#Love Letters To Strangers
Dear Flowers at a Bus Stop,
As I gaze upon your wilted form, I am filled with many questions. Who left you here? Why were you forgotten? Your petals are soft to the touch, yet I barely dare disturb your position. Just a handful of small flowers, interwoven into a childish bouquet of sweet innocence and the simplest forms of love. You lie here abandoned-- why? Are your crushed stems symbolic of the love that was crushed in some forlorn human's heart? Were you left behind as they left behind their hopes, discarded as they themselves were cast aside?
Or were you perhaps left behind as the artist behind your arrangement finally set their hands on the true object of their affections? Is your presence here an ode to their presence elsewhere, your humble petals forgotten in favour of a love they will forever remember? You remain, wilting, but you perish happily in the knowledge that your purpose was achieved. Yes, I think I like that story better. Rest well, little flowers-- you have done great things today, and you deserve the sweet embrace of the sunlight.
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Sincerely, A Stranger
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fuckmymunson · 1 year
eddie who has a reputation to uphold, the weird and scary freak who wears chains and big metal rings and always goes on tangents about his hatred for the popular kids, not a sliver of fear or weakness in his eyes. eddie who at the same time never leaves his house without the light yellow scrunchy with daisies on it that you gave him, always on his wrist or wrapped in his hair.
eddie who’s sweet n soft on you in a way he never is with anyone else 🥹
💌 a/n: Oh god, this, this, this, this. Please, I don’t ask for much. I’m so happy to get back to writing! Hope you like it!
🪷 Check my recent poll ¡! 📌
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“I lost it” His voice sounded almost defeated, and quite inopportune.
“Eddie!” You jolted in your place, closing the light green locker door. Behind it, there he was, the big, scary, mean freak of Hawkins High. Covered from head to toe in chains, leather, ripped jeans, black, black, all black. With dark, unruly hair and a chunky rings.
But also, with puppy eyes, and a quivering lip.
“You scared the shit out of me, Eds” The frown on your pretty face made his heart jump inside his chest. You were an angel, a sight for sore eyes.
“I lost it” He repeated.
“You lost what?”
“I’m sorry” Eddie looked down, apparently now his Reeboks were the most interesting thing.
“Care to explain what is missing and why are you apologizing?” Crossing your arms over your chest, you waited, for almost three minutes.
“I lost the scrunchy you gave me” He finally admitted, like a criminal at trial.
Eddie heard you sigh, to his ears, was a sigh of disappointment. In reality, it was a sigh of relief. Only Edward Munson knew how to make a simple thing as a scrunchy into a faithful message.
“That’s it? Eddie, it’s just a hair tie” You shook your head, still not comprehending the dimensions of his problem.
“It’s not just a hair tie!” He exclaimed, now almost offended, of course only he could switch mood that easily. A few curious students looked at your way, still wondering how did an adorable piece of cotton and sunshine like you, was dating the metalhead, three-times senior freak of not only high school, but of the whole town.
“Yes it is, love. I can just give you another one, don’t worry— Look, I can give you the one I’m wearing…”
“I don’t want that one” He said, his words sounding almost like a tantrum. “I want the one you gave me on our first date, the yellow one with little sunflowers”
“Daisies, Eddie” You corrected him with a smile. Only Eddie was able to remember such a tiny detail and forget a crucial detail.
Only Eddie was able to make you feel loved, cherished and appreciated. He was so different from every other person you have dated before. He snatched your heart from the very first day and it’s been a daily occurrence for almost a year. The scary, weird freak, the person considered a devil worshipper, the mean senior who had the admirable (or idiotic) courage to stand out against others who felt like they had the right to humiliate and ridicule those who weren’t like them. Your Eddie, the one who broke a jock’s nose one time for slapping your ass walking through the halls. Your Eddie, who waited patiently until every extracurricular activities you were into were over, so he could drive you home and hold your thigh and listen to you throughout the whole ride. Your Eddie, who loved Saturday night because it meant movie night, cuddles and kisses. The mean freak who let you braid his hair, paint his nails, sew his old t-shirts.
