#Alt Selves
toytle · 1 year
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superblorbos in their teen years
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bottlehawk · 10 months
hello guys. the fucked up ecto-inverse of dirkjohn isn't davejake. it's davejane. this has been a psa. and you're welcome
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conceptofjoy · 18 days
hal visits the shithead house and dave's there like oh hey i havent seen you in a while come in n lets find something to do and hal's like ohhh yeah hi. dave asks how he's been and stuff and jade comes up behind her and's like hey hal. and he's like hey jade! and they both leave the house and dave's left there confused and somewhat mortified.
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dash-n-step · 1 year
5th option: ult dirk is an ultimate self, but thats because the inuniverse meaning of ultimate was warped from what it first meant. which is to say: davepeta is rubbing their temples wondering how the fuck their speech of encouragement turned into this fucking nightmare.
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Davepeta leaves for five minutes and everything turns to shit
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
i loveee playing forever au it makes me. so sad </3 im so sorry to all of them none of them get a happy ending
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Jane: What would you do if you found out you were illegally cloned and you had genetic identicals living all over the world, living radically different, cooler lives
Dirk: Oh I would kill them for sure. Due to my jealousy and what not
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abelllia · 2 years
sharing this over here but since the magnus protocol is confirmed canon au, i think it would be really funny (and mean and cruel) if jmart were confirmed dead before the story even began. no not universe 1 "antichrist and his plus one" jmart but universe 2 alt. jmart. I think it would be very mean and that my tl would be in shambles over it.
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
aleksander explaining that he has to kill the alternate universe versions of mal and alina because they spent too much time together and revealed too much about themselves and now their dopplegangers can steal their lives and devour their souls
mal and alina:
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terezis · 2 years
help i’ve never read homestruck and i’m so confused by the bubbles in harrow the ninth. i don’t understand and everyone who does has read homestruck but says u don’t need to read homestruck but then has vague posts about it and homestruck?????? ur my only hope
okay so, in homestuck, copies of a computer game called sburb are proliferated throughout the multiverse. playing the game destroys the world the players come from, and the act of winning it creates a new universe. (whoops, homestuck spoilers.)
the basic plot of homestuck revolves around four kids playing this game. while they do so, they are contacted by a group of aliens (called trolls) who also played a version of it, won, and created the earth; however, they were barred from entering the new universe due to a glitch which now threatens the humans' session as well. the humans and the trolls team up to both win the humans' session and stop the glitches from destroying reality.
in order to help the groups communicate better, a troll named feferi convinces the eldritch monsters who live in the furthest ring (the space dividing game sessions) to create the dream bubbles as a place for them to meet up and plan.
so dream bubbles are literal bubbles floating in space, made from these eldritch monsters' breath. they're built out of the collective memories of everyone who visits them; visiting a bubble is like standing inside a memory. in homestuck:
when living characters go to sleep, their consciousness wakes up in dream bubbles
when characters die, their consciousness also goes to/ continues to exist inside the bubbles, making it a sort of afterlife
if for some reason you are physically traversing the furthest ring, you can enter one and hang out with whoever's inside, even if they're asleep somewhere else, or a ghost
you can travel between bubbles by going through "common points in memory," so if, say, two bubbles involve a memory of the same place, you might be able to move from one into another.
they are also bait for the bbeg, who wants to destroy them and everyone inside of them (compare to abigail’s belief that harrow wanted to use her bubble to lure out the sleeper)
LOL so you can see how they have a lot in common with the bubbles harrow and palamedes make in the river.
they're both places where the living can interact with the dead while the living are asleep, constructed from the memories of the people who inhabit them. (for example, when harrow goes to sleep in htn, she seems to always wake up in her bubble.)
what the bubbles look like can be changed by those who enter, like how when matthias nonius gets summoned to harrow’s bubble, it starts looking like the ninth house. time also seems to work differently in dream bubbles—for example, palamedes and abigail are both shocked that it’s been months since the events of gtn; they thought that it had been maybe a few weeks.
