#Henri Tomei
pascaltesfaye · 1 month
CHAPTER 1 - The beginning and the end
Acordei com o irritante som do despertador tocando ao lado da cama. Estiquei o braço na missão de encontrar o botão para desligar mas falhei miseravelmente.
- Helena, filha, já passou da hora! - Ouvi minha mãe abrir a porta
Resmunguei e rolei na cama fazendo um sinal de positivo para ela que riu.
- Já são 08h15, você vai perder o último café da manhã com seus queridos pais antes da nossa viagem?
- Eu já vou, mãe! - Resmunguei novamente e pude ouvir a porta se fechando.
Se eu soubesse o quanto iria me arrepender disso.
Depois de cochilar novamente, acordei com duas batidinhas em minha porta.
- Filha, estamos indo! Nos vemos semana que vem, nós te amamos! - Ouvi a voz da minha mãe
- Amo vocês! - Respondi
Chequei meu celular e a hora marcava 08h45, porra!
Levantei às pressas, vesti a roupa que graças ao meu pico de energia da noite passada já estava pronta, fiz rapidamente minhas higienes e fui em direção ao meu carro.
Ao me sentar no banco pude perceber que o tanque do meu carro estava cheio e no painel havia um bilhete.
“Um presente para o meu presente. Com amor, papai.”
Um sorriso preencheu meu rosto, não havia palavras para definir o quão sortuda eu era por ter a minha família.
Bem, falando em família, vamos começar do começo.
Meu nome é Helena Jiviera, sou filha de Carlos e Renata Jiviera, dois ex funcionários aposentados da DEA. Eu nasci e cresci na cidade de Santiago no Chile, meus pais viveram anos lá a trabalho combatendo o narcotráfico no país, meu pai inclusive se aposentou com honras por prender mais de 20 narcotraficantes durante o tempo em que foi líder das operações. Minha mãe é chilena e meu pai americano, eles se conheceram quando meu pai foi mandado para Santiago. Minha mãe era da parte da inteligência e quando meu pai colocou os olhos nela, sabia que ela seria sua companheira para o resto da vida.
Desde que meus pais se aposentaram a 4 anos atrás, moramos em Boca Raton no estado da Flórida, cidade em que meu pai vivia antes de ser transferido.
Bom, de volta ao presente!
Cheguei no prédio da faculdade em 10 minutos, faltando apenas 5 para começar a primeira aula, corri o mais rápido que pude e entrei na sala instantes antes do professor.
Eu estou no último ano da faculdade de direito na Florida Atlantic University e os planos são me graduar e tentar entrar pra DEA, o negócio da família, sabe?
A manhã passou rápida e tranquila, perto do meio dia recebi uma mensagem de minha amiga Anna para almoçarmos juntas.
- Olá querida, você está acabada! - Ela riu ao meu abraçar
- Nem me fala!
- Outro pico de ansiedade de madrugada?
- Você me conhece como ninguém - Sorri - O que vamos comer?
- Eu estou sedenta por mexicano, e você?
- Te acompanho!
Anna não dirige então fomos no meu carro ao Chipotle mais perto do campus.
- Então, quer me contar o motivo dessas olheiras inchadas? - Ela perguntou enquanto colocava a bandeja sobre a mesa
- O de sempre, você sabe! - Dei de ombros e mordi meu burrito - Último ano da faculdade, a prova do DEA… Eu tô perdendo a cabeça, Anna! - Suspirei
- Sabe do que você precisa? - Ela me olhou com atenção enquanto eu erguia uma das sobrancelhas - De um porre!
- Acho incrível como essa é sua solução pra tudo - Ri
- Vamos, uns amigos vão dar uma festinha hoje a noite - Neguei com a cabeça - o Henry vai - Meus olhos correram rapidamente até os de Anna, a fazendo gargalhar - Você é tão previsível, Helena!
- Acho que a gente pode aparecer nessa sua “festinha” - Sorri perversamente e nós duas caímos na risada.
O resto do dia passou igual aos demais, passei a tarde na academia e quando cheguei em casa tentei ligar para os meus pais mas não obtive sucesso, acreditei ser falta de sinal na estrada pois eles estavam fazendo uma road trip até o Texas.
Quando deu 19h tomei um banho e comecei a me arrumar, estávamos no fim do inverno entao vesti uma calça jeans com uma blusa estilo cropped de mangas longas, um casaco e tênis. Coloquei alguns acessórios e fiz uma maquiagem mais “ajeitada” já que Henry estaria lá. Nós ficamos algumas vezes na faculdade e desde então eu tenho uma certa fraqueza por ele.
Fiquei pronta e mandei uma mensagem para Anna.
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Não demorou 20 minutos até que eu ouvisse a buzina do carro. Tranquei a casa, liguei os alarmes e partimos em direção a festa. No caminho, tentei novamente sem sucesso ligar para os meus pais.
- E aí, ansiosa pra ver seu gato? - Anna me cutucou rindo
- Você é bem engraçadinha, né? - A cutuquei de volta e ri - Estou indo por você!
- Sei, por mim… Obviamente você não está indo por causa daquele sorriso encantador, ombros largos, barriga definida….
- Desce um pouco mais e eu te jogo desse uber. - Falei e caímos na risada, inclusive o motorista
Mais alguns minutos de conversa e chegamos na casa onde seria a festa, descemos do carro e logo quando entramos encontramos Helen e Joe, casal de amigos da Anna.
- Demoraram, ein? - Disse Helen já entregando um copo de cerveja para cada
Corri os olhos ao redor da casa que estávamos em busca de Henry, mas não o encontrei de primeira. Até que o vi descendo as escadas e minha nossa!
Ele usava uma camisa que apertava seus braços, o cabelo despenteado e uma calça jeans, era impressionante como ele ficava lindo apenas usando o básico.
- Quer que eu busque um babador pra você? - Anna bateu no meu braço, me trazendo de volta a realidade - Vai lá dizer oi pra ele, besta!
- Eu vou parecer uma idiota.
