#1s metalic
heartludwig · 1 year
I adore your art, especially everything with Amy 💖 Do you think you could draw some metamy if you're talking requests? TY!
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They are talking about romance (Metal sonic is about to pass out)
Also thank uuu I’m happy my Amy art helps the cause 🙏💕💕
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a little DJ Lethal and Fred Durst appreciation ✨✨✨✨✨✨
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bibleofficial · 8 months
so the majority of my building seems to be chinese so i’m just going to learn mandarin via cultural osmosis
#stream#& force my flatmates to help teach me ALSKALKSALSKALSK#yesterday i woke up & saw arthur & yen je in the kitchen & went ni hao yall :) & they got a kick out of it ALSKALSLALSLALSKALSLAL#i love them so much#then last night there’s this chinese smoker on i think it’s floor 1 or 2 (us floor 2 or 3 - im on 4) & he was smoking outside once & i just#went up to him & said ‘are u chinese ?’ ‘yes’ then i asked him abt chinese cigarettes bc YEN JE SAID THAT THE CHINESE PREFER THE CHINESE#CIGS BC THE WESTERN 1S TASTE FUNNY SO I TOLD LI (this is the name of the smoker) that & he said he doesn’t taste a difference between the 2#so i ran into him last night again & he had his cigarettes so he gave me 1 of his to try & honestly ?????? SMOOTH BRO IDK WHAT BRAND IT IS#WHEN I SEE HIM AGAIN I WILL ASK - so i gave him a marlboro red & the immediate differences is the size - chinese are much much thinner#compared to my red & sooooo SMOOTH so so SMOOTH omg such a clean smoke vs MARLBORO WHERE ITS LIKE UR INHALING FUCKING COAL 😭😭😭😭#anyway#that’s all i’ve done#i went to the antique store & found a cigarette case - mosda streamline 500 w lighter - so i was trying to see if i can refill like obvs#it’s petrol not butane so i was taking apart the lighter & needed a screwdriver & went to this hardware store to get some & then started#talking w the guys there & i was like hey so quick question r u familiar w qat/chat ? :3 & then one of them has a yemeni dealer so he’s goin#to ask for me so WERK#BLESS#GETTING MY DISSERTATION CONNECTIONS MADE#BUT ANYWAY i was telling them abt the lighter bc they were lookin at it like ‘this i waht my grandfather used 😭😭’ but also yea probably bc#IT TURNS OUT THIS WAS THE 50S ERA PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE so they were DISPOSABLE - these heavy metal steel lighters u cannot refill u would#just bin it & get another so i’m going to see if i can find someone to rig it to be a butane one bc i love it it’s a GORGEOUS lighter but#it’s empty - like even the flint has calcified or whatever u want to call it - it won’t spark#so i’m on the hunt to find a new refillable antique lighter until i can get this one proper configured bc i did take it apart but then tried#to put it back together but i fucked up the spring a bit 😭😭 i took it apart to clean all the gunk out & to see if i could remove the top but#no it’s totally sealed which SUCKS but i do have the lighter & case so it’s dope as fuck - also got a flask stainless steel so it’s not#antique probably but i can’t find literally ANY copies of this damn flask anywehre it’s a st. louis spirit plane flask the bitch from 1927#lol or whatever ALSKALSKLAKSALSJLA anyway that’s that#& now i’m high & have class in like an hour - still jet lagged & committing fully to alcoholism#but also chainsmoking 🥲 - IM LONLEY !!! I DONT KNOW ANYONE !!!!!!!#but also i need a pot pan & baking tray & chopsticks then i can actually cook
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captaiinobvious · 2 years
LIL MARIKO ON THIS GUYS CRUNKCORE PLAYLIST honestly this 1 i kinda get but goddamn it shocked me. i have no fucking clue what genre this bitch is tbh but i see similarities
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irbcallmefynn · 7 months
Look I'm all for the Eroticism of the Machine. However we need an alternative for those uncomfortable with/don't experience sexual attraction. I propose Comfort in the Digital.
Take comfort in the worlds of code, polygons, 1s and 0s. Let it embrace you like a warm hug. Use it to fulfill your desires and achieve your dreams.
Explore the populated worlds of the internets new and old. Let those you meet support and love you as you wish.
This is not to compete with the Eroticism of the Machine. They are lovers, they coexist and complete each other. You can take comfort in the code and seek pleasure in the wires. You can lust for hard metals and plastics and relax amongst the soft antialiasing.
Where the hell did this come from? How did my brain just spill all of this out?
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caterva · 2 years
// :thinkies: Whattaya suppose androids smell/feel/etc like to the supernatural/those with enhanced senses?
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 months
I've sent a couple of these before, but this is where my wierd dice collection stands. I have a gem d20 (spin it like a top), a high variant d20 (extra 1s and 20s
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I've sent a couple of these before but this is where my wierd dice collection stands. I have a gem d20 (spin it like a top), a high variant d20 (most the faces are 1-5 and 15-20 with more 1s and 20s than any other number for extreme fails and successes), my hal 9000 die with only a 20 on it (the 1 has the hal 9000 'eye', the rest are blank.) My star d6s and d4 (some of them have markings that are pluses and minuses so you can use them as fudge/fate dice), and my massive metal d100 (it rolls too much, it's mostly useless, it weighs over a pound- I joke that it's better used as a makeshift weapon).
