#“We get along because we rely on each other” vs “We help each other improve to destroy the opponent on every level”
ratwithhands · 1 month
I'm curious. I've seen your art and something that's come to my mind is what actually got you attached with the Subway brothers. Your narrative on their different AU forms is so unique which is what brought me to that question
Alright, rat history time.
So basically back in 2021-2022, I was working on an old OC storyline (about 3 years old by then) and I was in grade 9 so I was like “A new Pokémon game? Pfft, like I care” and just didn’t watch any of the stuff related to PLA when it dropped. I still got recommended Twitter posts about it on Instagram and I ended up seeing this one.
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I tried looking up Ingo cause I was like "oh, funky design, looks like a captain or something" but I didn't end up finding anything so I didn't press further. Anyways in March break of 2022, I got bored and decided to put some game streams on in the background while I drew. I saw Alpharad's PLA video and decided to watch it for a bit when I saw Ingo.
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I was like "Hey you're the guy from Twitter!" and since I knew his name now, I looked him up and found his Bulbapedia article. I found him much more interesting than the rest of the PLA cast since he had history outside PLA, and I ended up reading up whatever I could find on him. I also by extension discovered Emmet this way, which only served to suck me deeper down the rabbit hole. By the end of March break I had a fan OC and 2 AUs made with more on the way, as well as a YouTube recommended page with nothing but theory videos on Ingo and decade old Submas content.
Around May I decided to decommission my OC storyline for personal reasons, and by this point Submas was starting to occupy more of my creative work anyways. Since I didn't have my storyline to put my energy into, I started funnelling literally any story ideas into Submas. This led to nonstop content for a shockingly long time, and ofc I'm still coming up with stuff now.
Long story short, I got attached to them by accident! It was a "right place, right time" sort of thing since they came in as I was starting to get sluggish with my original content and I ended up being more interested in writing for them.
As for narratives, I am effectively playing dolls with these guys. Usually the kind of stuff that I write for them is meant for OCs, but I dumped the 60+ person cast so I put that energy into them instead.
Most AUs will either have a core theme, an out of pocket idea, or both to make things interesting. Usually I just come up with a dumbass idea like "what if we brought ReBURST back for a rerun" or "what if Emmet signed a contract with an eldritch space spider" or "what if Submas could see into the future" and stuff like that, then it picks up themes as I keep writing. For some silly examples:
Burst is based on Pokémon ReBURST and the idea of human-Pokémon fusion, but there's focus on skill, how characters misperceive it, and resentment as a result. There's also a spotlight on inferiority complexes, bottled up guilt, and blind confidence depending on which main character you look at
Journal is about a diary that helps Ingo to regain his memories, and it focuses on remembrance and regret as a result of him reading it. Spotlight on lacking awareness vs hyper awareness and the monotony of living as people around you leave
Oracle is exactly what it sounds like, with the twins being able to see into the future. It focuses on cooperation and the importance of working together, but also learning how to work alone. The spotlight's on jealousy and gratitude for this one, though the latter greatly outweighs the former in this case
I also just have AUs I made to try deranged shit for funsies, like Sapioflora, Cybernetic/Z-Λ, Team Supernova, and Idol. Those are mostly for exploring goofy ideas that may or may not go anywhere.
Right anyways basically I just saw Submas after watching PLA gameplay and found the twins more interesting to write about than the project I'd exhausted by then. The narratives are like that because the AU ideas I make are actually OC concepts that I modify to fit Pokémon specifically for these two or ideas about the two that I'd like to explore. Hope that answers the question ^^*
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life-rewritten · 3 years
STARTUP - Dosan and Fate (Luck vs Hard Work)
Important to note: The title of episode 9 and 10 was Risk (the possibility of loss) and Demo day (an event where people show their achievements)
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Let me first say that these two episodes hurt a lot, for both guys, in Risk we had both revelations of how both men felt like they were played by Fate/Luck.  Dosan feels broken by the upcoming consequences from the moments he's felt like a fraud in this game of life, where he was prone to win easily because of always using deceit. His impostor syndrome ate him up inside and made him feel like a lesser person for Dalmi and others. Meanwhile, Jipyeong also felt like a tool that was thrown around by Fate to bring the two together despite his feelings and wants and efforts for Dalmi. Fate seems cruel; it leads Dosan to underserved fake moments, its the wind that becomes a storm Whilst, other people would relish in their luck, Dosan goes to self-hate and self-doubt about what is his work vs what is others. Hence the next title, with demo day which is just putting on a show of your achievements, the sad thing is that Dosan felt like he had no achievements that were really his thus he put on a show using others reputation, identity and memory and so lost himself in the process. Let’s analyse this two episodes  and these twos fate further:
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Thing is its weird because Dosan by Fate has been chosen as the namesake for each of these moments without actually wanting or meaning to be part of them. He's been intended and pushed to follow along, so he gets to his purpose/destiny. He's given one answer in a test paper, the answer not the solution, and he's the real recipient of Dalmis first letter because of the results of that test. 
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If Dosan were like me, he'd notice Fate was playing a massive role for him and Dalmi to find each other. Like the wind that he was scared of being a storm, it wasn't for that; it was to push him to his destination. Because of the wind blowing in, he managed to get that one answer right which led to his 10/10 (it sparked the solution in his head) but because of that he also won the gold medal award, and he took a picture as the golden olympiad, but then he returned the medal.
But the medal wasn't the point, what Fate wanted from him was already done; the picture, it was a series of occurrence where Jipyeong was watching on tv on his way to the grandmother, where he would be found on the newspaper and ultimately become Dalmi's namesake of the letter of her ideal guy. Fate positioned him perfectly as Dalmi's soulmate but also because Dosan is a good person and he doesn't like to be deceitful he returned back the medal with guilt and even though he should have let it go. He held onto this resentment and failed to notice all his other hard works.  So this brings us to the question before I continue; Is Dosan really just lucky, has he not done anything worth praising by himself, is he really a nobody the way he perceives he is? Is it all Fate?
Obviously No. The episodes so far in this show have shown time and time again how good Dosan is at everything he puts his mind to. He's diligent, focused, and always trying to do something to help others. All of his works so far have been because of his creation, not Fate, not Luck, and certainly not others like he keeps saying. He may be pushed into an idea by listening to others. Still, just like that one answer provided him with the solution on the test paper, he is the one who figures out how to put two and two together, and he ends up creating something appealing, useful and needed.
Which is funny because it's like his actual person, he may not see himself like that to people, but to his friends, his family and Dalmi he is;
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He's good looking without to having to try; people flock to him, yes they're turned off by his logical way of thinking and his socially awkward mannerisms, but Dalmi knows he's attractive and as she said opening the music box was wonderful. He's a beautiful presence in her life; he brought hope, happiness and joy to her by just showing up. The thing that makes this even more hidden for him is only because he thinks he's inadequate because of his lack of wealth, lack of possessions, and lack of style. He even says to Dalmi (because Jipyeong convinced him that the way he dresses is not right) that's who he is, and tbh what he was wearing wasn't bad it suited him more than the suit.
But the other thing is that there's potential screaming at Dosan because soon we'll get to see him reach that person Fate is trying to mould him into which is the very vision of the guy Dalmi thought her Nam Do San was. So all the things he thinks prevent him from been seen as appealing he'll quickly get it once he starts to work for Alex. Fate has again already sent him the next step for his journey to being the ideal guy for Dalmi. Fate is on Dosans side not against it. But I also want to mention that as much as Fate is involved in making Dosan look appealing to Dalmi it's still Dosans choice, and actions that actually makes him appealing to Dalmi: its because he chose to go to her and show up for her during that time she felt lost, its because he spent that evening with her making her laugh and also it's because of those quirky mannerisms that he thought turned people of him that she likes him (when she's drunk in episode 9 she smiles and says when he goes into a rant about the science vs superstition that that's him, that's Dosan, and she is happy about it because he makes her smile by being himself.  
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But we continue to see how Dosan is important despite thinking he's not. He's useful, and everyone knows it and has used him somehow. To his friends; He's useful because he provided them a job, he gave them a new dream when it seemed that everything was crashing, he pushes them to learn and be better with their computer skills and  he offered them solutions to their problems when they lost their jobs, he's the person who solved the hacking, prevented them from losing money or getting sued and he's the person who gave them a new place to call theirs. He elevated them to his partners. We can argue he's not useful to his family yet, because he's had to rely on them for his start up, he hasn't been able to offer them money, or things like that, however. But he will, and we know he will once Samsan Tech is successful. Dalmi : I mean I can write essays about how useful he's been to her but I'll just be repeating the same stuff over and over again, he's useful to her because he provided her another job by choosing her as the CEO, he also is the reason for why she chooses to chase her dreams and gave up on her other previous work, he helped her be promoted without even knowing it, he's the keyman; he's the most useful to Samsan Tech, his hard work is also useful to her: he improves and stays up all night with her to create a better version of their app to detect Injae's new hand writing, he's useful to her because of how he, teaches her, she understands him and it leads her to finding solutions and answers to what she wants, he's useful because he helps her gain her confidence. In the end of the day he's like a solution to her problems but also he's  useful to her grandmother because he made Noongil.
This is where Fate isn't playing an active role because Dosan is always useful, you can say that Fate plays a role with his family, Jipyeong, his nephew, Alex because they provide opportunities that make Dosan even more helpful to the world, Dalmi and her grandmum (the nephews marketing skills brings Alex to him, brings Noongil fame and success, brings 2STO to Samsan Tech, ( helping his friends and Dalmi). His family's kindness helped him to start his company with his friends which will later be useful to Dalmi because she becomes CEO and starts her dreams. Jipyeong is also part of this, because he's the person who actively berates and puts down Dosan but pushes him to prove himself and thus he becomes more useful but Dosan is also helpful to Jipyeong ironically: he's valuable because he manages to find a way to improve Yeongsil and provides use to Youngsil for Jipyeong in a way he hasn't realised yet with Dalmis grandmother, in an ironic way he helps Jipyeong pay his debt to the grandmother because its Jipyeong who brought Dosan to their lives and because of Dosan the grandmother's issue blindness is less of an obstacle.
So Fate uses people, sends people to help Dosan improves his usefulness but Dosan's heart, actions, and hands automatically make him useful. This is why the show keeps on mentioning his hands, they may be empty but they're helpful because of what they can do, what they can create, what they can hold onto. Dosans brains, hands, and just character are what made him already useful.
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But here's even more proof how useful his own actions are:
CODA: Samsan tech win CODA competition not by luck but with their hardwork, the reason why Alex is so stunned by CODA is because he created something that was far more needed/better than the others. It had a higher rate of optics and it was seen as something that was incredible.
Noongil: Because he's spurred on to find a way to repay grandmother for introducing the whole letters thing that led him to Dalmi, he finds a way to create something incredibly useful to the world, and also to her, but also Noongil becomes the most successful app not because of money, but because its the most used by people.  Again this was Dosan's idea, hard work and plans.
9/10 on the test. I still think its 10/10 because one line wouldn't have been able to provide him the solution for the question but it inspired him to seek the solution. Even without that answer Dosan is still a genius, he's younger and smarter he was able to solve 9 questions out of 10 on that paper. He was still smart, he was still Dosan.
The company hacking issue of Chulsan: He's the one who finds a way into the system where no one else could do so, he fixes the issue and moves on like it isn't an incredible feat. Even Chulsan knows no one else could do that
Handwriting forgery detecting software: He spends the night with Dalmi as others slept working and creating this product, he even after they lose the competition stays up all night to solve the last issues, he makes it become 100% accurate.
See its his own brains not Fate that creates the apps/softwares/opportunities for him to be of use/ to be a genius.
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There's a difference with usefulness and being needed. The last thing Dosan feels he's not. But the thing is again Fate plays a role here: 
Fate provides situations for where Dosan is needed. Fate is the reason for why he saw Dalmi's grandmother in the clinic; to create Noongil.
Fate is the reason for why his name is the namesake of the letter when Grandmother and Jipyeong needed a namesake (they needed him to help Dalmi get out of her depression, without realising it they needed him: he was the right age, the kind of person she'd like and also there was proof of him in the news paper (a picture was needed at that moment).
Fate is the reason for why Dalmi needed him to show up. He ended up needing to sell his baseball. Fate made his company break down so he was forced to sell those items; it led him to being Dalmi's reliable source. Fate pushed him as the answer for Dalmi when she needed a solution on how to get investors.
Fate made him create Samsan tech when his friends needed a new job, Fate created him as a partner for Dalmi when she needed to be a CEO and stay in the Sandbox, and in this episode Fate again pushes him to tell Dalmi what she needs to hear, so she's more confident.
Also Fate gives him a different solution where he is needed for the success of Samsan Tech if 2STO invests in the company.
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There's so much more times in this show where Dosan is needed because Fate/Life has played a role where someone needs something from him, he's been required because of his brains, his physical looks, his hands, his creativity, his support, and his presence/actions. Fate plays the role here, but again it's Dosans automatic hard work, character and choices that make him needed. Before he even knew it, Dosan has always been needed by people, he's essential, he's not a nobody who is a fake impostor, he's the real deal, the final solution to people.  Dosans hands are the most needed. Again Dosan is a metaphor for his hands, they seem empty, but they're necessary and useful and vital.
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
Kacchan & Deku: Win to Save and Save to Win - A circular path of parallels (part 1)
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Okay so it had probably already been talked to death by now, but i'd like to write a detailed list of how Midoriya and Bakugou's respective paths are and had always been paralleled since the beginning. And it's not just with the whole "save to win and win to save" thing, which is the most obvious textual part of it, but there are a lot of more subtle hints along the way too. I mean in nearly every single arcs, for each of Midoriya development, Bakugou had one too (albeit in a completely opposite direction).
This post is also partly in response to some anime-only fans who complained about Bakugou's development in the Joint Training Arc coming from the left field... Which actually isn't? Like Kirishima said it had never been as obvious before but there were definite hints about it and I'll try to show them as thoroughly as possible in this post.
Warning ! This post will be quite long and will contain Manga Spoilers up to chapter 317 in part 3!
¤ From the Pre-UA era To Deku vs Kacchan: their starting lines
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(more under the cut)
When I said that the parallel started early, I really meant early. In fact, it started as early as the very first panel they were in.
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I think it is very telling that the first time we saw them, Midoriya is trying to defend another kid, while Bakugou is seen using his quirk (and actually introducing the reader/viewer to the whole concept of quirk in the first place). It tells us right here, right then on the very first second, that Midoriya Izuku is physically weak but a savior at heart and Bakugou Katsuki has a strong quirk but is a bully asserting his dominance.
This of course led to diametrical beliefs on what a hero is and should be and we've got those two very iconic moments to illustrate:
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And of course it reflected into their behaviors, even as kids.
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What I find really interesting in the way those flashbacks were presented is that Midoriya's saving moment was told through Bakugou's POV, while Bakugou's winning side was seen through Midoriya's eyes.
Those moments were deemed important because they deeply impacted the witnessing party and not actually the "wining/saving" one.
(I think someone commented once that while the river scene was highly pivotal for Bakugou, Midoriya probably doesn't even remember it. And likewise Bakugou probably doesn't remember fighting and winning against some random older kids, but Midoriya definitively does. And I totally agree!)
At those moment both Bakugou and Midoriya saw in the other something that they were clearly lacking and their reactions to this realization were wildly different as well.
"He doesn't take himself into account, you know. Something doesn't feel right. It makes me wanna keep him at arm's length. Back then, I ignored my own weakness, so I ended up bullying him" - Bakugou Katsuki
"You who had so many things I didn't have... To me, you were an amazing person much closer than All Might! That's why I keep chasing after you!!" - Midoriya Izuku
Midoriya saw this amazing kid kicking ass with his strong quirks and his first reaction was admiration and wanting to get as close as possible to this person, because he was all too aware of his own weakness and shortcoming.
Bakugou saw this selfless kid trying to help him and displaying qualities that he didn't have and his first reaction was to lash out and push that kid as far away as possible because he didn't want to recognize his own weaknesses and shortcomings.
Which, you know, probably describes their entire childhood dynamics haha...
... and then the sludge villain happened.
And it brought with it the iconic "My legs moved on their own" and "Your eyes were begging for help" moments which we all know about of course, but this scene also had another more immediate parallel that I'd like to talk about.
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Bakugou tried to fight the sludge villain on his own but ultimately failed to win.
Midoriya tried to rescue Bakugou on his own from the sludge villain but ultimately failed to save him.
The sludge villain was a reality check for both of them, in a "Nope kiddos, you might aspire to be heroes, but you still have a very long way to go. Here let's insert an All Might to show you just how far away your goal is," kind of way?
Anyway fast-forward 10 months of intense training to prepare for the UA entrance exam.... and really do I even have to mention this?
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I mean the only way it could have been even more textually obvious is if Midoriya had been ranked sixth instead of seventh so that his name would be right next to Bakugou's... like there's even this panel explicitly pointing everything out.
So yeah... nothing to add there, *shrugs*
After that came the Quirk Assessment Test:
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I'm going to come back to this later on in a more detailed way, but regarding their personal development; Midoriya's development is external while Bakugou's is internal. And I don't quite consider the quirk assessment test as "progress" for any of them yet because both of them sort of completely miss the point.
