#I'm gonna get to replies later tonight probably
ccsainzleclerc5516 Β· 2 months
Try Me
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Warnings: suggestive
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"Lan, c'mon..please don't go." You whined tightening your grip on Lando's shirt. "Stay with me"
"Baby, I want to, believe me, I do, but I told you I promised your brother to go out with him tonight. Why don't you come along with us?" He asked holding your cheeks between his hands and leaving a kiss on the tip of your nose.
"Because I want to spend some time alone with you. Why can't he go out with Charles or anyone else?"
"Charles is not feeling well, and besides, it will be suspicious if I turn him down for the second time today." He explained trying to get some sense into you, but you just decided to be a brat today because, well, you just felt like it. You wanted his attention. You needed his attention.
"Fine. Go with him then. I don't care." You pouted crossing your arms and turning your gaze away from him.
"Y/n.." He sighed turning your chin with his finger making you look at him. "I'm trying my best to spend as much time as possible with you here. If Carlos knew I spent the whole day with his sister in her hotel room I'd probably be a dead man right now. So if you want me alive, you gotta let me go now okay?"
Everything Lando said made sense. It's true that Carlos would haunt Lando for the rest of his life if he knew that he had been seeing his 5 years younger sister for over 6 months now. It's also true that Lando is a bit torn between the two of you. He doesn't want any trouble with his best friend, but he also doesn't want to even think about having to stop seeing you.
Lando and you were not in a relationship, well, not officially, you didn't call it a relationship because you were forbidden to him. You had been seeing each other for half a year and both of you knew that there was something more between you, more than just sex although you never put a label on it. The more time passed the more you liked each other and wanted to spend more time together so it got harder to keep it a secret.
"Give me a kiss" He said leaning down to your lips. You hesitate for a second, but give in rolling your eyes which Lando doesn't take very well. "No, no, don't do that."
You ignore him and head towards the bathroom not wanting to wait until he leaves your room. You just wanted to show your dissatisfaction with all your might.
"I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Whatever" You muttered before slamming the bathroom door shut.
Later that night, Lando was texting you just to check up on you, to see what you're doing, to see how you're spending your time without him and you decided to continue being a brat for the rest of the night. Because you just felt like it today.
'Just took a shower. Think I'm gonna go check up on Charles since he's not feeling well'
You replied smirking knowing that you mentioning Charles would completely push his buttons with you tonight. Ever since Carlos introduced you to them, both Charles and Lando have been trying to flirt with you. Only Charles has been doing it directly and Lando was more subtle with it. Lando was always more mysterious about it, that's probably the reason why you were attracted to him and not Charles.
So ever since he got his eyes on you, he hated that Charles was trying to get your attention. He hated that he was still doing it and yet he couldn't do anything about it because you two were a well kept secret.
'Oh really? Carlos and I saw him. He's just fine so you don't have to do that.'
He was replying back to your messages within seconds. You knew he was going crazy about it.
'Well, I'm gonna go check anyway'
Of course you weren't gonna go. You were all ready for bed, but since you didn't get what you wanted tonight, you decided to play with his head a little.
'Y/n..You have nothing to look for in his room'
'I mean it's not like I have a boyfriend if you really think about it. So..I don't think it would be inappropriate, no? '
'I can hear the attitude through the text. Fix it, before I fuck it out of you.'
His text sent shivers through your body. You threw your head back against your pillow sighing and reminiscing the way this morning the bed was squeaking beneath you two.
'I don't think you're gonna do anything about it'
'Oh, try me then'
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bedsyandco Β· 7 months
age is just a number β˜† quinn hughes
note: Ahhh! I love writing Quinn so much😭 this was written in 20 minutes, i'll edit it later, i just really wanted to post it cause I have 0 patience and self control
requested: yes
summary: luke bsf x Quinn hughes. 4 year age gap. After some comments were made by Quinn's brothers, you get a little insecure in your relationship and Quinn has to reassure you
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You and Quinn had been dating a few months now. sneaking around behind everyone's backs including Luke. Your best friend and Quinn's youngest brother.
The four of you were sitting in the living room at the lake house, watching some movie. Jack and Luke were chirping Quinn about some actress that he used to have a crush on. Going on and on about how he had a thing for older women because he was such a mommas boy.
You laughed along at first, always finding it so endearing to watch the brothers bicker back and forth. Even though you've been around to witness it for quite a few years now...it never got old.Your smile quickly faded when Jack started making comments about how all Quinn's relationships with younger women has failed, and that he should go for someone older this time, cause it doesn't seem like the younger girls can handle him.
You know you shouldn't let these comments bother you. It wasn't that serious and it wasn't directed towards you, but it was one of your, if not the biggest insecurity you had when it came to your relationship with Quinn. Being four years younger than him. Not being enough to keep him interested. These comments from two people who probably knew him the best, didn't do anything to reassure you.
"I'll be right back," you whisper, avoiding Quinn's eyes as you make your way to the bathroom.
A few minutes later there's a soft knock on the door and Quinn enters, shutting the door behind him and coming over to where you're standing in front of the sink. He wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you closer and kissing your shoulder softly.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" he asks you softly
"Nothing," you mumble and he puts his hands on your hips, spinning you around to face him and pushing you against the counter.
"Don't lie to me. I know you well enough to know everything's not okay and even if I didnt this pout is enough to tell me there's something wrong." Quinn says, rubbing circles on your hip and tracing your lips with the thumb of his other hand.
"Do you think I'm too young for you?" the words slip out before you can stop them and Quinn sighs, knowing his brother's comments was the cause of this.
"Age is just a number baby," Quinn says teasingly and you sigh.
"Quinn I'm being serious," you retort, grabbing both of his hands and holding them in yours, the way they were caressing you becoming a little too distracting.
"So am I. I don't care if you're 4 years younger or 4 years older or if you were born the exact same day I was. It doesn't change the fact that you're perfect for me. You know how Jack is, especially if he's been drinking, he can't keep his mouth shut. Especially if there's an opportunity to chrip me about something. If they knew that we were together, he would be more careful about making remarks like that." Quinn says and you bite the inside of your cheek, knowing he was right.
"I'm not ready to tell Luke yet." you say and Quinn nods, expecting that response from you.
"The longer we wait, the worse it's gonna be." Quinn replies and you look down, not wanting to argue about this. again.
Quinn sighs softly before taking his hand out of yours and cupping your face between his palms, planting a soft kiss on your lips.
"God it's torture seeing you all day and not being able to touch you. Kiss you." he says wrapping his arms around your waist and just hugging you for a few minutes. You smile a bit, thinking that this is exactly why he was nicknamed "huggy bear". Your guy loves hugging.
"I'll sneak into your room tonight. If you think a young girl like me can handle you," you quip and Quinn chuckles, knowing you're not gonna let that go for a while.
"I think you can handle me just fine baby" Quinn smirks, slapping your ass as you walk past him, and out the door.
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ddejavvu Β· 9 months
Hotch with a totally shy medical examiner!!! He always visits her although sometimes it wouldβ€˜nt be necessary ... 🫣🫣 Hotch got a crushhhhhh !!
The team notices that Hotch seems to be injuring himself more and more now that Quantico has a medical wing installed. Because of a rather unfortunate incident on floor 4, where a woman had an allergic reaction and no one was able to find her an epipen in time, there's now a mini-clinic located just across the elevators on floor 5.
Hotch doesn't even bother notifying his team of where he's going this time. He simply barrels towards the glass doors that shield the BAU from the hallway outside, but JJ doesn't let him escape that easily.
"Hotch, is everything okay?"
She expects him to say that there's been some sort of emergency at Jack's school, that he needs to pick the boy up. But she shouldn't, she should have expected what must be the most frequent phrase out of his mouth in the past three weeks.
"Fine. I've got a headache, I'm going to the clinic."
He offers no room for his team's replies as he pushes through the glass doors, standing by the elevators and waiting impatiently. His gaze is so intense on the metal doors that he's surprised he doesn't burn right through them, but the elevator finally reaches him, and he steps inside without looking back into the BAU to see his team members staring.
"He's so full of shit," Derek scoffs, "He doesn't have a headache."
"I think he's got a perpetual headache," Reid muses, and Rossi, who'd been working on stirring his third cup of coffee for the day pipes up.
"I would, if I had to manage you bozos all day," The man grins wryly, but doesn't exclude himself from the conversation; for all his teasing, he wants to gossip about Hotch too.
"Nah. He just wants to see the hot nurse," Derek insists, "I've seen her. She's cute, and all, but she's no Savannah."
"Maybe I should have a headache later," Emily muses, lost in thought and toying with the necklace resting on her chest.
"He's gonna have to start finding new excuses," Derek leans back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other with his ankle against his knee, "Maybe he'll ask one of us to shoot him just so he can get her hands all over him packing up the bullet hole."
"And that is my cue to leave," Rossi grimaces, "I don't often like mixing sex with wound care."
The older man pointedly ignores Derek's comment about how that's probably why he's thrice divorced; he's not freaky enough. He shuts his office door behind him and conversation putters out among the bullpen, each agent stuck with a residual smirk on their faces as they get back to their paperwork.
"Agent Hotchner," You smile kindly up at the man who steps through the doors of your clinic, "I'm not sure why I even looked up, I should have known it was you."
He chuckles bashfully, hands tucked into his pockets, "I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so I've got a pretty persistent migraine."
"Is it hard, sleeping after a day at your job? The things you see," You trail off, reaching into a drawer at your desk to retrieve a bottle of excedrin, "I don't think I'd be sleeping either."
Aaron's suddenly flustered by your concern for him. He'd intended for his poorly crafted excuse to come across as light insomnia, too much coffee during the day or a scary movie at night. But as you reach out to hand over two tablets of medicine, he meets your eyes with a fond gaze.
"I'm alright," He assures you, his voice soft and earnest. He touches you more than necessary, taking your loose fist in his hand and uncurling your fingers for you so that the excedrin falls into his other palm bumped up against the heel of your hand.
You're surprised your hand doesn't start sweating at how flustered you've become, but you're glad for it. He secures the medicine in his fist, his hand still humming with the ghost of your touch.
"Sleep tonight," You warn him with a slightly weak voice, watching as he downs the pills with a gulp of water from a delicate paper cup stored by your sink, "Get off of any electronic devices for an hour before bed, read something boring, and keep the lights dim. And if none of that works, take sleeping pills, I can give you Tylenol PM if you don't have any at home."
"I'd love some," He smiles, lingering by the edge of your desk, "Thank you, Doctor."
"You can call me Y/N," You avert your eyes to your desk drawer, your voice feeble, "We see each other every day, you ought to be more familiar with me than that."
He chuckles, a soft exhale that sends butterflies with it into your stomach. You offer him the pills and again he takes your hand in his own, only making the fiery heat that burns at your cheeks more intense.
"Thank you. And you can call me Aaron," He takes the pulls from you, tucking them into the breast pocket of his button-up.
"Goodbye, Aaron," You grin, barely able to stop the expression from growing an embarrassing amount.
"Bye Y/N," He smiles back, eyes glimmering with fondness, "See you next time."
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hhughes Β· 6 days
β™― 𝐀𝐆𝐄 πˆπ’ 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 ππ”πŒππ„π‘ β—ž 𝑸𝑯⁴³
✰ pairing ‫ fem!reader x quinn hughes
✰ synopsis ‫ after some comments were made by Quinn's brothers, you get a little insecure in your relationship and Quinn has to reassure you
✰ content ‫ 4 year age gap! suggestive?
✰ πŸ’­ ‫ I love writing for quinn so much <3
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You and Quinn had been dating a few months now. sneaking around behind everyone's backs including Luke. Your best friend and Quinn's youngest brother.
The four of you were sitting in the living room at the lake house, watching some movie. Jack and Luke were chirping Quinn about some actress that he used to have a crush on. Going on and on about how he had a thing for older women because he was such a mommas boy.
You laughed along at first, always finding it so endearing to watch the brothers bicker back and forth. Even though you've been around to witness it for quite a few years now...it never got old.Your smile quickly faded when Jack started making comments about how all Quinn's relationships with younger women has failed, and that he should go for someone older this time, cause it doesn't seem like the younger girls can handle him.
You know you shouldn't let these comments bother you. It wasn't that serious and it wasn't directed towards you, but it was one of your, if not the biggest insecurity you had when it came to your relationship with Quinn. Being four years younger than him. Not being enough to keep him interested. These comments from two people who probably knew him the best, didn't do anything to reassure you.
"I'll be right back," you whisper, avoiding Quinn's eyes as you make your way to the bathroom.
A few minutes later there's a soft knock on the door and Quinn enters, shutting the door behind him and coming over to where you're standing in front of the sink. He wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you closer and kissing your shoulder softly.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" he asks you softly
"Nothing," you mumble and he puts his hands on your hips, spinning you around to face him and pushing you against the counter.
"Don't lie to me. I know you well enough to know everything's not okay and even if I didnt this pout is enough to tell me there's something wrong." Quinn says, rubbing circles on your hip and tracing your lips with the thumb of his other hand.
"Do you think I'm too young for you?" the words slip out before you can stop them and Quinn sighs, knowing his brother's comments was the cause of this.
"Age is just a number baby," Quinn says teasingly and you sigh.
"Quinn I'm being serious," you retort, grabbing both of his hands and holding them in yours, the way they were caressing you becoming a little too distracting.
"So am I. I don't care if you're 4 years younger or 4 years older or if you were born the exact same day I was. It doesn't change the fact that you're perfect for me. You know how Jack is, especially if he's been drinking, he can't keep his mouth shut. Especially if there's an opportunity to chrip me about something. If they knew that we were together, he would be more careful about making remarks like that." Quinn says and you bite the inside of your cheek, knowing he was right.
"I'm not ready to tell Luke yet." you say and Quinn nods, expecting that response from you.
"The longer we wait, the worse it's gonna be." Quinn replies and you look down, not wanting to argue about this. again.
Quinn sighs softly before taking his hand out of yours and cupping your face between his palms, planting a soft kiss on your lips.
"God it's torture seeing you all day and not being able to touch you. Kiss you." he says wrapping his arms around your waist and just hugging you for a few minutes. You smile a bit, thinking that this is exactly why he was nicknamed "huggy bear". Your guy loves hugging.
"I'll sneak into your room tonight. If you think a young girl like me can handle you," you quip and Quinn chuckles, knowing you're not gonna let that go for a while.
"I think you can handle me just fine baby" Quinn smirks, slapping your ass as you walk past him, and out the door.
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Meet the Parents
Request: Hii🩷 can you maybe make like a fic where reader is matt’s girlfriend and friends with the triplets and after like a few months of dating Matt she meets their parents in Boston and she’s like nervous and stuff and they all try to calm her down and their parents and other brother end up loving her
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The triplets are going to visit Boston for a little bit and Matt invited his girlfriend of five months, the girl immediately accepting the invitation. The general idea of meeting the rest of Matt's family and seeing where he grew up was amazing at first, but now that they're about to leave, she has nothing but anxiety coursing through her.
"What if your parents totally hate me? What if they think I'm not good enough and you deserve much better?" Y/N rants off any question that comes to mind.
"They won't think that." Matt insists. "I've talked about you countless times and my mom already loves you."
"So your dad might hate me." Y/N says.
"He doesn't hate you either." Matt says. "Stop psyching yourself out, sweetheart. I know you're nervous, but it'll go great. I promise." He kisses her on the forehead.
"We're back!" They hear Nick yell out, the other two triplets having gotten an Uber to go pick up some food for the group, Matt needing to stay and pack.
"Come on." Matt grabs her hands, pulling her to her feet. He leads her out as she continues to wrack with nerves.
"I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight. I could totally embarrass myself and they'll hate me forever." Y/N whines.
"Baby..." Matt tries.
"What are you talking about?" Chris frowns.
"Y/N's nervous about meeting mom and dad." Matt says. "Despite me assuring her that it'll all be okay."
"They've been looking forward to meeting you." Nick says. "Mom will probably be attached to your hip all day asking questions and gushing over you." He laughs.
"Yeah, they ask about you whenever Matt talks to them." Chris says.
"What about Justin? He could totally hate me. You're his little brother, it may not--"
"Justin will be fine." Chris promises.
"Long as you and Matt are happy, that'll probably be all they need to be happy." Nick says, his brothers nodding in agreement.
"It'll be okay." Matt promises, cupping his girlfriend's face. "And if you're too nervous, I'm right there the whole time. I promise." He pecks her on the lips.
"Can you guys save that for later so we're not throwing up during our meal?" Chris pleads.
"Shut up, Chris." Matt rolls his eyes.
They're at the airport in Boston, waiting on the boys' parents. Y/N barely got sleep and has been anxious the whole day, Matt doing his best to calm her nerves by making her focus on things other than meeting his family.
Matt grabs onto Y/N's hand, intertwining their fingers and gently squeezing.
"They'll love you." Matt assures.
"Hey, there they are." Chris points. "Oh, Justin came." He smiles.
Y/N stands back, watching with a soft smile as the boys reunite with their parents and older brother.
Her smile falters for a moment when the attention is turned to her and Matt quickly wraps his arm around her waist, gently squeezing her hip in reassurance.
"Mom, dad, Justin, this is Y/N." Matt introduces, a grin full of love directed to his girlfriend.
"Hi, sweetheart. It's so nice to meet you." Mary Lou immediately greets her with open arms, pulling the girl into a hug.
"Hi." Y/N softly replies, gently hugging the woman back.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Jimmy smiles, giving her a quick hug.
"Hey, nice to meet you." Justin gives her a small wave, Y/N returning it with her own wave.
"Nice to meet you guys, too." Y/N smiles.
"Oh, we've heard so much about you. I can't wait to learn more." Mary Lou smiles. "Come on, let's get you guys something to eat and get home."
"Sweet." Chris excitedly whispers at the idea of eating.
"Y/N, what food do you like? We can go out somewhere." Jimmy offers.
"Oh, uh... I-I'm okay with wherever." Y/N smiles.
"She loves Italian food the most." Nick speaks up.
"Ooh, perfect! There's a really good place we all enjoy, you can try it." Mary Lou grins.
"Can't wait." Y/N nervously smiles, reaching for Matt's hand.
"All right, let's go, boys." Mary Lou urges.
"See? Not so bad." Matt quietly says.
"It's only the first five minutes. I could still totally fuck up." Y/N insists.
"You won't. It'll be amazing, promise." Matt tells her, kissing her cheek.
After lunch, Y/N's anxiety had finally started to dwindle after spending time with the triplets' family and being able to converse with the three just as easily as she can with the boys.
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kaliforniahigh Β· 2 months
"Just know you're not alone. 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home"
word count: 1.150
pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: some angst, fluff and a sweet ending.
Sadly inspired by the loss to the Pens tonight. This is also my first piece of writing. Please leave feedback if you want πŸ₯°
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Your dad always worried he would have kids who didn't like hockey. Well, he didn't have to worry. Not with you. You fell in love with the game since the first time you watched it, sitting on the couch, blabbering at the TV because you couldn't quite speak, or understand what was going on. You just knew you enjoyed it.
So, as a born and raised Jersey girl, as soon as he could, your dad started taking you to watch Devils's games with him. On the rare occasions your mom tagged along (she would much prefer to go out with her friends than to go to the game. But she thought the effort was worth it from time to time), she would nearly have a heart attack every time you banged on the glass to stir on a potential fight. Or yell curses at the ref. Or worse, yell curses at the opposing players.
But that was the way you enjoyed the game. Even now, as an adult, as you watched a lot of games on your couch rather than at the arena due to your job taking up a lot of your time and energy, the excitement and love for your team was the same.
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Lately, the victim of your antics was your boyfriend, Jack. He met you through mutual friends, and soon, the both of you were bonding over your passion for hockey.
He felt every little bit of strange at the beginning. He didn't have to ask you to go to games, or give you tickets (you were a season ticket holder) and that also meant that you didn't sit up at the suite with the other wags. You much preferred front row seats.
He found that out one game, when a player boarded Nico, shoulder up, particularly hard on the glass and the ref didn't call a penalty. He heard a voice extremely similar to yours yelling something along the lines of "you get paid to do this shitty job?"
And while it was fun having a girlfriend that rooted so hard for his team, currently, it was more painful than endearing. He knew they were playing bad. He knew they probably wouldn't make it to the playoffs this way. And he knew you were disappointed.
You always made an effort to separate the Y/N fan of the New Jersey Devils and the Y/N who was Jack's girlfriend. But you couldn't help but feel sad about the season they were having. And every loss felt like another punch to the stomach.
You always waited for Jack outside the locker rooms, so you could head to your apartment together. But tonight, you just didn't have the energy. The Devils blew a 2 goal lead on the Pens and got scored on 5 times in a matter of 10 minutes.
And you just knew Luke was feeling so bad about that empty net goal, you would probably have to talk to him about it later, so the younger boy could let out his feelings.
Maybe it was the fact that these games were so important for the future of the season (even though you knew it was most likely over by now), or the fact that the team couldn't win more than 2 games in a row for a such a long time now, but before you even realized what you were doing, you texted Jack, letting him know you were taking an Uber back to your shared apartment.
He didn't reply.
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The feeling in the locker room was less than pleasant. No one in the mood to make small talk, or talk at all. Jack just wanted to shower and go home. Maybe eat something and curl up under the blankets with you, forgetting this night ever happened.
That was before he got your message. He felt his heat plummeting to his stomach, the feeling somehow worse than the lost game. He didn't respond to you, because how could he? what would he even say? it felt like sorry didn't cut it anymore.
So on the drive home he contemplated everything. He knew you weren't necessarily mad at him. But he couldn't help but feel like a horrible boyfriend on top of being a horrible hockey player.
Parking his car and getting his bags from the trunk, he dreaded the conversation that would happend when he opened the door and got into your apartment.
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You were in the kitchen, putting together dinner for the both of you when you heard the door open and Jack drop his bags on the doorway. He walked past the kitchen and went straight to the bedroom, probably to change out of his suit and into more comfortable clothes.
You ate dinner in silence, mainly because you knew he needed his space after the loss. But you were itching to talk to him. To apologize and say you didn't mean to run and just leave him there. To say you thought he was the best boyfriend and the best hockey player in the world. That he could lose a hundred games in a row and you would still see him as your beacon of light.
So that is what you did.
"Jack" he looked up from his plate "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you tonight. I failed as a partner and I'm so incredibly sorry".
"I honestly don't blame you" he replied "I'm sorry I can't find a way to make you proud". At his words, you rounded the table and sat on his lap, taking his face in your hands and forcing him to look at you.
"I want you to pay close attention to what I'm going to say to you" he faintly nodded "You can play for fifteen more years and never win a Stanley Cup and I would still be proud of you. To me, you're not Jack Hughes of the New Jersey Devils. You're the Jack who fluffs my pillows at night. Who puts my sweaters in the dryer in the winter so they're warm. Who pumps my tires because you know I won't do it" he faintly smiled at that one.
"I want to be a safe space for you. Someone you can come to when you're feeling sad, angry or frustrated. I'm sorry I made you think otherwise" You said, as you thought about how he probably felt when he got your message. About how you added on to his stress rather than alleviate it like you were supposed to.
