#Barbara fallout 4
stoat-party · 4 months
Something about
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and Deacon hiding his eyes for the next twenty years, because they’re the one part of him left that he can’t change.
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zirawrites · 1 year
Chat GPT wrote a Deacon/Barbara fan fiction
I’ve never used an AI before, and was messing around asking it to write me a short fan fiction about Deacon and Barbara from Fallout 4. So tell me why it decided to break my heart with:
Deacon sat alone in his makeshift shelter, his eyes fixed on the lone candle flickering in front of him. He had been thinking about his wife, Barbara, a lot lately. It had been years since he had seen her, but her memory remained fresh in his mind. He missed her more than he could ever express.
Deacon had always been a loner, never really settling down in one place for too long. But when he met Barbara, everything changed. She was the light in his life, and he would do anything to keep her safe.
He lit another candle, and whispered a prayer to whatever god might be listening. "Please, let me be with her again."
Chat GPT.... wtf.
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oldworldwidgets · 4 months
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the lovers
my friends and i have been thinking So Much lately about our favs and ocs as the major arcana in tarot. because they hate me, they assigned deacon the lovers and i couldnt leave the idea in my brain. suffer with me.
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angelhusbandry · 7 months
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got a new tablet after my old one broke and immediately went through the stages of grief trying to transcribe my crazed visions¹ re: role playing video game characters²
¹ i considered writing up an explanation/manifesto re: the "deacon isn’t romanceable because you are (presumably) not a synth and he is a synth chaser" reading but i feel like "deacon pretends to be a synth and his ex is a synth so he retroactively views himself as connecting with her because she was a synth and would go after synths now" is a kind of simple read (but maybe im crazy)
² i am however compelled to clarify deacon (while misguided) is still a much better person morally than araj and bg3 is a much better quality rpg. i love all four because i am capable of great nuance and perhaps delusion
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tunnelsnacks · 1 year
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thinking about her (deacon's dead wife)
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p-inkbrush · 4 months
Sometimes I get caught up thinking about the dead wife trope, especially in fallout. And I know it's something we all love to pick on, because the fridged woman to enhance the Man Pain is very tired.
But if you think about it with an in-universe frame of mind, it makes more sense for so many people, especially the older people, to have been married and lost a spouse. Yes the companions' stories are all emotionally fraught, but it would not actually be uncommon to hear. Lucy, killed by ghouls. Barbara, targeted by anti-synth hate crime. Nick Valentine's fiancee died pre-war! There's plenty of pre-war ghouls we get to meet, and I'm sure most of them have lost a partner along the way to the present.
I wish really that the death and loss was treated (both by fandom and canon) not as a man pain enhancement, but as a vector for exploring grief and hope and recovery in the worst of conditions.
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fallout-terminals · 10 months
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ghoulschooldropout · 1 year
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Ultimate Fallout Fridged Woman ☢️🥶
Round 2 - Match 1/4:
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violavpurple · 1 month
I want to do a painting of Deacon’s Barbara because from when I first heard of her I always envisioned her dark skinned.
Then I get thrown off when I see her being white.
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ihateclaws · 1 year
Deacon/Barbara angst Drabble
That turned out quite fluffy if you ignore that it didn’t end up well
Lately Barbara had been talking about kids.
It wasn’t actually such a bad idea, thought Deacon, because he had already settled down, they were together, and he loved her. She loved him. It was incredible. Maybe he did deserve a family.
“If, hypothetically, of course, we have a baby boy, what would you name him? Hypothetically,” Barbara giggled. She was always giggly after sex, or when she was talking about kids. It was really cute. Deacon kissed her temple, hid a smile in it, and then kissed her again for good measure.
“I don’t know, really,” he closed his eyes and tried to picture a child, and an image of a certain quiet dark-haired boy appears instead. He made a face fondly. “But I do know what I don’t want to name him, and how I hope he wouldn’t turn out to be, etcetera etcetera.”
“You’re a hater on every topic, huh?” She poked at his cheek, “makes you so real and lovable, though.”
Lovable, he thought. I am lovable. A kid like that boy will actually be just fine; I hope they don’t turn out to be like me. Barbara thinks I'm lovable.
He tried to tell her once, but the whole concept of his years in UP Deathclaw weighed too heavy for him to utter. He remembered the harsh words they used to throw around, the cruel laughter when men and women broke down into tears, and, yes, though he hated to admit it, his friends. They had been friends, he and the gang, real friends, with genuine friendship and everything. He remembered how good he was at it, he was subtle, how he used to break things with the slightest twists of words, and how good it had felt, he had felt so powerful, and for the first time, he had felt he fit right in.
