#whew this got long
Masculinity In Young Royals
So, in honour of Ke Huy Quan and the team of Everything Everywhere All At Once sweeping the Oscars(been crying about it since morning), I was watching this BRILLIANT video essay(check it out it's so well thought out!) about Waymond(Ke's character) and this gave me thoughts about Young Royals as well, because hyperfixations go hand-in-hand, right? :)
Masculinity, and especially different portrayals and aspects of its prevalent notions is a theme brilliantly explored in the two seasons of Young Royals. I wanted to talk about some characters, and this list will progress from worse to better(not using the word perfect because nuance > perfection).
Note: The traits I will discuss further are not restricted to just a cis or male perspective, anyone can exhibit these traits, but since assertion of masculinity is a constant spectacle in Young Royals, I will associate some traits with it.
1. Vincent
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Vincent, especially in S2, embodies the worst traits on the masculinity spectrum, and since his character is understandably not offered the privilege of nuance, he comes off as this typical, toxic, sort of "alpha-male" character, especially after he's elected as the prefect and Rowing Captain. He constantly bullies others, especially Simon, tries to enforce the hierarchy of privilege and class firstly through August and then by himself. As soon as he sees an opportunity shown by Wilhelm to take control in his hands, he doesn't take much time to betray his "friend", August(although August of all people getting betrayed is certainly irony at its best). He kinda reminds me of the Royal Court in some ways- their presence furthering the divide of tradition and social systems in their respective environments.
2. August
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The only reason August is not placed higher than Vincent in this list is the privilege of nuance August is provided with throughout the story. This nuance is what sets him apart in the narrative, but is also the thing which dooms him as a character.
August is misogynistic, sexist, classist, obsessed with power and privilege and feels entitled to both of them, set to further the class divide just like Vincent. He stokes his ego like fire, and if someone tries to cross him, he does not hesitate to burn them with the flames, like Wilhelm exposing his money issues and August violating Wilhelm and Simon's privacy in return. He's manipulative, he's calculative, he knows how to scheme things in his favour(failed attempts, though) and he's just a walking red flag of a person. He also falls around the worse side of the spectrum of masculinity.
But, he is offered nuance by the narrative. In S1, it's in the form of familial and personal issues: his dad killing himself, financial problems, addiction issues and possible issues of body dysmorphia. In S2, through his relationship with Sara, we are shown a different side of him- a side that is capable of being vulnerable, capable of being soft, and this almost sparks this hope within the audience that maybe August can change a little, for the better.
But then he's offered a chance of power and his hamartia is revealed to the audience: his inability to change. The greatest tragedy (which is also its brilliance) with August's character is he cannot change for the better. Even if he tries to. He can have opprtunities to grow, but it will be a Herculean labour for him to take advantage of those opportunities and actually change. He is so deeply entrenched in his perceptions of toxic masculinity and power and lost in his conceited, privileged worldview that it's quite hard for him to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And it's what sets him apart in the narrative- despite all his nuance, he is still a terrible person at his core. The nuance is just what separates him from all his shallow and one-dimensional preceding antagonists of the past.
3. Nils
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Nils brings a neutral perspective to the extreme hyper-masculine and cishet dynamics upheld by August and Vincent. He's revealed to be queer in S2, but chooses to be discreet about it- which gives him a chance to build solidarity with both his cishet peers(Vincent and August) as well as a fellow queer person (Wille). He's not dismissive of Wilhelm's queerness, but he believes it to be something "better behind close doors". He's one of the few people who actually acknowledges Wilhelm and Simon's relationship, but is also dismissive of it, mainly because of the difference in their social standings. He's devoid of the typical "heteronormative" traits associated with masculinity, especially in S2, but he still uphelds the toxic class hierarchy and privilege.
4. Simon
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Simon is a quite interesting character to me on this list because he subverts these traits in a very unique way.
Usually canonically gay characters in media are often stereotyped to possess "feminine" traits, which is NOT a bad thing at all, BUT mostly the portrayal of such characters usually leans more towards the mockery of the "feminine" traits, rather than something which strengthens the queerness of that character.