- Isso você já faz - A encarei e ela riu - Vai lá logo
Fui despretensiosamente até a cozinha pegar mais um copo até que senti uma mão no meu braço me puxando.
- Gatinha! - Henry beijou meu rosto e desceu para o meu pescoço, o cheirando e depositando mais um beijo - Você está linda!
- Você não tá nada mal também - Nós rimos
- Eu tenho que levar essa garrafa pros meus amigos antes que eu apanhe - Ele riu - Nos vemos depois?
- Claro - Sorri
Voltei para onde o pessoal estava e Anna já estava com um sorriso de orelha a orelha.
- Você, quieta! - Eu disse e ela deu de ombros
- Que seja, vamos beber!
Depois de uma hora bebendo jogando conversa fora e uma leve tontura, me levantei do sofá e fui em direção ao banheiro no segundo andar. Ao notar a porta trancada, dei duas batidas
- Já vai! - Uma voz feminina veio lá de dentro
Me encostei na parede para esperar e pude ouvir gemidos vindo de dentro do banheiro, alguém estava realmente se divertindo lá. Até que alguns minutos depois a porta se abriu e atrás da linda garota ruiva que saiu, estava Henry. Ele me olhou envergonhado e saiu rapidamente de cabeça baixa.
Eu entrei rapidamente no banheiro e encarei o espelho por alguns segundos.
- Como você é idiota, Helena! - Falei ríspida olhando meu reflexo
Fiz o que tinha que fazer e desci novamente, antes passei na cozinha e peguei uma garrafa de whiskey. Me sentei já abrindo a garrafa e tomando o primeiro gole direto do bico mesmo.
- Que isso? - Anna me olhou assustada
- Não pergunta, eu só preciso beber - Respirei fundo e bebi mais um gole
E depois disso foram mais e mais garrafas, até que eu simplesmente apaguei e só acordei na metade do outro dia que graças a Deus era sábado. Eu não fazia ideia de como havia chegado em casa, de como eu tomei banho ou coloquei meu pijama. Ainda meio tonta estiquei o braço e senti meu celular na cabeceira, conectado ao carregador, eu fiz tudo isso mesmo bêbada?
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É claro que eu não conseguiria fazer tudo isso sozinha.
Estranhei ao notar 36 chamadas perdidas de meu tio Hank e uma mensagem pedindo pra ligar para ele o mais rápido possível.
Disquei seu número e no primeiro toque ele atendeu
- Tio Hank, tá tudo bem? - Perguntei já preocupada
- Helena…. São seus pais - A voz dele estava fraca e meu coração acelerou - Eles estão mortos!
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gatinhasozinha · 1 year
Tema: Ele querendo atenção + Lactofilia
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Depois de quatro longos meses de gravações, concluimos mais um trabalho, meu novo filme, Missão Impossível. Apesar de adorar gravar, a parte ruim desse trabalho foi que ele não foi gravado em Londres, sendo assim tive que me deslocar para outra cidade, portanto acabei ficando longe da minha namorada e do meu tetê, era de quebrar o coração, saber que ela estava tendo que tirar o meu leite e o jogando pelo ralo, eu estava em abstinência, desde quando começamos a namorar, nunca fiquei tento tempo sem mamar.
E para piorar nem conseguimos usar a tecnologia ao nosso favor, nesses últimos dias, pois S/n está na semana de provas da faculdade, o tempo dela está tão corrido quanto o meu, e acabou que tivemos poucas ligações, chamadas de vídeo e troca de mensagens.
As gravações se encerraram uns dias antes do esperando, não perdi tempo em comprar uma passagem o mais rápido possível para a capital do Reino Unido.
Em Londres, dirigi até o bairro Kensington, aonde moramos. Já em casa, guardei as minhas coisas no nosso quarto, e fui até o escritório que ela usava como sala de estudos. Lá estava ela, muito bela, com os seus óculos e a minha camisa do Superman, S/n estava concentrada lendo, que acabou não me vendo entrar.
Sentei na cadeira a frente dela, e fiquei esperando ela perceber a minha presença, quando ela me viu tomou um susto. Se recuperou rapidamente e logo correu para o meu colo e se jogando sobre mim, dizendo que estava com muita saudades.
Depois desse nosso momento de reencontro, S/n voltou a estudar, e eu fiquei de escanteio. Não gostei, fazia meses que eu não via a minha namorada, e ela mal me deu moral.
Henry: __ Amor, me dá atenção, eu tô com saudades de ficar agarradinho com você.
S/n: __ Darling, é fechamento de trimestre, eu tenho que rever esses conteúdos. Daqui a pouquinho nós fazemos o quê você quiser.
Três horas se passaram e nada, minha mulher esqueceu de mim. Ela nem me ofereceu o meu tetê, sempre quando eu chego de viagem ela oferece para mim, mas dessa vez não.
Cabisbaixo saí do escritório, e caminhei até a nossa suíte. Tomei um banho e me joguei na cama, rolei de um lado para o outro, até dormir.
Acordei e o sol já estava se pondo. Levantei e fui em busca da minha mulher, S/n continuava trancada no escritório estudando.
Conseguiu convencer ela a fazer uma pausa, fomos para a cozinha lanchamos, e depois ficamos na sala de cinema, vendo um documentário, e conversando sobre as novidades, que aconteceram nesses quatro meses longe.
Querendo o meu tetê, comecei a passar as mãos embaixo dos seios de S/n. Ela percebeu o quê eu queria, retirou a camisa e me ofereceu o peito. Não perdi tempo, comecei a sugar rápidamente, e com isso, acabei me engasgando, S/n foi conversando e fazendo cafuné em mim, que acabou me dando sono, antes de dormir completamente, escutei ela falando baixinho que me amava.
Mais um capítulo finalizado, My little red ones!
Se estiverem gostando dêem 🌟 e comentem.
Me Sigam 🚩
Inglês - Darling: Querida/Querido.
