#Dreamlight Valley × Twisted Wonderland
cookies4evry1 · 1 year
Dreamlight Valley/ Twst Headcanons for my Ocs!
Basic Stuff:
- Both of them can change themselves quickly cause magic
- The power of Dreamlight depends on how much dreams and thoughts affect it.
- The more compound it gets more it crystallizes
- The main Dreamer Daniela the ruler makes the world it is. She created it when she was young child.
- When she split from the world she left behind a part of her making the Forgotten. Who was a perfect carbon copy, but she was missing a part of her. Leading into the events of the game.
- All of the Characters in the world have their own dimensions from where they come from.
- Some characters who died were brought to life though they don't seem to be the exact person.
- The ruler came to the world in a well, and made the castle there.
- Being trained by Merlin and some others in magic they are very proficient in spells.
The Ruler/ Daniela
- She'd love to oversleep in the morning and wake up in the afternoon. But sadly she has duties to do.
-Has a pet Crocodile named Marshy
- Loves to craft furniture and make flower pots. Her house is filled with flowers.
- She drinks two cups of coffee a day when the villagers need a lot of things
- Doesn't remember her childhood that much unlike the Forgotten
- She sees the forgotten as her own person and as a twin. (Obviously they look the same)
- Very rich as she keeps harvesting and selling Pumpkins on the regular.
- Tends to overwork and leave things to the last minute. But she makes it one time anyways.
- For some reason the villagers tend to surround her when she spaces out. She gets that they're concerned but she's imagining in her headspace.
- She was found sleeping in Maleficents house causing a huge misunderstanding with Merlin and the other villagers. It nearly caused a huge disaster (She and Maleficent were just having a sleepover)
- Never put her near any flying bugs, she'd would start to shoot fire everywhere.
- Likes to poke fun at Jafar
- Puts Coal in peoples houses when she's mad or disappointed in them. Gothel has a few which she placed on a shelf.
- Loves to sprint around she loves feeling speedy even if it takes a lot from her. (Because of this she eats a lot.)
The Forgotten/Yuu
-The forgotten named herself Yuu and left the forgotten title as her last name.
- She likes to make jokes on that which concerns Mickey and Minnie
- Tends to be forgotten a lot or not noticed that much since her footsteps are very quiet.
- The wings are very much real, and Yuu will fly around the sky when she wants to clear her head.
- Likes to experiment and befriend items.
- Has a potato farm in her castle somewhere
- Tried to eat a night thorn raw never again
- Loves to dress up and do her hair. (When your being evil you gotta look good)
- Likes to follow Daniela around when bored.
- Doesn't feel comfortable being near Gothel or Scar (She'd get really on the defensive)
- Really finds Minnie as a mother figure (Usually likes to hang out near her house)
- Yuu has a Raven friend who she enchanted to speak. Named him Charlie.
- Once boasted she could and would eat all the icecream in Remys restaurant.
- Avoids Olaf as much as she can
- Loves making tiny sandcastles in the beach
- Tends to forget important dates.
- Finds stupid looking fish cute
- Her cardboard wings and crown are hidden in a shelf.
- Loves Snow Whites pie and eats it in her room. While watching movies with Charlie.
Twisted Wonderland stuff in here!
- When she goes into Twisted Wonderland by accident she tries to summon a portal back home but changes her mind as she gets curious about it's inhabitants.
- Makes Ramshackle into a nice living space with a huge potato garden. She got green, red, and blue potatoes.
- She has a little issues when making new friends but She considers it as a learning experience.
- Keeps in contact with Daniela with letters
- She considers Ace, Grim, and Deuce has a younger brother figures
- She really likes Crowely's sense of style and made a similar looking hat and mask for herself, and a little hat for Charlie.
- She relates to Malleus sharing the love of icecream. Going off to try some icecream flavors she makes up in the experiment room!
