#It’s basically just cartoonized reality honestly
elizakai · 7 months
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Perceive me and my sona virginity 😔
I’ve literally never drawn myself. I wish I was joking.
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radiance1 · 9 months
This idea is an off-shoot of this one.
So during the whole 'Amity Park slowly breaking into a giant ghost portal' fiasco going on, Tucker had to leave along with everyone else. He was relatively fine with Sam staying behind, he respects her wishes and all that, and she did promise to at least keep in touch with him.
When he got to his new city he... didn't really know what do to with himself, to be honest. His two friends were busy, one with whatever ghost prince stuff is happening in the Ghost Zone and the other staying behind in what used to be his hometown.
Sure, he went to school. But no one really clicked with him like his two best friends did and honestly, he was just hurrying through the day to go and call up his friends.
Of course, he did notice that something was weird. It was honestly hard not to in all honesty.
He knew that there weren't superheroes in real life when his family went on those few rare trips out of Amity Park, nor was there supposed to be any supervillains.
His theory?
Pariah Dark must have displaced them in an alternate reality or a completely different earth when their town got thrown back out of the Ghost Zone. Which might be the reason why it was breaking apart like it was.
So, what was, a highly intelligent lonely kid who's two best friends are ghost royalty and an allogene in training of who he thinks might be a forgotten plant deity, to do when faced with a whole new world of Superheroes and Supervillains?
Know the saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do?
Yea he basically did that.
Of course, he had to keep it from his parents, cause they obviously wouldn't want their child to participate in the bloody scene that is the Super world. But he, honestly, did not care about getting hurt or any of the likes.
He already had multiple programs infest the city to let him into, virtually anywhere besides a few select buildings that proved either too tough, too annoying, or just not worth it to hack into. He kept in touch with the Fentons, snagging a few of their genius designs that he knew they would most likely leave to rot and overall just being friendly with.
He had a few designs of his own, too, that he was working on in his lab/room. Few of them being miny spider robots, rats, flies and the occasional bird that he decided to use for surveillance or tracking purposes.
When he was done with all his preparations, he had to figure out how to make his first grand entrance to the super scene, and what his grand 'goal' would be.
You might think he would be a hero, but honestly. He wants to be a villain.
He was having trouble with it honestly, what kind of villain he would be, his persona, goals and what-not. Until he saw one of those old-timey cartoons on accident and decided that was what he wanted to be.
So, he used his program to broadcast everywhere over the city- masking his voice and appearance, obviously- and announced that he was going to take over this city, and then, the world! Firstly, starting with kidnaping the high society members in this very city to hold for ransom and if they wanted them back and without harm, then they best act quickly!
Said high society members unfortunately included the civilian personas of a few members of the Justice League.
And that is how the Justice League became a rather big, yet extremely fun, thorn in his side.
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dmbakura · 3 months
Would you say AA has this sense of thinking he /needs/ to be like Cazador, because that's "what works" and what's "safe"? Like this is who he has to be, and nothing else is viable? That's how I interpreted AA's masking (especially during his sex scene, it seems very insincere and more like what he thinks he needs to be than what he wants) and I can't really make it work with Neil's statements honestly.
I also think he's very much capable of cruelty but the way AA acts is something else entirely to me because it's so goofily a Stereotypical Cartoon Villain Big Bad Sexy Vampire which doesn't really come across as honest in the way, let's say, Gortash's antics seem honest from what we know of the character. Maybe I'm misinterpreting what masking means, idk. I'm definitely not saying it's not honest that he wants to do all that power-hungry shit and that he's secretly a pure tortured soul because that's a lame ass reading that contradicts canon but everything about how he carries himself is so uncanny and all those underlying themes of being really fucking afraid and unable to face what happened/running away from it don't lead me to believe he's living an authentic life, more like he's trapped inside himself.
I don't really see how this contradicts anything Neil said. He never says AA is Astarion's most authentic self at all, or even that he's healthy and confident, only that he stops masking with theatrical deflections.
You also have to account for the supernatural element here too. In dnd lore, most true vampires basically succumb to personality rot and become paranoid and obsessive scheming freaks. I know the 'vampire ascendant' is a new thing and bg3 plays with the lore a bit more but considering this is alluded to by Astarion AND Cazador and heavily reflected in AAs behavior, I'm willing to believe that the vampire ascendant is literally just that but on steroids. Hence the cartoonish behavior lol
Astarion's a complex character. A lot of his arc is a question about how trauma can shape a person and what remains (if anything) after they've gone through something inconceivable, and if they can move past it and reclaim an identity for themself. I don't think it's a coincidence that his background is mostly vague and we don't actually know the kind of person he was before he was turned (unlike *those* fans, I also don't believe 'corrupt magistrate' means he was 'always destined to be evil' or some nonsense like that.) So much of his character is informed by the choices made in the game and how the experiences shape his worldview. He's by far the most dynamic character in the game and people want there to be a simple answer to his character (whether that be 'he's a poor uwu baby who did nothing wrong' or 'he's always been irredeemably evil and is incapable of change') when the reality is there just isn't one.
All this to say, same as what I've been saying from the beginning, both endings for him serve a purpose. They're two sides of the same coin for his character. They are both true to Astarion and his development and they're meant to contrast in ways that make you think deeper about him and his story. They absolutely cannot be taken in a vacuum and I am just so annoyed with people not engaging with the story on this level and wanting there to be simple moral platitudes to everything because they're uncomfortable with complexity.
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Let's over analyze cartoon horses! Which princess would be the most Terrifying to have a nightmare form.
Luna is obvious, she's the original, she's Nightmare Moon. She controls the moon, darkness, and probably the dreamscape. So semi control over the mind. Honestly, probably not the most Terrifying power wise. She makes up for it in theatrics and not being afraid to holp up on threats.
