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sprout-fics · 9 months
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Coyote Kiss
(Philip Graves x F! Reader)
(Call of Duty Masterlist)
Rating: Explicit, MDNI Wordcount: 3.1k Tags: Brat Tamer Graves, Bratty Reader, Motorcycle Graves, Date night, Banter, Bickering, Love/Hate Relationship, Messy relationships, Jealousy Warnings: None A/N: Hi. Here's more of the man I love to hate and hate to love. Forgive me.
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He’s smirking at you.
There’s a low, fluorescent buzz to the diner amidst the distant sounds of the kitchen, the gurgle of the coffee machine behind the counter. You and Graves are tucked in a booth, far from the door, where the neon light of the ‘open’ sign catches against the shiny leather of his motorcycle jacket. There’s tinny music over the speakers, the 80’s you think, not entirely sure. You know if you try and guess Graves will only huff at you, correct you and lament about your poor music knowledge.
You can feel the toes of his boots brush against your ankles, and even though you aren’t looking at him you know he’s just waiting for you to comment on it, nudge him out of your space with mild annoyance. Instead you focus on the various laminated displays of greasy food inside the menu, burying your face so you ignore him. Yet even without looking you know exactly how he looks. Relaxed into his seat, arms crossed, head tilted in keen observation, and that damned smirk plastered across his smug face. 
“You haven’t looked at the menu.” You observe, still not looking at him, and you hear Graves shift to attention when you finally acknowledge him.
“Don’t have to.” He replies easily. “I’ve been here long enough to know what I want.”
Or so he’s said. It had taken some cajoling on his part to drag you this far out into the sticks, far away from the Shadow Company base. You’d expected him to commandeer one of the jeeps in the compound, puzzled as to why he told you to dress warm in the middle of the deadly Texas summer heat. Yet then your commander had led you off to a garage, had yanked a tarp back to reveal a pristinely kept motorcycle underneath. 
“Ducati.” He announced smugly, leaning on the bike and running an appreciative hand over the sleek black trim. “One of the best on the market.”
“How did you afford this?” You gaped at him, ignoring his bark of laughter at your open, astonished expression.
“It pays to be a government contractor, sweetheart. You ought to know that by now.”
He walked over to a shelf, tossed you a helmet. It looked brand new. You barely caught it, too transfixed on the motorcycle. Graves sauntered back over, tapped two leather-gloved fingers under your chin.
“Close your mouth, babygirl. You’ll catch flies.”
It had been clear from the get-go that Graves had planned this in excruciating detail, going as far as providing you with a spare jacket that even now remains draped across your shoulders, just a bit too large. You’d hopped on the bike behind him, a little hesitant to grab onto him, at least until he’d huffed and wrapped your arms around his waist himself. The warmth of him bled into your front, helmet tucked against his shoulder and thighs clenched to the bike as he’d sped off out of the compound.
You’d gotten some stares from the guards. There will probably be rumors across half the base by the time you both get back.
You don’t know how long you rode into the desert, the sun setting quickly and casting a brilliant orange haze across the horizon. Graves talked little, focused on the road, stopping only when he was required, planting a possessive hand roaming across the meat of your thigh. When you’d playfully smacked at it, he only laughed.
Eventually you had pulled into the diner just as the sunset faded and the flickering, lonely street lights had turned on. When he had ushered you into the diner, the older lady behind the counter had greeted him in cheerful familiarity. “Phil.”
She’s disappeared now, and you think you heard her mutter something to the much younger waitress about a smoke break. Left alone, you stare into the grease-stained menu and try to decipher the various contents in a vain attempt to not entertain Grave’s twinkling eyes.
He nudges you again under the table, boots pressing against your ankles, spreading himself wide and into your space in a way that’s meant to purposefully draw your attention. You know this ploy all too well, know that if you bite and decide to snip at him he’ll only rile you up further with gleeful audacity, until eventually he handles you into a biting kiss you can’t resist. It’s the constant game you both play, caught between a simmering annoyance that erupts in roaming touches and snipping banter even when you’re caught in his arms. You know the inevitable end of it, how you’ll end up in his bed, feel him haul your legs over his shoulders and tease you even then, smiling against your lips when he forces you to surrender in desperate, mewling gasps.
You pretend to hate it, fight him at every turn, rise to his jabs and return them with your own. It only feeds into his rampant desire for you, intoxicated by handling the feral nature of you, taming you with teasing endearments turned into rasping, sweet nothings as he buries himself inside you. You know you’ll go willingly even though you bite at him like something wild, slightly feral, knowing that at the end of this you’ll surrender to his carnal desires only because it feels so good.
You catch the waitress out of the corner of your eye, see her blonde hair cascade in girlish waves out of her ponytail, french-tip nails holding her ticketbook as she sways over to your table. She’s pretty, thin, looks like something out of those 60’s advertisements done in acrylic posters.
“What can I getcha, hon?” She asks, voice a thick Texas drawl as she cocks her hip, staring straight at Graves. Attentive. Suggestive. 
It makes your eyes narrow.
Graves looks up like he’s noticed her for the first time, offering a polite smile, different from the one he’s given you. 
“Coffee. Black.” He provides, slinging an arm over the back of his seat. “I’ll have the fried catfish sandwich and okra. Fries on the side, biscuits too.”
“Sure thing, sugar.”
You’re ready to order when Graves then points at you. You think he’ll pull a smartass move, declare your affinity for a fresh salad and fruit. Instead he supplies: “This little lady right here will have a burger, medium rare. The works, bacon, egg, all that. Plus onion rings and a coke.”
You open your mouth to protest, but find nothing to object to. In fact, when you frown in a mild pout, your stomach only rumbles in yawning hunger. Graves shoots you a look. 
“And no pickles.” He adds, grinning wolfishly. You’re not sure if you want to bite or kiss him.
The waitress scribbles down all of the above in quick shorthand. “Anything else?”
Graves purses his lips, considering. “Chips and queso.” He supplies with a small gesture of his hand. “Thank ya, darlin’.”
The waitress seems to perk up at that, smiling happily before striding off towards the kitchen. You watch her go, trace her back until she vanishes behind the swinging door, and only then do you catch Graves staring at you. 
He raises an eyebrow at you contemplatively. “Am I not giving you enough attention, babygirl?”
Are you jealous?
You scoff, averting your eyes so he doesn’t see the flash of surprise and bashfulness that flickers across your gaze. “Hardly.” You tell him, and your commander only hums, pressing his boot a little more firmly against your calf.
You shoot him an annoyed look. “Quit it.” You grumble, and just as you expect Graves only grins, eyes twinkling at your bite. 
“Can’t help it.” He drawls. “I’m a long legged man.”
You tilt your head at him, a mischievous smile forming on your lips as you consider his words. 
“You’re 5’11.” You correct him. “I know plenty of Shadows that have a few inches on you.”
Graves’ eyes flash at that, and you know you’ve gotten under his skin just a bit by the way his gaze turns just a little sharp before melting back into easy confidence. 
“I compensate in other ways, darlin’. You know that.”
You thin your lips at that, know that for all intents and purposes, he’s right.
Graves takes in your silence and laughs, pleased. 
“Don’t pout.” He tuts at you. “If you need a reminder later, let me know.”
The last time he gave you a ‘reminder’ you’d walked on wobbly legs for two days afterwards, bruises tracing abstract patterns up your chest and throat. And Graves, damnable Graves, had strutted around the compound like a prized rooster crowing at the sun for all the things he knew he had done to you. You’d seethed about it, of course, his egoism, but even then you couldn’t stop the memory of him from poisoning the slow fester of your attraction to him. 
His hands on your wrists, your legs over his shoulders. The hickeys he’s sucked into your throat bloom dark against your skin. You toss your head under him, lips parted in desperate little whines as he grinds himself into you with unerring precision. His back is scratched to hell, and he moans at the burn of it, drunk on the hurt and the intoxicating process of watching your wild nature fold to utter, mewling surrender under him.
“Feel good, baby?” He drawls, voice hoarse with his groans as his hips slap against yours. It shakes the bed. “Can’t even talk because you’re so cockdrunk, aren’t ya, little spitfire?”
And you, you had given into him, had surrendered to his endearing, teasing taunts, had folded under him like you belonged there.
Your thighs threaten to close at the memory, and the motion doesn’t go unnoticed by your commander, who’s face lights up in realization. 
“Yeah?” He provides, shifting forward eagerly. “Bet you’d like that, babygirl.”
“Piss off.” You snap, even though the temptation of it roils inside you with undeniable interest.
Graves whistles, long and low, puckering his lips and feigning surprise. “I like that bark, sweetheart. You know I do, but…”
Graves leers at you.
“I like it better when you bite.”
You choke.
It’s not unlike him to be this brazen, far from it. Yet his taunting is usually reserved for the more private moments, the ones where he crowds you into the shadows of the armory or behind the barracks, seizes your lips in a domineering kiss until you gasp against him. He leaves you like that after, having barely touched you, smirking with that twinkle in his eyes and sauntering off to leave you exactly as he intended. Dizzy, chest rising, mind fuzzy with want.
Here, however, in this place with a sparse collection of other diners, where the blonde waitress peeks from the porthole of the kitchen door, you feel yourself warm under his intent stare, mouth pressing into a thin, flustered line as you avoid his gaze. 
“Look at me, sweetheart.”
You do, instinctively. That tone, when his voice dips lower, less playful,  heavy with intent, always summons your attention. It means listen, eyes up, come here.
You merely glance at him, not entirely turning. Avoiding him still, feeding into this game that you both enjoy so dearly. 
“Maybe I don’t want to.” You drawl, and you know if it weren’t for the table between you Graves would close the distance and seize your chin to make you look. You smile at that in a way he can see, watch the way fire flickers across his eyes at the rebellious streak in you. He loves it. Loves the way you refuse to obey. It’s a challenge he’s greedy to accept, a temptation he can’t resist. The act of making you surrender is an addiction in of itself, a warm swimming desire that feeds into his veins. He’s drunk on the act of taming you, can’t resist riling you up only to put you down. 
It feeds his ego, you think- his oozing confidence that doesn’t buckle even under artillery fire. Graves knows what he is capable of.
Knows he’s capable of taming you. 
Before he can respond to your taunt, the waitress reappears with an entire platter of food. Fries, chips, onion rings, queso, drinks, a burger, okra, and a piece of catfish perfectly fried. The steam wafts up from the linoleum table, and you can’t help your eyes fluttering at the intoxicating smell of perfectly greasy food. 
“Anything else, sweetpea?” The waitress asks in a sing-song little voice, still trying to draw Graves' attention. He looks up at her, tilting his head and softening his eyes just for a moment. You think he’ll flirt with her, maybe compliment her bright pink lipstick.
“That’s all.” He provides instead, short in a way that makes you blink as you watch the rejection pass over the waitress’s face. She nods distantly before vanishing, and Graves doesn’t give her a second glance before he’s lifting his sandwich up and tearing into it like a coyote with a piece of raw meat. 
You survey the table, the wealth of food you know you won’t finish. It’s decadent to the point of excess, and as Graves sucks the sauce from his fingers messily you blink at the spread. 
“Christ, Graves.” You breathe. “There’s enough here to feed the base.”
Graves hums around the next bite of his food. 
“I gotta keep my girl fed.” He provides through a full mouth, and when you scold him for manners he only grins at you before nodding to your burger. “I know you’re hungry, eat up.”
You grumble at him but happily oblige, biting into the meat of your burger. Flavor and warmth explodes across your senses, and before you can help it you moan.
Graves barks a laugh, nudges you once again under the table. 
“Atta girl.” He provides, and you’re too lost in your food to care about the slight mocking tone of his, eyes scrunching shut and savoring the next bite. 
“My little carnivore.” He croons, and you do nudge him with your boot at that, shooting him a glare. His eyes only twinkle with mischief before he returns to his own food. 
It takes time for you both to devour the table full of food with its queso laden chips and golden brown onion rings, the fries that leave grease stains on the wax paper. Graves waggles a piece of okra in front of your face, and you finally give into his cajoling before eating it straight from his hand.
When his knuckles graze under your chin, you resist the urge to bite him.
Eventually you slump back in your seat with a heavy, pleased sigh, hands over your full stomach and immensely satisfied at the warmth of the food that curls there. Graves sips at his coffee, and how he manages to drink it black after eating that amount of grease is beyond you. 
“Feel good, babygirl?” He asks, perhaps a little too smugly, but you can’t bring yourself to pay him much mind. 
“Mm-hmm.” You hum happily, a lazy pleased smile across your face as you look at him.
For a moment, you swear you catch something that veers dangerously close to tenderness.
“How am I supposed to get us both on the bike after all this?” He snarks instead, gesturing to the mess of empty plastic baskets and crumbs you’ve both left. 
You shrug, unable to hide a cheeky smile. “I could probably ride back and get a couple of strong shadows to haul you onto a truck.” You suggest, and in a rare moment of surprise Graves chokes on his coffee. You grin victoriously at him when he wipes at his chin before turning to you with his eyes narrowed. 
You shrug. “Guilty.”
Despite the scolding, Graves is smiling, and you can’t help but smile back. 
You cringe when the bill is slid onto the table, but Graves doesn’t even blink when he deposits  a fat wad of cash before standing and bringing you with him. He keeps a hand at the small of your back as you both exit into the cool night air, and if you didn’t know better you’d swear he was being a gentleman.
Yet then the hand snakes up to your back, and you nearly stumble in surprise as Graves thumps you a few times between the shoulders. You spin to face him, eyes wide in indignation. 
“Are you trying to burp me?!” You gasp in mild outrage, and in perfect timing you have to swallow down a bubble of gas in hopes he doesn’t notice. 
Graves grins, amused and pleased at the mildly scornful look in your eyes. He merely crowds you backwards until your backside bumps against the motorcycle, his hands catching you by your hips before he hauls himself flush against you. 
You’re not ready for the way the blue of his eyes shift under the glow of the streetlamp, the sudden, dizzying desire he has when he locks his gaze on yours. 
“You drive me crazy, you know that darlin?” He rasps, voice dragging breathily in his chest. It makes you soften against him in your shock, the sudden rapturous fixation of his voice that almost speaks of devotion.
You swallow, heart thumping uneasily in your chest, caught on the razor’s edge of him, afraid that if you get too close he might bleed you dry. 
You almost want him to try. 
“You’re already crazy.” You manage instead, flashing him a mischievous smile that only barely meets your eyes. 
Graves laughs, and laughs again when you nip at his descending lips, a hand snaking up to cradle your skull and press you closer to him. Your hands seize the leather of his jacket in a desperate anchor, swept away by his sudden urge to devour you. 
You’re always hiding in some ways from him, you think, ever distant and out of reach. You feign irritation to quell the thunder of your heartbeat, teetering on the precipice of caution and dangerous desire. If you surrender completely, fall into his jaws, you know he’ll only gobble you up like a wild animal. You fear somehow he’ll chew you until you’ve lost your taste and then leave the remains of your broken heart withering like starved desert flowers. You’re not sure if you can take it.
Yet in this moment, in the laughing kiss he presses against your parted lips, you wonder if perhaps this is meant to be forever.
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@alicesfracturedmirror @writeforfandoms
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queen-of-the-avengers · 8 months
Knight in Shining Motorcycle: Part Two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: feeling rejected and heartbroken, going on yet another bad date, belittling wait staff (by the date), fluff at the end
Summary: It's been a month since the incident with Jackson. It's been a month since you felt Bucky's arms around you. It's been a month and he hasn't said one word about it, and seems like he's gone back to his usual ways. It's time for you to move but why can't you?
read part one here: Knight in Shining Motorcycle
Squares Filled: seeking comfort in best friend (2020) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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It’s been a month since you and Bucky shared a bed. It’s been a month since he saved you from that disastrous date with Jackson. It’s been a month since you felt his arms around you, and you haven’t felt them since. It’s like after that night, Bucky went back to his normal ways of fucking a new girl every week. He refuses to think about that night, talk about that night, and acknowledge that it even happened.
Sometimes, he’d bring two girls back to the apartment for a very long night of you wanting to kill yourself from the noises you’d hear. You don’t get it. You thought you two had something. Were you just a means to an end? Another girl to get into his bed even though you never did anything other than sleep? Another notch in his belt?