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
fic rec friday 9
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Yeehaw by @buoyantsaturn
Or: 5 times Will had a secret power and 1 time he didn't
yall DO NOT UNDERSTAND how much i love this fucking fic. i read it one time when i was like 16, before i started bookmarking fics, and then a couple years ago i spent TWELVE GODDAMN DAYS sifting through every fic in my history to find this. i LOVE this fic. i love will having a strange scattering of powers he doesnt really advertise. its so fun and exciting. i also love 5+1 fics w my whole soul
2. give me one good honest kiss by @ethannku
One second Jason is across from him, lounging against the wall; the next, he’s leaning in, closing the distance between them. And then the warmth is back, blooming across Leo’s face, and he’s worried he’s going to start a fire. His eyes subconsciously slide shut. He registers a soft pressure on his cheek, Jason’s hand, and Leo is certain that his face must be burning. Jason sits back before he’s set aflame, though, and a smile flickers on his face. Leo’s lips tingle. Jason’s hand is still on his cheek. Without thinking, Leo darts his tongue out to lick his lips. Cherry. “Does that answer your question?” - Or; four times Jason kisses Leo, and one time Leo kisses him back
i mentioned my love for 5+1s. this one has SO MUCH. theres a sprinkling of implied autistic leo, explicit nonbinary nico, lesbian piper, some LOVELY leo & piper moments (i love them so bad), and jason just like. deciding he is going to be obvious and start dating leo. while leo is sitting there like ?????? sir????? and setting himself on fire is so so funny to me
3. over lame jokes and laundry detergent by @rosyredlipstick
met doing laundry at 2am college au - Nico likes his alone time and is more then a little pissed off when annoying med student Will Solace throws his routine off balance.
ONE OF MY TOP TEN FAVE ROSYREDLIPSTICK FICS.....LIKE I GIGGLE EVERY TIME!!! nothing is funnier to me than nico trying to be the wickedest grouch and he just. cant. because will makes him smile without meaning to. and theyre STRANGERS?? AND THIS IS STILL HAPPENING?? like i go feral every time. also the WAY nico was eyeing him...boy i get you 😭😭
4. water splashin' and sun shinin' by @rosyredlipstick
Nico is absolutely aghast with the conditions he's forced to work under. Sure, the surf shack has air conditioning and a fully stocked snack area, and the wifi isn't bad, and it doesn't hurt that's he's in the shade all day, but how in the gods names is he expected to work when lifeguard Will Solace won't put on a damn shirt?
no trope and i mean NO trope will ever be better than both will and nico being catastrophically humiliatingly ninth circle of hell chipping away to find the tenth down bad for each other. and not doing anything about it for weeks. just constant thirsting and pining it is so so SO funny to me. that is their dynamic. and a fic where will just has an excuse to never wear a shirt and nico has an excuse (no he doesn't) to stare...they are so constantly real
5. petal to the metal by @rosyredlipstick
“How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in a bouquet?”
i think i have been doing these fic rec fridays long enough to tell yall my truth: fics written in 2016 were elite. i dont know what it is about the year, but consistently, fics, especially by prolific authors, written in 2016 have something special that just make you read them eight billion times. this was one of those fics where i read it to the end, kudosed, and then scrolled right back up to the top and read again. so so so fun. rizzed up nico RIGHTS
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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sirfrogsworth · 11 months
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A few people took exception to calling my car's CD player useless.
I actually think it is great there are a few holdouts still using CDs.
CDs are truly one of the most perfect media ever created.
And I can prove that mathematically.
Some will say vinyl is superior. And as much as I love records, the audio quality is preferred, not better. People have a *preference* for how vinyl sounds, but it still leaves out audio information and has noise and artifacts caused by the mechanics of the turntable and an imperfect manufacturing process.
In fact, the lesser audio quality is exactly what people enjoy. It has a warmth and comfortably compressed dynamic range that is not fatiguing over long listening sessions. It's like choosing a nice fire over a 100% efficient space heater.
But if you want perfect audio quality that does not exceed the limits of human hearing, compact discs are where it's at.
It all has to do with Dr. Harry Nyquist and his Nyquist-Shannon Theorem. (Sometimes Shannon gets left out and it is just called the Nyquist Theorem.)
The simple version is he figured out how much something needs to be sampled in order to not lose any information. As long as you sample something at a frequency greater than or equal to twice per cycle, you will have a lossless... whatever.
In this case, a lossless audio recording.
So the range of human hearing is about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. That's the lowest and highest frequencies we can perceive. The scientists creating CD audio figured they'd do 22 kHz for some overhead and then you double that to get 44 kHz. (Technically it was 44.1 kHz.)
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You can imagine the smooth curvy line as an analog recording. No gaps. No information loss.
The black squares are digital samples recorded over a period of time. You can see there are gaps between those black squares. A tiny bit of time passes between the squares where nothing is sampled. INFORMATION LOSS! NOOOOO!
Clearly the vinyl nerds are correct and digital is inferior, right? You are going to get the dreaded... STAIR STEPS!
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Not so fast, bucko!
By getting enough samples over a period of time, you can use math to infer that smooth sloping line connecting those individual samples. So the digital recording also has no information lost once it is converted back to analog and played through your speakers.
This connecting of dots is called "interpolation."
You could take the curvy analog, convert it to digital, get the same black squares, and then interpolate the black squares back into analog and get the same curvy line. It goes back and forth perfectly. And this is all verifiable with an oscilloscope.
Then of course you need a good dynamic range--the spectrum of quiet to loud. Anything above 85 decibels will damage your hearing, so they went with a 16-bit depth which covers roughly 100 dB. Again, giving them a little overhead for death metal and overzealous trumpet players.
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And the final component is data bandwidth or "bitrate" usually measured in kilobits per second. This is how much data is read every second. The 1s and 0s of it all. The bitrate of a CD is calculated by multiplying 44,100 samples per second per channel by 16 bits per sample and then multiplying by 2 channels. After all that mathing is math'd, you get a perfectly uncompressed 1,411 kbps.
So you've got all the frequencies you could ever hear combined with as much volume as your ears can stand with a bit rate that will give you no loss of data.
