#Brind write
vertraymer · 1 year
Il était une chronique, a Bridgerton blind write event
Dearest readers,
Have you started writing down your new year resolutions, decided to forego it altogether, or could you just be looking for more chaos in your life?
Look no further!
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You're cordially invited to participate in a blind write event, which will be about writing a Lady Whistledown's column. But there's a catch: it's in French!
This is a pretty low-key event, with no prompts to claim, no servers to join. If you want to participate, just sign-up on the Google Form, and stay posted. ❤️
- No underage, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, non-con, or dub-con!
- Please be mindful of using the previous lines shared when writing your fic. (An English translation will be provided.)
- Minimum word count: 250
- Maximum word count: 500
- The story created will be shared on ao3 - if you don't have an account, be sure to mention it so that we can handle it asap!
- Please be mindful to keep your writing secret for now. You are of course allowed to speak with your alpha/beta - but not too many people so that the plot created remains a surprise!
- All works will be betaed, so please don't worry about your French not being perfect, this event is about having fun, collaborating on a hilarious little ff, while practising your language skills in a fun way--because why not! ❤️
Q & A
Q: My French isn't that good, can I join?
A: Of course, that's what this event is for!
Q: I'm a French native, can I still join?
A: Of course, the more the merrier!
Q: Can I jump in anytime?
A: Sure! After the aforementioned deadline, we are not sure if we'll be able to find you a spot, but feel free to reach out anyway! 💜
The story created should be published in January - stay tuned! 🎉💕
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Oh, right. Chapter 3 of my Midam witch/familiar AU is out.
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r3starttt · 19 days
Summary: abby comforting you after a long week :(
cw: angst and lots of comfort bcs I'm sad af. and also a horrible writing because this is for me lol
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Tough week, full of stress and tiredness every single day. Whenever you had the chance to rest or sleep you decided to better work on whatever work you had left, waiting to be finished, or simply be productive with the cleaning and washing. It was beyond exhausting but there was really nothing you could to to make it less hard.
Any time you closed your eyes you could see youserlf from the outside, doing something, studying, working. Anything that could keep your mind busy.
And it was killing you, because besides being busy all day all week your mind kept bothering you and making you even more stress, specifically in your sleep. You were torturing yourself.
But how could you not when your adored girlfriend could do this and more? When your parents were able to do this and more, when your friends, who are in your same situation, can do this, and way more.
Your brind was not only filled with the anxiety that usually spent a considerable space in your mind every day, but filled with shame and fear of failing, not doing good enough, not being able to ever get any better.
And even worse, not being the person your people deserve to have in their life's.
It was killing you.
So after crying for hours, now being cuddled and highly hugged by Abby. God it was paradise, as is nothing ever went wrong, as if you just overreacted and everything was and will always be just fine.
The smell of pine filling your nose trills at your every sob, getting calmer and calmer while her fingers run up and down your back, in small circles. Her weight brining you just the comfort you need and her voice telling you what you needed to hear the most "You're fine" along small 'shush' whenever you sighed or tears formed again, not necessarily because of how overwhelmed you feel but because of how fucking precious Abby is, such an angel, so sweet just for you.
Maybe she's fine and it all be alright.
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slafkovskys · 10 months
why did i just now realize you write for brinds?????
i haven’t been writing for him for long so maybe that’s why???
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nefeday · 2 years
                                       ╭・⌕ ʰ ᵇ ᵈ ﹕note.                                        ︰✶ 〞writing by . . .                                         ╰・Erenias ૮꒰ ˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა.
¡ESTÁS SON LAS MAÑANITAS QUE CANTABA EL REY DAVID, HOY A LOS MUCHACHOS BONITOS SE LAS CANTAMOS ASÍ! Que me de unos besotes el cumpleañero para reforzar la amistad 🤩🥰
Holamivida realmente soy muy malo escribiendo dedicatorias, pero solo quiero que sepas que eres una persona muy especial e importante en mi vida, agradezco mucho pero mucho que me brindes tu amistad y cariño, porque tienes tú un lugar en mi corazón. Espero que en este día tan especial te la pases genial, haciendo tus cosas favoritas y comiendo lo que más te guste. También deseo que siempre puedas cumplir todos tus proyectos y metas. Feliz cumpleaños mi amor precioso, te adoro como no tienes idea y espero poder estar siempre en cada cumpleaños tuyo por que de mi ya no te libras.
Bueno no es mucho pero es trabajo honesto akdjdkf sabes que siempre puedes confiar en mi y que cualquier cosa estoy aquí pq yo te amo mucho. Felicidades miamor que cumplas muchos mas 🥰
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beastblade69 · 2 months
still thinking about Phaedra's love and the way she killed herself just to bring action to Hippolytus' life. like girl was fr in love. with her fucking step son. BUT NO IDC. the way SHE FUCKING JUST KILLED HERSELF AND LEFT A NOTE THAT HE'S RAPED HER (he hasn't tho) JSUT CUZ SHE KNEW HE WAS FUCKING BORED OF LIFE AND WANTED TO BRIND MORE ACTION IN IT. fr sarah kane's plays are so insane and filled w controversial things, BUT THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO FUCKING STRANGE. like her way of writing is so freakish, but I fucking love thinking about what she wanted to show the reader w this play. I fucking love how I feel after reading her plays because they fr do feel so so different from everything else that I read
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quicksilver-castiel · 4 months
Master List
Under the read more, you can find a list of my fics with tumblr and/or AO3 links.
