#yandere dottore x gn reader
vetusmemoriae · 2 years
Yan!Dottore x Reader
Author's note: Yes, another Dottore x Reader. If you know me, just saying I write a lot of M!Reader, so no surprise if it sneaks here.
Summary: You're Dottore's assistant, and with so many Dottore's you never see anyone else. But when you do, he's not happy, and he doesn't knows why.
WARNINGS: Murder (major character, don't go ahead if you like all harbingers lol), mentions of lobotomy, mentions of children (you know...), Y/n has no personality
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Maybe it is that they were created for this, that they've been someone's butler for as long as they can remember, but this lifestyle doesn't seem to bother them at all.
The routine is simple:
Wake up at 6am
Make breakfast for the rest of assistants.
Have breakfast at 7am.
Help Dottore.
Maybe have lunch, usually at 3pm
Help Dottore.
Make dinner (if there's time).
Have dinner at 11pm.
Go to sleep at 12pm.
That's if it was a good day, some others they woke up at 4am and didn't get any food or anything until they went to sleep, maybe the next day, the better was at 12pm.
So why did they like it? Was it Dottore? Y/n wasn't sure, but they wanted to think that, if they ever had liberty to study or do as they please, they'd have thought of something similar to this. If they weren't the assistant or subject, they would have been the doctor. Maybe that's what he liked so much about Y/n, that they didn't get grossed or tried to escape, knowing that whatever he tries to achieve is pointless and straight up gruesome and morbid. Because they knew that if those children weren't used for experiments, they would be taken away any sense of individuality to be fatui, Y/n didn't feel to bad, just as bad as you feel for an experiment rat. They had no other use, just as Y/n: some had the luck to be assistants rather that subjects, sometimes some were both, sometimes they just died on the way.
On their job, they left their mind blank, not hearing the screams, and only the orders of the boss telling to bring him the scalpel or to get rid of the body (though that job was usually his clone's). The assistants that when on doing paper work were the ones that lasted the less: they got too much papers, and usually got them mixed and that made everyone's work slower, and that's what none of the Dottores like: slow work. So everything had to be fast, little thought, just fast and sharps actions, and you were the best in that.
Every Dottore wanted some time from Y/n:
'Y/n! Come help me with this ruin guard!'
'Y/n! Come get me my surgery instruments!'
'Y/n! Go give this to Landa!'
It was, stressful, but at least they understood that, while Y/n was working for one of them, they couldn't work for the rest, because they did it as fast as they could and as perfect as a human can. No words, just actions, and Y/n forgot what their thoughts were about the experiments, what they wanted in life: their mind was now the one of a robot, and sadly, the body the one of a human.
That's why they were desperate the day Signora died. Y/n knew it was day of mourning, but after breakfast they stood at Dottore's lab, waiting for an order on what to do.
'What are you doing here, comrade?' A ginger was in front of them.
'I am sorry, sir. I am waiting for instructions.'
'Don't you know we are mourning? We won't work for a day.' They were silent, looking at the floor, confused. 'That psycho made you think everything's work...' Childe took your hand. 'Come on, I'll teach you how to have fun.'
'Yes, sir.'
Y/n followed Childe to the inner garden, were he showed them how he made a sword out of his hydro vision. Shortly after, the sword froze, turning into cold ice.
'Here in Sneznaya it's like I have a cryo vision, all water turns into ice so fast... But it's really cool, just weird when I leave.' They didn't answer. 'Cat got your tongue?'
'I just don't think I can share anything.'
'Whatever you think.'
'Maybe... I don't know... What should I think?'
'Wow, it's even worse. I know that you had to be reeeally bad to work for Dottore, but it's like he did lobotomice you or something. Wait, did he?'
'I don't know, I don't have any memory of him hurting me, or... no, I wouldn't say he did.'
'Well, you look as if he did.'
'Is it a bad thing?'
'Well, yes, at least for me. I guess that for Dottore it's just convenient.'
'Should I change?'
'For your own sake, you are no longer yourself if you can't even think. Someone already said that...'
'Why am I to change then? All due respect, if I can't be what Dottore wants of me, there's nothing.'
'I can't think of a single reason to like Dottore' Childe noticed something. 'Wait! You asked yourself why you had to change! Dottore didn't lobotomize you, you are just straight dumb!'
'I am sorry...'
'No no, that's great. If you are dumb Dottore can discard you, and I can get you.'
'Am I late to something?' A voice asked behind them both. Dottore was looking down on Childe. 'I believe Y/n was waiting for me on the lab, right?'
'Hey, they don't work either' Claimed Childe.
'I didn't know assistants were at the same level of privilege of harbingers, Tartaglia.'
'You may say that about your subjects, because they will die either way, but assistants were assigned to us, and they are not property.'
'Well, Y/n is. Come with me.'
Y/n stood up to go with Dottore, but Childe took firmly Y/n's wrist before he went away completely. Dottore looked at Childe without any sight of anything but disgust. The doctor waited for Y/n to do something, anything, but Y/n was there, motionless. Was he thinking? Were all the things he do to Y/n in vain? Childe took Y/n closer to him, but they didn't move.
'Looks like they're having a bit of a conflict...'
'How wouldn't they, when they've been poisoned by your ideas of "freedom". They know what is right, that is to go with me, and wrong, that is to go with you.'
'What's all the fuss about?' Arlechino entered the garden. 'Did they do something wrong?'
'Dottore doesn't let him fulfil his right of day of Mourn.'
'Dottore, leave the boy alone, they have the right decreted by the Harbingers to have half free day.'
Dottore left, not saying anything and with Y/n by the other two harbingers fate.
'Tell them to stop or I'll take care of the matter myself.'
'Thanks, Arlechino!'
Childe left with Y/n, and they still didn't understood why was it such a problem to be with Dottore or not. They didn't understood that Dottore went even beyond on that one, but it was no big deal for Y/n, he just didn't understand what it meant a free day and still had some curiosity.
Childe was with Y/n all day, showing them around the palace and a bit further, explaining a lot of maters he knew little, but more than Y/n. Some of that knowledge wasn't even for an assistant, but he felt grateful and powerful after making Dottore leave.
It was the next day weird things started to happen. Y/n woke on time, but on Childe's bedroom, yes, on different places, but what the fuck were they doing there. Why was he still asleep. Y/n got close to Childe, but before there was anything on sight, they saw Dottore at the feet of the bed, cleaning something.
'It was bout time, you've always woken up right at time. Can you help me clean this?' Dottore was without his mask, red, carmine eyes looking at Y/n while he offered a scalpel. Y/n took it and started cleaning it with his shirt. 'No, with water,' Y/n was confused, there was no water there. 'lick it.'
And when they did, they noticed the taste of metal, there was blood on that scalpel, and there was blood on the couch, and on the floor. Y/n stood up to see a body inside the sheets, with a big red stain at the height of the pillow. Y/n looked, no expression on their face. But they were not happy, neither were they sad.
'Is this my fault, sir?'
'Your fault?' Dottore stood right beside Y/n with a smile. 'I wouldn't say so, you were just a bit confused. He was right in some things, you act as lobotomized, and there I thought you were really by my side... But I can't blame you, dear, I would never blame you, but I can't say I am not disappointed on how easily you went along with his games... He did good there in Liyue, but their time was up, he should have already knew it when they took your wrist. Anyway, are you finished?' Y/n gave Dottore the scalpel, fully clean. Y/n had no words, but no thoughts either. 'Maybe I was a bit too rough with you...'
'I am sorry I did disappoint you.'
'There's nothing to worry about, dear.' Dottore took Y/n's hand placing a light kiss on their knuckles. 'I will make sure you never disapoint me again.'
AAAAAND THERE'S THE CLIFFHANGER!!! Did you like it, I had so much fun writing it that now my keyboard is kinda squeaky, it's weird. Requests are still open by November 17th so id you want to have something written go ahead
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noellefan101 · 16 days
How do the different yanderes "love" you? (plus some tropes(??) i feel like would fit them)
this was honeslty just practice, and it ended up turning into smt kinda decent, i dont love what ive written but i just needed to get our smt
i blame @fatuismooches for being lovely and having such good harbinger thoughts that they've taken over my mind (fuck you[said with affection])
Yandere! Childe, Scaramouche, Dottore(separate) x gn reader
Childe ("soft and sweet" x unloving and hates touch)
He just spoils you left and right, he feels a little bad when he sees the uncomfortable look in your eyes when he kisses you all over, or when he touches you too much. so he has chosen to spoil you rotten until you finally fall for him, or at least see the way he can take care of you and finally kiss him back.
[He loves you, and that should be known by now, so why do you force his hands to do this, "why cant you just love him like he is", those were the last words you heard before he brought something to your lips and made you drink something unknown]
You are incredibly lucky that the 11th Harbinger is this patient with you, but dont push it too much, he can go to more bloody measures of getting you to fall for him if he sees it's needed. dont worry he wont hurt you too much, he loves you too much to do that, but love is complicated and you cant always control whom you fall in love with, so just love him will you, darling?
after all he knows the aphrodisiac he gave you wont last forever, so it would be better to just fall for him manually, right?
Scaramouche (manipulative, powerful x easily manipulated, weak[...i didnt know what to do here lol])
He might seem like he doesn't love at all, but when you aren't being dragged around to missions and meetings, and all alone with him in your shared chambers, he loves to just hug you, maybe litter kisses on your neck and collarbone. you hated it at first, and you still kind of do, but you've long since gotten used to it all.
He show his love for you when he has his hands all over your body as you dress into the clothes he picked out for you. he cant keep himself off of your lovely body, but would kill if anyone even touch a strand of your hair.
But oh how could you try 'nd leave when this weak little puppet is crying in your arms every night, when he has nightmares about you leaving him, dying when he can't be there to protect you... oh how foolish you are, how stupid you must be to fall for such things, as he has long since abandoned the idea of ever letting go of you.
And he'll make sure you dont let go of him either, because you need him. after all he was the one to save you from danger when you were stupid enough to walk too far into a hilichurl camp. you need protection, and he's rgith here willing to give it for "free".
Dottore (crazy scientist and his crazy lover[aka yandere x yandere but worse])
You lvoe each other in ways normal human minds wouldn't dream of ever understanding. he smiled when you gave him a dead body for experimenting, and the worst part? you had the biggest grin on your face, and a massive amount of blood on your hands and clothes, much to the dismay of many onlookers.