He ended up murmuring about how deathclaws reminded him of his misspent youth. Barbara assured him that he was here with her now, and he was a good person; he tried to tell himself the same thing.
Barbara in turn told him her life story, probably trying to lighten the mood. Her family had been farmers, and she had a love-hate relationship with it. She tried to run away during her teenage years, and only ended up settling down on another farm. It all turned out fine, she said, and life is awesome with him by her side.
He supposed it was. He supposed he could just be a happy farmer, married and so so in love with his wife if he wanted. And he wanted. He wanted that more than anything.
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stoat-party · 9 months
From a narrative perspective I really prefer to believe that everything Deacon tells you in his final affinity talk is true, because 1. Even though he cares about the rest of the Railroad, it’s clear you’re the only person he’s gotten close to in a long time, and 2. It’s as real as he ever gets with you in-game, showing an unprecedented amount of trust (and causing you to question just how much of an act he’s putting on before and henceforth). But I’m newly charmed by the idea that every part of his story was true… except his wife just isn’t dead.
Yeah she’s totally fine. They found out she was a synth 15-16 years ago, and it was pretty traumatic but they’re all good now. He took out the UP Deathclaws, not out of vengeance, but just because they were too much of a threat to leave alone. The Railroad got the wrong idea and Deacon just went with it. Even if someone’s trustworthy, the Institute has ways of getting information from people, so it’s just better to act like she doesn’t exist, y’know? They miss each other, but she knows his work is important, she runs a small farm or business and financially supports him.
Deacon does make a comment about having people to protect after you use his “recall code.” And I think it puts a funny spin on why he’s not romanceable — he’s just Actively In Holy Matrimony.
Maybe just south of the Commonwealth, there’s a nice farmgirl with suspiciously lasting youth, whose neighbors gossip about how often she swaps out her lovers (who, come to think of it, all share the same height, build, and penchant for shades…). And I don’t know her name, but I can tell you it probably isn’t Barbara.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
ways people write the companions that make me go hmmm
Gage excluded because I haven't seen enough portrayals of him
Cait; Poor Cait has such confusing, odd writing choices that I can’t blame anyone for doing this, but...when she’s boiled down to either Tough Irish Gal or Traumatized, with little dimension. Again, Bethesda does this themselves in text, depending on ??? so it’s not, like, a big deal. My advice for writing Cait is to remember that she exists outside of being Irish or Traumatized. She’s read/read about Freud, for example. So, she presumably learned to read, likely self-taught. If she read something psychology related, she must have taken an interest in it. That sort of thing. The best way to write Cait is to not take the obvious answer, because Cait’s depth itself isn’t obvious.
Curie; When people write Curie as a stupid, horny, smol bean 2 gud 4 dis world, i throw up in my mouth. Same as Cait, this is Bethesda’s fault. They have a habit of going for funny dialogue instead of sensible. There is no reason for Curie to say half the shit she does, she says it because someone thought it was funny, or worse, sexy. I’d recommend going through Curie’s likes/dislikes and dialogue even more so than I do other companions. Curie has a lot of edges if you go looking for them. Y’know Covenant? Curie supports Covenant. Also, she’s literally a robot in a human body. She’s 200+ years old, too. Make her fucking weird. Y’know how elves/fae are? Like that. Bonus if you make her friendliness off-putting. Being friends with a doctor gets annoying, speaking from personal experience. Also, being a doctor, she knows all about sex and sexual pleasure. She’s not confused what a dick is
Hancock; please acknowledge other aspects of his character beyond horny, sad, or high. He has them, I swear. Do you even know his parents’ names? No. You care only about ghoul dick or stoner jokes. He’s not even a stoner, he does the Fallout equivalent of meth/adderall. Much like Deacon, he does and thinks about other shit. I joke with Hancock as well, but you might notice that none of my actual reacts/headcanons open and close with shit like “he huffs some jet with one hand, fingers you with the other, and thinks about how he sucks”
Danse; i promise you, Paladin Danse is not hypervigilant of people’s asses/tits/dicks/whatevers. He’s not imagining having sex with your busty Sole every time he looks at them. That’s not just not Danse, it’s also very creepy and dehumanizing to both Danse and Sole. Is Sole not more than their tits? Other companions get the too-horny treatment as well, but I see Danse getting it worse of all. Sometimes he’s written as absolute manchild regarding sex, knowing literally nothing, same as Curie. I say Danse doesn’t know what jerking off is as a joke, but he probably knows. But Chronic Virgin Danse is usually a light-hearted joke, Hypersexual Danse is just fucking weird. It gets into unhealthy territory. Like...Danse wouldn’t want to fight people flirting with his crush. He wouldn’t even get aggressive if he was dating Sole. He’s not a hotheaded asshole. Annoyed at best, rude at worst. It’s giving Fifty shades/Twilight/After. 