General AO3 link: QuicksilverCastiel (note that not all my fics are on tumblr)
Writing tag: Quick writing
Multi-chapter fics (AO3 links):
It's my life (Destiel S14 AU - complete)
Everlasting (Midam royalty AU - complete)
In the End (Midam endverse AU - complete)
Twice the brinded cat hath mewed (Midam witch/familiar AU - complete)
Cross my heart (and hope to love) (Midam tattoo artist/bakery AU - complete)
A bed of thorny flowers (Midam royalty/arranged marriage AU - complete)
The Best Damn Thing (Midam high school AU - complete)
Putting all dragon eggs in one basket (Midam dragon angels AU - explicit and non-con - complete)
Up to his neck in dragons (follow-up to the dragons AU - Midam, Samifer and Nickifer - also non-con - ongoing)
Companionable (Destiel royalty/sex worker AU - ongoing)
S.C.I.E.N.C.E. series (Midam incubus Adam AU - started as a kinky porn AU and spawned plot - ongoing)
Short fics (tumblr links):
Heaven is no place on Earth (Midam, canon-verse, slight angst)
Hell Ones (Midam meet Rowena, canon-verse/after fix-it)
Over the moon (for you) (Midam anniversary fic)
Peonies and perfection (Midam, Destiel and Samycule Easter fic)
A graceful birth (Midam kid fic, trans Adam)
Angelsweek 2022 masterlist (Benjamin, Serafina, Raphael and Michael)
In grace you didn't know (Midam and a museum)
Jonasbrothersnatural (Midam)
Monkey see, monkey stare (Midam cage fic)
Midamoul Week 2022 master list (Midamoul, canon-verse and AU)
Dreamydrabbles master list (Midam and Destiel)
Adam Milligan Week 2022 master list (canon-verse, Midam)
Midam Week 2022 master list (Midam, canon-verse)
Build-a-twink (one body becomes two body Midam)
Get used to it (Midam, fluff)
Dietary permission (Midamoul with guest stars Sam, Kristen, Jack and Ghoul's dad)
Another year of us (Midam anniversary 2023)
Michael (Midam, fluff)
May It Be (Midam royalty/medieval AU)
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 7 months
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Esta é uma seção que eu tinha no meu Facebook, como eu perdi a paciência com a censura da rede e o baixíssimo alcance das postagens, sempre que eu  lembrar-me de um pecado, escreverei aqui.
Para quem sabe, eu possa remir meus carmas e abrir um caminho mais suave no pós morte.
Não quero e nem devo ter mais 20 anos de vida, e acreditem meus jovens, décadas são como brisas aceleradas que passam rápido, mas que cortam, machucam e maltratam o seu corpo e o espírito.
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Vou escrever essa pequena história da minha vida, para que você, caríssimo leitor, tenha uma ideia do que sou.
Sem frescuras, mimimi ou extravagâncias.
Talvez, na régua da medição de muitos, uma porca.
Em meio a um monte de papelão que havia comprado, enquanto eu os tirava da balança, encontrei uma caixa de biscoito,
Era uma caixa de papelão que se desfazia, importado, acho que holandês, nunca vi na minha vida a marca e nunca vi igual até hoje.
Diferente das caixas de biscoitos nacionais, que são de ferro, o diferencial deles é que cada biscoito era embalado um a um em plástico, na validade e com algo inédito até então: a caixa de biscoitos continha uma geleia de pimenta dentro.
Não sabia que isso existia.
Geleia de pimenta!
Como podem fazer doce de algo que arde na boca?
Catei, levei pra casa e saboreie tudo! E ainda guardei o pequeno vidrinho de lembrança, (vazio), pois amei a geleia.
Não passei mal, não fiquei doente e estou aqui, viva, escrevendo essa confissão.
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Padre, perdoa-me porque pequei:
Mais uma vez, ao comprar uma carga de papelão, que se via claramente que era papelão de uma lixeira ou de um lugar muito sujo, encontrei um engradado de latas de cerveja.
Era uma cerveja de uma marca bem vagabunda, que não existe mais.
Tipo Belco, Sul americana. Schincariol…
Marcas que somente um muito fudido compra pra beber e ainda leva pra casa, pois beber no bar uma coisa dessas, era passar vergonha.
Só lembro que a marca, como acontece com as marcas populares de bebida, a lata imitava as latas das cervejas famosas na época, como a Brahma. Branco, dourado e vermelho, eram essas as cores das latas.
Eu e o Russo nos olhamos.
Até hoje não bebo cerveja, e o Russo falou que não beberia aquilo…
Lavamos, as latas estavam com mau cheiro e colocamos na geladeira que ficava no ferro-velho, pro povo beber água.
Então, quando um freguês abria e perguntava pela cerveja, a gente dizia que podia beber. Deixo claro que foram bem higienizadas.
Por incrível que pareça, poucos catadores beberam as cervejas.
A maioria dos clientes que abriram o olhão nas latinhas eram os carroceiros. Clientes com condições bem melhores que as dos catadores.
Eu e o Russo querendo rir, a gente segurando a risada, perguntava se estava gostoso, se a cerveja era boa, eles diziam que sim.
Gente, eu estou rindo agora, mas ninguém passou mal.
Sem diarréias, azia, febre ou internações
Para alguns, dias depois, a gente até zoou ao falar da origem do “brinde” do ferro-velho.
Bons tempos.
Minha felicidade foi curta, e a medida do possível, plena.
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This is a section that I had on my Facebook, as I lost patience with the network's censorship and the very low reach of the posts, whenever I remember a sin, I will write it here.
For those who know, I can redeem my karma and open a smoother path in the afterlife.
I don't want and shouldn't have another 20 years of life, and believe me, young people, decades are like accelerated breezes that pass quickly, but that cut, hurt and mistreat your body and spirit.
I'm going to write this little story of my life, so that you, dear reader, have an idea of who I am.
No frills, mimimi or extravagance.
Perhaps, in the measuring stick of many, a nut.
In the middle of a bunch of cardboard I had bought, as I was taking them off the scale, I found a box of cookies,
It was a cardboard box that fell apart, imported, I think Dutch, I've never seen the brand in my life and I've never seen the same to this day.
Unlike national cookie boxes, which are made of iron, their difference is that each cookie was packaged one by one in plastic, within its expiration date and with something new until then: the box of cookies contained pepper jelly inside.
I didn't know that existed.
Pepper jelly!
How can you make something that burns in your mouth sweet?
I picked it up, took it home and enjoyed it all! And I still kept the small souvenir bottle, (empty), because I loved the jelly.
I didn't feel sick, I didn't get sick and I'm here, alive, writing this confession.
