#And now that he's in charge he's aligned with our cause
keepitdreamin · 4 months
dnd was productive tonight, added another guy to the future polycule lmao
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flowersbane · 9 months
The Series Of Unfortunate Events That Lead To Putting Carrots In A Cake
Joshua Rosfield X Reader
This is the second version of this request. It's a bit similar in some parts, but I like having fic variants. ( ^_^ ) b
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Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Baker!Reader, Finally Getting Joshua To Eat Some Gosh Darn Vegetables, Fluff, Teasing, Unedited, Fun, Cutesy.
It was truly a wonder how this recipe book had fallen into your hands.
A trader from the Crystalline Dominion had been making his way to Rosaria when a flock of chocobos had attacked his wagon. Clive had happened to cross the man’s path and while most of the man’s merchandise had been destroyed, he was still able to repay Clive’s kindness with a tattered recipe book. And yet, as Clive was returning from Rosaria, the book toppled over a cliff, never to be found again. However, as luck would have it, a group of bandits happened across the book. They tossed it in with their collection and forgot about it. Months later, the bandits stole from a supply caravan that was carrying goods meant for the Hideaway. Otto had intended for the Cursebreakers to retrieve their stolen goods, but Joshua offered to go instead. After some convincing, Otto agreed. Joshua, Jote, and Torgal confronted the bandits. Joshua had intended to only take what the Hideaway needed, but one of the bandits called Torgal a mangy mutt, causing his mercy to dissipate. After a short battle, Joshua and Jote hitched the wagons to some chocobos and made for the Hideaway. During their travels, Joshua rummaged through their loot until he found something suitable for you. A baker’s book. Perfect. He grinned, ignorant of the way the stars aligned for this one moment.
Now, you leaned against the counter of the Ale Hall, leisurely flipping through the pages of recipes. A recipe rut had been plaguing you for the past week and you were hoping that this new book might put an end to it. You had just turned to the next page when commotion on the Main Deck caught your attention. You turned your head a little to see Gav rising from placing down a heavy-looking, wooden crate. One of many, from what you can see.
“Founder,” Gav muttered, “what a mess this is.”
“It could be worse,” Cole commented, having dropped off a box of his own. “They could be turnips.”
“Eugh, turnips.”
Gav crossed the Main Deck and ordered a mug of ale. You leaned closer to him. “What’s with all the boxes?” you ask.
“Carrots. Blasted things. You know, it really is quite the story, how they got here.” You wordlessly motioned for him to continue. After a swig of ale, he did. “One of our suppliers, ah, one that has a deal with Clive’s uncle, was meant to be sending us a shipment of vegetables. Well, at the docks, his son made a mistake. Put all the carrots on one boat, all the turnips on another, and all the potatoes on another. Ordinarly, something like that doesn’t just slip by unnoticed, but the man in charge of inspections had eaten a bad breakfast, didn’t agree with his stomach, so he just stamped the papers before running off to deal with his, uh, returning breakfast.” You wrinkled your nose at that. “So the ships set sail, all with the wrong contents. Now, we’re stuck with a dozen crates of carrots and no potatoes.”
“And no turnips,” you pointed out.
This time, it was Gav’s turn to wrinkle his nose. However, his attention was quickly caught by the book laying out in front of you. He motioned to it as he lifted his mug for another drink. “What’s that?”
You glanced down at the book. “Oh, this? It’s just something Joshua brought me after…” You did a double take, something on the age having caught your eye. You trailed off as you began to read.
“Ah, right, sorry, it’s just…”
The book spread out the solution to your problems in one simple, sweet, perfect recipe. You grin widely. “I know what to do with the carrots.”
“All of them?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, not all of them, but some of them.”
Without bothering to explain further, you leapt from your seat and began dashing around to get to work. Otto gave you a skeptical look when you asked to take from the supply of carrots, but agreed without need for any further convincing. The recipe was completely new to you and, as strange as it sounded, you knew you had to give it a try. Perhaps it was even because it sounded strange that you knew you couldn’t just let it pass you by. The opportunity was perfect. And your curiosity was insatiable.
In a matter of hours, you had baked enough cake for the entire Hideaway. Just in time, too, as supper was coming to an end.
“There’s a sweetness in the air that completely distracted me from my supper,” Joshua teased as he approached the bakery’s counter. He had an easy smile on his face as he leaned against the wooden edge. “Must you tease me so?”
“A bit of anticipation can be a good thing,” you countered. “But, worry not, your wait can finally be over. They’re ready.” He took a seat on one of the stools, eyes wide and expectant. You stifle a giggle. “So eager.”
“You haven’t seen the half of it. He was glancing in the direction of the bakery for the entire duration of our meal,” said Clive as he and Jill approached. “I thought he might get up and run off if I so much as glanced away from him.”
“Clive…” Joshua casted his brother a look that only made him chuckle.
You laugh behind closed lips. “Alright, alright. Here, Joshua, you can have one of the first slices.”
His expression immediately brightened. He accepted the small plate with a grin, one that he quickly flashed at Clive in an almost boastful manner. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you continued passing out slices of cake.
Joshua made an approving sound at his first bite. “This is quite delicious. Well, that much should be expected. It is your baking we’re speaking of.”
A blush dusted your cheeks. Jill nodded her agreement as she had her first taste of the treat. “Truly remarkable.”
“You’ve outdone yourself. This is… different, somehow, from what you’ve made in the past.” Joshua looked up from his plate. “What is it?”
“Carrot cake,” you declared.
He froze. Jill’s chewing slowed. The corners of Clive’s lips twitched upwards as his gaze glided towards his little brother.
Your brows knit together with concern. “Joshua?”
Complicated emotions pass over his face. Confusion and horror, as well as a handful of other things you couldn’t quite place. It seemed that Clive was unable to hold back his amusement any longer. A sharp laugh escaped from his chest. Joshua glared at him, but the expression lacked any true anger. Clive’s laughter only grew louder, encouraging giggles from Jill as well.
“Not you too,” Joshua muttered.
“I’m sorry, it’s just–” She couldn’t even finish her sentence for the mirth that stole the words from her mouth.
Joshua sighed and shook his head. “What sort of unfortunate series of events leads to putting carrots in a cake?”
“You don’t like carrots?” You frowned. “I’m sorry, truly. I–I didn’t know–”
He soothed your worries with another shake of his head. “No, no, you have nothing to apologize for.” He looked back down at the cake. “I suppose I shouldn’t complain. If I couldn’t tell in the first place…”
“It seems we have found the only way Joshua will eat his vegetables.” Clive snickered. “Baked into a cake.”
“All they have to be is coated in sugar and cream,” Jill added.
Joshua gave them both a tired look. It only made them laugh more.
You reached out, taking his hand in yours. “But, you liked it, right?”
He seemed to have sensed that you were in need of more reassurance, for he forsook his brother’s teasing and focused his attention on you. His closed his other hand over yours. “Of course, my dear.” He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on your knuckles. “I would love anything these hands crafted.”
The blush returns to your cheeks, accompanied by a bashful smile. “Then, you’ll keep eating, right?”
A flicker of wariness flashed across his face, but it was gone as soon as his eyes met yours. “Gladly.”
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grace122 · 1 year
Okay I may not end up doing the snf blurb because I got kinda bored of the idea but here's a sort of continuation of that one Punz x reader x foolish blurb I did that once (the one where Punz convinces you to be bad)
You keep being bad after that one instance, but you keep blaming it on Punz since Foolish thinks you would never do something like what you've been blaming on Punz. You're his good girl, right? You wouldn't cause trouble on purpose. Punz, however, Foolish knows tends to be a brat, so he fully believes you whenever you tell him Punz did something, usually leading to Punz getting fucked by Foolish, not allowed to cum while he eats you out with his hands tied behind his back, Punz glaring up at you until he's eventually lost to the pleasure and his eyes go unfocused.
