#Another Ryuga
by13x · 6 months
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Another Raidā Daruma Set 3
Edit- i know I written blades instead of blade QAQ
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hidengifs · 3 months
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I'm the main character now! 2024 -> Year of the Dragon
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miyushin · 10 months
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well known people want to know
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superdummymags · 1 year
imagine fighting someone in the woods and then this mf rolls up, tells both of you that the shit you have is the dollar store version of what he’s rockin’, kicks both of your asses, and then dips
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snugglebeans3000 · 2 years
Flash headcanon
(Okay, so these are gonna be little tid-bits that pop into my mind that I don’t have a category for. I don’t know how often they will be, or how often I will post them, but hopefully I can bring some joy with even small theories like these)
okay first one I think is that as a kid Ryuga used to be non-verbal. He couldn’t talk until he was nearly in his double digits, so he learned to communicate through sign language, or Japanese Sign Language (JSL). He still knows how to speak it fluently, though he doesn’t like to show it because he doesn’t like people asking questions about how he knows how to sign so well. He slips in it from time to time, making movements with his hands that match the words he’s speaking, though most of the time he does it subconsciously. More recently he’s taken up ASL for his travels as this is one of the more popular and well known forms.
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andro-dino · 2 years
omg for the character bingo, have you given your thoughts on Ryuga already?? if not I want to knoww can't get enough of this dude lmao also if you already have, maybe thoughts on Tsubasa?
Tsubasa I did before but Ryuga I have not
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Ryuga is interesting to me cuz like, he’s definitely a fan favorite and I do like him a lot but like, I honestly could not tell you much abt him. I guess that’s a bit of a hot take lmao but personally I’m just not like, extremely attached to him I guess? I try thinking abt what I like about him specifically and it’s like a dial up starting noise. I put both deeper than they seem and also not as deep as they seem bc like, I feel like there is a lot of untapped ideas and issues that he has but like, sometimes his actions can just be explained with “he is simply a fucked up lil dragon guy and that is okay.” I think one interesting thing to think about is his relationship with doji and their mutual distain for each other. Their history and how that all culminated in the end is really interesting to think about.
I started liking Ryuga around masters when he became less evil and more just like, slightly fucked up, and his dynamic with Gingka really shined in that season. Fury is definitely where he peaks the most I think, I cried over him several times, ESPECIALLY him and Kenta. The brothers ever.
I think it’s a little funny how his character ends with “yeah I can solo the literal god of destruction” *fucking dies* (though again, definitely cried there too) but it’s also interesting to me how that also finished with him giving his power to Kenta for the sake of everyone else. He is both stubborn and arrogant and like, self sacrificial in the same breath and I just think that really paints the duality of his character very well. His dynamic with Kenta is just so good all around and just thinking abt his relationships with other characters is what made me say that he works better in dynamics. That’s not to say he’s a bad character alone per say, just that personally I prefer him as part of a dynamic.
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kn96artworks · 2 years
about that one nsfw demon fking drawing i did last night
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artichow · 2 months
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another chibi goober thing but it's ryuga this time yay
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The amount of unexplored concepts in Zi-o is driving me insane but I can only tackle one thing per post so let's talk about Sougo for a minute
As someone who immediately clocked Sougo as having something off about him (to the point where I wrote day-one fanfiction about it), I was really expecting there to be a few episodes where we just. sat down and unpacked all of it. We didn't get that, but the crumbs we did get only solidify my opinion that Sougo is a really compelling character when you take the time to think about him.
On a surface level, Sougo is… very normal, I think. He's a cheerful guy, he's polite, he has a definite silly streak to him. He's kinda awkward, he fumbles around with Sento's catchphrase and struggles with his schoolwork. Like any good-natured protagonist, he has a drive to protect others and has no problem inconveniencing himself a bit to help someone out. These are all true things about him.
Sougo is also very good at manipulating people. And he does it by using his usual mannerisms to his advantage.
Take the episodes with Kuroto for instance. Sougo gets on Kuroto's side effortlessly by looking bright-eyed and enthusiastic about working with him, and this is completely believable to us as viewers because Sougo is always this enthusiastic. It's even relevant to his goal to become king - of course he would want to study under an actual king to get experience!