Celestia and Daybreaker. Canonical version is basically just a reskin of Nightmare Moon that Starlight Glimmer made during a Nightmare. But an actual version would be worse. With power from the solar fire, daylight, and whatever else the sun and day can give her. Her powers alone make her Terrifying. She wouldn't even need the theatrics. Just her presence would be enough. Much like the sun itself. Her hair is dangerous by itself, probably being solar fire. You probably need sun screen and sun glasses to even be some what close to her. Don't look her in the eyes, you might go blind
Twilight Sparkle is the alicorn of friendship. Not very threatening sounding at first? But read the title of the show again. "Friendship is magic" she is inherently the alicorn of magic itself. She is probably one of the strongest of the alicorns, being magic itself. And magic itself corrupting would be absolutely Terrifying. Especially in a world made up of nearly nothing but magic. Would everything around her corrupt as well? Like Discord and his chaos but anything made of magic within her vicinity?
Cadence canonically is stated to be just of love, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had an affinity over all emotions and inherently the mind. She's probably very resistant to corruption, she was part of her life by Celestia and taught by her as well. So she probably learned a lot of Celestia's tricks to resistance from corruption that she learned over a thousand plus years. And just being the alicorn of mind probably gives her resistance to some degree. Can't mind trick the deity of the mind. But if she did become corrupt, she'd probably be one of the most Terrifying. She can control minds, what others feel. She wouldn't need to do much to make an army. She wouldn't need to do much to sneak into places. And she can probably easily trick others into a false sense of security because her title is of love and she's pretty and pink. She would be horrifying if corrupted. What king Sombra wished he could be. But I'm also extremely horrorified by the idea of something like mind control and/or complete loss self anatomy, so I'm probably biased
Conclusion! If you ask me Cadence. Logically probably Celestia and/or Twilight Sparkle because they might as well have a big red destroy the world button. One has the sun and the other is connected to the very fabric of reality (alicorn magic)
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literary-illuminati · 2 months
2024 Book Review #10 – The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik
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I read A Deadly Education last year and quite enjoyed it (and Novik’s unrelated Spinning Silver is just one of my favourite low fantasy books full stop so she has quite a bit of my trust), so I finally got around to putting in a hold request for the sequel. Broadening your horizons and reading outside your comfort zone means swimming through 400 pages of YA a couple times a year, right? Anyway, despite only barely remembering who anyone but El and Orion were when I went into this, was a fun read!
The book picks up more or less directly where A Deadly Education stops – with the horrible murderous monster-infested extradimensional wizard high school’s cleansing machinery repaired for the first time in generations, and the place therefor incredibly less monster-infested than previously. El, prophesied future dark lady of the apocalypse with a savant’s talent for specifically the sort of magic you cast after cackling and before someone puts a sword in you, doesn’t get to enjoy that much – her senior year seems destined to be spent being the target of just about every monster that’s left. Eventually you really have to wonder if the school is trying to kill you – and that question is where the plot really starts to go off.
So I said it before, but this is very much YA. I don’t mean that as an insult, or even a marker of quality, just that it’s a book from the perspective of a 17 year old looking down the end of high school and clearly written to provide a relatable emotional reality for an assumed audience of the same. So El sometimes acts like a cartoon character, and is pathologically incapable of expressing her emotions coherently or expressing affection for the guy she likes in any sane manner, and is far more blase about murder attempts and soul-eating monsters than emotionally awkward conversations – but honestly all that just rings as pretty true to life. Deeply aggravating at times, and her internal monologue and all its snark and doublethink does occasionally grate a bit, but overall it really works. She’s just a fun character to spend time in the head of, (and far less irritating in basically every way than she was in the last book. So hey, maturity!).
The emotional beats were all pretty simple and clearly telegraphed, and it isn’t exactly a book that requires you to sit down and ponder deep symbolism or metaphor to comprehend, but the pacing is tight and it’s very readable. The prose isn’t really anything to write home about – especially knowing what Novik can do when she decides to get fancy and show off a bit – but it very clear and just dripping with El’s personality on every page. I read this at the same time as I was picking through an incredibly dense and citation-heavy historical reader, and the contrast made me very appreciative of those virtues.
Character-wise – well, there’s El, and Orion (love interest, single-minded and near divinely-ordained monster hunter, golden boy of the most powerful enclave in the world), and there’s El’s few close friends, and then there’s a cast of dozens of students with maybe one memorable character trait who kind of drift in and out of the narrative as required. The amount of nuance and exploration someone gets drops off dramatically with each step down the list you go. Most of the cast shows up precisely when required and is more or less forgotten about directly afterwards – which does sell this being a school with over a thousand students in it! But the number of characters who really feel real drops off pretty rapidly.
(Also like, I assume it just comes down to social progress in the 2010s coming at you fast, but you really get the sense that at some point between the books getting written the publishers sent down a memo that you were allowed to say queer people existed now.)
Even more than Deadly Education, this is a book without any sort of singular villain, or even really any consistent antagonists. Some of the other students are assholes, sure, but the book’s whole thesis is that no one is that murderous or awful for the sake of it – they are because they’re rats in a cage, convinced that amoral self-interest and husbanding and acquiring every resource they can is the only hope they have of maybe living to see their families again. Offered a chance to do good, to actually change things for the better and help everyone without getting themselves killed in the process, just about everyone takes it. Even the semi-intelligent school itself gets in on it by the end, pressing the senior class to figure something out and make it obsolete – and the whole conflict of the final act is how and whether everyone will.
El and Orion can both kill basically arbitrarily large numbers of monsters (or people), so the monster-killing is never really where the book finds its drama either. I mean, both do a lot of it through the climax, but the actual tension mostly comes down to crowd management and logistics and whether everyone else is as committed to this as the two of them are.
As for what they’re struggling against – so like, this isn’t Divergent, by the standards of the YA I read in high school, the social commentary is both subtle and nuanced. But I mean, it’s also a story where highschool is four years or murder-hell-prison and justified only because it’s barely the lesser of two evils, and also a story where the poor and marginalized are only kept around more-or-less explicitly as ablative bodies for the kids the powers that be care about, with their only hope of good life being so impressive and useful to those kids that they try to bring them along when they ascend back up to the gilded paradise that is their birthright. So like, not that subtle.
As far as teenage romances go (which, for me, really isn’t very fair at all), El and Orion’s was surprisingly tolerable. It helps that they’re both actually deeply profoundly weird about it, and also that the book didn’t try to milk any drama out of will-they/won’t-they stuff or a love triangle. The ‘and they have sex for the first time the night before the final climactic struggle where one or both of them could very well die’ did feel right out of an old bioware game, though. (Also I’m just a sucker for tragedy and ironic mirroring/repetition, so the ending was great for me).