Father, forgive me because I have sinned:
Once again, when buying a load of cardboard, which was clearly cardboard from a dumpster or a very dirty place, I found a crate of beer cans.
It was a beer from a very cheap brand that no longer exists.
Belco type, South American. Schincariol…
Brands that only a really fucked-up person would buy to drink and even take home, because drinking something like that in a bar would be embarrassing.
I just remember that the brand, as with popular drink brands, the can imitated the cans of famous beers at the time, such as Brahma. White, gold and red, these were the colors of the cans.
Russo and I looked at each other.
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To this day I don't drink beer, and Russo said he wouldn't drink that...
We washed them, the cans had a bad smell and we put them in the refrigerator that was in the junkyard, so that people could drink water.
So, when a customer opened it and asked about beer, we said he could drink it. I make it clear that they were well cleaned.
As incredible as it may seem, few collectors drank the beers.
The majority of customers who opened their eyes to the cans were cart drivers. Customers with much better conditions than those of the collectors.
Russo and I wanted to laugh, we held back our laughter, we asked if it was delicious, if the beer was good, they said yes.
Guys, I'm laughing now, but no one got sick.
No diarrhea, heartburn, fever or hospitalizations
For some, days later, we even laughed when talking about the origin of the “toast” from the junkyard.
Good times.
My happiness was short, and as far as possible, full.
It cost…
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Ruby Landen
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For Ruby Landen, writing a song is an act of owning your experience. The Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter is known for crafting dexterous melodies and emotionally-charged lyrics alongside sparse instrumentation and loose, gentle rhythms. On debut album Martyr, well, Landen offers a cathartic charge, masterfully exploring both sorrow and euphoria in a way that transforms resentment and grief into a blend of serenity and liberating self-assurance. Written during a time of deep melancholy in Landen’s life, the album sees a lifelong existential crisis come to the forefront. While this internal process puts a spotlight on those darker, more pessimistic thoughts, Martyr, well also creates a portal in which we too, can face our demons.
Growing up in a tiny town in Northern California, Landen’s childhood was soundtracked by traditional folk and Americana. The ruminative instrumental aspects of these timeless genres effortlessly seeps into Landen’s musicality: one of grace, patience and poignant reflection. Her father, who had close friends in the live music scene, would often take her to shows, where she witnessed the talents of artists such as Celtic fiddle player Eileen Ivers and jazz guitarist Bill Frisell. Back at home and inspired by what she saw, Landen began experimenting with the guitar and finger-picked her way into what would become her signature sound. Frisell later became a mentor of sorts, helping Landen to gain confidence and refine her artistry.
When she turned 18, Landen moved to Paris, France. What started as a trip to start college soon merged into a musical awakening, where Landen began busking in the metro stations and performing in local bars and cafes. While the experience helped her to stretch her creative muscles, Landen says she truly found her musical community when she later moved to Brooklyn. It was there that she performed in front of fellow folk musicians for the first time, who could understand her lyrics in a way Landen hadn’t experienced before. While it was daunting at first, Landen says the experience ultimately led her to trust herself and her creative vision.
It was through this community that Landen met the musicians who would help to shape the dynamics on Martyr, well. The devastatingly gorgeous single “I Look Like My Mother” sees Hannah Read (fiddle, vocals), Jerry Cronin (cello) and Liri Ronen (French horn) join Landen in creating a sparse yet immersive universe, with Marley Taylor (harmonies) joining elsewhere on the LP. Landen also credits producer and bass player Rowan Brind as a key figure in crafting the powerfully delicate sonic world of [album name]. Experimenting with differing temporal and spatial focal points, Landen mimics the uncertainty of self-doubt and criticism with distant pedal steel and fiddle, teetering over the lower anchor of prominent bass lines. It acts as a propulsive collage, threaded together like fragments of memory.
Martyr, well is the sound of an artist honoring their past, and the often tumultuous journey it takes to leave the confines of agitation and anxiety. There’s power in exploring the moments that have shaped us, allowing Landen to carve out a lustral environment, where sorrow and despair is bravely amplified. With an affecting emotional candor that steers towards stark honesty, Landen’s debut album shows an artist unafraid to dive deeper. With infinitely layered textures and carefully constructed dynamics, Martyr, well doesn’t shy away from the difficult reality of those who have felt trapped by circumstance or experience; instead, it creates a communal catharsis, a much-needed mirror, that we all so deeply crave.
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wildonlineblog · 1 year
Bob's Blog - Lessons from a Robin
by Bob Brind-Surch, professional photographer and naturalist . http://www.naturesphotos.co.uk There is one question I receive more than any other either from people at camera club talks or booking on one of my workshops or tours. “How long a lens do I need for wildlife photography ?” I have thought about this often either as I write a response to a fellow photographer or as I ponder which lens I…
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sociallyanxiouss · 4 years
I Can’t Lose You (Draco Malfoy)
pairing : draco malfoy x slytherin reader 
summary : draco and you have dated for a couple years now, but pansy can’t really get over draco, and decides to seek revenge.
word count : 3,075 words
request : can i request a one shot where the reader and draco are both in slytherin and are dating and they get into an argument and pansy overhears and maybe she laces a potion to have the y/n get sick slowly each day and by a couple of weeks of the reader and draco not talking he notices she looks deadly and her being friends with blaise he asks her what’s wrong and she’s like she doesn’t know she’s been feeling horrible for days but she can’t do anything about and maybe draco overhears and she passes out in class and draco apologizes and the reader and them get back together and maybe she passes out in his arms during class one day and she won’t wake up for a few days until madam pomfrey tells draco she took a cursed potion and it’s all angsty but it ends in fluff? that’s kind of the premise i’d like but if you want to tweak somethings feel free to!!
oh sorry! i asked the request of the reader getting sick from pansy’s potion, i also wanted to ask if you could add to that possibly a scene where the reader is a lot of pain because of being so sick and draco tries to comfort her and he’s truly scared of losing his love? thank u 🥰
a/n : sorry for the hiatus, i’m actually sitting for finals. i won’t start writing new stories until the end of the week since my last paper is in 3 days! thank you for waiting :)
at first, yours and dracos relationship was platonic for years. until you saw how touchy and flirty pansy, the pug faced parkinson was, you felt overprotective towards the malfoy boy. 
