#irondad blurbs
exclusivelyirondad · 8 months
Actually, I think the mocking phrase, "Just because you didn't like [certain decision] doesn't mean it was bad," ignores that, if enough people do dislike something, [1] there's probably good reason for it, and [2] that enough people dislike it is reason enough to call it a bad move on the studio's part, at least post-examination (there was none for Endgame.) If a franchise marketed as entertainment (rather than, say, education, or some other non-fun-centric genre) shits on the hearts of its (once-)core fanbase, maybe you, as a remaining Marvel fan, still sucking its cock because you can only be arsed to care about the studio more than the characters, shouldn't be condescendingly parroting what every other dudebro fanguy on Twitter has been saying since they... *checks notes* didn't engage with our actual position from the get-go. Grats on knocking over an easy little strawman tho, m8. Doing your Tony-anti followers proud.
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fieldsofview · 2 months
The Orphan Story - Baby Steps into Storytelling
I had a realization today because three of my interests (Spider-Man, D&D, and Writing/Storytelling) got their wires crossed - bear with me because this is probably going to be a long-winded post.
Something that's really prevalent in the Spider-Man fandom is the trope of "Dead May Parker" in fic. Usually, it starts with Peter's aunt and primary guardian, May Parker, being killed off-screen to set up the fic, often with just a small blurb about it like it wouldn't completely shatter Peter's world, but ya know.
It can be done in any number of ways (car crashes, cancer, and being caught in a supervillain's crossfire are all pretty typical for this).
There are a myriad of common storylines that build from this choice. IronDad, Homeless!Peter, and Foster!Peter are all really prevalent. Sometimes it's so that characters that people ship with Peter will be pushed together out of a need for Peter to live someplace new and/or needing someone to lean on. (I could go on, but you get the idea).
I could spend a lot of time talking about each of these storylines and the ways they can be done well or poorly, and the greater implications for the fandom as a whole, but that's not what this post is about so I will leave that here.
Peter Parker as a character, despite his many iterations among the various Spider-Man comics and adaptations, has always been a character with tragedy engrained in his story (Richard & Mary Parker, Ben Parker, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, the clones, his marriage, etc., etc., etc.). It's not necessarily out of the norm for more tragedy to occur, and having his only living family and primary guardian for most of his life die would definitely be on par with the rest of his life.
However, I don't think that the instances of the "Dead May Parker" trope in fic are because of this. At least, not when you dig.
I think people do it because it's easy.
I'm not saying that writing grief is easy, but that's part of the problem. Most of the stories using this trope don't bother to show the grief. Her death is just a device used to further other relationships.
Generally speaking, it's easier to write stories with fewer characters. Balancing a large cast with varying points of view, backstories, voices, motivations, etc., is always going to be more complicated. For a writer who's starting out, or perhaps someone who just doesn't want to make things harder on themselves for their hobby-writing, it's easier to do what you can to shrink the relevant cast. And for something like Spider-Man, there are more side characters relevant to his life than I think any person could possibly count - especially when you look across all the versions/adaptations that exist.
(That's part of why I love this fandom, despite its flaws. There are SO MANY stories to be told and so much room to pick apart what's there and transform it into something new. Fandom is transformative in nature, after all, and comics like Spider-Man are a buffet to choose from.)
I also think that it's easier to put a character like Peter Parker (especially if you're writing him as a high schooler as so many adaptations seem to permanently keep him as) into convoluted situations if he doesn't have a primary guardian to keep an eye on him. Especially one who's loving and caring and is actively parenting him. (I would argue that this is the perfect time to write him as an adult with his own autonomy and whatnot, but you know, that's not what the movie makers seem to want so... I digress.)
And lastly, I think someone being young and completely orphaned with no caretaker to look after them is also a sort of trauma that is easy to understand. I'm not saying it's a trauma that's easy to live with, but as an outsider looking in, it's easy to say "Oh, well yeah, of course, that person is struggling. Look at the hand they've been dealt."
A character - just like people - with more complex reasons for 'Why They Are The Way They Are" TM, can be harder to empathize with, especially if those reasons are not something the reader is familiar with. And it's most certainly harder to write, with all the layers, intricacies, imperfections, and generally weird ways that the human experience works. (In the same vein, it's why people with certain traumas, triggers, mental health issues, etc., are often dismissed or harassed, but that's a whole other can of worms that I'm not going to dive into atm.)
"But FOV," you might be wondering, "How does all of this relate to Dungeons & Dragons?"
Well, y'all ever heard of the Orphaned Rogue Trope?
In the greater online D&D community, there are a lot of common tropes and character builds that people are familiar with. They're common enough that you get a lot of memes shared around about them and a lot of people building characters that both lean into the tropes and/or subvert them. (The horny bard, the dumb barbarian, the warlock with daddy issues, etc.)
One of these is the 'Orphaned Rogue'.
(Please keep in mind that I'm referencing 5e specifically. I've played many editions - don't quote the old magic to me, Witch - but 5e is the most common edition to ever be played and has brought a massive influx of people to this game in the last decade, so that's what I'm talking about here.)
A lot of people start out with a Rogue as their first character, I would argue disproportionally so. There are a few reasons for this. 1) Rogues typically (I'm not going to argue over subclasses here, don't come for me) don't have any magic, and magic-using characters are typically more complicated to learn to play than non-mages. 2) For players who aren't as familiar with high fantasy, a thieving, backstabbing character is usually still one that people can recognize. (Similarly, I think this is part of why a lot of people also start by playing Rangers). 3) Especially at low levels, Rogues don't have a whole lot of character abilities. They're really really good at the few things they do, but that's about it, so it's extra easy to step into as a beginner.
So where does the orphan part come in? Well, a lot of beginners to D&D are also beginners to storytelling in general (with exceptions, you'll always have the people who side-stepped over from LARPing, theatre, writing, etc.). This means that they're new to the idea of creating a character that has no reliance on their own personal history. Their character can be literally anyone, and they will be able to interact with the story in whatever way they want to.
Creating a character is one of the most overwhelming things for a new D&D player. It's a boundary to entry that I've seen turns a lot of people away from the game. It's work that has to be done before you even get to roll your first die. It requires math, decision-making, and creativity in a way that not everyone is prepared for right off the bat.
(Yes, I know I might seem to be exaggerating here, but please remember that we live on the hellsite for creatives. This is not the norm for a lot of people. I once invited a co-worker into a game who was an avid non-fiction reader and had never done any theatre, not even drama class. She had genuinely never put herself into a fictional character's shoes since she was last playing Let's Pretend as a small child at recess. It was a hard learning curve for her, but she grew to love the game a lot and now is an avid LARPer as well.)
