#what is budget deficit
buindia · 1 year
Find Out About Deficit Budgeting and Its Effects and More
When government expenditure exceeds its income, which includes fees, taxes, and investment returns, there is a federal deficit budgeting.
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countingnothings · 1 year
“people* who benefit from our service feel bad if you remind them that the service can’t exist without their contributions!”
well, they’ll feel worse if they can no longer access the service. and the people who make sure the service continues feel bad when their salaries and operating costs aren’t being met. so. who’s to say whether we should talk about needing money.
*in this case, almost entirely very wealthy retirees
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
Hey nobody has asked me about this ADHD money management tip and it depends on having at least a tiny bit of flex in your budget but I'm about to spend a frustrating amount of money on flour and I can only do it because of this tip:
Hide cash from yourself like a squirrel.
Use whatever receptacle you'd like, envelopes or a zipper bag or an old wallet, create labels for the stuff you're saving for, and tuck money in there occasionally.
My stash lives in an old wallet with strips of paper around it. It's got dividers for "car registration," "bulk food," "vet visit," and a couple other things.
These are things that I know happen every year or multiple times a year that take more cash than I can easily spare from a single paycheck. If I stick twenty bucks a month in an old wallet it will mean that even if I have to pay late fees, I don't have to put my car registration on a credit card and pay interest on my late fees. If I stick ten bucks a month in an old wallet I can buy 25lbs of flour twice a year. If I can stick a bit more or less cash as it's available into the wallet I can make sure that my twice-annual regular vet visits with senior dog bloodwork and vaccinations aren't going to be too much of a hit to that month's grocery budget.
Like, everyone talks about "put money in savings once a month" or "have an account you don't touch for emergencies" and that can totally work if you can swing it, but I know it's REALLY hard for me to keep from pulling from the "emergency" fund for stuff that's a minor emergency/or is regular maintenance that I should have planned for/etc.
It's much harder for me to pull from the actual cash sitting in a physical room in my house because A) I'll probably forget it and B) that means that I have to think through using those funds in a lot more of a direct way than I would when using a debit card and C) I literally can't access it when I'm out of the house (the emergency fund HAS to be on the card to be accessible, the "i need expensive groceries" money doesn't have to be ready to go at all times and if it is available I know myself and it'll get used before it's expensive grocery time).
Like. If you know you have an expense that you have to pay for every year, hide cash specifically for that expense instead of in a general "expenses" fund because if you're not great with money and you've got an iffy memory you might look at your expenses fund and go "okay my computer crashed and there's five hundred bucks in the fund I can replace it and get back to work, cool" and there goes your car registration and a vet visit. At least if you need to physically grab that cash for an emergency you can make note of what you're going to have a deficit for later in the year.
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elierlick · 6 months
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If you're in New York, now is the time to call Kathy Hochul and ask her to remove Eric Adams as mayor. This is what Andrew Cuomo resigned over and we have to keep up the pressure. (518) 474-8390
New York City mayors cannot be recalled or impeached. The governor is the only individual with the power to remove them. If Eric Adams, the most conservative mayor since Giuliani, is fired, Jumaane Williams will hold the position until a new mayor is elected. Williams is far from perfect but he was at all the major defund/George Floyd rallies and would actually move bloated police funding to necessary programs like healthcare, housing, transportation, and pre-K.
Over the past few weeks, Adams has gutted libraries and schools, blamed migrants for budget deficits, and conducted some of the largest mass arrests of Jews since the Holocaust for protesting Israeli apartheid. It is more urgent than ever to have him ousted.
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pinksatinsashes · 5 months
The Dream Girl's Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals
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If there's one thing that I am insanely good at, it's planning and setting goals.
However I have not always been great at achieving them.
Call it laziness, lack of self discipline or being over ambitious, you can take your pick. But every year I would set goals and every year I would never achieve them.
This year I was, and am determined to transform. I'm tired of putting it off. I've tried a completely different method (read about that here) and it's finally working out, I cant't wait to share it with you.