Simon is actually very different from this famous rendition of gay characters- he's actually very masculine in his behaviour. He exhibits two typical masculine behaviours in general:
1. "Man Of The House", or taking the mantle of emotional(and sometimes financial) stability in a house in one's own hands. He often takes matters in his own hand, especially when Sara says or does something that disrupts the peace of their little family. It's interesting because despite being the youngest person in the family, Linda subconsciously lets him take the mantle on his shoulders, without realizing how heavy it can be. And consequenty, it brings us down to the second trait:
2. "Suppressing emotions", or avoiding being vulnerable in public spaces or with people one loves and trusts. Simon constantly shoves what he's feeling deep in his heart, he refuses to break open in front of people, in front of Wille(S2 E6 gun scene) and would go to lengths to maintain a facade of "everything's fine!" even if he's breaking inside. It makes sense because his backstory alludes to hesitation to open up to people and it can be possibly related to his familial trauma, but it's still interesting nevertheless because he shows incredible emotional maturity throughout the story, much more than his predecessors on this list. He's devoid of both the toxic traits of heteronormativity and elitist behaviour associated with "masculinity" in Young Royals, but he still possesses a different set of problems associated with orthodox masculinity.
5. Wilhelm
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Wilhelm is, in my opinion, the closest example to what is emerging as the new definition of "masculinity" in the current media. Wilhelm, through his immense emotional journey and growth in the two seasons, subverts all the traits of masculinity displayed by his predecessors in the list with grace and humility.
He's not obsessed with upholding traditions and asserting heteronormativity like Vincent and August, he is quite indifferent to it in S1, the only "compulsion" he feels to do so is immediately after Erik's death in S1, which he quickly overcomes as well. His "revenge" attempts on August by pulling rank and exercising his privilege stems from a feeling of injustice and anger rather than something he enjoys or feels the need to practice at all.
August's hamartia is Wilhelm's strength. Wilhelm, unlike August, displays great capacity to change for the better, which he constantly does throughout the story. Love knocks on both of their doors as an opportunity to grow, to change for the better, and while Wilhelm embraces it, August slaps the door shut on its face.
Unlike Nils, neither Wilhelm's queerness was never given a chance to be discreet in the first place, nor he ever felt the need to do so. The idea of keeping his and Simon's relationship a secret was more of an idea subconsciously conceived by Kristina in Wilhelm's head rather than his own desire to be secretive.
Wilhelm even subverts the traits displayed by Simon in this regard- the position of the "Man Of The House" falls on him in the form of "Crown Prince of Sweden", and although he understandably struggles with the role initially, by the end of S2, he consciously embraces the role with grace and humility. Compared to Simon, Wilhelm wears his heart on his sleeve, he is not afraid to express his true emotions to the people he love and trusts, and even to strangers.
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sweetpapercroissant · 8 months
When I think about s13-15 I can’t help but feel that Dabb was simply not interested in telling Sam&Dean’s story (anymore) (if he ever was). s12 is a little rocky regarding this too, but it’s still unmistakable that they’re the protagonists, this story is their story. But it’s evident from the start of s13 that he’s not willing to put in that effort anymore.
He introduces Jack and the rest of the season is focused on him, one way or the other. Even the mytharc of the season is about him, from being trapped in the apocalypse world, making a place for himself with the hunters, trying to figure out who he is. And meanwhile the actual protagonists of the show are…..running around chasing leads but actually accomplishing very little. They take turns being sad, make a few speeches but don’t really do anything. They are not the ones who move the story.
He downplays (if not outright erases) all of the older characters’ intelligence to make them fit the story and doesn’t bother with consistent growth/arc for any of them. He beats and forces them to fit the shape he’s cut out for them to portray in his story instead of understanding them: who they were, how they grew and where they are now and logically advancing their story from that point. He makes them regress or progress on a moment’s notice on an episode-to-episode basis and ignores any preceding canonical events when it suits him.
It’s most noticeable with Dean but he also takes away from Sam and Cas’ characters till they’re almost unrecognisable, bearing only the most superficial of similarities with the characters we have grown to love over 10+ seasons. But at the same time he also relies on this very love to keep the viewers watching, since the plot itself is barely held together by retcons or sudden personality changes/loss of logical reasoning in the characters.
