#Anti Social Moths
winters-clubb · 1 year
test tag dump
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idolomantises · 6 months
Favorite character to write and draw in both of your webcomics?
Favorite Character to Draw: Sorrel. His design is one of my personal favorites and it's really fun drawing certain expressions, especially ones that contrast his cynical personality. he's also the only Bugtopia character who regularly cycles through outfits. He never wears the same thing per episode. I also love the way his big, black moth claws contrast with the softer design.
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Favorite Character to Write: Sorrel, Milan and Jasper (though I cant say too much on jasper yet).
Alluded to above, Sorrel is a very cynical person, but he fronts it with a very ditzy and manufactured persona. He's very selfish and can't keep a relationship, but he also has a love for films and art in general. He's also an overly protective big brother. It's also just funny writing his over dramatic moments. If his acting isnt above 110%, he'd rather be dead.
Milan is like... i mean this in the most affectionate way possible, very autistic and anti social. If Sorrel fronts his behavior with pretend friendliness, Milan is straight up hostile. She doesn't have friends, doesn't go to parties and despises her co-workers. I'm a big fan of characters who are clearly internalizing an issue and its fun writing moments where you can see the gears tick in Milan's head where she tries to register certain interactions. She's definitely going to be my most controversial character (I'd say Cale and Spike will be, but people tend to be more forgiving to male characters than female), but it will be fun to see if people are willing to warm up to her. Girl is a hot mess, but she's MY hot mess.
Monsters and Girls
Favorite Character to Draw: Powers, drawing pissed off expressions are my favorite and powers has a resting "i dont wanna be here" look. I also enjoy drawing her armor.
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Favorite Character to Write: I know I said on the other account that Sera is my favorite to write for, but it's really a toss up between Powers, Sera and Lili. They're all so weird and wonderful to me. but in terms of the shorter, gag comics, Sera is is my favorite to write for because she's a million years old and still doesn't know what to do with a hot wife who loves her.
Sera, unlike Powers and Lili, kind of shows her whole personality, so she's also easier to write for. Powers and Lili have a lot of barriers they put up, so you actually don't really see the full range of what they're like.
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tanadrin · 4 months
Imagine one day a new social trend starts spreading. It’s something unbelievably dumb. Not harmful per de, but truly silly to believe. Let’s say, I dunno, healing crystals start going mainstream. Everybody’s talking about their crystals. It becomes impolite to criticize people who believe in healing crystals. They become a big part of people’s personalities, and people on TV start talking about them, and one day years down the line politicians are debating funding for crystal-based medicine. And through it all you are sitting there going, what the fuck is happening. I thought we were all on the same page on this. You want to get along and be friendly and open minded but you cannot pretend to believe in healing crystals, this is nonsense, and when the topic comes up you refuse to lie about it. This eventually starts to have social consequences—they’re that popular!—but what can you do? You cannot pretend a lump of quartz can cure the flu or whatever. It’s just all so unbearably embarrassing.
I think what the centrist/liberal/center-left reactionary turn driven by culture war stuff feels like. And I think the key emotion is probably cringe. Not hate, not fear, though those emotions may reinforce the turn. I think in a lot of cases people who imagine themselves pretty open minded and flexible have as part of their worldview something they thought was bedrock social consensus—on the level of “healing crystals are silly woo”—so bedrock maybe that it didn’t even need to be a conceptual boundary they actually policed in their minds.
For instance, when she started her anti-trans turn, JK Rowling made a big show of not being really anti trans, just arguing that Some People Had Gone Too Far. She wasn’t a frothing religious reactionary, after all. And I believe that’s probably true! I think Rowling probably did have a mental model of sex and gender with a little bit of give in it—of the “we can humor the odd weirdo” type. But as the discussion of trans rights in the UK got more serious over her lifetime, trans people went from “the odd weirdo” to “a recognized minority,” and eventually this ran against a bedrock belief that on some level men are men and women are women and never the twain shall meet. To act otherwise was just too embarrassing. And she wasn’t going to embarrass herself in the name of political correctness.
Other people whose brains have been eaten by the anti-woke mind virus (as @eightyonekilograms calls it) have something going of the contrarian in them, who enjoys yelling “up yours, woke moralists!” or w/e. Im thinking of ppl like Glenn Greenwald here, or Dave Chapelle, people who seem not to feel alive except when people are mad at them. That’s a separate but interesting dynamic. And there are people like Graham Linehan who become totally unhinged through this process of auto-radicalization, moths drawn ever closer to a particular source of validation within their chosen reactionary subcommunity, until they are truly parodies of themselves. That is also an important dynamic, but it’s one that only takes hold after the initial turn has begun.
I think the role of that feeling of cringe, that refusal to entertain an idea because it is too embarrassing (even if it does actually have a decent body of research behind it, unlike crystals) is important to think about, because I am interested in how to get people over it. I know that feeling has affected my own thinking over my lifetime. I wasn’t raised particularly conservative, but I had to learn not to cringe at a lot of feminist thought before I could appreciate it and learn from it. I explicitly didn’t have that cringe when it came to gay people for whatever reason, so it never entered my mind that it might be a problem. I remember being surprised to learn when I was very young that some boys wanted to marry other boys, but my response was “huh. Go figure.” Because for whatever reason I had not picked up that this was something I was supposed to be grossed out by. A general doctrine of empathy, of trying to understand people on their own terms, can help forestall some of this stuff, but it’s not foolproof in either direction—I don’t want to believe crystals have healing powers if it becomes socially popular to do so, just because it is socially popular to do so! And if they do, I don’t want to not believe they do just because it is socially unpopular!
(Obviously the crystals thing is not a one to one metaphor for the trans thing, so don’t read too much into that. Maybe astrology would have been a better analogy. Also I’m not talking just about people whose reactionary turn is predicated on trans issues—I think this dynamic applies to everything from gay rights to the Tridentine Mass. But trans issues are a handy example bc, as the adage goes, somebody posts once about trans people and they never post anything normal again. I think the classic rapid-onset trans derangement syndrome is closely tied to the fact that gender norms are a really deep element of many people’s social-consensus-based worldview, and so challenged to that worldview are felt as really cringe.)