The *perfect* audio quality all encoded into little microscopic pits.
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Now you may be asking, "Why do I see "24/96" or "24/192" advertised on fancy audio equipment and high quality streaming platforms like Tidal? Aren't 24 bits better? Isn't 96 kHz MORE than 44.1 kHz?"
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Dr. Nyquist might say... this is some bullshit.
This confusion comes from the fact that recording quality and playback quality are two different animals. This misunderstanding happens with video and photo quality as well. Recording in 6K will give you a sharper picture even if your final playback quality is 4K. You can get bad pixels and noise and stray photons that do not contribute to the detail in the video. By giving yourself overhead you can ensure you hit the desired quality target.
And recording at 24 bits and 96 or 192 kHz, you get a higher resolution to edit and master with, but it is only advantageous to the computer software... not the human ear.
From a photographer's perspective, I relate to it like this...
If I have more megapixels and more colors and more dynamic range I have more leeway when editing my photos. If you try to push a low quality photo in the edit, it has this tendency to fall apart. You can get ugly color banding and harsh contrast and sharpening artifacts. By capturing more quality than you need in the finished product, you can process the photo much more dramatically before it deteriorates and loses integrity.
Audio and video are the same way.
So let's say you have a metal singer that screams at the microphone as loud as possible from 2 inches away.
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At 16 bits they may surpass that 100 decibel dynamic range and distort the recording. But if you record in 24 bits, you get 144 dB to play with. Or you can even do 32 bits and get 1500 dB--a volume that no human voice could ever surpass. It guarantees a clean, distortion free recording, but 32 bits would be pointless for human listening.
The same is true with the sample rate. Having a higher resolution allows you to zoom into waveforms and adjust things to an extremely granular level. You can do precise timings, tiny pitch adjustments, apply loads of digital effects, and just have more room for audio activities without degrading the sound quality.
But outputting 192,000 of those black squares is going to interpolate the exact same smooth curvy line as 44,100 when it is played through speakers.
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The oscilloscope knows what I'm talking about.
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Now I am about to reveal a secret that no audiophile who has invested in a $115,000 high resolution 32 bit/3,072 kHz DAC wants to acknowledge...
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The master recording is always more important than the playback quality.
If you have a high quality source it will sound great even in a highly compressed MP3. Just like the 6K video is sharper on the 4K TV. And the high megapixel photo looks better in an Instagram post.
If the source is good, the media will be good.
And since high resolution audio services often seek out the best masters available before encoding their playback files, it gives many people the illusion they are getting better sound quality due to the boosted specs.
When in reality, it was just a better copy of the original recording.
According to Nyquist, your human ears are not computers and all you need is double the frequency to hear perfect sound with no loss of information. So anything above 16 bit/44.1 kHz/1411 kbps and you are just wasting bandwidth on a server.
And I don't want to hear anything about "stair stepping."
Your ears aren't better than math, okay?
If you don't believe in math, then you and Jack White can sit in the naughty math corner with his bespoke overpriced vinyl pressings.
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I will say, there is a gap between your standard music streaming service like Spotify and your bullshit audiophile service like Tidal.
Free Spotify uses heavily compressed files. Which means the bitrate is quite low and there can be information loss. Or "lossy" compression. Modern compression is actually pretty amazing, but I'm afraid anything below 320 kbps may cause some songs to not sound as intended.
Depending on the content, some songs are more suited to compression than others. And even with premium Spotify, they cap songs at 320 kbps which still may not be enough for busier, harder-to-compress songs.
Also, I don't know if Spotify cares about getting the best quality master for a given song. Which, again, is the most important aspect of sound quality.
But services like Tidal waste bandwidth with their super specs and that isn't great for the environment. What I'd love to see is a company that makes their best effort to seek out high quality masters, and encodes their files at 16 bit/44 kHz with a lossless variable bit rate compression. Variable bit rate or "VBR" will do more compression during simpler parts of the audio and less compression during more complex parts. It's smart compression, basically. And as long as you use a high enough bitrate to achieve lossless compression, the sound quality will be the same as if there is no compression at all. So you still get smaller file sizes that use less bandwidth and have a smaller environmental impact.
That would be a streaming service I would consider paying for. Especially if they put great effort into getting high quality original recordings for their content.
In conclusion... if you are still using CDs you don't need to worry about audio quality. You're all set. There is a sort of beauty in what the audio scientists who created compact discs did. They figured out the limits of human audio perception and created a format that just slightly exceeded that. No "bigger number is better" marketing. No audiophile bullshit.
They said, "Here is what you need and nothing more."
They made a perfect thing and they should be proud of that.
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arachnoia · 11 months
necklace ʚɞ ˖✧˖°.| miguel o'hara
miguel o'hara x nb! reader
in which the leader of the powerful spider society falls for one of nueva york's most infamous criminals...
warnings- fluff! not proofread/it’s a drabble! reader is assumed to know/ speak spanish
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"He looks so sad..." Gwen remarked. Miles and Hobie nodded as Pavitr crossed his arms, "It doesn't help that his only best friend is a literal A.I!"
"That's true, mate. It’s like he’s deathly allergic to the idea of fun...And people."
The group judged Miguel from a distance, who was eating his lunch silently...and alone.
Lyla popped out of thin air. "Hey! It's not like I can ignore him even if I wanted to." She rolled her eyes and pointed to Miguel, "He needs some romance here. It's actually sad. Yesterday, his screen time was 23 hours that day!"
Miles scoffed, "You would think with allat screen time, that he would jump on a dating website-"
"Excuse me?"
Miles' eyes widened as he noticed a shadow behind him. "N-Nothing!"