There have been discussions on how, as the show goes on the themes (even the genre) change and how vastly different the later seasons are compared to the earlier ones and while that’s true, there is still some coherence to those changes-a graphical line changing direction erratically perhaps, but a line nonetheless-as the story progresses….upto s12. Forward of that Dabb just-tears the graph to pieces and handpicks a few of them to nail to the wall.
He twists the characters, their history, their personalities, the themes and events of the story and it’s very heart to fit the show he wants to make instead of adapting his writing to the show that he’s actually been handed the reins to. And it’s tiring honestly.
I do believe that when a character behaves in a manner you find ooc, it can be interesting to think about why they may act that way instead of immediately blaming the writing, even if the writing may actually be the issue, because I think it can make for a more entertaining narrative sometimes, and because no one always acts true to who they are. It’s the point of being human. But that can only be applied to particular moments and decisions or behaviour concerning a certain element of the story (another character, an event etc). If your audience can barely recognise any of the characters, there’s only the writing to blame.
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owlliehehe · 2 months
New and old art (+thoughts) under the cut!! B)
Recent art:
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Emma (hws Belgium) as Manon from my Dead Plate AU!
Really quick doodle, just wanted to test some sort of "creepy atmosphere" in my style b4 going further into the fanarts! Also to get used to drawing other characters other than Port and Eng hihi :')
Old art:
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Vampire! Moldova & Human! Sealand AU
This is from last year, i don't really like the art 😭 but i really liked the designs & want to redraw it!!
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The first one is more recent than the second, two distinct eras 😭
1° -> is a throwback to my watercolour brush phase
2° -> is a throwback to my pencil brush phase
I like them tbh!!! Would love to redraw their concepts :>
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Trigun! AU
Emma -> Meryl
Obviously, i could put her as Milly but idkkkk this was an old AU I still need ot think abt it 💆‍♀️
Antonio -> Vash
->Yeah </3
Gabriel -> Millions Knives
->It's only destined to be. Twins, one good, another bad. If one good, another bad. The end...
->Thinking back, switching these up would also such a GOOD IDEA OMGOMGOGMMGOGMKG
Romano/Abel -> Nicolas Wolfwood
->This is me being indecisive + contradicting myself over and over about the following ideas:
a) would putting Romano there be inconsiderate or too expected?
b) if i put Abel there would it be too OOC?
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And finallyyyy!! 1930's engport detective AU that me and @froggi-mushroom created!!
(I recommend checking out her fics, i think i reblogged some.. just search in the tags if interested!)
My favourite part of drawing Edith and Gabriel in this AU is looking @ the difference between their looks and personality 😭😭
->A how to guide on how to draw them in the AU:
Edith (Nyo Eng.)
-> dirty blonde curly hair and almost olive green eyes, very beautiful woman; she takes good care of herself since she's a famous singer and appearance (beside talent and charm) is key!
-> messy semi (but also not really) curly brown hair and blue eyes, he's thin and has dark circles from overworking. Says he doesn't care about looks since "as a famous detective, no one will remember you for your looks, only achievements and discoveries 🤓☝️"
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triptychgardener · 8 months
Do you have any headcanons about the characters youd like to share?
That is pretty broad but I'll see...
I like the idea of Kanaya and Jasprose on Earth-C referring to each other as ex-wives. It drives Rose insane.
Despite not being his biological kids, I think June and Jane inherited Dad's freak strength. It starts kicking in during their late teens, when they get very confused why the rest of their friends *can't* lift up an entire refrigerator.
Dirk when on Earth C gets really into fitness and "healthy eating." Lots of vegetables and real food. Unfortunately his taste buds are so flavor blasted from years of junk food that he hates it. He also does not know how to properly prepare vegetables. He still eats them though.
In terms of like Gender/Sexuality that hasnt really come up in Early June, I tend to HC Terezi as being on the ace/aro spectrum. The way she interacts with other people, especially Dave and Karkat, gives me the feeling that she really likes flirting and teasing way more than putting a label on a relationship. She acts frustrated when Karkat asks what they are romantically, her and Dave despite flirting during the game basically only refer to each other as friends on the meteor, and literally just looks like theyre hanging out together. She likes physical things if she's weirding people out but feels otherwise more reticent to touch. This is probably a part of why Vriska drives her kind of insane, being unable to quantify what she wants from Vriska. They settle into the pale quadrant in post-retcon, but I don't think that's entirely right for them either. It's one problem that the quadrant system most definitely cannot fix.