Your character has to have somewhere that they came from. They are a person, through and through, and should therefore have lived experiences that shape their point of view, their actions, and the way that they interact with other people.
It's not easy to think of an entire history for a person all at once, all while you're just trying to wrap your head around the math and learn the rules required to play this damn game that your friends have been bugging you about for who knows how long.
And so - orphan. No existing family means no extra characters to have to build personalities for or shared experiences between your PC and them that you have to write.
It's easier. It's removing a barrier to entry to the game.
(This is probably also why amnesiac characters are also really common first-time PCs, now that I think about it.)
So what's my point in all of this?
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure.
I think it's really easy for anyone who has been a storyteller of any kind for a while to see the annoying, problematic, or sometimes downright concerning ways these tropes manifest. There are connotations for the stories that use these 'easy' orphan tropes, and these can and should be talked about. As I said above, I could talk about the "Dead May Parker" trope and the problematic themes that regularly exist in these stories until I'm blue in the face.
But, at the same time, I think we should also take these things with a grain of salt. New storytellers of any kind are going to make mistakes. They're going to write imperfect things. Humans never pop into existence with a fully formed skill. These things need to be learned through practice and exposure, and these choices most often aren't made with malicious intent.
Long ago, when I was a wayward young teenager, my first major foray into fanfiction was through an A:TLA fic that I put on ff.net. (No, I will not link it here. No, it was not under any USN I use anymore. Don't ask.) But, looking back, even though I was so immensely proud of that story, it also had a lot of things in it that I wouldn't write today. Things that my gut reaction would be to judge and raise an eyebrow at, if I read them now. But I also learned a lot while writing it, and there was a lot of heart in that story, too. I was just writing from a naivete that made me think I had the know-how to tackle themes that I was too young to fully understand.
In many ways, I am still proud of that fic, not because of the story itself, but because of the effort I put into it and the things it taught me about storytelling and writing as a learned craft.
I think my point is this: everyone has to start somewhere.
Sometimes people need to start off with those easier stories so that they can learn enough and build enough confidence to tackle the bigger ones.
So, do I think we shouldn't critique something when it does have harmful implications? No, we absolutely should. Critique and open discussion are how individuals and communities learn to grow. (No, I am not advocating for you to leave criticism on random people's fics. I mean critique of tropes in general. It's never cool to leave negative comments on people's fic.) Open discussion is good and healthy, and it's part of what makes fan spaces and communities flourish and bond.
But I do think that those critiques can be done from a perspective of learning. I often see people so far split down the middle that it alienates people from each other.
In fan spaces where the content shared is inherently made as an act of love, freely given and freely received, it's easy for people to say that no criticism is ever acceptable. "It's free content, just enjoy it and move on!" & "You're taking it too seriously!" are often phrases I've seen spouted about both these communities. And they are true things to an extent. It is fictional and freely made content. There is a point where it can be taken too seriously. The other side will often say things like, "Enjoying ___ media makes you a ___ supporter!" & "Anyone who writes ___ is a terrible person!" I would argue that these also have some truth to them, but they are also taken too far.
(If you like a fictional trope that has problematic or harmful indications, it's a good idea to unpack why you like that trope. What draws you to it? What enjoyment do you get out of it? A lot of times, the answers to this are not actually harmful, but they can be, and it's always good to self-reflect.)
Fictional stories are a way for us to feel aspects of the human experience that we cannot experience for ourselves. It's also a way for us to find catharsis when a character does experience something similar to our own lives. It's a way to broaden our views and feel our way through the wide range of human emotions. It is not meant to reflect life perfectly, and yet it is often done best when there are still echoes of reality embedded in its soul. (I digress, again.)
Communities - even online ones - thrive when the people in them are doing their best to be open to each other's perspectives.
Nuance is never easy in online spaces. When the person on the other side of a post is an anonymous little picture with no connection to your life, it's easy to take one small piece and blow it up to be your whole picture. They become that one post, that one hot take, or that one fic in your mind. But that's not people.
People are always learning, growing, maturing. Every skill takes time. Everyone has to start at their first step - even if it's the orphan story.
So keep talking about those tropes. Keep discussing the harmful trends that crop up across fandoms. Keep breaking down the root of the problem and sharing ways to build better ones.
But if you see someone in their 'orphan story' phase, understand that they are new and learning. They might need a push in the right direction or a friend to guide them for the better.
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myglassesareinkansas · 10 months
About Me
Name: Call me Joy
AO3: Here or Old Account
Active Fandoms: Open Heart (Pixelberry Choices), Princess Diaries, Left Behind, Ted Lasso, Schitt's Creek
Inactive Fandoms (Could be Resurrected): MCU, Irondad, Psych, B99, Parks & Rec, Castle, Adventures in Odyssey, M*A*S*H, New Girl
Blurb: I just graduated college, and I'll be starting grad school in the fall. I'm a history student, so along with fandom, you might see me reblog or post about historical figures or major events happening in academia or in public history. If you're a history student as well and have questions about French history or public history (or oral history — my all-time favorite), please send me something in my inbox! I also love and miss writing for fun, so I will have my ask open for any requests (please be mindful of active or inactive fandom list — I won't write something I'm unfamiliar with).
Current Ships (Romantic / Familial / Platonic):
Mia Thermopolis x Nicholas Devereaux
Bryce Lahela x F!MC
Judd Thompson Jr. x Vicki Byrne
Mark Eisman x Vicki Byrne
Ted Mullins x Alexis Rose
Jason Whittaker x Connie Kendall
Henry Spencer x Maddy Spencer
Shawn Spencer x Trish Connors
Guster OC x Spencer OC
Hawkeye Pierce x Margaret Houlihan
Bryce Lahela & F!MC
[any Left Behind characters]
[any platonic Ted Lasso dynamic]
Clint Barton & Kate Bishop
Henry Spencer & Shawn Spencer
Javier Esposito & Kevin Ryan
Jason Whittaker & Connie Kendall
John Avery Whittaker & Connie Kendall
BJ Hunnicutt & Margaret Houlihan
Hawkeye Pierce & Charles Emerson Winchester III
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jasntodds · 5 years
Can you please write a blurb where Peter adopts a dog and instead of trying to hide it from Tony he shows it and Tony immediately adores it?