One day, though, you mess up and Foolish figures you out. As punishment he let's Punz do whatever he wants to you (within previously established boundaries). You end up on your back, Punz fucking you but not allowing you to cum, always pulling out before you do and finishing on your stomach. Your ass is sore from being smacked, and tears run down from your eyes, your head in Foolish's lap as he coos at you.
"I'm sorry," he says to you, a frown on his face. You cam see how much he's enjoying this, however. "You've been so bad lately, only to be blaming it on our poor Punzo and letting him take the fall for it. You used to be so good all the time, Angel, I don't know what's gotten into you. Maybe this will teach you to be good again, hm? You're not cut out for being a brat, not as good at it as our puppy is. If you wanted to be treated rough, all you had to do was ask like a good girl. You didn't have to go through all this trouble."
You were gagged, so you could only whimper as Punz pulled out once again, the heat of your approaching orgasm slowly dying out. You struggled a bit in protest, but your protests seemed to last less and less time each time. Punz chuckled almost cruelly as Foolish gave you a sympathetic smile.
"This isn't ending until you tap out or you beg him, Angel," Foolish told you, his voice dipping. "Are you ready to beg? Do you want to be a good girl again?"
You whimpered and nodded, and Foolish took the gag out of your mouth. "I'm waiting," Punz said, barely letting you catch your breath. Foolish gave him a sharp look, a warning not to get too cocky even if he was in charge this time around.
"Please," you whimpered out, your voice small and wobbly from the crying.
"You can do better, Angel, I know you can," Foolish encouraged you, his fingers running through your hair, occasionally wiping a tear away from your eyes. "Beg our puppy to let you cum, and then beg him to cum inside of you. You want that? You want to let him cum inside to make it up to him? Hm?"
You nodded frantically. "Yes! Yes, I want it so bad!" You moaned again as you felt Punz align his dick with your opening again, ready to push back in when he felt you had begged well enough. "Please cum inside me! I promise I won't be bad again, just please. Please, baby..."
"I'll accept it," Punz said. He slammed into you again, your head tipping back once more as you choked on tears again, knowing that you'll finally be getting your release this time. With how pent up you were, it barely took any time for you to cum, Punz rubbing at your clit to get you to your release faster. He followed soon after, releasing inside of you, giving a few last thrusts before pulling out, watching as his cum leaked out of you for a moment while Foolish left to go get stuff to clean the both of you up.
"Are you gonna be good from now on?" Foolish asked as he came back in the room, cleaning you up and giving both you and Punz water to drink. You nodded, your eyes closing once you and Punz were both clean and Foolish was cuddling you. You heard Foolish kiss Punz, whispering some words of encouragement and praise to him. "If you need to be fucked hard again, be a good girl and ask for it before it gets to this point again, yeah? I won't be as easy on you if there's a next time, Angel."
-🏳️‍🌈 I feel like this wasn't as good as I wanted it to be but oh well. Can you tell I don't know how to write punishments or begging? I should work on that, probably, which will probably mean more asks from me in the future
I really hope this sends because I didn't write it down anywhere else beforehand and I don't feel like copy pasting (you can only copy paste one paragraph at a time in Tumblr asks for some reason which is bullshit)
holy fuck anon this is actually amazing, like i’m droolinggg. The part where punz goes “i’ll accept it” make me get butterflies like why is that such a punz thing to say🤭
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Assassin’s Creed Rogue Thoughts As I Go!
-did not realize this game is so short, woah
-I got spoiled about this game in a YouTube comment section which made me really not want to play it😔
-but I still am because I own it cuz it came with black flag haha
-right off the bat, I wish I knew why Shay joined the brotherhood in the first place. Why is he here? Why does he want to be an assassin? Personally if I was his mentor his way of going about things would indeed worry me
-what happens in Lisbon is horrific. I think they did a really good job of portraying that and feeling that fear and also helplessness that you can do nothing and your actions caused it.
-I think Shay should have actually tried to talk to Achilles first and I think Achilles should have tried talking to Shay as well- I’m frustrated because we don’t even learn if Achilles knew that would happen or not. And also why tf would this device do this? That’s extremely different from any other device from Eden that we have yet to see.
-I do appreciate Shay’s anger at what happen, it makes complete sense to me. However it’s like? He’s just like oh I’m a Templar now I guess. What? Like maybe no side is the good option here? Or maybe, idk, see why this happened???
-people might jump me for this and idk maybe im being to extreme, but this game……is not doing good for repping poc. I mean, yeah this is Ubisoft. And obviously people of color can be morally gray, can be antagonists, they are not a monolith, however I feel like they made Achilles the man in charge of the colonial brotherhood which is so dope and then now they choose to question the brotherhood’s actions? Have him be all about people following without asking questions?
Painting Shay as the one in the right here, the white man, in comparison to the black man? Idk it’s just not sitting right with me. (This is also taking place in the same game you kill that man’s father, the one black man protagonist this game series has had thus far)
-and going off of that, I think it is an important point to show that the assassins are not this beacon of virtue, which I feel the Ezio games and even AC1 taps into. And that not all Templars are nefarious villains. But I feel like isn’t the whole point of the conflict about how ends don’t justify the means? How both sides want peace, but what differs them is what they’re willing to do to achieve it? how the assassins focus on freedom and the Templars focus on control? It doesn’t matter how pure your motives are if you take away peoples freedom to achieve it?
Also looking at who holds power in the world, in our world, how that aligns with who are Templars. The Templars line of thinking is a slippery slope to fascism. The top dogs are fascists, I feel like this game is forgetting that? Maybe that’ll be different by the time I finish playing it. It’s just important to remember what side the maroons were on and what side the plantation owners were on. And to be fair, the Governor in Black Flag was anti-slavery, but did he truly see Black men and women as his equals? My guess is no.
I just feel like “Templars aren’t actually the bad guys!” Is not the nuanced take it’s being painted as.
-so idk i appreciate Shay being a literal human being and being angry about what happened but i question his choices
-also when he’s on the ship and tells Liam about …the women 😀 around the world I was really grossed out. (Also his dialogue is a great example of the Madonna Whore complex!! We love to see it!) (we don’t, that was sarcasm)
-so um he lost some major points from me due to that convo
-he looks better with less facial hair and a ponytail tho
-and I really like Liam! Please don’t make me kill him😭😭😭😭
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argentvive · 2 months
Taylor Swift's "The Alchemy"
When the setlist came out and "The Alchemy" was on it, I posted that I wondered if the song might actually be literary alchemy. Now that the new album is out and I've seen the lyrics, I have to say I don't think it is. I have a few thoughts, though. Here are the lyrics.
This happens once every few lifetimes These chemicals hit me like white wine What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag Worst sleep that I ever had I circled you on a map I haven't come around in so long But I'm coming back so strong
[Chorus] So when I touch down Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight thе alchemy?
[Verse 2] Hey, you, what if I told you we'rе cool? That child's play back in school Is forgiven under my rule I haven't come around in so long But I'm making a comeback to where I belong
[Chorus] So when I touch down Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy? These blokes warm the benches We've been on a winning streak He jokes that it's heroin, but this time with an "E" 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
[Bridge] Shirts off and your friends lift you up over their heads Beer stickin' to the floor, cheers chanted 'cause they said "There was no chance trying to be the greatest in the league" Where's the trophy? He just comes runnin' over to me
[Chorus] Touchdown Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy? These blokes warm the benches We've been on a winning streak He jokes that it's heroin, but this time with an "E" 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
[Outro] This happens once every few lifetimes These chemicals hit me like white wine
The words "the alchemy" appear several times, but always in the same phrase, "who are we to fight the alchemy?" Why use that somewhat esoteric word rather than just "chemistry" or "destiny," both also three syllables? The short answer is that I think she wants to be more indirect, mysterious, but that her intended meaning is pretty close to "destiny."