And then there's the fact that neither of you even spare a glance at the amount of blood on the others' clothes, or at least it looks like you don't. but when you are in the privacy of your shared bedroom (though filled with dead onlookers in the closet) you reward each other for getting rid of anyone who dares to interrupt, or archons forbid break, the love you two have.
It has been made a daily occurrence for you both to randomly disappear from the building with a fatui agent, who had taken too much attention from the other, and then come back alone with bloodied hands, and being greeted by a two-minute-long kiss when opening the lap doors again.
just two crazy maniacs in love, awwww (if they arent wanted in at least 6 nations they need to be)
thx for reading whatever this is, luv ya -Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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catscidr · 6 months
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happy to see most dottore enjoyers sharing the same braincell. even happier to provide that good good dottore content (〃ノωノ) answering two asks in the same post bc it would be too repetitive if i made them separate agshfjns- next post will feature either childe or al haitham (depending on which one i finish first) (giving everyone a break from dottore for a hot sec) ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: yandere dottore (obvs), not quite proofread, dottore is named zandik in the mini-fic includes: gn!reader, dottore, his clones are kinda there, pierro and the tsaritsa are also mentionned. a handful of headcanons + a mini-fic wc: 1,8k
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-ˋˏ Despite what most people might think, Dottore isn’t a sadistic man. He only hurts people if it’s necessary- if it helps with his research- and even then, it’s not like he enjoys inflicting pain, he enjoys the knowledge he gathers as a result of such experiments
-ˋˏ ...That doesn't apply with you though. He likes to see you squirm, to do things that make you react, whether positively or negatively. He’s that desperate and needy  
-ˋˏ He’s a man that doesn’t go out much because of his work. So how could you blame him for wanting your attention? 
-ˋˏ I think he’d be the type of yandere to just be incredibly obsessed with you. Always having someone checking in on you (his segments, of course) to report back to him so he knows what you’re doing at all times, probably the type to have an entire folder with your personal information in it as if you were one of his test subjects
-ˋˏ Not to mention he would be extremely manipulative, too. Dottore is the definition of a wolf in sheep’s clothing; a handsome face with dubious intentions. 
-ˋˏ He wants to have your attention 24/7, to never have you take your eyes off of him, but he can’t do that if he stays holed up in his lab. Unfortunately for him he's very clingy
-ˋˏ But Dottore is a patient man (he was able to create an artificial God y’know- that kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight), so he takes his time with you- getting to know you, having his segments stalk you (he’s not the one doing it, so it’s fine, right?) 
-ˋˏ You’re just like a frog in a pot boiling water. If you put it in the pot immediately, it’ll jump out as soon as it makes contact with the hot water; but if you put it in room temperature water and boil it slowly…  
-ˋˏ The Harbinger knows your “relationship” isn’t an experiment, but at the same time it’s hard to say that he isn’t studying you. Having a mask that obscures his wandering eyes is definitely an advantage  
-ˋˏ It doesn’t matter who you are, he would bend his schedule just for you. He’s that thoughtful! Since he’s practically his own boss (aside from various deadlines and meetings) he can do whatever he wants. Who’s going to tell him off? Pierro and the Tsaritsa don’t care how he achieves results as long as he gets results. So, expect to “accidentally” run into him more times than a regular person would  
-ˋˏ You’re a fatui agent? Suddenly one of his experiments requires him to watch how soldiers (you) fight and train. You’re just a normal civilian? He’ll figure out where you work and find excuses to come see you just to chat 
-ˋˏ It’s even better if you work a customer service job. You work at a cute coffee shop? What a coincidence, he loves coffee! Now he’s a regular and you know his order by heart. (I like to think he actually hates coffee but powers through the bitter taste and energetic aftermath just because it gives him an excuse to bond with you) 
-ˋˏ You work at a grocery store? That’s perfect, he’ll start doing his groceries at your store from now on (you don’t point out how every week his groceries- without fail- consist of mozzarella sticks, a whole rotisserie chicken, cheap red wine, a pack of cigarettes and a singular loaf of whole wheat bread.)  
-ˋˏ If you’re not in the fatui, chances are you don’t know who he is (he doesn’t go out much, after all) so it’s easier for him to play up the “good guy” role (wolf in sheep’s clothing from before nudgenudge). He’s a very smooth talker 
-ˋˏ Of course, you’ve heard rumors about “the Doctor”, one of the Tsaritsa’s Harbingers, a feared man all across Teyvat. So it’s a good thing that your new friend’s name is Zandik and he’s just a normal surgeon that works in a private hospital! Nothing suspicious, 'course not
-ˋˏ Both of you engage in small talk whenever you cross paths. He’ll ask questions about you (even though he already knows the answer to them), all so that you can feel seen and heard- who cares about him, about what he does? This is about you. He wants you to tell him everything 
-ˋˏ The kind of person to use the excuse that he had a Ph.D. for a lot of things. You whine that your shoulders have been sore for longer than usual? He’ll get up from his seat and get behind you, sliding a hand just under the collar of your shirt to press and prod at your muscles to check if there’s anything wrong (good thing you can’t see his expression from behind you), saying he "knows best" whenever the (your) human body is brought up
-ˋˏ His patience isn’t endless, however. If he sees that this isn’t going anywhere, that you seem to be keeping him at arm’s length despite your “connection”, he’ll just take things into his own hands. And even though he doesn’t really get off from causing pain, he’s not afraid to make you squirm either
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It wasn’t unusual for you to grab a bite to eat with the Doctor occasionally. Working at a local coffee shop had its perks; one of them being how you could make drinks for free and eat snacks at a discounted price. Though you never needed to worry about money since your friend would always tip you handsomely, basically paying you for the snacks you brought to the table. 
Closing shop was easy enough when you had someone to keep you company while you swept the floor and wiped counters clean. He sat at one of the booths, cup of coffee in hand (you started making it decaf when you noticed his nose scrunch one time when he drank his usual order), watching you work idly. 
“Rough day?” you ask with a gentle smile, looking over where Zandik sat. Being quite some distance away from him you couldn’t catch the twitch of the corner of his lips as he sighed, bringing one hand up to rub his face beneath his pointy mask. 
“You could say that” he grumbles, laying his arms on the table, holding his cup of coffee with both hands. The man tilts his head to the side, focusing on you rather than his pesky thoughts. You put the broom away and saunter over to his booth, sitting across from him with a plate of various pastries in hand. 
“What’s on your mind? Maybe I could give some advice and help! Or you’ll feel better if you just... talk about it,” you chuckle softly, taking a sip of your own drink. Zandik’s gaze never leaves your form, his gaze burning the sight of your lips into his mind. 
If he told you even a smidge of what he was thinking you would, without fail, run and never look back. Even the tamest of things he’s thought about you would drive you away. From him fantasizing about how your skin would taste, to how your heart would look like in a jar on his desk when he worked... he shudders, swallowing down the urge to do something impulsive. Zandik takes a slow sip of his coffee, eyes flickering from your lips to your wide, innocent eyes. 
“Thank you for offering,” he begins slowly, “but that’s alright. I wouldn’t want you to worry about it,” he says smoothly, losing the tension in his shoulders to seem more approachable. With the first two buttons of his shirt undone, hair lightly tousled, and overcoat thrown over the back of the booth chair, he looked nothing like the deadly Harbinger he was. Looked like an overworked businessman at most. 
You puff your cheeks, disappointed that he wouldn’t open up to you. You’ve been doing it this whole time, and yet he won’t talk about what was bothering him to you? It made your heart flutter- he was so considerate- but at the same time you couldn’t shake the idea that maybe he was hiding something. Inhaling slowly, you calm your nerves, deciding that today would be the day you confront him. After all, a good friendship is built on trust, and you can’t stay good friends with someone that hides things from you. 
Oh, how naïve you are. 
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” you say gently, placing one hand on his. The feel of his rough hand beneath yours made you shudder, almost instinctively- are surgeons’ hands supposed to be this rugged? 
“I want to be there for you in the same way you’ve been here for me...” you add, voice trailing off as your cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I think you’re nice to be around. Don’t I owe you for the number of times I’ve complained about customers to you?” you say, chuckling lightly at the memory. 
Zandik doesn’t react, not at first. His eyes fix your face with an underlying threat, gaze hidden by his mask. Although you can’t see his eyes, a shudder runs up your spine at the feeling of being watched so intently. Where have you felt this before... 
“You’re right,” he responds quietly, voice hoarse. “You owe me.” 
His words caught you off guard. Owe him? That was a joke! You were trying to lighten his spirits, to take his mind off whatever was troubling him for even just a second. How come you felt your nerves screaming at you to get up? 
His free hand covers the hand you had laid on his, the grip on your skin becoming firmer the longer you two sat there. Your heart rammed against your ribcage, ears ringing from the sudden wave of adrenaline washing over you. 
“You said you wanted to help me, right?” Zandik says in a sickly-sweet tone, leaning forward to stare at you, gaze unrelenting behind his mask. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you nod dumbly, staring back at him like a deer caught in the headlights. He grins in response. 
Did he always have teeth this sharp? 
“Then you won’t make my life harder than it already is by resisting, right?” he adds. You could hear how heavy his breathing had become in just a few seconds, how his hands had a death grip on your own. His cup of coffee was long forgotten; how could he possibly focus on something as useless as that when you were giving yourself to him? 
The snow pelleted the windows harshly, essentially trapping you inside the coffee shop with him. Even the weather outside couldn’t compare to how cold your blood ran in the face of the Doctor; maybe if you had listened to your gut earlier you wouldn’t currently be skewered in the jaws of the shark that had been circling you for months. 
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mellowwillowy · 10 months
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬
Yan! Circus Performers x GN!Reader
(Feel free to insert the Yans yourself, I will tag some that could work by the ending)
TW: Body horror and details (Yans and Reader), general Yan warnings, proceed with caution. (Gore level: 1.5)
Darker than night, deep in the woods you'll find Standing alone, a circus that no one knows
Was it a mistake for you to wander into the woods? With a pamphlet in your hand, you strayed into the woods to see the circus. The pair looked so adorable, the two of them looked alike as though they were only mirroring each other. Although their face looked sad, the two sounded cheerful…. as though they were trying to cover their cries…
Children who can't even carry the trembling limbs they were born with
Master of all, nearly ten meters tall Watching the show, eyes that will slowly grow
Yet no one had ever seen the Master of the Circus.