one day in third year, you brought up your feelings to him. to your surprise, he hugged you tightly and told you how happy he was to hear that you liked him as much as he liked you. 
when you both officially told the rest of hogwarts, no one was surprised. even the professors thought that you deserved each other since day one. even your godfather, the former potions, now DADA professor thought the both of you fit well together. 
you were born into a rich and pureblood family. one of the top ranks in the pureblood community, followed closely by the malfoys. this meant that you grew up with purebloods around you. 
the malfoys and your family were close friends, which meant you grew up with draco and soon met crabbe, goyle and zabini. the five of you grew up inseparable, constantly wanting to be with each other. you didn’t mind being the only girl. in fact, you enjoyed it more this way. 
when you finally reached hogwarts as first years, the five of you met pansy parkinson. at first, she seemed sweet, a pureblood like yourself, it was easy to make friends with her until she became obsessed with draco. 
you were never a jealous girl, so it surprised many people when you grew angrier just from looking at her and draco together each day. draco showed no interest, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t feel jealous at the thought of them being together. 
even when the whole of hogwarts knew you two were together, she didn’t change her ways. in fact, it seems like she became worse in her ways of obsessing over draco, your boyfriend. 
everyone knew you two were inseparable, more so that you were now in a relationship, if that was even possible. everyone also knew that you rarely fought, or always knew how to resolve a problem quickly.
but pansy took that as a challenge. at first, it was as simple as trying to make it seem like they were snogging, or had just came out from the broom closet, but you knew the type of person she was, and never believed her. anyways, you knew draco would try his best to avoid her at any cost.
it became apparent that she would never take no for an answer, so the five of you would try to avoid her in the halls or exclude her from group activities. but one day on the start of your seventh year, she decides to cross the line. 
pansy knew that her parents would listen and do anything she wanted, so she knew that it was easy to get her way of revenge on you. she wanted to feed you the curse potion. 
the curse potion is not something to play around with. unlike the spell ‘avada kedavra’, the curse potion would cause the drinker to be in immense amount of pain for weeks, until their body decides to shut down finally. when drank, it would feel as if someone is rearranging your insides and squeezing them, tighter every second. 
hence, when she told her parents she needed this potion in order to seek revenge on you, they were hesitant. it was for one reason, you came from a high ranking family. if your parents knew who fed you the potion, the parkinsons would not only be sent to azkaban, but also be on death row. 
although they were reluctant, they listened to their daughter and gave her the desired potion. 
you walked in the great hall, hand in hand with draco for breakfast. he lets go of your hand and holds your waist gently before guiding you to sit on the bench before he slides besides you. he scoops food onto your plate for you before putting food on his own plate and digging in. 
you slowly ate with him, sometimes conversing with him and blaise, who was seated on your left side. you looked up from your plate and held a hand out to grab your goblet. thirsty, you take a couple sips of water before placing the goblet back down in front of your plate.
unnoticed to you, pansy was staring at you, slighly smirking when she sees you sipping on the water in your goblet. 
soon, draco gets up before you from the bench and extends his hand to grab yours as you stand up to walk out the great hall for a small rest before the start of your classes. 
eyes trained on the couple, everyone was jealous of the powerful, pureblood and rich couple. everyone knew they would stay together for a long time, if not, forever. they looked envious at the way draco was treating you, and the way you were treating him, with respect and a lot of love. 
pansy knew nothing would get them apart, she tried it all. thus, her last resort was to kill you. she wanted to be the one to stick with draco as he mourns your death. that way, he would finally realize that she was the one for him, not you. 
as days go by, you realized that your stomach was always in pain. since it has been less than a week, you brushed it off as stomach cramps. blaise, being a good friend and always observant, always sees you cowering in pain, trying to stabilize  your breathing. you always assured him that you were fine, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t worry about you. 
as the end of the week came, you brought the pain up to draco, but he assured you that it was probably nothing and that you would be fine again in no time. you believed him, of course. but as soon as the week extended to two weeks, you weren’t so sure anymore. 
it’s been about two and a half weeks now and to you, the pain you’ve been feeling in your stomach was too unbearable. but you weren’t one to skip classes, so you pushed through the pain and kept an emotionless face all day. 
draco has started to be a little more concerned. he thought at first that it would be your stomach cramps from your time of the month, as he knew that you had terrible cramps when you have your period. but as soon as a week became two weeks, he grew more worried but still pushed the thought of, thinking maybe it was a stomach bug. 
you were the type of person to always show up prim and proper, hair always neat down or in a ponytail and face always ready, never swollen from sleep, but everyone seemed to notice that you came to meals or classes, hair in a messy bun and face constantly contorted in pain. 
pansy noticed all of it, of course. she felt a little guilty, knowing that draco would be devastated after you leave him. she knew she needed to get rid of you to have him for herself, but it did make her slightly scared, now that the potion is kicking in. she had never killed anyone and she never thought that she would ever murder anyone. 
you walk in the great hall for dinner alone, as you took a different class from your friends. you slowly sauntered towards your normal seat. you glided your hand slowly on draco’s back as you slid in to sit next to him, in between him and blaise. 
the couple exchange smiles. draco pushes a full plate of food towards you, signaling you to start eating. you silently thanked him before picking up your cutlery to start your meal. you didn’t realize that draco was still staring at you as you slowly ate your food. 
when you finally noticed the gaze on the side of your face, you turn to him. 
“you just look so cute with your hair up so messily.” he says, after you turned to him. 
you brought up your hand to touch his, as your way of thanking him. you couldn’t brind yourself to open your mouth to talk to him, everything hurt, even eating. 