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gregoftom · 8 months
tom https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/SuccessionTomWambsgans
greg under here https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/SuccessionMainCharacters
ah ah okay! i found tom by scrolling down to his folder, but if you link directly to him/find his page via direct link/use what you sent, this is what comes up
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but thank you so much for showing me where greg is! now i could find tom too 🥰
ahhhh… good old tvtropes who are again Wrong about characters i like… my favourite!
like. look. some of the tropes are correct i’m not gonna say all of it isn’t but some are just plain devoid of any nuance and some are completely ignoring other factors and some ARE wrong. i forgot how much tvtropes pisses me off in this manner lmao. starting with greg an example is this one.
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oh yeah uhuh he looks really unhappy! he sure hates being praised and admired and rewarded for it!
that’s just one of them that are plain Incorrect lol. and it’s not only the stuff wrt tom completely ignoring the evolution of their relationship [one of the tropes says nobody likes him not even tom which. lmfao] but also some ableist bullshit, as well as incorrectly calling him a coward and such. like they do have “grew a spine” but that’s shittily worded as well and doesn’t really make sense since greg has literally the most audacity of anyone, he’s the only person who’s not scared of logan at the beginning! like?! who tf is putting these tropes to him lmfao bc it sure ain’t someone who paid attention to the show.
tom’s are much less annoying like, clearly there is some bias here lol, someone took more time and care and gave tom’s tropes and descriptions nuance and almost all of them make sense, i only got mildly irritated a couple of times. i don’t think any are flat out wrong. seems greg’s wasn’t given two fucks about but tom’s is much more attentive. how amusing.
it’s like. it’s just fucking irritating you know? lol. it’s one thing for greg to get overwhelming hatred in the fandom but another for a somewhat official and extremely well known site to not even bother giving his character a correct list of tropes or treat it with the same nuance as another. i haven’t looked at the siblings’ but i presume theirs are good too. but tom’s is largely fine. like what’s the deal?!
sorry this got long asf LMAO tvtropes just pisses me tf off sometimes
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Thinking a lot about enemies! to best friends! to lovers! with Terushima rn. Just imagine, you’ve known him since you were in elementary school (you were rivals then and it was always over who was king of the playground). When you both graduated and got into college you meet each other again and despite the fact that the rivalry you once had with him is still there it’s now turned a lot more playful and you’re slowly starting realize how much the years of volleyball has done for him. Also how he’s not actually that bad of a guy and maybe you could give him a chance at friendship because let’s face it, he’s probably much more popular with the women (and others heh) now that he’s in college and to imagine being anything more with him stings a little bit because you know he probably doesn’t want anything more that just a fun night. (Turns out you’re wrong and he’s been pining after you since middle school) -pip anon I ALWAYS MAKE MY REQUESTS SO FUCKING LONG IM SO SORRY EMS. Pls accept a smooch from me because I feel bad. (also, If I find out you’re overworking yourself doing requests I am going to come and kick your ass)
Babes. Bae. Go with me here. Because you’re sO RIGHT-
There’s Terushima, on the lil playground, stealing your cookies and chasing you with boogers to make you back down because he’s the man of this playground mate, and he does NOT like you comin’ around to take that title, despite the fact that you do, relentlessly.
The amount of times you’ve gotten sent to detention or the principals office for being so malicious to each other, it’s carried all through your school years together, even up to the years where you don’t even have playgrounds anymore, but you both are still so desperate for that grip of power and despise the other person for daring to try and take it from you.
But then he just… stops. It’s a slow change, sure, but surely, the stupid brunette you chased with bugs on the playground turns into a hotheaded blonde, with his nose upturned as he flirts with anyone who would let him, his tongue piercing flittering through the tangle of words. He starts playing volleyball and hanging out with the jocks, he’s seen constantly in their group, and then when Kazuma starts coming around, you finally stop trying to get his attention because so many other people have it.
He doesn’t have time for you anymore.
Raspberries blown at each other turn into subtle nods until they’re barely even that. Getting paired up in class means one person does the entire project, so there’s no awkward positions. Graduation is… normal. It’s bittersweet, and you want to extend your thoughts to the Yuuji you’d once known, but you dont get the chance because he’s off with volleyball friends.
