#( hello! sorry this is so late. I'm currently on a hiatus ! )
scorchieart · 3 months
Checking in...
Hello, friends. I know it's been longer than a hot minute since I actually interacted, and I'm still currently on hiatus, but since I spent a sizable chunk of the past 2 years here, I thought it was a disservice to just up and vanish. I typically keep irl issues off this blog as I like to keep it a place that makes me happy, but the past 6 months have been some of the toughest of my life and I didn't want it creeping onto this space. However, it is currently Ramadan; the month of sincerity, devotion, and reflection. And with Spring just on the horizon, it seems a perfect opportunity to engage in some dual mental and physical declutter.
A lot has been going on around the world lately, and it seems like just keeping up with it all is a full-time job of its own. So much so that keeping up with your own life ends up taking a backseat some days. For myself, I have been working through grief and guilt on a scale that feels simultaneously not enough, and yet unjustified. It's a hard feeling to describe in words and I haven't been exercising my writing muscles lately, so I hope you'll excuse me cutting off here. But in talking with and reconnecting with friends this month, I've learned it's a pretty common feeling with no clear-cut remedy, but there are multiple ways to work through it. Prayer or meditation, taking care of your body, sharing your experiences instead of bottling them up. Whatever you do to re-center yourself and your morals. But the first (and I believe the most important) step is to sincerely admit to yourself that you're not feeling well and that you want to improve. That's a difficult idea to come to terms with, but catching yourself midway through a rough patch is monumentally better than letting yourself sink deeper into despair.
The purpose of this post is not to ask for sympathy towards myself, but to encourage you to take a moment to sympathize with yourself. And if you can't do it alone, find someone you trust to give you a hand. It's ok to not be at your best all of the time. Asking for help is not weakness, it reveals hidden strength. If you take anything from reading this post, I hope it is this.
Aside from that, just a few admin things to finish off. Despite me being a techy person, I'm actually rather inexperienced when it comes to social media and online interactions (if that wasn't obvious). First, I'm very sorry for the pileup of tags and DMs and asks that I haven't responded to. I hope to start on them in April. Next, I recently started a new sideblog for multifandom stuff. It doesn't have much on there, but in case you see a reblog from @bird-on-a-branch down the line, that's me. Lastly, if something I said or did was a slight to anyone here, please accept my apologies. Lots gets lost in context online, and as I said I am not the best with these types of interactions, but I won't use that as an excuse if I hurt someone I consider a friend.
Also, thank you to all the peeps on here who've kept in touch, even with just a quick hello or a little joke to cheer me up. It honestly means a lot to me <3 And thank you all for your patience and understanding. Take care of yourselves. Listen to some birdsong, and have a great day.
- Scorchie
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hawkdaddy1111 · 2 years
Xiao x reader
You're aware, that as Yashkas, you were destined to misery, but just as the hourglass was running out, you decided to cut your karmic dept medication short. Unable to move forward, that was until an ex-lover of yours decided to interrupt your brutal plan.
Implies: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, Suicide references, intrusive thoughts, basically just giving up, suggestive themes
A/N: hello! I'm back from the hiatus so I'm so sorry for the late update<\3, also this was rushed and I def did not backread it so there might be some mistakes, crying rn.
Tag list: @apyrose @helpmelord
<Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 (you're here) | Chapter 6 (coming soon)>
You were currently unable to use any of your powers, not that you had a choice– enabling them will lead to direct insanity, you just didn't want to have this karma unleashing upon you in the close presence of your friend. Thought, what confused you more than anything, was the fact that you were still alive.
It was practically impossible to avoid this outcome, what made it possible for you to make it out alive? This was the question that has been wandering around your mind. Surely, you must've accidentally found a remedy to your ever-long-lasting curse.
Your thoughts were immediately interrupted by Paimon's voice calling from afar, you looked up at her, and the traveler followed her from behind with a few grilled tiger fish in his hands. Even if it lasted for a split second, you could almost instantly identify the karmic dept within you weaken.
"I heard that you requested my presence." Xiao finally heard someone approach him from behind, his hands tightened around the rails of the balcony as some sort of nervousness overtook his body.
"I've told you, dear friend. I go by the name of Zhongli now." Zhongli raised his hand, dismissing him as he said with a brief smile.
"My apologies," Xiao replied rather quickly, stepping aside as to welcome the God of contracts next to him.
"No need, I must apologize as well for my tardiness."He let out a chuckle, urging forward as his arms were chained against his back "But I do have a pretty good idea of what this discussion is about. Enlighten me."
Xiao looked at him with some uncertainty lingering in his facial features, he turned his head towards the view of his surroundings around the inn, and the wind around him sparked against his soft skin– he inhaled a generous amount of fresh air to help ease up the stress creeping on his back.
He cleared his throat and then proceeded to say "There were some complications that occurred lately, it involved (Y/n)."
"I see... What kind of complications exactly?"