Look forward to finishing the series whenever I get around to it sometime in the fall.
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lonesplashy · 7 months
Ok I see ppl on Tumblr talking Abt how much they liked the final episodes but honestly I was severely underwhelmed by the fionna and cake ending. If you don't want to see me just list out everything I like and dislike and why according to my arbitrary personal preferences scroll now.
The second half of the fight with scabby was meh and repetitive. At least the gumlee was cute. Fionna is still the bestest even if her final fight kinda sucked. I love her dearly and I hope she is living her best life.
The lack of Ooo Marceline in the end was literally so disappointing too I wish we could've seen her again at SOME point.
And just in general the ending felt really rushed, I feel like if they had some more episodes to work with it would've been a lot smoother.
Simons pov was just so severely underwhelming, it just felt like filler to me.
I literally didn't care if it was going to be happy or sad ending for Simon as long as it made me feel things like the last couple of episodes did but it just felt totally flat. It didn't really feel like an ending at all. I wouldn't even mind the breakup angle they took under normal circumstances if it wasn't for the fact he like. Literally spent 12 years basically being in a constant mental breakdown, and a thousand years before that subconsciously searching for her, and her literally driving herself to insanity and becoming golb to keep him safe, but wow suddenly everything's chill cuz he played a video game. Ok. Simon just realized that whoops he didn't always take Betty's feelings into account and they parted ways.
I liked the golbetty in the bus and the golbetty statue. I could bs something about them going their separate ways on a journey the other can't go on and insert trigun quote here about how the ticket to the future is always blank but I just really like golbetty. She's great shes monsterous she's perfect.
Just in general Simon and Betty felt off to me during the final episodes, I can't really put my finger on it but they just felt weird. I'm sure Betty's been doing a lot of thinking in the void and all but it still fell to the left of them I think. The whole time I was watching I was just like. Hm.
Edit: got it. Betty has always been wanting to keep Simon thinking about her. Always. With AI Betty head she flat out said "I knew it would drive you crazy but at least you'd always be thinking about me" and it's like a core thing she does stuff for the Dramatics. While you can argue she's been doing a lot of thinking in the void and matured because of it she's also been a goddess of CHAOS. If anything she's gonna go more loony rather than more mature.
Not to sound like a doomed crazy yuri enthusiast but there are literally no normal or healthy actions you can take after literally becoming a god for someone.
Maybe I'm just too committed to the bit but I'm a solid believer that if you start a weird fucked up path you gotta end on a weird fucked up note. Although the severe disappointment of nothing happening is probably the most fucked up thing they could do to me.
Ik it's supposed to be some sometimes life doesn't give you a tidy ending stuff but also this is fiction I get enough fuck yous like this from reality and ignored job applications I want my fuck yous from fiction to be not sadly vague. Or at least better written.
At least Simon's in therapy. About time.
And the little emoticons he's using in his phone. :)
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Do feel free to put your own opinions in on whether you liked or disliked the ending just play nice 🤙
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aannonn · 6 months
a lil' headcanon of mine that I couldn't include in my last post...
Welp- At the same time this is a headcanon, this is also a lil' analysis of how the drawn StickFigures are pretty different compared to the StickCity StickFigures when u think about it...
Okayyy... Almost this whole thing is just me rambling about it.... So let's start-1!
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Honestly.. I was thinking about the ColorGang's ages yesterday at night and- A thought suddenly crossed my head;
"What if the StickFigures that are drawn in art programs don't have ages?"
aand I know that sounds crazy but- bear with me
We all know that The Second Coming and the RYGB were never kids, right..? Like- They didn't come from a mother.. They never had a mother in the first place. Much less a father.
The Second Coming (and the other HollowHeads that Alan created) was drawn while the RYGB came from an site; They never were actually born, they were just created. (Does that make sense? lol)
And, even after many years have passed ever since their creation.. They still look the absolute same. Because drawings do not grow up like normal human beings would. They are drawings.
Unlike with Purple and Gold; They both were kids at some moment in their lifes. They both had a mother and a father. They both had lives the moment they were born.
While with the StickFigures.. They are simply drawings who came to life.
They never grew up, because there was nothing to grow up. They don't have ages, as they were never newborns to start a life-long.
They were never kids, teens, adults- Or anything like that. Once again, they are drawings.
This proves that; The drawn StickFigures are pretty different from the StickCity StickFigures, even though they are all StickFigures.
While the StickCity StickFigures did went through all the stages of life; ChildHood, TeenHood, AdultHood, then Old-AgeHood (idk what else to call it lol), the drawn StickFigures didn't.
They never had a life to begin with, they just came to life somehow. But in reality, they don't really have a life where they will go through old-age. The only thing that can make them disappear from existence itself is if all of their files are permanently deleted.
The only thing that can make them change is if the artist changes something in their design. Otherwise, they will remain the same.
They aren't younger nor older; They are drawings, and they are how old they are ever since their creation.
Nine(9) years have passed ever since Second's creation, which means that he's nine(9) years old, right? The Second Coming is a drawings that is now currently nine(9) years old.
Does that mean that Second is supposed to actually be a nine(9) years old? No.
Nine(9) is how old he is ever since he was created. Nine(9) years of him existing doesn't determine his actual age, but rather his age of creation and existence.
Thing is; None of the drawn StickFigures are actually meant to have ages. They can be a hundred years old but that still will change absolutely nothing. Because they are drawings, and drawings do not grow up or go through all the stages of life.
Maaaaanyyyyy years may have passed and they will still remain the same.
However; As much as drawings do not have an actual age, it is up to us (and the creator) to imagine them with ages if we wish for them to have ages.
It's like- An cartoon character, you know? A cartoon character is just a drawing that is animated in a way that it makes it seems like it's alive, when in reality it isn't.
A cartoon character will be how old it is ever since their creation, but it's also up to the creator of the character to determine how old the creator wishes the character to be.
Like- For example;
Rainbow Dash can just be eleven(11) years old ever since her creation, since she was created in 2003, but does that mean that she's actually eleven(11)? No.