"Right...Once you guys are done, we have a mission. So eat quickly and meet in my office."
Pavitr laughed once he and Lyla left, "How would he get bitches if everyone is scared of him!"
As soon as they finished eating, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie were met with a fuming Miguel, throwing different metal parts all over the room in frustration.
"Be careful guys, he isn't happy," Margo said, sucking her teeth, "He was just looking at his monitors and just started throwing stuff!"
Hobie patted her shoulder, "Yea mate, we can tell he's not the jolliest right now."
Lyla appeared in front of them and nervously chuckled, "Heyyy guys!"
Miguel slowly turned around to glare at the four Spiders. "Let's go."
Miles raised his eyebrows, "You didn't even tell us what we're supposed to-"
Miguel grabbed Miles by his suit and fumed, "You don't ask me questions."
He let Miles go, causing him to fall as Miguel grabbed his own forehead and groaned, "You know what, stay here. I'll deal with this myself."
He started walking away as the four Spiders looked at each other, stunned.
You flinched slightly as you heard the alarms go off, the screeching hurting your ears, "Damn those alarms."
You were one of Nueva York's most infamous criminals, never being caught by anyone even though the city was home to the Spider Society. That was probably your biggest flex.
You were currently walking through the rubble of the building you just exploded in order to get some stone you've been wanting. It was pretty and you saw it in an exhibition.
Plus it’s fun to get attention from what you considered your hobby; causing a wreckage of Nueva York.
You started to lean on the side of an alleyway as you played with your gold necklace, having replaced your uniform for a basic white shirt, leather jacket, and your favorite tight jeans.
“Eres una pinche pendeja. You’re a fucking IDIOT, N/n!”
You looked behind you and saw your favorite person to get attention from just a few meters away.
“Miguelito! What a pleasure to see you here!” You smiled, waving at him from afar. You mentally cheered. He didn’t have his uniform (which you have always found so sexy on him) and he had his grey turtleneck, black slacks, and some shoes you gifted him which were some retro Air Jordan 1s in black and white. You may or may not have stolen them.
You tilted your head, sensing his anger from miles away. It was amusing to witness.
“Vente pa’ca, Y/n.”
“Why don’t you make me, Miguel?”
Your teasing made him even more upset and you laughed, running swiftly towards him. You stretched your arms, gave him a hug, and stuffed your face on his chest.
“I love your sexy cologne. It smells so good, baby.”
He pulled away from your strong grip and grabbed the bridge of his nose out of frustration, “No puedo más contigo. Why did you do that?!” He said. You smiled at his upset nature and laughed.
“Babyyy, what happened to ‘Hi’ or ‘How are you’? Y tu ya sabes mi respuesta para eso.” You snickered, having your hands on your hips.
“You can’t stop? Can’t you? You’re acting like a goddamn idiot. One of these days, someone is going to catch you and it’s not going to be me,” he sneered while glaring at you.
You scoffed at him and turned your head, gazing at the destruction you caused from afar.
“Oh fuck. how could the Spider Society take this? Their so precious leader going out with me! Little ol’ me! How embarrassing,” you cried out.
“Oh yeah! Me? Spider-man? Going out with Nueva York’s most wanted? God forbid anyone finds out,” he snarled.
The two of you stared at each other before you started cackling. Even Miguel started to chuckle silently.
“M-My god! Miguel, you’re making me look like a crazy person here!” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes and smiled, “That’s ‘cause you are, N/n.”
It was quite an unexpected pairing with you two being close.
You two met at a nightclub after Lyla and Jess forced him to go in order to “loosen up”, they said.
The whole night, he couldn’t help but stare at you as you danced, in nothing but a short crop top and shorts, making your legs look long and sexy.
After mentally preparing himself, you went up to him, buying him a drink and striking conversation.
He liked that about you and how you were so confident.
You were his polar opposite.
Quite literally, after he found you out and caught you vandalizing one of Nueva York’s most famous buildings other than Spider Society headquarters.
He was a mess for the whole week to say the least.
“You know, it would be better if you joined me in a life of crime.”
You went towards him, caressing his face and gazing at his eyes.
“Just the two of us…Imagine all the fun we can have.”
He smiled as he played with your necklace, “I could think of some ways.”
Your eyes lighted up, “So you’re up for it?”
You pouted at him, “But we make such a great team. In the streets and in the shee-“
He glared at you, “I don’t want to hear you finish that sentence.”
He tilted your head upwards, using his fingers to position your chin. “Pero no creas que voy a dejar que me desobedezcas más,” he said as his thumb grazed your lips softly.
“Or what?”
His lips enveloped yours as you began to make out, him pushing you against the wall of a building in the alleyway.
“You don’t want to find out, mi amor.”
You broke from the kiss and gazed up at him. “Who says I don’t wanna find out?”
Miles and Gwen looked at Miguel from across the cafeteria, frightened, “This is kind of scary…”
Pavitr nodded, “It’s like looking at a dog walk with its hind legs.”
“Mate’s smiling while eating. SMILING! The man won’t even LAUGH but he smiles?” Hobie yelps, shaking poor Pavitr as they ravel in Miguel’s unusual behavior.
Miguel then stands up and walks towards the vending mashing in the cafeteria and the group straightens up.
Before he reaches, he stops at their table and glared at them, “What are you guys smiling about?”
Gwen chuckles, “N-Nothing! Hey Miguel, your necklace accessory thing is very-“
“NICE! IT TOTALLY SUITS YOU!” Miles interrupted, smiling ear to ear to get on Miguel’s good side.
“Weirdos..” Miguel muttered as he walked to the vending machine.
While he was pressing the numbers, he couldn’t help but smile a bit and play with his new necklace he had gotten as a gift the day prior.
