#but mel would end up like sitting on the couch watching a movie with a bag of flour bc it makes alex happy for him to spend time with it
em-bandaid-boy · 2 years
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Feeling mentally unwell this fine 3 am. Have some doodles
GIRL I did it I reached the tag limit holy shit
#ocs#my ocs#my original characters#original character#my art#lgbt ocs#i happened to think about when teachers give highschoolers eggs and are like. go. take care of this.#except bird people exist in this universe and idk if i want them to like. lay. eggs.#although that is a prime avenue for comedy in which alex thinks all babies come from eggs for a bit#he like. sees a pic of his brother as an egg or some shit and hes like. oh okay cool i wonder what my egg looked like#and he draws a picture of it and its like. an easter egg. which is funny bc hes a rabbit#anyways. i gave them a bag of flour instead.#they have vastly different approaches to this#alex sees it as like. a cute relationship thing where theyre caring for a 'baby' together and melody just. doesnt get it#like. mel thinks they could just put it somewhere safe and not have to do anything but alex wants to like. hold it and pretend to feed it#but mel would end up like sitting on the couch watching a movie with a bag of flour bc it makes alex happy for him to spend time with it#and they intend for the new bag to be a helpful gift to alex and not like. a replacement for thier dead flour child#see and at the same time alex doesnt pressure mel to fully pretend with him bc he can tell they really dont understand the emotional aspect#like. he doesnt make mel carry the flour exactly like a baby but at least comprises and gets him to hold it less precariously#and he doesnt complain about what movies mel watches with it bc at the end of the day the flour bag isnt gonna have horror movie nightmares#do you guys remember that mel is autistic. does any of this make sense#solving my mental crisis by rambling about gays and thier highschool projects#BRO I Want cheerios. not sponsored. imaging if cheerios sponsored me??? why#anyways back to the flour bag#when its in mels house its just hanging around with them or in random places and mels parents are like ah yes. our son and his bag of flour#meanwhile in alexs house itd get accidentally swept up with groceries one day thus causing the cookie incident#they would get a second try at it bc alexs mom would send in a letter explaining what happened#oh btw i think alex would try to be cute and call it like melody jr. or something and mel is like. okay ig. flour bag#also btw i know an entire bag of flour would make an intense amount of cookies.. uhh yeah i BAKE things im gay#its been an hour
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
"Time Passing in Moments"
(Fictober, Day 4)
Courtesy of my first ever prompt: "Oooh, if you are taking requests: couples costume for fictober! or one dragging the other to a horror movie and needing snuggles to feel better!"
Thank you, anon!
Scully knew that Mulder was on tenterhooks-- hopeful ones (with their corroborating eyewitness accounts and the bee as proof), yes; but tenterhooks, nonetheless. The wait was excruciating as top-down procedures dragged out endlessly despite the strings Skinner had been pulling.
In short, Mulder needed a break but refused to take one. 
So, she decided to make him. 
It took an hour to gather her meager supplies and arrive, unexpected, at Mulder's Arlington building; and by then the street doors were already spilling out whooping little cowboys, ballerinas, and equal opportunity vampires. Scully let a hoard of chocolate-dirtied fingers rip open her mixed bag of candies and pass it around so everyone could get a piece. A few shy thank yous, one bold “I want another one!”, and a parental apology rippled through the group before they all parted ways, the children wobbling off to further plunder and Scully tapping, tapping her way, staccato, to her partner's door.  
Mulder answered after her first set of knocks, teeth glazed with a sticky Sugar Daddy. “Mm, Scuuhly, whah are you dooingh here?” 
She held up her ravaged candy bag and another bag of Halloween odds and ends. “Trick or treat?” 
He grinned-- got-- and let her in. “Treeht sounths….” Wiping at his teeth, he scowled. 
Not a person in Arlington was as endearingly smug as Scully that night. “Well, since you’ve already been tricked, you might as well enjoy your treats.” 
Mulder smiled-- got her this time-- and accepted her bag left-handed while pick-axing his molars with the right. 
“You got any 1-900-Spooky calls tonight?” 
Scully reveled in peeking at Mulder as his head swiveled and eyes widened in the glow of cartoon reruns. 
“Not that I know,” he bantered, game on, “I’ve been too busy wondering where my partner went. She's been missing since pilfering three candies from the pail in Kim's office--”
“Mulder, I did not take three--” 
“--and didn't call until she showed up at my door, candy indulgent with half an assorted bag gone, a street urchin cover story, and party favors she bought but decided were less interesting than a rerun of Looney Tunes.” 
The aforementioned ‘she’ would not be ruffled in her victory. “If I recall, Mulder-- and you’ll have to forgive me because my memory is a bit fuzzy about our recovery in McMurdo Station--” 
Mulder’s face blanked, dread spilling from his eyes and collecting in the tight corners of his half-opened mouth. 
“--but you said, and I quote: ‘There’s no other frosty I’d want to come down from a sugar high with’.”
“And as I recall,” his mood recovering with a quiet intake, outtake of air, “you said: ‘Tapering off of intravenous dextrose does not count as a sugar high, Mulder’.”  
Scully popped another (the last) chocolate piece into her mouth. “It doesn’t. But I figured this does.” 
Facing him fully, she watched Mulder’s expression softly undergo a few layered revolutions before he hemmed out a tender, “Like I said, there’s no other frosty--”
“No, Mulder. ‘Frosty’ died when you said the definition of solid stool would never be the same.”
"I still stand by my theory, Scully. It isn't the same."
Neither of them needed to say that Antarctica changed more than that. Sitting on Mulder’s body-warmed couch as their blood jumped in chaotic glucose spikes, they felt life and hope thrum between them.
"No, it isn't."
"Who knew that Looney Tunes could be so..." Mulder shook his head.
Scully stared, baffled. "Mulder, are you telling me you've never seen this episode?"
"You enjoyed this?"
They both sat in silence while Mel Blanc belted out a chorus of tormented screams.
"...Well, it's not The Exorcist, but I can see the similarities."
"Mulder, they're nothing alike. ...Mulder. Go back, it's just getting good."
Scully knew Mulder spent his life counting the costs of his work: the X-Files weren’t theirs yet, his partner was robbed of a chance to stroll the streets with her own tiny ghost or goblin, and he would inevitably wake the next day and writhe some more on the tenterhook until, until, until. But every time her partner fiddled with his sproinging party headband (a twin to the outlandish one he'd found in the loot bag and good-heartedly smashed on her head-- “Matchy, matchy”) and flashed her his gleaming pearly-white-and-caramel teeth, Scully knew that he knew that she was still on the journey with him. 
If I quit now, they win. And she wouldn’t quit, not on him.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Loki x plus-size reader
Warnings: self esteem issues, self deprecating behavior, mild swearing.
Summary: Mel gets ready for her date with Bucky, and you spend a much needed day at home.
Part 5-
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"Come out, come out wherever you are." You called out, stalking through the living room. Your heard giggles coming from behind the curtains. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" Your hear Mel ask. "Well see, there's this tiny human running around and I intend to catch her and keep her forever." You smiled hearing her giggle. "Oh, those tiny humans are so sneaky, maybe you should lay a trap....cookies perhaps." She said smirking "cookies! Where!!" Emma yelled bolting into the kitchen. You leaned down snatching her up "Ha! I've got you now! You shall never escape." You bellowed tickling her sides.
You held her smiling at her "mommy, I love you but where are the cookies?" She asked sternly. "Ok ok here." You handed her a cookie as she kissed your cheek. "Ah, she loves cookies more then me." You feigned hurt. "Only cause you made them." Mel smiled nudging you. "Hey Mel, can I ask you something?" You asked sitting at the table. "Sure, what's up?" She asked grabbing her purse. "You didn't tell Bucky Emma was mine did you?" You asked looking at her. "No, why?" She looked at you. "Because I don't need him feeling sorry for me. The poor girl alone with a kid who will never find love.." you started "You will too, you just haven't found him yet." She said sternly. "Well whoever he is better be blind. Ouch!" You said as Mel punched your arm "what was that for?" You asked holding your arm "I won't stand here and listen to you put yourself down. You are lovely, end of story." She said sternly. "If I disagree will you smack me again?" You asked as she lifted her arm "ok, ok I'm sorry." You said walking to the living room.
You heard a car horn outside "thats Bucky. I'll see you later." She winked. "Have fun!" You yelled as she ran outside. "Well. It's you and me angel, what do you want to do?" You asked Emma. "Can we watch a movie?" She asked. "Absolutely! What would you like?" You asked. After about ten minutes and going through every movie you owned, she decided on the princess and the frog. You made popcorn and joined her on the couch. Halfway through you looked down seeing her asleep. You smiled, brushing the hair from her face as you picked her up and took her to her room. Tucking her in, you kissed her head. "Mommy loves you angel." You whispered, pushing her hair back. You got up and headed back to the living room.
You checked your phone for the hundredth time, hoping you'd missed a call......his call. But it never came. You sat on the couch and sighed "I should have known that was too good to be true." You said to yourself. You decided to put on a different movie, something scary to take your mind off of everything. You turned off the lights and settled in with your popcorn. "Run!....no the other way! You idiot!" You yelled at the TV. Right as you knew the killer was going to pop out your phone went off "aahh mother of..." you yelled throwing your bowl. You grabbed your chest, trying to catch your breath, picking up your phone to see who it was
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"Oh my God, Loki is texting me.....me!" You yelled to yourself. Putting your hand over your mouth before you woke Emma. Your hand shook a little in excitement as you waited for him to respond, adding his number into your contacts as you waited. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face as your phone dinged again....
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You sat your phone down, sure you were grinning like a crazy person. The man was beautiful, and he asked you to coffee. You couldn't help the little eek of excitement that came out as your legs bounced up and down. You turned the TV off, locking the door before heading to your room. Your thoughts slowly turned from excited to anxious. What if he was just being nice? What if he just wants to be friends? You pulled your pajamas on, making it to your mirror, as you always do, looking yourself up and down. You sighed, pulling your shirt down "yeah, he probably just wants to be friends." You said to yourself. You climbed into bed, curling the blankets around you. You stared up at the ceiling, thinking. If he wanted to be friends you could do that. Maybe it would be better that way anyway, you sighed closing your eyes, dreaming of those green eyes and the smile to die for.....
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @mcufan72 @midnights-ramblings @sonatabee @catalina712 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @kilikina34512 @delightfulheartdream @froggiecky @sinsandguilt @sweetberry47 @buttercupbestie @wtfislifeugh @asgardianprincess1050 @commanding-officer @lovingchoices14 @crystaldragonborne @juulle987 @xorpsbane @elenaysusneuras @yoongissidebitchh @daggers-and-mischief @lightupmyjass @plut0min @lulubelle814 @lucylaufeyson3 @howdidurhammergrowchris @d1a2n389 @lokiprompts @sititran @kats72 @awesomephilosophus
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indefiniteimagines · 2 years
Trying your hardest to get Pablo to have sex with you throughout the day and when he finally has the time to give you, you already started the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Netflix so you are laying there completely naked and him trying but you completely ignore him tell the end of the movie.
OOOOOOO! I love this. Okay, hold up:
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He would be working out when you got up. All sweaty, muscles contracting with the heavy weights.
And don't even get me started on his facial expressions and grunts
You would go out there and wrap your hands around his tank top clad chest, licking the sweat of the side of his neck.
"C'mon, Babe. Let me finish these couple of reps and then I'm all yours."
You immediately get giddy and run back inside to wait.
Your heart starts racing when you hear the back door open, but to your dismay he's on the phone.
You get up from the couch and walk over to him with a slight pout.
He gives you a kiss on the cheek before quickly returning his attention to the person on the other line.
He walks out of the kitchen and into his office, shutting the door. You let out a dramatic sigh and go back to the couch.
You decide to distract yourself with some TV when you open Netflix and see the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre came out.
You adjust yourself to a more comfortable position and grab the blanket for security.
You get to the part where Mel is stuck in the bus bathroom when the office door opens. Noticing the time, you decide to ignore it like he did with you for the past 45 minutes.
Your legs are curled up and he comes and dips his hands under the blanket, running them up your calves.
When he notices you're not reacting, he decides to straighten out your legs and move up to your thighs, giving them a nice squeeze.
"Baby? Am I interrupting you?" he asks fully moving up your body and placing kisses on your cheek
"C'mon, it was Morgan with a new opportunity. But like I said, now I'm all yours." He slips his hand under the waistband of your pajama shorts and runs his hand along your pussy.
You slightly jump, half because of him and half due to the movie.
He places another kiss to your cheek before gripping one of your tits. He traces your curves and tugs on the bottom of your shirt.
He lifts it off and his mouth immediately attaches to your nipple. He starts to bite them when your eyes roll back slightly, but the sound of the chainsaw snapped you back.
Pablo removes one hand from your tit and goes back to your now throbbing pussy,
"You're still gonna ignore me being this wet?" He kisses up your chest to your neck and then to your cheek, leaving a nice wet trail with them.
He sits up to look at you still watching the movie when he threatens to turn it off. You quickly grab the remote and shove it in the cushion behind you. He stares at you for a minute before letting out a sigh and grabbing your ankles.
He roughly pulls you down the couch so you're properly on your back and he lifts your legs to your head. Your neck is still craned towards the slaughter going on across the room, but he definitely has some of your attention now.
He lets out a train of drool onto your already wet mound before licking/sucking a stripe from your hole to your clit. Your back rolls back against the remote and you see that there's only 17 minutes left of the movie.
Another jump scare in the theater happens and you grab the blanket. You bite it to suppress your moans and scared screams.
You had to admit, you're holding out much better than you had imagined when you first hatched this plan.
He inserts two fingers in you and your cunt sucks them in. He starts to thrust his fingers while his lips attack your clit when Mel is dragged from the car and killed.
After the final slash of the screen, your hand flies to the back of his head,
"There she is."
"Oh fuck!"
"This is what you wanted, hmmm?"
"Good girl."
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sorryjustafangirl · 2 years
☀️ prompt #10 and cale makar please ❣️
hiiii so sorry for the wait!!! but i finally did my favourite trope (fake dating) and of course with our veggie lover boy so i really hope you enjoy <3 and i deffffinetly got carried away with this (it's like 1.8k), im so sorry!
prompt: “So… did you know that all our friends have a bet going that we end up together?”
“So....did you know that all our friends have a bet going that we end up together?” You asked him, as you entered your apartment together. Cale had invited you, his best friend, to the Avs’ home game against Tampa, but the two of you had opted to go home instead of out to a bar like everyone else. Movie nights were a staple from early on in your friendship, and were something you both looked forward to after tiring games.
When he didn’t answer your question, you turned to face him and saw him scratching the back of his neck, his cheeks already a deep red. You gasped.
“You knew? Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged his arms up as if to say ‘I don’t know’. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I don’t know, it’s not like it’s happening so why bother, you know? They’re just being dumb.”
“No, yeah, you’re totally right. We’re just best friends, they just need to get that through their heads,” You said, sitting down beside him on the couch. You tossed a blanket onto his toes, because they tend to get cold, and grabbed one for yourself.
“Exactly. Now, Fantastic Mr. Fox or The Grand Budapest Hotel?” He said, picking up the remote.
The topic of this stupid bet didn’t come up again until a couple weeks later when Gabe hosted a dinner party. The subtle teasing had bugged you all night and you could see that it was starting to get to Cale too. He stumbled over his words more and his cheeks were constantly red. At one point, you had resorted to holding Lucas in the spare room so you could get away from it all only to have Mel corner you and pester you about when you were ‘going to open your eyes and see you love him’.
“Our friends are absolutely stupid, Tyson pulled me aside today and wondered when we were going to get together because the pot has gone up to $500 and he wants to go away for the weekend. Like at this point, we should just say we’re together to get that cash,” You said as you entered your apartment after the party. You’d decided on another movie night, not spending a lot of time at the party since everyone was cornering you both to conspire a relationship.
“I mean, it would get the guys off my back at practice…” Your jaw went slack as you watched him mull the possibility of getting together to stop his teammates, and he must’ve seen it because he was quick to reassure you. “We wouldn’t have to actually get together, we could just tell them we’re together and they’d have to stop harassing us, right?”
“So…like a fake relationship?”
He nodded. “How hard could it be?”
Every romance novel you’d read told you this would’ve been hard. Hard to keep up appearances, hard to remember to plaster on a love-sick face, hard to separate the feelings of platonic and romantic. But, really, it wasn’t.
It felt surprisingly normal to walk into a party with his hand in yours. Normal for him to protect you from all the chirps that EJ and Gabe made when you told everyone you were together. Normal to have his hand rest just above your hip. Normal for some of his really cheesy one-liners that he slipped when one of the WAGs was within earshot to make your cheeks heat up every single time, even if your heart knew that he was just pretending. Sure, the occasional kiss to your cheek or temple were something to get used to, but other than that it wasn’t like much had changed in your relationship. Conversation still flowed like a river, you still made him laugh more than he would ever admit, and he still knew exactly how to put a smile on your face.
At home games, you sat in the family box with all the other significant others and their kids, little Linnea in your lap. You were talking to her about her stuffed bunny when Mel approached with two people in tow. Linnea made grabby-hands for her mom and you easily handed her over, as she introduced you to the people behind her.
“These are Cale’s parents, Gary and Laura,” She said and immediately you reached your hand out to shake theirs. She gave you a subtle wink before leaving, her daughter tugging on her arm.
“Oh my gosh, hi, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Y/n, Cale’s uh… partner, I guess?” You trailed off. You didn’t know what he had told his parents about your…situation and didn’t want to overstep.
“You sound unsure about that,” His dad chuckled, but you could hear the defensiveness in his words.
“It’s just– the label..is new.” You gulped. The last thing you needed was for everyone to realize your facade because you couldn’t keep it together in front of his family.
“Oh, well I wouldn’t worry about that. That boy has been in love with you for months,” His mom said, sending you a wink.
“What?” You laughed nervously, taken aback. You’d only proposed the fake relationship idea a couple weeks ago. “Me?”
“Well, unless you know of another Y/n, it’s definitely you,” She laughed again, and started to say something else, but the buzzer sounded and you made a quick escape to watch the game. But even throughout the tight Avs-Vegas game, you couldn’t stop her words bouncing around in your head. There was no way that Cale, sunshine and puppies personified, was in love, and especially not with you. You were just friends. Best friends, sure, but that’s always where it had stayed.
You couldn’t fool yourself and say you have never thought about what a real relationship with him would be like, but you hadn’t allowed yourself the luxury of actually engaging with that fantasy. You were just Cale’s best friend, there was no way he would look at you like you were more than anything else, not when he had girls throwing themselves at him left and right, his status as one of Denver’s beloved hockey stars working for him.
