#CBC News
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"The public don’t understand that the olive oil price is skyrocketing because crops in Europe have been devastated by extreme drought because of climate change, and that it’s going to get much worse - or that David Attenborough warns the collapse of the food system is on the horizon which means extreme violence… The public don’t understand because the media aren’t interested and aren’t telling them. More about it here:"
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Reflexively so, there are also researchers who are optimistic about the future of Olive Oil production. I have seen some other articles address these issues, and some report about hoping that current/future farmers will be able to adapt/change certain practices to account for weather fluctuations -and albeit yes it is quite alarming (as this conversation can extend into overall food security with gradual but drastic increases in climate change that we have see this past decade alone). I wanted to share this from the CBC article above, because I have hope that this industry will be able to recover:
"The situation has some farmers talking about how to adapt to climate change, such as by planting more drought-hardy varieties of olive trees. But Pananos says any change to the farming methods is going to take a long time." "Some of the farms around here, some of the olive groves were established many years ago, some of them 100 and 200 years ago," he said." "To make a drastic change … they will also have to put up with many years of inactivity to implement such thing." "Although farmers like Pananos are concerned about the short-term and long-term effects extreme heat will have on olive groves, some researchers are still optimistic about the plant's future." "Olive is actually a crop for the future because it doesn't rely so much on water," said Selina Wang, who has been researching olives for more than 15 years." "It requires moderate amount of water and chemicals for growing olives. A lot of farmers do not use any chemicals at all," she told Galloway."
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
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tamapalace · 4 months
Toronto Tamagotchi Club Gets CBC News, and Radio Canada Coverage
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It’s almost a guarantee that if the Toronto Tamagotchi Club is having a meetup, the press is going to be there! We really love the hard work that Twoey Gray is putting in! The latest meetup was on November 12th, 2023 at Allan Gardens from 12:00-3:00PM.
The folks over at Tonronto Tamagotchi Club even made a radio appearance on CBC Toronto to advertise the meetup. The meetup had an impressive turnout that keeps increasing in headcount with each meetup. The latest meetup drew a crowd of 30 before getting kicked out for monopolizing the greenhouse.
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Both CBC News and Radio Canada made an appearance at the meetup to write articles and record footage. Be sure to check out all the love they are receiving! Keep up the good work!
Pets without the extra commitment: Toronto Tamagotchi Club revives beloved retro toy from the early 2000s (CBC News)
Le grand retour du Tamagotchi? (Radio Canada)
Toronto Tamagotchi Club builds community through the now-retro toy (CBC News)
Tamagotchis are back, in Toronto at least: Why the popular 90s virtual pet is finding new life today (CBC News)
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this is the iceberg that steve rogers was frozen in for 70 years you cannot change my mind
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from CBC
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superliz6 · 4 months
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nokingsonlyfooles · 4 months
In case you haven't heard...
And tl;dr - it's a zip file. It's a telegraph-era zip file, a way to compress weather data so it sends faster and cheaper. You can only unzip it if you have the key, which Wayne Chan found by dating the style of the dress where it was found.
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It's even got a flipped bit in it which is unreadable - by which I mean someone read the code key wrong and sent a typo.
Now, we still don't know why someone stuffed a zipped weather report in a dress, but because someone did, now you know we've been compressing digital information since before your grandparents were born. And it used to look way cooler! 😁
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genx3791 · 3 months
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poorlittlevampirebaby · 6 months
Two days before it was supposed to open, ROM officials told the four Palestinian American women about changes they wanted to make, according to artists Sameerah Hosam Ahmad and Malak Kanan. "They highlighted the word 'Palestine,' and they highlighted the word 'exiled,' and they basically said, 'This is going to need to change for us to be able to show your work,'" Ahmad said. "This was very disturbing. This is the reality of what happened to our peoples." A ROM spokesperson said in a statement the proposed changes were in light of "the current heightened sensitivities around the Israel-Hamas conflict and the pain and suffering of all involved communities." The artists refused.
An 18-hour sit-in and several other protests later, exhibit about death and mourning reopens in Toronto
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zonetrente-trois · 1 month
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Évelyne Brochu (left) plays a fantastically sweet and strong lead, oblivious to the attempts of her ex (Vanessa Hudgens, right) to woo her back. (Elevation Pictures)
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
Poilievre is DANGEROUS. He's a transphobic, cissexist, and transmisogynistic piece of trash (his use of the word 'female' reminds me of manosphere terrors on the internet -and someone who tries to continue to normalize biological essentialism). I'm much more worried about white cishet men like you every I go -ya'll are the are the REAL threats to so many of us. Keep this despicable disgrace from getting ANY political power. Protect and defend trans and non-binary folks.
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The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and Radio-Canada will eliminate about 600 jobs and an additional 200 vacancies will go unfilled as it contends with a $125 million budget shortfall. The public broadcaster said Monday that CBC and Radio-Canada will each cut about 250 jobs, with the balance of the layoffs coming from corporate divisions such as technology and infrastructure. Some of the cuts will be made immediately while others will be carried out over the next 12 months.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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itsanautiething · 3 months
Stay safe, my 2SLGBTQI+ fam. This often shitty world is likely to get shittier.
From CBC News:
"Canada's intelligence agency is warning that extremists could "inspire and encourage" serious violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community — a threat the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says almost certainly will continue over the coming year.
CSIS's comments come as provincial policies on gender-affirming surgeries and pronoun preferences are being hotly debated across the country.
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darlinhutchence · 1 month
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Michael Hutchence ft. his iconic orange shirt I'm in love with.
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a-dream-seeking-light · 11 months
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The Wilsons Gas Stop in Tantallon is shown on Tuesday in a haze of smoke. Officials say the weather forecast for Tuesday is not favourable for battling an out-of-control wildfire in the area, as winds are expected to pick up. (Brett Ruskin/CBC)
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an-onyx-void · 4 months
As U.S., U.K. and EU sanction violent Israeli settlers, Canada hangs back
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nokingsonlyfooles · 6 months
My eyes hurt and now my brain hurts
...but screaming with laughter helps, so I had to share. (And after this I'll stop reading and take a break.)
It's Vivek, rhymes with "there's a LAKE!" Several, I believe. I haven't been in Canada that long, I'm not positive, but I believe there would be more than one lake. Aren't they having enough trouble building that wall over the river? And wildlife habitats? And SAND?
Build a wall over a lake to stop an amount of fentanyl that would fit in my purse? It's not the dumbest thing my country or origin has attempted, so let's see how it shakes out.
I would, if anyone is interested, appreciate a wall that keeps US dollars out of Canadian politics. It seems like that would be much easier to build, legislatively. But you do you, US.
Get safe out there, America. Get as safe as you can. This fever isn't going to break without doing a lot more damage.
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