All who perform smile with faces torn Happy with glee, strange as they look to me
You looked at everyone. The pair of Aces looked into you as they laughed merrily, reminding you of the Ace that you never got in a game of blackjack. The other performer offered you their hand as though they were asking you for a dance. A dance, with a performer that was at least 6 meters tall, oh how amazing.
Shall the fun start? Follow me to the Dark Woods Circus Please, join the festivity
The pair of Ace ran into the circus, and their laugh rang endlessly. The tall performer's back was tapped by another performer who was just as tall as them.
They smile as they dream of their mother's embrace
Come and see the two-headed (freak) of nature
The pair of Ace smiled eerily, both of their hands clasped to each other, the cloak covering their bodies taken off revealing stitched bodies. ""Oh what fun! Come, child of human! Kekekekeke…"" Their laugh was just as mirrored as their appearance and fate!
Gaze at a siren, her flesh deformed
"Don't you find me beautiful, dove? Do you perhaps envy me? Truth is that I envy you instead." They held your hand, their eyes unable to find yours and yet they envy your beauty.
Fear the all-eating beast and his love for cold Decaying meals that once were warm
The man's arms were bound to his back, the only thing he could do was feast what was placed in front of him! The woman next to him buried her head into her knees, her surroundings were painted in red wine. "It's delicious, they are delicious, Mother, it tastes so good. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm SORRY" "Kekeke, do you have more for us to eat? We'd like to eat you but… a shame… love… heart… kekekeke…"
Did we ask to breathe? Did we ask to only be abused, Living in bodies like these?
The pair of tall performers started dancing, twirling, spinning lovingly as they tried not to step on you. Their eyes stared into each other, dared not to make any mistake with their steps. ""Perhaps it would be nice for the three of us to dance together?"" Their voice rang as their eyes looked down, staring into yours. "It won't hurt that much, dove" "They'll just break and attach a new pair of legs on you, dove"
When you look at me, what is it that you see? Now a face rotting and torn at the seams
"See? I knew you were beautiful." The pair of Ace took off their blindfold, their eyes bore into yours. "So beautiful, a pair of legs, a pair of eyes, and a face that doesn't rot! You look like a dove!"
Through the pain I scream, how "it hurts so badly" "But we can't help it or do anything"
"Don't you think you'll look even more beautiful if you look exactly like one?"
As the girl would weep, telling me this sadly We perform, always the circus repeats
"Or perhaps we could clip your wings." "That way, you are forever bound to us." The pair laughed again, this time their hands were unclasped, reaching out to you.
How I love the show! How I love it all so! Can you see how fun a circus can be?
The pair of Ace jumped, their voice filling the whole circus as they cheered endlessly.
As our flesh decays and our eyes melt away With a face rotting, it's fun every day
""Because we've found ourselves an injured Dove!! Cheer to everyone, Cheer to the deformity of our Master!!""
How I long to die, why am I still alive? Anyone help me escape from this life
"We have captured the Dove's heart! It decides to rest here!" "Let's clip their wings so that they can rest eternally!" "We'll share our food! The best lump of meat you could ever taste of!" ""Fear not, for the Dove could dance even without its wings"" """" Why do you look terrified, Dove? We LOVE you! We CHERISH you! We WANT you!""""
"You can never leave", yes, I have a feeling Long ago, someone had told this to me It is impossible for anyone to say and feel
"Welcome to the Dark Woods Circus"
A pair of hands placed upon your shoulder, their lip brushed the tip of your ear. Everyone bowed down toward the subject behind you.
"Master," Everyone greeted.
--- LOG END ---
(!Proceed with CAUTION!)
"Come visit the Dark Woods Circus!"
You handed people the pamphlets, your smile never leaving your face. While people could not see what was under the fabric covering your skin, you could feel your back throbbing with each second.
The rose sewn onto your face never withered but you could feel your sanity did. You could feel your guts dissolving all the meat you ate, they were no longer upset about the change of food. They were generous enough to share a rather large portion of it although they tend to bite you randomly.
The pair of Ace occasionally showed you tricks on how to fly while their hands roamed all over your skin.
The siren would sing for you while they felt their skin against yours.
The tall performers would also teach you how to twirl with them, although it truly was a shame they couldn't dance with you, perhaps just yet.
Pair of Ace : Lyney and Lynette, Lucy-Lucius
All-Eating Beast: Dottore and Collei, Childe, Sampo, Killeon and Dorothy
Deranged Siren: Columbina, Venti, Jingyuan, Blade (sorry not sorry), Mysrymie
Tall Performers: Diluc and Jean, March and Danheng, 03 and 004
Master: Arlecchino, Pierro, Tsaritsa, Neuvillette, Unknown God, Zhongli, Kafka, ???
(Platonic, sharing, or not depends on you)
--- After notes
Lump of meat = Rotting meat or human flesh
Siren = Leg-less, immobile
Pair of Ace = 1 shared body
Tall Performers = man-made legs
Reader = clipped dove
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rexd1z · 6 months
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idk what the fuck is this.
drabble? headcanons? oneshot? I have no idea, I just wrote it.
Dottore is Zandik!!!
Mentions of corpses, cutting open a living person, removing entrails, blood, obsessive and stalker behavior.
pink is reader and porpol is dottore 🥺
GN! reader ig
English isn't my first language (I'm Chilean) so sorry if there are grammatical errors or something is not understood.
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The first time he saw you, it was in the library and for him it was like love at first sight.
You met Zandik at the Akademiya, he studied in Haravatat and you in Vahumana.
you didn't even notice him staring at you with that crazy look of him.
He learned your routine and the places you go, even your favorite food and your favorite color.
He started following you everywhere from a considerable distance
Zandik draws horrible but he still made little sketches of you in the corners of his notebook
You ALWAYS noticed Zandik stalking you but you couldn't care less, you thought it was cute in a way.
After a few months of dating as "friends" (your dates were in the library or the Akademiya laboratory 💀), Zandik finally confessed to you.
He approached you thanks to Sohreh because she happened to be a friend of yours.
It was strange, he basically made you a poem talking about how he wants you to cut out his heart and eat his insides 💀💀💀💀💀
You accepted, you always thought Zandik was cute so, why not?
After joining the fatui, Zandik Dottore, dragged you with him and made the condition that you must be his personal assistant and be with him 24/7.
And Pierro accepted.
"-Zandik, what the hell are you doing? -you told him as you watched Dottore cut a a LIVING man in half and start injecting him with things that not even God knows what they are.
It was strange for you to have to start calling him Dottore, so in private you kept calling him Zandik.
-I am not Zandik anymore, darling -he said with his disgusting smile.
-Okay Zandik."
He always gets nervous around you even if he doesn't want to admit it, to the rest he must have an image of a hard, serious and cold man, but to you? It's another story.
but we must not forget that he is completely crazy, many times he did experiments with you (nothing totally risky) and he is so protective that he could kill someone if he lays a finger on you 💀
At some point he tried to take out his own heart to give it to you, you obviously interrupted his actions.
He's crazy, completely crazy and insane.
Somehow or another he managed to make you both immortal, so you will stay with him forever.
After creating his clones, he realized that everyone had a special affection for you, and those who didn't know you began to have the same obsession that he had with you at the Akademiya.
He tries to keep you away from his clones as much as possible, he is a very jealous man.
In short words, Dottore is really jealous and possessive, but he loves you with all his soul and even in death he will not leave you <3
Omega is the only clone he lets near you.
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I literally wrote this at 3 in the morning and I'm dying of sleep plus I have school tomorrow
It's been a while since the last time i wrote something so it's weird to me😥😥😥
btw dottore is so babygirl I lovw him hes sosilly
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abyssruler · 2 years
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fool’s hope
yandere dottore x gn!reader
character death, mentions of blood, dottore being a bastard, yandere
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There was once a clone of his who loved you — genuinely, truly loved you.
You’ve seen him at his most terrifying, seen him grin and cackle as he dissected a live person, even seen him in a quiet and solemn state. You once thought you had seen all his expressions and moods he was capable of showing — but it was the way that clone looked at you with such softness you didn’t know he could possess, touch featherlight as it held you gently. And it was then you realized you’d nearly forgotten what it was like to be touched with kindness.
It made your weak heart beat with newly found hope.
It had the most charming laugh and a smile that could make anyone swoon. He’d always been attractive, eyes gravitating towards him even against their will. But he was also cruel and needlessly condescending. The clone was an anomaly, an error to his calculations that he so highly thought of.
You didn’t care about abnormalities and mistakes, didn’t care that this small slice of happiness would soon be ripped away, because for once in your life, the sight of those red eyes brought a sense of fondness instead of fear and hate.
He killed that clone before it was even two weeks old, watching you cry over its corpse with barely hidden interest shining behind those horrid eyes.
“Would you cry for me if I died?” He asked, more out of his own twisted sense of amusement than any true desire to know the answer. His own way of mocking your grief.
The answer you gave was full of vitriol and loathing.
“You contradict yourself.” He laughed, crossing his arms behind his back and peering down your tear-stricken face. “The clone I had just killed could be, in a sense, considered as ‘me’, no? And if I’m not mistaken, those are tears running down your face. Unless you’re actually crying about getting blood on your clothes, then by all means, you’re welcome to watch as I cut open my ‘self’ to study the lapse in its behaviors.”
You had never wanted to hurt anyone as much as you did then.
Silence reigned over the dimly lit room he called a laboratory, the blood had seeped through your clothes but still, you didn’t say a word. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your composure again.
“Pity,” he finally said after it became clear that you won’t provide the reaction he wanted. He gestured a hand to the corpse of his clone, not sparing it the barest of glances, dismissive even to his own self. You wished he cared as little about you as he did his other halves.
You watched the Fatui grunts haul the body away with a detached feeling, not quite processing it yet so aware of every little detail happening in front of you.
At that moment, you had wondered, a foolish little notion that you couldn’t quite snuff out, what it would have been like had it managed to keep its promise of overthrowing the prime and treating you better than he ever would.