“you okay, love?” draco asks. 
you nodded to him, looking back at your food before pushing the plate away, your appetite gone. you rested your arms on the table before putting your head on top of it, using your arms as a pillow. 
you felt draco slowly rub your back as a sign of comfort since he knew you’ve been in pain for a while now. he rubs your back with his left hand and eats with his right, while talking to crabbe and goyle, who was seated opposite the three of you. 
pansy looked at you. your head was deep in your arms and draco’s hand rubbing your back comfortingly. she didn’t feel jealous. in fact, she felt terrible, now seeing you in pain. she knew that in the matter of a week, you’d be gone. pansy thought about bringing you to the hospital wing, in hopes you still had time to survive. 
slowly, some students have stood up in their group of friends to leave the great hall to finally catch up on sleep.
draco turns back to you and gently taps your shoulder to wake you. you didn’t show signs of you waking up. draco then shakes you slightly, whispering your name in your ears from time to time. you still hadn’t moved from your position. 
this alarmed draco, you were one of the lightest sleepers he has ever met, he knew that you would have surely woken up by now. the rest of the boys around you also became concerned. 
draco moved your face to tap your cheeks, in hopes you would wake up. once he sees your face, his eyes widen slightly. blaise, who saw his best mate’s expressions, walks beside him to see you. once he sees your face, he backs away, slightly surprised. 
your face was pale, drained from any type of color. your lips were no longer pink and soft looking. it looked like all your blood was drained from your body. 
draco slowly moves you from the bench, so that he could carry you instead. as he moves you, the students in the great hall, including the professors could see your face. gasps were heard throughout the hall. 
as draco sets you in his arms, he noticed how light you had become, and how fragile you looked. draco almost cries from seeing you like this. he glances up to find the former potions, now DADA professor, more known as your godfather. draco notices that he was already walking towards the both of you. 
he turns to walk out the hall, towards the hospital wing. soon breaking out in a jog, with you in his arms. he was scared, he didn’t know what was going on with you. 
pansy saw the commontion. she pales slightly, constantly playing with her hair as she was nervous. this was too soon. you weren’t due until next week, at least. was your body already giving up? she needed to talk to her parents. she didn’t know what to do. 
she ran to the owl post to send a letter to her parents, she needed to fix this, fast before you become any worse. 
hours later, your friends are still worried sick about you. madame pomfrey wouldn’t tell them anything, besides that she would try her best to help you. all that draco know is that you’ve consumed something bad. but what could you have taken that he didn’t notice? 
your godfather, severus, knew everything that was happening with you. you drank a curse potion, he didn’t know how it got in your system in the first place, but it was in you. he was determined to find out who had fed you the unforgivable potion, and they were to be sent to azkaban and be left to die there. 
he was concerned for you. he quickly got his patronus to tell your parents about your wellbeing. unfortunately, your parents were stuck in a different country doing work, but they knew that you were in good hands of severus and draco but still tried their best to come as fast as they could.  
now, severus was flipping through a book for counter curse potions for you. he needed to be quick in order to save you before your system breaks down. he couldn’t lose you, he won’t 
draco was silently crying beside blaise. they both hoped that you would get better, they needed you to get better. they couldn’t see the future without you in it. blaise had silent tears going down his cheeks, his left arm draped around draco’s shoulders as sign of comfort, knowing he needed it most. 
although you were unconscious, you still felt the burn everywhere. your stomach, ribs, veins. you were in a lot of pain, but you were not about to give up, not when you haven’t said your goodbyes. you needed closure before you could ever think about giving up your life. 
pansy runs in the hospital wing, panicked, looking for something, someone. all heads shoot up as they heard the fast paced footsteps. draco makes eye contact with the parkinson girl and quickly looks back down to his hands, shaking his head, not wanting to deal with her at the moment. he didn’t have the energy entertain her.
“i’m sorry, i did this. i know it was wrong but i only realized it now. i have the potion to heal her. i’m sorr-” pansy tries to finish her sentence, not before severus puts both his hands on her shoulders, startling her. 
“you did this?” he says with his intimidating tone, scaring pansy even more. 
pansy slowly nodded, not wanting to anger him any more. 
“give me it.” your godfather demands. 
pansy grows confused. she didn’t understand what he wanted. 
“the counter potion, you dunderhead.” he says, voice increased as he grows more and more impatient. 
pansy quickly realized what he wanted. she dips her hand in her robes pocket and takes out something. a vile of liquid. a liquid everyone knew would make you better. 
“if this makes her worse, you’d be dead faster than you can say your own name.” severus tells her. 
pansy pales, and silently prayed that the potion worked. she couldn’t see you suffer any longer. she saw a glimpse of you when she walked in. you looked pale, almost lifeless, but she didn’t want to think that you were dead, by her choices. 
it took weeks to finally see progress in you. when you drank the potion, nothing noticeable happened. you cheeks didn’t gain any color until three weeks later. classes now were dismissed earlier as many professors had to help with your recovery.
draco was miserable, constantly crying. when he knew that pansy was behind this, he was beyond furious but he hadn’t tried anything. he didn’t have enough energy to, he was beyond exhausted to do anything. on the contrary, he knew that pansy would get the punishment she deserved later on, but for now, you were his first priority. 
a full month go by. now, all the professors are watching you, hoping that today was the day that you would wake up. everyone prayed for you, even those who hated slytherins. everyone knew you are a sweet girl, and you didn’t deserve this at all. they hoped that you would be well again soon. 
when you first regained feeling in your hands, you were confused. why couldn’t you open your eyes? you could feel drops of water dripping on your left hand, which you then understood that it was someone’s tears. you could tell it was draco, since he would whisper sweet things in your ear, begging you to wake up. 
you also knew that besides showering, he stayed at that spot everyday. you felt bad, and worked hard to try and open your eyes. for him, for your friends and family. 
the day you opened your eyes, you didn’t expect to see almost everyone you knew, professors included, standing and staring at you. 
when you finally opened your eyes, everyone let out a breath of relief. you could tell it has been a while since you slept. draco almost pounced on you in happiness, but he knew you were still sore from the pain you went through from that stupid potion that pansy gave you. 
he was relieved to hear that pansy was sentenced to azkaban soon after she gave your godfather the counter potion. and although most people had doubts about that potion, they knew that it was their only choice to save you. 
skipping your recovery time, it has been a while since you became full healthy, now in your seventh year, your graduating year, but draco was still as concerned as ever. you always told him that you were fine, and there was nothing to worry about, but he would tell you that he didn’t want to take any chances, as he had to see the love of his life sick and pale, on her death bed. 