"Her Karmic dept, it's spiraling out of control, fortunately, I was able to sense it the moment I first saw her back in battle." If anything, his tense posture and the hands gripping tightly around the metal railing of the balcony were nothing but noticeable to Zhongli.
"Well, that is the fate that every Yaksha had encountered so far.–" Xiao stayed quiet, unmoving as he let his statements flow from his mouth. "–Thought."
"I'm pretty sure that it's quite too early."
"Early for what?" The Adeptus raised an eyebrow, confused at his words.
"As the both of you know, I give you medicines concerning your debt every once in a while. Not only is it supposed to kill the pain from quarreling against this curse, but it is also a way to slow down the process." Zhongli wrapped his arms against his chest, informing the obvious to his fellow.
Xiao hesitates before sighing deeply and retorting his answer "I'm aware, but I don't see what this entails in this situation."
"It does. I'm by no means the one who should be telling one's business, but judging by your reaction towards all of this..."
"I don't think (Y/n) is taking her medicines." his cat-like eyes narrowed at the mere thought of this information.
"If it were the case of her naturally arriving at the pinnacle of her doom, then you'll be also suffering the same outcome in a small matter of time."—
Just as the Yaksha was about to say something, he was quickly interrupted.
—"But I doubt you feel anything that intense right now, do you?"
"Then... Why would she be avoiding her medicines? Surely she's not that dumb." all sorts of thoughts were running through his mind, and he desperately needed more answers.
"I'm afraid that I also don't have an answer to that, but if we take a look at this from a more logical perspective... The reason would be quite tragic."
"What is it...?"
"You know the answer to that." Zhongli was now looking at him carefully, for once, even the God of contracts was at a loss for words "You care for her. I know you do."
He put his hand on his shoulder and proceeded to say "I might not know what exactly happened between the two of you, but acting would be your best bet rather than thinking."
"you're going already?" the question escaped Paimon's lips the moment your feet reached the floor.
Nodding at her almost instantly, your answer recalled her of your tough job "Yeah, duty calls, right?"
Being a Yaksha also meant for you that you were supposed to shed blood for your land, and fight till the bitter end: protecting Liyue was the main subject of the contract you had with Morax. Therefore, you were considered nothing but one of the few heroes that resided in endless wars.
"We can help you out!" She flew forward as her eyes determined nothing but the pure intention to persuade you, the traveler also nodded in approvement.
Maybe you would've let them join you, but at this point, the more you tried to get out of the shell you were swathed in the more the void pulled you further in as several chains mentally blocked you from any crusades "no, no worries, I'll make sure to take my daily dose of rest if that's what you're worried about."
"I guess, just be careful." that was the last thing you heard as the voices faded away, the more you stepped away the more you felt uneasy, and the feeling of being constantly watched reappeared from thin air. Your steps continued as every single molecule started to miraculously weigh on your shoulders.
You hated the fact that you were actively lying to your friends, you hated how you reassured them with empty promises, pretending to plant a seed when there was no ground, to begin with. You hated how you envied others for having to experience life without its atrocities, you hated the way blood would drip from your hands as you mercilessly slaughtered anyone that could cause a possible threat to your land. You wanted to go, you wanted to finally feel the peace you never experienced but sought for the entirety of your life.
Most importantly, you hated yourself for going to the one person who you ran from the most. It was funny, hilarious, even. You shooed him away like a cat just to come back crawling for his help.
It was painful, you needed to get out, but you didn't want to go. It felt like your physical, spiritual and mental forms were entering a perpetual cycle of battling within you, both sides striving for peace while the other is begging you to keep going.
And as much as you wanted peace, you felt more called to listen to your spiritual side.
"Xiao?" you called out.
You sighed—
Just for the familiar burst of air to arise right behind you.
"You called?"
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ateezivy · 1 year
surprise live
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POSTED: ATEEZ YouTube LIVE “surprise atiny!!!” (bold = english)
ivy waits anxiously but excitedly in front of the camera as she watches more people come into her live. she giggles at the comments freaking out when they see her. "hello," she says softly with a smile. "how is atiny today?" she looks through the comments. her voice was soft and a little quiet like she was being cautious not to make her voice too loud. she's freaking out a little herself. she hasn't been on camera in what felt like a lifetime. "this feels so weird" she giggled again, "i hope everyone has been healthy."
"i know i'm going live kind of late for a lot of people, so sorry," she says apologetically knowing a lot of her current viewers are up past at least 1 in the morning for this. "'how were your holidays?' my holidays were good. i spent new year's and christmas with my family."
"a lot of people are asking if i'm officially coming out of hiatus..." she smiles and trails off. she stays silent for a minute, pretending to ignore the question "yes"
the comments exploded but she acts unfazed, trying to hide her giggles and smile. she already talked to everyone about her coming out of hiatus, she's ready. she feels and looks healthier than ever, and she's never felt so okay with life than she is right now.