What Is Alchemy?
There have been some pretty wild takes on this in the TTPD discourse--and maybe some of them even align with what Swift thinks. But if you want to go back to the original meaning of alchemy in the Western tradition, Michael Maier's diagram on the creation of the Philosopher's Stone is a good place to start (Atalanta fugiens, Emblem 21).
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The alchemist (on the left) joins together the Male Principle of the Work, who corresponds to fire and air, sun, red king, heart, etc., and the Female Principle of the Work, who corresponds to earth and water, moon, white queen, mind, etc. The Male and Female are opposites. Their reconciliation and joining creates the Philosopher's Stone, a red or red-purple stone. The alchemist then projects that Stone onto base metals to convert them to gold.
(The popular idea of alchemy is that the alchemist bends over and boils a chunk of lead in his cauldron and converts it directly to gold, omitting the creation of the Philosopher's Stone entirely.)
In any case, the key idea is that the alchemist is in charge; the Male and Female Principles are passive in the process. It seems that that idea survives in Swift's line "Who are we to fight the alchemy?" In other words, she and her partner are destined to be together by forces beyond their control.
She could have simply said ""fight destiny"--or "fight our destiny," to keep the same number of syllables. But she didn't. What else does she get from using the word "alchemy"? Most fundamentally, alchemy is transformation. If she knows that, then the song is suggesting that the lovers coming together is transforming them, elevating them to gold.
I'm sure this is a coincidence, but in the two lines before "Who are we to fight the alchemy," Swift's lover is marked as heart.
Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me
As noted above, "heart" is a defining characteristic of the Male Principle of the Work. She doesn't define herself as "mind," though, at least not in this song. (You could read her reference to knowing Aristotle, in "So High School," that way.)
Another coincidental alchemy reference is in the line "ditch the clowns, get the crown." The Male Principle is often called the Red King (and the Female Principle the White Queen). You could read this line as her telling her partner to get the crown of the Red King. Or, you could just say it's a reference to the Super Bowl.
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Trismosin, Splendor Solis.
If you believe that the song is about Travis Kelce, then the Kansas City Chiefs' colours being red and gold work wonderfully well with alchemy: red, the colour of the Philosopher's Stone, and gold, the objective of the alchemical process.
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winniethewife · 6 months
Jewels made of stardust 
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Chapter 7: Will the stars align?
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Words: 944
 Rhoswen and Poe were both charging down the hall to the bridge. They had just seen the last ship of the fleet go down, they were running out of time and if Holdo didn’t listen now, they we’re dead out here.
“Is she in there?” Rhoswen asks one of the crew standing outside the bridge.
“Yeah, she forbade you both from being on the bridge. Let's not have a scene.”
“No, let's.” Poe insists as they push past
“Amilyn! We had a fleet, now we're down to one ship and you've told us nothing!” Rhoswen starts to rant at Holdo, Her anger taking up more room on the bridge then any ego that was currently holding the space. That’s when Poe points something out.
“Are you filling up the transports? You are…” Poe sounded Just as angry and Horrified. “All of them? We're abandoning ship? Is that...”
“What?! That’s The Kriffing plan? Are you serious?” Rhoswen looks at the room as a whole. “All you big wig Resistance leaders and running away is what we’re doing?
“That's what you got? That's what you brought us to? Coward!” Poe starts to jab his finger at the admiral “Those transports ships are unarmed, unshielded. If we abandon this cruiser, we're done. We don't stand a chance!”
“This is a disgrace to our parents and family, Leaders of the rebellion who never back down, never gave up. We’re running away?” Rhsowen scowled at Holdo.
“No, you are not just a coward...You are a traitor.” Poe growls.
“Get them off my bridge!” Holdo orders and the two of them are escorted from the bridge. Once the security had walked them out they quickly found a place of to the side to comm Finn and Rose
“Finn, Holdo’s filling the crew to the shuttles. She's going to abandon ship. Where are you?”    
“Poe, we're on our way back to the fleet.”
“Did you find the master code breaker?”
“We found a code breaker.”
“Gee that sounds promising” Rhosewen rolls her eyes.      
“We can shut the tracker down, just buy us a little more time.”
“All right, hurry.” Poe sighs. Nothing is ever as straight forward as they could hope for. They looked at each other. They knew what they had to do.
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As they prepared for their last minute plan to give Finn and Rose just a little more time Rhoswen managed to slip away while the rest of the Black Squadron began the Mutiny. She walks onto the bridge, now mostly empty and starts calculating a course through light speed. Ignoring C-3POs hundered mile an hour questions as she programs the coordinates into the navi-computer. Just then Poe comes storming onto the bridge.
“Captain Dameron, Admiral Holdo was looking for you.” C-3PO told Poe as he rushed by.
“Yeah, we spoke.”
“Sir, I am almost afraid to ask.”
“Good instinct, Threepio .Go with that. Seal that door!” as Poe and Rhoswen are trying to get the ship ready to jump when they get word from Finn, Rhoswen notices C-3PO making a run for it. The golden droid always seemed to be causing a pain in her side.
“Threepio, where do you think you're going?” Roshwen grabbed the droid by the shoulders
“It would be quite against my program to be party to a mutiny - Hey!”
“Its okay, Threepio, you’ll live. You’ve managed this long.” Roshwen smiles at the droid as she shoves him to the side.
“Finn? We are ready to make the jump. It's now or never.” Poe speaks sharply into the commlink. They hear Finn and Rose get caught over the commlink and all Rhoswen can think is they did all this for nothing. That’s when Poe says something that she wasn’t expecting.
“Leia.” Rhoswen turned to see what he was talking about but before she could, she felt the sting of a stun gun, and the pain of her head hitting metal.
When Rhoswen woke up she was some where she hadn’t been in years. Her childhood home. She was confused. This had to be a dream. She looks at her hands and is confused.
“You’re still out cold Kiddo. This is just in your mind.” She looks up at the familiar voice.
“Uncle Luke?” She asked quizzically
“The one and only.” He looked tired. “I couldn’t exactly come by and not say anything to my favorite Niece.”
“Wait, Rey found you, and you’re here to help!” She was so excited she got up and hugged her Uncle.
“Yes, well in a way. Rey did find me and yes I am helping but…” he held her close for a moment, before pulling away and smiling.
“You’re saying good bye aren’t you.” She says with tears in her eyes.
“Yes. But, it’s something I’m more than willing to do for you, your mom and the resistance.”
“I’m getting really tired of losing family in this war.” She shakes her head as the tears fall from her eyes.
“We all are. Why do you think I became a hermit?” He laughs slightly
“You were always the best at hide-and-seek.” She laughs in reply. She leans in and hugs him close one last time. “I love you.”
“I love you too Rhoswen. And don’t you ever forget, you may not have been born into this family, but you’re just as much a Skywalker, an Organa, or a Solo as the rest of us.” He hugged her tight one last time. Before they parted. As the scenery of the house began to fade, the dream ending, Rhoswen felt a sense of peace coursing through her veins.
“May the force be with you.” She says calmly
Tag: @femmeanonymelives
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thievescanted · 8 months
cal-as-companion..... part the second
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
"I don't trust them, but I trust that their interests are aligned with ours - only for the moment. And I'm trusting you to know when to cut and run - although we can't really run from them, can we...? Bit unsettling. But as long as they can work to our benefit, let's let them. Even if I really, really don't like it."
