UW's necromancy department would like to remind students that theirs is just as valid a field of medical study as learning healthcare for the living. Skeletons have needs too.
Blood magic is still pseudoscience though. Keep that shit in WSU.
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carrickbender · 3 months
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- Friday was awful at work. F'ing awful. Had a software "roll out" that hobbled production, Absolutely exemplified the disconnect between what goes on in IT, in production, and in the C-suite. You can want what you want, and 'hope' that things go well, but to quote a movie about an exploding oil rig, "hope is not a strategy". I've already started an A3 about it for my bosses boss and will probably send it Monday because that was so preventable. Never underestimate the power of SOPs and following SOPs...
- After the fact, in an act of self-care and needing to touch grass, I had to go outside. Sunshine, almost 50 degrees, right on the ocean... talk about a reset.
- In another act of self-care, I heard the moan of a train engine while getting fuel and gave chase. 8556 is a SD70ACe, affectionately known as an 'ace', has kinda been an uncommon engine in these parts but I've always loved this model's boxy look and their peculiar rumble sound they make.I caught the train 3 times, and the engineer waved 3 times. Truth? I needed this bit too.
- not pictured: the little bit of H's French chicken that included caramelized onions, provolone, and egg noodles; nor is the indulgent and later painful half slice of a homemade sourdough boule- both of which made our little pink house smell like heaven when I got home.
- "Running like a river trying to find the ocean
Flowers in the concrete
Climbing over fences, blooming in the shadows
Places that you can't see
Coming through the melody when the night bird sings
Love is a wild thing"
Spacey Kacey, for the win...
- I kinda phoned it in this week for school, and I'm gonna regret it... I think. I was out of my mind tired doing my assignment last night, in pain, and I probably should go back and listen to it again. I'm going to do as little as I can get away with today- laundry, play Legos with buggy, try to recharge, work on my writing project for work, and try and rest this stupid body of mine. But first- coffee. Much love yall!!!
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labelleangel · 5 months
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Detroit, MI, November 7th, 2023: Wayne State University students - SJP - marching across the Second Avenue bridge near campus
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detroitlib · 1 year
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Nighttime view of 1962 AMC Rambler sedans parked in front of McGregor Memorial Conference Center at Wayne State University. Label on sleeve: "AMC Rambler full line models, 1962."
Mickey McGuire and Jim Northmore Boulevard Photographic Collection
Courtesy of the National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library
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On the Porch at Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, circa 1930
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starwolf53 · 6 months
If you like robots, or destruction, or robots destroying other robots, a very good friend of mine is in the WSU BattleBots club and they need funds for their Giant Death Robot, Painsaw!
If you can spare a few bucks, every donation counts!
More info under the cut!
What Is BattleBots?
BattleBots is a TV show where people build 250 pound robots with that, you guessed it, battle! Every episode is filled with pretty awesome destruction and people from all kinds of backgrounds doing what they love - building giant death robots and watching them beat each other up!
What Is This Fundraiser For?
This fundraiser (hosted through the official WSU (Washington State University) fundraiser website) is to fund Painsaw, The WSU robotics team's BattleBot! If they get enough funding, they'll have enough money to build, and repair, the robot, and might even make it to live TV on the show!
Why Should I Donate?
The robot will be 250 pounds, and at about $100 a pound (for $25,000 total), that adds up fast. Adding in that the robot needs spare parts and possibly extensive repairs after every battle, a lot of money needs to go into it. The people working on the project are mostly engineering students, who are building this robot for fun and experience, and it would mean the world to them (and me) if the project gets funded fully!
(Also the person who brings in the most donations gets to take home a piece of the destroyed robot. Isn't that cool??)
(the donation goal is set to $2,500 dollars, but it should keep going afterwards, and thats only a fraction of their real goal. If they get $5,000 in donations they throw a pizza party!)
TL;DR: if you have some loose change you feel like throwing around, you should consider donating to Painsaw! It would mean the world to me, my friend on the team, and everyone else there!
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
by Maya Siegmann
As a student starting my first year at Wayne State University, please allow me to share with you what is happening on campus.
First, a bit about myself. For the past two years, I have been active with Hillel of Metro Detroit while attending Oakland Community College. I was an Applebaum Family Intern and the president of the Jewish Student Organization at OCC, and I participated in Hillel’s J-Talk and Israel Fellowship programs. I am currently the president of the WSU Jewish Student Organization.
I was looking forward to being in Detroit and starting my WSU student experience. Then, the WSU Student Senate posted a statement that made me feel that, as an active supporter of Israel, I am not a welcome member of the Wayne State student community.