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What makes this interesting is that it's only half true. Sougo isn't faking his enthusiasm, but he is faking his motivation. He doesn't want to work with Kuroto because he thinks he's cool, he wants to work with him because he wants to confirm if he's terrible first, and then take notes on how to not be terrible in the future.
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And this is what makes him so good at manipulation: he knows how to channel his behaviors in such a way that he always seems genuine. Of course, it probably helps that he's often only half-faking anyway, which makes it even more convincing.
He's also usually using this skill for a good cause, but when armed with the knowledge that he became evil in the original timeline, it suddenly puts him in a different light; one where you can go "oh, so that's where he's keeping all his supervillain potential."
He displays this cunning side to him in a lot of smaller instances - using Woz's dedication to him as a means to summon him at any time, getting Geiz and Tsukuyomi to hang out with him under the pretense of their mission to keep him from turning evil, so on and so forth.
They sneak this part of him into the script all the time, and the only person to really bring it up is, interestingly enough, his mirror world self.
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This scene makes me go nuts because it perfectly displays Sougo's inner conflict that he's usually really good at keeping under wraps. Though admittedly, they also make it a little unclear as to whether he was actually trying to manipulate anyone or just feels like he did anyway... but I think I've got it mostly figured out.
What's happening here, as I understand it, is that Sougo does genuinely want to save Geiz, but there is a small part of him that wants the power that comes with the Ryuga watch, too. And he does not like that part.
He knows that he's manipulated people before, and so when he notices having a second motivation here beyond his more idealistic one, he feels like he's manipulating people again. Making Tsukuyomi think that he's actually a good person when he just prompted Geiz to go sacrifice himself - he harbors a surprising amount of guilt.
And that's another key thing about Sougo that I haven't talked about yet: he hides things constantly.
Like, for example, why he wants to become king in the first place.
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This is a lie. Sougo wants to become king because of a recurring dream depicting the most traumatic event of his life, where his only solace is someone telling him that he can save the world if he becomes a king.
But he insists in multiple episodes that it's just "something he's always known." He treats it very casually, despite it dramatically affecting his life plans.
Sougo treats most things with the same smiley nonchalance, honestly, in a way that can make him feel sort of detached from reality at times. But he takes things more seriously than it seems, and it's clear that he harbors a very deep sense of loneliness in him as well. Geiz and Tsukuyomi being his first real friends is one of the driving forces of the narrative, after all.
He also just drops lines like this sometimes that make me go crazy like hey has anyone checked on this guy emotionally during the entire show, I am Concerned
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Like!! he says this about the possibility of him being the only person to not survive the final battle, and I know this isn't the first time he's expressed a similar sentiment and it's kind of a tradition for the protagonists of these shows to be like this but. god. and he says it while smiling
(You might be noticing a theme with Sougo and smiling through pain and you would be absolutely correct to do so)
I guess what I'm getting at with this whole post is that the appeal of Sougo's character, to me, is that he's just as much a silly, awkward guy with loads of enthusiasm as he is a cunning, clever person who knows how to lie to get the outcome he wants. He's both very cheerful and very sad on the inside, and none of these things are treated like they're in conflict with each other.
Sougo himself said it best:
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And I dunno, I just think that's a really cool way to write your main hero who's working against his destiny to become evil. Or just any character in general. I both completely believe him as a hero and also never quite got rid of that "off" feeling that made me compelled to write about him when the show first started.
Zi-o as a show missed a lot of opportunities to explore things deeper, and Sougo is definitely included in that, but it never failed to keep me interested in him as a character because something about his specific combination of personality traits makes him very compelling to watch.
(He also makes the other writing flaws that much more frustrating because he's way too good of a character for these scripts)
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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11 more images below the cut:
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Light heads to meet L at the pick-up point for their date and is met with a surprise.  Another more frustrating surprise was finding out that Sayu had followed him.  She briefly meets “Hideki Ryuga,” and has her suspicions all but confirmed as far as she knows.  With the delay over, they drive off to officially begin the date.