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
"Oh, I don't trust that one any farther than I can throw him. Trust me, I know the type, and getting into bed with his like never ends well. ... Let's see where he's going with this, though."
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
THATS HER BEST FRIEND! i think when theyre both companions they feel theyre like, rivals for tavs protection at the start lmao but if one of them is in charge then that kind of neutralizes that. she would definitely come clean about her situation from the start because she knows he also has a Situation - she offers to keep his vampirism secret in exchange for his secrecy about her death (she doesnt really like people knowing, partially because she feels her employer makes her a liability, and partly because she hates the thought of anyone pitying her)
she also would let him drink her blood, mostly because she's curious about whether her blood would even be consumable (it is, it's quite normal actally, which is more confusing to her really) but also because like. to her it would feel kind of fucked up for her not to help him if shes perfectly capable of helping
i misunderstood this question im realizing now. im not deleting all that though. if he tries to bite her she will be surprised to see him, and push him off pretty harshly; however she'll tell him "you could have just asked, and i would have," and she will let him drink from her
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
before: Definitely not going to help with our particular situation, but I suppose it can't hurt. Or - actually, it literally can. Still, I say give it a try! during: (after the first hit) Shit, I wasn't looking. Can you do it again? after: Well. I think you have to get married now.
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
she's fine with the player doing it! she figures any way they can make themself stronger is a better chance that they all stay alive. HOWEVER she would not want to do it herself - "I barely feel like I'm my own with this thing in my head. I'm certainly not going to feed the damn thing."
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
cal approves of helping the tieflings, and disapproves immensely of helping the cult. it won't cause her to leave, but it will set her approval almost as low as it can get without her leaving. if you side with the cult/the goblins she'll say that she trusts that you have your reasons, but she doesn't really want to know them
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
at the tiefling party: cal will confide that she stole a decent amount of whiskey from the goblin camp and invite you to have some with her. she thanks you for doing all you did to help the tieflings - she hadn't let herself believe she was someone who could do this kind of good. then she'll immediately start gossiping about rolan. she will invite a ftav/durge/origin character to join her for the night if they like (she will then skirt around defining your relationship for. a While. its a bit of an isabela situation) (this would be the players first time seeing her wound (you can see it later in-game if shes not romanced but since shes taking her shirt off to sleep with the character, Well). she feels Complicated about that). if not romanced at the party cal will hook up with shadowheart or lae'zel
at the goblin party: the player can find her pulling grass out of the ground by her tent and piling it up on a blanket. she'll say, "Do you mind? I'm kind of in the middle of something." she will make it very clear to you that to her you are a "convenient and capable meat-shield" and suggest that you keep it to just business. you can ask to join her for the night and she will say: "What, really? You don't want to look a little farther afield? Can't imagine you'd want to fuck someone who hates you. Unless - what, are you into that kind of thing?"
>On second thought, never mind. Cal: Grand. There's my evening free. Off you go, then, I've very important business to conduct here. > And if I am? Cal: Well, I suppose I can't say I haven't wondered. Let's get that out of our systems, then.
pursuing that will close off her romance entirely though lol.
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with?
if lae'zel: Soo... you and Lae'zel seem quite friendly tonight. Friendly as I've ever seen her, anyway. Just, uh, don't get too bruised up - busy day ahead of us tomorrow and all. if gale: So is Gale going to show you some magic tricks? Going to learn some useful applications of ray of frost? Are you two going to fuck, is what I'm asking. In case that wasn't clear. if shadowheart: You and Shadowheart seemed pretty cozy together just now. Leave some room for Shar, will you? I'm afraid her lady may smite you both. if astarion: Didn't think that one had the capacity to be interested in anyone that wasn't him - wonders never cease, eh? I'd make sure he's had something to eat before you get up to anything, though. Manslaughter does dampen the mood of a party. if wyll: Saw you talking to Wyll earlier. You left him looking rather more cheerful than he's been all night - good on you. I don't suppose you could lure him a little closer to the party? We're short a dance partner. (cares about him, is annoyed about it) if karlach: Karlach seems positively taken with you, you know. It really is a shame you can't really get to know each other. Still, you two have fun... talking all night, or whatever it is you can do. Sounds terribly romantic. Eugh.
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
Cal: Hey, so, uh. Not to put too fine a point on it or anything, but remember when I told you about how I died? And how that was kind of a traumatizing thing for me? And then you killed me? No no, it's fine, I'm not mad. (note: shes mad but holding it together) I'm just disappointed. Next time - and I know there will be some kind of next time - maybe just... warn me? A little heads up?
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
Cal: So... does it taste bad... or good...? I'm getting some mixed messages.
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
Cal: I want you to know I've always hated you. And if he tries to do any close-up magic near me I'm killing him.
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin? How is Orin's deception revealed? How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
YEAH she can be. ive been toying with the idea that cal had been killed by bhaalists, so i think orin would like the idea of having her back
the pc will wake to find cal watching them. when they wake, cal will tell them that she's been thinking about what gortash said, about orin having infiltrated the camp. that she thinks she knows a way to prove that you're both yourselves - she'll show you a couple knives and suggest that making a shapechanger bleed might reveal its true form ("I'm only talking a gentle stabbing, nothing too bloody.") if you refuse she'll reveal herself as orin; if you go along with it she will in fact stab you pretty hard. orin will tell you that "Callie-girl is safe with me" and propose her whole deal to you, whereupon she'll add that "She's marked for us, so it might be difficult to let her go."
when you free cal, she tries to put on her usual unbothered facade but she will be pretty clearly shaken
Cal: Gods, it's you. It-it is you... right? Fuck. No, I'm alright, I just have about fifty more mental images about how I might die, courtesy of Orin. Let's get out of here? Please?
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
if astarion is ascended: Shit. He really did it. And we... let him. Helped him, even... I guess the choice is made and there's nothing for it. Still, I just hope he's still... you know, him. if astarion remains a spawn: I wasn't sure he would be able to turn down all that power. The guarantee that you'll be truly safe, that you won't have to die again... It's a lot to walk away from. ... Not that I've thought about it extensively or anything. Anyway I'm proud of him really, but don't tell him so.
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer? Can they offer to become one themselves? Does their reaction change if they’re romanced?
cal will nottt take the astral tadpole ("I just don't think I have a face for tentacles") but she won't object to a PC that chooses to take it for themself. if romanced, she'll confess that she's a little uneasy about the prospect of you changing, but that she knows you'll stay you, and she trusts you
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
Cal: Well that's, uh... Shit, you're telling the truth, aren't you? I mean, you did always kind of strike me as worryingly good at killing, so I guess that makes a weird sort of sense. Wait, you haven't thought about killing me, have you? (if playing a female character): I mean, it'd be fine if you have. Wouldn't hold it against you, like.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
well she does not like it i can tell you that much! she will disapprove when you say you don't remember, but she'll take your word for it and compared to like, wyll or karlach shes less horrified Cal: Let's just... save the murderous intent for people we don't like, yeah?
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
well unfortunately. due to how she is as a person. i think she would be a little into it initially. when she wakes to durge holding a knife to her throat, her first instinct is to sit up and kiss them, at which point they can tell her shes in danger.
Cal: Shit, sorry. It's the, uh. Adrenaline. Wait, danger? Were you actually going to kill me?
she will tie durge and sit with them through the night, responding fondly to their threats ("Aww, promise?") and encouraging durge to come back to her ("I know you're in there, and I know you're more than this. When you fight your way back to the surface, I'll be here. That's love - you showed me that.")
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months
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Class: Avenger
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Height/Weight: 181 cm / 65 kg
Source: Historical Fact
Region: Europe
MANA CHARGES: [ X / X / X / ]
The Avenger of the Azure Faction of the Solar Cell Holy Grail War.
