#gonna try to sleep now cause i have to help one of my aunts unlock then reset her computer
alfonzone · 5 months
happy new year, everyone 🎊🎉❤️
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
bahamas (iv)
warning: everyone is drunk ! , sexual references
wordcount: 6k
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The next morning, Allie strolled out of the bedroom with a messy braid, a cheesy grin and a blush that started the second James began to whistle. Colin flipped him off immediately, still as sullen as the night before. “Nice of you to show up.”
“I was busy.” She retorted, then immediately shook her head. “Not like - I just showered.”
“Did loverboy join? What’s his name again?” James questioned, sliding Allie a full plate.
“Carloooooos.” Julia sang, laughing as Allie glared at her. “I saw him sneak out this morning. He said hello. Nice guy.”
“He said he had to get to his shift, he teaches scuba lessons during the day. If we’re interested he said he could snag us a discount.” Allie shrugged, popping a blueberry into her mouth.
“Does he teach underwater basket weaving too?” Colin asked dryly, scowling.
“Is that a real thing?” Rafe asked, looking like he was actually considering the activity for a moment.
Sophie glanced over at him, concerned. “Baby.”
“It’s not?”
Julia shook her head at the couple. “I thought we had a boat today?”
“We do. We’re going sailing.” Rafe confirmed, glancing at his watch. “We’ve got an hour, but we need to pack snacks and drinks. Colin, can you help me grab the cooler from the attic?”
“You can’t grab it yourself?” Colin grumbled, pushing away from the table to follow Rafe up.
“No. It’s too big.” Rafe glanced behind him, making sure they were out of earshot of the group as he led him up the stairs. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“My problem?” Colin repeated, immediately getting defensive. “What the fuck?”
“Yeah, you’re being a dick about Allie’s hookup. No one would say a word if you brought a girl home.” He coughed as he unlocked the attic door and a small layer of dust flew up, the house unused since the beginning of summer. “Actually, maybe you should get laid, you’ll chill out.”
“I don’t have a problem.”
“Then quit being an asshole to Allie. She doesn’t deserve that.”
Colin sighed, helping Rafe tug the Yeti cooler down from one of the shelves. Once it was down, he glanced over at Rafe. “I didn’t mean to be rude. Sorry.”
“Apologize to her, not me.” Rafe told him, looking Colin dead in the eye like he could figure out some hidden secret if he stared at him long enough.
“I will.”
“Good. Just because you’re jealous -”
“I’m not jealous, just don’t like this guy -”
“Ha!” Rafe pointed his finger in Colin’s face, eyebrows raised. “I knew it! You like Allie.”
Colin froze, immediately looking towards the door then lowered his voice. “You can’t tell.”
“Wait, shit, seriously? I was just trying to get a rise out of you...Colin. Seriously? You mean it?”
“The tiniest of crushes. She’s cute.” Colin affirmed, regretting telling him already. “Just - you can’t say anything.”
“I won’t. Brother swear.” Rafe nodded, extending his hand to Colin. “Don’t you dare fuck with her though.”
“I won’t, I won’t.” Colin paused, not taking his hand to shake. “That includes Sophie.”
“Fuck, Colin, for real? You know she doesn’t count.” Rafe whined, running his hand through his hair. “She’s gonna get it out of me. Somehow. She always knows when I’m hiding something.”
“I mean it.” Colin shook his head. “No Sophie. No James, and especially no Julia.”
“Damnit.” Rafe sighed, but grabbed Colin’s hand and shook it. “Fine. You’d better apologize and start making moves or shut the fuck up and let her do her thing, though. No judging.”
“I will, I promise.”
The door banged open, startling them both as James stood in the doorway. “Yo. You two can’t handle this thing?”
“No, we got it.” Rafe shook his head, lifting it easily on his own to haul downstairs. “They send you up here to check?”
“Yeah, Jules started asking questions about last night and Allie clearly didn’t want to gossip with me around, so Sophie sent me up here to get you guys.” James paused, thinking. “She muttered something about you probably getting stuck in some secret fancy passageway. You gonna tell her this house is your dad’s company house, not some family heirloom?”
“I’m pretty sure Sophie wants to know as little as possible about what my family owns. I think she cried for a solid hour on the first night here.” Rafe frowned, taking each step one at a time.
“You tell her about the deb thing yet?” James asked.
“Deb thing?” Colin echoed. “Sarah’s ball? What does Sophie have to do with that?”
“...No. I’m not sure. I think she’ll either agree or rip my head off, no in between.” Rafe sighed. “Sarah’s getting presented at the debutante ball in the spring, Rose suggested Sophie gets presented as well with me as her escort, and somehow my dad thought that was a good idea. Establish her with high society, or whatever. I don’t think he’s forgiven me for breaking up with Brooklyn a week before her deb ball. Apparently me being her escort would have been good for us. Our family.”
James cocked his head. “She broke up with you.”
“Huh. Well. That conversation should be fun for you.” Colin patted Rafe on the shoulder just as they got down the attic stairs. Rafe now sported a thin layer of sweat from hauling the cooler down alone, despite him already having no shirt on.
“Oh yeah. Looking forward to it.” Rafe deadpanned, then put on a grin as they all re-entered the kitchen. He didn’t miss the way Sophie’s eyes trailed over his exposed chest, the way she leaned forward on the counter and bit her lip a little. “Found it!”
“Excellent.” Julia clapped her hands together and began filling it with a selection of drinks she’d laid out on the counter. “Sophie, stop eye-fucking your boyfriend and help me out.”
Sophie snapped to attention as Rafe held back a laugh at Julia’s lack of tact. “I wasn’t -”
“Yes you were. Drinks.”
Sophie shook her head, handing Julia drinks with a rising blush on her cheeks.
“I don’t mind, sweetheart.” Rafe murmured to her lowly with a grin, trailing his hand down her spine ‘til he rested his palm on her lower back.
“Ew, we just ate.” Allie complained, pushing her plate away from her. “Thank you for pancakes, though.”
“No problem. It’s my specialty.” Rafe beamed, gathering up the plates and sticking them in the dishwasher.
“Only ‘cause you can’t cook anything else.” Colin pointed out, dodging as Rafe aimed a square punch at his arm.
“He’s not wrong.” Sophie agreed, reaching up to kiss Rafe’s cheek.
“Aw. Thanks for breakfast, Mom and Dad.” James grinned, patting them both on the head.
Sophie whirled on James immediately, only held back by Rafe slipping his arm around her waist (more to protect James than her). “Stop. I mean it.”
“What are you gonna do?” James taunted, grinning. “Hit me? Rafe won’t let you.”
“I will, if you don’t shut up.” Rafe replied, shaking his head imperceptibly behind Sophie’s back.
“What? You weren’t pregnant, it was just the flu - hey!” James took off running the second Rafe let Sophie go, who immediately sprinted after him through the house.
“Fuck off, James!” She yelled, chasing him down the hall.
“I didn’t mean it!” He yelped as she threw someone’s flip flop at him, nailing him in the shoulder with surprising aim. “I’m sorry! Rafe! Help me!”
Everyone else watched from the kitchen, thoroughly entertained. “You gonna help?” Allie asked, glancing at Rafe.
“Nah. He deserves it.” Rafe shrugged. “They’ll get tired soon enough.”
“She only likes fighting when she’s flirting anyways.” Julia added. “I swear all your arguments before you two were dating was just foreplay.”
“Doubt it. She could be pretty mean.” Rafe grinned at Sophie fondly as she strolled back into the kitchen with a triumphant smile, then looped his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Who’s mean?” Sophie asked.
“You.” James informed her as he followed her back to the group, dramatically rubbing a red mark on his shoulder.
“Okay, both of you, knock it off.” Rafe took charge like always, glancing at his watch. “Everyone go get ready, we’re getting picked up in twenty to get to the dock. Don’t forget sunscreen.”
“You really make it too easy.” Julia rolled her eyes, but chose to refrain from calling him Dad again for the fourth time that morning.
“So everyone knows?” Sophie asked the group, frowning.
“For the record, I was team baby. I think you guys would have very cute kids.” James said, already flinching away as Sophie lifted her hand toward him.
“Yeah. Rafe accidentally let it slip when I asked why you looked like hell that weekend.” Colin confirmed. Sophie had stayed at Rafe’s instead of her house so he could take care of her, and Colin had found her sleeping on the bathroom floor curled up in a ball at 2pm when Rafe was in class. (He decided not to wake her up, thinking she was just wildly hungover, and had texted Rafe a photo instead.)
“Great. Fantastic. But if one more person calls me Mom this week, I’m going to rip your heads off.”
“I told you you’re mean.” James grumbled, clutching his shoulder. “I’m gonna have a bruise. How am I supposed to explain that to whoever I’m hooking up with tonight?”
“Tell her you’re into pain.” Allie suggested, shrugging when everyone gave her a look. “What? It could work.”
“...Alright. Everyone go get ready, I don’t want to hear another word from anyone about their sex lives.” Rafe instructed, shooing everyone out of the kitchen as he and Sophie made it toward their room. “Sorry, baby.”
“It’s fine. I’d be more upset if we actually had a kid on the way.” Sophie conceded with a shudder at the thought. “How much did you talk about it with the boys?”
Rafe thought about it, about how James kept going on and on about how he wanted to be a godfather and how their kids would be adorable, and how Colin said he wasn’t really a huge fan of kids but obviously their kid would be family. He thought about how he shared with the guys how nice it would be to have a big family and know their kids would have several metaphorical aunts and uncles, and how much love and support they’d be surrounded by. It made him excited for the future - the far future, of course, but still.
“Not much.” He finally settled on answering, giving her a small smile. “You gonna wear my favorite suit today?”
“The pink one?”
“No, the blue one with the daisies. The one you wore in Nice?” He grinned. “Or, I guess, didn’t wear?”
She blushed, shaking her head. “I think that one’s dangerous to wear around you with our friends.”
“Any bikini is, sweetheart.”
“Control yourself.” She flicked his shoulder in warning. “I have a surprise for you tonight. Don’t let me forget.”
He perked up immediately, smirking. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
Sophie just shrugged. “You’ll see.”
“I’ll see...is it a leave-the-bar-early kind of a surprise? A need-the-house-empty kind of surprise?” He asked eagerly, his smirk broadening as she pulled out the light blue bikini from her suitcase.
She laughed, pulling off her shirt before she fumbled with untangling the bikini strings. “I think you can stay quiet enough that we’ll be fine.”
“Will you be able to stay quiet?” He teased, beaming in appreciation as she stood there shirtless in front of him, tongue in between her teeth as she concentrated on fixing the bikini. (He didn’t bother to help.)
Sophie ignored him, rolling her eyes, but glanced up and caught him staring. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Don’t tempt me, you know I will.” He shot back. “I know you brought your film camera I got you for Christmas.”
“The last person I want seeing my nudes is the freshman art student that develops my film in the photo studio on campus.” She replied with an eyeroll. “Though I’m sure he’d enjoy it.”
Rafe’s face dropped as he immediately grew protective, grabbing the bikini top away from her and deftly untangled the strings. “Get dressed. We’re gonna be late.”
“Okay, Daddy.” She replied innocently, biting the inside of her cheek to hide back a grin.
He paused, considering, then shook his head. “No. Sorry, no, can’t vibe with that. Find a different kink please.”
She burst out laughing, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, James paid me $10 to tell you that.”
Rafe huffed, tugging on his swim trunks and shoved his feet back into his boat shoes, then promptly slammed open the door, striding back to the group. “James! Fuck you!”
Later, once everyone gathered their things and made it down to the dock after their driver for the week picked them up, the boat driver helped them all onto the boat, offering his hand. He was younger, around their age or a little bit older, and Rafe scowled as the driver’s eyes lingered maybe a little too long on Sophie’s bikini top. Then the driver politely leaned over to Rafe to inform him that Sophie had the tag sticking out of her top, hanging on by a thread, and he dropped his scowl quicker than it had appeared.
It only took them twenty minutes before they cracked into the cooler, everyone satisfied with a drink in hand, and two failed attempts to go head-to-head in a shotgun contest with James left Sophie drunk within the hour. She had her sunglasses perched askew on her nose, eyes closed as she rested her head in Rafe’s lap, lying down on the seat next to him.
“This trip is good for you. I think this is the most relaxed I’ve seen you all year.” Julia commented, snapping a quick photo of the couple.
“I do feel very relaxed.” Sophie hummed, taking Rafe’s hand and starting to play with his fingers. “Hm. Relaxed. Relaxation. That’s nice.”
“You’re hammered.” Rafe pointed out, but looked down on her fondly. “I want you to eat soon.”
“Snacks.” She affirmed. “You’ll have to feed me. I’m not sure my jaw works anymore.”
James giggled, more tipsy than anything, but still lacked any filter. “Better for dick sucking.”
“Hey.” Rafe warned. “Watch your mouth.”
“Sorry. Just came out.” James shrugged, having zero remorse. “Can we go swimming? I wanna see dolphins. Do they have dolphins here?”
“Some dolphins. I’ll take you.” Their driver interjected, changing direction of their boat.
“Dolphins can travel up to 80 miles a day,” Allie informed them, confused when she got weird looks from the groups. “What? I’m from Florida, I wanted to be a dolphin trainer growing up. Everyone did.”
“Aw. You would have been good at that, Al.” Julia told her, topping off her drink. “Sophie, no sleeping.”
“M’ not sleeping.”
“No drunk napping.”
“M’ not drunk.”
“Well now you’re just lying.” Rafe told her with a smile, gently nudging her up. “C’mon, I need you to drink water for me. Have some snacks.”
“Here, Sophie.” Colin waved the bag of Sun Chips under her nose, grinning. “Try some. Yummy.”
She batted it away, frowning as she leaned back into Rafe. “Everyone leave me alone.”
He pushed her back upright immediately, ignoring her frown, and pressed a water bottle to her lips. “Drink.”
“Do the thing.” She lowered her voice, challenging him with a smirk.
“Sweetheart, I’m not gonna -”
“Then I’m not drinking.”
He sighed, resigned. “Drink water or I’m not letting you go out tonight.”
“Let me? You don’t let me do anything.” She argued, grabbing the water bottle away and took a long drink.
Rafe just nodded, clearly not in the mood for a fight. He knew Sophie was in charge of the relationship, but the second he said he wasn’t comfortable with something, she listened right away. “Okay. Sure.”
“Trouble in paradise,” James sing-songed, only to receive a glare from Sophie.
“You’re still on my hit list.”
“Me? What did I do?”
“You and Julia are on it.”
Julia sighed, glancing over. “You’re really still hung up on that?”
Sophie sat up a little more, her eyes lighting up, and Rafe braced for an argument. “I told you no -”
“And we’re both grown adults, Soph, we can make our own decisions -”
“You don’t even like him -”
“Ouch.” James mumbled, shrinking back into his seat as if he couldn’t be seen.
“Hey!” Allie clapped, standing and putting herself in between the girls. “Both of you, let it go. We’re not doing this again. Julia, drink more. Sophie, no more drinking.”
“But -”
“No.” She crossed her arms, staring them both down until they sighed, mumbling apologies. “Thank you.”
The boys all watched in silence, impressed, until Colin spoke up. “Right, well, I’m gonna go swim.” He and James nodded, jumping off the back of the boat, and Allie and Julia took a second but followed suit.
Sophie moved to join in until Rafe grabbed her around the waist, protective as he pulled her onto his lap. “Hey. You okay?”
“Yes. I feel good.” She promised, but couldn’t fully meet his gaze and was swaying with the rocking of the boat. “Can we go swim?”
“Will you wear a life jacket?”
“That’s embarrassing.”
“It’ll be more embarrassing if you drown.” He pushed her hair back, out of her face, and kissed her forehead. “You’re way too drunk right now, you’re making me nervous.”
She frowned, placing her hand on his cheek. “I make you nervous?”
“No, I’m just worried something’s gonna happen. Life jacket? Please?” He pulled it from under the seat, offering it to her.
Sophie rolled her eyes but let him put it on, strapping it tight across her chest for good measure. “Now can we go?”
He scooped her up with a grin and stood on the seat, ready to jump. “Now we can go.”
“No, Rafe - wait no!” She screamed, grabbing around his neck as he jumped into the water with her in his arms, plunging down and letting her go to float back up.
James snorted, splashing water toward her. “Nice life jacket.”
“I’d like a life jacket.” Allie interjected, closing her eyes and floating on her back. “Wouldn’t have to do any work.”
“Hold on - Allie, are you high?” Colin questioned, swimming closer and poking her arm. She’d only had half of a drink since they were on the boat, but was still acting strange and zoned out the whole day.
“Carlos gave me an edible. I ate it before we got on the boat.” She mumbled in reply. “I have more if you want it.”
“You took sketchy drugs from a sketchy guy?!” Colin exclaimed, much louder than necessary.
Rafe swam over with a frown, shaking his head like a dog. “Who’s taking drugs?”
“The bartender -”
“Carlos.” Allie corrected.
“The bartender gave Allie drugs.” Colin cut her off. “And now she’s high and probably something else.”
Rafe cocked his head, looking over Allie. “Al? You good?”
“I feel nice.” She replied, moving to tread water and smiled at them. “So nice.”
“Jesus Christ.” Colin cursed, while Rafe kicked him under the water.
Julia swam over, tugging Sophie’s hand to drag her along. “Oh, it’s finally kicking in?”
“You knew?” Rafe questioned, pulling Sophie into his arms as she tried to be subtle and unclip the life jacket.
“Of course I knew.” Julia replied. “Don’t freak out, I looked at it, it’s fine.”
“Oh, you looked at it, great. Thanks, Julia, I didn’t know you were the resident expert on drugs.” Colin huffed.
“Just weed, actually, I haven’t done anything else -”
James seemed to finally realize the whole group was congregated instead of doing their own thing, like he was. He swam under the water, grabbing Rafe’s ankle - who immediately screamed like a child and kicked James in the face. James bobbed up straightaway with his hand clapped to his nose and blood trickling from it like a leaky faucet. “What the fuck?!”
“Why’d you grab me?!” Rafe defended, letting go of Sophie. “This is on you.”
James launched himself onto Rafe, grabbing at him, and the two promptly started wrestling in the water, despite everyone’s protests. Colin stuck his arm in between them to break them up after a few minutes, tugging Rafe off of James and being careful not to hit James’ nose again. “Hey! Hey. Everyone back on the boat.”
“C’mon, Colin.” James argued, but hauled himself back up onto the boat anyways when Colin tapped his watch and reminded them all of their dinner reservations.
Once they all clambered back onto the boat and James had a towel and a can of beer pressed to his nose, the boat driver started taking them back to the shore. Sophie had sobered up somewhat and Allie was asleep with her head in Julia’s lap, with Julia absent-mindedly stroking her hair. “Hey, Rafe? Do you have any good recs for somewhere we could go for dinner?”
Rafe furrowed his brow, confused. “We’re going to dinner tonight, what do you mean?”
“No, no, tomorrow. I was thinking it could be just the girls, you guys could do something else -”
“No.” He replied, firm. “None of you are going anywhere alone. I don’t trust any of you when you’re drinking.”
Allie stirred, finally opening her eyes as she’d been listening in on the conversation. “We could invite Carlos to chaperone,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, I’m sure he’d love to tag along. Drag you into some trafficking ring too.” Colin grumbled.
James pulled the towel away from his face, confused. “So that’s a no to guy’s night?”
“No one is splitting up.” Rafe insisted, firm, and reached over to press the towel back to James’ nose.
Sophie cocked her head at her boyfriend. “Where is this coming from?”
“Look, I don’t even let Sarah go out alone here, and we’ve been coming here for years, she knows this place like the back of her hand. I don’t want something to happen to you guys.” He slung his arm around Sophie’s shoulders, pulling her close. “Any of you. I mean it.”
“Man, even my own father isn’t this protective.” Julia remarked casually, then immediately regretted it upon seeing Rafe’s wince. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. But that’s final say.”
“Okay, got it.” Julia raised her hands in defense. “So. Back to Carlos. Do you think he’d get all of us drugs if we had a threesome with him?” She suggested, only for everyone to stare blankly at her. “Oh my god, I’m just asking. It’s not like I suggested meth.”
“Who’s in the threesome?” James questioned, cocking his head.
Julia ignored him, barreling on. “That’s, like, an appropriate thing to ask, right? It feels like an island vibe. He’s gotta know where to get something.”
“Something.” Rafe repeated.
“Yeah.” She directed her question back toward him. “Hypothetically, if he could get us coke, would you say no? That’s like a rich person drug.”
“Rafe hasn’t done coke.” Sophie interrupted, assuredly, then frowned as Rafe seemed contemplative. “Right?”
“...No. Had to think. Been in the room, though, so probably got something secondhand.”
“That’s literally not how coke works.” Julia dismissed.
“I wouldn’t. I’m pretty sure that ruins the lining of your nose.” James supplied helpfully - Julia nodded in agreement, considering this newfound information.
“I’d consider doing molly.” Colin added. “But not from him.”
“Oh, like that makes a difference.” Allie deadpanned, always quick with the comeback while the rest of the group registered their surprise, because - Colin? Drugs? Two words that didn’t go together.
“It does, actually, but I get drug tested at NASA every single week, so.” Colin shrugged. “Not worth losing my future job.”
“Right. No one answered my question.” Julia sighed. “I’m open to a threesome with Allie or James. Rafe and Sophie, you’re out. Colin, I -”
“Yeah. Agreed.” Colin nodded, then hurriedly added, “I’m not saying I’m down for a threesome -”
“Hold on, why are we out?” Sophie frowned. “We’re hot.”
“Neither of you would share. It wouldn’t be fun.” James pointed out, only for Julia to nod enthusiastically in agreement.
“Exactly. You two are too, like, in love or whatever. It’s sick.”
“We would be great in a threesome.” Sophie argued, crossing her arms.
“You are too damn competitive.” Rafe mumbled to himself, shaking his head. “No one is having a threesome, no one is doing drugs. Not until we’re back under American laws. I’m not bailing anyone out of jail here.”
“Boo, Dad.” James grumbled, making Sophie lean toward him and raise her hand.
“James -”
“Okay, Sophie, chill, you can be the only one to call him Daddy -”
“Oh god, gross -”
“Home again!” Their driver announced with a grin, bumping the boat a little against the dock. The group snapped to attention, with James and Colin grabbing the coolers and Rafe helping the girls off the boat. He clapped the driver on the back as he was last to get off, murmuring something in his ear and slipped a wad of cash into his hand.
After dinner, the group was dropped back at the house with the same driver they’d had all week, who now knew them all by name and knew way too much gossip about each of them. He knew that Rafe always sat in the front, the girls crammed into the back and James and Colin shared the middle, unless the girls were too drunk to crawl all the way back safely, and the boys would trade. They were all tired from a long day in the sun and agreed to call it with a lowkey night back at the house.
Once they’d all changed into comfier clothes, rather than how they dressed up for dinner, they congregated in the living room, sprawled out on the couches.
“All right, games. I have...uh…” Rafe rifled through the cabinet under the television, coming up short with only a deck of cards. “There’s just this and a poker set. We didn’t exactly play family games growing up.”