"'what songs have you been listening to these days' hm, i've been listening to a lot of selena gomez" she nods her head as she keeps reading the comments. she hears a knock on her door before she excuses herself to go and answer it.
"i'm on live, come say hi"
she walks back into the frame with a monster and some food "seonghwa oppa brought food" she giggled while seonghwa walked over and waved
"hello atiny" he says with a smile "did you tell them?" asking about the question earlier
ivy nods yes with a smile while seonghwa hugs her "I'm proud of you Livvy"
seonghwa left soon after that. Ivy sat on live for a little longer while she ate and answered questions. "i'm a little tired atiny, i'm going to go back to bed now. goodnight, i love you!"
tags: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve
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theshinazugawaslut · 3 months
hello! no rush at all just wondering when you’d ever finish a few of your requests? that’s all! no pressure! :)
Hello! I appreciate this question being worded so sweetly, so thank you so much! I expected this question to come in eventually!
Okay, so, I am currently a month away from my final exams starting hence teachers have overloaded us with assignments, essays, dissertations, and experiments (I'm sobbing, if I have to write one more politics essay or do another fucking antimicrobial experiment I'll cry); since I'm also school vice-captain and a language ambassador, I'm organising a lot of events for the school as well. I'm also studying at the same time for the upcoming exams — afterwards, I'll be graduating and I'll have my prom!
If you can't tell, I've been overloaded with work for the past few weeks and will continue to be.
This isn't to say I haven't been working away at the requests but all the requests are only partially done, and I want to make sure I give my full to the requests and not some half-assed, sorry excuse of an attempt, especially when I have a good idea.
If you guys can't tell, I like making sure you guys get proper answers to your requests, something everyone can enjoy!
But due to my workload, time to work on them is sparse and since I have so many requests, I try to write bits and bobs of each instead of writing a whole solid thing that might turn out shit.
You guys have all been lovely and patient to me and I hope you guys can continue to do so for a while longer. I am genuinely sorry I haven't been as active on Tumblr as I first was when I started but I'm just a bit stressed from my education right now and I hope you guys can all understand!
I can give you an exact date that I will be incredibly online again though: May 17th. This is the date of my final exam. I can absolutely promise that your requests should be done within a week from that date.
My Easter break starts sometime in late March to early April for two weeks as well, so I may finish some requests during that time but I'll have to go again since my exams will start April 20th.
BUT main point is that from May 17th onwards, expect everything to be done. I am okay with people still sending in more requests since I love hearing your guys' ideas and working with them!
I guess this is kind of a semi-hiatus, I will be online and answering private messages or questions like these, and MIGHT squeeze in some time to fulfil requests, too!
Once I am fully back, though, I have many ideas to write for you guys! After requests are all finished and done, I plan on writing lots of other ideas ― many Sanemi ideas, of course, but definitely squeezing in some Bakugo this time, too (specifically barbarian king bakugo) and Genya!
Take care!
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66sharkteeth · 8 months
Hey, hello! I just wanna say j really love your story and maybe to shine a light or perspective I guess. I remeber taking not of Rex's scion changing I a few panels, Jericho holding a book that was defiantly where he got the name from etc. But I usually just keep those comments to myself and don't voice them out. I prefer to write plot related comments most of the time.
Also I don't think you should be so hard on yourself. I the story is going good and yes I know bunkers and quotas have to be met so you need to okay it sade as possible to appease as most people as you can. But when you start doing that you kind of loose the essence that made the the art and story so interesting and intriguing. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know it's stressful, the risk of loosing your stability but you shouldn't be too harsh on yourself! Your art and story is very amazing and the few quips ppl have are just a few bumps in the road.
Anyway, I still love the comic and I love the story so far. I dint think things have been rushed and things are progressing nicely. Lobe the latest episode too. A lot of effort went into it and it shows
getting back to responding to these now that im finally a bit more settled down in my new place.
though i'm kind of in a better spot atm, because i just haven't been as focused on CoB with all the moving happening, not to mention it going on a hiatus as of this week.
but i did wanna still say, i know i've been incredibly negative as of late, and i'm sorry it's become noticeable. it's just been a long time since i had any sort of win regarding CoB and it's starting to ware on me. i do still get nice comments of course, but they're literally half of what each episode used to get. the likes are plummeting, fast pass is down just as i move to a more expensive apartment, and comments dropped from around 500 on average to less than 200. it's hard to feel like i'm not doing something wrong. and like your ask says, yeah, i wish i didn't care about numbers but..... -motions to the new, more expensive apartment i just moved into-
i'd like to still be able to afford this place a year from now and i don't think i will if things stay on the downward pattern they're on right now. not to mention, i'm going to have to ask WT for one more contract soon to finish CoB how I want, and i am VERY afraid of them telling me i've had enough episodes for how much it's making and to just wrap it up with the currently contracted number of episodes.
so yeah like... sorry. i should probably keep it more to myself, but it's really, really hard to not be sad and worried about numbers when they dictate your livelihood AND possibly even telling the story i wanna tell. :')
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tripleyeeet · 7 months
*puts on a very vampirey outfit before tapping the microphone*
I'm your host Annie and today I'm once again here with out beloved and spooky Summer!!!
