#black women spiritual wellness
inherpower · 19 days
What they don't tell you about manifesting
A lot of folks talk about manifesting what you want in your life and I think that’s great. But the thing is that rarely are people talking about the truth of what doing that work entails which leads me to believe that they may be missing some key components. Manifestation is great work and it can be a lot of fun, but if you are not doing “the work” then your manifesting will not be successful. In the episode I talk about my journey and what I’ve learned.
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morelanaxu · 1 month
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moonhedgegarden · 4 months
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I can learn to center myself and combat my own negative thoughts
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lovilaa · 2 years
Any manifesting/ Scripting tips? 🔮🍃💫
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✨ The Best Holistic Routine ✨ written by me ☺️🩷
💙 Includes audio so you can listen & read 💙
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b-courageous1010 · 11 months
🌸 Surrender to the Sweetness 🌸
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🪷The universe asked me to consider one way I can enjoy life a little more. Which really has me thinking, I’m usually all work and no play. I sacrificed the last 2 years to finish school and move into finance but now that I achieved those goals I’m still in work mode.
It’s funny because I was just telling my aunt that I want a better quality of life, and one of the things I want to start doing is going to farmers markets and buy locally grown fruits and veggies.
Starting my wellness/spiritual journey to start enjoying life and figure out what’s important to me. To learn to fill my cup and pour into those who pour into me. 🪷
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spchthrpy · 1 year
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Pre Orders go live this week. Now accepting donations on my Ko-Fi page @spchthrpy
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inherpower · 12 days
I gotta have faith
In this episode I talk about faith and what that means when it comes to moving into something in my healing/liberation journey. There are no guarantees when it comes to seeking external validation and confirmation, the trust and confidence has to come from within. Leaning on Spirit, or any higher power than my human self, means that I must walk with assuredness and know that no matter what, Spirit has my back. No more hyper vigilance.
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morelanaxu · 1 month
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moonhedgegarden · 3 months
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I make the effort to not punish myself for other people’s behaviors
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gracefullybrianna · 1 year
12 Days Of Healing Day 8
*link to my small wellness biz*
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thesirenisles · 26 days
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..⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Girl Talk
random astro observations 🌸 ..⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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⋆.ೃ࿔* capricorn women are hilarious and so charismatic. The maturity of an adult at such a young age. & such supportive energy that manifests as helping you manage or boss UP your life!
⋆.ೃ࿔* pisces sun women are excellent liars... when you're not in your dream world. My childhood Pisces bestie could spin a tale in a second to get us out of trouble! If your feelings weren't in the way, you'd be just as sly as Gemini. Dual energy. You guys are mistreated so often & it pisses me off. Be the villain!! Responsibly, lol.
⋆.ೃ࿔* taurus women are such princesses and material girls. It comes to you guys so easy too! Usually financially sound in life. Venusian energy also attracts earthly gifts. As a 2H stellium, I relate but am so jelly.
⋆.ೃ࿔* pluto in the 1st is so potent. My scorpio mars just burns for them🥰 They are always mistaken for a Scorpio. The EYES. They often wear dark palettes as well and the winter spectrum is chef's kiss on them.
⋆.ೃ࿔* virgos are so polished and coordinated. I admire the clean look. No matter what their aesthetic is. I feel like this is bc they master the arts of femininity and their personal style at a very young age. Virgo loves routines & Mercury increases craving for intelligence! the skin! 😍
⋆.ೃ࿔* capricorn men and the pragmatic bit in conversations like ugh. PLEASE be open to what can’t be proven in the physical or isn't "legitimized" science lol. Honorable mention: Pisces sun men lol. they HATE astrology?
⋆.ೃ࿔* aries can literally throw together so many looks. They just know how to put ish on. They are usually average height, if not short and curvy. So, a lot of things work on them. i.e. De'arra Taylor, Toni Olaoye
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⋆.ೃ࿔* sagittarius have such a seductive but edgy sense of style. Jupiter energy expands their tastes, allowing them to try eclectic fashion looks easily sort of like Pisces. Mikaria Janae, Vanessa Hudgens, and IMO Samantha Jones SATC.