"Thank you", was all he said before circling his arms around your waist, pulling you close and burying his head on your neck.
At that moment, he knew that even though hockey was his whole life, if he didn't have you beside him, either cherring him on or wiping his tears, none of it would mean much to him anyway.
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mountainficss Β· 5 months
adventitious β€’ jeong yunho
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happening or carried on according to chance rather than design or inherent nature.
SUB!Reader + DOM!Yunho
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, groping, marking, creampie, sexual tension, biting, usage of (y/n), pet names/nicknames, making out, dry humping
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"Jesus Yunho, how long did you microwave that popcorn for?" You questioned, the smell of burnt popcorn diffusing through Yunho's cheap apartment. You waited on the couch for your best friend, watching a stupid grin form onto his face as he removed the popcorn from the microwave and dumped it carelessly into a large bowl, a few kernels falling onto the kitchen counter. "Four minutes?" He replied uncertainly, not entirely sure how long he had set the timer for. "God..." You mumbled, resting your head in your hand. "I don't know how you're not dead yet." He didn't reply, his smile only growing wider as he made his way back to the couch with the bowl of burnt popcorn and plopped next to you.
You and Yunho had become friends back in middle school, now attending the same college and spending your free time together. Since the 6th grade the two of you have been inseparable, making it a habit to eat lunch together every day and mess around in the halls whenever you saw each other. He was the type of friend you needed, Yunho's fun and almost puppy-like personality contrasted with your serious nature. He brought out the best in you, always joking about how he knew you were secretly fun beneath your uptight exterior. You loved the way he could bring a smile to your face even during your lowest moments.
Now you had found yourself sitting in his apartment sharing a bowl of burnt popcorn with him on a Friday night. It was tradition for the two of you to watch movies on Friday nights, staying up as late as 4 a.m. picking random movies and sometimes just letting them play in the background as you talked for hours. Neither of you were the best at focusing on one thing for too long.
"What are we watching tonight?" Yunho asks you, taking a piece of popcorn from the bowl and throwing it at your face playfully. The popcorn hit your cheek and you turned your head from the TV to glare at him, little giggles escaping from him at the sight of your expression. "Quit making a mess, dickhead. I'm sure your apartment's dirty enough," you fought back a smile as you threw the popcorn back at him. He threw a small handful in retaliation and laughed loudly as you pouted at him. "Yunho," you sulked, dragging his name out. "How am I supposed to pick a movie when you keep throwing burnt popcorn at me? You know I'm gonna have to clean this up later," you whined loudly. Yunho studied your face with a smile as he felt his ears heating up. "Okay okay, I promise I'll clean this time," he surrenders, his eyes scanning your face. He always secretly found it adorable when you whined or pouted, getting flustered due to the change of tone in your voice. He did anything for you if you gave him a slight pout.
You turned back to the TV and continued scrolling through movies, trying to find something interesting for the both of you to watch. A cold breeze traveled through the air vents, sending chills across your skin. You reached for the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch and used it to cover your bare legs. "Why's it so cold in here?" You mumbled, annoyed. "That's your fault for wearing shorts (Y/N)," Yunho responded cheekily, earning an eye roll from you in response. You had finally agreed on what to watch, some lame spin-off of a popular action movie that probably had terrible acting. You both spent the next 30 minutes trying to focus on the movie but failed miserably by laughing every few minutes at the cheesiness of the acting.
"(Y/N)," Yunho starts quietly, making you turn your head towards him and hum in response. His face almost made your heart skip a beat, the flickering light from the television illuminating his perfect features. His dark middle-parted hair was a little unkempt, and his gentle gaze alone almost made you blush. Having all of his attention on you like that almost caused you to miss what he was saying. "Scoot closer and share the blanket with me. I'm cold."
You sighed loudly. "Aren't there other blankets in your apartment, Yunho? And weren't you just giving me shit for being cold?" You grumbled. Even with your complaints, you moved closer to the other edge of the couch and threw half of the blanket over his lower body. Although you had protested, the slight blush on your face gave away the fact that you were secretly excited to sit closer to him. Your body liked the feeling of being near him, but you'd never let yourself admit it. "Thank you, (Y/N)~" He sang, draping his arm onto the back of the couch behind your head. You said nothing, fighting back the urge to squirm due to being so close to him. You did your best to focus on the movie, but the large presence of your retriever best friend sitting so close to you was distracting. You took deep breaths, doing what you could to calm your pounding heart.
"Let me hold you." Yunho's voice abruptly broke the quiet sounds emitting from the television. You turned quickly towards him with widened eyes, wondering if you even heard him correctly. "This blanket doesn't keep me warm enough," He continues, removing his arm from the top of the couch and snaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer. "Just come here."
You panicked slightly, feeling your face becoming even redder. "Don't pull me so close, Jeong Yunho!" You snapped, flustered from his actions. Your chest was now flush against his side as he held you close with his arm around your waist. He slightly towered over you, making you feel small underneath him. "Don't tell me you're embarrassed," he chuckled at your attempt to convey annoyance, watching the way your eyebrows furrowed. "This is nothing. We literally slept together once."
"Yah, don't say it like that! And that was back in middle school!"
"I held you closer than this back then."
You couldn't believe this idiot was bringing that up. The memory of you and Yunho spending the night together at his house crossed your mind for the first time in a long time. Your parents were going on an outing and had left you there under the supervision of Yunho's parents. You and Yunho had hung out and played games all day, and he had let you climb into bed with him when your eyelids became droopy and fought to stay open. You still remember the way he held you as you fell asleep next to him, the way his arms pulled you close from behind and remained wrapped around your stomach, spooning you for the whole night. You pushed the memory away, turning to make eye contact with a smirking Yunho.
You wanted to wipe that cheeky grin off his face, but you could hardly think with Yunho's face only being a little more than a foot away from yours. You let out a defeated sigh. "You're such a dick," you muttered as you leaned in and rested your head on his shoulder. His breath hitched slightly at the sudden action, slightly turning his body towards you to rest his other hand on your waist, completely having you under his grip. "Sit on my lap," he commands playfully, turning you to look at him. "Let me hold you for real."
"Yunho!" You yelped, still not used to the feeling of his hands on such an intimate place. "Just this once?" He coaxes with a smile, his thumbs drawing circles onto your sides. You knew your face had to be beet red by now. The feeling was making you dizzy, but you loved the way his hands felt and couldn't help but secretly want more. Why was he doing this to you? Without responding, you grabbed his large hands and removed them from your waist, still holding them as you swung one leg around his body to straddle him. He watched your every move, observing the way your cheeks darkened as you tried to avoid his gaze. You released his hands, letting them rest on your sides as you carefully draped your arms around his neck and rested your chin on his shoulder. You were sure he felt your heart pounding through your chest. The sound of his laugh filled your ears as he snaked his arms around you, pulling your body closer to him causing your front to be pressed against his. You held back a whimper as he began playing with your hair with one hand, running his fingers through it a little too frequently for your heart to handle. "See? It's not so bad," he smiles widely. "And now I'm not cold anymore."
"Shut up," you whined slightly. You could practically hear him smirking, making you groan and bury your face into the crook of his neck out of embarrassment. Yunho's heart skipped a beat when he felt your short breaths on his neck, making him breathe a little heavier underneath you. His mind wandered to unholy places as he imagined you kissing down his neck. You felt his hold around you tighten slightly as he kept running his fingers through your hair. You could feel your arousal starting to flow from your heat, your skin feeling like it was on fire as you tried to shift slightly, holding back the urge to squirm too much. Your small movements caused Yunho to let out a shaky exhale as he felt his length harden beneath you. He tried his best to calm himself down, but your constant shifting and your faint breaths on his neck almost made him lose his self-control. Feeling your body on top of his was making him feel things he'd never felt before. He wanted to take your face in his hands and press kisses to your lips and cheeks, slowly making his way down your body...
He shouldn't be feeling this way about his best friend, should he?
"Yuyu?" You called his name, nearly a whisper. "Yeah?" He breathed, feeling even more aroused hearing his old nickname spill from your lips, almost sounding like a whimper. You didn't answer, letting your lips graze his neck lightly. Not really thinking about your actions, you responded by shyly pressing a light kiss onto his neck, causing his breath to get caught in his throat. The sound of your lips kissing his skin made his member shamelessly twitch in his sweatpants. He exhaled sharply, wondering how you could make him this horny with just the bare minimum. He couldn't take this anymore, at this point he was prepared to fall to his knees and beg to touch you. "Please do that again," he urged, almost pleading. You hesitated for a moment before dropping another gentle kiss onto his neck, then another, listening to his unsteady exhales as you began kissing down his neck. You attached your lips to his skin and sucked delicately, swirling your tongue around the sensitive skin before sucking harder. You felt his fingers entangling themselves into the hair at your nape, carefully grabbing a handful. His hips slightly rolled upward towards your clothed core, making you let out a small whine. You removed your lips from his neck with a small pop. You rested your head on his shoulder again as you both listened to each other's heavy breathing, the sounds coming from the TV forgotten a long time ago. "Itβ€”It left a mark," you mumbled quietly, barely able to form proper sentences with desire slowly consuming you. You traced over the small hickey delicately with your fingers. "I'm sorry." You felt Yunho's hand on your cheek, pulling your face closer to his and feverishly pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly. You kissed back eagerly, butterflies exploding in your stomach and consuming you with a newfound obsession. His tongue slid inside of your cavern, exploring it as he swallowed your whimpers. One hand reached down to grab your thigh, groping the supple flesh and rubbing your inner thigh with his thumb slowly. The action caused you to buck your hips against his erection, making him groan gently against your lips. You detached your lips from each other's, breathing heavily as you met his gaze. Yunho's eyes were darkened with lust, his pupils blown out as he scanned your face. "Jesus (Y/N)," he stammered, almost not believing that he just made out with you on his couch. "Fuck, you make me wanna do things to you butβ€”should we even be doing this? I'm scared I'll ruin what we have," he questions doubtfully, his ears turning bright red. You shook your head in response. "You won't ruin anything," you whispered softly, studying his beautiful features and reaching a hand up to run your fingers through his hair. "If we do this, I won't wanna stop. I meanβ€”I've wanted you for a while, I don't want this to be just a one-time thing. To me this is more than that," Yunho rambled, letting his thoughts flow out without thinking. You leaned closer to him, giving him a small peck. "Yuyu, do you love me?" You asked quietly, watching his eyes widen slightly at your question. "I've always loved you. I just don't think I realized it until recently," he replies after taking a moment to think. "We spend so much time together and it always makes me so happy, I love hanging out and watching movies with you. You always take such good care of me and..." He trails off slightly. "God, when you wear my clothes it does things to me. You look really good in them. You're so pretty," he breathes, adoring the way your face flushed at his praises. You avoided his eyes, too embarrassed to admit your feelings. "(Y/N)," he whispers. "Do you wanna go further than this?" He asks carefully, making sure not to move too fast. You nodded slightly, resting your forehead against his. "If we do this, promise me it won't be a one-time thing," you commanded, reaching your pinky out to him. "I promise you it won't," he assures, locking his pinky with yours and sealing the promise.
You were straddling Yunho's lap again, his back pressed against the headboard of his bed as his lips molded against yours slowly and passionately. The sounds of small moans and shaky exhales filled the room as you rocked your hips back and forth onto his erection. His hands that were settled on your waist traveled down to grab your ass, guiding your movements and bucking his hips up against you. You broke the kiss, your head falling onto his shoulder as you whimpered at the feeling. "Yunho," you breathed, reaching down to toy with the hem of his t-shirt. "I think I'm ready now." You felt his hands reach under your shirt, caressing your skin before he carefully pulled your shirt over your head. He stared at your chest which was adorned in a gray bra, making his face heat up as he slid a hand up to knead your mound. "Fuck," he muttered as he snakes his free hand behind to unclip your bra and throw it carelessly onto his bedroom floor. He pulled you closer to him, attaching his lips onto your bud and swirling his tongue around it slowly, falling in love with your erotic noises that you tried so desperately to hold in. You hurriedly yanked his shirt off, losing all patience as you threw it on the floor somewhere with your bra and untied the bow of his sweatpants. He lifted his hips a bit, allowing you to easily remove his sweatpants and boxers. His length was larger than you anticipated, causing you to let out a small gasp. "Like what you see?" He chuckled teasingly, his voice coming out slightly strained. You met his eyes, shooting him a harsh glare. "Shut up," you muttered, wrapping a hand around his throbbing member as you watched his smile disappear and change into a face of pleasure. You stroked him gently as he scanned over your half-naked form with a sinful gaze. "Take those off," he mutters, gesturing to your shorts. You slid them off along with your panties with your free hand, slightly speeding up your movements on his member. Quiet moans slipped past his lips repeatedly as he used his last bit of self control to stop your hand. "Stop, stop," he groaned, taking deep breaths. "I'm gonna cum if you keep going, (Y/N)." Your cheeks turned a dark red at his words. He took a moment, attempting to calm down after almost cumming into your hand. "You don't last very long, huh?" You teased halfheartedly, trying your best to hide the nervous tremble in your voice. You felt him pull you close, lining himself up towards your entrance. "It's only because it's you," he mumbles as he wraps his arms around you. Your heart was pounding, and you were almost positive Yunho could feel it through your chest. "I promise I'll help you finish before me."
He pushed in slowly, small moans spilling from your mouths as he bottomed out. A small whimper of pain escaped your throat, and Yunho tightened his hold around you. "Does it hurt? Do you need me to stop?" He questions with a worried tone. You shook your head, burying your face in the crook of his neck. "Just move already," you whined, slightly circling your hips around him in an attempt to grow used to his size. His breath hitched as he grabbed your hips tightly, slowly guiding you up and almost pulling out before he slid back in completely. He kept his slow pace, taking his time and enjoying every second of being inside of you. You felt every inch of him as he fucked into you, small whines and moans leaving your mouth despite your best efforts to hold them in. "Don't hide them," he commanded breathlessly. "I need to hear you, (Y/N)." His voice dripped with lust and desperation, causing you to whimper loudly. No one has ever turned you on so much, but Yunho had managed to make you the horniest you'd ever been in one night and with nothing but his very existence. Your skin burned where he touched you, sweat beading at your forehead as your moans involuntarily became louder. He quickened his thrusts, the heavenly sound of his groans reaching your ears and making you even more desperate for him. The headboard behind him began colliding with the wall, the slight banging sounds completely lost to both of you as you focused on pleasing each other. You felt like you were falling apart under him, and you found yourself longing to be entwined with him forever. "Yuyu," you mewled, desperately grabbing at his shoulders. He groaned deeply, your sweet nickname causing him to twitch inside of you. "Yeah, baby?" He sighed, trying to regain his composure. He knew he wouldn't last long if you said his name like that again. "I love you," you murmured, feeling the tight knot in your abdomen beginning to unravel. "Oh fuck," he moaned, his heart fluttering due to those three simple words. He removed his hands from your hips and wrapped his arms around you into a bear hug, quickening his thrusts into you. "Please say that again, (Y/N), please..." He trailed, dangerously close to reaching his high. Your lewd moans were like music to his ears as you struggled to speak through your pleasure, "I l-love you, I love you s-so much," You rambled, your hole tightening around his erection as you neared your release, "'M gonnaβ€”"
You couldn't finish your sentence before your high enveloped you, biting hard on Yunho's shoulder as broken cries and moans fell from your lips. His moans only became louder as he fucked you through your orgasm. The sounds of you falling apart on him tipped him over the edge, his orgasm coming seconds after yours. "(Y/N)," he whimpered as he finished inside of you, those three words still replaying in his mind like a broken record as he fucked you full of his seed. His thrusts slowed as he stilled, still inside of you as you both struggled to catch your breath. He held you tightly against him still, your sweat-covered bodies tangled closely together.
"I never thought I would cum from someone telling me they loved me," Yunho laughed shakily, breaking the silence and still attempting to steady his breathing. A breathless giggle tore itself from your weak body, his remarks never failing to make you laugh even during a moment like this. "You're such an idiot," you grinned as you fought to keep your heavy eyelids open. You felt his fingers gently combing through your hair as sleep threatened to take you. "Yeah," he sang, "I'm your idiot, (Y/N)~"
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albertasunrise Β· 5 months
Hope - Hope I See You Again
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Summary: After Joel loses his wife and your best friend during childbirth. You support him as he takes on parenthood on his own at 22. But when feelings start to develop, you battle with the guilt you feel for falling for your best friend’s husband.
Relationships: Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3 I choose to give none. Read at own risk. 18+… this is to avoid spoilers! (So a longer chapter...Another angst fest but I hope you enjoy. Had most of this written out already hence posting it so quickly after chapter 4, can't wait to heart what y'all think β™₯️)
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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10 years later...
"Sarah!" Joel calls up the stairs as he munches on his toast "Hunny you're going to be late."Β 
"COMING!" She replied as thumping steps erupted on the landing.Β 
Joel chuckled as he listened to his daughter clamber down the stairs, smiling when she planted a kiss on his cheek and skipped to the plate of toast he left on the side for her.Β 
"You're a good father." She said as she ravaged the breakfast he made her.Β 
"I try to be."Β 
"You make some for Uncle Tommy?" She asked as her ears perked up at the sound of his truck parking on the drive.Β 
"Yeah, yeah..." Joel waved her off "Although he's gonna eat me outa house n' home at this rate."Β 
"Who is?" Tommy asked as he walked into the kitchen, giving his brother a friendly slap on the arm as he passed.Β 
"You asshole." Joel grumbled, eliciting a snigger from Sarah.Β 
"Sarah baby... you're gonna miss the bus if you don't leave." Joel said as he eyed the clock.Β 
"Ah... crap... Okay, gotta go. See ya later Uncle Tommy." She said sweetly as she kissed his cheek before skipping to her father to do the same thing "Still on for tacos tonight?"Β 
"Wouldn't be Tuesday without them." Joel winked before waving at his daughter as she sprinted out the door.Β 
"Ready?" Tommy asked as he unceremoniously shoved the last of his toast into his mouth.Β 
"One of these days, you're gonna choke." He snorted as he pushed himself to his feet "I'm driving today." He said as he snatched up the keys and headed to the garage.Β 
Joel was just finishing up laying the table when Sarah came screaming in. He couldn't understand how she had so much energy despite being at school all day and then soccer practice afterwards.Β 
"HEY!" She shouted, practically skipping into the kitchen.Β 
"Hey baby girl, how was your day?" He asked as he grabbed and placed the serving spoon into the bowl of chorizo and potatoes that he'd just finished frying off.Β 
"Great, do you mind if a friend joins us?" She asked sheepishly, smiling sweetly at him as he turned to see a tall boy beside her.Β 
He seemed familiar. His dark hair and piercing blue eyes reminded him of someone he used to know.Β 
"Dad this is Noah." She said sweetly "He's new and his mum wasn't able to get him from school so I said he could come here for dinner and then you could drop him home later?"Β 
The boy's name made Joel's stomach twist. There was no way this was the boy that had been practically glued to Sarah's side as a toddler. There are plenty of kids with that name.Β 
"Baby I-"Β 
"I know I should have asked first but Dad... you always make extra so there will be plenty for all of us." She pleaded with her big brown eyes, knowing that it would win him over.Β 
"I don't wanna impose Mr Miller, sir." Noah said, his head dropping "I can probably walk home from here."Β 
"Sit down." Joel grumbled as he motioned to the table with his head, smiling when Sarah kissed his cheek and whispered thanks in his ear.Β 
He watched as Sarah eagerly dug into the food on the table before noting Noah's hesitance.Β 
"Dig in son." Joel encouraged and Noah gave him a nervous nod before doing as he was bid.Β 
Dinner then passed fairly easily. Sarah talked about school and practice as Noah smiled at her enthusiasm.Β 
"So where are you from Noah?" Joel asked as he wiped his hands on his napkin and grabbed his beer to take a swig.Β 
"I was actually born here." Noah confessed and Joel's heart sped up a little "My parents moved when I was little. Dad wasn't well and so we moved closer to my grandma."Β 
"You don't say." Joel replied, his heart in his throat as Noah continued.Β 
"We moved back here 'cus mum got a job in Austin. Thought it would be good to get a new start after dad..." He trailed off, his eyes growing sad.Β 
"Perhaps next taco Tuesday you can bring Ali?" Sarah suggested as she gave Noah's arm a friendly squeeze.Β 
"Ali?" Joel asked and Noah smiled sweetly "Ali's my little sister. Short for Alison." He replied sweetly "Well little ish... She's a few years younger than me."Β 
"Joel thought he was going to be sick. There was no way this wasn't the Noah he knew as a boy."Β 
"Dad..." Sarah called but Joel felt like he was drowning, her calls for him muffled like his head was underwater.Β 
"DAD!" She shouted and he leapt from his skin as he returned his attention to both of them "You okay?"Β 
"What?" Joel asked as his eyes flitted between the two kids "Oh... Yeah, sorry just uh... Just a long day."Β 
Noah's cell phone ringing filled the awkward silence that had blanketed the room and when he pulled it out to see who it was, he excused himself to take it.Β 
"You sure you're okay dad?" Sarah asked as she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze "You look like you've seen a ghost."Β 
"Yeah, baby." He replied sweetly, trying his hardest to be convincing "I'm fine."Β 
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10 years earlier...
"Joel, you need to take it easy man." Tommy pleaded as he pushed his brother back onto the bed "They cut into your fucking skull man."Β 
"What I need... is to get out of here." Joel grumbled as he let out a frustrated huff.Β 
"Sarah and I nearly lost you." Tommy choked, his eyes growing glossy as he remembered the last few weeks "We've watched you crash twice... Been told to prepare for the worst more times than I wanna remember... So please, just rest."Β 
"How are they?" He asked and Tommy sighed "They're doing as well as can be expected." Tommy sighed and Joel nodded "I think the kids have been a great distraction though."Β 
Joel smiled at that.
"When do you ship out?" Joel asked, changing the subject and Tommy signed "Sunday. Now you're not knocking on death's door, they've decided it's time for me to leave."Β 
"I'll be okay." Joel promised but Tommy didn't look convinced "I promise."
2 weeks later...
Joel watched as you puttered around the house, looking anything but relaxed as you finished clearing up after lunch. He gingerly pushed himself to his feet, wincing when his stitches pulled.Β 
"Need some help?" He asked as he limped into the kitchen.Β 
"No." You replied plainly and Joel sighed.
"Please, let me help." Joel pleaded and you growled in frustration.Β 
"You can help me by sitting the fuck down so you don't pull a stitch." You growled and Joel shrunk back.Β 
You'd been cold towards him since he got out and Joel couldn't say he blamed you. You were now stuck babysitting him as he recovered from three major surgeries on top of his daughter whom you'd been caring for for almost a month.Β 
"Please... I just... I want to help."Β 
"You've done enough Joel." That statement had him shrinking away from you as he nodded.Β 
"I'm going to check on Sarah." He said quietly as he limped from the kitchen.
"She's sleeping."
Joel didn't reply. Just left you to finish your frantic cleaning as he limped away with his tail between his legs.
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Present day...