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screenwritinggym · 4 months
Chill Sentenza - Safe Haven in Morocco - The list of Gangsta women.
Chill Sentenza -
The meaning of a safe haven is a place of safety or refuge.
Vous devez encourager ces femmes à chercher refuge au Maroc. Elles seront protégées par le roi du Maroc Mohammed 6. S'il leur arrive quelque chose ou si elles se sentent en danger, elles doivent se réfugier au Maroc, c'est le foyer le plus sûr pour ces femmes. Le refuge du Maroc.
Ces femmes auront des palais au Maroc, elles seront protégées par l'armée marocaine. Elles seront en sécurité chez eux au Maroc. Une vie paisible.
Voici la liste des femmes gangsters:
1- Simply Jess
2- Debby Coda
3- YesJulz
4- Sommer Ray
5- Tanaya Henry
6- Aisha Thalia Hite
7- Claudia Jordan
8- Foxy Brown Inga DeCarlo
9- Nicki Minaj
10- Vashtie Kola
11- Beyoncé Knowles- Carter
12- Gwyneth Paltrow
13- Jennifer Garner
14- Judy Greer (Judith Therese Evans)
15- Natalie Portman
16- Gal Gadot
17- Kim Kardashian (Kimberly Noel Kardashian)
18- Kimora Lee Simmons
19- Penélope Cruz Sánchez
20- Salma Hayek Pinault
21- Margot Elise Robbie
22- Marion Cotillard
23- Colbie Marie Caillat
24- Cobie Smulders (Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders)
25- Lauryn Noelle Hill
26- Nailah Thorbourne
27- Tracey Elaine Edmonds
28- Erykah Badu (Erica Abi Wright)
29- Mya Marie Harrison
30- Keri Lynn Hilson
31- Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo
32- Mariah Carey
33- Missy Elliott
34- Tamala Reneé Jones
35- Lauren Nicole London
36- Mary Jane Blige
37- Robyn Rihanna Fenty
38- Stacey Lauretta Dash
39- Raquel M. Horn (@raquelmhorn)
40- Shanti Hoffman (@shantihoffman)
41- Hencha Voigt (@henyvbaby)
42- Remy Ma (Reminisce Kioni Mackie)
43- JoJo (Joanna Noëlle Levesque)
44- Scarlett Ingrid Johansson
45- Malin Maria Akerman
46- Melanie Jayne Lynskey
47- Priyanka Chopra Jonas
48- Jameela Alia Jamil
49- Deepika Padukone
50- Jamie Jilynn Chung
51- Meagan Monique Good
52- Tracee Ellis Ross (Tracee Joy Silberstein)
53- Joy Bryant (born October 18, 1974)
54- Dawn Olivieri (born February 8, 1981)
55- Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson (born March 27, 1975)
56- Yolanda Whitaker, also known as Yo-Yo (born August 4, 1971)
57- Robin Yvette Allen (born February 6, 1975), known professionally as the Lady of Rage
58- Rashia Tashan Fisher (born December 18, 1974), known professionally as Rah Digga
59- Stephanie Victoria Allen (born 14 December 1991), better known by her stage name Stefflon Don
60- Helen Folasade Adu (born 16 January 1959), known professionally as Sade Adu or simply Sade
61- Jessica Burns (@mrsjessicaburns)
62- Sarah Chapman (@CallMePumpkin)
63- Sofía Margarita Vergara Vergara (born July 10, 1972)
64- Jacquelyn "Jaci" Davette Velasquez (Jaci Velásquez, born October 15, 1979)
65- Roselyn Milagros Sánchez Rodríguez (born April 2, 1973)
66- Otmara Marrero (born March 1, 1989) (age 34)
67- Edurne Ganem, known professionally as Edy Ganem (born September 20, 1983 (age 40)
68- Janina Uhse (@janinauhse)
69- Nicole Scherzinger (@nicolescherzinger)
70- Melody Thornton (@melodythornton)
71- Shannon Thornton (@shannonthornt_n)
72- Ashley Monique Harper (@ashleymoniqueharper)
73- Natasha Marc (@natashamarc)
74- Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972), known professionally as Carmen Electra.
75- Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967)
76- Diamonté Quiava Valentin Harper (born July 2, 1993), known professionally as Saweetie
77- Antonia D. Reed (born April 22, 1966), known professionally as Bahamadia
78- Rachael Leigh Cook (born October 4, 1979)
79- Jennifer Love Hewitt (born February 21, 1979)
80- Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (born October 10, 1978)
81- Jenna Elfman (Jennifer Mary Elfman) (born September 30, 1971)
82- Julia Fox (born February 2, 1990) is an Italian-American actress and model
83- Marisa Tomei (born December 4, 1964) Italian-American actress.