“That’s alright. We can play B.S.” Julia concluded, clapping her hands together with a grin.
“Last time we played B.S. it ended in a screaming match, and you and Colin didn’t talk for a week.” Allie reminded her, wary. Drunken card games in their group usually resulted in made-up rules that were only kept on track if someone wrote down the rules to lock down any possible room for arguments.
James and Sophie returned from the kitchen with two bottles of Sprite, two bottles of lemonade, a handle of vodka and six shot glasses. “Okay! Ready!”
“What the - guys, I said a chill game night.” Rafe raised his eyebrows as Sophie passed out the shot glasses.
“Yeah, we decided it’s our only senior spring break so we want to enjoy it.” Sophie told him, smacking a kiss to his cheek. “We’re playing B.S? Whose rules?”
“Normal rules, for the first round. Second round everyone adds a rule as you get away with bullshit.” Julia declared, shuffling and dealing the cards out to everyone with a surprising amount of skill. “Next birthday goes first, and if you don’t get away with it you have to take a shot. Or chug your drink for five seconds?”
“That’s me. And player’s choice, I think.” Sophie decided, sitting up and angling her cards away from everyone, looking a little too contemplative. She placed her card down, and Colin immediately shook his head. “Bull.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Take the shot, Sophie.” Colin insisted, flipping her card to reveal a jack instead of the needed 2.
“Fuck.” She muttered, following suit.
Rafe shoved her cup of water closer to her before she could pour herself a vodka lemonade instead, shaking his head. “You’re not even sober right now. Finish this first.”
“It’s alright, I’m fine.” She waved him off. “You’re next.”
The game continued on, escalating dramatically as they kept playing. By the time the first big bullshit was called, Allie had to accept at least 30 cards, the group had all taken at least one shot, Julia had been banished to the corner for a whole round, James was wearing Julia’s pink sunglasses upside down and Rafe had made out with Sophie three times, due to a rule he’d made up.
“Total bullshit.” Allie giggled as James placed five cards down at once on top of a huge stack. She was rivaling Sophie for drunkest of the group by far, slumped on the couch with her arms wrapped around one of the pillows as she wore a happy grin.
“Is not.”
“Is too!”
“Challenge!” Julia exclaimed, setting up two cups at the end of the table and handed them each a ping pong ball. (No one was sure when this was added to the rules, but everyone accepted it easily.) “Ladies and gentlemen, please stand.”
The two stood and took each other’s hands, laughing as they followed the customary pre-pong rule of spinning each other three times before taking their aim. “That was four! That was four.” Allie protested, having to grab James’ arm for balance as the room spun behind her eyes. “You need an extra spin.”
“Wait, dude, you put five down.” Colin pointed out, cocking his head. “Fucking idiot, take the cards.”
“Julia said challenge!”
“But you cheated!”
“The whole point of the game is cheating, dumbass!” James retorted, shaking his head. “She said challenge!”
“I said challenge!” Julia cried out, tapping her shot glass against the glass table to regain order. “Now throw.”
Both of them missed their mark terribly, James’ ball falling short and Allie accidentally nailing Rafe in the forehead with hers. “Sorry! Shit, sorry!”
“Oh, no, baby, are you okay?” Sophie asked worriedly, smoothing her hand over Rafe’s forehead as she combed through his hair with her fingers.
“I’m fine. I’m not sober.” He replied, humming with a smile as he leaned into her touch.
Everyone stared at the two of them with grins as they realized Rafe’s mistake in his own rule that he’d made up. The couple took too long to realize, slowly glancing around at the group. “What?” Sophie asked, sitting up straight. “What happened?”
“James missed the shot.” Colin grinned at Rafe, way too smug. “Pucker up.”
Rafe’s face dropped as it clicked for him - he’d made up the rule that a missed shot from falling short meant that person had to make out with the player who’d gone before for at least two minutes. It was a carefully calculated rule, he’d played pong with everyone in the group countless times and knew that everyone besides Sophie tended to overshoot, almost every single time.
James laughed at Rafe’s expression, crooking a finger toward him. “Come here, buddy. Do you want me to get chapstick? Soph, do you have chapstick?”
“Do I have to?” Rafe groaned, standing up and striding over to sit next to James on the couch.
“It’s your rule.” Julia pointed out. Sophie shrugged in agreement, not quite putting together all the pieces.
“I’m really honored to be doing this with you, seriously.” James joked. “Sophie, can I touch him?”
“Just the head.”
Julia snorted, and she and James exchanged equally delighted grins at Sophie’s accidental innuendo.
Colin pulled up the timer on his phone, flashing it toward them. “Okay...alright. Whenever you’re ready.”
“Fucking hell.” Rafe sighed, but leaned in to make the first move, eager to get it over with. Both of them had their eyes closed and the kiss was relatively tame, albeit impossibly long.
“Oh.” Sophie murmured quietly, unsure how she felt, but uttered a warning “hey” when James’ hand automatically went to Rafe’s face. She decided she felt mainly neutral about it, but would be a lot more neutral if it was James and Colin kissing instead.
Julia was quiet for the first time all night, unable to tear her eyes away as she watched. Allie couldn’t resist a quick photo but giggled, hiding her face in Colin’s shoulder.
“Hey. Hey! Hey!” Sophie yelled the second the timer went off, leaning over and grabbing at Rafe’s arm to tear him away. “No more.”
James had his eyes closed and had unconsciously chased Rafe’s lips with his as they were pulled apart, but made a show of wiping his mouth afterward. “Okay. Well. Mark that under something I thought I’d never do.”
“And you’ll never do it again, so I hope you enjoyed it.” Sophie scowled, wrapping her arms around Rafe from behind and pulled him back to lean against her chest. “Stupid fucking rule, Rafe.”
“Sorry. Wasn’t thinking.” Rafe laughed, clearly unbothered as he tilted his head to press a short kiss to Sophie’s neck.
She grasped his head in both her hands, leaning down to press a sound kiss to his lips, as if it was a mark of ownership. “There. No one kiss my boyfriend again, I’m getting more snacks.” Sophie declared, getting up and heading into the kitchen.
“I don’t know about y’all, but I’m lowkey horny right now.” Julia muttered much louder than she intended.
“Thanks for sharing, Jules.” Allie laughed.
Julia glanced toward James with a desperate look, pressing her legs together. “Are we done playing? Or do you guys want to keep going?”
Oblivious as always, James shrugged, unfazed, moving back to his seat beside Julia. “Whatever you want. I’m down to keep playing.”
“Fuck, I need to get laid.” Julia mumbled much quieter so only he could hear, and he straightened up immediately like a bolt of lightning had shot up his spine.
“Actually, I’m good. Tired, actually. Yeah. I’m gonna - yeah.” He stood, offering his hand to Julia. “You look tired too.”
“Guys.” Rafe warned, glancing toward the kitchen where Sophie was still raiding the cabinet for any leftover snacks.
“Night, y’all.” Julia grinned, ignoring Rafe’s warning as the two strode off hand in hand to Julia’s room, making sure to go around so Sophie wouldn’t catch them.
Rafe sighed, but bit back a smile as he saw a dirty text pop up from Sophie, with a very detailed idea of how they could use up the rest of the whipped cream in the fridge. “Alright. Night, guys.” He promptly got up and left, leaving Colin and Allie alone.
“And then there were two.” The tension hung thick in the air as Allie leaned on Colin, giggly. “Fuck, I am so drunk.”
“Yeah?” He didn’t dare move, especially as she took his arm into her lap and started tracing lines as she connected freckles on his skin.
“I think I’m gonna call the bartender.”
“No you’re not.” Colin frowned, shaking his head. “No. You need sleep.”
She yawned, blinking up at him. “I’m pretty sure my room’s occupied.”
“You can take my bed.” He offered immediately, resisting the weird urge to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “It’s fine.”
“Where are you gonna sleep?” She asked, reaching up and tracing her finger along his cheekbone. “Your eyes are pretty, did you know that? You have a freckle in your right eye.”
“A freckle?” He smiled. “I’m not sure that’s right.”
“It is.” She insisted. “I can go in your bed?”
“Yeah, I’ll take the couch.”
“Okay.” She agreed right away, hauling herself up. “I gotta brush my teeth.”
“Good thing your bathroom’s shared with mine.” Colin reminded her, following her down the hallway. “Unless you really want to go into your room while...that’s going on.”
“No, thank you.” She shook her head quickly, stretching and nearly smacking him in the face. “Sorry! Sorry.”
“It’s alright, just be careful.” He laughed, ushering her into the bathroom. “Do your thing, I’ll fix my bed.”
They’d all changed into comfortable clothes and showered before playing the game, anticipating intoxication, but Colin still wished he had a reason to offer her something of his to wear to bed. He re-made his bed, even fluffing the pillow, before tugging on a hoodie.
Allie returned a few minutes later, giving him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Colin.” She touched his arm as she passed, crawling into bed.
“Of course. No problem. Yell if you need something, yeah?” He told her, smiling back before leaving and turning out the light, resigned to a night on the couch.
taglist: @drewstarkey @lemur46 @jjmaybanksbaby @edgeofgr8 @quxxnxfhxll @obxtess @hoodpankow @vtgirl802 @outerbankies @messagesinthesky @nicolecarsley @svechnikolan @ilovejjmaybank @obxtess @abbyj1822 @oopsiedoopsie23 @g4bster @jjmaybankzz @freddymaybank @dontjinx-it @illbesafeforyou @moniamaybank @tovvaa @jailcalledlife @sunshineitsfine44 @randomficsandshit @outerbankspreferences @outerbanksbro @karsinner @kkmaybank @whoeveniskendall @lemur46 @outerbankies
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mickey-millagher · 3 years
At long last she’d found aunt Ginger’s body, just the latest of Frank’s many mistakes that she’d had to take care of over the years. Least with the body located she could finally have a moment of peace before the next disaster hit, Fiona thought as she made her way up to steps to the kitchen.
She opened the door.
Mickey Milkovich was bleeding out of his ass onto her countertop.
So much for a moment of peace.
“Ian what the fuck?” She yelled over the yelps coming from the teenage thug being operated on by... Jimmy’s dad.
“I can explain this.” Came Ian’s earnest reply.
Yeah he better have a fucking good explanation to boot, Fiona thought before noticing the woman standing in her living room.
After that in the chaos of having the kids yet again taken away from her, their home and each other. Finding out why Mickey Milkovich was bleeding out in her kitchen didn’t seem very important.
The house was quiet at last, Debbie, Carl and Liam finally being convinced to get some sleep after hours of celebrating their win at count. Jimmy had turned in hours before hand but Fiona couldn’t make herself stick to the kids bedtimes tonight. She knew it probably wasn’t the best start to her guardianship but she’d missed her kids so much and it wasn’t a school night, one late night wouldn’t hurt.
She smiled over at Ian as he crashed back down onto the sofa, handing her one of the beers he’d gone to get from the kitchen, leaving the second on the coffee table for Lip once he returned from the toilet, and opening the third himself.
“Good to be home?”
“Yeah, definitely beats the group home.”
That wasn’t a surprise, she’d spent time in group homes herself, back when she was still considered a kid. They’d been horrible enough but had nothing on what she’d heard about Gunderson House.
“So you still owe me an explanation.”
Ian blinked at her, clearly confused.
“Why the hell was Mickey Milkovich of all people basically being operated on in my kitchen?”
In the weeks since her kids had been taken, there had been a lot more pressing issues on Fiona’s mind than the shot up Milkovich kid. But now that things were settled she wanted answers. Answers it seemed her little brother was reluctant to give if the look on his face was anything to go by.
Ian looked away from her, shrugging.
“It’s kinda a long story.”
“You said you could explain.” Fiona said, reaching over to nudge him slightly. “Well I want that explanation.”
Ian looked up at her then, thats when she realised he’d looked away to hide the tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
“I’m kinda tired, can we talk about this another time?” It was a question but his voice cracked slightly at the end and he was moving to get up before he’d even finished the sentence.
Fiona wasn’t an idiot, she knew her brothers hid things from her. Honestly there was a whole lot of things she was glad they didn’t talk to her about. Teenage boy stuff she really didn’t need to know. Ian especially, for a kid who’d always worn his heart on his sleeve, had always been good at keeping his cards close to his chest. Fiona had hoped that after he’d felt comfortable to come out to her, that he’d start to let her in, just a little bit more, talk to her about the important things he’d kept hidden away. That hadn’t happened, if anything he was pulling further away. She worried that soon he’d be lost to her completely.
“Hey.” She reached out grabbing his arm. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing, just tired, it’s been a long day.” He attempted to smile but it seemed off, fake instead of his usual big dopey grin. Thinking about it, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen it.
“Ian I changed your shitty diapers, you honestly think I can’t tell when you’re lying?”
Ian let out a breath and dropped back down onto the sofa. She could see Lip, standing in the shadows of the kitchen, concerned, ready to jump in to help their brother, same as always. If even Lip didn’t know what was going on with Ian, it had to be bad. She shook her head slightly at Lip, telling him to stay put, the more people the less likely it was that Ian would open up, and she was really starting to get a bad feeling.
“Come on Sweetface, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, I’m handling it okay?”
“Can’t be nothing if there’s something to handle. You know you can talk to me.”
Ian looked at her for a second. “Yeah I know.” He paused for a second, maybe debating finally opening up to his sister. “I’m gonna turn in, night.”
“Ian wait a second.”
Ian didn’t reply, his back already disappearing up the stairs.
Fiona turned towards Lip who’d slowly made his way into the room while Ian had ran upstairs.
“You know what’s going on with him?”
“No, he seemed fine, well about a week ago he came back with bruises and seemed a little shaken up, wouldn’t talk about it but he seemed okay the next day so.”
Fiona frowned, turning to look once again to the stairs, up which where her little brother had just gone. Something was definitely going on with him, it was only a question of if he’d ever let her know what.
It was the sixth day in a row that she’s visited Ian at the Milkovich house. Six days since she got an early release, only to get home to find her brother practically comatose in Mickey’s bed. She still didn’t quite understand what was going on between the two teenagers, just that when Ian came home, Mickey came with him. And now that Ian was sick, the Milkovich was saying Ian was his family and refusing to let him leave. Not that there was much of a chance of moving Ian, getting him to the bathroom was hard enough, let along the few blocks to the Gallagher house. Still she didn’t trust Mickey to be able to take care of him, family or not. So everyday she came over, brought him food, spent hours sitting with him, trying to get him to talk. All the things she’d long since given up doing for Monica. All the things she couldn’t imagine giving up on for Ian.
She eased the door open, no one without a death wish would dare steal from the Milkoviches so the front door was almost always unlocked. She could see a few Milkovich siblings or cousins, she was never sure which, while on her way to Mickey’s bedroom but didn’t pay them much mind, they weren’t who she was here for.
The door to Mickey’s room was slightly ajar, letting Fiona see into the room without making her presence known.
“Come on man you gotta eat something.” Mickey was crouched down on the far side of the bed, a bowl and spoon clutched in his hands.
“Not hungry.”
It was crazy how those two words made Fiona’s heart soar. They weren’t positive but Ian had made such few acknowledgments of them over the past week that it still felt like improvement.
“Couple of spoonfuls and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Ayy Mickey get out here, need your opinion on something.” Came a yell from the living room.
Mickey looked up from the redhead, locking eyes with his boyfriend’s sister from across the room, but seemingly unsurprised to find her there.
“Can I try?” She asked tentatively, not wanting to cause Mickey to have another outburst, not with Ian so vulnerable in the room
Mickey shrugged. “Sure.” He replied, leaving the bowl and spoon on the side table before leaving to settle whatever his family had going on.
“Hey Ian, how’re you feeling today?” She asked taking Mickeys spot on the floor.
Ian just blinked back at her before slowly closing his eyes completely
“Things seem kinda crazy around here, guess crazy just goes with the Milkoviches. Follows them around or something. You know crazy, like that time Mickey was bleeding out in the kitchen. Seems almost like it could be a normal occurrence here, that why I never got an explanation?” Fiona forced a little laugh at the end, she was trying to keep all her interactions with Ian upbeat in the hope in might help him. It hadn’t so far.
“M tired Fi.”
“That’s what you said last time I ask you know.”
Ian made no move to acknowledge she’d spoken that time, a reaction she was slowly getting used to.
“Okay you don’t wanna talk. Can you eat something for me?”
She didn’t get a response that time either.
It was hard to believe this was going to be the last time she sat around this table, in this kitchen, having dinner with her family like she had so many times before. She may have moved out two years ago but the time she’d spent here, growing up and raising her siblings alongside her, was never something she would fully leave behind. Even if now they were selling the house, all of them moving on with their lives like she’d chosen herself when she’d left.
“The amount of shit this kitchen has seen, hope the new owners have bleach.” Lip said with a laugh.
“I feel like I’ve got to ask, but do you mean actual shit?”
“What no, well probably not.”
“Cousin Patrick did leave that toilet in the middle of the living room.” Debbie pointed out.
“Okay maybe actual shit.”
Mickey wrinkled his nose. “You said my house was bad.”
“Like you haven’t left you’re mark on the kitchen, I came home to you bleeding out on the countertops once.”
“Oh fuck yeah, still got the scars from that shit. If I’d been allowed to take my guns.” He paused to glare at his husband. “Then none of that would have happened.”
“How was I suppose to know the drunk old lady had a shotgun?”
“It was your fucking heist, you’re meant to find this shit out!”
“Wait so that’s what happened, you were breaking in somewhere and he got shot?”
Ian shrugged. “Ned asked me to steal some stuff from his wife’s house. Didn’t think anyone would get hurt.”
“Well you thought wrong.” Mickey huffed.
“Aww poor baby.” Ian cooed, putting a hand around Mickey to pull him over and kiss the side of his head. Mickey seemed to be trying to keep glaring throughout but a slight smile broke through. The stability the two of them seemed to have these days was a welcome surprise for Fiona when she’d arrived the day before, she hadn’t been fully sure what to expect from the renewed relationship between the two of them but it looked like this time for the most part the two of them had their act together.
“Wait who’s Ned?” Liam asked.
Ian opened his mouth to speak but Lip beat him to it.
“Ned was this old dude that Ian was banging back in the day to make Mickey jealous. He was also the dad of Fiona’s boyfriend at the time.”
“Thanks for that Lip.”
“I wasn’t fucking jealous.”
“I regret asking.”
The three replies came at the same time, sparking more voices to keep talking over each other and several conversations spiralling at once.
Fiona leaned back, not quite wanting to participate right now, just wanting to bask in the warmth of the chaos of her family home one last time. And processing that finally she got that long ago promised explanation, maybe not quite worth the wait, it was still nice to finally know.
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The Ultimatum
AN: I cast Nadia Hilker as Artemis, but y’all can use anyone you want. I just kinda took reference from her look as Luna from The 100. Also I know Artemis has green eyes, I just changed it a little. Also in this chapter Diana and Kara are starting to form that Mother/Daughter bond cause they’re gonna need that shit in the future chapters. Also feel free to give suggestions for the story and I’d love to her your feedback. 
1,560+ words (lmao)
Chapter 3
A few days later and Diana, accompanied by the 3 Kryptonians were in a jet, graciously offered by Bruce, headed to Paris after Diana offered to take them in. Kal and Y/K/N, now named Clarke Calvin Prince and Y/N M/N Prince respectively, according to the fake documents Bruce made for them, were both given window seats and were marveling at the sight with big curious eyes, their faces pressed up against the glass. 
“We’ll be landing in a few minutes so make sure you have all your things” Diana called out from the cockpit.
 As soon as the jet landed, they were escorted into Diana’s car where they were taken to a nice duplex apartment. Though when Kara hesitated before stepping into the elevator, Diana quickly took action and lead them to the stairs. It wasn’t like they would get tired easily from it. So with that in mind, Kara insisted on carrying what little luggage they had, as well as the box they had filled with things from their pod. While Diana had Kal in her arms, while Y/N was perched on her shoulders as she happily babbled on with Kal whilst playing with Diana’s hair. 
 When they reached Diana’s floor, they were then directed to one of the doors there where they waited on Diana to unlock the door. As soon as they entered, they were engulfed in a welcoming atmosphere that brought comfort to Kara despite being in an unfamiliar environment. Unlike Wayne Manor, which felt dark and gloomy, whereas Diana’s apartment was light and gave her a feeling of a home filled with joy and love.
 She was brought out of her musings by a woman emerging from around a corner. She had curly copper hair that went down her shoulders, playful hazel-brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, and like Diana, she was tall and had a slim, yet muscular physique. She was wearing a white tank top with dark grey sweatpants. Though as soon as her eyes landed on Diana, the playful glint in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with fury.
“Diana” The woman said with a stern glare, crossing her arms together, which made Diana gently place Y/N on her feet and passing a sleeping Kal in Kara’s arms.
“Hello, my love” Diana answered with a sheepish smile on her face as she crossed the space between them to embrace the other woman, only for her to step away.
“Don’t ‘Hello, my love’ me Diana. You disappear for almost a week without telling me. Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“I know and I’m sorry, my love” Diana said with a pout. Meanwhile, Kara was watching them amusedly and was occasionally taking in the place that would now be their home. She was interrupted by Diana calling her name and beckoning her over. “Love, this is Kara, the children are Y/N and Kal, Kara’s sister and cousin. They were the ones I told you about. Kara this is my wife, Artemis of Bana-Maghdall” she said. Artemis’s eyes softened as she looked at Kara, though as Kara studied her closer, she noticed that those eyes weren’t filled with pity like she thought, instead they showed understanding, much like J’onn and Diana, which Kara was thankful for. 
Just then they noticed Y/N walking over to them, well, mostly Kara, hiding behind her with her head peeking out. Artemis bent down to her height and smiled invitingly at her.
“Y/N say ‘hi’, her name’s Artemis” Kara whispered over to her. Y/N stepped out from behind Kara and smiled that charming little smile of hers before greeting her. 
“Aren’t you just adorable?” Artemis cooed, and though Y/N couldn’t understand much yet, her smile only widened at the attention she was receiving which made them all chuckle. 
 “Why don’t we show you your rooms” Diana offered with a smile. With a nod from Kara, they lead the 3 Kryptonians to each of their rooms. “You can decorate them any way you want, if you’d like we can make a trip to the store tomorrow”. They lead Kara to her room last.
“Thank you, Diana, Artemis. Goodnight” she said with a small smile and a nod before closing the door.
 Diana was awoken by sobs sounding from down the hall. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and carefully pushed Artemis’ arm off her, silently praying that she wouldn’t wake up as she got up off the bed. She grabbed a robe and wrapped it around herself before making her way down to where the sobs were coming from, which turned out to be Kara’s room.
She couldn’t really be surprised as she was expecting this. During their stay at the Wayne Manor, she noticed Kara mostly focusing on getting a hold of her powers to distract her. She remembered how often she found her in Bruce’s lab in the middle of the night and in early mornings. 
