#And it was just really warm in general
spandexinspace · 9 months
We learned two important lessons today:
1. Hungarian goulash tastes like regular goulash no matter how much Hungarians say it doesn't.
2. Don't eat goulash when it's 30 degrees outside.
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ruporas · 9 months
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captain's warm hugs! (id in alt)
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say that your art is adorable and your turtle/spider family fan art gave me LIFE. Your Papa Ronin is just adopting kids left and right and I LOVE IT!!
Question, though: How does Miguel react to all these new kids?
This man is a FATHER and introducing child happiness into his life again will do him some good
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speaking of Pearl Davis--and speaking as someone who finds the current "fat positivity" movement morally repugnant--one thing that really irks me about the redpill space's view of women is this idea that whatever a man can achieve through exercise, a woman can also achieve the exact same way in the same time frame.
a healthy exercise regimen for a woman looks like daily walks and strength training 2-3x per week. she should not be doing HIIT often, and especially not on her period, but she probably won't be getting a period at all if she trains the same way a gym bro does.
a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss for a woman looks like 2 lbs per week. when I hear a woman say she dropped 20 lbs in a month, I know she's either going to gain it all back or encounter chronic health issues (like my very own gallstone, which women develop at a rate nearly 3 times higher than men).
Women metabolize more lipids, and correspondingly less carbohydrates and proteins, than equally trained and nourished men. Females tend to have a greater proportion of body fat than men, which is stored in the gluteal-femoral region in women compared with the visceral area in men. Total cross-sectional muscle area is 60%–85% lower in women than in men, and greater muscle mass activation requires increased need to replenish stores and increased glycogen breakdown turnover. Males have greater skeletal muscle mass, and women have more body fat. There is also an overall increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume in males compared with that found in females.
also noted in the study is the decreased insulin sensitivity some people experience after a HIIT workout, and I would argue insulin resistance is women's greatest hurdle when it comes to losing weight
we were designed to store fat to sustain ovulation and pregnancy. it is not only easier for us to gain it and harder for us to shed it than it is for a man, the very strategies that work for a man may work against a woman.
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cheerfullycatholic · 5 months
Who's gonna get whacked by the snowstorm? It's supposed to get me the next two days and I'm kinda excited tbh 👀
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sergle · 9 months
Your hair is so gorgeous. Do you dye it yourself? If so, what product do you use?
ohohoho thank you!!! I do dye it myself, red dye really is a forgiving beast, so I've tried several diff products since I started being a redhead, and they've all yielded slightly different (but all good) colors. Overtone's "red for brown" for expensive conditioning dye that yields very pigmented, deep red results, L'oreal Paris "copper crave" for cheap and definitely poisonous box dye that nonetheless delivers extremely vibrant ginger results, Arctic Fox's "ginger flare" and a bunch of diff Manic Panic shades of red and orange for cheaper conditioning dye that, while not very powerful color deposits, still do the job.
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sunnibits · 7 months
I just asked my irl friends this too but I’m rlly curious to know so: can you guys give me any recommendations for new food to try for someone who is an extremely picky eater who’s trying to practice expanding their palette?? like maybe some really simple foods that would be a good place to start, or alternatively pls tell me what food you would recommend to someone who has never eaten food before lmao
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watchmakermori · 2 years
the sumeru archon quest popped off. I started the second act and I just HAD to finish it today because I was so engrossed. this feels like a big step up from inazuma's wobbly writing, and it's also a more interesting and ambitious plot than mondstadt and liyue had. I particularly like that the traveller feels a bit more...engaged? Like an actual character? In the other nations, the traveller has kind of been a bystander. while I wish they would commit to giving them more voiced lines, the sumeru storyline feels more geared around them. With the other nations, it often felt like the plotlines could progress in almost the same way whether the traveller was there or not. this time, they have clearer and more specific motivations: it's obvious why they want to find the dendro archon - specifically the god of wisdom - and ask her questions about their sibling. their relationship with dunyarzad is also developed enough to provide secondary motivation, too - she feels like a much more successful, developed npc in comparison to teppei, who we actually get enough time with to care about.