Deacon; You guys know that when Deacon takes a shit, he isn’t dedicating it to Barbara, right? He isn’t dedicating it to his own redemption, or saving synths? He isn’t thinking up a cool lie to make about the shit-taking? When he has a drink of water, he isn’t like, “Barb used to drink water.” or “The U.P Deathclaws drank water” or “I’m gonna say I killed a behemoth with a water bottle!” Deacon has other thoughts and motivations beyond the meme or the sad. I can’t judge too much, because Deacon himself would approve of being thought of like this, but good god. Just let the dude be a dude sometimes. Let him shit in peace. 
MacCready; might be because he’s the most solidly written, but very few complaints with most MacCready stuff. Him being a little perverted is in character, he’s 22. However, I have seen people straight up forget Duncan and Lucy. It’s okay, though. So did Bethesda.
Nick; Also usually solid, the most common crime is that aforementioned After Shades of Twilight writing. Nick is not a possessive dude. He’s even less likely than Danse to get aggressive over his partner. Yeah, sure, he’s a cop, but is that really the fantasy you want? Really? 
Piper; I have...famously strong opinions on Piper, but good god. Blue this, Blue that, I’m gonna write about this, this’ll look good in my paper, I’m putting this in the news. Oh my God. You’d think Sole was a fucking SMURF with how many writers call them Blue. You’d think Piper dragged her writing press behind her like Sisyphus heaving his boulder along. Same as Deacon and Hancock, SHE DOES OTHER SHIT. People bend over backwards trying to work in the fact she’s a reporter. Same as Cait, the obvious is not interesting. 
Preston; fuck the settlement jokes, I hate it when Preston is turned into an UwU soft boy baby cinnamon roll 2 gud 4 dis world UwU sunshine sweetie pie cutie. Whenever someone does this, they don’t actually like Preston. They have no thoughts, no feelings, they just...I don’t know, want to be contrarion to Preston haters? “Imagine not liking Preston, couldn’t be me ;333″ you realize this is racist, right? Like, you know infantilizing black men is racist? Oh my God you don't know this is racist
X6-88; SPEAKING OF FUCKING RACISM. The highest discourse I’ve seen around X6 is calling it ableist to HC him as autistic, but that is NOT the biggest issue with X6 writing. X6-88 is best described as, like, a very expensive, very spoiled cat of a rich, Old Money asshole. You know the Evil Stepmother’s cat in Cinderella? That bitch. That’s X6 in a nutshell. That’s how you write X6. I’m not even going to get into the racist ass portrayals of X6 because fuck is it tiring, just gonna leave you with this; X6 is best when you see his character for the humor and genuinely interesting philosophies in it, and not when you see him as a BDSM hardcore porn big dick sex god dominant daddy who likes spanking. 