And thus ends the tale.
…until your college roommate starts drowning on, and on, and fucking on about this guy they’re seeing, head over heels obsessed with his dick, his presence, how fun he is, and finally you’re like “oh my god, shut up.”
Then, they smirk, “he’s got a cute friiiieeend,” they sing, and you roll your eyes. And it takes them a minute to beg, but you finally agree to meet Mr Perfect and his cute friiiieeend.
So, imagine your absolute shock when, in the flesh, stands the one and only Terushima Yuuji, next to the guy your roommate had recently been enamored with, his jaw slacked to match yours, his piercing glimmering slightly.
And he looks… good. He looks so good, dear god he looks so good, why the fuck must he look so good, and you find yourself trying to look anywhere but up at him for fear of even more awkward interactions or staring. He’s bulkier now than he’s ever been, his hair longer and floppier than back then, but he’s still the Yuuji you’ve known forever- so why does seeing him look so good make you so uncomfortable?
It only brings you comfort to know that he, too, is trying so hard not to stare at you, but otherwise, it’s like someone died and you’re trying hard not to talk about them.
“You’ve..” he suddenly says, offering you one of his rare, more shy smile. “How… how have you been?”
“Good,” you admit, shrugging while your roommate and his friend go off. Then, you smirk happily at him, “better now that I don’t have to deal with your ass hogging the sandbox.”
“Oh har-har,” he shorts, nudging you with his elbow. “That sandbox was my territory and you know it.”
And from there it’s just… it’s so nice. He tells you about what drove him into volleyball, how he learned to be humbled by people he cared most about- not by those who shoved him off the top of the monkey bars- and how he’s doing great. He’s got his golden eyes fixated on you and you alone, and it makes it incredibly hard to tell him of your own successes under such a gaze.
He listens to you like you speak law, eyes only a little lidded and smile only a little more dopey than normal, they glaze over your frame possessively and it makes your chest brush in heat.
“Hey it’s a little stuffy in here,” he says as the music starts to get louder, after talking for god knows how long. More people have come, but you’ve been far too focused on him to even notice. “Do you wanna like… walk to the convenient store with me?”
And of course you nod. Why would you not? He’s nice enough, you’re both adults, you know that you can hang out without too much of a second thought- really you’re the only one who’s thinking anything of it, you assume- so, with your judgement laid out on the floor and a sure-fire plan to go to the convenience store in effect, you let him take you to the drug store, and sure, you let him pay for your snacks, and when he suggests you two walk around for a bit more before getting back to socializing at the party, you let him.
And it’s the worst mistake you’ve made since agreeing to meet your roommates’ hookup’s wingwan.
It’s wet, it’s stopped raining hours ago, and it smells warm and sweet, and your shoes squeak against the pavement while you both walk beside each other. You nudge him softly with your shoulder, and he snorts and does it back, and it’s like the same playfulness you had from childhood is back in the best way possible.
“I’m going to do something dumb,” he says suddenly, biting his lip in a dramatic, flirty way, and you chuckle and pop another corn chip in your mouth.
“Most things you do are,” you hum nonchalantly, swallowing the chip and grinning up at him.
His eyes glaze up and down your frame in mock-offense before quickly catching your waist around his arm, and planting a kiss to your lips, and the arm holding your snack slacks and you drop the entire bag.
And the kiss is just… magnificent. It’s marvelous, it’s everything you wish it could’ve been and even more. It’s juvenile and silly, but it melts your heart like chocolate and it feels like all will be fine.
Too fine.
Far too fine.
When you two part, your hand comes up to cover your mouth in shock, and eagerly, he leans forwards to swallow your gasps in a kiss once more, assuming your surprise was also laced with approval, but this time you, duck away with tears glimmering in your eyes.
You don’t want to kiss him.
You never wanted to kiss him before.
And now, after years of being distant, he suddenly wants to make a move?
No wonder he’s been so sweet.
He wants something physical.
You refuse to give him that.
He ruined everything you’ve ever wanted from him, with just one kiss.
He didn’t want you like you’d always dreamed of being wanted.
You feel gross, and you stare up at him in betrayal, confusion dancing in his golden pools.
“I… I’m sorry Yuuji,” you whimper, hand still not moving from its cover of your lips. “I… I-I can’t give you what you want from me.”