St*rkers, don’t interact
Peter had only gone to the shelter to donate some food after he heard about their food shortage. It was the least he could do and he did love animals, particularly dogs. But, it’s also Peter and just “going to shelter to donate food” turned into “Can I see the dogs?” which lead to “Oh, I love this one”.
It was a golden brown lab-retriever mix with one eye. His coat’s a little dirty but he walked over to the cage door the second he saw Peter, tail wagging so fast it’s butt was nearly shaking. Peter bent down and, with permission, pet the dog and that was it.
The realization hit him that he can legally adopt a dog now with him being new to adulthood. So, now he’s walking back to the tower with a new dog on a leash, a bag full of dog toys and treats and food because of course he stopped at the nearest PetCo to get what he needed, and all the paperwork proclaiming the lab-retriever mix as his own.
In the split decision to adopt this dog that Peter just fell in love with, he didn’t actually think anything through. Like, for example, is anyone gonna be upset he’s bringing home a dog? Sure, the tower has become his home since graduating high school and being home from ESU for the summer but it’s not actually HIS house. It’s basically Tony’s.
So, as Peter walks, he thinks about how he could try and hide his new dog but quickly realizes that’s a bad idea and he doesn’t want to. And the dog doesn’t deserve to be hidden away. Which, leads Peter to just saying “fuck it” and introducing Tony to his dog the second he gets to the tower (which he’s much fond of anyway since he’s basically vibrating with excitement, rambling off this ideas to his dog).
Peter walks in, Happy being the first to see him and he wants to say something. Happy wants to question why this brown-haired spiderling is walking into the tower with the widest smile on his face, three reusable bags in hand, and a dog on a leash but Peter beats him to talking first.
“Hey, Happy.” Peter beams, waving very awkwardly with the hand holding the leash. “Where’s Tony?”
Happy chuckles before he nods to the right. “Kitchen outside the conference room. They just got done with a meeting.”
“Cool, thanks.” Peter chimes, not wasting any time in making his way to that area of the tower, leaving Happy smiling to himself and going to back to his own work.
In his excitement, Peter doesn’t even go to his room to drop off the bags. Instead, he goes right to the kitchen outside of the conference room and he spots Tony immediately. Tony only glances up from pouring himself a coffee, just catching a glimpse of Peter coming into view.
“Hey, kid.” Tony says, eyes back on his coffee and then all at once, it hits him. His head jerks back up, doing a double-take, seeing the dog and Peter carrying multiple bags.
“Look, I got a dog!” Peter yells with so much enthusiasm, it’s radiating through the entire room. “His name is Willie.”
Tony’s brows are furrowed but there’s a smile decorating his face. “Why Willie?”
“Like, One-Eyed Willie from the Goonies.” The smile doesn’t even falter as Peter closes the distance between him and Tony, Willie happily sniffing Tony the second he gets close enough. “I know I should have asked,” Peter starts to ramble, words almost running into each other. “But he was really cute and he doesn’t have an eye so people probably won’t want him but I think he’s perfect.”
Tony squats down and lets Willie sniff his hand before Tony starts petting behind the dog’s ears, his smile widening. “You do have food in the bag, yes?”
“Yeah, of course.” Peter holds up all three bags. “I have food, bowls, toys, treats.”
“Well, get him some food, he might be hungry. You can keep his bowls in the kitchen near the living room, if it bothers anyone, just move it to your room.” Tony starts talking, still petting Willie and barely even looking at Peter.
“So, you don’t care?!” Peter asks, relief and joy in his voice.
“I think he’s a good addition.” Tony’s smile widens, but not at Peter, at Willie. And maybe Willie isn’t just Peter’s. Something tells Peter, the new dog is going to be spending equal amounts of time with the both of them and he wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly Willie has his own armor “in case of emergencies”.
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
starlight | peter parker
summary: the pile of schoolwork can get overwhelming sometimes but your comedian of a father makes it a bit better while peter smothers you with cuddles and kisses. also, they share their first ‘i love you’s.
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pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
warnings: just pure fluff
word count: 1248
a/n: this was just a quick warm-up that i wrote to get back into writing to continue my series “Lightning Webs” which will come out soon! but until then, enjoy x
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You slammed the books on the kitchen counter and slowly stepped back to make sure that the bundle wasn’t about to crash and bury you alive. Sighing, you opened the fridge to grab the carton of orange juice to drink from it directly when Tony suddenly walked by and snatched it right out of your hand. “Uh-uh.”
Ignoring your groan, he opened a cupboard to take out some glasses. “Just saw a pile of walking books pass me and I thought I was going insane. Glad to know it was just you.” 
You couldn’t muster a reply and just silently thanked him with a nod as he handed you your glass. Chucking it all in one go, you wiped your mouth with your sleeve and placed the glass into the sink. Feeling Tony stare at you, you turned and stared right back, but tiredness overtook you and you let yourself fall into his chest like a boneless noodle.
He chuckled and patted your head in a soothing manner like when you were younger. You hummed at that gesture and he gently held you at arm's length in front of him to observe you closely. With hair tossed to all sides and deep eye bags hanging under your eyes, he couldn’t help but pout at his little girl.
“You need to sleep more, peanut. There’s no point in studying when you already know everything.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a pointed look. “Stop saying that.”
“Well, am I wrong?” He picked up the book that was laying on top of the pile, scanning its title. “Who learns stuff like that in high school? I know I enrolled you in a genius school, but I didn’t know you kids are forced to prove string theory in there.”
Again, you rolled your eyes at him but this time a small smile was peeking through. “It’s just AP Physics, dad.”
He cocked a brow and crossed his arms. “My bad. When you casually win a Nobel Prize for your midterms, you will invite me to Sweden, right?”
You cracked a smile and picked up the pile of books to get to your room. “I’ll try to remember.”
He placed the book that was still in his hand on the top of the stack and looked at you sternly. “Now, if they don’t force you to speak Latin in at least three of your classes, I’m going to pull you out of that trade school, capiche?”
You grinned at him and nodded.
Already walking toward the door, he called out for the last time, “And let me know when your Maths teacher only makes you solve one Millennium Problem for homework so I know to call her up and tell her that you don’t feel challenged enough.”
You shook your head at his teasing and shouted over your shoulder, “Will do, dad!”
In the distance, you heard a faint “Thanks!” before you shut the door to your room. Sighing, you let the bundle of books carelessly fall on the ground, your bed looking more tempting than ever right now. Your legs slandered toward it with a mind on their own and you could practically already feel the softness of your pillow when a tap on glass made your head snap to the window.