The creator said that she's in her adult years, even though Rainbow Dash was created only eleven(11) years ago and, therefore, is eleven(11) years old.
So basically; A drawing do not have an determined age, so it is up for own interpretation.
So another basically; My headcanon is that the ColorGang (+ The HollowHeads sticks created by Alan) do not have ages, so they aren't actually kids, but they like to think they are around 9-13 years old, since being around 10-13 years old is how Alan views them, while being around 9-10 is how old they are ever since their creation.
So yea- That's my headcanon. And lil' analysis. Hope you didn't get too confused about it! ;')
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Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya u all in my next post! <3
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kingboohoo37 · 4 months
I'M BACK... at least I try to post more often. Streams will also come more regularly (surely...).
I'm slowly getting back to work so my time is still very limited. I thought this was a good time to bring back my random rants about fandoms since I just revisited an old classic from my childhood.
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YEP we're talking about Kim Possible one of the most ludicrous fictional universes I've ever seen... In a good way!
First up: This show is FUDGING 22 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR... I'm really getting old...
The funny part about that is it was made during the peak of the 2000s... and you really notice that. The language that most teenagers use in this show is so stereotypical for that time it feels so nostalgic even watching it XD
Anyway, let's get the obvious out of the way. I know this is supposed to be a kids cartoon and I know that I'm an adult man but that doesn't stop me from watching it.
So, why is this show so great?
Good question! Its primary charm probably comes from its simple comedic attitude of telling a story.
The characters are so ridiculous that you should never be able to take this show seriously simply because most of their actions or the situations around them don't even make sense. This show just requires you to take in its vibe and go with the flow. I mean... a teenager knowing 16 forms of Kung Fu and saving the world on any given occasion is nothing that can possibly make sense. Don't forget: "Anything's possible for a Possible!"
Let's get into the characters:
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Kim is your basic teenage girl, and she's here to save the world. You can't stop her 'cause...
Okay I'll stop xD
Apart from her being an ass-kicking girl boss, her main character traits are kinda the things you expect from a main character. She saves the world out of sheer will to stick to her morals. In short: she wants to help people. That obviously doesn't always work out and she sometimes ends up judging people by what they are instead of who they are. On top of that, she gets jealous easily.
BUT she is brave, smart, and makes usually good choices in the heat of the moment (except when it comes to love xD), and is otherwise very mature for her age.
Well... the opening song didn't lie. She really is your basic teenage girl. That doesn't mean she isn't cool xD
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Well, obviously I can't end it without talking about the man and his very smart and hungry naked little friend.
What makes this show so funny is well... its ability to deliver comedy simply by a character existing and Ron Stoppable plays a big part in that.
He is pretty much a normal guy who just happens to be Kim's childhood friend and later somehow steals her heart xD
He is an absolute doofus. He is silly and rarely takes anything seriously. He is also lazy and loves his favorite junk food joint Bueno Nacho.
Despite all that he still cares for his friends, his naked mole rat Rufus, and usually learns a very important lesson after an episode.
He accompanies Kim on pretty much every mission and is usually more of a hindrance than a help. Despite all that Kim still loves him in her own way. And he also saves the day a couple of times, so it's not like he is a complete slob.
Rufus is just the cherry on top. Both of these guys are hilarious and I was honestly surprised by how much I laughed watching this show.
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I could go on and on but I'm gonna try to finish up this post here before it gets too long xD
Even though every episode has kind of a similar structure, it never gets boring. The villains, the side characters... all of them add something very unique to the table. You just throw some characters together and boom the story kind of writes itself XD
Season 4 was my absolute favorite part of the show since guess what ... that was when Kim and Ron started dating and BOY DO THEY MAKE A CUTE COUPLE.
Ahem... anyways. I do not regret watching all 87 episodes in the last 2-3 weeks. If you're looking for a comfortable. goofy and funny way to escape reality for a moment I can only recommend this old classic.
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I'm bringing this back around for reasons
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Consider this a Gargoyle Ingo masterpost for now until I get around to actually organizing anything I make
If y'all wondering where this thought originated from, you can look to this art post I made last year (will edit later off mobile) https://www.tumblr.com/samdragons-official-art/701409263045787648/i-do-not-control-the-hyperfixations-they-control?source=share
Gargoyle Ingo started when I entered into two different fandoms at relatively the same time: obviously submas as a whole, and the cartoon series Gargoyles. My sister got me the entire DVD collection as part of a Christmas and birthday gift, and I got PLA soon after. And honestly, with how crazy things get in the Gargoyles universe, everything I'll say here would likely just be another regular Tuesday for the characters.
Basics of the au:
•Akari reminds Arceus that Ingo shouldn't be in Hisui and asks to send the train man home. Unfortunately, this is another au where Arceus has terrible aim and yeets Ingo into New York in the 80's, in a reality where creatures like the fae and Gargoyles exist, hidden away from human knowledge
•Lots of fights between the fae and the Manhatten clan of gargoyles have left the area saturated with fae magic.
•Ingo immediately comes into contact with said magic and gets turned into a gargoyle. Train man now has to deal with not only being in the wrong time and place, but also the wrong body
•He gets found and brought in by the Manhattan clan through their human friend Eliza and attempts to adjust (he is a scared, confused, and bewildered lil train man)
•Come sunrise, while the regular gargoyles freeze into sleeping statues, Ingo turns back into a human. He remains human while the sun is up, and becomes a gargoyle again when it goes down (There are characters who do this in the show, so really, Ingo is not the first guy to do this)
•During the day, Eliza helps Ingo navigate the city and look for leads to get back home
•At night, Ingo just tries his best to stay out of trouble. Which is nigh impossible as he is a magnet for trouble
•Also one sneasel hitched a ride with him to the Gargoyle world. His name is Pecha due to a pecha berry shaped birthmark on his back. He causes the majority of trouble that Ingo finds himself in every night
•Eventually, Akari finds out that Arceus missed with the yeetening, teams up with Emmet, and tells Arceus to yeet them over as well
•Haven't decided if they get creechure treatment too or not. I think it would be funnier if they didn't tbh
•The au overall deals with themes of body disphoria on Ingo's part, but is also meant to have a heavy dose of comedy thrown in as well (I am physically incapable of not writing humor in anything I make)
•Gargoyles itself deals with many dark themes throughout the show, while accidentally falling into humor with just how outlandish some of the plots can be (I truly love them for that, though)
•I have a wip fic that I more or less forgot about until recently. I will only share it with folks I deem as friends who ask me
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(Ref for gargle Ingo I made on the left, and official Gargoyles art from the comics on the right)
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birder-of-remnant · 9 months
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Now, I would like to introduce part 2 of my top 12 list of obscure RWBY villians! Spoilers Ahoy! Naturally, this list also contains several spoilers for the various RWBY comics, manga, games, and splinter video series. Continue at your own peril! Starting with number 6 and working our way down to number 1.