The only person you can find comfort in is your best friend and Bucky’s sister, Mia. She’s the only one who will hear you complain about him because everyone does it. All of her friends who have gotten involved with Bucky have complained to her about how he didn’t treat them right or they caught feelings but he tossed them aside like they meant nothing.
However, this time it’s different. It’s the way you talk about Bucky or the way she sees him with other girls that makes her think there is something more to this than meets the eye.
“He hasn’t said anything to you?” you ask and fiddle with your cappuccino.
“No, sorry, hun.”
“I should move out. I don’t know where I’d go.”
“I wish I could say you can stay with me. Ty and I just converted the spare bedroom into our home office.”
“I know. I appreciate the offer. I have a little money saved but I have to tough it out until I get enough to afford something small.”
“Ty’s sister is a real estate agent. I can give her your number and she can try and help you out.”
“Yeah, maybe. I’m still trying to figure things out.”
“Hey, can Ty and I borrow your car this weekend? Ours is in the shop and we planned a romantic weekend up north.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll drop it off the night before.”
You take a sip from your coffee and hear a motorcycle in the distance. You’d recognize that bike anywhere. Bucky pulls up near the cafe where you and Mia are and parks on the side of the road. He has a girl on the back of his bike that he no doubt met that day. Right in front of him is some fancy clothing store she wanted to go to. She gets off the bike, removes her helmet, and leaves him on the bike to go inside the store alone.
Bucky looks in your general direction but with his helmet on, it’s hard to determine exactly what he is looking at. Still, that doesn’t stop the glare you’re giving him.
“Just ignore him,” Mia says and pops a doughnut hole into her mouth.
“Easier said than done,” you mutter and look away from him. “That next morning, he acted like nothing happened. I figured he didn’t want to talk about it. Then a couple of days passed and he still didn’t mention it. Weeks went by and now I know he’s doing this to me on purpose. He’s being an ass.”
Bucky gets off his bike and takes off his helmet to get some fresh air, and he leans against the side of it effortlessly. If you were to do that, you’d surely knock the bike over. He waits for his fuck buddy to come out of the store, and she bounces over to him with a bag in hand. She wraps her arms around his neck and he pulls her in for a kiss.
It’s the kind of kiss that is meant for the bedroom but also the kind of kiss you want to show off to someone. You can’t be here anymore.
“I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”
You get up and toss some bills onto the table for your drink and leave in the opposite direction of Bucky and his new toy.
Bucky pulls away from the girl and looks over to where you and Mia are. When he doesn’t see you, he looks around for you only to see your retreating figure. He feels like shit for doing that. He absentmindedly rubs the knuckles that hold small scars from when he beat Jackson up for what he did to you.
You take the entire day to walk around town and be by yourself, so when you get home it’s already dark. Bucky is in the kitchen cooking something when you put your keys in the bowl by the front door. You round the corner and see him cooking something with only a towel wrapped around his waist as if he just got out of the shower. However, there isn’t any water on his body.
“Grab it while it’s hot,” he says.
“Really? You’re cooking in a towel? You couldn’t have gotten dressed first?”
He opens his mouth to reply but someone speaks from his bedroom that interrupts him.
“Bucky, where are you? I’m getting lonely.”
Bucky doesn’t feel guilty that he has a girl over. He feels guilty that you caught him. He sees the heartbroken look in your eyes that makes him want to shoot himself.
“Thanks for the offer but I’m not hungry. I’m sleeping over at Mia’s tonight.”
He lets you walk away.
The weekend comes quicker than you’d like. Without a car, you’re stuck in the apartment, and you’re not about to ask Bucky for a ride on his motorcycle. You’re stuck in your room on your phone when you get a message from Mia.
Hey, I know you didn’t ask for this but I hooked you up with someone Ty knows. He’s super nice!
like a blind date?
Yeah. I can tell him you’re not interested. I figured this is your chance to get over my brother.
yeah, i can try. where is the date?
At the new bar that just opened next to the cafe. His name is Travis. I told him 7 tonight.
okay. thank you. i’ll let you know how it goes.
Seven is three hours away, so you better get ready now. After taking a shower, you look in your closet for something to wear and come across the dress you wore for your date with Jackson. You haven’t worn it since because of the memories attached to it. Not memories of Jackson, memories of Bucky. Next to that dress is Bucky’s leather jacket he told you to keep. Like the dress, you haven’t worn it since and you’re sure as hell not going to wear it now.
There is a floral print dress that goes down to your ankles. It’s off the shoulders with long sleeves down to your wrists that bunches so the sleeves look flowy instead of compressed. The entire dress is flowy and light, perfect for a blind date. The match, you have chunky white wedges that give you a few extra inches. You keep your makeup light, hair down in soft waves, and jewelry that compliments the dress.
You leave your room and look at Bucky’s closed door. He’s been spending a lot of time in his room this past week with girls he picks up from anywhere. The only reason you’re telling him where you’re going is because you live with him. If you don’t, he’ll send an army to go look for you. There are noises and giggling coming from inside the room but when you knock, they cease.
One minute later, the door opens a crack and Bucky stands there with messy hair and sweats on.
“I’m going out. Don’t wait up for me.”
Bucky takes a moment to look at the outfit you’ve chosen and his demeanour changes immediately.
“Where are you going?”
“I have a date.”
“You don’t have a car.”
“I’ll Uber. Have fun with your girlfriend.”
You leave before he has a chance to say anything else. It takes the Uber ten minutes to get to you and another thirty minutes to get to the restaurant. Mia sent you a picture of what the man looks like but it was grainy and unclear. You step out with your phone in hand while looking around for Travis.
You turn to see an attractive man wearing a nice suit. You look at the picture once more to confirm it’s Travis, which it is.
“You must be Travis,” you chuckle nervously.
“Yeah. Wow, Mia sent me your picture but nothing compares to real life. You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you blush.
“I made us a reservation. Shall we go inside?”
“After you.”
You two walk inside, get your table, order, and start chatting about your lives. Travis is a bit boring when it comes to having adventures. Unlike you. You can write a book about the adventures you’ve been on because you have Bucky as a roommate. When he’s not fucking some random girl, he’s actually pretty cool to hang out with. You two have been everywhere in town doing all sorts of things.
“So, what do you do for work?” Travis asks and sips his drink.
“Uh, I am an IT specialist who works from home. I get calls daily on how to fix computers and other tech-related stuff. It pays well and I get to stay home, so that’s a bonus.”
“That’s awesome. I’m terrible when it comes to computers.”
“What do you do?”
“I am a financial manager. Like you, it pays well but I’m stuck in meetings and in the office all the time.”
“Have you always wanted to work in the financial world?”
The waitress comes by with your food and sets the plates in front of you and Travis. You think she’s going to walk away and you can continue your conversation with Travis, but that’s not what happens.
“Am I supposed to be impressed with this?” he asks angrily.
“Excuse me?” the waitress stutters.
“I don’t even have to touch this to know it’s cold. Do I have to go back there and tell you how to do your damn job?” 
Your mouth opens in embarrassment and shock.
“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll take this back right now and have it fixed.”
The waitress grabs the plate without looking at you and leaves immediately. Poor thing looks like she is going to cry. Travis shakes his head and turns back to you as if this never happened.
“So, anyway, I went to business school and all that, but it’s nice to get out of the office every once in a while, you know?”
You have no idea what to say. Mistreating waitstaff is an immediate turn off. Everything attractive about this man suddenly turns sour. You’re lucky you saw this early on instead of at the end of the date.
“I’m sorry, I have to use the ladies room. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, sure.”
You take everything you own with you because you’re not coming back to this table. You make it seem like you’re going to the bathroom in case he’s watching but once your table is out of sight, you find the first waitress you see which so happens to be yours.
“Hey, I am so sorry about the way he spoke to you like that. I don’t even know him. My best friend set me up. Listen, I gotta get out of here but the table we’re at is by the door. Is there a back entrance I can use?”
“Yeah, I got you. He gave me the ick as soon as I saw him,” she shutters. “Follow me.” She takes you through the kitchen and the back door that they use when they go on breaks. “Good luck.”
“Oh, and don’t be afraid to spit in his food.”
“Trust me, the cook’s all over it.”
You walk through the small alley next to the bar to the main street. You take out your phone to call an Uber, but luck has it so that you don’t have any service. You try moving the phone around, even walking down to the street light, but nothing comes up.
“Damn it,” you mutter.
You can’t call Mia. You can’t use your car because she has it. The only person you know is Bucky. Should you call him? He’s probably frolicking with that woman still. Even if you were to call him, he’d probably hate you for ruining his date. The only other option is to walk home even though it took thirty minutes to get here by car.
The road stretches through the mountain briefly which you don’t want to walk through but what else are you gonna do? If you can’t get service in a busy restaurant area, there is no way you’re gonna get service in the mountains. The walk gives you time to think about your life. You have a good job that pays well but you can’t keep living with Bucky if it means seeing him with all these women. You have a major thing for him and it kills you to know you’re not the one he’s going home with.
Ten minutes go by until you hear the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle. It races past you without a second thought, screeches to a stop, turns around, and slowly creeps up behind you. You don’t have to see who it is to know who it is. Bucky pulls up next to you and walks the bike to keep up with your pace.
“Get on the bike.”
“No, I’ll walk. Thanks.”
“Don’t be difficult, Y/N. Get on the bike.”
“How the hell did you even find me?”
“I asked Mia. She told me the guy you were on a date with. I looked him up, and he posted to his Facebook about how his date ditched him, and all women are beneath him. He’s a fucking loser. I mean, he still uses Facebook,” he chuckles. “I figured you were out here somewhere.”
“Stop stalking me,” you roll your eyes. “I’ll meet you at home.”
“Get on the damn bike.”
“No!” Bucky revs his engine and surges forward, parking right in front of you to prevent you from going further. You try to go around him but he moves his bike in your path. “Why the hell do you care about me? You’ve proven I mean nothing to you.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” he asks and gets off his bike.
“You fucking know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, then you’re not worth my time.” You try pushing past him to continue your walk but he grabs your arm to prevent you from doing so. You quickly turn and slap his face. The shock is enough for him to let go of you. “Don’t fucking touch me. The last time you touched me, you left and never spoke of it again. Just go, please. You have a girl waiting for you at home. Just go to her.”
“I can’t!”
“Why not?!”
“Because she’s not you!” he yells loudly.
“Do better,” you scoff.
“Fuck,” he mumbles to himself. “I love you!” You pause to take in the information. “I can’t get you out of my fucking head. I’ve been trying all month to get you out of my head. None of the girls I’ve brought home have ever stuck because they’re not you. Being with you that one night has been better than anything I’ve done all fucking month.”
“Then why did you let me walk away?” you ask in a heartbreaking tone.
“Because I’m an idiot. Because you’re the realest thing I’ve ever had, and I didn’t want to fuck it up.”
Silence befalls the two of you, and you look around the desolate road.
“So, what are you gonna do about it?”
More silence. Bucky takes three big steps to get to you, grabs your waist with one hand, slides his other into your hair, and kisses you like he was supposed to a month ago. His lips fit so perfectly against your own like they belong there. You’ve pictured this moment in so many different ways, but this is not on your list.
“Are we really doing this?” you ask when he pulls away.
“Do you want to?” You nod with a smile. “You’re my girl now.”
“No more other women.”
“I’ve got the one I want.”
He leans down and kisses you again, this time, making your head soar to new places.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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stridersdiner · 10 months
Rancher!Graves likes his bikes.
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It took a while for our teenaged Phil to figure out what exactly was wrong with that ol' motorcycle his friend Hank told him about. If only Hank knew he had just unleashed a new obsession that'd follow Phil into adulthood.
Hank's father has had this thing for the better half of a decade, and when it broke down some two years ago, it was doomed to collect dust at his estate. Something about being a wealthy man meant being able to afford such fleeting hobbies, but he was charitable enough to give it to Phil so long as he was willing to put in the work to fix it.
It took months of troubleshooting and tinkering. The spare shed was in disarray; ground littered with spare parts and tools, smears of oil and grease (it was getting hard to tell what was what at this point), and a handful of mechanics guides and books. He had some sleepless nights, fueled by the interlocked hands of want and need shrouding his mind.
He often spent mornings climbing out of the shed and lugging himself onto the school bus, where Hank would give him a knowing look and insist on calling a mechanic from a few towns over to help-
"You can't keep sleeping through English, Phil. My father was only kiddin' about fixing it yourself."
but Phil knew better. Better to get the job done yourself. Feels better that way anyways.
God, was he right. He turned the key with baited breath, eyes wide as the instrument panel lit up. The motor purred to life in an instant, and when he turned one of the handles, it roared. He had never been happier, running his hand over the shiny red fuel tank, the tight upholstered leather seat. He laughed- he yawped. And Pa came rushin' over like he had heard the end of the world start from inside his own shed.
"Philly, what in the world are you doin' makin' this much noise?" "Finally got 'er workin', Pa!"
Pa's panic softened as he took a second to really listen to the motor. He circled the bike, staring down at it and back up at Phil. He was proud, honestly, as he clapped his hand over Phil's shoulder.
"Y'know, Ma didn't actually think you'd be able to fix it up. Think that was the only reason she let ya' have it."
And Phil's smile grew wider.
"I'll jus' tell 'er I'll only ride it into town." "You lyin'?" "Yup-yup."
When Ma found out, it took her nearly a year to come to terms with the fact that her baby boy was riding a motorcycle. Ever the worrywart. She frowned every time she watched him mount the bike, sighing as she watched him put on his helmet (that she made him get) and fix his riding gloves (that she also made him get).
But that bike was his pride and joy for years. He rode it to prom, and his high school graduation ceremony. He wiped it down every other day, and made sure the paint was still shiny. So when that trusty 1985 Honda Shadow finally bit the dust, he was devastated.
Cried real tears, maybe ones worse than when Joey left for the army.
And then picked himself up and started workin' hard to replace it. He drove Pa's ol' truck for the time being.
After a little while, he finally saved up enough to get a brand new bike. Could barely contain himself when Pa drove him to go pick it up- clutching onto his helmet, flipping the visor up and down like a light switch. He was thrilled to be back on a bike, and he practically left Pa in the dust during the ride home. (Phil pulled off to the side of the road to wait because he felt bad for leaving him so far behind.)
Even now, when you finally agree to take a ride with him on his precious bike, he's still just as excited as he was when he first mounted that Shadow back in high school- especially at the feeling of your arms wrapping around his middle and the side of your helmet pressed against his shoulder blade. He loves being close to you. He loves it even more when you're clinging onto him. He takes you out on the bike a lot more now that he knows you're not that scared of it anymore.
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Babes that wanted to be tagged:
@mockerycrow @kivi-no
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seldomscilence16 · 5 months
Alright so this all started with a lego set at work, turned into a long ass intro, then its 11 on Christmas Eve and I decide to just do the Christmas snippet and finish the rest/context later.
So please ignore spelling 😬 and Happy Holidays all! Also TW for a bit of Racism at one point, theres a bullying scene but a short one. "Well if it isnt..." is where it starts and "there a problem here." Is where it ends.
Hope you enjoy this snippet! Stay safe everyone and thank @autisticlancemcclain for the Bug boy Lance!
Lance could kick himself.
He knows better than this. He knows what happens, he knows that once they get what they want, they'll leave.
And yet, here he is, spending hard earned money, on four classmates. Sure he'd saved them for last, focusing on his families gifts first and foremost- its the main reason he got the job, part going to saving for emergencies, the rest to spend on Christmas- but he was doing the thing he'd sworn off.
No people. People hurt and use and lie and tease. Lance was supposed to he strong until college, his fresh start, but then these four had to go and be NICE and do their part and- yeah the bar was really low...
"This isnt going to end well." He mumbles, the hustle and bustle of the mall overwhelming with holiday traffic and leaving him worn out before he even enters an actual store.
He scans aisle after aisle, berating himself for putting so much thought into something he wasnt even supposed to be doing. His eye catches something green and he comes to a halt. Its legos, one of those collectors sets that costs an arm and a leg, but Lance hadn't even known Lego did THIS.
'The insect collection'.
"Blue Morpho Butterfly, Hercules Beetle, and a Chinese Mantis." He breathes in awe, eyes scanning every detail.
"Well if it isnt Mclame."
His head snaps up, a group of classmates before him, most of which are his very reason for his No People rule.