Eres una pinche pendeja - You’re a fucking dumbass
Vente pa’ca - Come over here (shortened version of Vente para aća)
No puedo más contigo. - I can’t anymore with you
Y tu ya sabes mi respuesta para eso- And you already know my answer to that
Pero no creas que voy a dejar que me desobedezcas más - But don’t think I’m gonna let you disobey me even more
requests are open on my page if you wanna drop one :)
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hazyaltcare · 1 month
Typing Quirk Suggestions for a Robot kin
I hope it gives you a wonderful uptime! :3
Mod Vintage (⭐)
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Letter replacements:
Replace "O" with zeroes "0"
Replace "i" or "L" with ones "1"
Replace "one" with "1", including "one" sounds like "any1", or "we 1 = we won" (the past tense of "win")
Replace "zero" with "0"
Frankly, you can just replace all sorts of letters with numbers, such as
R = 12
N = 17
B = 8
A = 4
E = 3
or maybe make all "A"s and "i"s capitalized, cause "A.I." (artificial intelligence
Prefixes and Suffixes:
Get inspired by programming languages!
Begin your text with "//" like a comment on C++
If you prefer other languages comment tags, you can use "< !--your text-- >"
Or maybe begin it with " int main () { std::cout << "your text"" and end with "return 0; }" like C++ too
Greet people with the classic "Hello world!"
Or greet people with "beep boop!" honestly, I have no idea where this comes from, but it's cute.
Or write down html stuff, like sandwiching your italicized text with "< em> "
The possibilities are endless!
Robot Lingo:
(under the cut because there's a LOT! maybe terabytes! ...just kidding >;3c)
some of these are from the machinesoul.net robot server! (not sponsored) (we're not in there anymore, but we saw the robot lingo shared there when we were)
Fronting = logged in, connected
Not fronting = logged out, disconnected
Conscious = activated
Dormant = deactivated
Blurry = no signal
Upset, angry = hacked
Small = bits, bytes
Bite = byte
Huge = gigabytes, terabytes, etc.
Your intake of food, medicine, etc. = input
Your artwork, cooking, handiwork, handwriting, etc. = output
Body = chassis, unit
Brain = CPU, processor
Mind = program, code
Imagination = simulation
Purpose = directive
Nerves = wires
Skin = plating
Organs = (function) units
Limbs = actuators
Eyes = ocular sensors
Glasses = HUD (head's up display)
Hair = wires
Ears = antennae, audio sensors
Nose = olfactory sensors
Heart = core
Liver = detoxification unit
Circulatory system = circuits
Voice = speaker, voice module, voice box
Mouth = face port
Name = designation
Sleep = sleep mode, low power mode, charging
Eat = fuel, batteries
Energy = batteries
Tired = low on batteries
Translate = compile
Memory = data, database
Bed = recharge pod/charger
Dreaming = simulation
Birthday = day of manufacture
Talking = communicating
Thinking = processing
Transitioning = modifying your chassis
Depression = downtime
Joy = uptime
Trash = scrap metal
Fresh/Clean = polished
Keysmashing = random 1s and 0s
Self-care = system maintenance
Going to the doctor = trip to the mechanic
Group = network
Anyone = anybot
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thefrogman · 11 months
I can't believe you forgot the five thousand dollar HDMI cable! That's the most important part! Never mind the fact that most HDMI cables do basically the same thing and have very few specialized features, don't think about it. Never mind the fact that gold plating is worthless on a digital signal. Spend five thousand dollars on a gold plated HDMI lead, right now!
You can never go wrong with AudioQuest. If you want overpriced cable nonsense, they got you covered.
Meet the Dragon "10K" HDMI cable.
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For a cool $2300 you can get "Level 7 Noise Dissipation."
LEVEL 7!!!!!
Check out this totally scientific description of this feature...
"Traditional “100% shielding” is not enough to guard against the increasingly prevalent effects of Wi-Fi, cellular, and satellite radiation. In AudioQuest HDMI cables, all 19 conductors are Direction-Controlled to minimize the RF Noise that damages performance by “directing” or draining it away from the most vulnerable circuits. In Level 7 Noise Dissipation, high-loss graphene is added to the carbon layer sandwiched between layers of metal around the 4 FRL + eARC pairs, a "global" high-loss carbon layer is placed around all conductors, we incorporate our patented 72v Dielectric-Bias System, and even the drain wires are 100% Perfect-Surface Silver."
I'm sure all of that would hold up to scientific scrutiny.
I mean, sure, you are just transferring 1s and 0s back and forth, and as long as all of the 1s and 0s get where they need to go, your picture will look exactly the same with a $10 cable as it does with a $2300 cable... but I really do need that Level 7 dissipation. My house is constantly flooded with satellite radiation.
Yes, there are shitty HDMI cables. And some of them struggle to meet the bandwidth they claim on the packaging. This will cause no picture or sound or it will cause dropouts or skipped frames. Sometimes you will get crazy artifacts that pop in and out. But you cannot improve video or audio quality with a fancy cable.
You will not see magical colors so bright you cum in your shorts.
You will not hear indescribably intense bass that will violently vibrate your testicles--killing your sperm. That was microplastics, okay?
You will get the data that was encoded into the media file.
You just need a cable that can pass along that data without incident. Buying a "good" cable is actually recommended. Blue Jeans Cable is a great brand that has high quality control standards and a good warranty. They are a little spendy, but everything is a good value.
Their website is built on ancient GeoCities technology...
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So you know they prioritize their budget toward R&D and product design over graphic designer or a subscription to Squarespace.
I buy their cables because they always meet the data bandwidth they claim and they can take abuse due to using tougher materials that last.
My best advice when buying an HDMI or other data cable is to figure out how much bandwidth you need, and then make sure in the product description they mention the data rate.