6. Dr. Merlot - Honestly, I am a little surprised that I am placing Dr. Merlot this high on the list. If Hei Xiong is your standard mob boss-type villian, than Dr. Merlot is your poster child mad scientist. Basically like Arthur Watts, if Arthur was a flat Saturday morning cartoon villain. Stereotypical or not, he is still an entertaining villain in the game 'Grimm Eclipse' (as well as in the 'Combat Ready' board game). He even received the honor of having his own theme song, courtesy of Jeff and Casey Williams.
5. Master - This is perhaps the strangest entry on this list. The honorific of 'villain' is also a bit of a stretch. This one comes from Ruby's Anthology manga. In this manga, a mysterious red-cloaked figure begins causing mischief around Beacon. Stealing people's weapons, beating up upper classmen, and most grievously, ruining Juane's precious comic books. Ruby decides to take preemptive action to stop this doppelganger before an angry mob can form to beat the cookies and rainbows out of her. This Ruby lookalike is actually a berserk robot that Penny had borrowed as a surprise for Ruby. Together, they vanquish this creepy monstrosity right before a an oddly smiling Weiss murders Ruby for getting her sword broken. Honestly, this whole ordeal made no sense, but was surprisingly amusing.
4. Emperor of Mistral - Faunist slavery? Check. Cultural subjugation and attacks on the arts (except for himself). Check. Warmongering to expand his power. Check. Hypocritical booger-eater? Check. In other words, a real bog-sucking meanie-head. Dare I go on? He is only mentioned during the 'World of Remnant' series and so little is known about him other than for these charming traits. Still, I will place him at number 4 due to how well he fits the bill as an obscure villain.
3. The Warrior - An enigmatic servant of Salem, this villain is cut straight out of the 'Fairy Tales of Remnant'. In the story, 'The Infinite Man,' a group of people rally around a hero who is said to reincarnate. This group becomes 'The Circle,' an organization determined to protect humanity from the Grimm and bring peace to the land. And just like the Huntsman Academies that would serve the same role in the future, this society inevitably falls into ruin. The Warrior invades The Circle and challenges the Infinite Man to a battle. Through the ferocity of their fight, great damage is done to the town and The Infinite Man worries that nothing will be left if he continues the fight. This was his last and gravest mistake in that life. After forfeiting his life, The Warrior breaks her promise and kills nearly everyone. There are morals to this tale. But for those, you should read the book.
2. System No. XX - What do you get when you cross GLaDOS from Portal with Ellen DeGeneres (idk, she was the first witty person who came to mind)? This entertainingly psycho computer from the game 'Blaze Blue: Cross Tag Battle'. In it, warriors from four different universes (BlazBlue, Persona 4: Arena, Under Night In-Birth, and of course, RWBY) are trapped in a separate reality and forced to compete for survival in this comedic fighter game. I honestly have no interest in figher games. But the constant humor and surprisingly on-character dialogue from Team RWBY make the game surprisingly entertaining. I also just like how they were still students at the time they were abducted but are still able to kick butt against people like Ragna. ANYWAYS, System No. XX might be manipulative and cutthroat, but they sure know how to bring some levity to survival situations. Combine that with the RWBY-specific ending and they have landed on the number 2 spot for me (banner photo for this post is of Ruby fighting No. XX from this game). Definitely cut from a different circuit board than Penny, at least on the whole enslaving human souls' front.
The Crown - Those of you who have read the RWBY books will know what I am talking about. And those of you who haven't should be reading those books right now instead of this boring blog post. Or even better, listening to it. Following the happenings of Team CFVY after the Fall of Beacon, these books (excluding Roman Holiday) are wrapped up in a conspiracy brewing in Vacou over a mysterious group of people known as The Crown. I will not delve into it hear less I spoil the story, so I encourage any RWBY fan reading this to check it out for themselves. While the events in this book take place in Vacou between volumes 4 and 8, I doubt that Volume 10 will make many references to these events to avoid confusing the 99% of people who have not read these stories. But, I hope they add some easter eggs in at least! But first, we need to Greenlight Volume 10!
For the three of you who were bored enough to read this blog post, thank you! I am done rambling now, goodbye.
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woomycritiques543 · 11 months
People cry and scream about people critiqueing HB or Hazbin for any reason whatsoever-
As if people were dogpilling a “real” person and they were “defending” them or feeling exhausted and sad that so many people are “unjustifyngly hateful” towards a real person by constantly sending bad faith criticism towards them-
When Hazbin and Helluva Boss characters….
So if people want to say “Stolas is a bad person!” or “HB should have been written better” is that some “harassment you need to fight against!”?
No, because Stolas is NOT REAL!
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He’s fictional, he’s a drawing with directions written by a person on a laptop! People are allowed to supposedly “dogpile” a cartoon show with fictional characters by pointing out plot issues to help themselves or other writers improve so they can try to write well-
Because that cartoon- is NOT A PERSON!
It’s a drawing on a piece of paper!
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So do people need to go private as if they were wanting to dogpile a real person with insults and harassment? No, because in reality, those people are talking about not some human being they shouldn’t dogpile, but making a critique about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!
It’s so fucking funny, because people will be saying mostly non-hateful critique while people in Hazbin or HB’s fandom will dogpile people with comments like “YOU NEVER DESERVED YOUR FOLLOWERS!” or “YOU’RE A [insert ableist comment here] or will be posting about how “criticism is bad don’t hawass my blorbos!”…. as a criticism post, towards the criticism… which is still criticism. Which makes said posts a complete waste of time, because it’s not even something important to talk about it’s just some random people disliking a cartoon clown! You really can just block and move on, hell, if anything causes you genuine distress- move on, dont harass people over material things such as “but I like this character!” or “it’s my favorite show!” or it just comes off as being selfish.