I’m curious if other people who grew more liberal in their thinking over time had a similar experience of having to overcome what was basically a feeling of embarrassment at certain ideas.
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toon-topaz · 2 months
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Been playing a lotta Lethal Company lately, so what better to do than combine it with my main "acclaimed indie horror game from October 2023" hyperfixation? Slay the Company AU: The Voices are all a ramshackle crew of employees getting into deadly schenanigans, accompanied by the perpetually annoyed Narrator AI who pilots their ship. He "personally" wrote all these entries. Text under the cut:
Name: Harlow Brine Role: Captain Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Transmasculine Non Binary Pronouns: he/they
Favorite animal: Crow
Height: 168cm Weight: 65kg
Physical health: Severe vertigo, dyspraxia
Reasons for seeking employment: "Seems like an important job"
Significant behavior reports: -Always willing to aid a coworker in danger, even at own expense
-Refuses to leave crew stranded
-Little to no patience for behavior that puts fellow employees in jeopardy
-Responsible leader
-Has been known to become insecure if too many missions go poorly
-Responds well to praise
Relevant psychological profile: Autism, PTSD
Notes: The most heroic employee
Name: Ches Bishop Role: Hazard Disposal Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Transgender Female Pronouns: she/her
Favorite animal: Hyena
Height: 170cm Weight: 90kg
Physical health: Evidence of multiple insufficiently healed fractures causing pain
Reasons for seeking employment: "Whatever game you're playing at, I'm going to win. One of these days I'll be the one holding the cards."
Significant behavior reports: -Extreme anger at any perceived injustices, regardless of whom is the victim
-Reckless behavior in the name of "winning"
-Obsessive focus on securing circuit beehives, concerned with acquiring the "best loot"
-Persistent belief that some force is conspiring against her, erratic behavior in response to perceived confirmation of this
-Often sustains the most injuries
-Foul language, namely directed at the Company and the local wildlife
Relevant psychological profile: ASD, Anger Issues, Issues with authority
Notes: The most cheated employee
Name: Koi Harlequin Role: Scouting Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Nonbinary Pronouns: they/them
Favorite animal: Lemur
Height: 157cm Weight: 69kg
Physical health: Hypermobile
Reasons for seeking employment: "Got nothing better to do and hey you guys need someone to check your authority right?"
Significant behavior reports: -Lackadaisical and cavalier attitude towards danger
-Destructive behavior, has been observed "playing" with dangerous artifacts (refer to "Mask Incident" log)
-Blatant disregard for orders
-Always quick to crack a joke or humorous comment
-Fond of "noisemakers"
-Lazy, frequently goofs off at work
-Has been observed to act more subdued around Captain Brine
Relevant psychological profile: ADHD, ODD, Pathological disregard for authority
Notes: The most contrarian employee
Name: Verglas Givral Role: Body Retrieval Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Agender Pronouns: any/all
Favorite animal: Jellyfish
Height: 176cm Weight: 66kg
Physical health: Undernourished, poor circulation, extremely high pain tolerance
Reasons for seeking employment: "Bored."
Significant behavior reports:
-Total disregard for own bodily safety, acts on impulse and little else
-Tendency to disappear from radars and sustains poor if any communication with team
-Highly efficient at job, presumably in an effort to get it done faster
-Has put fellow employees and self in dangerous situations for "fun"
-Total apathy to danger of any kind
Relevant psychological profile: anti-social behavior, possible ASPD, ASD
Notes: The coldest employee
Name: Penelope "Penny" Cassandre Role: Medic Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Transgender Female Pronouns: she/her
Favorite animal: Moth
Height: 163cm Weight: 48kg
Physical health: Undernourished, arrhythmia, asthma (requires pacemaker and inhaler functions in suit)
Reasons for seeking employment: "You're my last option, but that doesn't mean I trust you. I know you don't have our best interests in mind."
Significant behavior reports: -Extreme paranoia, frequently checking over shoulder for threats
-Tendency to panic if left in stressful situations
-Panic attacks can seemingly only be resolved by repeated chanting of the following: "Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves."
-Has on several occasions claimed to be stalked by a "ghost girl wearing a porcelain doll mask"
-Contact is often unable to be made for several minutes/hours after such claims
-Tendency to become snappy with coworkers when stressed
-Exemplary at corralling coworkers out of danger via walkie-talkie and radar usage
Relevant psychological profile: Hallucinations, extreme paranoia, delusions, possible psychosis
Notes: The most paranoid employee
Name: Striker March Role: Combat Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Cisgender Female Pronouns: he/him
Favorite animal: Honey badger
Height: 182cm Weight: 81kg
Physical health: Muscle and joint damage due to chronic overexertion
Reasons for seeking employment: "To surpass myself, throw everything you've got at me."
Significant behavior reports: -Disregard for physical injury, even an affinity for danger
-Easily provoked into physical altercations
-Always the last to remain on site
-Despondent if idle for too long
-Has on multiple occasions survived fatal injuries, apparently through sheer force of will
-Insists on remaining on site to fight the local fauna, going against direct orders to do so
-Has attempted to fight the Company with a shovel, more than once
-Frequently returns to one location specifically to wrestle one specific Thumper, for unknown reasons
Relevant psychological profile: Anger issues, possible ADHD
Notes: The most stubborn employee
Name: Acorn Fissure Role: Medical Assistant Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Agender Pronouns: he/they/it
Favorite animal: Woodlouse
Height: 130cm Weight: 45kg
Physical health: Dwarfism, requires mobility aids
Reasons for seeking employment: "Nowhere else would take me."
Significant behavior reports: -Chronically upset, especially on missions
-Defeatist attitude, will lie down and await death if cornered
-Sleeps whenever not working, rarely leaves ship unless required
-Struggles to carry even light objects
-Despite danger avoidance, is frequently injured
-Fanatical obsession with Company, to the point of deification
-Intense self loathing and mood swings
-Seeks out comfort wherever possible
Relevant psychological profile: Severe Depression, BPD, C-PTSD
Notes: The most broken employee
Name: Scorpio Sophus Role: Research Specialist Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Cisgender male Pronouns: he/him
Favorite animal: Octopus
Height: 173cm Weight: 70kg
Physical health: Myopia
Reasons for seeking employment: "Something's going on here, and I want to get to the bottom of it."
