haikyall · 3 years
time and time again
Summary: Soulmates will always find each other in the end no matter how longe they've been apart, but Bokuto and Akaashi don't know that. Heck, they each don't know the other person even existed. WC: 3k Genre: Fluff Pairings: Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji
This is my entry to the bokuaka big bang!
Kuroo opens the door for Bokuto and Daichi as they enter unfamiliar territory. Their curious eyes scan through the place, embracing the peaceful ambiance. It was busier than most cafès; this cafè, in particular, was very noisy.  Bokuto, on the other hand, felt a sense of familiarity about the place, yet he has never set foot in this cafè.
Kuroo spots a booth with empty seats and leads the trio to sit there. He also offers to do the ordering given the fact that he was the only one who knew how to do so, as it was evident that their way of ordering differed from usual cafès.
Bokuto sits down and can’t seem to sit comfortably on the cushioned seats. It was like something was bugging him, something just really kept on poking Bokuto’s brain to just keep looking for something, although he didn’t know what exactly he’s looking for.
To Daichi, this mannerism of Bokuto's is quite a normal sighting, especially when he enters a new shop. To him, Bokuto is taking in the new place by trying to remember every single little detail it has like how the table and seats are very low, or how there were high stools that show the contrast. He also notices how Bokuto’s leg keeps on bouncing. He assumes that the owl is anticipating his order or is just excited.
“Excited, Bokuto?” Daichi tests his theory, and Bokuto is caught off-guard at the sudden boom of the fellow captain's voice. He had forgotten that he was with other people. This sense of familiarity and restlessness was mentally killing him.
He scratches his head. Maybe it was that, yeah, he’s just excited.
“YEA! HAHAHA~” He laughs out, deciding to brush off the fact that something was indeed bugging him and he can’t seem to point his finger as to what it is. He proceeds to tell Daichi about how a cashier from another café asked him out one time.he was asked out by a cashier when he was in another cafè. “There was this one time, my friends and I were in this other coffee place and the cashier kept on asking, like, these personal questions like ‘are you more of a bacon or egg person and I didn’t UNDERSTAND HER BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH~”
“Mhmm?” Daichi hums out, he was interested. He didn’t necessarily understand how it was personal, but he kind of knows how Bokuto feels being asked the question.
“IT WAS THE CASHIER’S WAY OF ASKING IF I WAS STRAIGHT HAHAHAHAHAHA”, Bokuto explains loudly, and Daichi’s brain doesn’t believe it, but Bokuto was genuinely laughing and he’s physically unable to lie. His eyes go wide and he finally starts laughing at how lousy of a conversation he was hearing.
“PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA,” he laughs till his lungs can’t take the lack of oxygen and deeply inhales, and Daichi slowly realizes how Bokuto lays out the story, “Wait, you didn’t understand?”
“NOPE, MY FRIENDS ONLY TOLD ME WHAT IT MEANT AFTER OUR ORDERS WERE TAKEN,” Bokuto explains, and Daichi nods his head, understanding why Bokuto wouldn’t think it was more of a sexuality question rather than a general preference question.
“So what did you say?”, the crow asks the question.
“Egg, whICH MEANT I WAS STRAIGHT HAHAHAHAHAH,” Bokuto excitedly explains starting to laugh, and Daichi joins with a chuckle as he thinks about the stupidity of the question and how innocent Bokuto could be sometimes, and his chuckling deepens. Kuroo finally comes back with a tray of their orders and sees the two gasping for air in laughter and is interested as to what’s got Daichi laughing.
“Oya, oya, what are we talking about, here?” Kuroo asks, and Bokuto was the first one to regain some sanity,, explaining while laughing,
“I just —heh— told D-Daichi about the —hehe— cashier story,” he explains as Kuroo gives each of them their order and starts to settle down. Meanwhile, Daichi just keeps on laughing and banging the table. It was rare to see Daichi lose his chill like this.
“Ah, the cashier that didn’t know that’s not how you check out a guy and ask if they’re straight, damn, she does not get laid a lot,” Kuroo says, chuckling as he remembers the story, and shakes his head at the obliviousness of both parties in that conversation.
“SHE WORKS IN A CAFÈ, GODDAMMIT HAHAHAHAHA,” Daichi says, and everyone laughs again at the thought of the scene playing in their brains.
The laughter seems to die down as people enter the café. Bokuto turns around as he unconsciously follows the sound of the bell ringing with each movement of the door. He sees an exasperated, lean, and messy, black-haired boy, holding a laptop bag, along with a silver-haired, livelier guy, and a smaller guy with bleached hair with roots starting to grow out. Bokuto feels like he knows the exasperated guy.
Bokuto doesn’t know the guy.
The bugging sensation is back, more intense than ever, and Bokuto is restless again, appearing to look at anything but the new arrivals.  He tries to calm himself down, but his eyes stray back to the trio that recently entered the building, and he’s back to being fidgety and restless yet again.
“Boku-dude, you okay, there?” Kuroo asks, clearly disturbed by Bokuto’s hyperactivity. Bokuto recognizes the nickname and realizes that somebody is talking to him, and he finally relaxes, looking at Kuroo as he replies.
“Yea,  it’s the coffee in the drink,” Bokuto quickly explains and Kuroo raises an eyebrow, he’s been watching Bokuto the entire time since he sat down and he hasn’t touched his drink yet. Both Daichi and Kuroo know this, and they both let it slide as they see Bokuto might get his emo mode out of schedule and both of them are not in the mood to handle it.
“Told you, you should cut down the sugar, seriously, black coffee for breakfast and then WHITE CHOCO MOCHA FRAP? YOU’RE FUCKING INSANE,” Kuroo continues, not showing that he knew that Bokuto gave the wrong reason for his hyperactivity.
“HAH! JOKES ON YOU, I DIDN’T DRINK BLACK COFFEE THIS MORNING,” Bokuto says, indicating his attention is back on them. Both of them sigh in relief, but Kuroo is impressed, Bokuto isn’t drinking his usual black coffee.
“Oya? Is that so? So what did you drink for breakfast?” The former Nekoma Captain asks, and Bokuto is silent, probably remembering what exactly the owl did drink for breakfast.
“… egg?” Daichi says after a moment of silence, and laughter breaks the momentum of peace, and Kuroo starts scolding Daichi after that bad joke.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I HAD TO OKAY?” Daichi explained,
“…. red bull…” Bokuto says quietly and both of the other captains he was with nearly stand from their seats in shock.
“You drank RED BULL FOR BREAKFAST?!?!” Kuroo asks, and Bokuto puts his hands up in defense, ready to explain.
Daichi facepalms, “Yeah, but Red Bull is worse than coffee.”
Kuroo finally calms down and sighs, “Bokuto, you suddenly have a ticket to go to the mental hospital, signed by me,” he says.
“HEY! I WOULD DRINK RED BULL RATHER THAN…. Eggs,” Bokuto points out, and the three of them start laughing once again.
As Bokuto and his friends continue to bicker, the exasperated man he found himself ever-so-fond of settles his laptop bag under their table while his friends seem to be taking turns going to the counter.
“I haven’t been here at all,” the dark-haired man starts, and it leaves the two men with him bewildered. The man pushes up his glasses to take a look at the menu on the café wall. Alas, the font is too small for him, and he’s far enough that, even with glasses, he can barely make out what the menu is offering.
“It’s not that far from where you work, Akaashi” The blond dude says. He says this without looking up from the little Switch console he brought with him.
“Yeah, work is kinda building up on me so I don’t exactly have the time to go out,”
“Guess, I’m ordering for you,” the silver-haired friend chirps, and Akaashi nods. It turns out to be, this friend over here, might be the most cheerful of the bunch.
“If it’s not coffee, I’m not drinking it,” Akaashi warns, and his silver-haired friend lets out a sigh. He may or may not have a different idea for an order.
“… Darn it,” his cheerful friend says in defeat as he walks away. Akaashi looks for a table and immediately lays his laptop bag on the ground, leaning on one of the legs of the table.
As Akaashi and his blond companion settle down, he gets a notification from his phone. He grabs it in his pocket by instinct and instantaneously looks at what caused the sound. It turns out that there’s a last-minute meeting to be held in 10 minutes by his boss. Akaashi sighs, was a day-off too much to ask?
The gamer boy across Akaashi notices the dismay on his face and asks, “Really? Still working even now?”
Akaashi sighs, “Yeah, not as flexible of a schedule as you, Kenma,”
“Aren’t you on your day off?” Kenma points out as Akaashi chuckles at the observation of the CEO. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t get a lot of those.
“That’s also what I thought till I got the text that my presence suddenly matters,” Akaashi answers and sighs, “you don’t do much though,” he continues.
“Yeah, but then meeting assholes murder you every time for it so I think we’re even,” Kenma says, rolling his eyes at the thought, causing Akaashi to chuckle again at not just the action but because of Kenma’s.. colorful choice of words.