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Why is Setting and Achieving Goals Important?
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Setting and achieving goals will forever be important, no matter what stage of life you're in if you don't want time to pass while you stay in the same place.
If you're happy staying exactly as you are, looking the same way, doing the same thing everyday, making the same money, dating the same guy or having the same conversations, year after year after year. Then this post simply isn't for you.
But for the rest of us, who want more, who understand that wanting something different means that you have to do something different, who want to grow, learn and develop and that who understand that time is the most valuable thing that we have; setting and achieving things, day after day, month after month and year after year is insanely important.
If you are one of us, I'm sure you already knew that, the issue might be actually following through.
You're good at setting goals, not so much with actually achieving them?
Maybe it's not your fault, maybe you're just doing it wrong.
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------------- How To Set Goals -------------
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How many of us start the new year, or the random day that we decide we need to be better by writing a list of Goals?
Maybe that list looks something like this.
Lose 10lbs
Grow Hair Longer
Dress Better
Save Money
Get 1000 followers on X platform
Can you see the problem here? My STEM girlies are yelling at the screen saying that the goals aren't SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Timely).
The real problem?
All of these goals are end products.
And to eliminate this problem, and make these goals better, we have to turn them into habits.
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-------- How to turn Goals into Habits --------
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Let's go through our list again.
Lose 10lbs -> Workout 4 times a week, do one form of excerise a day and eat at a caloric deficit.
Grow Hair Longer -> Keep hair in protective styles, use hair growth oils daily, only brush hair when in conditioner
Dress Better -> Sell the clothes I don't like to buy clothes I do like, do a closet clear out once a month, only buy things that are high quality
Save Money -> Budget all money once a month, unsubscribe from things I no longer use, declutter and sell things I no longer need once a month.
Get 1000 followers on X platform -> Post 3 times a week, create meaningful content, reply to all comments left on posts daily, interact with posts from others in the sam niche every day
Can you see the difference?
By changing your goals from the end product to the process these goals suddenly mean more. They're more helpful and seem much more achievable.
End goals cannot always be controlled, you can do everything right, post 3 times a week, reply to all your comments and your following count may still not change for months... then all of a sudden something goes viral and they'll call you an overnight success.
By shifting your focus to the things you can control, rather than the end product, your sense of achievement comes from your consistency and hard work, allowing you to keep going even when you don't see any changes.
This prevents you from giving up when success could be just around the corner.
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-------- How To Achieve Your Goals --------
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Now that we've gone through how to set Goals, lets talk about how to achieve them.
A lot of people just stop at the first part and never think about the things that they can do to ensure that their goals are met.
Never stop at the list.
You have no initiative to ever look at this list again so you'll most likely forget you even wrote them down in a few weeks
You haven't factored how your life may make achieving these goals a priority.
The answer to this problem?
Turning your Habits into Routines.
It's all well and good setting goals, even setting good goals. But you also need to make sure that you're creating an environment that's conducive to the goals you want to achieve, the habits you want to keep, and the life you want to create.
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------- How to turn Habits into Routines ------
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We've written down all our goals, turned them into habits and now it's time of the most important part, turning them into routines.
This is important because consistency is key, always. Instead of saying that you'll do something 3 times a week and leaving at that, let's go deeper.
Which days of the week will you do it? What time? For how long?
Leaving it up to chance is risky. What if you forget?
We need to create consistent routines.
Pick which days to do your habits
Pick what time you'll do your habits
Pick how long you'll do them for
Pick what you'll do before and after.
Try to make this as consistent as possible, for example, same time every day, same day every week.
Make sure that every single hour is accounted for, even if it's just set as free time.
Its easy to convince yourself you don't have enough time to do things, let's put all the things you have to do into a spreadsheet with how long it'll take and when you'll do it. Better yet we can use a calendar app or website.
See all the free time you've got?