In all his glory, Spider-Man was hanging on the side of the window, waving at you goofily and waiting for you to welcome him in. Groaning loudly at the extra mile you had to walk before you could let yourself fall into your bed, you dragged your feet over the floor and almost ripped the window out of the wall.
White eyes widened, he landed softly in your room and closed the window behind him. You didn’t even greet him, just shuffled to your bed.
Pulling off his mask, Peter ran his hand through his hair to fix it before tossing the mask on your desk, eyes never leaving you. Your face was stuffed into the blanket while half of your legs were still hanging off the bed, but you couldn’t find it in you to move anything right now, so Peter took it upon himself to gently lift you up and place you decently on your bed. You immediately cuddled into his chest, eyes fluttering shut.
Seconds passed and both of you were just enjoying the silence as Peter drew circles on your shoulder, relaxing your tense muscles. He liked listening to your calming heartbeat. Sometimes it was the only thing that kept him sane during missions and exams, but right now, he knew you needed someone to keep you sane.
His eyes wandered through your room and he grasped immediately that you haven’t slept in days. Clothes were scattered around the room, a pile of books was blocking your door, and a neatly stacked pyramid of empty coffee mugs was towering on your desk. Your blank canvases revealed that you had been too stressed to paint which meant that this had been going on for a while now.
Ever-so-softly he pressed a kiss on your head, making you cuddle closer into his warmth.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were stressed? I could’ve gone on night patrol for you the last few days.” His voice was soft, but you knew he was upset.
“Because you needed sleep,” you mumbled back and wished for the conversation to end, but he carefully lifted your chin with his finger to look into your eyes.
“You do too, Y/N.” 
You shrugged lazily. “Sleep is for the weak.” He gave you a stern look and started to play with your hair.
“Look, you have to tell me when all of this gets too much so we can work on finding a solution that fits both of us. I appreciate that you care about me.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on your lips which left a small smile on them. “But I care about you too, and I don’t want you to fall apart before we have even graduated. There’s no fun in swinging around the city when you’re a wreck and I have to stop every second to pick up some of your body parts.”
You laughed lightly at his words and sighed. Sitting up to get a better look at him, you saw the warm smile that was lazily hanging on his lips, and you felt all kinds of fuzzy. Your own smile only grew, and now you were just two dorks gazing into each other’s eyes with huge grins on your faces.
“Gosh, I love you so much, Peter.” The words practically slipped out of your mouth before you could register them, but you didn’t want to take them back either. This was the first time you ever vocalized it, but it wasn’t really a surprise to either of you. It was a mutual feeling between the two of you and everybody around could clearly see that when you were together. So in a way, you’ve had already been mutely telling each other that since the moment you both met.
Sparkles appeared in his glazed eyes, and you felt all the pressure of the world lift off. You didn’t need to learn about astrophysics anymore when the brightest stars were dancing in his very eyes—starlight was right in front of you.
He pulled you into another kiss, nose bumping, before smothering your entire face with kisses. You giggled, and his smile only grew.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
.・✭.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・✭
feel free to leave some feedback or send in a request if you feel fancy. if you don’t do either, that’s fine too. have a nice day, buh-bye!
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allegra-writes · 4 years
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This blog is turning 1 tomorrow!!! 💖
And to celebrate with and thank all 3.536 of you for your suport and love (and lowkey celebrate the ten year anniversary of my favorite band too) I'm making this little event. For 24 hours on July 23 you can send any request or imagine for:
Peter x Reader
The Holland frat house
You can request:
Smut (as always no underage or non/con stuff)
Or send me a 1D song for me write about it.
You can also send any asks, thirsts, cast you mutuals and request for me to tell your fortune with a random song 🔮
I LOVE YOU 3000!!
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
@intiate03 asks: Hey could u write a ff on tony visiting peter at MIT with morgan bcz he was missing him . And them meeting one of tony teachers or someone who tony knew form his time in MIT
requests are now closed
A/N: another first for me! thanks a lot for your request sweetie🌸 I’m no really familiar with the X-Men universe but I tried making a parallel between the two universes like they did in one of the comics. It’s a short short blurb so I hope you will like it✨
‘Good to see you again’ - Iron Dad & Spidey Son
Warning: cuteness infinite level, and NO ENDGAME in this house!!
Finally some free time. 
Tony sighs while turning in office chair when he hears the sound of steps echoing in the lab, coming to his direction. As he turns to see who it could be - even if he definitely knows already -, the little body of his daughter jumps right into him making both of them spin in the chair, laughing.
“Well well well, look who’s there!”
The little girl giggles in her father’s arms. “Daddy you done with work? Can we go now? Pleaaaaaase?”
Tony stops the chair with his feet and after waiting a few seconds, he stands still holding Morgan in his arms.
“Yes, sweetie. We can finally go. But first, we need to tell mum we’re going out. Can you go tell her while daddy close the lab?”
“Yes!! We’re finally seeing Peter!!”
Morgan jumps out of Tony’s grasp and runs outside the lab to her mum, Pepper, who was somewhere in the house doing her own business. Tony signs again, now pleased. He promised his daughter a few weeks ago that he will find some time to go visit Peter together, because the boy was getting busy with his lessons at MIT so they saw him less recently. And the little girl missed him a lot. And little did she knows that her father also couldn’t wait to see Spidey boy again.
Meanwhile, Peter finishes his first lesson of the afternoon. Having a few hours’ break before the next one, he thinks about reviewing some of his notes outside the campus. While sitting on a bench of the MIT garden, he soon hears in the distance someone calling his name, awakening his spider senses. And as he turns his head toward the voice, he couldn’t help but stands to be soon almost tackled to the ground by Morgan.
“Peter!! Hi!!” the girl screams in joy in his face.
Peter chuckles and wraps his arms around Morgan, spinning her in the air, a big smile now on his face. 
“Morgan!! Oh my God, I’m so happy to see you, little one!!”
They both keep giggling, happy to meet again after so long. And then, Peter starts hearing some shocked whispers around him and wonders what was happening.
“Dad! I found him!!”
“You sure did, sweetie.”
None other than the famous Anthony Stark aka Iron Man walks toward both of them, hidden behind his signature sunglasses, emanating power and class from him. Obviously people would start freaking out. And Peter feels even happier. He delicately puts Morgan back on her feet and taking her tiny hands in his, he (proudly) waits for Tony to stop in front of him.
“Hey, how are you doing, son?”
Son. This is the nickname Tony likes using to call Peter. He would never admit it out loud to the world but this boy, no, young man standing while looking at him in awe is like his own son. And for sure Morgan sees him as her big brother.