First and foremost! Last Saturday we had the newest update to A Lover's Folly, one that we were waiting with bathed breath after the heartstopping cliffhanger of the previous one! Finally, our hearts can rest in peace, even though many have been broken even more by this chapter...
#i am devastated - @lynnlovesthestars
Summer, how do you feel about this most visceral reactions? Are you flattered, sorry or joyous that you've caused us even more pain despite also the great joy that you brought on us?
Moreover, you did share the list of your current wips which, I must say, are quite many. But the real question is: which are you most excited to write, as of right now? which do you think will be most challenging above the others? and which, do you think, will break our heart even more?
Now, to the important things, HALLOWEEN IS HERE!
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So, our dear Summer, what would be your perfect Halloween costume and party and day? I'm sure everyone is curious to know! (and even if they aren't, I am and I would like to know)
HI I'M FINALLY ANSWERING THIS <3 sorry i'm so bad at tuesday interview lately i promise i'll do better.
to answer your questions, i'm very happy that chapter of lover's folly is done. not because i didn't like it but because i definitely felt bad for that cliffhanger. it was evil and totally not my intention to take a hiatus immediately after but unfortunately that's just how the timing worked. :') honestly, i'm just glad it's hurting people's feelings enough to get a reaction. i'm such a slut for readers yelling at me in the comments for the things i've put them through. (as you know hehe)
for the wips, i uh, yeah. i have a lot. i wrote a more in-depth list today to kind of solidify the ones that are coming sooner but i think the one i'm most excited for is rage is a quiet thing which is more of a character study on astarion than a fic. it'll follow kind of his psyche throughout the events of the cazador confrontation with perhaps a little bit of flashback action depending on the layout but overall it'll definitely be heartbreaking because i feel like it's been forever since i've written some really good angst.
and uh, i think my perfection halloween costume would probably be nadja from wwdits? i was going to be her this year but then all my plans fell through (my dream halloween plans are just a small house party, love those) and i was just too broke after my trip to buy anything worth just sitting around at home for. so, maybe next year? :)
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sadcatjae · 1 year
A Very Late Introduction
I'm doing this because I've been here for a while now but haven't actually introduced myself, which is kinda rude but hey! Better late than never(?)
You can call me Jae (but anything works), and my pronouns are they/them. I'm 30, non-binary/gender fluid, neurodiverse, QTPOC writer who's an administrator by day and deviant by night. I dipped my toe into professional writing with my short stories and theatre works, but decided that indulging in my real passion (gay whumpy trash writing) is what I actually live for.
I've been into whump the entire time I've been cognisant. I always thought I was weird or broken for obsessing over whumpy scenes in media & books. I'd also write, fantasise, and act out whump scenarios. It wasn't until I discovered the online whump community a few years ago that I realised this is a Real Thing, and most likely a response to a traumatic childhood.
I currently live a very quiet and domestic life in New Zealand with my partner. I'm working full time while my partner studies and in a few years, I hope to go to grad school. We're both agoraphobic, so we spend our free time writing, RPing or playing video games. They know about my interests in whump, but don't fully understand it themselves. They always ask me if something is a 'whomp' and they look pleased when I tell them that yes, yes it is in fact a whomp.
At the moment, I'm working on Rin the Rat, which is my white whale project (though currently on hiatus). I'm also actively writing my Heathers fanfic Meant to Be Yours and at times working on this blog.
You can find my masterlist of writing HERE.
You'll find that I'm active in bursts, so if I'm gone for ages don't worry I'll be back! I update sporadically when I find the time & motivation to write (which is hardly consistent). Otherwise, I'm doing whump prompts or odd one-shots that I also include in my masterlist.
Please note that all of my characters are over the age of 18 and this blog is for those who are 18+ only!
My absolute favourite character archetype is the Villain. Anyone who is reviled, hated, and ousted. They are misunderstood to a degree, but the hatred against them is almost always justified. My characters thrive in the grey, and they are both undeserving and deserving of their punishment. So you're going to find a lot of unlikeable characters in my stuff. On the bright side, you get to see them get battered to a pulp c:
I also like:
>Whumper turned whumpee
>Whumpee turned caretaker
>Hero x Villain
>Enemies to Friends/Caretaker
>Hidden ailment
>Explicit NSFW (incl. non-con, somnophilia, etc)
>Royalty whump
>Endurance whump
>Emotional whump & angst
>Painful recovery
>Fevers and sickness
>Permanent injury/scars
>Robot whump
>Eating disorders
>Substance abuse/addictions & withdrawals
>Mental illness (particularly PTSD, anxiety & depression, BPD)
>Trauma and harmful copes
>Insomnia/sleep deprivation
>Whump with an audience
>Drowsy/semi-conscious whump
>Scapegoat whumpee
>Genre/trope subversion (eg. big strong whumpee and frail whumper)
>Favourite genres & settings include fantasy, modern world, sci-fi, royal/historical, and East Asian-centric settings.