the day of your graduation was the best day of your life so far. everything went smoothly. the head master’s speech was boring, but all the seventh years were too excited to care.
as the graduation ceremony came to an end, all the graduating students ran to their parents, to give them a hug, finally able to leave the school and find a career. everyone was excited but still sad to leave the beautiful place they called school ever since they were eleven. 
your parents and the malfoys were talking when you and your boyfriend went to find them. as you reached your parents, they pulled you two in for a group hug. although you enjoyed it, draco was pushing his parents away, telling them not to embarrass him. 
as you pulled away from your parents, you laughed at draco. “you’re so dramatic, just hug them and not make a fuss for once.” 
draco rolls his eyes, before slightly chuckling. as you both stared at each other, you knew that this was what you wanted from the day you met him. you’re happy that the both of you graduated together, relationship as strong as ever. 
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lupiplotsarchive · 2 years
👫 nabi&minjae
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship @lovxsickgirl
minjae não sabe muito cozinhar, ele só aprendeu o básico do básico para não morrer de fome e agora que tem MUITO tempo livre tem praticado bastante, é por isso que sua cozinha vive uma bagunça, mas aos poucos ele vai aprendendo a arte de cozinhar e de manter a cozinhar limpa. nabi não é só uma mulher muito bonita e interessante, ela é sua salvadora também, então minaje começou a deixar algumas coisas gostosas de comer na porta do apartamento da mulher, sempre com um bilhetinho agradecendo por algo que ela fez por ele. durante a noite ele deixa algum tipo de refeição, pela manhã quando nabi sai para trabalhar sempre encontrará biscoitos ou bolinhos para levar, isso até ele criar coragem e convidá-la oficialmente para sair.
imagino quase sempre eles bebendo no apartamento do minjae para que ele pegue no sono e depois de uma doses ele sempre acaba colocando uma música e puxando a nabi para dançar, então eles ficam ali dançando agarradinhos no meio da sala e é assim que ele se acalma o suficiente para conseguir dormir algumas horas em paz, quando dançar juntinho da nabi não funciona, o sexo resolve.
eu super imagino a primeira vez deles sendo no meio de uma crise do minjae onde ele a beija de forma desesperada para afastar os pensamentos e o pânico crescente, e é assim que eles descobrem uma das coisas que o ajuda a se acalmar e dormir. no dia seguinte ou alguma horas depois ele acordaria se sentindo culpado, não por se arrepender, mas por ter a sensação de ter usado a nabi, então eu o vejo conversando com ela sobre isso e oferecendo um encontro de verdade para compensar porque ele gosta dela e não quer transar com ela apenas para suprir uma necessidade, mas sim por realmente desejá-la.
imagino eles indo em algum parque ou feira livre onde tenha aquela brincadeira de tiro ao alvo e ele simplesmente ganha todos os brindes da barraca para a nabi, afinal, ex militar né... tem uma pontaria quase perfeita e não vai perder a chance de se exibir pra cremosa. 
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Heyo! Chapter seven of my Midam witch/familiar AU is here.
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abruisedmuse · 4 years
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Nesta groaned lacing her fingers together, stretching upwards with a restful sigh. Turning and twisting in her midnight blue comforter. Her face and mess of dark auburn tresses buried into her plush pillow. Reaching out for her husband's body. Though it wouldn’t surprise her if it was one of their toddlers instead. Still, they would receive the same touch. An arm curling around the middle and a swift peck on the check. The only difference would be how she said good morning. To their toddlers, it would be motherly full of warmth and affection. She’d run her fingers through their thick dark locks, cupping their little rosy cheeks. Until Cassian grabbed them, tickling the two and chasing them out of the bedroom. To Cassian, it would be a good morning prick which would entice him to flip her on her back. Murmuring some damned nonsense of how she loved his prick and he would show her. Or it would be her peppering kisses from his tousled hair down to the nape of his neck. He’d turn to her in a sleepy daze capturing her lips in a morning greeting.
This morning when she reached out there was nothing. No one. Not even the warmth of a body. Just a cold spot of silken sheets. She jumped up startled blue-grey eyes scanning the room for any of them. The only one in the room was her.
“Cassian?” Nesta knew it was ridiculous to call his name in a still room. If he was in the master bath she’d hear him. Loudly too. Always singing off-key or just generally making noise. No matter the time of day he seemed to hold a habit of slamming doors and cabinets, “Aidan? Audrey?” she called for their twins on the off chance they were once again hiding in the walk-in closet or under the bed. No giggles, singing, or cabinet slamming. Only silence.
Pulling the covers off, her bare feet touching the cool cherrywood flooring. Resting a hand over her three-month swollen belly as she walked towards the small black chaise next to the window. People thought they were crazy for having another while the twins were only four. They couldn’t help it and they only needed justification for themselves. Cassian and Nesta always wanted a big family. For Cassian growing up, it was only him and his mother. Things were always lonely and tight. For Nesta, it was troubling. Her mother left them with her father never bothering to contact them again. Her father did nothing but drink his days. She believed if she did nothing that he would eventually get his act together. He didn’t. He never did. Eventually, his sister took in the three girls. Elain and Feyre they loved and adored. Nesta was always pushed aside. Too much like her mother they would say. It took years later for some Illyrian idiot with a man bun crashing into her while leaving a creative writing class to melt the ice around her heart. But he did and with him, she wanted that chance. To fill her house with the laughter and love she never had. Things weren’t always easy for them, but their love and devotion to each other ran deep. Now with her successful career as a writer and his as a gym trainer with his equally successful lines of workout supplements, they had the means for that family and more.
Nesta pulled the sheer curtains apart looking down for any sight of her husband running with the kids. One twin up on his shoulders while Cassian chased the other. Possibly with him pinned to the ground and the two climbing on top of him. It didn’t matter, it was only eight in the morning. If Cassian had it his way. He would drag his wife and the kids outside the second the sun rose. They weren’t outside either. There was only one other place they could be. Nesta grabbed her charcoal robe, slipping into the sleeves and tying it loosely over her striped nightgown. She picked up a hair tie next to the cell, tying her hair in a bun while heading to the door. As she turned the knob, Nesta heard whispers through the doors and realized she should’ve checked the house first. Twisting the doorknob in her hand, silently she pulled it open.