Significant behavior reports: -Questions everything, always seeking more information
-Scans everything and logs it into a personal database
-Slow to trust
-Slow to take action, hesitant to do anything until he believes he has enough information to make a decision
-Mathematically precise, highly intelligent
-That said, often lets curiosity get the better of him without considering risks
-Iron grip on ship's budget
-Able to bypass security doors and hack systems, does so liberally
Relevant psychological profile: ASD, High intelligence
Notes: The most skeptical employee
Name: Philip "Sakura" Smith Role: Repair Specialist Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Amaregender (gender mirrors that of peers) Pronouns: he/she
Favorite animal: Dove
Height: 160cm Weight: 70kg
Physical health: Benign cardiac irregularity
Reasons for seeking employment: "Alas I must venture far away to support my beautiful wife."
Significant behavior reports: -Extremely dramatic and theatrical
-Takes any opportunity to talk about his wife
-Angry outbursts at anybody speaking ill of said wife
-Has proven to be emotionally unstable
-Willing to sacrifice self for crewmates
-Responds favorably to romantic advances, states this is acceptable within his marriage (wife has verified this)
-Very willing to forgive if one plays into his fantasies
-Intense rivalry with Verglas Givral
Relevant psychological profile: emotional instability, intense attachments
Notes: The most smitten employee
Name: Orion Quicksilver Role: Pilot Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Genderfluid Pronouns: any/all
Favorite animal: Ferret
Height: 171cm Weight: 67kg
Physical health: Scoliosis
Reasons for seeking employment: "Who doesn't want the honor of working for the greatest company in the nebula? Even before it was the only one, I knew it was the best, I just had to get a slice of that pie, I'm something of a go-getter. A businessman if you will--" [continues on for 20 minutes, removed for archival convenience]
Significant behavior reports: -Follows the group no matter what, keeps opinions to self unless beneficial
-Sucks up to figure with most authority
-Struggles to form strong bonds with crew, despite being friendly with everyone
-Acts extremely guarded and insincere, almost seems to be a pathological liar
-Ready and willing to leave coworkers for dead if it means securing own escape
-Excellent fighter when all nonviolent options have been exhausted
-Rarely takes risks, yet always first to take credit for success
-Obsessed with appearance of being a "team player"
Relevant psychological profile: ASD, possible HPD
Notes: The most opportunistic employee
Name: Holly Faun Role: ?? Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Unspecified Pronouns: it/its
Favorite animal: Mouse deer
Height: 158cm Weight: 50kg
Physical health: Signs of starvation, vestiges of parasite infestation
Reasons for seeking employment: [DATA LOST]
Significant behavior reports: -Was discovered on abandoned planet in semi-feral state
-Rarely speaks aloud, prefers to communicate through gesture and clicking
-Drags around a mass of leaves, supposedly for camouflage
-Skittish and territorial, especially over crew it has decided to protect
-Certain crew members, who shall remain anonymous, suspect it of being nonhuman, notably a "Bracken in disguise"
-Theory is unsubstantiated, although it wears an outdated suit and helmet model
-Despite nervous disposition, it is open and honest with those it trusts
Relevant psychological profile: Stunted psychological development, further screening needed
Notes: The most hunted employee
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The Chloé Vs Félix Double Standered
Chloé: *had a terrible upbringing which led her to be a bully and proceeded to help a terrorist because the only good person/role model in her life was a bitch*
Félix: *had a terrible upbringing which led him to be an anti-social jerk and actively aided a terrorist and the destruction of Paris for his own personal gain*
The show/fans: Hes a baby! He didnt mean it! He deserves to be a hero!
Do you guys see what I'm getting at here? The point of the matter is both of them are horrible people!
Chloé was a bully to try to win her mothers approval, and when the only other good role model in her life just tossed her off to the side with no regrade for her own emotions (especially because Ladybug was actively abusing her power and role as Ladybug) she decided to go to Hawk Moth because he was the one giving her what she wanted! Not to mention he's always been good at manipulating people, so OF COURSE Chloé is going to agree with him!
Félix was abused by his father and was only ever freed when he had died due to using the Peacock Miraculous. He then proceeded to actively HELP A TERRORIST for his own gain! Sure it was for a reason (to keep himself and Adrien safe) but he was the reason for someone to have a mental break, cause hundreds of people to be hurt emotionally and physically, and HE DID NOT CARE for the safety of an entire CITY! Thats not even mentioning the fact that he KILLED THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!?!
Point is: If Chloé, a mentally and emotionally abused 14 year-old who only ever wanted to be loved, is irredeemable then so is Félix, given he didn't have a valid reason to betray Ladybug as if he truly wanted himself and Adrien to be safe, all he had to do was tell Ladybug who Shadow Moth was.
Don't get me wrong, I adore both of these characters, but if you claim Chloé can't be redeemed but will defend Félix, then you're holding them to a double standard. The same could be said the other way around.
I'm not saying that they both deserve to be thrown into the sun or both should just get off with only a slap on the wrist; but I AM saying that I hate seeing people claim one is better than the other when it's just not true.
The show either should've given Félix a proper punishment for not only aiding Shadow Moth but, and I cannot stress this enough, KILLING THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. Or they shouldn't have gotten rid of Chloé's character development.
On top of that, at least season 2/3 Chloé had SOME kind of character arc, Félix just kind of... existed? He didn't really prove himself to be better besides explaining why he did what he did. (Which, again, both he and Chloé don't have a valid excuse for what they did)
But anyway, small promo: In my rewrite Chloé's getting a redemption but she WILL face consequences for her actions and Félix will just not be that horrible of a person, so he doesn't technically need a redemption.
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f4y3w00d5 · 5 months
Intro Post
Hey all!