The Eddie Munson who was scared of spiders but wasn’t scared of a hundred people crowd. The boy who initiated a food fight at the cafeteria and had to go to the nurses office because an orange hit his eye and he realized he was allergic to them. The man who every Friday made fairy tales, knight stories and evil monsters come true and walk this very earth with just his voice and his imagination at his D&D club. Your Eddie, who on your first date, dropped a chocolate milkshake on top of your white dress, forgot to fill his fuel tank, and had to push his van all the way to the nearest gas station.
That’s how the bright scrunchy ended up in his hair, in a makeshift ponytail that you made by running your delicate fingers through his tangled hair.
That was your Eddie.
Your Eddie. Yours. Yours.
“Fine, let’s go find it” You said, grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles. “Tell me what you did today…”
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Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. Thank you for reading!˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
imagine what if all the byers (or at least will and jonathan) are staying with the wheelers during the upside down apocalypse in s5. holly, being the little 6 yro that she is knowing no personal boundaries, has been snooping in mike’s room when he’s not home and found the letters he wrote to will. 
as the byers are moving into to the wheeler household, holly beams and  jumps up to hug will because she hasn’t seen him in so long ”will!” and greets her just as enthusiastically “hi holly! how are you?” still smiling she says “good! i have something for you!” will looks at her surprised “you do?” she grins ”yeah!” she starts bounding up the stairs to get whatever it is she has for him. as she gets to the top of the stairs she yells down “i found it in mike’s room!” 
mike who had been half listening whips around when he hears what holly just said. realizing what she might be referring to he yells and tries to stop her “hey! holly! wait! stay out of my room!” but its too late as holly is now coming down the stairs with a stack of envelopes in her hand and she hands them to will “see! they all have your name on them”
will takes them from her hand and looks at them confused. meanwhile, mike behind him has turned white as a ghost and started to panic as he looks at all his letters to will that are signed “love, mike” and where never meant to be sent are now in the hands of their recipient 
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ervotica · 6 months
I need rockstar Robin Buckley SO BAD. Like as in 70s-80s type rockstar and reader is this really pretty groupie and Robin can't fucking help but fuck her EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. She makes reader go boneless and dumb over her fingers and edges her before putting on the fuckign strap !!!
Anyway can you tell I'm on my period and I'm recklessly horny
my pussy just exploded.
18+ smut, wlw, rockstar!robin (she's a warning), cunnilingus, use of a strap, edging
No bc imagine.. Robin's band is on tour and generally she's not a big fan of the groupies. They all have the same lovesick, starstruck look in their eyes as they compete and vie for the rockstars' attention.
But you. You're different. A little more reserved but so obvious in your beauty. That effortless sort of beauty that exudes from your every pore; you're infectious to be around and, frankly, Robin can't get enough of you.
Sure, you've admired her from afar: her lithe arms and her mussed hair, wild where it's cropped to her chin. Her thin, long fingers that you'd know would feel so amazing inside of you. Her smudged black eyeliner and faded lipstick, worn away by kisses. Good luck kisses, she calls them, planting one on you every time she has something important and rockstarish to run off and do. Departing with a cheeky grin and a wink as she croons "Gotta have my good luck charm, babe."
She can't help it. It's your own fault for being so damn pretty. So gorgeous in the way you fall apart on her fingers and her mouth and her pretty plastic cock. It's not like you put up a fight, either. Obediently following after her as she beckons you to her hotel room late at night, as she pushes you down onto the grimy bedsheets and eats you out until you cry. Until you're trembling and sobbing and begging her to give you a break.
And she does; she brings you to the precipice over and over but never gives you that last push, that last little stretch you need to fall off the edge and into the void of bliss. She'll only let you cum if you beg her for it, all pretty, eyes red rimmed and glassy and lower lip pushed out, pouting until Robin can't help but lean down to kiss your sad face away.
That's when you've finally earned the strap- she lines herself up and watches in absolute awe as your cunt parts and flares and swallows her whole. With the sounds she makes, you'd almost think she could feel it as if the strap is a real, living extension of her own body.
And then you moan her name. A weak little "Robbie," as you beg and plead with her to let you cum over and over until your voice is hoarse and croaking; well, she can't deny you when you're that cute.