You were waiting downstairs for Cale to come out of the dressing room when you pulled Laura aside.
“Earlier, you said that Cale’s been…in love with me? For months? What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, honey, simple. He talks about you all the time. He told us all about that last paper you wrote, the one that got the A? He was so proud of you, he talked our ears off about it. Every conversation, he finds a way to connect you to it but doesn’t ever realize that he’s brought you up all the time. It seems to come naturally. And there’s a pint of mint chocolate ice cream in his freezer that I know isn’t for him, but I’m willing to bet it’s for you.” Your stunned silence was enough confirmation for her. She just smiled and shrugged. “He smiles more when you’re around or he talks about you. He just… he seems happier. Lighter, even, like the whole league isn’t watching his every move. Does that make sense?”
You shallowly nodded and gave her a strained smile, and was thankfully saved by Cale coming out of the room, pulling his parents into hugs and saying goodbye, before nudging you to go back to his car with him.
You thought about all of Laura’s words as Cale drove back to his place. Was she right? She is his mom, she’s known him his whole life. Of course, she was right, but was she right about this? You couldn’t stand to lose him.
You weren’t usually this quiet after a game, and you knew that Cale knew that with the amount of glances he was giving your way when he was stopped at a red light or stop sign. It wasn’t until you both had settled in his apartment that you finally said what had been on your mind.
“I feel really guilty lying to your mom,” you blurted.
“She thinks that we are in this absolutely perfect relationship and that you’re in love with me! And have been for months? I just don’t want to break her heart when we finally stop our agreement.” He didn’t say anything after that, forcing your brain to go into overdrive. “And like, what about everyone else? I have had to listen to Mel and Kerry and all the other significant others gush about how we finally got our heads out of our asses and how we’re so cute and they’re giving me advice like I’m one of them, but I’m not! But they don’t know that, and it’s going to crush them when they find out this was all fake! It’s going to crush-”
The word ‘me’ died on your lips.
You hadn't even realize you'd fallen for him until that moment when you thought about what losing him might mean. Not losing him as a friend (Cale was too good a person to just shut you out) but losing everything you'd gained in the past few weeks. The things that we just for you -- the shy touches in the crowded room, the roadie FaceTime calls opposed to texts, being the one to greet him in the tunnel, whether after a five-point game or not. You don't think you could take that sort of rejection from him, not your Cale.
He made his way over to you, stopping close enough for you to differentiate the shades of blue in his eyes. His hand brushed against yours before slowly intertwining your fingers with his. “None of this is fake to me.”
“It’s-it’s not?” He bit his lip and slowly shook his head. Your eyes met his and you saw a mix of hope and endearment, something you realized he gave you often.
Or least you hoped it was because you took it as your cue to rush forward and press your lips to his. When he didn’t make any movements, you quickly pulled away, but that seemed to break whatever daze he was in because he pulled you right back, pressing his lips against yours, his free hand cupping your cheek. This wasn’t the Cale you normally saw - reserved and humble – no, he was kissing you like it was the last thing he’d get to do on this Earth.
When you both broke for air, he rested his forehead against yours and you had to bite your lip to stop the smile on your face from spreading.
“So, we could have been dating this whole time? Like for real?” You asked him, watching the way he was smiling and how a small laugh escaped him.
“Maybe our friends were right, about having that bet.”
“Oh no, we are not telling them that, we’ll never hear the end of it. As far as they know, we’ve been dating for a month, yeah?”
“Happy anniversary then,” He said, before pulling you back in for another kiss.
taglist (join here): @heatherawoowoo @4ambagelbites @tysonjost-taylorsversion @2manytabsopen @stars-canucks @lorrmorr @fallinallincurls @plds2000 @barzysandhughesbaby @yummygoldenfood @drei-mrssvechii @bananarantanen
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youreatotalposer · 2 years
Breathe - pt3
(Yelena Belova X Reader) ( Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova [Best Friends]) (FT SOME OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE)
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Warning: Alcohol, Pregnancy, Cussing, crying
-2 weeks later-
Everyone was coming to the apartment to help with the nursery, and I felt bigger than a house. I was in the kitchen cooking and Kate and Yelena were arguing over the dumbest things, “WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP” I yelled, after hearing the doorbell ring. The door swings open, and Caro, Ali, Mel, and Jess walk in carrying paint, crib, and beer. I don’t know what I would do without the four of them. “GUYS HI!” Kate yelled, while grabbing the beer from Caro. “Shots anyone?” Yelena asked. The girls lined up to each take a shot besides mel who walked over to me and grabbed the pot out of my hands to drain the pasta. “You are the best” I smiled at her and then Ali ran up to my stomach and kissed it, “boys.. its ali I cant wait to teach you guys how to drive your moms crazy” I rolled my eyes. “Did you guys bring everything that my beautiful fiancé and her sidekick forgot to grab?” Caro looked dead at me, “They forgot the crib, paint and the beer. All they grabbed was groceries and vodka so yeah of course we got everything else.” I chuckled a bit, “Dinner is ready whenever you guys want to eat because this nursery is getting done tonight, so you will all sleep when you are dead got it?” I watched all of them nod and Yelena smirk, “Wipe the smirk off your face Yelena I am still mad at you.” She pouted and I finished setting the table. We called this family dinner; we’ve been doing them once a week sometimes twice a week since college.
“Mel you and Caro put the crib together, Ali you and Jess will be painting the walls, Kate and Yelena you two are putting together the swings and bassinets.” I stated while siting on the couch that was surrounded by bags of clothes. “So many clothes holy sh-“ Caro elbowed Ali “Shes having twin boys, all they do is shit, piss, and throw up.” I heard them mumbling back and forth. They all got to work while I started sorting the clothes. I watched as everyone worked as a team to get the nursery completed. Ali and Jess were covered in paint, Mel and Caro had both cribs built and checked for safety, Yelena and Kate both finished their little projects. They all celebrated by drinking a lot. Besides mel, us two we decided movie marathon would be the best fit for us.
I woke up the next morning to Yelena passed out on the kitchen table, Kate cuddling with Jess on the rug near the TV stand, Caro and Ali both shared each an end of the couch, and Mel had fallen asleep in the chair. I felt like I was in college all over again except this time much more pregnant and more irritable. There were bottles everywhere and all of the sudden for the first time I felt the babies kick “OH MY GOD, WAKE UP!” I shouted at everyone, Yelena jumped off the table and ran to me, Kate and Jess looked at each other confused, Mel and Caro were pushing furniture out of the way and Ali jumped over the coffee table. I felt six hands touch my stomach each trying to feel at least one of the babies kick. “Holy shit I felt it!” Kate exclaimed, “Wait I felt it too!” Mel looked at me and smiled, when we all looked down at my stomach, we could see them moving. “OKAY AND THAT’S ENOUGH FOR ME!” Ali yelled and Yelena damn near fainted again. We all laughed at Ali’s sudden outburst, and I grabbed onto Yelena.
“Now, that all of you are awake please clean this place back up.” I smiled at all of them before going to sit down on the couch. I winced in pain after sitting down, “ooooow fuck.” Yelena walked over to me and sat down on the couch, “Are you okay? Is it the babies? Someone call the ambulance!” Kate fumbled with her phone, before I could say no I screamed, “SOMEONE GET THEM OUT OF ME NOW! IT HURTS.” I started crying, my best friends all walked to the couch to comfort me. Kate was on the phone with the doctor, “I hate this I hate this.” I said as the pain increased, Caro was sitting next to me I grabbed both her and Yelena’s hands and squeezed as tight as I could. “OW Y/N! My hand!” Caro complained, Jess was standing with Kate talking to the doctor and Ali was crouched in front of me trying to get me to breathe. I looked at Yelena and back at Ali, the pain began to ease up and I let go of Caro’s hand.
“The doctor said it is normal in the second trimester to have these things called Braxton Hicks Contractions, whatever those are.” Kate said while hanging up the phone. Jess walked over to the couch where I was sitting, “Guys I cant do this anymore, It hurts too bad.” All of my friends and Yelena looked at me, “They aren’t ready to come out… You can do this.” Yelena stated kissing my forehead. “They are already mini trained Russian assassins.. they are already putting up a fight.” Mel chuckled trying to lighten the mood. I don’t know how I am going to do this. I have all of them now, but when they leave how will Yelena be able to deal with me alone.
“Guys please don’t leave” I started to cry.
Why am I so damn emotional?
Tag List: @svftpetker , @alotofpockets, @catasha, @nats-dreamland, @mellowladyangel, @gigistylestomlinson, @latincrimefan, @hot4milfs, @atlas-nex, @marvelwomen-simp, @wandaswifeyforlifey, @yelenabelovaisthebettersister
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bxtchforstyles · 3 years
New baby blues
Harry Styles x Melody Styles
(part of the styles fam series)
When the fourth and final Styles child is born on Valentine's day, one of the children is a little less than excited.
Warning: none
Word court: ~2.1k
gif not mine.
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Everyone in the Styles household remembers the day that Brinley was born in vivid detail, all except for Lila. 
Lila was only four years old at the time, which is usually when children’s prime memories begin to happen, but not for Lila. Her family often made jokes about how she had been brain wiped after that day, that’s how bad it was. 
Melody was almost to full term during her pregnancy when she went into labor the day before Valentine’s day, and that did not sit right with Lila. 
Her parents were only trying to rush out the door to go to the hospital once Gemma had arrived to watch the other three children, but Lila was not having it. Melody was already waiting outside in the car though, leaving Harry to have to fend for himself. 
“Daddy, daddy.” She was gripping onto the side of his trousers as he grabbed his wife’s hospital bag from the closet next to the front door. “Please don’t go.” She then begged.
It made her father’s heart swell when he looked down to see his now second youngest child holding like her life depended on it onto his hands, with tears welling in her eyes. 
“C’mere, muffin.” He sighed, reaching down to pick her up. “I know you don’t want mommy and daddy to go, but when we come back we’re bringing a new baby with us.” 
She did not look enthused, “Why?” 
Gemma quickly interjected so Harry wouldn’t have to face anymore disappointment, “you’re going to get a baby brother or sister. Isn’t that exciting, Lila?” 
Again, not enthused. “No, I don’t want another baby.” 
“Another?” Harry looked down at her from where she sat in his arms, “No honey, there’s only one baby coming home with us.” 
The tears that  had welled in her small blue eyes finally began to fall down her face, “b-but what about me, daddy?” 
“Awh, precious,” Harry felt awful as he pulled her small head into his chest as she cried, “You will always be my little girl, you know that, don’t you?” 
“But what’s going to happen when the new baby is here?” 
“You’ll be a big sister, Lila!” Kennedy, Harry and Melody’s eight year old daughter tried to make it seem exciting. 
“Noo” Lila whined, burying her face deep into Harry’s neck. 
Lila’s parents could sense the tantrum coming from a mile away, that’s when Gemma quickly scooped the little girl out of Harry’s arms, “okay, Lila, mommy and daddy have to go now.” 
That only caused more whining and squirming from Lila, making it almost impossible for Harry to walk out the door. 
But he did, right after saying goodbye to all his children and kissing Lila on the cheek. 
But even once the Range Rover pulled out of the gated driveway, Lila still continued to scream. 
“Lila, baby, why are you crying?” Gemma asked as she sat down on the couch with Lila in her arms, positioning her to be sitting on her lap. 
“I don’t want daddy to bring home a baby!” She sobbed, burying her head into her aunt’s chest. 
“Kennedy, why don’t you come tell your little sister how fun it is to be a big sister?” 
Kennedy came jogging over to her aunt, a big smile on her face as she sat down next to the two of them. “It’s super fun! You’ll love it, Lila!” 
“Daddy’s going to forget about me!” 
The eight year old took her little sister’s small hand, “No he won’t Lila, dad didn’t forget about me when you were born, so he wouldn’t do that to you either.” 
“See, Lila, being a big sister is fun!” Gemma smiled, lightly pinching the little girl's cheeks, making her smile. Then she looked at Kennedy, “Thank you, Kennedy.” 
That night when Lila went to bed, she asked Gemma if she liked being a big sister, Gemma responding by saying “Of course, and you’re going to love it too.” Making her smile before falling asleep.
The next day was not the greatest, for all of the kids. They were all aware that it was Valentines day, but it definitely didn’t feel like it was. 
“Are mom and dad still at the hospital?” Grant asked Gemma groggily as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Kennedy following closely behind. 
She only nodded, a small frown lacing her face when she saw the disappointment cross the two kids’ faces. 
Harry and Melody loved Valentine's day, and they wanted their kids to also, so they always woke the kids up with balloons littering the living room at the bottom of the stairs, along with pink, heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. 
Later in the day, they would order adorable heart shaped pizzas from their favorite pizza shop, and gorge on all types of festive candy after dinner. 
And the kids loved it, but this year, their parent’s weren’t even home to greet them on this special day. 
“Well, are they going to be home soon?” Kennedy asked next as the three of them walked into the kitchen. 
Lila was still asleep, probably being exhausted from all of her crying last night. 
“I don’t know guys, it just depends on when the baby is born.” Gemma felt awful as she saw the somber looks that the children carried. “Ya know what? I’ll call your dad after breakfast and ask how everything is going.”
They both nodded, “So, what do you guys want for breakfast? I can make you some cereal, or some eggs…” Gemma trailed off. 
That’s when the tears began to flood Kennedy’s eyes, the realization that her parents weren’t here to spend Valentine’s day with them finally hitting her. 
Gemma looked back after hearing a lack of a response, “Kennedy, what’s wrong?” she stepped towards her when she realized she was crying.
“Dad always makes up pancakes for Valentines day, shaped like hearts.” She whispers, making both Grant and Gemma look down sadly at her. 
“And him and mommy always fill the living room with balloons.” Grant adds. 
Then Gemma sighed, quickly picking up her phone, “Okay, let me make a quick phone call and I’ll see what I can do, okay?” She gave them a hopeful smile as they nodded.  
Gemma dialed her brother’s number as she walked out of the kitchen and into the laundry room, shutting the door quietly behind her. 
“Hello?” Harry’s voice sounded tired, and it was very likely that his sister’s phone call had woken him from his sleep, but Gemma didn’t care. 
“Ya know, Harry, if you are going to leave me with your children while you go have a baby on a national holiday, that’s fine, but you could have at least given me a heads up about the balloons and heart shaped pancakes that they would be expecting!” 
“Shit…” She heard Harry sigh from the other end of the phone, “I’m sorry, Gem.” 
“I’m just telling you, better hope that baby comes out covered in hearts if you are planning on coming home without balloons.” 
“Erm, well, she definitely isn’t covered in hearts…” 
It took Gemma a few moments to comprehend what he was saying, before she gasped, “Wait, she’s out? And it’s a girl?” 
“Yup, Brinley Claire was born at 2:07 this morning.” 
“And you didn’t think to inform me?!” Harry’s older sister yelled, but she was much too excited to actually be mad at him. 
“Listen, Gem. I have to help Mel with the baby, but I’ll come over in a little bit with some stuff for the others, kay?” 
“Okay, see you soon, tell Melody I say hi.” 
“Will do, bye Gem.” 
“Bye.” The phone call ended. 
“Okay! Who wants pancakes?” Gemma yelled happily as she entered the kitchen again, making the two kids smile and shout in excitingly. 
It wasn't a super long time after Gemma and the kids ate breakfast that Lila woke up, still groggy and tired. She still seemed a little offset from last night, but her attitude seemed to be getting better.
All three children were beginning to become antsy by the time lunch came around, wondering if their parents were going to be coming home soon, and it only made it more difficult that Gemma knew just as little as the kids did. 
“Auntie Gem, is daddy coming home soon?” Kennedy asked, clinging to her leg. 
Her aunt softly stroked her hair “I'm sure he'll be here soon, angel.” 
And she was right, because only a little over thirty minutes later, the creaking of the front door made everyone look towards the large entryway of the home. 
“Dad!” Both Kennedy and Grant got up from where they were sitting on the carpeted floor in front of the T.v before they began rushing towards the front door. The scene honestly couldn’t have looked more like one out of a movie.
The odd part though, was the fact that Lila stayed put in her seat on the couch, a sour look on her face with her arms crossed over her chest. 
“Hey guys!” Harry smiled as he set the balloons and pizza boxes down on the small table in the foyer as he held three small gift bags in his hand. He crouched down to their level, gripping his two eldest children to his chest, one in each arm. “Happy Valentine's Day!” 
Kennedy was now smiling much bigger than she had been at breakfast time, “We thought you forgot!” 
“About Valentines day?” Harry asked in an overly surprised tone, “Never.” 
He handed the small gift bags to Grant and Kennedy, realizing there was another one left over, “Where’s your sister?” He asked. 
They shrugged, “In the living room, I think.” Grant responded. 
“Lila?” Harry’s voice echoed through the tall ceilings of the entryway, he didn’t get a response. “I’ll be right back, guys, and we can eat some pizza.” 
When Harry entered the living room, he saw his youngest daughter sitting still on the couch, intently staring at the t.v. 
“Lila, muffin, I’ve got a present for you.” He would have bet on the fact that him saying that would catch her attention, but she didn’t even so much as glance at her father. 
Harry could only see the back of her head from where he stood from behind the couch, so he made his way around to the other side, seeing her blank face. 
“Hi, Lila.” He approached slowly, crouching in front of the couch where she sat. 
There were tears welling in her poor little eyes. 
He couldn’t help himself from standing and sitting next to her on the couch before picking her up and placing her on his lap. At first she squirmed, trying to get out of her father’s grasp, but after a few moments, she gave up on doing that. 
She laid her head on his chest, her own chest heaving with her heavy breaths as tears began to fall silently down her cheeks.
“Honey,” Harry looked down at his daughter, stroking her soft hair lightly, “tell me what’s wrong.” 
Her glossy eyes met his, “You left me…” She whispered quietly before burying her head into her father’s shoulder. 
“Lila, me and mummy left to go to the hospital so mummy could have the baby, remember?” 
“Where is t-the baby?” She asked through her chokes. 
“She’s at the hospital with mummy right now, her name is Brinley, she’s going to be moving in with us soon.” Harry was trying to act as calm as possible with how fragile his daughter was, but his heart was truly breaking. 
“Nooo” Lila dragged out, pulling her head back to look at her father in denial through more tears. 
“Lila, you are going to love your sister, she’s very little, and you can talk to her, and hold her, she might even hold your finger if you want her too. I’ve met her baby, she’s very sweet.” 
“Have you told her about me?”
“Are you kidding? Of course I’ve told her about you!” Harry laughs as he sees the smallest smile begin to form on Lila’s face. “And just between you and me, I think she’s really excited to meet you.” He then whispers. 