Being able to handle any different opinion at all is called being an adult. I swear these people wouldnt have been able to survive being one of the creators critiqued for the Sonic movie trailer.
-and you know what happened with that trailer?
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People saw it. critiqued it. clowned on a fictional character, gave him redesigns: aka the exact thing the non-stans have been doing with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss since day one!
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-and instead of pitching a fit about these people being "HATERS!" to "GO WATCH SOMETHING ELSE!" or "GOOD WRITERS DONT CRITICIZE OTHER WRITERS OWO!" the creators accepted the criticism, and gave movie sonic a redesign! The sonic movie improved and became 100+ million dollar hit! In fact, the film got 100+ viewers and made even more money in it's sequel!
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While Vivziepop is slowly losing large sums of money because she lets her fans harass people over SIMPLE criticism. Same for her accociated that do the same. -and though the softcore porn will still bring in viewers temporarily, eventually they get bored of it due to the badly written plot and lack of plot direction and world building... and move onto Pornhub. In 9 days, the last episode had over 13 million, while for this episode, it has only 8 million and got only 1 million in a 6+ hours while episode 3 got FIVE MILLION in about six hours!
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While anyone who just wanted a plot moves on immediatly after seeing just ONE episode, which is why HB has been losing over 9 mil viewers since day ONE! It’s just now noticeable because season two is causing them to lose viewers even FASTER and the losses have now added up a TON! Over 30 mil!, so you know what harassing people over basic feedback does? It makes you lose respect-
So you either be a decent human to your fans, or you lose a dime!
It’s not kindergarten where you can cry about a kid liking the blur crayon and not the one you have, and it still be acceptable behavior. You’re an adult, most of you are even nearing your thirties yet here you are, excusing transphobia, ableism, and using whether people like a cartoon or not to fuel your bigotry and use that as a chance to harass them, or sending dogpiling or death threats over any critique at all. You cant force someone to like something, that’s just being a hateful asshole, not a “positive and nice fan!” when you’re bashing your keyboard with dogpilling and slurs towards random people you’ve never even met before.
Saying critique out of good faith and love for a show or to help other writers doesn’t make you a “hater” for doing it. A “hater” is being-
-as in dogpiling, harassment through public slander, and threatening people, aka what the standom has been doing since day one:
Being a HATER!
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kharmii · 19 days
now that these reports come out about the truth of everything messed up, shi**y and sinister going on in the trans community gibes me hope that we're witnessing the beginning of the end of this madness and lunacy.
I've seen posts of people being upset about these reports not realizing the people wanting to help and save these people... but I guess you don't want to be saved if you have a "freedom to do everything without consequences" card to be revoked from you... Honestly I'm torn... I feel sorry for all the people pressured into this shitty mess but I can't say I feel too sorry for the people abusing their newfound power and harrass anyone with opposing views...
My hope that once I'm an old lady people look back at this time and think: "WTH was wrong with these people???" has chances of becoming a reality and it gives me comfort...
What needs to happen, -and what eventually will happen- is that there will be hordes of adult survivors who will give testimonies of how they were manipulated into mutilating and sterilizing themselves at a vulnerable age. They wouldn't have had the emotional maturity to be given that sort of agency. People need to wait until they are adults to vote or buy alcohol, but they can chemically sterilize themselves before puberty? They can take drugs that will disintegrate their bone structure and set them up for cancer at an early age because it's super trendy on Tumblr?
Side note: I'm surprised someone hasn't told me personally that I should be arrested for saying such things. That's what they are doing to JK Rowling right now. I keep seeing all the posts here on Tumblr smearing her and basically calling her a criminal because her opinions on biological reality challenge the world views of the militant left delusional narcissists who have to destroy all non-believers. -Like really? She is considered a threat to you people because she doesn't believe, say, a female cosplayer with XY chromosomes is really a woman? -And you think her life and career should be destroyed over this?
Same with those people on the Volo Nation Discord who had a member recently do a plug where they wrote: "Bans are not issued based on what someone draws or writes outside of the server save for extreme circumstances or bigotry (but I'm not gonna vet every newcomer). Your actions within the server are more important." Hello, but didn't you people discuss me in a private channel and throw me out, even though I was a committed lurker and never contributed anything? Were you that petty and narcissistic you saw my opinions as a threat on a forum devoted to simping over a fictional blonde cartoon character?
Here's a hint. Being clannish little twats in whisper networks is a very feminine stereotype, even though a lot of people in fandom fancy themselves as being masculine. That's not to say most women are actually like that. Perceiving females as being cliquey and gossipy is actually a product of culture misogyny. Woman-haters will base all our characters on the actions of the worst, just because they are often the most vocal and vicious. Anybody with a desire to fight against the patriarchy could try doing better. To be fair though, it is considered masculine to want to murder people and stomp their heads into the ground, which is something the radical left has always proven good at throughout history.
Secular progressivism: The cause of more death and misery than all religious wars combined.
Transgender movement: High casualty modern human sacrifice.
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gen-is-gone · 2 years
I've been deeply stuck on that post talking about certain groups of young people on (I think it was) twitter insisting that it's inappropriate to masturbate to the thought of someone without their permission. This is a little wild and all over the place, but bear with me.
People generally followed the logical conclusion to that horrible but of discourse down one path, which was that obviously, it's way creepier ask friends, acquaintances, and strangers for permission to jerk it to them, than it is to just do it and never speak of it, but I think that maybe misses the point, which is: yeah, they know it's inappropriate ask someone you're not in a pre-established sexual relationship with if it's okay to think of them while masturbating. The point is that they think that masturbating under most circumstances is wrong and inappropriate anyways. Or rather, that it's fine to masturbate, probably, but *thinking* about the wrong things or people (read: *most* things and people) is wrong. And it's all, again and always, the christofascism.