By the time she's through, she's fucked you so dumb she's not sure you even remember your own name. You're boneless and still and limp against her as you doze, plush lips parted as you breathe, fingers still loosely interlinked with her own. You know you'll be sore in the morning but it's worth it, and you'll be ready to do it all over tomorrow night.
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sidekick-hero · 3 months
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(steddie | mature | 2k | tags: established relationship, post-s4, Valentine's Day, Robin is the best, fluff | summary: Steve loves Eddie, he really, really does. He just can't say it. | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is just a four-letter word by @sal-si-puedes | AO3)
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"He probably thinks I don't love him, Robin. Which is... ridiculous. I do! I really, really do. I just can't say it." Steve is pacing around the blissfully empty Family Video Store, his hands making a mess of his hair as they run through it in frustration.
"This is so stupid. I* am* so stupid, it's just four stupid letters, even a preschooler can say it," he rambles, his eyes wild as they look at Robin. "Why am I like this, Robbie?" His voice breaks, along with his heart, at the thought of Eddie doubting Steve's feelings for him for even a second.
Robin walks over to him and grips his shoulders tightly, her blue eyes boring into his as she says in her firmest you-listen-to-me-now voice. "You're not stupid. This is my best friend you're talking about, so watch it." That earns her at least a half-smile, which counts as a victory considering Steve was already pinching his nose to hold back tears.
"I know you love him, Steve. Everyone knows it. One look at you when he's in the room, or even when you're just talking about him, is enough to know you love him. And I'm sure Eddie knows it too. He has to."
Robin's words soothe some of the fear in Steve's heart, knowing that she would tell him if she really thought he had messed up. But even though it's okay now, Eddie won't wait forever for Steve to say those three little words. No one would. Steve knows that his heart couldn't take being with Eddie, loving Eddie and telling him that, only to never hear it back from him.
"I don't know. Even if you're right, I feel like I'm losing him. That something in me is broken, and one day he'll realize that too, and then he'll leave." With an even smaller voice Steve adds: "I can't lose him, Robbie".
They don't hug very often. Robin shows her affection in many ways, but most of them aren't overly physical. That's Eddie's job, clinging to Steve like a koala most days, always touching Steve in some way, even if it's just his shoulder nudging Steve's. Robin pulling him into a tight hug now means a lot to him, but it's also a testament to the gravity of the situation.
With their arms around each other between the horror and action movie sections, Steve takes a moment to just soak in the comfort she offers. What happened at Starcourt messed them both up, caused them both more trauma than any teenager should have to deal with, but on a very selfish level, Steve can't help but be grateful that it happened. A life without Robin Buckley sounds like the greater horror to him.
After a few minutes, Robin gently pulls away from Steve to look at him. He's reluctant to let her go, even though he knows this is an even longer hug than the one she gave him when Nancy told him they weren't getting back together after defeating Vecna. She wanted to go to Boston, make a career, see the world. And Steve? Steve wanted a home, a place to belong, and someone to share that home with. They wanted different things, he realizes now.
That doesn't mean it didn't open old wounds, memories of how it felt to be rejected by her, his love for her thrown in his face like it was worthless. Bullshit.
As attuned to him and his thoughts as ever, a true testament to the fact that they share a brain cell, Robin says, "I think it's understandable that you can't say it. The last time you told someone you loved them, you were hurt, badly. Your heart is probably just trying to protect itself. Like a kid who touched a hot stove and got burned wouldn't touch another stove, you know?"
Steve nods, because in a way it makes sense. It just doesn't help him to know.
"But what am I supposed to do, Robin? It's not Eddie's fault that I'm broken."
"You, Steve Harrington, are not broken. Just a little bruised. There is nothing wrong with you just because you got hurt and have the scars to show for it. Like Max, because of the injuries to her leg, she cannot walk like she used to before Vecna, so she uses her crutch. She's not broken. Is she?"
"No, of course not. If anything, she's even stronger now, I saw her hit Lucas with the crutch and tell him to hurry up on the way to the movies," Steve says, smiling at the memory.
"See!" Robin waves her hand at him in excitement, almost bouncing with it. "All you need is a crutch!"