⋆.ೃ࿔* leo women are so on trend! They can put their own style on this, but they know how to work the trends.
⋆.ೃ࿔* scorpio too! Like ugh, they are always looking so attractive and coordinated but in unique styles! Like, they are the dramatic beauty type for sure. The type to pull off leopard pants to any occasion🤣 i.e. Karin Jinsui
⋆.ೃ࿔* earth signs are usually blessed materially in some way from childhood. Not saying it was easy.. (not knocking emotional or spiritual tribulations or bad aspects)
⋆.ೃ࿔* scorpio women 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽 sitting in the pitch black darkness for their "Me Time". Evil lair vibes lol But, this genuinely recharges their energy.
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⋆.ೃ࿔* what's up with aries, libra, pisces, and virgo women being so beautiful but SO blind in love! There's literally no changing someone or waiting on them to mature. If he's not the one now, he won't be the one later. Men are like buses! Miss one and 10 minutes later...
⋆.ೃ࿔* aquarius women really nail the best first impressions that makes others want to be their best friend. As an aqua sun, I used to legit collect besties and create friend groups.
⋆.ೃ࿔* Speaking of… anyone with Lilith in the 11th house experience literally creating their friend group/ clique and then being kicked out of them?? LOL
⋆.ೃ࿔* virgo men can very calmly destroy one’s confidence. The type to point out the one flaw you HATE.
⋆.ೃ࿔* aqua 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽 scorpio friendships. ✨
⋆.ೃ࿔* gemini suns can be the villains 100%. I hate to add to the endless slander.. sorry not sorry. Unevolved Geminis are not above ruining your rep with blatant lies, copying you, and even familial betrayal out of envy…FOR FUN. (Not ALL Geminis.. these are shadow traits)
⋆.ೃ࿔* capricorn stellium men are a rare and delicious type. Daddy energy all the way😍
⋆.ೃ࿔* cancer women are so curvy & naturally pretty. But.. how do you guys stay so cool with toxic exes from years ago, tho? lol
Thank you for reading! ⋆.ೃ࿔*
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writers-potion · 10 days
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Let's Talk About Magic Systems.
There are two broad ways you can establish magic in your story world - work with existing concepts, or adapting it for something new.
Pick a System
High Magic vs. Low Magic
This distinction existes mostly in the western wrld from the Middle Ages onwards. In non-western cultures, this distinct often doesn't exist.
High magic requires magicians to study from books, ingredients are expensive and instruments elaborate and hard to get. The typical practioner of High Magic is of the upper class, highly educated, and rich. They serve in King's courts and have high social standing thanks to their knowledge.
Among the lower classes and women, Low Magic is ore common. It is taught orally and doesn't require reading skills and uses everyday objects and ingredients.
Black vs. White Magic
"White" magic is often associated with good, and "Black" with the evil. However, what really matters is the magicians intension, not the magic system that they work with.
The term "black magic" is often associated with working with the dead. It can also be used by an individual/group who just wants to appear more menacing.
Ceremonial Magic
This kind of magic involves lots of ritual, recitation and prayer, often in ancient langauges such as Latin, Aramaic and Sanskrit.
Most of the time, it's High Magic and practiced by religious figures.
The typical practioner is educated, has great confidence and a good memory.
Natural Magic
It involves ingredients from nature, such as herbs and water.
It may be practiced outdoor, in a kitchen, or in a laboratory.
The rituals are simple and short, and the practioner will watch out for the turning of seasons, phases of the moon, etc.
Religious Magic
This is a diety working through a magician. The magician prays and asks her god to work the miracle.
Most religions have their own form of magic, and the kind of miracles that the magicians can bring can be limited.
Wiccan Witchcraft and Voodoo are largely religious magic.
The typical practioner would be spiritual and devout, often suspicious of other religions.
Alchemy is both High and Low Magic, and it can incorporate religious, spiritual, philosophical and mythological elements.
In a modern setting, alchemy can also be portrayed as "science gone too far".