Going by the title of the 'Grey Messenger', the mysterious figure that visited Mozart before he died, the stench of vengeance and decomposition cling tightly to the soul of this Heroic Spirit, with misfortune befalling whoever stands against him. As the (supposed) final Servant of the Blue Faction, he wishes to wage war against the emboldened Red Faction. A war that will almost certainly lead to his demise.
As due to his madness and twisted sensibilities as an Avenger and an emissary of death, he sees no issue with the cold-hearted actions and reasoning that continue to stoke his ever-vengeful flames, for even if his body is destroyed- death is forever inevitable.
He reveals his 'True Name' as Antonio Salieri, Mozart's close friend and fellow composer. However, when the wunderkind Mozart died, rumors that Salieri had slaughtered the genius out of jealosy began to spread, tainting his reputation and name for centuries to come. In truth, Salieri was an innocent man with great musical talent who took many students during his lifetime, and created his own great compositions.
But now, he is an Innocent Monster. An entity that both is 'Salieri', and also can never be 'Salieri'. A man of lies and wildfire, forever set to suffer in his own self-denial and contradiction. The only constant is that now, he is Death.
Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: B
Avenger (C) - A skill that collects hate and turns it into power. Avenger will receive more hostility from others, but in turn gain energy.
Oblivion Correction (B) - An Avenger never forgets. As long as the name of his hatred remains, he will forever burn. He will never forget the man he is supposed to kill, Gottlieb Mozart.
Self-Replenishment (Mana) (C) - A Servant possessing this skill will endlessly regain a small amount of mana over time until their 'revenge' is fulfilled.
Innocent Monster (EX) - An entity made of the rumors that 'Salieri killed Mozart', despite Antonio Salieri being an innocent man. Due to this, Salieri can only be summoned as an 'Innocent Monster'. This skill is subtly fused with the 'Self-Denial' skill.
Lamenting Exterior (A) - A blood-red Mystic Code that surrounds the Man in Grey. The manifestation of the reaper-like figure that visited Mozart and prompted the composition of the Requiem. A Mystic Code with an aptitude for slaughter, allowing the Grey Messenger to tear through anyone in his path.
Wildfire (B) - Rumors that spread so violently that they were more akin to a curse. The Avenger Salieri can turn the malice, defamation, and all manner of vile, disgusting rumors surrounding an individual into his own strength. In addition to weakening the mind of the target, it also functions as an intense mental attack that can instantly kill those without power magical defenses.
NOBLE PHANTASM: Dio Santissimo Misericordia de Mi
'Dio Santissimo, Abbi Misericordia Di Me'... Our Lord in Heaven, Take Pity on Me...
A dangerous, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. All of his violent, magical energy is coagulated into a killing intent that is impossible to restrain or even hope to control, and unleashed through a grandiose song of destruction that rends both mind and body apart. An impossible sound, rivaling the magical music created by the great Mozart, though Avenger will never be able to truly acknowledge that fact.
It activates without regard for friend or foe, causing havoc on all those that hear it, even breaking away at Salieri's own 'self'.
...A Noble Phantasm that can only be reached by the Innocent Monster of rumored wildfire that is Avenger.
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creatorjewels · 7 months
I’m incredibly proud of myself these days.
Only good things coming my way. New counseling center is expanding and the women in charge is young and started her practice with her LPC-A because she was fed up with having a masters and only making $30 an hour. I meet with her team last week of this month and I’ll get to start taking clients from her office which is 11 mins away from my place. I’ll make $90 per hr starting at 10-15 monthly. I can’t wait to feel challenged and fulfilled in my career again.
My agency is growing we closed a non-alcoholic mom & pop shop in Austin, TX. Huge win and we have another big closing next Monday. I’m building out proposals and taking new client alignments every week. The goal is 7 clients that can all contribute to our monthly meetup.
Which we’ve already sold tickets, bless up. Need to hit up previous attendees, and try to hit a goal of 50 paid tickets. We closed a partnership with the city of Dallas to host at Deep Ellum Foundation community center! I was worried about getting a speaker system since they don’t provide one then my client offered her old one since her company just got a new one! Even got a small sponsorship for the coffee at the event. Now I just need to go thrifting for serving apparatuses. I do want to get the local org DFWCPG involved. Try to get some of their members to serve their food/drinks at the event each month.
My mom and I are working together. Trying to help her sell this one piece of land. I know it sounds like I’m entitled but tbh she started off selling mobile homes and was a single parent mom. She BUILT this business and I don’t want her hard work to go to waste. I reached out to a couple of friends in the commercial and residential arena to see if there is any interest in their networks. Fingers crossed.
My personal Patreon for music & HTBS is doing incredibly well. By that I mean they are both making money. I’m still creating music, doing beat nights & I just applied for a reality tv show.
I had this moment where I realized everything I do makes money now. That’s incredible to me.
Go me.
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FUCCKKKKK THIS MAN GOT ME FEELING NEW THINGS. His name is BLEEP (taken out for protection). I like him. He makes me soft and honest. I’m not scared to be shy with him or be honest about how crazy I can be. I’m worried I’ll loose him cause I like him so much but I’m also at the point where I’m okay with trusting him. Letting him be. Thankful for this new love it’s feels like high school. I’m screwed once we start screwing. 😂
I’m actually a cited to go to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving this year. To see my family, sit around, go on n walks, talk about random stuff, and force them to make content with me. I’m going to pull out my music skills too and see if they want to make a song with me. Mostly I’m just ready to eat food and take a fat nap knowing I’m lived by some really amazing humans I get to call family. Even if we don’t agree on life we can agree we love each other.
I had a moment today where I MISSED my friends. It was weird cause it was new. I think before I was always worried about keeping my friends. Instead of genuinely missing them. It’s this feeling of peace or desiring piece during a busy work day. Knowing they are out there in the world pursuing their dreams too.
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Behind the Playlist - Transformers: Prime Edition (Part 6 of 22: Bumblebee)
Link to the other posts in my Behind the Playlist series
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“I had thought myself ended when Bumblebee fell—a moment of despair so great in me then that all that Unicron himself had ever done to destroy the Thirteen Primes was as nothing against it. Why him? Why not the millions of others who had passed that gate before him? I can’t say, only that there was a special light in Bumblebee, and when it went out, my own faith went with him.”
^ An excerpt from one of Optimus Prime’s personal journal entries in The Covenant of Primus
During the war, Bumblebee was a spark of hope in an increasingly dark period and continued to be one afterwards. I tried to capture that aspect of him in this playlist.
Intended overarching themes and/or qualities: Light in the Dark, Unsinkable Hope, The Young Warrior’s Journey
My personal favorite(s) from this playlist: Here’s To Us, Lights, The Worlds We Discovered, and Our Time
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Full song list and explanations under the cut:
Bumblebee by Brian Tyler
No explanation needed.
Fight On, Fighter by for KING & COUNTRY
Imagine, if you will, Optimus saying these very words to his young charge when he would notice him struggling with the memories of that fateful day at Tyger Pax.
(See: ‘Bumblebee At Tyger Pax’ by Alex Irvine, an Aligned Continuity canon short story)
Battle Scars by Paradise Fears
“This is a call to the soldiers, the fighters, / the young, the innocent, and righteous / We've got little room to grow / Better days are near / Hope is so much stronger than fear
So if you jump kid don't be scared to fall / We'll be kings and queens in this dream / All for one, one for all / You can light up the dark / There's a fire in your heart, / Burning brighter than ever before”
Shooting Star by Owl City
“When the sun goes down and the lights burn out / Then it's time for you to shine / Brighter than a shooting star / So shine no matter where you are / Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light / 'Cause it's time for you to shine / Brighter than a shooting star / So shine no matter where you are tonight”
Embers by Owl City
“There were days when each hour was a war I fought to survive / There were nights full of nightmares and I dreaded closing my eyes / There were skies that burst open with a downpour to drown me alive / But the world took a spark like a match in the dark and the fire brought me to life / So I'm fanning the flames to climb so high 'cause there's no other way we can stay alive”
This entire song is a perfect fit for Bee and his journey from young sparkling, to Team Prime’s scout, to wounded warrior, to hero.