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breadandblankets · 9 days
here's something no one asked for: bats fallout 4 au
cass: made as an institute courser and the best of the best with a perfect clear record until she was ordered to execute a traitor and she bounced, she drifts for years anywhere and everywhere, eventually ending up in goodneighbor and through Coincidences into the office of one Barbara Gordon
babs: a doctor in goodneighbor specializing in human/machine interface and neurobiology, aka railroad agent oracle she and her partner Dinah run the memory den, part therapeutic establishment part front for synth liberation activities Babs helps deprogram synths and let them lead normal lives
Jason: he was taken into bruce's vault after his parents died, he was born human but turned into a ghoul thanks to a near death experience and a radiation bath, by the time we meet him, he's a drifter blown into goodneighbor hiring out his services as a merc, steadily moving in organized crime through some maneuvering
duke: a psyker (kinda like the forecaster if you played NV), he has the ability to see into the future if he concentrates, however it leaves him with huge migraines, his parents went missing after a raider attack and he joins the minutemen (honestly what is more MM than WAR) to try and find them
steph: both she and her mom are prewar ghouls (all of the cluemaster stuff still happens but he doesn't survive the bombs in jail), they used to live in diamond city until all the ghouls got kicked out, they lived in goodneighbor for a time, with steph working at the local clinic, run by leslie, eventually they both moved north to the slog (a settlement run by ghouls in an old swimming pool) when crystal wanted to get clean, steph works there as basically the town doctor
tim: (spoilers for a ten year old game but:) kinda like synth shaun he is a permanently stuck at the age of like ten, still a tech genius but like.... litol (did I say this just cause I thought it was funny.... yes)
alfred: a fuckin mr handy
bruce: vault dweller that imprinted on said mr handy like a duckling after his parents died
dick: you can literally keep his backstory intact and he makes perfect sense, haley circus is just from new vegas, after his parents murder he joined up with lyons pride and moved east with the brotherhood of steel, when the new elder rose to power after the lyons' death dick started to see the writing on the wall of fascism and jumped ship leaving that life behind, joining up with duke's new and improved MM to protect people from people he swore brotherhood to
damian: obv still bruce and talia's kid, talia is a pre war scientist and businesswoman, keeping herself and her half siblings alive and young as long as they keep their father and his weird artifact locked up. damian grows up in the closest thing to pre war luxury the post apocalypse has to offer. Eventually he wants to go out and see the world, meet his dad, write a guide to wasteland fauna. talia hires jason to guard him so he stops trying to rush down feral ghouls with a sword.
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oldworldwidgets · 1 year
i think one of my favorite deacon headcanons is that he only lies:
when the lie is so patently inconsequential that it doesnt even matter that he's lying (ie ricky on the bridge), or
when the lie is so obvious or the person he's lying to knows him so well that it's honestly more of a bit than a lie (like the synth thing. i just know he was gigglin in private waiting for sole to open that stupid note and call him on it).
almost nothing in the game indicates that he's actually a good liar when it matters. in fact, if he really was a good liar, it wouldn't be such common knowledge because no one would catch him in it. des immediately calls him on his lie when he and sole come back from the switchboard, he get flustered when you confront him in bunker hill, hell he barely chokes out a believable lie when he's trying to get clearance for the prydwen.
but because he maintains so insistently that hes such a liar, no one trusts him anyway. his reputation negates any necessity to actually lie, and if a liar knows anything, it's that the best lies are the ones you don't even have to sell.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
If you don’t mind me asking, one question I have that you might be able to answer (seeing as your pretty much the Cass expert around here) - how often has her age relative to the rest of the batkids been brought up in canon?
I’m just curious because every now and then I see it mentioned that she’s around the same age if not slightly older than Jason, which always sort of throws me off a little given how she’s more often paired with Tim and Steph. I guess I’m just curious if you know whether or not this was just something mentioned once and then forgotten about or whether or not this has been a more consistent part of her character.
You're actually insanely lucky you asked me this question tonight, because I had a twitter conversation that prompted me to go hunt down relevant panels and information about this very thing about a month ago. tl;dr: post-Crisis!Cass is the second-eldest Wayne kid and generally written as such; she's consistently two and a half years older than Tim, at least a year older than Steph, and seven months older than Jason legally (and one year older biologically, since Jason was dead for around six months). The only Batkid older than her is Dick.
Canonically, the age gaps between the (pre-reboot) Batfam look something like this:
Depending on which age retcon you prefer (post-Zero Hour or post-Batgirl: Year One), Barbara is either 6-7 years older than Dick or 3-4 years older.
Dick and Jason are approximately 6-7 years apart. Dick is 18-19 when Jason is adopted at 12 and thus 21-ish three years later when Jason dies at 15.
Cass is 7 months older calendar-wise than Jason; biologically she's about a year older, since Jason spent ~6 months dead
Tim is around two years younger than Jason: Tim was 13 when he was introduced a few months in-universe after Jason died at 15. By the end of the post-Crisis universe, Tim is 17 (potentially 18, depending on when Gates of Gotham takes place).
Stephanie is one year older than Tim. This has been confirmed on several occasions, but most notably Steph is explicitly 18 and a college freshman in her Batgirl run, when Tim was 17.
There's 6-7 years between Damian and Tim. Tim is 17 during his Red Robin run and Damian is ~11 by the end of the 2009 Batman & Robin run, though he never turns 11 on-panel.
Those are still the basic age gap guideposts, regardless of "on-panel" post-Flashpoint age retcons. Dick is the sticky one here, mostly because writers could never decide on a) what age he was when his parents died and b) how long he was Robin before becoming Nightwing. Dick's age is also complicated by Tim's backstory, because it gets really sticky if he's too old for Tim to have been in the audience when the Graysons fell.
