#Botw deku scrub
honora-antares · 18 days
Umm Pre-Calamity Ganon AU where Princess Zelda and her champions are lost somewhere in the Faron woods where they come across a "hostile" tribe group. Leader of said group asks who their leader is and Revali was about to declare himself when Urbosa cuts him of and introduces Zelda. Then said Leader of "hostile" tribe group challenges her to battle(?) because that's how its done when outsiders enter their territory. All champions rally to protect her.
A Hylian Knight with his loyal Master Sword.
A Zora Princess with her graceful Lightscale Trident.
A Goron Warrior with his mighty Boulder Breaker
A Rito Master with his Great Eagle Bow and bomb arrows
A Gerudo Chieftess, wielding both Daybreaker and Scimitar of the Seven
But the Leader has powers, powers to control lighting. Just like Urbosa, but the Leader is younger and less experienced than the great Gerudo Chieftess. The Leader is not able to manipulate Urbosa's queer green lightning and is forced to retreat with scalding burns to their arm, up their neck and down their torso. With a smirk Urbosa is proud to be able to protect her Princess yet again...
Reasons as to why the Princess of Hyrule and her 5 champions where lost in the Faron Woods you may ask? Well, they were in search of an old ally, an ally they might hope to persuade to fight in the upcoming war with Evil. Princess Zelda is worried the people they encountered were members of said ally.
She was correct.
Escorts where sent to bring them to their ruler days after, fortunately this time they announced themselves as friendly, unlike the previous group. The Deku Tribe. They were dressen in bark-like tunics. With decorative leaves and flowers. Vines entwined with beads and miscellaneous on exposed arms and legs and chests. The Princess and her 5 Champions were welcomed with food and drink and music of all kinds: Strings, Wood Wings, Brass. It was lively until the percussion increased followed by the bellows of the brass that the Royals made their entrance.
The Deku King and Queen did not look like the rest of the tribe. Nor the following Scrubs behind them. No, because where the tribe members all resembled like Princess Zelda herself and her human Champions, the Royal Deku Family where like walking fauna. Hair and clothes in form of leaves and twigs. Skin dark and rough as bark.
A tribe member who escorted the Princess noticed her interest and explained, "Many, many years ago, we all used to look like our Royal Highnesses. Now only the Royal family is able to keep our ancestral image alive."
A new piece of music starts to play as the Deku King passes his Tribe. *insert Deku Palace song here* A humanness Deku kneels before him and removes his intricate leafed crown. At its removal, reveals a grown Human man, tall and strong. As the same is done to the Deku Queen, a human woman rises, equally dark and fierce as her partner.
"My Dearest Scrubs," her voice starts, smooth and sonorous, over the booming of the continuing percussion. "We welcome Hyrule's Princess, future Queen of her Lands." The Deku Queen turns to face said Princess, "Allow my children the Honor in welcoming you in our most venerable of ways, The Deku Dance."
And what a dance it was. Princess Zelda has never seen, heard, nor read of such a dance before.
The Royal children's movements causing their leaves and flower petals dresses to flow in the wind. Soft rattles could be heard coming from them. And in simultaneous fluid motions they all came to a halt. Four stood on one side of the grassy field that made up their dance floor while the other four sat on stepstones. Music still ever going as eight Human Tribe Members closed their distance to the Royal children. Princes, Zelda murmured to herself as she looked towards the Royal Scrubs who were standing. Princesses, to the ones sitting on stepstones. At the chime of threes, each Royal child was uncrowned. Reveling not children, but fully matured men and women. At least for the first five. Its when the chimes signaled the sixth child, a Princess, that cold dread manifested inside Princess Zelda. For as the Deku Princess was uncrowned, revealing an olive toned young woman, beads and vines and ropes all over her body. Overly large holes pierced her ears as acorn hats weaved in thistles dangled through them. Though that's not what captured Princess Zelda's attention. No, her attention moved to the Deku Princess's arm. That although covered and wrapped in vines, could not hide the fern-like patters of lighting scars. Nor could her bangled neck be concealed to the very top where the scars have ended. Had her belly and back been exposed too, Princess Zelda is sure that they would be covered in the same patterns.