Aizawa told Midoriya "How can you save anyone if you can't move after one hit?" which had the underlying message of "It's not okay to hurt yourself"... But Midoriya totally went like, "Okay then I'll just hurt myself in a way in which I can still move afterward!" So yeah he is just sidestepping the problem here, but well there probably wasn't anything else he could do here.
As for Bakugou, he had always feel threatened by Midoriya's presence, but not in a fighting skills context. They are not really competing on the same field and it had never occurred to Bakugou that Midoriya could really beat him in a one-to-one fight.
As hilarious as the thought of Bakugou truly believing that somehow Deku had managed to take head on building-high robots quirkless is, I think what really happened is... Bakugou saw his own 0 rescue points and thought "Oh... so that's how Deku got in. Damn nerd probably went and save shitty extras left and right!". Which is a more realistic feat to manage quirkless. Anyway my point is, Bakugou realizing Midoriya isn't quirkless should have been a "Shit! He's leveling the field and standing on my playground now!" moment...
But no, what overpowered him here is the thought that the whole time Midoriya had been hiding his quirk from him and went like "What? Am I not good enough for you to use your quirk on me?! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!! EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, SHITTY DEKU!!"
So yeah... kind of missing the point too.
Which is why the quirk assessment test wasn't really their starting point but more like them trying to look for it but missing it?
Speaking of starting lines... Let's move on to the Deku vs. Kacchan first round.
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B"From watching the match, it appears Bakugou acted n to surpass Bakugou, All Might pointed that those were the first passionate emotions Midoriya had shown other than "I want to be a hero!". This was the very first moment where Midoriya's desire to win was stronger than his desire to save.
As for Bakugou, this was the moment where he truly he realized that Deku is a threat and not just through his natural heroic/saving disposition like before but on the battlefield which used to be 100% Bakugou's area of expertise. And if even with his non-existent control of quirk Deku had managed to win to such extent, what would happen when Deku managed to truly master his own quirk? Total defeat?! Bakugou is self-aware enough to realize that while his own fighting skills and quirk mastery could still progress, they were already near the top with a not wide enough margin for improvement.
This was the moment where Bakugou realized where he truly stood compared to everyone else around him and that if he wanted to reach the very top again, then only relying on his fighting skills and his quirk control would never be enough. This is what prompted out his feelings of "I have to change or I'll be left in the dust".
And since Deku went and encroached on Bakugou's playground and beat him in the process, there's no way in hell Mr Complete and Irrefutable Win over there wouldn't aim to do exactly the same at some point.
Anyway the two gifs above showed us their motivation to reach their respective Win/Save side of the spectrum, but they both have big issues they need to work on in order to do so.
"From watching the match, it appears Bakugou-san acted on his own because of an obviously personal grudge. As as All Might-sensei said previously, it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors.
In the same way, taking into consideration the damage he received, Midoriya-san's plan was also rash." - Yaoyorozu Momo
Yaoyorozu's analysis was super spot on and hit straight where their weaknesses lie: Bakugou needs to stop acting on his own and learn to cooperate with/trust his teammates and Midoriya needs to stop hurting himself/self-sacrifice and learn to properly control his quirk.
Both of them also have these super heavy shackles that keep pulling them down and impeding their progress at every turn:
Bakugou's complex feelings and emotionally explosive baggage towards Midoriya that makes him go feral and irrational at the drop of a hat and clearly prevents him from properly considering Midoriya as the rival that would keep pulling him up
Midoriya's total and utter idolization of All Might that gives him a tendency to imitate his idol and clearly prevents him from properly realizing and unlocking the potential of his own quirk
And at that point, they clearly don't realize how cumbersome those shackles could be if left unaddressed too long.
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Anyway... this episode/chapter was called "Bakugou Katsuki: Starting line", but I think it can be considered both their starting lines, because this is when they were made aware of what they are lacking and showed their resolve to change.
Midoriya's progress and development is intrinsically linked to his quirk mastery and fighting style, which are inherently physical skills (which is where Bakugou's excels in). It stands to reason then that his progress would therefore be very flashy, hard to miss, and highly praised due to the external aspect of his development.
On the other hand Bakugou's progress and development hinges on him properly getting in touch with his emotions and connecting to other people in healthy way, which are inherently inner-strength qualities (which Midoriya has no shortage of) . It stands to reason then that his progress would therefore be very subtle, mostly unnoticed, and hardly taken into account due to the internal aspect of his development. (Like it'd probably only takes him having a full meltdown or throwing himself in front of someone else for other people to notice how far he had gone!)
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The Good Doctor Kuseno
More questions than answers Possible Spoilers ahead!!
@gofancyninjaworld​ has a few excellent posts about this already please read them if you’re interested. These posts are well researched and provide a different perspective than my own. I recommend that everyone consume different perspectives to help inform and diversify their own. I also reference a few of them in my post here.
What do we actually know about the good doctor?
As Fancy Ninja noted: 
He claims to have been chasing ‘that cyborg’ for longer than Genos has been.
He used to be angry over some injustice.
He’s not afraid to take up arms in person.
He’s a skilled scientist/engineer, specifically he “likes to dabble with mechanical engineering”
He’s deeply invested in Genos. Seemingly in both the literal and figurative sense.
Additionally and significantly, He’s not a monster.
Why is 6 important? I mean, if Garou teaches us anything it’s that the lines between Human, hero, and monster are not as clear as we may have initially assumed. And yet, Monsters truly exist in this universe and their existence is significant. (It's also notable here that we have seen a few instances where monsters appeared as the humans they were before they consumed monster cells only to reveal their identity later, but for the moment this seems to be unlikely of Kuseno.) One of the possible interpretations of this fact is that despite his past anger and continued obsession with hunting this cyborg he still has something within him that keeps him human. I’m not sure exactly what that is in this case because if I’m honest, I’m not super certain what makes humanity human in general, in OPM or otherwise. Aside from that, we know fairly little about the good doctor. We know almost nothing about his past.
What he tells us: 
“When I and Genos first met, we didn’t have a single ally. It was as if the pair of us were lost and alone fumbling in the darkness… I dived into research with all I could, trying to come up with some way to fight back at the forces of evil... and yet our troubles were just beginning, because me and my boy-”
vs  THis: 
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What does Kuseno have to gain from all his tireless effort into Genos?
Despite my reservations about Dr. Kuseno I’d be remiss to fail to admire his work on Genos. Kuseno has done an incredible job with Genos’ upgrades. The aesthetic and humanizing touches he’s given Genos are so, and I cannot emphasize this enough, important. He has a human looking face and hair. Kuseno has even been aging Genos appropriately over time, he can even eat food normally. (And we all know he’s been keeping Geno damn hot in the process) The things that he’s done to humanize Genos is sincerely one of the most compelling arguments that Dr. Kuseno is a truly good bean. But he’s not off the hook yet. 
When he says that seeing Genos reminded him of his youth when he was righteous and feared nothing always charging in without thought of consequences and I have to wonder, what consequences did Dr. Kuseno experience in his life that changed him? If he’s experienced so much in his life why is he still walking the path of vengeance and promoting that path for Genos? Even if he’s not promoting the path for Genos but merely ‘supporting’ Genos on his path wouldn’t you think someone who was so similar in their youth know better than to fuel a revenge mission? But I’m not particularly apt to believe Dr. Kuseno is merely going along with ‘pushy’ Genos. He definitely has his own motives here and we’re not very clear what those are yet. For this I recommend reading Ninja’s conflicts of interest post to get some different perspectives on his varied motives. One possibility is that he’s effectively living through Genos. There is a scene in Season 2 of the anime where Dr. Kuseno is standing in a beam of light talking about his quest for justice in his youth and Genos stands under Kuseno obscured in shadow. That image made me shudder. Now the care and attention Kuseno gives Genos feels much creepier, like a doll to be dressed up and played with. I hope that’s not the case.  
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Who is this Dr. Kuseno and what is his relationship with Genos? Fatherly? Or Patronizing? And what are the ethics and implications of allowing Genos such extreme body modifications.
I love a found family as much as the next person, but I find it slightly suspicious that a doctor that just happens to be an expert in cybernetics arrives in time to save Genos’ life after his village was destroyed by a CYBORG. So, we’ve learned that Kuseno was chasing the mad cyborg before Genos was so maybe that explains the convenient meeting but that makes me wonder, when and how did the Cyborg’s trail go so cold that neither Kuseno or Genos seem to know where it is at the moment (or maybe Kuseno knows something more about this and is hiding it from Genos)? We’ve also since learned that even though cybernetic components are relatively commonplace in this world modifications over 30% are extremely rare. ‘Enhancements’ as extensive as Genos’ are almost unheard of and extremely risky, including a risk of madness. How did Dr. Kuseno become such an excellent doctor of cybernetics? I couldn’t have just been overnight? Learning takes trial and error and mistakes. God knows Genos has given that man more than enough trial and error for a lifetime but what about before Genos?  
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Ninja noted that in all of the lab frames Dr. Kuseno stands a fair distance away from Genos. I immediately think of the anime Dororo from 2019 and the way Jukai handles Hyakkimaru, who is likely not less dangerous than Genos in context. Jukai is genuinely fatherly and close, only teaching Hyakkimaru to fight once it became clear the boy would not walk a different path. In the lab Kuseno is cold and distant and the atmosphere is draped in shadow. The contrast between Dr. Kuseno’s behavior toward Genos in public verses in the lab is notable. I don’t really know what specifically to note about it, except that it reinforces for me that the two men barely know each other, which is disturbing given that Genos has known Dr. Kuseno probably longer than he’s known anyone and Kuseno was effectively Genos’ guardian. How much does Genos really know about the man who holds his life in his hands if Genos didn’t even know Dr. Kuseno had a battle suit? What else is Kuseno hiding or omitting? At the same time Dr. Kuseno notes seeing a new side of Genos at Saitama’s apartment. Does Dr. Kuseno know Genos as well as he thinks he does when he says things like “you remind me of myself in my youth.” ? 
Genos believes he isn’t good enough and never will be good enough. Intentionally or unintentionally Dr. Kuseno feeds into this insecurity. Does that mean he’s responsible for Genos’ insecurities? No. But it is a piece of the troubling looking puzzle connecting the two of them. Unfortunately, when Genos goes to see Kuseno it’s often in defeat so he didn’t get much meaningful encouragement from the doctor. Even in victory, after G4, Dr. Kuseno doesn’t give Genos much encouragement. “There are still areas where we can improve you” even after getting a completely new upgrade neither Dr. Kuseno nor Genos seem to be satisfied. We consistently see Kuseno chiding Genos for being reckless and begging him to be more careful and to stay alive at the very least. Perhaps Kuseno is more concerned about losing his investment than the psychological health of his charge? Kuseno is more of a scientist than anything else and it's difficult to fault him for his excellent skills but can you imagine how actually damaging it is for a growing human to literally be a never fished project in the eyes of the person who should be loving you unconditionally. We all need to grow and change constantly, but there is a difference between acknowledging a person’s strengths and weaknesses and only acknowledging (in any meaningful way) a person’s failures. It’s a habit Genos has made for himself but unfortunately, even if not intentionally, Dr. Kuseno may have helped build that habit. Ever since Genos’ family died everything in his life seems to be reinforcing the ‘not good enough’ narrative. Not good enough to save his family, not strong enough to protect anyone. Every victory is shallow and meaningless in his mind because his eyes were set only on the final goal of defeating Mad Cyborg. Which is, likely as not, unattainable. 
Genos may see Saitama as his mentor but he is dependent on Kuseno for his growth making Kuseno far more practically his ‘mentor’. There is an important part of a typical hero’s journey story when a hero must move past the teaching of their mentor and grow on their own. This is a fundamentally important stage to help the hero see that they are ‘good enough’ they have the tools they need to succeed. Sometimes this transition is painful, think back to Iroh refusing to speak to Zuko while they were in the fire nation or when Jukai refused to help Hyakkimaru anymore. Both Zuko and Hyakkimaru were angry and devastated, but it was in the end a vital part of their progress. I fear a mentor who is either not willing or not able to allow them to surpass them. 
Whether through compliance or malice the system created by the relationship between Genos and Dr. Kuseno is one where Genos relies heavily on Dr. Kuseno. If Genos is compromised he could put Dr. Kuseno at risk but the battle suit indicates that Dr. Kuseno may be more prepared to deal with risk than an average scientist. But if Dr. Kuseno is compromised that could put Genos in an early grave. Regardless of the scientists intentions Dr. Kuseno is holding Genos back. Since Genos’ latest upgrade in the anime we’ve learned that Genos used to have safety restrictions on his parts but when we first meet Genos he is about to self-destruct his own core. So what were the safety restrictions for? The practically seem more about preserving an investment than protecting the human being. Garou’s story seems to indicate there is an important part of the path for one to push their limiter is possibly to get to the brink of death itself (probably not the only way) but possibly Genos’ safety restrictions have been holding him well below his limiter for ages. Maybe he can’t break his limiter because of his cybernetic body but I honestly don’t think it’s so cut and dry. (Also I find it sad and notable that when Genos is about to self-destruct he apologizes to Dr. Kuseno for letting him down. Genos wants to live badly, but he’s so deeply self-destructive just the tip of the iceberg of emotional issues Genos is battling. When he apologizes to Dr. K, even though he’s the one who would lose his life! It’s like he’s so afraid of failing the Dr.’s expectations again he’d rather die.) Genos needs to be able to repair himself. I’m desperately afraid that the practicality of complete cybernetic repair will render Genos dependent on someone forever. 
We already know that Genos would do anything to get stronger but what has ‘doing anything’ looked like for him? What does it mean for him? I don’t really know how you can take one look at this guy and deny he’s already made painful sacrifices to get stronger. It looks like he’s willing to sacrifice his dignity, youth, life, respect, independence, joy, all sensual pleasures, and much much more for his goal to be stronger. That goal servers a purpose and that purpose was given to him by Dr. Kuseno when his village was destroyed ‘defeat Mad Cyborg’. But what will his goal for ultimate strength be without the purpose that will almost definitely be taken away from him. Even if it isn’t and he accomplishes it what will he do then? Will the sacrifices be worth it in the end? Will he be able to rebuild a new purpose and a new life for himself?
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system-of-a-feather · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if you had any tips for balancing work/college/life with DID and the stress along side it? And for #2: do you have any tips for bringing up DID to a therapist? I've been questioning if I have this for a few years and I've been seeing her for a year, but a large part of me keeps telling/yelling at me to not ask her for many different reasons. The words just get stuck in my throat and I don't know how to bring it up. Sorry abt the length of this, but thank you!!!
PerOh boy these are two long / large questions I could probably go on a bit about. I’m going to hold back a bit since I have a tendency to ramble, but if you have any follow up questions / elaborations feel free to ask!
Balancing Work / College / Life
The two largest key skills to work on to help balancing all of that is 1) communication with the rest of the system 2) learning grounding techniques.
Communication within the system is a bit of a cop out answer I feel, but it really is integral to living / coping with DID and trying to make life work around it. If alters aren’t on the same page about what is wanted and needed from life and aren’t on the same page on what is valuable in life, then things tend to get messy in everyone’s overall life as interests conflict, experiences aren’t communicated, memories and gaps in memory can get hard to fill properly, and a lack of communication promotes a lack of stability (and improved communication promotes more stability). I also find that personally with better communication, we have less severe dissociative states that DON’T cause a switch so it is less times when it comes to being unfocused. 
Also when it comes down to communication, it also really helps in managing all the stress that comes along with it since - to be quite honest - in my personal experience it often feels like there is always some level of a crisis (mental health or otherwise) going on at all times with little break in between. By working on improving how well each alters know each other and work with one another and creating a synergy / rhythm / balance for all parts to aid in life and how to handle these crisises can make the stress of dealing with them a lot less.... overwhelming I suppose?
Like I’ve gotten used to it, but at this point when a major issue comes up, I have general trust that our system has a way to navigate it and have generally understood ways of minimizing the damage and promoting healing and can generally trust one another to try to help one another. 
For working on communication, that can vary from person to person and can kind of come with trauma processing / exposure therapy / reaching out internally, but one thing I always like to say is a good idea is to try to figure out some from of external communication that can be relied upon. It can be a bit difficult to get all alters on board to take part in a journal or similar, but when you get down to it, if one can be established, it can be a decent mechanism to reliably communicate issues since internal communication can be really patchy at times XD
Our system has three different discords - one that is for socializing with friends, one that is the general private one for only our system and the members, and a third that is run by our gatekeeper and has selective access to certain channels to facilitate conversation while keeping parts that aren’t ready to handle topics out of it. We each have our own independent accounts and go on the honor system not to look into eachothers unless it is important / necessary.
In terms of grounding techniques, those are in place for the moments when you are dissociating / having a flashback or anything similar and you can’t switch, aren’t safe to switch, and/or just need to stay out as yourself. There are a lot of things that can be done and I would honestly recommend doing a google search for them, but typically in my experience sensory items can help a lot. I over use my hand sanitizer since it is cold, wet, and lets me focus on my hands and where I am touching. Ice water can be good and helpful. I’ve been told by my therapist that simulating running can help ground, but I always forget it when I get like that XD Its kinda a “find what works” sort of thing.