“I realize that, given who I am, such words wouldn’t give you much assurance, let alone evoke an emotion one could akin to happiness—not that I would know, being what I am and what I am not allowed to feel. But when I’m with you, I… I feel as if my mind begins to program itself differently from the way it should. It is confusing, and I’ve never been one to deal with confusion in a healthy manner. I should think it’s beyond me to feel sympathy, let alone this anomaly the signals in my brain are creating, but… it is not something I would consider a mistake. A breakthrough, perhaps, in the loosest sense of the word. I understand now why the prime would rather not deal with these emotions—they are much too tiring—but it brings with it a sense of satisfaction I don’t believe I’ve ever felt before. How strange. You make me feel strange.”
Dottore does not make mistakes — or so you once thought.
He once mentioned how each clone is a fragment of his self, everything they are and ever will be has already been achieved by him.
That is why I am the prime, little one, he told you with a grin that raised the hairs on your skin.
But you did wonder, in a fit of impulsivity and a delusion-spurned thought to imagine a better life for yourself, if somehow a minuscule, almost infinitesimal amount, part of him once felt the same way that clone of his did for you somewhere deep within that heartless cavity he calls a chest.
It remains unclear to this day.
But sometimes you wish he did, if only to see those eyes of his look at you with tenderness and longing just once more.
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maya-meow · 6 months
Dottore x gn!reader
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You were the Assistant of dottore. You helped him with paperwork he couldn't do all by himself(he could do it by himself, but he wanted to spend more time with you)
You were talking with tartaglia and scaramouche. The 3 of you were friends. You didn’t talk much with anyone els anyway. No one would dare to talk to you, you never knew why. Before you met dottore everyone loved talking with you! But now..? No one would even look at you, you wondered why..
As you were talking with the 2 harbingers, all of a sudden someone yanked your arm and pulled you away from them. You looked up to the person and saw dottore standing in front of you. He looked very irritated. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" He asked. You looked confused up to him, you didn’t understand why he was so mad at you. "Whatever do you mean..?" You asked him.
Dottore's grip on your arm tightens slightly, his anger visible in his eyes. "Don't play dumb with me! You know damn well what's wrong!" He says through gritted teeth.
Again, you didn’t know what he meant so you looked up to him, confused. His face flushed with anger as he pulled you closer, his body heat almost overwhelming. "Don't pretend like you don't know! You were practically flirting with the 2 of them!" He said, his voice low and threatening. "I wasn't doing anything like that!" You replied to him
His eyes narrowed. "Really? Then explain why you were laughing at their jokes so much?" He demanded. You weren't even doing anything! "what? can't I laugh if someone makes a joke?" You asked him. His grip loosened slightly, but the tension remained. "Of course, you can laugh," he admitted, trying to regain composure. "But it's the way you were doing it... and the amount of time you spent with him. It just..." "Just what?" After a moment of silent he finnaly responded "It made me jealous," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. You thought you heard him wrong so you asked him what he said. "You heard me!" He yelled, pushing you against the wall. "You're mine, and you'll remember that!" his face now inches from yours. You were stunned. You didn’t know what to say. He normally never acted like this.
"You will not forget it." he warned, his eyes boring into yours. "Now, apologize for making me feel this way." "Why should I apologize? I only talked to them!" You responded. He pulled you against him. "Because..You belong to me" he growled into your ear. "and I won't share you with anyone else." You were shocked, what were you even supposed to say. "whats up with you today...? i only talked to someone.." you said to him. "That's just it," he smirked, pulling back slightly. "You shouldn't be talking to anyone else..." His voice dripped with possessiveness.
"But thats so-" "So controlling?" He finished for you, smirking wickedly. "That's the point, isn't it? Your my assistant, and I'll make sure everyone knows it." He stepped closer again, his chest almost touching yours. "Now, apologize." You tried to push him away a little, he was wayy to close to you. "Why would i apologize for that?" You asked.
"Because I asked you to" he snarled, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. "And because I can make your life hell if you don't." He leaned in close, his hot breath against your neck as he spoke the words. You moved your head away from him "and how would you do that?" "Oh, I have plenty of ways," he growled, pushing you harder against the wall. "And trust me, you don't want to find out." His grip on your wrists tightened as he stared down at you, daring you to challenge him. "And what if i do?" You were curious to see what he would do.
His face darkened, and he leaned in even closer, his hot breath against your neck. "You really want to find out?" His voice was dangerous, and there was a promise of pain in his eyes. You nodded. You were probably making a mistake but you wanted to find out what would happen. "Fine" he muttered, releasing one of your wrists to grab your chin, forcing your head back, so you could look at him. "But remember, I warned you."
He smirked, taking pleasure in seeing the defiance in your eyes. "Oh, I'll make sure you remember, my dear. Just wait and see." He leaned down, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Now, i give you one more chance..apologize." you stayed silent. "Nothing to say?" He said, His eyes widened in mock surprise. "Well, then it looks like we have a problem." With that, he slammed your head against the wall, making you see stars. It really hurted..He smirked, seeing the way you stumbled after the impact. "That's more like it. Now apologize." He demanded again, his grip on your chin tightening. You didn’t respond, you felt really dizzy after what he did. He smirked again and pulled you close, placing a quick kiss on your lips. "I didn't hear an apology." His voice was low and dangerous, promising more of the same if you didn't comply.
You finnaly gave in, "im sorry" you said, really quite. His grip tightened, and he pulled you nearer to him. "I didn't hear that." His voice was cold and hard. "Try again, my dear." He leaned in so that his lips were a breath away from your ear. "Im sorry.." you said again, but louder "Good job~" He murmured against your lips before pulling back slightly, his eyes boring into yours. "You're mine now. So behave accordingly, Okay?" He warned, his voice low and threatening....you didn’t say anything. He leaned in and kissed you again, this time harder, "I'm waiting for your answer, love" He growled out between kisses, his hand moving to grab your waist, his fingers digging into you. As it started to hurt you nodded.
"Well done" He whispered against your ear, his lips brushing against your skin. "Now, why don't you go upstairs and wait for me in our room?" He gave you a little push, his fingers lingering on your waist. HIS room?! Why would he even want that?! "Why should I..?" You asked him "Because..," he smirked, his eyes darkening "I want to teach you a lesson about obedience And I think our bed would be the perfect place for that, my pet~"
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underfaller · 11 months
romantic homicide
TW: yandere content Words: 1.9k Synopsis: Dottore is a serial killer and you're the lead investigator of his case.
Ever since Dottore laid eyes on you, he knew he would kill you.
He clearly remembered the evening you two met. It was just the turn of the seasons when the snow began to melt and the Lilies of the Valley in his front garden began to bloom. He’d been sitting on the couch, legs propped on the table, swirling his glass of wine methodically between his slender fingers. It was cliche, but Dottore did quite enjoy red wine-- Merlot to be exact. He remembers almost dropping the glass on his freshly pressed pants when he first saw you on that flickering television screen. You were introduced as the new lead investigator for his case. He figured they would find someone new after he killed the last investigator's niece (She’d been dreadfully boring). Immediately upon seeing you, he was enraptured.
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]“Since his first victim in Mondstadt exactly four months ago, there have been thirteen murders-”
“Y/N, weren’t there twelve?” A reporter interrupts you, condescendingly. You don’t take offense, instead waving your head dismissively and patiently explaining. 
“That is what we previously believed, but upon further investigation, we have come to the conclusion that the nineteen year old victim in Sumeru last month was also the work of this serial killer.”
So you’d noticed. Bravo. You said ‘we’ but he knew it was all you. After all, the Sumeru PD report had explicitly said it was an uncorrelated attack when they discovered it. They were such fools-- always jumping to the wrong conclusion. 
“So are you saying the Mad Doctor is in Sumeru now?”
“I never said that.” 
The Mad Doctor. It’s the name the media gave him due to the macabre scenes he left for them. Dottore usually didn’t enjoy titles. He did not understand why humans had to give them to everything and everyone. However, the man had to admit, it was quite fitting considering his past. He almost let out a chuckle when he first heard it. 
Dottore remembered studying your every movement and expression during that fateful press release. It would be the first of many that he religiously watched. He glued his eyes to whatever screen you were on-- hellbent on retaining everything about you down to your last hair strand. From the way you stood, confident and poised in front of the ravenous reporters feeding them whatever they wanted to hear without really saying anything of importance, to the way you smiled almost devilishly at the cameras, as if you knew he was watching. As if you were telling him, “I will find you. Your days are numbered.” You made the murderer swoon. There was not a sliver of fear or nervousness in you like the others showed when talking of his grisly actions. No, you were challenging him. You were someone audacious enough to look a killer in the eye and smile--a cut above those other mediocre detectives that chased their tails trying to find him.
He needed to kill you. 
Dottore devoted much of his time finding everything he could about you-- perhaps as much time as he did fantasizing of killing you. 
You were from Liyue, but were recruited by Fontaine’s esteemed law enforcement fresh out of the police academy. Despite how young you were, you  already managed to cause quite a stir- the daughter of a famous deceased detective, one of the youngest graduates from the academy you went to, an investigative prodigy. You were already a prominent member of Teyvat’s Interpol, having had a heavy part in apprehending the Inazuman serial killer case last summer. Not that it was that impressive-- you would find it much more difficult pinning Dottore than that idiot. You were quite popular with the public, even gaining a little nickname they affectionately called you in the tabloids and in small talk at the convenience store as he picked up cigarettes in the dead of the night -- the Detective Prince. Probably due to the fact you looked quite androgynous and never revealed your gender to the public. Or perhaps it was because you always wore that adorable boyish suit, your tail coats swishing behind you as you strode to and fro the busy Fontaine city streets. The pictures Dottore took of you in that outfit on one of his many visits to the glistening country were his favorite. He couldn’t wait for that outfit to be stained with your blood. 
Despite it being foolish, Dottore began leaving you little clues. Letters to the police made from old news clippings, parcels of victims sent to journalists right before the Sunday print, your ex’s corpse placed methodically near your favorite cafe to have lunch at. You picked up on all of them,but never could connect it back to him. Naturally so. Dottore was always very careful to leave no trace of his identity. He always made sure he was a step ahead of you-- waltzing right out of your grasp. It must be infuriating for one used to such menial minds to find someone that finally matched their wits. You must be so frustrated. He reveled in the attention you gave him. That was another picture Dottore quite enjoyed-- his gifts pinned to your bedroom wall like an odd conspiracy wrapped in thin,red thread. 