'Her arm is still shaking.' Signs Link as he touches Princess Zelda's shoulder to get her attention. 'It doesn't look like the Princess has had proper healing.'
"She must be in a lot of pain." Adds in Mipha, Princess of the Zora. "I wonder if. . . she'll let me heal her. . ." She faltered as she took a glance at the Deku Princess's neck.
"Hell of a fighter, she is, if her hand is the only thing that's shaking." Daruk's voice interjects always careful to keep it in a low whisper, his chains rattling as he crosses his arms. "How did you even noticed that, Little Guy? I can barely see it move."
"Hmph, I think she's an idiot. As a warrior, someone who clearly uses a weapon for combat, she should know the importance of maintaining good physical health." Huffed the Rito Champion. Revali prides himself in keeping his feather nice, primed and preened at all times. "As for a Princess, well. . ." He turns his beak upwards to the remaining Champion who has yet to speak. "You're fucked."
Urbosa has never once agreed with the overbearing Rito.
Until now.
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nauticlills · 1 year
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I’ve had him on my mind for a long time and he’s kinda the oldest living Zelda oc I had.
I won’t go into his story just yet but some information that I can give is that he’s from the botw timeline and he’s supposed to have a mask on but I’m lazy, I’ll draw it later.
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crimsonrune · 1 year
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Comm - Hylian Crimson References (Lineup)
This weekend's spotlight is a piece I commed from @BlackSheepTFs sometime back, ft. my sona in various different Hylian forms! Legend of Zelda being one of my favorite series, I wanted a set like these for quite some time, so really appreciate them helping me put it to page!
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waffliesinyoface · 2 years
thinking about Zelda Lore again and i’m annoyed with how so many concepts have been excised from the series as time has gone on
in OOT, the gerudo are presented as villains and thieves, and ganondorf’s actions are kind of blatantly Evil™ (a lot of what he does seems to be evil for evil’s sake)... but even so, there’s justification for it? They can’t really leave the desert (because hyrule won’t let them) and the desert is incredibly hostile to life. (Also hyrule literally has secret torture dungeons sitting around so it’s like. PROBABLY NOT GREAT.)
the events of OOT happen, Ganondorf goes a little off the deep end and becomes Ganon, and eventually time gets rewound and everything is undone. Sort of. Time breaks a little bit.
In the past timeline, zelda goes back and manages to convince the king that ganondorf will fuck shit over so... twilight princess happens! ...Which means that Ganondorf is set up to be executed without trial (technically, this version of him hasn’t actually done anything yet) and the gerudo tribe is treated similarly. The gerudo desert is, in the time of twilight princess, devoid of gerudo. But hey, there’s a big ol’ torture dungeon bearing the royal family’s seal, so it’s safe to assume that they were all universally killed and/or banished to the twilight realm!!! Great job, team. Sure, the twili in the future are mostly fine (until ganon returns, is pissed off, and is willing to fuck over his descendants in the name of revenge) but being banished to the twilight realm was essentially a death sentence in all but name. Swapping out one desert for another.
In the future timeline, ganondorf is sealed, link leaves... and then ganondorf breaks the seal, and link’s nowhere to be found. So, what does hyrule do? Rather than cede to him, they choose to destroy the world. They use the triforce to cause an apocalypse. Sure, some of the hylians are spared because they got enough advance warning to flee to the mountaintops, but hey, uh, fun fact? There aren’t any mountains in the desert. In the wind waker timeline, every gerudo is dead and at the bottom of the ocean. I’m sure nabooru was super happy with that outcome, right!!!? When ganondorf manages to (mostly) break his seal again, he’s devastated, and a bit more introspective. He's got depth, babey. But it’s all for naught because while he’s grown into the role of king and managed to distance himself from the urge to rampage as ganon... his people are all dead.