See, this is the thing with a lot, a huge amount of radfem sex-negative ideology and why it's so frustratingly easy for them to recruit under that theme: it's what a lot of young americans believe anyway. Sex-negativity and general hatred of non-normative (or honestly even pretty damn normative) sex practices slots comfortably into place within the mindset of people raised by white american christianity because it requires absolutely no adjustment of one's bedrock moral values. If you grow up in an american christofascist cult, as a lot of americans do, you are generally taught to believe that sex is almost always wrong and inappropriate, that it's uniquely damaging, and that it will, if not treated with caution, leave lasting moral taint. The whole current anti/purity/moral panic bullshit as it's manifesting in generally non-straight, generally leftist, most quite young online spaces, centers around the same basic conceit only with different set dressing, ie, sex is almost always wrong and inappropriate, that it's uniquely damaging, and that it will, if not treated with caution, leave lasting traumatic scars. Protestantism in a gay hat, yes we've all seen it, etc. A lot of folks only realize how damaging the beliefs they were raised with are when they realize they are marginalized by those beliefs, especially non-straight, non-cis folks. So when it comes to something like masturbation, sure, you don't belive in white american christianity, it's not a sin to rub one out, but. But.
Live action, filmed porn is inherently exploitative and no sex work could ever be truly ethical, also porn rots your brain and leads to addiction and an inability to distinguish real sex from porn/fiction from reality. Erotic art, cartoons, and hentai are bad becauce they are exaggerated and anatomically improbable and again lead to an inability to distinguish fiction/porn from reality. Wanking to the thought of celebrities is wrong because you don't know them or have access to them and thus they cannot consent to your sexual fantasies about them. Wanking to the thought of friends and acquaintances is wrong because even though you do have access to them, by asking for their consent to feature in your sexual fantasies, you have already nonconsensually involved them in said fantasies. (And like, yeah, that one i think we can all agree with, that asking people for permission to masturbate to the thought of them *is* nonconsensually involving them in your sexual fantasies, but note the Catch-22 there). The end result is that the range of permissable sexual fantasies becomes so narrow as to be functionally nonexistent. In other words, masturbation is wrong and inappropriate, uniquely damaging, and will, if not treated with caution, leave lasting moral taint *and/or* traumatic scars not just on you, but on anyone you fantasize about. And at the root of this, left unexamined because white american christianity best prefers to exist as the unquestionable default, is the idea that your thoughts themselves can be morally wrong,and that thinking the wrong things, regardless of whether you act on those thoughts, will make you a bad person. These young people agonizing over perfectly normal desires and wildly expanding the boundaries of any one person's right to consent, still believe in thought crime, that they'll be surveilled, judged, and punished for thinking bad thoughts/things, except instead god doing the surveilling, it's a panopticon of their own built up terror and anxieties.
And like the thing is, I imagine for the vast majority of these folks, all of this is happening well-below conscious thought, in the realm of, again, unexamined bedrock belief. They don't have to examine it, because it fits so easily already.
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malaismere · 2 years
thinking about 4-sided dive and Taliesin talking about Bells Hells being npcs and like...
Reality itself works so different for PCs and NPCs. There’s the obvious class level things but also like. Death saves are a PC thing - it’s an optional rule for NPCs and honestly not widely used. Unless they’re the big bad, or it’s specified nonlethal, basically anyone the main characters knock to 0 is instantly dead, whereas you usually have to work to kill a PC permanently.
There are a lot of fallacies that dnd parties tend to fall into as they get higher levels and less attached to the world. Getting super rich and just giving away gold like it’s nothing when it’s a full days labor. Expecting to find high level magic items for sale in backwater towns or get someone to cast spells for them. Being surprised that the random townie they hit has <5 hp.
Main Characters get to live in the cartoon logic world where they can get stabbed in the gut and be better with a good nights rest, versus everyone else living in this grimdark world where all of these attacks cause serious, permanent injuries, and even if they do get brought up from 0 they’ve got months of recovery.
Every other member of the Bells Hells has either always been close enough to Adventurers that they got caught in the bubble (Orym, FCG) or have been weird long enough they forgot it’s not normal (Chetney, Laudna, Imogen) if they ever knew (Fearne). But Ashton? Ashton feels like they still view the world the way they did as an npc thug.
Of course you run and leave people behind. The only healing you have is potions, and once someone’s down chances are even that won’t bring them up. What’re you gonna do with a corpse, bury it? That’s not worth a life, you leave them behind, no second thoughts...
And going from cartoon world to grimdark world is scary af, suddenly realizing what you do leaves scars - but it’s nothing compared to the reverse. Going from violence having consequences to it all being fixed in the morning. Learning that this could all have been fixed so easily but instead you were watching people be hurt - learning that it’s relatively cheap to bring people back from the dead. That’s horrifying.
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starrbar · 1 year
The insidious nature of fantis
DISCLAIMER: Awhile back, I privated my Twitter to feel safer, but it still had some things on it that I don't want to cut off people's access to. And while the Wayback Machine is absolutely incredible for what it does, I find it so agonizingly tedious to load up even one page to read. It's even worse if there's images attached, each of which I have to manually open in a new tab to see, if they load at all. So I'm taking some of my old posts and reformatting them for Tumblr. This is STRICTLY FOR DOCUMENTATION PURPOSES. Do not assume these are recent events and do not EVER harass anyone!!!
This is an oldie, but a goodie. I wrote it shortly after covering the Amphibia Attacks, and the archive in the Wayback Machine can be found here.
SUMMARY: In this thread, I dissect a single Tweet that perfectly encapsulates the way fantis often move the goal post in order to continue their façade of a moral high ground, when in reality, they are simply doing whatever they can to hurt their target of the week and maintain the vitriol against that target.
Everything below the Read More is a direct paste of that thread.
Honestly, this Tweet is a microcosm of the insidious nature of fantis and other types of control freaks.
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I'm genuinely thankful they worded it this way because their true intentions come through perfectly.
A thread~ 🧵
Disclaimer: I'm white and totally uninformed about what historical stereotype or caricature this Tweet could be referring to. But I don't need to talk about that, because that's not REALLY what this Tweet is about.
Normally, I would try to see if this claim has merit, but the foundation behind it is already disingenuous.