So if you want 4K resolution at 60 Hz, you will need a cable that does at least 18 gigabits per second. If you need 4K/120Hz/4:4:4/12 bit, then the bandwidth should be 48 Gbps. And if you get more bandwidth than you actually need, the cable is backwards compatible.
Here is a handy chart...
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USUALLY, if they list the actual data rate (Gbps) in the product description, you can trust they certified it can pass that much data through. It's when you don't see any Gbps rating in the product description that you should move on to another cable.
(USB standards are insanely confusing, but the same advice applies. Try to find out the data rate you need and research to make sure the cable is capable of that.)
I'm afraid all of this cable nonsense goes back a long way. When I turned 16 I immediately applied for a job at Best Buy selling computers. And I really loved that job. So many people were clueless about computers back then and I was very good at assessing their needs and making sure they went home with the equipment and accessories that would suit them within their budget.
And if they tried to buy the eMachines computers, I would tell them they might as well set their money on fire.
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Throw directly into trash because this is some hot garbage.
Unfortunately my managers pressured me to sell warranties and accessories that I didn't really believe in. The hardest thing they asked me to do was sell people gold-plated printer cables. This is back when printers still used a parallel port connection.
They wanted me to sell these for $40 to $60 (depending on length).
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Even though these bad boys did the exact same thing for only $20.
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I could actually see on the store's computer how much markup these cables had. The cheap ones cost Best Buy the exact same amount as the gold ones.
Maybe they weren't as aesthetically pleasing, but those cheaper cables were built like fuckin' tanks. I probably still have some of these in my basement that would function just as well as they did 25 years ago.
The ONLY difference was the "gold" contacts on the ends. But my managers told me to lie to customers. I was to tell them you would get much faster print speeds, better colors, and more DPI (dots per inch). But both cables sent the same 1s and 0s. They either worked or they didn't. The only tiny advantage is that gold contacts are slightly less resistant to corrosion over time. But I have yet to see that happen within the lifespan of any cable.
So I would tell customers it was a waste of money and lie to my managers saying the customers weren't interested.
"Did you tell them it was faster?" "Yes." (A lie.) "Did you tell them it made the colors better?" "Yes." (Also a lie.) "Well, we're going to have to work on your sales presentation skills." "Sounds good, boss." (Whatever, dude.)
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1973 Buick Century Hardtop Coupe
In 1973 Buick renamed their Skylark as the Century, a name harkening back to 1958. With the all-new Colonnade body, it would be one of noted designer Bill Mitchell's last designs.
Going back to 1965, Buick had their G.S. models, which were certainly an answer to Pontiac's GTO. Adding a larger engine to their intermediates along with a list of performance enhancements was sure to lure at least a few younger buyers to their showrooms.
G.S. models would always hold their own at the stoplight races, and with their nicer interiors and added trim, offered an alternative for those looking for just a bit more.
1973 was Buick's last year of production of a 4-speed in intermediate cars.
This G.S. Stage 1 is one of the last true muscle cars produced by General Motors. Only 728 Stage 1 Gran Sports were built in 1973, and this is one of just 92 equipped with a 4-speed manual transmission. This prime example of a Stage 1 G.S. is the highest option example known to exist, loaded with accessories. It has been fully restored to factory specifications and features the original engine, transmission and rear end.
This national award-winning example retains all of its' original sheet-metal, and the original color is Harvest Gold.
This was once a Buick dealer demo and is an all-numbers matching example with original body and glass. It is one of nine 4-speed Stage 1s that are known to exist.
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keanuquotes · 1 year
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The Enduring Appeal of Keanu Reeves He battles evildoers in 'John Wick 4,' manufactures two-wheel pieces of art, and is worshiped by the internet, but Keanu Reeves swears he's just a normal guy. And he’s got the scars to prove it. Ky HendersonMar 15, 2023 9:00 AM EDT It’s easy to look cool when you’re riding a motorcycle, but it’s hard to look cooler than Keanu Reeves on a brisk, sunny afternoon in Los Angeles. He rests his left hand on his thigh and steers with his right, which gooses the throttle as he weaves around slow drivers. He wears a form-fitting black canvas motorcycle jacket that accentuates how trim he is—even more fit than he appears on-screen—and a beat-up Shoei helmet. He leaves the visor up, choosing instead to shield his eyes with sunglasses the Terminator might wear to a Hamptons garden party. Reeves looks at home and at ease on a motorcycle. He looks cool.
At a gas station stop, he suggests switching bikes. We’re each riding cruisers made by Arch, the motorcycle company Reeves co-founded with designer Gard Hollinger in 2011. The company produces high-end, highly personalized production bikes; I’m on a 1s, the company’s new $100,000+ sport cruiser. Reeves is on an older model, KRGT-1, but it’s his personal Arch, a true one-of-a-kind. It's the only Arch ever painted YK Blue, a color Reeves and Hollinger commissioned based on the ultramarine pigment famously mixed by mid-century French artist Yves Klein. Reeves says all that’s left of the paint is in a tiny can stored somewhere at Arch in case the bike’s paint ever needs touch-ups.
Which it most certainly would if, let’s say, some idiot were to put the bike down in front of a horrified Reeves while riding down the Pacific Coast Highway. Thankfully, there’ll be no lowsides today. Although the bike is beefy, with a 2,032cc V-twin powerplant, it’s easy to maneuver and comfy as a BarcaLounger.
Keanu Reeves stands in motorcycle factory holding blue mug Brian Bowen Smith
Reeves eventually leads us back to Arch’s factory building, which is nondescript from the outside but artfully decorated inside using shipping containers to separate working areas. Metal fabrication is done behind one; customer bikes are lined up in another with technicians hard at work. After Reeves dips outside for a cigarette—the 58-year-old both looks like a much younger man and smokes with the frequent abandon of one—he leads us to a small conference room.