"Sorry." Noah said as he stepped back into the room "Was my mum."Β 
"Everything okay? Sarah asked and Noah nodded.Β 
"Yeah, just a broken arm."Β 
"What happened?" Joel asked, his confusion obvious from his expression.Β 
"Oh, my sister hurt herself during gym." Noah replied "Why mum couldn't grab me... Was up the hospital with her."Β 
"What about you dad?" Joel asked and Noah grew quiet again.Β 
"Noah's dad died a few months ago." Sarah pipped up and Joel's eyes almost bugged out of his skull.
"Shit... I'm... Shit I'm so sorry son I-"
"It's fine." Noah assured him as he gave Joel a weak smile "Not like you knew."Β 
"Do you need me to drop you home?" Joel asked and Noah nodded.Β 
"If you don't mind."Β 
Joel gave him a friendly smile before grabbing his truck keys off the side.Β 
"Come on."Β 
Sarah sat in the back as Noah directed Joel home. He couldn't help but think about the little boy he'd known a decade ago and how he'd grown into this polite young man. Part of him wanted to confess that he and Sarah had been inseparable as kids but until he was sure that he was who he thought he was, Joel needed to keep that information to himself.Β 
"This is me." Piped up Noah as he pointed at a house with a Large Volvo parked in the drive.Β 
It was nice. Exactly the sort of house he'd pictured you living in. Pulling up, the porch light flicked on and the door opened, revealing a face that Joel had thought he'd never see again. Time had been kind to you. Your hard was cut to just below the shoulders and wavy and your features had matured but it was unmistakeably you.Β 
"Thanks, Mr Miller, sir." Noah said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed his pack "Thanks for letting me crash Taco Tuesday."Β 
"Call me Joel, please."Β 
Noah gave the older man a shy smile before turning to say goodbye to Sarah. Hopping out the truck, Joel watched as Noah jogged up to you and he smiled as he watched to greet the boy with a hug. He'd known you'd be a natural mum.Β 
You glanced up at him and his heart stopped. Your eyes locked and he wondered if you'd recognise him too but when you squinted before raising your hand in thanks, Joel realised it was too dark in the cab for you to see him.Β 
Sarah clambering from the back to the front pulled Joel's attention away from the spot you'd been standing and he chuckled at the inelegant way the 12-year-old dumped herself in the passenger seat.Β 
"So what do you think of Noah?" She asked as she tried to act casual and Joel snorted.Β 
"He's a good kid." Joel replied as he pulled away from the curb "How did you guys meet anyway?"Β 
"He had to redo a year." Sarah replied "Not his fault. His dad was in and out of hospital so he missed a lot of school. When they moved here the school suggested that it would be good for him to redo 5th grade."Β 
"Do you know what happened to his dad?" Joel asked, trying to sound as inconspicuous as possible.Β 
"Apparently his dad was in an accident when he was little. Complications from that had him in and out of hospital but a year ago he got real sick and his immune system just couldn't cope."Β 
Joel once again felt like he was going to be sick.Β 
He'd had suffered a few long things from the crash. Back pain and headaches being the key ones but nothing following the surgery he'd had. So to learn that Alec had continued to suffer in the 10 years that followed the accident had him wanting to pull over and vomit up the tacos they'd eaten for dinner.Β 
You must hate him.Β 
"How was your evening hunny?" You asked as you finished unstacking the dishwasher.Β 
"Was great." He replied with a smile "Made a friend. Sarah Miller." He continued as he placed the plate you handed him in the cupboard "She invited me to join her and her dad Joel for taco Tuesday."Β 
"Joel Miller?" You asked, your heart hammering against your ribs as your eyes widened.Β 
"Yeah... You know him?" Noah asked as he turned to face you "Mum?..."Β 
"Um... Uh, yeah I..."Β 
Noah's eye caught a glimpse of a photo on the wall that until now he'd never looked at twice. It was of you and his dad with two guys you'd told him were friends from when you'd lived here. He looked more closely and noted how he was gripping the jeans of a man who looked a lot like Joel and then his eyes flitted to the little girl in the man's arms. His eyes widened as he studied her face.Β 
"This is them... isn't it?" Noah asked as he turned to look at you, pointing at the photo he'd been studying just a moment ago.Β 
"I was best friends with Joel's late wife." You answered as you sat down at the kitchen table "You and Sarah were inseparable as kids." You chuckled as you remembered how fond of Sarah Noah had been.Β 
"Why have you never mentioned them before?"Β 
"Because we fell out of touch." You confessed, "After your dad's accident, things got tense between us."Β 
"Tense?" Noah pushed "How?"Β 
"Joel was driving the car that night." You told him "He almost died but when he left the hospital, I blamed him for your dad's condition and so our friendship kinda fell apart."Β 
"But Dad's car was t-bone by a drunk truck driver." Noah pushed and you sighed.
"I know."
"So it wasn't Joel's fault."Β 
"No." You choked as you remembered how bad things had gotten "But I blamed him anyway.
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10 years earlier...Β 
Joel's head was pounding.Β 
Headaches had been a constant complication from the surgery on his head. Limping into the kitchen, he found you leaning against the counter sipping a cup of coffee as you started out the window across from you.Β 
If you heard him enter you didn't show it. It had been a week since you'd snapped at him and Joel had done his best to give you space. Even if that meant suffering his increasingly painful headaches but this one was unbearable.Β 
"Have you seen my pain pills?" He asked as he limped towards you and you shook your head.
"Any idea where they could be?" He asked as he tried to rummage through the cupboard for them.Β 
"Please... my head is pounding." He pleaded and that seemed to snap you out of your trance.Β 
"Oh... You have a headache do you?" You growled condescendingly "Poor Joel's head hurts."Β 
"Please." Joel pleaded but you were having none of it.Β 
"Alec is paralysed from the waist down and you want me to keep track of where you put year headache tablets?" You growled and Joel immediately stopped searching.Β 
"The man I love... the father of my unborn child is never going to walk again." You snarled as you slammed down your mug, making Joel flinch from the sound "He's never going to walk again... meanwhile, you get to walk away with no long-term consequences. How is that fair?"Β 
"I'm so sorry."Β 
"I don't want your apologies, Joel." You growled, "I just want you out of my life."Β 
Joel didn't care that you could see his tears. He stood there openly sobbing as you scoffed and turned your back from him.
"I think it's time you left." You said as your hand closed around something in front of you, turning to toss his pain pills at him.Β 
Joel didn't reply he just nodded. Limping from the kitchen to pack his things.Β 
He left an hour later.Β 
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Present day...
Noah had been off with you since the evening he'd learned his history with Sarah and Joel. You felt guilty about how you'd treated Joel all those years ago but you'd been pregnant and lost. You'd hated the fact that your husband had been crippled for life and needed someone to blame.Β 
You'd blamed Joel.Β 
You were standing in line waiting for your morning coffee when a familiar voice caught your attention. Looking over your shoulder you saw an older Tommy Miller walking towards the bar.Β 
He ordered his coffee, paid then walked towards you. Only to stop in his tracks when he spotted you and his smile disappeared.Β 
"Long time no see." You said when he took a few more tentative steps towards you.Β 
"Yeah. Been a while." He replied plainly and you flinched at his tone.Β 
"How have you been?" You asked and he shrugged.
"Left the army. Working for Joel now." He replied and you nodded.Β 
"How is Joel?" You asked as you accepted your coffee from the barista and thanked them.Β 
"Do you care?" He growled and your brows pulled together.Β 
"Oh course... I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."Β 
"He's fine." Tommy grumbled as he poured a few sugars into his coffee before turning to you "He wasn't the night you kicked him out."Β 
"Tommy I-"Β 
"He collapsed after getting out of the taxi that had taken him and Sarah home." He interrupted, his tone ice cold as he turned to face you and leaned in closer "He'd developed another brain bleed and almost died. Ali's parents had to fly out from Canada to take care of Sarah whilst Joel fought for his life for a second time."Β 
"I didn't know." You choked as your hand flew up to your mouth.
"No..." Tommy trailed off as he scoffed at you "You were just too caught up in your own problems to notice how he'd started to go downhill."Β 
You didn't get a chance to reply.Β 
Tommy was out of the door before you could utter a syllable. He just left you standing there feeling terrible about the fact that you had neglected him. You had blamed him for your misfortune and you had pushed him away when he needed you.Β 
You had to fix this.Β 
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For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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one-flower-one-sword Β· 6 months
"Mu Qing spat out a mouthful of blood and grimaced like he'd been stabbed where it hurt. He replied, spiteful slowly, "Thank goodness I kicked you out. If we'd kept you in the army and let you get closer to His Highness, were you going to watch him all day with your mind full of unspeakable filth? Disgusting!"
Xie Lian's heart squeezed violently. Hua Cheng had his fist raised at first, but it froze in midair when Mu Qing spat the word "disgusting." Veins bulged on the back of his pale hand. The fingers clenched and loosened, loosened then clenched.
A long moment later, Hua Cheng said icily, "For now, I won't argue with you on that point. [...]"
TGCF Volume 6, page 66
Hua Cheng's reaction here is really interesting - and gets more heartbreaking the more you think about it. I think to understand it, we need to take a look at his distorted self-image and his extreme self-blame whenever he feels he's failed Xie Lian in some way. While doing this, I think it's important to keep in mind that we're looking at these things as separate from Hua Cheng's very real - and very earned! - confidence in his knowledge, abilities, and strength. He knows exactly what he can and can't do and has no problems stating those things as facts. That "aggressive, rebellious confidence" as Xie Lian describes it is a defining part of Hua Cheng's personality and who he is as a person, that is then juxtaposed by a surprising fragility in other matters.
Right when we meet Hua Cheng at just ten years old, he's already been abused for so long and so severely that it's made him actively suicidal. He's also already internalized that his right eye is ugly, evidenced by the way that he keeps covering it with his hands when the bandages are removed after he was beaten and dragged through the streets by Qi Rong and his lackeys:
After a pause, Xie Lian smiled softly. "The doctors will see to your wounds now. Don't be afraid and lower your hands, okay?" The child heard but hesitantly shook his head.
"Why not?" Xie Lian asked.
He was silent for a long time before replying, "Ugly."
TGCF Volume 2, page 349
The right side of his face also appears to receive the most abuse when he gets beaten, as Xie Lian realizes when he sees him again a few years later and his bandages come loose after being attacked by a group of other kids:
During that scuffle, the bandages on the boy's head had been partially yanked off, giving a peek on the other half of his face. It was quite swollen, covered in black and blue bruises. It was obvious that these injuries hadn't been caused by the brawl just now. TGCF Volume 3, page 56
It can be deduced that he probably learned very early in his life that if people see his eye, he gets beaten. It seems to be known around the area that he frequently gets beaten up and kicked out by his family, to a point where even kids from wealthier families know about him and refer to him as apparently everyone else does - the "ugly freak":
"Wow, wow, the ugly freak got kicked out again!" Although these kids were all around the same age as the boy in the shrine, every single one of them was taller than him and looked like their parents fed them well. There was probably a holiday coming up, since they were all dressed in new clothes and shoes. [...] "Hey, ugly freak, are you sleeping at the shrine again tonight? Watch out, your mom is gonna beat the crap outta you when you get home!"
TGCF Volume 3, pages 54-55
This post is going to get quite long, so I'm putting the rest under a read more.
Hua Cheng seems to internalize this view of himself as something ugly and revolting to a point where even hundreds of years later, he's wary about showing Xie Lian his true form. At the same time, he seems to long deeply for Xie Lian to see and accept the real him, so he tries to test the waters when Xie Lian asks the "young master" on the ox cart what Hua Cheng looks like :
The youth laughed. "Who knows? But he's blind in one eye." He pointed to his right eye. "This one."
That was nothing outrageous. Xie Lian recalled one of the many backstory versions where Hua Cheng wore a black eyepatch to hide that missing eye and asked, "Do you know what happened to that eye?"
"That's a question everyone wants the answer to," the youth replied. Others asked because they wanted to know what Hua Cheng's weakness was, but Xie Lian asked purely out of curiosity. He didn't say anything, and the youth continued, "He dug it out himself."
TGCF Volume 1, page 175
And then again after they're back from Banyue:
Hua Cheng didn't turn around but continued to stare at the dilapidated ceiling of the shrine, and Xie Lian could only see this handsome young man's left profile. Hua Cheng said softly, "If I was ugly."
"Huh?" Xie Lian gaped.
Hua Cheng finally turned his head slightly. "If my true appearance is ugly, would you still want to see it?"
Xie Lian was taken aback. "Is it? Although there's no real reason, I never thought your true appearance would be too horrible-looking."
"Who knows?" Hua Cheng said, half-jokingly. "What if I'm discolored, disfigured, ugly, monstrous, and horrible. What will you do?"
At first, Xie Lian thought this line of inquiry was rather fascinating. So the overlord of the Ghost Realm, the one called the devil incarnate and feared by all in the heavens, would care about his looks? But when he thought about it deeply, he didn't think it was very funny anymore. He vaguely recalled, in one of the many rumored backstories of Hua Cheng, one said that he was a disfigured child from birth, or something along those lines. If that was true, then he must've grown up discriminated against by others. Maybe that was why he was particularly sensitive about his appearance.
TGCF Volume 1, pages 369-370
This quote is really long but I wanted to include all of it because Xie Lian's realization here is very important - Hua Cheng's issues don't stem from vanity but from being othered and subsequently abused because of his unusual red right eye. The society they're in shows many instances of ableism, racism, xenophobia and classism, where any attempted change to the status quo as well as anything that goes against "the norm" is regarded with instant suspicion and rejection - as Pei Ming puts it once, "Where there is abnormality, there is evil."
When he finally does show Xie Lian his true form, Hua Cheng is anxious about it up until Xie Lian remarks that it doesn't look bad:
Xie Lian examined him as he followed, smiling. "So, this is your real appearance." Hua Cheng paused slightly in his step. Maybe it was his imagination, but Hua Cheng's shoulders seemed to stiffen for a flash of a second. The moment didn't last, and Hua Cheng responded naturally. "I did say that the next time we met, I would greet you with my real appearance."
Xie Lian grinned and said earnestly, "Not bad." Xie Lian's tone wasn't teasing or consoling, the words were simply said. Hua Cheng gave a small smile back, and this time, it was genuinely relaxed.
TGCF Volume 2, page 103
Xie Lian's acceptance of his true form seems to have reassured Hua Cheng enough that he appears in it a lot more regularly after that, though it's always with the place where his right eye used to be carefully covered. He's also still too afraid to tell Xie Lian about their shared past and who he really is, and even more afraid to confess his feelings because he fears that then Xie Lian will no longer look at him with acceptance and instead see Hua Cheng as this:
He pointed at a little blood-red person on the wall. Right next to it, there were a bunch of messy, twisted, indiscernible characters - it looked like they had been written in a state of delirium or scrawled to vent the author's feeling during a period of extreme suffering. Based on those characters, Xie Lian could guess that the little blood-red person painted there was Hua Cheng himself, but for some unknown reason he had depicted himself as extremely ugly and disfigured.
[...] There was an ugly little blood-red figure at the bottom of the mural. It cupped a small flower in its hands, which it was offering to the statue.
TGCF Volume 6, pages 52-55
Hua Cheng having internalized this distorted "ugly freak" image of himself isn't the only thing tripping him up though. Every time he can't prevent Xie Lian from getting hurt or can't help him, Hua Cheng takes it as a personal failure on his part and immediately seeks to punish himself. Be that by lashing out at Eming, which is essentially an extension of himself:
Xie Lian stroked Eming. "Fangxin is still better suited." Fangxin remained motionless. Eming had tried so enthusiastically to offer itself up but was so blatantly rejected. It hopped back to Hua Cheng's side, weeping. Hua Cheng didn't spare it a single look before he smacked it with a backhand slap. "What are you crying about? This happened because you're useless! Trash!"
TGCF Volume 5, page 120
Or denying himself to touch Xie Lian, like after Xie Lian got accidentally hurt by Eming (an especially cruel punishment given that Hua Cheng had longed for Xie Lian for hundreds of years):
Hua Cheng, however, let go of his hand. "Don't mind them," he said to Xie Lian. "Come with me." His voice was low, the emotion behind it hard to discern. Yet the way he let go of Xie Lian's wrist was swift, almost like he'd been shaken off.
TGCF Volume 2, page 192
Repeatedly witnessing Xie Lian be brutalized and violated while he didn't yet have the power to stop it from happening traumatized Hua Cheng deeply and left him with a wrathful anger that he wields not only against those who wronged Xie Lian but also against himself for any and all perceived failures.
Now, what does all of this have to do with the quote that started it all? In it, Mu Qing accuses Hua Cheng that if they'd have kept him in the army, he would have kept watching Xie Lian "with his mind full of unspeakable filth! Disgusting!" (the fact that he describes a man having romantic feelings and sexual desires for another man in such a way comes off as extremely homophobic of course but that's not the topic of this post)
Hua Cheng, who hates Mu Qing deeply and with good reason, then not only stops his assault but actually goes on to say that he won't argue with him on that point for now. His inner conflict shows in the repeated clenching and loosening of the fingers in his fist - he's extremely angry and would usually never agree with Mu Qing, yet finds himself unable to deny his words. It's noticeable also that it's the "disgusting" that makes him freeze up.
So why would Hua Cheng, someone usually so confident and so unapologetically himself, concede this point to Mu Qing, someone he hates and who's just been viciously insulting him? I would argue that there are two possible reasons.
First of, if viewed through the lens of everything we reviewed in this post, Hua Cheng feels like he "can't argue" on this because he does desire Xie Lian and always has - while at the same time knowing that he, an ugly disfigured other that has repeatedly failed at keeping the God he's pledged his existence to safe from harm, could never be good enough to deserve being with said God like that.
Second of all, as I analyzed in my previous post, Hua Cheng's reaction to Xie Lian having seen the statues and murals is profound fear and heartbreak because he's so sure Xie Lian must now be scared of and disgusted by him. At this point in the story, Hua Cheng is still utterly convinced that his feelings aren't requited, which is something he can deal with. But what he can't bear is the prospect of his feelings, his very devotion, causing Xie Lian pain. Failing to keep Xie Lian safe from being harmed by others is bad enough, but hurting Xie Lian himself? Unforgivable. His fear that his desire for Xie Lian will be upsetting to him is so strong that even after the confession scene, his immediate reaction to Xie Lian even just mentioning the murals is "I'll go destroy them" (Volume 6, page 88), and he doesn't calm down until Xie Lian reassures them that he only saw a few of them and won't look at the others if Hua Cheng doesn't want him to.
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bisexualhomelander Β· 4 months
F O R C E D F E M I N I S A T I O N | B U T C H L A N D E R
Billy runs his mouth.
Part of Billy should have known the joke would come back to bite him in the arse sooner than later. He shouldn't have invited the supe in at all, but definitely not with the offer of watching him have a wank. Homelander felt he had a foot in the door now, and if Billy had put that kind of depravity past him, he's probably dumber than he thought he was.
The sonic boom woke him up, and as much as he simply wanted to close the blinds on Homelander, curiosity did get the better of him eventually, and he opened the balcony door.
Before he had even asked to what he owed the pleasure of the late-night company, the supe had already pressed a few banknotes into his hand, and Billy instinctively tightened his fingers around them despite his bewilderment. "You said ten dollars to watch you jack off. What do I get for a hundred?"
Billy huffed in amusement, even if there was a bit of sound behind the huff. Shock that he couldn't quite conceal. Was he being propositioned?
Homelander had a smirk on his lips. "I'm serious. William. I can feel your blood pressure, you know? That includes knowing where your blood is, right now. Had I stayed last time, who knows how we'd have ended up."
Billy swallowed all the other choice words he had for the man and stared down at the money in his grip. "If you think you can buy me, cunt, think again."
"If it hurts your pride, fine." The supe plucked the dollars back out of Billy's fingers and threw them into the air. Billy watched them sail over the balcony and out of sight. That would make some lucky bastard's night. Not his problem. He didn't have to pay that out of his pocket.
Alright, supe wanted to play. He could have that, surely. Billy could almost feel the moment his brain turned itself off. He'd feel the consequences of his actions some later date; for now, he didn't want Homelander to think he won by flustering him. Sure, he was half-hard. Why not go all the way and hate himself for it once he was alone again? So he put on his most charming, shit-eating smile and replied: "Shitty pickup line there, luv."
Homelander's face was wiped blank for a moment before he could reign in his emotions at the sudden pet name. Point for Billy.
"See? That's how it's done. Now come in. Freezin' my bollocks off here, and I'm of no use to you if that happens, hm?"
Homelander had his bearings again and gave him an amiable smile, hiding his teeth. Why did the cunt always seem like he had something with an unpleasant taste in his mouth? Was that jaw ever slack?
"Not really that into cocks, if I'm honest."
Homelander chuckled. "And? Neither am I. Will that stop you?"
"Nah, it won't. But we're gonna do it my way."
"Fine by me." Homelander came inside and closed the door with his gloved hand. He even cleaned his boots on the door mat. "Bedroom's this way, I assume," he said and began to saunter off in the correct direction. Fucker had clearly x-rayed the apartment before, and Billy prayed it had been when he'd been here last and not right before he'd swept in to watch Billy sleep.
"We ain't goin' to the bedroom here, luv." It was likely impossible to actually surprise the supe. Last time, Billy had not even seen him fly off. Homelander moved at the speed of light, and so he must have seen the assault coming from a mile away, but it spoke to how much he wanted this that he let it happen anyway. Billy had him up against the wall in one smooth movement, and Homelander's legs were riding high on his waist like it was natural. "My way, remember?" Billy smeared the words against the supe's lips like spit and greedily drank down the answering whimper. "And if I say cock isn't what I'm looking for tonight, that's what goes, a'right?"
"You can fuck me if you want to," Homelander panted. He was lighter than Billy had imagined. Holding him up cost little energy, and Billy wasn't even properly awake. For a split-second, he wondered if he was still dreaming.
"Not into cocks, my arse. You're downright begging."
"I'm not begging for anything." The hand around Billy's throat had crept up so suddenly that it did shock him into silence for a second. "I won't beg on my knees for the right to see my son, and I will certainly not beg you to fuck me. I chose you for tonight because you are a disgustingly filthy excuse for a man who has no dignity left for his sorry life, and I knew I could get you if I wanted you. And here you are. So if you want me to leave your body intact, you better get your ass in gear and get me off."
With every ounce of willpower, Billy forced a swallow against the fingers pressing down. The grip loosened. They still held eye contact, and neither of them blinked first. Homelander was giving him a way to get his piece in. Well. Why not.
"You babble on like a woman, you know?"
"Goin' on and on about things I don't wanna know. Gnawing my ear off here, mate." He leaned forward a bit, happy to see the supe's eyes dart to the left and right in an attempt to focus on both of his eyes. It made Homelander break the unblinking eye contact, lids fluttering rapidly. "Like a girl."
They were pressed together from the tips of their noses, to their chests, to their bellies, so it was easy to actually feel the way the cunt's cock throbbed at Billy's verbal abuse. "Yeah, that's right, hm? You wanna be my girl for the night? Daddy's girl?"