"Still a freak about bugs I see, surprised you havent married one yet- maybe even they dont want you!" He snorts when he laughs, a strange noise from the back of his throat that remind Lance of a Donkey or Pig.
"Not like he could even afford it, if you want you can have your mom come clean my house." One girl taunts from the back, Lances blood boiling at the blatent racist remark despite Lance's CUBAN heritage.
"If you do have money to spare you should buy me lunch instead, for having to be in your vecinity for this long." Another boy plugs his nose, like he showers every day. Lance sits behind him in English, and he does not.
"There a problem here kids?" A man in the mall security uniform eyes them all carefully, eyes giving Lance a once over that makes him uncomfortable.
"No sir." He replies polity, deciding another store may hold better finding anyway- at least better company.
Lance's budget was low to begin with, but eventually he comes up with ideas for the four.
It starts with Hunks treats. The things that get them through their library sessions when the projects blur. And Lances job allows him access to plenty of people who would love to share things with anyone who will listen. So painstakingly, Lance translates recipes to paper as the older generations he enteracts with give him a little baking show.
Shiro's, surprisingly, comes next. A single comment about how much he hates ruined shirt sleeves, as they get caught on his prosthetic port. Its winter, and tank tops simply wont do, so Lance finds himself knitting in his spare time. Doing hours of research to see what possibilities will be the most comfortable, with of course a very lame joke on the front.
Pidge's was an accident. Lance's bike- sabataged it would seem- leaves him crashing off path in a ditch on his way home from work. He ends up limping his way through thick folliage, dragging a broken bike in the late hours of the afternoon. The little squeak is almost ignored, the second one however, well its Lance.
The little thing is a puffball, Lance was almost sure it was a toupé, until it moved and blinked at him. He thinks its a dog, no idea what kind, but its tiny and fluffy and following him home. Lance has three allergic family members, but Pidge mentioned a family dog who had sadly passed away and nearly broke Lances heart. The green eyes tell him this little thing will be a lovely match.
Keith is the hardest. Lance honestly almost buys a knife, because the guy is a conspiracy theorist and gets into way too much trouble not to have a few knives on him. But it doesnt seem right.
But Lance see's how often he doodles.
Freakin gorgeous doodles.
Then he finds the brand 'Keff Artistry' and its too close to 'Keef' for Lance to pass up.
He almost tells his family to simply lock him up and burn the gifts, but then they'd be worried and he's trying to avoid that thank you, hes been doing an excellent job masking his turmoil thus far.
So, the day before Christmas Eve, Lance gathers his gifts in trembling hands, and slips out of the house unseen. If this turns into a mess, he'll deal with it himself this time. He has to grow up eventually, he cant keep crying about bullies to his family, its not a big deal anyway.
"What the heck happened to your face!?" Pidge's incredulous tone has everyone eyes snapping towards said face.
"Its nothing, bike accident." Lance shrugs it off, as he'd done when he'd come home with it, he had too little proof anyway. Anyone could have carved 'McLame' into the side of it.
"Accident huh?" Its mumbled by someone, but Lance cant place it and decidedly ignores it anyway.
"I uh... have gifts... for you guys." He changes the subject, directing the attention to the bags he carries.
"For us?" Hunk asks, eyes wide and sparkly, "You know you didnt have to buddy."
Well, supposedly.
"Yeah, its not much, but uh, here." He hands them out carefully, extra careful with Pidge's.
"Guess its a good thing we brought ours to you then." Shiro says, pulling a wrapped box from the spare chair.
Lance's eyebrows furrow, staring at the box in confusion, perhaps with a little trepidation,
"You guys got me something?"
"Yeah! We all pitched in!" Pidge grins at him, something she does sparingly- grin that is.
He takes it with clammy hands, still shaking ever so slightly. He holds it to his chest as he watches the others open their bags, watches their faces carefully.
Hunk holds the hand bound book tenderly, eyes shining as he flips through the pages carefully.
Shiro stares in awe at his sweater, a chuckle escaping him as he runs his fingers over the soft material.
Pidge squeaks, as the small dog bumps its head against her face, cold nose sniffing excitedly. She holds the animal close, the dog snuggling up like he always belonged there.
Keith is staring at his gift. The art set held half out of the bag, as if he hadnt been expecting it. He turns wide eyes towards Lance, and the cuban can see the emotions there.
This is one of Lance's favorite parts about giving. When he did good in the eyes of the reciever, when they LIKE what he gave, genuinely. No matter its monetary value.
"Lance, this is amazing." Shiro breaks the silence, turning wide eyes his way, smile big and bright and real.
"I cant imagine how long this took, this is amazing! I havent even heard of some of these!!!" Hunk is tearing up, book hugged to his chest, grinning at Lance like he'd been given a great treasure.
"I cant believe you got me a dog! He's just a little puff!" The excitement is so nice to hear, its practically contageous.
"I... havent recieved something this nice from anyone but family before. Thanks Lance." Keith is downright shy as he admits this little fact about himself, and Lance could cry.
"I'm... really glad you guys like them."
"Now open yours!" Hunk encourages quickly, sitting to watch him intently, practically vibrating.
Lance could almost feel scared, but....
He allows himself a little hope.
He opens the paper gingerly, savoring his first gift from anyone outside of family. A corner is revealed, familiar for some reason, another inch-
Lego Ideas The Insect Collection.
"What-" It comes out choked, shock clear on his face.
Is it a joke? Are they mocking him? It was expensive, theres no way they'd spend that much on a joke right?
"Its the one you wanted right?" Pidge asks, a slight pinch to her brow.
"We only saw you from across the mall, so we didn't know- You're crying oh Gods, whats wrong Buddy-" Shiro Panics, quickly kneeling by the chair Lance had collapsed into.
"I don- Why- I can't- "
"Breathe! Come on-" Hunk exagerates his own, encouraging Lance gently to follow as he chokes on tears and air and spit alike.
"Its not a joke right?" He finally gets out, looking pleadingly to the group, running a reverant hand across the box, "You did this to be nice?" He can hear the vulnurability in his own voice, but he's about a second from breaking completely.
"Yes, yes, of course! All 1,111 pieces are inside!" Shiro assures quickly, rubbing a soothing hand over his shoulder and arm.
It gets a wet chuckle from Lance, as he pulls the box to his chest once more.
"No ones... thank you so much, I can't... can't tell you how much this means." He wipe at his face, "I'll repay you, I promise-"
"Hey, its a gift Lance." Keith says, voice softer than ever, "We wanted to get it for you."
"Merry Christmas Lance."
"Merry Christmas."
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eserveofficial · 3 months
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad 7337443480
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad. eServe is Providing - repair solutions for - Whirlpool Single / double door / Side by side / French door / Four door / Mini fridge - No cooling / Gas charging The refrigerator is one of the most important devices in our life. eServe Whirlpool refrigerator service center phone number Hyderabad 7337443380 The Refrigerator assist in lots of methods, for example, it, so safe the food particles, meat, fruit, etc.. , However, we still have to be watchful simply mainly large with all the most recent version options once the refrigerator gets problematic. Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center Near Kompally Hyderabad. Check whether the specialists are experienced or maybe not in this field, whilst we lending to mend. we give the optimal example for you want to see to this Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre Near Nagole Phone Number They're the best Authorized Whirlpool technicians in this industry, they can fix any difficulty in a fraction of minutes and they are authorized to repair it , they have been very gifted in this area. Check our services near you like "Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre Near Me", Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Near Me or Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Centre Near Me". Our eServe Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad is always open to serve customers.
Quality Whirlpool Refrigerator service in Hyderabad
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad. We take care of your Whirlpool fridge / Refrigerator repair demands in a cost-effective and timely manner. Our Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre Near Nagole are devoted to preserving the manufacturer's high-quality engineering criteria. For Refrigerator repairs, the cost of restore is more affordable than substitution. We will advise you if it's time for replacement, even differently we can correct it. We just a search away of whirlpool fridge service center near me in your mobile.
The selection of issues for a Whirlpool is broad. You may require a simple light bulb replacement, a Freon recharge or you may have an issue with your fridge. Maybe your door seal has been not broken. Whatever the difficulty, usually do not put it off too long. Get in touch with us to correct your Whirlpool Refrigerator service Centre Near Kompally Hyderabad. We Provide non-warranty mend and utilize spare parts to repair your appliances and expand their lifestyles.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center Near Kompally In case there is an event an electric has to perform, it boosts an everyday temperature protecting against ailment from a cellar that the capital hazard an electrical risk perform, Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center At Nagole hence it ought to be resolved once, only in case you apprehension associated temperature that is inconsistent. As sugar as you dread associate unpredictable temperature, you fee to follow in the experts Whirlpool Service Center in Hyderabad Perhaps you have determined your electric refrigerator is more compared to ordinary? In case the compressor bluff later on the centralized fever has aloft some ranges you will fear marginally noise that is added. Eventually, your ability worries a loudly cavernous look within your house from the addition allowable. This could be as a consequence of the compressors or delivered facets are set outside to fail. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Service Center Hyderabad. The compressor is or this. Any babble you ability apprehension is that the electrical refrigerator biking on and rancid introduced than normal. If that is often happening,
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad
Certainly, the Whirlpool Fridge Service Center Kompally Phone Number one of the brought dabbles of from below the instrumentality and could be. You can find concerning factors optical water that is aft. The aboriginal maybe a blocked device drain, even the additional could be quite a buildup line that is clogged/frozen. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Near Kompally Hyderabad Each manner, it motives into your copy and stands outside on the bottom. The affair is the accent and also the equipment adjustment specialist Whirlpool Refrigerator service Centre Near Kompally. It is likely to soon be that the affair at a very few minutes. It'll crave any backup elements if there is a breach or aperture inside the band. There are abundant altered troubles you'll acquaintance along with your refrigerator at any point in its period. Prospects are, you may run into atomic this sort of issue. Just in case you are doing so, proximity account and location, so, in an exceeding circumstance.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Cooling Issues :
The maximum drawback with refrigerators is with the that is heating. A fridge that doesn't maintain the temperature is currently showing a symptom that you think isn't right. There is normally a perception that every heating drawback in elderly refrigerators is attributable to an absence of Freon. This is often not the case. Freon doesn't wear it out. At that moment, you desired to notify this Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad
Best Whirlpool Fridge Service Center Hyderabad
It is except if of course the shell inside the freezer compartment has been compromised throughout moving or cleaning the machine, improbable your white goods can unexpectedly commence. Most malfunctions area unit brought on by a collapse of these electric elements, like the wiring, mechanical or thermostat product. Detain head that Whirlpool Fridge Service Center in Hyderabad Telangana. Whirlpool Fridge Service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad. They will soon be supplies of emergency goods services a week each week. Finding puddles below your white merchandise could be a shared drawback with units. This is a symptom there is a drag with the cachet. The water round Associated from the nursing electrical appliance is typically a threat and certainly will likely be assessed right. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Responsibilities:
Whirlpool Refrigerator repair service Near Kompally Hyderabad. Our Service center in the door-step service center in Hyderabad. We could solve most of the brands of household appliance repairs, we very soon as potential, we could replace and change any pieces, it is. Whirlpool Refrigerator repair & service center Near Kompally Hyderabad Telangana. We aren't on the lookout for the money, although our Service Center's key concept is Customer comfort. It is the 24-hour service that you can call any moment; point. It is the doorstep service center, we're a good assist for you.
Best Whirlpool Refrigerator repair service near me
Whilst the climatic states are shifting due to this folks are using Whirlpool Refrigerators Repair Center Near Me and there is a need for preserving our food items within the Refrigerator. Whirlpool wants a service every machine desires a service at one time. In the Service center, they will look at the machine twice for good condition. Whirlpool fridge service near me. They still add the parts if any components are damaged. There is not going to be any trouble later on. Just you may want to inform to this Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center in Kukatpally Hyderabad
Whirlpool Fridge Repair Center Near Kompally Hyderabad. We are Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair in Hyderabad specialists in after mild furtive gildings past more than India. We've got an inclination to acknowledge dependence on adding our appropriate engineers that are competent and corrosive, together with included than two brief time permission in redesigning brands of machines to no activity charges. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Near Nagole Phone Numberoperator experts may show up at the simplest focal twenty hours and also ninety-eight of topics have been dependably finished at your entrée measures. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Center Near Kompally Number Our astounding intense bits for you to splendid up the systems from the hedge address a time.
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally Hyderabad Devices are a huge part of our solace inside our homes innovation services supply the optimal appliances for the home upkeep and mend administrations, to maintain them running wholesome. We've been in this business for quite a while. We have prepared experts who may evaluate and ensure the settling of one's family unit household equipment that is most useful. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Kompally We're the choice for any machine Fuel refilling, cooling Thermostat Compressor Ice Problem mend, irrespective of which model which you have, or at which you got it. Whirlpool Fridge Service Center in ECIL represents significant authority in repairing sidewalks.
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eserveuniverse · 3 months
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad 7337443480
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad. eServe is Providing - repair solutions for - Whirlpool Single / double door / Side by side / French door / Four door / Mini fridge - No cooling / Gas charging The refrigerator is one of the most important devices in our life. eServe Whirlpool refrigerator service center phone number 7337443380 The Refrigerator assist in lots of methods, for example, it, so safe the food particles, meat, fruit, etc.. , However, we still have to be watchful simply mainly large with all the most recent version options once the refrigerator gets problematic. Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad. Check whether the specialists are experienced or maybe not in this field, whilst we lending to mend. we give the optimal example for you want to see to this Whirlpool Refrigerator repair Near Me They're the best Authorized Whirlpool technicians in this industry, they can fix any difficulty in fraction of minutes and they are authorized to repair it , they have been very gifted in this area. Check our services near you like "Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre Near Me", Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center near me or Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Centre near me". Our eServe Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad is always open to serve customers.
Quality Whirlpool Refrigerator service in Hyderabad
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad. We take care of your Whirlpool fridge / Refrigerator repair demands in a cost-effective and timely manner. Our Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre Near Saroornagar are devoted to preserving the manufacturer's high-quality engineering criteria. For Refrigerator repairs, the cost of restore is more affordable than substitution. We will advise you if it's time for replacement, even differently we can correct it. We just a search away of Whirlpool fridge service center near me in your mobile
The selection of issues for a Whirlpool is broad. You may require a simple light bulb replacement, a Freon recharge or you may have an issue with your fridge. Maybe your door seal has been not broken. Whatever the difficulty, usually do not put it off too long. Get in touch with us to correct your Whirlpool Refrigerator service Centre Near Saroornagar Hyderabad We Provide non-warranty mend and utilize spare parts to repair your appliances and expand their lifestyles.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad case there is an event an electric has to perform, it boosts an everyday temperature protecting against ailment from a cellar that the capital hazard an electrical risk perform, Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center At Saroornagar it ought to be resolved once, only in case you apprehension associated temperature that is inconsistent. As sugar as you dread associate unpredictable temperature, you fee to follow in the experts Whirlpool Service Center in Hyderabad Perhaps you have determined your electric refrigerator is more compared to ordinary? In case the compressor bluff later on the centralized fever has aloft some ranges you will fear marginally noise that is added. Eventually, your ability worries a loudly cavernous look within your house from the addition allowable. This could be as a consequence of the compressors or delivered facets are set outside to fail. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad Whirlpool Fridge Repair Service Center Hyderabad. The compressor is or this. Any babble you ability apprehension is that the electrical refrigerator biking on and rancid introduced than normal. If that is often happening,
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad
Certainly, Whirlpool Fridge Service Center Saroornagar Phone Number one of the brought dabbles of from below the instrumentality and could be. You can find concerning factors optical water that is aft. The aboriginal maybe a blocked device drain, even the additional could be quite a buildup line that is clogged/frozen. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Near Saroornagar Hyderabad Each manner, it motives into your copy and stands outside on the bottom. The affair is the accent and also the equipment adjustment specialist Whirlpool Refrigerator service Centre Near Saroornagar Hyderabad It is likely to soon be that the affair at a very few minutes. It'll crave any backup elements if there is a breach or aperture inside the band. There are abundant altered troubles you'll acquaintance along with your refrigerator at any point in its period. Prospects are, you may run into atomic this sort of issue. Just in case you are doing, proximity account and location, so, in an exceeding circumstance.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Cooling Issues :
The maximum drawback with refrigerators is with the that is heating. A fridge that doesn't maintain the temperature is currently showing a symptom that you think isn't right. There is normally a perception that every heating draw-back in elderly refrigerators is attributable to an absence of Freon. This is often not the case. Freon doesn't wear it out. At that moment, you desired to notify this Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad
Best Whirlpool Fridge Service Center Hyderabad
It is except if of course the shell inside the freezer compartment has been compromised throughout moving or cleaning the machine, improbable your white goods can unexpectedly commence. Most malfunctions area unit brought on by a collapse of these electric elements, like the wiring, mechanical or thermostat product. Detain head that Whirlpool Fridge Service Center in Hyderabad Telangana. Whirlpool Fridge service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad. They will soon be supplies of emergency goods services a week each week. Finding puddles below your white merchandise could be a shared drawback with units. This is a symptom there is a drag with the cachet. The water round Associate from the nursing electrical appliance is typically a threat and certainly will likely be assessed right. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Responsibilities:
Whirlpool Refrigerator repair service in Hyderabad Our Service center in the door-step service center in Hyderabad. We could solve most of the brands of household appliance repairs, we'll be very soon as potential, we could replace and change any pieces, it is. Whirlpool Refrigerator repair & service center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad Telangana. We aren't on the lookout for the money, although our Service Center's key concept is Customer comfort. It is the 24 hours service that you could call any moment; point. It is the doorstep service center, we're a good assist for you.