With that, you drop the bag from the drugstore and leave hastily, leaving him watching without absolute sadness in his aching gaze. He drops his own bag onto the wet pavement, and he wipes his nose in an attempt to ward off the tears that start to brew in his golden eyes, merely watching you walk away.
You’re such an idiot. He can’t stand how dumb you are, from back then, to now.
Because all Yuuji’s ever wanted from you, from the first day you shoved him off the top of that damned slide, was a chance.
And he couldn’t even convince you to give him that.
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letthebookbegin · 2 years
you live in england right ? whats your favourite area ! planning a trip in the ( far ) future & would like some pointers on places to visit !
heyy! i do live in england, in london, and there's so much to do in the city! i'd recommend visiting all the museums that are in your range of interest (the science museum, natural history museum, v&a, british museum etc) as they're all free, and also to visit the royal parks - if you plan your day right, you can visit a few places in a day, as the museums & some of the royal parks are all pretty close to each other (best to travel by train in the city, so grab an oyster card/contactless debit card and wander as much as you like! there's stations within walking distance of everything).
i also love the different markets london has - camden market & spitalfields market are great, there's a few others too which i haven't been to yet like leadenhall market & columbia Road flower market but i'd love to go! lots of great food from diverse countries in the two markets i've been to, and brick lane also has great food options.
there's a few other sights, there's usually art exhibitions/installations around that you should google closer to the time to see what's on (i've been to the van gogh exhibition, pricey but enjoyable) as well as things like free rooftop views (garden at 120, sky garden), cable cars at greenwich near the o2, etc. of the typical tourist-y things, i think i've enjoyed the london eye the most, and the uber boat across the thames the least (it STINKS).
other than london, if you're into hiking & english countryside views the lake district is gorgeous, and so is snowdonia & the countryside in scotland (last two not in england). cambridge is also a stunning city with beautiful architecture & a short train's ride away from london.
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acvdemias · 2 years
the panel would like to know... how are u so amazing!!! (also what are ur current movie recs hehehe q from ur local film studies student)
🥺 i'm going to SOB !!! no u !!!!!! as for movie recs, here's a bunch i like in no particular order and with the following disclaimer: my taste in movies & tv shows is not refined at all and it's really just me having a silly goofy time <3
pride and prejudice again because period enemies to lovers, obv. i won't elaborate because do i even have to when the aesthetic speaks for itself ?
little women (the saoirse ronan adaptation), because it was one of my favourite books growing up and this adaptation made me sob with nostalgia and a lot of feelings
stardust, because i watched it once when i was a kid and i remember thinking the vibes were neat so i'm rewatching it now.
howl's moving castle, for ... so many reasons, really. the romance ? unparalleled. the ambiance ? absolutely incredible. i adore the art style and it just makes me feel so many emotions that i could make an entire post about this movie alone i'm going to stop myself immediately. it's definitely another fav movie of mine !
i loved the prince of egypt because again, i adore the animation and i feel like it's so beautiful in its artistry and the way it tells the story
and a couple i enjoyed watching, in various genres: parasite, midsommar, spider-man: into the spiderverse, now you see me, encanto and about time. shoutout to encanto specifically because it made me really happy to be latina!
hey friends, come leave me an ask <3
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oraclebell17 · 1 year
for Aria! Or if it’s stressful to figure out lore, you could do Arval or another fave of yours!
ooooooh options!!
😇A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
Aria's not particularly into the Seiros faith, and by that i mean she's not the type to pray or really be devout much, but i don't really imagine she's religious at all
i mean she's obviously run into and works with those who are devout, but she's more busy with training or her own work than giving time to get into being faithful
👻A headcanon about what scares them
i actually have something more solid for Arval here- they really fear being lonely.... being with their partner in destiny gives them a purpose and motivation, but without them, even if Arval was still alive, they would lose that purpose
not only does losing their partner in destiny mean that "cycle" they wanted to protect goes as well, but it also means they're without anyone to speak to...
i don't like thinking about them being alone (*sadly looks at that one feh quote and their last zahras chapter quote*) :(
anyways away from the sad:
👗A headcanon about their clothes
unlike canon Shez, Aria is able to afford both gloves
but also, i kinda think Aria would prefer clothes that she can show off in over practicality sometimes
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noctis-tempore · 2 years
Hato & Yuki 1-2, 24-25 if okay? :)
Ofc !!! <333 (also fair warning i should have clarified yuki’s is dead so this will be like what if she was still alive)
do they have a vision? if so, of which element?