She walked up to the door and knocked softly before slowly pushing the door open and peeking her head through. She found Kara curled up her bed, one of the pillows clutched in her embrace. She immediately made her way to her and sat by Kara, trying to coax her into sitting up. When she did, she brought her into a hug. In an attempt to bring the girl more comfort, she hummed the song her mother always used to sing to her as a child. 
When Kara’s sobs subsided into hiccups and sniffles she pulled her away from her softly. She laid her down onto the bed and brushed the hair away from her face with a sad smile. She knew that this was just the beginning of a long journey of healing for the poor girl. She vowed that she’d be there every step of the way for her.
“Thank you, Diana” Kara whispered in a broken voice, her voice hoarse from crying.
“Anything for you, little one” Diana whispered back. This only brought on a new wave of tears for Kara as her lips wobbled. Diana panicked, not understanding what she did wrong. She tried shushing the girl and whispering her comforting things. 
“My aunt Astra used to call me that” she confessed.
“Oh sweetheart” 
 “It’s fine. I just miss her so much” she answered.
 “Do you want to tell me about her?” Diana asked, receiving a nod in reply as Kara sat up, hugging her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them.
“Her name was Astra Ze. She became head of house when her father, my grandfather, stepped down from the position, and since she was the older twin, the title went to her. She was my mother’s twin, the only way you could tell them apart was by the white streak in aunt Astra’s hair.” Kara said with a sad smile, “She was a high general. I have always admired her. I remember rushing from school to the training grounds each day and watching them train. Eventually, I started bugging her to train me, and I must have eventually wore her down as she started training me on my tenth name day. Oh I remember mother’s exasperation and father’s amusement when I told them she had begun training me” she chuckled, reminiscing. This caused Diana to smile as well, noticing how similar Kara’s aunt was to her aunt Antiope.
 “I used to get so upset whenever she left with her army, so she gave me a spy beacon. It allowed us to send messages to each other, no matter where she was. And when she could, she’d always come when I called for her. And every time she came back home from her travels, she always had something to give me, a souvenir, and she’d tell me all about her trip.” This time Kara’s smile was filled with less sadness and more nostalgia, although the sadness was still lingering.
Diana hummed, “I knew someone like her. Her name was Antiope. Like your aunt Astra, she was a high general.”
“Really?” Kara asked curiously, tilting her head to one side, which Diana noticed she did a lot. It was cute. 
 Diana nodded, a fond, nostalgic smile on her face. “She was my aunt too. She was the one who taught me to fight to. She is one of the reasons I am who I am today. My mother never wanted me to learn how to fight, you see, so she was furious when she found me and Antiope training in one of the gardens that no one visited much” she chuckled.
“But were you people not warrior women?” Kara inquired, both confused and curious.
“They were. But that is a story for another time, sweet one” Diana said. She smiled, tucking Kara into bed. Before she left, she placed a kiss on her forehead after whispering a soft “Goodnight”. She exited the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
She was met in the hallway by Artemis, who had a soft smile on her face. She walked up to her and embraced her, Artemis returning. 
“Is Kara alright, love?” 
“She’s healing.”
“Then we’ll help her, in whatever way she needs us to” Artemis smiled. And there Diana’s heart melted, the woman never ceasing to amaze her as she fell even more in love with her. She gave her a quick kiss before leading her back to their bedroom for the night.
@madamevirgo , @black-dragon1998 , @marrymemcgrath 
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honeypirate · 4 years
Day Off pt 1
Toshinori Yagi/ All Might x Y/n
Pt two
This is definitely not how you thought your Saturday off was going to go.
You woke up early to head to the farmers market, you loved the crisp autum air and the sound of vendors. The farmers market was one of your favorite places to come and people watch, you found the nicest people here. You bought a cup of hot apple cider, some fresh veggies, and a bouquet of flowers before starting the walk back to your apartment. You were a couple doors down when you saw a big, deliciously handsome, back of a man with blonde hair.
Then you realized it was All Might.
Then you realized he was naked.
“Ma’am! If you could be of some assistance!” He says when he spots you. He was holding the tattered remnants of clothing around his privates “could I borrow your phone and maybe some sweats?” He laughed awkwardly and you couldn’t contain the laughter that took you over. You had tears in your eyes, “I’m sorry. I really am” laughter “I just” you snort laughed “I didn’t expect this. Please come inside, All Might” you laugh as you unlock your door and walk inside with him behind you. You clear your throat as you set your bags down on the counter. “Come with me and I’ll find you some clothes. Will you tell me what happened?” You walk into your bedroom and he follows you in an awkward waddle “well I was in an interview and I wasn’t in .. this state.. I usually wear big suits but this time I had on a tailored suit.. I was walking back to my place when a fan wanted a picture so when I used my quirk, my suit shredded from my body and I quickly ran, now naked and lost, and I lost my phone in the process. it was only a few minutes before you showed up and helped me. Which I am really grateful for and will repay you for your kindness” he says with a small bow with causes you to laugh again “well in case you’ll use your quirk again I’ll give you my comfiest favorite sweats, they are a big men’s size so you’ll be fine if any more fans want a picture. Personally I’d want a picture with you normal.” Shit was that insensitive? You were panicking, he was your favorite hero and you were nervous and you tried to play it cool “Not that you aren’t incredibly handsome and charming like this” you try to dig yourself out of this hole, kind of awkwardly word vomiting “all I am saying is, you’re amazing and handsome no matter what you look like.” You sigh and find the shirt you were looking for “I have men’s shirts that I sleep in so don’t worry about it beings girls.” You set the clothes down on the top of the dresser and turn to him with a smile trying to pretend you didn’t just call him handsome so many times, your face flushed and embarrassed “you can change in my room here or there is a bathroom across the hall. I’m going to be in the kitchen and oh” you pull your phone out of your back pocket “the passcode is 1489” you set the phone down too then you smile up at him and his heart stops at how beautiful you are to him. As you walk out of the room he says “I can’t thank you enough Ma’am.” You stop in the doorway, not looking back at him “Y/n! My name is f/n l/n. But since we met in these circumstances you can call me f/n” you laugh and then go out into the kitchen.
Toshinori -
The moment you left the room he let go of his big form and deflates. She had shocked him speechless with her cute awkwardness and how many times you called him handsome. In either state you think he’s handsome. His heart was out of control as he walked into the bathroom thinking about you. “This woman is most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’m standing in her bathroom putting on her clothing.” He whispers to his reflection in the mirror and noticed he was blushing. As he pulled on your favorite black sweats and a plain white shirt he noticed that he actually looks good in it, but he couldn’t help but think about seeing you in this outfit, knowing you’d look better in it than him. Even though it’s big sweats he finds himself wanting to get to see you in every aspect of life. Dressed up, dressed down, but with him. For him. He opens your phone and smiles at your phone background of you with a baby wearing a onesie that says “if you think I’m cute you should see my aunt” he makes his phone call to Nezu, saying he had a mishap and will be late back to the school and will explain everything then he called a cab to take him back. He then walked out into your kitchen a little nervous to see you again. “There you are” you said with a big smile when he came around the corner. And his heart stopped again. You looked at him with the same kind and accepting eyes as you did when he was big.
He came around the corner in his normal self and you realized that he was even more handsome now. “There you are” you felt butterflies in your chest which confused you. This was a retired pro hero, one who you always had a celebrity crush on, but you convinced yourself that there was no way after this experience that he’d ever think of you romantically, you laughed until you cried at him naked and then awkwardly word vomited about his looks. There’s no coming back from that. “You look better in those sweats than I do” you laugh and walk around the kitchen counter to stand in front of him “I’m sorry I don’t have any shoes that will fit you, are you still walking?” You asked and let your eyes take in his features. You feel lucky to see him up close and intimate like this. “No I uh. I called a cab they should be here soon” he hands you your phone “I cannot thank you enough. I’ll have your clothes dry cleaned and returned to you” you take your phone and your fingers brush, you swear you felt literal sparks “don’t worry about it really. You can keep the sweats when you eventually fall in love with their comfort like I did. I’ll get another pair. Do you want a drink or are you hungry or need anything else? Anything at all. My way of giving back to a hero” he can’t help but smile this whole time, you were so sweet and so accepting. He felt incredibly comfortable around you and he felt like he was home. “I’m always hungry but you don’t have to go out of your way for me any more than you already have” you laugh “All Might don’t worry about it. I have some cold soba that I made last night. It should be good. Take it with you” you get it out of the fridge and prepare it for him to go. “Toshinori Yagi, call me Yagi” you smile at him and he melts for the fifth time in the last thirty minutes he’s been in your home. “You know, you saved me once,” you began while tying up the food “I was on the train, I was the last one that you still went back to save. Just think of this as my way of repaying you for saving my life.” You hand him the package and he doesn’t know what to say. “Y/n..” the way he says your name brings your butterflies back to life in your belly but before he finishes your phone beeps with a text from the cab driver saying he was there. “Looks like it’s time to go” you say and walk him to the door “I’m really quite honored to have met you, I wish you didn’t have to go so soon I was really enjoying our time together” you rest your hand on his bicep as you say this, squeezing lightly and he feels sparks go up and down his arm “I feel the same” he says with a laugh “I didn’t expect today to go like this but I am very happy it did” his smile sets your heart ablaze and you wish you could see it every day as intimately as this “well” he noticed the change of slight sadness in your voice now “you better go, don’t miss your cab” you drop your hand and he misses the warmth and pressure “thank you again, y/n” he says and then he walks out of your apartment. You close the door and sit down on your couch, your apartment suddenly felt empty and lonely. You’re kicking yourself for not giving him your number. Your day goes by fairly quickly after that, met up with your sibling for dinner before getting ready for your night on patrol. You get to your job working with Gunhead’s agency and put on your hero costume which includes an ear piece that is a direct link back to the agency, your secretary giving you updates and forwarding calls to you there, a full face mask, and white thigh high reinforced boots that made you feel like kicking ass. You go out on your patrol, your area being a little smaller than usual tonight but you’re not complaining just feeling like it’s going to be a slow night.
A few hours into your patrol, around 8pm, your ear piece beeps before your secretary’s voice comes through “Manta! You have a phone call from your personal number” the secretary said over your ear piece. You press the little button on the side before telling her to patch them through. “Hello?” “Y/n! It’s All Might! Er, Toshinori Yagi. I was at your house today?” His voice made your heart race and he sounded nervous which caused you to chuckle at the cuteness. “Yes Yagi. I remember. How did you get my number?” You are a little confused. He used your phone but did he call himself?? “I just stopped by your place to drop off your clothes I dry cleaned and your neighbor gave me your number.” You smiled thinking fondly of your lovely elderly neighbor, Mrs. Lynn. “I told you that you could keep the sweats. I know you love them as much as I do” you heard his laugh and it made your chest warm “oh no you’re not getting those back” he jokes “I’m never taking them off” you laughter is his favorite sound now, he wants to live the rest of his life making you laugh as his calling. “That’s what I expected no worries.” You suddenly felt gutsy, you weren’t letting him get away again and you weren’t going to be disappointed because you didn’t make a move “Hey Yagi? How would you feel about getting breakfast with me in the morning? I’m on patrol right now but I want to see you again.” “That why I was calling you! I was gonna see if you wanted to get a late dinner with me now. But I guess that’s my answer” he chuckles “yea I’d really love to see you again.....Wait.....I didn’t recognize you today. What agency do you work with?” You laugh “Gunhead’s. You wouldn’t have recognized me. Well. Maybe my hair. I’m the number 13 hero” “YOU’RE MANTA?” He was so shocked “I thought that you’d wear your mask all the time. I have so many questions I can’t believe I met you I’m such a huge fan” he was talking so fast and you thought he was so cute. “I’ll answer all your questions tomorrow morning! eight am! there’s a good breakfast cafe that’s near my place, I’ll text you the address. But I unfortunately have to go back to work now” “I’m so excited I can’t believe the beautiful woman I met today is the amazing hero Manta. I’m so lucky! Okay I’ll meet you there Y/n. Be safe!” He called you beautiful and it made your heart skip and butterflies fill your chest “See you tomorrow, Yagi” you hang up with a laugh and then tou ask your secretary to text the cafe location to the number who called. You’re happy he called so quick, there was a part of you that thought he wouldn’t return or that he’d send back your stuff in the mail. This turned out a lot better than you thought it would and you couldn’t help but smile for the rest of your patrol.
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New Girl in Town || Sad Eyes
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Gif by @merakiaes
Request @princesamorenitaxo
Summary: There’s a new girl in town and Sad Eyes takes an interest in her but can he convince her that he is looking for more than just a hook up?
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1827
A/N: Tried our a different writing style, hope you like it! Really enjoyed writing this! Also had to throw my dream car in the story.
“Ya’ll see that new hyna that moved in down the street?” Joker said as he took a hit of his blunt. A few of the guys nodded to say they had seen her, Sad Eyes included.
He had watched the new girl move into Doña Maria’s house a few days ago. The first thing that had caught his eye was her car, a classic, cherry red, ’72 Chevelle. He watched as the car drove down the street and pulled into the driveway a few houses down, he continued to watch as the finest hyna he had ever seen stepped out of the driver’s side, pulled a suitcase out of the car and disappeared into the house. Sad Eyes had hoped to see her again, maybe he’d get a chance to actually talk to her.
“Yo there she is,” Joker said, pulling Sad Eyes back to the present. He watched the girl walking on the other side of the street, she was dressed for the warm weather in denim shorts and a tank top, and was walking with Doña Maria’s young daughter.
The guys started hollering at her causing her to glance over at them before tightening her grip on the younger girl and picking up her pace. Sad Eyes considered going over and trying to talk to her but before he could decide Oso had already started making his way across the street.
Sad Eyes couldn’t hear what was being said but he watched as the girl’s face went from passive to angry, she flipped Oso off before storming away. Oso made his way back to the front yard of the Santo house and sat on the beat up couch.
“Damn Oso, that hyna looked hella pissed what’d you say to her homes?” Sad Eyes asked.
Oso smirked as he answered, “I asked her when she was gonna let me get it in”
All of the guys laughed.
Y/N knew she should have listened to her aunt and taken her car to the store but it was only two blocks away and she had insisted on walking, getting familiar with the neighborhood she was now living in. So her and her younger cousin had started walking, she was completely oblivious to the yard full of men at least until they started hollering at her, attempting to get her attention. Then that guy just had to come up to her and tell her he could show her “a good time.” Y/N was pissed, normally she just brushed stuff like that off but he really had the nerve to say that shit in front of her 13 year old cousin.
The rest of the walk was quiet, Y/N trying to get control of her anger. They reached the store and walked inside, Y/N walked up and down the aisles placing things into her basket. After paying, the two girls began their trip back to the house. Y/N slowed her pace as they neared the corner, up ahead the same group of men were still sitting outside.
“We can go the long way if you want?” Y/N’s cousin, Celia, said looking at her.
“Do you want to take the long way?” Y/N asked.
Celia made a face, “Not really, but I know that guy made you mad.”
Y/N nodded her head but before she could respond somebody behind them called out “Celia!”
The girls turned to see two guys who looked to be around Celia’s age walking toward them. As they reached them the boys each hugged Celia.
“How’s eighth grade going?” The taller of the two asked.
“It’s alright, kind of boring without you guys around. How’s High school?” Celia said.
“It’s good” the boys said very quickly and as they avoided eye contact.
“Who’s your friend?” The shorter boy asked.
“This is my cousin Y/N. She just moved in with us a few days ago.” Celia said, smiling. She was really excited to have Y/N around, it was like having an older sister.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Ruben” the shorter kid said as he tried to kiss the back off Y/N’s hand.
“Stop it Ruby! I’m Cesar, nice to meet you” the other kid said as he smacked Ruby’s arm.
Y/N laughed at the kids and told them it was nice to meet them too. As a group they started walking home, Y/N not realizing they were going to pass the the Santo house until it was already too late. The catcalling started up again, but Y/N refused to look. The group listened as several guys shouted obscenities her way.
Cesar rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Well, I’ll see you guys, it was nice to meet you Y/N!”
Y/N watched as Cesar made his way across the street and sat on a couch in the front lawn, her eyes drifted over to the guy he sat next to. Their eyes met and he gave a soft smile and waved to her.
A deep voice on the other side of the yard called out, “damn Mami, why don’t you come hang for a minute?” Y/N looked to see the same guy who had tried to talk to her earlier. With a scowl on her face she flipped the guy off and stormed off toward her house, dragging Celia along.
Sad Eyes watched the girl grab her cousin and walk back toward their house. Sometimes he couldn’t help but admit that his homies were dicks. They were always talking about smashing some hyna and he had to admit that he acted the same way but this time it really bothered him, the way they talked about Y/N. Sad Eyes didn’t really know why he was so irritated, he didn’t even know the girl.
“I’m heading out, see ya compa.” Sad Eyes said to Spooky before getting in his car and driving home. He couldn’t get Y/N’s face out of his mind, she was definitely attractive and even when she was pissed she looked cute.
A few days later, Sad Eyes stopped by the corner store to pick up a few things. As he made his way down one of the aisles he heard the bell ring, signaling the door was opening. Sad Eyes glanced back at the door and watched Y/N walk into the store, she was wearing a simple yellow sundress.. Sad Eyes watched her make her way toward the back of the store where the cold stuff was kept. He made his way down the aisle until he was standing next to Y/N.
Sad Eyes cleared his throat, “Hey.” He said smiling at her.
Y/N glanced over at him, curiously at first then in irritation as she recognized him from the other day on the yard. “You come to ask me if I’m going to sleep with you too?” She said, crossing her arms.
Sad Eyes was shocked at her question and didn’t know how to respond. Y/N nodded her head, grabbed a six pack of Modelo and walked up to the cashier. Sad Eyes stared after her in shock at her bold question. As Y/N made her way toward the door Sad Eyes forced himself forward and went after her. He caught up to Y/N just as she was unlocking her car.
“I was actually wondering if you’d maybe want to go out sometime?” Sad Eyes said, shoving his hands into his pockets. He had no idea why he was so nervous, maybe it was the intensity in the way Y/N was staring at him.
“Oh really?” Y/N said as she turned to face him, she raised an eyebrow, “you also wondering if I put out on a first date?”
At Sad Eyes’ silence Y/N continued, “cause the answer is no, I don’t. So there’s no need for you to waste your time.” She turned back to her car.
Sad Eyes moved closer, “or maybe I was just wondering if you’d like to get dinner, and maybe give me a chance to get to know you?” He said.
Y/N laughed, “get to know me? Nah I don’t think so.”
“So you don’t want to go out?” Sad Eyes asked. He was kind of hurt at her rejection.
“Why should I? What makes you any different from your little homies?” Y/N asked, curiosity getting the best of her. She couldn’t help but wonder why he was still talking to her after she’d made it clear she wasn’t going to put out.
“Cause I think you’re cute and we could have a lot of fun together.” Sad Eyes said, shrugging, hands still stuffed in his pockets.
Y/N scoffed, “that doesn’t sound like it makes you any different to me.” As she opened her car door, Y/N heard Sad Eyes mumble something else. “What was that?” She said looking back at him. Sad Eyes avoided her gaze and instead stared down at the ground. “What’d you say?” She asked again.
Sad Eyes looked up at Y/N, he used one hand to nervously rub the back of his neck. Finally he spoke, “I said you make me hella nervous but I’d like to get to know you better.”
Y/N’s face softened a bit, maybe she had judged this guy a little too quickly, “Friday night” she said.
“What?” Sad Eyes said, looking confused.
“You can pick me up for our date Friday night” Y/N said.
“Really?” Sad Eyes said, a smile forming on his face.
“Yes, really.” Y/N said as she started getting into her car.
Sad Eyes turned to leave but then remembered, “wait,” he said, “maybe we should exchange numbers?”
Y/N nodded her head and held out her phone. Sad Eyes walked over and grabbed it out of her hand an gave his to her so she could add her number.
After handing their phones back, Y/N looked down at his contact in her phone “Sad Eyes?” She said in a questioning tone.
“Yeah that’s me” he said smiling at her.
“You got a real name, cause I know your mama didn’t name you that” Y/N said, laughing.
Sad Eyes laughed along with Y/N, “yeah, uh it’s Antonio” he said.
Y/N smiled, “Antonio,” she said, testing the name out, “I like it. It fits you”
Sad Eyes smiled back at Y/N and moved closer to her car. He was excited she agreed to go out with him but nervous at the idea of planning something good enough to impress her and maybe make her want a second date. He couldn’t believe he was already thinking about a second date, and a third, hell a whole relationship with this girl he barely knew, all he had to do was get her to believe he was serious about this, that it could be more than just sex for him.
He reached his hand out and brushed a few loose strands of Y/N’s hair back behind her ear, “Friday, Hermosa.” And with that he watched as she drove off, out of the parking lot, he couldn’t wait for Friday.
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@simply-skin-deep @briannab1234 @trulysuccubus @princesamorenitaxo @bbgisgolden
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simsadventures · 4 years
Only Mine: Chapter 10: The Question
Summary: You want spend precious time with Natasha, who you haven’t seen in a while. Then an idea pops into your head, and Bucky is more than happy to oblige, before he asks you some important questions.
Warnings: implied smut, phone sex (MUST BE 18+ TO READ THE PART BETWEEN WARNINGS) fluff, swearing, mafia AU
Word Count: 3551
A/N: I feel like I haven’t updated in forever, so sorry for that. Not too much is happening here, I’m more preparing my ground for what is about to come next. Hope you’ll enjoy it nevertheless. Tell me what you thought, you guys! I love this series so much, tbh xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
It was not that you didn’t enjoy your time at the mansion. You surely did, but after a few days (because of course Bucky didn’t let you leave just like that when he had all things he needed at one place) you felt like you could use some alone time. Or, more specifically, time with your own friends.
Bucky acted as if he couldn’t speak English when you told him that you’d like somebody to drive you home and that somebody could presumably be anybody else but Brock. Even though he stayed clear of you the whole time you spent in the house, it didn’t mean you felt any better about the guy. You still remembered his sly comments, and it never ceased to make you shudder.
Bucky tried to list all the advantaged of you staying there with him, and although constant sex and not having to cook did sound pretty good, you knew you had to leave, one way, or the other. It was also the end of the weekend, and as much as you liked Bucky and spending some quality time with him, your boss would probably not be too happy about you not coming to work the next day.
But most of all, it felt like a century since you last saw Nat. You were used to be with her almost every single day, just sharing stupid stories from work, and having a laugh about the stupidity of some people. But because you spent so much time with Bucky, you just didn’t have the time for Natasha. And you were feeling like the worst friend in the world.
Bucky’s protests were loud and clear, but your resilience was stronger, and so it was Sunday afternoon, that you finally managed to make him budge, and he actually let you leave the mansion. Not without a long and very steamy goodbye though. He insisted it was either a hot shower sex, or you not leaving his house ever again, so…
It was Peter who drove you back, and even though Bucky wanted to accompany you, he had some pressing matters to attend to, and, to be quite frank, you didn’t mind one bit. You enjoyed your time spent with Peter, because he was just such a sweetheart, and you wanted to get to know him better.