They look at each other wide-eyed before matching smiles break out on their faces, Robin's giddy at having found a solution, Steve's reflecting the tentative hope blossoming in his chest.
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His talk with Robin certainly helped, but as Valentine's Day approaches, the fears and insecurities start to creep back in. It's not even like Eddie is giving him any indication that he's not happy with Steve or their relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Eddie tells him he loves him almost every time they see each other, at the most random moments. Some days he whispers it in Steve's ear to wake him up, other days it's his way of saying good night to him with his arm around Steve's waist and his hand over Steve's heart in a protective grip. He says it casually when Steve brings him breakfast in bed or lunch to the record store where he now works. Just yesterday he said it while Steve was buried deep inside him, their hands intertwined beside Eddie's head and brown eyes looking softly up at Steve.
It's not meant to make him feel bad about himself, he knows that.
He still does.
So when he opens his front door to the sight of Eddie standing on his doorstep in his nicest jeans and a forest green button-down Steve has never seen before, clearly having put some real effort into his appearance, Steve almost crumbles.
He's a shitty boyfriend, isn't he? There's this amazing guy who goes out of his way to look nice for Steve, even though he doesn't even like Valentine's Day, just because he knows it's important to Steve. And he can't even tell him he loves him.
Some of what he's feeling must be showing on his face, because Eddie's cheerful smile falls and he hurries into the house to pull Steve into his arms, slamming the door shut with his foot.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I told Dustin green wasn't my color, but he insisted. I look hideous, don't I?"
That makes Steve snort wetly into Eddie's neck before muttering a fond "Idiot" into it.
Eddie just hums, obviously pleased with himself for making Steve laugh. "You can tell me. You know I don't mind getting naked for you."
"You're getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?"
Eddie grinned wolfishly at him. "I don't know, the tear in my Hellfire shirt from when you ripped it off me begs to differ."
Steve blushes at the memory, even as he laughs at Eddie's words. Instead of saying anything else, Steve pulls him back into his arms and Eddie goes willingly.
"Hi, baby," he says, his nose brushing behind Steve's ear.
"Hi." Steve breathes him in, the smell of cigarette smoke and his shampoo strong where his nose is buried in Eddie's hair.
They don't let go for a long time.
It's Eddie who pulls back first, and Steve does his best not to read into it. "You want to tell me what's going on?"
The Steve from before the Upside Down would have just shaken his head and told Eddie that everything was fine before pulling him into the bedroom to reassure them both that it was. Not talking about his feelings, fears, and needs might have worked for hookups, but he learned the hard way that it doesn't work when you want to be in a relationship.
So Steve takes Eddie's hand and leads him over to the couch where they both sit facing each other. They don't let go of each other's hands.
"I know you're probably wondering why I haven't told you... why I haven't said it yet."
Eddie's eyebrows disappear behind his fringe. "It?"
Sighing, Steve watches his fingers run over Eddie's knuckles. "You know. That I love you."
It's hard to place Eddie's tone, and even harder to place the silence that follows, but it makes his knee jiggle with nerves and his stomach churn. Usually it's Eddie who tends to fill the silence between them when it feels too big, too heavy, but today it's Steve.
"It's not because I don't want to, I swear. It's just," another frustrated sigh, the hand currently not held by Eddie's rubbing over his face, "I just can't say it. And I am so, so sorry, because you deserve to hear it. Every day. But I can't... I can't. So I understand if you don't want to do this anymore. You deserve better, Eddie. You really, really do."
Eddie lets Steve's words settle between them, aching and raw, but he never lets go of Steve's hand.
"You're right," he finally says, and the sound of Steve's heart breaking is deafening to his own ears. Pinching his nose, he tries to take his hand back from Eddie, but his boyfriend (if he can still call him that) won't budge. "You're right about me wondering, Steve. But that was before."
Looking up, a frown forming between his eyebrows, Steve asks, "Before?"