84- Debi Mazar (Deborah Anne Mazar Corcos) (born August 13, 1964)
85- Zoë Isabella Kravitz (born December 1, 1988)
86- Katrina Laverne Taylor (born December 3, 1978), known professionally as Trina
87- Keyshia Miesha Cole (born October 15, 1981)
88- Taral Hicks (born September 21, 1974)
89- Vivica Anjanetta Fox (born July 30, 1964)
90- Vanessa Lynn Williams (born March 18, 1963)
91- Regina Rene King (born January 15, 1971)
92- Angela Evelyn Bassett (born August 16, 1958)
93- Viola Davis (born August 11, 1965)
95- Angela Martinez (born January 9, 1971)
96- Teri Hatcher (born December 8, 1964)
97- Nicollette Sheridan (born 21 November 1963)
98- Eva Jacqueline Longoria Bastón (born March 15, 1975)
99- Kristin Laura Kreuk (born December 30, 1982)
100- Erica Durance (born June 21, 1978)
101- Althea Rae Duhinio Janairo (born January 2, 1967), known professionally as Tia Carrere
102- Carrie-Anne Moss (born August 21, 1967)
103- Jill Marie Jones (born January 4, 1975)
104- Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight; June 4, 1975)
105- Kristen Anne Bell (born July 18, 1980)
106- Jada Koren Pinkett Smith (born September 18, 1971)
107- Kathryn Marie Hahn (born July 23, 1973)
108- Lake Siegel Bell (born March 24, 1979)
109- Hannah Dakota Fanning (born February 23, 1994)
110- Kirsten Caroline Dunst (born April 30, 1982)
111- Eliza Patricia Dushku (born December 30, 1980)
112- Gabrielle Monique Union-Wade (born October 29, 1972)
113- Essence Uhura Atkins (born February 7, 1972)
114- Tasha Smith (born February 28, 1971)
115- Kristin Landen Davis (born February 23, 1965)
116- Sharon Ann Leal (@realleal)
117- Jennifer Kate Hudson (born September 12, 1981)
118- Björk Guðmundsdóttir (born 21 November 1965)
119- Lupita Amondi Nyong'o (born 1 March 1983)
120- Carmen Elizabeth Ejogo (born 22 October 1973)
121- Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis (born August 14, 1983)
122- Elise Demetria Neal (born March 14, 1966)
123- Lori Harvey (born January 13, 1997)
124- Chantel Taleen Jeffries (born September 30, 1992)
125- Nicole Camille Richie (born September 21, 1981)
126- Nazanin Aliza Mandighomi (born September 11, 1986)
127- Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981)
128- Adrienne Eliza Bailon-Houghton (born October 24, 1983)
129- Raven-Symoné Christina Pearman-Maday (born December 10, 1985),
130- Keshia Knight Pulliam (born April 9, 1979)
131- Lilakoi Moon (born Lisa Michelle Bonet; November 16, 1967), known professionally as Lisa Bonet
132- Ming-Na Wen (born November 20, 1963)
133- Lucy Alexis Liu (born December 2, 1968)
134- Drew Blythe Barrymore (born February 22, 1975)
135- Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972)
136- Amanda Peet (born January 11, 1972)
137- Demi Gene Moore (born November 11, 1962)
138- Elizabeth Stamatina "Tina" Fey (born May 18, 1970)
139- Amy Poehler (born September 16, 1971)
140- Melissa Ann McCarthy (born August 26, 1970)
145- Lauren Graham (born March 16, 1967)
146- Charlize Theron (born 7 August 1975)
147- Maura Therese Tierney (born February 3, 1965)
148- Tisha Michelle Campbell (born October 13, 1968)
149- Tichina Rolanda Arnold (born June 28, 1969)
150- Janet Damita Jo Jackson (born May 16, 1966)
151- Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988)
152- Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995)
153- Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski (born June 7, 1991)
154- Hayden Lesley Panettiere (/born August 21, 1989)
155- Jenna Marie Ortega (born September 27, 2002)
156- Melissa Barrera Martínez (born 4 July 1990)
157- Rachel Anne McAdams (born November 17, 1978)
158- Sarah Jessica Parker (born March 25, 1965)
159- Kerry Marisa Washington (born January 31, 1977)
160- Gina Torres (born April 25, 1969)
161- Rosario Isabel Dawson (born May 9, 1979)
162- Tara Donna Reid (born November 8, 1975)
163- Emmanuelle Sophie Anne Chriqui (born 10 December 1975)
164- Jamie-Lynn Sigler (born May 15, 1981)
165- Amanda Leigh Moore (born April 10, 1984)
166- Jessica Marie Alba (born April 28, 1981)
167- Marina Ann Hantzis (born 1988), known professionally as Sasha Grey
168- Verónica Rodríguez Fiño (born 1 August 1991)
169- Christine Mackinday, known professionally as Christy Mack (born 1991 or 1992) (age 31–32)
170- Kendra Lust (@kendralust)
171- Raylin Joy (born February 18, 1987), formerly known by her stage name Skin Diamond
172- Vicki Chase (@therealvickichase)
Voici le film "Safe Haven" la bande-annonce:
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alexlacquemanne · 6 months
Le miroir se brisa (The Mirror Crack'd) (1980) de Guy Hamilton avec Angela Lansbury, Geraldine Chaplin, Tony Curtis, Edward Fox, Rock Hudson, Kim Novak, Elizabeth Taylor, Wendy Morgan et Margaret Courtenay
L'Homme de Rio (1964) de Philippe de Broca avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Françoise Dorléac, Jean Servais, Milton Ribeiro, Simone Renant, Adolfo Celi, Ubiracy De Oliveira, Roger Dumas et Daniel Ceccaldi
Opération Dragon (Enter the Dragon) (1973) de Robert Clouse avec Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly, Ahna Capri, Shih Kien, Bob Wall, Angela Mao et Betty Chung
Le Grand Bain (2018) de Gilles Lellouche avec Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
Bernadette (2023) de Léa Domenach avec Catherine Deneuve, Denis Podalydès, Michel Vuillermoz, Sara Giraudeau, Laurent Stocker, François Vincentelli, Lionel Abelanski, Artus, Scali Delpeyrat et Barbara Schulz
Gaz de France (2015) de Benoît Forgeard avec Olivier Rabourdin, Philippe Katerine, Alka Balbir, Antoine Gouy, Philippe Laudenbach, Darius, Jean-Luc Vincent et Élizabeth Mazev
Mariage à l'italienne (Matrimonio all'italiana) (1964) de Vittorio De Sica avec Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo, Enzo Aita, Gianni Ridolfi et Generoso Cortini
Adieu poulet (1975) de Pierre Granier-Deferre avec Lino Ventura, Patrick Dewaere, Victor Lanoux, Julien Guiomar, Pierre Tornade, Françoise Brion, Claude Rich et Claude Brosset
Des hommes d'honneur (A Few Good Men) (1992) de Rob Reiner avec Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Pollak, James Marshall et J. T. Walsh
