#2. I already have finals to write
blueskittlesart · 7 months
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Now that you're gone
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writer-room · 8 months
Dragons Rising is too dangerous for us, cause now the writers have proved they care about their characters. Pixal still existing, Kai having screen time again, and finally acknowledging Lloyd is the grandson of God? This is too much power. One has not ever dared get their hopes up in Ninjago, not for anything.
And they're gonna be the death of me specifically, because now the chances that they'll acknowledge Lloyd's dragon heritage aren't at zero anymore.
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presiding · 6 months
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high chaos/low chaos/join the chaos in my dishonored 2 rewrite
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eikotheblue · 7 months
Behold! This absolutely incredible drawing of me as a Pokemon gym leader, drawn by my wonderful and incredibly talented friend Fen @salt-and-bramble 💙💙💙
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I love it so much as a work of art and as a drawing of me and I'm using it as my profile picture everywhere now.
Fen did a wonderful job of - capturing lots of details that match up with things I actually wear (the heart gems I put on my forehead, my favorite top with the boob window, the galaxy print on my favorite dresses, the color of the glowy wheels on my skates), while also adding so many delightful little things that spark so much delight in my soul (the heart-shaped pupils, a much fancier design on my gloves than I currently have, the poi-pokeballs, a lil bit of embellishment on the cleavage) and. the hair.
Gods, the hair. Y'all have to understand - I've legit never seen a picture or depiction of my hair I've loved anywhere close to how much I love this. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my hair over my life, and despite historically really hating it, lately I've been figuring out ways to get it in a state where I can appreciate it myself, which has been a slow and strange process. But when I first saw this drawing, I felt like I understood for the first time what people are seeing, when they look at my hair and tell me it's beautiful. (When I told Fen this, they said I have the curls of the ocean... ;-; this has stuck in my head, and I think of it when I look at my avatar or my hair.) And the action lines in the rest of the piece really enhance the wave vibes...
it's just so perfect ;-;
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ch1zzie · 23 days
Forgot to post this here butttt
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Working on a welcome home animation and mighttttt take me a while
#the idea is just wally getting the barnaby plush and thats kinda it#i did plan this before when i ordered the wally plush (sep 8 2023) but didnt have the motivation and stuff for it#its inspired by the image of wally peaking out of homes side window with the text below “there he is!” not sure if its wally saying it#either wally noticed someone or someone noticed him but anyway#i saw that image and was thinking to make an animation of it instead of the “there he is!” text its going to say “he's here.”#i also realized i might need to voice that only line or even make sounds for the background😭#i already was close to finishing background 2 (where eddie will be seen walking to wallys house) but my tablet died#grrrrrr#also unrelated but i wrote in my book todayyy (i never write at all) but hey its kinda fun to write my ideas huahahahaah#i plan on doing some research on welcome home and write it down (maybe even some theories hmm??) also doing research on the characters#just to try to get to know them more (cuz i have been crazy for them for AGES and still feel like i haven't done enough)#oh yeah CALL ME CRAZYYY butttt since the irl world sucks i plan on making little writings like im IN welcome home just because idk#more explaining and better ones on my tiktok vid description (user in my bio)#also i feel like things might be getting better for me cuz wowie i never thought id be animating again#but now all this motivation...so many ideas appearing...need to focus on one at a time...darn#HEY! 12 days till a break from the evil cell of educational purposes??? (school) FINALLY PURE HEAVEN I CAN BE FREE WITHOUT SUFFERING#welcome home#partycoffin#wally darling#welcome home arg#welcome home fanart#welcome home wally#7 backgrounds left to do...then ill have to animate...oh evilllll so evillll
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“We have to recreate the moment you first fell in love”
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It’s being furious at Felony for squandering some of the most narratively interesting and thematically poignant villains Star Wars has ever come up with to promote his dumbass ocs and nostalgia bait with legacy characters (actively harming the characterizations and stories of said characters in the process!) hours again
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funsizedcrow · 1 year
"Animation is only for kids" im going to fist fight you
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i love :D being sick :D
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office-worker-91 · 8 months
Infinity Train Fear and Hunger AU Snippet 5 (Finale)
(TW: Gore, mentions of limb loss)
Despite the danger of the dungeon, they almost made it out without issue. Now that Jesse was dead set on getting home, he actually had a decent idea of where the exit was. Now that Lake had worked out their anger on the subject, they were actually feeling fairly good about the situation. What had seemed like a distant dream all their life was now within their grasp.
After they returned to the regular dungeon area from the city, Jesse led Lake and Alan Dracula back towards where he was sure the exit was. Part of him had become antsy. Now that he had officially given up on finding some magic to help Nate, he wanted to get out as soon as possible. Lake made sure to temper his ambitions every time they could see him getting sloppy with his stealth. It wouldn't matter how fast they got to the exit if they were both dead. Though they did have to get there without resting. They'd been fairly lucky with finding safe sleeping areas, but they didn't trust their own luck.
