#For Gold and Rust
vveirdnobdy · 22 days
No like seriously it's amazing and it's already one of my very favorite tcf fics out there. I can't wait to see more of Cale just being the nerd we all know he is and Alberu just going absolutely feral. I haven't touched genshin in forever and a year but you made me want to play it. (I have REALLY bad gacha luck on genshin and it killed my motivation for the game since I'm a f2p. I have not pulled even one 5 star lol.)
I will always support dragon Cale. And BABY dragon Cale??? Sign me UP.
I’ll be real I’m someone who has spent insane amounts of time on Genshin to the point of multiple burnouts (Stopped playing at Sumeru released then hyper focused miserably on Sumeru played for a few updates and then stopped playing again at Fontaine release and here I am hyper focusing an insane amount once more) Straight up there’s a reason I have details like Cale having had multiple accounts and shit, because that is me I had multiple accounts.
I will say if you do revisit the game if you’re willing maybe make a new account? Only saying this cause my first account was pretty similar luck wise so I had always lost the 50/50 plus had to reach hard pity in order to get a 5 star, and then I made a new account and my luck is insane on that account. Swear that shit is tied to email.
When it comes to Cale nerd moments I can’t stress enough that it’s also my nerd moments, I think about this game a normal amount. And we haven’t even gotten into Alberu going batshit yet, wait until he meets Klee it’s going to be glorious.
AND BABY DRAGON CALE MY BELOVED. The Dragon Cale brainrot started cause of a different Tcf crossover I’m making atm, but the Genshin reobsession happened and it leaked into it. Also my totally normal views on any Dragon in media(I have favorites.) When it comes to the baby dragon detail, it’s not something I’ll go to far into as of now, but it is something that will be vastly expanded on in the fic itself. (Such as the little detail of baby dragons being terrible at hiding themselves.)
Outside of all that I’m so very glad you’re enjoying it! I’m afraid I didn’t pre write chapters when releasing this first one so it’s updates will be inconsistent as it’s more so a ‘gets posted when the chapters done’ kinda deal, but that also means I get a lot of time to cook with my writing! I hope you continue to enjoy the story as chapters are posted!
And I’ll leave this off on a note relating to events in Chapter 2 as a treat:
Cale is the sleepiest eepiest guy around
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nilovalentine · 2 months
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Happy April Fools, Milgram tumblr! Get homestucked!
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knifeforsale · 2 years
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~ Purple and Gold ~
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dailybloodswap · 8 months
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obelize alternians to go with the aeipathy set
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etcstims · 3 months
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- "Don't fuck with Kim kitsuragi" -
🔧 × × 🔩⚙️🔩 × × 🔧
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notyetfixed-a · 5 months
@eritvita continued from | x
"Might've been a good fight, love, but this is uh...this isn't very good for you to do that oft." Cullen spoke softly as he pulled up a stool close to his partner, his healing kit pulled from his satchel. He is in his street clothes, seeing as though he didn't really want to pull much attention as soon as he entered the tavern.
"This'll sting, Roland..." His voice is soft as he pushes his mussed hair from out of his face and pinning it back with a clip. One that looked like a butterfly that he had snagged from Hawke when she was doing Varric's hair. Cullen very delicately begins to pour some of the clear hard liquor onto a cloth so he can dab softly at the wound of his split brow. Very softly, does the Commander work, making sure that the area is clean enough so he can observe if his lover should need sutures.
"Dear heart...I understand your intentions are good in the fights that you pick, but you worry me each time you do...please be careful with what you choose to do, yes?" His voice is ever softer as the hand that is not pressing the cloth to his brow picks up one of Roland's own and presses a few kisses to his knuckles. "I fear a heart attack may swoop me off my feet one of these days should you seriously be hurt."
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zoeflake · 11 months
Morning in a forest: wandering along a babbling brook, dappled with sunlight 🌱
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theblacksheepcz · 8 months
i find it funny how most characters that i hc to be on the aroace spectrum are just a bunch of old people.
oh so they’re old. and SINGLE you say??
(or they just simply give off those aroace vibes)
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running2reanimation · 9 months
@tulipsempai - I blame you for this.
The King of Condiments.
It hadn't been that long since he'd inherited the cart from his old man. Maybe a month, but really, he'd been working the business for as long as he could hold a stick.
He twirled the dog and handed it to the little girl with a long mastered flourish, drawing and excited gasp and a admiring "Ooooh" from somewhere nearby.
A golden child charged down to his cart, only barely avoiding crashing into the girl and her family. They stared wide-eyed at the cart and at the corn dogs prepped and ready for frying, "What are they?"
"Corn dogs," He smiled down at the inquisitive tot, "If you want one you hafta' ask your parent."
"Okay!" And the child was off like a shot back up the hill, just as the tall orange stick crested the hill.
"Dad! Dad! Can I get a corn dog?" The kid asked as the guy leaned down with his hands on his knees, clearly catching his breath.
"That's not exactly a healthy lunch," The tall stick wheezed, straightening up while the excited kid tugged at his pant leg.
"Pleeeease, I'll... I'll eat all my vegetables at supper tonight!" They wheedled, and the Dad placed a hand on their head, clearly about to relent.
"Promise? Even if it's asparagus?" They made a face but nodded with a sigh.
