#mage right
namespara · 4 months
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Hello strangest target audience of fellow sad mage enjoyers
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olillskio · 7 months
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Finally finished my piece for the mage war! I know this took long but I finally found motivation to finish this and move on for more art lmao xD
also yes Anders has long hair here because ya all cant stop me
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omaano · 1 year
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"Obi-Wan’s magic had always been at its strongest when he was protecting someone. Perhaps that’s why it was easier to defeat their remaining assailants after Cody went down injured."
I had the absolute best of time working on this illustration commissioned by the wonderful @wanderingjedihistorian for their fic What It Means! If you like a good fantasy setting, swords and sorcery, Jedis as mages and the Clones as knights do check it out!
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awoooniper · 29 days
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xelidonia · 6 months
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t4t is beautiful
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robo-milky · 7 months
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Oh nooooo~ What’s this? My legs are suddenly giving out after 1 second of running?! Pwease Master Mr. Hunt, go easy on this poor, delicate, helpless cat maid— won’t you? How can I possibly have the energy to indulge you in a hunt after a long day’s worth of chores?! 🥺🥺
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lavared · 9 months
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(More details under the cut)
"...You know, the usual? Turning into a gross spider, brooding in the shadows, doing your mother's dirty work, crawling back to the swamps so you can finally leave us alone???"
"And why, pray tell, should I do something else when I can watch you make a spectacle of yourself instead?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm talking about this new embarrassing habit of yours. You've been spending an awful lot of time hiding behind the trees to ogle poor unsuspecting lasses."
"I'm-I'm NOT! First off, how long have you been spying on me, exactly? No, wait- I don't really want to know that. And second, I'm not doing anything, and I'm definitely NOT ogling. I'm just standing guard."
"(Scoffs) Oh, are you really? I didn't know standing guard involved all this blushing and heavy sighing. We might have done it wrong all this time, I see."
"(Sighs)...Listen, believe what you will. The Commander asked us to keep watch, so I suggest you do the same, preferably twenty or eighty feet away from me, alright? Thanks."
"As your dear Commander wishes. But I suggest you close your mouth while on...duty. We already have a dog, we don't need another slobbery creature in our fun little party."
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lilypads17 · 1 year
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oldandcrusty · 9 months
What Avvar mage training tells us
Not enough people talk about the Avvar, which is a shame because they have some amazing history and practices. I find the way they handle mages to be especially enlightening and based as fuck.
So I made this post to summarise it!
In the above video, I captured two conversations with the Augur of Stone-Bear Hold, and Sigrid - the mage-in-training who went into a self-imposed exile. I'll summarise what mage training looks like for the Avvar, and then delve into the implications.
Augurs are the spiritual leaders of the Hold, but are not necessarily mages - though they often are.
Spirits are called 'gods' by the Avvar. The Avvar do also have named gods, and these appear to be particularly powerful spirits.
Mages among the Avvar bind themselves to a spirit in order to be trained - i.e., they become 'abominations' in the eyes of the chantry, which Dorian confirms in the video. This occurs at a young age, in Sigrid's case when she was a child.
The spirit becomes the mage's trainer. Years later, when the training is done, the mage releases the spirit in a ritual which requires only a small sacrifice (like a bird) and a vial of lyrium.
If a mage cannot release the spirit, then the situation is handled carefully. In Sigrid's case, she just didn't want to say goodbye to a good friend. She goes to the Augur after this, and he confirms that they are working on helping her overcome her loneliness.
If the reason is they are truly incapable of releasing the spirit (they are 'weak', though it's unclear what this means), then the Hold and spirits watches over them to prevent them from growing 'sick'. The Augur implies that if the mage does sicken and endangers themselves or the Hold, they are euthanised and pass away peacefully in their sleep. He says it is a very sad event.
What are the implications of this, then?
Reversing 'possession' can actually be really easy. We knew it was possible from DAO, but now we see that it need not require a massive amount of lyrium or blood magic. If the 'possession' does not happen in a state of extreme desperation/distress (which the Circle and Templars love to put mages in), then reversal is simple.
Mages who cannot release the spirit might 'sicken' - and I suspect that's what they tried to show with Anders. What 'sicken' means is not clarified by the Augur, but from our Anders experience we can piece together that the Augur means they grow mentally and physically unwell. But even this can be prevented or mitigated with proper care.
It appears to be very, very rare that mages among the Avvar turn into the types of abominations we fight in the games, because the Augur never even mentions it happening.
So, in conclusion: The Avvar treat their mages with the most humanity and compassion of everyone, resulting in very few instances of violent abominations.
(Note: tbh I have no idea wtf the Dalish mage training is like because the games contradict themselves even within the same clan, so I can't really draw comparisons to the Dalish, unfortunately.)
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I said I wasn't going to get started on the topic of Aveline ruining Carver's chances with the guard but I lied okay, it's Carver Hawke defense hours.
Here's the thing; it doesn't matter if you believe Carver was or wasn't fit for the guard. That's a different debate that I'll get to. What matters is Aveline's in no position to tell the guard not to accept his application. Why does she think that's her right to judge whether or not he's fit?
Carver should've had the chance to prove himself one way or another. If it turns out he's not a good fit, then let him fail. Let him learn from it.
"Oh but failure could mean lost lives-"
Aveline doesn't get to talk shit about failure and the people. Plenty have died on her watch yet she still believes she's a good guard and Guard-Captain.