But Dottore has grown tired of this cat and mouse chase-- it was time to end things.
Which is why when your partner planned to leave for the Sumeru Akademiya, Dottore couldn’t help but thank the gods for the perfect opportunity. 
Your partner was from the Akademiya. You two got along well. She looked up to you. You tried to mentor her the best you could. Too bad you didn’t teach her the lesson of safety in numbers. She decided to travel to Sumeru without you to discuss the case with the sages. He’d waited for the perfect time to strike. She was very easy to catch. She wasn’t nearly as suspicious as you. After a couple of drinks in Lambad’s, she’d been eager to come home with him. Such a stupid girl. 
Her screams were quite annoying, also. 
You received a call from her in the middle of the night. She’d begged you to come quick. She’d said she’d made a breakthrough in the case. He’d laughed as he fed her the lines. 
Now there you were, several feet ahead of him, your brow furrowed as you tapped the desk mindlessly-- a habit he noticed you did whenever you were deep in thought. You always were a confident person, yet at this moment, you look deflated, studying the small earpiece in your hand with a hardened gaze. An Akasha Terminal. The Sumeru Akademiya had been more than willing to give you one for your investigation. You looked anxious, playing with the device as you made a phone call. Your usually neat hair was a bit messy and there were dark rings under your eyes. Poor thing. This case was certainly wearing you down to the bone. You found yourself in the House of Daena, the Akademiya’s largest library. It was by coincidence that your little investigation led you to this particular building. This used to be his favorite place as a student. In fact, you were standing not too far from his go-to spot. Dottore had to smile at that. It was as if fate brought you two together. 
Dottore couldn’t help but admire you from his hiding spot. Such a pretty flower begging to be picked.
Still, your sharp eyes had that signature determined glint, perhaps even more so than before. You seemed more resolved than ever. You must be worried sick. You were surprisingly close to your partner. It would be your fatal mistake. Dottore couldn’t help but regard your affections with slight disdain-- someone as intelligent as yourself should not be associating, let alone caring, about such ilk. But he doesn’t blame you too much. After all, that misplaced affection is what led you straight to him. 
You were certainly wary of using the Akasha terminal. Most of your colleagues used it once or twice for a case. After all, who would deny endless knowledge fed directly into their cranium? You, that’s who. You were much too prideful and skeptical to use it. The sages swore it was safe but you couldn't shake the dystopian vibes it gave you to be connected with so many people. You enjoyed your individuality. It was quite difficult devising a plot to get one on you. He supposes he could have snuck one on you while you slept-- he’d broken into your apartment multiple times-- but what fun was that? He wanted you to do so willingly-- to lend yourself to him on a silver platter as you walked into his carefully laid trap.
You sigh, raising your hands to your left ear. 
You put on the Akasha terminal and Dottore watches as it lights up, turning a vibrant green. His heart thumps excitedly and he has to hold in a gleeful laugh. Your emotions and curiosity got the best of you. You must have been so desperate to betray your instincts. 
You don’t know what he knows. You are already in his grasp.  
Dottore takes out a small device, tinkering with it. You aren’t the first person he’s done this to. He’s known how to manipulate the Akasha since his Akademiya days. It was one of the first things he attempted to do after receiving one. Right now, you probably felt as if a terrible sickness had suddenly come over you. Your head must be pounding. You close your faces, rubbing your temple as your eyebrows knit. It’s working. Your face is screwed with pain as you lean on the desk. 
Dottore approaches you. The library is nearly empty. Most of the students here have gone home for the summer. No one will see you disappear. The moonlight gleams through the large stained windows. His shadow envelops you as he approaches. 
“Hello. Are you alright? You look quite ill.”
You turned to look at Dottore , straightening up and trying your best to look presentable. You tried not to show your ailment, but he could tell you’re in pain from the rapid rise and fall of your chest. 
“I’m quite alright, thank you. I just need to le-” 
As you stumbled over your words, you stood up, trying to walk past him, but you tumbled falling straight in his arms. 
“Woah, there. Here let me help you,” Dottore said gently, feigning concern as he helps you back up. “No, that isn’t necessary,” You say through grit teeth. 
You were fighting the effects of the Akasha with all your might. Dottore could see it in your pained eyes as your pupils dilated, your breaths labored as you steadied yourself, gripping the edge of the desk until your knuckles turned white. He was surprised you were able to stand on your own at this point. How utterly delightful! Dottore reached into his pocket, quickly turning a small dial on the device that rested in the folds of his jacket. You stumble once more in his arms, fading in and out of consciousness. 
“Here, let me.”
Dottore wrapped you in his coat as he pressed you against in side, leading you outside. You looked lovely in the moonlight. 
“Let’s get you some help. I’ll guide you since you’re unable to walk by yourself.”
You looked at him with unfocused eyes before murmuring.
“I don’t think I should be going with you.”
Dottore chuckles.
“There’s no need to worry. You can trust me.”
He smiled down at you. 
“I am a doctor after all.”
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antichildeismoving · 10 months
il dottore/yandere!reader
gender neutral, sfw but depicts an unhealthy relationship, darling!dottore
relatively tame for dottore content, but does include mentions of manipulation, obsessive behavior, etc.
notes: this has been sitting in my drafts for like a year. probably ooc bc i haven’t played sumeru
As much as I love yandere Dottore, I really don’t think he has enough interest in other people to form any sort of intense attachment on his own. Darling Dottore on the other hand…
Think about it. He wouldn’t care what you do as long as it doesn’t get in the way of his research. Hell, he probably likes having someone obsess over him, especially if it brings out all your worst traits.
This means that you have free reign to be as touchy as you want with him. You can kiss the top of his head while he sits at his desk, or cling to his arm while he walks. He doesn’t interact with you much or see you as a companion, but sometimes he’ll offer you tiny scraps of physical affection and you can’t help but latch onto them.
Though he’s never openly encouraging, Dottore doesn’t mind playing along with your fantasy. He rests a hand on the top of your head, lets you sit on his lap while he goes through his notes, even allows you to braid the longer sections of his pale blue hair. He tests the waters of manipulation early on. Dottore’s something of a master when it comes to playing games with people’s feelings, (side note: he’s also a cutthroat Uno player) and he’s genuinely curious to see how far he can push you before you break.
You’re clearly very attached to him, and sometimes he wonders if this is what Enkanomiyan generals were talking about when they said it was best to pair soldiers with their romantic partners. There’s a fierceness in you, a conviction that only appears when you’re with him, and despite his general lack of feelings towards other people he can’t help but admire it. Obsession is a heady drug it would seem.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how you try to win him over. Seduction, manipulation, bribery, blackmail— the result of your confession will always be the same. Dottore isn’t bothered by your feelings for him, nor does he take any particular interest in them. As long as you stay out of his way you can do pretty much whatever you want.
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tavvattales · 2 years
Hdjaoeif OK so like, hear me out,,,Dottore,,, it's a petty bet with Pantalone since the latter said Dottore pulled no bitches so he decides to prove him wrong if only for that sweet crispy extra funds and ofc somehow reader ends up getting roped into it as his s/o. Then the other harbingers are all like who's gonna break it to them that it's a bet except it would seem Dottore's just a smidge too possessive for it to just be a bet and he absolutely does threaten to poison their coffee of they do not shut up bc god forbid they ruin whatever he has going on with his favourite lab rat<33
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GENSHIN IMPACT Character x GN!Reader Headcanons
Characters: Dottore
Pairings: Dottore x GN!Reader
Warnings: Bets are made, but are hearts broken??? Slight Yandere Dottore, use of Dottore's real name.
Taglist: @stygianoir @kurobakachan @hikomisan @silverwritesthings @minty-stays-tired @genshinparty @sange-de-romane @the-hapi-dm @insomniacwreck (ask to be added~)
If you like what you read, come and check out my Discord!
Click below for more~
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Il Dottore
Like making a deal with a demon, Dottore shakes Pantalone's hand in disgust and a roll of his eyes, "Come now, Zandik. It's just a bet. Why the long face?" Pantalone asks with a mischievous glint in his gaze as he smiles toward Dottore who simply scowls at him, "Because if my deductions are correct...you're planning something, but as you say– it's just a bet. Rest assured, this mora will be mine," Dottore replies.
And yet, unbeknownst to Dottore–he will, unfortunately for him, fall hard. Especially since it's you. Finding himself hiding his flushed cheeks behind his mask, he seethes, "It's just a bet, he says. It'll be fine, he says..." Dottore mumbles to himself, making your ears perk up, "Did you say something, darling?" you ask, tilting your head to the side questionably, "Nothing to concern that pretty little head of yours, my sweet," Dottore says in return, placing a gentle hand atop your head and ruffles your hair as you smile affectionately toward him.
"My, my...if it isn't Zandik and his little–"
"If you say ANYTHING, I will poison your coffee."
Dottore says harshly toward Pantalone, who has just arrived. Intertwining his fingers between yours, he squeezes your hand protectively, "Zandik, is everything alright?" Pantalone asks, raising his eyebrow, "You seem...on edge," he continues, knowing full well what has been going on, "You're despicable..." Dottore mumbles in reply.
Seeing Dottore tense up, you glance between the two of them as if they had been hiding something, but knowing what they do, you knew it would be best not to ask questions. After all, they are your superiors, "Zandik, you're upset..." you manage to say, reaching up to touch his cheek, and upon feeling the warmth of your hand, he instinctually places a soft yet hungry kiss to your palm causing you to blush.
"Worry not, my dove. For nothing will ever take you away from me."