“I like meeting people, but I’m a little reserved,” he warns as he settles into an office chair, looking far less comfortable than he did on a motorcycle. “How much of my private life do I want to talk about? I don’t know. Otherwise, let’s hang out.”
When Reeves was growing up in the Yorkville neighborhood of Toronto, he was consumed with existential thoughts. He discussed death a lot more than the average 11-year-old, for instance—but not because he wanted to die. He just wanted answers to big questions. Perhaps not entirely unrelated to his interest in mortality, he was also obsessed with the biker gangs that periodically motored into the neighborhood. It wasn't pods of dentists letting loose on weekends. It was leathers, patches, menace—the whole deal. And Reeves loved it.
“They looked exotic,” Reeves says. "They looked to me like they were free. Plus the bikes were cool and sounded great.”
Despite his childhood fascination, Reeves was in his early 20s before he first rode a motorcycle. It happened at a movie studio in Berlin—where else?—when he saw a woman on an off-road enduro bike in a parking lot. He approached her and asked if she’d teach him to ride, which she agreed to on the spot. (If you’re wondering why a woman would do that for a total stranger, search “Keanu Reeves in the 80s” in Google Images.)
Not long after he got back to Los Angeles, he bought a 1973 Mk2a Norton Commando, having long admired the classic brand. That bike currently sits in the Arch shop, which is notable for two reasons: One, few longtime riders are lucky enough to be able to hold onto their first bike. Two, over the years Reeves has…suffered some mishaps.
“Yeah, I’ve fallen off a few times,” he admits of the accidents he’s had on a variety of bikes. He takes a swig of water, then corrects himself. “Not ‘fallen off.’ Crashed. I’ve got a couple of hit-by-cars. A couple of going-too-fast. I’ve laid a couple of bikes down but I was riding in the winter, so that’s not really ‘crashing.’ That’s about it. The usual stuff.”
He’s broken ribs, knocked out teeth, sliced his leg open so deep that bone was visible. His most spectacular accident occurred in 1988, only a couple years after that day in Berlin. Reeves was riding alone at night in Malibu’s Topanga Canyon when he took one of the twisties too fast. By the time he came to a stop, he was lying on the pavement wondering if he was about to die. As you know, he didn’t—but he did fuck himself up pretty bad.
“I ruptured my spleen,” he says matter-of-factly. The widely reported version of the story goes that he needed the organ removed, but Reeves says it’s still intact. “They sutured it up and put a Band-Aid on.” He has a gnarly scar running vertically from his sternum down to his belly button, but in the right light it just ends up accentuating his abs because, well, he’s Keanu.
Reeves first met Hollinger through a mutual acquaintance about two decades after that crash, when Reeves wanted a custom sissy bar—basically, a backrest for a passenger—added to his 2005 Harley Davidson Dyna. Hollinger, who at that point was a relatively well-known, well-respected customizer with his own small LA shop, wasn’t interested.
“I knew I could build him the world’s most expensive sissy bar,” Hollinger says, “but I also knew it wouldn’t be satisfying for either of us.”
Instead, Hollinger spent the next five years completely reimagining the bike. He’d work in spurts, changing or adding something, then handing the bike back over to Reeves for months. By the time the bike was finished, Hollinger says, about the only parts of the original Dyna still remaining were the engine and the serial number on the chassis. Today that bike—a chromed-out ride fit for Mad Max—is displayed in the shop, the inspiration for what eventually became Arch.
Keanu Reeves on motorcycle wearing black canvas jacket and sunglasses Brian Bowen Smith
Eventually being the key word. When, during the long process of modding the bike, Reeves first suggested to Hollinger that the two team up to start a motorcycle company, Hollinger didn’t have to think about his answer.
“I knew what a tough business it is, what a challenge it would be—and that it would not be a great investment,” Hollinger, now 63, says with a laugh. “It was a wonderful motorcycle I built and it was wonderful getting to know Keanu, but starting a motorcycle company sounded like a horrible idea.”
Reeves didn’t relent. As the pair became better friends—and as the motorcycle continued to take shape—they’d have long conversations about the realities of starting the company. Hollinger would show up to their discussions with pages of questions written on a legal pad, but what gradually eroded his hesitation was the thoughtfulness with which Reeves described the experience of riding a motorcycle.
Finally, nearly convinced, Hollinger asked Reeves to boil everything down to one reason why they should do something as seemingly crazy as starting a motorcycle company. The actor came up with it on the spot—a reason Hollinger immediately understood, which allowed him to envision the company and its worth as an opportunity to do something meaningful and long-lasting.
“Because,” Reeves told him, channeling the mortality-obsessed 11-year-old kid gawking at dudes on motorcycles, “we’re going to die.”
Related: 2023 Arch 1s Sport Cruiser Is the American (V-twin) Dream
There have been many jokes made over the years about Reeves being a dummy, but after spending about 8 seconds with the guy it’s obvious he’s keenly intelligent. I mention that I read lots of sci-fi and fantasy books as a kid, which prompts him to ask whether I have opinions on several titles, followed by recommendations to read several others.
Thing is, his idiosyncratic public persona—which is sort of like Ted (not Bill) if Ted were a little more shy and a much better dresser—isn’t an act. Reeves isn’t trying to fool his critics or fans. And he isn’t really putting on an act in an attempt to prevent people from knowing who he is. He’s just this very singular, introspective, likable person who happened to become a pop culture icon.