Here’s To Us by Kevin Rudolf
“So here's to us / And all our broken dreams / That never came to pass / We're still kings and queens / Here's to all we loved / That wasn't meant to last / Here's to everyone / Who said we never had a chance / Here's to us”
Art of War by We The Kings
They say kids are resilient. I think that applies to those of Cybertron too. Of course, they shouldn’t be forced to be that way by war, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Thankfully, Bumblebee has never lost sight of hope despite everything he’s gone through.
Can You Hear Me Now by The Score
This one was recommended to me by @onewingedsparrow. Here’s what she had to say about it:
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^ You can be sure I was glad I checked it out. It’s a perfect fit for Bee’s story.
Heroes of Today by Once Monsters
“Legends will be told / I  know they will / But  they're all growing old / It's time to fill up / The history books”
And fill up the history books he did. Or at least a pivotal part of history.
Lights by Written by Wolves
“The darkest days and the longest nights / Light up with just a spark / I won’t let the light burn out inside of you”
I like to think that when Bee reached a point where he understood the weight of all that Optimus and others carried on their older, more experienced shoulders, he made an inner commitment to help keep their spirits lifted as long as he could.
Indestructible by Daniel Baron
Bumblebee certainly knew he wasn’t indestructible, but there were times when he would have had to believe himself to be in order to make it through extra difficult moments during the war.
Champions by Kurt Hugo Schneider, Andie Case
“Barely breathing on the ground / You left my body to be found / But scars give me life / You should've killed me twice”
To: Megatron, From: Bumblebee, the one who finally ended you. And then you came back, but I won’t go there
The Worlds We Discovered - Matt Parker Remix by Twilight Meadow
A war fought across galaxies does have at least one advantage: setting foot on new worlds. But on the serious side, I’m sure Bee and the others wondered whether or not they’d ever see the proverbial sunrise of peace and/or get to set optics on Cybertron’s literal sunrise again.
No One Stands Alone by Raphael Lake
Teamwork + Found Family vibes.
Our Time by Nick Howard
I think this song captures Bumblebee’s values, how he sees Team Prime, and his understanding of their ultimate mission of bringing unity back to Cybertron.
Underdog by The Script
Bumblebee has a lot of experience being the underdog. He’d definitely be one of the first to step up and fight for other underdogs.
Battle Scars (Reprise) by Paradise Fears
This is the story of a dreamer / A soldier / With the weight of the world upon his soldiers / Who's got a little room to grow / Better days are near / Hope is so much stronger than fear
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This post series is in alphabetical order. Next up are Cliffjumper and Dreadwing.
As I add more songs to the playlist, I’ll update this post.
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purplenickel · 8 months
ugh i feel fake disabled bc im learning now i have some sort of joint inflammation issue but not always. like it varies. over the weekend i was able to walk almost five miles in an afternoon with no real consequences. but going to walmart the next day fucked me up. i had to walk across the store and almost said fuck it i dont need meds that bad bc my hip bone was grinding itself with every step.
and i went to the chiro yesterday and figured that would help that my hip just hurt bc it was out of alignment from where i fell the weekend before this. well today i was in charge of walking our two blue heelers and it did not go well. first i cant stand in one spot long bc my low back cramps right? this dog had me standing for twenty minutes while he sniffed but ok i walked it out and added arthritis cream when we got in. then the next two times i took the dogs out the puppy yanked the leash pulling on all my joints so i didnt you know fall on him. so now my ankles knees and hips hurt just as much as pre-chiro appt.
im definitely gonna ask my doctors about possible causes bc i cant NOT walk my dogs or walk in the store. but i still have good days too so im lost.
im thinking mobility aids would help. braces for sure and possibly a cane so i can take some pressure off in stores
but then the internalized ableism hits. even tho i have multiple mental illnesses and neurodivergences. but i guess i wasnt ready to have a physical disability before i turned 30. but who is? and i know thats a shitty way to think no one expects disabilities but yeah.
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bradwottakes · 2 years
So what do people think of the Chibnall era on here?
Heard a lot of negative stuff, and now that I'm finally on to it, ummm I think I agree.
Like 13 just said "things get smaller, faster, cheaper. That's progress"
And I recall 12 saying "Human progress isn't measured by industry" what the hell. Where did this complete 180 come from? Not against changes in the doctor, loved the growth from 9 to 10, but this is just... HUH?!
And why did they kill off the one character who's both interesting AND useful - Grace - in ep. 1 and replace her with 3 Exposition Querying Machines?
Seriously, prior stories usually had a Big Important Plot that takes up the doctor's attention. But characters would hold it up, and there was great tension between the plot-driving threat and the fact that these are... Well... People who do and want things that aren't always aligned or don't understand what's happening. It's a push and pull, and the Doctor synthesizes them: reminds the characters obsessed with The Threat that there's a human/personal element to the story, and keep the characters obsessing over their issues in line with what needs to be done RIGHT NOW so that they live long enough to figure out their problems later.
But now, the characters stop doing anything involving themselves as people any time The Threat is brought up, or even something new happens and the Audience needs it "explained".
Four main characters SHOULD be a great opportunity to have sub-dynamics and conflicts beyond just Companion-Doctor tension, or tension between the doctor-companion group and the episode's disposable characters.
Instead, so far, it's... "I want More, my family is annoying" "I'm sad my wife is dead, and my step-grandson is emotionally distant" "I'm sad my grandma died and my dad isn't around"
Will there be tension between Yaz and Ryan, cause he resents his father, but she's pushing her family away?
Tsuranga Conundrum did something cool, put the doctor in an unusual position: being a bit selfish, and not in charge because there's someone else who understands the situation and priorities better. It's literally Doctor vs doctor. But 5 mins later, Astros is dead and we're back to the Doctor being in charge. Mabli has serious self-esteem issues, so the doctor uses her as exposition and she gets to... Maybe be in charge later, once she works through her issues off-screen?
Previous writers were never great with race (Bill calls our victorian racism only to find out the past wasn't as racist as she thought, and the doctor white knights for her against the only racist they meet. A few episodes later, it turns out SHE'S the prejudiced one for not knowing how to talk to an alien) but Chibnall is... Just bland. In the Rosa Parks episode they all agree on exactly what to do the whole time: save Rosa Parks from the time traveling neo-nazi. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them on his side - but it's such a boring premise and execution. It's just "we have to keep history the same" and it only works because they all like the outcome this time. Usually there's a question of "what do we change?", And though the resolution is usually "we can't interfere", the story isn't actually about changing/not changing history, it's about WHY changing history is generally a problem. They're rarely my favorite stories, but at least there's SUBSTANCE. There's a (still cliche) but more tense story available even in that premise: MLK. He's gonna get assassinated, why not have the story center on the question of "do we prevent this?".
Then there's some serious tension: you have two people of color who can call out the doctor's privilege of not interfering. This doesn't affect her AT ALL meanwhile Yaz and Ryan can point out that sure, things are better by 2018, but it's pretty fucked up that keeping history on it's current course is based on the assumption that things "went correctly" the first time around. That chattel slavery, segregation and mass incarceration are necessary from the doctor's POV. That she's projecting her understanding of history as some universal, objective law: things happened this way, we have to let them play out like that.
The show's logic often condones this, because the universe breaks when history changes. But also, the doctor changes stuff all the time.