“I don’t want to pester you, Peter, and if you don’t feel like answering my question, you totally can stay quiet,” you said, while his eyes were glued to the road, probably because Bucky told him that if there was a hair wrong on your hair when he next saw you, Peter would be responsible.
“I’m an open book, Y/N. Ask away!”
“Alright. I was curious, as to what such a sweet boy, and so young, on top of it, is doing with Bucky’s gang. I mean, sure, you’ve got the power, and I bet the money ain’t that bad either, but you seem so smart, and I just wondered what made you decide for this line of work, really,” you mused, and waited for his reply.
You knew you were being nosey, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
There was a silence in the car while Peter thought about his answer, and you didn’t rush him.
“Uhm, well, my uncle used to work for Bucky’s father, he used to be his accountant, and because he and my aunt May raised me, it was one of those things that were almost given, you know? I tried to go to university, but it just didn’t feel right. So I quit and asked Bucky if I could help him out, and he took me in. Also, I wanted to help May. She is an amazing woman and after losing my uncle, I just wanted to help her out a bit, you know? And going to university, that would just drain her completely, and I didn’t have the heart to do it.”
You listened to him intently, your heart tightening in your chest for him. You could see he was ok with his fate, but, somehow, you weren’t. You wanted more for this sweet kid, and even though you didn’t really know how to achieve that, you made a mental note to try and help him and his aunt so that he could pursue a better career. Or at least one where he wouldn’t have to face death almost every single month.
Before you knew it, Peter was pulling over in front of your building. The street lamps were already lit, the dim light they were emitting setting a warm feeling in your heart. The sun was down, and only a few orange and pink clouds were giving away the beauty of the previous day. You kissed Peter’s cheek, which even in the hardly lit car caused him to blush so hard you could actually see it, and you giggled slightly.
You bid him goodnight and getting out of the car, you pulled out your phone from your purse, dealing Bucky’s number. He made you promise to call him as soon as you got home, and you knew you would have caught hell weren’t you to call him immediately.
He picked up in seconds, and you had to laugh in your head. He was such a softie, even if he never admitted it.
“Already missing me, doll?”
You could almost see the smirk on his stupid face, and you shook your head, unlocking the front door.
“Oh, that’s how it is now, huh? I thought you wanted me to let you know, but I guess I was wrong, bye, Buck!” You hollered, even though you had no intention of hanging up on him.
“NO” Wait! I was just joking! I’m glad you called, doll, you know me. I was just teasing you, that’s all. I’m happy you’re home and safe. Was the ride ok, or should I take care of the youngling?”
“Don’t you even dare tell him anything, joke or not. He’s mortified of you, and I don’t wanna be the reason you’re making him uncomfortable. The ride was perfect, and you should be glad you have such a sweetie amongst your men!” You told him, imagining him rolling his eyes at your comments. He always did this when you talked to him about his line of business.
“Right, because it’s such an important trait for a mobster, to be a fucking sweetie. Imma have to remember that one when I hire more men. If you’re not a sweetie, you can’t fucking work for him. You wanna kill him? Sure, but do it sweetly.”
You snorted out a laugh just as you entered your apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. You missed this little place. Your little safe haven.
“You’re such a dork. I’m just saying that he can actually act human, not like I can say that about all of your guys,” you took a jab at Brock and Bob, but continued right afterwards, not wanting to give him a reason to get angry again.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go, I think me and Nat are gonna have a glass or five, and then we’ll go to sleep. Hope you have a good night, babe,” you almost whispered, walking further in the apartment and spotting Nat sitting on the sofa, smiling at you with two glasses of wine ready. How she knew you were coming, that was a mystery to you.
“Don’t think I didn’t hear what you said there! Be safe and text me when you wake up. Night!”
You wanted to laugh at him for being such an overprotective boyfriend, but he already hung up. Bucky couldn’t make a friendly phone call, and that was why you always rather either texted him or spoke to him in person. His telephone persona was just too stiff for you.
“Hey there, stranger! I almost thought you moved there and that I had to look for another roommate!” Nat smiled at you sheepishly, and you stuck your tongue out, which made her laugh.
“Not my fault my boyfriend wants me all to himself,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, and Nat had to roll her eyes at you.  
“Your boyfriend is a mafia boss, of course, he wants you to himself, babe! Anyway, how is life going in the mafia paradise, huh? He’s been treating you well, I hope. If not, I’m gonna go and kick his juicy ass!”
You wanted to take a sip of your wine, but Nat’s comment made you spit it out like a hippo, and your hand wasn’t fast enough to cover your mouth which made the white wine sprinkle everywhere on the sofa.
“You can’t say things like that! I could have drowned, for Christ’s sake! Anyway, a juicy ass, huh?” You smirked at her.
The rest of the night went similarly, you two were talking your hearts out about everything that has happened since you two had a proper girls’ evening. By the time it was 1AM, you were both giggling messes, slightly drunk but definitely happy.  
And it was in that state that an idea emerged in your brain. You bid Nat goodnight and went to your room, picking up your phone and dialling the only important number.
Bucky was already asleep when his phone started vibrating next to his head. He wanted to ignore it, thinking it could wait till morning to deal with the world and with the person being so rude as to call him so late at night.
But when he saw who was calling him, he sat up straight and didn’t hesitate in picking up.
“Doll? What’s wrong? Where are you? Should I come for you?” He was distressed, just the mere thought of you being hurt made him want to vomit. He could gut a person with his bare hands, but he couldn’t stand the thought of you suffering.
He heard a little giggle escaping your mouth, and your heavy breathing and his brows furrowed.
“You could come alright if you know what I mean,” he heard you say seductively, and his face was now wearing a look of utter confusion.
Warning, smut starting
“What? Y/N? Are you- are you drunk, doll?” He asked, his hand on his face as he tried to breathe through his slight panic attack.
“Maybe, maybe not. But I miss you, James, and I thought we could have a little fun, what do you say?” You were whining, and before Bucky knew what was happening a strangled moan left your lips, and the sound went straight to his groin.
“Doll, are you doing what I think you’re doing?”  
“Depends. What do you think I’m doing, James?” The way his name rolled off your tongue would be enough to get him off. He loved it when you called his name, all sweaty, with puffed up lips, parted enough he could kiss you deeply whenever he liked.
He growled as a response, and he heard you moaning again. His dick was already standing proud, just the thought of you making it all excited and ready for action. Bucky sighed and lied down, keeping his sleeping pants on, just freeing his aching cock.
“You’re teasing me, Y/N, that’s what you’re doing. So stop it, and tell me exactly what you’re doing to that pretty pussy of yours.”
He could hear the sudden intake of breath on the other side of the line and had to smirk at your reaction. He could have you gasping even if he wasn’t there to perform his magic
Few seconds passed before you regained your composure and actually started talking. Bucky was just intently listening to the sounds leaving your mouth, imagining what you looked like at the moment, and each image his mind created was hotter than the previous one. But he knew no matter what he imagined, the reality was ten thousand times better, and he seriously hated himself for letting you go home. He could’ve been balls deep inside you by now.
“I’m picturing you with me, James, the way your beard scratches along under-boob, and the way you suck on my tits when you thrusting deep inside me, hitting all the right spots as you go,” you said quietly, and Bucky could tell you were biting your lip, trying to stay as quiet as possible. But because you were a screamer, he knew you wouldn’t be able to keep that up for long.
Bucky would be lying if he said he wasn’t turned on by your little sighs and moans, and just the whole idea that you got drunk with your friend, and the thing you wanted to do at 1 AM in the morning was to call him and have phone sex with him.
“Yeah? And how does that feel, baby?” Bucky asked you, his voice strained from the effort of not coming right there and then.
“Oh, yeah! You feel amazing, James. So good and ohmygod… so sooo deep! Ooooh,” you were muttering and moaning, and Bucky couldn’t help it but let a moan of his own escape his lips. He could hear the whimper coming from your bed, and he swore under his breath. You would be his death, Bucky was sure of it.
The rest of the phone call was filled with both of you moaning and encouraging the other to speed up, to do it harder, and it 6 minutes, you were both hissing and groaning, coming together just as if you were actually sharing a bed.
Warning ending
For a moment, all that could be heard on the line was panting, both of you trying to calm down your hearts, and come down from your bliss.
“Well,” Bucky said when he regained his composure, “that was something else, doll. You alright?”
He could hear your sighs, and he could only imagine the blissful expression on your face right now.
“‘M fine. Tired, but oh-so-good. I’m sorry if I woke you up, I just needed to hear your voice.”
Your voice indeed sounded exhausted, and while Bucky cleaned himself, he mumbled on the phone, grinning like an idiot.
“Never apologise for wanting to have sex with me, phone or not. And if I ever tell you to stop, or to quit it, please, just kill me. Go to sleep, Y/N. You’re going to work tomorrow, and you should get at least some rest before you do so.”
You just hummed, and Bucky was pretty positive you were already drifting off, tired and satisfied. He smiled at the phone and mumbled a low goodnight before he hung up and went off to sleep himself. And all he could dream off that night was you being curled against his side, safe and sound.
The whole day was a nightmare. Not only did you have a slight hangover in the morning, and your head felt like it would burst into flames any minute, you also came a bit late to work, which didn’t help your situation at all. Not that your boss minded too much, but still. You hated it when you were late.
By the end of the day, you wished you could be at home, taking a hot bath with your favourite scented candle, and let the whole day disappear from your mind.
But, obviously, Bucky had different plans, when it came to your evening, because as you got out of the office, there he was, standing like a statue surrounded by his men.
Kate and the others looked like deers in headlights, just standing there, confused and slightly terrified, with their eyes looking like they’d fall out if they moved. You just nodded their way and rolled your eyes at Bucky and his dramatic entrance into your personal life. He just HAD to come there.
You could feel all the eyes on you as you walked towards the black SUV and the infamous man standing in front of it. Only Nat knew about your relationship, and you thought you’d have a bit more time keeping in secret. But obviously, Bucky’s plans differed from yours and oh boy, would he hear about that one!
You didn’t even spare him a look, giving a small smile to Peter and Sam who were next to Bucky and you got in the car, shutting the door right behind you. You crossed your arms in front of you, clenching your jaw.
You didn’t even know why you were this mad. At first, you thought it was because you didn’t want to be seen with Bucky, his reputation preceding him. But then you realised that you didn’t care about that anymore. Sure, he was a gangster and he, without a doubt, did some things you wouldn’t even want to know about, but when he was with you, and with people he cared about, he was this amazing guy who would do anything for his people. And that’s what you valued the most.
It was that he didn’t even tell you he’d come and very obviously show everybody who you were seeing. It was your privacy as well as his, and you hated that he just made this decision without consulting you.
When he finally got in the car, he immediately turned to you with his eyebrows raised. You huffed out a breath and turned to face the window, not ready to have this fight just yet.
“Would you share with me, what the hell was that all about? Don’t I fucking deserve a kiss, picking up my girlfriend from work? What you so pissed about?”
You didn’t even answer him, not wanting to cause a scene in front of his men. Sam may have been his best friend, and Peter was still a kid, but you knew better than to lecture him in front of them. You just shook your head and waited till you got to your apartment so you could have a civilised conversation with him, which you knew wouldn’t happen in the car.
When Peter pulled over in from of your building, you said your goodbyes to the two in front and nodded at Bucky to follow you. He didn’t even question you, probably curious and pissed as hell you were still not speaking to him.  
Once in the apartment, he followed you to your room, closing the door behind the two of you, and once again, raising his brows at you.
“You gonna tell me what’s got your panties twisted or should I fucking deduce it somehow?” He was pissed, alright.
You turned on your heel, facing him with a furious expression.
“Did I ask you to come and pick me up from work? Or did you just DEDUCE that was something I wanted and just fucking acted on it?”
His expression was blank, but you knew that a million thoughts were running through his mind.
“You still on about that bullshit that I’m not boyfriend material and people are gonna judge you? Thought we got over that! Thought you were ok with being my girl,” he raised his voice at you, and you flinched at his tone, but you weren’t about to be intimidated by him. No fucking way!
“And have you ever asked me to be your fucking girlfriend, when you’re running around like a macho, acting as if we were a solid item, huh?”
Bucky was stunned. He told you you were his, and all of that, but he never thought you’d actually want him to ask you to be his girlfriend.
He smirked and took a step closer, you taking one step back. You were not ready to make up just yet.
“I didn’t know it was required, doll. If only I knew, I would’ve asked a lot sooner! I told you you were my girl and you didn’t protest, so I took it you were fine with that. But if you’re not, fine. My beautiful, amazing Y/N, would you do me the honour and be my official girlfriend? Please?”  
Well, that please really did that for you. Bucky, and pleading, you wouldn’t get anything better out of him, anyway.
“Since you’re asking so nicely, James,” you accentuated his name and smirked at him, earning a chuckle from him.
“You can be so fucking difficult sometimes. Why didn’t you say so in the car?”
“I was worried we would actually fight and I didn’t want to undermine your authority in front of the guys,” you smiled sweetly at him, and let him pull you in a hug.
“I’d spank your cute ass if you did that! Oh, and I came because I had another question on my mind. Is it a good time to talk to you about something else, or are you still pissed at your boyfriend?”
You swatted his chest lightly.
“What is it, my amazing boyfriend?”
He kissed the crown of your head and pulled you even closer.
“My birthday is coming up, and we have this tradition, that always on my birthday we organise a ball in some specific theme so that we can gather around looking dope as fuck and having a lot of kinky sex. Which, I hope, will be with you this year,” he added quickly, seeing your face turning red.
“Would you come with me, as my date?”
/Next Chapter >
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thethreemages · 3 years
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Yeaaah, didn’t mean to make such a late holiday-related TTM pic this year... buut yknow, stuff happens to where I just wasn’t feeling too inspired, I’m afraid :/. Hope this simple & cute lil fluffy pic will be enough to suffice for the meantime though... featuring a much younger Raider Crane as he meets with his beloved baby sister Noira for the first time~ 💙 DA Link
~Fic Below the Cut~
Wintervale had come much like it did any other year in Graystone's main capitol... with many either inside or out bustling in the streets as the cool winter flurries fell up from above. Whether one would be feeling the holiday mood to celebrate with loved ones or not, it was a time many looked forward to in more ways than one. Especially for one particular citizen in the form of Raider Crane, whom was eagerly awaiting the Wintervale morning right by the window sill. Not even for the regular tradition of tearing into his presents... but for expecting the arrival of his parents coming home with a brand new member of the family. His very own baby sister. "Erm... Raider, sweetheart? Don't you think you'd be more comfortable here by the fire?" came the concerned, yet calming voice of his dear Aunt Freya, whom was staying at the family residence to help out with Raider while his parents were busy. Her nephew in the meantime was diligently stuck near the window eyeing the falling snow outside... which was very unlike the past Wintervale's where he'd normally be zipping all over the place in excitement. No, this time was far too special for him to goof off on... so he simply declined his aunt's kindly offer with a quick shake of his head. "Nuh uh, sissy's almost here! I gotta look for her!" Raider insisted, pointing out towards the snow, "If I don't, she won't like me!" Gently laughing with a small smile, Freya simply got up to sit by the couch Raider was kneeling over, patting him on the head, "Oh, I'm sure she won't mind, Raider. She's still just a wee lass after all... the moment she sees you through that door, she's sure to love you~" The thought of that filled Raider with a little more hope... but true to his nature, he quickly went back to leaning to the window to wait anyway. This naturally earned a small sigh from his aunt... yet considering what the family's been going through these past few weeks, she couldn't bring herself to blame the boy. As it was... the arrival of the newest Crane daughter came with some "complications" that prevented her from being born on her expected due date... instead, the build of stress and anxieties from her mother's experiences in the last few months of pregnancy kickstarted an earlier labor. While the baby ended up being relatively fine, all things considered... doctors were still adamant to keep her by the hospital for at least a longer observation period. It was by sheer luck and persistence that her folks were finally allowed to bring her home on this special holiday in particular... much to everyone's relief. Thus... once Raider finally spotted the parking lights of his parents' car up by the front, his face lit up like the sun as he hurriedly hopped off the couch to greet his family, "-SHE'S HERE! AUNTIE AUNTIE, SHE'S HERE~!" "Ooh, thank the Saints!" Freya relaxed in a relieved smile, patiently letting Raider tug her by the sleeve to wait by the door. Little guy was already bounding up and down by his heels by the time the door unlocked and opened... revealing not just his clearly tired and frustrated parents, but the bundled up baby girl in question quietly resting away in her mother's arms. "Mommy! Daddy! How's sissy??" Raider loudly and excitedly asked both his parents, earning a half-annoyed grunt from his father Lachlan as he was trying to hang up his coat. "Quiet down, boy. You're goin' to wake the girl." Lachlan gruffly reminded his son, gesturing to his wife Vinia who looked like she was trying to hold off a migraine whilst keeping the baby asleep. Realizing this, Raider quickly hushed down a bit to a whisper as he then nudged to his mother in curiosity, "Psst, Mommy? Is sissy okay?" Unlike her husband, Vinia was at least a bit more patient to respond to Raider in a gentler tone, taking some deep breaths from her migraine to half-smile back, "Your sister's doing much better, Raider. Just give us a moment and we'll let you see her..." "Ohhh, okay!" her little boy nodded back obediently, without another word rushing over to the couch to give his parents some space to settle into the home. His aunt soon headed over to assess how things were going from the hospital stay, even being allowed to hold the baby whilst Lachlan brought down the overnight bags. "Aww... what a darlin' little angel~" Freya warmly smiled at the bundle in her arms, looking over at the couple in curiosity, "Have either of you decided on a name, yet? I know things were hectic back at the hospital and all, so..." "Pff, well of course we did..." Lachlan responded with a huff after putting away one of the bags, "We'll be callin' her 'Noira'... for one of the Crane's many great past figures, Noira the Victress." Intrigued by this particular name choice, it made Freya think a bit more before she gave a look of confusion, "...Wasn't Victress Noira the leader of a band of blood pirates...?" Perhaps to not too much of a surprise, Lachlan didn't seem to get what the issue was as he raised a brow back at her, "...and your point is...?" "Well... pardon me to be judgin' on baby names, but isn't that a bit too grizzly of an origin to name your own daughter after?" Freya further questioned... growing even more unamused by her brother simply giving a haughty laugh, "Well duh... that's what makes the name as fittin' as it be! Y'know us Cranes have to be held up to the strongest of warrior titles, that's been the oath of our family since the beginning ages of Terra..." Lachlan confidently explained as he glanced back over to the bundle in his wife's arms, yawning strongly before snuggling up in her blanket again. "-Besides, lil Noira over there be carryin' a vast Water magic aura... tis only natural she carry a similarly strong title much like her brother is with our grandfather's. What more can ya want?" and thus, without even giving his sister time respond back to that statement, Lachlan simply turned away from view as he went over to grab a quick smoke outside, leaving the rest of his kin alone in the living area. There were... many things on Freya's mind in regards to her brother, from his long-standing gruff attitude to his never-ending stubbornness on keeping up these countless "traditions" from their family name... but in this moment of seeing Raider so eager to scooch over to Vinia and the baby, she decided to just leave the issue be for now and let this treasured memory continue on in peace... "Mommy... she's so pretty..." Raider gently uttered, staring in awe at such a tiny and delicate lil thing. From her pudgy lil cheeks, to her tiny hands, to the soft lil tufts of hair curled on her head... one would be a fool to find Noira to be anything other than adorable. Watching her son be so intrigued by his sister was a sight that even Vinia couldn't resist finding charm in... tiredly smiling down at the siblings meeting for the first time. "...Would you like to hold her, Raider?" Vinia softly spoke to her son, immediately bringing a small gasp of joy to Raider face, "-Really??" "-As long as you promise to be careful, that is... then yes." she calmly nodded back, her tone recognizably staying firm but not enough to deter her little boy. It took a quick second for Raider to calm himself on quietly nodding yes in a promise... which luckily gave enough trust in Vinia to carefully maneuver Noira to relax down into Raider's lap, with the help of some pillows nearby. Needlessly to say, Aunt Freya wasted no time hurrying to grab the recorder up on the shelf to capture this moment... smiling warmly at the sight of Raider being so overjoyed around his new sibling. Seeming to be the most happiness she'd seen from the boy than any of his past Wintervale gifts, Raider couldn't help but declare an 'oath' of his own to the baby girl below him. "Psst, hi Noira... I'm your brother, Raider! I know the big world may be a bit scary now... since you're so little and all. But no need to worry, 'cause as your big brother... I promise to always save you! No one's gonna hurt my baby sissy while I'm around, never ever!" With that... it seemed to finally stir up Noira from her sleep enough for her to carefully blink her lil eyes open... a brilliant blue color matching much like her brother's gazing back at her. Carefully but lovingly, Raider gave her a hug and kiss to show how much he cherished her stepping into his life. To his young, innocent heart, it was the best present he could've asked for for the holiday of Wintervale...
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stellar-alley · 4 years
Of Scales and Sea Glass
•Chapter 2•
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Eddie goes shopping for food with Bev and Bill, then washes the mer’s tangled hair.)
Also shout out to @ambitiousskychild on tumblr for being my beta!
The next morning Eddie woke up to the sound of the doorbell echoing through the quiet house. His eyes fluttered open as they drifted over to his alarm clock. 11:00am, holly shit i never fucking sleep in this much, Eddie wondered why for only a split second, before the memories of the day prior resufaced. “The merman…” Eddie spoke aloud, his eyes wide with realization. 
Hastily, he threw his legs over the side of his bed and stumbled out of his room and into the bathroom. He slammed himself against the door and opened it up wide. 
The merman had been slouched over in the tub, head underwater. He jerked his head out of the water after the sudden bang against the door. Breathing heavily, mind still hazed by sleep, he watched as the small human, Eddie, shuffled inside. He rolled his eyes at the sight, relieved that it wasn’t a threat. 
“It’s just me don’t worry” Eddie’s voice was groggy and tired as he waved off the merman’s worries. “I-uh, just wanted to make sure you were okay-” The doorbell rang again, Eddie stiffened, “Sorry I’ve gotta get this but please- stay here,” Eddie begged before leaving the room. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Eddie rambled as he unlocked the front door. He swung it open to reveal not just one of the Losers, but two. “Ohmygod- Hey guys!” Eddie’s mood brightened. 
Bill and Beverly both stood on Eddie’s front porch. “Hey Eddie, what’s up?” Bev smiled. Eddie moved aside, allowing his friends to come inside. The three settled into their normal seats in Eddie’s family room. Eddie and Bill on the bigger couch will Bev laid horizontally on the armchair. 
“H-Hows the clean up go-going?” Bill asked as he stretched his hands, sore from the previous day of manual labour. 
“It fucking sucks! It’s so gross. What about you guys?” Eddie stopped himself before he started ranting about all the weird shit he’s found in his pool.
“My aunt and I got most of the stuff cleaned up but now there’s a leak in the roof, so we’ve gotta wait for the maintenance guy to come and patch it up, ” she explained. 
Eddie nodded, then asked, “Bill? How’s Georgie?”