“I agree, then they take all the credit,”
Kenma then pauses his game to massage a budding headache just from thinking about his company’s growth and welfare, “then come crawling back to you when something goes wrong,” Akaashi nods in agreement and comfortable silence fills the air. The silence doesn’t need to dissipate. Akaashi is also aware that both he and the person in front of him are generally quiet people and would prefer silence over the conversation.
Akaashi suddenly feels it. The uneasy air, the stuffiness, the stillness. Akaashi looks around the café to see what exactly is causing the sudden change in atmosphere. He looks over to Kenma and he sees the gamer boy fiddling away with his switch. Akaashi knows it's not from the man across the table.
“This place feels… odd,” Akaashi says, shifting in his seat, trying to sense what exactly is making him uncomfortable. It doesn’t seem to be his seat, no. It’s the atmosphere, it feels stuffy as if something is going on. He turns around to see if someone is staring at him.
No one was giving him a single glance, but his eyes fell upon one person. A man with white hair and black highlights. A guy with his friends, who was probably peeing his pants in laughter as they bantered on. He seemed ecstatic, attractive, like the entire room was watching them, although no one was.
“Is that so?” Kenma says, not feeling a single strand of discomfort. He looks at Akaashi, wondering what’s got the editor so fidgety. Akaashi fidgets around so much that it causes Kenma to look around just in case he could see something that would cause Akaashi to be so unnerved.
“Yeah, I’m not exactly sure why or how, though.”
Kenma, seeing that there is nothing that could make Akaahi want to leave, shrugs. “Maybe it’s cause you haven’t been to this place before.”
Akaashi nods. That’s a good argument, he’s never been comfortable in new places, he always felt like some puppy in a wolf’s territory. “Yeah… maybe.”
“Hey, here’s your drink— Akaashi—,“ the silver-haired boy finally comes back with all the drinks in-hand, and Akaashi takes the drink given to him and starts to get up from his seat.
“Sorry, Sugawara-san, I have an emergency meeting to attend,” Akaashi says, looking at the time, completely forgetting he had a bag on-hand when he first arrived at the store. He was already a few meters away due to him jogging.
“Oh, it’s fine! Take care, though!” Sugawara and Kenma both bid farewell to the rushing editor as they see him brisk-walk farther from the café.
“Isn’t today a day-off for Akaashi?” Sugawara mentions as he takes Akaashi’s seat, settling down.
“That’s what I said, too… his bosses are honestly merciless,” Kenma mentions, shaking his head in slight frustration at the fact that Akaashi simply can’t rest. His eyes then rest on the forgotten laptop bag of Akaashi and his eyes go wide, “Suga-san…,” the gamer boy says, pointing at the bag. Sugawara was taking a sip of his drink when he looked under the table where the object in question remains untouched. The man sipping his drink then nearly spits it out and panics.
“Oh shit, Aka—“
A new voice enters the conversation, “Is it fine with you if I return the bag to him? I can catch up to him; noticing his speed, he would be near the subway station by now,” the pair looks up at the new voice and sees a lean man with black highlights on his white hair. The silver-haired man silently smirks before replying.
“Uhm… yeah, sure I guess,” Sugawara says, knowing Kenma is too shy to rebut and say the stranger might steal the laptop. He hands over the laptop bag and the stranger takes off. Kenma watches the whole scene unfold with both eyes.
“You are stupid.”
“No… I just feel like being cupid. That guy has been staring at Akaashi the entire time he’s been there. He only looked away when the two of you were looking around,” Sugawara says, taking another sip of his coffee.
Bokuto runs as fast as he can, keeping the man he's pursuing in his line of sight. “Hey! Wait!” He screams, but as he’s too far, and Akaashi can't hear him. Bokuto makes it his mission to be faster. He’s a volleyball player anyway, he can get faster, right?
“HEY!!” He tries again after closing some distance, though not much of it. He’s still far and Akaashi heard him this time, but he feels like he wasn’t the person the voice was calling out to, and it would be embarrassing on his part if he turned around, assuming it was him.
“ AGAASHI! ” Bokuto finally reaches Akaashi and suddenly blurts out his name. It freezes both of them because they do not know each other. Bokuto is freaking out internally, what did I just say? He starts to think of some lousy excuse. He scans the laptop bag for a name tag at least and finds nothing. He tries to remember if the stranger’s friends even said his name before he interrupted them. Everything moves in slow motion in his view as he tries to make up for an obvious mistake.
“How do you know my name?” Akaashi turns around, cautiously.
“You forgot this” Bokuto says, and just like that, they are both transported to a temple, and both of them are wearing hakamas, and the laptop bag is non-existent. Bokuto is holding a katana.
Akaashi is shocked. He looks at Bokuto to see if he is just as shocked, but he doesn’t seem fazed at the fact that they were just surrounded by buildings and are now surrounded by mountains and trees, empty streets, and ancient temples.
“What?” Akaashi says, still bewildered at the part about suddenly traveling to some olden time. He looks around to process where on earth they are.
“Your katana, you forgot your katana… W-weren’t you leaving, Agaashi?” Bokuto says, poking at Akaashi’s arm. Akaashi’s attention is back on Bokuto. It was only then that he noticed this man’s features, the jawline, the golden eyes, the bright smile, the radiant personality. He seemed… attractive. “You can’t leave training without your katana, Agaashi~” Bokuto teases with an eyebrow arched.
Akaashi couldn’t help but feel a little tug deep inside him when he saw the taunting look of his new formed friend. So many things are rushing through his head right now, it felt like he’s in a world one of their clients back at work made. The details, the sounds, the feeling was so surreal Akaashi swears this might be some daydream.
Akaashi wanted to ask where they were but Bokuto didn't seem to know what he was talking about and it was like he couldn’t change what his mouth was saying as he says, “Oh, yes… thank you, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi’s eyes go wide as his hand mindlessly reaches to grab the katana by the handle and Bokuto gives a slight smile. He doesn’t know this man.
Suddenly, everything is back to normal; they’re in front of the subway station entrance, the katana has disappeared, and the laptop bag returned; the two men are both back in modern clothes. Bokuto seems to be the first one knocked out of the daze, as it seems that both of them were stuck in some trance. Akaashi sees that he’s already holding the handle of the bag,“Hello? Sir? You forgot your laptop bag… Your friends were supposed to chase you but I figured you’d be too far to reach so I offered to do it instead. I’m sorry, the name just blurted out and I swear I don’t know how—” Bokuto tries to explain but Akaashi cuts him off.
“Did you see it, too?”
“I- I mean, YES, I DID SEE IT. I MEAN, THE VISION? NONONO, IT WAS LIKE SOME—“ Bokuto freaks out as Akaashi takes the bag and smiles softly at him. Bokuto finally calms down and realizes that the man in front of him has a nice smile.
“You can ask for my number from my friends back in the café… and thank you, Bokuto-san, ” He says as he waves away from the volleyball player.
15 notes · View notes
haikyall · 3 years
time signature
ayoo~ this is for sonderdaisies in instagram and discord! Here’s your prompt in my entry for @bnhagiftexchange WC: 4.7K
Pairings: Hawks & Miruko (Keigo Takami & Rumi Usagiyama) AU/Prompt: Musician AU, 
Summary: Music brings people together, even if you see each other at work... and live across the street from one another
Three hours. It has been three hours since Rumi has started looking for her portfolio. That portfolio had the pieces she wanted to present to her leader when they start rehearsal tomorrow. That portfolio could bring her career to new heights. That portfolio could get her a promotion. The portfolio is missing. 
Her house is already a mess because of trying to flip it upside down just to look for that flimsy clear book. She hates the fact that she is forgetful and things like this happen on the daily basis. 
Maybe it’s under the bed— you already checked the bed— how about one more ti— you checked it five times already. Inside the couch? You can’t rip open your couch, Rumi. I can watch me. Okay, where are you going to get a new one? Fuck where is it? I swear I won’t be able to practice tonight without those.
She knows it’s not at the rehearsal studio, she remembers putting it in her envelope… where is her envelope? Rumi suddenly has the motivation to look for something else. Did I leave it at the studio?!?!
Her frustration gets the better of her and she starts to aggressively look for the clear envelope. She gets more annoyed as more time passes and she hasn’t found the thing yet. Her annoyed self got more pissed to know the fact that it was ten in the night. She annoyingly grunts and then she hears it…
Soft piano playing. It was Clair de Lune, Haydn. It was calming, soothing. The volume was soft enough to be heard by neighbors whose houses are just across the street but not loud enough to be causing any disruption. It was like the house the sound was coming from was a huge music box. 
Whoever was playing the piano, was very good. The emotions were displayed perfectly and mixing some of their own. You would know if you’re emotional in playing by simply catching the attention of the unsuspecting audience. Rumi notices how the pianist speeds up by half a second and after a while of playing they would realize the speed and calm down. That’s not how you play the song.
The song calmed Rumi down. She listened to it for quite a while, settling on the couch while thinking if she did leave her life’s work at her office. Her brain goes haywire thinking if she even labeled her stuff. She scolds herself for being so damn irresponsible, this wouldn’t be happening because of it. 