La Vie de château (1966) de Jean-Paul Rappeneau avec Philippe Noiret, Catherine Deneuve, Pierre Brasseur, Mary Marquet, Henri Garcin, Carlos Thompson et Marc Dudicourt
Tout ce que le ciel permet (All That Heaven Allows) (1955) de Douglas Sirk avec Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Agnes Moorehead, Conrad Nagel, Virginia Grey, Gloria Talbott, William Reynolds et Charles Drake
L'Attentat (1972) de Yves Boisset avec Jean-Louis Trintignant, Michel Piccoli, Jean Seberg, Gian Maria Volonté, Michel Bouquet, Bruno Cremer, Daniel Ivernel, Philippe Noiret, François Périer et Roy Scheider
Chaplin (1992) de Richard Attenborough avec Robert Downey Jr., Geraldine Chaplin, Paul Rhys, John Thaw, Milla Jovovich, Moira Kelly, Anthony Hopkins, Dan Aykroyd et Marisa Tomei
L’Évadé d’Alcatraz (Escape from Alcatraz) (1979) de Don Siegel avec Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Roberts Blossom, Fred Ward, Jack Thibeau, Paul Benjamin et Larry Hankin
Les Sorcières d'Eastwick (The Witches of Eastwick) (1987) de George Miller avec Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Veronica Cartwright et Richard Jenkins
Bird (1988) de Clint Eastwood avec Forest Whitaker, Diane Venora, Michael Zelniker, Samuel E. Wright, Keith David, Michael McGuire et James Handy
Wolf (1994) de Mike Nichols avec Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Kate Nelligan, Richard Jenkins, Christopher Plummer et Eileen Atkins
Brokenwood Saison 8
Du berceau au tombeau - Sortie de scène - Du rififi au paradis - L’homme qui valait 6 dollars - L’or ne fait pas le bonheur
Affaires sensibles
Massacre du Bloody Sunday : la vérité 38 ans après - Bobby Sands, destin tragique d’un héros de l'indépendance Irlandaise - 1979, ils ont assassiné l’oncle de la Reine Elizabeth II - Les Malouines : bataille navale dans l’Atlantique Sud - La chute de la Dame de fer - « La Dame de fer, le Roi Arthur et la grève des Mineurs » - Dr Goldman et Mister Sachs - Elizabeth Holmes, l’arnaqueuse de la Silicon Valley - 13 mai 1981 : le jour où on a voulu tuer le pape Jean-Paul II - Tuer de Gaulle, l'attentat du Petit-Clamart - Bugaled Breizh : un naufrage en eaux troubles - Le monstre du Loch Ness, un animal merveilleusement insaisissable
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 13, 16
Meurtres sur mesure - L'épée de Guillaume - Du sang sur les éperons - Les Fantômes de March Magna - La Musique en héritage - Mort par K.O. - La Bataille des urnes - Régime fatal - Les meurtres de Copenhague
Coffre à Catch
#135 : Christian est de retour !!! - #136 - Christian veut le titre de Jack Swagger - #137 : DANS LE MAIN EVENT: Christian nouveau champion ECW ? - #138 : Kane contre le Boogeyman + Santino à la ECW ! - #139 : Le jour où Triple H débarque chez Randy Orton !
Happy Days Saison 3, 4
Un locataire encombrant - La Bécane de Fonzie - Fonzie le téméraire : première partie - Fonzie le téméraire : deuxième partie - Une de trouvée et dix de perdues - Œil pour œil, poing pour poing - Une famille contestataire - Les Quarante-cinq ans d'Howard - Fonzie fait la loi - Cours de drague - Les Vacances de Pâques - La Soirée hawaïenne - Quatorze ans trois quarts - Chagrin d'amour - Un tango pour Fonzie - Représentant ou dresseur de fauves - Baby sitting - Fonzie Superstar - Qui sera le pigeon ? - Le Concours de beauté - Spike fait des bêtises - Fonzie porte des lunettes - Le Mariage d'Arnold - Fonzie est amoureux : première partie - Fonzie est amoureux : deuxième partie - Fonzie est amoureux : troisème partie - Fonzie chez le psychiatre - Pas de panique, restons cool ! - Une dette envers Potsie - Richie s'émancipe - Marathon de danse - Richie grand reporter - Fonzie et le shérif - Nouvelle conquête - Le Rendez-vous de Fonzie - Nuit d'enfer dans une remise - La Soirée des records - La gloire est éphémère
Castle Saison 3
Un homme en colère - Tranches de mort - Eau trouble - Le Tueur de L.A. - Mort d'une miss / La Mort d’une miss - La Traque
Top Gear Saison 21
Nostalgie des années 80 - Road Trip à Tchernobyl - Abu Dhabi, Du Sable dans le Carbu ! - Mercedes, folle du désert - Destination Thaïlande - Un pont sur la rivière Kwaï
Alexandre Ehle Saison 4
Cœur de pierre - Puzzle au zoo
Sous contrôle Saison 1
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
Parlement Saison 3
On ne peut plus rien dire - Le background - Ego to absolvo - Le grand départ - Super pro Brexit - Riders - You shall not pass - Comme le disait Jean Monnet - Fish and ships - Europe, the musical
Les Petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie 70's Saison 3
En un claquement de doigt
Kaamelott Livre III
Le Jour d’Alexandre - La Cassette II - Poltergeist - Les Paris II - Au Bonheur des Dames - Les Tourelles - Cuisine et Dépendances - Arthur sensei - Le Solitaire - Les Festivités - La Menace fantôme - La Coopération - L’Empressée
Les inoubliables : les plus grandes BO du cinéma italien (2023) par le Radici orchestra, Céline Laborie, Simona Boni et Rocco Femia
OSS 117 : Délire en Iran de Jean Bruce
Lucky Luke : Tome 26 : Nitroglycérine de Morris et Lo Hartog van Banda
Le Chat : Tome 4 : Le Quatrième Chat de Philippe Geluck
Détective Conan : Tome 14 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 15 de Gôshô Aoyama
Spirou et Fantasio : Tome 7 : Le Dictateur et le champignon de Franquin
Astérix : Tome 40 : L'Iris Blanc de Fabcaro et Didier Conrad
Détective Conan : Tome 16 de Gôshô Aoyama
Jack Palmer : Tome 12 : L'enquête corse de René Pétillon
Détective Conan : Tome 17 de Gôshô Aoyama
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whvspershq · 1 year
you know who i'd love ?? some older muses...!! i'm thinking salma hayek, angela lansbury, angela bassett, winona ryder, marisa tomei, pedro pascal, oscar isaac, keanu reeves, anthony head, david tennant, michael sheen, idris elba, shemar moore, cate blanchett, michelle yeoh, neslihan yeldan, ewan mcgregor, andy samberg, daniel dae kim, john cho, henry simmons, famke janssen, regina king, don cheadle, sandra bullock, viola davis, lucy lawless, octavia spencer, madchen amick, lucy liu, mads mikkelson ....to name but a few !!