"Even s'gus."
"Okay then," Dad nodded, turning to look at him finally, "How much?"
"Two bucks each."
He dug into his wallet and handed him a five, "Two corndogs, keep the change."
"You got it, big guy. Two dogs, coming right up," With a grin, he set to work his magic. Obviously it wasn't actual magic, but it was enough to have the kid enraptured.
"So what are we putting on this thing?" He asked, twirling the dog casually.
"Put on it?" The kid tilted his head curiously.
"Like ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo." They looked at their Dad.
"I usually just get mustard on mine."
"Then I want mustard too!"
"You sure? Mustard's pretty sour. Usually people like ketchup better - it's considered the king of condiments, y'know?"
"The stuff you put on corn dogs. N' burgers, n' stuff," He explained, twirling the ketchup now. The kid put a hand to his chin, before shaking his head.
"I want mustard too! Dad is King, and his con-condeemint is mustard!"
"Okie-dokie!" With a casual flick of the wrists, he drew a little smile on the corn dog, then deftly grabbed and dressed the other one, "Here you lovely folk are, two of the best corn dogs in the city, courtesy of your pal, Ketchup."
Technically his name wasn't Ketchup, but he sold more dogs with a funky nickname than his real one. Having your food prepared by Rust didn't really... appeal.
"Oh! You're King too! King of the Condeemints!" The kid beamed up at him, before taking a big bite of his corn dog, "Mmmm!"
As the two walked away, Ketchup couldn't help but feel more than a little confuse
The kid and his Dad came by the park every Saturday. And Ketchup was always there (at least in spring, summer and autumn) to sell them corn dogs.
And eventually Ketchup learned what the kid - Gold - meant. His Dad's name was King. So they were both Kings. So they were both royal, which according to the twig's logic meant they had to get married.
Wasn't that crazy?
"Looking forward to the cultural festival tonight?" Ketchup asked, handing the pair their usual, corn dogs with mustard.
"Yeah!" Gold nodded, still full of that same enthusiasm he'd had as a kid, "Are you gonna set up there?"
"Nah, costs too much. Besides, if I'm selling, I can't go as an attendee."
"Oh, you're going? Maybe we'll see you there?" King seemed surprised to hear that Ketchup might go.
"Maybe," Ketchup winked and Gold looked between him and his Dad before giggling. Fortunately King was as oblivious as ever, and just arched an eyebrow.
"I think I missed the joke."
"Don't worry about it," Ketchup reassured and Gold rolled his eyes, "Anyway, I'm actually about to close up. Gotta go get cleaned up if I want to go out in public."
"Alright then. See you, Ketchup!" He really should get around to admitting that's not his name.
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vveirdnobdy · 17 days
Baby Dragon Cale go brrr (and by brrr that meant looting and arson)
The only correct answers for Baby Dragon Cale
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paletteoforder · 9 months
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Fuck it, if @4getful4444 can dump fancestors, then so can I. From top to bottom and left to right: the Outlawed, the Reactant, the Faithful (also called the Demoniac), Huntress Ireblade, Orphaner Ebontide and the Serene Ostentatrix.
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knifeforsale · 2 years
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doberbutts · 1 year
Anyway thinking about how I got accused of cultural appropriation a couple years ago because I’m actively learning Japanese and also about how my parents are seriously downsizing their belongings and so they’re giving me all of their Japanese stuff including the kimonos and wall scrolls and swords and kamidana which I’ll have to figure out where to put in my own house which also means the background of all my dog photos inside of my house is about to look real fucking Japanese.
And I’ll probably get like three asks a day accusing me of being a weeb and I’ll have to continuously explain that, no, we were a host family for a rural Japanese school exchange program throughout the 90s and early 2000s and this is just a portion of the stuff given to us both by the school and by the families of the various girls we had living with us over the years. Because there’s enough stuff to fill the entire attic and a large portion of my parents’ living room and they’re tired of storing it but know it’s valuable and that they have a kid that actually wants it so it’s coming to my house. Like they gave us each multiple sets of kimonos over the years and it’s a family of 5 so you can expect that takes up a shitton of space by itself.
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
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I think it looks kinda like a dragon and a Tiger but who knows
Oh thank you for sharing! The link is for the colorscripts Linden Li did on episodes 4x02, 4x03, 4x07, and 4x10! (final version of the 4x02 scroll shot for comparison)
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Next, I think the dragon and the tiger are easily meant to be 2 of the 4 symbols! The Azure Dragon of the East (Ao Guang) and the White Tiger of the West (which is mentioned by Kui Mulang in 4x05).
What really intrigues me is that for the most part...the story boards/colorscripts are the same as the final versions, with the exception of this scene from 4x02 (which was replaced by MK's AHIB autobiography, a very nice touch):
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I'm very curious as to why they not only removed the animals and replaced them with the "swirl star" design, but also changed the scroll's color in the middle, switching from yellow to teal. I'm wondering if on both accounts they made it more "plot relevant", with the star becoming significant later (where the four symbols would not), and teal being more accurate to underworld colors.
But literally, who KNOWS why they decided to change what they did
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shittywriterbrain · 10 days
please don't let this man out into a field. he'll cry at the colour of little white flowers in the rust red grass. yeah.
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