Her eyelids start to droop the more she listens to the goddamn classical piano player. Times like these are when she wants to throw something to the other house to shut the people up there but this time she has absolutely no reason and energy for that.
Rumi blacks out.
Rumi Usagiyama is late and it was a difference of five minutes… five minutes led to thirty because of her extensive care for her silver hair that reaches the curves of her hips. That same thirty minutes led to an hour because of searching “how to cook pancakes” on Google and ultimately failing, leading her to just settle with cold pizza on her fridge. An hour flew to an hour and forty-five minutes as she was looking for her sheet music which led her to have a massive breakdown because she was missing pages and had to print everything again, and then she realizes that she’s running five minutes late which lead to a total of an hour and fifteen minutes late with ten minutes tardy time.
If it weren’t for that fucking pianist and their fucking Haydn I wouldn’t be so late and slept on the couch.
She frantically runs to her rehearsal room where everyone involved in the project we're talking, tuning their instruments, eating, resting, or a combination of a few. It was like this every morning, you enter a room of people you’ll work with for a few months to play for a musical, and then when the project ends you act like you didn’t know each other’s life story and how they came around with their instrument.
It was always so noisy.
The tan girl sighs as she expects another classic sermon from her superiors saying that “she should be more responsible” or that “if you loved music, maybe be more punctual”. 
Well, I happen to love pancakes too so shove your fucking violin bows up your asses. We don’t even play the same fucking instruments.
Rumi sighs as she smiles and bows apologetically to her superiors. Her superiors shake their head and leave her little space in the wide rehearsal room and rolling her eyes, she sits down, reviewing her sheet music as a way of prepping herself.
“Chill down, baby bird, you look like you were gonna pounce on them if they didn’t walk away,” Rumi sighs in relief at recognizing who’s voice now was towering over. The voice laced with concern but 90% consisted of cockiness. She looks up and sees a blond, and stout Keigo Takami with an amused eyebrow raised.
Rumi sends a scowl onto Keigo’s way, “Hahaha, very funny Kei,” Keigo chuckles as he squats to Rumi’s level as she attempts to focus on her work.
“I am quite the crowd-pleaser myself if you didn’t notice,” The blond dude says in reply and it takes for the tan girl to process what in tarnation her colleague just let out.
Rumi peels her eyes off her sheet music one more time, and shakes her head, “No, why would I— why are you even here?” She asks annoyingly to the smirking Keigo who was also looking at her sheet music.
The blond man stands up, “Just wanted to remind you we have rehearsal in five, baby bird— oh, you guys have a similar sheet music to the stringed instruments,” 
The silver-haired grumbles as she realizes that Keigo was doing her a favor, she completely forgot about the rehearsal, “Thanks, Kei, I’ll keep it in mind” Keigo turns around but seems to have forgotten to say something and turns back to Rumi who is now doing air-drumming movements, aligning her hands on the imaginary lyre, playing the piece with the correct notes in her head.
“Also, uhh you left some of your sheet music here” Keigo hands her a portfolio with her name at the front and where all of her missing sheet music pages were located. Rumi mentally slaps herself in the face to scold herself for forgetting such an important thing in her life let alone make Keigo return it.
Rumi grabs the portfolio “I was wondering where that went… thank you, sorry about that,” She apologizes and Keigo finally turns around gives her a thumbs up. She remembers a part of her conversation and yells back.
Keigo smiles to himself, finally, a decent reply. The thumbs-up he was showing just now flips and turns into a middle finger as he walks back to his little space of the rehearsal room. 
Rumi smiles at the non-verbal reply and shakes her head. He seems to know how to cheer things up huh? She examines the smooth texture of her clear portfolio, once again scolding herself, clutching the plastic material in anger.
So… I had a mental breakdown, and wasted my time for fUCKING NOTHING?!?!?!
Keigo packs up the last of the things he needs to take his leave from the rehearsal studio. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and starts to stride away out of the building.
The blond man stands in line waiting for the subway to arrive, as he does an old lady in a kimono outfit comes up behind him.
“You have grown, young bird”
Keigo is stunned, is this lady talking to the right guy? The pianist looks in both directions, checking to see if she is talking to the right person. The lady giggles as she sees that Keigo points to himself to be even more sure that it was him.
“Do I know you?” Keigo asks 
The old lady smiles, “No, but I’ve seen you grow on this exact hallway, I’m proud of what you’ve done” She then proceeds to point at the place where Keigo used to play songs as people walked by, grateful for any change they drop him with. Keigo remembers this in an instant and scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.
“O-oh, th-thank you, ma’am” He bows toward the elderly and she starts to enter the train,
“Enjoy your trip home,”
Keigo smiles, “You too ma’am” He then enters the train as well.
Keigo then arrives home to hear xylophones to be the sound that greets him. He’s aware that one of his neighbors plays the xylophone. Keigo is sure it's not anyone from work as the xylophone pieces were never the pieces they would play at work. He assumes that they would practice the workpieces given that the performance is just a week away from now. The xylophone pieces were just popular songs. He sometimes hums along to the songs his neighbor chose. It was like Keigo’s evening couldn’t be complete without at least hearing one note of the xylophone, it served as his lullaby into the night.
Keigo doesn’t complain about the noise. It’s not noise, it was one of the most beautiful harmonies one could ever hear. He would trade the world to hear it again.
“Not in the mood today, huh?” He says to himself as he hears that the xylophone notes were just being played at random, not a single beat or harmony was being made. It was like they were being played out of frustration like a person was venting their anger or whatever they were feeling onto the instrument. He decides to not join them for tonight and sighs at the fact that he won’t be practicing the piano.
Keigo wanders how his neighbor is even still playing, he swore that the amount of frustration they’re letting out onto the instrument seems enough to break the sticks used to make the sound of it. He’s impressed that the xylophone itself is still in one piece to be exact. 
Keigo never had the energy or time to know who exactly was his neighbor due to his work and his dedication to it. His neighbor may have thought otherwise and never introduced themselves when they first moved in. He didn’t mind, he respected their privacy plus, it would be extremely awkward if he introduces himself now and not five months ago.
He listens to how frustrated his neighbor seems to be. He chuckles at times when he hears the same key is being played like they were annoyed by the sound of it and tries to fix it by repeatedly playing the note. 
Even if the xylophone isn’t exactly playing any song right now, he still believes that it’s still harmony in some way, it invokes emotion… well... his emotions, it was like the instrument was talking to him, ranting on how crappy their day was, a broken music box. He found the thought both funny and intriguing. Sometimes, he wants to know what’s got the lyre player in such a sour mood like this.
As Keigo listens to the horrific music. He searches up piano music sheets as more xylophone playing was starting to give him a headache. “Your Name, huh? Is this what you wanted to learn, baby bird?” He asks himself, remembering one of the pieces that were in Rumi’s portfolio. Keigo simply couldn’t help it, the clear book was thick, and he’s a curious man.
The music then stops, Keigo looks at the time; 10:00 pm. Ah, they should stop now. He notices that whenever it was ten sharp, the music stops, even if it was in the middle of a song. It was their bedtime, Keigo then decides to also call it a night and starts to close all the lights and prepare for bed. 
Rumi barges into the rehearsal room, she sighs in relief to see that no one was there yet. She woke up early today, she didn’t get to practice any songs last night and it pissed her off. She was so busy scolding herself with forgetting the portfolio of her pieces that she had forgotten the more important matter, practicing the exact songs in her portfolio. 
She didn’t want to be a burden to the other lyre players since it was evident who knew how to play the lyre if they practiced their pieces before going to work and it would be hella embarrassing if Rumi didn’t have any songs to present her lyre group with. 
It was a tradition that the lyre group makes lyre versions of popular songs, everyone in the building loves it. The sounds resembled that of a music box, melodic, lullaby-like, gentle, and peaceful, just with six other xylophones playing. 
She then grabs a music sheet stand and shoves her portfolio on it, and she starts playing in an instant. She takes notes of the pauses and how the song escalates. Maybe the group will choose her songs, the songs she’s been choosing have been very difficult, those kinds of songs kind of gives an appealing view to their leader. 
Rumi chose quite a popular song, it was “Sparkle” from the movie Your Name. She chose it mainly because she cried at the ending more than she would like to admit. She skips the repetitive piano intro and starts straight at the D#. It was quite a simple piece, she was hoping that the leader would somehow make it more complicated. The leader would always encourage them to bring him something more simple to make it grander to play since he can turn it more difficult the more they play together.
The silver-haired girl has been tapping on the same notes over and over again but seems to slowly lose count on how many times she should be playing a specific note. “Five D#… wait no… wasn’t it four?”
She plays the notes again to confirms her suspicion and she starts to anger herself at how much she confused herself over the starting line of the notes she’s playing. “If it weren’t for me and my forgetful ass and forgot the fucking portfolio, I wouldn’t be here right now cram practicing,” she grumbles to herself as she lashes her anger on the flipping of pages on her portfolio.
