misses it, and when noure contacts him on william's behalf and mentions corypheus (ellanis knows about legacy bc william brought noure and anders along) ellanis puts some pieces together and comes to skyhold. he'd already been working to figure out the weird calling (it is and yet isn't the same as the blight he remembered) so he's already a bit aware of the situation. william doesn't stick around for long, basically just long enough to get confirmation ellanis is on his way. even tho he misses varric this isn't his place
adamant goes down wicked different bc ellanis is the fucking HOF. by this time he's developed his magic enough he can pretty much take down all of the wardens within a good 300 foot range just nearly instantly. (a combination of his blight cure research and his natural entropic aligned magic hohohoho) so he makes it to clarel Fast. instead of falling into the fade ellanis (anyone else remember just fucking punching rifts closed in awakening? lol) works with da'ean to open up the rift in the main courtyard and suck the nightmare into the real world. and then he fuckin annhilates it bc he can
WEWH is also different but this time its bc of attie (and morrigan's different now too bc she's been dragged into things by her wife) briala's at the palace yeah, but now she's also got attie waiting in the wings. instead of getting stuck in place by the quizzy attie is able to manuever things to implicate gaspard and celene alone (mostly bc i hate the blackmail on briala it just doesn't vibe well with her character to me). so instead of the shitty options of 'gaspard rules with briala shadowing him' or 'celene and briala end up back together' its 'celene gets put in place by briala and now briala calls the shots'
idrilla romances solas, and as a dreamer she's sure something is fishy but can't figure out what exactly. (until trespasser that is, when she figures it out at the murals) but she provides a good foil to his asshatry and as offical magical advisor steers the inquisition with morrigan's info about the arbor wilds. she knows the rituals and the magic bc she's first and they make it through far faster than in canon, making a quick alliance with the sentinals and beating samson well before the canon battle area. 
(linayel romances cass but their story is still quiet and vague as of yet but linayel mostly remains in skyhold to help train and strategize)
then da'ean kicks corypshits ass soundly becase that fight Sucks Ass.
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