So I'm Faye (Well thats what you can call me), and these are the basics you should know. So my pronouns are she/them, but I'm thinking that I'm gonna try him too, so I dont really mind. Ive been questioning my sexuality recently. (Never really thought it through), and I'm pretty sure that I'm pansexual. I'm happy with being flirted with, nicknames, etc. I'm also bad at taking social cues and reading between the lines!
I have got a bluesky but that place is a shit hole and i hate it so thats a worst case scenario
Message me if you want my microsoft teams, for now its the only other 'social media' type shit i have
My writing account is @faye-writes-stories
I post a lot of wizard related stuff, my chemical romance too. My family is jewish, and I will not tolerate any rudeness (fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti semitic, TERFs etc etc) Anyone can talk to me, my asks are always open for whatever (I love getting asks, except hate ones!)
I'm also an artist, and currently writing a story. I love getting asks about my characters too!
Some things I like:
-Roleplay -Magic -Mythology -Faeries and incubus/succubus, demons in general tbh -Creepypasta -My Chemical Romance -The Medoran Chronicles -The Amazing Digital Circus -Murder Drones -Helluva Boss   -Hazbin Hotel
Dating @gobodegoblin @sonofshu @vivithecatgirl @a-secret-rpblog @radio-to-trenchcoat-demons @monsterfucker-research-wizard @beeflingo!!! (ooc that is)
If you're going to psychoanalyze my every mistake that I make when I'm so tired I can barely function, leave.
Unless theres something else I think of, thats all!
Wizard Stuff
So I'm a warlock, vampire, shapeshifter, succubus and faerie. Specifically the second generation of dark tricksters. Friends: @terrencetheshark14 @ashen-the-tiefling @verylegalwizard @lixorloveslicorice @drew-bard-for-hire @the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem @good-wizard AND MORE THAT I FORGOT Siblings: the ringmaster of @the-darkest-carnival Also I'm dating @vivithecatgirl and @monsterfucker-research-wizard and @mossy--wizard and @combustion-witch and @tomas-the-slime and @gobodegoblin and @slymewitch and @a-secret-rpblog and like a billion others, also in a QPR with @be-gentle-with-littluns-2
Fayes Origin story:
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sugar-petals · 2 years
【 multifandom reaction 】::  𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 🌤
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feat. - jungkook, felix, yoongi, bangchan, suho
warnings + tags.established relationship au, brief sex mention for myg, angst, otherwise domestic fluff 
♥︎ read it on ao3 | ♥︎ masterlist
𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒 - a cute lil’ scenario mix if u need cheering up 🍉
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:: YOONGI민윤기
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Comforts you by cooking. His life with you is 90% domestic, after all. There’s a vast array of comfort recipes that Yoongi will not hesitate to dish on, inspired by Korean cuisine books and also a few international videos he found online. Yoongi’s basically doing anything he gets his hands on, nothing’s too difficult, although it shouldn’t detract from couple time, of course. Nevertheless, he goes the extra mile knowing you feel burdened by a lot of things in your life and society. It’s both, really, and Yoongi knows there’s only so much he can fix or try to communicate to the world. 
A meal can bridge the time to your problems mellowing out. He knows that nutrients are important, but self-made fruit ice cream with extra toppings has a soul-healing effect. If noodle soup can make you feel better, then noodle soup it is. Yoongi might know that careful pleasures in bed have a similar effect, but in such a mood, there’s no way sex is fun and carefree. Carbs are better than dick. Any hot bread loaf out of the Min Bakery’s oven is proof of that. He also switches on the house grill more often than not or gets busy baking since cakes are Yoongi’s latest passion. In essence: When he knows it’s time to comfort you, you’ll be the birthday girl all year round.
:: FELIX 이필릭스
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Comforts you by cuddling. As if he isn’t already glued to you like a moth to the flame, Felix becomes even clingier. The kisses are plenty and it’s not just on your mouth. Actually, anywhere, clothed, he doesn’t care. Felix’ voice and cat-like cooing alone suffices to help you ground yourself, it’s as anti-anxiety as it gets. Felix is permanently by your side until you’re good to go again, even when you’re busy working on your laptop or making yourself a sandwich. He lies down next to you or locks himself into a ten-minute back hug. 
Guy’s not going anywhere. All other leisure activities canceled, Felix prioritizes your well-being. No matter if technically, another day would mean another chance and you might feel better. He doesn’t care, it’s the moment that truly counts to him, and the root cause of what made you feel down. Felix gently gives some words of encouragement, it’s not really a speech or TED talk or something. He might recount an instance where he was in a similar situation and talks about how he got out of that.
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Comforts you by doing sports together. He’ll use what comes naturally within his day-to-day life to get moving with you, any sports crack of his kind knows about the happy chemicals that kick in after physical activity. Jungkook is more than equipped to open his own gym or even a shop for sport supplies, no worries. He’s got it all ready. It’s no big deal for him to put up a badminton net in the backyard. His way of bunny hopping around the house and mixing up some lemonade while singing is enough to motivate you. 
No need to tell you to get up from the sofa, he’s drawing you to the outdoors without even needing to try hard. Win-win situation, Jungkook can cross a workout off his plan and gets even more in shape than he already is, you have quality time, and since he lets you win in 70% of the cases, you couldn’t be any more distracted from any useless worries. Jungkook knows that wearing a crop top and putting his hair in a ponytail makes you happy, so nothing is stopping him from doing it. Jungkook is your own best cheerleader. He’ll make sure you remember it, he’s really got your back.
:: SUHO 김준면
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Comforts you by socializing. Now hear me out, this is a little different. He might be the one to massage you all evening, but he also knows about the power of calling the right person at the right time. Suho knows who has good advice for a particular situation once you’ve truly run out of your own insights and quotes on the Internet. If you need energy, he’ll get Baekhyun on the phone to act goofy for you as he naturally does. If you’re frustrated, Suho hands you a tablet with Kai’s video call button on it. Jongin is the one to talk to when it comes to mentality, after all. 