it's not a 1:1 comparison (for example, in homestuck, the dead all automatically go to dream bubbles, but in htn, harrow is said to have pulled specific ghosts out of the river and into hers) but the rules seem pretty similar!
i think the comparisons are also probs poking a little fun at how tamsyn muir is/was a homestuck.......... but i personally do it with love. my username is terezis. who am i to talk
anyways here's some further reading on the homestuck wiki if u are so inclined
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asterouslyaesthetic · 11 months
thinking about kiralfonse lovechild from a timeline where they get to grow up and be middle-aged together, only for their happy coexistence to shatter because of hel
the "war" lasts almost two years and for three-fourths of those two years, zach's family is mostly dead—his father, by líf on the battlefield; his sister, by an undead soldier when he stubbornly decides to go fight and she tags along, despite their mother begging them to stay put; his mother, by thrasir, in front of him, and what makes it worse is that she musters up the last of her strength to send him away with breidablik
only his aunt survives (ironic) and takes him to embla, which wasn't the initial target and so is mostly okay. he grows an attachment to his namesake and to veronica, and they also die to protect him because he's the only one who can make things right
he manages to get as far as finding the other breidablik, thanks to loki tipping him off after traumatizing him by masquerading as "his mom who he accidentally summoned", but líf figures this out and has to put him down
(oh, and also, this time around, eir recalls what happened and runs to warn the latest target about it, and since kiralfonse are middle-aged, while she's basically a teenager/young adult, they treat her like a second daughter while zach and his sister sol take up the role their father and aunt initially occupied
and zach refuses to let eir be taken away too, but fails miserably, with breidablik being his last ditch effort to save her)
and then he gets summoned to canon timeline askr, where they've beaten hel and his parents' murderers roam the halls like ghosts
even worse is that líf is basically kiran's bodyguard so he usually stalks her from afar, but he's gone on a mission when the kid's summoned. in the meantime, zach—a mama's boy who spent the last few months of her life depressed and convinced only his mother could save askr, only for her to choose to save him and the guilt of it is something he still has trouble coping with—also takes up that role, fearful of anything that might hurt her
(it becomes a running joke that whenever he sneaks up on her and hugs her, she's like "alfonse?"
at first, it bothers zach because he struggles with the insecurity that he's absolutely nothing like his parents, in true second gen lord fashion
but then she disappears for like six hours—and later, it turns out she was just accompanying his grandma for a trip to a town nearby, along with some other heroes, but forgot to mention it to someone—and he's like "oh")
and then líf comes back. and although thrasir warns him, because she remembers well what a wreck he was after killing his own son, who, in their timeline, died much younger and he couldn't even be there for his last moments, he still struggles with his curiosity and desire to see the mother and son duo safe
unfortunately, the first time they meet is when freyja decides to put kiran to sleep since now there isn't anyone to interfere with her plans. and zach left her for like five minutes, at which point she wandered off to the summoning grounds and fainted right before líf's eyes
líf has to walk ten feet behind them, even after alfonse assures him that yes, líf is perfectly harmless, only for things to get tense real quick when zach gets incredibly angry and ends up revealing something everyone's already guessed (after alfonse accidentally reveals who líf actually is).
things stay tense until kiran wakes up and works her magic. it's literally the first thing she does.
(thrasir also "helps", because she fills him in on what happened after he died, and since there's still a small part of him that can't help but care about líf since it's his dad, it affects him deeply)
he does reconcile with alfonse, though líf remains something they don't acknowledge
but he and líf manage a mostly peaceful coexistence.
sometimes, they'll even have conversations, mostly when they're stuck working together and líf's weapon ends up hurting zach so líf gets to be a bit fussy, and zach can't help but feel a bit jealous of the eight year old him who died, despite proclaiming he wants nothing to do with líf because that kid's dad loved him so much he was willing to murder another version of him for his sake—while líf is in this constant cycle of feeling unworthy and being grateful that zach is even willing to listen to him
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fanaskher · 11 months
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A friendly battle
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i colored one of my older doodles because i think these two should be happy
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chatonnoir · 2 years
this rando clown really just put paragraphs ranting about ladrien and ~True Selves~ in my notifs in this the year 2022
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asperants · 1 year
from shying me to blooming you
With the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion over and done with everyone in the academy seemed to have moved on to the next big event: the Ethereal Ball. Hortensia had done her fair share of digging when it came to the fête long before Ivy came to the academy - after all, balancing social time with academics was all part of being a top student!