Hell, there's all these episodes about characters getting pulled out of time before they die, learning they'll die, and then accepting it. You're telling me you can't write just a nice, dignified story where MLK gets that same opportunity? It wouldn't be amazing, but it would be better than "stop the time Nazi cause he's prejudiced".
Or just a story where Yaz and Ryan are the ones who actually have agency in deciding how to change or not change something big about BIPOC struggles on earth. Not where the doctor tells them everything and they just follow orders and remember facts from primary school.
Also, it's such an insultingly basic portrayal of racism. This is something that affects every writer: racism is always bad things a couple people do or say, and it's never explained or broken down. 12 can punch the racist before it actually becomes important to ask: if this is such a fucked up thing, why does it endure?
FFS 12 is explicitly critical of capitalism, and racism is often sustained by it. Why is there no episode of him being taught that "hey, this system of exploitation you don't like? It gets racialized sometimes. You don't know what race is/don't care about it? That's nice, but I'M HUMAN AND LOTS OF HUMANS DO CARE. This affects me almost constantly, and it would be nice if you showed some basic decency and empathy by at least listening instead of saying 'so it is' or 'what would they do that for?' "
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antebellumite · 2 years
ok ok so civil war alternate history books be like:
abe lincoln always gets impeached if he lives through his assasination
if that doesn't happen, then he gets turned into a vegetable and uhhh *checks notes*... and WILLIAM SEWARD STARTS ANOTHER TRAIL OF TEARS??? FOR SLAVEHOLDERS AND THEIR FAMILIES- OKAY THEN??
somehow newt gingrich wrote the most historically accurate version of what if lee won the battle of gettysburg
hey harry turtledove, no offense, southern victory is a fascinating series but a. what the fuck and b. what the FUCK??
every confederacy wins scenerio is so fucking funny in the long run ngl tho
for some reasons only racists have time machines and they all want to give the south ak 47s but NO ONE thinks of doing this for the union??
that one with slavery in the modern day in the "Core Four" states is pretty good?
the one with the premise of what if the underground railroad was a REAL RAILROAD is REALLY good?
Bring on the Jubilee oh dear GOD my fucking DETESTED
unrelated but there's a story out there where aaron burr establishes a dictatorship in america by aligning with napoleon after defeating tj and um. yeah.
also a story where franklin is the first president.
and ANOTHER story where andrew jackson is elected in 1824 as president and somehow invents BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE??? OH MY GOD???
and if andrew jackson isn't elected, then davy crockett is and this somehow ends up with a civil war occuring over the compromise of 1850, which, fair. could have happened. was a reasonable concern.
"How the South Preserved the Union" is actually so fucking interesting? it starts with zack taylor and millard fillmore dying and ends with the NORTH seceding with john brown as commander of the army and daniel webster as president? stephen douglas signs the civil rights act of 1861? the war lasts 2 yrs? JUST 2 yrs?
"now falls the cold, cold night" has millard fillmore elected the fifteenth president in 1856 after james buchanan dies of a stroke, causing the north to secede ( something about fillmore just FORCES the north to want to leave the union, huh? ) and john c fremont becomes president of the new england confederacy while william tecumseh sherman becomes commanding general, opposed by robert e lee...
.... well at least it wasn't john brown this time?
"Lincoln's Charge" is just... I can't do it justice okay. I CAN'T DO LINCOLN'S CHARGE JUSTICE ON HERE! BUT GUYS READ IT! OR JUST LOOK AT IT'S SUMMARY
there's a universe where we have our first female president in the 1870s! and frederick douglass becomes vp!
samuel tilden deserved better aus.
( unrelated but adolf hitler keeps getting involved in this series and its so weird. he gets lured to washington dc in one story and ends up getting killed by a bomb there. )
( also unrelated but "demarche to iran" is cool. )
" Michael Dukakis is elected president in 1988, but is revealed to be an alien attempting to infiltrate Dulce Base. The Men in Black, along with friendly aliens, therefore rewrite history in order for George H. W. Bush to win the 1988 election instead, resulting in our timeline."
oh and walter mondale causes a civil war with mexico btw thought yall should know.
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electricparson · 2 years
Writing Prompt: Finding a Narrative
Yet in recent decades, the United States has begun to experience a precipitous collapse in trust in public institutions. Trump himself has accelerated this collapse among more conservative Americans, and much of his party now contributes to it, too. That means that the foundations of the rule of law have already been seriously undermined....
...This is a dangerous problem, because it shows both that the rule of law is already in an advanced state of decay and that pressing charges against Trump, putting him on trial, and potentially throwing him in jail will accelerate this process, making the decay far worse—because each of those acts undertaken against Trump will confirm the right in its conviction that “the rule of law” has already been replaced by rank partisanship.
-Damon Linker
Trump is a symptom of a weakened democracy, but not the cause.
Why is Donald Trump so powerful? How did he come to dominate one of the two major parties and get himself elected president? Is it his hair? His waistline? No, it’s his narratives. Trump tells powerful stories that ring true to tens of millions of Americans.
The main one is that America is being ruined by corrupt coastal elites. According to this narrative, there is an interlocking network of highly educated Americans who make up what the Trumpians have come to call the Regime: Washington power players, liberal media, big foundations, elite universities, woke corporations. These people are corrupt, condescending and immoral and are looking out only for themselves. They are out to get Trump because Trump is the person who stands up to them. They are not only out to get Trump; they are out to get you.
This narrative has a core of truth to it. Highly educated metropolitan elites have become something of a self-enclosed Brahmin class. But the Trumpian propaganda turns what is an unfortunate social chasm into venomous conspiracy theory. It simply assumes, against a lot of evidence, that the leading institutions of society are inherently corrupt, malevolent and partisan and are acting in bad faith.
-David Brooks
This dynamic started to mutate in the middle of the 20th century. Though surveys from the 1950s through the 1980s saw a marked decline in sectarian hatreds in the United States, the period saw the emergence of a conflict that is familiar to us today: a fight over “ultimate moral authority,” pitting those with orthodox tendencies (people committed to “an external, definable, and transcendent authority”) and those with progressivist leanings (people who are generally committed to deriving authority from rationalism and subjectivism).
“Abortion, child care, funding for the arts, affirmative action and quotas, gay rights, values in public education, or multiculturalism” — all these debates, Hunter notes, derive from this struggle for moral authority. Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims these days spend less time in doctrinal disputes with each other and instead each split along the orthodox/progressivist divide. It’s not shocking, for example, to see some Orthodox Jews aligning with Catholics and evangelicals against abortion.
Hunter’s analysis was groundbreaking in that it highlighted the religious underpinnings that tied these fights together. But his argument wasn’t that the culture wars were simply a fight between the forces of traditionalism versus the forces of secularism. Rather, his point was that everything in America was suffused with a religious sense of mission — even spheres we might normally imagine are completely secularized.
-Damir Marusic
The situation as Buchanan sketched it out is a dangerous one for a liberal democracy like ours. If the fight is over values rather than policy positions — a “religious war” — compromise is impossible: Values are absolute and not amenable to deliberative give-and-take.
And democratic elections are not meant to adjudicate such matters anyway. They are by definition a mechanism of temporarily designating who gets to run the country. (The question is posed to voters again and again, on a regular schedule.) If the issues at stake are about the very “soul of America,” democracy quickly reveals itself to be a profoundly unsatisfying means of organizing our politics.
It’s that lack of satisfaction with democratic outcomes that undeniably played a role in Republicans pursuing a legalistic means of undermining the legitimacy of Clinton’s presidency. The dark murmurs about the legitimacy of Bush and Obama didn’t rise to the level of what happened under Clinton, but now, with Trump, we’re back to special prosecutors and talk of impeachment...