Now creating routine is so much more than writing it down and doing it everyday or every week. At first you may have to check the app every five seconds to see what you're meant to be doing but if you stay consistent, after a few weeks it'll become second nature.
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------------ Removing Distractions ----------
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Organising your time and creating a routine is really eye-opening because it gives you a chance to wonder what the f*** you've been spending your time doing.
Nothing productive probably. Take a look at your screentime, what apps are you spending your time on? How long are you spending? Is this part of the life you'd like to build for yourself?
It might be time for a break.
I am being so honest when I said that getting rid of every single distraction that could be keeping me from my goal was the single most important decision I could've made when planning 2024.
I went full on, no Netflix, no YouTube, no music, no games, no social media. No distractions. For at least the first month of my new routine and I plan on only adding everything back slowly.
I advise you do the same.
Remove the things that you can see could distract you from your goals. What's keeping you from going to bed early? What would you rather do than going to the gym?
I'm telling you, I haven't stopped working on myself, because I genuinely have nothing better to do. I've cut all the distractions out. Going on my one hour walk is now what I look forward to all day. The gym is the best part of my day.
My days currently consist of self improvement, wellness podcasts, reading Jane Austen, being active, cleaning my spaces, skincare and early nights.
But it feels like I'm living my dream life? Whenever I think of my ideal day it's never included 4 hours of mindless scrolling or spending 2 hours down a YouTube rabbit hole.
When I think of my dream life it's always been home cooked meals, reading and fancy skincare routines. I couldn't be happier and I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
This is probably the most important step because the power that distractions have on us is so real.
You can do all the planning and have the best intentions but if your want to play games, scroll mindlessly on social media, text a guy that doesn't care about you or engage in celebrity drama is greater than your want to be better? Good Luck Charlie.
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---- Making Your Goal Your Obsession ----
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This is actually the fun part.
All I do is listen to podcasts about my goal, read books about my goals, make pinterest boards about my goals and talk to myself about my goals. I'm so obsessed.
Make a reading list, find some podcasts that align with your goals, follow blogs with the same mindset, talk to those of your friends that will get it.
This makes sure that nothing can distract you, and you can't just 'forget' to work towards your goal.
However, you must not let your time obsessing over your goal be more than your time actually working on your goal. Do not forget that.
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------------- Books that could help ------------
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Atomic Habits by James Clear
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
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----- May the odds be ever in your favour.. -----
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Happy with the staff content this year but am I the only one who is disappointed with the PV we got? It's basically a slideshow of art we've already seen, major downgrade from the year 1 PV that had literally all the events. There was a drop in quality of the anniversary PVs over the years and it really shows this year. Sorry if you find this too negative I don't mean to hate I just wish Twst would do better for it's ANNIVERSARY.
[For everyone's reference, here are the anniversary PVs in order of release: 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024]
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Mmm, now that you mention it, I noticed this trend with the Halloween PVs 🤔 For year 1, there was a video that showed all members of the NRC casy, even those that did not receive cards at that time. There were then several short variants of the PV released for year 2/Endless Halloween Night (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4). Altogether, they feature all of the characters, including the students from year 1 but heavily shadowed and with glowing eyes to indicate ghostly possession. Even Glorious Masquerade features all of the students that get new cards for the event plus Rollo, although there are notably more still shots here. The Stage in Playful Land CM, by comparison, is significantly shorter and only shows us the three SSRs (Ace, Ortho, and Kalim) as well as the two new characters (Fellow and Gidel).