- Dealing with Overblots is very tricky, but She always has Daniela in beck and call if things get too messy. But she mostly deals it fine.
- Yuu loves to talk to the portraits in the school and tried to enchant the paintings to give them a body to walk around with for a day. But that caused a whole ruckus and Crowley reprimand her for a while.
- Daniela finds Sebek adorable and very charming. Wanting to adopt him as he reminds her of a crocodile. Yuu doesn't get it but alright.
- Daniela visits sometimes for fun, trying to buy things from the world and make money. (Learning from the best Uncle Scrounge)
- Like Sebek Daniela finds the twins cute as well, Yuu at this point wonders why and gets very annoyed when the twins try to get into Daniela's graces.
- Yuu tends to go into a creative tangent when seeing Vil and Rook. Having many ideas fly away.
- Yuu finds Daniela in each dorm gushing at everything she'd like to make at home.
- Both become Therapists for the school unintentional.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Scar having a line about ruling the valley side by side with you? 👀
I do not in fact seem to have it saved so enjoy this screencap of him trying to order a salad:
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But if I remember correctly, when you unlock Scar he says that he used to rule the Valley with you at his side; he likes insisting that he is the one really in charge but he's very gracious and willing to let you do all of the work. On the one hand you could say he's coping but honestly I really like him, he had my favorite dynamic with the Ruler out of all of the villains.
Anyway I like thinking of Leona in the same sort of terms, where he's a bit cruel in his language but still. If pushed. He has some nice things to say about Yuu.
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Leona strikes me as someone who thinks he has very little to offer and that once everyone realizes this they'll abandon him. So when Yuu doesn't, he sort of assumes they're an idiot but after a while they'll become his idiot. His idiot with no social sense that he's responsible for, what a chore they'd better make it up to him. he's just like fate gil fr fr
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twst-kumi · 21 days
Should I do a cross-over fic with twisted wonderland and Dreamlight valley? The idea is still living rent free in my head.
It would be the easiest cross-over XD
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incorrect-joseimuke · 8 months
Lilia: Finger painting is my jam!
Malleus: Your "jam"? Does that mean you like it?
Lilia: Kinda? I do like jam. And finger painting...
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sweetbunpura · 20 days
School trip for NRC, but instead of going somewhere fun, they go to a farm. We all know Epel is going to thrive, his country accident is out in full swing. But can you imagine how the other are gonna react? Especially if they have a someone who is stubborn when it comes to hearing some of the boys complain and just doubles the work on the ones who complain.
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char4925 · 11 months
So I found some fanart of Azul and Riddle in Dreamlight valley and-
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(Art is not mine)
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I don't have Daisy or her boutique yet (I'll continue working on that when I get off from work today), but I made this for a person on reddit
I figured since I'm doing this for reddit, I might as well see if there's anyone on tumblr who might also be interested
Also, please note that it's my first time using TOM at all (so if there was an easier way to do what I was trying to do, I don't know them yet)
Anyways, here's my attempt at Idia's jacket:
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(Oh, yeah, I've been playing DDLV. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, so yeah, surprise!)
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a-little-lostecho · 1 year
‘What am I supposed to do with a magic pickaxe??’
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Merlin told him to “Gather the Royal Tools.” and yet Riddle isn’t quite sure on how exactly Merlin has expected Riddle to wield them.
Obligatory DLV (Dreamlight Valley) Twst fusion AU bc I accidentally played 80 hours of it during the month ish I’ve had it which admittedly doesn’t sound like too much but it’s still . a lot. and Disney game meets other Disney game!
All the boys eventually come to the valley but as of the start of the game it is just Riddle. I think. I don’t have the semantics worked out for this AU it’s just rotting in my brain when I play — but rn I’m imagining a bunch of them ‘Spawn’ in the different areas and since there’s seven unlockable biomes i’m just gonna slot a housewarden in each for sake of my convenience.