Bringing DID Up to a Therapist
To be honest, I haven’t had the best in person experience with it XD I didn’t really mention it to my first therapist and he considered it himself but considering he wasn’t trained and we were covert and in heavy denial, he kinda went “nah”. The therapist I saw for a session that redirected me to my current therapist I just went “uhhh I have dissociative symptoms and they are like this” and she went “Oh I can’t work with that lemme get you someone who can.” And my current therapist I think I was like “idk I’ve got these dissociative issues” when I walked in since that was an issue that got in the way with my first therapist and why I was redirected to him and I don’t actually remember the details but lowkey was like at a point like “wellllll I useeed to have these fragment-personality like things and I have this issue with it like coming back up and my last therapist was worried I had DID because of how I talked about my online vs offline i dunnoooooo”
So like XD I don’t really have the best personal experience to talk from since I didn’t talk about it much at all with my first therapist, my 1.5th therapist didn’t see me past “I have pretty bad dissociation”, and my second therapist now jokes about “how I wasn’t entirely honest about my symptoms / system in the beginning”. Plus when it comes to psychiatrists, I’m generally hesitant and either straight up tell them or just dont tell them at all which I wouldn’t recommend all the time.
Personally, from how I know therapy should work, if you are comfortable and feel it is safe to discuss with the therapist (as in you feel she listens to you, has treated you well, you have a good relationship / dynamic and you feel comfortable / safe around her) then I would just bring up the concern. Something along the lines of “Hey I have been experiencing [insert reasons why you are concerned you might] and I was curious if we could screen / see if this is a dissociative disorder / DID”
Typically - unless you do not trust or feel safe with a therapist - it is best to be up front and straight forward with your concerns and if you are curious on their opinion of a diagnosis / to look into it being a possibility, that it is often best just to ask. Therapy is meant for you so it is always alright to say “hey I have concerns I might have ___ because of ____, can we discuss that as a possibility for this session?”
Also not part of the question, but if you are ever confused about your diagnosis, it is always okay to ask “Hey can we go over my ___? I want to understand it better” or something similar.
-Riku (Host)
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lynxfur9 · 3 years
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On average it takes 7 working days for the blood examination results to come back from the medical facility, depending on the precise examinations requested. Some specialist examination results might take longer, if examples have to be sent out to a referral research laboratory. If you are signed up to make use of the on the internet services of your local practice, you may have the ability to access your outcomes online. Not eating for 8 to 10 hours prior to blood testing is generally needed. There are 4 phases of protein folding, primary, secondary, tertiary and also quarternary. Individuals getting the therapy required much less insulin, recommending they could still make several of their very own.
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C-peptide may be gauged when there is abrupt or persisting hypoglycaemia. Signs and symptoms consist of sweating, palpitations, appetite, complication, visual troubles and also seizures, although these symptoms additionally can occur with various other problems. The C-peptide examination may be made use of in these situations to help determine the source of excess insulin, i.e. whether it is being generated in your body or originating from extreme shot of insulin.
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Hannah has a degree in Human Biology and many years' experience working in laboratories around London. Utilizing this experience, Hannah delights in turning intricate science right into interesting, appealing and easy to absorb items to read. In her spare time, Hannah runs, practices yoga exercise and also enjoys cooking plant based foods. Yet with this comes the concern that they might then be little sufficient to go into the blood stream, as well as the long term effects of this are yet unidentified. Every occasionally, a brand-new skin treatment ingredient goes along as well as guarantees to be the following big point consequently back the clock and also making our skin soft, supple, hydrated, plump as well as younger. Others assure to complete great lines as well as creases, whilst others claim they can lighten locations of pigmentation or aid to reduce the scarring brought on by acne. For adults, 5 ml of blood taken right into a slim gold or rust top tube.
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Peptides, being “smaller proteins,” when applied, cause changes in cell behavior, stimulate follicle growth, and promote natural hair production and improvement of hair color.
AminoA items are natural bio-stimulants gotten with chemical hydrolysis. The manufacturing technique warranties that the end product is of the highest standards and quality. Chemical bodies that have an "amino" team as well as an "acid" group. As they have an alkaline team and an acid group, they can act as an acid or an antacid, relying on the pH of the solution in which they are had. Our unflavored Multi Collagen is the excellent enhancement for soups and full-flavored recipes. You can imagine, after that, a polypeptide particle as a chain made from flat rectangle-shaped plates joined by the Ca atoms.
Write-up Info.
In a beta-pleated sheet, the chains are folded up to make sure that they lie together with each various other. The next layout reveals what is referred to as an "anti-parallel" sheet. All that means is that next-door chains are heading in opposite directions. Provided the means this particular folding occurs, that would certainly appear to be inescapable. Hannah de Gruchy is a freelancer writer who is experts in wellness as well as health. She has an eager rate of interest in the biology of skin as well as enjoys utilizing her words to assist divide the actual science of skincare from the pseudoscience of some skincare brands.
Our 30% peptide blend contains an ingenious shipment system which makes certain that all our peptides can dive deep into the lower layers of the skin for ideal result.
Peptides usually find it hard to reach where they require to be; they are large as well as dislike being around oil so they have a hard time to fit through the small, oil-based spaces in between skin cells.
Use high quality specialist glass and polypropylene vials can reduce this problem.
Collagen and elastin manufacturing is enhanced, fine lines and creases are smoothed as well as the skin's all-natural stores ofhyaluronic acid are elevated.
We provide a total range of peptide and healthy protein solutions from brochure products with to GMP manufacture from very early stage to business launch.
As the light-weight lotion is massaged right into the skin, the 30% peptide complex starts its multi-faceted technique to renewing the skin.
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Sourced from Bovine-- We resource our collagen solely from Europea livestock which are pasture-raised as well as finished, their diet is 100% GMO cost-free as well as they are likewise without antibiotics and also hormones too. Where this comes in beneficial is when you are comparing tablet computers or blends of collagen, if a 10g offering size claims there is just 1000mg of collagen, after that you can see that there is just 10% collagen in this tablet/sachet.
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For the blood examination itself, an example of blood will certainly be drawn from your arm as well as it shouldn't take far more than a minute. If you take blood glucose lowering drug you will likely be asked to quit taking these in the run up to the test. Instead of MHC class I, MHC course II molecules do not dissociate at the plasma membrane. The systems that control MHC course II destruction have not been developed yet, but MHC class II particles can be ubiquitinised and after that internalised in an endocytic pathway. Versus Arthritis was developed in 2018 following a merger of Arthritis Care and Arthritis Research UK.
CP1 is an unflavoured powder that conveniently liquifies and also mixes right into any kind of cool or warm beverage, without adding any type of flavour. Each scoop of CP1 gives you with over 90% pure healthy protein, that improves the nutritional profile of any kind of drink, smoothie or other drink. There is no safe level of drug use.Use of any medication always brings some threat-- even medicines can generate unwanted side effects. Polar zippers in between neighbouring beta sheets resulting in the formation of wide and also stiff nanoribbons. The brand-new test is currently in available in many NHS depends on, as well as is now supplied to everyone diagnosed as Type 1 diabetes mellitus for at the very least 3 years in Glasgow as well as Edinburgh. The Exeter group has developed a brand-new urine test for C-peptide, as well as shown that a straightforward blood test when a person is seen in clinic can also accurately measure C-peptide, changing previous methods which were costly as well as taxing. These examinations are currently offered in virtually every hospital in the UK, as well as expense as little as ₤ 10.
The remaining grammage will be comprised of the additional bulkers, fillers or components. This is a bit of an advertising and marketing term used in the collagen sector, however, it can be handy to comprehend just how much collagen is actually in a serving of an item. If the collagen brand name can not give you with information of where the livestock, poultry or fish are from - move on as well as choose a firm that can. When keeping an eye out for a collagen supplement be sure that you recognize where the pets have come from, as not all collagen coincides.
But https://pharmalabglobal.com/product-category/melanotan-2/ of the therapy will need to be examined in future tests with even more individuals and longer period. The primary function of the test was to check the new therapy for safety and security, but scientists also observed some positive impacts of peptide immunotherapy. However if the entire immune system is compromised, people are extra vulnerable to infections and cancer.
This clumping of hydrophobic molecules is called hydrophobic communication. An example of thioester link is the one between the thiol team of CoA and the carboxylic group of acetic acid in Acetyl CoA. Glycosidic bond undergoes deterioration in a process called glycolysis. It is a hydrolytic procedure in which a water particle is used to damage the glycosidic bond and release the carbohydrate and also various other residues. Based on the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon or its alignment in space, a glycosidic bond can either be an alpha-bond or a beta-bond. In an O-glycosidic linkage, the carbonyl team of carbohydrates responds with the hydroxyl group of an additional substance. This causes a substance in which the sugar or carb residue is affixed to the oxygen of the other compound, thus the name O-glycosidic bond.
Tumours can typically avoid being targeted by these T Cells by resembling a cell found generally in the body commonly referred to as "self". If a team of T Cells can be motivated to recognise these tumors as foreign as well as not self after that they will attack the tumor as well as supply a reliable treatment versus it. If the result of UCPCR runs out keeping with other professional searching for after that we would certainly recommend repeating the examination specifically if it is unexpectedly low. Patients tipping out boric acid preservative from pee collection tube, in an example taking more than 3 days to reach the research laboratory can lead to unnaturally low outcomes. UCPCR is mainly to be made use of in individuals on insulin treatment to analyze endogenous insulin secretion. Steady for 3 days in Boric acid containers at ambient temperature level.
But unless you're devouring on these on a daily basis, opportunities are you'll have a hard time to get an optimum amount of collagen with diet regimen alone. In light of this, there are some terrific methods to increase your collagen consumption with normal diet plan by taking a genealogical approach as well as eating a genuine food diet plan. to pharma lab global Purchase Sermorelin can improve your collagen consumption with typical food by eating more organ meats, making bone broth as well as making use of points like oxtail, ears as well as trotters.
You will need to quick before a C-peptide blood test if the results will certainly be used to assess hypoglycaemia. Additionally, a suitable blood sample taken throughout a hypoglycaemic episode might be enough.
So scientists are working to selectively target parts of the body immune system believed to be straight in charge of the attack in Kind 1 diabetic issues. There are additionally concerns over whether collagen can make it through the digestion process. Collagen is discovered in and as a result typically originated from pets such as cows, pigs and also fish or other fish and shellfish. Products having collagen are not vegetarian as well as might be unsuitable for people with various other dietary demands. HydroPeptide is the future generation of anti-ageing with sophisticated peptide modern technologies.
AsclepiX Therapeutics, Inc. Doses First Patient in Phase 1/2a Trial of AXT107 Intravitreal Self-Forming Gel Depot Peptide for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Proteins and Peptides News Channels - PipelineReview.com
AsclepiX Therapeutics, Inc. Doses First Patient in Phase 1/2a Trial of AXT107 Intravitreal Self-Forming Gel Depot Peptide for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Proteins and Peptides News Channels.
Posted: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:57:58 GMT [source]
Opt for pasture-raised, European cattle if opting for bovine as well as check that there is no antibiotics or hormonal agents utilized - along with no GMO feeds. Enhances Joint and also Bone Health and wellness-- Collagen replenishes, brings back and also enhances joints and also bones. Supplementing the diet regimen with collagen has actually been shown to raise bone toughness, promote healthy bone turnover as well as decrease the effect of ageing on our skeleton. Purchase AOD- pharmalabglobal.com provide the body with a source of collagen that is incredibly bioavailable, so they can start to work their magic as soon as they're ingested. If diet regimen alone isn't mosting likely to make the cut when it comes to wrecking your collagen consumption after that the issue is intensified when you think about the reality that our all-natural collagen production slows down as we age.
The diffusion pressures set up would certainly suffice to hold the folded structure with each other. You will certainly likewise discover that this specific version has 2 various other particles locked right into it. These are the two particles whose response this enzyme catalyses. The colour coding in the model aids you to track your means around the framework - going through the spectrum from dark blue to wind up at red. It is feasible to have some a lot more challenging folding to make sure that next-door chains are in fact heading parallel. We are getting well past the needs of UK A degree chemistry currently.
NT-proBNP is released into the blood circulation in equivalent total up to the active hormonal agent but is substantially a lot more secure and for this reason forms a good pen of BNP result. N-terminal professional B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is an inactive peptide released together with the active peptide hormone BNP when the walls of the heart are extended or there is pressure overload on the heart e.g. by fluid overload. BNP then acts upon the kidneys creating liquid as well as sodium loss in the urine as well as mild vasodilation so launching the pressure. Proteins are 3-D macromolecules made from at the very least one polypeptide chain.
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A new blog from Christian Dailey!!  And here’s a link to a tweet if you prefer.
Hello Again!
I hope this finds you well and I appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through the right timing for new information. We’re excited to share with you our next blog, but we also want to be respectful of the larger conversations happening in the world.
Recently I started answering questions on Twitter and asked all of you to name some of the changes you would be most interested in hearing about – the response was pretty awesome. Lots of good topics and themes and an excitement to know more about where we are going. So, to kick this off we thought a good starting place would be to go over our high level goals and changes we are exploring with loot and equipment.
Before we get started though, we love that we are able to share the progress and give a peek behind the curtain. That said, the ideas, images and video clip below are works in progress and all subject to change. Remember how the sausage is made…
Satisfying Loot Experience
A good player experience depends on the loot system being extensible and robust, and a lot can go wrong. A lot did go wrong. We fell short here and we realized that building something new from the ground up was going to be required – starting with taking a long look and understanding the best in class of the many great games that inspire us. Based on this research, along with your thoughts and feedback, we planned some high-level goals and changes we wanted to try:
Respect Your Time
- Increase the frequency of Loot Drops - Loot is viable more often; All items are better and more competitive, but there’s still a chance of getting something exceptional - All loot rarities have strategic value throughout progression
Embrace Choice
- You can pursue specific loot without relying on randomness alone; Quests; - Specialized Vendors; Unique Loot Tables - Modify your loot, including rerolling inscriptions and leveling up items
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[ Image ID: A possible quest list screen featuring our Sentinel contact Brin. ]
Create a Rewarding Loot Experience
- Loot feels exciting and more noticeable when it drops, and is celebrated when collected - Rare enemies (aka “walking treasure chests”) create exciting moments to get a burst of loot all at once
There is a video here that I will add later, go to the blog to watch it for now! 
Keep it Accessible and Immediate
- Reveal and equip loot right away - Complete revamp of the equipment sheet – including a detailed stat sheet (not shown) - The equipment sheet can be accessed from anywhere, allows you to easily see what you have equipped in each slot
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[ Image ID: a demo inventory and weapon stat screen for Glorious Result vs Sledgehammer. ]
Reliability of Equipment and Rewards
- Each item has an inscription “budget”, based on its Power and Rarity - No more useless items because they were missing must-have inscriptions (see “Increased weapon dmg by +225%”) - Exceptional items are about getting the exact types of bonuses you want, instead of maxing values on every bonus
Scale for the Future - Your power cap can be easily increased, and the loot system scales accordingly - Advanced telemetry data allows us to identify trends and make meaningful balance changes
Aligning around these goals has really helped us focus on the right priorities as we continue iterating and seeing the progress in our internal playtesting. It is early days though and we will continue to test and experiment over the coming months, hopefully with your feedback.
Other Areas of Exploration
In addition to loot and equipment, there are some really good improvements to the feel and types of items we are supporting. Gunplay is overall more responsive with enemies reacting to hits near instantly with improved client-side prediction, we are looking into the role of melee items and builds, and of course, being able to spend skill points to unlock new types of equipment and synergies. One of the things I am most excited about is seeing all the awesome new weaponry concepts based on our factions.
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[ Image ID: concept art for guns for Freelancers, Scar, Dominion, and Urgoth factions. ]
Until Next Time
I hope this helped give some context to the changes we are testing around loot and equipment and what future blogs may dig into. Changes like these are exciting to us and hopefully to you as well, but I want to set expectations that there is a lot of work behind each of these and in some cases a rather large tech undertaking – this is not an “easy fix” and will take time.
Thank you again for your interest, curiosity and passion for Anthem. Please keep engaging online, asking questions and continuing to be part of making the game better.
Stay safe. Be kind to one another.  Stronger together.
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Weight-loss Methods - How often Must You Weigh On your own?
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ou step to the scale, oh no, your fat is up. Instantly you begin berating on your own. "I am so pathetic. Why are unable to I command my body weight? I just preserve finding fatter. I am so depressed."
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You just weighed your self-worth and that is not what scales are for.
Scales really are a opinions device. Comments is important to monitor your hole, where you are vs . in which you desire to be. A device is one thing we use to produce our everyday living easier. A scale is usually a suggestions instrument. Clever utilization of the dimensions could make your life less complicated and permit you to definitely attain your aim more swiftly.
Clever Scale Use
What is "wise" usage of the size? How often need to you weigh yourself? That depends on in which you are in your weight reduction plan.
When you have misplaced all the fat you need and so are as part of your upkeep section I like to recommend weighing by yourself the moment per week. The moment every week is commonly ample to properly check and maintain your pounds.
After you are in upkeep for six months I recommend you weigh by yourself when per month. By now you will have produced the life-style behavior needed to manage your body weight.