Anyway...Cass. Cass was 17 in Batgirl (2000) #1; Tim had just turned 15 and was living with his father. While her age isn't consistently brought up, she was treated as a mature older teenager who switches between living with Barbara and independently in the 'cave' that Bruce gives her. We also know she's 18 by 2002 because of Batgirl #33, the issue where Cain tells Cass that her real birthday is January 26th, and Batgirl #37, where she formally turns 18; Tim is still 15 at the time.
Tim turns 16 on July 19th in Robin #116, published in 2003. This once again indicates that Cass is approximately two and a half years older than Tim. This is further confirmed by Batgirl #48 in 2004, where Bruce mentions that Cass is 18, and the fallout of War Games later that year, since Cass relocates to a new apartment in Bludhaven without all of the messy convoluted legal hoops a 16-year-old Tim jumps through to do the same.
As for Cass and Jason, that's discussed in Detective Comics #790, also published in 2004. Bruce takes Cass to Jason's grave on what would have been Jason's 18th birthday, August 16th:
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"No one talks about him. All I know is...he was the second Robin. And that the Joker kil-" "He would have been eighteen today." -Detective Comics #790
Ages are always a bit difficult to parse in comics, but this issue confirmed that Cass and Jason were around the same age. While we were never explicitly told whether Cass was 18 or 19 in this scene, we have a very important context clue that provides the answer: Cass's birthday, January 26th.
This would make Cass still 18 during Tec #790, around 7 months older than Jason should have been. This would also keep the correct age gap between both Cass & Tim (since Tim had just turned 16) and Jason & Tim (since they're two years apart). This is further confirmed by Jason being around 19-20 during Under the Red Hood (which I previously puzzled out here), published the following year in 2005. This makes Cass vaguely 20-21 during the Reborn era, since we know that Tim is 17 (nearly 18) and Steph is solidly 18.
In terms of writing, Cass was consistently treated as a slightly "older" character. Tim and Steph were a bit of a matched set even though they were a year apart, but Cass's stories were always pitched for a slightly older and more mature character than theirs. Any writers engaging in infantilizing behavior tended to do so because they were trying to make points about Cass's social skills, not her age. Cass being grouped in with Tim and Steph rather than Jason had more to do with Jason being dead until 2005 and a villain until 2011 than it did age considerations.
So then we get to the post-Flashpoint universe, where we have to throw literally everything I just said out because welcome to the reboot, where the timeline is made up and the ages don't matter:
Cass was re-introduced in Batman and Robin Eternal, where she is explicitly noted to be 16. Stephanie and Tim were both about 17, since Tim's college application arc in Detective Comics Rebirth puts him at 17-18.
But Cass is written as slightly older than Duke during the 2019 Outsiders run, and Duke was 16 when he was introduced and supposed to be slightly younger than Tim and Steph.
Then we run into Tim's "eternally 17" issue compounded with DC actually allowing Damian to age (first to 13 in 2016 and then to 14 in 2021), which throws literally everyone else's timeline into whack.
We also get the Infinite Frontier era allowing Dick and Babs to be in their late 20s again (vs. being 21, like they both had been since 2011) while also dealing with the Batgirls writers admitting they thought both Cass and Steph were 13-14 before being corrected (which explains a lot about how they're written right now).
If all the information I just threw at you confuses you, congratulations: it confuses everyone else, too. Don't worry too much about it. This is why most people ignore any on-panel age considerations we've been given since 2011 and go with pre-reboot ages. Anyway, Duke is now in college as of Urban Legends #18. Logically Cass, Steph, and Tim should thus all be between 20-22 right now, if the timeline actually made sense. Accounting for basic pre-reboot age differences+new age considerations, here's where everyone SHOULD be:
Babs: early 30s
Dick: 28-29
Cass: 23
Jason: 22-23
Steph: 21-22
Tim: 20-21
Duke: 18 (confirmed)
Damian: 14 (confirmed)
............yeah. That's clearly not how they're all being written, but that's the best age approximations I can come up with based on the super convoluted and contradictory information we've been given over the past 11 years. Love how canon is instead acting like Cass and Steph are 13-14 (but still getting less mature storylines than the actual 14-year-old), Tim is eternally 17, Jason is somehow 21 and 35 at the same time, Dick is forever in his mid-20s, and no one knows whether Babs is supposed to be 21 or in her 30s. I hope this answers your question sufficiently despite all of the confusing info!