"maybe Aveline's protecting him, Carver could die while on patrol-"
Carver could die working in the Bone Pit, or serving as a templar, or when he's running around with Hawke. Carver could trip and fall down a set of stairs and die. In fact, he can die in the Deep Roads, somewhere he wouldn't have to go if the Hawke's weren't desperate.
Either Carver fails as a guard, or more likely, he succeeds and proves himself worthy of it.
But let's be real, Carver probably kept getting rejected due to being a Fereldan with a past of smuggling/mercenary work and Aveline only reaffirmed the decision, either because they asked her what she thought or she stuck her nose in unprompted.
But what irritates me is that she admits to telling them not to accept his application, and then has the balls to call Carver too proud to take up a trade or find another line of work.
Carver tells her, "And who would take on a Fereldan apprentice? Maybe in another year I could work my way up to pissboy." He has a good point here. Aside from the guard, the only other place Carver could work and use his skillset is with the Templars. Or go back to mercenary/smuggling work.
And Aveline doesn't even have a real answer for him. No suggestions, no encouragement, nothing. Just "Fine, let's crawl down some holes. Good bloody luck for your sake."
Also, if you do the Mark of the Assassin DLC in Act 1-
Aveline: You should see if any of the noblemen are looking for new men-at-arms. Carver: Are you trying to get rid of me? Aveline: It's a role with some autonomy. A good fit with your training and... tendencies. Carver: After serving King Cailan? You want me to suffer some poncy git who needs two servants to wipe his own ass? I'll find my own way, thanks. Aveline: I wish you would.
You wish he would?? Aveline, he was trying to find his way into the guard, a position he'd make a good fit for, and you helped deny him of it because YOU didn't think he would be good enough, I just-
If I haven't made it clear yet, I firmly believe that Carver would've made a great guard. He wants to help people, to be a protector. He's loyal, and despite what Aveline claims, he can follow orders and take his duty seriously. We see him do incredibly well with the Grey Wardens, after all. If he were a guard, he wouldn't have to go down into the Deep Roads with Hawke, and I think he would've been okay with that! He's so hurt and bitter when you leave him behind because that effectively tells him, "I don't need you." Carver's spent the whole first act telling you he wants to go on the expedition aka that he wants to be needed.
But if he were a guard, he would be needed elsewhere. He'd be in training as a recruit. He'd look after Leandra while you go. He wouldn't be backed into a corner with no income and only the templars left as his chance at forging his own path and providing for his family.
He doesn't get that opportunity, though.
By the way, if he becomes a warden, you can get this banter:
Aveline: I'm glad you found a place with the Wardens. Carver: Well, it's not the city guard, but it'll do. Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you. Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I? Aveline: Well...
This banter makes me want to scream.
Aveline's just... she's so insistent that she's right. She's someone who will double down rather than entertain the idea that she's wrong and it's not just with Carver and the guard, it's with everything. The "my beef with Aveline" list gets longer and longer every time I replay da2, I swear.
Say what you will about Carver, whether you think he would've been a good fit or if Aveline's right and it wasn't for him, he was denied a chance and it cost him so much in the end. He either dies, or he joins the templars where he deals with Chantry's bullshit trying to brainwash him with "mages aren't people" and "magic is a cancer in this world", or he's infected with the blight and becomes a Grey Warden, forced to serve the rest of his life fighting darkspawn, tormented by voices and nightmares.
I will never not be bitter about this.
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lucien-aventine · 4 months
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Tank + Healer
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eobard-thawne · 3 months
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honestly? if i could choose to play as an apostate, i would.
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wafflesex · 8 months
I’ll keep saying it: I hate the limitations there are to using Shock the Heart. I get why they’re there… but I still hate them. And here’s why.
If you break down Shock the Heart, it functions as any other sci-fi/fantasy “truth serum” does (i.e. Veritaserum, Lasso of Truth). It compels someone to tell the truth.
… Or rather, it compels someone to tell their truth.
Because the truth depends entirely on what a person knows.
Look at it this way: if you see Person A take a plate of cookies and then later see that plate empty, you’d probably say that Person A ate all the cookies. But suppose, unbeknownst to you, Person A actually shared those cookies with Person B.
If you tell someone that Person A ate all the cookies, you technically wouldn’t be lying, because the truth you have is just the truth you saw. To make it more complex, suppose you’re angry at Person A. Based on bias, you’d probably point a finger at them anyway, because your anger is your truth.
All this is to say: as with all other “truth serums,” the truth itself is Shock the Heart’s biggest limitation.
Only allowing Jade to use it on a person once and restricting its usage to weaker-willed, easy-to-trick mages seems like overkill.
Here you have a congregation of teenage boys, most of which have at least 10 ulterior motives and 20 traumatic experiences festering in their still-underdeveloped-brains, who never call each other “friends” and would sell each other out for One Corn Chip in a microsecond.
The process of wrangling the truth out of any of them is hard enough, but when you consider how twisted (no pun intended) each individual truth must be?
That’s a SUPER limitation already and would make for great conflict in the story.
….. also it would let us see Jade do this more often as a treat:
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longelk · 1 year
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cali-kabi · 6 months
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~ hiya wanted to repost one of my favorite artworks from August of last year the Kirby 30th Anniversary Music Fest :D when I saw the novel I thought it be a good time to repost my art for it <3 for those you saw it last year I changed the colors of the lineart that’s it and colored Kirby’s glow stick cuz for some reason I forgot alshkdldj xD🌸🌟💫⚡️💖hope you like it💫🍬
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