Inside the starting, when you're just starting off your weight-loss method I like to recommend weighing you two to 3 times per day. Yes, you study accurately, weigh oneself 2-3 periods a day.
Are you currently Major?
Indeed! What on earth is a scale? It's a suggestions software. It tells you how powerful (or ineffective) your method is. The more normally you receive opinions the greater typically you'll be able to modify your plan to regularly supply the outcome you would like. You make a way of life improve because of the like and respect you've on your own. Weigh oneself for feed-back, not self-esteem.
Let us go on trip!
How about a highway journey? Any time you go on a road excursion you take the time to plot out your class and choose over a real looking time-frame for arriving at your spot. Let us go! You can get inside the vehicle and start driving. How frequently are you interested in comments on your own development? Constantly.
You're frequently checking to make positive you happen to be staying over the road. That you are usually generating micro corrections to maintain your course. You would not think about sleeping at the wheel. It might be disastrous; you'd be environment your self up for any key wreck.
You happen to be over a vacation. Your very own personalized fat reduction and wellness journey. You totally have to crank out feed-back on how your program goes quite a few occasions a day otherwise you are sleeping within the wheel. You may haven't any clue as well as a might be environment your self up to get a major weight reduction and wellness wreck.
Bear in mind...
The dimensions is not a spot to stand to remind on your own to get started on self discuss re-runs about what a terrible particular person you might be. You're a great person!
The dimensions undoubtedly can be a product used to offer you regular feed-back and help you continue to be on strategy. Appreciate your self by supplying on your own suitable suggestions. I do know, you still have some trepidation about weighing oneself 2-3 instances every day. You might be concerned you are going to just beat on your own up whenever you stand to the scale. You will not. You'll move beyond destructive self converse.
You might be going ahead with good intention and beneficial self speak. The size won't measure your worth, only you are doing. Weighing by yourself 2-3 times/day might help you defeat your worry in the scale. The greater usually you do anything you worry without the need of unfavorable outcomes, the fewer you may dread it!
When Ought to I Weigh Myself?
You may would like to weigh your self while in the morning before you consume breakfast. This can supply you with the minimal conclusion of one's personal body weight fluctuation and can give you the facts you have got to established your day by day calorie purpose. If you have accessibility into a scale, we recommend weighing your self appropriate just before lunch. Ultimately, weigh oneself correct before you try to eat dinner. This measurement does two issues. It provides you with a further data point for measuring your fat over time and it reminds you never to overeat at meal.
Your bodyweight may well fluctuate 2-8 lbs . during the day. Weighing oneself typically (2-3 occasions) will educate you how your body's fat alterations each day.
The number of calories in a very pound of unwanted fat? 3,five hundred energy. So, after you stand on the scale and see your fat has absent up 2 kilos considering that the final time you weighed on your own four hours back; check with, have I eaten 7,000 excess energy within the very last four several hours. Probably you have not (especially should you be sticking to your program). For those who haven't eaten an extra seven,000 energy how did you get 2 lbs .?
You may have had some meals and water. Foods and h2o weigh anything. A quart of water weighs about two kilos. Should you weighed on your own then had a gallon of water and hopped proper again around the scale, your fat might be almost nine pounds heavier. But it really was just water. Who cares about drinking water body weight? We treatment about fat--losing it, and muscle-- preserving it.
Your-Weight Loss-Wellness-Solution is centered on maximizing body fat decline even though retaining your lean, captivating muscle groups. Being aware of how your fat changes whenever you eat and drink, and becoming in a position to evaluate how many calories you've eaten considering that the very last time you weighed permits you to fearlessly stand on the scale and receive feedback. Exactly what type of comments do we get from the scale? That relies upon on what sort of scale you have got.
What kind of Scale?
You can find fundamentally two unique types of scales available.
The fundamental toilet scale. It just tells you just how much you weigh.
Then there is certainly our favourite type-- An digital scale that lets you know exactly how much you weigh, and, a lot more importantly, what your whole body body fat proportion and also your hydration amount are.
We enjoy such a scale mainly because it actions far more. It will give you more information to track the usefulness of the application. Must you care regarding your system excess fat percentage and hydration level? Totally! They are essential pieces of responses on your good results.
Imagine if you get rid of twenty lbs and fifty percent of everything you have dropped, ten lbs, is muscle mass? You have got efficiently reduced your metabolic process by nearly five hundred energy! That may be a substantial phase backwards inside your quest to lose fat.
Keep an eye on One's body Fat Percentage
Monitoring your whole body unwanted fat share will allow you to definitely modify your diet and exercise routine for maximum body fat decline while retaining your gorgeous, calorie burning muscle mass. Why should you treatment regarding your hydration amount? Recall, your body can only metabolize excess fat optimally when you find yourself correctly hydrated and an correct hydration amount will give you a far more correct entire body extra fat proportion reading.
The scale is your close friend. It lets you to definitely measure your development on the every day foundation. Set by yourself up for fulfillment by anticipating little, reliable alter.
Take Absent Guidelines:
Weigh your self 2-3 instances a day. While in the morning in advance of breakfast, at lunch if you have obtain to the scale and appropriate prior to deciding to take in supper. Make use of the scale to trace progress and also to keep you on program. By measuring your development usually you can make true time modifications for your method to be able to insure you are burning just as much excess fat as you possibly can. Realizing your entire body body fat percentage and also your hydration level offer you added feedback allowing for you to definitely good tune your extra fat decline
Modify the planet
In excess of 65% with the U.S. population is obese. Heart disease would be the range 1 killer from the U.S. Our premiums of most cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis and diverse other conditions are a few of the optimum inside the entire world. We are one from the fattest, least healthy developed nations within the world. Be part of me in altering the health and fitness of our excellent place along with the earth, share this short article with as lots of individuals as you can. Be an agent of positive improve. Help save a daily life.
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SEO Vs PPC Why You should to care
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Web optimization versus PPC: When Paid or Organic Search Marketing is Best for Your Business 
Web optimization and PPC promoting give extraordinary approaches to get your image seen by your intended interest group in 2016, however are totally different methods for getting your site discovered on the web. 
In any case, when it comes down to when you ought to organize one over the other, and which will give the best an incentive to your business, it merits weighing up the aces and costs that accompany them. 
Web optimization and PPC Differences 
To begin, how about we layout the distinctions. 
Website design enhancement, or site improvement, is a progressing procedure that expands your perceivability in web crawler results pages. 
Search engine optimization centers around the unpaid, or natural, results – with higher rankings comparing to expanded site traffic, which would then be able to be changed over into clients. 
PPC, or pay-per-click, is a paid publicizing strategy to promote your site and drive focused on traffic to your site. 
PPC is normally connected with showing up at the highest point of web indexes, with Google AdWords being the most mainstream PPC publicist. 
Brand Building 
With regards to mark building, guaranteeing you have high natural rankings helps gain you more presentation. Website design enhancement permits you to increase numerous postings for a similar pursuit term, though PPC will just ever be one. 
By showing up on page one for key inquiry terms, you can truly help construct your image on the web. Content promoting assists with SEO, and is an essential bit of your advanced showcasing endeavors. 
While PPC doesn't have a remarkable same effect, it despite everything has its employments. Show promotions on the Google Display Network can assume an immense job in expanding a client's familiarity with your image by showing pennant advertisements to them around the web. 
Change shrewd, SEO will ordinarily bring more traffic than PPC over the long haul. 
Web crawlers, for example, Google regard your website page the best fit for the term a client has looked for – thus the client ought to be prepared for the correct substance. 
PPC as a rule will have a higher transformation rate, however it brings in less rush hour gridlock generally speaking. 
PPC permits you to target explicit ads to explicit pursuit terms, with call to activities that suit your ideal result. 
Close by this, remarketing to clients empowers you to target clients who have visited your site previously, and are along these lines prone to change over. 
PPC additionally gives you the alternative of making efforts for specific seasons, or even times. This degree of customisation implies changes are normally more grounded. 
With regards to cost, there's a wide range of variables to consider. 
Search engine optimization doesn't in fact cost anything – however it takes a great deal of time and commitment. While it might take you a couple of months to pick up footing in the query items, you have to enhance and improve your site and substance into the future to guarantee the best outcomes. So while there's no expense, you do need to invest energy you might not have – however the outcomes will be justified, despite all the trouble in the long haul. 
PPC then again, costs cash to be shown at the highest point of the indexed lists. Be that as it may, you will be seeing quick outcomes, and might start producing business straightaway. 
The expense of each relies upon the opposition. In the event that the natural postings and key pursuit terms you need to rank for are not serious, at that point it shouldn't be too difficult to even think about starting showing up on the first page of Google. Be that as it may, if your rivals are as of now ruling this space, it will take additional time and vitality to show up there. Or then again you should target less serious terms. 
To defeat serious natural postings, you can go to PPC and bounce these to the highest point of the page. 
With regards to PPC, you have a comparable inquiry to reply. On the off chance that your rivals or different organizations are offering on the inquiry terms you wish to promote for, it very well may be increasingly costly. On the off chance that your pursuit term has a lower cost-per-click because of lower rivalry, at that point PPC will be an a lot less expensive choice for you. Also, this could be rewarding when a SEO crusade can be a gigantic time sink. 
Present moment 
PPC offers a handy solution to get your image showing up directly at the highest point of the list items straightaway. 
Be that as it may, AdWords and other PPC stages set aside some effort to ace – and without preparing yourself on PPC, you could be spending more than would normally be appropriate on an inappropriate inquiry terms. 
At the point when done right, PPC expands your changes with least spend, and can hugy affect the nature of your traffic, and how much business your site produces. 
Website design enhancement requires some investment for you to actualize, yet in addition for Google to record and examine. In any case, making particular substance streamlined for explicit pursuit terms can help produce traffic for the time being. 
Long haul 
Over the long haul, SEO gives an extraordinary return, as keeping up a first-page positioning can assist with producing snaps and brand mindfulness. 
While you won't have to spend any cash on publicizing for SEO, you should invest a ton of energy into updating your site to be advanced for web indexes, and afterward keeping up your positions. 
Website design enhancement is likewise not an ensured hit – as nobody can guarantee the primary situation for intensely challenged search terms. In any case, in case you're inventive, locate the correct quest terms and inquiries for your business, you're certain to discover achievement and produce business from it. 
The Future 
Investigating the future, both PPC and SEO will assume essential jobs in producing income for your business. 
With the ascent of cell phones, Google gives versatile well disposed destinations better rankings, and portable explicit advertisements for cell phones will likewise develop in notoriety. 
Website design enhancement will keep on developing as Google refreshes calculations. Confined query items will turn out to be progressively significant, close by results postings that are substantially more customized in nature. 
Website design enhancement + PPC 
By using both SEO and PPC, you can assemble a moment nearness at the highest point of the indexed lists, while you manufacture your natural postings out of sight. 
Website design enhancement and PPC go connected at the hip for some reasons – as SEO can profit by PPC techniques to accumulate catchphrase and search term information. 
Generally, on the off chance that you are not kidding about creating additional business web based, putting resources into both SEO and PPC assists with arriving at your present moment and long haul business objectives. 
Giving the Best Value 
So while thinking about how to manage your promoting spending plan, where is it best spent? At the point when done accurately, the two strategies can help get your image before eyes of potential clients searching for what you bring to the table. 
In general, guaranteeing you have a great, portable benevolent website composition is an unquestionable requirement. Guarantee your site is worked in view of specialized SEO to accomplish the best rankings. 
Concerning continuous endeavors, putting resources into content showcasing gives extraordinary SEO benefits. Sharing your substance via web-based networking media gives a brisk method to locate a more extensive crowd, that thus helps your SEO. 
Making PPC battles for inquired about pursuit terms nearby this in a flash drives focused on traffic to your site, concentrating on Google's quest arrange for a beginning is normally the best course, and afterward venturing into different directs later on. 
Something else, making greeting pages redid for your publicizing efforts can have a tremendous impact in changing over more site guests. For web based business, item posting advertisements are additionally a beneficial speculation. 
To get the most ideal outcomes it merits considering redistributing your PPC crusade the executives or SEO prerequisites to showcasing experts who realize how to produce results. 
Here at Xanthos, we have more than 14 years of involvement with producing results online through both PPC and SEO. Connect today to discover how we can assist you with producing more business on the web.
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chatterbox-meta · 5 years
Katsuki Bakugou and The Five Stages  of Grief
Or, the essay in which I argue Bakugou was a great character way before S3 rolled around. The title will become relevant eventually. Speaking of, the following contains spoilers for the entirety of the My Hero Academia anime (S1-S3) and some mild spoilers for the manga. I repeat, this is an in-depth analysis of Bakugou’s entire journey.
(Originally submitted anonymously to @heroes-never-discourse over here.)
In the early parts of My Hero Academia, Katsuki Bakugou was defined almost completely by his role in Deku’s underdog story - as an obstacle in Deku’s path to becoming a hero, an arrogant bully and therefore an antagonist you really want to see go down. And he served that role really well, but there wasn’t much more to him. And what little insight we got into his character didn’t make a lot of sense. Why would he think Deku was hiding his Quirk all this time? He hates Deku for wanting to help him up, fucking really? And he doesn’t even have a tragic backstory! Etc. etc. The audience was left with the impression that he’s just a cruel spoiled brat lashing out because the kid he hates for being Quirkless won’t let him do what he wants. That he wants the number one spot because he believes he deserves it. That impression slowly started to change when Bakugou defied expectations by refusing to join the League of Villains just to get more power. Then, it was completely flipped on its head when Deku vs Kacchan revealed that Bakugou never hated Deku for being Quirkless, but that he was always afraid that Deku, despite being Quirkless and clumsy and a crybaby, had whatever it takes to overtake him, knew it, and looked down on Bakugou for it. Of course, Deku’s reply is “I wanted to surpass you because I thought you were amazing, not weak, you fucking asshole” (paraphrased, obviously lol), but that’s not the point. The point is that the audience finally has what was missing from Bakugou’s early characterization - context. With that context, the underlying setup for his character arc becomes visible. Let’s go back to the beginning and take a closer look!
When we first meet Bakugou, he seems completely secure in his place in the world. He’s loud, brash and at his most arrogant. But when the teacher reveals that Deku wants to go to U.A. just like him, he doesn’t laugh along with the rest of the class, he’s shocked for a moment and then he flips his shit, to the point of telling Deku he has a better chance of getting a Quirk and being a hero in his next life. The first time, it’s just meant to make us hate him. In hindsight, with context, it’s the first crack in Bakugou’s facade. I’m not saying Bakugou’s arrogance is fake. He wouldn’t care so much about being the best if he wasn’t prideful, but let’s put it this way: Deku’s confidence is a foundation being built brick by brick, while Bakugou’s is a tower of cards. And all because when they were kids Deku cast doubt on that security in his place in the world, making him doubt whether the things he was praised for all his life meant anything at all, if he was weak despite being strong. However, Bakugou is still in denial of these doubts and fears when the series begins. The Sludge Villain incident and Deku rescuing him bring them to the surface, but he quickly pushes them down again by pretending he totally could have handled it himself (though he knows he couldn’t, which is why he doesn’t accept the praise from the pro-heroes on the scene) and avoiding Deku. But then Deku suddenly gets a Quirk and Bakugou is furious. He accuses Deku of hiding his Quirk all this time and laughing behind his back. Again, on a first viewing, this just sounds like Insane Troll Logic, but knowing that Bakugou always feared Deku had some hidden strength, it makes sense he’d connect that with One For All’s sudden appearance. (Though it’s still not a reasonable conclusion since it’s based on a false premise lmao.) During Deku vs Kacchan Part 1, Bakugou can no longer deny what he thinks is the truth about Deku, so he lashes out. It’s his last chance to make Deku give up on being a hero. He’s not just looking to beat up Deku, though, he wants Deku to fight back, to show him that power so Bakugou can snuff it out. After all, a victory over an opponent who’s holding back isn’t a victory at all. But Deku does hold back, focusing on his mission, and in doing so, defeats Bakugou. And it’s here that Bakugou’s security in his place in the world is completely shattered, not just by Deku, but also by seeing other students, especially Todoroki, whom he doesn’t think he can beat. He can no longer deny it and his anger has only blinded him to the path of true victory, as Yaoyorozu points out. And Bakugou, despite all appearances, can take criticism and learn from his mistakes. In the aftermath, both Deku and Bakugou basically declare war on each other, but despite Deku saying he’ll surpass him, Bakugou feels that their situation is flipped. That Deku is the one who’s ahead and Bakugou’s the one scrambling to catch up. (I don’t think he realises that during the time spent chasing Deku, he’ll work harder and grow more than he has in a decade.) And he wants to catch up. Despite his sense of self as a winner being taken from him, Bakugou is not willing to let it go. And the Sports Festival is Bakugou’s attempt to regain it. It’s a bargain. He has a pretty detailed and strict set of rules for that, too. First, he’ll announce that he’ll take the number one spot to the entire stadium. As Deku points out, he’s not bragging, he’s pushing himself, knowing he’ll look like a complete tool if he loses after a declaration like that. Secondly, he has to defeat Deku or Todoroki (or both), the people he perceives as the greatest threats. Finally, he has to win against all of his opponents at their best. If he fails at any of those things, if he doesn’t prove himself to be the indisputable strongest, he will have failed, completely. This period of the story also showcases a subtle shift in his personality, one that was already somewhat visible during the USJ arc. Bakugou was never stupid, but asides from designing his weapons and costume for maximum efficiency (seriously, despite looking exactly like what happens when you give an edgy 15-year-old free reign to design a costume, his is the most utilitarian, mitigating recoil and absorbing sweat and all that), he used to rely solely on his admittedly above-average combat skills. But the fight against Deku proved that it wouldn’t be enough, so he (probably subconsciously) takes a page out of his book and starts carefully analysing his opponents’ moves to find their weaknesses. He’s also rather less nasty. He isn’t kinder or more polite, but he doesn’t go out of his way to be cruel. And he’s starting to look around himself and see other people, recognizing their strengths, if only so he knows how to beat them (he doesn’t underestimate any of his opponents) or use them to his advantage (Cavalry Battle).  This is also when his friendship with Kirishima officially starts, since Kiri approached him as an ally. Unfortunately, he’s still a disrespectful tyrant in an environment where people aren’t willing to follow him just because, and he doesn’t deal with that well, exposing himself to be a huge antisocial weirdo when he’s not in control. For me, this was when I started to like Bakugou as a character. He still didn’t seem great without the context provided later, but his personality wasn’t just “Deku’s bully,” as he interacted with people other than him. Back on track, all of this is particularly emphasized during his fight with Uraraka. Just like in his fight with Deku, he’s giving it his all not because he enjoys beating up the weak, but because he knows his opponent is stronger than she looks.* Unlike the fight with Deku though, he has no grudge that makes him act like a rabid animal and isn’t letting his guard down for a second. And when it’s over, he’s disappointed because he’s gained respect for Uraraka and was excited to fight her. (*Though maybe that is an overly charitable interpretation of DvK1 lmao.)