Even though it might look like Suho is just delegating, this absolutely works better than him shouldering everything and sounding like a broken record. Realistically, there’s always a specific person who can help you, it’s not necessarily him or your own relatives, he knows that. There are things even Suho’s experience with people, situations, and the world cannot fix in one go. That’s why he values his social connections to help you out pretty much indirectly, and he doesn’t want to take the credit for giving you this or that number.  
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Comforts you by making you a song. A big hug can do much for your mood, it literally feels so good, but having something to always listen to on the bus or to sleep is even better. Chan imbues whatever he does with meaning rather than only a good beat. He knows you like to listen to Seungmin’s honey voice, so he’ll get him into the studio to do a dozen demos. Chan perfects the piece by producing it throughout the week and even ends up with a snippet for a second song. Why not have one to pick up your sad mood, and one that gives you a boost. 
Sometimes, one is better than the other at cheering you up or giving you hope. He might not be able to give you a concrete analogy in person because he can’t find the words, but writing lyrics will make his sentiment crystal clear. He’s so creative and hardworking. Chan brings you food along when he hears you listen to the songs he gifted you because that’s when he knows you need support. Since Chan being so doting is cute and romantic, it’s hard to cry for long.
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ao3 crosspost
© 2017-2022 sugar-petals. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed. all depictions are fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
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ausetkmt · 8 months
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Some migrant children were sent to Bethany Christian Services, an adoption agency with deep ties to the DeVos family.
The Trump administration argued in court in 2019 that reuniting migrant children separated from their parents at the border would require too much effort and “would present grave child welfare concerns”, as the children would be traumatized by leaving their current sponsors’ homes.
Though concerns for the psychological well-being of the children are specious at best, considering the original trauma was inflicted by the administration, the situation had a second nefarious element: many of these children were sent to a Christian adoption agency with ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
Via Progressive Secular Humanist:
As for the fate of the thousands of children the Trump administration does not want to reunite with their parents, Progressive Secular Humanist previously reported that many of the migrant children ruthlessly separated from their family by the Trump administration are being shipped to Bethany Christian Services, a Christian adoption agency with ties to the family of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
Rewire News reported in 2018 that the agency was handling migrant children who suffered separation from their families under President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.
Migrant children in Michigan who have been separated from their parents by the Trump administration are attending “a special school” run by Bethany Christian Services, an anti-choice organization with a record of coercive adoption practices that has yet to receive instructions about how to reunify these children with their detained parents.
Progressive Secular Humanist noted that DeVos’ ties to the organization were confirmed by Snopes, which found several members of the DeVos family have provided financial support to Bethany Christian Services.
The links between the extended DeVos family and Bethany are undeniable. Tax filings archived by ProPublica show that between 2001 and 2015, the Dick and Betsy DeVos Foundation (the philanthropic organization run by DeVos and her husband) gave $343,000 in grants to Bethany Christian Services.
Between 2012 and 2015, Bethany received $750,000 in grants from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, which is run by the Education Secretary’s father-in-law, the billionaire founder of Amway Richard DeVos, and his wife Helen.
Furthermore, Brian DeVos — a cousin of Betsy DeVos’s husband Dick — was the Senior Vice President for Child and Family Services at Bethany as recently as 2015, and Maria DeVos — who is married to Dick DeVos’s brother Doug — has served on the board of Bethany.
Kathryn Joyce noted in a 2018 piece for The Intercept that news of migrant children heading to Bethany Christian Services caused alarm that the children could end up as "social orphans."
To adoption reform advocates, who monitor unethical and abusive practices in child welfare, it looked like any number of adoption crises in the past, like the airlifts out of Haiti in the wake of its cataclysmic 2010 earthquake. Then, masses of unaccompanied children were suddenly labeled orphans and became the focus of a deafening campaign in the U.S. to rescue them through inter-country adoption, even as Haitian adults were being warned not to try to come themselves.
Fears of a new adoption rush in today’s border crisis weren’t groundless. There was reason to be concerned. The former head of U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Barack Obama warned that some of the children who’d recently been separated would remain separated “permanently” and potentially be adopted. Reports surfaced of mothers who were told that their children would be adopted as an incentive to “behave.” On Tuesday night, the Daily Beast reported that the threat of adoption has become weaponized, as a Guatemalan mother detained by Customs and Border Protection earlier this month was allegedly presented with the ultimatum that if she didn’t abandon her asylum appeal, she would be jailed for a year and her daughter put up for adoption.
Bethany’s director of refugee and foster care programs, Dona Abbott, said in 2018 that it was too early “to say whether these children will be available for adoption at all.”
But Progressive Secular Humanist noted that Joyce and others worry that Bethany, which allegedly uses coercive and misleading practices with birth parents in its domestic adoption program, would view the migrant children as a new supply source.
In fact, there is already in place a huge and thriving business in the trafficking of children via Christian adoption agencies like the DeVos connected Bethany. In her 2013 book, The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption, Kathryn Joyce documents this alarming trend of conservative Christians adopting children removed from their natural parents via nefarious means to feed the business of Christian adoption and serve the agenda of Christian theocracy.
Bottom line: The Trump administration says it can’t reunite missing migrant children with their families; instead, many of the children are being funneled through Christian adoption trafficking mills like the DeVos connected Bethany Christian Services.
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mothontwitter · 5 months
On the comic;
9002, by Moth
Vaaaaague synopsis:
Protagonist Rey (totally not a self insert or anything) finds themselves in an unfamiliar, yet so memorable environment, looking for guidance. As lost as they are, what they need isn’t directions, but someone to help them not stray too far from a culture they’ve only ever seen on the internet. Mel, an anti-social teen in the wrong place at the wrong time (or maybe the right place, right time..?) gets roped into taking care of a completely culturally disoriented 16 year old, showing Rey the things that seemed so obvious to themself, and yet watching Jey’s eyes twinkle with wonder at the most trivial things.
Ho hooooo, why oh why does Rey seem so lost in the ‘modern’ world? Have they lived under a rock this whole time? Or is time the real issue?