She starts to get impatient with herself since she keeps on making the same mistake on the same note. For some reason, she isn’t keeping track of how many times her glockenspiel on the metal plates “GODDAMMIT ALREADY” She screams out in frustration, flinging her stick towards the other side of the room. 
The stick barely misses the incoming blond male that enters the room. His eyes follow the direction of the stick as it hits the wall, taking precautions to not get hit by another stick. He notices that the stick is not a usual drum stick but is more similar to a lyre stick… Rumi. “Woah there, take a chill pill, Rumi,” Keigo says as he enters the room.
“Keigo… hi,” Rumi breathes in and composes herself and Keigo finds this a perfect time to piss her off even more
“Hello baby‘I'm pissed and I throw my stick in anger but luckily I'm alone’bird” Keigo teases while making air quotes as he says the nickname with his index and middle fingers. Rumi rolls her eyes. She paces across the room to pick up her poor glockenspiel as the other person in the room settles his place on the piano
“Well not anymore,” She grumbles and Keigo simply chuckles.
“What you practicing?”
“Just for some presentation,” Rumi shrugs off the question and focuses to prepare to start playing.
“Can I listen?” Keigo says in pure curiosity and Rumi’s answer went out faster before she even thought of saying it.
“And why not?” Keigo asks, raising an eyebrow at the sudden response.
“BECAUSE I HAVENT….” Rumi answers a bit too fast again and shuts herself up and tries to concentrate again on the piece.
“You haven’t what Rumi? I’m not a fortune teller over here and even if you do say no, I’m still going to listen,” Keigo points out and Rumi huffs in frustration at the man’s persistence. She hated at the fact that Keigo is right. He’s assigned to the same orchestra as her so he can’t possibly leave the room, and it’s not like he can’t listen to it even if he wanted to.
“Ihaven’tpracticedityet” Rumi says in a quick and silent voice. Keigo was impressed she managed to speak in a volume that's still too quiet even if they were the only two people in the room
“Sorry what? You were too soft” Keigo says, genuinely and for spite. Rumi inhales deeply, calming herself down before reiterating what she just said, in a slower and louder manner. 
“I haven’t practiced yet,”
Keigo scoffs, that’s what she’s so worried about?  He looks at her dead in the eye. “I’ll help you then,” 
“What’s the piece?” Keigo asks, stretching his fingers as preparation to start playing.
“Sparkle, from—” Rumi calmly says
“—Your Name”
“Your Name,” They both say simultaneously. An awkward silence fills the room and they both freeze at the realization that they said something at the same time.
“Do you play the intro?” Keigo asks and Rumi shakes her head.
“No, it hurts the ears if I play it on the lyre” She explains and Keigo nods. 
He then shrugs his shoulders and faces the piano, “I’ll play it then,”
“Whenever you’re ready then,”
Keigo’s hands lay on the white and black pieces, awaiting the right signal to himself to start playing. He calms his senses and takes a sharp inhale of breath. His fingers then start to wander and dance on the piano and the first notes are finally played.
Rumi waits for the repetitive beginning to finally come to an end and joins Keigo in the next measure. The piano and the sound of the lyre start to compliment each other, Rumi is impressed that she can play better with the guidance of a piano… Or maybe it’s Kei— NOPE IT'STHE PIANO.
The flow of the music was so enchanting, the music was attracting the people who weren’t assigned to the studio. The piece itself was already hard to play on the piano alone, concentration only became harder for both as they hear people crowding the entrance of the room. The pressure was killing the pair in the most silent yet obvious manner.
Don’t fuck up, Rumi. Don’t you dare fuck it up now? It’s going to be so fucking embarrassing for Keigo if you dare mess it up. Oh my fucking god, too fast, too fast, too fAST—
It was obvious that the piece was escalating for some reason and Rumi was panicking at the pace they were going for many reasons. One, the tan girl hasn’t memorized the piece, meaning she has to look at both the piece and her xylophone. She’s starting to wonder why on earth she’s speeding up. 
Was she not following the time signature? Maybe she didn’t time the rests right. Shit, did she forget to play a note again? Rumi looks at Keigo and everything starts to fall into place. Keigo is panicking. 
Keigo’s eyes were so focused on playing the piece it was like he was solely playing the piano on his own. His fingers are going too fast, it wasn’t obvious to the audience but he was a least two beats advanced. He’s forgetting what piece even was in the first place. His eyes are too wide. Keigo is going too fast. 
“Keigo!” Rumi screams out. Keigo hears it and he turns around and he finally sees it. Rumi isn’t looking at him but he can see her struggle, the way her eyes are flipping from the notes to the actual instrument was her way of panicking and telling Keigo to slow it down, any faster and she’s going to have to make a mistake on the way of trying to keep up.
“Sorry,” Keigo mouths out and he tries to mellow down the speed but it ends up being too fast for Rumi’s speed again. Rumi hasn’t seen Keigo’s response Rumi feels like her arm is about to fall off. She’s just pulling through the fact that the song is about to end… Okay maybe choosing the six-minute version of the song was a bad idea. 
The song finally ends and they get applause from the people who were watching them. The pair never really processed how many people were watching. It looked like only a few caught on to the fact that they were a bit too fast and the fact they ended a bit early because of it. 
Keigo and Rumi share a hug and Rumi hit’s Keigo’s nape in the process. “That was pretty stupid of you, Keigo,”
“Sorry about that,”
Keigo and Rumi turn to the crowd and simply bows in gratitude.
“What is going on in here?” The head of the lyre group comes in, the crowd quiets down their noise. It shows on their face that they have no idea why there is a crowd and why Rumi and Keigo are bowing as it turns out the head of the lyre group has just arrived in the building and hasn’t watched the entire scene play out.
“Ah, Keigo was helping me practice,” Rumi explains with a bright smile, satisfied she even finished the song. The leader raises an eyebrow as Keigo bows in front of them, a way of greeting.
“Is that so?” 
“She couldn’t get the timing right,” Keigo explains, why he is helping her in the first place.
The leader crosses their hands on their chest, “It sounds to me, you also couldn’t get the timing right, Keigo,” They say with a menacing voice.
“He got nervous, chill out,” Rumi defends.
“A musician that can’t play at the right time signature shouldn’t be playing in the first place,” The leader says, smirking. They’ve pissed off Keigo, it was obvious by the way he was looking down, fist clenched. He’s holding in every urge to bite back at the way the leader was taunting the pair.
“Is that your way of telling Rumi her song choice sucked?” Keigo quietly asks.
“Excuse me?”
“You weren’t here for the performance, more likely you came by the end of it, I can see it in your face,” Keigo points out the bewilderedness of the guy the moment they came in. He can tell that they haven’t calmed down from the shock of the people and the ending of the song.
“That’s not what I—“
“I wasn’t finished,” Keigo says, Rumi is freaking out. She’s trying to calm Keigo down by gripping his arm and silent whispers, scolding his name but Keigo persists and continues, “Now, if you’re going to tell me and Rumi that the piece she chose doesn’t suit your style, then maybe you shouldn’t be a leader because of that selfish thought, 3/4 of your lyre group are already here and they are looking at you with pretty nasty looks,” Keigo reminds the leader as he points to some people in the crowd and the leader sees their members looking at him menacingly or not even looking at them.
“Anyways, if you don’t like the help of other people from your same orchestra, maybe you should take a chill pill,” Keigo says, packing up his stuff and leaving. 
“Keigo— wait!” Rumi says, gathering her stuff as well and following shortly, completely ignoring her leader.
“Where are you going?” She says after chasing up to the blond man.
“Let me come with you,”
“but—“ Keigo tries to retort, seeing that the silver-haired girl still has work and has to present the piece they were practicing in the first place yet that same girl cuts him off,
“It’s the least I could do after everything you said, dumbass,”
“Fine,” Keigo sighs continues on his journey with Rumi.
They both wait for the subway train to arrive, and as they do so, a new but familiar voice enters their conversation, “Hello there, young bird,”
Rumi is shocked to hear an old voice from behind her so she turns around. Keigo already knew the voice so his calm stature doesn’t change, “Hello,” Keigo says, bowing in respect.
“Where are you going?” The old lady asks.
“Home, people at work like to be asses today,”
“I get that, you have a pretty guest too,” The old lady points at Rumi who has a tint of blush on her cheeks after being called pretty. 
“Hi, I’m Rumi Usagiyama,” She says, bowing as well
“Hello there, little bunny, ah… well I have to be going, have a wonderful day you two,” The elderly woman says, looking at her watch and departing.
“Take care!” Keigo says as he watches her depart from them. He notices the soft gaze of Rumi as she watches the elder woman disappear, “… you like being called pretty~” He says, teasing the smaller human.
“N-NO I DO NOT,” Rumi says, eyes wide, color creeping up her cheeks, and hits Keigo’s shoulder on instinct.
“Hey, what was that for?” Keigo says a hand goes to the injured area. Not all that injured but still painful.
Rumi rolls her eyes, “You are annoying,”
“You like it when I’m annoyin— okAY OKAY I’LL STOP,” Keigo tries to bite back but Rumi is already a step ahead and pinches and twists Keigo’s ear. The train finally arrives and the two finally calm down and board the train.