As this anon has said, the anniversary PVs have changed a lot over time too. The first one was the most animated and integrated several event outfits. The second one was also animated a fair amount, but you can tell corners were cut in some places where they transition to photographs/still images. This alone works thematically given that the player is a photographer, but you can still catch dips in quality when it comes to the art style. I remember finding Deuce running and the Kalim + Silver flying scene odd, as well as Jade and Trein's faces strange in general. Then the third PV rolls around and it only features the third years; the animation also seems to be much more sluggish (although this could be a stylistic choice; not sure). A friend actually recently pointed out to me that Lilia's pose looks like he was pulled straight from other assets; his artwork in the animation is almost the exact same as his smiling expression in the game. This year's is the most different (+ most static) and, like year 3's PV, only provides "new" content for a select few characters (the dorm leaders). They also reuse pre-existing illustrations already found in the game that don't seem to be picked for any particular reason (like, there are random Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles groovies in there). This direction, I'm guessing, is less costly and more efficient than making an entirely original animation, which is what was done in previous years. (Not that Disney or Aniplex is hurting for money to fund this, lol) Would I have preferred another PV in the style of year 1's? Yeah, for sure. I want to see other events and their outfits animated! Was what we got this year bad? Not necessarily; I think the production and editing was very technically impressive, but I'm still sad we didn't get anything substantially "new" to chew on (as someone who isn't a fan of most third years or the dorm leaders). Maybe it's just something we perceive as a deficit only because year 1 set the bar so high. It is what it is; whoever was in charge of the anniversary PV was probably doing the best they could with whatever budget they were given 😔 Let's hope that next year's will be a return to form, or that at least the money/effort is being redirected to other bigger projects (maybe the anime?).
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WIBTA for reporting my landlady for tax evasion?
I’ll keep this fairly short. 🦄🫧 to maybe search this later.
I (32nb) have been renting one side of a duplex from an individual (as opposed to a company) (60s F) who I’ll call slumlady. Slumlady has done everything possible to make my life hell since move in, though we’ve done no damage to her property, paid rent on time every month, and submitted a single maintenance request in the 2 years i’ve lived there. She had a beef with my ex, who originally moved in with us, and has held it over our heads ever since (yes, ex was kind of a dick but has been out of state for nearly 2 years). From next to no notice drop ins, unreasonable maintenance demands, weekly undercover drive bys, and just general condescension, she’s been insufferable.
Since living in her property (which is not great and in a bad area) has sucked, i’ve been house hunting for the last year. I’ve finally found a house to buy and am closing in a couple weeks, so the move out date is soon. During the process though, I found that she’s claimed the property I live in as one that she(owner) lives in, which is taxed at a lower rate.
I am not sure how I would report her, but I want her to experience consequences for being so rude for no reason, and this seems like a justified way to do it. She owes those missing taxes and our state’s budget is in deficit right now.
some additional background, she has told us she has not had a job in 50 years, owns 10-15 units being rented out to mostly immigrants and other vulnerable groups (i think so they don’t feel comfortable taking her to court), and has threatened to sell our home and kick us out multiple times. she bullied our neighbor out and bragged about never returning security deposits. She also charged double deposit and two months rent, in cash, before move in all while laughing about how that was illegal and she didn’t care.
so AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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stormy-river · 1 year
Transcripts from the Humanity Hotline 5
This one's been a long time in the making; had to make sure I did it right. Special thanks to @mothepissedoffmidget for the idea, and my roomie, @starryeyedlarkspur for helping with the advice.
Operator: "Hi, thank you for holding. My name is Mindy. How can I help you today?"
Caller: "Yes, hi! I'm Nishel, the EMO [Entertainment and Morale Officer] on my ship. We hired a human about a month ago, and I'm struggling to keep up. Is it normal for humans to tire of activities so quickly?"
O: "That depends on the human, and the activities. Could you tell me a little more?"
C: "Yes. When we hired the human, she brought books and knitting supplies to entertain herself, which I though was helpful, but after a day or two she requested some puzzles. I was able to approve and acquire some fairly easily, but the human returned only a few days later asking for scrapbooking materials, and, well, the same thing happened. Over the last month, I've acquired puzzles, scrapbooks, a climbing wall for the gym, locks and a lockpicking set -- that one was a hassle to get approved, more knitting supplies, crochet supplies (I don't even know how that's different from knitting?), painting supplies, face painting supplies (again, I don't know how that's different), strange plastic bricks that fit together, and a violin. And that's just what was approved. I've also heard from the crew that she's downloaded more books, started writing stories on her personal computer, and started learning how to write programs, and yet, with all these things, she told me this morning that she has nothing to do and was bored. I don't know what else to do. I've spent 78% of this year's entertainment budget this month!"