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mothmanperson · 2 years
||Teamaker, Tea-taster||
??? x gn!reader
tw: blood, knife, wounds
cw: knife play(?), blood play (?), humiliation, degrading, sadism, masochism, yandere themes, a little smidge of angst ;), blood consumption on both sides, sub character, dom reader, just spice no smut :P
part two of this. part three
this took fucking ages, i am hungry and i need to piss much fun with this :P also thx for so many likes on the first part, expect more in the future
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it has been a few weeks since you and him finally went your separate ways. well he did anyway.
he never once approached or bothered you in any kind of way. his teasing stopped and he seemed to be rather fond of getting as far away as possible from you.
which you didn't mind but.... your life form then on has been kind of... boring; bland in a way. there's always this nagging feeling at the back of your head that something is missing and you hated it.
but you also couldn't go back to the way it had been before since it hindered your performance of work.
at least now you didn't get an earful every evening from pierro because you messed up.
with a quiet hum you continued your every growing stack of paperwork you oh-so hated.
but the cop of tea that rested in your fingertips made it bearable.
you refilled you cup and put in a few pieces of rock sugar. it went best with the tea you had. which was a white tea with jasmin and rose, the fine subtle flavour of the sugar was perfect as to not overwhelm the soft flavours, unlike honey does. that'd be a shame.
you always liked you tea sweeter. it reminded you of when you were younger.
he was so so bothered.
and he despised it so much.
ever since that day he cannot for the life of him concentrate on the tasks given to him. whether it be simple or hard.
the second he stops thinking about the task his mind wanders to such a different place, it was embarrassing.
and there was the problem that you were still around. on meetings, on missions in a random hallways and everytime you passed he went beet red as he rushed to get away. his body doing uncomfortable things to him and his mind.
he was so confused. how could you, you of all the people have such affect on him.
you didn't even do anything. you just did what he had asked for. and now he was stuck deep inside the mess. and he was to deep to back out.
he even asked the first harbinger and the tsaritsa herself for some mission far far away, which was not granted.
it was frustrating and at some point he came to the humiliating conclusion he had to do something about it, but not just with anyone of course, it had to be you.
just like it always has been.
it was night now, around 1am and you were still awake, like always, sitting infront of the fireplace in your room, like always. you had finished your paperwork for the day and started relaxing with a nice cup of black tea with pink rose.
it had a nice tangy-ness to it that nicely removed the bland and utterly disgusting flavour from the back of your throat.
you closed your eyes relishing in the way your taste buds seemed to bloom at the flavour.
something seemed to be missing.
you thought nothing of it until a quiet 'badum' 'badum' in a rapid pace caught your attention.
a heartbeat. and a fast one at that.
if you had to guess, the individual was nervous, or scared, or excited.
you pondered about who it could be, if it is a fatui agent or another harbinger. who knows maybe it was an assassin sent to kill you.
though that seemed rather unlikely.
without thinking any further you moved from your place at the floor to your door and the noise got louder.
what you hadn't expected was him when you opened the door, prepared to knock with a trembling hand lifted in the air.
now the both of you were surprised.
but you took in his face, it was red, extremely so, and it got redder by second as he started to realize.
a smile made it was to your face as you leant against the side of your door.
"well who do we have here? the little 'peacemaker' has made a reappearance in my life, what a turn of events"
oh how you loved to see him so- so
embarrassed, humiliated, so close to breaking.
and you didn't even do anything.
you never did.
it was something new, something you might need more often in your life. so it wasn't as boring.
(would you have not been engrossed in the moment you would've noticed the missing feeling of forgetting something)
"you- i-i" he started, and stuttered. it was so unlike him. the usually confident and teasing nature completely washed away.
hah, all you did was look at him.
"well? would you be so kind and tell me what you need me for? i was just about to relax and my 'leaf water' is getting cold, i'm afraid i do not have taht much time on my hand"
you were egging him on, leading him to were exactly you wanted him to be.
he knew it.
and yet... he took it like a dog. like the pathetic little dog he was.
he hated himself so much right now, now more than ever.
"do it" he finally got out of his mouth and his eyebrows furrowed.
but you only smiled more.
god you had such an enticing smile. archons it was going to be the death of him.
"do what? explain it for me, please?" you asked, seemingly confused.
he wanted to hit you so bad right about now.
"you- you wanted to know how i taste like, right? i am giving you permission to use my-...... body liquids. whichever you please"
oh archons he was really doing this.
your smile turned mischievous as you subtly looked around the hallway of your room.
he couldn't even react as his body was pulled inside and trapped between you and a wall.
you looked down on him, just like he used to do with you. you reversed the roles faster than he could believe.
and he fucking loved it.
he love the way you treated him, the way you handled him, the way your body looked and smelled
the way you walked and talked and went about your day.
with love sick, half lidded eyes he gazed into yours.
he fucking loved you, the thought of you. truly, he didn't know you so he couldn't love you as a person, just as the thing you made him see and believe.
you led him on just like you did with everyone else.
and he knew that, but af this point in time he didn't care, he wanted you, in whichever way possible.
he needed you or he might really go insane.
(as if he wasn't already)
with smooth movements you picked up his hand by his wrist, pulling a knife from your thigh-strap with your other hand.
"are you sure? you don't seem to be in the right mind right now?"
for anyone else this might've sounded sincere, but this is you we are talking about.
you were mocking him.
"i am you-" just as he wanted to go off and insult you in your face, you cut into his wrist, not to deep as to kill him of course, you wanted to keep you little 'peacemaker' to yourself for a while.
nobody would want him anyway and you were going to make sure no one was going to be good enough.
he should always crawl back to you.
he groaned in slight discomfort, but the white pain did nothing to sooth his incoming lust for more.
"lets try your pretty red blood first shall we? the metallic taste will go amazing with the sweetness of the white tea" you laughed quietly as you went to get your tea cup.
his mind was dazed and didn't even realize you went away, before you came back.
you gently took his still bleeding wrist again and dragged your tongue against the still flowing liquid.
you reached the wound and begun sucking and lapping at it as if your life depended on it.
when you decided you had enough you took a sip for your cup and let the flavours mix and do its wonders.
you closed your eyes.
he twitched and stared in wonder. would you like it? was it good? does he want to try? was he allowed to ask?
you were so close.
you let the flavour swish around in your mouth as he watched, a drop of diluted red running down your lip and chin, to your throat then vanish under you clothes.
"eyes up here" you whispered and took his face into your free hand, so he looked into your eyes.
you chuckled at his lustful gaze.
he was sure with the way you looked into his eyes you could read his mind.
"do you want to try? does my little 'peacemaker' want to try aswell?"
"i d-do- please let me try please"
oh he was so delicious. he looked so delicious while begging. you couldn't get enough.
you took your hand from his face and put your knife against your thumb, pressing and cutting into your finger.
he didn't get it at first but when you put your thumb against his wet, puffy lips and ordered "suck" he knew.
and he got even more excited, his body was showing symptoms he had almost never before.
he sucked on your finger, coating it in the same warm liquid he spit into your tea not to long ago.
you watched this pathetic little man take your thumb like the desperate little whore he was. amusing really, how this mighty harbinger got reduced to nothing but a stuttering, sucking and begging mess in a matter of a few minutes.
heh, you loved that- that thought that only you could do that.
you took a big sip of the tea, emptying the cup completely and he looked at you with glossed over dazed eyes.
his lips tainted the color of your blood and his face almost had the same color.
oh archons, who gave you such a blessing.
you dove in, connecting his lips with yours as he let out a startled sound.
you spit the white tea into his mouth and even tasted a little bit of your own blood as you shoved your tongue into his throat.
your desperate make out didn't last long. yet he yearned for more and more and more, more of something he couldn't get.
a sting of reddish saliva connect your tongue to his closed lips.
"come one, swallow now. lukewarm tea is bad tea" you tilted up his chin and as ordered, he swallowed.
him and his body, were so desperate, so so fucking desperate.
"please- fucking- please" you noticed in the tremble of his voice just how fucking needy he was now.
"how pathetic, really" you sneered, and he whimpered.
he might've just came on the spot.
he watched as your eyebrows furrowed, confused.
"did- did you really just- i didn't even touch you! just how much of a fucking whore are you?" you ful on laughed now.
just now he noticed the slight dampness of his pants and he clenched his eyes shut.
"well then- seems like i have another flavour to taste test"
"fucking bitch....
my bitch, only mine- forever and ever~"
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ruisutea · 1 year
The doctors pet - Dottore
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Dottore x gn!reader
Pt. 1
No pronouns mentioned, reader is called patient, & darling.
Hints of yandere - toxic behavior(reminder I do not condone any of this, or in any fics I make similar)
Video inspo/the old vers.
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A loud bang was heard from the empty halls, the door slamming open, hitting the wall, some decor moving a slight.
Your bare feet were tired and bruised from running out of Dottores lab. The bandages on your arms and head slowly falling apart, your eyes- or eye was on the brim of tears, knowing you could never be set free. No matter how many tries, no matter how many times he had to chase you down, this was all just a game to him.
Taking a sharp left you hid inside a corner, hearing his footsteps from behind, your breath hitching.
"Dear y/n~ Where have you gone this time~...? " his playful tone was such a sin, you hated it, you hated the way words he can say so calmy, is so filled with venom.
Alas, he knew you werent going to respond, but he kept going. His footsteps not going to a halt.
"This little game of yours.. Why do you need to do this to your sweet doctor..? " he paused, your heart was pounding fast, "Your my little..patient, and I'm your doctor.. Don't you love your doctor..? " he asked, you could hear the fake sadness he puts at the last sentence.
As his words spit out like venom, you looked around the space your in trying to find another spot to hide. The dark hall making it hard to see.
You found a little space, perfect for you fit for a while. Going inside to hide, the darkness engulfed you even more.
Listening closely, you could hear a little 'hmph' in disappointment, "two can play at this game darling". As he went into another side of the halls. His footsteps became silent.
A sigh in relief came out of your dry lips, you opened a little crack only for another hand to pull it wide open. The hinges breaking.
" Found you.. "
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Reposts, likes and follows are appreciated. Do not repost my works in any other platforms.
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catscidr · 2 months
// aquarium (i want you dead or alive) //  
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i. note — hihihi enjoy this short thing i did as a warmup to get my brain juices flowing _(:3」∠)_ this was inspired by aquarium from funny boy matt watson (its a good song trust)…..heard the chorus n went "wow this sure does remind me of someone" ii. includes — modern au akademiya (university) student dottore, gn!reader  iii. cw — stalking and yandere tendencies, obsession, smoking, blood, homicidal thoughts. no dialogue; just dottore nd his thoughts. also not quite proofread ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ iv. wc — 1k -> now also on ao3 (b˙◁˙ )b
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It’s hard to ignore things when your brain is so hellbent on making you notice. 
Forcing your eyes to flit over every single inch of a room you walk in, making your legs carry you towards something that, unconsciously, caught your attention because they just happened to remind you of something. 
When it’s curiosity driven it isn’t too bad, since the worst that can happen is a slight pang of disappointment when your curiosity isn’t sated from your inquisition.
