#;it was a real blow out
candle-scm · 3 months
my takeaway from natla is that og atla zuko is hot topic flavored gay and natla zuko is barbie flavored gay
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waltricia · 9 days
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Ok but the pointedness of the narration playing over this shot of Colin is incredible.
There were times in season 2 when Whistledown would be speaking about the diamond, but it would play over shots of Kate, implying that the narration was also about her.
That’s what’s happening here. And it’s soooo good because Whistledown is speaking about herself. Meaning the implication is that Colin is also Whistledown.
Lord Whistledown, I see you. Come home, honey.
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winepresswrath · 3 months
sudden yearning for time travelling teen jiang fengmian lands at lotus pier fic that winds up being about a perfectly nice kid having a varying series of "oh no. i don't like that. that's a lot" reactions.
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astheswarmitcalls · 2 months
The whole ethos of The Foundations of Decay is being reborn anew from your remains and moving forward alongside your past. For this reason, I believe the likelihood of MCR5 dropping on March 22nd is very high. And if that were to happen I deeply apologise for the person I am about to become.
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stromer · 2 months
call me crazy... but i think hockey belongs in the desert idk
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addictt-with-a-pen · 2 months
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neverevan · 4 months
Wip Wednesday ☔️
Tagged and tagging @diazsdimples @theotherbuckley @exhuastedpigeon @nmcggg @disasterbuckdiaz @ladydorian05 @daffi-990 and my lovelies @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns mwuah mwuah💛💛
Guess what, guys? The first chapter of the mudslide fic is getting posted tomorrow! Which is just so unbelievable to me?? Despite posting 10 fics prior to this one, it was the first fic I started writing for this ship and I've been working on it (on and off) since september and now here we are... absolute bonkers if you ask me.
Now, I know there are like 4 people who are actually interested in this fic – and that's fine, honestly –, but I for one am very excited. So I thought I'd give you guys a longer snippet for today. I actually shared parts of this scene in like 3 different instalments from both of their povs lmao but this one is from chapter one so you'll get the full(ish) picture tomorrow.
“Eddie, a-are you sure you’re alright?” “Yeah, sorry. I guess I’m just tired.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Eddie, if there’s something going on, you have to tell me.” “There’s nothing going on, I promise.” Buck raised his eyebrows challengingly and as it had so many times before, it made Eddie sigh in defeat. “It’s. It’s the weather.” He gave in with a heavy sigh and it didn’t quite stop Buck from frowning, but he had to admit, it made sense. It’s been raining for over two weeks now as a storm came to California and Buck would be lying if he said that it didn’t affect him in any way, but he was handling it. The only thing he didn’t account for was that maybe Eddie wasn’t. “Hey, it’s okay.” Buck stepped closer and for some reason Eddie was avoiding his gaze now, so he didn’t stop walking until they were standing toe to toe, the proximity forcing his eyes back onto Buck’s face. “Look. This?” He pulled the neckline of his shirt aside to show Eddie more of the scarring over his neck and chest. “This is a reminder that I pulled through.” He knew what kind of marks a lighting strike could leave on someone’s body, but he never really got to see his own. By the time he woke up from his coma, the patterns were gone — unlike the painful and itchy blisters that took over their place; they lasted for nearly two months and despite all the cold compresses and cooling gels, they still left a hefty amount of scar tissue behind, in the shape of abstract lines and ragged edges. Eddie reached out and traced some of the lines above his collarbone with his fingers and Buck couldn’t help but let his eyes flutter shut for a second with the softness of his touch. The pads of his fingers were warm as they brushed over the shiny silver lines and patches, yet Buck could still feel goosebumps build on his forearms and thighs with every microinch he covered. Suddenly, Eddie’s fingers were gone, pulled away abruptly, almost as if they got burned by the contact, leaving his hand to float in the air between them aimlessly. “Sorry.” Eddie whispered and they were just so close. All the what ifs have started to murmur in the back of Buck’s skull with renewed vigor, buzzing like radio static behind his eyes, begging to be turned up for clarity. “Eddie I—” “It’s okay, Buck.” He flattened his palm over Buck’s heart, only the thin layer of his shirt separating them now. “Thank you, for this.” Eddie patted his chest and stepped back, leaving Buck dumbfounded as to what exactly just happened.