Read the comic 2 find out *wink wink* ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧
Had the idea for this comic last night at like 2am, and thought about it so fervorously that I could NOT sleep, and didn’t WANT to sleep before I put it on paper. I’ve been wanting to write a comic foreeeeever now, but the pieces just fell into place last night. I found the comic Ranfren (Randal’s Friends, by captainhowdie on tumblr) the other day, and it was 100% the inspo to just,,, sit tf down and MAKE. What did it was the sketchy/messy art style and how EDIBLE the crunchy lines look. I would absolutely 10/10 steal the art style if I could lololol
Thankyiu captainhowdie <3
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l1ttles3am0th · 9 months
Vee’s SuperUltraMega Personal and Blog Intro!
(Expand To Read)
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WELL LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND EVERYONE ELSE, ITS FINALLY TIME I GOT AROUND TO THIS! I’ve put this off for quite a while since I don’t really use this ex-hellsite, but here we go regardless! Below, you’ll see about stuff, a byf and dni, and some basic interests. Collapsed for the sake of not overtaking your entire page.
NAMES: Vee, Moth, Sunny, Blair, Goldie
AGE: Minor
PRONOUNS: They/Ae + Ember/Glow/Neon/Mist/Bloom/Peony/Star/Sea/Moth/Wish/Lune/Sun/Moon/Fleur/Fox/Petal/Sunset/Astra/Gleam/Sky/Autumn/Dawn/Dusk/☆/♪/♫/♡/❀/☾/🌈/🔥/✨/🌻/🌸/🌅/🐠/🐬/🌺/🍒/🦋/🌙/🌌/🪻/🍁/🦊 (SEASONAL: Trick/Spook/Boo/Pumpkin/Bat/👻/🎃/🐈‍⬛/🕸️)[Refer to my pronouns.cc if you want to figure out how the hell to use 98% of these]
TERMS: Feminine + Neutral (Some Masculine terms i.e. “Dude” and “Bro” too!)
GENDER: Femme Non-Binary w/ 150+ Xenogenders
SEXUALITY: Asexual Lesbian
OTHER IDENTITIES: Otherkin, Non-Human
KINTYPES: Demon / Fallen Angel (Also Cathearted + Dollhearted)
DISABILITIES: Autism + OCD, C-PTSD (All prof. diagnosed)
RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Nonreligious, Pantheistic
LANGUAGES: English (Native), Russian (Sporadic Beginner)
-I tend to type in a formal, ostensibly-grammatical manner, that may or may not have some errors. As a result, I may edit posts or comments multiple times in a single 30-second period if I see any. I also have a large vocabulary and lean towards the bigger words in it whenever possible, so please feel free to ask for definitions!
-I have a difficult time understanding social cues, and when problems arise, I need to be told clearly, immediately, and with enough detail to get me to understand. If you do not do that, I genuinely won’t understand what I did wrong.
-As much as I’d like to NOT get involved in discourse, I might throw my hat into the ring occasionally.
-I really don’t give too much of a damn about problematic media, as I don’t have the mental energy to half the time. As long as the creator isn’t an active danger to children, animals, and/or the deceased, I won’t bother you about a particular piece of media. Although, I will sometimes discuss stuff related to it if need-be.
-I draw. Need I say more? I post more frequently on Instagram at @l1ttles3am0th!
-Basic DNI Critera (Bigots, Paraphiliacs, Proshippers, etc.)
-Blacklist Residents (BickerySebastian, Lux, SharkyNatty, BadBoyBingus, A certain fruit-themed ex-acquaintance [Bingus is only here because they asked me to DNI as well, and they’re the only one here I actually respect.])
-Anti of xenogenders, neopronouns, otherkin, etc.
-DSMP Fans
-Fans of absolutely, irreparably irredeemable stuff (See BYF For Criterion)
-Helluva Boss
-Sailor Moon
-Portals (Album)
-123 Slaughter Me Street
-Garten of BanBan (Yes.)
-Rainbows (If you couldn’t already tell)
-Foodfight (2012)
-Nightcore Music
-Classical Music
-To be filled out.
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DATE OF CREATION: August 12th, 2023
October 24th, 2023: Added this changelog. Added a title to the blog and moved the opening text to behind the expand button. Updated my about me to add xenopronouns that were added to the collection since the creation of this post. Switched out prns.page for prns.cc officially. Prns.page will be kept as a backup for if the ship sinks. Edited my blacklist with new additions. (Edit 2: Added blinkies. Thank you to @3v3ry0n3z-fav3-al13n-x3 for the inspiration!)
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uninformedartist · 1 year
TW: mentions of g*re, implied z*osadiśm, LGBTQA+ hate.
Sigh so tumblr buggered up my post but here we go again. So I'm off on twitter and all social media platforms because of the influx of snùf and g*re videos on platforms like twitter especially, WhatsApp, Instagram and even YouTube etc. I clicked on a video on twitter and thank the lord I went to the comments 1st because that video would've destroyed my mind in the delicate mental state I'm in. Won't describe the video as the comments said but nobody should see that ever. A video by Plagued moth discussed this with detail, big CW for the video but it is important to be seen and shared as the information is my gosh.
Please, please be vigilant and protect yourselfs. To the critical community on Helluva/hazbin I'm in this means I will not be an any platforms to see news about Viv and her shows because of this and I know many are active on twitter aswell. There has also been fandoms in which fans are sending these videos to anti/those critical so please beware. And lastly to the LGBTQA+ community these videos are also been sent to us by individuals wishing pride/LGBTQA+ downfall especially with pride month approaching. Please again be safe, these videos are so easy to be seen and shared and it can scar you, these are the most darkest of videos.