“Okay, daddy.” Lila giggled lightly, finally Harry thought. 
“Okay?” He confirms. 
“Okay.” She sighs, her eyes fluttering shut as she lays her head on his shoulder. 
“How about we go eat some pizza with G and Kenn, how does that sound?” He asks into her hair, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. 
“Is it heart shaped, daddy?” 
Harry only laughs, standing from the couch with Lila still in his arms. 
“Yes, it’s heart shaped, angel.” 
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May I please request a HC or would include of what dating Will would be like? Please and thank you! ♥️
I woke up early and in a Will mood. :) Also, this is like my favorite gif...the little tongue lick...
Warning: Language, mentions of PTSD, mentions of sexy times. 
My Masterlist 
Dating Will Miller Headcanon 
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- Will is careful who he lets close. He was so sure he would marry his ex, he proposed, but then the incident at the grocery store happened, and she left him high and dry. Causing the soldier to shelter what was left of his heart from possible heartbreak. 
- You meet Will and instantly form a kind of bond with each other. You are both quiet and think before you speak. The two of you are almost able to have an entire conversation without saying a word. Your brains already working like one and knowing what the other is thinking. 
- He doesn’t want to lose this friendship with you and struggles with letting his feelings out. So instead he writes you a letter and leaves it on your desk for you to find. When you read it, you run to go find him so you can tell him the truth; you are just as crazy about him.  
- Dating Will is wonderful. He knows everything about you because he listens and observes. It’s what made him such a good soldier. When you come home from work, there are your favorite flowers on your porch; he brings over your favorite food and cuddles you on the couch with your favorite movie—all of this without telling him a single thing. 
- And for a man who knows everything about you, that translates to the bedroom as well. He knows exactly what to do to draw out that blinding pleasure from you. But you give as good as you get, loving to watch his composure snap when you flip him over and ride him or teasing touches against his thigh in the truck. Watching his hands tighten on the steering wheel and his tongue coming out to wet his lips.
- Will loves to remind you how much he loves you. In the little actions, he does around your house. He’s hopeless with fixing anything, but he tries. And it always turns him on when he realizes you are much handier than him and can fix just about anything. “My woman is a warrior; she can do anything,” he praises before pushing you into the wall and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
- The boys and Benny love you. Will always brings you for nights out with the boys, and you love sitting beside him, his arm slung across your shoulders, tracing patterns on your arm. He makes eyes at you across the room when you go to refill the drinks, and it sends a spark of heat between you. 
- Will is a warrior, and you want to share that side of him with you. When you ask for him to teach you how to shoot, he eagerly agrees. Admitting that he worries about you home alone without a weapon. He teaches you everything before he ever puts the gun in your hands, how to take it apart, clean it, and respect for the weapon. And when he takes you to the range, and you watch his arms ricochet from the gun, the power he wields...
- You don’t make it home instead of choosing to fuck him in the darkened parking lot of the range, in the front seat. 
- Benny teaches you some self-defense as a sort of bonding with his brother's girl. You feel pretty confident at the end of the lesson, and it thankfully comes in hand the next time a man chooses to put his hands on you at the bar. Throat punching him and knocking his legs out from under him. The boys watch wide-eyed and open mouth from their table when you walk back over. 
- “Baby, you okay?” Will asks hurriedly, collecting you in his arms. “She’s a fucking warrior Will, aren’t you, honey?” Benny chuckles, and you nod. Will holds you tighter, and you don’t question it when he leaves a few moments later and comes back with a tinge of blood on his knuckles. 
Out of all his brothers, Will has the most noticeable PTSD, and it comes out on occasion. But you don’t scare easily, calling his therapist and going with him to the appointment. You even make a second appointment just for yourself to learn some strategies to help him and notice the signs. 
- The next time he has an episode, you can tell, and you quickly leave the cart in the aisle and usher him out the door, holding his hand and counting. When he gets in the truck, you straddle him in the truck and put his forehead to yours, breathing deep and counting. This time when it’s over, you remind him you love him, and you’re not going anywhere. 
Taglist: @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @jedi-mando @ghostwiththemostbitch @the-purity-pen @paintballkid711 @wasicskosgirl @fantasticcopeaglepasta @sarahjkl82-blog @boxdyeblonde @rosiefridayrogersunday @yeah-seems-legit  @mimimi-stuff @lunarthoughts @jedi-mando @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @rebelliouscat @veracruz-djarin @marvelprincess1994 @thirstworldproblemss @spacelatinoss  @martellthemandalor @kesskirata @waatermelon-sugaar @jitterbugs927 @helga1031  @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @demoncrypt1066 @peterhollandkait @meshlamando @xjustmenobodyelse @blufanfictionthings @nicotinebirds @queenbbarnes @itspdameronthings @gunslinger2000 @omlwhatamidoinghere @linkpk88 @tlcwrites
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melodyalanaroster · 3 years
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Miracle Romance
"Oh my god." Alana gasped with tears in her eyes. She stood in front of a large mirror and stared at herself. "I finally look like Serenity." She smiled as she left the dressing room and showed herself to Nathaniel. "You look amazing." Nathaniel smiled. Alana began to cry. “For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be like her... And now, even for a few moments... I can be her.” Tears made their way down her face as she smiled. "I guess I have to break your one rule." Nathaniel smiled. "You are not dying your hair black." Alana remarked. "I could wear a wig." Nathaniel replied. “But Nath... We talked about this...” Alana began. "I am not letting anyone else be your Endymion." Nathaniel interjected.
Throughout Alana's life, she had made it very clear that Sailor Moon had been a staple to her. It was a staple in the Roster family. By the time Alana reached the point of living in the Black Tower, at least four generations of the family enjoyed it. Including both primary sets of sisters, Margaret and little Ravenna.
She would play pretend with Viktor, Severina and Sam when they were children. She would always be Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity, Viktor was Tuxedo Mask and Prince Endymion, Severina was Sailor Venus and Sam was always Sailor Jupiter. The tree house in Alana's backyard was often the Moon Kingdom and they would frequently save the world. The adventures would always end with the power of love winning and the kids going into the house for a snack.
As the kids reached adolescence, they were forced to stop playing. But, their love of the anime was still prevalent. Alana always kept up with merchandise news and rumors about the release of a second anime. Lynne had made sure that Alana and Sam had their own copies of the manga, original anime and movies. Viktor happily talked about being Endymion to Alana’s Serenity until they were forced to break up. They wanted to continue the fantasy, but circumstance parted them. Severina was always happy to talk to everyone, and toss out ideas for a proper cosplay group, but Sam dampened the idea with the reminder that, as long as Viktor’s and Severina’s fathers remained in control of their lives, they’d never be allowed to do so.
When Lynne moved Alana and Sam to Amouria, things began to change. "She won't shut up about that Nathaniel guy." Viktor growled as he sat down next to Severina. “Viktor, you knew from the day one that you and Mels weren't allowed to be together. She has to find her Endymion." Severina sighed. “But seriously? aunt Lynne moves her and Sam to Amouria and they both immediately find guys they like?” Viktor complained. “You know Mels talks about other guys too. Right now, it could be Castiel, Lysander, Armin or Nathaniel.” Severina tried to make things sound better. “No, it's definitely Nathaniel. She barely mentions the others to me. Mostly about Armin playing games, Castiel being an ass, and Lysander losing his notebook. But she dotes on Nathaniel a lot.” Viktor retorted. Severina sighed. "Viktor... Do you remember what happened to Adonis and Beryl? Their envy got the best of them, they became evil and they died. Please keep a clear head.” She reasoned. "I am not like Adonis and Beryl." Viktor shot. “Viktor, I can't believe I have to be the voice of reason here. Both of our moms made it very clear that aunt Lynne, Mels and Sam have more freedom than we do. They're not blue bloods. They have to find their miracle elsewhere... Although, you and I will probably end up being paired together in an arranged marriage set up by our fathers.” She explained. Viktor thought for a couple of minutes and sighed. "I just thought..." 
The first time Nathaniel ever went into Alana's room, he instantly noticed her Sailor Moon dolls. "They're really hard to find these days... And Sailor Moon means a lot to me..." She said as she explained what the show meant to her. “It's a connection to my past, my closest friends, and my family.” She smiled. Nathaniel looked puzzled for a bit, then smiled. "That's really sweet.". He smiled. He noticed a picture of her, Sam, Severina and Viktor on a shelf and picked it up. “You all look like you’re having so much fun.” He mused. “Yeah... That’s the only time we’ve ever been able to dress up.” Alana sighed, wistfully. The kids were in makeshift Sailor Scout uniforms. Their hair wasn’t perfect, and Viktor’s tux didn’t fit right, but they didn’t care. The photo had been taken a few weeks before Cosima Chevalier’s death, and was one of the last happy memories they had as a group. “Its cute.” Nathaniel chuckled as he looked at her lovingly.
When her mother went into the hospital, Nate arranged it to where Alana and Lynne could sit and watch whatever they wanted in the room. Lynne suggested marathoning Sailor Moon. The days in the hospital weren't as bad when they watched the show and Lynne stayed stable, but there were days where not even fighting evil by moonlight could save the day. But, that didn't keep them from trying. It didn't take them long to get through all five seasons and three movies of the original anime. “I heard they're making a second anime that's supposed to be closer to the manga!” Alana attempted to be cheery. She was sure that she, Severina and Sam had told her about Crystal, but she really couldn’t think of anything positive to say.  “That's lovely! Do you know when it's set to come out?” Lynne asked. “I have no idea. I'm sure Toei will update us when they can!” Alana replied. “I hope its soon.” Lynne smiled. Suddenly, Lynne began coughing and her monitors started to go off. “NURSE! HELP!” Alana cried.
Even when Sam and Alana fought so badly that the Military and RDR felt it was necessary to create a treaty between the two organizations to prevent the sisters from ever being enemies again, it was actually their love of Sailor Moon that truly began to bring them together again. Severina had gotten wind of the fight and forced the girls to go to her house. “OW! RINI! YOU'RE HURTING MY EAR!” Alana whined. “Seriously! What the hell?” Sam whined. “I don't care if I'm hurting you two! This kind of fighting is unacceptable! You two are sisters and you know that this behavior will tear the family apart! I won't allow that!" Severina began to cry as she lead the sisters to her home theater. "What's all this?" Alana asked. "You've forced my hand, so I'm pulling out the big guns!" Severina cried as she grabbed a remote and turned on the screen. Sam and Alana looked at the menu then at each other. "Go figure." Sam grinned. "Of course." Alana grinned. The menu on the screen was the DVD menu to Sailor Moon R: The Promise Of The Rose. By the time the song “The Power Of Love” was playing, tears were streaming down the sisters' faces. "Mels." Sam began to choke. "Sam." Alana's voice wavered. They looked at each other, sadness and regret in their eyes. “Mels... I’m s-so s-sorry f-for what I-I said..” Sam sniffled. “I’m s-sorry t-too S-Sami...” Alana blubbered as she hugged Sam. “I love you.” Sam muttered as she held onto her sister. “I love you too.” Alana murmured. 
When Death’s Domain was getting set up, Alana dedicated a whole room to the series. “You’re seriously going to have an entire room dedicated to Sailor Moon?” Derek had asked. “Yes. Its going to have shelves for merch, posters, and a couch to relax on.” Alana mused. “Melody can have whatever she wants for her apartment. And, if it helps her destress, I most definitely approve.” The  Red Death announced. “Well, the majority of my collection will be in there. There’s going to be something Sailor Moon related in every room.” Alana smiled. “Of course there will be.” Derek facepalmed. “I’m not apologizing. I love Sailor Moon and I wanna showcase it in my home.” Alana laughed. “And I’m sure you’re going to do nothing but post about your collection for a while.” Derek rolled his eyes. “Obviously. Moonies have a good presence online.” Alana mused. “I thought “Moonies” were people who followed the Unification Church?” The Red Death inquired. “Yeah, they are called that, but Sailor Moon fans are also called “Moonies”. I know, in certain circles, I have to be sure to differentiate... But, its what we’re called.” Alana explained as she shrugged her shoulders. The room ended up becoming a paradise for fans of the series. Shelves filled with various collectibles, a couch decorated with two throw pillows and a blanket, a coffee table with two sets of coasters, a large rug, framed posters, plushies, moon and star lights along the walls and showering down the window and a tv mounted on one wall. In contrast to the vast majority of Death’s Domain, the room was an explosion of bright colors.
Nathaniel stepped into the restroom for a few minutes. Alana watched the door in anticipation. When he came out, he was running his hands along the circumference of the black wig, making sure it was in its proper place. The thought of how similar he looked to Viktor shot through her mind. She did her best to suppress that thought. "You don't even like cosplay..." She muttered as she smiled. "You do so much for me, I don't mind doing this for you." He grinned. "Nathaniel! I love you!” She cried as she wrapped her arms around him. “I knew I was going to see Princess Serenity, I didn't know Prince Endymion would be with her!” someone called from behind them. They turned around and saw Sam leaning in the doorway. “Sam! I look just like her!” Alana cried. "I wonder if I can get Ken to be Nephrite." Sam commented. “I'm sure he would be if you asked him. You two would be the perfect Jupiter and Nephrite!” Alana beamed. “I didn't know this was turning into a full on cosplay group!” Ken laughed as he walked up behind Sam. "Why not?" Sam asked. "I'm not sure Viktor would appreciate being Kunzite." Alana remarked. “He'd have to get used to it. Since Nathaniel is Endymion, that demotes Viktor to Kunzite.” Sam stated. "Right because when you guys were kids, Viktor was always Endymion." Nathaniel rolled his eyes. “Viktor has had years to accept his position in my sister's life. If he doesn't accept it, it will not end well for him.” Sam replied. "Do you think he will?" Nathaniel asked. "If he truly cares about her, he will." Sam nodded. “Viktor has known for years that our time ended long ago. Accepting his new position is painful for him, but he is well aware of the fact that it's something that he must do.” Alana explained.
A few minutes later, Renee walked into the room. “You both look magnificent! The girls and I have gotten a backdrop ready, would you two mind taking a few pictures?” She beamed. Alana smiled and turned to Nathaniel, a very hopeful look on her face. "Would you be okay with that?" She asked. Nathaniel nodded. "Sure." He grinned. They followed Renee into a room. "Oh my god! You two look utterly amazing!”, “You look beautiful Mels! Nathaniel, you look so handsome!”, “True Moon and Earth royalty!” the other girls cooed when they saw them. “I think we should do a cosplay group. I'm Jupiter and Rini will be Venus.” Sam commented when she walked in. "I volunteer to be Mercury!" Renee cheered. "I'll be Mars." Lyra smiled. "I'll be Pluto." Veronica beamed. "I don't mind being Saturn." Nora suggested. "I wonder if we could get Lucy and Noelle to be Uranus and Neptune." Sam pondered. "We could also see about getting Ravenna to be Chibi Moon." Alana proposed. “I think that would be fantastic. Who would be the rest of the Shitennou?” Lyra asked. "I could see if Armin could be Jadeite." Alana thought out loud. "Are we really setting up a cosplay group?" Nathaniel asked. Sam looked at Nath, as if he had said something really stupid. "Do you not realize how highly rated Sailor Moon cosplay groups are?" She asked. Nathaniel shook his head. “Sailor Moon cosplay groups are some of the most elite cosplayers in the anime world. Sailor Moon being one of the most iconic anime in history, it is instantly recognizable. The cosplayers take some of the most beautiful pictures, make some of the coolest videos, and even do events. They may not be unionized like Star Wars' 501st Legion, but they come together and coalesce with great ease whenever they recognize each other. Children who recognize them run up to them the same way that they do with superheroes, and typically, they are nice to them. It is a sisterhood of love and justice.” Sam explained. "Not to mention how fun it would be to finally be in one." Alana cooed. “We'd still need Zoisite.” Veronica stated. "I wonder if Derek could be him." Nora pondered. “Uh, guys? Can we please get to the photoshoot?” Renee asked impatiently. 
After posting for photos for what felt like an eternity, Nathaniel and Alana went into the changing room to get out of their cosplays. "You do look really beautiful in that." Nathaniel smiled as he took the black wig off. Alana blushed. "Do you really think so?" She asked nervously. “Of course. You look magnificent.” He blushed as he walked over to her and kissed her. “Thank you for doing this my love. It means the world to me.” Tears came to Alana's eyes as she spoke. “I love you my Melody.” Nathaniel cooed as he wiped a tear from her cheek. “I love you so much Nathaniel!” She mused as she threw her arms around him.
A few weeks later, in the early hours of the morning, several cars arrived at an old castle in the country. “This place looks amazing! Perfect for our photo shoot!” Alana cheered as she got out of the car. “Welcome to the Astarian Royal Palace Lady Melody!” A woman with long brown hair, sunglasses and wearing a knee length blue dress beamed as she walked up to them. “Mrs. Reynard, I presume?” Alana asked as she shook the woman's hand. “Yes ma'am. We spoke over the phone.” the woman smiled. “You are fully aware as to why we need the palace today. Am I correct?” Alana inquired. “Yes. For your little photoshoot. Cosplay, I believe.” Mrs. Reynard replied. “Yes. Sailor Moon. Its important the palace be the backdrop to this shoot.” Alana stated. “The photographer will be here in a few minutes to set up. They'll need time.” Mrs. Reynard explained. “That's fine. We need time to prepare.” Alana smiled.
After a couple of hours, the members of the group began to step out of their respective preparation rooms and into a lounge. Lynne Roster as Queen Serenity, Sam as Sailor Jupiter, Severina as Sailor Venus, Renee as Sailor Mercury, Lyra as Sailor Mars, Noelle as Sailor Uranus, Lucy as Sailor Neptune, Nora as Sailor Saturn, Veronica as Sailor Pluto, Ravenna as Small Lady Serenity, Viktor as Kunzite, Ken as Nephrite, Armin as Jadeite, Derek as Zoisite, Nathaniel as Prince Endymion and Alana as Princess Serenity. When the entire group was gathered in the lounge, tears filled Alana's eyes. “It's so beautiful!” she happily cried out. “Awe! Mels!” Severina cheered as she hugged Alana. “This was a fantastic idea!” Lynne beamed. "How long do we all need to wear this?" Armin asked, slightly uncomfortable. “Just a few hours. We're gonna get a TON of shots! ” someone replied as they walked up. It was a young woman with short platinum blonde hair, bright green eyes, and pale skin. She wore black pants, a white button up top and a deep blue beret. "You all look so regal!" She cheered. “Alright everyone, let me introduce you to you Catarina. She's a friend of mine from boarding school. She's the photographer I told you guys about!” Severina introduced. “Hello everyone! It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all!” Catherine bowed. ” Severina introduced. “Hello everyone! It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all!” Catherine bowed.