They are finally walking to what Keigo calls his home. As they walk through, Rumi notices how this path seems familiar. Too familiar. It’s like she knows it because she’s been here every day. That’s exactly what it was. 
Is he going to make a left there? But I also live there. Then straight ahead for two intersections then another left. wAIT A SECOND—
“You live here?” Rumi asks and the question catches Keigo off guard. Of course, he lives here, where else was this girl expecting?
“Yeah… is there a problem?”Keigo slowly answers. Rumi’s brain is doing the most before short-circuiting again, everything seems to fall into place. 
“Did you just so happen to hear instruments playing from your other neighbors?” Rumi asks an oddly specific question “Cause ya know, you’re not the only one who can play an instrument.” She explains and Keigo nods.
“Yeah, just yesterday this neighbor of mine must’ve been pissed~ they were making the most random of notes I swear, poor xylophone just wanted some rest,” He chuckles and Rumi nods.  Did this asshat just say xylophone? yeSTERDAY?!
“ARE YOU THE ONE WHO PLAYED CLAIR DE LUNE THE OTHER DAY?!” Rumi again asks a specific question and Keigo answer it absent-mindedly.
“Yes, how did you—“
“WE’RE NEIGHBORS YOU FUCKHEAD,” Rumi freaks out and Keigo doesn’t seem to be on the same page as her.
“… what?”
“The xylophone playing yesterday wAS ME,” Rumi explains that she was the mastermind of the horrific music and Keigo slowly starts to understand.
“YOU?!?!” Keigo points at a laughing Rumi. “WHY WERE YOU PISSED?!”
“CAUSE I LEFT THIS GODDAMN PORTFOLIO AND THE LEADER GOT PISSED AT ME FOR IT,” Rumi explains while waving the envelope she was looking for one and a half days ago. 
“BUT I RETURNED IT TO YOU” Keigo tries to make sense of the situation
“EXACTLY WHY I WAS PISSED,” Rumi says as Keigo shakes his head, everything finally clicks into place and they both have calmed down, “Thank you, for a while ago,” Rumi silently says, remembering how they even found out the new information in the first place. She sees her house and yet they turn the opposite way.
“Hmm? Oh, no problem, was getting sick and tired of them treating you like shit anyway,” Keigo simply says as they finally arrive at his home, Rumi feels weirded out at the fact that she isn’t at her house but the house right in front of it.“Care for coffee, neighbor?”
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haikyall · 3 years
Words Left Unsaid
Synopsis: Memories were left instead
Pairing/s:Miya Atsumu & Miya Osamu & Suna Rintarou (PLATONIC NOT ROMANTIC PAIRING)
Genre: Fluff
WC:  1374
Suna was never the type of guy that would speak his mind. He was quiet, conservative and very blunt if given a chance to speak. He never lets the opponents know what he’s thinking. He wasn’t just good at volleyball, he was also good with the few words in which he spoke.
Atsumu has made it his personal goal to annoy not only just Osamu but also Suna as well, seeing as though that he doesn’t give out much of a reaction unlike his twin younger brother. The setter also thinks that it would be such an achievement if he has managed to make Suna’s face scrunch up in annoyance or at least hit him in some place because of it.
The blond setter has tried every trick in the book; water spilling from a bucket above them, throwing a cake at them, surprising the spirits out of their bodies, sending them to the wrong classroom, eating their lunch, not giving them a piece of his lunch, and not giving their water bottles. Again, the kid has tried everything, and all he ever gets is a scolding from Kita, and a boxing session from Osamu, nothing from Suna. All Suna ever does is video record all of the times Osamu and Atsumu were having a fight.
This motivates Atsumu even more… Maybe there was a trick he hasn’t tried…
He thinks of a prank that would tick the middle blocker’s head off. Ruining his uniform wouldn’t cause a ruckus on his blank face, giving him spoiled food wouldn’t do the trick either, he knows when he’s about to trip, nothing escapes that dude’s eyes it pisses Atsumu off more. Perhaps… he just needs to tease him? Maybe get under his skin? But what could possibly irritate a fox?
He remembers how bad Suna must have felt when he realizes that Tsukishima wasn’t actually trying to block him, but baiting him to spike the ball towards the players behind the glasses dude. He felt really bad, it wasn’t obvious since all he’s done was just stare blankly at the ball that fell down, but he was no exception to the guilt and frustration that soon came in when that ball did fall on their side of the court.
Maybe he wasn’t pissed off.
The idea of Suna not feeling any sort of guilt or remorse from that match seemed to piss Atsumu through the roof. He’s had it, Suna’s lack of reaction can’t seem to escape Atsumu’s train of thought as he heads to the middle blocker’s room, ignoring the twin that tries to stop him, his pace quickens so that Osamu can’t catch up to him, he enters Suna’s room to see that he’s lying on the bed, emotionless as always but seamlessly scrolling through his phone. 
“What is it Atsumu?” Suna greets the pouty setter. Atsumu’s face changes from a pout to a solid and blank face. Osamu finally arrives at the room Atsumu had just entered and sees the visible tension. It has only been two days since the match they lost and Osamu knows from the back of his hand that Atsumu has not moved on yet.
“Do you not feel guilty?” Atsumu says in low voice and Suna looks away from his phone and looks at Atsumu in deep thought, like he was just entertaining the idea of the feeling the setter mentions. Suna shrugs and looks back at his phone.
“Guilt… not exactly” He replies. At this point, Osamu interferes, knowing Atsumu would not let the topic go, like Suna gave the wrong answer.
Osamu lays a hand on Atsumu’s shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, “ ‘Tsumu, go back to your room,” Yet the act is rendered useless as the second-year setter seems to not waver in his angered state.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT EXACTLY?” Atsumu asks, frustration keeping him still and oozing out of his body. Osamu’s grip tightens just a bit, a sign of warning from the calm younger twin Suna is shocked at the outburst of Atsumu and is silent about it. Not even a single movement of his face, Atsumu continues, “WE LOST A GAME ON THE FIRST DAY WE EVEN PLAYED AND YOU DON’T FEEL A SINGLE BIT OF GUILT? ANNOYANCE? WHAT KIND OF A HUMAN ARE YOU?“
Osamu’s eyes bulge out at the things Atsumu said that were clearly stepping over the line, “ ‘TSUMU, CUT IT OUT,” he shouts and hits his twin on the nape, hoping it would help him go back to his senses. He loved his twin but this was just too much. 
He wanted the twin that kept on making snarky remarks. The twin that would purposefully piss him off. The twin that would scold him for slacking back both in practice and in games. The twin that would convince Osamu to try out a new move that was different from practice. 
He didn’t like this Atsumu. The twin that was sulky, that suddenly just wouldn’t want to play. The twin that wouldn’t forgive himself. The twin trying to redeem himself. The twin that longed for approval suddenly gets shut down. His competitiveness was his strength but also his demise.
Suna raises an eyebrow and this simple movement catches the twins off-guard. His stoic gaze changes, to a gaze a fox on a hunt would give. No, it wasn’t that, it was like a fox that just came home from hunting, exhausted and exasperated, a fox that just wanted to rest, “A human different from you, Atsumu,” He answers and looks at Atsumu straight in the eyes, “I played well, and that’s all I know,”
Atsumu isn’t fazed one bit of the gaze of the neck chop of his twin and continues, he can’t seem to grasp the idea that there are people who aren’t as pissed as him when it came to losing, “YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT THE FUTURE? THIS COULD PAVE OUR FUTURE AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT, WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO SAY TO YOUR GRANDKIDS THAT WHAT? ‘I USED TO PLAY IN ONE OF THE NATION’S FAVORITE VOLLEYBALL TEAM BUT WE LOST THE MOMENT WE STEPPED IN THE COURT?’ WHAT KIND OF MEMORY IS THAT?”
Osamu has no choice but to slap his own twin in the face, he blocks Suna’s gaze with his own body and brings a hand across Atsumu’s face “OI ATSUMU CUT THE BULLSHIT ALREADY, SUNA IS JUST AS UPSET AS YOU ARE! YOU DON’T NEED EVERYONE TO BE OPENLY SULKY LIKE YOU,” A bickering starts with between the twins as to why Atsumu thinks like this and the scene brings light into the room as it fills the gloominess that Suna seldom saw, the brightness was unparalleled to the amount of light trophies that used to shine but now is gathering dust on his shelf.
Suna looks down, as he gives a small smile, the sight catches Atsumu’s eyes and he calms down immediately, eyes locked on Suna. Osamu follows pursuit in confusion as to why his twin suddenly stopped being an ass, “I’ll say ‘Who needs memories?’”
Kita ends the story with a smile and a sigh as he recalls one of his last memories as part of the Inarizaki Mens’ Volleyball Team. The two grandkids that were eagerly listening to his story from the first match up to his last play wants to hear more of them. 
“WAAAAAH GRANDPA TELL US MORE!!” A boy kid says, his attitude reminds Kita of what Atsumu was, carefree and more of a hyperactive pill. 