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ray-the-art-demon · 2 months
Blog intro ig:
My name is Raymond or Ray for short 🖤
I post art, edits and write fan fic’s 🎨
My pronouns are he/they/xe/it/moth/star/void 💛
I’m a minor (plz don’t be weird) ❌
Serbian boi 🇷🇸
Friendly neighborhood satanist 🔥
Omnisexual (prefer men but will date any gender lol), aroflux, demi-romantic, aegosexual, orchidsexual, demi-sensual and ambiamorous 🏳️‍🌈
Transmasc, genderfluid, nonbinary and xenogender 🏳️‍⚧️
Voidpunk ⚫️
Neurodivergent menace (specifically MaDD, social anxiety, general anxiety and hypersensitivity disorder) ♾️
My birthday is July 5th 🎂
Art requests are open! (No NSFW, fetish or proship requests) 🖌️
DNI: bigots, racists, zionists, homophobes, zoo’s, anti-satanists, theistic satanists/devil worshipers, anti xeno/neo pronouns, pro-shippers and NSFW accounts (just please be a nice and sane person ok?) ❌
Other things:
My other social media:
My youtube channel: ❤️
I have a BFDI AU ask blog: @bfdi-blueblood-au 💙
Fun facts:
My favorite object shows are BFDI/TPOT, BURNER and ITFT
I’m mainly into object shows but I do like other things too 🩷
My kins are Black hole (BFDI), Two (BFDI), Kris (Deltarune), Unikitty (The lego movie), Daddy long legs (BURNER), Fluttershy (MLP), Abbey (Monster high) and Cofi (Chikn nugget)
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My object sona is a pencil case named Casey! (he/they/void)
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leggerefiore · 2 years
So I've been thinking about the hybrid AU, right? And let me tell you, I would constantly be posting on social media about how much I love my hybrid boyfriend and how amazing and worthy of love and respect he is. But also how much I want his dick.
S/O: *posting to Twitter after seeing some anti-hybrid shit* Can you imagine discriminating against hybrids? Couldn't be me! Anyway I've got an awesome hybrid boyfriend waiting for me at home, gonna go get my back blown out by his amazing hybrid cock!
For another thing, obviously Ingo and Emmet are grossed out seeing S/O be horny over their brother. However, in the hybrid AU, I think there might be something of an exception.
Ingo/Emmet: Please. I don't want to see you lusting over my brother.
The Public: *continues to see hybrids as gross and unfuckable*
Ingo/Emmet: I've changed my mind. My brother deserves to be an object of sexual desire and everyone should know it. Please keep posting about how much you want to fuck him.
S/O: I got you fam. 👍
Ingo, of course, would be the harder sell on this. He prefers to keep sexual business private! But it is not an abomination against Arceus for his brother to have sex, so he's not going to stop Emmet's S/O from telling people otherwise. He might like a post from Emmet's S/O talking about how you shouldn't fear the cloaca if he heard a lot of anti-hybrid talk on the subway that day.
Emmet, meanwhile, retweets Ingo's S/O's post of a gif of a pinap berry being squashed, juice squirting everywhere, with the caption "When my hybrid boyfriend pulls out♡"
Any canine hybrids enjoyers are getting the knot treatment
Elesa likes every horny post and replies with hearts lmao. She is supporting this 100% openly despite her manager insisting that she Not. Enjoy the hybrid dick, she's glad her friend's partner loves them a lot. (And would be mad if they didn't.)
Alas there would so many angry dudebros insisting s/o just hasn't had good human dick or saying no human man would want them now lol
(Posting pictures of your spider bf catching bugs, or your moth bf being absolutely hypnotised by lights.)
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occultivisms · 5 months
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𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 ' 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐚 ' 𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧
elizabeth ‘luna’ vaughn is based on luna from scooby-doo. she is a 28 year old human, hex girls keyboardist/bassist & dental assistant, and uses she/her pronouns. she has no powers.
penned by HARPER
face claim: kiana ledé sexuality: bisexual height: 5'2" eye color: hazel hair color: brown piercings: two hoops in her left nostril, tons of piercings on her lobes, nipples, belly button. all of her jewelry is gold. tattoos: music notes going up her spine, triple moon on her sternum
positive traits: adaptable, easygoing, protective, just, optimistic, loyal, spiritual negative traits: controlling, anti-social, scatterbrained, possessive likes: tootsie rolls, sushi, music, the smell of lavender, moths, cat memes, skin care, the hex girls, scary movies, breakfast for dinner dislikes: ketchup, listening to music without headphones, being late, having to go shopping, people who doubt astrology, being alone for too long phobias:  n/a hobbies:  collecting crystals, reading tarot or oracle cards, analyzing birth charts, writing music, going on late night walks, smoking weed, activism, making her own coffee and teas aesthetic: the smell of rain or burning herbs, an incense holder that's always lit, the warmth of a cashmere sweater, a amp vibrating as it plays a bassline, the creamy white of a piano key, lots of necklaces baring varying stones layered atop one another, black cats.
mother:  jacalyn vaughn (deceased) father:  samuel vaughn pet(s): black cat named artemis
☾ luna is violently into witchtok, and when she isn’t posting about the band, she’s posting crystal-hauls, reviewing tarot decks, educating the internet about astrology, the moon phases… she’ll read your birth chart to FILTH, and the worst part is, you won’t even have to ask her to do it. she just will. ☾ the witchy vibe and goth look wasn’t just for the band, it was everything luna was. she wasn’t anything if not a hippy goth rock bitch who would hex you in a flat second if required. ☾ thorn and dusk are her home, those girls are the only ones who truly know luna down to the marrow in her bones. in a past life, they must have been sisters, because their blood runs the same and while they may have passionate argues at times, the love that connects them is tethering. if she’s going to be trapped in evermore, she’s grateful it’s with them. at least she still had her hex girls.  ☾ luna doesn’t really… understand dentistry, but is quite observant and useful as an assistant. she often wonders if her dad would be proud of her for going into dentistry, or scold her for not pouring her energy into her own dreams. she can do both, can’t she ?? ☾ if there isn’t a stick of incense burning in luna’s apartment, she’s either out of town ( which isn’t possible in evermore ) or she’s dead. the incense is constantly burning. constantly.  ☾ luna has a black cat, of course she does, named artemis. he is a violent troublemaker but luna always forgives him because…. he’s perfect. duh. ☾ she refuses to drink any caffeinated drinks besides coffees and teas she brews and grinds herself.  ☾ she’s not a conspiracy theorist, per say, but she doesn’t believe everything is what it seems.  ☾ luna is still a huge activist, despite the limited reach she has in evermore, and will be the one arranging protests or holding events to spread awareness. 