The Student Senate wrote a “letter of support standing with our Palestinian Student Population.”
In this letter they state: “This month, Palestinians sifted through the wreckage of their destroyed homes and their damaged psyches. More than 1,000 Israeli soldiers stormed the overcrowded camp last week as rockets and drone missiles struck private homes and public infrastructure. Nobody could guess where the next barrage would come from. Jenin raid is over, but Palestinians are left to cope with the trauma. The camp in Jenin was established in 1953 for refugees from more than 50 villages and cities in the northern parts of Palestine. Since then, it has been the target of continuous Israeli military raids. As a student body, we strongly condemn the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli apartheid government.”
There is no mention that Israel’s operation targeted terrorist cells because the Palestinian Authority had abdicated its policing of Jenin. No mention of the numerous Israeli victims of Palestinian terror. Characterizing this mission as genocide and the Israeli government as apartheid makes clear where my student government stands.
Ironically, earlier in the statement they claim that “Student Senate is focused on the student experience first, ensuring inclusivity and equity for our peers.”
I certainly do not feel included, nor do other Jewish students.
A couple of years ago, my brother was among a group of Jewish students who met with then President Wilson and Provost Kornbluh after a similar incident with Student Senate. While President Wilson was understanding, the students felt that Provost Kornbluh was not.
Now that there is a new Wayne State University president, I hope the administration will press the Student Senate to focus their efforts on campus issues rather than complex international matters that warrant much more nuance.
It is sad that this is what Jewish students have to deal with at Wayne State. Fortunately, we have Hillel of Metro Detroit to help us, along with the greater Detroit Jewish community.
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steamedtangerine · 3 months
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Nadrah Mirza - February Evening
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stastrodome · 2 months
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The last rites being administered to WuShock, the Wichita State University mascot.
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livingloved007 · 6 months
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The Tenacious Five
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woosongjournalismclub · 7 months
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우송에서의 첫걸음
유학생들에게는 새로운 대학에서의 첫 학기는 특히나 어려울 수 있습니다. 완전히 새로운 문화에 적응해야하기 때문입니다. 저도 러시아 출신으로서 새로운 환경에 뛰어들어야 했습니다. 우송대학교는 다문화 교육 환경에서 경험을 가지고 있으며, 이를 통해 새 환경에 빠르게 녹아들고있습니다.제 주변에는 같은 도전을 경험하고 새로운 것을 발견하는 사람들이 항상 함께해, 한국을 탐색하는 일이 다양하고 흥미진진해졌습니다. 다른 학생들의 한국 경험이 어떻게 특별한지 알아보도록 하겠습니다!
러시아에서 온 마리아 라주바예바 - Maria Razuvaeva, K-Pop Arts Management Student from Russia
 "한국에 왔을 때, 주변의 모든 것이 매우 낯설었어요. 특히 기후, 건축물, 그리고 음식 등이 그랬습니다. 한국에 오는 모든 사람들이 꼭 사야 할 것은 우산일거에요. 장마철에는 우산 없이는 집을 나서지 못하기 때문입니다. 또한 이곳의 노년층과 청년층은 빠르고 날렵해요, 이로 인해 빠르고 날렵한 생활 방식에 동기 부여받게 됩니다. 지금은 서서히 새로운 나라에 적응하고 탐색하고 있어요. 우송대학교에서 공부하는 것도 매우 흥미롭습니다. 교수님들이 매우 친절하시고 항상 수업 중 편안한 환경을 만드려고 노력하십니다. 제가 가장 좋아하는 수업은 K-POP 글로벌 시민론이에요. 여기서는 한국 음악 산업의 발전과 그것이 다른 국가와 한국 경제 및 문화에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤는지를 공부합니다. 얼마 전에 수업 후에 교수님이 커피를 함께 마시러 초대해주셨는데, 이것은 동료 학생들과 친목을 도모하고 교수님과 친분을 쌓는 좋은 기회였습니다."
카자흐스탄에서 온 ��비나 사긴디크 - Rabina Sagyndyk, K-Beauty Design Student from Kazakhstan
 "한국에 오래 있지는 않았지만, 여기에 있는 관광지와 엔터테인먼트가 얼마나 많은지에 놀랐습니다. 몇 일 동안 서울에 가 볼 수 있었습니다. 식당이 정말 마음에 들었고, 쇼핑몰과 게임 센터도 정말 좋았습니다! 정말 재미있었습니다! 그리고 여기 사람들이 정말로 반응이 좋고 도와줄 준비가 되있다는 점이 정말 좋습니다. 우송대학교에서의 공부 경험에 대해 이야기한다면, 교수님들을 정말 좋아하며, 교육 시스템과 이 대학이 국제적이라는 사실도 마음에 듭니다. 여기 모든 사람들은 친절하고 개방적이며 친절합니다!"