The photoshoot took several hours, and took place at various locations within the castle grounds. Lynne insisted on at least one family shot with Sam and Alana, and one with Sam, Alana, Severina, Ravenna, Ken, Nathaniel, and Viktor. “This is odd. I don't quite know the anime, but those characters aren't actually family, aren't they?” Catarina asked, curiously. “Not exactly... I mean, Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, and Small Lady Serenity are three generations of lunar royalty, and Prince Endymion is Princess Serenity's husband and Sailor Chibi Moon's father... But, this shot isn't about the show's family. It's about their family.” Lyra explained. “Oh. That's sweet!” Catarina smiled. Alana insisted each “couple” got their own picture. Viktor wasn't too happy that his couldn't be with Alana, but he didn't mind posing with Severina. Kentin was very happy to have a romantic pose with Sam. "Nephrite and Jupiter look so fantastic!" Renee cheered. “Are you kidding? I've been wanting to do this set for a long time!” Sam beamed. “My favorite part of all of this. I hate this wig, but being your knight is worth it.” Ken mused as he looked at Sam lovingly. "This is awkward." Derek rolled his eyes when he and Renee had their turn. "Oh grow up!" Renee snapped. "Derek... You know what happens when Renee gets mad!" Alana laughed. “Yeah... She gets pretty scary.” Derek sighed. Everyone laughed as Renee forced Derek into a somewhat romantic pose. "But this is so awkward!" Derek whined. "Just do it!" Renee demanded. When their part of the shoot ended, Derek sat down and shot back a bottle of water. “That was weird. "Lyra, Armin, you're up!" Alana cheered. “Now this will be interesting! ” Ken chuckled. “And in Dragon Ball references Armin! Toei may own both franchises, but now is not the time to try to mix the two!” Sam ordered. “Awe come on! That takes part of the fun out of it!” Armin whined. “Armin, if we were doing a smaller photoshoot, I wouldn't mind a few “fun” shots. So please be more serious.” Alana urgent. "Fine." Armin sighed as he and Lyra took their places in front of the camera. 
“God that was exhausting! Who'd have thought that Cosplay would be THAT much work?” Nathaniel whined he crashed onto the living room couch at Death's Domain. "If you had cosplayed as the Winter Soldier when Armin and I cosplayed as Captain America and Black Widow at that Marvel Exhibition in High School, you would have known, first hand, A LOT sooner!" Alana shot as she crashed down next to him. "You still won't let me live that down?" He asked. "Nope." She chuckled. "Why not?" He asked. “Because Armin and I worked our asses off to do our characters justice and we were hoping you would join in on the fun. Especially considering how Natasha and Bucky get together in the comics several times, so it would have been a cute “couple's cosplay” for you and me. Not to mention how cosplay is more than just “wearing a costume”. When someone properly cosplays, they also wish to play the character, even for just a day. They temporarily escape reality and enter the one the character they're cosplaying as resides in. Weeks, months, and even years are spent building props and even hand making the items and outfits. There is a lot of blood, sweat and tears that go into it!” She explained. "I know you and Armin love it, but I don't think I could do it as often as you want to." Nathaniel sighed. “I get that. Its not for everybody. But, I'm thankful you did it for me.” Alana Mused. “I love you Alana. You always do so much for me... And it has been a long time since I've been the "prince" to your "princess." He grinned. "And I'm sure rubbing it Viktor's face added to your enjoyment.” She chuckled. "That did make it a bit more fun." He smirked. "I really wish you wouldn't antagonize him." She sighed. over you and find someone else. It's the same with Castiel. You're not going to be with him, so he needs to quit pining." He shot. "Yes, but with Castiel, you two have reached a mutual agreement, and he has angered me in such a way that I spat that truth with him." She chimed in. "Which makes the situation with Viktor worse. had your family and Severina telling him for years... Yet he insists." He huffed as he rolled his eyes. "Despite that, he is still one of my best and oldest friends. We were raised together and are still like family. Can you at least try to play nice with him?" She requested. Nathaniel looked at her annoyed. "Please! Pretty please! My sweet Endymion…” Alana begged as she playfully batted her eyes. He thought for a minute and exhaled. “Fine. ” He sighed. "Thank you." She mused. “But if he oversteps the boundaries that you and I put in place, I won't be so kind.” He stated. She cuddled up next to him and kissed his cheek. "I love you Nathaniel." She cooed. He put his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I love you too Alana."
Several weeks later, after the images from the photoshoot had been posted and gone viral, an idea came to Severina's mind. She turned to Alana and Sam and smiled. "What?" Sam asked. “What if we did a cosplay concert?!” Severina cheered. “Nope. I'm not singing.” Alana stated. “PLEASE! We could choose a song from Sailor Moon and singing it at a convention!” Severina urged. “Really? What song would we even do?” Sam asked. “What about “Moon Effect”? It's sung by all of the scouts!” Severina cheered. “Please no. I don't sing.” Alana begged. "But, you wouldn't be alone... And we can't do it without our Sailor Moon!" Sam sneered. “Honey... You're such a beautiful singer! Please!!!!” Severina pleaded. “No…” Alana muttered. “Damn it Mels! Just do it! We all know that you sing when you're alone! On top of that, Nath, Rini, Viktor, Mom and I have all been telling you for years that we all think your singing is beautiful! So, just do it!” Sam snapped. "Don't forget how your teammates think so too." Severina added. Alana thought for a few minutes and huffed. “Fine. I'll do it.” She sighed. “Huzzah! Let's do it at Comic Con!” Sam cheered. "No! That’s too big a venue!" Alana pleaded "That's why it should be done there! You'll get over your stage fright on one of the biggest stages on the Convention Circuit!" Sam explained. "My babies singing a Sailor Moon song in full cosplay? I'd love to help you with it!" Lynne cheered as she walked up to them. "Fantastic! We'll make it a family project!" Severina smiled. Alana looked around at the other women, thought for a few minutes, sighed, and sheepishly grinned. “I guess the Roster Family women are putting on a show!”
Words cannot describe how badly I've wanted to write something Sailor Moon related to my story... 
Sailor Moon means a lot to me... It was my mom’s and my “thing”. No matter how much we fought, argued, and went at each other’s throats, we always bonded over the series. The first and last time I watched it in it’s entirety was with her just before her disease started taking its hold. She was the one who got me my first bits of merch, who was always happy to talk to me about it. The last Christmas gift I got her was a blanket with all the scouts on it, and she gave me plushies of Luna and Artemis. When mom died, Sailor Moon came to mean so much more to me. My aunt made me pendants with her ashes in them that look like the Legendary Silver Crystal, I got Pluto’s Garnet Rod tattooed on my back, and I became more adamant about collecting items. Each time I get a new item, I feel closer to her... There are times where I’ll even burst into tears because of Sailor Moon making me think of her....
Yes, I used the character sprite of Nathaniel that I edited from the Dark Chocolate Steward to make him look more like Endymion. I made his hair black, and edited his rings and earrings out.
Little tip... The bit about Adonis won't make sense unless you've read the Codename Sailor V manga.... If you’re not in the mood to read it, Adonis was a lowly Venusian soldier who was in love with his princess (Venus). Venus fell in love with Kunzite instead of him. He found her on Earth and cursed her to never be able to have love again, thus freeing more of her time up to focus on her duty as the leader of Princess Serenity’s Sailor Guardians.
This was originally going to be a Valentine's Day special for 2020. Then 2020 became the dumpster fire that it was and my real life needed more of my attention....
The majority of this does take place during the first year between University Life and Love Life. Before Nath and Alana go on their globe trotting adventure. The flashback section takes place at various points in time.
Credit goes to:
Naoko Takeuchi for Sailor Moon
@candysweetposts for the Princess Serenity Pack (seriously, thank you for going through with my request!)
@chinomiko and Beemoov for My Candy Love
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ahockeywrites · 3 years
Sister - Bowen Byram
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Request: Hi could you please do one for Bowen Byram where he is dating Cale Maker’s sister. Since the start Cale has told everyone she is off limits but her and Bowen got close and started dating. Maybe they hide it for a bit and they either tell him or he finds out and is mad and protective over her but he then sees how Bowen treats her and comes around.
A/N: Hi! Thanks for the request! I hope I’ve done it justice. I also used an OC because I found that it was easier to write Warnings: little bit of angsty Cale?, mainly fluff though, swearing
Baby Makar, little Makar, Cale’s baby sister. Jessie had heard it all before. As much as she loved her older brother, there was only so much teasing she could take. Especially as she had been spending a lot of time with her brother’s rookie teammate, Bowen Byram. And not just as friends either, they had been dating in secret with only the Landeskogs knowing. 
Mel and Gabe had been amazing at keeping their relationship secret from the rest of the team and even invited the two along to family dinners regularly. But what scared Bowen the most, was Jessie’s brother.
At the start of the season, Cale came into the locker room and told everyone that his younger sister was coming to study at CU Denver and was to be living with him for the next few years. He told them multiple times that she was off limits. Everyone agreed and no one thought anything more of it until she appeared on his arm for one of the events the Avalanche were required to attend. She caught the eye of almost every single man in the room but one of them caught her eye. 
Bowen Byram, he was wearing a dark suit and tie combo that immediately caught her eye and when Cale introduced the two, they immediately hit it off, so that by the end of the night they had exchanged numbers and planned to meet for coffee in the next few days.
The dates were occasional because of Bowen’s travelling schedule and Jessie’s slightly strange college timetable but the majority were in coffee shops on campus because they didn’t want anyone to take photos of them together in case Cale saw. Cale had noticed that both of them were happier, but couldn’t put two and two together.
It was the first home game of the season at the Pepsi Center and Jessie had her Makar jersey hanging off her frame but she wished it was a Byram one. She sat next to Mel and let her in on the secret relationship. Mel was very supportive but encouraged the two of them to inform Cale of what was going on but understand the situation was a difficult one.
September came and went, and the two were still hiding the relationship from Cale, but he started to suspect something especially when he found a Byram jersey in the wash basket. He just assumed that Jessie had picked up one of her friend's jerseys and said that she’d wash it for them. There couldn’t be another reason, surely?
October came and went and Cale was still oblivious, even when he had invited a girl he had started seeing to an event and Bowen asked if he could take his sister. He agreed, assuming that he would rather go with someone he knew than go alone. It made sense, he would do the exact thing. Cale thought he was being nice as he knew that the two were friends and it meant that she would be able to see some of his teammates again.
November. November was where it all went wrong. Bowen and Jessie had decided to go on a dinner date, their first in this relationship. They both dressed up for the occasion and Jessie had even told Cale that she was going on a date and where she was going in case for some reason he needed to come and pick her up. Cale decided that he needed to make sure that his little sister was okay on her date and asked Nate and Tyson to come to dinner with him that evening at the same place, to which they agreed.
He was shocked to see his sister sat across from one of his teammates when he had explicitly told them not to. Nate had to hold him back from disturbing Jessie’s date because he cared about her too much to let him do that. Cale was fuming on the drive home and refused to talk to anyone on the drive home and went to bed immediately. At practise the next day, when he was paired with Bowen for drills he refused to talk to him because he had realised why he had been trying to be nice to him. 
“Bo,” Cale said, “can I speak to you for a second?” He asked, trying to keep his cool but struggling. Bowen agreed and followed him to somewhere more private to talk.
“What did I say as soon as I came in here at the start of training camp?” Cale started and Bowen suddenly realised why he was asking. “Bo, what did I say?”
“Don’t date your sister’” Bowen sighed.
“And, what are you doing?” Cale questioned.
“Dating your sister,” Bowen explained.
Cale couldn’t take it anymore and left the room. He just couldn’t understand why one of his teammates would just ignore everything that he had said. Cale trusted his teammates but he felt like they had betrayed his trust.
Bowen was nice enough to send Jessie a message letting her know that Cale knew about their relationship and she was shitting bricks. How the hell was she meant to explain this to her brother?
Cale rushed back to his apartment and found his sister, sitting on the floor finishing up an essay. She looked so peaceful but he knew he needed to ask her about her relationship before he shouted at someone. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about Bo?” Cale asked gently, slightly unsure how to have this conversation.
“Because I was worried that you’d start breaking this and you said I couldn’t date any of your teammates,” Jessie replied quietly.
“I’m not happy,” Cale spoke, “but give it some time.”
Jessie stood up and walked over to give her older brother a hug. She was thankful that he hadn’t blown his lid.
A few hours passed and a nervous Bowen was at the Makar apartment and didn’t know what to do. He meekly knocked at the door and when it opened he was greeted by his girlfriend. They hugged and Jessie told him that Cale had gone for a run so they were safe to watch a movie as they had planned. 
Cale returned to see Bowen and Jessie cuddled up on the couch, under a blanket and knew that he couldn’t be angry at his teammate anymore. When Bowen moved slightly to go to the bathroom, Cale caught him off guard and pulled him into the kitchen. “You be careful with my sister, you hurt her,” he said, staring into the young boy’s eyes, “you will be in trouble.” Bowen nodded convincingly promising to be good to her. 
When Bowen made his way back to the couch, he pressed a kiss to Jessie’s forehead and she meant into his touch. Cale watched from afar, knowing that Bowen would be a welcome member of the family soon.
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babbysquid · 3 years
Not A Whiskey Drinker Pt. 6
Author’s Note: Okay so I had to add a little Pedro easter egg in this chapter so keep your eyes out for that. Also tension between Whiskey and reader rises in this part!
Also hi! I’m back! I’ve been dealing with a lot the past couple months hence the silence but I’m back and planning on still working on NAWD. I can’t promise consistent uploads but I’ll try my hardest. Hope you guys understand ❤️ 
Warnings: cursing, suggestive comments, A KISSS????
Word Count: 1,821
Not A Whiskey Drinker Masterlist
Although you had nothing to do til your “meeting” with Whiskey at 9, you decided that you would still do a mini workout in the morning. Instead of your standard 6am with Whiskey you opted for a reasonable 8am. You walked into the sparring room and taped up your hands, prepping yourself for some boxing practice. Before you started you hit shuffle on the music app on your phone, sound blaring through the speaker and filling the room. Losing yourself in the music you started hitting the flat of your knuckles into the punching bag in front of you.
Around 10am Whiskey strode through the halls of the Statesman office. Walking by the sparring room he stopped and looked through the window. The faint sound of music came through the thin glass. He watched as you rhythmically hit the punching bag, your form was perfect. Whiskey smiled, proud of the progress you had made in only a few short days.
He opened the door to the sparring room and was immediately hit with a wall of music, lyrics loud and bass thumping in his ears. Thanks to the volume you didn’t realize that Whiskey was standing in the room, leaning against the closed door and watching.
A minute later the song ended and you stopped, pausing the music to get a drink of water. Whiskey cleared his throat, causing you to jump at the sound.
“Wouldn’t wanna be that punching bag.” said Whiskey.
“Whiskey you are a punching bag.” Once again he placed his hand over his heart and repeated the phrase he so loved to tell you,
“You’re breaking my heart darlin’.”
You just rolled your eyes and started hitting the bag again, this time the only sound that filled the room was the smack of your fists on the bag.
“I like the song that was playing. What’s it called?”
“Fire and Gasoline by Sia.” you said between grunts.
“Good lyrics, kinda sexy.”
You stopped, holding the bag so it wouldn’t swing. You thought about the music video for the song and the handsome man that starred in it, his face eerily similar to Whiskey’s.
You looked yourself over in the mirror in your room. You put on the dress that you brought with you and some comfortable shoes. The dress was shorter than your standard work skirts and dresses and showed off a little more skin. Hopefully it would help with the whole seduction thing. You chuckled softly to yourself.
The more I learn about Statesman the more similarities between this and cliche spy movies — down to the seduction as a tactic, you thought.
Taking a deep breath and squaring your shoulders back you made your way to the bar located on the Statesman property. You were mentally going through different ways you could get information out of Whiskey. Apparently Whiskey was posing as head of firearms cartel, smuggling illegal weapons into the states. You weren’t sure exactly what information you were trying to obtain, but you were determined to get information nonetheless.
Walking into the bar you quickly scanned the room to see if Whiskey was already there. Low and behold Whiskey was sitting in the back at a table nursing a whiskey, no surprise there. You smirked as he looked up from his drink and made sure you swayed your hips as you made your way to the bar.
You ordered a drink and slowly sipped at it, occasionally looking back to Whiskey’s table. He had been staring at you the entire time. Downing the rest of your drink you ordered a second one. You needed some liquid courage to do this.
Go time.
Picking up your drink you sauntered over to Whiskey’s table.
“This seat taken cowboy?” you asked, nodding your head towards the empty chair.
“It is now.” Whiskey’s eyes lit up as you slid into the seat across from him.
“Now I gotta ask, is it true that everything’s bigger in Texas?” you took a sip from your drink, licking the alcohol off your lips.
“Oh darlin’ I ain’t from Texas, but I assure you I’m just as big as they are in Texas.” he winked, eyes glancing down at your lips.
“Tell me about yourself Mr.?”
“Pascal.” Whiskey reached out his hand and you grabbed it, but before you could shake his hand he brought it to his lips and softly kissed your knuckles.
“Well Mr. Pascal you’re quite the charmer. Tell me, what does a modern day cowboy do for work?”
Get him to talk about himself, focus the conversation on him.
“I’m a businessman and yourself darlin’?”
Quickly you wracked your brain for a suitable job. PA was too easy and you wanted to pick something that you could easily spew information about, but still didn’t draw too much attention.
“Getting my masters in art history.”
Thankfully your mother worked at a museum as curator and you’d picked up plenty of information from her over the years.
“Attractive and smart. Just how I like ‘em.”
“Mr. Pascal you flatter me.” you said, reaching out to playfully swat his hand. “But tell me about you. I’m sure you’re quite a successful businessman.”
“Ah well,” Whiskey rubbed his neck with his hand. “I do my best.”
Was Whiskey blushing?
“I deal with quite valuable products and the transference of them.”
This information you knew, so there was no reason to press him about that.
“Are you able to travel a lot for work?” you took another sip, looking at Whiskey over the rim of your glass.
“Places far and wide for certain.”
“What’s your favorite place you’ve been?”
Whiskey took a drink and pondered the question. You were certainly doing a good job, asking the right questions but not prodding too much. The seduction aspect was certainly impressive too, if he wasn’t already attracted to you he’d certainly be into you by now.
“Macau. Definitely was an interesting time.”
Hook, line, and sinker.
“I’m sure it was Mr. Pascal.”
“I never caught your name darlin’.”
“Mel.” you said, giving him a random name.