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lawlessfm · 1 year
fc suggestions for the owners of the borderline hotel?
okay,      i am simply overjoyed that you’ve shown interest in my beloved owners of the borderline hotel.     some faceclaim suggestions i could see working well would be:      angela sarafyan,    michelle yeoh,    jamie chung,    hugh jackman,     tommy flanagan,     gong yoo,     sandra oh,    juliette binoche,     bradley cooper,     lucy liu,     levy tran,     sandra bullock,    patrick wilson,     matteo martari,    monica bellucci,    milo ventimiglia,    paul rudd,    lee pace,     liev schreiber,    kevin costner,     gil birmingham,    tom ellis,    oscar isaac,    jd pardo,     lee dong wook,    jake gyllenhaal,    keanu reeves,    karl urban,    lee je hoon,    jon hamm,    al pacino,    mads mikkelsen,   fan bingbing,    viggo mortensen,    timothy olyphant,    brian tee,  mark consuelos,    sebastian  stan,    andrew lincoln,   giancarlo esposito,    sienna miller,    jon bernthal,    gerard butler,    henry cavill,    liv tyler,    nikolaj coster waldu,    pedro pascal,    boyd holbrook,    gabrielle union,    ben barnes,    george clooney,    pablo schreiber,    benicio del toro,    adrien brody,     cillian murphy,     sophia bush,    clive owen,    aishwarya rai,    goran visnjic,    tom hiddleston,     nicole kidman,    cate blanchett,    bethany joy lenz,   aidan gillen,   lupita nyong’o,    dwayne johnson,    viola davis,    tony dalton,   rachel mcadams,    amy adams,    james marsden,    bobby cannavale,    taraji p henson,    ryan gosling,    danai gurira,    denzel washington,    jason sudeikis,   laurence fishburne,    idris elba,    steven yeun,    marisa tomei,    alberto ammann,    martin sensmeier,   rami malek,    jim carrey,    jude law,     berk  cankat,    brendan fraser,    angela bassett,    riccardo scamarcio,    alexander skarsgard,     javier bardem,    ian mcshane,    catherine zeta-jones,     cho yeo jeong,    travis fimmel,     son yejin,    michelle pfeiffer,    miranda otto,    golshifteh farahani,     cara gee,     and jessica matten. 
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans in Captain America: Civil War (Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, 2016) Cast: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Tom Holland, Daniel Brühl, Frank Grillo, William Hurt, Martin Freeman, Marisa Tomei, John Kani, John Slattery, Hope Davis, Alfre Woodard. Screenplay: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely. Cinematography: Trent Opaloch. Production design: Owen Paterson. Film editing: Jeffrey Ford, Matthew Schmidt. Music: Henry Jackman. The Marvel Cinematic Universe teems with superpeople out to solve the world's problems and as a consequence sometimes screwing things up even more. The Marvel world has even recognized the screwups caused by the plethora of mutants, aliens, and wealthy scientists both good and bad, to the point that after the damage caused in Sokovia -- as seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron (Joss Whedon, 2015) -- the United Nations has put together the Sokovia Accords, designed to regulate the activities of superheroes. Unfortunately, this doesn't sit well with Captain America (Chris Evans), who is a bit of a Libertarian, especially when enforcing the accords threatens his old friend Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), aka the Winter Soldier -- see Captain America: The Winter Solder (Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, 2014). So Cap's attempt to defend Barnes puts him at odds with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), aka Iron Man, who thinks the Avengers need to display good faith with the accords. And so it goes, with various superheroes taking sides and doing battle for the cause they choose. The problem with Captain America: Civil War is essentially that of Avengers: Age of Ultron: Unless you're a Marvel Comics geek, you need a playbill in hand to figure out who's who and what their superpower is. Or you can, like me, just sit back and enjoy the ride. The Russo brothers have a skillful hand at keeping all of the mayhem going, and the screenplay by Christopher Marcus and Stephen McFeely provides enough quieter moments between the CGI-enhanced action sequences to stave off a headache. But the movie really does feel overpopulated at times: In addition to the combatants mentioned, there are also Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, Anthony Mackie's Falcon, Don Cheadle's War Machine, Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, and a few newcomers like Paul Rudd's Ant-Man and Tom Holland as the latest incarnation of Spider-Man. There's some good quippy fun among the various members of the cast when they're not showing off their superpowers.
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cagliostrohq · 2 years
mw older fcs? this is a cool concept
Thank you so much, anon! The admin team are big RPG fans, haha! Some older FCs we'd love to see are: salma hayek, taís araújo, jessica chastain, winona ryder, idris elba, keanu reeves, pedro pascal, brian michael smith, rami malek, angelica ross, gil birmingham, gabrielle union, jennifer garner, lucy liu, javier bardem, sandra oh, octavia spencer, timothy olyphant, benjamin bratt, utada hikaru, tika sumpter, takeshi kaneshiro, pierce prosnan, meryl streep, henry simmons, wentworth miller, james roday rodriguez, willem dafoe, mädchen amick, meagan good, jack black, angelina jolie, and marisa tomei !!