All of that said? He can be pretty goofy. His physical mannerisms are sometimes at odds with what he’s saying, like he’s being controlled by feuding puppeteers. He speaks haltingly, stopping and starting and stopping again, often all in the same sentence, as he considers what exactly he wants to say or, just as likely, what he doesn’t want to say. More than once over the course of an afternoon he giggles—yes, giggles—at something he says or thinks, placing his cupped hand over his mouth like a theatrical school child hiding laughter; the gesture is as strange as it is endearing. He's somehow both laconic and verbose, calm and keyed up.
Although Reeves has long been known as “The internet’s boyfriend,” he’s currently dating—sorry, internet—acclaimed visual artist Alexandra Grant. The pair first collaborated on the 2011 book Ode to Happiness after having known each other previously; in the following years they collaborated on other projects and co-founded the small book imprint X Artists’ Books. Their romantic relationship began about five years ago but only became public knowledge two years in, when they arrived at a red carpet event together.
When asked about Grant, Reeves leans back in his chair as though trying to put both metaphorical and literal distance between himself and the idea of discussing his personal life.
So, uh, maybe it’s best to make it about bikes: What’s Grant’s opinion of Reeves’ (occasionally injurious) motorcycle fixation?
“She used to have a motorcycle, so she’s fine with it,” Reeves says. Then he pauses, as he so often does, seemingly considering whether to say anything more. “She hasn’t ridden in a while.”
Despite his lifelong love of bikes, Reeves hasn’t ridden them much in his movies. There’s a brief scene in the landmark 1991 indie film My Own Private Idaho. There’s some riding in 1996’s Chain Reaction, including one scene in which he manages to outrun an exploding hydrogen reactor. He’s technically on a bike in John Wick 3 while battling bad guys, but that was all done while stationary in front of a green screen. He has no interest in shoehorning Arches into his movies, though a couple of Arches are featured in the futuristic 2020 video game Cyberpunk 2077, in which he also played a major role.
Reeves says there’s a brief motorcycle scene in the upcoming John Wick 4, a movie whose eventual existence might have been laughed at when the original film debuted. Despite the series’ current status as an unstoppable franchise juggernaut, it originally wasn’t even planned as a franchise—and it certainly didn’t appear destined to be one after John Wick received a somewhat tepid theatrical reception in 2014.
“It had some success in the theater, but it really became more popular in second viewings,” Reeves says. “So the studio asked if we wanted to do another one.”
Reeves does more than just kick unbelievable amounts of ass in the movies; he’s also had a hand in plotting out the sequels. The genesis of the third and fourth installments, he says, took place while he and director Chad Stahelski were on the road promoting the second and third movies, respectively.
“Generally, Chad and I cook ’em up while we’re doing press tours,” Reeves says. “We talk about what we’d do next if the current film does well. I’m like, ‘I want to ride a horse and do a horse chase!’ And Chad says, ‘Yeah, we can do it in Central Park!’”
Reeves says he doesn’t know what comes next for him, but John Wick 5 will almost certainly be an option—if he wants to do it. He’s currently developing a TV series, and maybe he’ll make the motorcycle road movie he’s long thought about making. He’ll also no doubt continue riding bikes and growing Arch because he loves doing both.
He says he may continue BRZRKR, the comic series he co-writes. He won’t stop helping others via his philanthropy (he declines to discuss other than to say it’s “in health and the arts”). And he’ll burnish his already-glowing reputation as, in his words, “a pretty respectful and considerate person,” because that’s how he likes to treat people.
“I’m just,” Reeves says as his mouth curls into a smirk and his arms shoot out in front of him as though he’s pleading to be believed, “a normal guy.”
via keanuworld
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Wand of Branding
Wand, rare (requires attunement) ___ This wand has 7 charges for the following properties. While holding the wand, you can use an action to change the shape of the metal brand at its end. The brand can be no larger than 4 inches in any dimension. 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using a spell attack bonus of +7 and save DC of 15: "branding smite", "heat metal", or "scorching ray". For 1 charge, you cast the 2nd-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. This version of "branding smite" deals fire damage, instead of radiant damage. It also has a range of 30 feet, instead of self, and can be cast on any creature that you can see within that range. 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙. You can use an action to expend 1 of the wand's charges to make a melee spell attack with it, using a spell attack bonus of +7. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 fire damage and is branded for 1 minute. When a branded target takes fire damage, the creature that dealt the damage can reroll any 1s or 2s on the fire damage dice. It must use the new roll, even if it's a 1 or 2. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand becomes a nonmagical branding iron. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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Queen in Cornwall: postscript
This page isn't strictly a postscript, but more a way of recording information that comes to light after the publication of the book.  Firstly during the afternoon at The Driftwood (when 'Queen in Cornwall' was launched as an initial print run of 200) our guests said a few things of interest that are not in the book. I particularly remember Jill Johnson saying that she cut Roger Taylor's hair into the 60's mod bob featured in the photo on p126. Also Mike Grose explaining that he was on Porthpean beach when he first heard Queen on national radio and realised that they were going to be successful. The day after the party/launch Neil Battersby sent me this e-mail which I thought interesting and worth posting:  Rikki and I had a great time today at the Driftwood, meeting old friends and reliving memories. In looking though the book two things come to mind: 1. Pages 37 and 41 in your book show a school photograph. The boy to the left of Roger is not Mike. It is Jeff Webb, who was also in the same class as Roger (1S). 2. A fan asked if we drank a lot at the gigs. The answer is "no", but it did remind me of a fact that I certainly had forgotten. After we had packed up we did our best to find a milk vending machine on the drive home. These are now extinct, but in those days were very common. We were told to drink a lot of milk in those days. Roger used them the most, referring to them as "metal cows". (x)
From the QUEEN IN CORNWALL blog online, which was created to "document the musicians and events" for the Queen in Cornwall book by Rupert White. (Published 2011, available on Amazon)
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