Best Whirlpool Refrigerator repair service near me
Whilst the climatic states are shifting due to this folks are using Whirlpool Refrigerators Repair Center Phone Number and there is a need for preserving our food items within Refrigerator. Whirlpool wants a service every machine desire a service at one time. In the Service center, they will look at the machine twice for good condition. Whirlpool fridge service near me. They still add the parts if any components are damaged. There is not going to be any trouble later on. Just you may want to inform to this Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center in kukatpally Hyderabad.
Whirlpool Fridge Repair Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad Number. We are Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair in Hyderabad specialists in after mild furtive gildings past more than India. We've got an inclination to acknowledge dependence on adding our appropriate engineers that are competent and corrosive, together with included than two brief time permission in redesigning brands of machines to no activity charges. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Center Near Saroornagar Phone Number operator experts may show up at the simplest focal twenty hours and also ninety-eight of topics have been dependably finished at your entrée measures. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Center Near Saroornagar Number Our astounding intense bits for you to splendid up the systems from the hedge address a time.
Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad Devices are a huge part of our solace inside our homes innovation services supply the optimal appliances for the home upkeep and mend administrations, to maintain them running wholesome. We've been in this business for quite a while. We have prepared experts who may evaluate and ensure the settling of one's family unit household equipment that is most useful. Whirlpool Refrigerator service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad We're the choice for any machine Fuel refilling, cooling Thermostat Compressor Ice Problem mend, irrespective of which model which you have, or at which you got it. Whirlpool Fridge Service Center in Secunderabad represents significant authority in repairing sidewalks.
We Repair All Products Of Whirlpool Appliances
Whirlpool Service Center Near Saroornagar Hyderabad
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Whirlpool Fridge Repair Centre Near Saroornagar Hyderabad
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naamahdarling · 2 years
I need to walk for health because I'm not loving how I feel, but I over-exercised as part of my ED so exercise triggers my ED thoughts (including suicidal ideation) and the risk of relapsing is Real. Searching for a solution that won't push me into relapsing OR turbo-charge my dysphoria OR enrage me has been upsetting in a way I don't know if anyone who has not had an ED can understand. If you know, you know.
So I finally thought about the zoo, and it was such a great idea. It's perfect. So I went and got a zoo membership two days ago so I can just go whenever and I probably should not have spent the money but boyfriend made really good tips this week and offered to cover it, and it occurred to me this one thing does ALL of the following for one (1) entire year:
I can access a very walkable space.
Place to go when I am restless but can't afford to go back home for a while.
Not a gym.
My hearing-impaired ass will be safe from car traffic.
No dogs.
No people on bikes that I can't hear.
Not jostling for space with joggers/bikers/etc. on those overly narrow public park trails and sidewalks, which makes me hate my body even more.
It's very very safe. No harassment, no crime.
Very few other people visibly exercising.
Less people Looking At Me (they are mostly busy Looking At animals).
Lots of bugs.
Many plants.
Things to touch.
Place to draw many things! <- Main appeal.
Non-zookeeper staff there is mostly queer! And when they learn you are queer they tell you which animals are gay.
It's the penguins. They have gay penguins.
Stared at by tigers -- all the intensity of being about to die with none of the fear!
Smells smells smells! Stinky smells, good smells, food smells, flower smells, lots of animal smells.
Lots of personal space. Hand sanitizer everywhere.
No music outdoors.
Train?! Train!
Petting zoo.
Will acclimate me to weather and sun over time.
Free! Ish.
I can go and just take short trips if I want.
Picnic area.
Access to attached huge nature park and educational/rec center.
Can bring a friend.
Cheap admission to many other zoos and aquariums.
I have raging ADHD and don't have the dopamine to spare on exercise for exercise's sake. Some of you will know what I mean, will understand that this is. Just. A terrible hurdle.
Sunscreen. Blech! (Lotion is heavy and hurts to apply and remove but spray works.)
Long drive, I live across town. (Can't change that but I can get up earlier.)
Lots of glass and I hate reflective surfaces. (A Challenge, but I can hopefully cope.)
It is hot outside a lot (but that's true of anywhere not indoors, and there's tons of shade and benches and indoor areas).
That's it. Those are the downsides.
Our zoo is good. It used to be really bad when I was little but over the last 20 years it has been revamping everything, the new enclosures are gorgeous and enriching. It isn't depressing to be there. It's nice.
We went today and had a great time. It felt way better not trying to see everything in one go, and I'm not tired or sore. I just feel good.
I just...wanted to talk about this. How hopeful I am today, to have not just solved a problem but maybe snatched a little happiness for myself for a while. To potentially make any further headway on an ED at this point, 15 years or so out, is pretty remarkable. There's pitfalls to watch for but this is so much better than anything else I've considered.
Maybe I will get bored of the zoo. I don't know! But I think that will take a while.
Look at this bad picture of three snep siblings lolling like housecats:
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Not gonna get bored of those mighty beans.
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voraciousvore · 7 months
In the Belly of the Giant (1/39)
Sequel to my story "Boarding School for Giants" which can be read here. This story follows Eren and Joey in their lives as adults, as well as other recurring characters. When Eren gets kidnapped, it's up to Joey to save her.
Total Word Count: 84,994
Content Warning: This story is very dark and nasty, with lots of vore and sex (both romantic and non-consensual). I don't spare details. Strictly 18+ only. I will flag the most offensive chapters as "mature."
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Chapter 1
Joey woke up early, staring up at the ceiling tinged blue by the morning light. The ceiling fan above rotated in slow, lazy circles, producing a soothing hum and a cool breeze. His eyes drifted to the alarm clock on his bedside table; he had a solid twenty minutes before he had to get up for work. He almost lifted his arms up to stretch but then recalled the tiny woman soundly sleeping on his bare chest and refrained. She hadn’t stirred, although he could feel the lightest movement from her breathing. 
It was the middle of summer, and the couple couldn’t afford the luxury of running the air conditioning in their new apartment, so neither of them needed to sleep with bedsheets. Fortunately, the heat wasn’t sweltering, but rather a warm, pleasing temperature. Joey was grateful for this fact: He doubted Eren would want to curl up on his giant body when he was sticky with sweat. 
Even after several years, Joey still could scarcely believe his good fortune, to have a lovely, petite little women like Eren to call his own. If she hadn’t crashed her bike into his shoe that one fateful day, he might have never met her. Of course, since she became well-known at their high school for the novelty of being the only human, he may have still known of her existence, but he probably would have been too shy to approach her—too shy, despite being large enough to hold her in the palm of his hand. She wasn’t even as tall as his pinky finger, after all. Regardless, he loved how tiny and cute and precious she was; she made him feel big and strong by comparison. She had a fire inside her too, a vivaciousness and bravery that he admired deeply.
Eren shifted and mumbled incoherently in her sleep, then rolled over on her side. Joey felt her movements on his chest and listened with concern. After all the horrible things Eren had gone through when she was first introduced to the giant side of the wall, she was prone to occasional nightmares. Thankfully, Joey had successfully kept her safe in the time since. Her night terrors had subsided in the subsequent years, but Joey stayed vigilant nonetheless.
His protective instinct for his girl was a large part of his motivation to pursue a career in law enforcement. With his natural intellect and discipline, Joey had the option to choose from a wide variety of careers, if he had been so inclined. However, Joey hated bullies and criminals and anyone who would dare to hurt somebody as small and vulnerable as Eren. He had a strong sense of justice, and wanted to be the hero, the good guy to make the world a safer place for her so she didn’t have to be scared of giants hurting her. So, he had enrolled in the police academy and earned his badge. 
Eren had followed a different path. Being as small as she was, her options for a career were more limited. Even so, she had been inspired by the human doctor she met in the hospital to become involved in the medical field. Rather than work in a hospital, though, she found her niche in dentistry. She was the only dental hygienist around small enough to fit inside a giant’s mouth, and she could do a very thorough and methodical job cleaning teeth. 
Joey, feeling very relaxed and comfortable, soon slipped back into slumber, until the blaring alarm woke him up. He grunted and silenced the clock with a massive hand. Now that they both needed to get up, Joey stretched to get his blood flowing, raising his arms above his head with a satisfied groan. 
Eren, feeling the landscape of warm flesh underneath her move, opened her eyes and raised herself into a sitting position with a yawn. Once Joey’s giant pectoral muscles flexing beneath his skin relaxed, she stood up and stretched her own limbs, getting all the kinks out of her joints. Joey put on his glasses and raised his head off the pillow to admire her miniscule form, ignoring the strain this motion caused in his neck. Living for several years in a world made for giants had made Eren very slim and fit due to all the exercise. Right now, because of the temperature, she was wearing nothing but a pair of black panties, exposing her sleek feminine curves, narrow waist, and perky breasts. Joey liked what he saw. 
“Good morning, love,” he greeted her in a dulcet tone. Eren slid down the side of his chest, over the solid lump of his bicep and onto the bed so that he could raise himself up without knocking her over. 
“Morning, handsome,” she yawned back. Joey sat up on the side of the gigantic mattress. They hadn’t bothered with buying a bedframe when furnishing their shared living space, since it would only make it harder for Eren to climb up, so the mattress lay on the floor, with a human-sized ladder propped up in a discreet corner. Eren gazed up at the handsome colossus towering over her. Now it was her turn to admire him. 
Joey was no longer the gangly, awkward teenager with pimples she had first met in high school. He had physically matured, his lanky body sprouting and filling out into the body of a healthy young man. His workouts at the police academy had toned his physique with lean muscle. Without the pesky hormones of his teenage years, his skin was no longer plagued by acne. Eren, being a dental hygienist, had pressured him to be conscientious of his dental health, so he maintained his pearly white teeth and charming smile. He had developed just as much in mind as in body, becoming more confident and comfortable in his own skin. 
Joey stood up to his full height, which Eren estimated was about two hundred feet tall, although she wasn’t certain, since obviously she couldn’t measure him with anything except her eyes. He started to put on his uniform, while Eren dressed in her first layer of work clothes. Due to her unique situation, she didn’t wear the typical clothing for a dentist: When she got to work, she would be adding an additional coat of rubbery, saliva-proof shielding. 
Eren loved how sexy Joey always looked in uniform. Of course, she found him attractive no matter what he was wearing, but he looked especially crisp and professional when dressed up. The giant bent down to pick her up and she wanted to swoon into his expansive, soft hand. He lifted her up the great distance to his eye level. 
“Would you like me to make you breakfast, sweetie?” Joey asked her, giving her a tender look with his chocolate eyes. By default, Joey was usually the one to cook, since Eren’s human portions would hardly be a crumb in his capacious belly. Really, he only needed to cook one plate of food for himself, and share the tiniest amount with Eren, with her whole body being barely the size of a bite of food to him. Nevertheless, Eren still appreciated the gesture. 
“That would be wonderful,” she replied with honeyed words, rubbing his cheek with her hand. He brought her down to his giant lips and pressed them gently to her in a soft kiss, which she was more than happy to reciprocate. The feathery lightness of her touch made his heart flutter. He carried his girlfriend into the kitchen and set her on the counter to spend some time with her while he made breakfast. 
The morning passed quickly. Joey whipped up some scrambled eggs and toast to share with his beloved. After they both ate, Joey placed Eren back on the floor where her human-sized bathroom was located, which basically consisted of a portable box with the necessary amenities and a built-in water tank that Joey could easily refill from the giant sink of his own bathroom. Their apartment was only made for giants, but clever designs like the box rooms could be easily added in for Eren’s comfort. They were expensive additions, as specialty products, but Eren’s magnanimous father had been generous in helping out. 
Eren, as a dental hygienist, always made sure that Joey brushed and flossed his teeth every morning. Joey made a show of grumbling about it but in reality he didn’t mind. He thought it was cute when Eren became so insistent, as if she could force him with how small she was. He dutifully complied and cleaned his teeth to her satisfaction while she did the same with hers. 
Eren had outgrown her moody gothic phase, so she no longer wore the heavy makeup, piercings, or edgy black clothes from her teens. She embraced a more natural look instead, particularly when she went to work since makeup wasn’t very practical or sanitary when she was inside a giant mouth cleaning teeth. She regretted her tattoo, but never bothered to mention it to anyone. Joey probably couldn’t even see the details on it anyways, since he was so enormous compared to her, so it didn’t really matter.  
Just like how Joey would carry Eren to school in their younger days, now as adults he took her to work. The dental clinic that employed her wasn’t far from their apartment, and was on the way to the police station, so it was a convenient arrangement. Even if she worked far away, Joey would still be willing to take her. He did not like the idea of her walking or biking outside, on the giant sidewalks, by herself. Some oblivious giant could stomp by and unwittingly smash her, or a giant with malicious intent could take the opportunity to seize her up in his fist. Joey recalled with pain the sort of tortures she had been subjected to in the past. He remembered the time he had been shamefully unable to protect her, when he was beaten up by another student. He promised himself he would never let anything like that happen again, and had strengthened his body and sharpened his instincts accordingly. He was her protector. 
Joey marched into the clinic, quickly sweeping the inside with his eyes to make sure no threats were present before relaxing his guard. He went to the front desk, where the secretary was waiting for him with a sparkling white smile. She was a tall and attractive giantess, with long auburn hair and stylish glasses with purple rims. Joey was a familiar sight at the clinic, since he was reliably there to escort Eren to and from work on a regular basis. After passing Eren safely off to the secretary, Joey reluctantly left for work, glancing back over his shoulder as he opened the door to leave. Eren waved goodbye with a cute smile that made his heart melt. 
As Joey strolled along the sidewalk to his job, his cellphone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and answered, “Hello?” 
“Joey! Is Eren around? Are you free to talk?” It was Mr. Henderson, Eren’s dad. He sounded excited. 
“I just dropped her off at the clinic, and I’m headed to the police station now. Why?” 
“Perfect! I have good news.” A dramatic pause. Joey could almost hear Mr. Henderson grinning on the other end of the line. “I got it.” 
Joey perked up. “Really?! That soon? Have you looked at it yet?” 
“Nope. I figured I’d wait until you get here. I’ll be at the school all morning.” 
“Great! I’ll try to stop by during my patrol route, as soon as possible. Or at lunchtime, if I can’t make it earlier.” 
“See you soon.” Mr. Henderson hung up. Joey was grinning ear to ear. It was shaping up to be a great day. 
Chapter 2
Table of Contents:
Ch. 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39
Writing Masterpost
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durgapraneeth · 1 year
Whirlpool Fridge Service near MoulaAli
 Whirlpool Refrigerator service near MoulaAli Hyderabad. eServe is Providing - repair solutions for - Whirlpool Single Fridge Service near me/ Whirlpool double door Refrigerator Repair near MoulaAli/ Side by side / French door / Four door / Mini fridge - No cooling / Gas charging The refrigerator is one of the most important devices in our life. eServe Whirlpool Fridge service center phone number Hyderabad 7337443380 The Refrigerator assist in lots of methods, for example, it, so safe the food particles, meat, fruit, etc.. , However, we still have to be watchful simply mainly large with all the most recent version options once the refrigerator gets problematic. Whirlpool Refrigerator service near MoulaAli Hyderabad. Check whether the specialists are experienced or maybe not in this field, whilst we lending to mend. we give the optimal example for you want to see to this Whirlpool Refrigerator repair Service. They're the best Authorised Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre near MoulaAli in this industry, they can fix any difficulty in fraction of minutes and they are authorised to repair it , they have been very gifted in this area. Check our services near you like "Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center near MoulaAli", Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center near me or Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Centre near me". Our eServe whirlpool Fridge service near MoulaAli Hyderabad is always open to serve customers.