Soon afterwards, Deku loses to Todoroki, but not before making him use his fire side. So all Bakugou has to do to complete his mission is defeat Todoroki. Bakugou isn’t upset that Deku lost, after all, he didn’t believe he himself could win against Todoroki’s ice alone before.
But he does. And he’s not satisfied. Because he didn’t beat Todoroki at his full power since he, due to personal issues, couldn’t bring himself to use his fire side, which he did against Deku. Yes, Deku lost after Todoroki used it, but he forced Todoroki to give him all he’s got, something Bakugou couldn’t do. To him, it’s like losing to Deku by proxy.
(He probably thinks Todoroki didn’t use his fire because he didn’t see Bakugou as worth it, unlike with Deku, but the actual reason is that Bakugou couldn’t reach out to him the way Deku could. That’s what he’s missing, he just doesn’t know it yet.)
Okay, so, Bakugou wins the Sports Festival, but fails to accomplish what he set out to do. He feels desperate and lashes out again. Though I actually doubt he would have kept beating Todoroki’s corpse (so to speak), he’s put to sleep just in case and chained up for the ceremony like a wild beast. Certain people take notice.
Before, that, though, it’s time for some work experience! He’s still behind Deku, but maybe working for the number three hero will help him! Wait, what do you mean, Deku is out there improving his fighting style by copying Bakugou’s moves (and Gran Torino’s, and also fighting a literal serial killer, but Bakugou doesn’t know that), while Bakugou is - what, modeling jeans?!
In fairness, Best Jeanist’s intent was to teach him to be respectable, but, like, he came up to a delinquent teenager and told him he should overhaul his entire look and personality, what did he expect was going to happen? XD
Ooooh, but this next part is super interesting. The End of Term Exam. Deku and Kacchan vs All Might.
The in-universe reason for having these two team up is something like “Bakugou needs to learn to work with someone he doesn’t like and Deku needs to assert himself and force an uncooperative teammate to work with him.” Both of those are likely scenarios in their future careers. The narrative reason, however, is twofold.
Firstly, before this point, Deku and Bakugou have grown mostly separately from each other. This means that while they’ve changed individually, their relationship didn’t. And it has to. Bakugou’s issues with Deku were actually only made worse due to how far behind he thinks he’s fallen, so he attempts to prove he can defeat All Might on his own. When Deku objects, Bakugou even relapses into his cruel personality and pretty much bitchslaps him. Deku can fight back now, but he doesn’t want to, he wants to talk.
Secondly, the fact that they’re teamed up against All Might is vital. Because while there were hints of it beforehand, this is the first time we learn about the two sides of All Might that Deku and Bakugou admire - saving and winning. Deku wants to save people, but hesitates to take on All Might, even though escaping him would be impossible. But he doesn’t run, because Bakugou doesn’t. That is our first glimpse into what Deku admires in Bakugou and what he can learn from him.
However, Bakugou charges at All Might alone and predictably gets the crap kicked out of him. Even though he’s beaten to the point of vomiting, Bakugou refuses Deku’s help (saving), saying that he would rather lose. This is when Deku punches him, and not just to get him away from All Might or because Bakugou hit him earlier, but because he doesn’t want Bakugou to give up on the one thing Deku’s always admired about him.
Bakugou seems to remember himself then. He remembers that he’s the guy who wins, at all costs. Even if it means accepting Deku’s help. Oh, but not just that - he starts emulating Deku in turn. He sacrifices his protection from pain by giving his gauntlet to Deku and making bigger and bigger explosions. When Deku uses the gauntlet, he hurts his shoulder from the recoil, but Bakugou should already be used to the strain, so how far is he going for his arms to hurt?
…Yeah, okay maybe the whole “break all your bones to achieve your goal” isn’t the part of Deku he should be emulating, but the saving part? Absolutely. And he does emulate it, when he jumps in front of a blow meant for Deku and gets smashed into the ground so Deku can get to the gate. Deku being Deku decides to attack All Might so he can carry Bakugou to safety with him. They win by saving and save by winning.
This fight was a pivotal moment for both characters as it shows what their relationship has the potential to become. Though Bakugou probably doesn’t realise it because he’s too busy thinking he failed by accepting Deku’s help. Yet it’s his greatest victory yet.
Speaking of pivotal moments, summer arrives and Bakugou gets kidnapped by the League of Villains. Deku tries to save him, but he tells him to stay away. The others take this to mean Bakugou is too prideful to be saved by Deku yet again, but while that might be partially true, I think it has more to do with the guy whose name literally means “cremation” holding him by the neck and Deku having two broken arms, fucking moron, stay away.
Anyway, in the villains’ hideout, Bakugou is offered a chance to join the League. He refuses immediately and attacks Shigaraki despite being outnumbered, even refusing to lie to get out of trouble. He then explains that he’ll never join the villains, not just because of Shigaraki’s less-than stellar persuasion skills (seriously, Bakugou’s the last person to believe he’s “wronged” by society), but because he wants to win like All Might, like a hero.
This is supposed to be a big twist on a first viewing, but if you pay attention to everything beforehand, it really shouldn’t be. Bakugou has many flaws, but his ambition was never portrayed as a bad thing and now, it’s what’s keeping him from throwing in the towel and becoming a villain.
(Also, I don’t know how anyone thought he’d pull a Sasuke, it would make no narrative sense. Like, the reason Sasuke joining the villains had any impact was because him and Naruto were friends, Bakugou joining Deku’s enemies would have changed what exactly? Lmao.)
So the heroes arrive to the rescue, but All For One appears and they’re all in even deeper shit now. All Might can’t go all out because he’s busy protecting Bakugou, who’s busy holding off the League who presumably want to make him into a Noumu now. Luckily, the Rescue Squad comes blasting through the sky with Kirishima’s outstretched hand. Bakugou takes it. I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s important.
Despite being free to go all out, All Might can’t defeat All For One and his true form is revealed. This is Bakugou’s first time seeing the greatest hero be vulnerable and things look bad. The crowd is desperately cheering All Might on and both Bakugou and Deku are screaming for All Might to win. Which he does. But he’s spent and he points to the cameras saying “you’re next.” Everyone starts cheering, except for Deku, who bursts into tears, and Bakugou, who looks pensive.
When they get back, Bakugou is nicer than normal. He cheers up the class using Kaminari and gives Kirishima money for a new camera as a way to thank them for risking their lives and careers to save him. He respects All Might’s decision not to tell him about Deku and OFA and verbally thanks him for saving him.
This is because Bakugou ended up taking this entire fiasco as his greatest failure yet. DvK1, the Sports Festival, the End of Term Exam - all of it pales in comparison. If he didn’t get himself kidnapped, his idol wouldn’t have lost his powers in order to save him and society would still have its Symbol of Peace. That’s right, society is in disarray and they must all think that it’s his fault. Whether or not it actually is his fault is besides the point, what matters is that he thinks it is.
What’s worse is that he knows Deku now has that power. His worst fear has come true. But he can’t talk to anyone about it, so he tries to bury it. He’s been in denial before, he can do it again, right?
No. It’s always on his mind. And I think this was the reason why he was so harsh on the pretend hostages during the Provisional Hero License Exam. It wasn’t (just) his usual jackassery, he screamed at them to save themselves because that’s what he thinks he should have done. Unfortunately, it’s what caused him to fail the exam.
Now, he’s failed plenty of times, just recently caused the end of All Might, surely that’s nothing? But Deku passed the exam and Bakugou has never been more aware of Deku’s back, getting further and further away. That was the last nail in the coffin.
He goes to confront Deku at Ground Beta, the site of DvK1, to get some answers about him and All Might. And so Deku vs Kacchan Part 2 begins.
I won’t repeat what I’ve already said about what’s revealed in this fight, but I’ll elaborate on what Bakugou wants from it. First of all, he didn’t go into it expecting to win. He’s already lost - he ended All Might and Deku was chosen as his protégé. What Bakugou wants is to know why. He’s always feared that Deku was worthy somehow, but he could never put his finger on what made him worthy.
Why did Deku lose? If he’s the true hero, he should have won. Surely that idea is not wrong. Bakugou won, but he’s not satisfied, he knows he’s missing something.
Why did the kid he spent ten years trying to put far behind him overtake him? Why did Deku become the prodigy and Bakugou the failure? Yes, after spending most of the series fighting tooth and nail to hold onto his image as the strong one, he’s accepted that he’s weak, he’s despairing, but why?
All Might provides the answer that was blindingly obvious to anyone but Bakugou. Deku had the heart of a true hero, even though he lacked the power to win and that made him worthy. but Bakugou’s view of a hero that always wins wasn’t wrong either. It was just incomplete, just as Deku’s was. But together, learning from each other, they can be the greatest heroes the world has ever seen.
And with all of their complicated emotions that have been festering for years out of the way, they can finally move forward. Bakugou can finally accept his weaknesses to make himself stronger, he can finally accept Deku as a rival who pushes him forward instead of a threat. And he can support Deku in turn, he does need to make up for years of pushing him down.
I think this is as good a time as any to go back to the title of this meta. The five stages of grief are, well, exactly as it sounds, the five steps of the grieving process: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Despair and Acceptance. Not necessarily in that order. Bakugou spends most of his time pinballing between the first three, actually. Yet his overall character arc, spanning the time between chapter one and DvK2, still follows roughly that formula.
But what is he grieving? Well, grief is a general feeling of loss and Bakugou is grieving the slow loss of his identity. Ever since he was a child, he’d put so much stock into his strength and abilities to the point that he didn’t know who he’d be without being the best. Bakugou has no Freudian Excuse, he’s pretty much had it all, yet when I was watching DvK2, I didn’t see a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get an honor he didn’t deserve. I saw a lost kid who doesn’t even know who he is anymore.
But as painful as all that was, it was ultimately for his own good. His fragile ego needed to be broken in order for Bakugou to rebuild himself into a stronger, kinder, better person. He needed to pick up the pieces that were still useful and fill in the gaps with things he learned from All Might. From Deku.
And the manga is already delivering on that. Bakugou does take a backseat for the next few arcs, but when he appears, he’s always seen making a concentrated effort to be better. I think that’s when his “redemption” truly starts, previously him becoming a better person was more of a side effect of everything else going on and he was dragged into it kicking and screaming.
Bakugou gives comfort and encouragement to Kirishima prior to his internship. He waits up for the interns with the others.
He listens to Todoroki when he suggests a better way to deal with children than physical discipline. He warns a child that reminds him of his past self that if he’s always looking down on people, he’ll be blind to his own weakness.
He integrates himself into the class during the Culture Festival, getting offended on their behalf - because they’re not extras, he’s one of them, now - when the other classes blame them for villain attacks. He listens to Jirou when she tells him to stop improvising because, as a drummer, he’s the support, not the lead.
Finally, he looks out for anyone in danger and jumps in to save them and lets himself be saved in turn. He keeps an eye on Deku and tries to aid his progress, like he promised.
Of course, he’s still got a long way to go. He’s still rough around the edges and he does have a literal decade to make up for, but I believe he will. With him being in on the secret and getting his license, it’s about time he and Deku get into hot water with the League again.
But everything that’s happened so far has been built up from Day One. This is Katsuki Bakugou. In hindsight.
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Katsuki Bakugou and The Five Stages of Grief
Or, the essay in which I argue Bakugou was a great character way before S3 rolled around. The title will become relevant eventually. Speaking of, the following contains spoilers for the entirety of the My Hero Academia anime (S1-S3) and some mild spoilers for the manga.
In the early parts of My Hero Academia, Katsuki Bakugou was defined almost completely by his role in Deku’s underdog story - as an obstacle in Deku’s path to becoming a hero, an arrogant bully and therefore an antagonist you really want to see go down. And he served that role really well, but there wasn't much more to him. And what little insight we got into his character didn’t make a lot of sense. Why would he think Deku was hiding his Quirk all this time? He hates Deku for wanting to help him up, fucking really? And he doesn't even have a tragic backstory! Etc. etc. The audience was left with the impression that he’s just a cruel spoiled brat lashing out because the kid he hates for being Quirkless won’t let him do what he wants. That he wants the number one spot because he believes he deserves it. That impression slowly started to change when Bakugou defied expectations by refusing to join the League of Villains just to get more power. Then, it was completely flipped on its head when Deku vs Kacchan revealed that Bakugou never hated Deku for being Quirkless, but that he was always afraid that Deku, despite being Quirkless and clumsy and a crybaby, had whatever it takes to overtake him, knew it, and looked down on Bakugou for it. Of course, Deku’s reply is “I wanted to surpass you because I thought you were amazing, not weak, you fucking asshole” (paraphrased, obviously lol), but that’s not the point. The point is that the audience finally has what was missing from Bakugou’s early characterization - context. With that context, the underlying setup for his character arc becomes visible. Let’s go back to the beginning and take a closer look! When we first meet Bakugou, he seems completely secure in his place in the world. He’s loud, brash and at his most arrogant. But when the teacher reveals that Deku wants to go to U.A. just like him, he doesn’t laugh along with the rest of the class, he’s shocked for a moment and then he flips his shit, to the point of telling Deku he has a better chance of getting a Quirk and being a hero in his next life. The first time, it’s just meant to make us hate him. In hindsight, with context, it’s the first crack in Bakugou’s facade. I’m not saying Bakugou’s arrogance is fake. He wouldn’t care so much about being the best if he wasn’t prideful, but let’s put it this way: Deku’s confidence is a foundation being built brick by brick, while Bakugou’s is a tower of cards. And all because when they were kids Deku cast doubt on that security in his place in the world, making him doubt whether the things he was praised for all his life meant anything at all, if he was weak despite being strong. However, Bakugou is still in denial of these doubts and fears when the series begins. The Sludge Villain incident and Deku rescuing him bring them to the surface, but he quickly pushes them down again by pretending he totally could have handled it himself (though he knows he couldn’t, which is why he doesn’t accept the praise from the pro-heroes on the scene) and avoiding Deku. But then Deku suddenly gets a Quirk and Bakugou is furious. He accuses Deku of hiding his Quirk all this time and laughing behind his back. Again, on a first viewing, this just sounds like Insane Troll Logic, but knowing that Bakugou always feared Deku had some hidden strength, it makes sense he’d connect that with One For All’s sudden appearance. (Though it’s still not a reasonable conclusion since it’s based on a false premise lmao.) During Deku vs Kacchan Part 1, Bakugou can no longer deny what he thinks is the truth about Deku, so he lashes out. It’s his last chance to make Deku give up on being a hero. He’s not just looking to beat up Deku, though, he wants Deku to fight back, to show him that power so Bakugou can snuff it out. After all, a victory over an opponent who’s holding back isn’t a victory at all. But Deku does hold back, focusing on his mission, and in doing so, defeats Bakugou. And it’s here that Bakugou’s security in his place in the world is completely shattered, not just by Deku, but also by seeing other students, especially Todoroki, whom he doesn’t think he can beat. He can no longer deny it and his anger has only blinded him to the path of true victory, as Yaoyorozu points out. And Bakugou, despite all appearances, can take criticism and learn from his mistakes. In the aftermath, both Deku and Bakugou basically declare war on each other, but despite Deku saying he’ll surpass him, Bakugou feels that their situation is flipped. That Deku is the one who’s ahead and Bakugou’s the one scrambling to catch up. (I don’t think he realises that during the time spent chasing Deku, he’ll work harder and grow more than he has in a decade.) And he wants to catch up. Despite his sense of self as a winner being taken from him, Bakugou is not willing to let it go. And the Sports Festival is Bakugou’s attempt to regain it. It’s a bargain. He has a pretty detailed and strict set of rules for that, too. First, he’ll announce that he’ll take the number one spot to the entire stadium. As Deku points out, he’s not bragging, he’s pushing himself, knowing he’ll look like a complete tool if he loses after a declaration like that. Secondly, he has to defeat Deku or Todoroki (or both), the people he perceives as the greatest threats. Finally, he has to win against all of his opponents at their best. If he fails at any of those things, if he doesn’t prove himself to be the indisputable strongest, he will have failed, completely. This period of the story also showcases a subtle shift in his personality, one that was already somewhat visible during the USJ arc. Bakugou was never stupid, but asides from designing his weapons and costume for maximum efficiency (seriously, despite looking exactly like what happens when you give an edgy 15-year-old free reign to design a costume, his is the most utilitarian, mitigating recoil and absorbing sweat and all that), he used to rely solely on his admittedly above-average combat skills. But the fight against Deku proved that it wouldn’t be enough, so he (probably subconsciously) takes a page out of his book and starts carefully analysing his opponents’ moves to find their weaknesses. He’s also rather less nasty. He isn’t kinder or more polite, but he doesn’t go out of his way to be cruel. And he’s starting to look around himself and see other people, recognizing their strengths, if only so he knows how to beat them (he doesn’t underestimate any of his opponents) or use them to his advantage (Cavalry Battle).  This is also when his friendship with Kirishima officially starts, since Kiri approached him as an ally. Unfortunately, he’s still a disrespectful tyrant in an environment where people aren’t willing to follow him just because, and he doesn’t deal with that well, exposing himself to be a huge antisocial weirdo when he’s not in control. For me, this was when I started to like Bakugou as a character. He still didn’t seem great without the context provided later, but his personality wasn’t just “Deku’s bully,” as he interacted with people other than him. Back on track, all of this is particularly emphasized during his fight with Uraraka. Just like in his fight with Deku, he’s giving it his all not because he enjoys beating up the weak, but because he knows his opponent is stronger than she looks.* Unlike the fight with Deku though, he has no grudge that makes him act like a rabid animal and isn’t letting his guard down for a second. And when it’s over, he’s disappointed because he’s gained respect for Uraraka and was excited to fight her. (*Though maybe that is an overly charitable interpretation of DvK1 lmao.)
