#10 of Wands
tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Card Reading - What Needs To Be Released
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In honor of Capricorn season, the theme for this pick a card reading is The Devil card.  Readings for each pile are under the read more and video version of reading is linked as source in this post.  
Pics won’t upload for some reason -_-
Pile 1/Soul Cats 
The first card for this pile was The Sun reversed.  This suggests a lack of optimism.  There may be a tendency for you to generally expect the worst from people and situations, which may be blocking you from some good things.
The second card for this pile was the Ace Of Pentacles.  This card generally represents some solid opportunity that is good for you.  The potential behind this opportunity may not be obvious at first though, especially if you are at a place where you are expecting the worst outcome.
The third card for this pile was Justice.  This card can represent karma.  Basically, getting back some of the energy you’ve been giving back.  This doesn’t necessarily mean karma coming in now, but thinking about if a mindset you’ve had lately will give you the karma that you want in your life.
The first oracle card for this pile was Innocence.  Basically, this card is about releasing heavy and negative feelings to try to look at things with an unbiased perspective without pessimism interfering.
The second oracle card for this pile was New Moon In Taurus - Prosperity Lies Ahead.  Basically, I feel like this goes along with that Ace of Pentacles as the opportunity that offers potential prosperity to you.
The third oracle card for this pile was Pounce - Decide To Act.  Basically, don’t miss something that you want or is good for you out of fear to take action.  
Pile 2/Teddy
The first card for this pile was the Knight of Pentacles.  This is a card associated with focusing on the details and thoroughness.  In this case, with the context of this spread, I feel like this may be a bit of over-attention to details.  Like making things harder on yourself because you’re picking up every small task that you notice needing done.
The second card for this pile was the 10 of Wands.  This is a card associated with feeling worn out from everything.  Despite this exhaustion, you are still persevering through it and doing what you need to.
The third card for this pile was the 9 of Wands.  This card is also associated with perseverance and not backing down.  There may be a bit of stubbornness with this card, although this stubborn behavior isn’t necessarily unjustified.
The first oracle card for this pile was Have Confidence.  This card has a lot to do with believing that you will make it through a situation.  Basically, believing that the difficult times with that 10 of Wands can/will come to an end sometime.
The second oracle card for this pile was Waxing Crescent Moon - Have Faith In Your Dreams.  Basically, I feel like this is just encouraging you to have faith that whatever you’ve been standing your ground on with that 9 of Wands.  
The third oracle card for this pile was Judgmental - Observe Your Critic.  Basically, advice to try not to be too critical with your judgments of others and yourself.
Pile 3/Rider-Waite
The first card for this pile was the 10 of Cups reversed.  This suggests some unhappiness in some close connections in your life, possibly even in your home life.  
The second card for this pile was The World.  This card suggests that something is coming to an end.  This is generally an ending that brings a sense of accomplishment and/or happiness.  I feel like this ending is something to do with that 10 of Cups reversed, whether it is letting go of connections that make you miserable or ending things that are having a negative impact on connections in your life.
The third card for this pile was the Knight Of Cups.  This card is associated with taking action on your emotions.  This may be doing things that show a more sensitive side of yourself and/or doing things to express your emotions rather than holding them in.
The first oracle card for this pile was Ground Yourself.  This card discusses finding a balance between the physical and spiritual parts of your life.  This may also be advising you to find ways to ground yourself emotionally with things like meditation.
The second oracle card for this pile was Full Moon In Scorpio - It’s Time To Release Negativity.  Basically, release negative emotions that are no longer serving you.  That easier said than done, but will likely be a step to helping you close an unhappy chapter of something.
The third oracle card for this pile was Reflection - Get Out Of Your Box.  Basically, try to look at this situation from a different perspective, such as that of the other person(s).  That may help you find any behaviors that you feel are no longer serving you.
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babylon-crashing · 1 year
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Q: Is it The Fool or The Magician in tarot that is related to the Joker in a deck of standard playing cards? Which one is a trickster?
“Whoa, the dogs are howlin', all over the neighborhood/ That’s a sign of some dark double dealin’, baby,/ And that ain't no good,” Willie Dixon.