Master List
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kirider · 4 months
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[Backlog] [01/04/2023]
Okay but that photoset made me remember this crossover and I'm procrastinating going to bed so woe lupat×build crossover be upon you
I don't care much about when it's set, I just need it to be post generations finals for Build so that they know about multiple universes
For Gangler Reasons Keiichiro and Kairi (as a civilian) end up in the World of Build. Keiichiro makes it his duty to make sure to bring Kairi home, which is a problem, because it means that he's keeping an eye on Kairi at all time, and that stops Kairi from looking for a way home too with his skills as Lupin Red.
The Build Team finds them and decides to help them (they probably need to find the Gangler again or something to get back home, haven't decided yet).
I dont really have a plot yet, but Keiichiro decides to help Sento and Ryuga against the Smashes while they're here (as a way to thank them for helping them), and while Kairi has been told to stay at the base, he uses the times that Keii is out to look for the gangler as Lupin Red (Misora and Sawa find out his identity pretty quickly, and decide to help him sneak around without the others knowing).
At some point Keii meets Red and so now he feels like he can't leave him trapped in another world so Keii starts to try and find him too, and Kairi has to deal with that while still protecting his identity
Can you tell I like secret identity shenanigans?
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lullabyashes · 4 months
i just had a brain blast and remembered the ryuga dragon beyblade au you made a couple years ago and have not stopped thinking abt it since. idk if you're even into beyblade anymore but that was one of my favorite aus ever
That means so much to me that you still think about that au- you don't even know, thank you!!
I'm still quite fond of Beyblade, but I haven't watched it in a long time. One big thing about me is that I never lose interest in a series. I just pick another thing to focus on. So I'm always down to make something or answer a question about an au. Odds are, I'm also still thinking about it!
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ghosty-writing · 11 months
Death Note One-Shot(?)
A duel POV between Light and L, detailing their manipulative relationship with each other.
Word Count: 1,562
Rating: G
Warnings: Manipulation, Brief mentions of gore
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It was almost laughably easy.
From the moment Light met Ryuga– Ryuzaki– no, L, he could tell the detective could be bought. Not with money or favours, no. That would be too obvious. L could be bought with love.
The first time, it had been an accident. While walking around the University campus, Light accidentally let his hand brush L’s. It was a split second of barely-there contact, but it was enough. L and Light were just about matched when it came to masking their emotions, but that made them excellent at reading each other. So when L’s cowed gait paused for a fraction of a millisecond and his voice cracked at that moment, Light knew what he needed to do.
He had to keep it slow. Working over L wasn’t like seducing Misa. Misa would do anything Light asked of her, no questions asked. Her devotion was undoubted. But L was not like that. His distrustful nature caused him to scrutinise every one of Light’s actions, innocuous or not. The looming “Kira percentage” hung over his head like a noose. But even a noose was made of rope.
And Light had the sharpest scissors around.
For this to work properly, Light kept their relationship platonic. But the promise of something more held thick in the air. He made that quite clear. The small graze of kneecaps while sitting close to one another, an occasional complement of his intellect, the very rare arm around his shoulder, all of which he knew made L weak. Everyone else may be fooled, but Light wasn’t. 
Soon, L became the primary instigator of their physical contact. He became increasingly touchy as time went on, actively reaching out for Light’s comfort. Friendly pats and shoves turned into a constant vice grip on Light’s sleeve, careful banter turned into intelligent conversation and debate. All according to plan.
After Light and Misa’s confinement, things had changed, though. While of course, he couldn’t remember the Death Note or his role as Kira, Light continued his objective. Something in him knew he needed to get closer. But L’s idea with the handcuffs only made it easier. Sometimes Light wondered if he did it on purpose. But it doesn't matter. It would all turn out the way he wanted in the end. 
While their relationship remained ambiguous for now, Light was sure that would change soon.
“Light,” L’s voice remained steady, as always, “Are you… ready for bed?” He clutched a laptop in that odd way of his, pinched between his forefingers and thumbs, which couldn’t have been easy with the device’s weight. 
“‘Bed?’ That’s a first for you, Ryuzaki.” He commented, spinning towards L in his chair. Light chuckled, “What’s going on?” ‘Ask about his feelings. Act concerned.’ That voice in the back of his head said.
L looked up at the ceiling, remaining in silence for several quiet seconds. He bit his bottom lip tentatively before speaking, “It is 1:42 AM, Light. All the rest of the Task Force have returned to their residences. Usually you insist upon us returning to our room by 10:00 PM– no later. You’ve indulged me tonight. I would like to return the favour, per se. You’re only human. You depend on sleep.”