"Before I realized that you do tell me that you love me, every day. You say it when you tiptoe around the trailer in the morning to make breakfast without waking me. You tell me every time you pack an extra blanket or sweater when we go to the quarry because you know I always get cold. I hear it loud and clear every time you bring me lunch, even though it means you waste most of your own lunch break driving around town. It's in the way you try so hard to make Wayne like you because you know how much that means to me, and in the way you hold me after another nightmare, and in the way you kiss me sometimes like there's nothing in the world you'd rather be doing, without it having to lead anywhere, just because you like kissing me."
Eddie scooted forward and bridged the gap between them by taking Steve's face in his hands.
"Steve, you've been telling me you love me for months with everything except words. I don't really need them. It's just a four-letter word."
And, fuck, now Steve is crying. Eddie wipes away his tears with his thumbs, and when that's not enough, he kisses them away with his lips.
Steve is so in love with him that he has no idea how the feeling even fits in his body.
"Damn," he chuckles wetly, "that means I didn't even have to find a crutch?"
Now it's Eddie's turn to look at Steve in confusion, clearly worried that his boyfriend might have lost his mind. "What crutch? Is this a sex thing?"
Laughing and shaking his head fondly, Steve raises his free hand to his head, palm facing Eddie. Then he brings his thumb, index finger, and little finger up, keeping his ring and middle fingers down, before moving his hand back and forth slightly.
"Robin came up with this. She said if I couldn't say the words with my mouth, maybe I could say them in a different way. I thought of trying sign language," Steve adds sheepishly.
Before he knows what's happening, Eddie is on top of him, pressing him into the couch with his body weight and showering his face with kisses.
"You're so smart," kiss, "and beautiful," kiss, "and wonderful," kiss, "and I love you so much." The last part is accompanied by a lingering kiss on his lips and Steve melts under it.
Even though he obviously didn't have to tell Eddie this way, Steve is glad that he did.
He also thinks it won't be long before he can say those words, too. If anyone can help him walk without a crutch, it's Eddie.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
INTERESTING a storyline that ppl say would be impossible for Mike bc of x y z and yet here is Jack Mcphee in Dawson's Creek living his forced conforming lifestyle, dating a girl and denying his sexuality, having a mental breakdown in his nuclear family front hallway and everything...
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hitlikehammers · 3 months
seven across
rating: t ♥️ cw: established relationship, SUCH FLUFF ♥️ tags: marriage proposals, crossword puzzles, slice of life, softness
for @steddielovemonth day twenty-seven: Love is watching them do the stupidest things and falling harder for them every time (anon) + Love is just a four-letter word (@sal-si-puedes)
@pearynice said both of these prompts could be together and I said...let's try! ♥️
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“Thing I want to be for you every single moment always, past the day I fucking die.”
They’re not, like, particularly serious about the crossword in the newspaper. As in, they don’t spend all morning on it, they don’t judge the tenor of their whole day based not on whether they finish it, but instead how fast they finish it, they absolutely do not do it in pen—
Basically, they’re not Nancy about it; but they do have fun with it. It’s just a quirky little…nerd thing they share before their coffees are done, before they kiss at their car doors and leave for work, or like this, on the weekends: before they start another pot of coffee and kiss about the clues they couldn’t figure out while it brews.
“Head,” Steve answers, off-handed, looking down his nose with his glasses perched low as he reads the middle section of the paper, something about stocks…probably.
“There’s no indicator,” Eddie snorts at Steve’s response, shakes his head but doesn’t bother to smother his grin; “it’s not what I want to give you every single moment.”
“So you agree you do want that, though,” Steve peeks up so sly, so teasing, so fucking gorgeous it hitches in Eddie’s chest when he so much thinks about it, about him, about his Steve—let alone when he’s face-to-face with the genuine article, grinning in all his glory.
“Was that in question?” Eddie recovers, but he knows his tone’s a little lovesick, knows his smile’s a little dopey for feeling, but this man.
Just; this man.
“Love,” Steve grins around a sip of his coffee, glances down at the crossword in front of Eddie to indicate another guess but his eyes sparkle in that way of his, just so, and Eddie knows it’s…not just a guess.
“Again,” Eddie huffs but can’t help the way a smile stretches wide enough to strain, to ache in his cheeks in the best possible way: “not a thing I give,” and he lets the hand not holding the pencil reach for Steve’s, which is waiting for him, grabs when Eddie’s close and laces thiner fingers together so Eddie can squeeze tight as he breathes out:
“But also never in question.”