It’s an entirely different problem when the urge to look for something specific is caused by a deep-rooted obsession with something. 
And it’s even worse when you see things in places where they simply are not. 
Walking out of the Akademiya to seek shelter at the dingy bus stop the city can’t bother fixing, catching a glimpse of the poster on the side of it. A model posing with a bottle of perfume stares back, the advertisement almost mocking him as he stops walking shy of being under the bus stop’s roof. 
Its face morphs into one he’s all too familiar with instead of being a stranger’s, and his mouth inhales more air than it needs to. 
Stepping into the squalid convenience store near his flat to grab an energy drink and a pack of cigarettes, wordlessly paying for the items until the cashier says ‘have a nice evening’ in a tired, unenthusiastic tone. Hands faltering for a millisecond as he awkwardly grabs what he purchased, immediately taking out and lighting up a dart to exhale the agitation simmering inside his gut. 
The pitch of their voice was uncannily close to yours. 
Slamming his apartment door shut and kicking his shoes off, dragging himself into his room to make good use of the energy drink he just bought. Opening his laptop only to be met with the sight of sanguine boring into the screen before it dissipates and the screen lights up, displaying his hard work. 
Curtains drawn at all hours of the day, his bedroom was no stranger to gloom. Though void of any natural luminescence, multiple copies of your face smile back at him. 
He exhales smoke through his nose, tapping the excess ash forming at the tip of his cigarette into a tray and takes a sip of his drink, never blinking. 
To him, not having any classes together didn’t matter at all. Didn’t even make a single difference. 
Because sitting in the same lecture hall as you wouldn’t matter or change a thing, since he would be just as far away in that hypothetical than if he were in a different class.  
Which he is. 
His grades are high enough that he can afford to ditch his class to loiter in the vicinity of your classroom instead. You don’t speak much, but he doesn’t particularly care since it allows him to listen. To memorize the sound of your chair screeching as quietly as it can behind you, memorize your tendency to be one of the first people to leave the class in order to rush to your next one. 
Memorize how you fail to take notice of your surroundings on days like these where you have a class right after the other, as he watches your legs work overtime to carry you to the other side of the building to make it in time. 
It lets him think, undisturbed. 
He never musters up the courage to speak to you. You only spoke because he was careless and accidentally made himself noticeable in the sea of students one too many times, and he apparently looked so out of place that you sparked up a conversation with him despite not being the type to reach out first. 
Maybe God was playing with him by making you do something he hadn’t predicted. The conversation itself was brief, but long enough for him to want to talk to you again. 
And for you to want to talk to him again, too. 
...And talk to you again he does when you spot his minty bedhead in the library and sit across from him, making his poor heart leap out of his chest, bringing one hand down to close his laptop screen a little too harshly. Bile rose in his throat; too engrossed in his research, he hadn’t heard you approach him at all. A fault he’ll have to rectify later. 
After you apologize in his stead to the students that gave you both a side-eye for making noise, God how he wants to pluck each and every single one of their eyes out, you take out your own laptop from your bag and open it up to get to work alongside him. 
He tries to keep his mind at bay for now, wanting to enjoy his impromptu date with you. 
Washing blood off his clothes has always been a hassle, especially considering how he had to walk to the laundromat to do so. He somehow always has a stain somewhere on his person, whether it’s from accidentally hurting himself or from his proneness to getting nosebleeds. 
Or other reasons. 
Standing over the sink, he watches the liquid drip from his nose down to the porcelain basin. Observing the pattern it makes as it slides down the drain, watching the vibrant red turn into slithers of watery vermillion. He clutches the edges of the sink tightly, letting himself fantasize about assaulting the students from a few hours ago. Cleaning their blood off of his shirt, then watching his clothes tumble in the washing machine in the laundromat. 
Now that he was alone, he shuts his eyes and sighs. He refused to let himself think anything less than pure thoughts around you lest you somehow gain the ability to read minds and decide to read his, if they could even be called that. 
They were more akin to promises than anything else. 
Opening his eyes, he’s met with more red than white, his nose’s blood having taken up more surface area than the sink itself. Some had even gotten on his previously pristine collar. 
Zandik glances up, staring at his stained button-up in the mirror. 
Maybe he wouldn’t wash your blood off of his clothes. 
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smittenroses · 1 year
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— Build you up...
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Fandom — Genshin Impact Pairing — "The Doctor" Il Dottore/reader Summary — He perfected the ability to expand his consciousness, who's to say he cannot use it to bring back his playthings? Content Warnings — obsessive tendencies/yandere-esque behavior (it's Dottore), toxic dynamics Word Count — 460 Author's note — Evil things come at 11 at night. Enjoy this double upload.
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Dottore was many things, and none of them was the type to give up.
Sitting in his lab, his fingers tinkered away with the robot in front of him, mumbling under his breath as he connected this wire to that; he knew how to make himself, he knew the ins and outs of his own anatomy and behavior but this? He was creating something brand new, something he had to get right.
The body had to be sculpted correctly, all those little flaws and things he adored etched into the artificial skin, its nails trimmed the right length and those lips painted the perfect colour.
The hair had to be silky, soft, the type he had taken to know by feeling it with his hands, feeling it against his skin. He had spent many sleepless nights perfecting the texture and colour before he put it on the head of the robot, now protected by silk as he worked away at the inner mechanisms.
It was hard work making sure something would work, something would breathe. It was hard work making sure that to the normal person, nobody would notice anything was different about the so-called human in front of them. If they were perceptive, on the other hand, they would probably hear that there may be whirling of gears, that there may be a robot moving inside of the flesh suit that he had created.
If any had noticed it about his segments, none had asked.
But compared to his segments, compared to him, this new body would run on something new, something exciting. The vision glowed in his hands, its owner not too far off nearby, as he pried it from its ruined vision holder. The frame was in pieces, never to be used again as he placed the vision inside of the robot's chest, hearing the mechanics roar to life as he shut the chest.
Artificial eyes open, staring into his own. Your lovely hues of colour blinked once, twice before sitting up. "Why...?" You muttered softly, looking around the laboratory before him. Good, it seems that you didn't remember anything prior to the accident. "Doctor, why am I here?"
"You collapsed while in the hall, I simply brought you in to recover." He said, his voice perfectly rehearsed as he helped you from the table, watching the way your new legs wobbled and groaned under the weight. It would get better as your metal frame got used to moving, got used to being a robot.
"Thank you..."
As timid as the day he met you, his smile could only grow. The body that lay comatose behind closed doors was boring, not much to play with.
But you? He was going to enjoy breaking you all over again.
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microwaved-spoons · 2 years
delusional - il dottore
This spawned from the dusty writing desk in the far corner of my brain. Be warned. Inspired by this playlist :  “ pov. escaping dottore's lab; a yandere/obsessive playlist”
Mentions of: Il Dottore (and clones), implied imprisonment, escape, allusion to nonconsensual human experimentation, meat lockers, general uncomfortable vibe, use of pet name ‘doll’, (not intentional but could be perceived) yandere undertones
Additional note(s): Lazy formatting. Gotta get used to uploading on this hellsite again. Also I have no real reason for this title, just thought it was a good pun because see, the Fatui manufacture these fake visions which are called delusions, and the definition of delusion is ‘a state of being misled’, which this protagonist is. See, see it’s funny, right? Right? (: and yes, this was purposefully written in vague first tense, because I thought it fit the flow better. Not beta read this was a youtube comment
'...Why were they doing this again?'
Their delicate feet burned as they ran barefoot through the cold labyrinth of Zapolyarny Palace.
'They'd only be caught once more.'
With each twist and turn of the halls, things began to look more and more the same, dizzying to their already swaying mind. Despite this, their steps never faltered, nimbly dashing down a steep flight of stairs. All their mind knew was fear-- fear of being caught, of what they risked returning to, and of what dangers might lurk beyond the familiar ones they currently denounced.
They slunk past heavy doors set ajar before realising; things were unnaturally still around them.
'Where were the soldiers? Was no one coming for them? Was this finally it?'
A deep chuckle echoed through the chamber. Now standing in the very center of the room, they stiffened and glanced frantically around. Upon catching a hint of movement behind a pillar, they took off again, chest slowly growing heavy from the despair trickling in.
That voice. They hated how it had such a hold over them. The particular timber of it was infused in their memory, woven through their shaking bones.
Now nearly at the other end of the room, another mocking laugh came from a pillar just to their right. A raspy, shrill squeak forced itself from their lungs, and on instinct they lunged toward a large vase on display. Through sheer panic alone they managed to shove it towards that same pillar, before quickly darting towards the set of doors. Wrenching them apart, they took only a brief moment to glance back, and their eyes met his. They shrieked again and shoved the doors closed, trapping him in with the bar. The doctor let out a growl, an inhuman sound escalating to an enraged yell. One body pushing against the doors then became two, as another doctor mirrored the actions of the first. Both clones were trapped in that room, but more were sure to appear, so they set their sights on heading to lower and lower floors, certain they were expected to try and find the main entrance.
'This is utterly dreadful.'
The kitchens were stale, the scent of fine foods washed out with the dreary atmosphere. With four workers stationed around the area, they ducked behind a cluster of barrels, searching for any sort of opening to freedom. Without windows, it was not an easy feat, but their eyes caught a pale glow emanating beyond the door but a few steps away.
'Surely this was it! They'd finally be saved from this life, freed from this torturous existence. Whatever came next, they'd face with open arms. It was their life to choose.'
They slipped through the door, shutting it delicately behind them. A beat of silence passed, and when no outrage was heard from the kitchen, they let out a breath into the chilled air. This cold was unmistakable, even for someone as isolated as they'd been. The ice against their feet burned, but it was nothing compared to the emotion they felt as they turned to look out into the new environment.
Icy it may have been, but this was no open land.
As they gazed ahead, they found all that they could see were rows of red tinted, hanging slabs of ice. These hooked sculptures had them retching, covering their mouth and pressing their back against the door. The meat locker reeked of death, of misery and of failure. All the hopelessness they'd battled till this moment came crashing down around them as their legs gave out. Boneless, they slumped on the slippery ground, feeling the sheer cold envelop them. As their brain succumbed to the exhaustion, they smiled, knowing that even this was an escape. This ending was of their own creation; they'd taken their life back.