...Pat Buchanan’s call to arms in 1991 was a pivotal moment in American politics. Buchanan saw himself and his followers as the ones on the defensive in a struggle that had been going on for a while. He had probably read Hunter’s book (which was published earlier that year), and it may have crystallized some things for him. The struggle itself wasn’t necessarily new, but calling it a “religious war” in an explicitly political context almost certainly changed things.Hunter’s orthodox and progressivists had already mostly sorted themselves into the two major parties by that point. Buchanan was the bugler sounding the cavalry charge. Buchanan’s bugling didn’t cause an immediate rupture in society. But by injecting “ultimate,” zero-sum questions into democratic politics, he undoubtedly put a new process into motion.Trust is a fragile thing, the first casualty of any war. And given that this war is now in its 27th year, it shouldn’t be surprising that reservoirs of trust — especially in partisan politics — are at an all-time low. But while Trump himself seems to go out of his way to exacerbate tensions among Americans, it’s important to remember that he is ultimately the symptom of something that has been going on for quite some time. And that implies that with his departure, we will not necessarily be better as a country.
-Damir Marusic
Third, we’ve come to dominate left-wing parties around the world that were formerly vehicles for the working class. We’ve pulled these parties further left on cultural issues (prizing cosmopolitanism and questions of identity) while watering down or reversing traditional Democratic positions on trade and unions. As creative-class people enter left-leaning parties, working-class people tend to leave. Around 1990, nearly a third of Labour members of the British Parliament were from working-class backgrounds; from 2010 to 2015, the proportion wasn’t even one in 10. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the 50 most-educated counties in America by an average of 26 points — while losing the 50 least-educated counties by an average of 31 points.
These partisan differences overlay economic differences. In 2020, Joe Biden won just 500 or so counties — but together they account for 71 percent of American economic activity, according to the Brookings Institution. Donald Trump won more than 2,500 counties that together generate only 29 percent of that activity. An analysis by Brookings and The Wall Street Journal found that just 13 years ago, Democratic and Republican areas were at near parity on prosperity and income measures. Now they are divergent and getting more so. If Republicans and Democrats talk as though they are living in different realities, it’s because they are.
-David Brooks
I want to write an essay about the moment that we are in which is the result of many factors.  We are dealing with eroding trust in institutions, a growing class divide and all of this leads to a wannabe authoritarian that is turning one political party into his personality cult.  The above quotes and links are the backbone of the essay.More to follow soon.
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bojesenrivera99 · 2 months
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the-madwomen · 5 months
... Have you ever played a carnival game and realized it was rigged?
We remember, when our system was far younger, we saw a news segment on carnival games. One of the games was a basketball game. Just get the ball in the basket, you win a prize.
Now, the news team managed to get an actual basketball player. As far as we remember, they were actually in the NBA, and or at the very least they were a professional.
He couldn't make the shot.
No matter how hard he tried or how good he was, he couldn't make the shot.
It turned out that the hoop in question was actually an *oval* shape rather than a circular one. Theoretically you *could* get the ball in there, but it would require just the right angle and still need a great deal of luck.
And, of course, the carnival could get their "prizes" for cheaper than what they were charging for the games. That's how capitalism works, buy low, sell high and all that. And it wasn't some secret, you could go to the same websites and buy them yourself! Even buying in bulk would be cheaper than a ticket to the carnival.
So, the real question is, after learning all that... Why would you want to play the carnival games?
Yeah, it's fun and might impress your date, but even that will wane after a bit. The fun stops around the fifth or sixth try as it turns into bitter stubbornness, and your date will get bored after a while and the excitement dies down, especially if you never actually get the damned teddy bear!
Well, the simple answer is gambler’s fallacy and sunk cost fallacy, but what causes us to start playing if we already know we'll lose?
Now, imagine if everyone lived in one of these carnivals. Where all the games are rigged against you, and there's no way to outright buy the plushies from a website.
You can't win those games, can you? But of course the barkers will taunt you about it. It's a game of skill, they say, not luck. Hurry, hurry, step right up and try to win a Teddy Bear! And in this hypothetical carnival they say that, if you manage to win a Teddy Bear you get to make some changes to how the carnival works!
Enticing, isn't it?
And to many, the solution is clear... We play the carnival games! We try to win as many games as possible and BADA BING BADA BOOM! The changes will one day be enough to where things are significantly better!
But the carnival is already privy to this. They realize that people want the Teddy Bears, and they did give a big ol' hefty promise that whoever gets them gets to change the rules, so they have some tricks up their sleeves. They make sure that people who align with their rules have an easier time with the games. Makes sense, you want that power to be in the hands of people who agree with you. Besides, if *no one* can win the carnival games, that gets suspicious real quick.
So, they either put in plants disguised as customers or they scout for people who align with their ideals. As for everyone else, the game is made deliberately harder. For some, even impossible. And in the rare case that someone does make that shot, hit the bullseye, score a three-pointer... Well, if those people can't be bribed, they can just have their little rule-change. After all, the rules still have to be approved by those in power. And even if they manage to get a more radical rule through, something that improves lives throughout the carnival…
Well, one person can't start a revolution.
Revolution is a team effort, first and foremost. Buuuuuut the carnival games are all single player. The games are all designed so that people think that just the right person needs to win a Teddy Bear to take down the carnival, some theoretical Great Man to lead the charge. And the carnival's infamous Hall of Winners, taught to all the children born and raised in the carnival, is more than happy to push that narrative.
They want people to think that they could be the one to do it, or to wait on that person. That maybe, with enough practice, or luck, or darts, or water guns, good aim, letters, rings to toss, votes to cast, megaphones to shout in, representatives at the tents, water balloons, strength-testing hammers, or good old fashioned force of will, that the change will come! That the right person will come along will win the prize, and lead us to VICTORY!
But not even an NBA player can make that shot.
A simple three pointer, and not even someone who plays basketball for a living, who likely played basketball for all their life, can make that shot.
... So what to do?
Well, a revolution needs a team.
So, we band together. Work together with many others. Lift spirits. Inspire hope. And, much more importantly than hope... Inspire action. We tell everyone that a better world is possible. Yes, yes, we'll all fight and bicker and even go so far as to hurt one another over what that better world will look like, we're still sentient. Par for the course for any intelligent species!
But the biggest point is that a better world is possible. There is more to the world than this twisted carnival.
So we can't win a rigged game. Well then, ignore the game! Who needs it? And while we're at it... We don't need the Teddy Bears either! They're just symbols for the powers that be! So, why not go directly to the ringmasters of the whole operation and demand changes? And if they refuse to make those changes, then we get rid of them! Death isn't required, but they don't have to be in charge! And we can decide, when we get there, who should be in charge, or even if ANYONE should be in charge. Same applies to the rules, the laws, even the system itself. Maybe we want a carnival where all the games are fair, or maybe we can say "screw the carnival, let's make a library". Maybe we can just leave nothing there and let everyone do as they please.
The point is, no matter what we decide, we need to get to that point.
Where we're able to make something... New.
Not just for our own sake, but for the sakes of our families, friends, descendants, enemies, and the people who we will never bother to know.
We saw a post, that mocked those who waited for “the Glorious Revolution”. Not because of the idea of the revolution itself, of course. They were an anarchist, like we are. It was more the idea that the revolution is going to be some naturally occurring event, like the Christian Rapture. They suggested to work on what you can do, the little things. We would expand that from soup kitchens, although a very good cause, to things like organizing and spreading the word of whatever ideology you prefer. We're not sure how they would feel about this post, or if they’ll ever see it, but at the very least we can agree on one thing.
The "Glorious Revolution" is not going to fall out of the sky.
It is something we have to work together... To create.
- Sincerely, The Hatter
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