“T-Tired, he hu-hates thunder. The tree in the f-front yard lost a ma-masive branch. My parents told me to go get gru-groceries today,” Bill pulled out a list from his pocket, “Wanna join?” He inquired. 
“Yeah, Big Bill and I were gonna go into town and get some supplies, we were wondering if you wanted in?” Beverly raised her eyebrows at him.
“That’d be great actually,” The mental image of the guest  in his bathtub caused him to realize how much he needed to restock his pantry, “Yeah, I need to stock up,” Eddie concluded. 
The shorter boy glanced down at the pajamas that he wore then back up at his friends, “Let me go get changed then we can head out. Oh, don’t use the upstairs bathroom the toilet… broke,” Eddie lied, but the others didn’t notice. He had a bathroom on the main floor that worked perfectly fine and had no mythical creature hiding in it that they could use.
Eddie checked on the merman one more time and informed him of the recent developments before he got ready and left. Eddie called shotgun as they walked down his driveway, towards Bill’s red Toyota Corolla, Bev rolled her eyes as she hopped into the back. And they were off to the store. 
The trio decided on going to Walmart first as it had most of the things they needed. Eddie walked along the aisle with Bill who pushed the cart, and Bev who rode on the front with her phone in hand, she was scrolling through her list, calling out items she needed for Eddie to put into the cart.
They were about to roll past the fish freezers, when Eddie stopped and signaled for the others so to follow him. “Eddie f-fish? Really?” Bill questions as he turns the kart, Bev hopped off to stand beside Eddie as they observed the fish in the ice below them. 
“Yeah, so?” Eddie’s tone is more defensive than he would prefer, but he needs to feed his trashmouth and fish seemed like the most logical food to buy for something that lived in the ocean. Eddie worried about giving him human food, so he decided to start with the fish then maybe test the waters with something like bread, once the mer regained his hunger. 
“Nothing, it’s just every time I ever offered you sushi during lunch you always talked about your hatred for fish,” Bev recalls a memory from when they were in highschool. 
He gestured for the guy behind the counter to wrap up two of the full salmons, “Well, people change,” Eddie shrugs. He smiled as he was handed the wrapped fish. 
“So what was everyone else up to today?” Eddie changed the subject onto the other Losers. 
“Mike’s on f-farm duty. They had to help f-find one of the sheep that got loose during the st-storm. S-Stan had to work,” Bill explained while he looked over the continents inside of one of the many freezers. 
“And Ben’s mom needed help cleaning. OH! And remember his neighbour with that old ass maple tree?” Eddie nodded as Bev continued, “It fell during the storm, broke an upstairs window. Ben’s mom is pissed,” Bev says with a faint smirk playing over her lips. 
Bill pulled up onto their street and Bev was talking about some of the new clothes she was making with one of her old dresses when Eddie remembered he wanted to buy a shirt for the merman. 
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. 
“Hm? What? Tired of hearing me talk about fashion?” Bev asked curiously. 
Eddie shook his head. “Oh no, I love hearing about the difference between cotton and polyester. I just remembered I wanted to look at some new shirts while we were out. You don’t have any old big shirts do you?” Eddie asked. He would just lend one of his shirts to the fish, but he was at least 2 sizes larger than Eddie. 
“Maybe?” Bev cocked an eyebrow, “why?”
Eddie blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Growth spurt”
Bill scoffed, which earned him a back hand slap on his arm. 
“I can grow!”.
Bill smirked as he took the key out of the ignition. “Eddie you’re n-nineteen, I think you’re a-a little too old for growth spurts.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered,” Bev put a reassuring hand on Eddie’s shoulder. 
“Thank you, Beverly,”  Eddie made sure to eye Bill as he thanked Bev. 
Derry’s resident Badass: Left the shirt in the mailbox for you! Enjoy
Eddie read the text from Bev. He finished putting away all of the perishable items before checking his mailbox. Inside he found a light pink T-shirt. It looked pretty normal until he held it up and saw there were two seashell decals on the chest, trying to mimic Ariel’s iconic shell bra. Oh Beverly…. Eddie smirked at the shirt, recalling the times she’d worn this shirt to sleepovers, it always rode halfway down her thighs. He chuckled at the mental image of the trashmouth wearing this shirt. 
Eddie ended up deboning one of the salmon's he bought, which proved itself to be much harder then they make it seem on Master Chief. After he proceeded to chop it into bite-sized pieces. He contemplated cooking the fish but opted not to as he can't imagine any way a merman would have cooked fish underwater. Once he was back in the bathroom, he took his usual seat on the closed toilet. 
The merman’s head was leaning against the back of the tub, silently napping. Eddie admired his raw beauty and sharp features. He looked very at ease, his lips slightly parted and moving ever so slightly as his chest rose and fell with every breath. A small smile crept onto Eddie's face before it turned into a devilish grin. He held the container of food with one hand while the other slid into the water, with one swift notion he sent a small splash of water up and onto the merman’s face. 
 He woke with a startle, his glasses fell from his face with the sudden motion. The calm expression on his face turned to confusion as he scanned the room and realized everything was blurry. His breath now quick as his gaze landed on Eddie who was cracking up. He scowled while he slid his glasses back on.
“Oh come on trashmouth! God you're no fun,” Eddie nagged. 
The Mer crossed his arms over his chest (ignoring the subtle pain it created) and  stuck his tongue in protest. 
Eddie only rolled his eyes before getting to what he'd brought. “So I wasn’t sure what you ate so I bought you fish. Is that okay?” He looked to the merman for help. He stared at Eddie blankly before his brow furrowed and he held out his arms and made a grasping motion with his hands. Like a baby asking for its bottle. 
“What? You wanna do it yourself?” Eddie asked, a little shocked by his sudden desire for independence. Although he would be sad he'd never feel those soft lips against his hand anymore… He shrugged it off. “OKay…” Eddie hesitated only for a moment before handing it over to the merman. 
He mirrored Eddie in the way he held it. Once he was sure he had a steady grasp over the container, he moved a hand to take a piece of fish out and popped it into his mouth. The merman chewed then proceeded to swallow it. He popped another piece into his mouth, chewed then gave Eddie a grateful smile with a mouth full of fish.
Eddie nearly gagged. “EW! Don’t do that trashmouth,” he grimaced, but his voice was filled with amusement as the fish closed his mouth, but kept the smile. 
Later that day the cleaners came for the pool. Eddie greeted them in the driveway and led them into his backyard. He explained what he needed done as he stood a couple feet away from the edge of the pool. The main cleaner talked about prices as Eddie scanned the pool. 
There was still so much shit at the bottom, he was excited to see it gone. But something shiny caught his eye on the ground. He blinked and focused on the little blue scales that sat about a foot away from the pool. Eddie tried to keep calm as he realized there were the merman’s scales.
Shit, I can’t let these guys see those, even if they are just scales. I cannot let anyone find out about him. 
Eddie continued the conversation he was having with the head cleaner as he took a step towards the pool, placing his foot right beside the scales, blocking them from the cleaner’s view. 
“We should be done in a couple hours or so,” he explained. 
Eddie nodded in understanding, then he kneeled down beside the edge. “Okay good.” He placed his hand over the scales but kept his gaze on the pool. “The sooner it’s cleaned means the sooner I get to keep practicing. I’m planning on joining my school’s swim team,” Eddie lied. He picked up the scales and slid them into his pocket as he stood up. 
“Oh! Well good luck with that,” The cleaner smiled. Once everything was discussed, Eddie left them to do their job. He patted the scales in his pocket as he walked back towards the house, a faint smile played across his lips. 
The next day Eddie explained to the merman how his pool was now clean and full of water while he examined all of his injuries which seemed to be healing nicely. 
“If I find an easier way to transport you then maybe one day you can go swimming there.” The merman only shrugged in response. That worried Eddie as he would’ve thought the fish would’ve been dying to get back into the water, as that’s where he lived. 
“A-Are you okay?” Eddie immediately moved his hand to feel the creature's forehead, checking for a fever. It was a little hotter than normal but that could have also been because it was scorching hot outside. Eddie slid his hand from his forehead to ruffle the fish’s black mess of curls, something he grew quite fond of doing. But it didn’t go too far as his fingers got tangled in knots.
“God, how tangled is your hair?” Eddie questioned. The merman responded by raking his hands through his hair, only to be met by the same tangles. He simply shrugged. 
Since he’d been in Eddie’s bathtub for the past couple of days, his hair had been able to completely dry, which left it in long thick curls that dangeled into his face. Eddie didn’t mind, he thought it was kinda cute… But now that he knew how knotted they were, he had to do something about it. 
He sighed and stood up, “Well, I don’t know what you guys are doing down in Atlantis, but you’ve gotta start conditioning your hair.”
The merman’s face scrunched up, unsure of what Eddie was suggesting. He folded his arms over the side of the tub and rested his head on top of them as he watched Eddie go through one of the cabinets in the corner. 
When Eddie returned he brought back a bottle of shampoo, conditioner and a brush. He sat on the ground and placed everything beside him. “Dunk your head underwater,” Eddie instructed. 
The merman didn’t. 
“Come on,” Eddie removed his watch and sunk his hands into the water. 
The merman sunk down a bit but stopped right before wetting his hair, as if he was mocking Eddie. 
“Oh fuck you,” Eddie gasped drmatically. He moved his hands to splash the merman. Just as the water was about to wet his face, he raised a hand and it stopped midair, and formed a perfect bubble of water before him. 
Eddie froze. Did it do that? He must’ve taken on a shocked expression as the bubble immediately fell back into the water and the merman’s face turned apologetic, as if he was sorry for frightening the human. 
Something tightened inside Eddie’s chest. The way the merman stopped, just for him, made him feel warm… 
“No, no… It’s okay! I just didn’t know you could do that,” Eddie admitted, his face turning a little red as he rubbed the back of his neck. “C-Can you show me again?” Eddie requested shyly. Sure it’s weird and kinda freaky but that doesn't mean I’m not interested. HE HAS FRICKEN SUPER POWERS!
The merman’s expression softened as a smile tugged at the edges of his lips. This time he pulled a larger bubble of water from the bathtub and held it in the air. With his hand sticking out of the water, he moved his bubble towards him and held it over his head. With the flick of his wrist, the bubble fell over his head, soaking his hair, just like the human had requested. 
Eddie’s eyes filled with wonder, and a little bit of pleasure as the fish boy finally wet his fucking hair. “Cool…”
After the initial shock of the whole superpowers thing settled, Eddie began washing the merman’s hair. First off he squirted a generous amount of shampoo directly onto the mer’s head, then proceeded to massage it into his curls and spread it to cover all of his hair. As he massaged his scalp, the mer released a little moan, obviously enjoying the scalp massage. (Eddie heart raced at the sound of that)
Then Eddie rinsed the suds from his inky black hair and proceeded to add the conditioner. Instead of massaging it in, he grabbed his thick-toothed comb and combed it through. The task took a while as his hair was fairly knotted. 
All of the effort paid off though as once his hair was fully cleaned, Eddie took out the blow dryer. Sure, it spooked the mer at first but once Eddie showed him that it was harmless and only shot out warm air, the merman complied. Though he’s only known Eddie for a couple days now, he’s grown to trust the human, especially considering everything he’s done for him so far. The warm air felt nice on his cold skin, plus he enjoyed how soft hair had become once it was over. He ran his wet fingers through his freshly cleaned locks but was given a light slap from the human, as he claimed, “You’re gonna get your hair wet and gross again.”
The final product left Eddie speechless. The merman’s hair was full of soft curls, they ended just above his neck. The pieces that’d once loosely fell in his face now curled to the side and nicely framed his eyes. 
The merman’s cheeks took on a new shade of pink as he noticed the human’s stare. 
Eddie smiled at his hard work, but he also smiled because of the way the mer glanced away shyly, as if he was a little embarrassed at the sudden gaze on him. Eddie would’ve thought he was cute, maybe even beautiful, but just as the warmth began to spread in his chest, he pushed the feelings. We’re from two different worlds. The reminder brought him back to reality. 
“You look nice,” the compliment brought the merman’s gaze back onto Eddie. He gave the human a small nod, as if to say ‘thank you’. 
During the span of a week, Eddie had developed a bit of a schedule on how his days would play out. First he’d go say goodmorning to trashmouth and make sure he’s still alive. Then he’d go make them breakfast, he’s been testing out some new recipes for himself, while the mer still ate fish. Actually Eddie’s noticed now that he’s constantly getting food ready for the merman, he’s started putting more thought into his own meals. Which is a step up from frozen meals and cereal that he was used to. Then they’d eat together in the bathroom. Eddie had taken up sitting on the floor so he could be closer to his trashmouth while they ate. Sometimes the fish boy would shoot him curious glances, staring down at Eddie’s food from where he sat in the tub. So Eddie would put a forkful of whatever he had made out in front of the fish and feed him. Eddie was happy to know he could start branching out in his meal planning. Now that he knew human food wouldn’t upset the fish’s stomach. Most days Eddie tried to give the mer a big breakfast so if Eddie needed to leave for any reason, his guest wouldn’t die of hunger.
As much as Eddie wished he could spend his days beside the tub, uncovering every secret the merman held, he knew if he started acting weird, someone was bound to notice. So he kept in contact with his friends, going over to their houses, inviting them over once the backyard was clean. Sadly he’s had to miss two sleepovers as he doesn't trust the fish to be home alone for that long. 
Eddie even moved Goldy’s fish bowl into the bathroom to keep his trashmouth company. Though she’s on the counter, away from the merman’s claws, he seems to enjoy the company. So now when Eddie returns home from a day at Mike’s farm or something, he doesn't seem as lonely. 
Over the past week, Eddie grew oddly fond of the merman. Sure, he couldn’t talk, but Eddie did enough of it for the both of them. Most of the time he just complained about random things, other times he’d explain human things like technology and phones, and sometimes he’d bring his comics into the bathroom and read to him (carefully as he did not want to get them wet). 
Also, most, if not all of the mer’s injuries had healed pretty well.  The only explanation Eddie could come up with to explain the miraculous chain of events was that mermaids had a better healing factor compared to humans. Which was on one hand, good! He seemed happier now that he wasn't in pain. But on the other hand, Eddie knew once he was fully healed, there wouldn’t be a reason to take care of him anymore, which would mean he’d have to… Eddie shook his head, dismissing the thought and returned back to the present, where he was removing the bandages on the mer’s chest. 
The one he had yet to take off was the one that sat on the mer’s cheek. He was slightly worried that out of all the injuries, that would be the one not to heal correctly. Leaving a messy, jagged scar on a face that would have otherwise been considered perfect. With as much care as he could muster, he cupped one side of the mer’s face with his hand (he ignored the butterflies that had formed in his stomach) to keep his head steady while the other slowly peeled the bandage off. 
He held the bandage in his hand and admired the skin that was now healed. Instead of a nasty scar that Eddie had imagined, all that was left was a simple line that was half the size of the original cut. Eddie thought it made him look even cuter, in a badass type of way. 
Eddie realized a moment too soon that he’d been staring longingly at the merman who’s cheek he still cupped with his hand. He was about to move away when the mer quickly reached his hand up towards the back of Eddie’s neck and pulled him down. Before Eddie could even process what was happening, their lips smashed together. For a second he couldn’t believe what was happening. Their lips moved together as if they had kissed dozens of times before. The mer’s tongue moved into Eddie’s mouth, snapping Eddie back into reality. He hastily pushed away, falling back onto the tile floor. 
The merman let out a gasp, as if he was gasping for air. His breaths became quick as he held onto the side of the bathtub. “OH THANK GOD! I Don’t know how much longer I could’ve kept that shit up…” He was breathless, but still, he spoke.
Word Count: 7604
Guys when I tell you I loved writing this chapter, I mean it. Literally, that ending scene? I’ve had it planned since the day I came up with the idea for the AU, and I’m ecstatic that I finally get to show it to the world. So I hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did. 
Don’t forget to comment, like and reblog to show your support!
And until next time, 
So Long and Goodnight.
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bgn846 · 4 years
The Niflheim Experiment Chapter 5
After five hours in the car Gladio was about to go crazy.  He needed a break, everyone had been taking power naps, but sleeping in a cramped car was not comfortable.  Ravus had not relinquished his driving seat since the episode at the abandoned farm house.  Content to stare ahead and ignore all of them, Ravus drove on.  Spacing out as the trees flew by, Gladio didn’t do much, until a small green sign caught his attention in the distance.  When they got close enough to read it he was barely able to contain his excitement.  It said one thing, Insomnia 60 MI.
“Okay time to switch.” Aranea announced.
“I will be driving through to the city.” Ravus replied sternly.
“Do you want to draw attention on purpose?” She sighed.  “Switch with Loqi.”
“Why would me driving draw attention?”
Groaning loudly Aranea leaned over the console and stared at Ravus, even though he didn’t look back.  “You have snow white hair, and you aren’t old.  You scowl at everything, and your eyes are freaky when you look directly into them.”
“There is nothing wrong with my eyes!” Ravus shot back.
“Sure,” Aranea drawled out, “care to explain why one of them seems to be a different color than the other?”
“I was born like that,” he huffed.
“Well, that’s great, but you shouldn’t be the first person someone has to talk to if we get pulled over.”
“Why exactly is Loqi better?”
“He’s blond and not whatever white witch color you’ve got going.  He also knows how to smile.” She finished leaning back into her seat.
When Ravus pulled off to the side Gladio was shocked.  Luna remained silent during the exchange; it seemed she was still pissed at her brother for his behavior earlier. Taking the opportunity to stretch Gladio carefully got out of the car.  Everyone else had the same idea and lolled about, not talking.  They could wander off unlike Gladio, who still needed something to lean on otherwise he’d fall over.    
Boots scraping across the dirt drew his attention as Gladio pondered the idea of driving the car himself.  He could operate one in his current condition, though he was a little worried he might fall asleep staring at the dashed lines on the road whizzing by.  Deciding that was a bad idea he turned to who had approached.
“I’m not sure whether to be grateful or upset,” Ravus sighed, “no one is talking to me.”
“I’ll still talk to you.” Gladio offered with a small shrug.    
Ravus hummed and took a deep breath.  “When do you think you’ll have a moment to discuss our conversation with Luna?”
Gladio faltered, he wanted to talk with Luna, only without the others listening.  “I was sorta wanting to talk to her in private.”
“I can understand that.  Anything to keep Aranea and Loqi from offering their two cents would be most beneficial.”
“Are you alright with Loqi driving?  You’re not gonna make a stink are you?” Gladio asked with worry.
Curling his lips Ravus looked put out.  “Aranea makes a valid argument as to why I shouldn’t be behind the wheel.  I’m still sitting up front though, just in case.”  He added with an air of authority.
Gladio was about to add more when Luna and Aranea walked over.  Luna hopped into the backseat and waited in the middle patiently.  “Guess that’s my cue to become one with the side of the door again.” Gladio weakly announced.  True to Ravus’ word, he did indeed sit in the front passenger seat.  Aranea had tried to make an argument about why it should be her, but one deathly glare from Ravus and she gave up.  She was obviously tired and didn’t want to deal with his antics.  
Loqi drove well and kept quiet as they inched closer to insomnia.   Luna had fallen asleep on Gladio’s shoulder and seemed peaceful enough. When the wall appeared ahead of them in the distance Loqi finally broke his silence.
“How are we going to get through this?  I mean do we need papers, are we on vacation?”
“We’re going to a friend’s wedding.” Ravus offered succinctly.
“Who’s?!” Loqi blurted.
“It’s the best explanation for our odd parings.  Brother and sister, an aunt, a bratty nephew, and a 3rd cousin simply traveling together.”
“Who’s the bratty nephew?” Aranea asked with curiosity.
“Loqi of course,” announced Ravus with little preamble.  “Gladio is the only dark haired person among us, so he can’t be directly from the family.”
Gladio had his mouth open to join in, but decided against it.  Things were already strange enough.  For once no one disagreed, and when Loqi slowed down to talk with the guard he spun a perfectly believable story.  It looked like it was working until the man turned and went back into the guard hut.  The imposing gate in front of them remained closed.
“What’s going on?” Loqi asked.
“I dunno if they’ll let us in without ID’s.” Gladio lamented.
“If you say who you are then the chances of us getting sold out by the traitor become that much greater,” huffed Aranea.
“It might be a chance we have to take; otherwise we’ll be stuck out here.”
“How long is the drive to the citadel from the gate?” Loqi pondered.
“Nearly thirty minutes, if there’s no traffic.”
“Shit, the dude’s coming back, everybody shut up!” Loqi ordered.
They all listened as the guard explained that proper ID was required to enter the city, plus verification from the person they were visiting.  Thinking fast Gladio leaned forward to try and see the man through the window.  “I’m sorry we messed up the process sir,” he began humbly, “is there any chance we can call our uncle and have you speak with him?”
The guard frowned and was clearly debating the idea.  “I still need to see ID from you all,” he announced.  “Call your uncle and let me speak with him while you gather your documents.”
Before Gladio could reply a phone was thrust in his hand. Aranea stared at him with worry and Ravus, who’s phone he was currently holding, merely looked bored.  Licking his lips he held it out briefly for Ravus to unlock so he could dial.    Praying that someone would answer Gladio let the phone ring longer than normal.  Right as he was about to give up the line connected.
“Hello?” Came the pleasant response.
Hoping he could convey enough details in a short period of time Gladio launched into his speech. “Hey Uncle Jared!  It’s your nephew Gladio.” He could hear the sudden gasp on the other end and pushed forward ignoring it. “We’re all stuck at the wall trying to get in for the wedding!  Do you think you could talk to the guard and explain the situation?  I mean I would hate to miss the opportunity to surprise Iris on her big day, just cause we couldn’t make it to the venue!”
Gladio waited with baited breath, hoping that Jared wouldn’t launch into a million and one questions. Thankfully the man simply uttered a weak affirmation and went silent.  Leaning forward once again Gladio handed the phone off to the guard.  They all watched as he ambled off a few feet away to talk.
“Do you all have ID?” Gladio asked quickly.
“Yeah I had Loqi make us all fake ones right before we left.”
“Luna too?”  Gladio queried as he watched Aranea go wide eyed for a moment and shake her head.
“I’ve got one for my sister.” Ravus interjected.
“Why the h--.”
“We can’t waste time with that right now,” Gladio hastily replied, “I don’t have an ID!”
“You don’t carry one around with you in your wallet?” Aranea frowned, “That’s weird.”
“I don’t have my wallet!” Gladio all but shouted as he warily watched the guard, who was still talking to Jared.
Aranea went to response but suddenly looked rather guilty.  “Yeah, sorry about that, you do have your wallet.  It’s been in the trunk the whole time.”  Gladio didn’t have time to respond as Aranea quickly launched into another round of discussion. “We also made you a fake ID as well; there is no point in using your real one now.  That guard will call it in immediately.”
The flurry of activity that came next left Gladio in shock.  He had no idea what Jared had told the man as the phone had been handed back, already disconnected.  Their ID’s were reviewed and the contents of the trunk were checked.  After five minutes the heavy metal gate was opened and they were waved through.
“Should I call him back?”