>BBU/Pet whump
>Lady whump
>Kid whump
>Too Much Torture (yes, this is a thing)
>Dehumanisation/animalisation (in some cases this is OK)
>Major character death (don't like reading it, absolutely love writing it)
>Bio-family caretakers (found family is OK)
>Real life whump
Sorry for the novel length! I might edit this later and add/remove stuff. Feel free to message me prompts or questions or anything at all :D I would love to hear from you <3
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bi-bats · 9 months
hello!! i was just wondering, since the damitim fic is ongoing, does this mean know yourself updates are slowed/paused? (not a complaint i’m loving both!!)
Hiya!! Sorry that I never give easy answers 😂
So yes, Know Yourself updates are slower (not paused or on hiatus!! I am working on it still), but it's not because of the DamiTim fic.
I've been writing Know Yourself for over a year now (even though I haven't been posting it that long) and I'm just struggling with getting the words on the page to be what I want them to be. The plot is sorted out and I'm content with what I'm going to make happen, but also when I think about the fic my brain starts to feel the way my eyes do when I stare at a screen too long 😂 so I'm trying to be patient with myself and let myself take my time with it instead of pushing something out that I'm really not happy with, because 1) I think it'll show, 2) I'll just burn myself out, and 3) if I treat it like a chore it'll never get finished.
Also I've realized (post-jaytimweek) that I prefer writing in present tense, it makes everything feel more natural to me and I can control some writing things like timing and flow a little better and I WROTE OVER 100K WORDS IN PAST TENSE FOR THAT FIC AND I'M NOT FUCKING SWITCHING NOW!!!! SO I GUESS I GOTTA FINISH IT IN PAST TENSE!!!!
And also we're at the point in the plot of Know Yourself where I'm really stepping on the gas on the number of things happening per chapter, and the chapters are overwhelmingly long. And I would love to simply be more brief, but everything happening is relevant to the plot, so. Sigh.
Now, the DamiTim fic.
That one is just going up because that fic is happening to me. I can't prevent that fic from occurring. I would love to think about something else, actually! That boy is so unwell! But that's what I'm feeling inspired about and lately I've only been able to write when something worms into my brain and I have to put it on the page immediately no matter where I am or what I'm doing (I have a newish manager who doesn't know how to write a schedule, so I'm currently on day 7 of a ten day stretch of work where I only had one day off, which I had to spend doing all my chores and then hosting D&D. So basically, gone are the days off where I could just sit at my computer and write for a day 😭😭😭).
Also, Ive been having problems with Know Yourself since May, but the DamiTim fic is just fucking pouring out of me fugue state style. My brain hasn't latched onto DamiTim and released Know Yourself in favor of it, it's that the claws of Know Yourself began to unsink from my flesh like, 2 months ago and DamiTim saw its chance. Like, this isn't about to be a cute analogy, but I feel like I'm vomiting out the DamiTim fic because it's a virus. It can't be in my brain anymore okay? I need it out. And it feels like a shame to have like, almost 40k words of it written and just sitting in my drafts when I could be updating it (which I'm sure you appreciate if you're loving that one too 😂), and it has the added benefit of yall knowing I haven't abandoned the fandom/preventing yall from thinking that something horrible has happened to me!
Tldr/to reiterate: yes I'm slowing down on Know Yourself, but it's not because of any of the other chaptered fics I'm working on.
Anyways, sorry this got long and ranty, I think I needed to vent all this out anyways so thank you for giving me a chance to do that!! And also thank you for phrasing your ask the way you did, I really appreciate you specifying that you're not complaining 😂 this is a valid question (that did not upset me but could've if the phrasing was different) and I didn't feel pressured so thank you!!! Ily anon 💕💖💚
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Hello, I wanted to ask if you know any unpopular podcasts with robots/AI characters that are important to the plot. Sorry if my english is bad.
I'm late to answer, here's 10 less popular audio drama with plot-important AI:
Erraticus*: Three people, one who's not a bomber, and one who's not an AI, who find themself on the same ship headed for the outer rim and directly into a conspiracy. Erraticus features an AI-like entity, though how they differ from one remains to be seen. The podcast is on hiatus and releases at the creator's own whims.
InCo: An interstellar information trader and her peppy bot find a mysterious boy floating in the middle of space and are drawn into more trouble than usual. I recommend this one a lot but for good reason.
Marsfall: A colony set to settle Mars wakes up mid-disaster to a very different situation than expected. This has one of my favourite AI but he has such a rough time of it you may want to get up and pace. Crisp sound design. Possibly too popular to be on this list but it doesn't get talked about much so who knows.