Lake and Jesse held hands as they walked, so that Jesse could know Lake was behind him without turning around and taking his attention off of his surroundings. Alan Dracula followed behind them, though he didn't seem to understand that they were supposed to be stealthy right now. He kept impatiently pushing Lake forward or trying to walk forward past the two of them, like he wasn't worried at all. Between making sure Jesse was paying attention and making sure Alan Dracula didn't get them caught, Lake didn't have much time to think about what would happen once they escaped. They couldn't afford to daydream.
All their efforts were for naught when a hulking creature burst through the wall in front of them. A humanoid bird-headed creature with a deadly mace for an arm and a blood-stained beak.
Lake was hit with a weird sense of familiarity when she realized this same creature had been tailing Tulip during her time in the dungeon. But Tulip, lucky punk that she was, had somehow managed to avoid the more aggressive part of its attention. They hadn't been so fortunate apparently.
Jesse yelped as Lake pulled him back just in time to avoid getting his head bitten off. A part of Lake wanted to scream in agony, that they had been so close to escaping the dungeon only to get cut off by some bird-brained brutalizer. But at the same time, Jesse had almost died and they had about zero seconds to react until the crow-headed man's next attack, so if they had to retreat back into the dungeon, that's what they would do. Lake pulled the two back, avoiding a swipe from its arm-mace, and started to run back the way they'd came.
There was only one problem: Alan Dracula wasn't moving. At all. He just stared as the crow mauler approached in the other direction. Without hesitation, Lake let go of Jesse, hoping he would stay behind them, and drew their morning star. They swung to counter an attack aimed at AD.
Lake's trusty morning star, the weapon they'd relied upon their entire free life, snapped helplessly against the crow mauler's weapon. Lake was knocked onto the ground in front of Alan Dracula. Lake looked up, hoping the deer would be surprisingly reliable, like he usually was, but the deer simply looked down at Lake, with something like a detached lovingness. Appreciated. Not helping.
Lake held up their broken weapon in a desperate attempt to block the black death descending upon them, but Jesse had predictably not taken the hint and thrust his spear into the chest of the beast. It was a powerful strike, evident by how he had practically thrown himself forward and fallen on his face in front of them. Still, despite the attempt, the attack hadn't even embedded the entire tip of the spear into the monster's chest, and it fell pitifully and uselessly in front of the two of them.
The crow mauler, completely undaunted by the attempts at stopping it, opened its beak, opening what looked like a void in its mouth. Jesse desperately clawed at Lake's shoulders, no doubt trying to pull himself up to get in front of them, the idiot. Lake wouldn't let that happen and curled their metal body over Jesse. If they could protect him and Alan Dracula long enough for them to escape, out of the dungeons and into whatever better world Jesse had lived in before, everything that they lived would've been worth it. It would've been a good life.
The crow mauler gave a terrible shriek, no doubt preparing to attack. And then it kept shrieking. And Lake's distressed thoughts managed to collect themselves enough to think that... it sounded like it was in pain.
Jesse and Lake simultaneously looked up and found a horrific mass of brown fur swirling around the crow mauler like a hurricane. Multiple sets of horns had pierced entirely through the creature's body. Above the storm of gore, black feathers, and fur, the elongated head of Alan Dracula emerged, looking down on the mauler. His eyes glowed with some unearthly power. Lake got a weird feeling of déjà vu, thinking back to the city and how it had immediately made them feel as if they were witnessing something not meant for mortal eyes. This gave them about ten times that reaction.
Lake pushed Jesse's head to the ground and covered their own eyes. They heard the shrieks of the once mighty beast growing higher and higher pitched, and then-
Lake cautiously peered up. Alan Dracula stood in a pile of red with feathers floating in it. He stared at them, his eyes no longer glowing oh-so-terribly, now back to its weirdly comforting all-black color.
Jesse asked, muffled against the stone floor, if they were dead yet, to which Lake let him up. Surprisingly, despite witnessing what had just happened, the two silently elected not to talk about it. Alan Dracula began walking towards the exit, and the two mortals followed him. That was the last monster the dungeon ever threw at them.
When they reached the doors, Alan Dracula hastily shoved the shell-shocked teens outside. By the time they looked back, AD was already disappearing back into the darkness of the dungeon, having evidently done what he wanted to do.
Lake's thoughts swirled around in their head. Their entire life was still flashing before their eyes as if they were still in that hallway with the monster.
The sun is nice. Not as nice as Jesse, in fact it's a little harsh, but it's a welcome change. And it's warm. The "sun" in the underground city hadn't been warm.
There was green all around the dungeon entrance. Lake supposed this was what a forest looked like when you weren't viewing it through a shaky pond reflection.
Jesse, despite everything they had just gone through, wordlessly extended his hand to Lake. Lake looked at it like it was everything they'd ever wanted, and in a sense it was. It was time for them to enter the real world. It's all uphill from here.
Lake took Jesse's hand, and the two began walking.