“His phone was probably tapped.”  Loqi supplied.  “I wouldn’t”
“Who was that anyway?” Luna piped in with curiosity.
“Jared, our housekeeper. What if he calls back, should I answer?”
“No!” Loqi interjected quickly. “Though, why did you call him of all people?”
“I can’t call my dad or anyone else at the citadel they’d be overheard talking.  I thought maybe Jared might have a little more privacy at the house.  I’m also hoping he only tells my dad I called.   That might help us when we arrive.”  
As they continued on, the wooded area near the wall gradually faded out to reveal the city.  The people and traffic increased as they neared the city center.  Unable to keep quiet for any longer Gladio blurted what was on his mind.  “How did we get through with all your weapons?”
This time it was Luna who spoke up. “They retrofitted the car before we left, to hide them in the undercarriage.  You were sleeping so you didn’t notice.”
“We may need to retrieve them before we reach the citadel,” Ravus announced. “That phone call had to have alerted someone to our presence in the city, even if this Jared only alerted your father.”
“It’ll be damn near impossible to get into the citadel if we show up visibly armed!” Gladio huffed as he leaned back into the seat.   “Shouldn’t we come up with a plan to get inside first?”
Aranea spoke up before the others could respond. “We risk the traitor moving first so we have to act now and see how far we get.”
“This is stupid, I’ll get taken away to the doctor’s and you’ll all get locked up, except Luna,” sighed Gladio in frustration.  “I thought you all had this worked out?” He fumed.
“We do have it worked out!” Ravus shouted. “We knew it would be trouble trying to gain entry so the best choice was to show up unexpected.”
“Unexpected is one thing,” Gladio snarled, “uncoordinated is quite another.”
“Can we stop fighting?” Luna begged.  “Gladio please, they’ve been trying to work things out, trust me.  You’ve been passed out for most, if not all of the conversations.”
“Didn’t you all think that it might be helpful to get an insider opinion?  Nobody believed I have anything of value to add?”
“There wasn’t time!” Ravus enthused as he briefly turned to face him.  “Gladio, time is not on our side, you must know this.  The traitor has to know what we are up to and now their suspicions have been confirmed.”
“You don’t know that!  Jared’s phone might not have been tapped.”
“Come on big guy, you know that isn’t how it works.  Think ahead.” Loqi quipped.
“So we seriously have no other choice but to go driving up to the gate?”
“The traitor will act, no matter what we do.” Ravus added solemnly.   “It’s best we make an appearance and work to shed light on the truth of the matter.”
“If we’re going into a trap I still don’t see why I can’t call my dad.”
“What if the traitor acts and makes an attempt on the king all because we called ahead.”
“You didn’t care about Regis yesterday I don’t see why you’re so concerned now.” Gladio grumbled.
Ravus growled in response and hit the side of the door with his fist.  “Pull over! We’re dropping Gladio off.  Then you can call whomever you like.”
“No!” Luna shouted.  “That’s not fair!  If you leave him I’m staying with Gladio.”
“Like hell you are!” Ravus yelled.  “I didn’t risk everything just to leave you behind on the six damned street!”
The car fell into silence after Ravus’ outburst.  Loqi even seemed startled by the turn of events, and simply drove on with his hands white knuckled on the steering wheel.  Gladio was paying attention to the route and was surprised when Loqi kept making all the correct turns to get them to the citadel.  Maybe they had planned something while he’d been recovering.
Now, all he wanted to do was get away from them all and see his family.  The tension had reached an all-time high and Gladio didn’t know what would happen when they reached the main gate.
“I want my pole arm.” Aranea firmly announced once the towers of citadel came into view.
“How are you going to hide it inside the vehicle?” Gladio asked with worry.
“It breaks down, I’ll leave it on the floor boards until I need it.”
That didn’t sound very promising.  Aranea was already planning on fighting.  Gladio couldn’t do anything to stop her; he still had no strength and was too weak to access the armiger.  Choosing to stay silent he sank further into the seat and started to fret.
No one else offered any comments or arguments so Loqi pulled over into a nearly empty parking lot after a minute.  He put the car in park and waited as Aranea removed their weapons from underneath.  Ravus got out and retrieved his sword.  It fit neatly in between the seat and center console.  Aranea true to her word dismantled her weapon and placed it on the floor boards.  Once everyone was back inside and the doors were all slammed shut Loqi drove off again.  Gladio could feel his heart hammering as they approached the citadel.  What had seemed like an impossible dream was becoming reality.  However, the outcome wasn’t guaranteed and he was getting scared that something truly horrible might happen.  
The looming shadow of the building soon engulfed the car as they got closer.  Loqi somehow knew to avoid the main gate and instead went to the service entrance.  Luna had been correct, they’d been planning ahead.  Gladio didn’t realize he was shaking until the car turned down the access road.  Soon there would be no turning back.
Loqi already had the window rolled down when he drove up.   Leaning down to catch a glimpse of the guard revealed Gladio didn’t know him.   That was either going to be a blessing or a curse.  Before Gladio could register what was happening Loqi had begun talking to the man.
“We demand an audience with the king.  We are seeking asylum from Niflheim.  Please inform his majesty that we are traveling with the prince’s shield Gladiolus Amicitia.”  Loqi moved slightly and indicated behind him in the back seat.
The guard leaned down and blinked slowly.  “ID’s please.” He croaked out after a second.
Gladio could tell from Ravus’ shocked expression that they weren’t expecting that response. Loqi cleared his throat and clumsily went to grab the stack of documents they’d already compiled from the check point at the wall.   The guard took them and disappeared into this little hut.  
“There is no way in hell they are gonna just open the gate for us.” Loqi breathed out tersely.
“What if they do? Then what?” Gladio asked.  He knew there was a second gate to get through after this one.  The security system in place included a moat of sorts around the perimeter.  Two tall fences with barbed wire atop running alongside each other.   The middle section had a single lane access road.  This was their first obstacle.    
Aranea answered after a beat, “you tell them we rescued you and not to kill us.”
“I don’t know if tha --.”
“Shut up he’s coming back!” Ravus hissed.
The guard came up and handed the documents back.  “You’ve been cleared to go through, please wait at the second gate for an escort.”   The man said nothing further and simply walked away as the heavy metal door in front of them suddenly began ratcheting open.
“Do I go in?” Loqi asked quietly.  “Once this gate closes behind us escape becomes exponentially harder.”          
“We can’t very well drive away now Loqi,” Ravus grumbled.  “The next gate is right there anyway, let’s go see if they will let us in.”
“Fine.” Loqi replied with a frown.  The car slowly crawled forward and jostled as it went over the speed bump at the gate.  “Shit, they have the traffic spikes installed under here.  I can’t go back even if I tried, the tires would pop.”
“Just drive forward and stop panicking.”  Aranea ordered.
“I’m not panicking!” Loqi hissed.  “I’m merely working to plan our escape should it be needed.  They’ve even got concrete barriers up on either side.”
“Not everywhere,” Luna offered as she pointed to a missing section on their right.”    
“Something’s wrong,” announced Ravus. “Where are the other guards, I don’t see any other people at this next gate.”
“They said there would be an escort though,” Luna commented with concern.  “Why would he lie?”
“If it was a trap.” Aranea groaned.
Loqi suddenly became very animated. “No, no, no it can’t be!” He uttered in shock.  “That can’t be true.  There is no way that asshole is him.”
“What are you going on about?” Ravus insisted as he leaned over to stare out the window at what Loqi was looking at.
“Gladio!  How far does this no man’s land between the gates stretch?!” Loqi asked hurriedly.
“Up to the main gate about 800 yards away, why?” Gladio didn’t get an answer as Loqi violently threw the car into reverse.  They were all thrown forward as he gunned the engine.  “What are you doing?!” Gladio shouted.
“I saw him!” Loqi screamed. “The other fucking bad guy, I fucking saw him!” He was frantic as he maneuvered the car away from the gate house.
“We can’t go back! The spikes will wreck the tires.”  Aranea yelled.
“I’m not going straight back!” Loqi spit out as he turned sharply to fit in between gap in the barriers Luna had noticed earlier.
Gladio was about to tell him he was crazy when movement behind the guard tower caught his attention. The hulking figure of the captain of the guard soon came into view.  “That’s captain Drautos he’s a good guy!” tried Gladio as he held onto the seat.
“He’s a captain?!” Loqi wailed, “Dear six no wonder you all didn’t notice.”
“He’s not a bad guy!” Gladio yelled again.
“That’s Glauca! He’s the ultimate bad guy!”
“Guys they have a car and are chasing us!” Aranea exclaimed with wide eyes while pointing out the window.
Loqi hadn’t noticed since he was facing the wrong way to drive.  He turned and yelled loudly.  The car jerked as he worked to maintain control.  Spinning around once more he began driving faster.  “We need to get the hell outta here, he’s gonna murder us all.”
“How do you know it’s him?!” Ravus asked as he worked his sword out from in between the seat.
“I know I saw him once talking to the emperor!” Loqi breathed out in a rush.  “It was an accident, he had his helmet off, and it didn’t click until I saw him now.  But that’s not important right now guys!  Help me get outta here!”  
Gladio was thinking fast, it’d been a long time since he’d been out on this side of the citadel.  The next gate Loqi was speedily approaching would have the same traffic spikes.  Maybe if they got into the main grounds they could get to the king before Drautos got to them. He was about to offer up the idea when a blue flash off to the side caught his attention.
It was actually two blue flashes, one slightly behind the other.   Gladio recognized the first blue blur as the slightly hunched form of his friend.  The crown prince of Lucis was currently warping like a madman towards their car.
“Aranea open your door!” Gladio demanded.
“Just do it!!” He yelled.
Thankfully she wrenched the door open just in time.  The prince had managed to clear the fence and was now next to the car.  Gladio could see him struggling to keep up.  Consecutive warps were exhausting and he was surprised Noct was still able to stay with them.  Leaning back out of the way proved the right choice as a sword came whizzing by his head as second later.  
The overwhelming surge of emotion that hit Gladio next was surreal.   There, trembling in his arms and sprawled across the seat was Noct, in the flesh and blood.  Without a second thought he hugged him fiercely.   The prince wasn’t able to communicate clearly but he at least was able to hug back.
“Th--thought you were dead!” Noct managed to gasp in between breaths as he rested limply in Gladio’s arms.
“I’m okay.” He choked out. The heartfelt moment was immediately shattered when Ravus shouted a frantic warning.  Gladio barely had time to react when the car swerved violently and slammed into something.   Holding onto Noct with one arm, he reached out and hugged Luna close with the other.  Gladio was disoriented and could only do what he knew best.
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mydearsaddiary · 4 years
Little curiosity notes: Hey guys! We’re on chapter 9 now! If everything goes according to plan the story will end in the next chapter! I might do an additional short epilogue after, but the plan is only to continue until chapter 10! Thank you so much for reading until here and as always: Feel free to reach out!
Thank you!
Candy (08/20/2020)
Neil Chapter 9 part 1- First, do no harm
-Cliff- I said as I walked from the back room of the diner I helped to manage now- you’re running low on soda, you know!
-Geez- He said, finishing up cleaning a table and running towards me- I’m awful with this inventory stuff ya know, MC. Mind seeing everything we’re missing?
I smiled, gently hitting him on the head with the papers I was holding- Glad to help.
-Neil coming in today? Just got his new bourbon stash this morning!
-Im sure he’ll pop by later when the nanny is home. How’s everything going with you?
-It’s fine, me and Jane just moved in together- He crossed his arms , blushing a little and giving me that big smile of his.
-So you finally settled down. Next thing you know you’ll have little Conways running around the place
-Maybe in a few years- He turned around when somebody called his name- Alright, duty calls. Have fun in there!
-I always have- I waved at him and returned the back room to count our stock, manage prices, and do basically everything I did at the Ice Box. I enjoyed doing the same job alongside the same people without having the risk. Our past evolved into a better future than most of what the other mob bosses had.
Suddenly, I heard the lock click. My initial shock soon turned into dark memories I wanted to forget. Impulsively I tried open the door only to find out I was actually locked in
-Hey...! Hey!- I knocked on the door- Hey, let me out! Somebody locked me in- I wasn’t scared of enclosed places. It was the sound of the lock clicking and the inability to open it from the inside that haunted me.
I hated being locked in.
-MC- The door opened after a few knocks. Vince was there- Sorry, just came in and thought somebody left it open
-It’s alright-My cheeks were colored red, but besides that I kept my posture- I’ll just do the inventory outside
I opened my eyes, waking up from my sleep. I could feel no sign of light besides the faint, artificial one. I sighed heavily realizing nothing had changed. In my new found experience, not being in the sun for three weeks messes with you head. It makes you tired and empty. A crippling force tells you to accept your fate to remain there.
I sat up, only to find Vera already awake on the mattress besides mine- Did you check the day today?- I asked
-Yeah. The holidays are approaching fast. How are you?
I rubbed my stomach which now had started to show more. Vera had asked the mayor, in one of the times he came in, for new clothes. She had some in the bedroom they used to share. It was refreshing to say the least and her clothes, that were slightly bigger on me, helped me hide my condition from him. It was a light and loose salmon colored shirt that went down until my hip, and a beige skirt that went to my calf, along with white stockings. It was nothing I’d normally wear, but I wasn’t in the position to be picky.
-I feel fine- I said- I don’t feel too sick anymore. I haven’t gotten any movements yet
-How far along are you?
-Hm... I went to the doctor last month... Must be around 13 or 14 weeks.
-It’s still early. Mine didn’t move until about 17 weeks
I looked at her, genuinely surprised- You have kids?
-Oh yes, Frank and I have our children. They’re all grown and moved on to different parts of the country. My oldest one is a little older than you.
-What’s her name?
-His, actually. His name is Robert. He’s 21 now, he got a job out west and comes back to visit when he can.
-Who are the others?
-Oh, May is 18. She’s with her aunt in Florida. I sent her when things got too complicated here. She wouldn’t listen to us.
I chuckled- I know how she feels.
-Then there’s Matt. He’s 16.
-What’s going on with Matt?
-He’s in New York as an apprentice to his grandfather. My ex-husband’s dad. He wants to teach him how to run the business he owns
-Seems like they’ve got it all figured out
-Yes. Well, I know the feeling of having your first kid. I was but a bit older than you are right now. Although- She pointed to her surroundings- I had a more adequate stay
I laughed, but there was no humor in my voice- Adler’s gonna bring our city down under his total power if we don’t do something
-You don’t think your men are trying to save you or figure it out?
-Trying is the key word. Vince...-I sighed, with a heavy heart- Well, Adler shot him... He must be dead right now. That means Cliff and Uncle Charlie must be a mess. On top of it, for my uncle, there’s the fact that I disappeared. That also messes with Neil who, I can’t even imagine what he must be feeling but it’s nothing good. Then Donovan isn’t close enough with them to put everybody’s head together. Julius, Cleo, Sofia and Andrew... Im sure they’re trying to help but...- I sighed- I’m the head of the Ice Box. Im the queen on the chess board. They need me- I said as I realized it myself- I can’t spend any more time waiting for something to happen or counting days.
-You already tried everything, remember?
-Not everything- I got up, exercising my need to move my legs- You know Adler’s schedule better than anyone. When is he out for a long time?
-He’s always at the office from noon to six on weekdays.
-Then thats our time to escape. We’ll wait an hour just to be sure, then leave.
-Yes, but you’re leaving out the important part— How are we gonna leave?
-Last night, before I went to bed, I was looking around your things to see if I could find something useful
-You went through my stuff?!-She said visibly irritated
-If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have found this- I opened my hand to show her the few bobby pins I had in my possession
-How is pinning your hair up helping us?
-Oh Vera, dig a little deeper. It’s for opening the door. I can pick it!
-With those? I think you might be a little too optimistic
-Thankfully- I said cheering up- I had plenty of training sneaking back in my house, and hiding from Momma and Poppa. I have yet to meet a lock that could stop me.
She looked at me for a few seconds and sighed- Alright, I’ll bite. One in the afternoon then.
-Thats right!-I hid it once I heard the door open. They were bringing breakfast down.
We heard Adler leave. We heard everything until there was nothing else to hear. The anticipation was so overwhelming that when Vera’s little clock hit twelve-thirty, we were on out way up the stairs.
I got two bobby pins and started to work on unlocking the door. In a few minutes, it clicked and it opened right up to the now dark living room
-You know- She whispered- For the three weeks you were here, you could’ve tried that sooner.
-I didn’t know you had these!- I whispered too, but in an angrier tone- And you’re welcome!
I pushed the door out slowly, as if someone would head. The dark immensity of the house spread before my eyes. Without a single soul there it seemed peaceful, but in a way that unsettled you, like something was waiting to jump out from the dark. The negativity soon disappeared as I got lost in my thoughts for a second and walked over to the big window, letting the sun hit my face. The warmth of the natural light, warmed up my heart along with it. The joy of finally breaking free made me forget for an instant I had to walk out the front door.
-Miss Granger, let’s go!-Vera hurried me up
-Yeah, right- I walked up to the front of the house. By the door there was a table. I noticed keys on top of it- This is for his Ford, isn’t it?- I grabbed them-Nifty! We just got out escape vehicle
-I can’t drive- She looked at me uncertain
-Well, I’ve been learning- I replied opening the door- Now, let’s scram
I had to go through two Fords to find the one the keys belonged too, within myself we could taste the flavor of freedom.
Opening the door, I made my way in. It was then everything was ruined by a single shot that went right through the window on my side. When I looked back, Adler stood a few yards away with a gun aimed in my direction, along with his two goons.
-Go, Vera! Inside!-I yelled at the top of my lungs closing my door and turning on the car. I stepped on the gas and went as fast as the car would allow me to.
Soon, down the streets of Chicago we went. The bright sun and the streets filled with people would normally be cause for celebration, but my currently situation prevented me from enjoying it. I heard more shots coming our way and noticed that Adler was following us in his own car
To make everything better, Vera was freaking out in the passenger seat
-Woaaaaaaaaah, be careeeful! Waaaait, you’re going tooooo faaaaast!
-Vera!- I yelled back, driving and swerving as much as my experience would allow- If I don’t drive fast he’s gonna catch up to us—Ah!- I yelped when another shot came right in between us, making a hole in the windshield
-You’re gonna kills uuuus!-Her voice got louder and more annoying- I’m not ready to die!- She continued, letting out her “Oh!”s And “Oh my god!”s And her loud screams that were worse than the shots for me. At this point, I tried my best to ignore them since our lives depended on it
She yelled even louder when his car bumped into our rear and sent our bodies forward. I heard continuous shots that shattered our windows and I couldn’t go any faster. I had to think of something quickly, but all the stimulation from the outside made the task harder.
That’s when I saw it and hope ushered back into me. The little red convertible from the corner of my eyes, driving right ahead of us. Vince drove with ease on the wheel, while, surprisingly, our most experienced shooter, Donovan, fired back in the mayor’s direction from the passenger seat.
Seeing them, I let out a relieved little laugh. Fear was substituted with the urge to go faster, so I gained some distance on them. On the other side the trusty green Studebaker had Cliff, Uncle Charlie and Julius in it. Cliff drove, Uncle tried to steal glances my way, and Julius had a pistol, and helped Donovan by firing back. Sometimes Vince would keep one hand on the wheel and use pearl to fire as well. What I thought was going to be hell quickly turned into an exhilarating thrill.
And then, time slowed down as a third car showed up. The darker colored vehicle that belong not just to any man, but to the man I had longed to see all this time— Neil Dresner. I recognized the car but I couldn’t see him since he drove ahead of me. It might seem silly, but the importance of that moment couldn’t be just understood, it had to be felt. The whole world brightened up again just to know he was near. I knew then I wasn’t alone, and I never would be again.
And then everything came back to me in a second, when Vera’s shouting became deafening and another shot came right by us
-We’re going to die! Jesus!- She kept having her panic attacks
-MC!-I heard a voice from Vince in his car- To the docks! Go to the docks!
I nodded, better now that I had a direction in mind,so I sped up towards my new destination.
The city passed by us in a blur, I didn’t allow myself to focus on anything else but getting there. I’m sure everyone else had a plan and in my mind I started formulating the beginning of my own.
I turned into the road that led to the docks and swerving the car faster than it could handle, I stopped abruptly, hitting a few of the many giant boxes piled around, ready to be transported. The side of the car caved in, but we came out unscathed in the front
-What are you thinking?! We could have died! We could hav-
-Vera!- I yelled, looking at her, panting. The adrenaline hadn’t left my body and I knew it wouldn’t for a long time- you’re a chatter-mag bitch- I said in an unusual calm tone, still trying to catch my breath
-Excuse me?-She gave me that look she usually did when she disapproved of something
I was going to reply, but then I heard a car and shots again- Go Vera! Out of the car!- I pushed her out her way and pulled her to hide behind the boxes laid out nearby.
I heard more tires and assumed my gang had arrived to rescue us. I smiled realizing I was right when I saw Vince throwing me my trusty revolver- Let’s take car of em, boss.
-Don’t call me that- I grabbed it, feeling an immense power I hadn’t felt in a long time. I pointed it to my target, my enemies, those who sided with Adler...
...And fired.