Lost Terminal: Hopepunk podcast following a lonely AI in a space station orbiting above a post-climate catastrophe Earth who just wants to make some friends. It takes a thoughtful and respectful look into mental health surrounding loneliness, anxiety, depression, DID, OCD, etc, and discusses many other interesting topics, such as D&D, radio, orbital mechanics, and plants.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality: The only podcast on this list that isn't true sci-fi (new weird/weird fiction, supernatural). Friendly tour guide AI leads you through the Mistholme museum, showing you each item and telling you the stories behind them. It takes a while for the plot to start up, but I doubt you'll be bored in the meantime.
Tartarus: Sci-fi horror about an insecure astrobiologist who joins the the staff of a secret Antarctic monster containment facility, which consists of her, the tearse manager, and the ever-creative station AI. Only a few episodes out so far, but part 2 isn't far off.
Trial and Error: Scientist researching spontaneous sentience conducts interviews with various AI about their previous existence and functions. While the only AI who's there consistantly is Qwerty (who's anyway endearing), there are AI every episode (interesting mix of human and computer-generated voices), and some are more plot relevant than they initially seem. Currently on hiatus without a return date.
Under the Electric Stars: Desperate to secure the parts they need to fix their AI companion, a delivery driver's attempt at a heist finds them swept into a world of shady medical experts, aspiring gangs, and the occasional treasure hunt.
ROGUEMAKER: After a commercial space-flight experiences a major disaster, the survivors are left floating alone in the escape pods in a quiet part of space, with only the AI (who can't hear them), intermittent radio connections to the other pods, and snippets of stray broadcast for company. One of two podcasts that started airing since you sent this (the other being The Vesta Clinic (below), ROGUEMAKER is exceptionally well made.
The Vesta Clinic: As mentioned above, The Vesta Clinic is also very new, and very enjoyable. The Vesta Clinic consists of audio clips as the newest doctor and the clinic AI write and edit patient reports to send off. it showcases delicious chunks of alien design in a medical clinic setting, comfortable yet interesting, a combination I personally am very fond of.
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fanficallergy · 5 months
Hello! This is the admin from thgfanfictionlibrary (backup account for the library)! I just wanted to let you know that I responded to your reblog question/concern under the active authors part 5 post. Below is the reply:
Hello! I'm sorry that you felt you were deliberately excluded from the lists-that is 100% not the case! I'm sorry to hear that you're undergoing cancer treatments and that people have been nasty to you online as well, that is truly terrible on both fronts. I pulled these lists directly from the page of authors I created (which you are present on!) BUT I missed the "a" for active in your tagging for the listing despite having you as an active author! I've remedied the issue and you are now tagged as an active author using the tagging filter on that page. I've also added your listing to the current "active authors" post that is in my draft for when I have ten active authors. Again, I'm sorry that you felt you were excluded on purpose, that wasn't the case it was simply a coding error on my end! Sometimes things just slip through the cracks when I'm coding and I don't pick up on it!
The page system I'm referring to is "Libraryofauthors" in case you wanted to take a look at it. Again, I'm sorry that you felt I had intentionally excluded you for one reason or another but I did have you listed, it just slipped through my coding when I was inputting the tags into it. Sorry about that! Let me know if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns and I'll be happy to update anything! (Also as an FYI I haven't gone back through after making that page to update the information I've added since late August of 2023 so if it says something is incomplete that is now complete or if your popular fic is different now that's why! I'll be updating probably mid-march when I have a little more time!)
Thank you for addressing this. ^_^
I figured it had been a mistake and not a deliberate slight, but it still felt not great, you know? Especially since there is a huge stigma where people stop reading your fics or commenting when they think you're inactive. Comments and feedback are the only currency we as authors receive and the feedback which often encourages us to write more (especially if it is more than just a "write more!" or "When's the next update!") can really feed our ability to write and to write with joy such that we want to share our work. Without that feedback, people give up. Decide the effort isn't worth the reward and really do stop writing in the fandom or at all.
Feedback matters and authors who are considered inactive get less feedback. People can have very good reasons for not updating and it can make them feel unwanted and unwelcome if they get tagged as inactive in their fandoms. In my case, I've been fighting 3 different, unrelated cancers since 2021, and while I've updated and written in that time, most of my energy has been devoted to my health and work so I can pay for health things. I know of other authors in this fandom who are going through major deaths in the family (parents/spouse), domestic abuse, or new parenthood all of which eat into someone's ability to update/write.
I kind of feel that the authors should make that distinction themselves (ie. state that they are on hiatus) or the length of time between declaring someone as inactive needs to be lengthened... A year feels short to me unless the author has declared a hiatus or died... because I do feel that death does put a damper on someone's update schedule. ~_^ From chatting with @rosefyrefyre we tend to consider a fic/author on hiatus if they haven't updated since 2020, and we allow for longer delays because of COVID, Real life, and the world going to hell right now.
I also understand that this is YOUR blog and you can decide what works best for it. I don't get to dictate what you do do on your blog. ^_^ I do appreciate you doing this in your free time, it has to be a lot of work. I also appreciate that we, as authors, are often easily upset or can get defensive. So dealing with all of the personalities can be tough.