all of the characters are introduced at a nice pace, as is a lot of the worldbuilding. I like that we meet new characters with each new area - collei and tighnari for the forest, dehya, nilou, dunyarzad and nahida for sumeru city, alhaitham and dori for port ormos. it breaks it up well and stops it from feeling overwhelming. the fact that the first act lays the groundwork for how sumeru works - the eremites, the akademiya, canned knowledge, the akasha, etc. - means that second act can delve into these concepts more thoroughly without being too confusing. I love how creative and weird the second act was, too! I wasn't expecting them to go with a weird, time-loop type thing, and I love that a genshin storyline actually managed to throw me off and do something unexpected for a change
it's a much stronger start than sumeru had, and the fact that the archon quest may not actually be wrapped up until 3.2 gives me a lot of hope for the rest. I can't wait to see how scaramouche ends up involved. my guess is that the fatui will have some hand in the dream-harvesting that the akademiya is doing, but beyond that, I'm not sure what to expect. I'm very excited, though
also alhaitham is a sussy bastard. I could fix him but whatever's wrong with him is much hotter
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stay-to-reblog · 1 year
The best of hugs
From my experience 🧡
Ig it can be also treated as (br)otp prompts
🧡 when the other person is much taller than you and you just feel small, but like, in a good way - smol 🧡
🧡 when the other person has to do something, like pick up an object, but they don't stop hugging you. they embrace you with one arm, and after they're done doing that small task, they hug you with both arms again. and it just makes you feel important 🧡
🧡 when the other person hugs you longer than usual, and you just stand and hug, move a little just so that the position is more comfortable and gently pat each other's backs
🧡 when something stressful happens and the other person asks "hey, you want/need a hug?" and it's a really quick hug but it still leaves a warm feeling
🧡 when you're hugging someone and someone else hugs you two, and than another person hugs three of you, and than another person joins and so on, and boom! now it's a big group hug
🧡 or the opposite - when there are two people hugging and they say "come here!"
🧡 when the person you're hugging is wearing fluffy clothes (⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄) i dunno it just feels nice
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
When Thena heard in the news about the 4th fisherman drowning out at the sea she fears that it will happen to Gil too. So she decides to do some swimming lessons for Gil to make him stronger and more secure in the water. She doesn’t tell him why all of a sudden she wants to spend time with him in the water, Only later Gil learns her true intentions.
For the mermaid one!
Gil hit the surface, taking in a deep gasp of air.
"Hm," Thena pursed her lips, swimming closer to him in a second, "that was only a minute."
"Only," he huffed and puffed.
They had been practising getting him to hold his breath for longer, gradually. Thena had been positively horrified to learn that most humans could only hold their breath for about a minute before their lungs demanded oxygen. So horrified that she had insisted he strengthen his lungs, as well as plenty of other swimming skills.
So, every night after work, they would spend a little time in the water together before he had a shower and started their dinner.
"Yes, 'only'," she huffed right back at him, circling him with ease thanks to her tail cutting through the water. "Gil, your average has only increased by ten seconds. You are a fisherman!"
"Yeah," he panted faintly, swiping water and his weighed down hair out of his eyes. "And I do my fishing up on the boat, believe it or not."
She gave him a very unimpressed look. "I met you because you fell overboard."
She had a point. Gil avoided her eyes, kicking his feet and swishing his hands to keep himself afloat. "Angelfish, I appreciate the training and all. But it's been a hell of a day, I really-"
"But-!" she started and bit into her lip with her fangs. He raised a brow, waiting for her argument. She sighed, though, swirling her tail to keep herself stationary. "Perhaps you're right."
"Thena," he sighed, watching her swim slowly over to the ladder of the dock. "Angelfish, wait."
"No, I'm sorry I insisted on doing this every night," she offered him a contrite smile, "you must be exhausted."
"Hey, c'mere," he reached for her, keeping his other hand on the ladder to alleviate his own burden. "What's going on? I asked already what this was about but something's up."
Thena dodged his eyes, moving her tail, feeling the water bending around both her movements and Gil's. Humans really did have to work so, so hard to stay afloat. All that air in their lungs and it lasted less than a minute on average. And Gil's muscle was so dense, and those strong arms of his weren't actually doing the most work when he swam.