Part 2: https://mydearsaddiary.tumblr.com/post/627009903803990016/speakeasy-tonight-fanfic-neil-season-3-chapter-10
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 5
I did everything I could to keep Onyx because Ichigo has never been this demanding before, has he really forgotten that he is now my cousin? So when night arrived, I could not get to sleep because of how he was acting towards me, Alex, Onyx, Mugetsu, Esperanza, and Shiro, when it comes to Orihime, his son, Rukia, and Renji he acts like nothing is wrong. I wonder it has to do with the fact that HIS memories are obscured now, if that's the case, I need to do something about this, I softly called out, "Hey Onyx." "Couldn't sleep?" he asked. I sighed meaning that there was something on my mind, Onyx opened up the closet door like Rukia used to do, "What's on your mind?" "Ichigo has been acting very weird," I said, "Are his memories obscured this time?" "I wish I knew but we need to get everyone back before things get worse," said Onyx, "Thankfully I know on how to get them back. Let's sneak out and find a Karaoke place so we can loose the tension." That is what we exactly did, Onyx was always the one to keep his guard up even when Ichigo was being protective, doesn't matter, Onyx is my brother and guardian. We walked into a place that has a stage but no one was singing, Onyx asked the manager of the place, "Can we take the stage for tonight?" She was the sweetest lady, told us, "Of course you can, darlings." We walked up the stage and we saw Alex again, this time he was with Volaris, he knew exactly on what to play when he saw us, Ignite played first to warm us up, we got no one's attention for some time, which means we got to up our game. The lady who let us was watching us, she was loving us and how in sync we were being, she asked us, "Are you two a couple?" "No, we are brother and sister," said Onyx, "Don't ask, just accept it." She nods, I think she knows on what we are because Carry On from Avenged Sevenfold started to play, got Levy back, because there was someone with a cup of water who watched their drink vanish to thin air, then we heard, "Hey guys!" Onyx shouted, "Aunt Levy!" She waved where the lady was, then Centuries played then started to get some attention with Must Be Nice from Nickelback it was only Onyx this time. Then I noticed that did not got their attention, I felt someone behind me, I turned, Jagaur's back, he was head bobbing to the Nickelback song, "Hey, Jagaur." He looks at me finally, then smiles, "I'm waiting for a hug." I hugged him same with Levy, then I did Immortals from Fall Out Boy, and In The Air Tonight from Phil Collins, I guess that there was a colonel who was supposed at his base because we heard someone who never raised his voice and that colonel was close to harming the lady that let us on stage, then we saw a fist and a few teeth falling into view. Hurricane is back, never lost his chivalry, then we heard him say, "Get out of here, scumbag." The guy ran out, I waved, "Hi, Hurricane!" "Hey, Lady Akari," he said, immediate change of attitude, "Don't mind me I'm just doing my thing." "As we can see, by the way, nice to have you back," said Onyx, "Next song." Not Gonna Die, Out of Hell, and Rise from Skillet played then A Light That Never Comes from Linkin Park played, got Raven and Layla back. Then Thunder played, I felt a shocking feeling and out came Evangeline beginning to dance with her partner Hurricane. A lot of songs later, I got most of them back, my sassiness came back because Jagaur was the source of it all. I was back in bed same with Onyx, everyone else hoped onto Hurricane's back and went straight to the cottage to power up the portal so that the others would come out. I can not wait to see mom and dad after so long of being away from them, morning rises and it was time to handle Hollows, I was energized again, I am now use to my falchion because I did a couple Heart blasts to a few, Ichigo caught up to me, Onyx, and Mugetsu, tells only me, "Let Kazui have his first kill." I rolled my eyes, "He's not old enough, Ichigo Kurosaki." Then I casted a Shadow Ball, threw it at a Hollow who was going after his son, "He has yet to know on what to do." "I'm sorry, what is going on," he asked, "First thing you were scared to even fight with your falchion and now you are using it with no problem, what happened to you?" "Wouldn't you like to know," I sassed, "I'm not telling. Let's go Mugetsu and Onyx." "No, you are not going anywhere until you tell me on what is going on with you," said Ichigo. Then the thought of hate surge through my body and mind, it was unbearable this time, Mugetsu could see this, tapped on the side of my temple, it calmed the being inside, saying, "Keep calm until we get into the cottage." I nodded to what he said, Mugetsu said to Ichigo, "Dude, you are effecting her every action to do anything. She is battling something greater than her and it might kill her." Raven showed up and casted a mental lock key, unlocked his memories again, Ichigo ended up saying, "I didn't know that what I was doing was causing her to be like this." "It's alright you didn't know, Ichigo," said Onyx, "Now, you remember on who she is and her power?" "Yeah," he said, "She's Akari Itsuki, who I took under my care without knowing that she already has a brother but I know that she knows I was trying to prepare her for a world that does not care about her feelings." "Which it won't matter because her inner being won't let anyone say anything evil towards her," said Mugetsu, "Let's just say that you will lose her again and she will never come back from what she was battling." After we separated from Ichigo, I went to Shinji for help, I called, "Hello? Anybody here?" "Ah, Miss Itsuki," said Shinji, "Been a while." "I need your help please," I cried. Hiyori, who didn't like me in the beginning but she still did, walks up into view, asked, "What is it that you need from us?" "I'm battling something and I don't know on what to do," I said, "I came here so I can learn what it is and how to deal with it the best I can." "Well then you came to the right place," said Shinji, "Let's what is within you shall we?" "Go easy on me please," I said. Then everyone heard, including me, "I know on who it is." We looked at who it was, I called out, "Mugetsu, what are you doing here?" "To tell you on what is going on within you," said Mugetsu, "You might've thought that the Elemental Realm was your inner mind, but it is not because I went through it, Akari, something is preventing you to go into your mind." "How do I get there?" I asked.
Mugetsu's POV: I told her that I was going to see on what I will by going into her mind, I went in to her mind, the view before me was unbelievable, there were evil thoughts flowing through harming Nikushimi's power level and hurting her physically, I got to work on destroying each and every one of those evil, mean, and nasty thoughts. I used all my power skills to get the ones that were in my reach, I called out, "Nikushimi! I'm going to come back with back up because this is unacceptable for something like this to happen." "Please, help me, Mugetsu," she said, weakly. Esperanza and Onyx may be the guardians of Akari alone, but I protect Nikushimi, it was my sworn duty to protect that fragile thing until she has her power and strength back. Time to get Denver and Dakota, well it's going to be real easy for me to find Denver because he remembers on who he was, Dakota has no idea on who he is, so I decided to go to the market because that is where they working at, both of them are working at the market, one was a cashier and the other was stocking the shelves. I went to Dakota, who was stocking the shelves, "Hey, I need your help." "Can it wait, Mugetsu?" he asked, "Unless it's very important." "It's Akari," I said. That got his attention, "One moment please, could you finish for me?" "Sure," I said, starting finishing on what he was stocking. Yes I work here too, I'm just the Co-manager of the place, I was told that I didn't have to be here unless it was an emergency, I went to Denver and told him what is happening with Lady Akari. I got the 2, no one said anything back to what I was doing because I like things my way, then Dakota had the nerve to ask, "Is your hair that long yet?" "Shut up, Dakota," I said, "I have yet to say that I have hair extensions." "There is a thing called shampoo," said Denver. I just looked at the 2, I can not believe these 2 are actually seeing through this long ass hair, am I really that easy to get caught? I asked, "Can you act like it's this natural? I don't want to be made fun of as I already am by a Black Panther." "Fine, whatever floats your boat, milady," Dakota joked. I shouted, "Do I really look like a woman?" "No you don't," said a lady behind us. We looked, it was a girl with lavender hair that was wearing an indigo and golden yellow dress, she was also wearing a necklace that has a clock, I asked, "How's it going, Usami?" "Where you are going with these 2?" she asked, "Bring them back because I might need you all to be here since this place is going to be busy in a few hours." "Usami, this is more important," I said to her, "I'll be right back with them, but for right now, they are on their breaks." She nods knowing that I am stubborn, man, I got it from my host, Ichigo Kurosaki, damn you, strawberry, shrug it off, then we see him, Dakota groaned, "Great, here comes the grouch of all grouches." "What happened while he was there?" I asked. Dakota answered, "I kept seeing him saying to Akari to watch on what she eats even though she tells me and Denver that she is naturally that thin, not to mention she has extreme high metabolism." "She does fight a lot and it burns a lot of calories," I said. We went back to where Akari was, I led the 2 into her mind, I asked, "Do you guys know on what power you guys have?" "I have Energy," said Denver. Dakota tells me that he has Void, "Alright guys, see those thoughts, destroy them because they are causing damage to that little fragile girl over there," I said pointing at Nikushimi. They got the memo, Denver looks like Ukitake right? Here is what Dakota looks like, he's the Dangai version, his attire is exactly what you think it is, the right sleeve is always torn and he has to have something wrapped around his entire arm and his hand would always be covered with a black glove with a very long black thick string that he always does to his own clothing. Let's just say that is his Soul form, we are currently breaking his habit within his body because that has got to stop, he almost lost his job to what he almost did to his uniform, I did come up with a compromise that he can wear the black glove with no string attached to it, he's slowly getting there. We got the thought taken care of and we exited the mind of hers, Dakota goes, "Well, that was nerve wrecking, those thoughts were not what I had in mind." "Maybe we need to set her an application to the market so the 3 of us and hopefully Usami can keep an eye out for her," I said to them, "I know for a fact that it's not going to stop until we find out on who is the source of all this nonsense."
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bssaz97 · 4 years
* Wanted to try something new and see how it goes, mainly a two parter but may continue if ever now and then, but it’s not related to Ancestries. So you all don’t get confused. Will contain happy and sad moments. *
- Patch, on the edge of a cliff -
A boy walks near to the edge, he has the custom to come here almost once every month. Many in his family don’t discourage him to go but usually he comes along with his mother or aunt. Today, he comes alone because he recently got into a argument with said mother and he decided to leave the house to cool off despite his aunt’s plea to do otherwise. He slumps in front of a tombstone. The memorial of his grandmother.
Boy: Hey grandma, it’s me again. I know I came two weeks ago but I can’t be at home right now.
He sighed, he knew it was not going to get a reply but he usually feels better coming here, like even if had never met her before.
Boy: I got into a argument with Mom. A pretty big one too. I....I told her that I wanted to start training to be a huntsman. I thought she would be happy to hear that I wanted to be a hero like her and Dad, but then she started getting upset, said that I was being rash and not weighing my options, that I should just stay in regular school. It’s not fair, everybody I know started their training when they were my age, and even then Dad was older when he started his. What makes me so different.
He sits down, and thinks back to a year ago when he was 11 years old, when he really started to think about being a huntsman. Now that he was 12 he could legally begin attending Signal, the combat school here on Patch, and start his training, but was hesitant to bring it up with his Mom. She was a retired huntress and from what her stories told was a pretty famous one at that. Almost everyone in his family group were former huntsman and huntresses.
Everyone except his biological aunt, she was the coolest person he knew, always taking hardest jobs and always came back with a victorious carefree smile on her face but made time to spend time with him and his twin sister, she was cool like that. But whenever he or anybody else tried to mention his father or ask questions about him, it seemed to bring the mood down. However they all kept a strong face whenever he or his sister was in the room. He frowned at this, he knew he was young but he wasn’t stupid. What’s worse is that his Mom does this the most, she tries always to be happy all the time when around him, his sister and her friends, but he could knows of times wear her mask breaks when she thinks he’s not looking or asleep and could hear her cry herself to sleep.
His mom wasn’t a terrible parent by any means she’s always active in their life, taking him and his sister on vacation trips to Atlas to see his aunt Weiss or to Mistral to visit his godparents Ren and Nora and always makes sure that his sister and him are always doing well in school. His Aunt Penny also helps out a lot when she’s not busy saving the world as she so often says. So really, he loves his mother dearly, and knows she loves him. That’s why when he told her of his goal to be a huntsman, her mask broke. Her warm smile wasn’t there and her warm silver eyes weren’t alive with love, instead she had the look as if he just signed to be hurled off a building in Atlas. He can remember what she told him. Still fresh in his mind.
*///Flashback Twenty minutes ago///*
His family is together for a dinner together that his Mom made and his sister and Aunt are at the table with him while his mom brings the dinner to the table. But when asked by his Aunt what he did today in school, he tells her that they were doing a project about what they were going to do when they grow up. His Aunt calling it cute and pinching his cheek with her robotic hand. She asks him what he plans to do, he tells his family with happiness that he wants to be a huntsman when he grows up. The peaceful atmosphere ends when his mom dropped the plate of pasta at hearing his declaration.
Mom: ...What?
Boy: Um, I said that I wanted to start-
Mom: No, what heard you said. (Rubs her face) What I mean is why? Why do you want to be a huntsman? Of all things?!
Boy: What? But I thought you would be happy. I thought about this for a long time and it’s what I want to do. I mean everyone in our family is practically huntsmen and huntresses, I just want to be one too Mom.
Mom: Do you even know what you’re asking about?! A huntsman Rowan, that’s the most dangerous job on the planet and it’s not one to make a joke about!
Boy(Now names Rowan): It’s not a joke though. I really want to be a huntsman, I talked with cousin Adrian during our last trip to Argus. He said that if I could have my Aura unlocked and get the necessary paperwork, I could go to Signal academy next year after I’m done with Primary school. He even said it wouldn’t be hard we could get the paperwork easy if a parent or guardian goes with me to fill it out.
Mom: ...No.
For him, Rowan’s world stopped. He could see that his Aunt lost her smile and had a look of concern. His sister also looked shocked and cowered in her chair, afraid to get involved because she has never heard her mom sound so grim before. He couldn’t believe it either she looked at him like there was no room for argument and that anything said otherwise she would refuse. Something was growing inside him, an unpleasant feeling. Towards his sweet Mom.
Yang: Look I can tell this was a bad topic to bring up. Sorry Rubes, here I can help remake dinner if you-
Rowan: (With a quivering voice) What do you mean ‘No’?
Ruby: I mean I’m not taking you to get those documents. Your not going to become a huntsman.
Rowan: But why?! You’re not even going to at least consider it!
Ruby: I’ve already considered it, and my answer is no. That’s final Rowan.
Rowan: But that’s not fair!
Ruby: Don’t raise your voice at me young man!
Rowan: But you’re not listening to me! I want to be a huntsman, that’s my dream, I even wrote a paper and everything about it, Aunt Yang helped me write it too.
Ruby: Yang!
Yang:(Raises her arms in defense) Hey, in I’m defense I thought he was just writing another school paper so I just helped him with the thesis. I didn’t know he was gonna base his career on it.
Rowan: But you agree with me don’t you!
Yang: Oooh, really you’re dragging me under the bus too kid.~ Weeeell, I do think you should consider your options.
Ruby: Consider his- You’re agreeing with him!
Yang: Hey I never said that!
Rowan: But you just said-!
Yang: I know what I said! I just...think you should listen to your mom kiddo, right now.
Rowan couldn’t believe this, his mom turned his aunt against him and for the first time in his life he snapped back.
Rowan: Who are you to decide what I should do with my life! It’s... It’s... It’s bullshit!
Ruby:(Gasps) How dare you take that language with me young man! Now consider yourself grounded for a week.
Rowan: Wha- Why?!
Ruby: Because you’re talking back and being disrespectful!
Rowan: I don’t care if I’m being disrespectful you’re basically ruining my dream!
Ruby: Well I do care! I care that you’ll be safe and not in a dangerous environment where you can get killed!
Rowan: And what, die like Dad did?!
Rowan felt whatever fight he had left him after saying those last few words. He knew the weight they had and regretted it immediately. His mother’s face changed from angry to stunned. The room lost light in that moment at his moment of anger had caused. His mom’s mouth began to quiver, her left hand began covered her mouth and she tried to hold back the sobs that were fighting to come out.
Yang: Ruby...
His aunt tried to put her hand on his mom shoulder but she shrugged it off and excused herself out of the Kitchen. After watching her walk off, his aunt looked towards him and she bore into him. She had the angriest and most disappointed expression on her face he had ever seen, and he knew why.
Yang: That was a low blow Rowan, if I were you, I probably would just go to your room, right now.
After her scolding, she began to follow after his mom. He looks towards the table, contemplating how a happy dinner between his family quickly turned into one of the worst moments in his young life. He looks to his sister and sees that she is cradling herself, clearly hurt by his words as well.
Rowan: Summer...
She leaves her chair and runs up to the second floor towards his room and slams the door. He messed up, he knew he did. Rowan single handily upset everyone in his family. He felts bitter tears began to swell in his eyes, then he runs. Except he doesn’t run to his room like he was told, he instead runs out of the house and into the woods. He couldn’t stand being home right now, not after what he just did.
*\\\End of flashback\\\*
Rowan finished telling his tale to his grandma’s tombstone and wipes away some fresh tears from his eyes. But finds it difficult as they come more than he could wipe away.
Rowan: (sobbing) I didn’t mean to take it that far, it just came out. I didn’t mean to make my mom cry like that. What kind of son makes their own mother cry. She probably hates me right now.
He continues to cry his eyes out for a couple more minutes. Until he hears something approach from a few feet behind him. He looks back sees three Beowolves closing in on him. He’s too petrified to move and couldn’t make a sound. As the three Grimm move to pounce on him he throws himself back and outstretched his arms to shield himself. He thought he was a good as dead until something happened.
*Bang! Bang! Bang!*
He looks past his arms and sees a man standing there with the three Beowolves dissolving into ash. He holsters what looks like a revolver into his overcoat and looks in his direction.
Stranger: Young boy, what are doing here all by yourself at this time of day...or night I should say.
The Stranger looks about the same age as his mother but bears a strong resemblance to his aunt Weiss. He even has the white hair and pale complexion. However his eyes are a light blue than his auntie’s artic blues.
Rowan:(Wipes his face) Nothing...who are you?
Stranger: Well that’s rude. Asking a stranger who they are without a hello or asking their name first.
Rowan: (Standing up) Sorry, my mom- nevermind. What’s your name?
Stranger: Well that’s better, my name is Whitley. What’s yours?
Rowan: It’s Rowan. Say, not to be rude but are you related to someone by the name Weiss Schnee?
Whitley: Huh, small world. Yes I do in fact know Weiss Schnee. She’s my older sister in fact.
Rowan: Really? Because I’ve never heard of you before sir.
Whitley: ‘Huff’, older but still the same aren’t you Weiss. Well I typically don’t stay in Atlas all the time. I’m sort of a traveler for hire.
Rowan: You mean like a Huntsman! (Beans)
Whitley:(Chuckles) Not exactly. Say how do you know my sister by the way.
Rowan: Well she’s my aunt, well not my real aunt just a close family friend who my mom and real aunt treat like a sister. Which would kind of make her my aunt, which is wired because I have other people who I call aunts and uncles but aren’t physically related to me. Which is why I am surprised to meet you right now because I’ve never heard of you before. I mean I normally ever see auntie Weiss whenever we got to Atlas or she comes during the holidays. By the way do you- mmmfh! (Whitley covers his mouth to stop his chatter)
Whitley: Good lord, you really are long winded aren’t you kid. (Takes away his gloved hand) So back to topic, why are you out here by yourself?
Rowan:(Looks down and begins to look neverous) I...I don’t want to be home right now.
Whitley:(Furrows his brow and kneels down) How come?
Rowan: Well...I said something that really upset my mom and now, I don’t want to go home.
Whitley: Oh come on, what you said couldn’t possibly be that bad.
Rowan: I did though! I made her cry all because...I mentioned my dead dad.
Whitley: ...Well damn, I guess you did fuck up pretty bad.
Rowan: 'Gasp' Swear!
Whitley: ...How old are you boy? 10?
Rowan: I’m 12! And swears are bad.
Whitley:(Rubs the bridge of his nose) My lord you really are Ruby Rose’s son.
Rowan: Huh you know my mom.
Whitley: Yes I do, in fact I’m visiting a friend of mine her on a business venture with a fellow colleague of mine. Who I’m guessing is your aunt.
Rowan: You know my Auntie Yang!
Whitley: Yes I do, but I really think we should be heading back to your house. Your family’s probably worried sick.
Rowan: ...I don’t think so. I wouldn’t doubt that they hate me.
Whitley: ‘Huff’ Look Rowan, take from a person who has been where you are. Your mother doesn’t hate you, if anything, if she’s the Ruby Rose I know she’ll be more concerned about you being out here by yourself then anything you said to her. So come on let’s get you home.
Rowan: ...I guess you’re right.
Whitley: Of course I’m right, most of the time I always am. So let’s go.
Rowan: Ok....you have no idea how to get to my house do you?
Whitley:(Chuckles) Was kind of hoping you wouldn’t figure that out.
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kthsizzle · 4 years
red moon days
[summary] BTS’ reaction to you being paid a visit a from Aunt Flo 
[genre] Fluff fluff fluff ; non-idol au! ; boyfriend!bts au; bts x reader
[warning]: cursing, TOO MUCH FLUFF
myg 1.8k| kth - soon | jjk - soon
“Babe, hurry up I have to work!” you hear your boyfriend Yoongi calling from the other side of the door while constantly knocking on it. The knocks get harder and more solid as you prolong your stay in his bathroom. How could you have forgotten? You sighed and looked at the mess below you, red stains covering the majority of your knickers, barely leaving any pattern left from it’s aesthetics for you to see. You’ve been sitting on the toilet for half an hour now still not knowing what to do. You have always been shy about your red days when it comes to Yoongi. You try hard not to make it obvious. On your red days, you are extra clean and make the extra effort, and you being a clean freak, couldn’t get any cleaner than you already are, but still, you’re able to manage. 
You don’t realize it, but Yoongi notices when at a certain time of a month your hair smells extremely like lavender, you always want to eat gelato and order vanilla bean every time at that local pizza parlor, only because other restaurants who serve gelato wouldn’t satisfy you, more hours are added to your usual sleep and Yoongi finds it difficult to wake you up being the heavier sleeper between you two. There are also times wherein you refuse to hold his hand while walking down the street which is strange for him since you usually are the clingy type, he notices that too and he gets pissed and actually more sad when you do that, he just won’t admit it. You don’t see it, but he’s already got you memorized - he just doesn’t like manifesting his true emotions and feelings. 
“Babe! What are you doing?! I have to get to work, it’s a busy day!” he’s practically screaming at this point. Yoongi hates waiting, that’s one of his pet peeves. He couldn’t wait for anything that takes longer than 3 minutes. But right now, you don’t really have a choice but to stay there. Forever, if possible. Because;
 1) Yoongi’s tissue supply is almost out; it wouldn’t suffice to use it as an alternative for a pad. And besides, you have already done it once before and never again, you really hated that feeling. 2) washing your undies would work, but that means you’d still have to wait for it to dry up and it will take you longer in there 3) borrowing a fresh set of clothes from Yoongi isn’t exactly an option but you’re so desperate now that you’re considering it. Your boyfriend is very meticulous when it comes to his clothes, just as you are with your period. He never lets you borrow anything from him, not even old shirts, except for that large black hoodie of his that you really love and that’s all you’re ever gonna get. Secretly, that’s one of Yoongi’s favorite sweaters. He’s had it since he was a kid, it was his brother’s actually. But he couldn’t say no when you pulled your infamous puppy dog face when you tried to borrow (or in his case steal) it from him, he just couldn’t say no to you. And 4) which is another desperate measure, is to tell him that it’s one of those days and ask him to help you. The latter seems to be the easiest way out of your situation, but also the most difficult to do for you. 
“It’s been half an hour babe! Open this door I have to leave!” you can hear his anger on the other side of the door, and boy was the temperature heating up. “Get out of there now!” he yelled. “I can’t!” you yelled back, tears almost forming in your eyes, you weren’t sure if it’s because Yoongi is mad or is it because of the hormones. Either way, you just couldn’t stop them at the moment. “What do you mean you can’t?! I need better a reason than that!” “I just can’t okay!” “What’s that even supposed to mean? I can’t believe how selfish you are right now, stop it!” You were enraged at the fact that he just called you selfish, maybe even more mad than he already is right now. He kept yelling negative remarks behind that door. How you were always selfish, that you only think about yourself, how you feel like your time is the only thing that’s important. None of those were true and he knew that. He just has a tendency to speak nonsense when he’s irritated. But you couldn’t take it anymore, all of those words, and so you yelled, “I am on my fucking period okay!” and just as you expected, that made him stop. 
Silence filled the atmosphere. You let out a heavy sigh before yelling again, and this time, tears finally came running down like a stream. You were indeed, an emotional wreck. “I am bleeding the fuck out of me like a river! I am in pain, so so so much pain. My head is throbbing as we speak! I feel like I am gonna throw up what I ate from two days ago! So stop yelling at me!” after your yelling spree, you cried. You cried so hard even the upstairs neighbor could hear your sniffles. “So what? You’re just going to stay there forever?!” he yelled again, wasn’t expecting that you’d be resuming the banter in such a short time. You were mad, and then sad, and now you’re back to being mad. “Yes! I do! Shut up!” you hear and even feel his sigh of frustration. It wasn’t moments later when he was back to yelling and said, “Jeez fuck! You’re such a drama queen!” you heard loud footsteps on the floor, keys jingling, and the loud slam of the door. Yoongi went storming out of his apartmentent. Wow, you thought. The audacity. 
