lexa-loves-writing · 3 years
The most important things in your story
The first impression of your writing is important.
The first sentence shows your writing style.
The first page sets the atmosphere of the whole story.
The first chapter shows your MC's most important traits.
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lexa-loves-writing · 3 years
Why should you outline your novel?
When you have a plan, you are more likely to finish.
How much should you outline?
Enough to know the most important plot points, but not everything, because if you're like me, you'll get bored before you get halfway through the book. So here's how much you should know about your story before you start writing.
Note: this might not work for everyone, this works best for me (most of the time)
Part 1
In part one, you introduce the main character, show their goals and set the theme of the story
1. Show an ordinary day of your MC
This is important to show how big the change that comes next is for your character, but if you can emphasize that in the next point, it can be left out.
2. The change in your MC's life
This is when the MC's life changes and they need to do something in order to reach their goal (whether it's going back to their ordinary life or something else)
3. Show what's keeping your MC from going back to their life as it was before
Show the problem that's forcing your MC to go the longer way to achieving their goal/going back to their ordinary life
Part 2
In part two, the characters decides there's no other way then going straight to action and by the end of part two, they need to overcome their flaws/fears
4. Your MC accepts their new reality and makes a plan
Introduce other characters that will be helping your MC on their journey and have your character introduce a plan/ a way they think would get them closer to their goal
5. First fight/action
This is the first 'important' event on your MC's journey. This is where you hint something that will later help your character and put the first fight with the enemies
6. The Action
Something bad happens and your MC is forced to act on instinct. Maybe their instinct is to save everyone, which they don't handle, or their instinct is to give up and later they regret it. Either one is good, but make sure at least one thing doesn't work out for the MC
7. The 'I can't do it'.
Have your MC give up. Maybe they can't handle the consequences of their previous action. Or they lost someone/something they are helpless without. In this step, remember your character needs to have somewhere they can go to where it won't be life like before, but seems like a better choice then fighting. (I hope that makes sense)
8. Show there's still hope
Show that there's still way of reaching the goal. Either they found the helpful thing they lost, or they/someone else managed to fix the problems their action caused, or they realised the hint from step 5, or they met someone who could help them... There's more possibilities.
9. The MC decides to fight, comes with a plan and gets to work
They get ready to fight and do whatever it takes to defeat their enemies
Part 3
This is where it's set whether the MC won or not and when they realize they overcame their flaw/fear
10. The battle ends. The characters realize they won (or not, in that case the following shouldn't apply) and fix the rest of things that need to be fixed
11. The MC looks back at their journey and realise what was holding them back before
12. Now they can live their life the way they want. Or, if they lost the battle, show what their life is like now.
I hope this helps :)
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lexa-loves-writing · 3 years
Make name for this one emote! ;)
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lexa-loves-writing · 3 years
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lexa-loves-writing · 3 years
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lexa-loves-writing · 3 years
Just some ideas of stories i got but didn't write:
• In a world where everyone is born with a superpower, someone's parents convince them they've never had powers.
• A princess who hates being a princess falls in love with her neighbour who distracts her from her life. Plot twist: the neighbour is a secret agent and meant to spy on the queen.
• A person had been put to one of the most secured prisons for a crime. In the most guarded cell is a 5-year-old girl.
• A small group of people had been injected with an unknown chemical when they were born and they don't know about it. After years, people figure out the chemical was designed by a terroristic organization to make them unbeatable. Another organization is assigned to find and destroy them. The thing is none of the people injected were seen for the past years.
Feel free to use :)
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