Up close like this, he saw the laser lights spring forth from Homelander's pupils first, slowly filling out the rest of his eyes. It looked fascinating from this perspective, even as the intense light immediately burned bright white spots into Billy's retina that he had to blink away. To anyone, it might have been threatening, but Billy was too worked up now, and he called the supe's bluff easily. "Bitching like you're PMSing, luv." He leaned his face into the heat emanating from Homelander's eyes to force his mouth open in a kiss. "Just from a bit of talking."
"Shut up-" The hand that landed over his mouth could have broken his jaw or taken it clean off, but Homelander knew how much pressure to use. Billy didn't think about how the supe had learned this. Or tried hard not to.
It wasn't difficult to pry the hand away and let the supe see his sly grin. "Gettin' shy already? Why you wanna shut me up so hard?"
"Nothing of value comes out of that mouth of yours," Homelander said.
"Oh, come now." Billy made certain to school his face into a disappointed frown. "You gonna lie to me? I can see you getting wet in that suit of yours."
It wasn’t wrong, exactly. There was a distinct dark spot where the head of Homelander's cock pressed into the fabric. Billy decided, however, that he liked the ambiguity of this game of his and wanted to see how much he could push the supe.
"Must be like a slip 'n slide between those legs."
"Don't-" Homelander began, but his body took over halfway into speaking, had him rub up against Billy like the mere mention of his arousal had reminded him of it. "Don't you ever shut up?"
Billy leaned forward to bite Homelander's ear. "You love it."
"I don't." Those baby-blue eyes tried to find Billy, and find him they did. Up close like this, he looked pretty. Innocent, somehow. The line of his mouth was still angry, but somewhere in the depths of those eyes lay something that wanted to give up and surrender to Billy. It was hypnotic.
Billy leaned forward and breathed his next word onto Homelander's mouth. "Liar."
Homelander whimpered when their mouths met, but he parted his lips readily and began to suck on Billy's tongue as soon as he had access, ashamed at his body's reaction and ready to shut Billy up. The supe tasted like absolutely nothing, not even toothpaste. It was almost unsettling, were it not for the wet warmth of his mouth that was like any other. What a weird thing to discover this fucker's humanity through.
Billy decided he'd had enough of the stalling and went to his knees. The supe's legs slipped from his waist in the movement; they were unsteady when holding up his weight.
Homelander willingly pushed his hips into Billy's hands as he began to open the belt holding the outfit together. He'd never seen the ins 'n outs of that. The suit wasn't one piece. It was a top and trousers that could be pulled down like leggins. Skin-tight and stuffed full of foam to give the impression of defined abs and pecs. Uncovering a bit of skin between the top half and the bottom half of the outfit felt like a forbidden pleasure, and Billy's mouth descended on an exposed hip bone before he even had time to plan out his move.
"Thought cock wasn't what you were looking to get," Homelander mumbled.
Billy huffed a laugh against the skin under his teeth and felt an almost nauseating flutter in his abdomen as shaky fingers held on to his shoulders. "Nah. I'm here for that pretty cunt you got hidden away." The fingers flexed and spasmed; Homelander's hips ground forward of their own accord.
Billy was so hard he felt dizzy with it, and he blinked to get his wits about him. He couldn't forget his mind completely. This was still none other than the monster who'd destroyed him - or the parts that were worth destroying anyway.
He pulled the ridiculous trousers of the outfit down to Homelander's knees and was met with...
"Red panties? You on the rag?"
"You're disgusting," Homelander commented, but he sounded so out of breath Billy considered the comment flattery.
"Gets you wet enough." The front of the supe's briefs was almost black with precum in the low light of Billy's living room. "Why give you pretty words when this gets the job done just fine, eh, bird?"
"Please." And oh, if that word didn't go straight to Billy's dick.
"Please what?"
Homelander squirmed, and Billy didn't help by blowing air on the wet spot where the cunt's cockhead was seen straining through the cotton. "Eat me-?" Shame clogged his throat, and now Billy did help out by leaning forward and rubbing his beard against an exposed thigh, earning something that came close to a mewl and finally got the answer he desired. "Eat me out. Daddy."
"Good girl." He pulled the briefs down to the rest of the way and went on to unzip the ridiculous red boots. The supe toed out of them so quickly he nearly tripped, and Billy made quick work of the rest of the clothes by pulling on them to let the cunt step out.
Half-naked, the masculinizing effects of the costume were visible. The clothed half of Homelander still looked imposing, but his naked legs were literal sticks. His ass round, but not nearly as firm as the outfit made it seem. Billy slid his hands up the back to cup the cheeks. "Leg on Daddy's shoulder, girl. Come on. Giddy up."
Homelander obeyed without complaint, like he was beyond words. Maybe Butcher had him where he wanted. And where was that even? In what universe did he want him? And was there still a remote chance he'd wake up hard and full of self-loathing?
Not much time to think about it when the current position spread the cunt's ass so deliciously and allowed Billy a good look at his hole. Fucker was shaved everywhere, it seemed, not a single hair more than necessary on him.
"Brazilian? Fine choice, princess."
"God, fuuuck." Homelander shivered, a foot pressing into Billy's shoulder blade with an amount of pressure that bordered on abusive. He'd get a bruise there. It drove him forward, though.
"Got the prettiest cunt I've seen." As if to prove a point, Billy lapped at the hole, huffing a laugh when he saw the muscle contract. "Look at that. Pinker than a virgin. Or is that it, huh? Anyone ever been where I am now?"
The silence was damning.
"Never had a man before." He held onto Homelander's thighs for leverage and pulled himself up again, shoving his face in for real this time.
Homelander's hand found his hair and pulled with surprising gentleness. It was an interesting contrast. Billy'd have sooner expected him to push him forward and not try to pull him backwards, but the cunt probably was lost to the pleasure and didn't remember how to move in any coordinated fashion. And they'd barely started.
He lapped at the furled muscle, relishing in the way it spasmed against his lips. As much as Homelander kept complaining, this he could hardly deny. This was his body talking.
No denying it; Billy'd always been an ass man. Something about getting his tongue in there had been appealing since a young age. The filth of it, sweat and musk. The embarrassment of his partners when they realized how much he loved inhaling all of it. Like a bloodhound.
Not with him. He was clean, no sweat, no smell. But aroused all the same and opening up to Billy's ministrations. The thighs around his face quivered. The hand in his hair went from insistent to demanding. Homelander's body was putting out heat like a furnace, and it drove sweat to Billy's brow.
"Fuck," he could hear a muffled voice from above. Was the cunt covering his mouth to keep in his noises? Afraid there were fans in the apartments around?
There was definitely movement happening, and Billy just knew without looking that Homelander meant to touch himself. He pulled back immediately, licked his lips where Homelander could see and looked up at him with disappointment.
Homelander's hand around his own cock went still, and his eyes were wide. He's scared he's been bad, Billy realized, and the thought made his neglected cock throb. Fuck, he'd have to get out of those trousers. The strain against the zipper was gonna kill him.
Billy gently pried the supe's hand away from his erection. "Pretty birds like you only come from getting their snatch eaten."
Homelander let out a wet sound that might have been a gasp or a sob. His eyes were teary, and- was that a red gleam or was Billy just suffering the first effects of hypoxia from spending minutes between those cheeks?
"You're close anyway. No reason to abuse that pretty lil' bean of yours."
"Your clit, luv." Billy dove back in.
He tried not to get too smug at the gasp that Homelander let out when he managed to work his tongue in again. He knew it wouldn't do much for this one, but he rubbed his face sideways against an inner thigh anyway. At least give the notion of a notion of beard burn to a cunt with impenetrable skin. Felt soft to the touch, though. Real lifelike.
His own drool dripped down his chin and onto his sleep shirt, but he didn't plan on wiping it off. Half the fun was getting dirty and besides- "Fuckin' dripping, babygirl. Gonna squirt all over Daddy? Is that it? You gettin' close."
Homelander's head fell back against the wall; Billy could hear the small thud. How he still had enough of his wits to not slam it back so hard he went through the wall was beyond him. Cunt's self control was so ingrained it was a downright sad business. Though Billy really preferred to live, most days.
He gave it his all, tongue-punching the cunt's hole until his jaw ached because he needed to feel him break, he needed it more than he needed to come. He grinned when he could feel the first small contractions in the muscle, the way Homelander's body began to seize. His muscles started trembling where Billy was holding on.
"Come for Daddy."
"Fffuck!" The supe broke above him. Billy was wise to pull his tongue out before that happened, but did push his thumb into Homelander's perineum for some extra stimulation.
There was a hand in his hair again, but it felt downright weak, barely grasping.
Homelander's leg slipped off him tiredly, and the supe blinked at him with mild confusion, glassy-eyed and dopey, but apprehensive. Billy was almost sure he mirrored the expression.
He hadn't even orgasmed himself, but there was a sort of mental clarity barreling towards him like a train, and he really, really wanted to close his eyes before the headlights of that thing hit him.
Homelander took the decision from him because when Billy did blink, the pile of clothes on the floor and the entire supe had vanished into thin air.
He sat on the floor for a good half an hour before his aching knees forced him to get up and he managed to wipe his mouth with fingers that were just a bit too unsteady.
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squoxle Β· 19 days
✩Dream Onβ‹†β˜οΈŽβ‹†Wonbin ff✩
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☁️ pairing: Wonbin/Eunseok x Reader!afab | ☁️ wc: 7.1k | ☁️ cw: profanity, pregnancy, squirting, fingering, oral, fluff, angst | ☁️ plot: After a recent pregnanc scare, there are so many questions running through your head. Maybe you should've stayed the hell away from your Best Friend's Brother... [ ραят 1 : ραят 2 : ραят 3 ]
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The sound of water running from your bathroom drowned out the phone call between you and Wonbin. A phone call that you definitely didn't expect to be having. Especially not now.
You waited for Eunsoek to leave before letting Wonbin know to come over. Not because you didn't trust yourself around him. It was more for the reason that you didn't want to make a big deal out of something that may or may not be true.
But what if the test comes out positive? What if you really are pregnant? And more importantly, who was the father? You'd had unprotected sex with both of them around the same time...and they both came inside of you...
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"Hey, babe," Eunseok smiled as he closed the bathroom door behind him. A small towel draped over his head, covering his slightly damp hair. He walked up to you, cupping your face as he kissed you on the lips. "Did you want to come with me to pick up some breakfast?"
"Uh, no that's alright. I'm just gonna eat what I have here," you replied as you sat on the edge of the bed.
"You sure? I feel kinda bad for just leaving like this," he said dropping the towel around his neck.
"Yeah, I'm good. And you shouldn't feel bad. You have a class to get to and I wouldn't want you to be late for no reason."
"You're more than enough reason for me to skip a class or two," he smirked, leaning over to trap you under his body. His eyes grew heavy as he kissed you. You felt his tongue enter your mouth and you instantly became lost in the feeling. Intoxicated by the heat emitting from his body.
Though he seemed like more of a shy and reserved guy, Eunseok had a sexual side that you've grown to like. And it's different from Wonbin. When you're with Eunseok every moment feels like an opportunity for him to show you just how much he loves you.
"You're gonna be late," you smiled in between one of your kisses.
"Well then we better be quick," he smiled back, moving down to kiss your neck and then your collar bone.
"Eunseok," you said, pulling his face to meet yours. "I am not going to be responsible for your grades."
"Fine~," he hummed in a singsongy tone, nuzzling his face into your chest before standing up.
"What time are you coming back tonight?" you asked as you readjusted your posture, propping yourself up on your shoulders.
"Well I was gonna go back to my place, but I don't mind coming back over here. You seem like you could use a little company," he smirked.
"Whatever," you rolled your eyes.
"I'll be home around 11. I gotta work an evening shift and drop something off by Sungchan."
"Okay," you nodded before opening your arms, signaling a hug.
Eunseok wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly as he let out a muffled "I love you" in the crook of your neck.
"I love you too," you smiled as he pulled a hoodie over his head, grabbing his keys before leaving out of the door.
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The heavy feeling of guilt washed over you as you immediately pulled out your phone to text Wonbin.
Hey...Eunseok just left
He wont be back for a few hours
Call me when you're on your way
Sent 9:27am
Read 9:27am
"Wonbunny" Typing...
Sent 9:28am
Just as you turned off your phone, you felt a violent buzz coming from your pocket. Wonbin was already calling you.
"I don't know why I expected him to call later," you sighed as you answered the phone. "Hey..."
"Hey. I'm on my way right now with the tests, but we should probably talk about a few things first. Just to sort some stuff out y'know," you could hear the sound of him scuffling into his leather jacket as he spoke to you. The jingling of his keys, shortly followed by the creaking of his apartment door filled the emptiness.
"Okay," you replied monotomously. "How soon will you be here?"
"I shouldn't be too long. But umm...I'm gonna take a quick stop at the convenience store first," he said, climbing into his car.
"Alright. See you then."
"K, bye."
You anxiously waited to hear a knock at the door. You tried not to sound worked up over the phone, but how could you be calm when a positive pregnancy could bring Wonbin back into the picture.
*Knock. Knock. Knock.*
The door knocking this soon felt more like a reminder of your impending doom. You couldn’t take care of a baby right now. Especially not for…your best friend’s brother.
Shame, guilt, and fear are three beautiful emotions that often protect us from making the biggest mistakes of our lives. If you’d had just a little more of those qualities and a clear head you wouldn’t have ended up fucking him that night.
You opened the door to see Wonbin rush in with three bags in his hand.
β€œI know you didn’t say you wanted anything, but I got you something in case you changed your mind,” his words echoed in the growing emptiness in your soul.
Your stomach turned and the only thing you could think of right now was running to the bathroom and puking out the only thing you had this morning…coffee.
β€œI have to go,” you muttered before quickly walking off.
Wonbin followed behind you when the guttural sounds of you spitting, coughing, and gagging filled the halls. β€œAre you alright?” He asked with a worried tone as he passed you a warm face towel.
β€œYeah…just my nerves,” you reluctantly admitted.
β€œIt’s okay to feel nervous, that’s why I wanted to be here for you,” he stretched his hand across your back. β€œWe just need to know for sure. I bought three just in case,” he said before helping you to your feet.
You washed your hands before returning to the kitchen to read the directions on the packaging.
β€œUh uh,” he tsked, sliding the boxes away from you. β€œAfter all of that you definitely need to eat first,” he said as he pulled a black plastic container from the last closed bag.
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You quietly watched, not wanting to use any unnecessary energy to argue about anything. He placed the tray into the microwave, warming it just enough before neatly emptying its contents onto a plate. He placed the warm breakfast in front of you and offered you a banana or chocolate milk.
β€œI was gonna get you the brown sugar milk tea, but they were all out,” he apologized as you picked the banana milk.
β€œIt’s okay, this is still good.”
You felt Wonbin’s eyes on you for a moment while you ate before he sat down next to you with a prepackaged sandwich and a bag of chips.
β€œSorry if it feels like I’m staring…it’s just been a while since I’ve seen you. And this definitely isn’t the way I wanted to heal our friendship.”
You could feel a heat starting to burn in your core before stopping to realize the predicament you were in.
You cooled your temper and finished your food just as Minji called.
Without hesitation you answered.
β€œHey girl~” Minji squealed. β€œGuess what.”
β€œI said guess, not say what and wait for me to just tell you!”
β€œOkay, fine. Sungchan proposed to you?”
β€œWhat? How’d you know? Did my brother tell you? He must have told you because how else would you know…I thought you weren’t talking to him anymore.”
β€œI’m not,” you lied. β€œIt was just a lucky guess.”
"Oh, well you were right! It was lowkey kind of awkward at first because I didn't know what the hell he was doing but once I realized he didn't just fall on the ground like an idiot I was pretty excited," you listened quietly as your friend rambled on. You could tell she was very excited and you didn't want your own feelings to ruin her mood.
"Well, that sounds super amazing. And what did your parents say?"
"Oh my god! I've never seen a prouder look on my mother's face. Heh, and she told me I'd never get married with my attitude. Now look at me! Cuffed!" her voice slightly faded into the background as you looked over at Wonbin who was taking in your feigned joy.
Not that you weren't happy for your friend, but you had a lot going on right now that could definitely change your whole life.
"So...when's the wedding?"
"Wedding?! Oh, not until the end of the year. I want a Winter Wonderland," she giggled. "Unless, of course, I change my mind again or whatever. You know how hard it is for me to decide. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to look over some designs with me next week. It would totally make you the best friend in the world."
"Yeah, sure! I can definitely help you out next week," you were so relieved that she wasn't requesting any help right now.
"Before I let you go...what exactly are you doing right now?"
"Umm...I'm just at home. I don't really feel well today so I'm getting some rest," this wasn't a complete lie...more like a stretched truth.
"Oh, okay well I hope you get better soon. Let me know if you need some company," she smiled before ending the call shortly after.
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β€œWe better go take care of this now,” you sighed looking at the white plastic bag sitting on the countertop. β€œBefore we have anymore interruptions.”
β€œHmm, I guess you’re right,” Wonbin said sealing the container shut before coming to collect your trash.
β€œFor what?”
β€œFor everything…”
β€œWoah, as much as I appreciate the change of heart, let’s wait until after we take the test to get all cute and cuddly,” Wonbin washed his hands off before pulling the test out of the bag.
Silently, you took the box from his hands. It was like something in you knew. Knew the unspeakable. Knew what was coming. Knew who it was for.
It was Wonbin you had sex with first. And he finished twice...
You went to the bathroom and waited patiently for the result.
Looking in the mirror you examined your stomach in the reflection. You knew it was silly to search for a bump this early, but you did it anyway.
You felt like your life was flashing before your eyes as you continued to wait in silence...
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Breaking through the staleness, you heard Wonbin knock on the door as you stood in front of the sink, holding the test in your hands.
You opened the door to see him standing there with a worried and concerned look on his face.
β€œWell? What is it?”
β€œI don’t know yet…I’m still waiting.”
β€œWanna talk about baby names?” The disgusted look on your face told Wonbin exactly what you were thinking before you could even say it. β€œJust for fun.”
β€œHell no,” you said rolling your eyes.
β€œHmm, okay,” he said, bracing against the door frame as the stillness of the air filled the hall.
It felt like forever since you'd set that timer. This was the longest 3 minutes of your life.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
The timer from your phone rang, breaking the silence.
You felt a cold chill run up your spine. β€œMaybe it’s negative,” Wonbin said as he watched you turn the test over.
β€œIt’s positive,” you said softly as your eyes filled with tears.
Wonbin wrapped his arms around you as tears fell down your face.
Your heart raced in your chest as you thought about what your life would look like from here.
"It's okay. I'm here for you," Wonbin coaxed as he stroked the back of your head with his hand. "Even if you don't want me, I'll still be here for you," he shushed.
"I just--I just don't understand," your voice cracked with every word. "How could this happen to me?"
"Did you want to take another one? It could be a false positive," he reassured you, but it was pointless. Your life was now falling apart, right before your eyes.
You were in no position to raise a child right now, especially not if that child was for Wonbin. But maybe he wasn't so bad? You weren't sure what changed his attitude, but he was being a lot more supportive about this than you expected.
And what about the relationship you were currently in? You doubted Eunseok would be excited to raise someone else's child with you. Even if you somehow managed to co-parent with Wonbin, you know that would put a lot of stress on your relationship.
"I'm fine," you took in a deep breath. "I just want to go sit down for a bit."
Thank God Eunseok would be hanging out with Sungchan tonight, because you just needed a little time to process this on your own.
It wasn't long before you had cried yourself to sleep laying on Wonbin's lap as he patted your head.
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"What the fuck is going on in here?" Eunseok spat, waking you out of your sleep. You'd only been out for about an hour before he randomly came home, and this was the worst possible way you wanted him to see you right now.
"I thought you were hanging out with Sungchan after work," you said as he stood in front of you.
"I thought you were done with this guy," he scoffed. "At least now I know why you were being so persistent with getting my schedule this morning."
"It's kinda early for you to be here anyways, right? Wait, what time is it?" Wonbin said, pulling out his phone.
"Time for you to get the hell out of here. Actually, you can stay. I'm leaving," Eunseok said as you grabbed his arm.
"Eunseok, wait. I can explain."
"Explain what? How you've been sneaking around with your ex?"
"No, I--"
"I don't wanna hear it," he sighed as he tore away from your grasp.
"Dude, can you just listen to her," Wonbin said as he stood up.
"I don't know why the hell you're even talking to me right now," Eunseok pushed Wonbin's chest as he came closer to him.
"Relax, man. It's not what you think."
"I think you need to get the fuck away from me," Eunseok said as Wonbin stepped away.
"Eunseok, please," you said as you reached forward to hug him.
"No," he grabbed your arms and placed them to your sides. "I can't do this again. I'm tired of fighting over you. It's obvious that you want him more than me."
"That's not true. I love you and you know that."
"Then what the hell is he doing here?"
"Because she's pregnant," Wonbin said, breaking through the building tension.
"What?" Eunseok's voice fell.
"Her period is almost two weeks late," Wonbin continued as a mix of emotions washed across Eunseok's face. "I was here helping her take the test."
Eunseok looked at you in confusion, "Why didn't you tell me."
"She panicked and called me because she didn't know how to tell you," Wonbin lied. He was creating a story that honestly sounded a lot better than the truth.
"Sungchan told me that Minji said you weren't feeling well...I just wish I had known what was going on," you felt unbelievably guilty listening to Eunseok blame himself. "Don't worry, I'm gonna be here for you and our baby," he said softly as he placed his hand on your stomach.
You watched as Wonbin turned away. With all the added stress, you forgot that you had been with Eunseok in the same week as Wonbin. At this point, you weren't sure who the baby was for. Eunseok or Wonbin.
In order to keep the peace, you decided to just let Eunseok believe it was his. That would give you enough time to figure things out.
"Don't tell anyone, please. Especially not Minji," your eyes fell to the ground. "Just give me some time to get my thoughts together."
"Okay," Eunseok agreed before kissing your forehead. "Sorry, for not hearing you out. It was just hard for me to see the two of you together."
"It's okay. I understand. I'd feel the same way if I were you," you smiled.
"Well, umm...I'm gonna head out now since everything's cooled down over here," Wonbin said as he walked to the front door.
"Uh, okay. Well, I'll walk you out," you said as you followed behind him.
You stood on the sidewalk as Wonbin unlocked his car. "You know that baby's mine right?"
"Who else would it be for? The timing just makes sense. Unless you were with Eunseok around that time too," you were tonguetied at his words. You weren't sure if you should tell him the truth or not. But it'd be better if you didn't have two people living in the dark.
"I was," you said as Wonbin froze.
"You were?"
"Yes, it was the same day as your brother's party," he thought back to the day of the party. Wonbin regretted ghosting you, he knew how much that broke your heart, but he did what he thought was right. A relationship between you two would never work out. The constant sneaking around and lying would eventually catch up to you.
He opened his car door and climbed in without saying a single word.
"Wonbin?" you tilted your head to the side. He looked up to meet you with glossy eyes before pulling off. "Wonbin!" you shouted as he drove off.