The world is full of trickster spirits. They appear in every culture and every religion, from Lucifer to Loki, Anansi to Maui. Possessing great intelligence and occult knowledge in one form or another, they most commonly function as a dire (often humorous) example of what happens to people when go against the norm. Coyote’s eyes are yellow because he was tricked into trading them for some tree sap. Curupira, a spirit with backwards feet, loves creating misleading paths in order to get people lost. One could argue that the concept of the Hungry Ghosts, found throughout much of Asia, are themselves tricksters, pretending to be things that they are not in order to get the prayers and energy from unsuspecting mortals. How people who take spirits at face value are able to distinguish between what really is and what they’re told as a form of manipulation has always been a bit of a mystery to me.
To answer this question, though, the only similarities for me between the Fool and the Joker are in their costumes, which were modelled on European court jesters. The Fool in the Rider-Waite deck is all about taking that first step into the unknown, whereas the Joker would be actively trying to get you to forget why you even rolled out of bed that morning and wouldn’t doing something else be a lot more fun?
In the Tarot of Syssk (where these images come from), the 10 of Wands is all about being unable to see what is right in front of you. The card speaks to the 4 of Sword's warning that a sinister shadow might be concealed in the most charming of outer appearances. Here the drummer stops beating her drum when she realizes that the figure before her is not ol’ Cousin Earl, but actually a Kitsune, a fox spirit, using a life-size puppet to manipulate others.
Sadly, Syssk (like so many of us) is spending far more time jamming on her biwa than paying attention to the world around her and remains oblivious to any danger (pratfalls and zaney misunderstandings are bound to follow).
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burningartwork · 1 year
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🖌10 of Wands
In the case for the 10 of wands we have both the burden of carrying & the master delegating that burden with Madarame putting his weight on Yusuke's shoulders. The last disciple who has been carrying his work & legacy. All the Wands/Rods suits will be themed to 🖌Madarame's Palace🖌
🃏UPRIGHT: Burden, extra responsibility, hard work, completion
🃏REVERSED: Doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release
🌟 Major Arcana here
🃏 Wands:
Ace of Wands
2 of Wands
3 of Wands
4 of Wands
5 of Wands
6 of Wands
7 of Wands
8 of Wands
9 of Wands
10 of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
🃏 Other Suits :
Cups (Ace)
Pentacles (Ace)
Swords (Ace)
🃏 Bonus cards:
04 - Constellation (Jose)
00R - Faith Reversed
01R - Councillor Reversed
09R - Hermit Reversed
20R - Judgement Reversed
? - Shido - Hunger
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monratarot · 2 days
Suit of wands - 10 of wands
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10 of wands - Lord of Oppression
you have taken on far more than you can handle
life can be difficult & unfair in the load we have to carry(may not be your fault, but the responsibility fell to you anyway)
Season: Winter
Element - fire
Astrological association - Saturn in Sagittarius
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🍄Upright meaning
you are carrying too much on your shoulders just now
card common for homemakers, entrepreneurs, those who must multitask
you may look for less demanding work but you feel too drained by your present job to spend time searching - the situation can’t change until you do something
relationship - relationships are neglected because all your attention is on work; you have taken on too much in your relationship and you are not appropriately communicating your needs or expressing yourself
health -you must remove all that causes you tension in the center of your being; learn to let go via meditation, gain freedom from what burdens you and you will live a long and healthy life
work - a time in your life that is overburdened; you are doing too much and are not getting enough reward; you need to have more free time so you can relax and get to you know yourself; if you are the type to work overtime without getting paid
🍄Reversed meaning
being caught in an exhausting grid between work and domestic commitments because you are trying to keep everyone happy
making progress
taking it slow
having faith
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thepigeontarot · 4 months
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Today, it is time to open yourself up to everything the world has to offer. Things recently may have felt like you've been fighting a battle that's left you isolated from others. Now, it is time to bring balance back to your life from the motion and conflict it has been in. You can let down your defenses and work on healing your spirit. You've achieved your goal and come out more knowledgeable about how the world works. Now, you can share that wisdom and your journey with others.