The typical practioner would be patient, methodious, educated and driven. The tools includes laboratory equipment, astronomical charts, writing materials, and an unsuspecting roommate(?) for testing.
Traditional Witchcraft
Traditional Witchcraft is a form of Low Magic. In early historic periods, the witch played an important role in village life, often old women who owned apothecaries and helped out other villagers.
The typical practioner would be female, uneducated, illiterate, practical, resourceful and poor. She will have a good memory and well-developed senses.
Tools used would be simple household implements - a cauldron, a broom, knife, etc. that can evade the Inquisitor's suspicions.
Wiccan Witchcraft
If you write contemporary fiction, this is the system your character is most likely to use. It's modern witchcraft, based on the religion of Wicca.
Wiccan witchcraft mostly developed in the second half of the twentieth centruy. It is a form of bothe Natural Magic and Religious Magic.
Based on nature worship and the polarity between male and female, the magician often begins a Wiccan ritual with an invocation to a God/Godess. The Lady (Godess) is depicted as having three aspects: Maiden, Mother and Brone. The Lord (God) may be depicted with horns.
The focus of Wiccan magic is often on healing, with an emphasis of ethical consequences of what is being performed.
It is often practiced outdoors, sometimes naked (which they call 'skyclad'). Wiccan witchcraft uses the phases of the moon to amplify its effects.
Wiccan like to gather in groups called 'covens' or to meet once a month or for major festivals. The coven leader may be called 'high piestess/priest'.
Typical tools include a chalice, a knife (called 'athame'), a wand, candles, herbs, crystals, and essential oils.
The magician summons a dead person, either ghost or spirit, sometimes bodily. The dead are enlisted to grant the magicians with favors or are questioned for information.
It may be related to Shamanism, as well as to some forms of psychic work such as channelling and Spiritualist seances.
The typical practitioner is psychally gisted, strong-willed and courageous.
Shamnism is a Low Magic system. The shaman intercedes between the human and spirit world by communicating with spirits, often to obtain information or provide healing.
Shamans may travel to the spirit world to seek answered, with some level of danger. They use drums, chanting, dancing and drugs to alter their consciousness and communicate with spirits.
Practicing shamans often work alone, but they choose a successor to train. The apprentice is supposed to accept the calling.
The typical shaman is musical, sensitive with a strong sense of rhythm and the psychic.
Tools include drums, bells, a costume, herbs, bones, smoke and mind-altering drugs.
Ancient Egyptian Magic
Ancient Eyptian Magic ovelaps with Religious magic, medicine and with psychic work. The deities most frequently evoked are Selket, Aset for raising the dead, and the gof Thoth for anything to do with sickness and healing.
The emphasis of Ancient Egyptian Magic is protection, often done throgugh an amulet or talisman. The circle or oval is the most important shape that has protective qualities.
The precise wording of a spell is important, as well as the colors that are involved. For magic to affect someone the magicians must know that person's true name.
The typical practitioner is male, literate, often a priest attached to a emple.
Folk Magic
This is a form of Low Magic practiced by amateurs.
This includes housekeepers who can keep the rats out, farmers who can ripen fruit before the height of the season, and scullions who can make water boil faster.
This people would only know a handful of spells, ans pass them in to memebers of their family.
Voodoo is religious magic and low magic.
The rituals are held in private, and may involve communication with spirits, especially the spirits of ancestors and saints.
Commonly used to cure aliments, confound enemies, and obtain desires.
Invent a System
Choosing the Right Words
If your character is clearly a witch, shaman, a necromancer, etc. with a specialty, use that term. Otherwise, the word "magician", or "mage" would be most appropriate.
The term "magus" (plural magi) refers to practitioners of the ancient Zoroastrian faith.
Strictly speaking, witches and wizards are practitioners of two very different magic systems, so your female character can be a wizard, and vice versa.
'Warlock' really means 'oath-breaker' or 'traitor' and doesn't describe a magician.
'Conjurer' is someone who can creae effects to impress an audience, not really magical in itself. The more modern temr would be 'illusionist'
A group of magicians may be called a 'coven' (though it applies mostly to Wiccan magic). A magician working alone would be a 'solitary'.