The girl that reminded Kita of what Osamu is but with a bit more energy, “YEA! YOUR TEAM SOUND FUN! Although they fight a lot HAHAHAHA~” The girl says bluntly.
The trio laughs, at the realization of how many arguments Kita can tell them and it would just circulate around the twins. “Yes, they do but that’s what makes them stronger and better friends, aren’t they amazing?”
“OI YOU KIDS LET GRANDPA REST AND HELP MOM WITH THE FARM!” The dad of the kids calls from a far and the kids heed to the beckoning call of it, bidding farewell to their grandfather.
Kita sighs, You did it, you became a team I am proud to say to my grandkids.
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haikyall · 3 years
A Splash Wouldn’t Hurt
Synopsis: A luxurious vacation, a vacation you know too well mainly cause it was only in your dreams. But Inarizaki Men's VBC decides to change that.
WC: 4078
Trigger Warning: none
Genre: Fluff
Parining: Inarizaki x Manager!Reader
It was homeroom period when you received a tap on your left shoulder as you were writing notes on what your team members— the Inarizaki Men’s Volleyball Club— should improve on. You look at the direction it came from, you realize there was a figure beside you that was eyeing your work. It was Osamu “Wow, you’re making notes on us? How cute of you,” Osamu says, peering over your notes.
“Yeah, I mean it’s the least I can do as your manager,” You sigh, looking at your notes which included a whole list of what certain members were good and what they should do to improve things they weren’t good at.
“You know, the semestral break is like a week away right?” The wing spiker starts as he sits at the table in front of you. He settles down his bag down and brings out a notebook related to the first period. You were well aware that the semestral break was a week from now. You have been planning to…… well, sleep the break away. You never had any plans to enjoy it, even if you were not part of the middle-class economy, you just felt lazy.
“Yeah, what about it?” You say paying attention to your teammate that was looking at you with an expectant gaze.
“Well, Atsumu and I are having a little yacht party.” Osamu starts. Wait a damn minute… a yACHT PARTY? A Y A C H T? Your eyes widen at what you were hearing, Osamu just smiles at your reaction, knowing well enough that even if you’ve known the twins your whole high school life, you still get overwhelmed at just how wealthy they were as star athletes.
“And the only ones invited are the whole team, without the coaches of course, and by the whole team, we included you on the list.” The second-year continues, okay, I mentioned your eyes widened, this time your eyes went out of your eye sockets. Osamu laughs, loving the reaction he’s getting. You couldn’t believe him. They don’t possibly want you to come, maybe they asked you out of pity and hoped to say no.
“But, I’m just your manager…?” You say, still confused at the offer. Osamu just smiles.
“We appreciate you more than you think.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, the boys looked at you not as a club mate or as a manager, they looked at you like you were their little sister. They genuinely want you to go. But you didn’t know what to bring or do on a yacht, mainly because you’ve never been to one or even seen one. Last time you “saw” a yacht was at your d r e a m s.
“We want you to come, it’s fine if you don't bring anything aside from things you’d bring to a beach like towels or sunscreen.” He trails off. He then looks at you dead straight at the eyes with a pleading look.
“Even I would be sad if you didn’t go.” You felt a little amount of heat creep up on your cheeks.
“…You guys… want me to go?” You hesitantly ask to which Osamu nods eagerly.
“Outings as a family won’t be the same without you,” The second-year says with a small smile on his face, still waiting for you to take the offer. You were still hesitant, how are you going to tell your parents about this? Fortunately, Osamu read exactly what’s on your mind and smirks.
“Kita-kun took care of your parents and they agreed” By this time your jaw fell to the floor and Osamu laughs again, thinking your reaction is cute. You fell silent, what else was stopping you from bonding with them?
“… You want me to bring some marinated lamb? Or steak?” You start, flipping through another page, making a list of what to bring, keeping in mind the favorite foods of each member. The wing spiker is shocked.
“Waaa, you know us that well huh?” You only smile as a reply. The school bell rings, signifying the start of class.
“Start with preparing your luggage for a 5-day trip. Kita-kun will send you the other details.” Was the last thing Osamu says before he turned in front, ready to greet the teacher, leaving you in bewilderment.
‘A little fun with water balloons won’t hurt as well right?’ You thought to yourself, not interested in the class. To others, it looked like you were taking down notes for the class. You scribble away more ideas to make the event more fun.
________ First Day 5:00 am
Your parents dropped you off the dock that you were supposed to meet the boys. You were immediately greeted with Kita, Oomimi, and Akiga. All three hugs you and says their greetings to your parents. Oomimi and Akiga took your belongings and took them to the yacht while Kita thanked your parents for letting you go and bringing you to the dock safe and promises that you will return in alive and in one piece.
“Ahh, our sister is here!” Atsumu greets you with a hug. Osamu takes some of the luggage that Akiga is carrying, seeing that he is struggling.
“You can receive serves and all but you can’t carry a bag?” Osamu disses the libero to which Akiga bites back with
“You’re lucky the volleyball is already inside the damn yacht”
Ojiro just smiles at you saying, “Would you like a roommate or you wanna have a room to yourself?”
“I’ll have a room to myself if that’s fine?” You ask shyly.
“Of course it’s fine you precious little thing!” Atsumu exclaims, ruffling your hair in the process.
“Just beware, we might knock on your door to annoy living hell out of you” The setter teases.
“Today we plan to be a chill day so after the twins do their tour, you do whatever you want and all that,” Kita says.
“Oh, and if you feel the boat speed up or slow down that’s mainly cause Suna-chan is manning the wheel” He continues. Wait a holy minute-
“Yes, Suna has a license and is trained by his father so we should be fine and yes, he knows how to stir the boat, darling” Osamu —who came back together with Akiga and Oomimi after putting your luggage on the boat— completes your thought.
“You’re so cute when you’re shocked like that” Ginjima gushes while the other boys just chuckle.
“Let’s board the boat, shall we?” Atsumu leads the group into the twins’ luxurious and— I kid you not— enormous yacht. You kinda ended up gawking at the boat since it is pretty huge and it’s your first time. Your gawking only ends because Akagi lends you a hand to get on the boat.
“You can stare when you get on it” Akiga teases you, making you turn to a little cherry as you say your apologies and step foot into the yacht, you just end up marveling it at its glory.
“Just like the ones in the movie right?” Atsumu teases. As the group fanboys on how cute you looked when you were processing that you were, in fact, in an actual yacht, you eye the outside portion of the yacht, a bar with stools where the boys were hanging out, some white sofas and grey bean bags with a center table, a grill and the main attraction, jet skis that were parked on the yacht.
“Are these actual…” You trail off, Osamu smiles at your speechless.
“Jet Skis? Why, yes they are. They are like my babies” Osamu answers.
“Hey ya trap, they’re my babies too!” Atsumu shouts from the bar.
“The twins have a rule that the room picking will happen a little later after the tour so that you can see which room you want.” Kosaku trails off. You nod as you understand the meaning of the rule.
“And it’s a fun game honestly. We also leave our bags at the dock until the tour is over, we won't be making any stops on the islands you will see, it kinda just sight-seeing” He continues and walks over to the twins to which you follow.
“Ya ready? Cause there’s a lot more to take in besides the jet skis” Atsumu teases and you just get a bit more flustered. Cue Kita hitting Atsumu on the nape and the team laughing at them.
“Cut the manager some slack, ‘Tsumu, not everyone’s as fortunate as the two of you” Kosaku states.
“Can we start the tour already? I’m dying to take a nap” Suna yawns and the twins start the tour ________ Time Skip: to 6:00 am
There were essentially 12 rooms all of which have a queen-sized bed and a washroom that has a bathtub and a separate shower hall. There was also another bar with a karaoke and billiard room with some game consoles like Xbox 360, PS4, etc. A gym, a kitchen and dining room, a sauna and jacuzzi a changing room, a viewing deck, and an inflatable slide at the roof of the yacht. The only staff there was were maids, 4 bartenders, a few bodyguards, and another guy that is licensed to stir the boat when Suna is busy.
You and the boys were hanging out at the lower deck which was where you were gawking the jet skis. They made you decide on the room you want. You chose the room nearest to the viewing deck since you like to take the view in from the night.
“Well, now our dear sibling over here has a room its a matter of competition for us” Atsumu states, and Osamu just sighs and looks at you with a tired expression.
“We’re gonna race two to see who gets the room they want, we let you get your room so that you can take down who gets which room.” Osamu gently explains. You nod and reach for the notebook inside your bag, it became a mannerism for you to bring your club notebook wherever you went with the boys… including this one.
The first pair were the twins, then Kita & Oomimi, Ojiro & Ginjima, Suna & Kosaku, and finally, Akiga & Riseki. Was it chaos? Of course, it was. The twins ended up getting the same room so you had to negotiate a war of rock, paper, and scissors and Atsumu being a baby per usual because his older twin got the room. Kita and Oomimi were by far the calmest since they chose different rooms. Ojiro and Ginjima took some time because they kept on going into the rooms that were taken by the other members and Ginjima getting disappointed the longer the search goes. Suna and Kosaku were kinda calm until they chose the same room as well but didn’t resort to the bickering the twins do. Akiga and Riseka also took some time since they were the last pair to choose a room.