Soon afterwards, Deku loses to Todoroki, but not before making him use his fire side. So all Bakugou has to do to complete his mission is defeat Todoroki. Bakugou isn’t upset that Deku lost, after all, he didn’t believe he himself could win against Todoroki’s ice alone before.
But he does. And he’s not satisfied. Because he didn’t beat Todoroki at his full power since he, due to personal issues, couldn’t bring himself to use his fire side, which he did against Deku. Yes, Deku lost after Todoroki used it, but he forced Todoroki to give him all he’s got, something Bakugou couldn’t do. To him, it’s like losing to Deku by proxy.
(He probably thinks Todoroki didn’t use his fire because he didn’t see Bakugou as worth it, unlike with Deku, but the actual reason is that Bakugou couldn’t reach out to him the way Deku could. That’s what he’s missing, he just doesn’t know it yet.)
Okay, so, Bakugou wins the Sports Festival, but fails to accomplish what he set out to do. He feels desperate and lashes out again. Though I actually doubt he would have kept beating Todoroki’s corpse (so to speak), he’s put to sleep just in case and chained up for the ceremony like a wild beast. Certain people take notice.
 Before, that, though, it’s time for some work experience! He’s still behind Deku, but maybe working for the number three hero will help him! Wait, what do you mean, Deku is out there improving his fighting style by copying Bakugou’s moves (and Gran Torino’s, and also fighting a literal serial killer, but Bakugou doesn’t know that), while Bakugou is - what, modeling jeans?!
In fairness, Best Jeanist’s intent was to teach him to be respectable, but, like, he came up to a delinquent teenager and told him he should overhaul his entire look and personality, what did he expect was going to happen? XD
Ooooh, but this next part is super interesting. The End of Term Exam. Deku and Kacchan vs All Might.
The in-universe reason for having these two team up is something like “Bakugou needs to learn to work with someone he doesn’t like and Deku needs to assert himself and force an uncooperative teammate to work with him.” Both of those are likely scenarios in their future careers. The narrative reason, however, is twofold.
Firstly, before this point, Deku and Bakugou have grown mostly separately from each other. This means that while they’ve changed individually, their relationship didn’t. And it has to. Bakugou’s issues with Deku were actually only made worse due to how far behind he thinks he’s fallen, so he attempts to prove he can defeat All Might on his own. When Deku objects, Bakugou even relapses into his cruel personality and pretty much bitchslaps him. Deku can fight back now, but he doesn’t want to, he wants to talk.
Secondly, the fact that they’re teamed up against All Might is vital. Because while there were hints of it beforehand, this is the first time we learn about the two sides of All Might that Deku and Bakugou admire - saving and winning. Deku wants to save people, but hesitates to take on All Might, even though escaping him would be impossible. But he doesn’t run, because Bakugou doesn’t. That is our first glimpse into what Deku admires in Bakugou and what he can learn from him.
However, Bakugou charges at All Might alone and predictably gets the crap kicked out of him. Even though he’s beaten to the point of vomiting, Bakugou refuses Deku’s help (saving), saying that he would rather lose. This is when Deku punches him, and not just to get him away from All Might or because Bakugou hit him earlier, but because he doesn’t want Bakugou to give up on the one thing Deku’s always admired about him.
Bakugou seems to remember himself then. He remembers that he’s the guy who wins, at all costs. Even if it means accepting Deku’s help. Oh, but not just that - he starts emulating Deku in turn. He sacrifices his protection from pain by giving his gauntlet to Deku and making bigger and bigger explosions. When Deku uses the gauntlet, he hurts his shoulder from the recoil, but Bakugou should already be used to the strain, so how far is he going for his arms to hurt?
…Yeah, okay maybe the whole “break all your bones to achieve your goal” isn’t the part of Deku he should be emulating, but the saving part? Absolutely. And he does emulate it, when he jumps in front of a blow meant for Deku and gets smashed into the ground so Deku can get to the gate. Deku being Deku decides to attack All Might so he can carry Bakugou to safety with him. They win by saving and save by winning.
This fight was a pivotal moment for both characters as it shows what their relationship has the potential to become. Though Bakugou probably doesn’t realise it because he’s too busy thinking he failed by accepting Deku’s help. Yet it’s his greatest victory yet.
Speaking of pivotal moments, summer arrives and Bakugou gets kidnapped by the League of Villains. Deku tries to save him, but he tells him to stay away. The others take this to mean Bakugou is too prideful to be saved by Deku yet again, but while that might be partially true, I think it has more to do with the guy whose name literally means “cremation” holding him by the neck and Deku having two broken arms, fucking moron, stay away.
Anyway, in the villains’ hideout, Bakugou is offered a chance to join the League. He refuses immediately and attacks Shigaraki despite being outnumbered, even refusing to lie to get out of trouble. He then explains that he’ll never join the villains, not just because of Shigaraki’s less-than stellar persuasion skills (seriously, Bakugou’s the last person to believe he’s “wronged” by society), but because he wants to win like All Might, like a hero.
This is supposed to be a big twist on a first viewing, but if you pay attention to everything beforehand, it really shouldn’t be. Bakugou has many flaws, but his ambition was never portrayed as a bad thing and now, it’s what’s keeping him from throwing in the towel and becoming a villain.
(Also, I don’t know how anyone thought he’d pull a Sasuke, it would make no narrative sense. Like, the reason Sasuke joining the villains had any impact was because him and Naruto were friends, Bakugou joining Deku’s enemies would have changed what exactly? Lmao.)
So the heroes arrive to the rescue, but All For One appears and they’re all in even deeper shit now. All Might can’t go all out because he’s busy protecting Bakugou, who’s busy holding off the League who presumably want to make him into a Noumu now. Luckily, the Rescue Squad comes blasting through the sky with Kirishima’s outstretched hand. Bakugou takes it. I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s important.
Despite being free to go all out, All Might can’t defeat All For One and his true form is revealed. This is Bakugou’s first time seeing the greatest hero be vulnerable and things look bad. The crowd is desperately cheering All Might on and both Bakugou and Deku are screaming for All Might to win. Which he does. But he’s spent and he points to the cameras saying “you’re next.” Everyone starts cheering, except for Deku, who bursts into tears, and Bakugou, who looks pensive.
When they get back, Bakugou is nicer than normal. He cheers up the class using Kaminari and gives Kirishima money for a new camera as a way to thank them for risking their lives and careers to save him. He respects All Might’s decision not to tell him about Deku and OFA and verbally thanks him for saving him.
This is because Bakugou ended up taking this entire fiasco as his greatest failure yet. DvK1, the Sports Festival, the End of Term Exam - all of it pales in comparison. If he didn’t get himself kidnapped, his idol wouldn’t have lost his powers in order to save him and society would still have its Symbol of Piece. That’s right, society is in disarray and they must all think that it’s his fault. Whether or not it actually is his fault or not is besides the point, what matters is that he thinks it is.
What’s worse is that he knows Deku now has that power. His worst fear has come true. But he can’t talk to anyone about it, so he tries to bury it. He’s been in denial before, he can do it again, right?
No. It’s always on his mind. And I think this was the reason why he was so harsh on the pretend hostages during the Provisional Hero License Exam. It wasn’t (just) his usual jackassery, he screamed at them to save themselves because that’s what he thinks he should have done. Unfortunately, it’s what caused him to fail the exam.
Now, he’s failed plenty of times, just recently caused the end of All Might, surely that’s nothing? But Deku passed the exam and Bakugou has never been more aware of Deku’s back, getting further and further away. That was the last nail in the coffin.
He goes to confront Deku at Ground Beta, the site of DvK1, to get some answers about him and All Might. And so Deku vs Kacchan Part 2 begins.
I won’t repeat what I’ve already said about what’s revealed in this fight, but I’ll elaborate on what Bakugou wants from it. First of all, he didn’t go into it expecting to win. He’s already lost - he ended All Might and Deku was chosen as his protégé. What Bakugou wants is to know why. He’s always feared that Deku was worthy somehow, but he could never put his finger on what made him worthy.
Why did Deku lose? If he’s the true hero, he should have won. Surely that idea is not wrong. Bakugou won, but he’s not satisfied, he knows he’s missing something.
Why did the kid he spent ten years trying to put far behind him overtake him? Why did Deku become the prodigy and Bakugou the failure? Yes, after spending most of the series fighting tooth and nail to hold onto his image as the strong one, he’s accepted that he’s weak, he’s despairing, but why?
All Might provides the answer that was blindingly obvious to anyone but Bakugou. Deku had the heart of a true hero, even though he lacked the power to win and that made him worthy. but Bakugou’s view of a hero that always wins wasn’t wrong either. It was just incomplete, just as Deku’s was. But together, learning from each other, they can be the greatest heroes the world has ever seen.
And with all of their complicated emotions that have been festering for years out of the way, they can finally move forward. Bakugou can finally accept his weaknesses to make himself stronger, he can finally accept Deku as a rival who pushes him forward instead of a threat. And he can support Deku in turn, he does need to make up for years of pushing him down.
I think this is as good a time as any to go back to the title of this meta. The five stages of grief are, well, exactly as it sounds, the five steps of the grieving process: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Despair and Acceptance. Not necessarily in that order. Bakugou spends most of his time pinballing between the first three, actually. Yet his overall character arc, spanning the time between chapter one and DvK2, still follows roughly that formula.
But what is he grieving? Well, grief is a general feeling of loss and Bakugou is grieving the slow loss of his identity. Ever since he was a child, he’d put so much stock into his strength and abilities to the point that he didn’t know who he’d be without being the best. Bakugou has no Freudian Excuse, he’s pretty much had it all, yet when I was watching DvK2, I didn’t see a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get an honor he didn’t deserve. I saw a lost kid who doesn’t even know who he is anymore.
But as painful as all that was, it was ultimately for his own good. His fragile ego needed to be broken in order for Bakugou to rebuild himself into a stronger, kinder, better person. He needed to pick up the pieces that were still useful and fill in the gaps with things he learned from All Might. From Deku.
And the manga is already delivering on that. Bakugou does take a backseat for the next few arcs, but when he appears, he’s always seen making a concentrated effort to be better. I think that’s when his “redemption” truly starts, previously him becoming a better person was more of a side effect of everything else going on and he was dragged into it kicking and screaming.
Bakugou gives comfort and encouragement to Kirishima prior to his internship. He waits up for the interns with the others.
He listens to Todoroki when he suggests a better way to deal with children than physical discipline. He warns a child that reminds him of his past self that if he’s always looking down on people, he’ll be blind to his own weakness.
He integrates himself into the class during the Culture Festival, getting offended on their behalf - because they’re not extras, he’s one of them, now - when the other classes blame them for villain attacks. He listens to Jirou when she tells him to stop improvising because, as a drummer, he’s the support, not the lead.
Finally, he looks out for anyone in danger and jumps in to save them and lets himself be saved in turn. He keeps an eye on Deku and tries to aid his progress, like he promised.
Of course, he’s still got a long way to go. He’s still rough around the edges and he does have a literal decade to make up for, but I believe he will. With him being in on the secret and getting his license, it’s about time he and Deku get into hot water with the League again.
But everything that’s happened so far has been built up from Day One. This is Katsuki Bakugou. In hindsight.
(This meta is dedicated to Celcius-senpai and Kali. Also, I’ll put in a treat in the fake email name every time from now on. ;))
This is fucking amazing, B-non, like no joke, the best character dive I’ve read, maybe ever
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hamidshojaee · 5 years
Tesla Stock, Short Sellers, EVs and Autonomous Cars
If you follow Tesla's stock closely, you fall into one of 2 camps:
Tesla is going bankrupt. Its cars are crap. It never delivers on its promises, the whole company is mismanaged, run by a con artist who has built a house of cards waiting to collapse. Elon Musk has no idea what he's doing and his continued mismanagement is about to cause Tesla to crash and burn and its stock is on its way to $0.
Tesla is an amazing company. It makes the world's best cars. It continues to defy the odds, making cars deemed impossible by others, a reality. On its way to deliver a sustainable future, Tesla will own the transportation industry and become a Trillion-Dollar company. Elon Musk is a visionary, and key to Tesla's success.
The two camps are polar opposites and each camp gets more convinced of its position with every passing Tesla announcement. But of course, only one of these narratives can be correct.
This article will answer the question: is Tesla destined for greatness or doomed to fail?
Before we can answer that, lets review some fundamentals...
The Stock Market
The stock market is a complicated beast and understanding it is beyond the scope of this article. However, it would be good to review 2 fundamental rules of the stock market:
Rule #1: In the short term, a company's stock price is a reflection of supply & demand. More buyers than sellers equates to a higher price for the stock. More sellers than buyers equates to a lower price for the stock.
Rule #2: In the long term, a stock's price will largely represent the fundamental value of the company. Revenues, profits and growth are the 3 key contributors to the long-term price of a stock.
Easy enough, but because of the significant fluctuations of the stock market on a day-to-day basis due to rule #1, many believe investing in stocks is the equivalent of gambling. That's probably an accurate description for investors who have a short term horizon of days, weeks or even months. Without insider knowledge, its nearly impossible to predict a stock's performance on a short-term basis and with insider’s knowledge, it’s illegal to trade a stock. So short term investing is a lot like gambling.
But unlike gambling in the casino where the odds are always in the house’s favor, short term investing in stocks can be manipulated by simply changing investor opinions. To understand how this is done, watch this video by one of CNBCs biggest anchors and a daily stock manipulator, Jim Cramer:
Crazy as it seems, its perfectly legal to sell a stock you don’t own (this is called “shorting a stock”), then spread crazy, unsubstantiated rumors about the company being on the verge of bankruptcy. Then when investors panic and sell the stock, you “cover” your short position by purchasing the stock again at a lower price than what you had sold it for. In summary:
You sell a stock you don’t own (“shorting”)
You spread misinformation about the stock to lower its price
You purchase back the stock at a lower price
Tesla’s stock is currently one of the most shorted stocks in the stock market. More than 32 million shares of Tesla stock (about $8 Billion worth) are sold, for which the seller doesn’t own the stock. If you think this seems like some sort of crazy loophole scheme that some day we’ll look back at and wonder how this was ever legal, you’d be right. Short sellers have every incentive to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (known as FUD) about a stock in the hope that the stock goes down, ideally to $0 where they can purchase their shorted shares for a fraction of what they sold it for.
Not all investors gamble and bet on miserable outcomes.
The most successful investors generally have a long-term horizon of years, and they don’t generally gamble on anything. They evaluate companies based on fundamentals and future potential, then they invest in opportunities that have the highest potential return and hold on to the stock long-term.
This strategy is summed up in 1 sentence by the most successful investor of all time, Warren Buffett: “Our favorite holding period is forever.”
If you are a short-term investor, this article will have no value for you. I have zero knowledge of what Tesla's stock will do in the coming days, weeks or even months.
But if you are (or considering to be) a long-term investor in Tesla, we should be able to answer the question of whether or not Tesla has a bright future...
