sleepsucks · 1 year
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yukikoaoifics · 2 years
¿La confesión?
Personajes: Silene y Salinas (de Doi) Resumen: Silene intenta sincerarse y sale mal
Esta vez iba a decírselo, tenía que hacerlo, para eso había reunido todo el valor que pudo encontrar en su interior. Comenzando a sentir su corazón latir en anticipación se plantó en su puerta. No sabía si se encontraría a esa hora en su habitación, pero era el lugar más privado que pudo pensar para que pudieran hablar tranquilos. Se quedo solo un momento allí, completamente quieta cogió aire y toco la puerta. La pelirosa se encontraba visiblemente nerviosa, mirando hacia los lados, viendo que nadie la observara, al no recibir ningún tipo de señal de que hubiera alguien al otro lado de la puerta decidió entrar para esperar allí.
Para su suerte más que por desgracia el dueño de la habitación no se encontraba allí. Sí, es cierto que la razón por la que se encontraba ahí era para verlo y decirle lo que sentía, pero ¡es que no es tan fácil! Por eso mismo no podía evitar encontrarse un poco aliviada, así tendría más tiempo para pensar sus palabras, si, eso…
Hizo un repaso rápido por toda la habitación con la mirada. Ya habían tenido suficiente drama con meterse en habitaciones ajenas así que prefirió tocar lo menos posible. Lo más probable es que solo fuese una cosa de ese lunático, pero prefería no tentar a la suerte, lo que menos quería ahora es que se enfadara con ella por eso. Era una habitación normal a sus ojos, lo único que resaltaba más eran un par de posters de vivos colores y una estantería. Esta se encontraba repleta de varios ¿libros? y ¿muñecas? de series que presumiblemente le gustaban al dueño de la susodicha habitación. Decidió acercarse un poco para poder apreciarlas mejor, teniéndolas tan cerca era inevitable darse cuenta de lo tiernas que se veían, eran tan pequeñitas, con sus varitas y trajes pomposos. Probablemente ese es el tipo de persona que le gusta a él y no alguien como…
- Agggh
Al verlas no pudo hacer otra cosa más que compararse - Que tontería...-, musitó para sí misma. Frustrada por sus propios pensamientos se sentó en la cama sin cuidado, dejando todo su peso caer.
Últimamente por sus pensamientos revoloteaba la imagen de cierto pelirrojo más de lo que le gustaría admitir. Las conversaciones que tenían, sus gestos y caricias, se repetían una y otra vez. Ni ella misma se entendía, ¿Por qué la ponía tan nerviosa? y ¿Por qué quería saber más y más de él? lo cierto es que, ya tenía la respuesta a esto, pero le daba mucho miedo la simple idea de que fuera…eso. Se encontraba allí para sincerarse, pero a la vez pensaba en su cara y ¡NO QUERÍA HACERLO! Porque no podía darse cuenta… para ella es tan complicado decir esas dos palabras.
- Tal vez, si llevara ropa tan bonita como ellas también podría g…- otra vez esos pensamientos intrusivos llegaban. De cualquier forma, un vestido bonito no podía cambiar como era ella o como se veía. Lo cierto es que, no le gustaba ni a ella, por eso mismo, no podía esperar que a él sí, por mucho que este le repitiera una y otra vez lo contrarío.
Así, terminó de acomodarse echándose en la cama. Se encontraba tan enfadada y avergonzada que no pudo evitar patalear de un lado a otro hasta perder las fuerzas. Después, se quedó tal cuál, mirando al techo y maldiciendo en silencio su suerte. Estaba tan cansada de pensar, tan cansada de él y del mundo… Únicamente quería descansar un poco la mente, sería solo un momento. Pero tras cerrar los ojos el sueño la fue venciendo. El último pensamiento que pudo tener antes de caer profundamente dormida fue el más raro de todos -…huele a él…-
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whitecubememories · 4 months
Ladies and Gentlemen, today on stage we have, unfortunately, poor quality drawings, made poorly.We offer you our deepest apologies. (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Our bad attempts in the future, But it worked out fine, but then something went wrong and everything went wrong.
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The second drawing and couldn’t get back to normal, oh, unfortunately, failures happen in life.
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And now, before you is our attempt to draw the Seeker under the beams, well, an attempt to draw. It even seems good, but we don’t have time to finish it properly.
Thank you for looking at our little drawings, I bow to you, Good luck on your journey! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
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kaytrawrites · 1 year
Observation Log #6 - December 2021
My source post, some context, more context (this account is my writing account. the one in the first linked post is my main) (latter two courtesy of Lem Demonadelem)
Transcription of my observation log so those whose mcyt Ranboos that are going through a similar thing don't feel so alone.
Table of Contents Log Below
Put Jojo part 6 on for Ran.
He was very excited.
Ran was looking through the pictures again.
But he seemed to be happier.
Been taking Ran to hang with a few friends over the past little while.
Stayed over a couple days.
FNAF: Security Breach is out.
Watched a streamer do a playthrough of the game.
Ran was very excited.
They were taking so many notes.
They also were messing with the audio editing software for a while. As always, I sent the audio over to my pc.
Audio Audio Transcription: “I mean it would be kinda cool if they were, huh? No you’re right. They’re probably just some kind of fake or something. The box? The box looks pretty new actually. Yeah no. So it looks like it was just put in here like…5 years ago, I’d give it? Oh-woo-yeah no. no. There’s no way. Well yeah of course I’m gonna play them. I just hafta figure out how to use a cassette tape. Yeah I haven’t used a cassette tape before. That just means that I haven’t- ok. Oh hold up one second. Yeah? Oh my gawd. Ok hold up. I’m gonna have to call you back.”