"Cuddlefish?" he tried to persuade her with sweet words again, leaning closer and kissing her cheek.
Thena sighed, leaning into the affection and bringing herself closer to him. Even in the water, although it made his skin feel damp, he was still so warm. "I was worried."
"Yeah, I'm getting that impression," he smiled again, running his hand over her hair, the water beading and running right off. "But I mean why, though?"
She sighed more harshly, flicking her tail fins more. "You saw the news."
Several deaths of fishermen had been reported on recently--enough that the local news had announced that it was unwise to be out in open water without proper training and equipment. They were even investigating exactly why the fishermen had all met their ends, and it seemed unfortunate but natural causes due to them tumbling overboard and simply being at the mercy of the sea.
"Even the strongest human is a guppy when you're out in those waves," she frowned, pressing her forehead to his chest. "The stormy season is upon us and if you fall in, or get tangled in a net again, and-"
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he cooed, kissing beside her ear and tucking her head against him. "Nothing like that is gonna happen, Angelfish."
She bit his shoulder gently (like tugging on an ear). "Net--overboard."
"Right," he remarked, and they both had to chuckle. He held her tighter though, "okay, you got me there. But you saved me."
"And what if I'm not there to save you next time?" she pulled her head up to frown at him. She pulled her hand from the water to touch his cheek, "what if I'm too late? What if you fall so deep that even if I do get you back to the surface, your lungs are already depleted?--or the pressure has crushed you beyond repair?"
"Thena," he said more firmly, even going so far as to silence her with his lips pressed to hers. "I promise I won't let that happen."
She glared at him, letting her fangs press into her lower lip. "You cannot promise that. You do not know what can happen out there!"
She huffed; whose side was he on?!
"But I can promise that I'll be careful," he smiled, hoping to encourage her into doing the same. "I keep my tether tied if the weather is bad, I make sure I'm not standing on the nets anymore. And I have stuff on the boat to help too, y'know."
She tilted her head at him, hoping to convey how unconvinced she was.
"I know you're worried about me," he sighed, pulling her hand from his cheek to he could kiss her palm. "But humans are tougher than you think. And hey, my girlfriend is a mermaid--I have more experience in the water than even the average fisherman, now."
Thena rolled her eyes; merely knowing her did not make him a better swimmer. Although she had to admit, Gil's form was better than some of the other fishing boat idiots in the area. She pouted, "swimming is not a talent that can be passed on through mating."
Gil just laughed before leaning in to kiss her again. "Maybe we'll just have to keep trying, hm?"
She attempted to remain cross with him, but it really wasn't working at all. He was far too charming for a human. She leaned in to kiss him as well, her tail taking on a mind of its own to push her closer to him so she could wrap her arms around his neck.
"And hey, we can keep swimming like this," he shrugged, running his fingers up and down her back where skin met scales. "You like it, right?--having your tail on, just swimming around for fun?"
She did enjoy it. It felt nice to have her tail on in its natural state, and swimming with Gil made her feel...closer to him, in a way. She felt more connected over the gap between human and mer.
Gil kissed her again, still holding onto the ladder. "How about this--you let me start dinner for us. And tonight, when the moon is out, we can swim a little again before bed."
Thena brightened visibly, her tail practically wagging. Two of her favourite things were promised: swimming with Gil, and sleeping with Gil. What a hopeless thing she was.
"Okay, come on," he smiled, beginning the trip up the ladder. Once he was up he did shiver some.
Thena followed him up quickly, always happy when her feet could navigate the ladder easily (one of the hardest actions she'd had to learn with her legs on). "Come on, let's get inside."
Gil pulled his towel around his shoulders, although he pulled her into him with it, both of them walking slowly and awkwardly cocooned together within the fluffy cloak. "So, what do you want for dinner?"
"Hm," Thena mused, happy to shuffle along at a cucumber's pace if it meant being tucked into Gil's side. "That rice porridge you made was tasty."
"Oh yeah?" he brightened. He liked that recipe, and although it had been a remedy for her feeling unwell at the time, she had come to like it too. "Okay, I'll add some extra seafood."
Thena eyed him, "and sardines?"