After that, the twins acquainted the team with some rules to follow which were just 6:30 pm was the time of dinner and 12:30 was the time of lunch, and breakfast was optional. Because they are athletes it is a must that they attend the dinner and lunch. They also have to tell the group chat if they were unable to eat and it needs to be a legitimate reason. And there is a schedule for every room so that the maids don’t die of exhaustion. They also had a debate on having a bedtime and if midnight snacks were allowed. They ended up resorting to not having one and midnight snacks are available.
________ 8:00 am
After all, that chaos was settled with you decided to go to your room where you get to explore it in even more detail. But then the exhaustion of taming the boys took over you as your body uncontrollably falls to the white circular bed and you soon drift off to Dream Land.
_________ 10:00 am
Your eyes finally flutter open as you check to see what time it was with the watch on your arm. You quickly fix your hair, face, and the bed as you take in your new surroundings. You take notice of the wooden floor. The table had essential oils and a diffuser right next to it and bright lights around the mirror for makeup. The television was actually inside the wall and the washroom had a little window which can be covered with curtains and more bright lights for the mirrors, there were wall hooks for hangers or things needed to be hanged. One of which was a hanger for the bathrobe the yacht provided. It was a rather spacious room, so spacious that you’d think that you were in a hotel rather than a yacht.
“It’s big mainly because it’s considered the master’s bedroom” You look back to the door, which was where the voice came from. The voice came from Osamu who was leaning at the door frame. Behind him was the rest of the team with a small smile on their faces.
“We’re going to hang out by the lower deck, cause Idio- I mean, ‘Tsumu-kun challenged me to a Jet Ski race, wanna watch? Kita is gonna start grilling the steak you brought” Osamu continues. You nod and say you’ll just change clothes. You change into a white tube bikini which is covered by a white see-through tassel and head to the lower deck which is already starting to smell like grilled steak.
You see the boys quietly yet not so discreetly check you out which makes you bring a little bit of heat on your face. You take a seat at the white couch you take notice of their outfits. The twins, Ginjima, Riseki, and Oomimi were shirtless with some swim trunks. Kita was also shirtless but is wearing an apron cause he’s grilling some meat. Kosaku, Ojiro, Akagi, and Suna were wearing white tank tops with some swimming trunks.
You also observed that there was something similar to what the boys were wearing, sunglasses. Suna has his sunglasses tucked on the collar of his shirt, Ojiro has his tucked on the right pocket of his shorts. Kosaku’s and Osamu’s were resting on their head Akiga and Oomimi were wearing a chain where the glasses were hanging on. Ginjima, Riseki, and Atsumu were wearing their glasses. Kita’s were hanging at the loop of his apron at the back.
“Rules: No flipping of Jet Skis. Don’t hit each other or the yacht. No insane tricks that will get you injured and have fun. If one of the drivers falls off the Jet Ski, instant game over” Ojiro states and the twins listen to what he has to say.
“Five rounds around the yacht. First to park their Jet Ski and get off from it wins” Ojiro smiles with his eyes closed as the twins shake hands as a sign of camaraderie.
Ojiro opens his eyes with a serious face as he says the catch, “Winner gets to throw water balloons at the loser.” The boys show a look of shock and confusion cause as far as they know, they don’t have water balloons.
“What are ye talking about? We don’t have—” Atsumu starts but is caught off by Ginjima
“Y/N-chan brought some water balloons, would be a shame if we don’t use it… Right?” The wing spiker taunts the boys. They turn to you and all you can do is smile while having a chat with Oomimi and a sleepy Suna. All of a sudden the twins’ expressions turned from shocked to competitive, the face you’d see when they have an official match at volleyball.
“Oh you’re on,” Atsumu says to which his twin just shrugs
“Scared you’ll get wet?” Osamu says while arching his right eyebrow.
The startling roar of the Jet Skis causes you to jump a bit while the other boys remain unfazed, Ojiro, standing at the edge of the yacht, raises his arm “Ready,” The twins look at each other and turn back to the sea.
“Set,” By this time, the siblings are playing with the controls to make the Jet Skis roar louder but they’re still in the same displacement on the water.
“Go” Ojiro puts down his arm and the two twins are on their way. Suna— whose is essentially lying down on the bean bag beside you— pokes your left arm resting on the sofa’s armrest.
“10 water balloons, Osamu-chan wins” You smirk at the bid, why not eh? Nothing wrong with a little splash.
“Fine, 10 water balloons, Atsumu-chan wins” Suna smirks at your statement and looks at the sea.
“Stuff like this makes me sleepy” Suna yawns and it causes you to giggle.
“You’re always sleepy, Suna-chan”
“It makes me sleepy and at ease” Suna smiles, happy he’s made you laugh every once in a while.
Kosaku though it would be nice if the lower deck had some music so he played “Party Poison” by My Chemical Romance as he and Riseki start filling up the water balloons
________ 10:30 am
The twins are back but Atsumu won by a millisecond. You laugh out in rejoice as you saw your next victim of the water balloons. You were so overjoyed that the attention was on you. “Suna-chan and Y/N-chan over here decided to make a bet on who wins. Our sibling won cause they placed their bet on Atsumu-chan” Riseki explains to the twins.
“Don’t place such a huge bet on me Suna-chan” Osamu sighs in defeat while Atsumu was busy making fun of his older twin that lost.
The two stand on the metal part of the lower deck and were the jet skis were parked. Riseki starts to throw one water balloons and others follow pursuit. Well, let’s just say you may or may not didn’t count how many water balloons you guys were throwing at the pair. And Ginjima may or may not have filmed the whole event happening including the start of the race.
_________ 11:00 am
After assisting the two boys on what they need to change clothes. You hang out in the entertainment room where everyone was playing a match of Mario Kart while waiting for Kita finish making lunch. You wasted no time into putting this on camera since this was pure gold.
“No! That’s cheating you- AAAAAAAAA”
_________ 12:30 pm
Lunch was served, it was steak with mashed potatoes and mango panna cotta for dessert. Although we ate in peace, there was still tension as to playing that last Mario Kart match. Kita, oblivious to the chaos a while ago, has zero idea to what even happened but feels a strong tension.
“Alright, what’s bothering you kids?”
“I swore you cheated on that last match” Riseki looks dead straight at Akagi who was happily enjoying his medium-rare steak. Cue Kita rubbing his forehead and being the epitome of ‘Ah shit, here we go again’
“I will not deny or accept that” You were informed by their coach about the rowdiness and loudness this group has but these boys always seem to have something to bicker about.
“We live in a capitalist world, my dear child,” Akagi smirks, knowing it’s gonna fume his kohai to the roof. ________ 1:30 pm
Yes, it took you an hour to calm down the two well, mostly Riseki who felt offended by the actions of his senpai. After so, you decided to have time for yourself at the sauna. You grab your wardrobe and your new clothes which were plain red sweatshirt and some cycling shorts and walk towards the said room. You go to the changing rooms which had a little locker aisle so that you can put your things in.
You take off the tassel that you were wearing and toss on the bathrobe. It was a little big for you but it will do. You head to the sauna in which you spent your time enjoying. It was a place that showed the scenery outside and therefore you get to marvel at the beauty of the islands at the same time it was playing calm piano music.
You took this time to look at the videos Ginjima sent you and your compilation of videos and photos to decide what to post exactly.
You ended up posting that stolen solo picks of the boys while they were busy doing things. Yes, you have a stolen photo of Suna that is a w a k e. You also post a picture of yourself with your back facing the camera and your arms spread out. The last photo you posted was a group photo with you and the boys taken in the dining room before the incident happened.
The boys, on the other hand, were putting the appreciation gifts they had brought for you to your room. Arranging it in the most aesthetic way they could on your bed. They tried not to make any noise as you can hear their footsteps due to the wooden floor. They quickly made their way to the viewing deck to inflate the slide to make an alibi to be there.
________ 4:30 pm
You head to the viewing deck wearing you a sweatshirt and cycling shorts only to know that the boys were sliding down the inflatable slide. Oomimi sees you and carries you bridal style to be next in line. You panic as to knowing your outfit.
“You guys, I’m not really—,” you start as Oomimi sets you down on the slide. Atsumu laughs at your response.
“Well, sorry, love~” was all the setter said till his members pushed you off the slide. It felt like going down from the highest point of the ride of the rollercoaster. You screamed your whole lungs out and you swore you died till you felt nothing beneath you. You were flying in the air for what seemed like a century till you were engulfed with water. Its comfort in surrounding you made you feel safe but you had to go to the surface. When you did you were smiling but then at the same time you felt as if you were betrayed by your siblings over there on the yacht as they were laughing their asses off. Suna who was stirring at that time, was also chuckling to himself after hearing your screams of death seconds ago.