She was glad now to be able to show her sister all she'd learned, and even happier to be invited into town for dress shipping. It was a first for them, together, and Hortensia was doing her best to not get too excited.
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"It's pretty neat the Fódlan goddess cares so much about her people throwing a party for the monastery's founding, huh? I read up on a lot of legends about the Goddess Tower if you're interested, Ivy."
She had always been the more scholarly one, after all. Not that Hortensia would ever say she was lesser in magical talent, er, necessarily –  but she was certainly more hands on when it came to practice, so definitely for the best she tended to be on the support side.
(Huh. That reminded her... how was the old man Lindon doing?)
"We can talk and shop, of course! Hmm... oh, wow look at that one, don't you think with a darker color it might look nice on you?"
She'd pulled on her older sister's upper sleeve in excitement some, squeezing in a bit to point it out in the crowded street; this closeness it tugged at her heart a little. She tried not to show it just as she backpedaled, hoping not too overdo.
"Or, sorry, maybe you just wanna stick with what you're used to haha? Me, I want to try and find the poofiest thing around personally!"
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choctalksalot · 1 year
i think homestuck is pretty neat because all of the kids (and trolls, im using kids loosely) have this way of introducing themselves where they project an image of who they are/who they want to be, while also having a certain degree of self awareness on how much they actually embody that image. and under all of that a whole different version of themselves that they Actually Are that is usually a thousand times more lame, and more interesting because they're just kids. just a bunch of video gaming nerds. but by being those things, they're people, with flaws in places they may not expect and parts of themselves they misinterpret
so even on the things that they're self aware about, oftentimes they're also wrong about it to some degree, either by playing it up, brooding in in their flaws "i can't fix myself i am #brocken" style or closing their eyes to an underlying problem, sometimes being completely aware of it but burying it regardless
just. god !! it's so chewy. it's the basics of how any reasonably intelligent people would act and interact, i've seen it in media so many times, but there's something about how self-aware all of the kids are, how that awareness is still flawed, and how it reflects in all of their interactions that just Gets me so hard.
it might have something to do with how homestuck itself is a game about growing up. maybe it's how the narration itself embeds into the kids' perspectives and how it literally laser-shoots the image they each want to project into your head first through a mode of storytelling that is usually regarded as Correct And Trustworthy, then you get to pick and peel back each of the things they said. hold it up against their actions. the things their friends say, the things they themselves later admit, and it's still never a complete picture. nothing presented comes from a completely reliable narrator. not the characters, not even the narration itself. you have to break them down and deduce and discuss and still never have the full picture, there is always more to think about, there are always more layers to see.
they're all different degrees of aware in their self-perception and that awareness itself has different degrees of accuracy. sometimes that awareness is muddled through a separate perception of them through their ideals. it changes as they change. they understand, they repress, they dramatize and downplay and are so erringly knowing of themselves, it feels so real amongst all the utter bullshit that is homestuck itself. absolutely bonkers. real person-y thing that exists in every character everywhere to some extent but i've never been so aware of it
is layered. onion of mental illness. and when you look at them again you still see just a bunch of kids who played a game together. i think that's pretty neat
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
You mentioned something about the turned alternates having nightmares? What kind of nightmares do each of them have exactly?
It can be any scary shit, but it’s mostly trauma based. Normally they relive a twisted version of a major event in their life that changed it for the worst.
Mark often finds himself locked in his old bedroom in his nightmares. He tries to do different things each time, but it always has the conclusion of him dying.
Jonah often sees Adam in his nightmares, but he’s always yelling at him, questioning why he was being a coward and leaving him to die.
Thatcher gets blamed for everything in his, and the entire town believes he’s the one that caused everything to go wrong. Even Ruth is against him.
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