So once again, thank you for addressing the error and correcting it. I do appreciate all of the work you're putting into this.
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cyberexo · 7 months
Hello person! I am currently preparing a Masterlist of EXO writers here on Tumblr, and I have spotted your blog while looking through the tags. I'm seeing that you're hiatus but in some of your post you mention you'll be certainly coming back, so I'd like to ask whether this statement is still up-to-date, as I'd love to add you to the masterlist (if you're okay with that). BTW don't worry about being pressured to write soon or anything, it's only so that I know you're not a "dead" blog 💖
HIIIII!! yes i am still planning on coming back to this blog and to continue writing, i am so so sorry for responding so late, just started back at university so i’ve been trying to stay on top of my work so i’d have more time to write and put stuff out on here!!! i am working towards being fully active again before christmas x
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some27-url · 2 years
💙💛 Masterlist 💛💙
❗️on hiatus❗️
Hey lovely readers ❤
I currently have a humongous real life workload. Husband has been putting in like 70 hours a week of studying lately and it's looking like that trend in going to hold strong for like... 9 more months. 🙃 On top of that he's started doing two 12's a week doing home hospice care.
Meanwhile I am in the middle of switching jobs and taking care of the toddler and the animals and cooking all the meals and cleaning the house AND this week I finally got hubs to break and admit that I'm gonna have to do the yard work too. (Pray for me. I'm so itchy already.)
All of this is to say that I'm! Still! Writing! It's my happy place and has become a pivotal outlet for me so I'll never completely stop... but I have no earthly idea how often I'll be posting or what it'll even be.
That said, NONE of my fics have been abandoned and none of them are dead. All will continue once we've found our footing and have a good routine that doesn't neglect anyone's needs.
Again, I love you all, I appreciate my readers and I will still be here putzing around in tumblr some if y'all wanna... idk? Be friends?? Interact?? 😗 Feel free to tag me in stuff or send asks 🥰 I'll be around!
UPDATE 2/23/24:
Hello! Long time no read! (Or write)
I'm tossing out a little update here just to let you guys know that I'm still around, I just hadn't really felt compelled to write for the last... year.
At first, I was just waiting. I was on a journey to being officially diagnosed ADHD and starting meds for it. It was a long LONG journey and around the time I stopped writing, I was only a couple weeks away from diagnosis. Trying to write was such a struggle and I felt like being on meds was going to allow me to write more in less time because I wouldn't have to spend 80% of my "writing" time just trying to make myself focus.
I started meds about 8 months ago, and it has been a really awesome 8 months. Really. I have done so many things I hadn't been able to do before, like do my laundry and fold it and put it away. Or like sit in a restaurant and participate in a conversation without wanting to climb under the table and cry. But what I haven't wanted to do for 8 months... was write.
I thought it was because life had gotten too busy or because my son had gotten to an age where he took up more emotional bandwidth, leaving less for me to work with at the end of the day. I really really wanted to believe that it wasn't directly because of the meds.
Then, last month, I started having some health issues that have had us a bit worried about my heart. I wore a halter monitor for a week and will be discussing the results with my doctor soon. In the meantime, the provider for my adhd meds has advised me to stop the stimulants.
I want to be clear that I'm about 98% sure that whatever is happening with my heart is minor enough that we shouldn't be too worried. Stopping the meds was out of caution, and that paired with some other lifestyle changes has me having less symptoms already.
I've brought it up because I wanted y'all to know that I'm a week off of adderall and... I can't stop thinking about my stories. I'm really really feeling the push to write again and I think you'll be hearing from me soon. Soonish. Whether or not I can take my meds again in the future remains to be seen, but if I do get the green light I will be taking them differently than I was before to make room for ALL the things I want in life, not just the "productive" ones.
Hope you're all well. Sorry to have left you hanging for so long. 🥰
{profile pic}
Personal Tag * Illusions/Inclusions * Leonora Jean Arnold * Elanor Blysse Green * Hands in the Sand * Tag Games * writing playlist
Fics: [+ = unfinished]
Illusions Series+ : RJ MacCready/f!SoSu
Deacon/Whisper/Raider/Vaultie/Bunny Series+ : Deacon/f!SoSu
-Bunny Dear
-Earn It
-Tit for Tat
-Tune Up
Unashamed : Boone/f!Courier oneshot
Secure : Boone/f!Courier ficlet
Hands in the Sand+ : MacCready/f!sosu soulmate AU
[all fics are explicit]
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tenkasato · 2 years
Requests Temporarily Closed!
Hello, dear friends! I'm closing the requests for now so I can work on my current lists. I might be busier than usual because of work.
But here's the thing, you can still send me requests and I will keep them in the WIPs. I will write them, but it might take quite some time to upload them. ...Yes, I know I post late regardless, and I apologize for it. (I really am sorry :( ) Just so you know, I seriously love it when I receive requests, but I felt like I might be making you guys wait too long, hence this temporary hiatus on receiving requests.