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 4 months
Today is my birthday so I got everybody cake to celebrate.🥰🙏
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lunar-years · 1 year
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Jamie Tartt the first time they handed him that Richmond away kit
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quinns-art-box · 1 year
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rarepair week day 2: running away/death
i’ve drawn so much cute fluffy art of them (definitely more to come in the future) so i wanted to give them something more thematic and sad!! they make me go a little bananas ok…… the tragedy of it all…….
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novelconcepts · 3 months
You know that feeling, when you’re listening to someone tell a story, and you can just feel in your gut that what actually happened is SO much darker than how they’re relaying it? And they’ve put a ton of effort in, right, to sand the edges down. They’ve gone over it a hundred times, beating all the wrinkles out, practicing like you’d practice a presentation or a stand-up routine. By the time they tell you the story, it’s perfect. You can’t help but be charmed by it. Can’t help but laugh at all the little silly bits. Can’t help but see it the way they want you to, so you don’t ask questions, you don’t dig in to the open wound just behind the plaster, you don’t let the certainty that it was Bad, Actually sweep you away. It’s just a fun anecdote now. Smile with them. Laugh with them. They’re here now, so it’s fine, right? Right?
I get the feeling that’s just Simone’s entire marriage to Taissa, and I feel so fucking bad for them both.
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veryluckyclovers · 9 months
Do you laugh a lot? I kinda wonder how your laugh sounds like
i accidentally laugh when i'm nervous so i tend to get people confused... :(
i have no idea really what my laugh sounds like out loud when thinking of it, most of the time i am a silent/quiet laugher
once in 7th grade i was silently laughing and the boy next to me asked why i vibrate instead of laugh lol
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fiona-fififi · 21 days
Okay, but I propose: Chris finds out that Eddie is literally trying to replace Shannon with a cheap replica, and he gets ANGRY. With no idea about the will, Chris demands he be allowed to go stay with his grandparents permanently. Eddie, feeling like he has no other choice after how badly he's hurt Christopher, agrees. Buck finds out that he's essentially being cut out of Christopher’s life without any say at all, and suddenly all of Eddie's words about Buck not being expendable and about trusting him most with Christopher feel like blatant lies.
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hoziersredguitar · 1 month
I miss old tumblr in the sense that i could complain about board exams and worrying about not getting enough to be eligible for my medical entrance test and i'd have summoned half the indian side of tumblr to sympathize
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golden-girl-daisy · 2 months
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Leia got a new collar with little cream shibas on it!
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worstloki · 2 months
Love your post about Loki not having many friends (even though it’s sad).
Who do you think he spent his time with? Or what did he spend his time doing instead?
I tend to agree that Loki must have spent most of his time with Thor on the basis of being raised/studying/training together. As far as canon goes Loki's 'friends' appear to be the ones shared with Thor, though the impression the group gives off is Loki sighing and trying to micromanage the group (to dubious rates of success).
I know the friendships that are written in as OCs typically stem either from the concept of sleeping around (lazy, often comes with promiscuity tropes and a non-OC male love interest) or from studying in magic class (overdone, but the closer to canon option). Both these reasons explain why it's usually women. Both these reasons also explain the choice in characters being borrowed from other media, as fellow mages, love interests, and friends Loki seems to have in the comics also tend to be women.
Considering the general lack of friends and that magic takes work (or being good at it wouldn't be much of a characterisation trait), and that he's shown to overthink and ask more questions than Thor, my guess for what he does in his free time is: spends it alone.
Whether it's for reading or because he spends the time he's not free already with Thor and Thor's friends, that's the image canon creates for me. Which sounds sad but I don't think Loki was sad about it, in Thor 1 he seemed annoyed that Thor dismissed him a lot but the no friends situation doesn't seem to especially grate him.
That he had no one to turn to when family didn't work out was also sad but I don't think he cared about it till the plot of Thor 1 happened and Thor's friends blatantly went against his reasoning to visit Thor on Midgard.
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