Funny enough, they ‘Spawn’ in the default clothings (likely with Dorm Uniform attire in their sub-space inventories which none of them have yet to access) with their phones like in canon. So all of them can just shoot each other texts even when there’s miles of Night Thorns blocking their way and I find that hilarious
(P.S I swear i’m not dead sorry for disappearing I just cannot finish a piece of work for the life of me hence why this is just. a sketch. i was lazy :p)
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witchywriter18 · 8 months
So here are two characters that remind me of Beauty and the Beast when shipped with Yuu.
Leona Kingscholar (won't let me use orange for some reason so you get red)
Grumpy and non-social
....well the beastman qualities reminding me of Beast
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Malleus Draconia
Not exactly grumpy but definitely not social
Awkward when getting to know people
People fear him
Again, royal-
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Kinda came to me when playing Dreamlight Valley and doing Beast quest
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daydreamshenanigans · 1 month
Man- I really want Disney Dreamlight Valley and Twisted Wonderland to have a crossover. The Forgotten can be a special card in Twisted Wonderland and Silver can be a special companion in Dreamlight Valley. It’s confirmed that Dreamlight Valley exists in our dreams, and Silver has the ability to travel into and through dreams.
It just makes sense!!!
Edit: For clarification, I would like either a Silver inspired pet or for Silver to be a Villager. Grim will also do. (I am so used to calling any NPC who follows me in game as a companion.)
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Some looks of myself I made with stuff that I associate with Disney, no matter the circumstances.
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cookies4evry1 · 8 months
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Day: 29 Daniela and Yuu
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
I haven't been playing Dreamlight Valley as much recently, but there's something... interesting about how Scar is easily the one villain I would say is genuinely the player's friend, he even admits that he thinks of them as his friend (very grumpily) in one quest. It makes me think of how Leona is technically part of Yuu's class, he and Rook are the direct seniors of Class A (at least if I understand Portfest correctly) so he is probably the Housewardern who sees them the most other than Riddle. I know it probably won't happen, but if the timeloop theory is real I would love to see him get more focus in round 2. I just want more Leona and Yuu interactions, and if you had told me that when I started the game I would have laughed at you.
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Okay so I've been playing disney dream light valley and thought 'what if they did a crossover with twisted wonderland!'
And then thought what if Yuu was the protag from dreamlight valley!
What would their magic be described like by the mirror since they would obvi have magic!
Then I realized I named the Yuu I mostly use as Yume which means dream and I just...
Then Micky mouse wouldn't be a mystery since he's a friend...but what if twst was before dreamlight?
And Micky was trying to bring them back from the here and there, but they some how ended up in twisted wonderland?
We have two of the great seven in our valley! And maybe eventually all 7!
That would mean Yuu is royalty since they rule over the valley and are called 'your majesty' by most
The first person I would invite to move in to the valley would be Malleus since he's my fav
Grim can be the equipped companion animal
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incorrect-joseimuke · 6 months
Kalim: Azul, I'm worried about your badness level.
Azul: My... Badness... Level?
Azul: *Laughs hysterically*
Kalim: Now I'm REALLY worried about your badness level.
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mangacupcake · 5 months
So... I've been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley and without giving away the plot the character's/ player's backstory really works for Drusilla... so please enjoy this...
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Ever since Drew was thrown into Twisted Wonderland Drew's found herself humming a lot more old songs But can't remember where she heard them... old memories of playing on a beach and sailing with someone and making snowmen and warm hugs. But she never lived near the coast, or anywhere cold...
When she finally met Mickey behind the mirror she couldn't help but ask "Have I met you before?" Mickey in the mirror said he couldn't remember ever meeting her before Twisted Wonderland. And yes, that was true, she never met this Mickey before...
But there was a version of Mickey trapped in his house, re-reading an old story about a princess that saved the prince and remembering the little girl with curly black hair and freckles he used to read this to every night and hoping where ever she was now, she was okay.
@adrianasunderworld @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nnanna
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