#Fall of the house Usher
updatebug · 7 months
Hmm, I watched Fall of the House Usher and one thing that I was thinking was that, I mean, comparatively, Leo doesn't really seem to bad? I mean he has the drugs, and he gives them to his siblings but both times he tries to convince them not to take them (or at least not to take too much). He cheats on his boyfriend which we can all agree is a massive douche move but is sort of just your normal asshollary. He genuinely seems to care about his siblings and is cut up when they die, even his business (which we don't see much about) is to do with video games, which seems much less harmful than what the others have going on.
But all of the worst stuff he does, killing the cat, and yes replacing it and lying about it, those are things prompted by Verna, and the hallucinations. Whereas all his siblings, their horrible things predate Verna, she didn't make Prospero plan a blackmail party in a chemical nightmare zone that he didn't check properly. She didn't make Camille go into the lab looking to screw her sister. Sure she stepped in with Froderick but she made a point that that was cause he was an absolute bellend. And without the actual cat murder, (which he hallucinated) Leo really doesn't seem that bad.
So I was thinking about it, and I started thinking that maybe that's the point? Both times when one of the siblings dies, they make a point that Leo is the one dealing with the press. He is meant to be first up for interviews after Prospero, he was the one chosen to announce Camille's death. All the Ushers are monsters. They say that again and again. But Leo's the personable one. He's the one that's meant to get you onside. The just one of the guys. The one who makes you think, yeah, they're billionaires, but he's just like us, he likes video games, he loves Marvel, he's got a boyfriend, and an apartment, he's the one that makes the Ushers seem human and relatable. Even when he is just as involved, and just as culpable in all the terrible things that the family does to keep themselves on top.
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liminalnucleus · 8 months
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Dupin has been resurrected. AND they adapted a version of Pym played by Mark Hamill. I am going full blown nerd rn. I'm not even sorry about this.
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Also the fact that this is also a mystery thriller (as much as horror) is spot on since Poe is the father of detective fiction. And if you don't know, Dupin came before Tumblr's favorite iconic sleuth— Sherlock. Doyle himself had claimed without Dupin there would be no Sherlock. So I am hyped from just the first episode.
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nepobabyeurydice · 7 months
The joy on Roderick's face when he sees Annabel and Frederick and then the way that Augste sees is just ugggggghhhhh
there's nothing there, he's smiling at thin air, everything is an enchanment, everything has been carefully crafted for torture but for one brief moment he got joy and it was ripped away from him.
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: gothic
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thehauntingsource · 8 months
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What each Mike Flanagan horror series represents: The Haunting of Hill House (2018) The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020) Midnight Mass (2021) The Midnight Club (2022) The Fall of The House of Usher (2023)
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glitterslag · 8 months
I respect Mike flanagan for casting his own wife as the hottest baddest sexiest bitch in every single TV show he makes
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cats-and-cacti · 8 months
Oh characters doomed from the start we’re really in it now
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sometiktoksarevalid · 8 months
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eggsaladstain · 8 months
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dcvina-claires · 5 months
i love it when a piece of media is like: is there anything more painful than knowing your sibling? is there anything more tragic than knowing they are the only person who will ever share the same experience as you? they were the only constant in your life. they were there since birth and now, no matter how they betray you, you will still love them. you will always feel the need to protect them even if you can no longer bring yourself to talk to them. will anyone else be able to understand? will anybody be able to love you and hate you and fear you the same way a sibling loves you and hates you and fears you? no, probably not
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cerayanay · 8 months
The scene where the deal was made changed my perspective on both Roderick and Madeline. We see the entire show that Madeline is the harder, colder and more ambitious of the two, but Roderick hardly even hesitating with making the deal to sell his children’s lives. Madeline hesitated greatly, and based off her body language in that scene, if Roderick had turned down the deal she would have as well.
On top of that, Madeline says she did not have any children her entire life because of the deal, Madeline puts security guards on all the remaining Usher children, and Madeline tries to preserve Lenore as an AI. Roderick seemed completely resigned to his families fate the entire show.
Also seeing that it was Madeline who had the plan for to make Roderick the head of Fortunato, lure Grus to the basement, and planned their alibi for the murder it’s ironic that all she wanted was to not be chained to some man, who dictats her life and ended up being chained to her brother and constantly having to work for his successes
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freuleinanna · 8 months
The Fall of the House of Usher is many things and I'm making a conscious choice to not scream about every single one of them rn, but what left me staring at a wall in tears is just... kindness. Death was kind. She gave every choice, every reason to stop. She would take these kids anyway but she also regretted having to take them like that. She cared when nobody else would, even though they kept making the wrong choices.
She's never cruel for cruelty's sake. She wasn't cruel to Lenore. She just sent a child to sleep as lovingly as she could, with kind words and kinder touch.
And I don't even know how to express the absolute heartbreak with blinding warmth among the cracks, when Death herself kneels before one man, worst man, honest man, who refused her offer – and thanks him with such respect.
Mike Flanagan, you fucking did it again. Carla Gugino, you... I don't even have words for you. That's a whole-ass masterpiece of human soul, meaning, and searching right there.
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Kiss Death with kindness in the end
And when she parts
You part as friends
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moxyphinx · 8 months
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Carla Gugino as Verna in THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (2023)
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zara2148 · 8 months
I noted Mike Flanagan screamed "GAY RIGHTS! BI RIGHTS" on his way out Netflix's door, but he really did stick his head back in to say, "FUCK AI, FUCK BIG PHARMA, AND FUCK THE CAPITALISM THAT PROPS THEM UP" as well didn't he?
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nessa007 · 8 months
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"I just loved all three of them. The casts, these large ensemble casts. Just the fact that they would consider adding me to the ensemble [for The Fall of The House of Usher] was- I was flattered. I was honoured. It was something that was predestined. If they wanted me, I should do it." Mark Hamill interviewed [before the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes] for The Fall of The House of Usher
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mikeflanaganuniverse · 8 months
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You have GQ, USA Today, and PC Gamer tomorrow.
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