“Daddy. What is book brinding?”
She heard Audrey ask, her shoulder-length hair still mused from sleep, thick and dark like her fathers. They all had their backs to her sitting at the dining table. Audrey on the left, Cassian in the center, and finally quiet little Aidan on the right. Nesta heard Cassian laugh at the innocent question. Folding her arms across her chest, she leaned against the door frame listening to the conversation.
“Bookbinding sweetheart. See it keeps the book together like this.”
“Will mommy like it?”
“Course she will, buddy. You and your sister made it.”
“You made it too!” the twins shouted in unison. Cassian shushed them both, “Oh right,” they’re voices lowered, “You made it too,” they repeated.
“Not really. I helped with the writing and tied it. The idea, the drawings, and the pictures you chose. That’s you guys. Daddy has something else planned. She’ll like it.”
“What is it?" Audrey asked. A childlike curiosity in her voice.
"Is it your prick?" Aidan questioned. Nesta stifled a laugh watching her husband's back straighten as he froze in his movements, "You always say she likes that."
"How many conversations do you kids listen to?"
"Oh. Lots," they spoke together.
"Yeah, let's not do that. Some conversations are for mommy and daddy only."
"But what is a prick? And why does mommy like yours so much?"
It was Audrey this time who asked. Nesta didn't have to see his face to know his tanned skin was draining and turning ghost white. By her guess, it was happening quickly. Cassian was good at many things, but awkward talks with almost five-year-olds were not one of those things. Pushing off the frame, she decided to make her presence known to the three most important people in her life.
"What are we doing?" she asked, her brows arched walking towards the dining table.
All three turned around at the same time. Looking like deers in headlights. The twins gasped, throwing their small hands over a squared object on the onyx table. Both of them fussing over who was louder and caused her to wake. Saying things like mommy needs sleep for the baby. The baby won't grow if you wake her up. Cassian hushed them both, pushing the chair out to go and greet his beloved. The twins followed suit.
Although Aidan and Audrey were twins. Their looks weren't similar except for their olive-toned skin. It seemed to be a mix of Cassian and Nesta. Aidan was a spitting image of his mother. Hair a deep golden hue like her and his eyes a marbled blend of grey and blue. Like a storm on the sea. His small child features were already strong like hers, both mother and son having sharp noses. He had his father's courageous and outspoken personality, but Nesta's love of reading. Aidan held an imagination that outweighed even his sisters of magic, fairytales, and dragons. He was still dressed in his pj's. A cheesy little blue and red set that read Mommy's little super hero on the front.
Audrey, on the other hand, looked at that of her father. Hair black as night and down to her shoulders. She liked it that way with bangs. It was like Cassian and auntie Amren. Her eyes were a bright amber with flecks of green throughout. Like sunbeams breaking through rich green leaves in a forest. Lips pouty and plush like him. She too loved reading, not as much as Aidan though. Audrey had a knack for adventure. Wanting to be the princess and yet wield a blade. She had her father's free spirit and her mother's stubbornness. Audrey stood there in her white and pink polka-dotted nightgown. A heart in the center with, Mommy's sweetheart embroidered. Standing close to Cassian. A daddy's girl through and through.
Cassian who stood there in the same wardrobe as the kids. A black shirt with black and red plaid bottoms. Grinning ear to ear at her, running his hair through his thick, wavy locks. He glanced at the kids to his sides, "Why don't you get the present?" they both nodded giggling. He stepped to Nesta, hand resting on her belly, kissing her sweetly, "Happy Mothers Day Nes."
"Thank you," giving him a chaste kiss, "What are you up to? Besides gifting your prick to me."
"Only gifting if it if you want it, sweetheart. I was thinking Amren and Valerian could watch the kids. Which I already asked. They said yes. We can go for brunch, get you one of those prenatal massages you like so much.."
She hummed, curling her arms around his waist. Resting her head against his chest. Cassian ran his fingers down her spine, "What if I want it?" She crooned.
"Insatiable woman," he teased, smirking at her.
"Let's call it a pregnancy craving."
He chuckled kissing the top of her head," Whatever you say. The kids have been working on this for a week by the way."
Aidan and Audrey returned shouting to Nesta to shut her eyes. She did as requested. Cassian guided her to the couch. The twins sat next to her and Cassian sat on the edge. Nesta felt a weight in her lap.
"Happy Mothers day!" they shouted in unison. Nesta flicked her eyes open to look at the item. She gasped. Her heart full looking at her gift. A book. They made her a book. Nesta Archeron wasn't someone who cried. So far in her life, she cried three times. When Cassian proposed, when they married, and when the twins were born. Now she supposed it was time for another. She could feel her eyes brimming with wetness. Overcome with emotion.
The cover was a drawing of what she guessed was Aidan and Audrey. It was a titled Why we Love Mommy. Nesta assumed the title was Cassian. It was too forward for a child. The sides of the book were laced together in a red ribbon. She opened the first page. It was a drawing of her and Cassian while she was pregnant. If the drawing didn’t give it away the sentence stating it would have. Some pages had photos of the four of them or Just Nesta and the kids. Most page was filled with inaccurate drawings and little stick figures. She loved it anyway. The bodies of themselves and then the twins when they showed in the book were far from proportionate. On one page Nesta's legs were as long as the drawn Cassian next to her. Sometimes the twins were taller than their parents. Her favorites were the ones of Cassian with circles as muscles playing his guitar while Nesta sat on the floor. Drawn with a long-armed Aidan and a book bigger than her head. The pages had simple sentences like: We love mommy for giving us a home in her tummy, We love when daddy plays music and Mommy reads to us, We love mommy’s pancakes. She didn't even realize tears were falling when she read the last page. There was a heart messily drawn and at the bottom, it read, We love mommy cause she’s pretty and strong, and she loves daddy and us bigger than space and dragons. It was a sentence only two four-year-olds could muster. It touched her in a way she couldn’t fathom. Her touchy pregnancy hormones had gotten the best of her. By now her tears were streaming down her face. Not from sadness, but affection.