O: "That's a lot. Some humans have a few different hobbies at once, but usually not that many. Do you have access to crew psychological evaluations?"
C: "Yes, when necessary for morale concerns."
O: "Is there anything in the human's file?"
C: "It says Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which is also something she's mentioned a few times, but that's tagged for possibly interfering with work, not morale."
O: "ADHD would explain it. It shouldn't only be tagged as work-related as it can actually affect a human's whole life. This is another human thing that's different for everyone, with some hyper-fixating on one thing for a really long time, or different aspects of a single subject, and others, like your crewmember, gaining and losing interest in many different things very quickly."
C: "So this will keep happening? I can see about increasing the budget for next year, but I don't think this is sustainable long term."
O: "Don't panic, there's actually a cheaper method. Communicate with other ships and supply stations with humans on board to see if they are having a similar problem. If you can find others who get and lose hobbies quickly, you can trade the supplies; give them what your human is done with, and receive their extras for her. This will also have the extra benefit of building social connections as they discuss and trade."
C: "That makes sense. It would take a lot of coordination, but I can start asking the nearby fleet."
O: "Good. I will also send a report to the Alliance to see if something can be officially established. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"
C: "No, thank you, Mindy. You've been a great help."
O: "Of course. Don't hesitate to call again if something else comes up."
End Transmission
Transcription Note: Following this call, the Alliance established the Hobby Interfleet Trade Service, now the Interfleet Surplus Exchange (ISE), commissioning a fleet of delivery ships to shuttle supplies.
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buindia · 1 year
Find Out About Deficit Budgeting and Its Effects and More
When government expenditure exceeds its income, which includes fees, taxes, and investment returns, there is a federal deficit budgeting.
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cuubism · 1 year
imagine you get a new job at a massive powerful company, and you go in on your first day and go to your predecessor's office which is now your office, and your predecessor's assistants drop a 50 thousand page binder on your desk, 'just to get you up to speed'. and you look at the old financial statements and goddamn what the fuck is going on at this place. "we had a few rough quarters," say the assistants, "but we're sure you can fix it!" and ok this is starting to get a little concerning but the company's work is really cool and you already signed your employment contract so. you're like "ok well. yeah i guess we'll fix that five billion dollar budget deficit eventually haha." then you're like "so... how many people am i managing then?" and they're like "oh weren't you told? you're the ceo. we have about... 2 million employees. here's your calendar!" which is already just back-to-back meetings and tasks 6am - 11pm, who even scheduled this? and this is all starting to feel like some kind of sick joke or a nightmare or something and you're suddenly realizing that the hiring process for this was kind of weird... are you experienced enough for this? surely you should have had more than one interview. the pay is definitely abysmal for whatever this is. and finally you're like "listen i know he left and all but is there any way i could talk to the old boss and get his advice?" and the assistants are like "oh didn't you know? he jumped out his office window."
so imagine you're daniel hall
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godisarepublican · 1 month
Mike Johnson Betrays America
Biden is way too old, he's senile so he can almost be forgiven for paying the Ukraine to launch terrorist attacks on Russia, flirting with nuclear war. But Mike Johnson has no such excuses.
Apparently the House of Representatives is ready to increase the size of the budget deficit for an undeserving Ukraine.
Johnson has bent over for Biden!
I wonder what they're blackmailing him with?
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Feynman: When we were talking about the atoms, one of the troubles that people have with the atoms is that they're so tiny, and it's so hard to imagine the scale.
The size of the atoms are in size - compared to an apple, it's the same scale as an apple is to the size of the Earth. And that's a kind of a hard thing to take, and you have to go through all these things all the time, and people find these numbers inconceivable. And I do too.