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sumdumwriter · 3 years
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crackships made by @sumdumwriter , filter is love poem by breewaffle on deviantart (at 50% opacity)
reblog but please don’t repost w/o proper credit!
henry cavill x marisa tomei
don’t forget to follow!!
made for a rp ship xx
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animusrox · 5 years
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Through this ancient ritual, we shall reject commercial cinema and pledge our souls to the pursuit of dangerous art. Aubrey Plaza's Incantation Cold Open | 2019 Film Independent Spirit Awards
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randomrichards · 5 years
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Herbert Mullin (1947-?)
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Herbert William Mullin is an American serial killer, responsible for the murders of 13 people in California in the 1970s. When Mullin was 18 years old, his best friend Dean Richardson died and he built a shrine to him in his bedroom. He later confessed that he was scared that he may be gay, despite having a long-term girlfriend. At the age of 21, Mullin’s family, with his permission, committed him to a mental hospital. He would extinguish cigarettes on his skin, attempted to enter the priesthood and would pound on walls and floors, shouting at people who were not there. He would often discharge himself after just a few days. Later, FBI profiler Robert K. Ressler said Mullin was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, possibly accelerated by using LSD or marijuana. By 1972, 25-year-old Mullin had moved back home with his parents in Felton, California, in the Santa Cruz Mountains. By this time he was hearing voices that told him an earthquake was coming, and that only human sacrifice could help him save California; Mullin’s birthday, April 18, happened to be the anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which he thought was significant. Mullin believed that the Vietnam War had produced enough death to hold back the earthquakes, but with the war winding down he would need to start killing people in order to keep the earthquake away. On October 13, 1972, Mullin claimed his first victim when he beat Lawrence White to death with a baseball bat. White, a homeless 55-year-old man, was hitchhiking and Mullin hit him after tricking him into looking at the car engine. Mullin later stated that the victim was in fact Jonah from the Bible, and that he sent Mullin a telepathic message saying, “Pick me up and throw me over the boat. Kill me so that others will be saved.” His body was discovered the following day. 11 days later, 24-year-old Mary Guilfoyle, a college student, was running late and decided to hitchhike. Mullin picked her up and stabbed her through the chest and back. He dissected her body, scattering her remains along a road.
On November 2, 1972, Mullin confessed his sins at church. In his paranoid schizophrenic state, he believed Father Henri Tomei wanted to volunteer as his next sacrifice to prevent the earthquakes. He beat, stabbed and kicked the priest, who bled to death in the confessional while a parishioner looked on and ran away. The witness described a tall, young man in dark clothing and black boots, but this did not help police, who speculated that Tomei possibly startled a robber. Following this incident, Mullin attempted to join the U.S. Marines, but failed the drug test. This rejection fuelled Mullin’s delusions of conspiracies and groups of “hippies” out to get him. He stopped taking drugs, believing they were causing his problems in life. In December 1972, Mullin bought a .22-calibre revolver and decided to kill Jim Gianera, a high school friend who had sold him marijuana, blaming him for his rejection from the Marines. However, when he arrived at Gianera’s house, he discovered his old friend had moved. The cabin was now occupied by Kathy Francis, who gave Mullin Gianera’s new address. There, Mullin killed Gianera and his wife before returning to the Francis home, where he shot and killed her and her 2 sons (aged 4 and 9). As Francis’ husband, who wasn’t there at the time, was a known drug dealer, this was thought to be the motive for the triple homicide. Prosecutors later used the murder of Kathy Francis to dispute Mullin’s claims of insanity, as he killed her to remove a witness who could link him to the murder of Jim Gianera. Around a month later, in February 1973, Mullin was wandering around Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, when he encountered 4 teenage boys camping illegally. He walked over to them, and claimed to be a park ranger. He ordered them to leave as they were “polluting” the forest, but they refused. Mullin killed all 4 boys and abandoned their bodies, which were found a week later.
The final murder took place on February 13, 1973. Mullin was driving through Santa Cruz when he passed Fred Perez, a retired fisherman, who was weeding his lawn. For no apparent reason, Mullin doubled back and used his rifle to kill the man with a single shot to the heart. He then got back into the car and drove away. This incident occurred in broad daylight and there were several witnesses, one of whom got Mullin’s license plate number. He was captured a few minutes later and a “docile” Mullin was arrested without incident. During interrogation, Mullin admitted to his crimes, telling police that voices in his head told him to kill people in order to prevent an earthquake. He claimed that the only reason there had not been an earthquake recently was due to his handiwork. As Mullin admitted his crimes, the focus of the trial was whether he was sane and culpable for his actions. The fact that he showed evidence of covering his tracks and premeditation was highlighted by the prosecution, while the defence argued that Mullin had a history of mental illness and had paranoid schizophrenia. On August 19, 1973, Mullin was declared guilty of first-degree murder (premeditated) in the cases of Jim Gianera and Kathy Francis), while for the other 8 murders Mullin was found guilty of second-degree murder. He also pled guilty to second-degree murder in the case of Father Henry Tomei. Mullin has been denied parole 8 times since 1980. He is known to have interacted with Edmund Kemper during his incarceration, sharing a cell once. Kemper recalled: “Well, [Mullin] had a habit of singing and bothering people when somebody tried to watch TV. So I threw water on him to shut him up. Then, when he was a good boy, I’d give him some peanuts. Herbie liked peanuts. That was effective because pretty soon he asked permission to sing. That’s called behaviour modification treatment.”