“Well Miss Mel, I’d love to get to know you better. As much as I like the drinks at this establishment I have quite the whiskey collection back at my house.”
You smiled, putting your glass down.
“As much as I’d like that Mr. Pascal I’m afraid I’m not a whiskey drinker.”
“Ah well, maybe you’ll learn to love it.” he said, winking at you.
You smiled and pushed your chair back to leave, having gotten the information you needed.
“You did good darlin’.” came Whiskey, making you stop. “Got valuable information through some sweet talking. I’m impressed.”
You turned to face Whiskey. He was sitting back in his chair, arms crossed, a smile on his face.
“Men are all the same, makes it easy for me.” you said with a shrug, sitting back in the chair.
“I was serious about my offer.”
“What offer?” you cocked your head, confusion crossing your face.
“My place. Now I know you’re not a whiskey drinker but I did notice your penchant for gin and tonics and I like to think I’m quite the bartender. If you’ll let me that is.”
Whiskey was serious. He wanted you to come to his place. Admittedly the thought sent warmth spreading across your body. Images of Whiskey walking through his room shirtless, sweatpants hanging low on his body and hair tousled ran through your mind. Blinking you shooed the image away. You did love a gin and tonic though…
“Fine. No funny business.”
“Sugar I’m a cowboy not a rodeo clown.”
You and Whiskey made your way back to his room in the secret HQ. Stepping in you realized that he had a completely different set up than yours. While your room only had the bedroom and the small adjoining bathroom, he had a full bar and living room as well.
“If you keep that mouth open any longer you’ll start catching flies.” said Whiskey, his hand coming to rest on the small of your back. “Perks of being a senior agent.”
Whiskey motioned to the couch that sat in the middle of the room as he made his way to the bar. He shucked off his leather jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. You couldn’t help but stare at the veins that trailed along his forearms. A look of concentration came across his face as he measured out the proper ingredients for the drinks, his arms and hands flexing. As you watched Whiskey work you were entranced. He looked up as he added a finishing garnish to the drinks and caught your eye, returning your gaze with a wink.
“Darlin’.” he said, placing a drink in your hand and raising his glass to meet yours.
You gave him a silent nod and took a sip, a soft moan escaping your mouth. You were too focused on how good the drink was to notice Whiskey almost choking on his.
“Okay I admit, that’s a damn good gin and tonic.”
“I don’t like to brag unless it’s warranted.”
“Oh shut up you show pony.” snorting at the man.
The next thirty minutes were filled with the most civil exchanges between you and Whiskey since he came to your rescue in the park, the two of you were getting along. Neither of you were paying attention, but over the half hour both of you ended up closer and closer to each other on the couch. At this point your knees were practically touching.
“Right in front of me!” Whiskey was telling you one of the many stories where his attempt at using seduction did not go as planned.
You laughed at failure of Whiskey and his escapades, your hand lightly smacking his chest and resting there. He placed his hand over yours and looked in your eyes, licking a drop of his drink from his bottom lip. You felt your stomach flip. You knew his eyes were brown but they had a level of dimension you had never noticed before. Had his mustache always been that perfectly groomed? And his lips—
You snapped yourself out of it, realizing how close you were to kissing your boss, your boss that you did not like.
“Uh it’s getting pretty late I should get going. Thank you for the drink.” you said, removing your hand from his chest. Giving him a small smile you left his quarters and made your way back to your smaller room.
As the door closed behind you Whiskey slumped into his couch and let out a deep sigh. He knew it was wrong to have feelings for someone who he’d known for essentially two weeks but there was something about you that he couldn’t help but fall for. He had his chance in the park but he didn’t take it. Maybe this was the universe giving him a second chance with you.
taglist: @absurdthirst @space-daddy-owns-me @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence @littlemissoblivious @agingerindenial @mack4676 @loveforminato @thats-one-tender-foot @xwingsandohs @purplepascal042 @harami-mami @nova646 @lesbianlena @computeringturtle @cassandras-nest @fourtypercent0ff @demoneyesanddamagedsouls @whatsthatmysterioustickingnoise
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calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty Five.
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Meetings after meetings, studio after studio. New York is busy for me to say the least, and now I am onto meeting number three and this is with Jay Brown, he wants an update on the plan of action. Before we leave tonight to go back to California where I pretty much take my sound engineer and team with me to California to finish my album off, like this whole thing with Chris has inspired me a lot, I think the songs that are coming from me are going to be songs that people love, I have been testing different genres and I think I am pushing myself for this album but it’s hard, I have my private life on show too, I have people that need me. Meaning my daughter, I have a lot on and then building my own team, Fenty Corp, now I was thinking of getting Chris on board until he annoyed my life with his stupidity but it’s a lot, I could have done with him helping me with this. I am building an empire for my daughter, for my family. I rise, so does all my family. I want my kids, kids, kids to be rich and it starts with me but I will deal, I will get on with it and deal. I want to build my empire, this is something I’ve always wanted to do so I am excited but I need to get this album out “Miss Fenty, Jay Brown is ready to see you” breaking my daydream there, Jen and I both got up from the seat “you have been so quiet” Jen said at the side of me “planning my next move, doesn’t help when my voice is going so I am trying to be quiet” I chuckled “oh yeah, I mean it should just disappear, just have the break today and then tomorrow, by then you will feel better” nodding my head as I made my way inside the meeting room “Rihanna!” Jay Brown spat with his arms open, walking into the hug “long time boo” wrapping my arm behind his back “where is the mini Rihanna?” He said looking around me, I chuckled “she is plotting on her next milk feed, she is with her father” moving back from the hug and made my way around the table “oh he’s taking care of her? In a cast” he added “yeah, Rorrey is with him. She’s only Five months, not like she can walk away from him” he’s not incapable of taking care of her.
The meeting is underway and honestly my mind is drifting, drifting back to the meeting and then to my future, to my life but I am just thinking how Chris had to get hurt in this, I didn’t want that. It’s been a few days and I haven’t really spoken to him or even Rorrey until I said pick up Rylee to take care of her “for the album rollout we are thinking of going in partnership with Samsung and do a little fun thing for the fans but I also want to add we need you to use their phones too for a while, but we want to do something for the fans so they are involved” nodding my head “that is fine, I am here for all that and I am doing this album for my fans, this is who I am doing it for and they deserve it. I want to make sure I do the most for them, are we announcing the tour straight away after the release?” Jay nodded his head “indeed we are, and then of course after all that it will be your own personal ventures until you are ready to do another” all I can think about is missing out on my daughter “I wanted to ask actually, what happened to Chris?” I knew that was coming “erm, he had a fight. With Drake” I added, I came out with it, I am not holding back on it because he is a snake “Drake? He hasn’t said anything about it” Jay looks taken a back “because he is in the wrong, he used my husband. Manipulated him, Chris is new to this game, he’s come out of Jail, not knowing what things happened between him and I, I assumed he was just being friends with him, genuine. But then it escalated to the point where he was making out I am some Hollywood whore, kept feeding him shit, Chris is none the wiser because he thinks this nigga is being a friend to him, that Drake cares when he doesn’t, I’ve had enough and it ended up being an argument and it was like he was a good guy when he wasn’t so yeah it all blew up, and that happens” Jay is in shock, he wasn’t expecting that “that is so sly, this is over you?” I snorted laughing “shocking right” he waved me off laughing “it’s dramatic but not shocking, he’s had a thing for you, you just didn’t see it for him” he got that right, Drake is not my type at all “tell Chris he needs to be careful out there, nobody is really your friend in the business” Jay said and he is right.
Left the meeting feeling positive to say the least, stressed a little but we move on “busy, busy, busy. You’re actually going to take the world by storm, I am so excited for you” I cooed out “thank you Jen” I mumbled “you seem a little deflated though, how come?” Taking in a deep breath “a lot has gone on, I think before I even start my album rollout I would hope my private life is dealt with, it’s hard when it’s left in the balance and I’m having to hear how he is through Rorrey, I don’t ring, and he doesn’t ring me and I think it could be more because of him feeling bad about what happened you know? But I just want my marriage to be secure, I want to know when I go on tour that he’s ok, I really want to take Rylee with me, she’s my daughter and I want her to be close but also want to know my marriage is ok. Just worried, it’s ok I’m here building this when my marriage is falling. It’s a lot, I feel like a hypocrite too at times” Jen is so understanding, she is married herself “marriage is hard Robyn, I think what happened with Chris would have happened. He’s new to the game, he needs to learn and understand. He will grow and you both will be fine, why are you worried?” Turning to Jen “with Fenty Corp. I wanted him to overlook my business, I wanted him to be that person because I trust him, but I feel I don’t, and it’s annoying me. I didn’t want him to be just my husband, I wanted him to be clothing brand owner and also Vice President of Fenty. I wanted that but he trips up and I’m like I can’t have this? I wouldn’t have it with anyone else, I just don’t know” I have a lot of decisions to make, and he doesn’t understand that “like I need a decision now? You know, who is my team, that is it really. It’s just a mess” waving my hand.
Placing my bag on the countertop “oh and what are you doing back?” I said seeing Rorrey on my couch “I came to back of my stuff, Chris said come. I have done anyways, so erm, not to sound awkward but is Chris coming with us?” Rorrey laughed “oh and that is Chris’ dirty clothes” Jahleel sniggered “right, erm yes. He will be coming; I haven’t really spoken to you since. How is he?” making my way to the couch “good, I mean we have just been playing the console all day really, but he is good company, just watching movies after movies, so yeah. He is good, I think he is a little stressed because he can’t do anything” looking around the room “my daughter?” I asked “with her dad” pulling a face “right, go back and help him stupid. Just tell him to come with you, with my daughter thank you too. She better be fed too” he is so dumb “they were asleep, I just text him” the nigga has a cast on so of course he needs help and here he is, legs up “I am going back, don’t worry” Rorrey mumbled “I will see you all the jet then” sitting down on the couch, I am just thinking so hard on everything, I need to make that decision before I leave who will be doing what for my company, and my step forward was Chris being in it. By the time my album and tour is done, this will be ready and waiting for me, my baby.
“Spill, you’re thinking” Mel said, my people all gathered around “my team, who I want with me for this journey. Mel you said you want to break away, you want to do your own thing. Ciarra will chief creatively officer, Melissa is going to be my design director and Philippa creative director. Chris was going to be my vice, but I don’t know” I mumbled “Jahleel, don’t give me that face I barely know you” he gasped “right, I didn’t know that was your plan but go with your heart” Mel said “the same guy that royally fucks up every time, I just. I am scared and worried because he does it a lot, you know?” Jen is thinking, I can tell “what is it? Speak to me Jen” she has something on mind “how about Chris and I do it together, he messed up then I am the safety net?” furrowing my eyebrows “this is a big deal, I am talking a big scale. I can’t have half assed shit with him, but what do you mean? You’re with me? I got Tina to help you” I said “I need to step back from that, I need something where I can work from home, less travelling also. My other half and I are trying for a baby, and I need to be home more” letting out an oh “so I am asking, because you are the boss. I don’t want to leave you; I want to be around you forever. I love you so much, all of you but if I need to have an interview for this then I will but if you want me to do it alongside Chris, I can be a silent person on side” licking my top lip “well with Chris he isn’t getting paid for it, he is my husband. We will prosper together, but. Mhmm” I said thinking “no, I will make you Vice, Chris will be the silent person. Maybe he will be annoyed with that, it’s unfair to hide a title from you. That is it, you are president, and he is vice, that is how we will need to do it, it has to be. This is where you two can work, I am going to keep it as that” I am actually upset about Jen.
I don’t want to seem selfish, but Jen is actually leaving me, and I am so sad, I will discuss it on the jet, once it sets off. We are waiting for Chris, Rorrey and my daughter. They are taking a while, but I think it’s more to do with Chris, trying to get him in and out and stuff. Now his leg is in a cast, I hope my brother is staying behind because if he isn’t then I will have to go back home because I can’t leave Chris alone, he won’t do well alone “they are here, let me go and help them. More to get my daughter then anything” I chuckled, I have dealt with Chris when he has a cast on, he isn’t the best person, he whines about everything “just going to get my daughter” I said to the attendant, she is waiting around like us. Making my way down the steps, Rorrey is of course the first person to be out “hey, how is my daughter” Rorrey is laughing, he hugged me “please tell what is funny?” he shook his head “nothing, she is on my side. She is awake, I am going to help Chris get out, maybe carry him up they jet” he better not laugh too much, Chris will refuse to go anywhere “Miss Fenty” my driver said, going around the car “oh baby” looking up and seeing Chris, he is just looking at me with low eyes, but he looked away “come on baby, you my big baby” Rorrey is very annoying, especially to a stubborn men like him now.
My brother and Chris are stupid, that is all I can say. They did more falling then anything but least he got him on the jet “everyone say back to California!” Jahleel spat “I don’t want my picture taken” Chris said because Jah is taking the selfie in front, so everyone is in it “don’t be moody?” Jah said, “I don’t want it nigga now move” frowning at Chris “Chris!” I spat “just come here Jah, leave him out of it” Jahleel kissed his teeth, Mel eyeballed me but what the hell she want me to do with that “ok look at the camera everyone” smiling as Jahleel took the picture, leaning down and pressing kiss to the top of Rylee’ head “he was rude to Jahleel” Mel said to me in a whisper “I am not his carer but I know what his problem is, or maybe I don’t but I will speak to him, maybe it’s that. I didn’t speak to him when I got Rylee out of the SUV” Mel shrugged “let me take the princess and you go and deal with that” nodding my head as Mel took Rylee from me, getting up from the seat “sit down in my seat” I said to Jah “I didn’t say anything to him” he said defending himself “I know, it’s fine just sit” making my way over to Chris “this seat free” I pointed at the empty seat across from him “yeah” Chris breathed out pointing too.
Chewing on my bottom lip, we are both quiet with each other. I honestly know why I am quiet but him, I don’t know really because he is supposed to make the effort, but I will “how you feeling with your leg?” Chris looked up from his hands “erm, it was hurt at first but it’s ok. The bruises on my side hurt more than anything, it is what it is, what can I say about this. It’s happened, my fault” he is very agitated “you need to relax, like you don’t even know Jahleel and you are snapping on him” this is bringing me back so many memories of when he was housebound and he was ever so moody about everything “if something annoys me, I am going to say it. Are you coming home?” he asked but I only know one answer “I won’t be no, I am staying with Mel and you are going to ask why but I don’t want to live with a man that thinks I was a liar, missed out on our anniversary, our first one as a married couple, first Christmas too. You can be mad all you want but you did. The effort you made because you was busy wanting to believe him, you don’t deserve me Chris. Even now, just taking care of you. Let me know when you want to see your daughter but you right, I am not coming home” getting up from the seat, he ruined these moments for and now wants me to come home because it’s all out in the open, the issue still stands. He believed another man over me.
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imagines-hoarder · 4 years
The Devil in the Dark- Dark!Steve Rogers
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Warning: smut, murder, abuse, gaslighting, swearing, drug and alcohol abuse
Word Count: 6,400
Summary: 70s AU; When a handsome stranger rolls into town, you get caught up in being the center of his attention. You could never expect how falling in love with him would change your life forever.
*I don’t think I’m pleased by what I’ve created, and honestly no one asked for what I am unleashing. This is my first dip into the marvel universe and probably the darkest thing I have ever written so be warned; this is not for the faint of heart. For those of you who can get through all 6,000 words, I’d love to get your feedback. This may only be the beginning. xoxox*
The room has become muggy and sweat clung to your neck as you pawed the velvet sofa. Everything had felt fuzzy at the edges after you smoked a joint in one of the shady rooms upstairs. After a couple more shots, you hit the dance floor and everything else in the last 30 minutes had been a blur. Now you sat watching everyone laugh and feign geniality without your rose-tinted lenses. You were at a party that you should have been ashamed of. Cigarettes, booze, and coke had awoken something sinful in the partygoers and after getting your own fill, you just preferred to watch.
Mel had tried to sell it to you earlier that evening as something else entirely: “It’s just gonna be a small thing, okay? Brian wants to see everyone again before we go back to A-State.” She had called just after your mother and her boyfriend departed for their first barstools of the night. She knew better than to call any earlier.
“Last time I checked, Brian doesn’t really do small gigs. Remember when he put on your birthday party last year and invited all his buddies? I'm pretty sure his scrawny friend was the one who puked in your fish tank,” you responded, twirling the landline cord around your finger and picking at a slice of leftover pizza. “You know I'm coming anyway. It’s gonna get really quiet around here in a couple of weeks when you go back to school.”
“Not if you come with me,” she said with a singsong tone.
“That’s why I’m staying here in the first place.” The pizza didn’t sound too appealing as your stomach turned sour. “If I wash and style a couple more heads, I should have enough money to join you and the meatheads for the Spring semester. Then we can get hammered every weekend together… just like old times.” You find comfort from her laughter on the other end.
You had spent the last couple minutes recalling the last time you saw Mel before you started people watching from the sidelines. You're pretty sure she was the one who rolled your joint, sitting wasted on Brian’s lap. When your eyes ached from staring at crowded bodies, you laid your head back and shut your eyes, letting the beat of the music ground you.
It couldn’t have taken more than a moment for the couch to sink under the weight of another person. “You alright over here?” It was a dude; no doubt he thought you were passed out or an easy lay.
You rolled your head to get a good look at him, and it was like the Big Man himself had decided to serve you sex on legs, carrying a Miller Light and smelling like cigarettes. He wasn’t from around here and wasn’t in college, that much you could tell; no guy fresh from adolescence could grow a beard like his. He wore a button-down that was half open and exposed how warm he was as a bead of sweat trickled down his neck. You had been so ready to tell him to fuck off until you met that pretty blue gaze. You must have looked like some creep undressing him with your eyes.
“I’m steller. You probably think I’m a burnout that can’t control myself,” you shouted to him, though he was close enough to hear you just fine.
“Well, I never said that.” His low laugh sounded like music. “I saw you come from upstairs. Wanted to make sure you weren't choking on vomit.” 
“That would make a fun story. Instead, I’m just people watching.” You turned your attention back to the bodies getting hot and heavy on a makeshift dance floor and hoped he wouldn’t notice the red blooming in your cheeks.
“I think that can be fun, especially when everyone around you is a stranger.” It was clear he wasn’t from Arkansas. His voice was as smooth as butter but lacked the draw everyone else in the room had. 
When you looked back at him, he was still looking at you. You extended your hand and he took it into his own for a firm shake before letting it far to the couch. You introduced yourself and smiled when you were able to restrain your nerves. “Now we’re not strangers to each other.” He returned the gesture and gave you a smile so dazzling it nearly sobered you.