Minutes later, controlled footsteps approached the locker, as a kitchen maid pushed open the heavy wood. Pointed shoes approached the small, slouched figure, gently scooping it up with steady hands.
Il Dottore smiled down at their peaceful face, brushing stray snowflakes from their lashes. "Now then, doll, let us observe the effects of the regenerative serum, shall we?"
Alright, I haven't written anything of substance for the past several years, so I hope this at least comes across as legible. I started off vaguely reinterpreting the audio cues as I went, writing without any real direction and then it just sort of spiralled from there. The ending sort of reminds me of a fairytale I grew up with: the little match girl. A rather vague reference, but writing in a Snezhnayan setting had me reflecting on my own Russian-Ukrainian heritage and therefore my upbringing(note: uh, yeah, we're doing greattt), so that's my reasoning for the unhinged direction it went.
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mondaymelon · 9 months
— 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆, 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆…♡
໒꒱ || :feat~ yandere!childe, dottore, scaramouche x gn!reader:
໒꒱ || cw: low and behold, jealousy, possessive + obsessive (who would’ve thought), oops he’s yandere mb, established relationship, dottore... chokes you? you’re his subordinate + dr*gging (scara) dont ask me what im doing i dont know either
⤷ “You’re mine, and I’ll make sure you won’t forget that.”
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“Where were you yesterday night?”
CHILDE’s empty gaze lands on you and doesn’t let you leave it’s sight as soon as you walk through the door. You sense an air of displeasure surrounding your boyfriend as he leans back on the wall, arms crossed over his chest with his eyes fixtated on you. You haven’t done anything wrong, so why do you feel like a deer caught in headlights?
“I just went out with some friends…?” You aren’t sure of the source of his inexplicable anger, but you decide it’d be best not to trigger it.
“They treated me to some street food, and that was it, really…” It’s hard to elaborate further with the harbinger keeping completely silent, and his gaze feels like it’s piercing you.
He echoes a word that seems to have sparked his interest. “‘They?’” “Uhm- you know, Xingqiu, Chongyun, and Xiangling…”
Unconsciously, you let a brief smile cross your face at the mention of your good friends’ names, remembering the lively bustle of Liyue Harbor and the many laughs shared between the four of you.
It’s a sight that doesn’t escape Childe’s keen eye. Instantly, he’s three steps closer, with your chin raised in his gloved hand. “Wipe that smile off of your face, goddamnit.” He speaks through gritted teeth, though his harsh voice is obscured by the way his words come out as a soft hiss. His brows are furrowed, eyes flashing with annoyance as he pauses and takes in a deep breath.
“Wh…what’s with you? Don’t do those things so suddenly!” You yelp, attempting to move away only for your back to hit the wall.
The male only lets out a breathy laugh. “Ah, honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing either…” He’s much more reserved now, but you know him well enough to be aware of how he’s silently seething under the surface. “Archons, you’re a troublesome thing, aren’t you? To think affection would do such a thing to me… hah, what a thrill!” He glances up long enough for you to catch his twisted expression, eyes blown and a smile spreading across his face. “Jealousy, hm? Hahaha, oh how the troops would ridicule me if they knew!” He stops to take in a breath, his chest heaving up and down erratically. What a fool you’ve made me, darling.”
“Wh-What?” He’s moving closer, too close, his hot breath fanning your face.
“Look at me, you’ve made me a pliable idiot under your touch, haven’t you? Don’t even think about leaving now.”
“You don’t have to worry, all I’ll do is just make sure that pretty little head if yours doesn’t think about anything except me only.” ♡
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“A friend, you say?”
DOTTORE has a quizzical look about him, as it’s rather odd how much amusement his crimson eyes hold. “Hmm, is that so?”
“Yes…?” You don’t know what has come over your boyfriend at the moment, but he ponders your words as if they hold a different meaning - which, they don’t. Something about the way he stares at you makes you feel like the guilty party… but you haven’t done anything wrong, have you?
“I need a name.” He whips out a small notebook out of seemingly nowhere, a pen also appearing in his hand.
“Oh, uhm-“ You momentarily pause, hesitant as you pictured the familiar fox-eared forest ranger. “He’s not exactly fond of the Fatui…”
The male lets out a hum, smile only spreading wider. “All the better. Explain him. Thoroughly.”
You frown. “Why are you so fixated on-“
You swallow your words as they’re interrupted by a sound that’s more akin to a bark than a  laugh. “Ahhh, I knew giving you my hand would be beneficial, just look how delightfully humorous you are!” He strides closer, one step, then another, effortlessly closing the space between the two of you. You can feel his red gaze through where it’s obstructed from the mask he always dons, and you have a feeling that his eyes are trained toward your every move. “Do you truly mean to say that I am not to ask of this ‘friend’ of yours?”
“It shouldn’t be of your concern…”
“Oh, but it is.” Dottore does what looks like a shrug, an action you certainly wouldn’t put past him. “Do I not have the right to monitor my partner’s actions? Who knows,” He steps even closer, his arms positioned in either side of you. “What kind of things you might be doing with this ‘friend’ of yours?”
“Dottore, what you’re implying right now is-!”
“My name sounds good in your mouth. You should say it more often.” Even in such a situation, he won’t stop his teasing mannerisms. “Ah, but perhaps you say his name much more often, don’t you?”
The words escape your mouth before you can halt them: “Tighnari isn’t!-“
“Tighnari, you said?” Dottore lets out a low chuckle, his voice giving way to his definite ecstasy. “Ah, so that’s his name? I’ll be sure to remember it. Hm, who knows, perhaps he’d make a wonderful subject of mine?”
“Why- Why are you doing this??”
“Isn’t it obvious, darling?” He’s shifted closer once more, and the very air you breathe feels suffocating. “I desire for you, and only you. Ahhhahah, you have me wrapped around your finger, don't you? Carve up my heart for all it matters, just be mine.” His fingers find his way around your throat, and it’s even harder to inhale than before. Dizzying black spots begin to grow larger, casting the edges of your vision into to darkness. “But in order for to us to live happily, together, I’ll have to make sure of things first… and first on the list…” A low growl makes its way out of his throat. “I’ll just need to make sure there won’t be any lasting regrets for you, hm? Just a few dead here and there, who’s really going to notice? After all…”
“I can’t have you running from my grasp, can I?” ♡
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“Why didn’t you tell me that you’d be going out tonight?”
SCARAMOUCHE’s scornful glare is enough to make you cower where you stand in front of the door to his private quarters. His significantly short stature made it rather difficult for him to tower over you, but the deathly aura that surrounded the male was already more than enough.
“My apologies, sir. I was not aware that it was mandatory to inform you of my departure.” You give him a swift bow, casting your eyes to the floor. Several possibilities ran through your head. Perhaps he’d just settle for a rather harsh scolding, or maybe a social probation. Either way, a small part of you stirred in annoyance at your superior’s words. Nowhere in the trainee handbook had such a rule been written! You had heard the not quite so savory rumors of the 6th Harbinger numerous times before, and while they had never really proved to be a significant problem, the reason they had even surfaced in the first place was beginning to dawn on you.
“Where?” He raises his hand, a sign to lift your head. He’s being rather gracious today…? Perhaps he had been in a good mood - that is, until you soured it.
“I’m sorry, sir?”
“Where did you go?” There’s clear frustration in his tone for having to repeat himself.
“To the nearest marketplace. The soldiers in the east quadrant needed more supplies.”
“And you complied? You let them just push you around like that?
“Respectfully, sir, if I hadn’t, they would’ve done the same and pestered someone else. There was no task assigned to us-”
“I and another lieutenant, sir. He agreed to help me because-”
“Did I grant you the right to go with that scum?” It startles you, how much venom lies in his words. Posture stiffening, you manage to glance up, only to meet his burning violet gaze.
“Sir, I don’t underst-”
“Of course you don’t understand.” Something seems to suddenly come over the harbinger as he doubles over in his signature maniacal laughter. “You never understand, do you??”
You take a step back, only for your heel to hit the wall behind you. “Lord Scaramouche…?” For every quickened breath you take, he sways an inch closer.
“I’ve been sending you so many signs, doing nearly everything in my power to just make it so my affection would get through to that dense head of yours, but no, you still remain ignorant, ignorant for how much I’m willing to do for you! Anything and everything, no matter where and what. If it means words of praise from your mouth and your warmth touch, then any task is worth fulfilling.” The malice in his eyes dims slightly as he closes them, smiling at you brightly as he slides his hand into yours. His hand is cool, his skin smooth and unblemished, yet rigidly unnatural, the sharp angles of his joints proof of the way he was crafted into this world. A being… incapable of love…? No, the heartless being in front of you was certainly capable, and far too deeply immersed in the feeling. His lips brush against yours, yet darken dangerously when you shift your head away as an act of avoidance.
“Don’t be like that, not after all the trouble I’ve went through, just to ensure that you’ll finally be in my arms…” There’s a flash of light, a tendril of purple lightning, and all of a sudden, your limbs feel weak. You don’t know when you’ve collapsed onto the floor, or when you’ve been nestled into Lord Scaramouche’s arms, but you’re able to make out his words through the fog in your mind.
“Ah? It seems that the solution I slipped into your dinner proved to be quite potent. It’s a shame you won’t be seeing more of it, but alas, I can’t possibly keep you here any longer. Not when there are countless of those dogs salivating over the thought of you, those wretched vermin…” Sensation in your fingers, his lips against the back of your hand as he kisses it gently.
“There won’t be any need to worry anymore, darling. I’ll be all that you need.” ♡
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(a/n) for you guys who were hoping for something soft n fluffy, sorry, please take this offering as an apology.
“Ah, I hate this feeling, whenever you hang out with them it’s just…”
“Are you… jealous?”
“What?? No, no way!! Don’t get the wrong idea, alright?”
“Don’t worry love, you are my one and only beloved, so please don’t worry about me leaving you, because rest assured, it will never happen.”
smoochy smooch the end !!
help i feel like the quality of my fanfic is just slowly degrading over time have i peaked is it just downhill from here am i growing to become old and wrinkled 😞
(oh… it’s been a while hasn’t it…. a month of unexcused absence… i was trying to post this early but the yandere theme made me reach a stalemate FUCKK IM SORRY ILL WRITE MORE PSPSPS IM SORRY FOR NEGLECTING ALL OF YOU WAAAH)
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123
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