He bent his head down, kissing her forehead, "anything you want, Angelfish."
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sysig · 1 year
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This is a very serious story about a man named Stanley (Patreon)
#Doodles#The Stanley Parable#TSP#Just kidding I tricked you it's more silly fluff! But it is still about Stanley haha#Starting off with just some general doodles because Fun To Draw <3#I was trying to draw Stanley pursing his lips from a side angle 'cause lip expressions are something I struggle with and yup! That tracks#He does look cute tho haha spacey boy thinking in emoticons#More Narra floof - trying to even out his hair but it's harder than I thought! Hm!#The ''long side'' (really just the side opposite of his part) has more volume so it's hard to get them to convincingly ''match'' lol#Doesn't help when he has it all mussed haha#Sleepy lads <3 Sleeping together but so grumpily barely touching! No snuggles! Protect the chest and don't get cozy!#Yeah that lasted all of like five minutes once they were both asleep lol Stanley must cuddle the warm spot on his mattress haha#I'm quite pleased with that one especially haha ♫ Sin looks so open and unbothered and relaxed and his hand ah <3#Narra's so put out (but he does secretly like to be snuggled. He's never admit it tho!)#You might notice I also tried a different eyelid fold style for funsies in the first Stanley-solo and them sleeping together#It was in fact funsies! Haha#I still like the simple dot-folds but every once in a while it's fun >:3c#Capping off with more size silliness hehe - if he can go very big why not very small! Put a Narrator in your pocket and walk around with him#He'll complain the whole time that your pocket is cramped and you did a bad job in picking fabric haha#Oh but he'd be especially cute in Stanley's breast pocket <3#Also he's not speaking in that one I just didn't know how else to express that thought about Narra being So y'know? Lol#Cute lads <3
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thatsitso · 2 years
Raine painting for the soul
Plus live Eda reaction:
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Another year another ~the bakers are the vibes~ season of Bake Off.
The warm cozy element comes from them and them alone because of course nothing else has changed.
There is a better mix of bakers this year I think. Wish there could be more older bakers, but the ones we do have -- I wholeheartedly adore. There is a lack of pretentiousness that absolutely comes through the screen and is a joy to watch. Everyone is so down to earth and friendly. No one came into the tent with an agenda and is simply baking because they love to bake.
I love the swap from Matt Lucas to Allison because, not only does she have better chemistry with Noel, but she puts the bakers at ease more than Matt ever did. Nothing compared to the goddesses that were Mel and Sue but at least one step closer.
I also love the inclusivity that came with adding Tasha to the lineup and Daryl, the BSL translator. They introduced him so nonchalantly, gave him such a warm welcome, and he immediately slipped right into the flow of bake off. It is also great that a version of bake off specifically with BSL translations is now being aired.
However, I do wonder if Paul and Prue themselves forget to adapt for Tasha. They sometimes talk incredibly fast with practically no pauses and using phrases and idioms that must be so bizarre to translate. Yet they still expect Tasha to respond immediately as if she wasn't deaf, not comprehending that she learns their feedback through another person who is having to catch up on their lightning fast infodump and so a response delay is inevitable. I think they thought that just having Daryl there was accomodating enough, but they are making his job unnecessarily difficult.
All in all, I am still tuning in to this season of Bake Off and am rooting for everyone. It still is my cozy comfort show and I am thankful for that!
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ignessie · 10 months
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Sorry I've been kinda inactive here lately, been playing a remake of a childhood fav game of mine. Have some photos of my farm family.
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flyers-deactivated · 11 months
the #1 thing in the 23/24 season i’d like to see is gary bettman being pushed off a cliff
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kerflooey · 9 months
you know what i just realized that makes me very, very sad for humanity in the good omens universe? that heaven doesn't care about them anymore. at all. like? hell cared enough to send at least one new representative to keep up with them but heaven just kept planning how to destroy everything. and it's so sad to me because all those centuries of stories and worship had to come from somewhere. like at some point the love and care had to be mutual and it had to be strong enough to carry for so long even with other names and through other mythologies. but now they don't even care. like What Happened to Them. did god's silence and neglect wear on them so harshly that to cope they started abandoning and neglecting humans too? :(
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