The only thing you do is you just change your scale. I mean, you're just thinking of small balls, but you don't try to think of exactly how small they are too often! Or you'd get kind of a bit nutty, alright?
But in astronomy, you have the same thing in reverse because the distances to these stars is so enormous, you see. You know that light goes so fast that it only takes a few seconds to go to the moon and back, or it goes around the Earth seven-and-a-half times in a second. And goes for a year, two years, three years before it gets to the nearest other star that there is to us.
But all of our stars are... the stars that are nearby in a great galaxy, a big mass of stars, which is called a galaxy, a group, well this, our galaxy is... what is it? Something like a hundred thousand light years, a hundred thousand years.
And then there's another patch of stars. It takes a million years for the light to get here, going at this enormous rate.
And you just go crazy trying to make too "real" that distance, you have to do everything in proportion. It's easy - you say the galaxies are little patches of stars and they're ten times as far apart as they are big.
So that's an easy picture, you know - he gets it. But you just go to a different scale, that's easier. You know, once in a while you try to come back to... Earth scale to discuss the galaxies but it's kind of hard.
The number of stars that we see at night is about - only about 5,000. But the number of stars in our galaxy, the telescopes have shown when you improve the instrument... Oh! We look at a galaxy. We look at the stars. All the light that we see, the little tiny and influent spreads from the star over this enormous distance of what? Three light years, for the nearest star. On, on, on! This light from the stars spreading, the wavefronts are getting wider and wider, weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker out into all of space, and finally the tiny fraction of it comes in one square, eighth of an inch, tiny little black hole and does something to me, so I know it's there.
Well, to know a little bit more about it, I'd rather gather a little more of this little, this tiny fraction of this front of light, and so I make a big telescope, which is a kind of funnel that the light that comes over this big area - 200 inches across - is very carefully organised, so it's all concentrated back so it can go through a... pupil. Actually, it's better to photograph it, or nowadays they use photo cells, they're a better instrument.
But anyway, the idea of the telescope is to focus the light from a bigger area into a smaller area so that we can see things that are weaker, less light, and in that way we find there's a very large number of stars in the galaxy.
There's so many that if you tried to name them, one a second, naming all the stars in our galaxy, I don't mean all the stars in the universe, just this galaxy here, it takes 3,000 years.
And yet, that's not a very big number. Because if those stars were to drop one dollar bill on the Earth during a year, each star dropping one dollar bill, they might take care of the deficit which is suggested for the budget of the United States.
So you see what kind of numbers we have to deal with!
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hellyeahscarleteen · 5 months
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A few days ahead of our 25th on Friday, we started letting people know that we need major financial help. Scarleteen is now and has always been wholly independent -- you know, the kind of indie feminist media whose near-extinction we have been witnessing -- and so always needs funding, including in the form of individual donations, to exist. One thing donors and other folks who know about media costs and nonprofit operating expenses have often said is that Scarleteen has always done a truly remarkable and impactful amount of work with the small budget it has. They're right. Our annual budget these days is just $250,000 USD, and for most of our tenure, it was much, much smaller than that. Yet we run 24/7 help and information direct services, and produce quality, wholly original editorial content, and do all this to provide smart, comprehensive, inclusive, and wholly opt-in sex and relationships education to millions of young people, at no cost to them, every year. You may have seen us say that we need 750 recurring $10 a month donors or the financial equivalent to get through 2024 and into the coming years. In the last week, a bunch of folks have helped us knock that number down to 613. Yay! We still need a lot of help to meet our goal: we need to meet 100% not just under 20%. That goal is what we need to reach to fill a current funding deficit we must resolve before summer of 2024 to keep doing all we do and give us a tiny bit of momentum towards meeting more than just our minimum needs. If we can't meet this goal, we’re so sorry to say it, but for as hard as we have been working to solve this, things just won't look great for us and our future. We really need your help. If you can become a monthly donor, that’s fantastic. Thank you! Or maybe you already are and want to help more, or can’t donate but still want to help: sharing posts like these on your socials, setting up a personal online fundraiser, telling people you know about us and the kind of help we need: these are also great helps! 💗
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pinksatinsashes · 5 months
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The end of the year is the best time of year for us self improvement obsessed girlies because the planners are out, everyone's making vision boards and its finally time to write a nice long list of New Years Resolutions and achieve precisely nothing! Nothing!