Steve’s reading again, so it takes Eddie a little by surprise when his hand’s been lifted, and then pressed to Steve’s mouth with a kiss and when he looks up Steve’s already staring at him, the look there so fucking tender.
“I meant it was a noun,” Steve says so softly, his tone tender, too; “you are what love means to me.”
And Eddie’s pulse does a little double-skip for that because Steve can say those things forever, and it’s won’t ever stop fluttering around in Eddie’s chest like something miraculous.
In fact, Eddie really hopes Steve will say it forever.
“Sap,” he tries to volley back but it mostly comes out sappy, and a little too choked to be anything but a fucking compliment.
“Just honest,” Steve shrugs, smiling soft and playing with Eddie’s fingers before setting them back on the table, but not letting go as he gives another guess a try:
“Also not in question,” Eddie sighs a little…fuck, yeah, a little dreamily before tacking on: “you’re all I need, to know that I’m home.”
And it’s true. It’s so fucking true.
Eddie’s floating on the truth of it, and the fact that he gets to live that truth like this, and he’ll blame that as more than good enough reason to miss how Steve scoots his chair closer and leans over his shoulder to look at the paper he’s writing on.
“That’s more than four letters.”
Yep: Eddie will absolutely blame the high of just…being with Steve, of loving like this, for distracting him from the whole fucking pointof the conversation.
“Oh, I, umm,” Eddie fumbles a little, flustered where he really shouldn’t be, this was actually kind of the plan and he reminds himself of that sternly before he chuckles, and it’s only a little forced to get his footing back: “forgot to say we were past those.”
He looks up at Steve thought his lashes, honestly a bit sheepish and yes, he does bask in Steve’s endeared eyeball, in his indulgent smile before he takes another sip of his coffee, and Eddie thinks he’s in the clear when Steve asks:
“What’s the real clue?” Because they do this, they play with the clues more than they probably don’t when the answer’s obvious, because this is something they do together, and if whichever of them’s manning the writing utensil knows what to write in and they just move onto the next, that cuts down the fun, the soft moments they get to have like this.
And Eddie wouldn’t fucking trade this for…for anything.
“Umm,” Eddie draws out, not just the keep the moment but also because woah, wait: Steve’s putting his mug down and he’s leaning in and that’s not how this goes, nope, not even a little, hold the fuck on—
Also Eddie is supposed to be composed for this, because it’s important, it’s so fucking important, and when Steve’s pressed up against him like this, soft and casual in the mornings together, Eddie cannot be expected to focus, or else: not to focus on anything but the blissful warmth of Steve’s body against him like it belongs, because it belongs, and—
“Wait,” Steve’s nose scrunches, fucking delicious but he’s very close, and he’s reading over Eddie’s shoulder and…okay, okay, this was part of the plan, he just didn’t expect it so fast, or maybe he just didn’t expect the way his mouth’s all dry and his throat’s all tight, and his heart’s beating so goddamn hard but none of it’s like it’s nerves exactly, or maybe not mostly nerves, because mostly it’s just Steve, being near, and something like…excitement, but still:
Still: some of it’s nerves.
“This one’s wrong, babe,” Steve points to one of the verticals feeding down into the number they’re working on: Eddie hadn’t asked about it, and Steve’s frowning maybe for that reason first, before he notices…it’s not even close.
Because none of these were really supposed to match the clues; that wasn’t the point.
And Eddie watches, while Steve reads the other lines that feed into the not-four-letters he had asked after, the actually-seven-letters he’d asked Steve to give to him with a very specific clue, and Eddie’s breath catches when Steve turns to him, eyes big and swimming with questions as he exhales so so soft:
Because Eddie’d filled in some of the word, with the wrong-other-words.
It’s…not hard to guess when you see it:
_ U _ B A _ D
And Steve’s breath catches too, then, because, well: with Eddie’s clue, it’s kinda…it’s kinda really easy:
Thing I want to be for you every single moment always, past the day I fucking die.