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Fallout 4 companions reaction to crushing on sole who despite being a playboy who sleeps with mostly any man or women attractive are dense to see their interested in them and sees them only as buddies as a result
MacCready would be very annoyed by it, and he'd make his annoyance known, He'd bitch at them for ditching him for some random hookup for the thousandth time, but he always hid his anger under the guise of teasing. He's actually pretty annoyed, though. I mean, would it kill them to just go to a bar and drink a beer with him? He normally wouldn't care who his boss was screwing, but his feelings for them would complicate things...even though he knows he has no right to feel that way he still feels himself getting more and more agitated every time they flirt up a stranger. He would find himself putting more and more ungodly amounts of alcohol on his tab whenever they would disappear and numbing the sting of rejection until he'd inevitably drink so much he'd blackout.
Hancock wasn't shy when it came to flirting, and he had been flirting with sole since the very beginning and when they just laughed his advances off he just assumed they were the more quiet and reserved type, and took it as a challenge. Well, apparently, that couldn't be further from the truth. They were in the third rail, flirting up a stranger at the bar. His bar. Hancock knew he wasn't exactly easy on the eyes, and by no means was he God's gift to the commonwealth, but it did hurt that they didn't even give him a chance, especially when he didn't just want a quick hookup from them, but actually had caught feeling.. He knew he had no right to feel the way he did, Hell, he was known for getting around himself but a little voice in the back of his head kept on nagging that it was because he was a ghoul, and if he still had a set of smoothskin things would be different... He'd do everything he could to drown the voice out, emptying canister after canister of jet, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't good enough for them.
She'd ball her fists and grit her teeth every time she saw a stranger getting too close, logically she knew she didn't have any room to judge them, was she annoyed that all her flirting was lost on them? Yeah, but she knows you can't force someone to feel something. If there's one thing Cait values its freedom, and she would never want to take that from someone like it had been taken from her so Cait would just make herself scarce when they were flirting with someone so her anger couldn't get the best of her
He'd give sole a whole lecture on how unsafe it is to be alone and venerable with someone you barely know, especially in the wastes. Danse really wouldn't be consciously aware that it may be his own feelings causing him to feel that way, and would genuinely belive he was looking out for his friends safety even if the pit in his stomach and burning in his chest said otherwise.
She watches the people sole flirts with very closely. She's curious to see what they all have in common (if anything) making mental notes on their similarities and differences, she'd tell herself it was just research, but the very detailed list of soles favorite attributes lying in front of her said otherwise
Deacon had never been a jealous guy. With Barbara, he never had to worry, and since then, he'd never cared enough to be jealous, so it's safe to say this was a first for him, and it was absolutely infuriating. He'd watch them flirt up another random stranger and despite himself he'd tense up, abandoning his usual poker face, though if sole noticed they didn't seem to care as they got up to leave with yet another of their countless hookups. Deacon would end up distancing himself from sole for two reasons, 1. Because he can't let shit like this get to him, he's a railroad agent for fucks sake and 2. it hurt to much to be around them. He'd take more jobs from hq, and for the first time in a while, he'd find himself drowning his troubles in alcohol.
Piper has had a few crushes before, so she was used to the feelings, but what she wasn't used to was how goddamn inferior it made her feel every time she saw them with someone else. They were friends after all and she knew she had no right to be jealous, but all she wanted was for them to look at her the way they looked at all the random people at bars or at settlements. Even if it was just for a second... she wanted to know how it felt to have their undivided attention and adoration. To be theirs even if it was temporary.
Nick would always give sole the same line, "Just be safe kid". They'd always role their eyes as they walked away from him, but he'd always be stuck worrying... not everyone had the best intentions out in the wastes and when you're as infamous as sole that puts a target on your back. Maybe it was just all the cases he'd work that made him so cynical, but then again, that nagging feeling in his chest was a pretty dead give away that maybe it was more than cynicism keeping him up at night....
Preston wouldn't say anything to them at all. He cared about sole a lot, and all he wanted was for them to be happy, even if that wasn't with him. It hurt a lot, but he was used to pain, and for sole, he'd endure anything
He would hate it. The people of the commonwealth were vile and undeserving of even a second of soles time. He hated how much time they gave strangers when they could be doing important work for the institute. He'd have a firm talk with them about where their priorities lied. He wouldn't even be able to process that maybe his own feelings were what was clouding his judgment.
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