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kenphobia · 1 year
i absolutely love ur ocs... especially jelly rollstone!! if its alright, could you ramble about them more under this ask? anything would do, from little headcanons to what they usually do during the day!!
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"It's Socrates, not Scoradeez."
summary. little headcanons of Jelly Rollstone, The neighborhood's very own librarian! (read author's note at the end)
contents. slight mentions of trauma, trust issues, oc x oc and canon x oc mention. it's also extremely short and all over the place.
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✦ Jelly is based off two sea creatures: a hermit crab and squid. They were supposed to be a moth but the celestial-ocean aesthetic got me in a chokehold... I do have a welcome home oc that is a moth so be on a lookout!
✦ Like the rest of my characters, Jelly had barely any screentime and any recovered merchandise of them is scarce. The thing the project has recovered are concept sketches, anti-bullying posters of Jelly and a charred paper of what it seems to be a plan to expand more on Jelly's character in the show.
✦ Jelly's puppet was actually more simplistic than how they looked in any of the promotional art since the show was on a tight budget when they introduced their character.
✦ The character line up I posted is inaccurate in height and I have no idea how height works but!! Jelly is 5'6. In puppet height, Jelly is as tall as Julie, if not an inch taller.
✦ Their personality is basically Idia Shroud from TWST but less sassy and more pathetic. They have a thing where they say they don't like people but they actually do and wants to be be friends with everyone, it's just that they're incredibly distrusting of everyone they met and also because of previous trauma that will touch on later.
✦ They are canonically dyslexic and has clinical depression. Why? Because I said so and also because they were actually a self-insert before I actually made my sona have a welcome home oc variant.
✦ They are in a polyamorous relationship with June and Howdy, but both them and Howdy are only romantically involved with June and not with each other. All three of them are new to relationships and have no idea what they are doing, but they are trying.
✦ Jelly doesn't sleep in the night because they prefer to sleep more in the morning / afternoon. Their library is called the Midnight Library because it's literally open at any time.
✦ They also write novels and poems, then publish them under the pen name 'J.E Seamoyr'. They have garnered somewhat of a cult following within the neighborhood because of Sally being their biggest fan.
✦ As for their schedule, it depends on what day it is and how is Jelly feeling that day. But most of the time, they start their mornings by napping a bit and doing some work after that, and then they sleep for the afternoon unless any of their friends visits and talks to them. After all that, they do more work.
✦ The Midnight Libary used to be an apartment until it was sold to Jelly and they renovated it into a library. It was two stories and they turned the second floor into a studio-type flat and made it their living space while the first floor is the library itself. They have the ladder going to the second floor hidden behind a bunch of bookshelves and boxes, and only Wally knows where it is.
✦ Being the anti-social squid they are, they have a special phone that visitors can use to talk to them. There are multiple gadgets Jelly has all around in their building so people can check out and return books easily without needing someone else's help. If they do need help, they also made pamphlets with instructions in multiple languages and even in braille.
✦ Jelly is multilingual! Other than english, they can speak Spanish, Tagalog, Korean and German. They can only read and write in Greek. And also, they're Filipino. Ty that's all <33
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author's note. YIPPPIEEE !!!! i never felt so fullfilled in my life after writing this sjdjs—but this isn't all just yet! Someone actually requested another Jelly headcanon that's about their relationships with their other neighbors, so I'll be posting that very soon!
again, reqs are always open and any suppoet is appreciated!
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exnihilo-etc · 1 year
im packing to move soon and i thought as long as im packing i could show off my bookshelf, one row at a time, starting with the bottom: graphic novels, comics, and puzzle books
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most of ex nihilo i still have in its original physical form. im not too sentimental for it, but it is hard to throw it away. if theres literally anything ive drawn that you want, just lmk and ill ship it to you 👀
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my old notebook
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i fucking LOVE this graphic novel. i found it at a thrift shop, signed by the author, which probably means whoever this belonged to was a kickstarter backer for the project. it tells the story of a young artist and his wife being revisited by an old friend just released from prison. a story about drug use, lost friendships, and how your own memory can lie to you, and by extension, lie to your loved ones. maybe the very last line of the novel inspired the name of my comic?
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seconds is an amazing graphic novel by bryan lee o'malley, who might be better known for creating scott pilgrim. this is a contemporary fairy tale of the disastrous consequences you might face if you could literally undo anything that might happen to you during the day, and how katie, a restaurant manager learns to abuse that power to send her own world crashing down around her. find it, i know its for free online somewhere but if you buy it thats even better!!
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moon moth started as a short story by jack vance (who in his own right created rules for an internal magic system within his stories now called "vancian magic") about a sci fi murder mystery on a utopian planet called Sirene, a planet so accustomed to luxury that crafting and artistic expression are the sole pastime. everyone always wears a mask on sirene, and the social order is complex to learn and navigate...all communication is done through musical accompaniment as well. how will ambassador edward thissel know who is friend or foe??
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i havent read 'everything is teeth' yet
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a graphic novelisation of one episode of angel where a tv station is sucking souls out of kids and angel becomes a felt puppet
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a great graphic novel going over the history of anti scientific conspiracies, like why ppl think the moon landing was fake, homeopathy, the quack history of chiropractics, anti vax, global warming denial, evolution misunderstandings, and fracking
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what the hell?
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a collection of wondermark, which i would classify as having the old found artstyle of married to the sea, plus the zany writing of oglaf. its a webcomic, look fer it!
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part graphic, part novel. the fog mound explores a world of talking animals where humanity's existence is rumored as a legend. but thelonious chipmunk has proof: an old postcard with a human city on it. when thelonious accidentally gets lost and finds himself in the very city on his postcard, he has to wonder...where did the humans go? are there any left?
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i met jeremy at an expo a few years ago and regularly visit him every year now whenever hes at a showcase or expo. putting watercolor illustrations to music, writing little creepy poems, fan art of all kinds of franchises, i just really vibe with his artwork.
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like isnt she just gorgeous???
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issues 3-6 of kingdom of loathing bc ill always be such a die hard fan of the loathing games, especially the stick figure mmo that started it all
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