m-rosie · 17 days
A 1960's Story About Love.
I looked up at the man with a somber expression and said “I’m sorry sir, there’s simply nothing I can do. My manager won’t allow me to let you leave without paying for these.”
He was looking directly at me with glassy, sad eyes. For a moment we were at a standstill. Staring at each other’s eyes with nothing but the department store fan to be heard. Then, from the back of one of the small aisles, came a man with a fancy looking suit and beautiful dark slick back hair.
“How much will it be?” He asked, catching me off guard.
“Uhh… 20 cents.” I replied, trying to regain my composure.
He handed me the money and gave the two cans of soup to the old man next to him. The old man thanked him and smiled more than I’d ever seen him before. He hung around the nearby neighborhood often panhandling for his next meal. I felt terrible for him but my father, the department store owner, was not a very generous man. The smiling man, carrying his two soup cans, left the store happy. The man in the suit smiled at me and started toward the door.
“Sir!” I called out, not thinking.
“Yes?” he replied, turning his head.
I don’t know what compelled me to call out to him, but there was something about this man that simply demanded me to get to know him better. Maybe it was his generosity towards the old man or maybe it was simply how well kept he looked.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Micheal,” he answered, with a smile. He turned his body to face me once again and asked “and are you Mrs. Johnson?”.
“Oh, no.” I laughed, “Mrs. Johnson is my mother, she passed away a few years ago. My father is the Mr. Johnson who owns the store.”
“Oh, I see.” He said with a chuckle.
The sun gleamed in at this moment from the door behind him, illuminating him like an angel from the heavens. His smile was so warm and kind, it was contagious.
“Well, I must go now. It was nice to meet you Ms. Johnson. I hope to see you again.” He said, throwing one final smile at me before turning away and making his way out the door.
The store was now empty and returned to its usual numbing stillness. However, now with a warm yellow glow that poured inside its dull aisles giving them a new warm feeling of…hope? Or maybe it was happiness?
My father had been on my case for the past year for me to get married since I was already 24, turning 25. It had been the source of many arguments between us as I didn’t want to get married until I found the right person. My father, on the other hand, didn’t care about my feelings and simply wanted a man that could take over the department store for him so he could retire. For the first time in my life, today, I thought maybe, just maybe, I had found that right person. I had dropped myself on the ground, behind the counter against the wall, and was staring at the glow of the sun, losing myself in these thoughts until I had to close shop.
The next morning was a busy one in the department store. But, I had a pep in my step and was serving every customer with a smile, hoping that maybe Micheal would come by again. The day, however, was soon winding down, and there was only an hour until I had to close. The sun hid itself behind some clouds and I was a little disappointed Micheal hadn’t come by. There was no reason for me to expect him really, I had never seen him before so, who was to say I’d ever see him again? But, somewhere in my imagination, I was sure he’d come by. Surely, the man of my dreams couldn’t just cross my path once and never again right?
It seemed that my destiny was clear that evening however, when the man with the suit and beautiful dark slick back hair walked in through the door. The sun’s setting rays were shining through as he opened it and illuminated him as he walked inside.
A little startled, I jumped to stand straight. He walked inside and, when our eyes met, gave me a smile that melted my heart. The sun behind him gave him a beautiful glow.
He walked up to the counter and said “Why don’t we get married?”
I looked at him confused, thinking I had misheard him. “Sorry, what was that?”
“Why don’t we get married?” He repeated. “I came by yesterday to see the store before a meeting with your father.”
At this moment I was so confused, I couldn’t understand where this was going.
“I was planning to buy it off him, but apparently he isn’t willing to sell. He wants to keep the store in the family.” Micheal was explaining.
“But then, I had this idea. You aren’t married and your father said you’re looking for a husband. If we get married, you get a husband and I get the store.” He added with an air of genius in his voice.
My heart shattered. He wasn’t the generous man I had built up in my mind. He was just a greedy boy who thinks he’s a genius for suggesting this proposal. He doesn’t even like me, or even realize that I’d want real love. Not just a beneficial arrangement. The setting sun finally went to sleep, and the department store was now dark and unglamorized by the yellow warm light. After rejecting his proposal and closing up the store, I sat by myself, on the ground, behind the counter against the wall, and got lost in my thoughts. He had crushed my heart. Even the sun’s rays had now left me.