“I’m doing more than great, Mr. Start” replies Peter, still smiling.
Tony smiles back and ruffles the boy’s curly hair with his hand, before giving him a warm embrace.
“Good to see you again, son.”
“Good to see you again, Mr. Stark.”
“Well good to see you too, Tony.”
The new voice calling out to Tony makes him break his embrace with Peter, Morgan hiding behind both men as they all see the person moves to them. And Tony couldn’t help but smirk.
“What can I say? Who doesn’t like seeing the most talented and handsome Iron Man?” 
“As cocky as ever, Stark. You would never change.”
Peter recognises the voice as soon as he heard it. Because here now stands Professor Charles Xavier, one of Peter’s teachers at MIT. Of course he knows who he is. He is one of the most strict and intelligent professor of all the US, and nobody wants to mess with them. Peter has some classes with him and he can say he admires the man in the wheelchair. 
“So, you and Mr. Parker know each other?” professor Xavier says, his gaze going from the man in his forties and his friendly student. “Why am I not even surprised.”
“Well, the kid here is sure a nerd but that brain of his is one of a kind. A bit awkward but still smart. Everything I look for in an intern at Stark’s Industry.”
“After knowing you for quite a long time, I sense when you have something in mind, Tony.”
Peter closely looks at both men exchanging words, Morgan still gripping at his jumper. He conforts her by caressing her head.
“You, er, you both know each other?” tempts asking Peter.
“You see, kid, professor Xavier and I work together sometimes-”
“But Mr. Stark here clearly is avoiding me for, what, eight months now? Tony you can’t run away forever when we have to talk about Illumi-”
“I know I knoooooooow” interrupts Tony, exasperates. “But I’ve been super busy with the Avengers and my business - you know I’m a real business man, also family stuff and blah blah blah.”
Peter and Morgan try to hide their giggles while watching Tony being... well, Tony.
Tony puts one arm around Peter’s shoulders and brings him against him again, Morgan following closely.
“I’m in the middle of a happy family reunion right here so if you would excuse us!”
The three of them start walking toward the street, leaving the professor by himself. 
“Don’t be a Stark and call me, Tony. You know why!” shouts professor Xavier at them.
“Yeah yeah, I’ve still got your number somewhere. I think? Bye, X!” Tony begins whistle.
“Er- b-bye professor Xavier!” Peter manages to say.
Professor Xavier lets out a sigh, looking at them walking toward some shops in the street nearby. Then he decides to go back inside the building, making his way between the students.
“At least, he got the family he ever wanted.”
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fan-fic-reblogs · 5 years
Pairing: Peter Parker & Tony Stark (platonic)
Prompt: “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
Words: 980
Warnings: bruises, a swear word
Peter didn‘t have a good day. He wasn’t having a lot of good days recently. Everything seemed to go wrong and he just couldn’t figure out why. He seemed to mess up everything he could possibly mess up, becoming more clumsy than usual and everyone became more and more annoyed with him. Ned, MJ, even aunt May and Mister Stark (even thoughhe told him not to call him that anymore a long time ago).
Even when he tried to do better, he just couldn‘t. He knew that he was probably just overfocusing on it and that‘s why it didn‘t get better. He should just let this bad time pass and wait for it to get better, after all there wasn‘t much he could do.
He still tried, of course. The thoughts in his head wouldn‘t stop, all he could think about was what he had done wrong and how annoyed everyone was. Last monday Mister Stark almost lost it. First Peter had knocked over a bunch of tech that was standing around because he wasn‘t paying attention (when was he ever) and then he had messed up some settings in his suit that took Mister Stark pretty long to fix - neither of them knew how he could even mess them up but well, he did and now he had to fix it. And then, as the cherry on top, he spilled his drink everywhere.
Peter could see in his face how much he wanted to yell at him. Mister Stark had been tense ever since Peter had walked into the lab, he had probably had a stressful day already. Luckily, he did not yell at Peter. Instead, he just covered his eyes with his hand, running it down his face.
„Leave it,“ he told the kid, who frantically tried to dry the desk. „Just. Leave. It.“
Slowly, Peter put down the tissue he was holding. „Um.. should I..“ he didn‘t even know what he should do.
„Please just.. just go home, kid.“ He still wasn‘t looking at him.
Peter wanted to say something but he was scared. Scared that he would make things even worse, somehow. So he just left.
And now he was thinking about it again, even though he was supposed to focus on his patrol. It ended how it had to end, with Peter getting into a fight he wasn‘t prepared for and some ugly bruises. Nothing major but still - just because he healed faster didn‘t mean it didn‘t hurt.
He got home safely after that, thank God. Still caught up in his thoughts (would he ever learn?) he crawled in through the window, not bothering to be quiet since aunt May knew he what he did at night now. Still, he tried not to be too loud and wake her up. Which turned out to be unnecessary as she was still awake anyway.
„Sounds like someone‘s home,“ Peter heard her voice coming from the living room.
He just wanted to answer when he heard the second voice. „I better go and say hello then.“
Mister Stark. It had been days since he had seen him or talked to him. The last interaction they had was Peter spilling his drink and then being sent home. What did he want from him now? Was he still mad?
„Hey Pete.“ He sounded just as calm as always. HIs voice seemed to be a little softer around Peter but he was probably just imagining that. Wishful thinking.
He was carrying something, it almost looked like a small fridge. Walking into Peter‘s room he set it down. „Got your suit all fixed up.“ He smiled up at Peter, revealing the content of the box. The suit looked amazing, little particles of it flying around all the time.
Standing up Mister Stark gave him a concerned look. „Why don‘t you take that mask off?“.
Oh, right. He didn‘t even realise he was still wearing it. Pulling it off his face he took a step closer to his new suit. ‘‘Mister Stark, this is-‘‘
Before he could even finish his sentence his face was softly turned to the side so he was faccing his mentor.
“Are you hurt?”
 “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
„Listen, Mister Stark-‘‘
„I told you to stop calling me that, didn‘t I? And I also told you to come and talk to me when you‘re in trouble. Right?“
„Right. But it was just a small fight, nothing major. I‘m all good.“
Tony looked at him. He stared. Peter hated it when he had that look. It always felt as if he was staring right through him, into his soul.
He finally let out a breath. „Listen. I know I was pretty annoyed last time but I didn‘t mean to.. I don‘t want you to feel like I don‘t care what happens to you, alirght? Even if I‘m mad at you. You can still talk to me and ask for help.“
„Mist- Tony, that‘s really nice but I‘m really fine, there is no need for you to worry about me.“
„But I do. I always worry about you. I’d rather you don’t go out there at all.“
Peter already opened his mouth in protest, but was cut off.