...and then in skyward sword, all of the complexity of the gerudo from TP is ignored, and all of ganondorf’s acquired depth is replaced with Demise, whose motivations begin and end with “Is Evil”. Ganon is evil because he’s the inheritor of Demise’s will, and Demise was evil therefore ganon does evil. Justification for ganon’s initial actions? Feelings of guilt and sorrow and rage? Nah, he’s just Evil™. (also the triforce is notably absent, and though power/wisdom/courage are brought up, din/nayru/farore aren’t, replaced by hylia. Was the kingdom of hyrule kind of shitty under the surface? Well it doesn’t matter, because they’ve now been retconned into literally ruling by divine right) 
We now have somehow less moral complexity than we started with. Good job.
Then in BotW, there’s even less going on. Ganon is no longer a man, is no longer even just the shadow of an angry demon, it’s just malice incarnate. It fucks things up because it’s a virus on the world. But hey, the gerudo are here! ...and they, uh. Don’t really have anything going on anymore. They live in the desert because they are The Desert People™ and they get along just fine. Most of their complexity got relegated to the sheikah/yiga clans, with the yiga being comically, mustache-twirlingly evil.
How are the gerudo alive, when the game clearly takes place after OOT (Urbosa references ganondorf in her speech, though she makes no distinction between the man and the writhing mass of malevolent energy that is The Calamity) and both timelines end with the hylians actually literally genociding them? Don’t worry about it. That’s in the past. It doesn’t matter anymore. Shut up. Stop thinking about it. Ganon is just The Thing You Kill now. The gerudo are very fond of hylians and their royal family, and the fact that male gerudo aren’t born is simply a fun quirk, don’t think about it.
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monthgirl · 2 years
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givemaycoffee · 1 year
Which Zelda games have you played?
Less than I would like tbh. I have a lot of older brothers who did not want to share time on consoles growing up.
I have played to completion:
Ocarina of Time
Majora’s Mask
Link to the Past
I have partially played:
Minish Cap
Spirit Tracks
Twilight Princess
Phantom Hourglass
Four Swords
the new Links Awakening (which is on me - I own it and just haven’t finished it yet)
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undercityrezident · 2 years
My Zelda campaign that I’m running is set in the Breath of the Wild era, and the story is supposed to revolve around the lead-up to the Calamity, but...
I have these urges to splash in villains like Vaati (from Minish Cap) and introduce the Twili (from Twilight Princess) or the Dark World or Lorule as a potential intriguing direction the campaign could take, but I feel like it could detract from the story if I do.
One of the main complaints I had about Breath of the Wild was a lack in variety of monsters, villains, and denizens of the world, but I have to be careful not to go too far the other way and just overload my story to the point of nonsensical mayhem.
Sometimes less is more, but there are really just so many things in Zelda lore I want to sneak into this campaign. It’s so damn tempting...
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pumpkinsouppe · 1 year
There’s def a lot I wish to be in Tears of the Kingdom, especially things like regional/diverse enemies. But the thing I really wish to see is Link express negative emotions. And not just “he’s angry at fighting enemies” but rather he’s angry and tired and upset and confused at his situation. He has followed orders from the king the moment he touched the master sword as a CHILD. We don’t even know if he truly got to be a child because his whole life has been about duty. And I’m pretty sure in this timeline he was descended from the Hylian knights so who knows how long he’s been training to just be a standard knight before the master sword.
Link SHOULD be angry that he’s stuck in this cycle of rebirth. Even when he died, the fall of Hyrule was blamed on him and he didn’t even get to stay dead. He was woken up and had to finish his duties while also being constantly reminded that his death is what lead Hyrule to look like is does. He should be angry, angry at Ganon and Demise and at the Hylian Royalty for forcing him into this situation over and over and over.
And this is exactly why I hope TOTK is similar to Majora’s Mask. Not because Majora’s Mask was scary. But because it dealt with the grief and isolation and depression Link had to face after going through an incredible traumatic journey, and then losing all of his friends as a result. Most notably losing the ONE friend who was with him the entire time. Who completely understood everything Link went through because she experienced the same thing. And she was the entire reason Majora’s Mask even happened in the first place, because Link was desperately searching for Navi because he was scared to be alone. I want TOTK to explore these hard and brutal emotions for both Link and Zelda. I want them both to be scared, angry, and distraught. I want them to cry over themselves and be selfish. I want them to do something impactful that isn’t for the sake of Hyrule. I hope there’s conflict with the Goddess Hylia. I hope they reject her outstretched hand after she has burdened two children to sacrifice themselves for the good of Hyrule.