> Okay so originally Hato wasn’t going to have a vision but rethinking now, I think he would have a dendro vision! 
> Yuki had a cryo vision before girlboss passed </3
do they wield a weapon? if so, which one? can they wield multiple weapons (e.g. Childe's E)
> Hato does wield a weapon, he uses a sword but he is well versed in all kinds of weapons! Just the main one he uses is sword. 
>Yuki used a claymore i believe but she could also wield either a bow or a catalyst, I cant remember but I’m pretty sure it was a bow! Yuki uses her bow in the burst
what would they elemental skill and burst look like? how would they work?
> Okay so, I imagine Hato’s skill to be similar to Ayato’s in the sense of him dealing damage continuously with his skill. Im rlly bad at explaining so bear with me for a bit HNSNSNJSNS so it’s like a mini combo of keqing’s burst and ayato’s skill but dendro, idk if that makes sense- so hes moving very fast and hes kinda like all over the place and usually he’ll be leaving those little dendro seeds wherever he goes and they explode and deal damage to the opponent(s) it’s a very quick skill though and probably has like a 30 second cool down </3
> His burst though, I would imagine it to be him spinning his pocket watch with has a bunch of eyeballs on it (bc hes an actual angel) and there’s a huge ass eyeball behind him when he does it and his wings kinda make an appearance but very faintly ! And then basically he creates an another dendro clone of him where they both create a dendro field and do a bigger version of his skill
> Yuki on the other hand, I would imagine her skill to be like her claymore being frosted and dealing cryo damage for as long as hu tao’s skill for reference !! Also creating a mini cryo shield for herself
> her burst would be her throwing her claymore to the side  and grabbing her bow where she does this cool shot of a big ass cryo arrow and it turns into a whole void of just continuous cryo damage
what would their constellation be?
> Hato’s constellation would probably be of an eye !!
> Yuki’s constellation would be a snowflake with a cherry blossom in the center
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sun-e-chips · 2 months
*Comes out of void while following waterpark au crumbs* Okay, question.
Why is Y/n back at the water park? And do they try to avoid the boys? And it's just a whole thing of Sun and Moon trying to hunt them down and Y/n just ducking and weaving into crowds to avoid them. *Sits down in front of you* Thank you for the crumbs...
Answering this question with a part 2!
(Why y/n is back at the waterpark is yet to be revealed :)
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Oh no you got caught!
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the-agent-of-blight · 2 months
Aromanticism in Academic papers (day 1)
A few days ago, I posted wondering about aromanticism in academic research. Well after a search through google scholar and some institutional access (thank you wikipedia <2) I've found some papers. Since it's Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week this week, I'm gonna try posting about one paper I found each day this week.
So today's paper is The stability of singlehood: Limitations of the relationship status paradigm and a new theoretical framework for reimagining singlehood By Dr. Hannah Tessler (2022) [stable link]
To give a summary, this paper focuses on the idea that the general conceptualization of the term single is extremely limited within the standard definition of a person without a romantic partner. This assumes that a given person's relationship status is binary, that the individual is willing to be in a romantic partnership, that singlehood is a transitory state and not one that some people prefer to be in long term. Obviously, the implications of the term single does not accurately reflect the experiences of many people without romantic partners (like many aromantic people). The paper instead proposes a new framework for classifying singles on a graph of two axes, one for Openness to romance and one for desire for romance. This framework not only allows for the term single to encapsulate more than the normative assumption, but also shows how singlehood can be stable.
Tessler identifies seven populations of singles that subvert the standard assumption:
Singles that perfer singlehood
Aromantic and/or asexual singles
Heterosexual single women who elect to opt out of heteronormative relationships
MGTOWs and to an extent some incels
Singles committed to religion
People satisfied with single life but facing social pressure
and Single people after divorce/widowhood
The section on aromanticism itself is well written and accurate. It describes the state of many of us very well, while acknowledging that there are partnering aromantics out there. For future considerations, Tessler writes: "There is currently scant research on aromanticism, but more scholarship is necessary in order to better understand the intersections and boundaries between sex, romance, and relationships."