„But I know that you’ll do it anyway. Damn it, you did it in an old sweater and goggles for fuck’s sake. So the best I can do is give you a good suit and look after you. I don’t want you to get hurt, okay?“
Peter nodded slowly. This was getting a bit much for him.
„Good. I made some upgrades by the way, to make sure you’ll be there for some time to annoy me a bit more.“
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
tony making the expo international and having it in australia or something and then being on the plane with peter and morgan? sounds nice haha
Sorry, this took a while, but here’s a blurb for this!!
Flight - dad!tony
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"Will you stop kicking my seat?" Tony asks the mildly annoying kid that he loves for some reason. The devilish spawn that he is, doesn't listen. Instead, the child kicks the seat again. "Goddamnit Peter, I will tell Morgan to punch you!"
Peter giggles, sitting back in his chair. He sighs dramatically no longer than a minute later. Tony rolls his eyes, wanting to deck the kid. The jet ride will take some time and Tony hates is, but he's gonna have to deal with it. However, Tony rolls his eyes when he sees Peter moving to sit next to him.
"Tony, I'm bored," Peter whines, scooting down in the seat next to Tony. Tony looks over to his right side, seeing Rhodey glaring at Peter. The two have a mental conversation as if asking if it's okay to punch a kid.
Tony decided to take the Stark Expo international and it was showing signs of being his best idea yet. Except that he decided to let Peter come with him on the jet. Tony wanted to arrive a day earlier to get the scope of things and Rhodey said he'd tag along, Happy choosing to drive the jet. However, Peter also asked to come along and Tony just couldn't say no.
Now, he's wishing he did.
Because Peter tagged along, Morgan tagged along. The stipulation was that if Peter came along, he'd have to watch Morgan when Tony couldn't. Peter was quick to agree, claiming he loves his little sister so much that he might just take care of her while they're away. Tony rolled his eyes but enjoyed the beginning of that sentence he chose to ignore the rest of it.
So now Peter terrorizes Tony until Morgan wakes up from her nap. When Morgan wakes up, she asks Peter to play school with her. He nods, playing student as Morgan requested she plays the role of teacher.
"Alright, student," Morgan says, making Tony chuckle. Rhodey watches with admiration as Morgan stands on a seat and Peter sits on the ground. "Today we'll be learning about the failures of capitalism and anti-peace propaganda."
Tony and Rhodey stop laughing, perking up in shock as they look over at the young girl. Peter nods, scooting closer. "Teach me everything, Master."
"Alright, she's spent too much time around that MJ girl, go take another nap."
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icyhotchai · 6 years
Repeat after me:
Peter Parker is too Pure™ for this world
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
♥ = Smut || ★ = Angst || ✿ = Fluff || HC = Headcanon
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Peter Parker (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Peter Parker x BestFriend!Fem!reader
Amazing ||✿ ★|| 1K || REQUEST
College!Peter Parker x Stark!Fem!reader
Tangled In Webs ||  ♥ ★ ✿ (UNFINISHED)
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Peter Parker (TASM/TASM2)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Boyfriend!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
So Cliché ||✿|| 1.4K || REQUEST
Study Break ||✿|| 2K || REQUEST
Puppy Love ||✿|| 2.4K || REQUEST
Rule Breaker ||✿ ★|| 2K || REQUEST
Love on Ice ||✿|| 1.8K || REQUEST
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Chemistry ||✿|| 1.8K || REQUEST
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Tony Stark (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots: COMING SOON!
Tony Stark x Avenger!Fem!reader
Fits like a Glove ||★ ✿|| 1.6K || REQUEST
Field Work ||✿|| HC || REQUEST
One of Us ||✿ ★|| 2.1K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Romanoff!Fem!reader
An Old Flame ||★ ♥|| 2K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Assistant!Fem!reader
Promotion ||★ ✿|| 2.2K || REQUEST
It’s Always Been You ||✿|| 3.3K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!reader
Everybody Dies ||★|| 2.6K || REQUEST
The Relaxing Shower ||♥ ★ ✿|| 2.9K || REQUEST
Home ||★|| 2.5K || REQUEST
Valentine’s Day ||♥ ✿|| HC ||REQUEST
Domestic!/Dad!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!reader
Shit! Shit...||✿|| 1.9K || REQUEST
Dad!Tony Stark x Pregnant!Wife!Fem!reader
Stark Jr. ||✿|| 1.6K || REQUEST
Surprise Visit ||✿|| 1.7K || REQUEST
Soon to be Irondad ||✿|| 1.9K || REQUEST
Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Fem!reader
Snooze Time ||♥ ✿|| 3.4K || REQUEST
That Time of the Month ||✿|| HC || REQUEST
Home for The Holidays ||✿|| HC || REQUEST
Kitten ||★ ♥ ✿|| 1.5K || REQUEST
Show Off ||✿ ★|| 2.5K || REQUEST
Accident ||✿ ★|| 1.4K || REQUEST
Ex-Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Fem! reader
Should’ve Said It ||★ ♥ ✿|| 3.4K
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Steven Grant/Mark Spector/Moonknight (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Blurbs/Headcanons/Requests: COMING SOON!
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Steve Rogers (MCU)
Imagines/One-shots:  COMING SOON!
Technical Difficulties ft. Peter Parker || HC || REQUEST
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Story Spotlight - Survivor's Guide to The Galaxy
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Today’s rec is Survivor's Guide to The Galaxy by fanfic1892
“Are they… dead?” Peter asked carefully.
“I don’t know. I think so.”
“What do we do now?”
In a billion-to-one cosmic fluke, Tony and Peter both survive the snap and are left alone on Titan with an alien spaceship and no plan in sight. Peter’s presence brings Tony to make a tough call: diverting their course away from Earth in search of food and fuel. With the galaxy in shambles and no clear route home, the two survivors must carve out a path of their own somewhere in the great infinity.
Our reader says... It's an amazing and beautiful multi-chapter fic with explores what would've happened it Peter survived the snap in a very unique way. I loved how it showcases Tony and Peter traveling through the universe, trying to survive every obstacle that is thrown their way while they try to find a way home. It has hurt, angst and fluff in all of the right places. This is a masterpiece of a Irondad fic that deserves to be showcased more than anything.