Watching the streamer from yesterday finish FNAF: SB.
Ran was taking so many notes.
Still hid the notes from me.
Played Pixelmon today.
Ran watched.
He enjoyed.
Ran was looking at old clothing on pinterest today.
I sat down and started working on one that he seemed especially captivated by: a gray jacket with red sleeves.
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fainfrumos · 2 years
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Moody morning [17.12.21] d
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juliasphotoarchives · 4 months
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dailyamane · 2 years
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New art promo chapter 85. That man I LOVE. ONLY HIM!
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beyazmantoluu · 2 years
Dün gece baş ağrısından kıvranıyordum. Hatta ilk kez baş ağrısından istemsiz ağlamaya başladım. Ama sesiyle ağrım yavaş yavaş hafifledi sanki. Bir insanın sesi nasıl bu kadar bulut gibi olabilir? Upuzun bir yolculuğa çıkalım ve o hep durmadan başucumda konuşsun. O konuştukça ağırlıklarımdan kurtuluyorum sanki, sanki pamukların üzerine uzanıyorum. Karın yağdığı gecede olduğu gibi yumuşak ve aydınlık bir hava, sakinlik ve durgunluk ama aynı zamanda tanelerin dans etmesi. İyi ki. Dinlerken sonuna doğru uyuyakalmışım. Yedi buçuk gibi okul için uyandım ama ağrı geçmemiş henüz. Sanırım okula gidemeyeceğim. Kahvaltımı zar zor yaptım, ağrı kesici attım ve şimdi biraz daha uyuyacağım. Eğer bu ağrı uyutursa tabii..
keşke şimdi gidip başucuna çiçek koyabilsem.
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mutefekkirane · 2 years
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ohrlybunny · 2 years
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😐 ...................................... 😏 
Onew from SHINee
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sassylav · 2 years
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mavisukut · 2 years
"Yaşımdan yorgun,
Yaşımdan telaşlıyım bugünlerde.."
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louisshomesharry · 2 years
17.12.21: recap
harry is MIA
louis is MIA
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liamnews · 2 years
liampayne: I love seeing all your videos to #NaughtyList make sure you tag me in any you make! 🎄#Christmas
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lilolilyr · 2 years
Updated FAQ
I'm in my 20s, queer (best either switch up my pronouns between she/her he/her sie/sein sie/ihr they/them or stick to the first and/or latter ones), european, fic writer and occasional visual artist, and this is my main fandom blog.
This blog is not an sfw blog, if you are under 18 or just don’t want to see any sexual content, block the tags ‘smut’ and ‘horny on main’ or don’t follow me! Under 16 pls just don't follow me in general I am an adult and this is very much an adult space, while I try to use the aforementioned tags for explicit content, I can't and don't want to guarantee to filter everything
Header: Andromaquynh (The Old Guard) by @djdangerlove
Icon: me by me
My fics are on Ao3: lilolilyrae
I'm always taking fic and moodboard prompts, if or when I fulfil them depends entirely on the prompt and how much time I have to make something! With your prompt, always add what ship/fandom you want it to be for, and which ratings you're comfortable with, if you're underage say so or add that you only want to see G or T rated content.
I have tag lists for each of my main fandoms, if you want to get added to a list to get notified when I post new content, let me know - but be aware that I don't add people who don't reblog my stuff and/or comment on Ao3.
Also on Tumblr under:
@floreleine (Gunpowder Milkshake)
@mylothlorien (LotR)
@hgwellsmykabering (Warehouse 13)
@thelucyverse (fic drafts and random stuff)
@politischerbloedsinn (as I know many use tumblr to escape the real world I put a lot of political and depressing stuff on side so ppl can follow my main without having to see that stuff - political activism's great but activist burnout is very real, take a break when needed!)
& various semi-used fandom side blogs such as @andronilynh @heistwiv3s @i-m---a---few @letdonnabealive
I'm also part of some group blogs for events and discord servers etc:
@andromaquynh-ficrecs @ourgayisshowing @discoveryfemslashfortnight @theoldguardfemslashdiscord @gunpowder-milfshake-discord
On my blog you can find:
My past and #current obsession s
Past #top post s (the top 3 shown at the top of my blog on mobile)
More about my #blog
Replies to asks for ask memes and more
My things - meaning what fics I write and other things I create, edit or make moodboards or photo stories of, in fandoms like The Old Guard, Gunpowder Milkshake, The Devil Wears Prada, Star Trek, Warehouse 13, Holby City and Good Omens
I also run art collections of all artworks to certain ships that I was able to find on tumblr - lmk if you have any additions! Milippa - Milippa prime - mirror Milippa - Andromaquynh - Andronilynh - Floreleine. I also use the '.../tagged/[ship]%20art' (or on web '.../archive/[ship]%20art') url to save other ship art, but the others aren't meant to be complete collections.
more tags I use
Do not reblog this post
This is just meant to be a guide for my blog, on my blog; I made it a post instead of a page so it's accessible on mobile, but it will be updated as things change on here and it is not meant to be shared to other blogs.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
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Mug got the whole squad crying. It’s me. I’m the whole squad. What in the actual fuck
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