프랑스에서 온  엠마 - Emma, Media and Communication Arts Student from France
"저는 한 번도 한국이나 다른 아시아 국가에 와 본 적이 없기 때문에, 한국은 정말로 새로운 곳이에요. 그러나 지금까지 너무 잘 지내고 있습니다. 사람들은 친절하고 필요할 때마다 최선을 다해 이해하려고 합니다. 좋은 사람들과 어울린다면 여기서 생활하는 것이 그리 어렵지 않습니다. 우송대학교에 도착한 이후로 많은 친구들을 만났어요. 교수님들 모두 정말 친절하시고 수업도 매우 흥미롭습니다. 캠퍼스는 상당히 크며, 여가 시간에 앉아서 휴식을 취할 수 있는 많은 장소가 있습니다."
볼리비아에서 온 존 폴 파레데스 - John Paul Paredes, AI and Big Data Student from Bolivia
"한국으로 가는 것은 돌아올 수 없는 선택을 하는 것이라고 생각해요. 다양한 경험과 도전으로 가득 찬 여정입니다. 처음엔 한국의 모든것이 정말 어려울 수 있고, 서양인에게는 문화적 충격이 압도적일 수 있어요. 온갖 감정을 느끼고, 안전하다고 느끼며, 마치 타임머신을 타고 50년 후로 돌아가 황홀한 느낌을 받음과 동��에 외로움을 느끼고 우울해지기도 하며, 완전히 다른 나라에서 다른 사람들의 오해를 받게 됩니다. 여러분에게 당연한 일이 다른 사람들에게는 잘못된 것일 수 있어요. 완전히 새로운 나라로의 이동은 큰 변화입니다만, 대학 생활은 그보다 더 큰 변화를 가져옵니다. 집에서 좋아하는 신선하고 음식을 먹다가 정해진 틀에맞추어 학교를 다니며 낯선 사람들로 가득 찬 기숙사에서 생활하게 되요. 편의를 위해 식습관을 조절하기 시작합니다. 처음엔 겁이 나지만 점차 익숙해지면서 매일 아침 친구들과 만나서 수업에 참여하고 자신의 과목에 열정적인 교수님과 소통하게 되요. 서서히 정리하는 기술을 익혀나가면서 크나큰 골리앗이 작은 다윗에게 패배한 사실조차 모르고 용감하게 맞서 보게 됩니다."
첫 해 동안 가장 큰 문화적 놀라움은 무엇이었나요? 여정을 시작하기 전에 받았으면 하는 한 가지 조언은 무엇인가요? 국제 학생이나 현지 학생들과 밀접한 커뮤니티를 형성하셨나요? 코멘트에서 여러분의 이야기를 공유해주세요!
우송대학교에서 가장 큰 행사인 신입생환영회에 대한 기사를 꼭 확인하세요!!
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podcastcoug · 8 months
PodcastCoug 8th Season! Conference Alignment / 2023 Roster / Colorado State
This week begins the 8th Season of The PodcastCoug, as we are discussing the current affairs in the conference alignment, the Pac-12 Quarterbacks, our 2023 Roster, and the opener with Colorado State in Fort Collins on Saturday.  
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carrickbender · 9 months
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-Pickles, agates on the last polish, and my silly buggy, OH my!!!!
- it's so muggy, I can't stand it!!!!!
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- the lovely H, stuffing after I cut the spears.
And for any of you playing the home game, @whatleighdoesnext made the ring on H's finger and if you don't already know, she is a master of her craft. Promise Leigh, we have agate and are going to find some glass for you as soon as I have a day off. Check her out too, and support your local Tumblr craftspeople!
- And is that an application for an MBA? Yes, yes it is...
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It's not finished, but sooooo much of it is done....
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gravity-rainbow · 1 year
my vet did a miracle for me. He got my dog so he can have surgery on his gallbladder at WSU. Its one of the best veterinary schools in the nation. The odds aren't great but its better than the alternative.
Sometimes you have to take the chance if you have some of the best doctors.
Surgery has a 30% to 50% mortality
Been debating taking him home
Fluid in his belly is septic so if I take him home he may die
Caught between a rock and a hard spot
Decided he's worth the chance.
This is one of the hardest decisions of my life. I hope and pray that it wirks
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts
I appreciate you
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female-buckets · 1 year
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Sorority Sister, 1929
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