Quality Whirlpool Refrigerator service in MoulaAli Hyderabad
Whirlpool Fridge Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad. We take care of your Whirlpool fridge / Refrigerator repair demands in a cost-effective and timely manner. Our Whirlpool refrigerator Service near MoulaAli are devoted to preserving the manufacturer's high-quality engineering criteria. For Refrigerator repairs, the cost of restore is more affordable than substitution. We will advise you if it's time for replacement, even differently we can correct it. We just a search away of whirlpool fridge service center near me MoulaAli.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service in MoulaAli
The selection of issues for a Whirlpool is Refrigerator Service Center in MoulaAli. You may require a simple light bulb replacement, a Freon recharge or you may have an issue with your fridge. Maybe your door seal has been not broken. Whatever the difficulty, usually do not put it off too long. Get in touch with us to correct your Whirlpool Refrigerator Reapir near Me MoulaAli. We Provide non-warranty mend and utilize spare parts to repair your appliances and expand their lifestyles.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Customer Care Hyderabad Number 7337443480. In case there is an event an electric has to perform, it boosts an everyday temperature protecting against ailment from a cellar that the Whirlpool Fridge Toll Free Number Hyderabad hazard an electrical risk perform, hence it ought to be resolved once, only in case you apprehension associated temperature that is inconsistent. As sugar as you dread associate unpredictable temperature, you fee to follow in the experts Whirlpool Service Center in Hyderabad Perhaps you have determined your electric refrigerator is more compared to ordinary? In case the compressor bluff later on the centralized fever has aloft some ranges you will fear marginally noise that is added. Eventually, your ability worries a loudly cavernous look within your house from the addition allowable. This could be as a consequence of the compressors or delivered facets are set outside to fail. Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center near MoulaAli Hyderabad. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad\. The compressor is or this. Any babble you ability apprehension is that the electrical refrigerator biking on and rancid introduced than normal. Whirlpool Customer Care Phone Number Hyderabad If that is often happening, I acclaim transferable in associated equipment able as a consequence of the very fact in connected equipment able for a result of the very most fact a perpetually biking ought to create a touching to find directly of entry to your account statements.
Whirlpool Fridge Service Centre in MoulaAli
Certainly, one of the brought dabbles of from below the instrumentality and could be. You can find concerning factors optical water that is aft. Whirlpool Fridge Customer Support in Hyderabad The aboriginal maybe a blocked device drain, even the additional could be quite a buildup line that is clogged/frozen. Each manner, it motives into your copy and stands outside on the bottom. The affair is the accent and also the equipment adjustment specialist Whirlpool Fridge Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad. It is likely to soon be that the affair at a very few minutes. It'll crave any backup elements if there is a breach or aperture inside the band. There are abundant altered troubles you'll acquaintance along with your refrigerator at any point in its period. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Centre in MoulaAli Prospects are, you may run into atomic this sort of issue. Just in case you are doing, proximity account and location, so, in an exceeding circumstance.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Cooling Issues :
The maximum drawback with refrigerators is with the that is heating. A fridge that doesn't maintain the temperature is currently showing a symptom that you think isn't right. Whirlpool Customer Support There is normally a perception that every heating draw-back in elderly refrigerators is attributable to an absence of Freon. This is often not the case. Freon doesn't wear it out. At that moment, you desired to notify this Whirlpool Fridge Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad.
Best Whirlpool Fridge Repair Center near MoulaAli Hyderabad
It is except if of course the shell inside the freezer compartment has been compromised throughout moving or cleaning the machine, improbable your white goods can unexpectedly commence. Most malfunctions area unit brought on by a collapse of these electric elements, like the wiring, mechanical or thermostat product. Detain head that Whirlpool Fridge Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad Telangana. Whirlpool fridge repair in MoulaAli. They will soon be supplies of emergency goods services a week each week. Finding puddles below your white merchandise could be a shared drawback with units. This is a symptom there is a drag with the cachet. The water round Associate from the nursing electrical appliance is typically a threat and certainly will likely be assessed right. Whirlpool Refrigerator repair near me
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service in MoulAli Hyderabad:
Whirlpool Refrigerator repair Centre near Moula Ali Hyderabad. Our Service center in the door-step service center in Hyderabad. We could solve most of the brands of household appliance repairs, we'll be very soon as potential, we could replace and change any pieces, it is. Whirlpool Refrigerator repair center near MoulaAli Hyderabad Telangana. We aren't on the lookout for the money, although our Service Center's key concept is Customer comfort. It is the 24 hours service that you could call any moment; point. It is the doorstep service center, we're a good assist for you. We'll provide the invoices and warranty of one's product. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service in MoulaAli Hyderabad using refrigerators is a rising day though we have many new spanking, that Whirlpool Refrigerators acquired tremendous requirement.
Best Whirlpool Refrigerator repair Centre in MouliAli
Whilst the climatic states are shifting due to this folks are using Whirlpool Refrigerators Service Centre in MoulaAli and there is a need for preserving our food items within Refrigerator. Whirlpool wants a service every machine desire a service at one time. In the Service center, they will look at the machine twice for good condition. Whirlpool fridge service near me. They still add the parts if any components are damaged. There is not going to be any trouble later on. Just you may want to inform to this Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center in kukatpally Hyderabad.
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Our support center :
Whirlpool refrigerator repair in MoulaAli. We are Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair in MoulaAli Hyderabad specialists in after mild furtive gildings past more than India. We've got an inclination to acknowledge dependence on adding our appropriate engineers that are competent and corrosive, together with included than two brief time permission in redesigning brands of machines to no activity charges. Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair at MoulaAli Hyderabad operator experts may show up at the simplest focal twenty hours and also ninety-eight of topics have been dependably finished at your entrée measures. Our astounding intense bits for you to splendid up the systems from the hedge address a time.
Whirlpool Customer Care Phone Number are a huge part of our solace inside our homes innovation services supply the optimal appliances for the home upkeep and mend administrations, to maintain them running wholesome. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Centre near MoulaAli We've been in this business for quite a while. We have prepared experts who may evaluate and ensure the settling of one's family unit household equipment that is most useful.We're the choice for any machine Fuel refilling, cooling Thermostat Compressor Ice Problem mend, irrespective of which model which you have, or at which you got it. Whirlpool Fridge Service Center near MoulaAli Secunderabad represents significant authority in repairing sidewalks.
The most important Job of the Refrigerator in our real lifestyle:
Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre near MoulaAli function are that the principal factor. Without refrigerators in our residence, we're able to eat wholesome meals. What we eat reflects just how the house and also great the household unit change machines happen to be properly used. Also, consequently Whirlpool Fridge Service near Moula Ali Hyderabad we as a good need effective coolers. Whirlpool Refrigerator repair in MoulaAli kukatpally. Our lovable meals can't be preserved by us for ages but, we can prolong the preservation time for quite a lengthy moment. And that is simply possible with just one home equipment i.e. fridge. Whilst the lifespan or duration of almost any dwelling appliance has not adjusted. Could an issue throw any time? Now at the time, you might hunt for your Whirlpool Refrigerator Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad. If, it's the branded appliance you own. Whirlpool Refrigerator repair near me. While it might be some top appliance you're possessing. You will face an error. Then, you may rush for the Whirlpool Fridge service near MoulaAli Hyderabad.Although you may be considering that, costs of refrigerators are Very less. In which you will be thinking whether it reaches to state, you may have some other. However, perhaps not all the time the applying can be replaced by us with brand new. Whirlpool Fridge Service near MoulaAli We must identify it. Whirlpool Customer Care in Hyderabad We the service that is dominant and leader center people in the market who can manage and identify the most errors in it.
Today Whirlpool Fridge Customer Care Hyderabad this fast-moving, everybody gets their own busy so they don't get time even to cook sometimes. The fridge is the best step to put away foodstuffs. So the fridge uses efficiently plus it may cause a few difficulties. Let us see a number of these under. Our Whirlpool Customer Care Number in Hyderabad and technicians are properly trained by the organization to get catering to any kind of issues relevant to the have obtained experience through time. We handle the services and repairs for several types of the refrigerator. Usually, do not hesitate in calling us for resolving any technical difficulties with respect. We are available around the clock to resolve the problems. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Centre in MoulaAli
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service near MoulaAliy
India’s is one among the simplest service providing Company for all Electronic goods, household appliance, Whirlpool Refrigerator service near MoulaAli Hyderabad we are the simplest service provider company based in Kukatpally Hyderabad. we provide all types of repair & services to our costumers. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center near MoulaAli  We work for all home products like Air conditioners, refrigerator/fridge, microwave/oven, and refrigerator. Whirlpool Fridge service near MoulaAli Mehdipatnam Kukatpally Hyderabad we offer services for all major brands like Whirlpool, White Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Videocon, Electrolux Refrigerator, Sansui, TCL, O General Refrigerator, Sharp etc. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad the corporate features a team of qualified and experienced technicians, highly Technical, efficient, coordination, friendly executives who are always available at your services promptly 24X7. Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Centre near MoulaAli  Whirlpool Refrigerator Service near MoulaAli Hyderabad Hyderabad
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eserve-hyderabad · 1 year
Whirlpool Fridge Service near Bn Reddy Nagar
 Whirlpool Fridge service near Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad. eServe is Providing - repair solutions for - Whirlpool Single Fridge Service near me/ Whirlpool double door Fridge Repair near Bn Reddy Nagar/ Side by side / French door / Four door / Mini fridge - No cooling / Gas charging The refrigerator is one of the most important devices in our life. eServe Whirlpool Fridge service center phone number Hyderabad 7337443380 The Refrigerator assist in lots of methods, for example, it, so safe the food particles, meat, fruit, etc.. , However, we still have to be watchful simply mainly large with all the most recent version options once the refrigerator gets problematic. Whirlpool Fridge Service near Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad. Check whether the specialists are experienced or maybe not in this field, whilst we lending to mend. we give the optimal example for you want to see to this Whirlpool Fridge repair Centre near Bn Reddy Nagar. They're the best Authorised Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Centre near Bn Reddy Nagar in this industry, they can fix any difficulty in fraction of minutes and they are authorised to repair it , they have been very gifted in this area. Check our services near you like "Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center near Bn Reddy Nagar", Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center near me or Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Centre near me". Our eServe whirlpool Fridge service near Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad is always open to serve customers.
Quality Whirlpool Refrigerator service in Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad
Whirlpool Fridge Service near Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad. We take care of your Whirlpool fridge / Refrigerator repair demands in a cost-effective and timely manner. Our Whirlpool refrigerator Service near Bn Reddy Nagar are devoted to preserving the manufacturer's high-quality engineering criteria. For Refrigerator repairs, the cost of restore is more affordable than substitution. We will advise you if it's time for replacement, even differently we can correct it. We just a search away of whirlpool fridge service center near me Bn Reddy Nagar.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Service in Bn Reddy Nagar
The selection of issues for a Whirlpool is Refrigerator Service Center in Bn Reddy Nagar. You may require a simple light bulb replacement, a Freon recharge or you may have an issue with your fridge. Maybe your door seal has been not broken. Whatever the difficulty, usually do not put it off too long. Get in touch with us to correct your Whirlpool Refrigerator Reapir near Me Bn Reddy Nagar. We Provide non-warranty mend and utilize spare parts to repair your appliances and expand their lifestyles.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Customer Care Hyderabad Number 7337443480. In case there is an event an electric has to perform, it boosts an everyday temperature protecting against ailment from a cellar that the Whirlpool Fridge Toll Free Number Hyderabad hazard an electrical risk perform, hence it ought to be resolved once, only in case you apprehension associated temperature that is inconsistent. As sugar as you dread associate unpredictable temperature, you fee to follow in the experts Whirlpool Service Center in Hyderabad Perhaps you have determined your electric refrigerator is more compared to ordinary? In case the compressor bluff later on the centralized fever has aloft some ranges you will fear marginally noise that is added. Eventually, your ability worries a loudly cavernous look within your house from the addition allowable. This could be as a consequence of the compressors or delivered facets are set outside to fail. Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Center near Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad. Whirlpool Fridge Repair Service near Bn Reddy Nagar Hyderabad\. The compressor is or this. Any babble you ability apprehension is that the electrical refrigerator biking on and rancid introduced than normal. Whirlpool Customer Care Phone Number Hyderabad If that is often happening, I acclaim transferable in associated equipment able as a consequence of the very fact in connected equipment able for a result of the very most fact a perpetually biking ought to create a touching to find directly of entry to your account statements.
Whirlpool Fridge Service Centre in Bn Reddy Nagar
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Separate Ways- E.M.
Y/N is moving away, 1,500 miles coming between her and Eddie. Will their love be able to survive?
Euclid (Part 2) - Part-Time Lover (Extra)
TW- Angst, allusions to smut, cursing, fluff, cheating, violence, mentions of vomiting, brief mention of violence (lmk if I forgot anything)
Pairings- Eddie x Reader, Friend!Robin x Reader
Word Count- 6,443
(Gif not mine! Credit to owner!)
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It was one of the worst days of your life when your parents told you your family was moving out of state for your dad’s job. You’d lived in Hawkins all your life. All your friends were there, all your favorite places were there. Eddie was there.
You grabbed your bike from the driveway, rubbing tears from your eyes as you pedal faster and faster away, running to who mattered most. You don’t even knock when you get to Eddie’s trailer, you just bust the door down and walk to his room, calling for him through tears. “Eddie?! Eddie, I need you!” He opens his door as you just touch the handle, and you look up at him through blurry eyes, burying your face immediately into his chest.
“What’s wrong baby? Are you okay?” He asks, large hands going to rub circles on your back. You can’t help but sob as you form your answer. This can’t be happening.
“No! My dad—his job is relocating.” You look up at him and his eyes fall. He knows what this means. “We’re moving to Utah in two months.”
“Utah?! That’s like, the whole fucking country away!” Eddie’s hands move to hold your face, and you hold your hand on top of his, leaning into his warmth. If you’re leaving, you have to savor every touch now.
“They said I’ll be able to come see you for like, holidays and stuff when we come to see family, but I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to lose you!” You push your face into his chest again, wetting his shirt with your warm tears. Eddie holds you, brushing his fingers through your hair, his other hand wiping over his face. He doesn’t know what to do either. He doesn’t make enough money to come visit you often, but he’s willing to do anything to make it work.
“Come to the bed, Y/N, I—we can work this out.” He says, but he doesn’t quite know if he believes it himself.
You’re with Eddie every spare moment you have, between packing and school and your parttime job at the general store. It’s exhausting, but you have can’t afford to lose a second of time with him. Eddie opens up his schedule for you, halting all Hellfire meetings and Corroded Coffin practices so he has more time with you. He comes to your house to help you pack, though it’s excruciating to do, ticking the seconds away until you have to part from him. Mostly, you just lay with him at his place, cuddling, watching TV, or making love in the middle of the night when Wayne’s not home.
You try not to let the thought of leaving infiltrate your thoughts as he hovers over you, peppering you in kisses and worship as he loves every inch of your body, but you know that you’re making up now for everything you’ll miss when you leave, and sometimes you can’t help but cry. Then Eddie cries too, and you have to stop, just holding each other, naked and wanting under the moonlight streaming through the blinds in his room.
The day finally comes. Forever too soon as you drag your feet, placing boxes on the moving truck. There’s no chance of happiness today. No chance of laughter or joy. Eddie comes as soon as he gets off work, but there’s not much left to be done. The house is empty, the truck is full, and the car is waiting with your family. Eddie haphazardly parks his car on the side of the street and jumps out, running to you. “Y/N!” He calls, and you run toward him too, meeting in the middle with a crushing hug.