"Everything alright?" Eunseok said as he opened the door.
"Yeah...everything's fine," you said as you looked back and forth between him and Wonbin's car.
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A week had passed by and you were getting dressed to meet up with Minji to discuss wedding designs.
Usually, something like this would've slipped your mind already, but you made sure to mark this on every calendar you had. Just because your life was changing drastically didn't mean you couldn't be there for your friend.
"You look beautiful," Eunseok smiled as he hooked your necklace and kissed your cheek. "We should probably start looking for some baby stuff soon though. Just so we can be prepared."
He had been so patient with you recently as you were busy working on getting a doctor to watch the baby. To be honest, you were still in denial that you were pregnant. So, you ended up taking the other two tests that also came out positive.
You wanted to text Wonbin the night he drove off, but you didn't know what to say. Sorry? You couldn't really apologize for telling the truth. You haven't heard from him since then and by now you were content with the idea of Eunseok fathering your child.
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"Hey, girl!" Minji chimed as you walked in. You'd never been so happy about the fact that she didn't live with Wonbin anymore until now. "Sorry, we couldn't meet up somewhere fancy. I'm kinda just scrolling through Pinterest for some inspo right now," she said before pulling out a shiny emerald green folder.
"You're house is fancy enough," you smiled as she opened the folder.
"Honestly, I hate the color of this folder, but that's all Sungchan had. At least it's shiny," she raised her shoulders.
"Hey, ____. What're you doing over here?" Sungchan asked as he saw you sitting on the couch next to Minji.
"Minji is showing me some stuff she's been looking at for the wedding."
"For the wedding?" he tilted his head to the side.
"Duh," Minji rolled her eyes.
"I don't graduate until the end of this year. Don't you think it's kinda early to look at that stuff?"
"No," she huffed. "If you're gonna rain on my parade, I'd rather you do it in your head," she rolled her eyes before pointing to the first picture in her makeshift catalog.
"I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but you don't need to be stressing out about this right now."
"I'm not stressed. I'm busy. Now can you leave so we can enjoy our girl time?"
"Okay, well I'm gonna go out for a bit to play basketball with Eunseok. Did you want me to pick anything up for you?"
"Hmm, no. I'm good. ____, do you want anything?"
"No thanks, I'm alright."
"Okay, if you change your mind just text me," Sungchan said before grabbing a water bottle and walking out the door.
Minji and Sungchan often had interestingly wordy conversations where the attitude Minji's mom always talked about was most prevalent. But you enjoyed it nonetheless.
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For the next half hour, you and Minji flipped through printouts and scrolled around on her laptop looking before taking a "mental break" to watch "Say Yes to the Dress."
"Some of these brides are so fucking whiny," Minji groaned. "I hope I'm not like that. ____, if I ever act like this I want you to slap me as hard as you can across the face," you laughed as she stood up to stretch her body.
"I'm not gonna slap you in the face. We can just talk about it."
"Huh, we can talk about it on the way to get an ice pack. Hmm, all this planning is making me hungry. Do you want a snack? I have popcorn," she smiled.
"Hmm...sure," you said as you followed her into the kitchen.
"I'm feeling kinda lazy right now, soooo I'm just gonna pop it in the microwave," she shrugged.
Minji continued to rant about the many ways she wanted you to brutally attack her while the popcorn popped in the microwave. The savory scent of the butter was making your stomach turn, so you got a glass of water to help.
"Are you okay?" Minji asked. "You don't look too good."
"I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy...and hot," your words slurred together. "I just need a little water.”
β€œAre you sure?”
β€œYeah,” you smiled feignly.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The microwave chimed as Minji reached for a blue bowl in the cabinet.
β€œLet’s go finish our show,” she smiled as she emptied the bag and walked back to the couch.
She pressed play to continue the show as you grabbed a handful of popcorn, placing a few pieces in your mouth before the feeling from earlier returnedβ€”but much worse.
You ran to the bathroom down the hall and puked your brains out. β€œSo I guess this is the dreaded morning sickness,” you thought to yourself.
Minji ran after you, grabbing a wet face towel that you used to clean your face.
β€œThanks,” you groaned.
β€œWhat the hell is wrong with you? Was it something you ate this morning?”
A strong sense of obligation came over you. You had to tell your friend the truth, she deserved to know. After all, she was your best friend.
"I'm pregnant," you sighed.
"You're what?! How?! When?!"
"That's what happens when you fuck without a rubber," you chuckled lightly.
"Oh my gosh," you gasped. "So you and Eunseok?"
"At Seonghwa's party."
"Oh my gosh!" she squealed. "Forget looking for wedding stuff, let's go shopping for your baby shower," she smiled as she ran to the living room to grab the bowl of popcorn.
"Where are you going?" you asked as she ran into a room.
"Get in the bed, duh. But no popcorn for you. We don't want any more accidents," you left the bathroom and followed her to the bedroom.
"Hey, you have to promise not to tell anyone," you said, climbing into bed next to Minji.
"Not even Sungchan?"
"No, not even Sungchan."
"Okay. My lips are sealed," she smiled as she pretended to zip her lips shut.
The rest of the day consisted of you looking through baby stuff, but one question plagued your mind...
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By the end of your first trimester, you were finally starting to show and after today's doctor's appointment, you would know whether or not you were carrying Wonbin's baby.
In order to keep the peace, you had Wonbin take a paternity test instead of Eunseok. This would prevent any chaos from unfolding in the event of a negative. It also allowed you to keep this aspect of your pregnancy a secret.
"Just so you know, if that baby is mine I'm not gonna let someone else raise my child," Wonbin said as the two of you sat in your doctor's office waiting for her to return with the results.
"What about Eunseok? Do you seriously think I'm just gonna leave my boyfriend?"
"I doubt he'll be excited to raise a child that isn't his," Wonbin scoffed. "Does he even know where you are right now?"
"I don't think that'll be a problem. Besides, we had sex before Eunseok and I officially started dating. And, for the record, he knows exactly where I am."
"Right. And I'm sure he'd be thrilled to know that we were here together taking a paternity test."
"Obviously not. I told him that I was here having a normal check-up. It's better for us not to stress about that."
"And by 'us' you mean 'yourself,' huh?"
"Don't play dumb. You know you're just lying to save your own ass. I'm not trying to be a dick, but let's be real and put things in perspective."
"You're out of your fucking mind," you spat.
"We both know damn well that you're carrying my baby."
"And what if I'm not, huh?"
"Then I'll disappear and you can live happily ever after," you rolled your eyes at Wonbin's final remark.
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After what felt like 10 minutes of pure silence, your doctor opened the door with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Congratulations," she said as she handed you a yellow envelope which encased the results of the paternity test.
You froze as you read the paper. Wonbin's eyes widened before he looked over to see the shocked look on your face.
Positive... the bottom of the report showed a perfect zero.
"I'm sure this alleviated a lot of stress off of you," Dr. Hayden continued.
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna force you to tell your boyfriend, but you might wanna do it before the kid is born," Wonbin whispered.
"Is there anything else I can help you two with today?" Dr. Hayden asked as you looked up at her.
"No, ma'am. Thank you so much for all of your support," Wonbin had taken over the conversation as you were obviously in no mood to talk right now.
"It was my pleasure," she smiled. "It's always good to have that feeling of assurance. Especially for a young couple like yourselves."
It felt like the world was spinning around you, but you managed to contain your emotions until you got in the car with Wonbin.
"Are you okay?" Wonbin asked. You hadn't said a single word since you got that paper in your hands.
"I-I," you choked before an uncontrollable amount of tears ran down your cheeks. "What am I gonna do?" you cried.
Wonbin reached over, placing his hand on your thigh. "First, you need to relax. Maybe you're right and Eunseok will understand the series of events," his words only slightly reassured you. You still had to get the courage to confess to Eunseok on your own.
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By the time Wonbin dropped you off at your house, most of the crying had ceased, but you were still an emotional wreck. Eunseok would be home in a few hours and you decided to talk to him over dinner.
You sat in the tub, letting the warmth from the water take you away from the thoughts in your mind before getting a text from Eunseok.
[ 2 unread messages : Eunseok ]…
Hey babe
How did the doctor's appointment go?
Delivered 2:17pm
You wanted to be as vague as possible when responding to his message.
Everything went fine
But there's something we need to talk about when you come home
Sent 2:25pm
Read 2:25pm
[ 1 unread message : Eunseok ]
Did something happen?
Delivered 2:25pm
Read 2:26pm
We'll talk about it when you get home, okay
Sent 2:26pm
Read 2:26pm
[ 1 unread message : Eunseok ]
Okay...I love you
Delivered 2:26pm
Read 2:27pm
I love you too
Sent 2:27pm
You turned off your phone and finished up in the tub. There wasn't really enough time to cook anything too crazy so you just made some tomato-basil pasta with cheese. To be honest, the cooking was more of a way to settle your mind while everything played out.
"Should I just hand him the envelope or should I just explain it to him step-by-step?" you thought to yourself. Unsure of how you wanted to handle things you hid the envelope in one of the kitchen drawers.
You pulled some garlic knots from the freezer and popped them in the oven. As much as you wanted to grab a drink, it wasn't good for the baby...even if that baby was for Wonbin. You opted for some warm tea instead.
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With every gap in time, you felt the anxiety pile up again.
A rattling sound from the front door nearly made you jump out of your skin. Eunseok was home and you could either tell him the truth or bury yourself deeper with another lie.
"Hey, babe," Eunseok said as he hugged you. "So, what was the thing you wanted to talk about?"
"Let's eat first, hmm," you suggested.
"Okay," Eunseok said as he walked with you to the kitchen. "I'll put it on the plates since you took your time making this," he continued, washing his hands before grabbing out two plates and two glasses.
You simply nodded as you took a seat at the table. You thought back to the first time you tasted Eunseok's cooking...
"The food looks good," Wonbin said as Sungchan gave everyone a plate with rice, veggies, and chicken. There were also some sauces on the table to eat with it. "It smells good too," he smiled. "Who made it?" "Eunsoek, one of my friends. He and ____ are probably gonna end up dating or something. He just can't stop talking about her," Sungchan's response definitely did not make Wonbin too happy, but the two of you weren't really dating at the time. You were honestly just fucking every time Minji turned her head.
"Oh, I bought this the other day for us," Eunseok said, tearing you away from your thoughts. "It tastes just like wine but has no alcohol. A friend at work told me about it. He said his wife loved it."
"I can't wait to try it," you smiled.
β€œI just need something to open this with," he mumbled as he began rummaging through the drawers.
"I don't think it's in there," you said as you thought back to the yellow envelope that you hid earlier.
"I always put the corkscrew in back in one of these drawers."
"Wait!" You panicked as he came close to the drawer you stuffed the paternity test in.
"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I-uhh...AH!" you yelped. "I felt something," you lied as Eunseok placed his palm on your stomach.
"Heh, our baby must be excited too," he chuckled. There was no way you were going to ruin this. Wonbin would just have to get over it. You were not risking your relationship for him.
"Yeah, you're probably right," you smiled. "Here, let me get the wine opener," you said as you stood to your feet and walked straight to the drawer that concealed your dirty little secret.
He was right about the virgin wine tasting exactly the same as normal wine and it paired perfectly with the meal you prepared.
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After cleaning the kitchen, Eunseok went to the bathroom to take a shower. The moment you heard the water start you immediately went to the kitchen to get the envelope. You had to hide it somewhere else…your last spot was way too risky.
β€œBabe?” You heard Eunseok yell out, just as you walked into the room.
β€œYes,” you replied, hiding the envelope behind your back as he opened the door.
β€œI forgot to grab a towel. Do you mind bringing one to me?”
β€œSure,” you smiled.
β€œThanks,” he said as he closed the door again. You quickly slid the envelope under the dresser before leaving the room to get a towel for Eunseok.
β€œAs soon as I give him the towel, I can move that stupid envelope somewhere else,” you sighed to yourself. It felt harder to hide your secret than to tell the truth.
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You felt the warmth from under the bathroom door before you even opened it to see Eunseok standing in front of you with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"I thought you didn't have a towel," you said, tilting your head.
"I just said that to get you in here," he smirked as he took the towel from your hands and placed it on the countertop.
"Wh-What do you--" you were cut off by Eunseok grabbing your chin with one hand and pulling you closer to his damp body with the other.
You felt his soft lips against yours as you closed your eyes. Everything seemed to melt away at his touch. Holding you closely, Eunseok kissed your neck as he reached a hand inside of your shirt, cupping your tit firmly in his hand.
You were only wearing a pair of shorts, panties, and one of Eunseok's shirts. Eunseok slipped his thumbs inside your shorts as he pulled them down. You gripped onto his wet shoulders as he lifted you onto the countertop.
He took a moment to caress your body before grinding he covered dick against you. You wanted him to force that hard cock of his in deep, but you remembered the promise he made to you after he found out you were pregnant.
β€œI’m not gonna fuck you until after you have the baby okay,” his grasp reassured you as he placed a delicate kiss on your forehead.
However, it had been a while since either of you experienced some pleasure, so maybe he changed his mind.
You followed Eunseok’s eyes as he slowly dropped to his knees. You watched as he pushed his middle finger into your wetness and stimulated your clit with his thumb. Immediately your chest heaved up and down with every touch. Then, he pulled his finger out and spit on your pussy as he inserted a second finger.
He was gradually stretching you open and you loved it. Fucking you with his fingers, he noticed that you were close to cumming. So he took his fingers out and began licking and sucking on you perfect glistening pussy.
You gasped as you felt his tongue go inside. Your legs trembled as they rested on his shoulders and your harmonious moans pushed you over the edge. β€œThat’s it baby,” he groaned. β€œCum for me,” you gripped a handful of his hair as your pussy oozed with fluids.
β€œNgh! Fuck,” you bit your lip as you threw your head back. You panted uncontrollably as he ate you out before looking down to see those hungry, lustful eyes glazing back up at you.
β€œYour moans sound so pretty,” he sucked on your clit. At this point you couldn’t even respond you just kept on moaning as he pleasured you until you felt the urge to squirt.
β€œEunβ€”β€œ you were cut off by him moaning against your quivering lips. β€œFuck, I’m cumming!” You moaned as you squirted all over his face. Now his hair was wet for two reasons.
He stood up looking absolutely drunk from your pussy before dropping his towel. Even though you just got off, you pussy throbbed for him.
He glided his shaft between your folds before poking at your entrance. He pulled back to jerk himself before pushing only the tip in. He whimpered with every pulse from your pussy on his sensitive tip.
β€œI can’t hold back anymore baby. Your pussy feels so good to me right now,” he whined as he pushed you back onto the counter. You were bracing yourself against the counter using your elbows instead of your hands like before.
He adjusted your legs over his shoulders as he inserted his dick. β€œAhh!” You yelped, throwing your head back as he pushed in with one smooth thrust.
β€œNgh!” He moaned as he fucked you deeply, whimpering with every thrust before he came. You felt his release leak from your pussy as he pulled back. β€œFuck, I missed your pussy,” he sighed.
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The two of you showered before going to bed. β€œIf I didn’t have work tomorrow I’d fuck you again right now,” he whispered before falling asleep with his arms around your waist.
You were sleeping so soundly that you didn’t even notice when Eunseok got out of bed. You thought back to last night. You had really missed having sex with Eunseok and you couldn’t wait to do it again.
You rolled over to snuggle in bed a little longer before something disturbed your peace.
The envelope.
You jumped out of bed, completely shaken up at the thought of Eunseok finding out right now.
You looked under the dresser where you placed it the night before. Then you looked under the bed. And in the closet. And in your drawer, only to find that it was in none of those places.
β€œFuck,” you swore under your breath. By now Eunseok should be gone, so you took this as an opportunity to find out where you moved the envelope.
You left the room and headed to the kitchen. "So, when were you gonna tell me?" Eunseok said as you flicked on the light switch to see him reading the paternity test.
"I was going to tell you last night, but I-"
"You what? I bet you planned on having this baby and keeping this a secret for as long as I live, huh."
"I just want us to be happy."
"Happy living a lie? How do you think I feel? Did you even think about that?"
"Of course I did. Why else would I go through all of this to hide it."
"You could've at least been honest with me and told me the truth. I would've preferred that over finding out before I go to work."
You looked over at the clock to see that he should've been there almost an hour ago.
"Don't worry. I called off. I wanted to surprise you with a date, but after this little surprise I think I'll need that time alone."
"Are we gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, for now. Just give me some time to figure things out. I don't wanna fight," he said before walking over to you. "Maybe you should see how he feels about this too," he sighed, grabbing his keys before walking out the door.
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The sound of the door slamming snapped you out of your dream.
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"I want to take another test," you said as you woke up.
"Yes. I want to be absolutely sure."
"Alright," he said as you watched him from the couch. He grabbed the other two boxes from the counter before handing them to you. "Take them both. Otherwise, we'll end up even more confused than before," he shrugged.
You walked into the bathroom to retake the tests. You waited for the timer to go off with your fingers crossed. If your life would look anything like that dream, the last thing you wanted to see were those two lines again.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
You walked out of the bathroom to see Wonbin braced up against the wall.
"So?" he asked, anticipating your response. "Are you pregnant?"
"Nope," you smiled, showing him the results of the pregnancy test. "Both of them are negative."
"Well, I guess that means I can go back into exile," he smirked.
"You don't have to."
"But what about your boyfriend? And I thought you hated me."
"Well, I did, but why should I let that stop us from ever seeing each other again. I'm with someone else now. So why can't we just be fr--"
You were cut off by Wonbin's lips. "This is why," he whispered as he pulled away. "I still have feelings for you," his eyes fell to the floor. "Sorry." That was the last thing he said before walking toward the door.
"Wait," you said in an attempt to stop him from leaving.
"____, if I don't walk out of that door right now I'm gonna do something that we'll both regret." He didn't even look back at you as he left.
Something inside of you wanted that kiss to last forever, but you had to let him go the same way he let you go. Wonbin's moodiness had hurt you before and without Eunseok you'd still be a train wreck. He deserved the same emotional stability that he gave you.
"Wonbin," you called out. You met his innocent, heartbroken eyes as he stood in front of his car. You wrapped your arms around him as you felt him pull you in closer. He had never hugged you this way before.
For once, you felt that he loved you for more than your body. He wanted to be with you just as much as you wanted to be with him.
Maybe he deserved another shot. Another chance to show his love for you.
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You looked up at Wonbin as he pulled away from the hug. "I want to kiss you so badly right now," he sighed as he pressed his forehead up against yours. "Then do it," you whispered to him.
He gripped onto your waist as his tongue intertwined with yours. You felt his plush lips passionately kiss you and all that made you do was want more.
You climbed into the passenger seat of his car as you continued your makeout session. "Break up with him," he mumbled against your lips. "I don't care if my sister hates me. I wanna be with you."
It was hard to tell him no when deep down you felt the same way.
"Okay," you said as he clasped onto your neck. "I wanna be with you too."
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ πšƒπšŠπšπš•πš’πšœπš: @chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @addictedtohobi @chaenqen @nikisdubblchococake @mrswolfhard3 @hynjinnn1 @melobin @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @sungc @happilydifferentpanda @moonlightsonatagirl12
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96 notes Β· View notes
deanwinchestersbabygirll Β· 6 months
-Warnings// ANGST, FLUFF AND LOT OF SMUT also a lil summery: basically reader has feelings for dean they end up in the sheets you get the gist
-Dean x reader
-Word count// 2931
(Gif from Pinterest)
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It was a long night and all you wanted was to get some sleep, the hunt took a lot out you, the spirit threw you against the wall and you banged your shoulder up pretty good, Dean was able to pop it right back into place but a dull ache remained, heading to the impala you slide into the back seat holding your arm trying to help ease the pain, Dean started up the car once him and Sam were in heading straight for the first motel you guys find
Finally it didn't take long until Dean was pulling into a parking lot, you slid out of the car stretching your sore muscles a small moan accidentally slipping from your lips which only Dean caught, he turned smirking at you "we should get a separate room so I can listen to that sound all night" Dean said in a flirty tone, Dean and you were always being flirty with each other, it was fun at first but when your feelings for dean grew and he was still sleeping with other girls he met at bars but flirting with you it just hurt so you held back hoping he'd just stop so you could move on and get over himΒ 
You just rolled your eyes in a playful manner hoisting your bag over your good shoulder "you wish Winchester, if we get two rooms I'm getting one for myself and you two can share" Dean shook his head smirking "here let me grab your bag take the weight off your shoulder" he gently grabbed the bag carrying it along with his own towards the motel.Β 
Once at theΒ  reception desk as Sam spoke with the receptionist booking a room with two beds, the usual, you used to share with dean all the time but things were different when you fell for him, unless he was staying with his hook up and you could get your own bed you bunked with Sam so you didn't have to be so close to deanΒ 
"You can bunk with me tonight sweetheart" Dean said putting your bag on the best closest to the door "oh that's okay Sam already said I could sleep in his bed" you said quickly hoping that would be the end of it and you could get some sleepΒ 
"I don't know Y/N Sam's a restless sleeper he could end up knocking your shoulder out again, remember the time he accidentally kicked you out of bed in New York and broke your wrist" Dean said and he had a fair point, Sam was pretty rough to sleep beside especially when injured poor guy tossed and turned all nightΒ 
"I guess your right, maybe I'll stay on the couch so it's safer" you said turning to look at the dusty couch that was probably a century old dean made a faceΒ  "no chance that couch looks like someone died on it, look I'll take the couch you take the bed" Dean said making you disagree immediately "no you take the bed I'll be fine Dean" Dean clapped his hands together as he sat on the couch "okay we have two options I take the couch or we share the bed" you sighed knowing you weren't gonna let him sleep on a couch because of your stupid feelings for him
"We'll share" you said moving towards the bathroom to shower. Once the bathroom door was closed dam was on his feet "alright I'm gonna go get pizzas I'm starving what do you want?" He asked grabbing the impalas keys "uh just do pepperoni and get large Y/N I can share cause I know you're a pineapple on a pizza kind of freak" sam gave Dean a bitch face before replying "it's good Dean you would like it if you tried it" before Dean could reply there was a muffled yell from the closed bathroom door "no your just a pineapple freak sweetie" Dean let out a laugh as Sam muttered he'd be back in a half hour.