Then the end of that year comes and we start the cycle again, making lists, checking them twice, achieving absolutely nothing, staying exactly the same and sometimes worse! How exciting! :)
When I was 16 I thought I'd have my life together at 18...lol! When I was 18 I figured I'd be totally together when I was 20. I'm 20 now...I think I've genuinely gotten worse.
But this year I am determined! I have said absolutely no more, absolutely no way is another year going to pass me by and I'm going to be stuck here in the exact same place. I NEED change.
Your 20's are meant to be the 'best years of your life'!
This is probably the easiest I'm ever going to have it! I have no children, no husband and I don't pay rent yet, if I don't do it now I will never do it..I don't want this to be my life forever.
Want to know how I'm going to make this year my year? Keep reading.
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About two weeks ago I coined 2024 as the year of the Glow Up and started to meticulously plan out exactly what I wanted out of it.
My main goals for 2024 are:
To Hit My Goal Weight.
To Save Up Enough Money to Move to London.
To Be 75% of my Dream Girl
There are tons of other things I want to achieve of course, but If I don't achieve those three 2024 would genuinely have been a waste of time for me.
Now a couple years ago I would've just written those two goals down, put them on a vision board and went about my business...but Oh No, not this time.
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I had a nice long think about the person I wanted to be at the end of 2024, financially stable, clear skin, goal weight, ready to move in spring 2025, closer to God, found her signature scent.
Each of these goals had a wider theme:
Fitness and Body
Skincare and Hygiene
Beauty & Makeup
Books & Brains
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I fired up Notion, created a home page that had a sub page for every month and then finally I created the Overall page, which has a sub page for every Goal Category and then I broke down each goal into lots of SMART goals. (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Based)
So my 'get down to my goal weight' goal became:
Fitness and Body:
[ ] Size 10 clothes or under and 140 lbs (I'm 5'9 with naturally big boobs so this is my ideal weight)
[ ] Hour Glass Figure, building up glutes and upper body
[ ] Maintain Goal Weight for at least 3 months
[ ] Able to Stair Machine for 10 minutes
[ ] Able to go on a full Run
[ ] Do at least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] At least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] Take the Dog on Daily Walks
[ ] Try 12 New Recipes
[ ] Learn How To Cook 4 Different Nigerian Recipes
[ ] Form Consistent Eating Routines
[ ] Eat out twice a month or less
[ ] Stay in a Caloric deficit until I reach my Goal Weight
See how much more specific this is?
Having my goals listed like this makes everything so much easier because I'm tackling multiple things at once. First I'm changing the majority of my goals to habits or tasks (things I can control) from outcomes (things I may not be able to control).
Now I know that if I do all of these things written out, staying in a caloric deficit and excising daily there's a 90% chance I'll reach my goal.
This is much more effective than writing an outcome with no plan on how to achieve it.
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From here, I'll break the Goal Down Even Further, into monthly goals.
For example, to reach the goal weight Goal by the end of December, January may look like this:
Eat at 1500 calories a day or 10,500 calories a week (to allow for the high calorie company lunches I often attend as part of my work, I'll simply eat less on the other days
Go to the gym 4 times week,
Complete X Fitness plan
Go on one Dog walk a week
Meal Prep ever week.