A crease formed upon his hair-covered brow, tensing at the word human. He was obviously looking for a reaction from the man he presumed to be Kira. 
Light didn’t give him what he wanted. “Alright, you’ve convinced me.” He stood from his chair, powering down his computer. A few steps forward and he landed mere inches from L’s face. On purpose, of course. 
If L didn’t stand with such awful posture, the two would be about the same height, perhaps even taller. But like this, Light looked down at him, a gentle played smile on his face. He didn’t miss when L stared down at those lips.
“Well?” Light laughed when L remained transfixed, “Are we going to bed or not?” 
L stared a moment longer, “Yes, of course.” Unceremoniously, he whipped around and started out the door, dragging Light with him.
Hook, line, and sinker.
– • –
L is not a stupid man. Quite the contrary, in fact. He’s literally the smartest man in the world. L holds the position of the top three best detectives to have ever lived. He’s solved countless cases in mere weeks that officials couldn’t in years. 
But if he really is all that, why couldn’t he figure out Light Yagami?
The teenager, only two years his junior, could somehow manipulate him into whatever this was. L did not– could not make attachments. Anyone who got close to him more often than not suffered for it. He trained his mind out of feelings like love or care for another human being so long ago. But it all went down the drain when he met Light.
L had never been one to appreciate physical attractiveness or charm (most serial killers were extremely attractive and charming men, after all) until he first laid eyes upon the chief’s son in real life. Watching Light over cameras in his room was one thing, pure investigation– clinical. Then, on stage at the To-Oh University entrance ceremony, he set eyes upon that (for lack of a better term) god-like smile. L instantly understood why so many girls fell head-over-heels for him. 
If Light really did end up being Kira, L didn’t know what he’d do.
Then, when Light started to initiate closer contact, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, grabbing his hand over a table to show him something, L started to short-circuit. Completely blue-screen for a few seconds. 
L knew he was being played, to an extent. Somewhere in the back of his head, he knew getting close to Light was a poor decision. As nice as the other man’s comfort felt, a more rational part of him vied to pull away and yell at him, scream “I know you’re Kira, Light! Quit the act already and tell me what you want!”
Of course, he couldn’t say that. It was much too direct and would probably only worsen his situation. So unfortunately, the less rational, more emotional part of L he thought had long been dead, resurrected and possessively wrapped his arms around Light like a child refusing to let go of a toy. But for now, he kept it under wraps. Out of sight, out of mind.
“You’ve acted odd today, Ryuzaki.” Light popped into the corner of his vision, emerging from their shared bathroom. The handcuff on his wrist pulled taut from their distance. 
L raised a brow, “Have I?” He typed away at his laptop, perched under the covers in their bed.
“Yes.” Crossing to the other side of the bed, Light methodically pulled the sheets down, folding them back without a crease in sight. L could not understand how he stayed so meticulous this sleep-deprived. “First, you hardly talk at the Task Force meeting, then you hardly eat all day, and now you’re the one insisting we head to bed. On a normal day, I have to drag you kicking and screaming to even get you out of the office.”
“Incorrect. I do not kick nor scream. I merely don’t function on the same amount of sleep as other people.” He did not look up when Light settled beside him, folding his hands behind his head. If he gazed upon those near-perfect cheekbones in the dim light of the lamp, L would simply never recover. He focused on the spreadsheet he was typing.
Light let out an exasperated sigh, nudging him with an elbow. “That’s not an answer to my question.” 
“You never asked one.”
“Well– It was implied.”
“Please learn to speak plainly, Light. You are well aware I am not adept at social cues.” Click clack click clack.
Light groaned, “You’re really insufferable, you know, right? I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” He put a hand over L’s, putting an end to his work. “If you’re feeling sick, you should really rest. Kira will still be there in the morning.” 
“You sound quite certain about that,” L kept his focus on the computer, although he had stopped typing anything. Deflect. Deflect. “How will you know Kira will be there in the morning? It almost seems like you want me to be sick…” 
Light threw his hands in the air, the chain whooshing up in front of L’s face. “Alright, whatever– Be like that. God forbid I try to help once in a while, jeez.” And the wall went right back up, separating their minds once again. L usually had no trouble reading people– Matsuda called him a “human lie detector”– but Light was different. Light’s psyche was one he simply couldn’t crack, and for seemingly no reason. But for some reason, it felt like the other boy could stare right into L’s very soul. Sooner or later, he expected to be dead because of it. 