Yoongi bolted out of his apartment, his feet dragging him to who-knows-where. He was furious still, mumbling words under his breath. His mind distracted with everything he could be doing and should be doing right now, like being in the studio and working on his music, but instead he finds himself in the convenience store searching for who-knows-what. He walked through each aisle until he finally found what he thinks might be the right thing to look for. Irritated, he grabbed a handful of them and some other items too before proceeding to check out.
His anger might have slightly cooled down during his walk on the way back to his apartment, he wasn’t the type to self-soothe, you did most of the comforting for him and you were the best at it. You heard his footsteps in the apartment once again, and there was a knock on the door. The force was adequate this time, might be even too soft for you to hear since you got used to the heavy banging. 
“It’s me, open up.” he said subtly. You were still sitting on the damn toilet, refusing to get up even for two seconds to open the door since gravity will make it look like a murder scene all over his bathroom floor, “I just can’t, Yoongs.” he didn’t respond afterwards, but there were keys jingling and it sounds like Yoongi was trying to unlock the door from outside. As soon as he was able to do so, he stormed towards you which made you quickly cover up your lady part in surprise. That gesture made him laugh lightly. He handed you a paper bag with all the stuff he bought from the store, it took you a few seconds before you could register what he was doing. He shakes the paper bag suggesting for you to take it off of his hands immediately. “What is it?” you asked with confusion. He sighed calmly, “just take it.” he answered. “Everything is in there. I think. Everything you might need for - “ he paused, looking at the dilemma you caused all over his bathroom, “all of this” he continued. 
You went through the items one by one. There were rolls of tissue, wet wipes in lavender scent, and seven boxes of tampons in the bag. You looked up to thank him, but he has already walked out and closed the door. Your heart was swelling with so much love for him. You couldn’t believe he did that for you, it was just unlikely of him. 
After freshening up after what felt like a decade, you hugged him from behind as he was leaning against the countertop. You rested your head on his back and squeezed him tightly. “I fucking love your ass!” you said loudly while burying your face into his back. He wriggled out of your embrace to face you, cupping your cheeks in his hands. He stared at you for a while with scrunched eyebrows, “and I fucking love your dramatic ass too” he said while trying to copy the tone of your voice, then placed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 
“You know, you could have just told me earlier. Would have saved us a lot of time. And I could've been at work 2 hours ago.” 
“I know, I know, ‘m sorry. I was embarrassed.” he smiled at your remark, giving you a small kiss before softly caressing your face with his thumb. 
“And the lavender scent? How did you know?” “I should know baby, you’re my girl.” that instantly made your heart melt, causing you to wrap your arms around him again and squeezed him even tighter.
He tried to get out of your suffocating hug, feeling disappointed that you lost contact. He shuffles his way to the freezer, opens it, and grabs what seems to be a pint of vanilla flavored ice cream, grabs a spoon from his drawer and hands it to you. You were trying hard not to cry from happiness, it was just that you’re feeling too many emotions right now and Yoongi’s thoughtfulness adds to it. 
“The gelato shop was a bus away, I just bought whatever tastes the closest to your favorite. That's all they had.” you snatched the pint and spoon from him and quickly placed them down on the countertop. You wrapped an arm around his neck to pull his face close to yours and kissed him. You kissed him passionately, he was surprised at first and was still, then he moved with your pace as he rests his arms on the small of your back. 
He pulled away from the kiss, fixed his hair, and straightened out his polo. “Babe, I really have to go. There are just many things to do. I need to work on my music. I prepared your favorite movies, and there are three more pints of that in the fridge. Not so sure what time I’ll be back but -” you kissed his lips to get them to shut up, you found it amusing how he was talking so fast. “Thank you, for this. For everything. I’ll still be here when you get back, I’ll wait for you. Now go.” he gave you that smile. That gummy smile that you just absolutely adored.
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Blind Dates part 1 sneak peek
Sneak Peek Part 5/10 of Steve Rogers x Reader saga.
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 4:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616328582794493952/why-not
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Blind dates, mentions of loved ones dying, angst, mention of death of parent
   ‘’No, DeShawn. You are not going to see any robot butlers.’’
   ‘’But he is Tony Stark. He should have robot butlers!’’
   Steve sighs and shakes his head good naturedly as he and the children wait for Pepper or Tony to come open the door.
   It’s Saturday evening, around 5 o’clock, and Steve, Jasmine and DeShawn have arrived at Tony Stark’s place or dinner while Deshawn’s mother goes on her date.
   ‘’Well, now that you mention it, I do have the blueprints for one of those in my lab.’’
   The trio turn to see none other than Tony himself behind them, carrying a bag of groceries, with Peter Parker trailing behind him.
   ‘’Y-you’re Tony Stark,’’ DeShawn gapes.
   Steve and Jasmine exchange a look and a smirk, knowing that DeShawn is meeting one of his personal heroes.
   ‘’Tony, good to see you. This is DeShawn. He’s spending the day with us while his mom goes on her date,’’ Steve explains as Tony shifts the bag to shake DeShawn’s hand.
   ‘’It’s nice to meet you, DeShawn. This is my intern, Peter Parker,’’ Tony introduces the teenage boy, who waves.
   ‘’Nice to meet you, DeShawn. Mr. Rogers, Jazzy, always good to see you. Jasmine, you’re wearing the new sweater you told me about.’’
   ‘’Mhm!,’’ Jasmine beams, examining the red and blue knit sweater beneath ehr open jacket.
   ‘’Awesome, we almost match,’’ Peter points to his red and blue sweatshirt.
   ‘’Oh,’’ DeShawn narrows his eyes a bit, ‘’So you’re Peter.’’
   ‘’Yes, Peter is my tutor,’’ Jasmine looks at DeShawn pointedly, silently reminding him about his agreement not to spoil the fact that she has a crush on Peter.
   As if Peter doesn’t already know.
   ‘’I hope you don’t mind the extra house guest,’’ Steve speaks up as Tony moves past them to get to his door, unlocking it.
   ‘’Not at all. Pepper’s on her way. And we’ll get dinner started then. I just had to run to the store, and Peter tagged along. Besides, my goddaughter will be joining us,’’ Tony insists as they enter the house.
   ‘’Ah, so this was your plan to set me up.��’
   ‘’Can’t set you up if it’s just a friendly dinner gathering,’’ Tony shrugs, the others following him to the kitchen, ‘’Jazzy and DeShawn, would you mind setting the table? Peter, can you go get the sodas out of the garage?’’
   ‘’Sure thing, Mr. Stark,’’ Peter shrugs, taking the key to unlock the garage.
   ‘’Okay, Uncle Tony. Come on, DeShawn, I’ll show you where the silverware and plates are.’’
   When Tony and Steve are left alone, Steve turns to Tony.
   ‘’You could have confirmed that she’ll be here tonight.’’
   ‘’I told you she was. You're just getting nervous. Suck it up, buttercup.’’
   ‘’Now you know who you sound like,’’ Steve chuckles,fondly removing Petra’s catch phrase.
   ‘’I know,’’ Tony grins gently, ‘’Listen. Are you really okay with me setting you up? Because if not, we can always-’’
   ‘’No, no. I’m fine. I...  I’m ready to try again. My date Thursday was awful, but that doesn’t mean that this should be, too. Jazzy understands. I actually think she’s more for me dating than I even am. But she’s a prime factor in this, you know?’’
   ‘’I understand. Listen, Sharon is great with kids. I really think you’ll like her.’’
   ‘’I don’t make promises, but I’ll try. For Jazzy’s sake at least.’’
   And Steve Rogers is a man of his word.
   ‘’Good. Now, let’s say we get dinner started so we actually don’t have to wait an hour after they get here to eat.’’
   ‘’That should be Pepper and Sharon now. She picked her up from work today,’’ Tony speaks as he places the last of the dinner on the table.
   It’s quite a spread- spaghetti and meatballs (with vegetarian sauce for DeShawn), garlic bread, salad. Wine for the adults, soda for the kids, water for everybody.
   ‘’Can I get the door, Uncle Tony,’’ Jasmine questions, springing to the front door when he nods.
   From where they are, Steve can hear her scream, ‘’Hi, Auntie Pepper!.’’
   ‘’Hey, honey! Where’s everybody at?’’
   ‘’In the dining room. DeShawn is here. It’s gonna freak him out seeing you outside of school, ‘’ Jasmine says, causing Steve, Tony and Peter to laugh as DeShawn face palms.
   ‘’Every day,’’ he sighs, shaking his head, reminding Steve of Bucky’s reactions to him when they were kids.
   Speaking of which, Jasmine’s been begging to see her uncle and aunt. He really should set up a day.
   ‘’Hello, everyone,’’ Pepper enters, ‘’Sharon’s taking off her shoes.’’
   ‘’Tell her she doesn’t have to do that,’’ Tony rolls his eyes, ‘’Nobody else does.’’
   ‘’Now, Tony. You know Aunt Peggy literally taught both of us better than that.’’
   Steve looks away from where DeShawn and Jasmine are thumb wrestling over who gets to have the biggest slice of cake to see a very familiar face.
   ‘’Hey you live across the hall from us,’’ he grins, glad to the woman who helped get into his apartment while he carried his sleeping daughter. 
   ‘’You two know each other’’ Tony states.
   ‘’We do. Well, we met very briefly. He lives across the hall from me,’’ Sharon looks to Steve, ‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’
   ‘’Well, ten, introduce yourselves,’’ Tony gently nudges Steve towards the woman, who sticks out her hand as the other guests take their seats.
   ‘’I’m Sharon Carter.’’
   ‘’Steve Rogers,’’ Steve nods towards his daughter, ‘’That’s Jasmine Allen-Rogers, my daughter. And her best friend DeShawn.’’
   ‘’Hello. Peter, always a pleasure to see you,’’ Sharon sits across from Steve and Jasmine.
   After hands are washed , prayers are said and drinks are poured, dinner conversation flows freely. Jasmine talks to Peter and DeShawn, Tony and Pepper converse amongst themselves, so Sharon and Steve are left speaking to each other.
   ‘’So, what do you do exactly,’’ Steve questions, handing her the bread basket.
   ‘’I’m a nurse,’’ Sharon informs him before thanking him, ‘’For the last seven years, eight in December. Tony tells me you’re a teacher.’’
   ‘’Yes, for over ten years now,’’ Steve speaks up, beginning to twirl some pasta on his fork, ‘’I started there about a year before Jazzy was born.’’
   ‘’And it is so nice to meet the infamous Jazzy,’’ Sharon grins brightly at the ten-year-old, ‘’Tony talks about you a lot.’’
   ‘’Uncle Tony says I’m his favorite ten-year-old,’’ Jasmine smiles.
   ‘’Tony says that you are very, very smart,’’ Sharon supplies, causing Steve to beam with pride as Jasmine thanks both Tony and Sharon.
   ‘’So you had to work today,’’ Steve questions, ‘’I mean, you obviously did. I guess I’m asking how work went.’’
   ‘’Well, I work as a nurse, so… there’s never a boring day. I imagine that I can say the same for you as a teacher?’’
   ‘’You could,’’ Steve agrees wholeheartedly, ‘’There never is a dull moment. What made you decide to become a nurse?’’
   Dinner continues with pleasant conversation and laughter. As dessert is being cut by Pepper, Sharon and Steve clear the table.
   ‘’Your daughter is beautiful. So smart and funny, too,’’ Sharon tells Steve as they place the dinner dishes in Tony’s sink.
   ‘’Thank you so much, I appreciate it.’’
   ‘’Is DeShawn your son?’’
   ‘’’Oh, no, but his mother is a good friend of mine. I’m watching DeShawn while his mother is out for the evening,’’ Steve runs hot water to make dish water, ‘’Normally Jazzy would still be with her aunt- she spends the night over there on Friday’s and comes back on Saturday. But I have her today because, well, she wasn’t going to miss a chance to see Peter. And she just really wanted to spend time with me.’’
   ‘’You seem like a good dad,’’ Sharon nods understandingly, ‘’It’s clear that you two adore each other.’’
   ‘’She’s the apple of my eye,’’ Steve runs a hand over his head, ‘’And... you now , being her only parent…’’
   ‘’Tony told me about your wife. If you ever need to talk, we can,’’  Sharon gently touches Steve’s hand, ‘’Listen, I know what Tony is trying to do. I don't want you to feel pressured. I know that you think about Jasmine first.’’
   Sharon is the first woman that has encouraged putting Jasmine first, and encourages him to do so. She’s smart, she’s kind, she’s beautiful.
   And maybe that’s why Steve finds himself driving DeShawn and Jasmine back to his apartment with a smile on his face, excited for his date with Ms. Sharon Carter next Friday.
   The next week comes, and everything goes normally. Steve makes sure that Jasmine practices for the fall concert next week, and Peter comes to tutor her on Monday and Wednesday. She gets a D on her next math test, and it's a small improvement, but Steve knows she’ll do better.
   He continues to spend time with you, balancing a friendly work relationship while also trying to choke back his ever-growing attraction to you.
   Friday, Steve finds himself closing the door to his car that he oh so rarely uses, going around to the other side so that he can drive to the restatuent.
   ‘’You look beautiful,’’ Steve tells her, glancing sideways at the long sleeved, black dress that Sharon’s waiting for in the evening.
   ‘’Thank you. You look very handsome,’’ Sharon chuckles, ‘’Stop being so generous, Steve.’’
   ‘’I just haven’t been on a date in a while that hasn’t had me regretting agreeing within the first fifteen minutes..’’
   ‘’Well, it’s only been about 9 and a half ,itunes, so let’s just see where this night takes us.’’
   Steve laughs- genuinely laughs- at this, and, for the first time, he’s not so worried about what will happen next.
   The two arrive at the restaurant, and it’s nice. Steve got the recommendation for Tony, who is friends with the chef. Now that they’re sitting at the table, Steve is lookingat the prices…
   And he’s ever so grateful for the $20 that he knows Tony tried to surreptitiously slip into his wallet last weekend.
   ‘’So, how was your week,’’ Sharon ask later after they’ve ordered and their water is being delivered, ‘’Thank you.’’
   ‘’Thank you. Uh, it went well. I mean, Jasmine’s not allowed to go to glee practice until she brings her grades up. And that’s harsh, I guess, but grades are more important and it will motivate her, I hope.’’
   ‘’She might not appreciate it now, but she will one day. My parents were hard  on me,and look how well I turn out,’’ Sharon exaggeratedly flips her hair.
   ‘’You are pretty great,’’ Steve takes her hand, squeezing gently, ‘’I am so glad that you agreed to go out with me this evening.’’
   ‘’How could I say ‘no’ to those eyes,’’ Sharon smirks, watching Steve’s face turn pink.
   ‘’Don’t do that.’’
   ‘’Why? It’s cute,’’ Sharon shrugs, and teve laughs nervously.
   ‘’Sorry. I’m trying here,’’Steve fixes huis collar, ‘’I haven’t really liked someone this much in a while.’’
   Well, okay, that’s a lie. But, as you made it clear in your conversation this week, you're busy.
   And why chase after something with you that doesn’t exist?
   ‘’And you’re doing well.  Just relax, Steve. It’s fine,’’ Sharon gently takes his hand once more, rubbing her thumb along the back of it.
   Steve does this, too…
   Even if only for a minute, Steve relaxes and allows himself to enjoy his date.
   But it’s the first time that he’s done that in over ten years.
   And maybe it’s just what he needs.
   ‘’I had a great time tonight, Steve,’’ Sharon remarks as she leans against her doorway.
   ‘’I did, too. Would you… Do you want to maybe go out next Friday?’’
   ‘’I would, but my friend asked me to go with him to the Fireman’s Ball. Saturday?’’
   ‘’Jazzy’s recital is then and I promised I’d take her out to eat afterwards. Sunday?’’
   ‘’I work a double shift. Listen… I usually go to my aunt Peggy’s for Sunday dinner but she’s visiting her grandkids. How about you and Jasmine come over for dinner?’’
   ‘’I think he’d like that. Sounds like a plan. Well, good night,’’ Steve offers a hand for her to shake.
   ‘’Good night, Steve,’’ sharon smiles a bit disappointedly, half expecting a goodnight kiss.
   ‘’Sharon, is it alright if I kiss you?’’
   So Steve leans in, Sharon’s eyes close, and…
   He kisses her on the cheek.
   And he doesn't know why, because He had every intention of kissing her on the lips. But he didn’t.
   ‘’I’m sorry, I-’’
   ‘’Don’t apologize, Steve. We can… if you decide that you’re interested, let’s take it slow. But for now, we can be just friends.’’
   ‘’Just friends. Thank you. Oh, uh, a better get into my apartment. Jazzy’s plans for the weekend fell through so I had to find a babysitter. I’ll see you on Sunday for dinner.’’
   ‘’See you Sunday, Steve. Good night.’’
   ‘’Good night.’’
   And, after calling to check on Jasmine, changing into pajamas, grading some art, brushing his teeth and heading to bed…
   Steve decides that it is.
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved
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ofnifflersandkings · 5 years
Tumblr media
Title: Washed Out
Character: Peter B. Parker
A/n: Little more sappy since I don’t know if I have writing for him down just yet, but I seriously love thus walking mood of a man with all my heart
You looked up to see what had slammed into the door that led out to your front balcony. Your computer almost launched from it’s place on your lap before you realized it was just Peter making a visit.
He leaned against the glass with a tired smile and gave you a big thumbs up, mentally asking if he could come in
Shutting your computer and tucking it under your arm. Unlocking the door and swing it open in one swift motion, effectively causing Peter to trip over himself.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” You said, placing your laptop on your desk and turning back to him.
Peter yawned, scratching the back of head as he launched himself onto the nearest thing he could. “Saw your light on, thought I’d swing by.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “Really? You just happened to see my light on from the other side of the city?”
He looked over at you with a sheepish laugh. “Alright, so maybe I just wanted to see you.”
You looked at him from your desk, crashed out on your sofa. He once told you that it was a lot more comfortable than the scuffed up almost a decade old futon shoved in his new apartment.
You pushed yourself up from the chair, going to the back of the sofa to lean your arms ontop and look down at Peter. His eyes were closed now but you could see the dark circles under them.
His stubble was the most prominent you’d even seen it, even back in college when he would go weeks without shaving.
You moved your one arm to gently run your finger along the side of his nose, taking special note to the crook in it from when he broke it ages ago. Or maybe it was the result of several broken noses, you could never tell. Regardless, he was still the handsome hero you’d always known.
He twitched under your touch, his nose wrinkling and making the crook more prominent, which made you laugh.
“You’re a mess Peter,” You mused, bopping the tip of his nose and giving him a small smile when he opened his eyes.
He chuckled, followed by a deep sigh. “Considering how things have been going for me, I think I’m allowed.”
You nodded, unable to find an argument. “Still, I worry about you.” You preoccupied yourself by poking various parts of his face, trying to get him to smile.
Which he ended up doing as soon as your pinched his cheeks, Peter caught your wrist in his hand and began fiddling with your fingers. “I don’t think I tell you it enough, but I really do appreciate you being here through all this for me,” His gaze went to focus on you. “I always know I can count on you.”
Peter’s mind drifted for a moment after he spoke, and he thought about just how much he meant what he was saying. It was nice to find comfort with someone when it felt like the whole world turned to you for lead. As soon as he stepped into your house, he knew all that dreaded responsibility went away. If only for a few hours.
Peter had never felt this at peace anywhere since Aunt May passed away.
You grinned. “What’s a best friend for, hm?” You pulled your hand from his grasp and affectionately ran your thumb across his cheek. “It’s not my intention to preach, and I know your work is important. But have you thought of taking a break? If only for a little while till you get back your bearings?”
Peter shook his head and gave you a wide smile to cover his fatigue. “I’m doing good, I promise,” He sprang up to his feet to further prove his point. “Just need to get the sleep schedule back into check and I’m rearing to go!”
You smiled at his antics, but you could see the sadness that lingered in his eyes everytime he looked at you. “My mistake, hot shot,” You teased, deciding to move away from the subject. You knew he wouldn’t let you see the pain he was in, even if he knew you wouldn’t judge him for it.
That was just the Parker way.
You moved from your place behind the couch to stand in front of him, you placed both your hands on his shoulders and brought him closer. “You’ll tell me if it ever becomes too much,” He smirked, and you squeezed him before he could make a clever remark. “I’m being serious.”
He huffed, the longer pieces of his hair flying upwards as he did. “It never ends well for me when you’re serious.”
“I know, just trying to ease the tension.”
You shook your head and a laugh escaped you despite yourself, but Peter beamed. He loved seeing you laugh and being the cause for it.
“You have got to be the most insufferable man I’ve ever met.” You slowly lowered your hands from his shoulders and placed them on your hips to scold him.
Peter looked down at you with a small shrug, enjoying a moment of familiarity during a time in his life where it felt like everything was going wrong.
He needed this sort of break every now and then, even if he didn’t want to admit it.
He needed you.
Peter took your hand and placed it on his chest, just to the right of the black spider symbol on his suit. “Do you ever get so caught up in trying to do everything the right way? That it feels like if you stop for even a second it’s all gonna fall apart?”
You tried to meet his gaze, but he was purposefully avoiding it until you answered him.
Sensing his need for comfort, you didn’t hesitate to place your free hand right ontop of his that still held your other hand to his chest. “Sometimes I feel like that, though I’m sure not on the scale that you feel,” You smiled when he looked at you. “But you don’t have to do it alone. I have your back, Peter.”
Peter beamed at you, his facial expression didn’t show it much. But behind the fatigue and wear on his face, he really did mean it when he talked about how important you were to him and how much he cared for you.
“Thank you for telling me that, it’s nice to be reminded someone looking out for me.”
You nodded, moving your hand to hold his jaw gently, reaching up to place a small kiss at his cheek, ignoring the way it scratched your skin. “Anytime.”
The two of you shared a smile and before you could offer to make him some tea to help him relax. Pete had moved to the front door to grab his coat and your’s.
“What are you doing?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said with a wink, tossing your coat into your arms.
“Are we going somewhere?” You slipped your arms through it, regardless of not knowing.
“Something like that.”
It was only until he pulled the door he had come in open, the wind causing your curtains to billow around him, that you knew what was going on.
You took a step far away from him. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh come on!” He mused, advancing towards you as you moved back. “You used to love swinging around the city back in college.”
“Peter that was years-“ Your sentence cut off as he scooped you up in his arms. “Peter Benjamin Parker if you don’t put me down right this second.”
“You’ll what?” He looked down at you and flashed a genuine grin.
You huffed but situated your arms around him. “I don’t know exactly what, but when I think of something it’ll be bad news for you.”
Peter carried you out onto the balcony and made sure you were holding onto him securely before he cast a web up towards the skyline. “I think I can take it.”
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