Travelling across the land had not only been comparably a breeze, it had also been fascinating. Tulip almost never left her town, and when she did they had only seen what had been reflected. Here, among the grass and the trees, the only thing they had to worry about was their legs hurting. And maybe some bandits, but they were confident they could handle that.
Jesse was quickly back to his normal, positive self. And Lake hadn't known what they were missing out on, because apparently, instead of whistling, Jesse usually SINGS. He just hadn't wanted to attract attention. It was the most unbelievably corny and in character thing, and Lake cherished every new thing they were learning about him just like he seemed to cherish every new thing they experienced.
As they neared the town where the Cosay's lived, Jesse got increasingly nervous. After all, he had run away from home immediately after Nate had lost his arm due to HIS mistakes. But Lake kept pushing him through. They pushed each other through, really. Lake still had nightmares. They were sure Jesse did too. But they would never have to face them alone.
As they neared the town, Jesse talking nervously about how much they're going to love him parents and how excited he was to get out of his blood-soaked clothes and take a bath, Lake looked out over the... well, the lake that Jesse had told them he loved so much to swim in. They smiled at the image of the afternoon sun reflecting off the water's surface.
The Cosays, evidently, did not prioritize any anger they might've held for their eldest son's actions over their concern for his safety. Jesse cried his eyes out as he embraced his family and swore up and down that yes, he was okay, the blood on his shirt was mostly his but it was also old and he's much better now. Lake stood awkwardly behind him, waiting for the reunion to finish.
The Cosays barely questioned Jesse when he told them that Lake had saved their life while they were away from home. The two were taken in and given a nice change of clothes and a bath. Lake had never had a bath before. They hadn't thought it necessary as a metal person, but they felt surprisingly relaxed by it.
Jesse's apology to his little brother wasn't easy. Nate was happy his brother was alive, but he couldn't really bring himself to forgive Jesse. Jesse assured him that was okay, even though he was sniffling as he talked. Healing takes time, after all.
Nothing was perfect. If one were a pessimist, they may assume everything had gotten worse. But Jesse was alive and here with the Cosays, to help them with whatever they needed, provided he didn't have to risk his life for unattainable eldritch power. And Lake hadn't escaped to some fairy-tale land where everything was safe and happy, but they HAD escaped. They were free, free to pursue whatever dreams or goals they wanted. And they planned on taking full advantage of that... so long as they didn't have to leave Jesse's side for too long, at least.
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morzowo · 7 months
after over a year of putting it off i finally started watching koisenu futari and here i was thinking i might start getting just too numb and not being able to feel anything strong watching shows only for this show to make me feel shrimp emotions
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godsamael · 2 months
Hello! I'm the anon that ask about your IF!
I thought there was only one wow but there's many D: if you don't mind, I would love to play them all including the ones on hiatus if you have them, but if not, just Love for Sundown would be great too! Thank you for replying! Have a good day and good luck with your work!
Sorry for the late answer, I was out all day!
There's not much publicly available for most of my stuff at the moment, but here's what I was able to get for you :)
Love for Sundown
Burwick Destination (Note: Due to some fundamental changes to the premise, everything in this demo will be rewritten someday. But I don't mind sharing what it used to be.)
The Book of Broken Candles (Day One preview; month 1 is still in progress)
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having a category 12 "thought about william wisp for too long" moment
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kidfoundonstreets · 10 months
bruh my english teacher is such a bitch
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kneworder · 2 months
this is the closest i have ever come to failing all my classes 😃
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goldensunset · 2 months
one of my professors is really based… we were like ‘so is the final project still due friday’ and she was like ‘…in theory. the only reason i’ve put it down as being due so early is because we’re technically not allowed to make things due in the last week of class because we’re supposed to be encouraging you all to study for finals. but you see, i am well within my right to give extensions ;-)’ let’s go sisterrrrrr
#1. ​i have never heard of that rule 2. i have lots of stuff due finals week 3. i might straight up have something due next week anyway#4. i doubt the administration is really going to check professors’ syllabi#so i personally don’t see the need for her to worry about that but like#how funny that she’s so open about being willing to bend that rule#she’s like i really only need it by finals although you’d be better off getting it done earlier so you can get feedback#but also like depending on the type of project we do not all of us even have to take the written final#like i’m just gonna do a paper so i don’t think she’ll make me do another writing project#also she’s like ‘ok some of you turned in this one assignment (that she already was incredibly lax with the due date for)#but you didn’t really meet the actual criteria of the assignment or you failed to turn it in entirely#but you can still turn it in now if you want or you can just make up for it by doing a really good job in that area of your final project#and i’ll give you a grade on that assignment anyway bc it’s really supposed to be a part of the larger final project anyway’#like that is how chill and based she is with this#peach rambles#she’s a strict grader but like. it’s all totally fair criticism#she wants a demonstration of knowledge and good writing from us more than anything. more than being on time#so like i gotta lock in on this paper but it’s nice to know it’s going to someone fair who cares
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