I want there to be a good resolution to TOTK. I want both Link and Zelda to choose their own path even if that means leaving Hyrule. But I want the path to resolution to be painful and really explore Link’s true emotions. He is stoic and mute because he is burdened with the weight of the world. What good is a knight who talks when he is judged based on his actions and ability to use a sword.
With Zelda’s warning that she thinks that even Link can’t succeed, I hope we do see helplessness in Link. Again to Majora’s Mask we did get to see Link helpless. He was transformed into a small Deku Scrub with no weapons, no horse, and was an outlier in a town filled with humans. But he learned to work through that helplessness. He embraced the spirit who had to give his life for Link to look the way he does and figure out new ways to fight and communicate. He later became grateful for the Zora and Goron who let him use their spirits to aide his journey. He was able to confront Majora’s because he was never truly alone. Everyone he’s ever met has given him strength even if they aren’t with him presently.
And that’s what I hope to see in Link in TOTK. A helplessness due to his isolated burden, faced against something he could never win against alone. And thankfully we did get that to an extent in BOTW with the champions and even Zelda. But even then, fighting the divine beasts was optional. Link in a sense could have faced Ganon alone. Hell people even fight Ganon with no clothes and only carrying sticks.
No, I want Link, even in the most powerful armor with the most powerful weapon, to be helpless. And I want him to be angry about it. And upset. And hurt. Because he has earned the right to express every painful emotion for his circumstance and he deserves to be able to express his frustration. It is okay if he isn’t the hero.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Okay but the sheer amount of unique worldbuilding and lore in Cadence of Hyrule.
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Link as a fully realized, fully recognized hero, despite never getting the Master Sword. He knows what he's doing without destiny yanking him around by the collar.
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Zelda able to operate singlehandedly, with as much dungeon-crawling ability as Link's often given.
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Shadow Link also having a Shadow Zel counterpart, implying that it's a sort of magic mimic rather than a specter haunting the Hero specifically. Not just that, but a mimic with AGENCY that can choose to help you.
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A canonical reason for Link being able to respawn after death, without breaking immersion.
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The oracles? Possibly? Their colors suggest so, but who are these ladies? Where do they come from? How do they know the future?
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Gerudo with designs that make sense for the desert!
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And a knack for technology! Which is really sick!
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Prince Ganondorf! Meaning that not only was he raised in Gerudo Town with his fellow Gerudo, but Link got his hero status WITHOUT taking him down!
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Branching timelines? That are referenced in-game? And can be averted depending on which side of the game you want to play?
In fact, it's complete mix of the three canon timelines' placement. River Zora (called "evil Zora") exist. The overworld theme takes from Wind Waker's great sea. Deku scrubs and the Great Deku Tree are around. Sea Zora (aka the "friendly Zora" of OoT onward) are sharks. Zelda, Link, and Ganon have Downfall timeline designs. Octavo references Vaati in his design. There are BotW Bokoblins and Keese, Wind Waker kargaroks, Iron Knuckles and Darknuts both, Taluses and Lynels and Hinoxes... Where is it in the timeline? Who knows? Wherever your heart thinks it belongs.
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Then there's how the Triforce calls to Cadence, like it did to Link in the Oracles games. How they have the power to isekai whomever they want, Link just happens to be the nearest fit 99% of the time. How Cadence has as much a claim to Power as Ganondorf is usually given.
And the ITEMS. The SWORDS. Where did Caladbolg come from? Where did Fragarach? Why does the Jeweled Dagger look Sheikah-made? Why can I put Link in glass slippers?
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Also Yves my beloved. My little hero sprout. I love you.
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hopeymchope · 2 months
Saw the following comment on a WatchMojo countdown of Top 10 Worst Things to Happen to Link in the Legend of Zelda series. You think it's accurate?
The worst thing to happen to Link was Zelda taking his house after BOTW
I'd say that the list WatchMojo provided definitely contains multiple things that are worse than having his house taken out from under him. SUCH AS: Having his arm chopped off in TotK, being forcibly transformed into a Deku Scrub in Marjora's Mask, failing to protect Hyrule 100 years earlier in BoTW, seeing everyone he came to care about on Koholint cease to exist in Link's Awakening, and literally dying in one of the canonical OoT endings. :P Admittedly, I just listed things that happened to four different Links, so it's not one person actually endured all that torment.