“Name’s Steve.” He gave the room a passive glance-over without ever indicating he spotted another familiar face. “I’m not from around here. Just met a guy in town today and he told me I should stop by; he said he was the host.”
“Brian?” He gave you a nod but you’re sure he couldn’t recall what he looked like. “Yeah I know him; we grew up together. I’m actually really close with his girlfriend, Mel.” You knew he was listening but didn’t want to lose his attention to small talk. “And I know you’re not from around here, Steve.”
“I’m a townie, born and raised. I would have noticed a man like you if you were kicking around any earlier than now.”
He rewarded you with another smile, stained with allure. “I’m just passing through Arkansas and thought I would stay the night. I’ve never even driven through Arkansas; kind of one of those places you forget is on the map.”
“How do you think I feel? I’m living in this unremarkable town in a forgettable state.” He joined you in laughing as the music became white noise. You pulled your legs under your body as you leaned in closer to him. You quickly realized you must have looked so young and so enamored; no stupid. You couldn’t move now but he didn’t seem to mind.
“You know, I like your style. You’re a beauty with a mouth on you.”
“Do you want to see what else my mouth can do.” It fell from your lips before you could stop it. You quickly looked away from him in hopes of returning to the conversation you were pursuing before you ruined it. His gaze burned into your face before he got up. You could have scolded yourself for how soon you played your cards. Before you could blame the substances in your system for your poor behavior, he stood in front of you trying to regain your attention.
When you looked up, his head jerked toward the door. “You wanna smoke outside?” Something about the question made you tense. You could use some fresh air and thought Steve could make good company, but you didn’t want him to think you’d be an easy lay he could fuck around the corner; you were sure that was the impression your lewd comment left. He must have sensed your reluctance. “We can stay here if you want but I can barely hear you over the music, doll. Promise I won’t try anything on ya,” he disclosed.
Maybe it was a bad idea, but you decided to go anyways. He offered you his hand as he detached you from the velveteen sofa. Before you were even out the door, he was pulling a have-full carton of cigarettes from his pocket and wedged one between his lips. No one else was outside, but you could hear the muffled rhythm of a Donna Summers tune starting up by the time you settled at the edge of the house. After supplying you with a cigarette of your own and drawing close to light it, you reached a comfortable silence that let you take your drags in peace.
“So why California,” you asked. You supposed his brusque appearance could sell magazines or movie tickets. “Trying to catch your big break in Hollywood?”
“Nah, just need a fresh start. I’ve been living in the cold all my life, just wanted a fresh start somewhere warm, you know?”
You give him an affirming nod. “The weather’s not too one this end of the country, I guess. Where are you coming from anyways?”
He just chuckled it off with an air of skepticism. “You sure ask a lot of questions.” 
“Well we aren’t strangers anymore, right? We’re sharing a smoke, having a laugh...” 
He just shrugged, deflecting the question in the process. “Maybe I wanna know more about you.”
“There’s not much to know about me.”
“Well, I don't believe that for a second.” You roll your eyes and lean against the brick wall, listening but refusing to give him the pleasure of seeing you blush. “You’re young, you're beautiful… girls like you aren’t born to both start and end in nowhere Arkansas.” 
''I want to, but not all of us have the luxury of up and moving to California, Stevie.” When you looked over to him, he had a look that you hoped wasn’t pity. “Plus, I’m earning my Associates Degree at Arkansas State. I’ve got one more year of being tied to this place.”
“Stevie... Gosh, I haven’t been called that since I was a kid.” You smirk at him, taking his change in the subject as an olive branch. The air became quiet again, but you were thankful there was no ill-ease. You just closed your eyes and inhaled the last of the smoke warming your lungs. Maybe if you stood in the moment a little longer, you could convince yourself this handsome man was real once you sobered up.
All too soon, you had put out the cigarette butt under your shoe and took it as a sign to start walking back home. It had to be past four a.m. and it looked like the moon would make its departure sometime soon. “Well it was a real pleasure for you to meet me Stevie, but I should start moving before it gets any later.” You pushed yourself off of the wall and tucked your hands in the pockets of your jumper dress. “I hope you find what you’re looking for in California.”
He threw his butt out into some nearby rocks before stepping a little closer to you “Come on doll, let me drive you home. It’s late and everyone else is wasted out of their mind. Plus, I don’t think Brian even knows I was here; he just invited me cause I helped him jump his car this morning.” He was too nice to be true, but you didn’t think your mind was capable of creating something as beautiful as him. Maybe you wouldn’t mind it so much if he stuck his rough hands up your dress after all. He’d be gone in a day anyways.
“You know, young women aren’t supposed to take rides from strangers, right?” You started to walk down the driveway and tried to restrain your smugness as you heard his heavy footsteps trail behind you.
With the extra height he had on you, he caught up in no time, carefully tugging at your arm so you looked back at him. Your arm rubbed against his chest and you now knew for sure that he had more than just a pretty face on him. “I thought you said we weren’t strangers,” he retaliated. He didn’t seem like the type of man to take no for an answer, but you weren’t hoping to put up too much of a fight. As you looked at him in the moment, you saw him look you over and his cornflower blue eyes held a look that said there was something he desired about you too.
He let you pull away from him as you decided to make your final impulsive decision of the night. “Alright hotshot, which ride is yours?”
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You had him drop you off a couple houses away when he drove into your neighborhood. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to invite him inside for a beer and a ‘farewell gift’, but you were sure that your mom and Pierce were already passed out and drained any bottles that were left in the fridge on their way in. Still, you spent a couple minutes steaming up the windows in his car as he slowly pushed up your dress.
You pushed at his chest and pulled down your dress when you thought the neighbors would start getting suspicious of the unfamiliar ‘73 Chevelle Malibu with the clouded windows outside their house. “Look, Steve, I gotta go. Drive safe.” You tugged at the door handle but he stopped you before you could get out, pulling you back into an attack of fervent kisses. “Steve!”
“Look, I’m staying at that Motel Court on Birchwood, Room 174. I want you to call me in the morning.”
“I thought you were just passing through...” You groaned as you pushed at his wandering hands again, trying to keep from giving him the pleasure of making you breathless.
“I am, but we can get breakfast or something? Shit, you’ll probably be passed out until noon so it’ll be lunch.” He finally let you pull away and you could see how his hair sat rugged from your needy gripping, a winded look splayed across his face. He looked around for an old receipt and pen and scribbled the name and room number of the motel on the back. He buried the sheet in your palm and you hesitated before accepting it. You reached for the handle again and he didn’t stop you as you stepped onto the sidewalk, only leaning over the seat and throwing you a wink. “You’ll call me, won’t you?”
You leaned into the frame so you could get one more look at his pretty face. “I’ll be up by 11… I’ll catch ya later.” You shut the door before anything else could be said and dragged yourself home.
After talking and teasing him at Kitty’s Diner the next morning, you let Steve take you back to his room where you got hot and heavy the rest of the day. You caught a case of Deja Vu when he dropped you off in the early hours of the morning again. You couldn’t hide your amusement when he said he planned to stay in town. “Just a little bit longer,” he professed. Steve had his arm around you as he pulled you towards him, almost tugging you into his seat. He wouldn’t say it but you had understood that he was enjoying himself too much to leave at the moment.
You spent the next five days in his motel room between your shifts at work, enjoying his body between listening to his stories and sharing your own. Mel had needed so much time to pack her life up for her return to college that you didn’t think she even took note of your absence around her place. You didn’t mind it though. He had been busy telling you about all the national parks he had stopped for and the best foods he’d tasted at 24-hour diners across the country. You’d mention your job at the beauty parlor down the street and your hope to travel cross-country yourself. He made even the bad parts of being on the road sound like an escape from your reality. You would talk about Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac and write down music recommendations to keep an ear out for on the radio. One day he pulled out a little book and a set of pencils as you laid naked and fatigued in the tangled sheets. He kept looking up at you as he scratched into the page. After keeping his head buried in the book for half an hour, he joined you on the bed and showed you the drawing he was working on. It was you in all your bare glory. After your face had run hot and asked if you could keep it, he didn’t hesitate to kiss his way down to your wanting body. He was over six years your elder, and it was clear that he had prior experience with female anatomy, not that you minded. 
He was a man of passion in many ways. Between finding new reasons to hold you a little closer to him, he would talk about his favorite novels and the literary techniques of authors like Kurt Vonnegut. He knew so much about a world that you had barely seen, and it would have been difficult for any ordinary woman to resist the combination of his charm, good looks, and intelligence.
Every hour you spent with him only further suspended your disbelief that he was truly living in your presence. You were happy that he spoke toy you on Brian’s rundown couch that first night, and after a week of finding entertainment in one another, you help him pack up the trunk of his car with what little he had traveled with. Even though you were enamored, you weren’t stupid; he had been sweet on you, but you were sure he had a trail of women he must have left behind before crossing every state border. How could a man like him not? It made your chest tighten more than you cared to admit. A week after the party, he was dropping you off for the final time.
His lips worked slowly against your neck as you sat back in the passenger seat, enjoy the last moments of his attention before he became nothing more than a memory, “I’m sure that you’ll have a new gal by the time you get to California, but will you give me a ring when you’ve settled anyways,” you moaned into his ear.
Steve pulled his head back to get a clear look at you as if he’d sobered from his lustful haze. He relaxed back into his seat and ran his hand through his messy mop with a heavy sigh. You were sure you’d killed the moment before he spoke up. “What would you say if I wanted you to come with me?”
“I wasn’t messing around when I said you deserved better than Arkansas. You were born here but you don’t have to spend your whole life here.” Your mind was moving rapidly but you could barely focus on a single thought. “I think I’m in love with you. If you can come to California, you can keep doing hair, you can finish your degree, anything you want.” By the time he finished, only silence sat between you and he fidgeted with his keys. He waited for your response and only got more nervous when you didn’t have one. “Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything, doll. I’m s-”
“I’ll come with you,” you said. 
The words took a minute to settle before he could laugh out a sigh of relief. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, Stevie. I… I think I love you too. I wanna go with you.”
He pulled you back against him and toyed with the ends of your hair. “God, you’ve made me the happiest man alive, baby. I don’t think I could have left without you.”
“And I wouldn’t want you to.” You kissed at his beard and stroked his cheek. “I need to start packing if we’re leaving in the morning.”
“Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”
“No, just... Just give me 15 minutes and I’ll be fine. I can go back to the room with you and we’ll be good to go in the morning.” You knew there wasn’t much to be gathered in your room. Just some clothes for warmer weather and books. You’d grab your cosmetology kit, some family photos, and some cash that you’d hid before your mom could notice in her drunken stupor. There wasn’t much worth salvaging from your current way of living. “I’ll call Mel later and tell her I’m leaving. She can tell the salon that I won’t be in for my shifts next week.”
“I can wait out here for you unless you need help.”
“No, just sit here and I’ll be back soon.” You kissed him one more time before exiting the car, walking with haste to get into the house.
When you walked inside, only the T.V. lit up the front room and it was if every step you took awoke the house. You were quick to pack your bag once you reached your room, grabbing for things that you decided were necessary in the heat of the moment. Once you cleared through your desk and closet, you pulled at a loose floorboard and grabbed the wad of bills you’d been saving for your semester tuition. Once you emptied your smugglers hold of some photos worth saving, you replaced the floorboard as if nothing were ever there.
“And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You nearly jumped out of your skin as you caught a look at the figure in your door frame.
“Didn’t know you were home yet. Thought you and Pierce were still out for the night.”
“When I come home I expect you to be here. Do you know what goddamn time is?” Your mother was not and never had been a happy drunk, and when her boyfriend would come around it only made things worse. She started to walk towards you as you stood from your crouched position, hiding the cash and photographs from her sight.
“I was with Melissa. She’s going back to school this week and I wanted to say goodbye to her.”
“Don’t you lie to me,” she seethed. You knew this would not be the easy getaway you had wanted. “You were probably out whoring around again.”
“I’m not going to let you talk to me like that. I just told you where I was,” you challenged. You walked to your bed and filed away the contraband into your bag knowing that it was the last of the important items you could grab before leaving.
“You probably think you’ve been real clever coming in after we’re every night, but I’ve fucking noticed. You’ve never been all that smart.” She had stumbled into your room and the smell of whiskey was so strong it made your nose burn. 
You weren’t able to offer her a retort or a farewell before you heard more footsteps from down the hall. “What seems to be the problem here,” Pierce said. Drunk. They were both always drunk.
“Little Miss thinks that she can just whore herself out and then come home without consequences,” your mother announced.
“Don’t worry, I’m leaving anyway.” You grabbed your bag and made an effort to quickly escape the room, pushing past Pierce in the doorway.
“Don’t you walk away from us, bitch!” Pierce’s shouting became incoherent hollers and you sped towards the living room, but you could hear her footsteps behind you.
By the time you could see the front door, you felt a tug on your hair so strong it nearly pulled you to the floor with a shriek. “You think you’re just gonna leave and move on, huh?” Your head throbbed as she raged in your ear. “You’re nothing and you’re worth nothing. Once you’re not useful for whoring anymore, you’ll end up in a ditch on the side of the road.”
You punched her in the face before she could see it coming, something you had only thought about doing to her in your wildest dreams, and it was enough to throw her to the floor. You took the chance to grab your bag and run outside without a care for your dignity or the grace of your departure. You could hear her screams from down the street and you knew that at any second, the neighbors would be looking to see what had happened.
You slammed the car door as soon as your foot was inside, startling Steve. “What the hell hap-”
“Just drive, Steve!” You all but shouted as your mom stepped onto the front lawn with blood dribbling down her chin. He didn’t need any further explanation as he put his foot on the pedal. Your mother was still screaming, that much you could hear, but her slurs were muffled as you flew past the house.
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You hadn’t noticed a smudge of your mom’s blood on your knuckles until you got back to the room and you spent the next 10 minutes trying to scrub away the ghostly red specks. You couldn’t stand the feeling of it. Steve stood in the doorways with his arms across his chest the entire time. He didn’t look too thrilled about how everything played out but didn’t say anything about it.
“My mom and her boyfriend were home and fucking wasted. I didn’t even know until she came in screaming at me, calling me a whore and stuff.” He walked up to you as you dried your hands on an off-white towel. “Sad to say that’s not really an unusual encounter.”
“Are you gonna be okay, doll?” He looked concerned, maybe even a little angry for you, but the furrow of his brow did little to extinguish your distress. You just wanted him slightly closer and you held faith that he could obliterate the memory of this night.
“I’m fine... I just think that the sooner we get out of here, the better.”
“We’ll be gone before the sun even rises. Let's just get a couple hours of sleep and then we’ll be on the road.” He drew you nearer to him and you nodded as you looked past through him. “This will all be behind us in a couple of hours.”
He bent down for a kiss and you readily gave into him. In so little time he had made you feel alive. He made you feel wanted. You had so little in the world — your mom was a drunk and your father had long hit the road; you were low on friends and even lower on funds — and now you had even less. You were about to take any sense of stability that was left in your life and chuck it out the window in the morning. But it didn’t matter because even one more day with Steve would make you feel more alive and more loved than you had known in your entire life.
His mouth became eager and he pulled you even closer, working his way to your chest and down your stomach as his hand wandered up your skirt. Before you could think of touching him, he had you lifted over his shoulder with a squeal. He said nothing as he moved smoothly across the room and dropped you on the bed, casting himself over you. You tried to caress him, but he quickly pinned your hands under his and he sucked at your neck. You had transformed into a puddle of moans in no time.
“Please Stevie,” you choked out. You ground your hips against his jeans but the friction wasn’t enough.
“Please what, doll?” He reached between your legs and knew he could feel how wet you were. “You’re gonna have to use your words for me, baby.”
“Please… I need you inside of me.” You squirmed in hopes to pull your hand from his grip but it was pointless. You think he got harder just feeling you struggle under him.
“That's all you had to say,” he whispered in your ear and gave you a carnal kiss against the lobe. He shifted his weight to sit up as he pulled his shirt over his head. You didn’t have more than a moment you gawk at him before he was roughly pushing your skirt over your hips. All it took was him unzipping his jeans and he drove his cock all the way inside of you. You couldn’t find a sound to make as all of the wind was knocked from your lungs.
By the time you could find your voice, he was thrusting into you at a savage pace. You cried out in complete ecstasy and he held you down; your brain felt like it was turning to mush. He growled for you to open your eyes so he could so much you loved his cock and he looked back at you with something that could only be described as darkness. It was immoral and wicked, but you couldn’t find the will to care as the man above you grabbed you like he owned you and fucked you to oblivion.
He hissed as you came around him the first time but you knew he was not done with you. He didn’t let up on his strokes until he was mirroring your moans and he never looked away from your flustered face. One of his hands began loosely circling your throat as you clenched around him again and you could feel him throb as he came inside of you. With a grunt, he pulled out and let his hot cum escape your body onto the sheets. He let his weight fall to the bed without ever letting go, and you laid on his chest in post-coital bliss. If you could choose one moment in your life to relive, you were sure it would be this one, time and time again.
“Glad to know you can keep up,” you choked out jokingly. You felt his chest vibrate with laughter as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
“Always, doll. We’re only getting started.” 
A heavy knock on the door had broken the silence. Steve cursed under his breath as he zipped up his pants, and he placed you back on the bed. He took his time walking to the door but it was clear that the person on the other side was growing inpatient. He looked through the peephole and cursed again before turning away. He unconsciously ground his death with his furrowed brow.
“Who is it,” you asked, trying to keep your fear at bay.
He pointed at you with a stern look and a firmer tone. “Stay right there. Don’t say anything.” Before you could ask him what was happening, he undid the chain door lock and pulled it ajar, just enough to let the unwanted visitor see his face. “What do you want, man?”
“Where the fuck is she?” Pierce. It was Pierce and you could tell he was still drunk.
“Look, I don’t know what fucking drugs your own, but if you start beating on my door again I’m gonna beat your face in,” Steve fumed. Your jaw dropped as you listened in on the conversation; you’d never heard him talk light that before. He was always the type to open the door for you and smother you with pet names. He tried to close the door but you jumped at the sound of it slamming into the wall as Pierce threw all his weight onto it. He was bursting into the room before Steve could catch him and your blood ran cold as he saw you on the bed.
“Your mother's right. You’re just some lying, ungrateful whore.” His grip on your shoulder was sudden and he threw you to the floor. Your vision was spotty but you had other things you needed to worry about. “Only God knows how bad she’s gonna beat you for busting her nose like that.”
You heard a loud crack as Steve’s fist met Pierce’s face and you grabbed at the bed, trying to gain your footing. Everything was still a little blurred at the edges, but you could see as Pierce pulled Steve to the floor with him. As they threw punches and swore for each other's misfortune, you could only clearly make out the dark blood dripping from Pierce’s mouth onto Steve as he gained an edge over him, swinging at his face a couple more times. 