When you stepped out the bathroom 10 minutes later you were in a park of shorts and an old shirt of Sam's, your hair slightly damp as you only fowl dried it, Dean was sat on the bed as he waited for you
Β "hey can we talk?" He asked running a hand over his mouth "yeah of course, whats on your mind?" You asked confused, Dean sighed as he got up from the bed walking until he was in front of you "why are you avoiding me so much? Did i do something to piss you off because I've wracked my brain for days trying to figure out what I did but I just can't figure it out" this was the last thing you wanted, for him to feel like he did something wrong "you didn't do anything Dean I'm just going through something right now and I'm not ready to talk about it" you said hoping he'd just let it goΒ 
"But you're fine with Sam? I just don't get it Y/N we've been best friends for years now you're avoiding me at all costs, just tell me what I did to you so I can try and fix it" Dean said his voice slightly raising as he was getting frustrated "there's nothing to fix Dean" you said defensively "well obviously there is if you don't even want to share a bed with me out of nowhere when we've done it hundreds of times before, what could I have possibly done to hurt you" he yelled "nothing Dean for the last fucking time you didn't do anythi-" "well then what's your problem!" Dean yelled cutting you offΒ 
"You! Your my problem Winchester!" You yelled folding your arms over your chest too upset to even feel the pain in your shoulder, Dean seemed taken aback by your outburst as he stayed silent for a moment "...what's that supposed to mean" he said taking a step towards you "your my problem Dean, do you have any idea how it feels to see the person you love chasing girl after girl in every goddam state" you yelled feeling the hot tears fall down your cheeksΒ 
Dean stared at you his eyes wide and jaw was slack "you love me" he questioned softly "just forget I said anything I'm just gonna leave" you wiped your hands down your cheeks to dry them as you moved to put your shoes on, you didn't get far before dean was grabbing your arm he tugged you to turn and face him, he moved one hand to wrap around your waist and the other was placed at the back of your head, before you could ask what the hell he was doing Dean was leaning in and capturing your lips in a searing kiss taking you by surpriseΒ 
You quickly regained you're composure you kissed back running your hands up his chest to rest on his flannel covered shoulders, the hand that was on your waist moved to rest under your ass so dean could hoist you up to wrap your legs around his hips, you moaned as deans hands gripped your ass holding you closer to him, Dean took advantage of your parted lips by slipping his tongue into the kiss
While he held you in his arms he walked you toward the bed Dean broke the kissΒ  before gently tossing you down on the moldy motel bed, you stared up at him and smiled when he rushed to remove the red checkered flannel from his body leaving him in his grey shirt under neath which too made its way to the floor leaving deans chest completely bare
You got up on your knees booking your fingers in his belt loops and tugging him to fall on the bed his body hovered over yours, you wrapped your legs his hips pulling him closer, Dean kissed a trail up your neck back to your lips, you smiled into the kiss as Dean moved his hands to pull your shirt over your head tossing it to the rest of the pile ok the floor,Β  leaving you in a white lace bra, Dean smirked as he unhooked your bra throwing it behind him leaving you chest completely bare, your nipples hardened at the cool airΒ 
Dean licked his lips as his warm hands wrapped around your breasts "like what you see handsome" Dean's hands moved from your breasts down your waist to the hem of your shorts his fingers slipping under "you have no idea sweetheart" Dean said biting his kiss swollen bottom lip he began piling you shorts and panties down as you lifted your hips from the bed to help his movements
Your shorts and panties joined the floor you pulled Dean down in a rough kiss your fingers running through his short spiky hair, you moaned at the feeling of deansΒ  Jean clad member pressed against your hot wet pussy, dean moved his lips down to your jaw as he nipped and sucked at your sweet spot leaving a deep purple mark in its place
You loved dean away by his shoulders making him look at you confused and worried he's taken things too far "I don't think it's fair I'm the only naked one now Winchester" you said as you trialed your fingers down deans taut abdomen to his belt buckle, you quickly threw his belt to the floor before rushing to unzip his jeans, Dean pulled his jeans and boxers down before getting back on top of you attacking your swollen lips with his once again
Dean pulled away from the kiss "son of a bitch! I don't have a condom" you giggled playing with the short hair on his head "I'm on the pill" deans smile grew and he leaned down kissing his way down your chest, his lips wrapped around your nipple as he gave it a gentle bite, giving the same attention to your other breast, only stopping him when he went to move lower "you okay?" He asked either arms resting on the side of you
You nodded with a smile "we gottaΒ  be quick Sam won't be much longer" you said and dean nodded knowing you were right, while making his way up your body Dean gave you hip a playful bite causing you to squealΒ 
Now face to face once again dean leaned down capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, you wrapped your legs around his hips pulling him closer to you his cock pressing against your core moaning when he moved his length up your pussy,Β  teasing youΒ 
"Dean I can't take the teasing please do something" you begged, Dean smirked as his tip pressed against your dripping hole, finally he pushed in stretching you out inch by inch
You scraped your fingers through deans scalp when he was all the way inside you "you okay sweetheart" he asked noticing your scrunched yo face "yeah totally fine, you can move now I'm ready" you said leaning up to kiss him deeply
Dean placed both hands at the back your thighs pushing them up against your chest as he started to thrust inside of you at a slow pace, the position allowing him to hit your G spot with every slam of his hips "oh Dean that feels so fucking good" you moaned arching your backΒ 
"God your so tight" Dean groaned as he picked up his pace, thrusting faster, the only sound in the room was moans and the sound of skin slapping skin, the feeling of being completely bare inside of you was you crazy, feeling every movement his cock made inside you without the latex keeping you from truly feeling himΒ 
You scraped your nails down deans back as he continued to slam inside of you driving you closer and closer to your release, "I'm so close dean" you cried out feeling the knot in your stomach tightening with every thrust, dean moved his hand down to your core his fingers moving quickly on your clit making you scream, your head slamming against the dusty pillow as your orgasm washed over you coating deans cock in your releaseΒ 
Dean continued to work your shaking body through your orgasm, finally the bliss was wearing off you looked up locking eyes with dean "you didn't finish?" You questioned and dean shakes his head smiling "we didn't have much time sweetheart I was more focused on getting you off" he shrugged moving to pull out
You moved your legs to wrap around his waist as you flipped him onto his back leaving your straddling his hips, Dean looked up at you shocked "we have plenty of time" you said easing yourself down on his cock once again, Dean let out a soft moan as he moved his hands to your waist, he helped your move up and down his lengthΒ 
You continued to bounce up and down deans cock, deans eyes were mesmerised on hour breasts as theyΒ  bounced with every movement, he moved his hands to grab your tits holding them in his big warm hands "you're fucking amazing Y/N" Dean moanedΒ 
Your braced your hands on deans shoulders as your quickened your movements, moaning when dean leaned forward taking your nipple into his moth as he bit gently and sucked, you knew he was close as his hands tightened their grip on your hip and breast "I'm so close beautiful" he groaned against your chest as he continued sucking deep purple marksΒ 
"Me too baby" you moaned bouncing harder on deans cock, your thighs slamming down against deans, you started to feel the burn in your thighs as you continued to bounce, determined to get dean to cum
Dean groaned as he felt his own orgasm approaching quickly, he moved his hands down to grab your ass but not before I delivering a hard slap on it making you scream his name
Dean groaned loudly "oh fuck!", closing his eyes as you felt him cum inside you, coating your walls in hot white spurts triggering your own orgasm making you scream out deans nameΒ 
Once your breathing had calmed you giggled, moving on shaky legs to get off dean, he laughed along side you tucking you closely into his side, you moved your arm to wrap around him, your hand trailed up to trace his anti possession tattoo "I think that was the best sex I've ever had" Dean broke the silence making you smile and look up at him from your place on his chest "well I'm honoured, it was pretty god for me too" you joked
Dean let out a loud laugh "oh come on gorgeous tell me I'm the best sex you've had" you squealed when deans fingers started to attack your sides tickling you "alright! your the best sec I've ever had" you laughed squirming in deans arms as he tickled you.
You and Dean laid there talking for a few minutesΒ  before you heard the door opening "alright I'm back I stopped to get some beer too-oh my god in here stinks of sex, seriously guys!" Sam said staring at the couple in the bed cuddled under the sheets, Dean was laying with a smirk on his face
β€œSorry Sammy, be glad you didn’t get walk in 10 minutes ago or you would really be traumatised” Dean joked making Sam roll his eyes β€œwhatever, I’m giving you both 5 minutes to get dressed because it want to eat my pizza without you two being naked in bed!” Sam said closing the door behind him
β€œGuess we’d better get dressed” you said moving to pull away from dean, he grabbed your arm gently pulling you back down to the bed as he hovered above you slightly, he leaned down giving your lips a gentle kiss making you smile cupping his cheek in your hand β€œwhat’s that for?” You questioned when he pulled away
Β  β€œbecause i love you, I have for a while now I just didn’t want to screw anything up, your my best friend I don’t want to loose that, but I want to be with you, I want you to be my girlfriend, so what do you say Y/N?” Dean asked making you smileΒ 
β€œI love you too Dean so yeah I’ll be your girlfriend, however you gotta take me on a date to make it official ” you said giving him a quick peck on lips before moving away to pull your clothes on again
Dean laughed as he pulled his pants back on β€œI think we just made it pretty official tonight sweetheart” Dean said making you roll your eyes with a smile β€œit’s safe to come in now” you called to the closed door and the younger Winchester was coming in his signature bitch face making an appearance as he opened the windows β€œseriously I’m happy for you guys but next time get your own room” Sam saidΒ 
Dean chuckled β€œyou better wear earplugs from now on Sammy” Dean said taking a slice of pizza from the box and taking a sip of beer moving to take a seat on theΒ  couch next to you β€œyour disgusting dean” Sam said with a roll of his eyes you giggled at the brotherly banter
Β β€œI don’t mind it one bit” you said gabbing Deans jaw and pulling him into a quick kiss making the younger Winchester gag causing you both to end the kiss while laughing against each others lips.
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nottturbae Β· 5 months
Hii can I request Ethan x Reader where Reader is siblings with mindy and chad and chad is very protective over her after Amber breaking her heart last year but her and Ethan discovered feelings for eachother and sneaking around to makeout and stuff until chad catches them but ends up saying β€œI knew itβ€πŸ˜­
Thank you so much for requesting!!! here you go!
I knew it.
Content warning: making out, some cursing, mentions of death (ambers), mentions of throwing someone off a bridge (ethan).
Ethan Landry x Meeks-martin!reader
word count: 1.8k words
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Summary: Being siblings with Chad and Mindy was not easy. With Chad always over your shoulder and Mindy constantly criticizing anyone you showed interest in it just wasn’t easy. You knew they were just looking out for you, but it was getting annoying. When you and Ethan discovered your feelings for each other you both decided it was best to keep it a secret (or at least tried to)
It was just after 11 pm when the party kicked into full gear, Y/n, Anika, and Tara were sitting on the couch talking.Β 
β€œSo y/n how's finding a boyfriend going?” Tara teased.Β 
β€œOh amazing, it's not like I have two maniacs breathing down my neck every time i talk to someone.” Y/n replied sarcasticallyΒ while taking a drink.
"oh common y/n, you know they're just looking after you." said Anika while standing up to go look for her girlfriend. "Hey, I'm gonna go search for Mindy, don't have too much fun without me."Β 
β€œI think we should be saying that to you,” said Tara while wiggling her eyebrows. β€œShut up Tara, bye Anika, tell Mindy I'm probably gonna head out soon.”  
β€œwill do, be safe” she said as she walked away.
β€œWait what why, I thought you were going to see if you could find someone tonight?” Tara started searching the room, β€œwhat about that guy?” she said pointing to a guy who turned around and walked up the stairs with a girl. β€œTara, he has a girlfriend by the looks of it, and I guess I'm just not feeling it tonight.” you said while standing up.
You spotted Ethan just across the room, he looked uncomfortable standing next to Chad. β€œWell if you are going to leave text me when you get home ok?” β€œOf course Tara, I'm gonna go tell Chad.”
β€œWhile you do that I’m gonna go find another drink. I'll see you later.” β€œbye tara,” you muttered while walking towards Chad and Ethan.Β 
Ethan noticed you right away, his expression quickly changing from a forced smile to a real one.Β 
β€œHey y/n.” he said. β€œHey eth, Hey chad, I’m not feeling it tonight, so i think i’m gonna head out”
β€œWoah wait you're not leaving without someone walking you home.” Chad said. β€œChad, I'll be fine plus everyone is enjoying the party. I'm not gonna force someone to leave with me.” 
β€œI'll go-” 
Β β€œI'll walk her home,” Ethan said quickly.Β 
β€œAre you sure? I mean-” said Chad
β€œNo it's okay, I don't mind, I'm not really feeling the party either.”
β€œOkay I guess, i'll see you guys later text me when you both get home,” Chad said skeptically.
And with that ethan grabbed his coat and you, and walked out the door and into the night.
β€œSo how come you wanted to leave?,” you asked quietly. β€œI don’t know, Chad was trying to get me to talk to girls, and I just couldn't, ” he replied.Β 
As you two continued to walk into the chilly night you started to shiver, β€œare you cold? Here take this,” he said while handing you his coat. β€œAre you not cold?,” you asked while hesitating to take the coat. β€œNah i'm like a giant heater I swear,” he answered back while pushing it into your hands. β€œOk, but if you get cold i'm giving it back,” you replied while stopping to put it on.Β 
As you continued to walk you both fell into a peaceful silence. Eventually you made it to your apartment, β€œwell this is me,would you like to come inside?,” you said while unlocking the door. β€œSure, I have nowhere to be.” 
β€œMake yourself at home,do you want something to drink? Water? Tea? More alcohol?” you asked while walking to the kitchen. β€œWaters fine, thank you.”
"Okay, i'm gonna text chad I made it home okay then after we can watch a movie, sound good?"
"sounds good to me what do you want to watch?"
"oo have you seen super dark times?" "no i haven't is it good?" he asked while pulling up Hulu. "it's one of my favorite movies," you replied while handing him his water.
You sat down on the couch next to Ethan. You could feel the heat radiating off of his legs. "i'm gonna go change ill be right back."
"alright do you want me to pause the movie?"
"nah i've seen it a millions times before its fine." "okay," he said while looking at the screen.
You walked into your room, you found some comfortable clothes and quickly changed into them. After you finished you walked into your bathroom to begin removing your makeup.
'all done,' you thought while walking out of the bathroom and back to the living room where Ethan was.
"hey y/n, i have a question?" Ethan asked nervously. "whats up?," you replied while sitting down.
"how come you don't have a boyfriend? or girlfriend?," he trailed on, "i mean you're really pretty and i'm sure you have guys lining up to ask you out. I just never see you with anyone? I hope i'm not overstepping any boundaries by as-"
"eth, you're not overstepping anything," you interupted while turning towards him.
In the dim room you could make out Ethan looking at you. "and I guess since what happened with Amber I just haven't been trying, also Chad and Mindy are constantly on my ass about people I find interest in," you paused for a second. "what about you though, I never see you with anyone Chad tries to set you up with?"
"haha keyword try, I have my eye on someone, but I'm almost positive she does not like me back," he quietly admitted. "is it the girl from our econ class? the blonde you're always staring at?" He quickly looked at you, " i do not stare and no it's not her," he gasped out between laughs. "whats so funny? and you totally do stare," you replied through your own giggles.
All of a sudden Ethan stopped laughing and looked at you, "y/n can i be honest?," " of course eth, im always here to listen," you spoke while pausing the movie. "okay but what i'm gonna tell you might affect our friendship, and i don't want that because i value our friendship a lot and i don't want to lose you and-" He trailed on. Your heart started racing.
'what does he mean by ruin our friendship?'
"Ethan hey, nothing can ruin our friendship okay?," you expressed to stop his rambling. "okay," he paused looking away. "i like you." he whispered so quietly. So quietly that if you hadn't paused the movie you would not have heard, but you did. You heard ethan admit he likes you. You stared at Ethan, waiting for him to say something else, but he didn't.
On the other hand Ethan was freaking out. He could not believe he just admitted that, out loud, in front of you. Impatiently he waited for your response, quickly looking to you to see any sort of reaction. Anything, but he got nothing you stared at him in shock.
"oh eth, i didn't know you felt that way." you quickly spoke out noticing ethan putting his shoes on. "wait where are you going?!," you asked frantically. "i'm going to head back to my apartment," he whispered embarrassed. " why? don't you want to talk about this," grabbing his wrist to stop him from opening the door, sadly you didn't succeed . He stopped his movements and turned to you while looking at his feet. "there is nothing to talk about, i just stupidly admitted i liked you and you don't feel the same way. I'm sorry but i think it's best i leave," he explained.
"eth stop, who said i didnt like you?" "well you did?" he questioned still looking at his feet "no i didnt? you didnt even let me answer!" you exclaimed. "i can tell just by looking at your face and how you reacted, you dont like me and thats okay i mean i ge-"
"ethan shut up and kiss me." you demanded. "what..," he started but was quickly interrupted by you pulling him down by his collar and to your lips. The kiss was sweet and soft but also rough. Both tongues fighting for dominance, somehow you managed to gain control. The world suddenly stopped, it was like it was just you two in the whole world. Softly you two kissed until he pulled away to catch his breath. Both of you panting and trying to catch your breath, you giggled softly.
"what's so funny?" he whispered while chuckling himself. "oh nothing, but ethan i really do like you. I was just shocked, i never thought anything would happen."
ethan shook his head and replied, "you didnt think anything was gonna happen? i had to worry about you not liking me back, and chad and mindy." "pfft i wouldn't worry, but if you want we can keep it a secret." you whispered quietly.
"pfft too late," a sudden voice from behind ethan piped up. Ethan turned to face the door and saw Mindy, Chad, Anika, and Tara standing at the door. Anika and Tara were giggling quietly, knowing what was about to happen. Mindy continued on, " did you really think you could hide that from us?"
"well i did before you idiots showed up to my apartment," you fired back. "hey dont forget i live here too, sis," Mindy snapped. "whatever Minds."
"hey wait ethan? seriously y/n!?" Mindy exclaimed. "yes ethan, why does it matter so much to you. You're not the one dating him." you paused for a second thinking over your next words. "No, no you know what? i'm sick of you and Chad constantly on my ass ever since Amber did what she did. It is so frustrating why cant you just leave me alone!?" Mindy stared at your for a second before storming off into her room. Anika quickly slipped past Chad and made her way to mindy's room. It was quiet for a moment and then Chad sighed.
"Y/n, we are just trying to look out for you. What amber did left a mark on all of us, especially you. We just don't want anything to happen to you." Chad breathed out. "i know chad, but it's annoying. I know what i'm doing just trust me."
"ok, i'll tell mindy to back off, but know one thing Ethan, You hurt her physically, or emotionally. I will hunt you down and hurt just like you did to her." Ethans eyes widened for moment before he jokingly said, "trust me chad, i will throw myself of a bridge before i ever think about hurting her."
"good," chad beamed before turning to walk away from the apartment with Tara. "oh and by the way," he stopped his movements and turned back to look at the two. "i knew it."
Ethan looked bewildered, chad couldn't help but laugh at the look of Ethans face. "see you guys tomorrow!!" he called over his shoulder while walking away.
Standing in the hallway, you both turned to look at each other softly giggling. Slowly you brought him back into the apartment and your bedroom where you both got under the covers. Your legs intertwined with your head on his chest.
"goodnight eth, im glad you walked me home."
"goodnight y/n, no one is more glad than me that i walked you home."
You both giggled before closing your eyes and dozing off listening to each others breaths.
a/n: Hii! this is the first request i got. My writing is a little rusty, but I hope you enjoyed. I was going to turn this into two parts, but i decided just to make it one. Thank you for reading!
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sydsaint Β· 29 days
Ilja Dragunov supremacy <3
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Summary: The reader starts to have doubts about staying with Imperium after the incident with Giovanni and Gunther's change in demeanor after losing the Intercontinental championship. Luckily for her, Ilja, who's an old friend, is starting fresh on Raw.
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The SUV has barely pulled into the arena for RAW and you are already tired of being there. Ludwig is busy on the phone talking with his girlfriend Tiffany. And Gunther never bothers to talk much with any of you before the show. Ever since Giovanni got kicked out of Imperium and moved to Smackdown you've been feeling more and more left out.
Ludwig finally hangs up the phone and acknowledges you for the first time since the group left the hotel.
"YN, what's with the face?" Ludwig asks you.
"What face?" You reply blankly and pull your bag higher up on your shoulder.
Ludwig shrugs and grabs his bag from the back of the car. "You look like something is bothering you." He explains. "Come on. You think I haven't noticed you moping around these past few weeks?" He adds and falls into step with you.
"Gunther hasn't seemed to notice anything wrong." You scoff, staring ahead at your leader striding through the hallway. "So maybe you're just being paranoid, Ludwig." You joke with him.
"Yeah, okay." Kaiser drops the subject for the time being.
The three of you head down to the Imperium locker room and get ready for the show. Gunther has a match scheduled for later against Otis, but you and Kaiser aren't scheduled for anything. That doesn't mean Gunther won't want the two of you out there with him though.
You drop your bags off at the locker room and decide to grab a bite to eat from catering since you aren't wrestling.
"I'll be back in a bit, guys. Gonna go grab a bite to eat." You announce your plans to the room as you head for the door.
"Don't be long," Gunther warns you. "I want you and Kaiser both out with me in case Gable and Maxxine are with Otis." He explains.
You nod and pull the door open. "Will do, boss." You muse playfully and head out.
You make your way down to catering and peruse the selection of food and drinks set out for everyone. You decide on a snack wrap and a bottle of water before settling down in an empty seat to scarf down your meal.
You are in the middle of eating and scrolling through your phone when someone approaches your table.
"YN LN?" A male voice catches your attention.
You peek over your phone, still chewing a bite of food, and nearly choke on said food when you see who's standing in front of you.
"Ilja?" You choke back your food and swallow hard. "Hey! How are you?" You ask and gesture for him to take a seat.
Ilja sits down across from you and you take a moment to observe him. It's been over a year since you've seen Dragunov. Not since your NXT UK days. He looks slightly older of course, but there's still that same fire in his eyes. He's dressed in a nicely tailored suit, like usual.
"I'm great, thank you." Ilja smiles at you. "Tonight is my first night here on Raw." He explains.
"Right." You nod. "Pearce snagged you from NXT." You recall Ilja's name being called last week during the draft. "Well, welcome to Raw, Ilja. I'm sure that you'll thrive here." You match his friendly smile.
Ilja nods in thanks. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, probably Ludwig warning you to get back to the locker room. But you chose to ignore it. At least for a minute.
"And how have you been, YN, my dear?" Ilja asks you right back. "I heard that Giovanni recently left Imperium?" He asks you.
"Left, yeah." You scoff. "You could say that I guess." You shrug. "I've been good, Ilja. Thanks for asking." You assure him.
You and Ilja chat for a bit until your phone buzzes again. You begrudgingly take out your phone and check your messages. Ludwig has been blowing up your phone, warning you to get back to the locker room.
"Something wrong?" Ilja notices the annoyed look on your face.
"No, just work." You sigh. "It was wonderful to see you again, Ilja. But I've got to get back to work." You stand up from your seat.
Ilja does the same and walks around the table to you. He holds his arms out for a hug and you gladly accept.
"Of course. I won't keep you." Ilja pulls you into him for a hug. "It was a pleasure seeing you again, YN. I hope we can talk again soon." He adds as he lets you go.
"I'd like that." You nod. "I'll see you around, Ilja." You flash him one more smile before you hurry back to the locker room.
You hurry back to the locker room and manage to make it back just in time. Gunther and Ludwig are waiting for you when you arrive.
"YN. There you are." Gunther stares at you once you're through the door.
"I'm cutting it close, I know." You reply. "I'm sorry. I ran into an old friend down in catering and lost track of time." You explain.
Now that you're back with the group, everyone files out to the ring for Gunther's match with Otis. Ludwig falls into step with you behind Gunther, and he's got questions.