Steve’s lips part, and his eyes get shiny, shimmery, and Eddie swallows, grabs Steve’s hand and moves the edge of a plate that’s been hiding a ring, breathes in the little gasp Steve give when he sees it like nectar to the gods but sweet, more life-giving than even that, and Eddie trembles a little as he holds it out and meets Steve’s gaze: the tears as slow to fall down Steve’s cheeks, and Eddie knows his are no better, and he means to ask immediately but…Steve is so fucking beautiful, and Eddie’s just a man, y’know?
He cannot help but to stare, and savor, and soak in this moment and this image, to etch it in his memory and call it perfection, and marvel at how it’s been his all this time but then…how Steve’s glowing and his lips are quirked the slightest bit and he’s, he’s…
Eddie opens his mouth to ask, he really does, but Steve’s letting go of his hand and reaching to frame Eddie’s face, and then he’s pulling Eddie to him, practiced and sure and Eddie leans because he knows exactly where he fits, always, and, like, maybe the question’s not even necessary.
Maybe Steve's lips are an answer in themselves.
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson @estrellami-1 @bookworm0690 
divider credit here
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babytoothbrain · 1 year
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Love in the Grocery Store
"The Last Time", Rachel McKibbens// A Letter to Momo// "On the Intimacy of the Mundane", Eve Lion// Home of the Brave, Katherine Applegate//
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Dear Stranger on the Train,
We've never met, and we may never meet. All that binds us is this single train seat. Yet as I depart and leave this behind, I hope it brings you joy of some kind. I hope it brightens your day, just a bit. I hope that this brings you a smile, as you sit. I know not your struggles, worries or cares, nor the weights and the burdens that your back bears. But I pray that you're blessed here, right on this very train. And who knows? Perhaps some day, our paths may cross again.
Sincerely, A Stranger
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fuckmymunson · 1 year
thinking abt steve and robin teasing eddie about how nervous he gets around reader and how she probably ruins him in bed.
little do they know, he’s the one that ruins her, teasing her until shes begging him to fuck her and then fucking her into the mattress until she can’t think about anything but him🥴
💌; Oh fuck yeah, definitely. Especially because Robin and Steve helped him to fucking rehearse asking you on a date... Which didn't end up as expected. Not mattress because I'm in the mood of wanting to be fucked in a car sorry I love u anon.
💌; 18+!, smut, minors DNI. Oral sex (m), a lil' of facefucking, the tiniest bit of mean!Eddie (if you squint, like he's not even mean?), dirty talk (he says slut like 1 time), facials <3.
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"Again! From the start, come on Munson you can do it" Robin sighed from her place in Steve's couch.
"Can I please take this fucking thing off?" Steve groaned from his place in the kitchen, referring to the cheap party shop wig he was wearing. It wasn't even your hair color.
"No you can't, now bring your ass over here, and please make a better impression, she doesn't sound like that, she's not permanently congested" Robin yelled from the living room and shook her head. "This cheap actresses that I gotta work with..."
"Hey! I heard that!" Steve yelled back. "Can we please focus?" Eddie complained from his spot on the living room as well, rubbing his face with frustration. "She would never go out with me! I can't even talk to her without stuttering and getting all flustered and—"
"But that's why we are here, dumbass" Robin interrupted him, crossing her arms over her chest. "So you can practice your pick-up lines on our cheap harlot" "Hey!" Steve chirped, again. "I'm not cheap!" "So you are a harlot" Robin laughed. "I can't do this" Eddie ignored them, already sinking on a spiral of anxiety and disappointment.
Unbeknownst to him, or anyone really, a certain someone knocked on Steve's front door. Their voices combined and Eddie's tantrum muffled the gentle knocks. The door was unlocked, and you saw Eddie's van, so you might as well just invite yourself in.
As you walked in, your eyes met the back of a leather jacket, Eddie was unaware of your presence as he continued rambling about how much he hated himself for being an illiterate fuck. Robin, on the other hand, saw you— But quickly pretended not to, instead, she pinched the bridge of her nose. She only had one chance to pull this card.