If this resonates with you today, be sure to like and follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛️
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sixthsoultarot · 1 year
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Ten of Wands
Do you carry a heavy weight on your shoulders
Did you take on too much
Do you have to many responsibilities
Is it difficult for you to ask for help
Is your exhaustion temporarily, meaning is there a goal you're working towards
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sigh4diamond · 1 year
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12decks · 2 years
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10 of Wands
Upright - Burden, failure, plans ruined, oppressive load, responsibility, stress, “you will have to deal with it sooner or later”, weary
Reversed - Clever person, courage, strength, taking on too much
Timing - Ten days
Yes/No/Maybe - No
Element - Fire
Astrological Sign - Sagittarius
Direction - South
Season - Spring
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satyrmagos · 8 months
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I'm coming to see this particular 10 W as my to-do list, especially as a focus card for the day.
On this particular day of Saturn, I'm checking in with August's to-do list in order to write September's.
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tarotbycecelia · 9 months
Card of the Day - 10 of Wands - Saturday, August 12, 2023
What an incredibly beautiful card! It is ever so appropriate for the pleasant day which is on tap for you, and the load you are carrying does not appear to be so difficult to bear. It is possible to be responsible, handle your necessary adulting, while remaining emotionally mature and looking good doing it. The typical 10 of Wands often speaks of burdens, oppression, and responsibility, but…
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thesirensoracle · 1 year
Weekly Tarot!  Jan 23 - Jan 29, 2023
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Card of the Week: 10 of Wands ✧☾゜・。
This week’s theme is exhausting passion.
Is it really success if it hurts achieving our goals?
The 10’s in the Tarot usually mean the culmination of something, signifying both the success and end of a chapter in your life. Bittersweet is the best way one can describe the 10 of Wands for it talks of the final achievement of your desires: getting the promotion that you’ve always wanted, getting that project of the ground and seeing it bloom at its full glory… the question this card makes is, at what cost? Does this success feel good? Does it really satisfy you?
This card gives me the energy of an overachiever, someone who once they get what they want, instead of taking the time to rejoice in the rewards of their hard work, they start working on the next project already. Tell me, what’s the point in accumulating wealth, recognition, and success if you don’t allow yourself to breath and relax from time to time?
For the people who do not embody this energy, The 10 of Wands suggests that this week is going to be more demanding than usual, everyone around us will be expecting us to work, love and compromise harder for some reason. However, the same message applies here: don’t fall into the overachiever mentality, this week you need to redirect this fiery energy into setting boundaries and not taking in your plate more than what you actually can take.
This card can also be an encouragement to bring change in your routine and pursue something that genuinely makes you happy. You might have a stable life now but, looking objectively at where you’re at… does it really make your heart sing?
Sometimes, always looking up at the endless possibilities the world has to offer can leave our back hurting and our neck cramping… maybe what we need is to look down from time to time and admire the beauty that is already around us.
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The week starts with moon in Shatabhisha. The moon at the height of Rahu and the star of illusion makes today and the rest of the week especially good for learning and consuming any type of knowledge, specially art! However, this is also the star for restrictions and boundaries. Remember this week to be the one to set boundaries upon other people and not the one crushed by others restrictions.
☾ Blessings: Fiery ambition that leads to any type of success! If you know how to redirect your energy, the sky is the limit! However, to make this a blessing more than a curse you’ll need to learn to not only enjoy the process, but also pamper yourself from time to time.
☾ Warnings: Don’t overwork yourself! Apart from possible sickness, if you don’t stop and take time to recover yourself from working constantly towards your goals… you might end up sitting in a throne, but with a never-ending emptiness.
☾ Random messages/tips:
Happiness and pleasure are the main focus this week, the job for everyone as of now is to relax, pamper ourselves, and enjoy the beauty of the small things life has to offer.
Seriously, allow yourself time to experience pleasure and calmness in your life.
Let loose! It’s okay to break the rules from time to time ;)
This reading genuinely gives the energy of Blair Waldorf’s perfectionism and Tiana’s workaholic mentality in the Princess and the Frog: RELAX.