"Who'd you see in catering that was so important?" Ludwig asks you.
"Ilja." You reply, a smile creeping up on your face. "I ran into Ilja."
Ludwig's pace falters a bit at the mention of Dragunov's name. "Right. I forgot he was drafted to Raw." He suddenly recalls the draft. "What did the two of you talk about?" He asks you.
"We were just catching up." You shrug. "Ilja and I used to be friends. Remember?"
Ludwig nods. You did use to be friends with Ilja. The two of you started in NXT UK at the same time. You got scouted by Gunther to be a member of Imperium almost immediately. But Ilja remained his enemy. Despite the differences in factions, you and Ilja always remained civil. But the two of you lost touch when Imperium left NXT UK before him.
"Gunther isn't going to like talking to Dragunov," Ludwig warns you.
"I don't really care." You admit. "I'm a grown woman, Kaiser. I can talk to whomever I please." You huff, gaze fixed on Gunther walking ahead of you.
Kaiser nods and drops the subject. Everyone files out to the ring and Gunther has his match against Otis. You and Kaiser help keep Maxxine and Gable at bay for him. But otherwise, you are stuck on the sidelines for the majority of the match.
After Gunther beats Otis he decides to do a bit of showboating. He obtains a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring to address the crowd. You stand off to the side of the ring with Ludwig and roll your eyes at Gunther's ego rearing its ugly head.
"This again?" You sigh and turn toward Kaiser.
"Shh." Kaiser hushes you sharply. "Don't let him hear you. It'll only cause problems." He whispers to you.
You roll your eyes again but stop talking for the moment. Gunther finishes his speech and everyone heads back to the locker room. Kaiser once again falls into to step with you behind Gunther. And he's got more opinions to share with you.
"YN, are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" Kaiser asks you. "And don't tell me it's nothing again. I'm not an idiot." He insists.
"This doesn't bother you?" You gesture to Gunther walking ahead of you. "This new attitude from him?" You ask Kaiser. "He's always been tough, sure. But this? The speeches? What he did to Giovanni? None of that bothers you?"
Kaiser shrugs and glances forward at Gunther as well. "Gio was losing his edge. It was messed up, yeah. But it had to be done." He insists.
"I guess." You blink a few times, unnerved by Kaiser's lack of empathy for attacking his former best friend.
Everyone makes it back to the locker room area and are headed for the Imperium locker room. When you turn the corner Ilja is there loitering in the hallway.
"Ilja!" You greet him first.
You step forward and past Gunther who is now staring a hole into Dragunov.
"Hello again, YN." Ilja greets you. "Gunther, Ludwig." He nods to your companions. "I don't want any trouble friends. I just came to talk to, YN."
You walk over to Ilja and set a hand on his arm. You glance back at your comrades before leading Ilja away from them. The two of you step into a less-populated part of the backstage area so you can talk.
"Ilja, what's going on?" You confront Dragunov. "I didn't think you'd want to talk again so soon. It's only been like an hour or so." You add.
"Yes, I apologize for the intrusion." Ilja replies. "But I watched you out in the ring with Gunther and Ludwig." He explains. "And forgive me if this sounds a bit odd and uncalled-for, but I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable you looked out there. So I wanted to check up on you."
You wear a look of slight surprise upon hearing Ilja's confession. "That's sweet of you to be concerned about me, Ilja." You fidget with your hands, the incident reminding you of back when the two of you used to be friends. "I'm alright, though. Really." You assure him, despite the fact that Gunther and Ludwig are obviously on your nerves.
Ilja nods, glad to hear that you seem to be alright. His worries are about to be put to rest when Ludwig steps into the room looking for you.
"YN? Hey, Gunther's worried about you." Kaiser makes a b-line for you, not giving Ilja a second thought.
"What? Worried about me? Why?" You turn around to talk with Kaiser.
Kaiser makes it over to your side and you don't notice that he puts himself between you and Ilja subtly.
"You're out here being all shady and disappearing with him." Kaiser looks at Ilja pointedly. "The fact that you trust him astounds me. And Gunther as well." He adds.
"Disappearing with him?" You scoff. "We're having a friendly conversation, Ludwig." You scold him.
Ludwig huffs and shakes his head. "YN, come on. Have some sense. Are you trying to end up like Giovanni?" He asks you.
That's the last straw for you. "Excuse me?" You raise your voice at Ludwig, which catches Ilja's attention. "You know what? I'd be happy to end up like Giovanni if it means I get away from you and Gunther's pretentious bullshit!" You step away from him.
Ilja steps up next to you, ready to defend you if needed.
"YN." Ludwig reaches a hand out to touch you.
"Don't." You swat his hand away. "I am done with this, Ludwig. I'm doen with you. And I'm done with Gunther." You insist. "I just can't do it anymore."
Ludwig tries to reach out again but is met by Ilja grabbing him with a firm grip. "I believe it is time for you to leave, friend." He warns Kaiser.
"Fine." Kaiser rips his hand away from Ilja's grip. "I'll set your bag out in the hall for you." He scoffs before storming off.
You watch Ludwig walk off in a rage. A part of you feels bad. He's been your friend for a long time. You're even getting close to his girlfriend, Tiffany as of late. But you simply can't do it anymore.
"Are you alright?" Ilja checks on you once Ludwig is out of sight.
"Yeah, Ilja. I'm okay." You nod. "Actually okay, this time." You muse. "I don't suppose that you're looking for a new compantion to join you on Raw?" You ask him.
Ilja cracks a small smile and nods. "I'd love to have you at my side, YN." He leans down for a hug. "Come on. I'll come with you to retreive your things."
"Thanks, Ilja." You nod and thank him for his support.
All this time has gone by since you've had the pleasure of being aqauinted with the one and only mad dragon. And yet he's still the same man you once knew. A fiercy loyal, good man.
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c-h-i-m-es Β· 9 months
gojo satoru
in honor of my man getting sealed but looking pretty the whole time and chapter 236
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"i can't come tonight." you speak into your phone to geto suguru, one of your friends from college. "i heard you the first time. i asked you why." something about his tone tells you that he isn't gonna believe whatever you're gonna say next. "my car.. is in the workshop. i left it there this morning for servicing and i was too tired to go get it in the evening. so i have no vehicle."
you hear him laugh, you hope he believes you by some miracle, "sweetheart that's one of the dumbest excuse i've hear come out of your mouth." you bite your lower lip, thinking of what to say next, but he continues, "but even if that is true, don't worry i can come pick you up."
"suguru even if the car part is not true, i really am tired and don't wanna get ready right now." it is almost seven, not so late for a party, but still late for you, who got home less than hour ago.
"woah what happened to the girl that was always down for drinks?" he chuckles lowly and you do too after hearing him, "i'm not nineteen anymore suguru."
"you know what i'm gonna have shoko drag you there. so i'll see you in a bit." you almost think he's joking, but you know he's not when you hear him speak again, "if you're thinking i'm joking, i'm not baby."
you groan, "jeez you're so damn stubborn. don't bother shoko, i'll surprise her myself there. and come pick me up in an hour." he lets out an amused chuckle, "of course y/n, i'll be there in a bit."
you hang up the call then get up from the couch, putting your phone on charge, you quickly start getting ready.
an hour and twenty minutes later, you are with geto suguru, at his best friend's birthday party. you look at him besides you, "i don't really feel so good about this."
he laughs, finding you actually coming to gojo's party really amusing, "oh baby, i do though. i can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you."
you grab his arm before he takes another step, "what the fuck? he doesn't know i'm gonna be here?" he looks at you with that fake innocent smile on his face, "didn't i tell you?" you scoff, knitting your brows together at him while he just smiles, not looking away from you, "i don't understand why you're so tempted to ignore him. but youΒ knowΒ that he would love to see you again."
"you know damn well i was avoiding him suguru." you sigh and feel him put his arms around you, "you worry too much y/n. come on, if it feels too much, i'll take you back home, yeah?"
you smile at him, nodding your head as he takes your hand, guiding you through the crowd and to the bar, where shoko would always be. "guess who i have with me tonight?"
without looking at him, she replies, "probably one of your girls." ;)
"you wound me, babe." she turns her body back as soon as she hears your voice, face full of shock, "y/n? oh my god how didΒ heΒ bring you?" geto lets out a scoff, "why wouldn't she come with me?" but ignoring him, she comes and gives you a tight hug.
"gosh i missed you so much." she mumbles, not letting you go. you feel nice knowing that you still have your friends who actually care for you. "yeah? i missed you too baby."
geto lets you two have your moment while he orders a drink for himself and you. shoko lets go of you, making you seat in on of the high stools besides geto and sits next to you.
geto puts your drink in front of you, "drink up y/n, you finally are out with us again after forever." you chuckle at his words and thank him. "girl you really need to get out of your house more.Β everyoneΒ misses you." you take a sip of your drink knowing that gojo also comes under her everyone.
she chuckles seeing the look on your face, "you need to stop feeling bad about that one time babe. i shouldn't say this but she wasn't even important to him. and you know it."
"right! that's what's i've been trying to tell her but this dummy doesn't believe me." you let out a sigh, your mind going back to that one random night.
before you reply, shoko nudges you, "he's coming here babe." you snap your head at her direction, hoping she'll get you away but she doesn't and just chuckles at you.
"when did you people get here?" you hear his voice and pray he goes away without paying any attention to you. "just got here, but hey i got you a present. look who i have with me." geto speaks and the next thing you know, he has his arms around your shoulders, making you turn back and face him.
"uh- hi?" you say when you finally face him, him looking at you as if he doesn't believe that you're actually in front of you, which he actually doesn't. he has a shocked look on his face for a few seconds, you hear geto and shoko chuckle and gojo's face bursts into a huge grin.
"woah y/n! i didn't think you'd be here!" he pushes geto from your side and wraps his arms around you. geto and shoko look at you two in front them and then at each other, chuckling and looking away, leaving you two be. "i knew they'd be like this." geto says to his friend as they get into their own talks.
it takes you awhile but you do wrap your arms around him as you take his scent in. oh how much you missed it. he rubs his palms on your back, "i missed you."
"..me too." you pull a little away from him, just enough to look up at him, who looks down at you after feeling you move and smiles at you, "you look as beautiful as the last time i saw you."
you chuckle at his words, "oh yeah? well you look as dashing as always as well, satoru." his heart flutters hearing his own name come out of your lips after years.
he finally lets you go and you both take a seat besides each other. he orders a drink for both of you then turns his body fully at you, eyes lighting up after seeing what you're wearing.
"would you look at that, we're matching." you look down at your own outfit, you are wearing a little above knee length bodycon dress which had black base but had some navy blue details, which weren't visible until light shined on them. (i hope you get it) and then look at him, wearing a navy blue shirt, top few buttons undone with some black bottoms. (yk like that one popular fanart, if you search for his fan art you can find it easily)
"you know, maybe we're just destined to be." you laugh at his words, "this is just called coincident." you look at him, his usual grin on his face.
"i believe whatever i wanna believe, baby." he winks at you with a smirk while you just roll your eyes at him. "anyways.. what came over you to stop ignoring me today?"
you chuckle and look at him, his face has that smirk on his face but you know he is talking serious now. "your bestie forced me actually." you take a sip of your drink, "he also said you'd love to see me, which i guess is true." you tilt your head at him with a smile on your face.
"oh yeah? guess i better listen to him from now then." you two just look at each other, your eyes speaking more words than your lips.
"wanna get out of here?" you smirk at his words, "i don't think people would like the birthday boy leaving the party." he chuckles, getting up from his seat, "honestly, i don't really care about what they like." he takes a step to you, bending to your level, "tell me what wouldΒ youΒ like."
you let out an amused chuckle, "how about you break up with your girl first this time?" he smirks, leaning in to place a quick kiss on your lips, "oh baby i haven't dated anyone from the day you ghosted me."
"really?" you feel some kind of pride or whatever warm feeling you're having when you hear his words. because you know those aren't some idle words, he really hasn't dated anyone these past years. shoko and suguru have been keeping you updates in his life.
"so tell me y/n, wanna get out of here?" he is looking at you, has not looked away since the moment he asked you how you ended up here tonight.
you grin at him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt to kiss him. you feel him smile onto the kiss, moving your lips together. oh how much you missed this.
even after all the years and among everyone you kissed, he'd still be the best kisser.
you pull back with a smile on your lips, "let's go." he holds your hands in his own, looking behind you, "have fun you two, we're going."
"see i told you this would happen." shoko slaps suguru on his arm, them both look at the two of you with a knowing smirk on their faces. "yeah, have fun." satoru chuckles while shoko winks at you, "tell me everything tomorrow."
"will do." you wave at them both and walk out the club, he guides you to his car, opening the door for you, "look at you being a gentleman." you get in and he get on the other side himself, "where do you wanna go?"
you narrow your eyes at him, "didn't you drink?" he laughs at you, taking you hand in his, playing with your fingers, "my place is five minutes away." you laugh at him, "whatever as long as we don't have to spend the night at police station."
he starts the engine, driving to his place which was actually more than five minutes away, making you anxious the whole ride that he might crash it (you are overreacting) or that you might get pulled over (don't drink and drive babes) but he finally reaches his apartment complex. parking his car in his spot, he turns off the car and you both get out, him coming over to your side to hold your hand.
he pulls you in for another kiss before you walk to the elevator, making out the entire time while you wait for the elevator. once you get in though, you try to keep him off of you in case someone gets in. but he just pulls you to him, placing kisses all along your collarbone, neck and jaw.
once it reaches to his floor, he rushes out to his door, unlocking it in a rush. as soon as the door opens, he pulls you in, pinning you to the door, kissing you desperately as he locks the door.
his free hand roams all over your body, keeping you pasted on him while the other is rested on your jaw holding your face close to him. you clenched your fists around the cloth of his shirt in his back. your mind getting blank as well as overfilled with all the emotions and feels.
"fuck i missed you so much baby." he whispers as he pulls away from you. you look at him, feeling shy about all that is happening. seeing the look on your face, he chuckles, holding your chin with his thumb and pointer finger as he making you look at him, "don't get shy on me now, baby."
you scoff, rolling your eyes, "i forgot how annoying you are." heΒ  lets out a amused chuckle, bring your lips on his, kiss them roughly before pulling back again, "that is because you chose to ignore me."Β 
you raise your brow at him, "oh? and why do you think i ignored your lying ass?" he takes a step back, but his playful smirk still on his lips, "what lie did i even tell for you to disappear on me for years?"
you gasp, dramatically putting your palm over your chest, "your girl messaged me saying i ruined your relationship, you dumb face." his smirk wavers for a split second, which you don't miss, and you continue before he could open his mouth, "you disloyal piece of shit, i had to be the type of girl who'd use 'i didn't know he had a girlfriend' excuse you know. that is so not me. and that's all your fault."
he takes all your words in and only speaks after staying quiet for a few seconds, "what? you talked with her?"
"duh. i don't know how she knew that fooled around but she messaged me the next day." he comes close to you, cupping your face to make you look at him, "aw baby, but i broke up with her the first thing after dropping you home the next day."
you groan, feeling irritated with having to explain everything to him, you rest your head on his chest, he quickly holds you on either sides of your waist, "satoru.. why don't you get it that she thought you broke up with her because she thought you like me." which he did though. "and i don't know how she found out we slept together, but she messaged me calling me a homewrecker." you let out a chuckle at the end, thinking how silly this everything seems.
Β i mean you slept with gojo, you actually didn't know he had a girlfriend and he never said so himself, so it's not really your fault? and the next day, you get a text from this random girl saying you're the reason her boyfriend broke up with her and that you're a homewrecker. then feeling guilty and angry at the man, you avoid him for years. yet here you are again, at his place, knowing where this would head.
he strokes your back until you look up at him, "i don't know why she blamed it all on me and not you." he chuckles, pressing a quick kiss on your lips, "i'm sorry baby, i didn't know that. i'm sorry you were put in that position."
"uh huh, you better be." you say that but wrap your arms around his neck to pull him into yet another kiss. slow and soft this time, moving your lips together like they were meant to be together.
he pulls back a little and sighs, "you ruined the vibe we had going on, pretty." he chuckles looking at your frowned look on your face, pulling you in for yet another kiss.
a little gasp comes out of you, pulling back, you cup his face, "it almost slipped my mind, happy birthday satoru." you pull him down and place a kiss on the tip of his nose, "thank you y/n." his face in a genuine smile the whole time, "now my present?" you roll your eyes but let him continue kissing and sucking on your skin along your jaw and down your neck and collarbone after your lips.
you're gonna be the best present he's ever got.
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billthedrake Β· 10 months
This story is a sequel to "Dad's New Life."
We were just playing video games, enjoying the Sunday afternoon hanging out in my brother Connor's room in the SigEp house. Connor was even beating me, but I could tell he was in a pissy mood. And I had a good idea what was bugging him.
"I'm gonna hit up Daddy Mike later," I said, addressing the elephant in the room.
I heard my big brother's deep sigh. "Dude, you gonna spend your whole fucking weekend with that guy?"
I paused the game. I got along great with Connor normally but things had been building up all weekend. "Bro, what the fuck?! You want me to go to some stupid art museum with you or something, I'll do it. Otherwise, yeah I'm gonna go get laid." It was a dumb outburst and more than a little ungrateful, because Connor was the one putting me up for the long weekend. I'd been clamoring for some time away from my tiny hometown and some independence from my parents. I should be grateful to my brother.
My brother let out an annoyed sigh. Not to sell myself short, but my older bro got the looks in the family. Dirty blond, green eyes, dimples that set off his smile. I had some of that but looked more like a regular jock, not a heartthrob movie star. Moments like this, when Connor got pissy, were the only time he lost his handsome attractiveness.
"You know Mike's just a slut, right?"
I was getting annoyed now. "Yeah, fuck, I know," I growled. "I don't fucking care. At least he doesn't treat me like a kid."
"He's too busy robbing the cradle," my brother shot back. "Dude's older than Dad."
Jesus, this weekend should be about fun. And it was fun. Hanging out with my big brother, experiencing fraternity life, enjoying a real college party, and getting majorly laid. I'd gone over to Mike's condo for a quickie session Saturday afternoon, and Jase didn't say anything. But now that I was sharing morning texts with Daddy Mike and planning a repeat, his mood had turned.
"You've done him, too," I replied.
Connor was silent now. Maybe I couldn't have my cake and eat it too. I'd either be an honorary bro for the weekend, the prefrosh, or I'd be listening to my dick.
Sex with a man, an older man, was a new toy, and I was enjoying the hell out of it. It was almost addictive. Well, no "almost" about it. Still, I didn't want to relent on the prefrosh experience. Even if my brother had a date that night, it would be cool to hang out with the brothers, get high and watch dumb TV.
"I'm sorry, Connor," I said. My voice more contrite. "I'll hang out here at the house. I know you promised Mom and Dad you'd watch me."
Now my brother seemed to change attitude. He looked over at me with a look of sympathy, or understanding. "You into him, Jase?"
I shrugged. "I dunno, man," I tried to explain. "I know it's nothing real, but you know, after hiding myself through high school, it feels real nice to be with a man without any hang ups."
Connor smirked. "My little bro getting a little crushed out?" Maybe the understanding was gone, replaced by the need to tease me.
"Crushed out on a fucking 51 year old," I laughed. "So fucking stupid."
Connor nudged my arm, letting me know it was OK. "How bout this, Jase? I have my date tonight. You can go over to Mike's. Just be back by 10 or so."
I normally hated when Connor would get bossy with me, like he was my fucking parent, but I knew he was responsible for me. This seemed like a good compromise.
I probably had a dumb smile on my face when I picked up my phone to text Mike. We set up a time for me to come over.
And yeah, the man wrote some pretty lewd shit about how he was gonna take care of my dick.
The rest of the day was normal. Connor took me to the university gym as a guest and I had a good workout. When we got back, Connor got ready for his date - some sorority girl he met a couple weeks ago - and I realized I kind of was doing the same, showering and slicking my hair down with product. I had only casual lax-jock clothes but I figured Daddy Mike wouldn't mind. But fuck I wanted this to be a date, even if the guy was a man whore.
I did stop on the way and pick up some flowers, and Mike had a big grin when he opened the door to see me standing there with a fucking bouquet.
"Great to see ya, kiddo," he grinned, leaning in to give me a quick peck. I'd been scrolling through his social media and saw Daddy Mike used to have a mustache but now seemed to sport a continual stubble flecked with silver facial hair. And while he had a military-short buzz cut for a while, he was growing out the salt-and-pepper hair in an almost professional-banker cut, which was slicked down with product.
"For me?" he said looking at the flowers. "That's sweet buddy." He took them and then showed me inside.
I needn't worry about dressing casual. Daddy Mike had on some sweatpants that clung to his meaty ass, as well as one of his faded Chicago Bears T-shirts. I knew he was freshly showered by his damp salt-and-pepper hair and the fresh cologne smell he had.
"I like your cologne," I said as I followed him into his open plan kitchen, where he rifled through the cabinets to pull out a vase for the flowers.
Mike flashed me a grin and told me the brand. "You wouldn't believe how many guys tell me it's the one their fathers wore... it's like fucking pheromones."
When Mike had first dropped the dad-son idea with me, it kind of weirded me out, but in the course of two days I realized I was kind of getting into it. I still didn't want to fuck my actual dad or anything. But I loved how the incest idea amplified the age difference between me and Mike, and yet somehow made an emotional connection out of pure, tawdry sex.
Still, I had to ask. "Do a lot of guys you meet have Daddy issues?"
The guy placed the bouquet in the water, arranging it quickly in the vase. "Not all, but a lot do. It's fun," he said.
Part of me was self conscious he'd try to figure out if I put myself in the Daddy Issues category, but he didn't seem fazed either way. Instead, Mike stepped up to me. We were pretty matched in height. I had an inch or so on him, but he was of course bigger, beefier, and more muscular. His hands felt great on my waist as he pulled me gently toward him. "High school kid isn't as shy now is he?" Mike teased.
I felt the warmth of his body and yeah, I was getting fully hard. "Nope," I said, now taking the initiative to reach behind and dig my fingers beneath the waistband of his sweats. Unsurprisingly Daddy Mike wasn't wearing underwear and I felt the hard hairy brawn of his ass. Mike had a crazy big ass.
"Go right for the prize, buddy," Mike grinned and leaned in for a kiss.
Fuck, this guy knew how to push my buttons. Nothing tentative about his kiss, Mike was eagerly sexual and yet knew how not to go full charge with the tongue. Instinctively, I knew he was waiting for me to take charge of the kiss, so I did. I groped this 51-year-old's ass while we made out in the kitchen.
"Fuck before dinner?" Mike finally asked in a growl. He'd offered to feed me take out pizza, but indeed sex seemed more appealing just then. I nodded.
And like that we were making our way to the bedroom. Mike peeled off that beat up T and tossed it into the corner. "Almost didn't put on clothes today," he smiled, and then I watched him pull his sweats down over his thick boner, showing off how hairy his crotch and legs were.