Magic vs. Magick
Normally, "magic" is the correct spelling.
However, "magick" may be used, especially by insiders, to emphasize that they refer to the real thing, not conjuring or other trick of the eye.
The magic systems are sometimes capitalized, sometimes not. When it involves a religion, nationaliy, or a particular family line, it is capitalized. Just make sure to keep it consistent throughout your book.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
like 80% of evangelicalism is banking hard on the idea that there is spiritually some completely unambiguous and distinct difference between men and women, that this somehow reflects the nature of God, and that men and women adhering to Proper Gender Roles preserves some crucial reflection of divinity
no one has been able to break down what this difference is or why gender existing somehow reflects God (the christian God, who famously is two things that do not overlap, instead of the single deity of a monotheistic religion). Otherwise intelligent and thoughtful theologians will black out and say shit like "you know how boys naturally like trucks and girls naturally like dolls? yeah. that means uhh. God"
and if you're like "well I'm a girl and I never really liked dolls but my brother did" no one can read suddenly
Strangely I bet if you were like "ohhhh so the Trinity is a little bit like gender, where there is one single nature like the whole human species, but there are multiple distinct natures within it, but each of those individual natures fully contains the one original, and they can also be both at once, neither at once, or an intermediate, just like you can be a guy who's a girl who is some kind of man in a feminine way." people would get mad.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
little miss pressure • armin artlert
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armin was notorious for his wild ways and sexscapades but ends up meeting his match in the form of a girl he’d never expect. And it leaves the notorious playboy stuck on his new fixation.
plus size black reader, (y/n) works in the adult entertainment industry, alcohol and weed use, armin and reader are some FREAKS, reader is very hyper sexual and tbh a bad bitch 😝 (this is nasty, I apologize in advance!)
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producer!armin has always been a man synonymous with a less than savory lifestyle. Sex, drugs, fame and glory..it was all he ever desired. To live each day as if it were his last and let the consequences happen as they may. His vices were those every other music industry maestro that got into it for all the wrong..and selfish reasons. Especially when it came to women, which may have been his greatest weakness.
Switching them out like his latest pair of Amiris or his brand new Audemars. Picking them up at every illustrious strip club or his infamous house parties..working his way through a ten mile long roster of girls. Comprised of every bachelorette (and sometimes others wives) this side of South Beach. He didn’t care about what followed or if he hurt their feelings. All he wanted was his one night and a good nut. After that, what they did was none of his concern. And hell, with his good looks, he could get away with just about anything. Until you came along…until (y/n) showed up at one of his little soirées. Invited by a friend of a friend, who had spoken all about the engineer and all his antics. About the hits he’s produced, his track record and extremely high body count. Something that didn’t particularly off put you, seeing as how promiscuity was your entire profession. You were an upcoming adult film star, taking the internet and nsfw spaces by storm. A brick house of a woman who didn’t mind flaunting that beautiful body and working it in ways that many wish they could. Sex with you had been described a ‘spiritual experience’ by many. From the incredible head game to the pussy that had gotten many of your bills paid. A month after working with a couple of creators and collaborating with a few porn production companies, it all took off. Your OnlyFans was jumping and everyone wanted a taste of the newest BBW on the scene. And tonight, you were out prowling for some trouble to get into. You had your fair share of good hookups but you needed the man that was going to give you the type of dick that would change your life. It came not a moment too soon when you got some alone time with Mr. Artlert. Trust, he was more than well aware of your reputation and he wanted to see if it preceded you. And the feeling was mutual..