All in all, this paper is a wonderful insight that I hope future researchers in the area of romance take a look at and use ideas from. There's a lot of research out there on romance, but not as much on the lack of it. Tessler challenges the scientific community to help fill that gap.
[link to day 2]
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pileofsith · 1 month
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Nameless Part Twelve - Apostate Page 2/10 I'm sorry, the only way to visually show Barriss successfully making an ideological transmission towards the future Grand Inquisitor was to make them gaze at each other like two sad wet seals. Text is taken from the TCW episode, ‘The Wrong Jedi’. The comic is also available here on AO3.
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Part XI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part XII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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i love steve and eddie so much no guys wait. WAIT. i LOVE THEM. I LOVE STEVE AND EDDIE SO SO MUCH GUYS WAIT HOLD ON NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!!!$!&!!$!! i LOVE THEM. i love them so MUCHHHH steve and EDDIE AHHHH STEVE and eddiE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH- *crashing* *explosions* *rapid gunfire* *screaming* *police sirens* *more crashing and screaming**glass shatters*
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kriskukko · 1 year
old history 1816 // chapter IV // part I (previous parts here)
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hornetposting · 1 year
ok whoops i ended up being a bit busy so i wasn’t able to write this immediately!
we all know that the pale king wasn’t a good father to the vessels because, well. mass infanticide to the point of having an entire pit full of your dead children’s corpses isn’t really a sign of good parenting. but what was he like to hornet?
it’s honestly really hard to tell what their relationship would’ve been like just because there’s not a lot we encounter in game that reveals that. so! i’m gonna do a bit of theory crafting here so take what i say with a grain of salt. this is my personal interpretation of the text in game.
first, hornet never actually talks about the pale king. despite guarding the wyrm corpse, she never mentions anything about her relationship with him. contrasting to this, after breaking herrah’s seal hornet is there, mourning her mother. and while i would like to point out this isn’t exactly a fair comparison because the wyrm corpse isn’t actually the pale king’s dead body i just wanted to put this observation here.
in fact, the main reason why we know hornet is the pale king’s child is because of a line from the white lady
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but again, it emphasizes more on her relationship with herrah than anything. (the other clue is hornet’s dialogue in regards to the hollow knight, in referring to them as “siblings”. and since we know herrah is her mother it would just be process of elimination as to who their shared parent is)
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also small side note, it looks like hornet doesn’t have that great of a relationship with white lady, or at least not a deep one, if how she refers to her as just “the creature” is anything to go by.
it’s honestly odd how hornet never mentions herself why hallownest is so important to her. she’s the princess of it! she’s the king’s daughter! and she’s spent all this time protecting it, and yet we don’t actually know why she’s doing it. she could leave, nothing is stopping her. we know that the weavers left hallownest and that they still cared about hornet if the weaversong, a charm that was most likely meant for her, is anything to go by. there was nothing that could’ve stopped her from leaving with them. who cares about this rotting kingdom anyway? we know who did, the pale king
the entire reason why the vessels were made was because he desperately wanted to stop his kingdom from falling into ruin. and we know his plan failed. we know hornet is at least a little knowledgeable about the vessels, the seals, the infection. she knows the hollow knight is her sibling, that her father is not above such dire sacrifices. she was raised with a mindset of being indebted. she felt indebted to her mother for being born. could you imagine how indebted she felt to her father too?
knowing this, it’s no wonder why despite all this time, she’s still trying to keep together the pieces of a kingdom long lost to infection and ruin. she’s trying to keep her father’s legacy alive still. to the point where she’s willing to essentially stand by while her mother fades away, gone for good, just for a chance that the kingdom could still be saved.
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and this is a bit petty but i think it’s a pretty asshole move to have your child protect your kingdom then just peace out to the dream realm leaving her to fend for herself :/
to summarize: hornet’s relationship with her mother is much more emphasized than the one with her father, despite his kingdom being the one she’s protecting. hornet was raised to basically idolize self-sacrifice, her sibling being the hollow knight, the pale king “sacrificing” his child to be a vessel, her mother sacrificing herself so hornet could be born. this makes for an unhealthy mindset that hornet carries to this day.
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