I was feeling overdressed, catching up in stripping off my clothes as Mike pulled the covers down on his bed and climbed on, his big muscled body making the mattress dip slightly. There was a big industrial sized pump container of lube next to the bed, along with a vial of what I knew to be poppers. But mostly my gaze was on this hot stud and the way his eyes seemed to me eat up. I may have been the fucker, but Mike was the hunter and I was his prey. I was A-OK with that.
"I bet you're gonna go wild when you get back to your hometown stud," he said as he watched me push down my briefs, freeing my large hardon.
"I wish," I said. Maybe this is one thing that drew me to the man. How he encouraged me, let me think I could be balling any guy I wanted. My dick jerked hard at the idea.
"Trust me," Mike hissed. "A dick like that... and that fucking body. You're jacked as hell for 18."
"Thanks," I said. A conceited part of me knew I was a hot jock, and I certainly put in a LOT of work to build my body. But the no-nonsense complement was so different than the way buddies and I complimented each other.
I got on the bed and crawled on top of Mike's reclined frame. He welcomed me and once again, we were making out. I don't know how I learned bedroom technique, but I knew to take our time. I took charge of the kiss now and made it nice and slow, feeling up Mike's body and humping him gently. He loved that, and I felt a wild satisfaction that I was being a skilled lover with a man this experienced.
Daddy Mike had a goofy grin when I finally broke the kiss and leaned up to admire his handsome face.
"What?" I asked, with a chuckle.
"I dunno," the man said with almost a shyness. "I just... well, I've met my share of lacrosse jocks, and usually they don't have the smooth moves like you."
That made me hard as fuck. My dick twitched and leaked against his hardon. "Yeah?" I growled.
Mike nodded. "They're usually more hard charging in bed," he said.
I thrust into him and gripped his chest with one hand while I held my upper body up with the other arm. "Oh, I can do hard charging," I teased.
"I bet you fucking can, Pre Frosh."
With a determined move, I kicked apart Mike's legs with my own thighs.
"Fuck YEAH!" Mike growled.
I gave him the lustiest look I could before turning to reach over to pump out some lube. I thought of Connor's taunt earlier, than Mike was a slut. He certainly had the bedroom set up like he took on many men, regularly. But as I slicked my cock up, I didn't care. If I was getting a whore, I was getting one for free.
Mike was now doing some of the work pulling back his legs for me.
I looked down. Here was a man almost three times my age, about 230 pounds of beef splayed out for me. I could see Mike's hole. Crinkled, definitely used, a little gape to it.
I wanted to eat it. I'd never rimmed of course, but I'd seen it plenty in porn and figured the guy could tell me if he didn't want me to eat him out.
Only as I crouched down and nestled my nose in his crack, I heard a soft "hell yes, kiddo." I stuck my tongue out. The whole didn't taste of much, mostly a little of the soap Mike had used in his shower. I licked around the ring and decided I was into this, a LOT. His daddy hole was warm and inviting and practically sucked my tongue in. I pushed forward, prodding into his more tender membrane just inside. Pure clean male hole. I wondered what the dudes on the team would say if they saw me now. I used to be afraid and ashamed of being a homo, but now I wished they could watch. The wilder I went, the deeper Daddy Mike's grunts got. This was hot, nasty sex. Men's sex.
I didn't want to extend the foreplay too much the first time out, but I took my time. And when I pulled back I wiped my chin and looked up to see the sex-dazed expression on the man's face.
"Damn stud," Mike said. "You know hot to eat a cunt."
Everything about Daddy Mike's lewdness was making me turned on to stuff I never would be. Like the c-word.
"You got an incredible cunt, Daddy."
"It's yours Pre-Frosh."
I grinned and scooted into place. The fucks before had been quick ones. I mean, there was something special about losing my assfucking cherry to this man, but I already knew this mating session was going to be special. I lined up my slick rod to that slightly puffed, gaping hole and let it nestle in the indentation.
"I'm gonna be jock-fucked aren't I?" Mike was definitely a talker.
I tried to go along with the sex talk. "Well, you're a slut... so yeah."
I immediately regretted saying that once I did, though.
Thankfully Mike just chuckled. "You like sluts, Jason?" He seemed to call me everything but my real name, so it came as a surprise.
"Maybe," I grinned, glad he wasn't taking offense. Then, more assured. "Yeah."
Mike kept some of his lusty smile but his eyes swept up and down my body. "18 and hung as fuck... goddamn."
I pushed into him. The slut hole was not tight but it didn't clamp down some as I entered him. It was exquisite, warm and wet. "I'm not the biggest you've taken, am I?"
He shook his head. "Let's say top 5, kiddo. You're really fucking big." Then he added, "Your brother, too."
That made my nostrils flare. Mike could tell my reaction immediately.
"You got the hots for your big brother?" he asked. That no-nonsense lewdness going straight to my balls.
"I dunno," I answered truthfully. "Fuck!"
Mike reached up and touched whatever parts of my body he could reach in our position. "Would be so hot to be tag teamed by you two," he growled.
Fuck, I wanted this. Wanted to nail this hot beefy daddy. I shoved my cock deeper in, slding into Daddy Mike's depths.
"There ya go, Pre Frosh.... hit that fucking spot."
"Your ass is amazing," I said.
"Hold it stud," Mike hissed, wincing some at my size. "Fuck you're a big boy." I watched that muscle bunch and flex as he twisted his body to pick up some poppers. I held still, buried deep inside him as he took one hit, then another on the other nostril, plus one more for good measure. He set the bottle aside then nodded. "OK, buddy, go for it."
I started fucking him. I realized he didn't have the warm up like the the other day in the frat house and our Saturday morning hook up had been all oral.
We were making up for that now. I put more energy into my thrusts, getting into it, getting into the thrill of dominating this hot fucker.
Mike was still in encouraging mode. "God you're fucking huge.... fuck me man.... That spot is yours, kiddo. All yours. Yours and your brother's."
That made my nostrils flare. No poppers needed.
"That turn you on, Jase?"
I nodded, afraid that if I answered aloud I'd cum. I didn't stop my fuck but I slowed it just a litte, trying for slower deeper pumps.
"You both got amazing dicks," Mike teased, "But you're a hotter dude." He was holding on to my hips now, pulling me in with each pounding thrusts. It must have felt hard on his guts, but I was too into this, and Mike wasn't asking me to stop or ease up.
He watched intently now. His own prick was rock hard but all of his attention and energy was focused on me. Looking up pleadingly as I railed him. "Hot firecracker of a top... just 18 too... fuck," he hissed.
I felt like the studliest guy in the world just then.
"You getting ready to give me that load, kiddo?"
I nodded. "Yah. Fuck." My hips had lost that determined hard pace and now were just going back to fast and furious.
"Get it Pre Frosh. Get it right in Daddy's hole."
That did it. "Shit!" I yelled. I was cumming and the excited smile on Mike's face made me cum even harder. My whole body spasmed and jerked over him as he watched me orgasm. I felt almost embarrassed at how out of control I'd gotten. Then proud.
I finally smiled as my hips stopped and I caught my breath. "Can I get you off, Mike?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Later. I'm hoping there's a later," he winked.
"Yeah, there's a later," I assured him. I told Connor I'd be back around 10, but there was still plenty of time.
We both watched as I slowly pulled out. My dong was no longer erect but it had a lot of hardness still as it cleared Mike's ring and plopped out heavy and wet.
"Hot," he said. "You're a better fuck than your brother too."
I thought I'd be upset at the constant comparison to Connor, but I was actually eating it up. "Yeah? That's cool," I said.
"Ready for some food?" Mike asked as he slid his body out of bed. "You earned it, fella."
I took up Mike's offer for a shower while he ordered some pizza. When I dried off and stepped back out into the master bedroom naked, the man was dressed back in his sweats and Bears T-shirt. And he had a pair of football shorts in his hand.
"These should be your size, fella," he grinned.
I'd worn jeans so something to lounge in was welcome. I had a feeling we'd be fooling around again soon.
I took the offering and slipped them on. "You carry spare shorts for your dates?" I laughed. Not accusing, more amused.
He nodded. "You bet I do, stud. Lots of dudes want a Daddy Mike souvenir. They're yours to take if you want 'em."
I decided not to bother with a T-shirt. Mike was still chubbed in his sweats and his eyes were very approving as he sized up my younger build in the shorts. If the fuck hadn't been enough I was very glad I'd come over.
The Bears game was already on the big screen TV, muted, though as we sat on the couch, Mike picked up the remote and turned up the volume. "Hope you don't mind, Pre Frosh, but this is always part of Date Night on game day." He leaned forward and pulled a tall can of beer toward him, opening the tab and nodding to a matching one in front of me. "You strike me as a beer dude..."
"Yeah," I grinned, glad for the offering. After the hot sex it was the perfect thing. This wasn't the watery shit they served in the SigEp house either.
In a strange way this was a perfect date with another man. I placed my arm around Daddy Mike's beefy shoulder and felt his warm body accept my embrace. I followed football and was a Bears fan, but Mike was a fanatic. Screaming, yelling at half the botched plays and the ref calls. Getting red in the face even. It was adorable.
The pizza came, and we ate silently, watching the game, talking during the commercials. I hadn't realized how hungry I was but I scarfed that shit down. Mike made a good dent, too. He got us another beer. We watched more football. The Bears took the lead.
Maybe it was the proximity to this stud of a daddy. Or maybe it was just my natural recovery time doing its work. But I began boning up.
Mike noted and leaned into me, giving me a smirk. He pulled out his phone.
"Selfie?" he asked.
I got a deer in the headlights look. I thought of my parents finding out. Or my lacrosse buddies. "Fuck, man, I can't," I said.
He smiled. "Don't worry, Jase, buddy... no faces. Promise."
I relented. I sure as hell hoped I could trust this guy. I thought of Connor's own suspicion of Mike's motives. "OK."
He pulled the phone up to a classic selfie distance and snapped a pic. "This might just be for my personal collection," he said. Then he reversed direction and aimed it at our crotches. Mine particularly.
"I just like showing off when I find a hot stud," Mike said.
I'd scrolled through his Insta. The man was being understated now. There were a fuck ton of young dudes posing with Daddy Mike. But I felt proud to join the ranks.
During the commercial he fiddled with his phone and then showed me his latest Twitter post. "Game day Date Night with Pre Frosh," the caption read. And sure enough the pic was of my boned up crotch, my long thick ridge pushing up the material of those Bears football shorts.
"Fuck," I said.
"I can delete it," he offered.
"Fuck no," I replied.
The made him grin. "You shouldn't hide a dick like that for sure. Top five," he reminded me. "Midwestern boys are hard to beat."
I basked in the compliment. My hardon wasn't going away, but I enjoyed the feeling of being hard around this guy without the urgency of getting off just yet. I knew it would come.
We settled back into the game and pretty soon the second quarter was drawing to a close. Even before halftime came though, Mike pressed the screen of his phone, then handed it to me. It was recording video, I could see. "You're the cameraman, kiddo," Mike growled.
"For what?" I asked.
"Guess," he winked. And like that he got off the couch and got down in front of me. I spread my legs to give him room and then after a second of surprise aimed the phone to capture Daddy Mike looking up, lewdly pawing my crotch before pulling the elastic over my hard dong. I was long enough that my cock had been constrained diagonally in the shorts, but now it jerked up to a full standing position off my light treasure trail and abs. I knew I was hung, and Mike had been reminding me of that fact, but damn... watching myself on the phone camera, with Mike's face leaning into lick me, I looked big.
I recorded Daddy Mike slow teasing my prick then taking me into his talented mouth. You could even see the Bears game in the background as I started to get a blowjob. It was hard to hold the phone steady as Mike went further down on me, but I did my best.
It was four minutes of glorious head. Thankfully our fuck earlier had taken the edge off and I could enjoy the silky wet sensations of his mouth and throat working me up and down as well as the thrill of seeing him struggle to deep throat me at one point.
He finally pulled off and let my big cock slip out wet between his lips. "OK, kiddo..." he said. "You can turn it off."
I nodded and Mike gingerly slipped my shorts back on, tucking my hard dong back into its diagonal position and patting my thigh before standing up. "Save the rest till later?" he asked.
"Yeah," I nodded enthusiastically. "That was hot," I said.
"I'm glad fella," he said looking down on me. "Gonna go piss.... need anything?"
I wondered if I should ask for another beer, but I was still working on the second and didn't want to get too drunk. We had more sex ahead and I really wanted to enjoy it to it's fullest. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks."
Halfway through the third quarter, I felt my phone buzz. It was a text from Connor.
"Hey Jase. Date was a fucking bust. Stay out as long as you like. Sorry I was an ass earlier."
I smiled. Me and my brother could butt heads sometimes but we could also be tight as good buds, too.
I looked over at Mike, who was engrossed in a challenged ref call. I thought of what he'd said earlier. It was a crazy idea, but deep down I knew it would be a blast if Connor went for it.
"If you feel like coming over, I'm sure Mike could take care of you," I typed.
"Ha, that'd be weird," Connor wrote. The tough thing about text is you can't always tell what someone is thinking.
"Maybe. But hot," I typed. I realized now how invested I was in this fantasy of having a threesome with Connor. Even if we fucked Mike separately, I wanted to fuck on my big brother's spunk again, like that first afternoon in the house.
"Jesus." Connor typed. Then, "You sure, bro?"
"Yeah, C" I wrote. "Very sure." I was boning as I typed. Maybe I was thinking with my dick, but I wanted to see this happen now.
I didn't hear back from Connor, though. Not until the 4th quarter.
"What's the address?" he typed.
I figured I should ask Mike to double check. "Hey," I said. "We you serious about my brother?"
The man was very much in that "don't bother me, I'm watching the game" mode, but I guess this question was an exception.
"Um yeah. Why do you ask, stud?"
I grinned, since I was the one with the big surprise to spring. "He's wanting to come over. Not sure what he's comfortable doing, though."
Mike smiled. Up close I could see that salt-and-pepper in his stubble. "Just as long as he doesn't mind sloppy seconds, kiddo... you let me pretty loaded up earlier."
And like that he was kissing me softly, lots of tongue, till he pulled it back and let me take charge of the kiss.
I pulled back and texted my brother the address. I was boned as fuck now. I hope I hadn't made a mistake, but Connor and I could figure it out later if it got too weird.
My brother must have been hard up and his Uber made good time, because it wasn't long before Mike's buzzer rang. I watched the beefy daddy get up and go over to answer, then let my brother up.
I stayed on the couch, trying to keep my attention to the final moments of the game, but I heard the door open and Connor's voice from the other room. "Hey," he said, half laughing, half nervous.
"Come in, bud," came Mike's deep voice. There was some whispering, then two of them walked in, Mike's paws on Connor's shoulders, half massaging the delts, half guiding him inside.
"Your brother here prefers it one-on-one time... OK with you studly?" he winked.
I nodded, daring to catch Connor's gaze. He now knew I was up for a threesome and I felt exposed in my perverse desire. His eyes though were reassuring, telling me he wasn't mad. Just uncomfortable with going all the way.
"Yeah, cool," I said, passing it off. "Have fun Connor."
"Yeah," my brother laughed. A little embarrassed. Maybe he felt weird to be angling in on his little bro's fuck date. Or maybe he didn't like me seeing that he wasn't as 100 percent straight as he maybe considered himself.
But Mike led him to the bedroom. Thank god he kept the door open. Maybe that was a gift to me, but Daddy Mike was a total exhibitionist, it didn't surprise me.
I heard more whispers, then Connor's excited sex grunts. They were taking their time but pretty soon I heard fucking. Connor's higher pitched groans and Mike's booming voice. "Fuck me, guy! Punch my guts! Yeah... right fucking there buddy.... Make Daddy proud!"
Jesus. Maybe Mike did the Dad talk with all the guys he hooked up with, but the idea that Connor had incestuous fantasies about our Dad was pretty wild.
I slipped down my shorts. I didn't out right jerk off, but I slowly massaged my huge bone, feeling the sap of my precum wet down my length.
I was so distracted I didn't hear them stop. But Mike spoke to me, his naked furry body looking magnificent, his dick standing straight up and dripping. "Hey kiddo... your big bro says it's Ok if you wanna join." Not pressuring me but offering.
I let go of my cock instantly. I could have nutted the idea was so intense. "Yeah," I answered and got up off the couch. I kicked off those Bears shorts and sauntered in, fully hard to join them.
There was a camera set up on a tripod, and another angled from the side. Fuck. I found the idea didn't bother me. Not if Connor was OK with it.
There was my big brother. Not as big as me body wise, but older and looking more collegiate. Handsome, cute, beautiful, I don't even know the right word. He forced a smile but seemed genuinely turned on by seeing me walk in. "Damn, Jase," he said. "You're a fucking porn star..."
I was used to the Daddy Mike treatment, but the ego boost from my big brother was something else. "Literally..." I laughed, nodding to the cameras.
Mike got on the bed to join my brother. "No faces, like I said fellas. And I'll let you approve before I post. But damn, a brother scene is special."
I then watched as Daddy Mike leaned over and started sucking my brother's lubed, throbbing cock.
"Oh FUCK!" Connor hissed, keeping his eyes on me. Then, "Hope you don't think less of me, bro."
I got up on the bed, lying next to Connor. Not trying to spook him or anything, but I wanted to be close to him and get a good view of him getting head. "What do you think I've been doing all weekend."
His eyes were going back from watching Mike suck him and back up to look at me. "Guess you really took to it, huh?"
I nodded. "Thanks for letting me, Connor," I said. My head inched forward, and his inched toward me too.
We were kissing. Brother on brother kiss. I didn't even know if Connor kissed guys. Maybe he didn't. But he was kissing me now. Tongue and all. It was different than Mike's kissing. Less sexual and maybe less romantic. But very skilled.
My prick jerked wildly. I didn't even know what the attraction to Connor was about, but I was very into the taboo of it.
Daddy Mike was sucking me now, pinching the base of my prick to keep me from cumming. Connor pulled back from our kiss to watch.
"You have a huge dick, Jason," he said. "Bigger than mine."
"Not by a lot," I said. "I love your cock, Connor."
He grinned. And like that we were kissing again. And Daddy Mike went back to suck Connor. Then me.
Then Mike pulled off. "Goddamn," he hissed. "Two fucking brothers," he growled.
I thought he'd go back to sucking Connor but instead he scrambled up and straddled my brother's waist, reaching back to guide the big dong into place.
"Fuck yeah!" Mike cried as Connor breached that slut hole again. By now both of us had opened up Mike's hole for business and the man didn't take long in being able to bounce up and down on a solid seven inches of Connor's meat. Then further... down to the pubes.
He looked over at me with an impish look on his face. "Wanna make Date Night complete, kiddo?" he asked.
I didn't know what he meant, and it showed on my face.
I could tell Daddy Mike was enjoying the hell out of this. Being wantonly sexual with two younger men, but also running the show. He cocked his head some. "Get back behind me and join your big brother up there."
I thought I'd cum, hands free. As it was my dick spurted out a healthy wad of milky precum. Maybe I wouldn't last in my first DP but I'd try this while the invitation stood.
I scrambled into place, feeling up Mike's strong meaty back and seeing the slight love handles from his beefiness as he wiggled his ass some on Connor's lap and then sat perfectly still. Waiting for me.
The entry was tough, but my cock was steel hard and very wet. I worked open the ring and after a half minute I was slipping inside him. Next to Connor.
"Jesus Christ!" my brother gasped. He could feel it, my prick sliding alongside his. It was tight, very tight wedged up inside Mike's guts, and it got tighter the more I pushed in.
"God fucking damn," Mike hissed. A lot of discomfort along with a clear sexual excitement. I worried now, because I couldn't see Mike's face to know when it was too much for him.
"Connor..." I said. "Tell me if I need to slow down," I said.
"Yeah," I heard my brother reply. My hands were on Mike's hips now, and I felt my brothers fingers touch over them. It was wild and hot. "Fuck him, Jase."
I did. Slow, deep. It was becoming my signature move, only Mike was feeling with two O'Brien dongs inside him at once. Double dicked, brother fucked.
The lewdness inspired me to give the best fuck I could. Fucking not only for Mike but for Connor too. I wanted my big bro know I was grown up for real.
Remarkably, even though I was doing the thrusting, Connor was the one who came first. "Oh Christ," he hissed loudly and I felt the slickness of my brother's seed flood around my cock. It was hot and magnificent. In a fucked up way I loved my brother, and that realization had me shooting hard. All around Connor's prick and really fill up Mike's bowels.
The big man was now tensing in my grip and I gathered he was having his deep orgasm now. Delayed from earlier, Mike was now nutting super heavy. His body hot as I leaned into him and whispered in to his ear. "Go for it, Dad... come with your boys inside you..." He practically cooed when I said that.
There was no small amount of awkwardness when we unpaired, but I didn't give a fuck. I felt like a stud and a half and I wasn't in the mood to feel apologetic or hesitant for enjoying that threesome.
Mike went to wash off. It was crazy to see the confident sure bottom walk dazed and still out of it to the master bathroom.
Connor seemed quiet, almost sulky, but I gave him a playful punch to the arm. "Come on, bro... it's cool. We're just having fun, OK?"
That seemed to calm him some and he flashed me a little smile. "OK, Jason.... but not a fucking word to anyone about this, OK?"
"Chill, dude," I said. "Of course I'm not gonna tell anyone."
We got dressed and pretty soon Mike was out, slipping on those sweat pants again.
"Damn fellas... guess you should be careful what you ask for huh? You guys really worked over my ass, all right."
Connor smirked. I probably did too.
"We should go," my brother said. Looking over at me in his bossy big-bro mode. I think he thought I'd try to sleep over at Mike's.
"Well thanks for a fuck I'll remember for a long time," Mike said. Laid back as hell. I decided whoever I ended up with would need to be open about sex. Maybe not as open as Daddy Mike, but I preferred this to all the doubts I'd had over the last few years. It was a breath of fresh air.
Mike stepped up and gave Connor a soft kiss. My brother accepted it, to my surprise. Then Mike kissed me. "Enjoy the rest of your visit, Pre Frosh," he whispered. "And hit me up. Anytime."
"Yeah," I muttered, my heart pounding a little. I was a little embarrassed now for Connor to see me crush out on a man who was clearly just in it for a lay. "Thanks, Mike."
Connor and I were quiet on the Uber ride back to campus and the fraternity house. But when we settled into his room, he pulled out a bong and we got high. And he relaxed some.
"So... you into older guys, Connor?"
I shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe not exclusively, but I'd love to date one... see what it's like.... guess I have to wait for college though.... fuck!" The reality of my hometown was coming back to me. Parents. School. My team.
Connor seemed concerned. "I got your back Jason. You know that, right?"
"Thanks, Connor," I said.
It was half the pot speaking, but my brother looked handsome as fuck just then. I hoped he found a good girlfriend, he was good looking enough to be choosy.
Connor smirked. "Thanks for inviting me tonight... guess I really needed a good lay."
"Glad you were cool with it," I said. "Hope I didn't fuck things up."
He shook his head. "You've just surprised me this weekend, that's all." He took another toke, held it in and blew it out, all while keeping his eyes on me. "My fucking lacrosse jock brother," he laughed.
I laughed too.
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