HOWEVER... ! I want to take this opportunity to submit my latest findings RE: Link's housing situation at the start of TotK.
I've previously written about how irritated I was that he lost his own house in TotK — and I established that the evidence indicates he isn't living with Zelda in the same house, either. But the fact remains the narrative makes it clear that he's still close to her side pretty much all the time. In which case: Where is he sleeping? Where does he live? I figured he had to be somewhere in Hateno Village in order to remain nearby... and I believe I have my answer.
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If you cross the bridge right in front of what is now Zelda's house, you soon come across...
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...these two modular houses, just over the nearest hill.
In Hateno Village (well… in any occupied village), you normally can't enter any building that isn't currently lived in or being used by some character. You'll see them come and go on various days or times of day, confirming where they live/work. We can enter the left-side house shown here... and sure enough, that house is where Medda lives.
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What about the house on the right? Anybody living there?
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Once again, we can go right inside. There's a single-person bed and some books here, but not much else. What's really interesting is that, no matter how long I waited? Nobody ever came into or even near this house's entrance.
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I think you understand what I'm insinuating: I believe that Link moved to this modular house, one of the two nearest structures to what is now Zelda's residence. It's clearly occupied by somebody (because we can walk right into it), but nobody ever enters except for us. There's a single bed in here for one person. Sure, it looks spartan, but so did our original BotW house before we added more personal touches. It's a shame we can't find those same personal touches in this modular home, though. If this house contained some weapon display frames, that'd REALLY take my theory's evidence over the top.
Even if I'm right, there are still plenty gaps to fill in. Did Link gift his house to Zelda to provide her comfort in exchange for her buying the nearest modular home as a guard station for him? Does he think this house is a piece of crap, and that's why he can buy and arrange a new one in TotK? Draw your own conclusions, I suppose.
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journalsouppe · 10 months
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THE MINISH CAP!!!! Omg I love this game the art style is so cute. I wish we had more minish cap style game, the animation as well was so well done
The chuchu sticker is from CRFArtStore and the Little Link sticker sheet is from Tossed Leaf!
Writing typed below:
Rating: 9.3 Played: Su 2022 Rec'd by: Zeltik Port: Gamboy Advance SP
Such a cute game it will def be a favorite
guy: why would you want this really ugly tiny shield
zelda: don't worry about it
zelda: hey link here's a gift that suits you perfectly
absolutely LOVE the bosses
zelda is so energetic i love her
i love the kinstones
the sword broke?? omg the minish might be in botw 2!!! (NO THEY WONT T-T-T-T-TT-T-T-T-T-T-T)
I really love how there are different minish depending on the region
business deku scrub is back!!
din, farore, and nayru???
lmao dampes back
wind palace was long and a little difficult
finished the kinstones and got the tingle trophy lmao
wind waker 2d art style! (bit)
picori sword -> four sword
anju is from mm....
tingle and bros JUMPSCARE ;-;
link in a vase <3
love vaati's adult design
love the SFX
post game!
why do the Ghini lick you
Summary This is my favorite 2D zelda game. The art, the bosses, the dungeons, the characters, everything is super charming. I had so much fun playing this game. This is one of the more unique zelda games, not just mechanic-wise, but for also adding a unique race. So unique, in fact, that they've never shown up again. It is definitely a big wish of mine that the minish make an appearance in TOTK. There's a ton of lore to explore with them. I also really how this game has nodes to OOT, MM, and WW, it feels nostalgic by all the familiar faces and quests. It also comes to no surprise, but to great please, to discover this game was developed by Capcom. Considering the amazing work done on Ace Attorney, it feels just right. From playing some of the other zelda games, such as ALBW, I had no real reason to completely grind the game, But the minish cap gave me much more reason to and with a higher reward. All in all, a great game about a boy teaming up with legendary creatures to save his friend. I hope in the future Nintendo makes more 2d zelda games and takes inspiration from the minish cap. This was basically stream of consciousness but still a very lovely game.