You looked around the room for something, anything to make them stop, but Steve had already taken most things to the car. You could hear Steve grunt as Pierce attempted to bash his face in. He had only tried to help you and now he was paying for it. That’s when you saw it. A butterfly knife sitting on the side table next to the cigarette dish and Steve’s wallet. You didn’t hesitate to grab it and before you could even understand the consequences of your actions, you plunged the blade between Pierce’s shoulder blades. 
He dropped to the floor without hesitation as he howled in pain. “You fucking bitch!” He sounded like a wounded dog as he sprawled on the floor, and you could only watch with wide eyes. God, what had you done...
Steve pulled himself from the floor and every breath he took was heavier than the last. He had missed most of his opponent’s drunken punches, but his lip was busted and he was rattled by the brawl. He looked crazed, and as he rose to his full stature, he moved to stand over Pierce who could do nothing but cry out in the fetal position. The knife was still wedged in his back.
You ran to Steve and cried as you tugged on his arm. “Steve, I don’t… I don’t know how he found us,” you choked out between heavy tears. “He must have seen the car.”
Steve said nothing. He didn’t even look at you, and that’s what scared you the most. His neck and back were tense and your touch wouldn’t be enough to soothe him. In erratic movement, Steve reached down and pulled the knife from between Pierce’s shoulder blade with a grunt. You gasped as Pierce choked out a sob. He shook in pain, blood puddling onto the carpet under him.
It was like a nightmare. Steve crouched over Pierce, looking into the old drunk’s soul as he squeezed the knife in his hands. You wish you had done something, wish you had said anything. With hasty slash and a depraved glower, Steve slit Pierce’s throat and you couldn’t turn fast enough to not see it.
Blood. Blood poured out Pierce’s wound like a broken fire hose, pooling at your feet while it splattered on Steve’s face and chest. For only a moment, Pierce sounded like he was choking, and then there was no more. No more cries, no more movement. It was just you and Steve standing over a corpse. Everything felt frozen in time as the room reached an eerie stillness that could be described only as insidious.
Steve was the first to move. He stumbled to the bathroom and threw the knife in the sink, letting the faucet run until the steaming water cleansed the weapon of blood. He bent over the sink and he watched it with morbid fascination.
You stumbled towards him, knowing that you couldn’t look at the body on the floor or you’d lose the last ounce of your sanity. It was only when Steve looked at you over his shoulder, the craze in his stare having vanished, that bile rose in your throat. You bent over the toilet and released everything you had ate during the day and maybe a little more. You could hear the sink faucet still running but Steve moved to your side. 
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, Stevie,” you sobbed. His arm wrapped around your waist as his forehead fell to you back. Exactly where you stabbed Pierce. You flinched at the thought and Steve pulled back.
“Listen to me, okay?” He pulled you away from the toilet and directed you to look at him. There was blood all over his hands and on his torso. “Everything is fine.”
“He’s fucking dead.”
“I know, baby. But we had to do it”
“How are we gonna-”
“You don’t need to worry about that alright?” You nodded but it was a lie. You could do nothing but worry. “You’re gonna get in the shower. I’ll join you in just a second, but you’ve got blood all over your legs and I need you to get cleaned up right now.” You looked towards the ground and noticed that your feet were painted red; a trail of bloody footsteps led into the bathroom. “I need you to tell me you can do that for me.”
You took a breath in and tried to control the cry building in your throat. “I can do that.” You began taking off your clothes, looking for any bloodstains on the fabric only to be surprised when you saw none. You felt like you were covered in blood; there must have been a spot hiding somewhere. Steve had left the room when the saw you step inside the porcelain tub and you tried not to think about what he was doing in the other room. You let the lukewarm water run down your head and trickle down to your feet as you closed your eyes, willing you consciousness to hold on just a little bit longer.
Steve returned to the bathroom faster than you thought he would and was quick to strip his jeans and boxers. You could hear the curtain slide open as he joined behind you, pushing himself under the stream alongside you. He kissed at your shoulders and cheeks, as to tell you he had taken care of everything, and he scrubbed the crimson from his chest. You could only watch with a haunted expression as it all disappear down the drain. He turned off the water after he scrubbed both of your bodies to a level of cleanliness that you probably hadn’t reached in months. You threw on the clothes you had stepped out to close to the present and you felt dirty all over again. Steve must have retrieved his shirt from the bedroom earlier because he now looked like the version of himself from an hour back when he had nothing on his mind but loving you. Your sandals sat in the corner of the bathroom for you to toe on. When you fastened them both on at the heels, he opened the bathroom and your eyes snapped shut. You couldn’t see it again.
“You don’t need to look,” he whispered to you. “I’ve got everything in the car already. I just need you to take my hand and we’ll never be back here again.” You could want nothing more right now.
You felt for his hand and his calloused fingers wove between yours. He tugged you out of the bathroom and you could feel him navigate you through the mess you had both created. The irony stench of blood crowded your sense and you wished more than anything that you could protect him from having to see the sins that had been committed on this night. The layout of the room would be drilled in your mind forever and you were sure he wouldn’t forget either. Only when you heard him shut the room door behind you could you find the will to open your eyes but you never let go of his hand.
He put you in the car and got in on the driver's side, but he said nothing as he started the car and pulled out of the motel parking lot. You could feel it; the body was still in that room, soaking up a pool of blood. As you watched the hazy lights on the town dim in the dreary night, you got on the highway and knew that you would never see Arkansas again.
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missfay49 · 3 years
Just Listen
Summary: The fam-ILY gets together for a Christmas celebration.  
Warnings: Logan and Virgil get in a fight but they make up, obligatory interaction with relatives, alcohol, food, Christmas, cursing, countdown, mention of past injury, struggling with recent hearing loss
Word Count: ~3000 
Oldest to Youngest: Logan/Remus/Roman/Janus/Virgil/Patton/Alec
Other Characters: Aunt Patty and Uncle Mitch, Aunt Mel and Uncle Jim, Titi, Grandma Sanders, Grandpa Sanders, Maman, Nico Flores
DD:HH:MM:SS - Days : Hours : Minutes : Seconds
Once upon a time, there were seven cousins born of four siblings.  The oldest sister and her husband had twins and named them Roman and Remus.  The second oldest sister and her partners had a child and named him Alec.  The youngest sister had one child and named him Patton.  And their brother, the youngest of them all, had three children named Logan, Janus, and Virgil.  
00:16:02:32 until Christmas Day, 7:58 AM
Logan, the oldest cousin, was leaning against the kitchen counter holding a fresh cup of coffee in one hand and rubbing his right temple with the other.  He blinked against the early morning sun of Christmas Eve streaming in.  
“You’re up early!”
Logan jumped at the movement to his right and found his aunt looking at him. 
“Good morning, Aunt Mel.  I made coffee.”
“Bless ya, kid,” she said, turning toward the machine.  When she came back around to grab the sugar, he was gone.
00:13:25:17 until Christmas Day, 10:35 AM
“Who took the last piece of bacon?!”  
Roman froze in his spot on the floor in front of the T.V.  If he were just very, very still, maybe-
“J’accuse!”  Remus shouted from the kitchen door over the sounds of chatter and clinking kitchenware.  Roman spun around to see Remus pointing at him menacingly.
“You already had some!”  Roman yelled back, pulling his plate close.  Remus, not breaking eye contact even once, methodically kicked off his flip flops and set his plate gently on top of a bookshelf.  He crouched a little and rolled his shoulders.
“Remus, no, my juice, Remus!  NOOO-”
00:13:23:03 until Christmas Day, 10:37 AM
From his cozy spot beneath the sheets in the spare bedroom, Virgil heard a scream and a thump.  And then several more thumps.  He blinked and stretched, smooshing his face into the pillow.  For one precious moment, he imagined he could go back to sleep but the dream was pierced by Aunt Patty’s shrill voice scolding someone down the hall.  
He shoved himself up on his elbows and sent a hostile glare at the general brightness of the room.  Things quieted down but it was too late - he was up.  He stretched for several more minutes before finally straightening his clothes and stumbling out to follow the smell of breakfast.
00:12:40:54 until Christmas Day, 11:20 AM
Virgil shuffled past the subdued twins in the living room and into the kitchen, stopping at the door as his brain tried to process what was happening.  His younger cousin, Patton, was furtively opening and closing all the cabinets, searching each and every one.  Apparently he found what he was looking for, because he started chuckling to himself and reached behind some cups to pull out a huge plastic bag of cookies.  He opened it and spun around on his socks, walking headlong into Virgil.
“Ah!”  Patton nearly dropped the bag, and a couple cookies fell out onto the floor.  Virgil laughed as they picked them up together.
“Whatcha doing, Pat?”
Patton waved him close, whispering.  
“My mom keeps hiding the cookies.  She said if I keep eating ‘em she’s gonna have to make more for tomorrow.  That sounds like a win-win to me!”  He took the floor cookie from Virgil and pocketed it.  They took turns peering into the dining room where the older folks were talking.
“You do you, cuz.”  They bumped fists and Virgil scooped some cold leftover eggs onto a paper plate to take with him to the living room.  Remus shoved past him coming back into the kitchen.  
Whatever Remus had planned to do in here was lost when he spotted Pat.
“Oo!  Cookies!”
00:11:22:49 until Christmas Day, 12:38 PM
“What exactly are we watching, Roman?” asked Patton, popping a couple Tums into his mouth and flopping down into a recliner.  Roman was still planted in the middle of the living room floor, but now Virgil was keeping him company, fast asleep on the couch with an empty plate in his lap.  Roman didn’t look away from the screen.
“A Christmas Prince.  It’s about a journalist that falls in love with the prince of a whole Christmas-themed country!  And the bad guy’s not too bad lookin’ either.”  Roman squeezed a pillow to his chest.
“Oh, right, I thought it looked familiar!  Did you watch Jenny Nicholson’s breakdown of it?”
Patton smiled at the look of wonder on Roman’s face as he followed the characters on screen.  At the silence, Roman turned around to look at him, distracted but curious.  Patton waved him off.  
“Never mind.”  Better not to spoil it.
00:07:12:24 until Christmas Day, 16:47 PM
“Dinner tiiime!”  Aunt Patty peeked into the living room.  “It’s all ready, you guys hungry?”
“Yisss!”  Patton launched himself out of the recliner with Virgil following slowly behind.  Roman tore his eyes away from the current Hallmark movie with great effort, checking his phone messages.
Aunt Mel was in the kitchen with their little cousin Alec.  Just as they passed through he let up a screech, making them all jump.  Roman’s phone went flying.
“AH, sweet Jesus,” Roman clutched his chest dramatically as the rest started laughing.
“Alright, keep it together, ya hooligans,” Aunt Mel teased them.  “Alec, I’ve had too much wine today for you to be screaming at the water.  You told me yesterday you love playing with the water-”
Auntie continued to help Alec wash his hands and the cousins tumbled into the dining room where Logan and the grandparents were already gathering.  Logan braced at the incoming chaos.  
“What happened to you?”  He asked them.
“Didn’t you hear Alec screaming?”  Virgil deadpanned.
“Oh,” Logan straightened his glasses.  “Yes, that.”
The rest of the family came up from the basement talking heatedly about the Saints and the Vikings.  Who was winning or losing at that particular moment was unclear, but dinner would proceed regardless. 
00:04:47:19 until Christmas Day, 19:13 PM
“Defuse!”  Remus slammed a card down onto the table.  “Whew, that was close.  I almost exploded in a fiery, kitten-y death!”
“Boom!” Alec cheered.  Nearly the whole family was gathered around the kitchen-table-turned-game-table, even the grandparents and great grandma, Maman.  Aunt Patty and Uncle Mitch were downstairs watching the end of the football game, and Titi was just a few feet away putting a new batch of sugar cookies in the oven.  She shot a good-natured stare at Patton.  
“Sorry, mooom,” “Sorry, Titiii” he and Remus chorused.  “Patton tricked me!”
“That’s okay, you two can help me decorate these later as punishment.  Remus,” Titi pointed to the person beside him. “Help Maman with her turn, remember?”
“Oh, yeah!”  Remus leaned over the centenarian.  “You got any actions, Maman?”
“Quel est ce dessin?”  She held her cards up to him and pointed.
“That’s a cat dressed as a taco, Maman.  C’est un mème.”
While the game continued around the table, Virgil watched Logan discreetly.  Sitting to his left, something was wrong with his oldest brother.  He wasn’t sure what yet, but it was definitely… something.
“Nope!”  Logan put a card down over Uncle Jim’s attack.  Aunt Mel went next, then she helped Alec with his turn, and then, there it was; Logan’s brow furrowed ever so slightly.  His eyes flitted back and forth between the players and the cards.  He stared at their faces, but not quite at eye level.  Patton’s, Roman’s, Grandma’s turns all passed the same - he was concentrating so hard.  Why?
“Virgil?”  Grandpa nudged him out of his speculation.  “It’s your turn.”
Logan was staring at him expectantly.  
“Oh.”  Virgil glanced at two mismatched cats and drew.  An exploding kitten.  He was dead.  “You’re turn, Lo.”
Logan spent a second longer waiting to see if Virgil was done, and then played his own cards.  As they both watched Remus go next, Virgil leaned in closer.
“What is up with you?”  He whispered.  Logan didn’t take his eyes off Remus’ cards.
“Hey!”  He kept whispering, jabbing Logan in the ribs.
“Ow!”  Logan yelped, then lowering his voice.  “What?”
“I asked you a question, don’t act like you can’t hear me.”  
Logan squinted at him, then his face shifted.  He looked stricken.  
“I’m playing “See The Future”,” someone said.  “Hand me the deck.”
00:04:22:44 until Christmas Day, 19:38 PM
VIRGE: what happened?
A new round had started and Virgil hoped that switching to text would let them continue their argu- debate without distracting the rest of the family.
BIG BRO: Nothing
VIRGE: bullshit
Logan ignored his phone, watching the game progress counter-clockwise this time.  Virgil did not accept this strategy.
VIRGE: tell the truth.  
BIG BRO: (Seen)
They paused to take their turns, and when Virgil picked his phone back up, Logan was already typing.  He tried to be patient, but the energy was clear in the way his foot tapped the ground.
BIG BRO: It seems my hearing has not entirely recovered since that explosion during chem lab a couple months ago.  I’ve got tinnitus in my right ear.  It is quite difficult to pick up sounds over the ringing when they’re coming from that direction.  
BIG BRO: Or sometimes from any direction.  So, I’m concentrating a little more.  That’s all.  
Virgil glanced between the texts and Logan several times, Logan staring with seemingly great intent at his cards.  
BIG BRO: Calm down, it’s not a big deal.
VIRGE: have you been to a doctor?
Logan stopped to play another “Nope” card.  Virgil was ready to scream at the delay.  The chatter at the table seemed louder to him now and much, much different.
BIG BRO: Yes.  And I’ve done plenty of my own research.  There’s not much to be done unless I want to get surgery or start wearing hearing aids.
VIRGE: so wear hearing aids until you decide about the surgery
BIG BRO: They’re expensive, Virgil.
VIRGE: dads insrance must cover some of it and ive got some extra money
BIG BRO: No.  Thank you.  That money’s yours.  You worked hard for it.  
VIRGE: your e taking it
BIG BRO: That’s not the problem.
VIRGE: then what is.?
BIG BRO: (Seen)
VIRGE: why won’t you make it easier on yourself?  you know none of us will care if you wear one.  the explosion wasn’t even your fault, it was that other kid
Virgil sent the text and looked at Logan, waiting.  Remus was nearly finished with his turn; Logan was next.  The turns passed, but Logan didn’t pick his phone back up from the table.
VIRGE: why
Logan glanced at the text preview when it came up on the screen, still not moving.
VIRGE: i know you can see this
VIRGE: why
VIRGE: why
VIRGE: why
“Because!”  Logan shouted, slapping his cards down.  Everyone fell into a stunned quiet.
“Are you guys cheating?  Mom says cheating is wrong.”  Alec’s voice broke the silence a second later.  Virgil stuck his tongue out at him.
“I assure you we are not cheating,” Logan smiled at Alec.  “Virgil’s just being a pest.”
The game resumed, Patton taking an absurd amount of actions before drawing another Beard Cat card.  Was it even legal to have that many cards?
Virgil leaned back in his chair, tired from the stress.  His phone buzzed.
BIG BRO: This is my last semester.  I’ll get one after graduation.
00:00:41:12 until Christmas Day, 23:19 PM
Roman carried two mugs of coffee into the living room as back-to-back commercials for 24 Hours of A Christmas Story played on the T.V.  He handed one to Virgil and got back under the throw blanket.
“Whatcha doing?”  Roman peered at Virgil’s laptop.  There were at least a dozen tabs open.  The current screen showed some kind of fancy earpods.  
“Just killin’ time.”  Virgil opened yet another tab.
“Yeah, it’s a bummer Janus picked a college so far away.  But the train’s due in a few minutes!  Then it’ll be officially Christmas.”  
“I mean, he still has to, like, get here from the station.” 
“Whatever,” shrugged Roman.  He flipped through the channels.  All commercials.  He settled back on the Hallmark channel, laying down and closing his eyes while they waited for the latest must-have-product ads to end.
“Remember when we played dress up together?”  Roman mused.  “Mom taped all those toilet paper rolls together so we could have swords and we all fought over the two paper crowns from Burger King?  Do they still make those?”
“I have no idea,” Virgil laughed.  “That was so long ago, how do you even remember that?”
“Because I was a fabulous ruler!  The kingdom prospered unendingly under my leadership!”  Roman flung his free arm wide, not bothering to open his eyes.  “It was glorious!”
“All you did was declare free love-”
“An important doctrine!”  Roman jabbed at the air once before letting his arm flop back down and graze the carpet.  “All Janus did was universally pardon thieves and liars, was that so much better?”
“Well, I was playing a thief.  Maybe I’m biased.”
“You would…” Roman muttered.  He didn’t finish the thought.
 A little snort was the only response.  Roman was fast asleep, coffee untouched and the remote resting by his head.
00:00:00:03 until Christmas Day, 23:59 PM
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Virgil was stirring; he snuck like a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that his brother soon would be there.
Christmas Day, 01:23 AM
“Wake up!” 
Roman gasped.  Someone was shoving him into the couch cushions.
“He’s here!”  Virgil bounced on his shoulder again, almost knocking the laptop to the ground.  
“Okay!  Jeez, I’m up.  I’m up!”
Virgil was already gone, shoving his boots on while a taxi drove away outside leaving two figures in the darkness with their bags.  By the time Roman was on his feet, Janus was shouldering through the door with a backpack and giant suitcase, a cute boy following just behind. 