Your Turn - Hopefully you’re already thinking about the stories you plan to nominate in January, so here’s your chance to showcase them for everyone else. If you send us a Title, Author, Link, Tumblr Name - if they have one - and a short blurb about what you love about that story and why others should read it, we’ll post it on the blog. You can send it as am Ask, a message to this account or as an email to [email protected] you send it as an Ask, you can’t include a link - Grrr Tumblr - so include Title, Author, and site so we can track it down.
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jasntodds · 5 years
Yeah but what about tony going shopping with peter for his birthday??
We love some irondad and spiderson blurbs
Tony would be fully prepared to buy Peter literally anything this kid wants (as long as it’s not animal as requested by May). And Peter is just giddy with excitement, happy to be spending the day with his mentor but also nervous because he doesn’t take money from people?? Peter’s not one to ask for anything specific (unless maybe if Ned or May ask him what he wants) but this? Tony just taking him shopping, no spending limit, just…….shopping for whatever he wants for his birthday? That’s unheard of but Peter’s grateful, nonetheless.
Peter asks Tony what stores he wanted to go in and Tony chuckles easily with “Kid, this is your birthday.”
To which Peter would respond with, “Oh, right, yeah, yeah of course.” Brows furrow, as he’d look straight ahead, trying to figure out where he wanted to go which really wouldn’t take much thinking before he’s look back to Tony. “Can we go to the Lego Store?” He’d ask, quiet and almost inaudible with the sound of everything in the mall.
Tony puts his hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Lead the way.” Tony grins and Peter takes a breath, leading the two of them to the store.
It’s packed as usual but that doesn’t stop Peter from walking right in, towards the back and to the left. Star Wars. Tony is right behind him giving him space but also being there for whenever Peter picks out what he wants.
Peter’s eyes scan the wall, top to bottom knowing the highest priced things are at the top and the things he can usually afford towards the bottom. Ned is usually the one to get the big pieces, saving up from birthdays and holidays and Peter buys the smaller ones. But now.....his eyes are landing on the Y-Wing Starfighter.
Tony watches Peter, looking up at the sets that are all over $100, knowing  Peter wants one if not all of them but is unsure how to ask.
“Which one are you looking at? Death Star? Millenium Falcon?” Tony asks, moving on the side of Peter.
“Um,” Peter glances to Tony before he starts rambling. “Actually, the Starfigher. Ned and I put together the Death Star and the Millenium Falcon already. He bought the Death Star and then mostly paid for the Millenium Falcon, but I threw in some birthday money to help.” Peter’s proud with his words as he looks back to Tony.
“Get the Starfighter.” Tony encourages, smile gracing his face. “We’ll go to a few more stores, grab some food, and we can pick up Ned on the way back. The two of you can work on it.”
“A-are you sure, Mr. Stark?” Peter asks, voice shaking just slightly.
Tony nods. “It’s your birthday, Pete.” Tony looks over his shoulder and spots a worker before flagging them down and asking them to help grab the Starfighter from the top shelving.
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vaguekiwi · 3 years
It's time to show some content creators some love! Share:
Two of your favorite Starker blogs
One Starker post you always think about/come back to
Three of your top fanfiction recommendations
Hi Jensen ☺️🔦 What a pleasant ask on this fine day ☀️
💞 Two of your favorite Starker blogs
I love so many blogs! And I go check on my friends' blogs often (at least every couple days if not just every evening.) So I'm gonna say people I don't interact with so much/as directly:
1. @femmeparker 👠 (Holly's headcanons / thoughts are just always spectacular. Never let down.)
2. @tonyspeters 🎥 (Fifi's gifsets and blurbs get my writer-brain going like nobodies business. I'll see something and be like 'hey, today's a good day to be creative too!')
💭 One Starker post you always think about/come back to
I don't know if it was originally created as Starker or Irondad, but that long Tumblr post about how Tony's trials throughout the MCU influenced his care in designing Peter's suit.
Like, he knew what it's like to be cold (in IM3) so he added a heater; he knew what it's like to be lost (in IM1) so he added a GPS. That post filters back to my head sometimes and I'm just like "Ah yes. Rip my heart out why don't you."
📚 Three of your top fanfiction recommendations
🖤 The Deprivation Series by @thenelalila (but check those tags 👀😬)
💙 Baby Blue by Kim @twokinkybeans (honestly I think I've read this fic like 11 times 😳)
❤️ Cold Coffee by Lien @twokinkybeans (please these beans are too talented 😭)
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starkskypines · 3 years
Marvel Masterlist
🟢-gen fics
💗-my favorite fics
Multi-chapter fics:
talk some sense to me: Loki finds Mobius after they’ve taken down the TVA and things aren’t the same but there’s still hope for them
i guess that we don’t need to be falling apart: Loki joins the Avengers.
sunshine living on a perfect day: sambucky featuring the trope: there’s only one bed
right where you left me: short blurb for angstpril about Wanda Maximoff post Endgame
i keep these dreams like souvenirs: Mobius makes Loki his mother’s tea 
have a holly, jolly christmas: (NO WAY HOME SPOILERS) Peter, Ned, and MJ enjoy a happy holiday together as a family, exchanging gifts and having fun.
who needs sleep when you have family: irondad and spiderson wherein Tony is sleep deprived and texts Peter funny things
Reader Fics:
--Bucky x Reader:
it’s a forever kinda thing: Bucky Barnes x Reader oneshot where you and Bucky reminisce about your first date
even if it’s only in my imagination: Bucky Barnes x Reader oneshot where you imagine what could’ve been after a run in with Bucky
--Loki x Reader:
i choose you: Loki x Reader oneshot where an either/or game leaves you choosing between Steve or Loki
MCU Poetry
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stefciastark · 3 years
Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Father ~ Webpril Day 9
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A/N: Once more at 4a.m, here we are. Here's a short blurb of some BAMF protective Tony swooping in to the rescue, and Peter is probably really going to need a hug after all this is over.
~Read on AO3
~Read on FFN
Peter was in way over his head.
He was first drawn to the scene after the sounds of screams and screeching tires echoed up and down the streets of Queens. From what he could see from where he had been perched, the chaos extended across the river into the Upper East Side of Manhattan as well.
The Avengers were hard to coordinate lately. Since Tony and Steve’s relationship deteriorated into nothing over the Sokovia Accords, all of Earth’s crises were diverted to whoever was closest or didn’t hate each other at the time. This meant that Clint and Natasha, who were still on good terms despite being on opposite teams, worked together frequently sans the rest of the team. Steve preferred to work alone, and Thor and Bruce were currently unaccounted for on Earth. Peter knew there were others involved during the whole debacle, but his knowledge on their actions or whereabouts were unknown, and he didn’t particularly pay much attention to it.