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lostcryptids · 3 years
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edsonlnoe · 2 years
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P⬤21 Actriz de Reparto Ana de Armas No Time to Die Olivia Colman The Father Naomie Harris Swan Song Dakota Johnson The Lost Daughter Léa Seydoux No Time to Die Youn Yuh-jung Minari Actor de Reparto Andrew Garfield Spider-Man: No Way Home Oscar Isaac Dune Alan Kim Minari Troy Kotsur Coda Shia LaBeouf Pieces of a Woman David Strathairn Nomadland Featured Actor Ciro Capano È Stata la Mano di Dio Chang Chen Dune Oliver Jackson-Cohen The Lost Daughter Barry Keoghan The Green Knight Chris Lowell Promising Young Woman Charlotte Rampling Dune Molly Shannon Promising Young Woman Algee Smith Judas and the Black Messiah Iko Uwais Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Stunts / Choreography Black Widow Eternals In The Heights No Time to Die Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings West Side Story Ensamble Eternals Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Brian Tyree Henry, Ma Dong-seok, Barry Keoghan, Lauren Ridloff, Lia McHugh, Harish Patel, Bill Skarsgård, Kit Harington, Salma Hayek, y Angelina Jolie The French Dispatch Bill Murray, Benicio Del Toro, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Léa Seydoux, Frances McDormand, Timothée Chalamet, Lyna Khoudri, Jeffrey Wright, Mathieu Amalric, Stephen Park, y Owen Wilson The Lost Daughter Olivia Colman, Jessie Buckley, Dakota Johnson, Dagmara Dominczyk, Paul Mescal, Panos Koronis, Jack Farthing, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Peter Sarsgaard, y Ed Harris Minari Steven Yeun, Ye-ri Han, Noel Cho, Alan Kim, Will Patton, y Youn Yuh-jung No Time to Die Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Léa Seydoux, Ana de Armas, Lashana Lynch, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Christoph Waltz, Jeffrey Wright, y Ralph Fiennes Spider-Man: No Way Home Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Jamie Foxx, Thomas Haden Church, Rhys Ifans, J.K. Simmons, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, Charlie Cox, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, y Tobey Maguire
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thebloodychampion · 2 years
Elgar’nan - Bartek Borowiec Sethius Amladaris (Corypheus) - Robert Carlyle Malcolm Hawke - Oded Fehr Jerker (Hakkon Wintersbreath) - Michael Fassbender Kieran - Bob Morley Fergus Cousland - Liam Garrigan
Archer Hawke - Katie McGrath Cyrion Hawke - Jason Momoa Dreag Hawke - Tom Riley
Than Mahariel - James McAvoy Lia Tabris - Katherine McNamara Tomey Surana - Isabel Lucas Solona Amell - Jessica De Gouw Armadiel Mahariel - Luke Pasqualino
Elgan Lavellan - Eleanor Tomlinson Diran Lavellan - Nicole Beharie Talar Adaar - Howard Charles
Hjarrandr O Bearhold - Timothy Onmundson Lucius Veridio - Tom Ellis Etienne De Lechanger - Aidan Gillen Nicolas Belmond - Pedro Pascal Lyon Amell - Michel Huisman Jarida Adaar - Gugu Mbatha Raw Eric Vanhallen - Henry Cavill Ishal Cyprias - Sam Claflin Lorenzo Calcagnini - Ken Watanabe
Irius Sparatus (Councilor Sparatus) - Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lorik Qui’in - David Guintoli SAM - Will Tudor Urdnot Wreav - Joe Manganiello Macen Barro - Richard Armitage Adrien Victus - Hugh Jackman Steven Hackett - Donald Sutherland Septimus Oraka - Chiwetel Eijofor
Oswin Shepard - Chyler Leigh Noah Shepard - Karl Urban
Andrew Ryder - Dominic Sherwood
Karnesh - Hugh Laurie Clavius Tarxis - Benedict Cumerbatch Renius Sparatus - Oscar Isaac Torana Sparatus - Aja Naomi King Jurdon Madadh - Travis Fimmel Ganar Drealav - Ian McShane Raik Cagar - Lupita Nyong’o Haral Nyras - Andrew Lincoln Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay - Ksenia Solo ‘Maron Hinom - Iwan Rheon Marius Nyras - J.R. Bourne Tayus Draxas - Jude Law Tachyus Nyras - Torrance Coombs Yandra Nyras -Alexandra Daddario Yaora V’Loar - Astrid Berges Frisbey Quentius Zuris - Hugh Dancy Ahnas Afaa Kjama - David Castaneda Sidoria Arterius - Saoirse Ronan
Fenrir Greyback - Tom Hardy
Danny Fernandez - Keanu Reeves Belle Instance - Famke Janssen Pamina Siemens - Kaya Scodelario Sharleen Siemens - Olivia Wilde Amelia Fernandez - Jennifer Connelly Eleasar Cohen - William Fichtner Ben Chaplin - Dylan O’Brien Connor Montgomery - Julian McMahon Vortula Portocalos - Eva Green Carlisle Eastwood - Aaron Taylor Johnson Leslie Woodstock - Vanessa Hudgens Lewis Watson - Martin Freeman Deidre Mikealson - Lucy Griffiths Daniel Speedman - Daniel Craig Richard Holmes - Robert Downey Jr.
The Witcher
Iorveth - Bryan Dechart
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Carolus - Tobey Stephens
Yarntar Loreian - Lee Pace
Moony - Erza Scarlet, Yuna of the Dawn Dylan - Shizuo Heiwajima Carnun Pladurs (no bio but is coming along with Moony) - Mikoto Suoh
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thejusticereborn · 3 years
Henry o Zane é um bom pai?
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Henry: Sim, ele é um pai muito bom para mim e minha irmã. Ele é meio chato e rígido as vezes. Um pouco frio e distante por vezes, não sendo muito de demonstrar carinho no dia-a-dia. Mas isso não quer dizer que ele não o faça. Ele era meio que muito protetor com a gente. Do tipo que surta quando algo acontece com alguém da nossa família. Tanto que meu pai se aposentou da vida de herói depois que eu nasci. Porque ele tinha medo de acabar morrendo em alguma missão e nos deixar órfãos. Ele ainda ajuda alguns aliados e tal, mas não sai em missões por conta própria.
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Zane: Bem, meu eu do futuro parece bem sensato. Tipo, eu já vi alguns futuros alternativos mais de uma vez em algumas ocasiões especificas. E em muitas dessas ocasiões, eu acabo morrendo de alguma forma. Então... Acho que o Henry vem do futuro em que eu simplesmente tomei a melhor escolha que era sossegar e viver ao lado da Alice e dos nossos filhos. Então, ponto para o Zane responsável.
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