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ashleygraves1 · 9 months
I hope that the next big Zelda game brings back some older races. (Examples: Twili, Minish, Deku Scrubs, Oocca, and Kokiri.)
It'd be nice rather than ONLY making new races. Like, I'd love to see how the Twili, the Zonai, and the Minish interact with each other.
And with Nintendo not really caring about the Timeline and would just rather have fun making cool games, I'd love to see a version of Hyrule with only the one-game races rather than the staple races (Gorons, Zora, Gerudo, Sheikah, Hylians, and (now because of WW, BotW, and TotK) Rito and Koroks)
And because of Tears of the Kingdom showing that the Spirit of the Hero doesn't have to be Hylian, you could play as Link being a different race altogether. And Princess Zelda could be a half Hylian/Zonai rather that 1/100000000000 Zonai like in TotK.
That's what I'd like to see from the next Zelda game.
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lord-rodentia · 7 months
I'll be honest, I hate my original art style. It's difficult to work but BUT NOW WE HAVE THE NEW AND IMPROVED HOT GARBAGE!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (God the tags after this...)
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THIS will be the new artstyle I use from now on, it's easier, it's comfortable to work with, and I get to create beyond hilarious expressions with some of it.
I've also made it easier on myself to differentiate adults from teens (I'm qualifying Zora Link as a teenager because I can) using a small mark usually to indicate eye bags because what's an adult without stress?/hj
I had to alter the appearances of some characters though since I wanted to test it out in the new style and only Mikau would be given his cannon design back after this because in the Botw/totk style the tattoo on his arm doesn't work. Also I gave the Deku scrub a design since for some reason an extremely simple design is too hard for my feeble hands to draw???
Anyways, Zelda titles as shown:
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
Oh hey, I just realized that this is probably the first post where I don't swear while typing out a huge chunk of text... Neat.
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twilight-linkess · 2 months
For the LOZ/LU ask game: 10, 13, 22.
10. Have you read any LoZ mangas or books like Hyrule Historia?
No I have not. When I first started getting into LoZ I tried reading the Twilight Princess manga, but then I came across LU (and all the fanfic for it) and got into that instead. I've tried to start the manga again a couple times, but no dice.
13. If you couldn’t be a human/Hylian, what LoZ creature or species would you want to be?
A Zora! Rito are also tempting, but I think Zoras win out. I like the designs across the 3D games, swimming is lots of fun in Majora's Mask, and Zora's Domain is always pretty. Deku Scrubs would be good too though.
22. What’s the hardest LoZ enemy to fight?
I find the melee combat in BotW and TotK really unintuitive in those games, so a lot of enemies from those games. I tend to shoot them from far away, cheese them, or avoid them. Taluses and Wizzrobes are especially annoying. Also, these shell blades from OoT are not the most difficult, but I always seem to mistime my hookshot shot so they're more difficult then they should be.
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aikoiya · 11 months
LoZ - Magic in Hyrule
You know, I'd be very interested in seeing the differences in the magics used by the various peoples of Hyrule.
From the Humans, to the Hylians (the Sheikah & Yiga being subcategories of which with their own branches), to the Zora, the Rito, the Gorons, the Gerudos, the Korok/Kokiri, & the Zonai. Even going into more obscure races such as Deku Scrubs, Skull Kids, Yeti/Anouki, Twili (who I heard once were Sheikah adapted to the Twilight), Minish, Mogma, the Wind Tribe (which I think would be a tribe of humans that decided against leaving Skyloft), & even the Occa.
Like, what sort of magic would they all excell at?
Keep in mind, -mancy actually means divination, -turgy refers to shaping, & -magy indicates the practice of magic.
For instance, the Twili would definitely have umbraturgy (shadow magic) & crepuscuturgy (twilight magic; a mix of both light & shadow magic), but I think the Sheikah & Yiga would too. Not to mention, the ways in which each race approaches using their magic would be different.
For instance, I can see the Sheikah & Yiga having magical styles similar to Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, & Fūinjutsu from Naruto. I suppose that Fūinjutsu would technically be a variety of runemagy (channeling of magic via the use of symbols & the creation of charms) though?