He just missed the days of the ‘Stark Internship’.
Because then there was Tony. Tony worked a lot with Rhodey, and Peter tried to be understanding despite his disappointment that Rhodey was chosen more often more often as his wingman than Peter. He had quickly gone from being Tony’s prodigy “whiz kid” to being the forgotten third wheel.
Peter was beginning to think that maybe Tony’s initial offer to join the Avengers - and after that initial offer for one of the most incredible suits Peter had ever seen - wasn’t a ‘test’ after all. To put the cherry on the metaphorical cake, contact with Happy had gone from sporadic to non-existent, and he’d never felt more isolated. He couldn’t help but feel as if Tony and Happy had made a separate ‘group chat’ and just simply didn’t include him.
And that brought Peter back to the present, slinging through the alleys and main roads of Queens with a reckless sense of vigour that Peter was sure the Hulk would be proud of.
Whatever hell spawn had made its way to Earth was fast. Scarily fast. Peter knew he could outmanoeuvre most threats he faced as the Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman, but as Spiderman, the current Pseudo-Avenger, he didn’t particularly feel as if he were ready to take on massive city-levelling threats. Well, he might have been, but definitely not while operating solo.
The alien – Peter couldn’t believe that that thing was even realand that the word alien was even usable now in his daily language – looked had the appearance of a humanoid apple wearing a frog. He couldn’t really come up with any other description; what he could see of their faces was a rich darker shade of red, not dissimilar to a Juici brand apple. Where the ‘frog’ component came in was the slimy looking finish to their armour, or if it wasn’t armour it was at the very least incredibly dense and near impenetrable skin. That, and their cries to war sounded almost exactly like a deeper and much more intimidating croak of a Bull Frog. Thanks to biology, his first real encounter with aliens was now stained with that association.
Web grenades had become a new favourite of his as of the last twenty minutes. After some tweaking of settings and trial and error, he had managed to add ‘motion triggered’ and ‘taser’ to its list of associated commands and made it more of a web mine than a web grenade. The moment one of the ‘Apple Frogs’ sped past the sensors, off it would pop, and the threat would be both contained and neutralised.
It worked well up until the reinforcements came. He came to the realisation quickly that these were only the dispensable foot soldiers of the invading army. He came to the realisation when his height was no longer comparable to the ‘Apple Frogs’, and instead he felt dwarfed.
Peter’s brain finally caught up with reality, and he truly understood that what he was seeing was in fact actually happening and not some sort of VeggieTales fever dream.
Catching the corner of the roof of a tall block of apartments, his knees buckled on landing, his breath coming in harsh gasps. This isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real. Peering down over the side of the rooftop, he watched as what looked like the Warlords of the army mindlessly murdered their own in their quest for destruction. He had to look away as he saw one of the foot soldiers get caught in the crossfire between a glowing orange – and obviously alien - beam of fire that shot out from one of the side streets and the axe of the hulking invader closest to his position.
He swallowed back the sick feeling in his stomach, the gruesome memory burned into his retinas. He’d never seen a body contort that way, and the smell of singed flesh was inescapable even from within the mask.
The trembling in his body gave him the impression that he were sitting in a massage chair, but the experience was anything but pleasant. He wondered faintly if he were having a panic attack, but everything from his mind to his body had gone numb. The Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman was not equipped to deal with world-ending catastrophes.
The high-pitched scream of a woman and the distressed cries of a child managed to delay the sheer terror that pumped its way through his blood and into his bones. Standing up on unsteady legs, he quickly found the source; there was the silhouette of a young family escaping for their lives, the woman holding her young child – no more than six months old - on one arm while she slung her shoulder under the arm of her husband, supporting his weight as they ran, his ankle obviously broken.
Without a second thought, Peter dove into the streets below.
Red blips were popping up like razor burn on his HUD. Weaving through the streets of Manhattan, Tony felt himself unsurprised by the situation entirely. The first time aliens came to Earth – in New York no less – he had had a proper existential crisis, confronted with the reality that there was more out there. For it to happen a second time, however, was old news.
Tony had been notified by S.H.I.E.L.D that help was on the way, which meant that help would be there three hours after it was needed. That meant he had at least another forty-five minutes of mayhem left before the big guns were brought out, and he hoped against all hope that what was left of ‘Earth’s mightiest heroes’ would tuck their disagreements into their back pockets for a moment and come help prevent New York City from being terraformed into a brightly exposed mesa.
As quickly as the red blips had come onto the screen, they were decreasing in numbers rapidly, located mainly over the river into Queens. The small red dots quickly became slightly less pin-sized and became slightly more concerning-sized. Accompanied with these new and larger threats was the sick feeling of dread that hit Tony suddenly like a truck. Increasing the output in his repulsors, he shot like a red and gold comet over the East River.
On the edge between where Dutch Kills ended and Astoria began, Tony found the source of his inexplicably nauseating dread.
Peter was dangling almost ten feet in the air, the alien resembling a mouldy radish holding his kid’s neck between its thumb and forefingers. The left leg on Peter’s suit was torn and bloody, and the way he struggled against that thing made Tony’s blood boil.
Tony didn’t have much of a plan other than to do as much maiming and murdering of this creature as possible. With the temporary advantage of not having been seen yet, he lined up the perfect angle and sent the Hale-Bopp Comet shooting out from the palms of the suit, slicing through the arm of Peter’s assailant. A roar of pain echoed down the avenue, parts of the pavement below the monstrosity turning almost black with blood that fell with the intensity of a waterfall.
Shielding Peter’s fall, he deposited the young hero behind him on the footpath out of immediate harm’s way. Tony gritted his teeth, veins burning with a ruthless fire that was begging to be released. It was a good thing his target was right in front of him.
And then Earth’s trespasser spoke, voice deep and coarse with a texture like gravel that was deeply unpleasant to listen to and made Tony’s skin crawl. “And who the hell are you?”
Tony began to close the distance between them, each step deliberate with one goal in mind; shoot to kill. Rolling his shoulders back, he looked the alien combatant straight in the eyes and prepared to engage.
“Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Father. And nobody hurts my kid.”
A/N: IronDad to the rescue once again :) As for why Tony hasn't been in contact with Peter, I'm thinking it's likely that he wanted to give Peter the space to be the Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman he wanted to be. That, and becoming an Avenger and being closer to Tony would likely mean more exposure to risky situations and potentially near-death experiences, and Tony wants anything but that for his SpiderSon
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