“Eddie! I don’t wanna go! I don’t wanna leave you!” You sob, clinging to him like a lifeline. He lifts your head with his hand, leaning to press a hard kiss to your lips, not caring if your parents see. It’s salty from the tears running down both of your faces, and you hiccup from all of the crying as you break apart. One hand keeps hold of the back of Eddie’s shirt, the other comes up to his face, brushing the hair from his forehead so you can memorize every detail.
“Don’t worry, baby. We can do this. When you graduate, you can come back here and we can live together and I’m gonna marry you. And we’re gonna be happy again, okay?” His deep brown eyes are desperate, tears rolling down his cheeks and falling from his chin. Your heart breaks at hearing the words and you yearn for the day even when it’s so far away.
“You wanna marry me?” You ask, lip wobbling as you try to speak through your tears.
“Yeah, I wanna marry you! I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone, Y/N. There’s no way I’m gonna let 1,500 miles stop that.” You let out a broken sob, the distance seeming like lightyears away. How are you going to get into that car? How are you going to leave him?
“I love you, too Eddie.” You stroke his face as you lean to kiss him again. Someone is going to have to rip you away from him, you decide. There’s no way you can do it on your own. You go back to sobbing in his chest, trying to cement yourself to him. He holds you with the same intensity.
Your parents try to give you time, but it’s getting dark and you’re supposed to be in Missouri by morning. Your dad gives a honk, and you panic. You can’t leave Eddie. You can’t, you can’t. Your sobs increase in intensity. “No! No! I can’t go. I’m not gonna leave you!” Eddie’s holding it together by a thread. He doesn’t want to let go either, but he knows you don’t have any choice. You can’t stay here by yourself right now. You need your parents to help you get through school. He vows he’ll do nothing but work if that’s what it takes to make you a home with him by the time you come back.
“Baby,” He pleads, peeling your face off of his chest to look at you. “It’s only a few months. You can finish your senior year and we can get an apartment near the college so you can get your degree. We can make it happen I promise. And we’ll see each other at Christmas, right? Or Thanksgiving?” He swallows thickly.
You nod, but you know it won’t be enough for you, not until you can lay in Eddie’s arms for the rest of your life. “We’re gonna call each other every day, right? You’re not gonna forget me?” You sob. You can barely see him through the tears, which makes you sadder. You wish you could freeze time for the two of you so you could prolong the inevitable.
“I swear on my life. As soon as you graduate, you’re gonna come home to me and we are going to get married. I don’t need anything fancy, I just need you.” He moves his hands away from you, and you push yourself into him, not wanting a second to go by that you aren’t touching him. He pulls a ring from one of his fingers, then the guitar pick necklace from his neck. He undoes the clasp on the necklace and drops the heavy metal ring onto the chain. “Lift your hair, baby.” You do so reluctantly, and he clasps the chain around the back of your neck, adjusting so that the ring and the guitar pick fall to the center of your chest. You put your hand to it, looking up at him.
“Is this my engagement ring?” You give a little laugh through your tears, touched that he’s given you not one, but two of his most prized possessions. He shakes his head, a sad smile on his face.
“No, baby. That’s a promise. And I promise that I’m gonna have a better ring waiting for you when you come back.” Your dad honks again, making you both look over to the car. Eddie holds your face in both of his hands as you start hyperventilating, and makes you look at him.
“You call me as soon as you get there, okay? The first thing you do when you get to your new house is pick up the phone and call me, okay?” You nod.
“Okay, I promise.” Eddie lets his hands slide down to your waist and he pulls you to him in a crushing hug.
“I love you, Y/N.” His voice trembles as he speaks, and you can barely speak through your broken sobs.
“I—love—you—t-too— Eddie.” He pulls back and kisses you hard, all teeth and tongues and filled with everything you wish you could say and do right now.
Eddie walks you to the car and opens the door for you. You slide in, not letting go of his hand until it’s almost smashed in the closing door. You roll down the window and kiss him one last time, two last times for good measure. “I’m waiting for you,” Eddie says, and you nod as he taps the top of the car before stepping back. You get up on your knees and stick your head out the window as your dad pulls out of the driveway.
“I love you!” You shout to him, the breeze from the moving car making your wet face go cold.
“I love you more!” Eddie shouts back. You look at him as long as you can, but as your dad turns off the street, you pull yourself back into the window, completely numb.
It’s a three-day journey to Utah, and it’s also lonely. You refuse to talk to your parents unless it’s a necessity. You hate them for what they’ve done. But in six months, it won’t matter anymore. You’ll graduate high school, enroll in Hawkins Community College, and come home to Eddie, a wedding, a home. You call Eddie from the hotels, staying up with him until your eyes droop from sleepiness. You can sleep on the road.
When you pull into the driveway of the new house, you don’t pick up a single box as you run into the house, looking for the phone. You find it in the kitchen and pick it up, holding the necklace in your hand as you dial the so-familiar phone number. You tap your foot restlessly, chewing the inside of your mouth as the phone rings. Your heart leaps as you hear the other line pick up.
“Hello?” It’s Wayne.
“H-hi, Wayne. It’s Y/N. Is Eddie there?” Before he answers, you hear a few broken words on the other side of the phone, something like “It’s for me, Wayne.” And “Sorry, didn’t know!”
“Y/N?” Eddie’s voice makes you smile, which is becoming rare without him.
“Hey! I-I just got to the new house.” You say, trying to sound positive.
“Oh, is it… nice?” You look around you, having not really processed anything as you ran in. It’s nothing special. Walls, a floor, a ceiling…
“It’s… different.” You chew your lip. “It’s not home.” You hear Eddie sigh over the other end.
“I know, baby. But we’ll be together again soon. It’ll happen before you know it.”
“I know, I know, but I just want you now. I miss you so much.” Tears threaten to spill out of your eyes and your face heats up as you try to hide from the movers and your parents bustling around you.
“I miss you too, Y/N.” It goes quiet, the silence weighing with sorrow.
“I’m gonna start looking for jobs tomorrow. My parents are letting me skip school this week so we can get situated. I’m also gonna go to the bank to set up a savings account so I can have plenty saved for us,” You say, shuffling your feet.
“That’s good. Just don’t stress yourself out too much, baby. We have time. Don’t overload your schedule just to fill the time. School’s hard enough as it is. I should know, I was a senior three times.” You let out a little giggle at that. You remember. It took a lot of work, and you had basically double the work-load as a junior to help Eddie graduate after his second attempt.
“Third time’s a charm, baby.” You joke.
“Ain’t that the truth.” He muses. Your parents call your name, making you look up from the phone. You groan.
“Give me a minute!” It comes out harsh, and Eddie notices.
“Still mad at your folks?” He asks. You shake your head in exasperation.
“They expect me to be happy about this. To move on like I didn’t leave the most important thing in my life back home. They’re fucking assholes,” You whisper into the phone.
“Yeah, but they’re the assholes that are gonna pay for your college. Until that happens, I would at least try to be civil.” He advises. You sigh, letting your eyes fall closed.
“I won’t be able to forgive them.” You say.
“You have to. They’re your parents. And they love you. They didn’t necessarily choose this either. It was your dad’s job, right?”
“Yeah, but he still took the damn job.” You mutter, not even wanting to see them in a forgiving light.
“Well, I guess that’s true.” Eddie says. “But we can talk again later, okay? I’m working till about 10 my time, but I’ll call you after. Just give me the new number.” You look to the sticky note attached to the deck, the number scribbled on it in red ink.
“Alright. I guess that’s okay.” You read the number off to him, and then it’s time to say goodbye. “I love you.” You whisper, tears returning to your eyes.
“I love you too, baby. More and more every day.” He promises. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Okay. Bye, Eddie.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
You want to scream as you put the phone down. You shouldn’t be here. You should be laying in Eddie’s arms. You grab at your necklace again, letting the cool metal of the ring calm you.
School, work, phone with Eddie. That’s your day to day as you count the days to Christmas break. You found an okay paying job as a receptionist at a vet clinic after school and on weekends. You’ve made a couple of acquaintances at your new school, but nothing really worth noting. You don’t really care about making attachments here. You don’t need them. You just need Eddie. Your parents notice your mood lightening as it gets colder, a sign that Christmas break is coming. You make arrangements at work, letting them know you’ll be out of town from the 20th until the new year. You pack about a week early out of anticipation and stare longingly at the suitcase every second you have that isn’t spent on the phone, and you even splurge on a couple really nice gifts for Eddie, dipping into your savings to get him a couple new pieces of jewelry to replace the ones he gave to you.
When the day comes, you wake up early and practically push your family out the door to start the long journey back to Hawkins. You’re the happiest you have been in weeks, smiling and even humming along to the radio every so often.
When you pull up to the hotel your parents are staying at in Hawkins you’re vibrating. Only a few more minutes until you’re reunited with Eddie. You know this is the easiest break you’ll have from him until you can come back permanently, so you made arrangements to stay with Eddie the whole time. Your parents understand. And to be honest, they’re pretty much trying to grovel to earn your trust back. But the reason for their compliance doesn’t matter. All that matters is seeing Eddie.
You shiver, arms folded across your heavy coat to try to trap in more heat as you wait for Eddie, your suitcase sitting next to you, collecting fluffy bits of snow. Of course, you couldn’t wait inside, much to your parents’ dismay. You need to be here when he gets here. Any more buffer time would simply be unbearable. Eddie’s van pulls into the parking lot and you wait impatiently as he pulls under the veranda where you’re standing. You don’t waste any time when you hear the car being put into park and you run to the driver side, beaming brightly as Eddie opens his door.
You crush each other in a hug, both of you crying in joy. “I missed you so much.” He whispers into your hair, pressing sweet kisses anywhere his lips make contact with. He’s here. He’s here. You’re actually holding him.
“Eddie.” You sigh. He smells the same. He feels the same. You look up at him, tears biting cold in the frozen December breeze. Eddie leans down to kiss you, his lips still so warm. So soft. Nothing could ever be better than this. After your reunion, Eddie holds you to him as he picks your suitcase up for you, walking you over to your door. He’s not going to let you go until he has to.
When Wayne leaves for work that night, you and Eddie have your real reunion. You spend hours in his bed, nails biting into skin, wanton sounds floating around you, bruising kisses pressed into every inch of skin. Between rounds, you hold each other, catching up on all of the life you’re missing, tucked underneath his comforter. Finally, Eddie has to get up, still naked. You go to pinch his ass, eliciting a laughing yelp from him as he crosses the room.
“Jeez, honey!” He says, rubbing his butt as he goes to his dresser. You laugh, crossing your hands behind your head.
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t help it. I haven’t been able to do that in almost 2 months!” Eddie opens his drawer, and you hear crinkling of paper as he closes it back. He walks back to you, crawling back under the covers as he gives it to you. You giggle, taking it and examining the awful wrap job of snowflake-covered wrapping paper. It’s small and square shaped.
“Christmas isn’t until…” You look at the clock on his wall. The time reads 1:40 am, signaling Christmas Eve is here. “Tomorrow!” Eddie shrugs, a blush fanning over his face.
“I couldn���t wait.” He says quietly. You laugh again as you open the box. You feel Eddie’s fingers play with his necklace on your chest, happy to see you wearing it. You peel the paper off and you look up at Eddie, his smile warm and relaxed. It’s a ring box you hold in your hand.
“What’s this?” You ask coyly. Your heart beats wildly in your chest. If this is what you think it is…
“Well, Y/N, the thing about a present is you kinda gotta open it to see what’s inside.” You laugh at him, but his smile is too revealing.
You open the box and gasp. It is what you thought it was. A small silver ring glints at you happily from the box. There’s two stones sitting at the center. One clear, one you recognize as your birthstone. You pick it up out of the box, and you look to Eddie.
“I told you I’d get you a better one. You can still keep that one, of course, but I want to see this one in the right place.” He says sheepishly, and you nod, testing it on your left ring finger. It’s just a touch loose, but it won’t fall off.
“It’s beautiful, Eddie.” You press your hands to his face and kiss him, both of you giggling. You feel Eddie’s arm snake under you, his palm pressing into your back, bringing you closer to him.
“Wanna go for one more round?” Eddie asks, one eyebrow quirking up playfully. You answer by kissing him again, pulling him so that he rolls on top of you.
Christmas is spent with Eddie bouncing from house to house to cover as much ground as possible. You spend the morning with your family at your aunt’s house, eating a big breakfast and showing off your ring to your family. They all seem happy for you, even the ones who don’t know or like Eddie. You can feel the tension though, so you leave right after presents.
Your next stop is the Wheeler house. Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, Robin, and all the kids are assembled in the living room. They all run to you for hugs, telling you how much they’ve missed you, how different it is now that you’re gone. When Robin spots the ring glinting from your finger, everyone demands to see it, and you raise your hand, the other still holding Eddie’s as everyone congratulates you.
“When’s the wedding?” Steve asks, clapping Eddie on the shoulder.
“As soon as I’m back for good. It won’t be anything big, just a courthouse thing with a party after,” You say. “We talked about it last night, and we want you all to be there.” You and Eddie smile at each other everyone bustles with excitement.
The next few hours are spent there, laughing and eating good food. When you finally make it home, Wayne is waiting with a couple of gifts and a roast chicken dinner. When all is said and done, you bring your gifts for Eddie out, handing them to him. You smile cheekily as Eddie tears into the paper, and when he opens the box, he looks to you with a knowing smile. He pulls the necklace out and examines it. This one has a guitar on it, one in the shape of a Warlock, like Eddie’s. He slips it over his neck and goes to open his other gift. When he pulls the ring out, he laughs. You found it scouring thrift shops in Utah, and when you saw it, you just couldn’t pass it up. It was a bit tarnished when you found it, so you spent a long time polishing it, bringing it back to life. It’s a heavy silver ring in the shape of a dragon head. Some of the details were a little lost, no doubt from all of the heavy rock shows it’s seen. He slips it onto his middle finger, perfectly taking the place of the ring you wore around your neck.
As the days passed after that, you felt a sense of dread again as the thought of leaving loomed over you. In the moments your anxiety flared, you’d play with the ring on your left hand, twisting it around your finger to help soothe yourself.
Finally, the day arrives, and you have to say goodbye to Eddie again. This time is a little easier, but there’s still many tears shed. Still, you’re thankful that you got this time with Eddie, and that your parents didn’t hover. You’re quiet on the drive home, but not as angry. There’s only 5 months left until you can come home for good, and 4 until you can see Eddie again for spring break. That counts for something, right?
You go through the motions, still talking to Eddie every day. He got a new job at a warehouse, and the heavy labor pays a lot better than the store job he had before. You got an A on the debate portion of your English class. Eddie landed a paying gig with Corroded Coffin. They’re opening for another metal band at a small festival in Southern Indiana. You got a raise at your receptionist job.
Work, school, phone with Eddie. That’s the day to day. It’s difficult, but you start breathing lighter as the air warms back up, signaling the beginning of spring. Then, finally, Spring Break comes. Your parents drive you halfway, meeting Eddie somewhere in Kansas. You take your time getting back to Indiana once you hop in Eddie’s van. Eddie asked for a couple days off just for this occasion. You spend the night in St. Louis, pulling into a camping ground to sleep in the van.
The next day, you finish your journey back to Hawkins, and laze around with Eddie around the trailer. It’s almost like you can forget that you have to return to Utah for another month before you come back for good. Over the next couple of days, you talk about things you want to do for your wedding, and you browse apartments to get an idea of where you want to apply.
While Eddie’s at work, you’re usually out of the house to not disturb Uncle Wayne’s sleep since he has to work at night. Today, you’re out with Robin getting ice cream and walking around Hawkins Proper, dipping in and out of shops to browse clothes, jewelry, shoes, and whatever else happens to be in the store you walk into.
“So, you guys are getting married when you get back…” Robin muses as she takes a lick of her ice cream.
“Yeah, we think we’re gonna have a reception at the park, order a couple of pizzas, bring a radio… Maybe we’ll decorate the gazebo in lights and stuff.” You smile at the thought.
“You gonna wear white?” Robin asks. “We could look around for a dress while we’re out today if you want.” She snaps, her eyes going wide. “We could look at the thrift shop! Sometimes they have old wedding dresses for super cheap! If we find one in your size that would be so cool!” You laugh at her enthusiasm and nod. Robin lets out a whoop and you make your way down the street toward the thrift shop. As you reach an intersection, Robin lets out a gasp, grabbing your arm roughly.
“Oh my god.” She says. You look to her and then let your eyes follow her line of sight until you see him.