seeing as how you had only ever spotted him with skinny model types and BBL bodies..not that anything was wrong with it but you were a bit skeptical. Not questioning if you could pull him or anything but if he could truly handle you! Would he truly be worth the hype. But after downing a few daiquiris; making subtle eye contact from the room, he’d approach you with that signature smug look on his face, flashing you a toothy grin and boldly greeting you with a hug. “Yeah, (friend name) told me all about you..it’s very, very nice to meet you, miss (y/n). So glad you made it out.” Sealing it with a classic peck to the back of your hand..by the look on his face, he was more than likely assuming that you’d be easy pickings. Insecure and lacking self esteem as a bigger woman. That you’d be happy that someone like him was even looking in your direction. But was he sorely mistaken! Especially when hours later, after chatting you up the whole night and once the rest of his guests had gone home..he got you up to his bedroom and out of that designer on your body. “Are the rumors true, sweetheart?” “Find out for yourself if you’re man enough.” All it took was a shared spliff and a little more liquor before you had him spread across his own bed, toes curling midair as he released loud screams. “Ohhhhh fuck! (Y/N)…goddamn.” Howling from the head he received..engulfing all eight and a half inches of that veiny girth as if you lacked a gag reflex of any sort. “Yeah, fuck this throat. Don’t play with me.” Emitting strings of spit and covering that cock in it. Flicking your tongue around his sack and momentarily over his asshole. All while jerking him off. Never in his life had he had a bitch so nasty and he loved it! God, he loved how you abandoned every bit of your morals in the bedroom. Making his nut from sucking his dick when no one woman had ever done so before. “They weren’t lying, huh?” “Told you..”
but he was no minute man himself. See, after getting slurped up like that, he had to a little something to prove..and he’d do so by devouring your pussy while he ushered you atop his mouth. “Don’t look at me like that, sit the fuck down, baby. I can take it.” Assured in his abilities and absolutely infatuated with your flavor…moaning as he inhaled your scent and flicked his tongue all over your clit. Kneading his hands into that thick ass and hips, even prompting you to bounce up and down on his face. Causing a collision with those heavy cheeks. “Yes! Right there…oh God..” drawing out high pitched wails from your sore throat and sweet juices from that tightness. Coating his entire chest in your squirt. And from there, he couldn’t let up off of you. At least not until he pinned those legs back and put that dick stomach deep. “Wet this dick up then since it’s like that.” With those substances coursing your systems, it brought forth an even nastier side for both of you..if that were even possible! “Ion think you’ll leave me alone if I do.” Your feet plastered to the headboard as he pounded you relentlessly. “This pussy so fucking good!…” cracking only a few minutes and strokes in because he had never felt it this wet and gushy before. It was like being encompassed and coddled in a warm blanket that nestled his dick as if were made especially for him. Folding you into a mating press and having to bare all of his body weight just to reign you in. His one hundred seventy pounds in comparison to your nearly three hundred. He had piped many women in his young life but you were the true definition of pressure. Making loud smacking noises from the slick dribbling from that plump cunt. The fatter the pussy, the wetter and he was learning first hand. Burrowed over your face and feeding you slow, sloppy kisses, along with tons of slaps and spit..another first for the philandering bachelor. He didn’t want to leave it if he were being frank.
“Yeah, beat that motherfucker up, daddy. Keep going!” Reaching down to massage your bud with those coffin shaped claws as you glared into his eyes and done something that would truly drive him insane. “F—fuck! Squeezing me like that..gonna make me nut all in your shit.” Throbbing and fully swollen inside of you. Posing the statement like a threat but that was exactly what you were hoping for! And when he couldn’t control himself another moment, you found yourself filled to the brim and with a heavy slap to your ass, he’d command you all fours where he all but shoved his face between your cheeks, eating you out once more because he loved drinking it in. Shortly after, stuffing your other hole with a thumb and your pussy full of his still erect cock. Placing a foot on your head, beating your shit in and making you arch your back. That ass moving like water nearly drove him insane. The best backshots he’s ever given. And after rounds and rounds of fucking each other senseless..all for footage for your page, the producer was all but unconsciousness from exhaustion. Housing his entire load into your womb without so much as a second thought. He was sure to be sleeping peacefully, even telling you that you could spend the night. Words he had never uttered prior. Knowing that you had gotten him hooked and it surely wouldn’t be the last you’d be seeing of Armin Artlert. But for now..you’d gotten what you came for..
and you’d be gone before the sun could rise.
@lusts1ck 🫶🏾
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