Disruptive Technology and the Innovator's Dilemma
In the late 90s, I read a book called The Innovator's Dilemma. In it, Clayton Christensen describes why market leaders are often set up to fail as technologies and industries change. His brilliant book was later named "one of the six most important books about business ever written" by The Economist. Christensen argues that market leaders tend to maintain their leadership positions because of their market reach and power, until that is, there is a disruptive technology that comes along and over time unseats them from their leadership position.
An easy way to understand this concept is to look backwards at industries that had dominant players that changed. Examples would include companies like IBM who maintained their leadership in the computing world (despite heavy competition), until the PC disruption occurred. Kodak maintained their leadership in Photography until the digital disruption occurred. Microsoft maintained its massive leadership in software, until the Internet disruption occurred.
Leading companies maintain their leadership because they have name recognition, a distribution network, lots of financial resources to fight new competition, not to mention the experience to build great products that helped them become a leader in the first place. IBM knew how to make mainframes. Kodak knew film. Microsoft knew desktop software, and so on.
However, when a disruptive technology comes along, there is no established market for the new technology. Even when there is a market, it's relatively small compared to the revenues of a market leader. Incumbent leaders see the new market as a distraction to their already established $20, $50, $100 Billion or larger businesses. Nobody has time to invest in and chase after a market that's 1/100th their core business.
Therefore, disruptive technologies are often developed and improved by newcomers who see the potential. To a newcomer with $0 in revenues, $1 Billion is a great market opportunity to chase. To Ford, that’s 0.75% of their revenues. But once a new startup hits $1 Billion in revenues from a disruptive technology, they have major competitive advantage as they have been accumulating name recognition, a distribution network, the experience and talent to continue to be a leader in the disruptive category.
By the time Microsoft was a Billion-Dollar company, it was too late for IBM to dominate the new PC world. By the time Google became a Billion-Dollar company, it was too late for Microsoft to dominate the Internet world.
You get the idea. Lets move on to cars and Tesla...
The EV Disruption in the Car Industry
For nearly a hundred years, the US car industry has been lead by 3 automakers: Ford, Chrysler and GM. Internationally, they are joined by Toyota, VW, Hyundai, Nissan and small handful of others. For decades, these companies have fine tuned the art of designing, manufacturing, distributing and selling impressive cars that all rely on a fundamental marvel of engineering:
Harnessing the combustion of fossil fuels to power a transportation device.
For better or for worse, this pinnacle of human technology has helped humanity achieve unimaginable advancements that would not have been possible without the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). But we also now know that ICE-based engines are responsible for huge amounts of greenhouse gasses that are rapidly warming earth and causing catastrophes around the globe.
For the past few decades, car companies had provided no real alternative to gas-powered vehicles, citing that electric cars are impractical, cost too much, and they are a niche market that nobody wants. They argued that electric cars end up being just as bad for the environment because they simply move the burning of fossil fuels from the vehicle to the power plant.
These excuses not to invest in electric vehicles, is the classic "incumbent leader vs. disruptive technology" syndrome.
It turns out that with the proper research and investment, electric cars are practical, they can be competitively priced, and they are far more efficient than gas-powered vehicles, even if the local power plant is burning coal! Most importantly, based on the success of Tesla's Model S, X and 3, it turns out that they are not a niche market after all. Given a good choice, consumers would pick electric cars over their gas-powered counterparts by a wide margin. The way we know this is because all 3 of Tesla's cars are leaders in their category and Tesla has shown that Electric cars can provide far superior performance, maintenance and joy of driving, than their gas-powered counterparts.
Tesla has Awakened the Giants
Great! Tesla has shown electric cars are in fact the future. All the major car companies now agree. Every major car company plans to completely revitalize their lineups with electric options. Finally! The giants have been awakened. With the enormous resources that these companies have (collectively near $1.5 Trillion in annual revenues), it's game over for Tesla, right?
Well, not so fast. Disruptive technology is unkind to the incumbents. Turns out Kodak was a pioneer in digital photography in the 1990s and had the most advanced digital photography technology in the world before digital photography was even a thing. My first digital camera was a Kodak - it's actually how I met my wife, but that's a different story. Similarly, GM was light years ahead of its competition back in 1996 with the EV1. But when you have a $100 Billion+ business selling gas-powered engines, and all of your headaches are caused by the business unit that's generating no revenues and is only costing your company hundreds of millions in investment, it's easy to see why these companies would shut down their disruptive technology research!
The argument today is that the car companies finally see the potential, and this time around, they are throwing $10s of billions at electric car lines, so the results will be different.
Here is the problem: Imagine you are Ford. You build more than 1 million trucks per year and you want to offer an electric version of your truck. You can't stop building the gas-powered trucks because that's your current bread and butter. Without it, you will die. So you have to add a whole new lineup of trucks that are electric. After years of trying, Ford has learned the hard way, that virtually nothing about their gas-powered Truck-building knowledge translates to building an electric truck. Their designers have no experience designing trucks where the battery needs to be in the floor. Their engineers are Mechanical Engineers who build combustion engines and know virtually nothing about electric circuits and electrical components necessary to control electric flow into an electric motor. Even their manufacturing processes are not easily translatable to building battery packs. It turns out it's so freakin hard, even for Ford, to build an electric truck, that it's given up and instead invested $500 Million into an electric startup called Rivian.
And Ford is not alone. The Tesla Model S was released in 2012. Since then, it quickly became the top selling car in the luxury sedan category, destroying the sales of Mercedes' S class, BMW's 7 series and a handful of other luxury cars. Every one of those luxury brands has been promising an electric "Tesla Killer" that has yet to arrive.
The disruption of Electric Vehicles is here and real, but there are no guarantees that existing car companies can make, or even survive the transition to EVs.
If the EV disruption wasn't enough to shake up the landscape, there are two other major disruptions affecting the car industry...
Car on Demand and Autonomous Vehicles
There is no question that ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft have completely changed and are disrupting consumer expectations for transportation. The convenience of having a car magically appear exactly where you happen to be, has even made many reconsider whether or not they need to own a car. If you can spend $500/month and have a Chauffeur drive you around everywhere, why would you buy a car that needs maintenance, pay for insurance, gas, and have the headache of driving when you could spend that time on a productive task?
Take away the driver, and you've eliminated the only negative in that equation. The risk of having a stranger drive you around, or to have to maintain an awkward conversation you don't want to have is gone. The driver is also the highest portion of the cost for the trip. The holy grail of transportation is getting a car on demand using autonomous technology to get you to your destination. Safer. Cheaper. More convenient.
Every car company, as well as Uber, Lyft, even Google and Apple realize this is the future. The race is on - the only question is when and who will emerge as the winners.
While Uber and Lyft seem to have a technical advantage by already providing the exact same service, but using a driver, it's counter-intuitive to realize that Uber and Lyft are actually at a major disadvantage to providing driverless vehicle services. Assuming they build the autonomous technology necessary to accomplish driverless trips, the cost of having to buy the vehicles, then upgrade them post-production to add autonomy, will mean their cost per vehicle will be significantly higher. But even worse is the fact that these companies employ hundreds of thousands of drivers who make a living on the Uber and Lyft network. There would be no ambiguity who the bad guys are if Uber or Lyft start to put these drivers out of a job. The same companies that were once hailed as Job Creators would become the villains that are now killing the very jobs they created. It's unlikely that either Uber or Lyft will survive this transition, but fortunately for them, this transition will take years.
Then there is the car companies like GM, Ford, Daimler Benz and others who are investing billions in self-driving technologies. While car companies have a legitimate shot at building autonomous technologies, their expertise has never been in software development. Car companies are notoriously horrible at making software. Just look at how many taps, clicks and movements it takes to enter a destination address into any car navigation system. This is a problem that was solved by Google and Apple more than 10 years ago, yet for the past 10 years, none of the car companies have been able to figure out how to simply copy existing patterns for entering in an address into a navigation system. For these car companies to miraculously figure out computer vision, neural networks and all the other software technologies necessary for autonomous driving seems like an unlikely event.
The real competition for autonomous driving and car-on-demand is a 3-way race between Tesla, Google and maybe Apple.
Google seems to have the advantage here. It has had an autonomous research unit since 2004 and its Waymo car service is actually giving rides in production (with a backup driver). This advantage can't be underestimated. Google also has the resources to buy 100,000 cars, equip them with autonomy, and put them on the road. Such an investment would cost Google, a company with nearly $100 Billion in cash, just $10 Billion to do. Although to get to 1 Million autonomous cars, it would require all of Google’s cash, nearly a $100 Billion investment. Doable for a company like Google, but certainly not cheap. Google is in an awesome shape in this race.
Then there is Apple. With the secrecy that Apple operates with, it's unclear what Apple is planning, but we might be able to make some speculations. First, Apple definitely lags behind Google because they don't have nearly as many cars on the road. Second, it's highly unlikely Apple will choose to build its own cars. Manufacturing cars would take years, at least 3-5 years, to iron out. If they wanted to make cars, they would have had to start building plants a while ago. Apple’s best bet is to follow Google's strategy, use its massive cash reserves to buy cars, outfit them with autonomous technology, and put them on the road. Under the leadership of Tim Cook, it's unlikely this "me too" strategy of copying Google will work, especially if Apple's other businesses ever have hiccups. If Apple sales ever decrease, the pressure on Apple would be to stay focused on its core business of iPhones.
And finally, there is Tesla. Tesla is probably far behind Google in Autonomous technology, but what's impressive about Tesla is the rate of improvement. This rate of improvement is also accelerating because of the number of vehicles Tesla has on the market that are equipped with its self-driving hardware sensors. Lets do a little math...
For every car that is equipped with self-driving hardware:
Google, Apple and others spend somewhere between $100,000 - $150,000 plus pay for a backup driver (for now)
Tesla makes a gross profit of $10,000 - $20,000 (Model 3 or Model S/X) and gets a free backup driver (the owner)
This advantage for Tesla is absolutely insane. While others have to buy their cars, equip them with self-driving technology, then hire a backup driver to drive the car around, Tesla gets to sell its self-driving technology to its customers allowing its customers to finance the deployment of these cars all over the world, while it makes a profit on selling each one.
Think about that for a moment. In order for Google to put 1 Million self-driving cars on the road (after the technology is perfected), it will cost Google $100 Billion. Tesla on the other hand will make $10 to $20 Billion in profits by deploying a million self-driving vehicles. In fact, it's already done exactly that by deploying around 400,000 cars that have the hardware sensors needed for self-driving. It’s already gathering data from 400,000 cars, and its doing so while making money from each of those cars!
More than the cost of the cars, Tesla has another major advantage. The AI and Machine Learning needed to perfect self-driving is heavily data dependent. The more cars you have on the road with the hardware sensors, the bigger variety of road conditions you encounter, and therefore, the faster the AI algorithms learn. Tesla has the largest fleet of cars, deployed in the widest array of geographical locations, giving it a major advantage for data collection to teach its algorithms how to drive. And it’s doing this without having to employ backup drivers or paying for the cars. Tesla's backup drivers are the vehicle owners who paid full-price for the privilege of being a backup driver for Tesla’s autonomous AI going to school!
The Tesla advantage is incredible. Nothing like this has ever existed! This is a major disruptive advantage that no other car company in the world has. It’s also something that’s beyond the understanding of most Wall Street analysts. They have nothing to compare it to.
Tesla’s Autonomy Day
If Tesla's future is so bright, why is it that so many Wall Street analysts have a "Sell” or “Underperform” rating on the stock?
Great question! Let's dig into that.
Last week I had the fortunate experience of attending Tesla’s autonomy day.  At the event, I had a chance to talk to several wall street analysts that cover Tesla. In my conversations, I realized a critical factor: Tesla is covered by “automotive analysts.” When I would ask about their thoughts on Uber or Lyft, they mentioned those stocks are covered by their “Internet analysts.” This is a huge discrepancy in viewpoints. The automotive industry hasn't had major new players in many decades. Existing players go bankrupt regularly (GM, Chrysler, etc.). Their margins are extremely low and investing in disruptive technologies usually means making an SUV that can give 20 miles per gallon - not exactly a revolutionary disruption. It's not that these analysts hate Tesla, it's that they are comparing Tesla to Ford or GM and they have no idea why Tesla would be worth more. In their world, a car company doesn't ever have a 10x increase in sales. Tesla is an anomaly that they don't understand. Car companies are often valued at just 0.5x revenues because of their low profit margins. Tesla is valued at 2x revenues, so it appears way over-valued.
On the other hand, you have companies like Uber and Lyft being evaluated by "Internet Analysts." As a result, despite the extremely low margins of Uber and Lyft, these companies are getting valuations that are 10x their revenues! In comparison, Tesla has a faster growth rate, higher margins, and a larger market potential, but is being valued (on a revenue basis) at about 1/5th the price!
Tesla’s self-driving technology is not yet perfect, but it’s pretty damn good:
Even if it takes Tesla several years to iron out the AI software, every year, it just keeps accumulating vehicles that all have self-driving hardware. Then with 1 Over The Air (OTA) update, all of them can become Robo Taxis overnight. Imagine a company that goes from having 0 Robo Taxis to all of a sudden having 1 million or 2 million Robo Taxis all over the world! Each one has the potential to add thousands of dollars to Tesla’s profits.
Elon Musk and Tesla Mistakes
Tesla and by extension, Elon Musk, have made their share of mistakes. Turns out great companies make mistakes all the time on the road to success. Some pay for them with punishments on the stock price...
In 2011, Netflix announced they were splitting their DVD business and separately charging for streaming and DVD. The results were pandemonium. Wall Street analysts turned on Netflix. Short sellers cashed in on the panic and cited competition from HULU and Verizon - announcing the death of Netflix. They spend too much, have too much debt and not enough cash to live long. Sound familiar? As the stock price nose-dived from $40/share (split adjusted) to just $9 per share, it seemed like the panic was real and Netflix’s days were numbered. Just look at their stock chart during that period:
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But of course, the panic was not real. The rumors of Netflix’s demise was just pure fabrication and despite so many people losing money for selling on the panic that was falsely generated, nobody ever went to jail! That’s what’s wrong with short sellers. They create a false narrative on purpose specifically with the intention of causing a stock to go down.
In the years that followed, Netflix continued to deliver quarter after quarter and eventually the false narrative of Netflix getting destroyed could no longer be supported. As a result, Netflix’s stock shot back up and has gone up more than 42x (that’s 4,200%!!!) since 2011 lows.
The arrow in this chart points to the right-most part of the chart above!
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If you had invested $2,500 in Netflix when the Wall Street experts had turned on them with “Sell” ratings and journalists were predicting the end of Netflix, your investment would be worth $100,000 today!
Similar stories exist for Apple in 2000 under Steve Jobs, and Facebook in their first year of going public. Who remembers the headlines “Twitter is Dead” just a few years ago? The stock is up more than 200% since Twitter was declared dead. The examples are endless. When the foundation of a company is solid, irrational fears create opportunities to buy. 
In fact, Warren Buffett has another great quote that applies here: “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.”
Evaluating Tesla Rationally
So how can you tell if Tesla is truly over-valued and about to go bankrupt, or if it’s legitimately a great buy because of all the panic and fear that has been created? Great question. While we wait for all the Tesla Killer EVs to come out, let’s look at the facts around Tesla:
#1: Tesla Revenues have increased by 400% in 4 years!
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No other public company in the world has had this kind of growth with similar numbers. In fact, Tesla’s awful, horrible, couldn’t get worse, Q1 2019 results generated more revenues than Tesla did in all of 2015! Tesla’s stock price is roughly about the same as it was in 2015. The stock has a ton of stored energy.
#2: Tesla has 3 cars, each of which are the #1 selling car in their category. Not by a small margin, but by a large margin! The Model S, X and Model 3 are all the best-selling cars in their respective categories, which is pretty incredible when you consider how few variations they have.
#3: Tesla Q1 2019, supposedly their worst quarter ever, had a year-over-year revenue increase of more than 33% and they made 110% more cars than the same quarter in Q1 2018.
#4: Tesla car owners are amongst the happiest, most satisfied and most likely to buy another Tesla, than any other car company! Have you ever spoken to a Tesla owner that said “oh man, I wish I never bought a Tesla?”
#5: The fastest super cars in the world have a hard time keeping up with Tesla’s 7 passenger SUV, but if that wasn’t bad enough for the future of gas-powered vehicles, the new Tesla Roadster 2 goes from 0 – 60 MPH in just 1.9 seconds!
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In the meantime, for the past 4 years that I have been following Tesla, these have been the headlines:
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These headlines are just Friday’s top stories about Tesla on Yahoo Finance. Day after day, the stories on Tesla’s stock in the finance news pages are negative. Meanwhile, Tesla continues to defy the odds and makes products everyone else thinks it was impossible. The very same people who thought the Model S was not possible, then the Model X, then the Model 3, then producing 5,000 of them per week, are amongst the loudest critics still! Not a single one ever goes on CNBC and says “you know what, I was wrong - turns out, Tesla can make 5,000 Model 3s per week. I was wrong!” Yet, there they are, day-after-day, making their next bogus prediction of doom. You would think I made this stuff up. It’s crazy! Just watch this exchange between CNBC anchors and Cathy Woods (start at around 3:48 into it for the Tesla portion):
If Tesla continues to deliver with the Model Y, the Tesla Truck, Roadster 2, the Semi and other future cars, and there is little reason to think they wouldn’t considering their track record, Tesla will likely exceed $200 Billion in revenues within 10 years. 