Visions of Light reaching into his chest and tearing out his heart danced through his mind. Honestly, if Light really did do it, L probably wouldn’t object. And that’s scary.
Light rolled over in bed, facing away from him. L continued to click clack away at his keyboard all the night, only pausing a few times to listen to Light breathe. 
And improvement from last night, at least.
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Thanks so much for reading! Reblogs are greatly appreciated, as I’m just getting started posting my writing! I may write more of this AU(?) if this gets enough attention/I get motivated, so keep an eye out for that…
Love you all! <3
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ponury-grajek · 2 years
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Another self-indulged AU for my blorbos I'm gonna call it clownverse 2:
It's the moment when Light regains his memories and he's sure that he's gonna win and that L is gonna die. And he's almost celebrating his future victory BUT THEN something happens. Maybe they're fighting for the last time and maybe L hits him too hard but at some point Light passes out and-
And then he wakes up to the singing of birds, the sun smiles at him through the window and someone's cuddling against his back. And that someone is L. Light is confused, he has never been that confused in his entire life, maybe not even in that moment when he lost his memories. Is that some kind of a joke, L?, he thinks, Some kind of the investigation method? Another test? They're not even in the Task Force headquarters. The room where Light is has classic, wooden furniture and he can see a garden through the window. He's not even sure they're still in Japan anymore. He's looking for some tricks, trying to be rational in this situation but when L wakes up and says something like "Mornin', love", his eyes grow as big as deer's eyes on the freeway and he's like Ok, what the fuck. "It's not funny, L, you can't use that kind of tricks on me, I'm no longer your suspect in Kira investigation". L puts his thumb to his mouth disoriented. "Kira? Who is Kira? Light, are you feeling alright?"
And Light quickly finds out how difficult his situation really is. He has no Kira powers. He doesn't know Misa here. Above the fireplace in the living room there is a photo of him and L from the holidays in Spain. There are also some photos of people Light doesn't know (he later finds out it's Matt, Mello and Near and there is also a very unfavorable photo of Roger Mello put on the fridge) And Light learns that he has been solving cases with L here for several years now. They met accidentally on a case in Japan and fell in love.
Sachiko calls him almost everyday and asks when her boys will come to some dinner. Sayu texts him about her life and college (and she also sends him multiple photos of Ryuga Hideki and informs him that he’s still very hot). Soichiro tells him that he’s so proud of him even if he still doesn’t understand his choice of partner (p a r t n e r ? Light can’t believe his ears when his dad says this) And he also learns L's real name AND HE CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. He has his name, his trust but he can’t kill him and it drives him insane.
But of course, soon he will learn how it is to fall in love, how to live a peaceful life, how it is to love and be loved, to share the same bed without handcuffs and lack of trust 💖
But all the good things always come to an end and Light is thrown into Kira's investigation again, waking up with a headache, in the cold headquarters and with the thought that Rem would soon kill L and he can let it happen or-
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curedeity · 8 months
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Okay I know it's been a bit longer than I said my hiatus would be but I'M BACK WITH ANOTHER FANFIC FRIDAY!!!!
*everyone cheers*
Anyway, today's fanfic friday is a scene from "so this is christmas (the war is over)" by ssongpyeon. It's a super interesting fic focusing on Kenta and Ryuga's dynamic in some imagined shogun steel era future. But you all know me, and I honed in on the one time Hikaru was mentioned. The way Song uses Hikaru's speech in a TV program to make a thematic statement about Ryuga and Kenta's growth and dynamic? Fascinating. I love how intertwined this narrative is with a larger cast and an idea they've all grown up together.
(Also please ignore the bonus Kagami. That's in no way her final design or color palette I just needed a half-finished design to use for the interviewer)
This was a blast to draw and also I started thinking way too much about how I put Ryuga's shadow over Hikaru and Tsubasa-
But please go read the fic! It's great, and Song is a great writer! Thanks so much for writing the fic cause it sure gave me some brainworms!
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