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 months
Hey !! Hope u are doing well ✨
Can I please get a free reading ?
•will I be going to msu baroda uni for bca degree and live the way I want to - like execution of plans and goals
Thank u so much 🩷
Hi! I'm doing alright, going through a flare and going to need some med changes. Hope that you're doing well!
For this spread, I used a 5-card yes/no spread from one of my tarot books.  Mostly evens and major arcanas mean yes, while odds mean no.  In this case, you got a yes.
I feel like the story aspect of the cards goes along to you living with the plans you have, while the yes basically covers the uni aspect.
The first card to come out was the 10 of Wands. This is a card of feeling worn out with responsibilities. This makes sense, since college can often be rather stressful in many ways. This doesn't seem to be anything that you can't handle though, which is good.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Wands reversed. This does suggest some disappointments and possibly some issues with friendships. This can be as simple as losing contact with some friends, due to different schedules. I feel like this could feel like your plans aren't working out how you were hoping, but that it doesn't really impact the long-term of your goals and plans though.
The third card to come out was the Knight of Wands reversed. This card can be associated with scattered action. Like being kinda scattered with your energy, which I feel like is from that 10 of Wands. I feel like this basically says there may be some times that you'll be running on fumes while working on that degree.
The fourth card to come out was The Hanged Man reversed. This card is often associated with getting stuck trying to look at a situation a different way. I feel like this could suggest that some of your plans may need to change, which could just be because some of your goals may change as you begin to progress or trying to figure out a way to make it so that you aren't getting too overwhelmed. I feel like that process of making changes won't be simple for you though, possibly because you've put a lot of time into the plans that you already have in place.
The fifth card to come out was the 6 of Wands reversed. This card can be associated with some kind of blow to your confidence. I feel like this could be due to your plans needing to have gone through some changes or a frustration with yourself for feeling overwhelmed/worn out (with both being totally normal things but it is easy to be harsh on yourself).
Under the deck was the 3 of Cups. This card is connected with socializing with friends and communicating. I feel like not totally isolating from friends and finding times to get together with people you care about will be important for you when you go through your uni chapter.
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infjtarot · 1 year
10 of Wands. Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea
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Oppression. The most powerful of the four 10s signifies fire out of control and the centering of intuition. Intuition frees us from the desire to receive plaudits for our daily work, thus teaching humility. Leave behind psychological baggage; look within, in order to learn and grow. Julia Turk.
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hermitsmirror · 1 year
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10 of Wands
🔥 ⛺️ 🧳 😰🏃🏻‍♂️
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Not everyone sees the 10 of Wands as a particular challenging card. But “You’re almost there!” is kind of like “You’re doing great, sweetie!” to me.
Thankfully (or not), in the way I read the 10s and the sequence of Wands from 8 to 9 to 10, you’re actually past where you think you need to be. You’re relocating (or reinforcing) that homestead in the 9, which is exhausting.
Anyone who has had to move themselves knows that we tend to collect more than we need to take with us when we move. The 10 is an invitation to purge the junk. We have to offload to make the move, and that lets us focus on the vitals, like a mini Tower. And then we’re on the road to life purpose.
If you’re curious to learn more about reading, understanding, and working through the hard cards of tarot, sign up for my new course: The Hard Cards of Tarot!
It starts February 25. These cards may feel like a burden, but there’s power behind them when you understand them. And there’s something to learn from those hard cards (beyond just the bitter medicine).
How does the 10 of Wands show up for you? What did I miss? Did you learn something new or useful or intriguing? Let me know in the comments!
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thewanderingstars · 2 years
This morning’s card for the day was 10 of Wands, which has an interpretation of “success becoming a burden”.
This is so funny to me because my mind immediately thought of this meme:
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thepigeontarot · 5 months
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*I have a lot of readings still pending. Thank you for your patience, we are slowly making our way down the list*
Today is a familiar scene, focused and overburdened, having a hard time seeing ahead. It's time for a new way of thinking. A change needs to be made inside yourself. Don't focus on the situation immediately ahead of you, but focus on how you can change yourself. This change of behavior will lead to long-term success.
If this resonates with you, be sure to like & follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛️
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