The ones in the water, Kita and Ginjima helped you go to the yacht as they knew you were gonna murder the boys. The moment you climbed back on the boat. The maids handed you a towel to which you used to whip at the boys for revenge making them die of even more laughter from you.
________ 6:30 pm
You were still damp and a towel was hanging on both of your shoulders when your dinner is served and it was grilled lamb with some fried rice and crème brûlée as dessert. This was the time the boys noticed that you posted something on social media and gave out their comments of appreciation especially to your photo. They took into detail their photos and realized that they were stolen. This was the perfect opportunity for you to post the uhhh… not so good looking photos of them. But you were worried about the number of unpleasing photos they had of you so you decided to go against the idea. And luckily there was no world war happening since you already forgave them for their little stunt a while ago and they did have fun.
_________ 7:45 pm
You head back to your room to wash and get changed for the karaoke night the boys proposed. You open the door to see the wide arrange of gifts the boys had prepared just for you. You start to tear up from the effort the boys pulled just to show you their gratitude towards you. You took a picture and sent it to both the group chat and social media as a thank you post. A mess of a team they were, they were your mess and you loved every moment you had with them.
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haikyall · 4 years
A Little Time in the Sun
Summary: The Shiratorizawa VBC finds the weather to be extremely uncomfortable, what happens when you plan a little summer party to get them off their nerves? Pairing: Shiratorizawa X Reader
Warnings: none :DD A/N: This is my first post on tumblr and there might be unnoticed grammatical errors so please tell me if such is found _________________
Being the Shiratorizawa Mens’ Volleyball Club Manager, it is a must to let the boys enjoy their time as students and let them relax a bit. With summer fast approaching ahead, you had zero ideas on how to let the boys know that they too needed to rest, especially Ushijima.
“Aaaaah, the heat is gonna be the death of me,” Tendou exclaims as he sits down at the cafeteria table with his meal on the tray he’s holding. The boys have this weird thing of sitting together in a table for one day each week, it’s really cute of them to do.
“Good, don’t want you babying the first years again like what you always do,” Shirabu teases out of his middle blocker friend as the team chuckles at the comment.
“Although it is kind of hot” Goshiki says, taking a sip out of his iced water.
“Summer is approaching” was all Ushijima says as he continues to munch on his tempura.
As the boys change the subject of the conversation, it got you thinking. Maybe you guys should go somewhere… but where exactly? It needs to be someplace the boys the would like and not remind them of volleyball. The spa? No, that’s such a girl thing for them to do and half of them would prefer to sleep rather than just getting a massage. Bowling? No. Definitely a no. Ushijima might murder the place. The bea—
“Y/N-san, you okay? You seem to be spacing out a bit” Semi asks you with a hint of concern. At this point the team has gone silent and is looking at you, waiting for your answer.
“I’m fine Semi-san, I was just thinking about what we could do to take away the heat for a while.” You explain rather calmly
“ “My dad knows a guy that works at a hotel by the Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture,” Reon says after he takes a sip from his miso soup.
“Maybe I can get us a room there and enjoy the summer for a while, and we can pitch in for the accommodation” He adds.
“That’s a cool idea! Oh, maybe we can make some barbeque as well.” Kawanishi exclaims. Everyone then proceeds to say their ways of affirmation, they slowly quiet down and turn to Ushijima. He might not join because of his addiction to volleyball.
“I’ll take care of the transportation,” Was all Ushijima says before forming a small smile on his face.
“We can do it in the first week of summer?” Yamagata suggests which is approved by everyone.
“You kids better not be late,” Semi says with his casual tone as the school bell rings, alerting the students to go back to the classrooms for class, making you leave the table with a smile on your face.
A smile creeps up on your face as you prepare the barbecue grill with Semi, well, it's more on you starting up the grill and Semi scolding Tendou and the juniors to be less rowdy as they usually are, which ends up to even more chaos as Tendou chases the kids with a volleyball. Ushijima and Reon were just floating on the water and there’s Shirabu, being Semi 2.0, actually chasing Tendou to make him stop chasing the children. Are they shirtless you ask? No, all of them are wearing a white tank top with some bright colored polo covering it. Ushijima and Reon however were wearing rash-guards. You were wearing a white two-piece with a sarong wrapping the lower part of your body from the waist down.
‘It’s nice to see you guys like this’ You thought to yourself as you watch your team that’s seen as the best in the prefecture, actually be teens and relax.
“You know, I don’t know what would happen to the team without you, it’s seldom to convince Ushijima-san to take a rest, more over seeing him just… chilling” Semi sighs.
“It was a miracle he agreed,” You say chuckling as Semi starts to grill some of marinated pork you prepared the night before.
“Wakatoshi-kun! Let’s play a match! Seniors versus Juniors! The hotel offers a volleyball net! We can ask them to set it up!” Tendou calls out his friend that was just a floating corpse on the water. Reon on the other hand, emerges from the water as he was swimming with some goggles on
“What does the losing team do?” Ushijima asks and this very saying, has gotten the children shaking. Tendou looks over to you and Semi just making the dinner you will be eating. The miracle boy smirks and shouts, making sureyou hear;
“The losing team gets to be shirtless for the whole day”
‘Wait what? whAT DID- TENDOU NO NONONONONO’. You thought to yourself, looking completely flustered on the outside. You have been avoiding this exact moment. You always turned around whenever the boys changed clothes or you just simply go out of the court. You were just too scared of seeing their build, and you would be rude if you stared at them with all their glory
“Not fair, Semi-chan is helping Y/N” Goshiki points at you and Semi. To which Semi looks at the team, then back at you, and says.
“You have to play shirtless for both teams, count me out or you won't have any meat for dinner”
‘Wait wHAT— NO SEMI-CHAN— AAAAAAAAAAA’ you thought to yourself as you try to make yourself even busier
“What’s wrong, Y/N-chan? Afraid of something?” Tendou teases, seeing that your look of panic. The team laughs at your state and starts stripping off their tank tops and shirts.
“Y/N-chan~ Ushijima-san and Reon-san need towels~ I’ll get the team’s clothes~” Semi sings out as you freak out even more. Now yOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THEM. You look at Semi wide-eyed, thinking he must be insane, but Semi only smiles and hands you the towels the soaked pair will be using.
Ushijima doesn’t hesitate to take off his rash-guard as you go near the pair while Reon was talking to him. You swore the nearer you got the more heat your face is getting, you honestly think you’re as red as a tomato. You marvel at their beauty for a little while then realizing that you were staring because of Reon’s hand waving in front of your face.
“U-Uh, U-Ushijima-san, Reon-san, h-here is your t-towel” You say looking down, red from seeing his build. But, damn you wished you could look a little longer. C’MON THEY’RE LITERALLY GODS, YOU MISSED OUT ON THAT?
“You know, we’re fine with you staring at us,” Reon says as he pats his head on the towel you gave him. You look at him with bewilderment. Was he being serious? All of a sudden, fair, & lengthy arms back hug you, catching you by surprise. You can practically feel their abs and you may have possibly gotten even redder.
“Y/N-chan~ Is something wrong?” Tendou asks from behind. Shirabu checks on you to see if you weren’t having a fever.
“You like what you see?” Tendou releases you from behind and faces you to ask that. You look down out of embarrassment.
“Y/N-Chan, it’s okay to stare, we’ve known each other long enough to trust you” Shirabu states.
“Y-yeah, I-I’m just gonna go help Semi-chan” You say, running off with Ushijima and Reon’s rash-guards and their now damp towels. You look back and you see the boys laughing from your cuteness making you run just a little faster.
“Why exactly is she shy?” Ushijima asks the group. Tendou pats his best friends back and says;
“Oh dear Wakatoshi-kun, you still have lots to learn”
“The staff is done with the net! Let’s Play!” Semi-chan plays “Sweater Weather” by The Neighbourhood as the boys play and you two are grilling. Let’s just say you couldn’t keep your eyes on the beef that was being grilled and it was on the beefy team you have. Goshiki seems to have an idea lingering in his head and so he tells Kawanishi and soon gathers the whole group without Semi before actually playing the game.
The sun was setting when you decide dinner was ready and you tell Semi that he can join the team if he wants to and he happily does. You start setting the table for the boys to sit and enjoy. You start to lay down the fine china plates and utensils and start to arrange the decor of the table but as you lay down the last touch of design two arms wrap around your waist and lifts your whole body up and over their shoulder, you notice the person had red hair…Tendou carried you and is leading you away from your temporary comfort zone. Wait, to where? In a flash you see a dripping wet Shirabu asking the staff to finish what you were doing, he turns around and runs toward the direction Tendou is going.
“It’s kinda unfair that you stay dry while all of us are getting wet over here,” Tendou says as he put you down on cold water. You turn around to see no one was at the water or anywhere near you. You turn back the to face Tendou and you see him with a water gun.
“Tendou-chan, what are you—?”
“Behind you, Y/N-chan” Ushijima says from the back, you turn around and you see all the members holding water guns pointing at you. You’re in for a hell of a game.
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