Here are the requests I have before closing the requests, which I will work on real soon:
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These are listed also in my Masterlist.
Again, you may still send requests! But I can't promise that I can work on them soon. No requests will be deleted! And you can still hit my askbox to asks updates or if you want to chat.
Thank you everyone! ^^ Please have a good day!
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sunshinexlollipops · 1 year
I saw your post where u said about making a new ao3 to get away from some of your works on cloudsarefluffy. Does that mean you're not going to continue acw? 🫶
hello anon! I saw this and IMMEDIATELY knew I needed to answer you pronto.
I am NOT abandoning ACW or my OG AO3 account! :)
I still plan to finish ACW come hell or high water. I mean it when I say that the only reason it won't ever be finished is like, I tragically pass away or something happens to me where I cannot finish it beyond my means -- like the internet imploding or my hands no longer work.
ACW means too much to me to ever drop. I'm just struggling getting back on my old creative horse, and I'm having new health problems as of late (to the point I may have to seek disability or something similar -- not to dump but to give a reason as to where I am, and ofc my physical health keeping me from being able to write as well). mentally I'm okay (ofc this current situation is stressful BUT I am leagues better compared to where I was when ACW first kind of went into my unintentional hiatus) and it's been a journey to reconnect to the craft. it's almost like physical therapy: relearning how to write, get my flow, figure out wording. I also think differently now and it's gonna show through the characters, but it's essentially like coming back after getting new legs and trying to figure out how to walk w them again.
as for my new AO3... I created it last night. I got my invitation email finally and my new account is created. nothing is posted, I have no idea what I'm going to be doing with it, but it's there! I plan to share it or just overall update you guys when that plan is more clear.
but ACW + "cloudsarefluffy" is still gonna be up, I'm still gonna be active, but I made a side-blog to also handle that AO3 acct just so I don't spam here, but we are interlinked.
sorry if this caused any stress or confusion, but don't worry! nothing bad is happening and nothing is changing for the worse lol. I just wanted to kind of spread my wings under a new name and maybe delve into other fandoms or do more serious works/other things under the new pseudo.
thank you for the ask anon! hope you're doing well! ~
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taegularities · 2 years
HELLO! i was wondering if there is some way to see which fics youre working on and which fics that are upcoming? im a really big fan of your writing and right now i cant wait for the next part of color me in!!! hope you have a nice day <3
HELLOOOO !! i'm so sorry for getting to this so late, i hope u still see my answer! but yeah, i have a wip page – i put my most recent fics there as well as those that i'm currently working on! some are on hiatus tho, but i hope to get to them as soon as i can hehe
AND THANK U SO MUCH. super thrilled that u're enjoying cmi and my writing in general 🥺 hope u had a wonderful week as well <333
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whisker-biscuit · 7 months
(hello, English is not my native language, so I'm using google translate now lol)
I just want to say how special your writing was to me! It was what introduced me to Ao3 and learning English (which I'm not completely confident in yet). It serves as a great inspiration for my writing. The story I'm talking about was "Harley Quinn Is Not A Good Role Model" which is on hiatus.
I actually have a question about it, if it's not uncomfortable for you. Did you plan how many chapters you would have for this story? Because it was a question I always asked myself, whether we were just at the beginning of it or were we already in the middle of it.
If you don't want to respond, just focus on how much I love your writing. Thank you for everything!
Hi!! I'm so sorry for the delay on answering this, I went on vacation right before you sent it, oops.....
I cannot describe how amazing it is to me that my story helped inspire you to write and to also learn English! Learning a new language is so hard but so worth it, I know you'll be great at it! If you ever write your stories in English and want someone to read through it to check for grammar and spelling, let me know! I'm always happy to help other writers! ^_^
Don't worry, it's not an uncomfortable question. I didn't plan how many chapters there would be for the story, I originally started writing it out of inspiration for an AU I saw on tumblr, and I had ideas for a larger plot as I kept writing. Thinking about the rough outline I started making....I'd say we were definitely a lot closer to the middle of the story than the beginning or end, but that might change whenever I actually return to it. I'll most likely rewrite some scenes when I reread it, because I'm a much better writer now and I'll know how to connect things for later since I have a real goal in mind now.
I'm not going to promise a date for when I DO return to Harley Quinn, because I currently have another very large writing project going on plus a few smaller unfinished ones that I want to finish first, but it's certainly been on my mind a lot more lately. If and when it starts getting updated again, I'm DEFINITELY going to make a big announcement for it. I started on tumblr for this fic, most of my followers here came for this fic, and it's still my most popular story to date (I'm sorry guys ;-;). It wouldn't feel right to shadow drop its return without a little bit of fanfare, haha.
Anyway, this got longer than I meant it to, but thank you so much for the lovely ask! It really made my week to find in my inbox when I got back today. Good luck with your writing and learning English! I believe in you!!
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