“What is up, king?”  Roman and Janus clasped hands and half hugged.  “Who’s this?”
“Oh, you know.”  Janus shrugged off the bag.  “This is my boyfriend.  Nico, this is my cousin, Roman.”
Nico stifled a yawn and waved.  “Pleasure to meet you, Roman!”  Virgil came in setting down two more bags and nudged Janus.
“I thought we all agreed not to bring dates again after what happened last-”
“Oh, sweetheart, you must be exhausted!”  Roman interrupted as he picked up one of the bags.  “I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.”  
“Thank you so much, our stuff took forever to load off the train.”  Nico started to follow him.  
“Hands to yourself, Ro,” Janus hissed after them.  “I like this one.”  
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roman grinned, disappearing around the corner into the hallway.  Nico hesitated.
Janus waved him off.  “I’ll tell you later.”  When they were both out of sight, he turned to Virgil.  
“It looks like half the county’s parked in our front yard.  Is dad up?”
“He didn’t stay.”  Virgil shrugged.  “He got into a fight with Titi last night and left after an hour.”
“I see…” Janus sighed, looking down the hall for a moment.  “Can’t break tradition now, can we?”  He smiled up at his little brother.  “Did you get taller?”
Virgil answered by way of a bear-hug, squeezing the breath out of him.
“I missed you, too, Virge.” 
Christmas Day, morning-ish
“Merci, Maman!  Thank you!”  Everyone spoke over each other, unwrapping the sweaters she had made for each of them.  
“Yellow was very, uh, popular this year, no?”  She teased them.  “I hope that you like them.”
“Mine does not have yellow, it’s gold.”  Roman corrected everyone.  Aunt Patty scolded him.  Janus laughed.  
“Don’t complain, Roman, yellow is just the superior color,” said Janus, wrestling his own sweater on.
“Yours is more black than yellow!”  Roman pointed out.  Janus’ head popped up through the collar.
“Did I say yellow?  I meant ‘black’.  Black is the superior color.”
“Black’s not even a color,” Roman called after Janus shimmying away to grab a cookie with Nico in the kitchen.  He came back a second later.
“Why does this cookie look like it’s frosted with vomit?”  Janus held one up, looking affronted.
“Don’t suppress my creativity!”  Remus shouted from under the tree.
Christmas Day, sometime, who cares anymore?
Logan stood in the hallway, reading an email from Virgil, sent at three that morning.  It was lists of hearing aids, their pros and cons, and prices.  And another email from Janus a few minutes ago with links on how to get disability funding.  That would explain Virgil’s note at the end...
I love you.  Please don’t be mad.  I told Janus.
He rubbed a hand over his face and chuckled.  Had he really thought he was going to keep this a secret for even a day around those two?  He pocketed the phone for now and walked through the house.  
There was Patton and Roman watching a girl in a beret talk on youtube.  Roman had a horrified look on his face.  Janus was in the kitchen teaching Alec how to play chess, and not going easy on the kid at all.  Logan peeked downstairs.  There were Virgil and Remus and Nico, playing charades with the aunties.  Remus was making some obscene gesture that had Aunt Mel on the floor laughing and spilling her wine, and Aunt Patty was yelling at both of them.
Logan wandered to the couch and plopped down.  It’s a Wonderful Life, was playing on the television.  Logan hummed along with the closed captioning as the characters celebrated saving George Bailey from false charges.  The vibrations in his chest felt right.
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne
The End.
@sanderssidesgiftxchange @kieraelieson
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riverdalesfangirl · 4 years
Melody Andrews (FP Jones)
Melody Andrews  ~ Home Sweet Hell ~ Drinks  ~ You Need A Break ~ But A Number ~ Trouble ~ Whatever We Make It  ~ The Mole Hole ~ Beep Beep
"Not you, Red. You stay." Archie turns back from his friends as they run off. "What are you doing here?" I question simply. "What is my sister doing in a serpent bar?" He fires back. "She's a big girl, she can handle her own. Now, again, what are you doing here, kid?" "Looking for the thugs that trashed my dad's equipment. We figured it was Serpents, angry for getting kicked off their land. Now that I know you're a Serpent, I think this is personal." I scoff looking down at him as he continues. "Going after my dad, his company? This is payback, right? For when he fired you?" I send a short laugh. "You got a bigger imagination than Jughead. And that's saying something."
"My dad could lose everything." "What, and you think I'm responsible? That I've been, what, waiting all these years for a chance to get back at your old man? No. No, kid, life's too short. You don't know that yet, but you will. Maybe your sister can teach you that." His eyes burn into my figure. I knew that statement was testy. "Why are you and my sister so-" Fred's truck speeds up glaring at his son. "I called him the second you stepped foot in the bar." Fred steps out and walks over to us. "Get in the truck, Archie."
Fred stares at the leather lining my arms. "So, what, you're a Serpent now? I thought you left that behind." I shrug. "Guy's gotta make a living. Not many people would hire me after-" Right. It's my fault you run with criminals that rough up teenagers and trash my equipment."
"You really think I'd come after you? That I'd put you and your kid, and Mel in danger after everything you've done for my boy? Look, I'm... I'm sorry for your troubles. How bad is it?" I ask the knowing information. Melody has spilled everything to my ears already, but not like he could know that.
"I got no crew, I got no cash. Never been worse."
"Let me ask around, see if any of my guys have heard who it could be."
"I appreciate it." I look behind Fred to see Archie gone from the truck. "You'll pull through, Fred. You always do, but you might wanna keep tabs on that boy of yours." He looks behind him and sighs. "He got that from his sister," I smirk at the mention. "Yeah?" Fred chuckles climbing in his truck. "Oh yeah. Talk about trouble." I smile nodding. "She's a good girl, Fred."
I sit next to FP on the couch finishing dinner and watching a movie. "I can't believe you've never seen this. Practically screams you, Frenchie." I roll my eyes smiling. "Well, I'm sorry I wasn't alive when this came out." "You just love pulling that card, don't you." I laugh standing up and taking our finished plates to the sink. "We should watch-" The door swings open and Jughead and Betty stroll in. I bent down behind the counter before they could see me.
Oh, shit. Do I crawl away?
No, they would see me! Can't explain that!
"Jughead," FP says surprised. "Dad, Betty Cooper. Betty, this is my dad."
"Hi, Mr. Jones. Nice to meet you officially." "And you. And you. Um...." I slither on the floor to his bedroom and hide away. This could work! Hell yeah, Mel!
"What is Melody's phone doing here?" Shit...
"Uh, She came by earlier. Must've forgotten it." Thank god I left my car at the Wyrm!
"Why was she here?" Jug pressed. "She's helping me... Yeah. She's kinda like... My sponsor without the official stuff. She's a good kid." Silence waves over the trailer.
"Well, I think that's great, Mr. Jones." Aw, bless you Betty Cooper!
"Why don't you guys sit down?" FP asks moving subjects. "This isn't really a social call." "No, I didn't expect it would be after Archie showed up at the bar."
"We know the Serpents had some kind of drug thing going on with Jason Blossom."
What? I lean up against the wall intensely listening in. "What? Where'd you hear that?" FP asks in shock. "Jason's girlfriend. Betty's sister, Polly."
FP sighed and seconds of silence string along before he speaks again. "The kid needed some money, to get away. A clean-cut kid like that, no one's gonna suspect him of running, so we helped him... he helped us."
"Jeez, Dad. Did you tell the cops that?" "Heh. What do you think?" FP scoffs at the thought of the police. "Well, they know now. Polly told them. So if they haven't been by yet, they will be."
The air thickens throughout the trailer, becoming heavy with guilt. How deep was FP in this? And where would it drag me?
"Did you ever speak to Jason? Personally?"
"My guys gave him some product. When it wasn't delivered, we figured he took off with our stash, until--" "Until Jason's body was found at Sweetwater River."
"Anything else you wanna ask?"
"Did you have anything to do with Jason Blossom's death?" "You really think I could do that?" "It's the Dark Ages, Dad. I don't really know what to think anymore."
FP voice rings out in truth, "I'm not a perfect father, Jughead.No getting around that. But I'm no killer."
Not long after they left and FP yells out. "You're good, hon." I walk out of his room to see him in thought. I move to sit across from him on the couch. "Jason Blossom?" I ask looking over at him. He looks up from his hands into my eyes. "FP if you're involved in this I can't be caught up in-" "I'm not involved. I didn't kill him, baby. You got to belive that, Melody." I nod my head moving over to him and holding his hands. "FP, of course, I believe you. I'm just stating I cannot be..." I search for the words but end flat. I groan and toss my head on his shoulder. "What is it, Melody?"
Tears well up in my eyes as I recall the events. "I... I just have a bad history with the police you know? Rosewood didn't do me any favors." "Did something happen?" I look into his deep brown eyes. "I just got caught up in a situation, and someone... got hurt."
FP reaches his hand to my cheek, stroking this thumb across my skin. "You don't have to tell me now, I get it. Just come here." He pulls me into his arms as I let go of tears of a story few know. The simple reason I came back to town. The simple reason I had to leave Rosewood. I was a killer. 
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hope-for-olicity · 4 years
I Will Take Care of You, Always
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Happy Happy Birthday @mel-loves-all​!!! This one is for you! Olicity fluff from S2 pre-Russia. I so hope you enjoy. Thanks to @green-arrows-of-karamel​ for editing. Also available on AO3.
“Diggle I’m really worried. She called in sick, didn’t even send me a note. I have no idea if she’s coming tonight,” Oliver paced in front of Felicity’s computers in the lair.
“Oliver, maybe she really is sick, man. Cut her some slack. She works all the time. She’s probably asleep,” John smiled at Oliver while trying to provide comfort.
“I see you smiling. This doesn’t mean anything. I’m worried about my employee..maybe, she needs my help. I really should go and check on her.”
“Or you could call… a little less alarming. See if she needs anything.”
“That’s it. I’m calling, again,” Oliver picked up his phone, hit the last number called as it was Felicity’s, he listened to the phone ring four times before going to voicemail. “Felicity, it’s Oliver. Just checking to see if you are okay. Please call me back.” 
“She’s probably asleep,” Digg tried again.
“Or unconscious or on the floor with a broken leg unable to get to the phone or kidnapped! It’s totally possible given what we do!” Oliver sat down in Felicity’s chair. It lowered with his weight, Felicity wouldn’t like that, she doesn’t like them touching or moving her things.
“Okay, now you are getting me worried. Do you want me to go check on her?”
“No,” Oliver jumped up from the chair. “I’m going and you aren’t going to stop me. I’ll let you know if I need help.”
“I’m in the depths of despair,” Anne Shirley declared on Felicity’s television. 
“You are so right, girl.” 
Great, now Felicity was talking to her TV. She had been alone all day, maybe she had cabin fever. Plus, she lost her phone. Well, not lost, lost. She just didn’t have the energy to look for it since her entire body was in pain and when she attempted to move she felt nauseous.
Felicity was on her period. Yes, this happened every month but she was usually on the pill to help control the pain. But her doctor wanted her to go off the pill to see if she’d be okay. SHE WAS NOT OKAY. She felt like her body was being ripped in two.  A tear slid down her cheek. And now she was crying again. Everything was awful. Totally, the depths of despair.
She was contemplating getting up to refill her hot water bottle with actual hot water when she heard the knock. It was probably some salesman, she just could not deal right now. She muted her TV and hoped they’d go away.
“Felicity, it’s Oliver. Are you in there? Are you okay? I’m worried.”
Oh no! It couldn’t be Oliver!. Felicity touched her hair. She looked a mess. She hadn’t even showered. How could she face him?
“Felicity? Please open the door or I’m going to find another way in.”
Crap, he couldn’t break down her door! She couldn’t afford the repairs and her landlord…
”Coming!” Felicity stood up from the couch, waited a moment for nausea to pass. Then slowly made her way to the door.
There are no words to describe the relief he felt when he heard Felicity’s voice. She was okay, she was inside. Deep breath. He heard her opening the locks, the door slowly opened to reveal a very not okay Felicity.
“Felicity! Here let me help you.” She was so pale he worried she might collapse. “Where do you want to go back to bed? The couch?” Oliver noticed she had pillows and a blanket there.
Oliver swooped her up bridal style and carrying her to the couch. He placed her gently down and covered her with blankets. “Okay, what can I do? What do you need?”
Felicity closed her eyes. He worried she was just going to tell him to leave.
“Can you refill this hot water bottle?” Felicity held up the bottle that had been propped against the couch.
“On it,” Oliver took the hot water bottle into the kitchen. As the kitchen and living room were joined he began talking to Felicity. “I’m sorry for just showing up like this unannounced but I was really worried and you weren’t answering your phone.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“Please don’t apologize, Felicity. You are clearly very sick and I’d like to help any way I can,” Oliver handed her back the hot water bottle.
“Well, there is not much you can do to help this. I’m just having a really bad period,” Felicity turned bright red.
“I’m so sorry, Felicity,” Oliver sat at the end of the couch. “Thea used to suffer as well. I used to try to cheer her up, we’d watch movies. I’m not sure if it helped. But would you like me to do that with you?”
Felicity’s eyes welled up.
Oh no, I totally said the wrong thing. Oliver felt panicked. He could take down any bad guy you threw at him but helping am a woman in pain from her period might be his downfall. “Oh Felicity, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I can leave if you want. I don’t want to be a bother,” Oliver began to get up.
“No,” Felicity wiped the tears from her eyes. “Sorry, super emotional. I just thought it was sweet that you helped Thea and now you wanted to help me. I’ve never had anyone care about this kind of thing. Mom just said this is something we Smoak women deal with, it was clear I wasn’t to complain. But now, you are here and you are being so nice and you got me more hot water.” Felicity couldn’t help it… she started to cry. “Sorry, I can’t seem to stop crying.”
“Felicity, would you like a hug?”
Felicity nodded. 
Oliver bent over and hugged her. Not the best position but he didn’t want to hurt her. He let Felicity cry all over his shirt. He rubbed her back as she cried. 
Finally, Felicity pulled back and looked up at him. “Thank you. Thank you for being so kind.”
Oliver was here, being amazing, which was not helping her crush on him. Why did he have to be so him? Her ex’s had always ignored her period pain, as if it was an inconvenience, but Oliver - he was taking care of her. 
“Is there anything else I can do to help? Food? Thea always wanted pizza but I read that nutritious food is better.”
“Pizza! Oliver, you read?” Felicity tried hard to keep the aww out of her voice.
Oliver gave her one of his special smiles she feels only she sees. “Okay, I’ll order pizza. And yes, I read. I was trying to find ways to help. It was hard seeing Thea in pain and now you…”
“Hey,” Felicity leaned forward to grab his hand. “You do know that you caring, being here, helps lots, right? Thank you for coming to check on me.”
“Always,” Oliver squeezed her hand. “Felicity, you have helped me more than you will ever know. Hell, you saved my life. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Felicity felt herself tearing up again. “This is all your fault!”
Oliver chuckled as he pulled out his phone to order pizza. 
Felicity caught him up on the rom-coms he missed while he was on the island. She said they help with the pain so he persevered, he’d never let her know that he secretly liked them but he suspected she knows anyway.
She was dozing at her end of the couch, he could hear her soft snores. He got her so more pain relievers and a fresh hot water bottle. He thought maybe he was overstaying his welcome. He began to carefully get up from the couch.
“Stay,” Felicity said softly. She wiggled herself into more of a sitting position as she rubbed her eyes beneath her glasses. “I mean if you can. I understand if you have to be somewhere. It’s just, I’d like you to stay. I will stay awake, I promise.”
“Felicity, there is nowhere I’d rather be. You don’t need to stay awake. I just thought maybe I had overstayed…”
“NO!” Felicity cut him off. She looked around for a moment. “I’ve been a terrible host, what with you doing all the taking care of me. Is there anything I can do for you? I might be able to…” Felicity began to swing her leg out from beneath the blanket to get up.
“Oh, no, you don’t! You rest. Unless you have to go to the bathroom then, of course, go; just don’t get up on my account. I don’t need anything. I got my rom-coms, we still have pizza - I’m totally taken care of.”
“Okay, but the next time you are sick. I promise I’ll be there.”
“Felicity, I don’t get sick,” he said with the confidence of a man who survived the island.
“Okay,” she smiled. “How about 27 Dresses?”
Felicity was feeling much better the next day. She was more than happy to return to her life at Queen Consolidated and fighting crime.
She spent most of her morning rescheduling the meetings that Oliver had cancelled in her absence. He told her he didn’t like doing things without her. This was sweet but also created a lot of work. 
“Yes, Mr. Queen will definitely make this meeting. Yesterday, was a little bit of anomaly,” she repeated over and over again.
Once everything was rescheduled, she headed into Oliver’s office to let him know she was heading out for lunch. “I’ve rescheduled everything. Just going to grab some Big Belly Burger. Did you want some?”
Oliver looked up for his desk. “Yes, I'd like a- a-” Oliver lifted a hand as a signal for her to wait. He screwed up his face trying to hold a sneeze back in vain. "A-A-ACHOO!!!"
Felicity could see his eyes were glassy and he was a little flushed. “Oh, Oliver! I’m going to reschedule the meetings. I’m going to take you home. The lair is no place to be when you are sick. We’ll get you some chicken soup, some rom-coms, and soft tissues. I am here for you.”
“Felicity,” Oliver tried to sound forceful but failed. He shook his head. “I guess you are right.”
“Oh, honey, I’m always right. Now, let’s get you home.” Felicity started helping Oliver out of his chair when Diggle poked his head in the door.
“Everything alright?”
“Oliver’s sick, Digg. Can you give us a ride back to my place and if you could bring over some comfy clothes for him?” Felicity ushered Oliver out the door knowing Diggle was behind them.
“Felicity, do you need me to help?” Diggle smiled.
“No, I got this. We just need to get him home,” Felicity gave Digg a wink she knew Oliver might be milking this a bit but she didn’t mind at all.
Digg drove the two back to Felicity's and got them inside. He helped get Oliver set up on the couch. He turned back to Felicity. “I’ll head over to the lair grab some clothes for him. I’ll be right back.” 
“I’ll be okay, Digg. Felicity will take care of me,” Oliver gave a small smile as he closed his eyes. 
“Yes, I will. I will always take care of you, Oliver,” Felicity took a seat next to Oliver on the couch.
Thanks for reading! Tagging a few people who might be interested: @memcjo​ @stephswims​ @julieofrandomfandoms​ @cruzrogue​ @laurabelle2930​ @tdgal1​ @vaelisamaza​ @oliverfel4​ @swordandarrow​
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