Raebits was being attacked entirely because they were accused of drawing nsfw of minor characters. Ofc some people dismissed the notion that aging them up matters at all. But OP acknowledged the difference specifically so they could move the goal post, because while some people are okay with aged up nsfw, those same people are still generally NOT okay with racism.
OP had to look for a new, more severe reason that Alex is "problematic". Because even considering that there's some stereotype against Taiwanese people that involves servitude, it's MUCH more likely that the cause of this combination in the artwork was, uh, I don't know,,,,
the fact that maid outfits and master/slave dynamics are VERY COMMON KINKS! 🙀
To take a vague lewd drawing of a cartoon character in a maid outfit, even if she's "serving her master", and immediately assume malice from the artist, is ridiculous given these circumstances and how VAGUE these kinks are.
If Alex had, say, a pattern of taking specifically Taiwanese or even just Asian girl characters and putting them in subservient positions like that, then yeah, I would completely understand calling them out for possibly having some unchecked degrading views about those women. But instead, OP took one drawing of really basic kinks applied to one of what, three main characters? I dunno, y'all call them the "trio". That isn't evidence of ANYTHING on its own! It's just a big reach, because the true goal of bringing it up NOW is to move the goal post.
People like OP are so desperate for their self-imposed delusions to be true, and they need to drag everyone down with them. They need to control the narrative and keep people from doubting the seriousness of their "concerns".
And I mean, that should be obvious considering how many people are blaming the artists directly for "exposing people to triggering artwork" when the ONLY person who did that was phibbyburner, the one playing "hero" for the fantis.
This is not what starting a discussion looks like. OP doesn't actually want an explanation. They want to keep the blind hatred for Alex going. And it won't stop at Alex, whether they're successfully driven entirely off Twitter or not. These people will move right on to the next target of their misdirected vitriol.
"But they were drawn as their canonical adult selves.."
"Oh. Uh.. w-well… Alex is also RACIST!! Ever think about that??"
We have to be vigilant in spotting actual progressive criticism vs. bullying cloaked in its aesthetic.
OP didn't even bother to fact-check what Alex drew and settled for an "and apparently", further showing that this is less about holding someone accountable for real actions and more about already having made up their mind that the person is bad and should be shunned. I'm willing to bet OP doesn't even care whether the characters are aged up or not. They wouldn't be creating more reasons to hate Alex if they were okay with them drawing post-timeskip nsfw. But they know "they were only adults for 3 mins!" is a less effective talking point. :/ So yeah.
TL;DR: I do not buy for one second that the person who made this Tweet did it out of any genuine concern for racism, but instead as a way to keep people rallying against the person they hate this week. And this is usually what fantis do. Keep an eye out for it.
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jeweledstone · 6 months
More vaguely Pizza Tower related bullshit with everyone’s favorite yandere twink cunt bitch god I hate him
DATE: 10/31/2023 - 11/1/2023
Oh boy, it’s that time again folks! Time for some unhinged self-insert fan fiction-esque nonsense that’d make a wattpad user shudder in fear.
So basically, more shenanigans with Pizzahead/Totino from the hit indie game Pizza Tower and his attempts to kidnap me and turn me into Peppino cause the REAL Peppino doesn’t love him back or some shit like that. For the hopelessly confused, here’s a link to the previous dream post I made regarding this particular plot point. For everyone else, click the read more for the rest of this recounting :)
So, despite my hoping he’d just give up and start stalking someone else, ya boi is still being haunted in his dreams by the cartoon pizza man. RECENTLY he’s even gone as far as BREAKING INTO MY ACTUAL HOUSE to try and abduct me (in-dream of course, not in real life lmao)
One of his more recent appearances happened in a dream I had on Halloween night that was honestly, kinda Halloween themed outta sheer coincidence.
In it, me and my family were camping (a common theme/trope in my dreams for some reason) at this national park of sorts that was famous due to this massive cave it had in it that was EXTREMELY haunted. Like, it was very common for visitors to encounter at least one ghost (or phantom as they were called in-universe) while exploring said cave. My family was stopping to visit said cave before going home when The Bastard™ showed up. I remember he had on this sorta human disguise so my parents wouldn’t recognize him (cause again, mf tried to break into my house in previous dream). He somehow convinced them to let me go in the cave alone with him, claiming we were friends or some other bullshit, and that’s when the shit show truly began.
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Now, first thing you need to know about this cave, is how massive it is. At its deepest, the cave went down to about 5000 meters (16404.2 feet for my fellow Americans) below the earth. Naturally, park guests weren’t allowed to go that deep in, you could only go about 10 meters (100 if you’re over 18) before there was some kinda blockade keeping you from going further. Aside from the obvious safety protocol stuff, another reason was because the deeper you went into the cave, the more ghosts you’d encounter, and the more aggressive said ghosts would be.
Either the ghosts or the cave itself also had these strange, reality-bending properties to it that would affect guests who stayed in the cave for a prolonged period of time. One way they liked to fuck with people was by transforming them in ways that often depended on said person’s most prominent personality trait (often causing said trait to be exaggerated as the person’s mental state changed along with thier body). Said changes were reversed once the person affected left the cave.
Guess what happened to my anxiety filled ass when they got a hold of me!
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Yep, back at it again with THIS BULLSHIT. Idk if this happened because of PH was there or what, but yeah. Now here I am, once again tf’d into Peppino against my will, trapped in a cave with someone who’s been obsessively stalking me for months now, and one wrong move away from a full blown panic attack. Said panic ended up happening when, at a really deep point in the cave, me and PH were cornered by some really large and threatening ghosts who were definitely planning on not letting us out of that cave alive.
I kinda-sorta blacked out around this part, but from what I could figure out, it was about then that Pep kinda… “took over” and beat the shit outta the ghosts (apparently killing a few some-fucking-how) before making a break outta the cave. I remember “waking up” outside the cave, having already changed back to normal.
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After that…incident… life mostly went back to normal after my family went back home, save for some supernatural entities (which were commonplace in this verse) becoming afraid of me due to the whole killing an unkillable entity thing that happened in the cave.
So that’s basically it. I haven’t really seen much of PH since then, but I know he made it outta the cave and is still out there (unfortunately). So, yeah, that’s all folks. See ya.
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