And that’s not even taking the potential upside of autonomous driving. If their dream of creating a Robo Taxis becomes a reality, their margins will easily double or triple during that same timeframe. When you combine these factors, Tesla has a shot to be a Trillion-Dollar company in 10 years. That would put their stock price at over $5,000/share!
I’m going to end with 1 more Warren Buffet quote: "If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes.”
P.S. I’m not affiliated with Tesla in any way. I’m just a tech investor (been doing it for 25 years) who has never seen a more crystal clear opportunity with a public company. In hindsight, it’s obvious that companies like Apple, Netflix, Facebook, etc. were going to be huge successes, but sometimes the FUD factor (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) that is created around companies by their competitors, journalists and “shorts” (those who bet against the stock then go out and make up lies and false rumors), causes stocks to have a mismatch between their value and their actual price. 
And there’s this:
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plagueamon · 5 years
Wow your MBTI typings are really impressive! You’ve managed to convince me on every one of your typings so far, with one exception. Have you considered ENFJ for Nunnally? This might get long, I apologize. Let’s tackle NeSi first. I definitely agree that she is an intuitive, but I don’t see the out of the box creative thinking that you get with say, Milly. Rather, she has a single vision, “a kind world” which is more of a Ni thing. 1/?
Continued: I agree that Si really isn’t evident. But I would argue she compensates for being blind and crippled by developing Se in the other senses. She has excellent hearing, sense of smell and a near magical ability to sense emotion by touch. In terms of Fe vs Fi, values conforming to society is more of a Si thing, I find. But she is extraordinarily people and relationship focused. She wants the people in her life (Lelouch, Suzaku, etc.) to get along.
Remember how Lelouch said Nunnally’s smile is for other people’s sake? That’s a very Fe kind of “hiding your own feelings to ensure harmony” thing to do. Ni is subordinate to Fe, in that the point of having a kind world is so people can live together peacefully. She only brings it up because Lelouch asks. She sincerely believes it but it’s not her top priority compared to living with her brother, and she told him as much at the end.
As for extroversion, again her disability and position do restrict her social life. She does make friends very easily and is shown to enjoy social interaction. As well, she doesn’t want to be a burden socially on the student council, which again shows other people’s needs > her needs. Lastly, objecting to a coldly rational way of doing things is more inferior Ti. She rejects it precisely because spending time in her inferior function is uncomfortable. 4/4 Thanks for reading
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Great question, anon, and a good opportunity to bring up Fe vs Fi! Both functions have a moral and human focus, but in quite different ways.
Fe is an extroverted judging function, hence, having an outward focus makes it a lot more rational in its approach to morals (sometimes in fact being very similar to Te in that aspect). The main thing that separates Fe from Fi, is that the morals of a high Fe-user always exist as a reaction to the values of their respective society (society in this case is quite a broad term that can imply both society as a whole as well as one’s social group of close friends, depending on the person): they always exist on a scale from agreeing to disagreeing with them and hence are often concerned with values that affect this given society. A Fe-dom in particular also perceives themselves through the role they play in their society. Take Shirley as an example: the relationships she is in are very much the main component of her life and the one that she has standards for. She cares about Lelouch’s physical and emotional well-being and her relationship with him, but she doesn’t really try to understand him as a person until R2 comes along.
Comparing that to Fi, the values supported by this function originate independently from societal values (again remember that “society” is talking pretty broad here) and rely on the Fi-dom’s personal experiences and the conclusions drawn from these experiences. This doesn’t mean that a Fi-user cannot agree or disagree with societal values, but the focus of Fi morals is a personal and human one, focusing much more on what people believe than what they do and often prefers not to be restricted by social systems in favor of human values that are much more subjective to the user.
We see that Nunnally’s values originated independently from any society she could have been a part of: they don’t come from either Lelouch or Suzaku, nor did they originate as a reaction to Britannia’s value system. She finds racism towards the Japanese to be unethical of course, but she’s much more prone to judging people on a case-by-case basis, which also explains why she is willing to fight Lelouch and Suzaku at the end of R2: not only have they personally deceived her, but in her eyes they also have abandoned their personal morals to achieve theirs goals. Her Fi is also why her final challenge for Lelouch is giving him a choice to use Geass on her - it’s a test of Lelouch as a person, as if she’s asking “Have you, my brother, fallen so low as a human being that you would enslave and use me, your sister, whom you knew for your whole life? The brother I know would never even think about doing such a thing.” It also helps her understand what Lelouch was actually trying to do at the end of the story and ultimately forgive him (the same goes for Euphy, Nunnally just recognizes that her actions didn’t fit her nature without even needing evidence for it). To a Fe-don in her position this kind of opinion would likely seem biased and unfair, based on what Lelouch did ass opposed to who he was as a person.
You also bring up the possibility of auxiliary Ni, however we have to remember that it is quite different from Ni as a dominant function: for an ENFJ Ni is used to think of ways to improve upon the current state of the society important to them, questioning the parts of it that may seem flawed to the user. We see that Nunnally doesn’t tend to go through this process, for her, she knows how she believes people should treat each other based on her Fi values, once they do society will essentially fix itself due to the nature of human kindness (from her perspective). We do see her use her Ne however to understand which part of her Fi is realistically applicable to the world around her: when addressing the Japanese people she’s trying to appeal to their personal human values, yes, but her Ne also helps her understand that after the ways in which they’ve been hurt they will need a lot of convincing before they agree to anything, hence why she also uses highly personal gestures to make the Japanese trust her.
(I would also quickly like to note, that behavior is not really type-dependent, but rather thinking is, hence many stereotypical MBTI behaviors such as being shy/outgoing or easily making friends can often be a trait of a member of any type)
I hope that this answered your question, but in case you’ll need more comparisons, I can assure you that more Fe-doms and Fi-doms are to come in the future as a frame of reference. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my slow output of content!
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Learn about your own about property improvement plus overlook others' inputs. Even though anyone can have to be dedicated to help the idea, it will certainly get worth it within the end. In this posting, you'll find excellent suggestions plus tips. When purchasing some sort of property, hire the professional residence inspector. This particular means, you do not really include to figure out about your own or even really rely on a retailer let you know about things that should become fixed or swapped out if you buy the house. Choosing an inspector can be a good great way in order to keep fights about precisely what demands to be able to be resolved to help a minimum. There can be some sort of small number of ways to offer along with anchoring screws of which are usually way too tight or maybe very loosened in your own house. Employ clear toenail shine for you to make tighter screws that are also shed. In order to ease screws that are as well tight, consider including peroxide or ozone, permitting them all soak regarding only a few minutes prior to making an attempt in order to unscrew. Employ flour to get emergency wall membrane report glue! That is the method this termes conseillés usually used to stuff their particular wall paper set up. Just mix some flour having enough water to produce a stick. Apply the idea as you would any various other wall membrane papers glue. The idea can last for decades! Here's the easy method involving repairing holes with often the bottom of poorly installed interior doorways. Sub a section of wooden (cut for the breadth associated with the door) concerning a couple of portions of walls. Depart every single piece associated with walls staying out beyond often the top part involving typically the two by two by about one inches. Fall typically the extension more than this base with the entry plus mess each item associated with paneling into place in opposition to both sides of typically the front door. If it will come to household development, get sure to bear in mind typically the age associated with your own personal residence associates and wellness reputation. This is important in the event that stairways are uncontrollable or in the event that there is some sort of prospective need for handicapped amenities from the restrooms. Based upon upon the changes, you may well finish up raising the particular price of your home. If you just purchased your own personal household and/or renovating it, an individual understand that wallpaper boundaries may be a bothersome thing in order to take out. 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Position lighting around your own medicine cabinet or maybe hand mirror, in addition to make sure that it is normally easy to replace the led tv vs lcd tv about any roof lamps that you simply install. Now you can obtain started on a house advancement project involving your own personal choosing. Perhaps not necessarily all this data was fresh to anyone. If you do, we all trust you include gained some sort of further understanding along along with brand-new and useful details by means of reading this post. Use the details you've learned to help an individual get to success.
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The Who, What, Why, & How of Digital Marketing.
With how convenient the internet is today, would you accept me if I informed you the numeral of individuals who go online every day is still growing?
According to Pew Research, it is. "stable" internet usage among adults improved by 5% in simply the final three years. And although we say it a lot, the way individuals store and purchase has changed along with it — suggesting offline transaction exists as useful as they utilized to be.
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Marketing has forever lived around connecting with your audience in the correct place and at the correct time. Today, that means you ought to satisfy them where they are already paying time: on the internet.
 At HubSpot, we speak a bunch about inbound marketing as an effective way to draw, engage, and charm consumers online. While we always bring a lot of questions from people all around the world about digital marketing. So, we decided to respond to them. Click the links below to jump to each question, or keep reading to see how digital marketing is carried out today.
Ø What is digital marketing?
Ø Why is digital marketing important?
Ø Types of Digital Marketing
Ø What does a digital marketer do?
Ø Inbound Marketing vs. Digital Marketing: Which is it?
Ø Does digital marketing work for all businesses?
Ø How to Do Digital Marketing
Ø Digital Marketing Examples
So, how do you define digital marketing today?
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing, even named online commerce, guides to all marketing efforts that occur on the internet. Companies leverage digital psychics such as tracking engines, sociable media, email, and different websites to join with present and coming consumers. This even includes contact through text or multimedia transmissions.
A seasoned inbound marketer might say inbound marketing and digital marketing are virtually the same thing, but there are some minor differences. And discussions with marketers and industry landlords in the U.S., U.K., Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, I've discovered a lot about how those small distinctions are being observed across the earth.
 How does a corporation determine digital marketing?
At this phase, digital marketing is important for your industry and label attention. It appears like every other label has a website. And if they accomplished it, they at the smallest contain a social media company or digital ad design. Digital range and transactions are so common that consumers now anticipate and rely on them as a way to know about trademarks. Because digital marketing has so numerous opportunities and processes associated with it, you can get creative and test an assortment of trade tactics .
Digital marketing is defined by the use of multiple digital tactics and psychics to join with consumers where they consume considerably of their time: online. The best digital marketers keep a precise view of how each digital marketing campaign supports their overarching goals. And depending on the purposes of their marketing approach, marketers can sustain a larger movement via the free and paid media at their removal...
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 A range marketer, for a sample, can complete a sequence of blog centers that develop leads from a new ebook the company just started. The organization's social media marketer power then helps stimulate these blog posts through paid and organic positions on the company's social media accounts. Perhaps the email marketer creates an email campaign to mail those who download the ebook more information on the business. We'll talk more about these characteristic digital marketers in a minute.
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thelistingteammiami · 2 years
Should You Hire A Realtor When Buying New Construction Home?
There are unmistakably unique allures built into every newly constructed home: the window for personal customization sits open, wide as it ever will. A bevy of brand new appliances, amenities and of-the-moment upgrades come ready for you and your family to experience. Lest we forget the most fundamental pull—there's the personal privilege to christen it yours, first.
If you’re wondering whether you can employ a real estate agent for a newly-built home purchase, the answer is an unequivocal “YES!” While the developer’s agent will be always ready to assist potential buyers, you're definitely going to want an expert of your own ready to represent your side of the deal. Suffice to say purchasing new vs. purchasing resale is a whole other ballgame, one requiring a buyer’s agent to successfully navigate complex headwinds, and protect your involvement at every step. Let’s break this down for a closer look.
The Builder's Agent vs Your Real Estate Agent
The Builder’s:
It’s important to identify who’s on what side of the transaction, along with the roles each person plays. In this situation the builder plays a dual role also functioning as the “seller.” The agent representing the builders sales office functions as that builder/sellers agent. It should go without saying the primary duty of this agent is to generate sales for their builder. Consequently, the agent's attention won’t be devoted to your best interests, but that of the builder. 
While price negotiations with this agent (especially without your own agent) are bound to produce some spirited discussions, you can in fact rely on them for some valuable information. Builder agents can be a wealth of knowledge on things such as background details on home construction and housing development in regards to a newly built home.
Your Agent
Your realtor is your personal advocate. Not only will they ensure you’re aware of your rights at the table, securing the most value out of your budget is of top mind. These benefits and more all come together making for a relatively painless purchasing process. 
Should you decide to move forward on a new home purchase working with an agent, make sure to disclose this detail to the selling party on your initial visit to the model home. It’s ideal to clarify upfront that you will have a representative, and that the builder agrees to this. This is good to remember because most builders require a serious buyer to be accompanied by a real estate agent on their first visit.
Here are some of the biggest reasons why you should hire a real estate agent to represent you:
A real estate agent will round out your knowledge of the builder, the home and its construction quality.
While the builder's agent is unquestionably knowledgeable there’s a risk in relying solely on their word. You may likely be getting just a narrow, potentially biased perspective of a fuller picture. It isn’t for lack of insight, but more-so about what can sometimes get lost in a property breakdown. An experienced real estate agent will be well familiar with every major area builder and their work quality, cluing you in on things that may have been omitted from the seller agent. If you’re at all unsure of where to buy, a qualified realtor can recommend the right builder and neighborhood for you.
They will help you make the right choices according to your budget.
Especially if you're a first time home buyer, purchasing new construction can not only be overwhelming, but expensive to boot. Considering the endless array of upfront upgrades and modifications to choose from your agent can help guide you through the personalization process, delivering the best options for your budget. From floor plans to the latest amenities, you can think of your realtor as your personal shopper here. They can make informed considerations on items better to install at present, versus items that are easier to improve upon in the future. An added bonus: if you’re thinking about selling your property a couple of years down the line, your realtor can appraise you on the features and amenities likely to attract future buyers in the long-term.
They're your negotiator.
An experienced agent will come into talks knowing prior what “is” and “isn't” on the table for discussion. In this approach, your realtor can better broker on things such as paint color, style of utilities and even closing costs. This is especially valuable since builders are far more likely to negotiate on fees or upgrades than they are on the purchase price of the home. It’s important to note, varying builder by builder, whether or not one is even willing to negotiate. Your agent will act as your guide through all of this, additionally making you aware of any “builder promotions” available to take advantage of. 
No realtor fees on your end.
That's right. Hiring a realtor to buy new construction comes at no cost to you since the builder will be the one paying your agent’s commission. Builders rely on outside agents to bring clients to them. As such, they view commissions as part of their cost of doing business, usually adding it into the marketing budgets of the homes. However, this doesn’t mean the builder would credit you the commission should you forego a realtor; they would much rather dole it out to an agent on your behalf. Builders are also unlikely to reduce the price of the home because it sets the comparison price for future home sales in that neighborhood.
Your realtor will help you set and oversee a home inspection.
You may be thinking, “Why do I need a home inspection if it's a newly built home?” Well, even with the best construction, using only the best materials, contractors, etc., new homes can still have their fair share of defects just the same as resale homes. The builder’s agent is unlikely to push for or offer up an inspection, likely because the builder doesn’t necessarily want to inspect it themselves. You may be thinking you  can depend on a new home warranty to cover unaccounted for issues despite this, but let’s just say we wouldn’t hold our breath on that.
It’s up to you and your real estate agent to set up a home inspection. An excellent realtor has connections to multiple independent inspectors who will work in your best interest. Your agent will help you set up an appointment then review the inspection report to identify potential areas of negotiation with the builder. Also, it’s best to attend the walkthrough with your agent so they can help spot errors on the new home. 
What you see is NOT what you get.
You might be amazed when you tour the model home and see top tier granite countertops, upgraded appliances, crown molding, rough-in plumbing—you name it. However, it's prudent to remember that the model you visited is not necessarily the home you’ll end up purchasing. That model is worth more than the base price being advertised precisely because of all those amenities. In this case, keep that old adage in mind. Like buying a new car, your home could feel distinctly different from what you see on the showroom floor. 
With the help of your realtor, you can differentiate between base price and whatever comes at the cost of an upgrade. With this you can accurately price compare between a model brimming with every possible bell and whistle, and a more sensible option, possibly with a little less flash, but a healthy amount nonetheless.
Your realtor is also your contract and paperwork guru.
Be honest, how familiar are you with real estate contracts? Unfortunately, every real estate purchase involves some level of exhaustive paperwork that can not only be confusing but also very intimidating. When buying new construction, you will have to sign a builder's standard contract, which covers all the pertinent details of a new-home purchase. Your agent, being an expert in the industry, will review any contracts you sign to ensure everything is in order, and most importantly, that you are protected. They will guarantee your comfort and understanding pertaining to every aspect of the agreement. Whatever has been agreed upon by you and the builder (fees, timelines, upgrades) a realtor is going to ensure it is incorporated into the contract. Moreover, they will make sure that all other paperwork is reviewed and filed correctly for a smooth transaction.
They can recommend financing.
A builder will typically have a preferred lender and will even offer incentives to ensure a buyer works with that lender. This reassures them that the buyer is a good credit risk. However, the smartest thing you can do is to shop around and find the best loan that works for you and your situation. Your agent can help you with your search by exercising their rolodex of connections, partnering you with only the most reputable of lenders and letting you compare rates. At the end of the day, you will need to find the best loan for you and not for the builder—an agent is a great resource to rely on.
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