Eddie. On the other side of the street. In Chrissy Cunningham’s car. As he opens the door, Chrissy grabs his hand, pulling him in for a kiss before he gets out. He smiles as he shuts the door, turning to walk toward the warehouse he works in.
Your ears start ringing as your blood runs cold. “Eddie?” It comes out quiet. Your heart beats wildly as you start across the road, throwing the remainder of your ice cream cone on the ground as you dodge a car. You don’t stop, just keep running. You think you can hear Robin behind you, but it doesn’t fully register. “Eddie!” You call. Everything is blurry, and you reach a hand to your face to realize you’re crying. “EDDIE!” He finally hears you, about a block away, and turns around. You stop, not sure if you want to go any closer. Not wanting to know if you really saw what you thought you saw.
Eddie’s chipper smile falls as he looks at you. He’s like a deer frozen in headlights. “Y/N?” You can barely hear him from so far away. You freeze too, not knowing what to do. You feel Robin put a hand on your shoulder as she catches up to you. Eddie takes a few steps toward you, and you take a step back, bumping into Robin. There’s a dull ringing around you as your adrenaline pumps through your system, heart pounding in your throat.
Eddie’s face is contorted in fear, that much you can see. He knows you saw him. “Y/N, I—I can explain!” He takes another step forward and your breathing becomes ragged. You don’t want him near you. Not anymore.
“We can go, Y/N, just say the word.” Robin says to you. You look to her, and she’s facing forward, glaring daggers in Eddie’s direction.
“I—” You pause. You don’t know what to do. You don’t know what to say. Your fingers reach instinctively for Eddie’s necklace, but you stop as your fingers just brush the cool metal of the ring. The promise ring Eddie gave you back in November. You grasp the chain suddenly and yank it off your neck, eyes hot with tears. You drop it to the ground, not looking in Eddie’s direction as you turn to Robin. “Let’s go.”
“Y/N!” Eddie calls after you. Robin holds your shoulders in an arm as you both briskly walk away, back across the street, and then to Robin’s car.
You and Robin rush into Eddie’s to grab all of your things, stuffing them haphazardly into your suitcase. “We can call your parents when we get back to my place.” Robin says as you snap the buckles closed. You don’t say anything, just nod as you and Robin grab everything and walk to her car. As you open the door, Eddie’s van tears into the drive. You just keep walking toward Robin’s car, opening the back seat and throwing your bag in.
“Y/N! Please, let me explain.” Your chest flushes with rage, hot tears leaking from your eyes as you slam the door shut, spinning to face him. Before you completely know what you’re doing, your hand is stinging from the hard slap you land to Eddie’s face.
“How long?! How fucking long, Eddie?!” Robin stands by silently, waiting for the moment you need her. Eddie doesn’t meet your gaze, knowing he deserves this.
“Three months,” He responds numbly. That would make it… January. You left from Christmas break on December 30th. 
“So, let me get this straight!” Your lip starts wobbling, but you steel yourself to save face. “You give me an engagement ring two days before Christmas, and then just… what? A week later? You get with her on New Year’s? You forget that we are supposed to get married? We’ve been making plans this week! We’ve been looking at apartments! Were you just going to keep fucking her? Huh?!” Your voice is frantic now, walking toward him as he takes steps back.
“No, no! It was—A fucking mistake!” He cries. “I’ll never fucking talk to her again, I swear, baby, please!”
“Don’t. You fucking call me that!” You exclaim. You press your hands to your forehead, suddenly finding the whole situation tragically funny as you laugh.
“I’ve been keeping myself from having a life! For the past 5 months! I’ve been so goddamn lonely in that god forsaken wasteland because I didn’t want to make any attachments! My family was here! You were here!” The laughing turns to sobs as you suck in a breath. “I was so lonely, Eddie… But I was fucking faithful! Because you were everything I wanted.”
“W-were?” He asks, his breaths trembling. He looks like he wants to reach out to you, but he knows he’d be dead before his skin grazed yours if he tried.
“Yeah… Were. But you just fucking ruined it.” It goes quiet since you’ve run out of things to say. You look down at the ring on your finger. “You can have this back.” Your whole body trembles as you slide the ring off your finger. You look at it one last time, gripping it in your hand as tightly as you can before throwing it in Eddie’s face. “Maybe it’ll fit Chrissy.” You give a snide smile as you turn around. Eddie looks broken, but you don’t care. He brought this on himself.
You don’t say a word as you get into the passenger seat of Robin’s car, shutting the door behind you. Eddie comes up to the window as Robin gets in, tears streaming down his face. “I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N! Please, let’s just talk about this. Please, don’t leave! I love you so much, baby, please!” You don’t look at him as Robin revs the engine, but Eddie doesn’t move until the car starts moving. You can hear Eddie calling after you as Robin drives toward the main road, but you don’t dare turn around to look back.
You’re a few minutes into the drive when you start feeling sick, hot bile rising in your throat. “Robin, pull over!” You exclaim, and she does haphazardly as you throw your seatbelt off, opening the door before the car has fully stopped. You choke as it comes up, so violent it seeps out of your nostrils too. You stumble, hands on your knees as you let it all out. Robin comes to rub your back and hold your hair out of the way, and when the vomit stops, you almost collapse as the weight of what just happened fully settles on your shoulders. You let out an ear-shattering scream filled with anger, sadness, and longing, and Robin wraps her arms around your middle to keep you standing.
Robin calls in sick to work the next day to start the drive back to Utah. Your parents will meet you again in Kansas at the halfway point. You try to sleep through most of it, not wanting to think about the happy memories of just a few days ago. You switch with Robin to drive just after you get out of St Louis, and she falls asleep against the window. It’s hard to be alone in the silence, but Robin’s been doing most of the work on this trip, so you let her sleep. You’ll get her a nice hotel room tonight as a thank you. God knows you’ve got the funds from saving up all this time for your new life.
It all seems like a big fucking joke now. You never should have agreed to marry him, you never should’ve made plans like this until you were already back in Hawkins. You never should have put this much stock in one person at this age. I mean, you’re only 18. Who the fuck gets married at 18 anymore?
You were rushing, you see that now. You hadn’t even lived, and you were content to settle down, get some useless degree from a community college and live as the wife to a small time rockstar? It sounds completely ridiculous now.
You dread the line of questioning from your parents, and even more, the voicemails Eddie has undoubtedly been leaving at your house all day, but as you take a breath and pull into the hotel you’re meeting your parents at, you try not to think about it. Instead, you think about that girl in your biology class who brought one of your favorite books to class last week, and the cute guy at the smoothie place near your work. You think of the life you should’ve been living all this time.
Your parents pull in about an hour later. Robin had woken up and you had passed the time playing hot hands and listening to the radio. Your laughs cut short as your dad honks the car, and you look over as your mom smiles sympathetically.
“Do you think you’ll still come back to Hawkins?” Robin asks. You think about it for a moment, and finally, you shake your head.
“I don’t think I can, as long as he’s there.” You shrug. “I don’t know… Maybe someday.” Robin nods understandingly.
“Well, maybe I can come visit you sometime. Over the summer we can go on vacation to, like, California, or something.” You smile gratefully and nod.
“I’d like that.” You pull each other into a hug over the center console, and you pull away sniffling. You get into your purse and pull out a hundred-dollar bill and hand it to her. “This is for the gas, and a hotel if you get too tired to drive.”
“God, Y/N, no I can’t—”
“Please, just take it. I was gonna use it to take Eddie to a show on Saturday, but… well… You know.” Robin’s brows furrow, and she tentatively takes the money from your hand.
“Thanks. And don’t forget to call when you get home, alright?” Thinking of Utah as home was never in your plan. Hawkins was home, Eddie was home. Now… who knows where home will be?
“I will.” You promise. Robin gets out of the car with you and helps you with your bags, and you hug her tightly before you get into the back seat of your parents’ SUV.
As you drive away, your hands reach for your neck, looking for the familiar ring, but no, it’s not there. Your neck suddenly feels naked, empty without it, but you push the thought away. You’re not going to let yourself be sad about this now. Maybe when you get home, when you can lock the door and scream into your pillows until your throat is raw, but not now. Right now, you just need to sleep. To forget. To recenter your plans around yourself instead of Eddie.
“Mom,” You call. She turns around, a sweet smile appearing on her face.
“What is it, sweetheart?”
“When we get home… Can you help me with some college applications? I think I want to apply to Washington State.” She looks at you sympathetically as she nods.
“You know, they’ve got a great biology program.” She says, keeping the conversation light for your sake.
“Yeah, I’ve heard about that.” You look out the window to hide the quiet tears streaking down your cheeks.
“We can take a weekend and go to take a tour! It’ll be so much fun. We’ll see the space needle, and… whatever else is in Washington. Wouldn’t that be nice, honey?” She offers, and you let out a laugh. So, this is where your life begins, huh?
“Yeah, that would be good.” It goes quiet for a moment. “Hey, mom, dad?”
“What is it, honey?”
“I’m really sorry. For… everything.” You don’t look up, but you see your mom’s hand come to rest on your knee.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. What’s important now is that you look forward. You don’t need… Hawkins.” You finally look up at her with that, and you nod.
“You’re right.” You sniff and wipe a stray tear from your cheeks. “I love you guys.”
“We love you, too, sweetie.” Your dad says, glancing up at you in the rearview mirror.
The rest of the ride home is pretty quiet, save for a few idle conversations between your parents. As you finally pull into the driveway, it’s the middle of the night, and you breathe a heavy sigh as you ready yourself to get out of the car.
Look forward, your mom said. You don’t need Hawkins.
As you step out of the car, you take a deep breath. Time to find out what else there is to need in this world.
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mmvalentine · 2 years
Lover Like Me pt 14 (epilogue) | Feysand
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
The next year blurs by and I swear I couldn’t even tell you what we filled it with. We just hazed through, the way that you get to the end of summer vacation drunk on long days and the absence of school bells and wonder where the time went.
I can tell you that we moved house, not immediately but eventually, and not very far. Rhys wanted to stay close to the garage, after all. In fact, none of us live in the Velaris blocks anymore, and no, Rhys didn’t buy a house for each of them. His father was wealthy but not that wealthy. He did buy the auto shop though, and start paying an actual living wage once he fired the old manager, and wouldn’t you know it, the guys all started renting decent places once they could afford it.
Mor moved closer to the beach and met a girl at one of Helion’s extravagant parties. Azriel’s got a slick city apartment with a view, and Cassian’s shifted toward the mountains and living his best lumberjack life. They all commute but no one’s complaining.
I often think back on the time we all lived together with great fondness, but I know for the others, painful memories still live there, and we’ve never been back. I don’t mind at all, because I’m home wherever Rhys is.
And Rhys is here, in a house of our very own, and he’s magnificent.
Out from the shadows of his violent father’s past and his dead mother’s house, Rhys is a force to be reckoned with. Business is booming, we go on trips most weekends, and I’ve never heard him laugh so loud. And coming home to him every day is a luxury that simultaneously feels like I’ve been doing it forever, and like I’ll never get used to the thrill of it.
It’s not a giant house, but there’s the loveliest rose and lilac garden out the front, and French doors on the second floor to the balcony that Rhys built. We have a bedroom with a skylight, which he cleans every weekend because he loves to look at the stars. It has a study we converted into an art studio for me, with shelves all along the wall to hold all my supplies. There’s a spare bedroom that is always made up- it was important to both of us our friends could stay with us whenever they wanted or needed to. And it has a garage where Rhys keeps his bike and also a beautiful vintage Bentley that he’s restoring in his spare time.
Rhys runs the shop better than Amarantha ever did, and now that she’s gone the guys actually like going to work. I visit sometimes, bring by boxes of pizza when they work late not because they have to but because they’re enjoying each other’s company. Pepperoni for Azriel, cheese for mor, mushroom for Rhys, and four of whatever there’s four of for Cassian. They wipe black grease off their hands and laugh with their mouths full, and now movie nights happen less frequently but we put a projector in the garage and every month or so we watch on a wall-sized screen.
Sometimes it’s just Rhys who’s stayed back, slumped in the office over the books that were never his favourite part of the job. On those days I feed him Irish tea and chocolate biscuits, and when his blood sugars are revived, we make love on the desk, where I have a perfect view of a certain painting that hangs on the wall and remains my most abstract piece to date.  
As for me, my rent situation may be taken care of, but I will never not have my own bank account again. I’ve earned myself a permanent spot in Tarquin’s gallery by maintaining the highest selling rate of any of his resident artists. It’s not quite enough that I’ve quit my job at the art store, but I’m getting closer. Hey, maybe one day I’ll outgrow Tarquin and open a gallery of my own.
I’m telling you, my life is perfect.
Not because we never fight- amongst the brilliant days there are sad ones, when Rhys is full of trauma and fury and grief, and just because most of the time I know how to bring him back doesn’t mean it always works, or that I always have the energy to do it, or that he always wants me to.
But because he chooses me every damn day, even when I have nightmares about blonde haired men and I kick him in my sleep, even when I have unreasonable expectations that he will read my mind and then get upset that he hasn’t correctly anticipated my needs, and even when he works late and I’ve stayed up painting and we’re both cranky and snappy and rude.
And because I choose him back, just as many times.
And that- I wouldn’t trade that for the world, not for a thousand days of serenity, not for a million dry-eyed nights.
Still, it’s not the fights and the slow, painful healing that I want to replay over and over.
It’s days like today.
When I wake slow in the early morning light with Rhys’s lips on my ankle.
The alarm is set for seven, which is when we wanted to get up and get on the road. Our bags are packed and Rhys’s motorcycle is clean and full of fuel, and there are hours of mountain trails waiting for us to lose ourselves in their alpine embrace.
Yet here is Rhys with a kiss that moves slowly up the side of my calf.
And he’s usually such a stickler for a schedule.
I moan softly without opening my eyes. It’s warm and soft in our bed, and I’ve never been one to rise easy from slumber. Rhys’s tongue hits the corner of my knee, his teeth nip at the inside of my thigh, while the rough of his hands trace the journey his lips have just made. I twitch a little when his mouth lands at the join of my leg and my hip, although my limbs are still so heavy. Then the heat of his breath hits my underwear as he kisses the fabric between my legs, and my back arches up to his touch as if lifted by this string of static that starts in my stomach and ends in the apex of my thighs.
“Good morning, lover,” Rhys whispers, and then his mouth is otherwise occupied.
He pushes my underwear to the side and then it’s the flat of his tongue from pussy to clit. I gasp at the first touch, and then my panties are slid off my legs and I’m kissed on the sharp parts of my hips and the soft parts of my inner thighs and over my bare pussy again. I’m only half-way awake but I’m drowning in something sweeter than sleep as he laps me up and eats me alive. The minutes slide by but Rhys has all the time in the world as he flicks his tongue against me over and over again, winding me slowly round and round his little finger like a spool of thread. It’s not difficult; I’m always his.
His hands slide flat from my hips to my belly to my breasts, and all the while his lips are loving me. His mouth moves slow and dirty and sure. I’m rocking myself onto his tongue, the pleasure is a fog around me, and when he gets my nipples between his fingers, I tip my head back and moan just like he likes.
I could have happily passed the day like this, but my waking dream is cut through my the too-bright ring of my phone alarm.
At first, we ignore it, but of course the stubborn thing rings on and on. I groan in protest when Rhys gets up, but then the silence is restored and Rhys comes back to me and is settling his body over mine. His fingers lace through my fingers, and my hands are swept up and pinned above my head. He’s heavy and hard and as he rolls his hips into me, I’m mollified.
“Sleep well, honey?” Rhys’s voice is husky and low, and I don’t know how he expects me to answer when he’s grinding into me as he speaks. My eyes roll back and my hips lift to meet his, and the dark chuckle that issues from above me is as smug as a Cheshire cat. He kisses me then, sweeping his tongue deep into my mouth to make sure that I can taste myself on him like when he fucks me but finishes in my throat. The memory evoked is so filthy I’m turned on even more, and I start moving up against him looking for friction between my legs.
Rhys obliges me, driving his hips forward and kissing me deeper. I’m fairly sure I could come just from dry-humping this man, but he’s not going to let that happen. I’m rubbing up against his erection and building into a little rhythm that’s getting me where I want to go, and then just when I get to that floating place Rhys shoves his waistband down and pushes inside me.