Maybe Humans are proficient at potionmaking, alchemy, magical infusion, & runemagy?
Gorons & Mogma would both have access to pyroturgy, geoturgy, & even crystalloturgy (fire, earth, & crystal manipulation magic respectively). I can also see Gorons specifically having a connection to geothurmoturgy (magma magic).
I feel as though the Minish would specialize in some sort of crafting magic as they are sort of the Hyrule equivalent to little helper/household/shoemaker elves. Likely including magical infusion much like humans.
Similarly, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Great Fairies of BotW/TotK were also magical infusion specialists. Because they don't exactly design outfits, just enhance them.
Kokiri/Koroks, Deku Scrubs, & Kikwi would obviously have chloroturgy/phytoturgy (plant magic), Zora are hydroturgy (water magic), Rito, the Wind Tribe Humans, & even the Hylians of Skyloft having aeroturgy (wind magic). Not to mention Yeti & Anouki with cryoturgy (ice magic).
Not sure what the Lokomo would have though.
Then, there's the Gerudo with electroturgy/fulgorturgy (electric magic), but at the same time, I see the Gerudo, & possibly even the Sheikah/Yiga & Twili also having access to animagy (spirit magic) & animancy (magical communication with spirits). Even the forbidden necroturgy (magical manipulation of corpses).
The Gerudo due to how Nabooru was the Sage of Spirit & the Sheikah/Yiga due to the Sheikah seeming to have a connection to death & the Shadow Temple having been in the Kakariko Cemetery.
Though, I'd also give the Gerudo some power over duneturgy (sand magic) & crystomagy (gem infusion magic).
There'd also be the Links' apparent natural talent with acoustiturgy (music magic). Which, I believe that the voice is the most powerful musical medium due to its more immediate connection to the soul which music magic resonates with on a different level to other magics. Instruments, while still powerful & meaningful with a strong connection to the soul, there exists an ever so slight disconnect that simply isn't as immediately present when singing.
I think that there'd also be something like naturaturgy (nature or wild magic), which I think would be very rare, but can appear in anyone regardless of race. It, by its very nature, is pretty unpredictable. But Wild Link totally has it.
Though, for the most part, the different magics can appear in any race, it's just that certain races are innately predisposed to their race's specific element & those magics tend to simply come more naturally to them, more easily, than other magics.
It'd just be very, very interesting to think about.
LoZ General Masterlist
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megavileplume · 1 year
Alright I’m already pitching Tears of the Kingdom DLC
~Mild Spoilers~
1) Side Adventure about Evil Gerudo faction (not dissimilar to the Yiga) that still sees Ganondorf as their king, led by Twinrova. The fire/ice theming is already planted in and around Gerudo Valley as it is, and Twinrova cameo in one of the memories. Link and Penn investigate rumors of Gerudo bandits who claim that “the king is born again”. Riju is concerned about threats to her sovereignty and they have to go to the Gerudo Secret Club to get info along the way. Link discovers a young Gerudo boy who definitely isn’t Ganondorf. He immediately looks up to Link and follows him, eventually living in Gerudo town or Lookout Landing. The Evil Gerudo faction thinks Link has kidnapped their king.
2) A Korok-centric storyline that focuses on a secret sixth sage. Doesn’t even have to be Hestu, but a Korok awakens as the Sage of Earth and we get a subterranean forest-themed Earth Temple. Deku Scrubs come back either as a boss or as Korok puzzles that seem “off” somehow. The Koroks get a super cool boomerang weapon to round out with the Champions’ Weapons.
3) A Light Temple where Link trains with the Master Sword. It serves the same purpose as the Trial of the Sword did in BotW. Maybe Link even becomes the new Sage of Light or something and we get more Rauru content.
4) Link and Impa/Paya/Tauro/whoever investigate Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh to figure out who they were before they became dragons and if they can offer any assistance now. They pointedly investigate if there’s any way to reverse draconification. There are three strings of side quests for each dragon that features different NPCs, new shrines, and maybe even a dungeon at the end where we get a story flashback about why these (presumably) Zonai chose to become dragons.
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