"Nes?" he questioned handing her a tissue. She took it, nodding her thanks, dabbing at her tears.
"Do you like it, mommy?" The twins asked. She wrapped her arms around her babies. Planting a loving kiss on their heads. They hugged back as tightly as their little arms could.
"Yes. I love it very much. It's my favorite book," she shared a look with Cassian, her lips trembling but her smile wide. He reached out to squeeze her hand.
a/n: This is actually part of series called: Mother’s Day in Velaris. Which atm has two parts. Nessian and Elriel (Which I’ll repost tonight). I still need to do Feysand and it will be complete.
Over the next week or so I am transferring my fics to tumblr. I kinda prefer the tumblr platform and I am on here more than ao3. So some of the fics I will be posting, yes you may have seen before, like this one.
Taglist: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @hizqueen4life​ @clockworkgraystairs​ @b00kworm​ @negativenesta​ @sjm-things​​ @whataboutmyfries​​ @justgiu12​​ @illyrian-bookworm​​ @thesirenwashere​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​​ @vanessa172003​​ @thewickedkings​​ @sleeping-and-books​​ @thefolkofthefic​​ @yafandomsdotnet​​ @aknymph​ @alittledribbledrabble​ @iminsanenotobsessed​ @figuredihadanodustollensofalife​ @Df3ndyr @forbiddencorvidae​
want to be on my taglist? let me know!
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unquenchablereader · 4 years
Macbeth Witches’ Speech Tag Game
(Bookoween: Toil and Trouble)
I was tagged by @anassarhenisch and thank you so much for that! It feels so great to be included when I’m new on tumblr!! The game was made by @readingbooksinisrael and I love it. Very clever!
1. “Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.” Recommend a book with a cat in it
Blacksad by Juan Díaz Canales is a graphic novel in which all the characters are portrait as animals. It's a detective-film noir-kind of book and it's really cool! The main character John Blacksad is a cat making this the obvious choice for my recommendation!
2. “Harpier cries 'Tis time, 'tis time.” What is the next book you plan to read?
I'm always reading more books than one at the time so I've got a few books lined up, but one of them is book three of The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman. I'm not that far into the second one yet though and I definitely don't enjoy it as much as the first one but I hope it'll change for the better soon, because I loved the first one!
3. “Round about the cauldron go” Recommend a book it took you a long time to read
The New York trilogy by Paul Auster messed me so much up that it took me forever to finish all three stories though they're are rather short. They're so confusing and philosophical and full of hidden depths and meanings and I LOVE it! I just needed big breaks in between to digest them properly, because my head was spinning!!!
4. “Eye of newt and toe of frog” Recommend a book from your childhood OR recommend a gross book
Okay this is not childhood-childhood but more preteen but in honour of October and Halloween, I felt The girl who loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King was appropriate. Also... does creepy counts as gross? Haha. I'm a real scaredy cat now so I'll probably never be able to re-read this one so please do it for me and tell me how you liked it!! I remember thinking it was so well crafted making a simple day in the forrest into a real nightmare and I was really fascinated by the story. I still remember bits of it though it's probably 15 years back or something. It left quite an impact!
5. “Make the gruel thick and slab” Recommend a book over 400 pages
I just finished The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and hot damn that's a finely done high fantasy novel! If you're into that genre you absolutely have to read this one. Rothfuss has thought about EVERYTHING down to currency, languages and oh my the details is just... wow! I gave it 5 stars on goodreads and it really, really deserved it.
6. “Double, double toil and trouble/Fire burn and caludron bubble” Recommend any book you like
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde. Like a million times. I read it this summer and now I'm in love with Wilde. So there's that. He writes so beautifully about such interesting and haunting topics and if you haven't read it yet DO IT! It's a short read so not overwhelming if you're worried about his classic litterature-status and it's absolutely brilliant.
I'm not completely sure who's already done this, but I tag @therefugeofbooks @ashes-0f-r0ses @scandireader @appleinducedsleep @sneakymerendinaninja and @that-bookworm-guy
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youthbookreview · 4 years
Macbeth Witches’ Speech Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me, @readingbooksinisrael!
(Bookoween: Toil and Trouble)
1. “Thrice the brinded cat hath mew’d.” Recommend a book with a cat in it
Oooh, has anyone else read the The Cat Who... mysteries by Lillian Jackson Braun? I haven’t read one in ages--I read them in middle and high school but I haven’t read one since--but I associate them with my childhood now.
2. “Harpier cries ‘Tis time, 'tis time.” What is the next book you plan to read?
I’ve had the book Followers by Megan Angelo checked out since before the pandemic started, and to be honest, I don’t even remember what this book is about. But I think I’m going to read it next! I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction lately and so this’ll be a nice change of pace.
3. “Round about the cauldron go” Recommend a book it took you a long time to read
It took me a really long time to read Dune by Frank Herbert--I started it, like, 3 different times over the course of 7 or 8 years--but by the time I finally read it all the way through, I was a huge fun. I’m looking forward to the new movie!
4. “Eye of newt and toe of frog” Recommend a book from your childhood OR recommend a gross book
I need to reread My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George because it’s one of my favorite books from childhood.
5. “Make the gruel thick and slab” Recommend a book over 400 pages
Oh jeez, I don’t often read books that long! Hmm, but I did read Americanah by  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie this year for my writing workshop, and I really, really enjoyed it. Highly recommend it!
6. “Double, double toil and trouble/Fire burn and caludron bubble” Recommend any book you like
I feel like I recommend this on my Tumblr like 10 times a year, but Insignia by S.J. Kincaid is like Ender’s Game meets Harry Potter and I like it way, way more than HP. I can’t promise it’s for absolutely everyone, but I seriously wish more people I know would read this book.
I always get stuck at the tagging part so I’m going to do the thing I always do and say that if you’re at all interested in doing this tag game but haven’t been tagged yet for it, then consider this me tagging you! Yes, you!
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