Lose 10lbs
To Save enough Money to Move to London by the end of the year, January might look like this:
Prep for no Spend Months in Feb and March (stock up on skincare, budywash etc)
Meal plan every week
Sell £200 worth of clothes on Vinted to spend on Spring Wardrobe (I'm not buying any clothes unless I use the money I get from selling my current clothes)
Stick to Budget
My Goal to get Smarter and Stop Mindless Scrolling may look like this in January:
Read at least 1 book
Listen to 4 Podcast Episodes
Limit Social Media use to 1 hour a day
Write 6 Blog Posts
Watch one Documentary
Setting the tasks in this way also allows me to feel a sense of achievement, every month I'm able to tick off my goals which can increase my motivation, instead of writing down a list of things to do and forgetting about it until the end of the year. It also allows me to recognise when I'm going off track faster and adjust for the next month.
You see how this is better?
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I was strategic in using notion because I knew that I could then use it not only to set out my goals, but as a home base, a setting point to house all the things I could use to achieve them.
Under each section I've also included a bunch of things to help me, the Food section for example has a list of my go to recipes, so that when I can't think of anything to eat and want to run over to the closest KFC I have something to choose from. The Hair section has a list of hairstyles I've done and the Pro's and Cons, the Skincare section has a list of the products I've tried, if I liked them and If they worked for me.
Each month has its own page with a section for each wider goal and a spot for me to have a monthly write up, detailing what works and what didn't work so I can change and approve the following month and prevent falling behind.
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I'm determined to make this year my year so let me know if you'd like me to keep you updated, feel free to ask any questions or send them to my asks. Also let me know if you want my notion template, here's a little peak-
Till we speak again!
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For most of the time, politicians have ostensibly retreated into the pre-Keynesian view that governments should run like households and seek to ‘balance their books.’ And most of the media has tended to endorse this fallacy. But when it was obviously necessary to act to save the economy, for example after the Global Financial Crisis or during the height of the pandemic when much of the economy had to be shut down, governments suddenly remembered that they have the extraordinary power to create money. After the Global Financial Crisis, the government – via the Bank of England’s Quantitative Easing programme – created around £445 billion of new money to prevent a collapse in the banking system. During COVID, the government created around £450 billion more to prevent a collapse in household finances when people would otherwise have had no income. In total, during the 21st century, the government has created £895 billion of new money – when it had the will to do so. And the view from economists is supportive. The argument for government spending to pay for healthcare, save businesses from bankruptcy, create new jobs and prevent a climate apocalypse has been made by the proponents of Modern Monetary Theory, for example Stephanie Kelton in her book The Deficit Myth. This book explains in detail how money is created and shows that the idea that governments should – or even responsibly could – budget in the same way as a normal household is no more than (admittedly compelling) rhetoric. But politicians and the media have – by and large – reverted to the notion that the government finances constitute a brake on what can be done for the public good. And our government continues to rein-in public spending even though it is clear that most public services are struggling badly.
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relentlessly-tired · 1 month
I've decided I put too much pressure on myself for the types of food I eat. As in, I care far too much about eating high protein and fibre and low sugar that it's a reason I binge.
Because, say my parents buy me a pastry, and it's 450 cals and I am able to fit that into my cal budget for the day. Instead of just eating it like I want to and staying in my deficit, I eat shit like cottage cheese and fruit and eggs and yogurt bc that's what's healthy and "worth" the cals as I'm so afraid if I just eat the pastry I'll feel too hungry too soon and binge.
And avoiding the pastry and eating these healthy foods instead is a good thing, if the pastry hadn't been bought yknow? But I can't stop my parents from buying this shit so it IS there and that's when it all gets fucked up for me and the only thing I can think ab is the pastry and shit so eventually I cave and eat the pastry.
So I end up eating over the 450cals that the pastry would've just been itself bc I tried stuffing myself w protein but IT NEVER WORKS! And then I feel guilty for eating the pastry and binge.
Like I NEED to honestly just start seeing food as all numbers equally because naturally I do gravitate to healthier foods but this obsession with eating ONLY the healthy foods fucks up my progress in the end.
So, from now on, calories are just calories. NO tracking macros and NO limiting my sugar intake AS LONG as it's within my calories .
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