I’m stretched out faster than expected and Rhys is sliding into me and by the time the tightness eases I’m coming on his cock.
It’s that easy.
And if there’s one enduring thing about us, about our relationship, it’s that it’s easy. It’s so easy and even when it’s difficult and when it sucks it’s easy and that’s why I love him. Or maybe because I love him. I love him so fucking much and I wouldn’t believe that someone so good would love me back except that he tells me all the fucking time and my head has gotten so big with it I wonder how I get in the front door sometimes.
And so here I am, early in the morning with no thoughts in my head and I’m coming hard while Rhys is all the way inside me and then when I’m back in control of my body I fuck him back until he comes, too.
On Sunday night, we’ll get back from our trip and we’ll unpack.
We’ll carry our bags in on tired legs and when I sit down and start unlacing my boots Rhys will look distracted. He’ll start picking through our belongings and I’ll ask him what he’s looking for.
“I’m just looking for… I could have sworn…”
“What, Rhys?” I’ll ask.
“It’s just, it was right here, can you look in your bag?”
“Look for what?” I’ll ask again, even as I start rifling through my backpack, searching for something I don’t know the name of.
“It’s so small, it could have fallen out.”
“Fuck’s sake Rhys, what am I looking for?”
“It’s the black box, you know the one.”
I don’t know the one, and I’ll get annoyed as Rhys continues to be vague while he shoves his hands in the pockets of our discarded leather jackets.
“Would you just look?” Rhys will say, and I’ll start getting mad that he’s sounding frustrated with me when he’s not communicating properly, so when my fingers close around a foreign object I’ll shake it at him.
“Here, is this what you’re looking for?”
“I don’t know, open it.”
I’ll roll my eyes and snap open the little velvet case, and my anger will instantly evaporate because inside will be the most perfect sapphire and diamond ring I’ve ever seen. I’ll be in shock, I’ll look up at Rhys but he’ll be down on one knee with his violet eyes so bright I can hardly stand it.
“Feyre,” he’ll say, and then he’ll swallow because he’s getting choked up. “Feyre from the moment I met you…”
“Yes,” I’ll breathe, and he’ll laugh.
“Feyre, I never thought-”
“Yes,” I’ll interrupt again.
“I didn’t think someone like me-”
“YES,” I’ll yell, and I’ll fall to the floor before him and try to kiss his stupidly gorgeous face, but he won’t let me until he can at least get the question out.
‘Feyrewillyoumarryme?!” he’ll shout, and then he’ll fall backward because I’ve flung myself at him and I’ve covering him with kisses and ‘yes’s.
And then the studio door will burst open and Mor, Cassian and Azriel will be exploding out from their hiding place and dog-piling on to us, and I’ll barely be able to breathe from laughing and crying and being crushed by these goobers, whom I love so very much.
But that will be on Sunday.
Today, we are naked in bed.
And I hope that this is the way he remembers me always, when we’re old and wrinkled and grey. I hope he remembers buckling a helmet under my chin before we get on his motorcycle, I hope he remembers my arms around his waist as we ride. I hope he remembers living in this house, now, with me, before dogs and kids and mess and whatever else he wants in our future. But most of all I hope that he remembers being this deep inside of me while we move, keeping pace with our matching heart beats, with nothing but time and thoughts of being loved, and being a lover.
The end, at long last.
My loves. Thank you for being with me in this story, it is the longest one I've written by far (like more than triple the length of The Bargain) and it has been such a joy to hang out with you guys along the way. I really appreciate everyone who read and shared and reblogged!! I will miss you, please dont be strangers ❤️❤️❤️
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao @achernarlight @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @hopefulacademia @story-scribbler @fandomstalker27 @realbookloverproblems @dealfea @s-tormwitch @cretaceous-therapod @whenyadoesntcutit @scatterbrainedgirl @whoever-you-choose-to-love @endlessdaydream @elentiya-whitethorn @rarephloxes @timesconvert @mis-lil-red @alerialumina @lokisllama
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
Never Known Anyone Like You
Summary: My take on what happened between Bheem winning the dance off and the cut shot to Ram carrying him on his back.
Ram leaned against the far wall of the Gymkhana, half hidden by the shadows as he cooled down. He stayed where he was, nodding politely and accepting the congratulations from the passing guests, but stayed away from the main crowd. His heart felt lighter than it had in years, and he knew the exact reason why. A crowd who were all surrounding an increasingly frantic looking Akthar, clearly in over his head and absolutely clueless as all the Britishers spoke English at him. He kept nodding his head like a bobble-head doll, even as he kept scanning the courtyard for something. An escape probably. Ram snorted. He never could have accounted for the younger man in any of his plans. Even as he tried to focus on his mission, to get that promotion, to make his father proud, Akthar reminded him to live each day. Babai and Sita and the rest of the village believed in him so much, that he would keep his word to them. It was that belief that allowed him to continue on the darkest nights. But with Akthar there was none of that. He was just Ram Anna. The title was both a benediction and a knife each time, a reminder of what he had lost. Akthar looked at the world with so much joy, believed the best in everyone. Bore all the pain he could spare others without complaint. Made him smile more than he had in a long time. Really smile.
Their walks along the river, their bike/horse rides, their small escapades where Akthar always managed to get them in trouble (the incidence with the shepard kid who’s sheep they had almost stolen had chased them for nearly a kilometer being one). Ram downed the lemonade he'd been sipping at, figuring he should rescue Akthar before he really decided to make a run for it. It only took a moment, Ram stepping into the sunlight, for Akthar's eyes to meet his.It felt like there was some invisible string connecting them at times, the way they could almost sense each other whenever they were near. Ram ignored how his heart skipped a beat as Akthar's shoulders slumped in relief, a bright grin lighting his face. He casually made his way through the crowd, shaking hands and exchanging a few back pats until he reached the center. Jenny was on one side, eyes shining with an adoration that made Ram's smile curl closer to a snarl on the inside. On the other were a few other white women, each all fawning over Akthar as if he were some exotic animal. Clenching his hand into a fist, he plastered on his politest smile, bowing slightly as he addressed them. "Excuse me madams, forgive me for intruding in this conversation. But unfortunately Akthar and I have some business to attend to that we cannot afford to be late to, if you could spare us?" The ladies groaned, even Jenny wilted slightly before nodding. "Of course, I understand. Thank you both so much for coming, this will not be a party any of us will be forgetting any time soon." Ram bowed again before meeting Akthar's eyes, gesturing towards the exit. The other man understood him, of course he did, he'd understood him when they had been separated by a whole bridge and a flaming lake, why did it keep surprising Ram? Saying their goodbyes, both of them managed to extract themselves within a few minutes and leave, making sure to return a smile to the churlish Jack who was still glaring at them. "Did you have fun Akthar?" Ram asked once they were out of earshot of the party. Akthar nodded his head furiously. "I've never been to anything like that before Anna! It was exhilarating!" "Being the center of attention?" Ram teased. Akthar laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "You know as well as I do that I didn't understand a single thing any of them said." He glanced up at Ram, eyes still glimmering with joy. "I meant the part where we danced together." The sincerity in Akthar's voice caught Ram off guard, even it shouldn't. He should be accustomed to it by now. The other man was only ever straightforward. Ram had doubts whether he'd be able to lie at all. If his expressive face, his doe eyes, wouldn't give the whole story away. Such lovely eyes. Eyes Ram had lined with kajal, that had gazed at him with so much trust. The eyes he had forced himself not to stare into, lest he do something extremely foolish. Ram looked to the ground, hands going into his pockets. "Yeah, that was fun." Akthar beamed at him as he jumped to face him, wincing when he landed. Ram caught it immediately. Brows furrowing he placed his fingers on Akthar's forearm. "Hey what is it?" Akthar shook his head, smiling, "Nothing, Anna." Ram focused his best stern look. "Don't lie Akthar, did you get hurt?" "I-its," Akthar sighed, running fingers through his curly hair, which had finally defeated the mousse Ram had added to it. "I may have overdone it with the dancing." A picture of bashfulness, Ram had the strangest desire to squeeze him. Instead he just blinked and nodded. "Of course you did. Well only one thing we can do then." Akthar tilted his head. "What?" Ram turned around, bending slightly and extended his hands backwards. "Come on, climb up." Akthar flushed with embarrassment. "Anna no, I can walk-" "You are having pain. I am not. And I may not be built like an ox like you, but I promise not to drop you. Stop arguing." Ram said, looking him over his shoulder. Akthar but his lip, wringing his hands once before nodding. "Ok." Gently he placed both arms around Ram's neck, and spread his knees so Ram could hook his arms underneath them. With a grunt, Ram lifted him of the ground.
Akthar groaned softly, relief at being able to give his poor feet some rest.
Akthar was heavy, but feeling him against his back, his breath brushing his ear, making the hair on the back of his neck stand up, Ram thought he wouldn’t mind carrying him forever if he was asked. His thighs were practically tree trunks, the stretch in his arms burning as Ram carried him forward. But then again, his friend always joked he stored all his strength in his legs. Ram wouldn’t disagree, just add that he had quite a lot of it in his shoulders too, which were unfairly wide.
A slight brush of fingers against his side startled him, arms loosening their hold for a second. In reaction, Akthar tightened his knees around Ram’s hips. “Anna!”
“That was your fault!” Ram scolded back as he adjusted his hold on Akthar once again. “What was that for?”
“I called your name three times, and you didn’t respond.” Akthar replied. “Where did you go?”
No way was Ram telling him he what he had been thinking. “It doesn’t matter. Don’t do that again, or I will drop you right here on the side of the road.”
Akthar’s smile was wide, eyes glinting with mischievousness. “Anna. Are you by chance ticklish?”
Ram scoffed, even as a flush took over his cheeks. “Absolutely not.”
Akthar’s booming laugh shook both of them, and Ram hid his own fond smile into his collar.
“Whatever you say Anna. And also you would never drop me here.” Akthar said confidently.
“Oh?” Ram asked, eyebrow raised. “Sure are you?”
Akthar hummed. “Yes. You are too good a person to abandon his best, closest friend, when he is hurt.”
Ram’s face shuttered and he was thankful Akthar couldn’t see it. He was not a good person. He had caused so many people harm, killed so many all in the name of a vow he had sworn his life to. He was necessary. But not good. Not like Akthar.
“More like I would not leave you here because then I’d have to listen to your complaining when you eventually found your way back home.” Ram jested, but both knew it was a lie.
Ram never once raised any objections to Akthar whenever the other man complained about anything. In fact, he always prodded him to not keep his problems buried.
What a hypocrite he was.
He felt Akthar slipping again, so he hitched him up again, grunting lightly as Akthar was jostled by the movement, arms tightening around his neck.
“Anyways, who said you were my closest friend?” Ram shot back.
Another laughable lie. Akthar may be the one person in this whole world who could claim that title. He was the only one who Ram would call a friend at all. Everyone else had only ever been allies, or family, or the enemy.
“Anna are you trying to hurt an injured man further?” Akthar claimed, the slightest inflection of a whine to it.
Ram chuckled. No one else made him chuckle. No one else ever bothered to. Not since Chotu.
Squeezing Akthar’s thighs best he could, he bowed his head. “Not at all, Akthar.”
Akthar hummed, leaning his head slightly against Ram’s, making his steps falter. Such a simple gesture, but it spoke to Akthar being comfortable with him. Able to relax against him. A show of vulnerability and trust Ram had never had.
But that was just it wasn’t it. These last few weeks with Akthar almost felt like someone else’s life. Someone who did not have a mission larger than himself to carry out. Someone who could take days off to spend with his friend, and go to sleep without a heavy burden on his shoulders he tried so hard not to buckle under. Akthar showed him what a happy life could be like. Ram yearned for it. Ram hated himself for his selfishness.
He didn’t know how much longer his goal would take, or where else it would take him, but he had this gut feeling his time with Akthar was limited. And he would make sure to not let a moment slip by wasted.
“Can I put you down now?”
Akthar groaned. “Oh God. I can’t Anna.”
Purposefully jostling Akthar this time, he fondly said, “Get down now, you are so heavy. How much farther should I carry you?”
This time, Akthar properly whined. “Don’t say that Anna, I beg you. If I take another step my legs will fall off. Please carry me a little longer.”
Ram laughed. “Why did you dance so much if you were in so much pain?”
Akthar gave that embarrassed laugh again. “I don’t know Anna. When you looked at me like that, I just…  felt like competing with you.”
Ram’s grinned.
Before either of them could say anything else, a familiar car pulled to a stop next to them. Akthar slid down from Ram’s back, and Ram had the strangest urge to tighten his hold to prevent this.
“Are you hurt? What’s happened? Is he alright?” Jenny asked, concerned.
Ram swallowed against a lump in his throat and glanced at Akthar before looking at Jenny. “He’s got a bad cramp. Can you drop him off at New Bazaar?”
“Oh of course!” she answered, leaning forward to open the passenger side door.
Helping Akthar inside, he closed the door securely.
“Would you like to come to my place? For a coffee? Before I drop you home?” Jenny asked Akthar, who looked back at Ram helplessly.
Feeling a strange band compressing his chest, Ram translated, trying not to feel a jolt of pain as Akthar nodded, expression thunderstruck. Ram did not understand why he was so surprised that Jenny wanted to spend more time with him. Who wouldn’t want to spend more time with Akthar?
“I’d offer to drop you too, but it’s only a two-seater.” Jenny said apologetically.
Ram couldn’t even hate her for it. “No problem, I am waiting for a friend.”
What friend? Ram didn’t have any such people.
“Alright, bye.” Jenny said as they began to drive away.
Akthar didn’t say a word, still looking at Jenny.
Ram forced himself to keep smiling, and waved the couple off.
They looked so cozy, sitting next to each other in her car. That dark green a nice difference to the more common jeeps Ram had been in.
Car…that pale green colour of the decoration. Where had he seen it before?
My muse has returned in full force and is not letting me concentrate on anything else. I have a couple more stories in the wings too. Let me know what you think of this one!
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enkisstories · 6 months
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Gavin (hastily): "Imean,youknowthetext,butwedon'twantthistofailbecauseofaformality,soheregoes: Youhavetherighttoremainsilent. Anythingyousaycanbeusedagainstyouincourt. Youhavetherighttotalktoalawyerforadvicebeforeweaskyouanyquestions. Youhavetherighttohavealawyerwithyouduringquestioning. Ifyoucannotaffordalawyer..."
Geoffry: "What are you implying, you street-rat of a "detective"? Of course I can!"
Gavin (grinning and very pronounded): "If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish."
Gavin (hastily again): "Ifyoudecidetoanswerquestionsnowwithoutalawyerpresent, youhavetherighttostopansweringatanytime. DoyouunderstandeachoftheserightsIhaveexplainedtoyou?”
Geoffrey: "Yes, “officer”.”
Gavin: “Havingtheserightsinmind,doyouwishtotalktousnow?”
Geoffry: "Pfft.”
Carter: "Do you ever breath, human?"
Gavin: "Oh, yeah! Out of relief, soon as this bastard's secured in the car!"
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Carter: "Are you mad that I made a headstart in solving this case, bro?"
Gavin: "Nah. It wasn’t one of mine in the first place.”
Carter: "Seeing that you are a dumpster kid like ourselves, could you maybe lend us a hand here? We're looking for a dead android, but no such luck so far."
Gavin: "Dumpster kid, ey? What gave you that idea?"
Carter: "Dr. Landgraab called you a street rat."
Gavin: "I... Look, "bro", Connor never knew the streets, let alone had to spend a night at a landfill. He just waltzed in, with his shiny apps, like some freshly minted Criminal Sciences major, thinking he knows everything better..."
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Carter: "...and when he was done ranting about Connor, the detective asked what we needed a dead android for. I told him that we wanted to grind the corpse down for the antidote. That's when the detective laughed and said "Just buy a spare part in any CyberLife store"!"
Sophie: "You mean we dug through the landfill for two days in vain? All we ever needed to do was to buy something like a replacement hand for RT600?"
Carter: "Pretty much, yes. A single finger should suffice, actually."
Sophie: "You got your bike, Carter? Then let's drive to Detroit immediatey!"
Dave: "Can you two do that without me? I'm not done studying the mutated tree - the landfill is so useful for earning my university credits!"
Reminder that Gavin’s parents (however briefly) worked for the Villareal mob, the Landgraabs’ rivals. 
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