I was alone once again.
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m-rosie · 5 months
Lift your pen
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Like a pens' ink running dry,
Depravity grips at an inconsistent life.
A lackluster sentence filled with adjectives that mean nothing
Starts to pulse in your blood.
The poison takes you...
And you realize you haven't even lifted your pen.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 6 months
Sometimes i find it difficult to enjoy little things for the first time. Eventually the thought of them become plagued by the nihilistic pattern that they create. And knowing that eventually that new thing will just become another droning buzz in your life can make it seem worthless and meaningless off the get-go. I feel that somehow, someway, we should still appreciate those little things though. Even when they become meaningless blights. I don't know how so, otherwise i wouldn't be troubled to write this at midnight, but somehow.. I should find a way...i will find a way
-- M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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Sweet scent of allure
and mysterious gaze.
You're a peak of interest,
an impure lure.
Is Morality a concept made by man?
or one of crooked God?
Are you worth defying his broken demand?
or must we stay at ethics' command?
-- M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
My existence is strained.
My eyes are heavier than stone.
My words slur; and
My body shivers for slumber.
All that there is to feel has been admired.
This has been a pretentious way of saying
I'm fucking tired.
-- M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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Words, like a romance, enthrall.
In the flowing water and falling leaves of autumn,
From the spirits' bitter wind and ignored call
Stems thoughts of tired love or awakening blossoms.
Death inspires life,
Or sword of knife.
Interpretation is sometimes the prettiest art of all.
-- M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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I wish for a poet to rise from his shadow.
Climb from behind my eyes and let yourself be known.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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A Spell In Losing Control
Your spell tangles around the grape and the vine,
With it we melt in your wine and lose our mind.
There's a beauty in losing control.
The vulgar horror of being free.
Take my hand and bring me for a stroll.
Dionysus! Open my eyes! Let me see!
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
Walking with my shadow,
I follow their footsteps.
My voice won't speak,
I simply talk in silence and float on their murmur.
I am a ghost...a phantom.
Trapped in a cement cell -
Possibly Forever.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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Yellow Rose
With sorrow-filled heart,
I gaze upon a yellow rose.
So close, yet we're still so far apart.
He sits in a vase, centered on a table.
To me, you look like a piece of fine art.
The vase is drenched in blood, like my clothes.
You're so horrifying!
But, I suppose that's the same beauty I find with prose
You drink the horror I gave you,
But slowly you wither away.
Your stem now fades red from my poisoning.
I'll never properly tell you goodbye.
To you, my sight is probably sickening
Cuz in my eyes, I know I'm nothing more than a blowfly.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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Smoky Haze
Smoky haze floating in my room,
Where do you come from?
Distant memories and forgotten faces,
Forgotten words and different paces,
I live in your smoke,
Your broken kiss of lost hope.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
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Water trickles down the river
Under the bridge and over the rocks
At night, the stars start to flicker
Under the bridge and over the rocks
The wind rustles all leaves
Under the bridge and over the rocks
The reflection dances around the bright dots
Under the bridge and over the rocks
When the party will end?
To that, the answer is lost.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 9 months
Il y a plusieurs mystères à percevoir dans çe monde.
Certains rayonnant de magnifiques beauté, autres sombre et écrasant.
Mais pour moi, je voie plus de beauté dans la noirceur que la clarté. Je trouve que la tristesse audace du monde me réconfort at m'amène du soulage au temps quand mon coeur la plus de besoin.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 11 months
when i die
i hope pretty flowers grow over me
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 11 months
Kiss of berry-scented lips,
You push me in the haze de l'amour des rĂŞves.
The taste, most can only give sips-
You, my darling, send a wave.
--M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 1 year
Plants, like wise men, grow
and for love, they all fall.
From the seeds of Icarus, they sow
a lesson never learned through time.
But with fiery blaze -
and frigid haze,
history loves to remind.
-- M. Rose 🌹
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m-rosie · 1 year
Writer with bagged eyes,
Sometimes I wonder
if you're just dead
and a devil took over.
-- M. Rose 🌹
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