"Okay, Munson. Let's pretend she is here" Robin called your name and that made you stop your tracks. Were they talking about you? A lump of anxiety started forming on the pit of your stomach. "What would you say to her, if you had the damn ability to talk without sounding like an idiot?" "Well..." Eddie sighed, already feeling his cheeks reddening at the thought of your soft, caring smile, to the sweet sound of your voice. "That I like her, so, so bad. That I can't spend a single fucking day without thinking about her. How much I want to fucking yank her and kiss her every time she places a hand on my arm to ask me how my day was. Fuck, I think I'm in love with her. I wish I could tell her how fucking insane I am about her. I just want to make her happy, dude, but I can seem to form a single damn rational thought whenever I'm with her. I probably sound like an idiot" "Probably?" Steve asked from the kitchen's arch frame. He also failed to notice you. "But how in the hell I'm going to tell her all that?" Eddie gripped the end of his jacket with frustration.
"I think you just did, dumbass" Robin smiled and pointed at your direction with her chin.
Both Eddie and Steve screamed your name; One, by embarrassment of you listening to his literal love confession, and the other one because you saw him wearing a horrible, odd smelling wig.
Since then, you two had been dating. At to say it was practically like touching heaven, was bit of a understatement.
Sharing every little moment with him was absolutely amazing.
As time passed, other things started to happen as well...
It started off slowly, both of you exploring each other's bodies, learning what made you moan, cry, scream his name... Eddie was as fast as he was eager. This boy was utterly starved, and he treated you as his favorite desert, or meal, or drink, or whatever.
Robin and Steve usually bothered him of how much of a whiny bottom he was. If he had to pretend Steve was you to fucking ask you on a date (which was a disaster), how could he even have the balls to dom you when the doors were closed? They learned that under your sweet, caring façade, you were quite bossy.
"Eddie, let's go" You frowned, grabbing his arm. "It's getting late"
"But love" He whined, dragging the pet name. Sometimes he could be a pain in the ass. "I don't wanna go yet"
"I don't care, we have school tomorrow, plus you are driving me home. You're not drinking anymore" Your tone was worried and a tad annoyed, it wasn't your best day either.
"Go with your mommy, Eddiebear" Robin laughed, using the nickname she heard from you to tease him endlessly.
"Or else she will spank you" Steve joined, twisting another beer and throwing the tap around his backyard.
"Fuck you" Eddie groaned and flipped them off.
"Not our job, Eddibear" Robin snapped back and the pair started laughing until it hurt.
Eddie pouted the whole ride, already scheming what he had stored for you. You failed to notice how his eyes looked at you from head to toe, feeling already eager to bend you over the kitchen counter and have his way with you.
At the end, he couldn't wait either.
He parked the van next to a closed restaurant, closer to the alley where the trash truck drove by. Dragging you to the back of his vehicle and forcing his cock down your throat. He watched how the tears rolled down your cheeks, and how your hand sneaked between your skirt to finger your already wet cunt. Yanking your hair, he slapped your cheeks a few times for good measure.
"Keep your fucking words in line, okay?" He asked and you nodded weakly. Sucking the swollen, leaking tip of his cock.
"Sorry," You apologized, going down to lick and suck on his balls, making him groan in delight.
"What did you say, slut?" Eddie grunted and yanked your hair to rub his dick in your forehead as you choked on his balls, trying to speak. The muffled sound made him moan, close to cumming.
His hand on your hair tightened and Eddie slid his hard, thick cock inside your eager mouth again, fucking your face without any restrain, already knowing how you liked it, how soaked it made you, and of course, how much he loved it.
"F—Fuck" Eddie whined and came all over your face, pleased with your little cry of satisfaction. He watched you lick him clean and use your finger to smear it over your lips, tasting him, moaning in contentment. "Only I can fucking use you like this, did you hear me, princess?"
"Yes, Sir" You smiled and he leaned down to kiss you, shoving his tongue down your throat. "I love you, Eddie" You moaned against his lips as his free hand came down to pinch your nipples from over your thin tank top.
"I love you, princess" He sighed back, kissing you again.
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💌 Bit of a rushed ending? I don't know. Hope you like it! Mwah.
Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. Thank you for reading!˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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sorcerous-caress · 1 month
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she's trying her best...on the wrong account
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ervotica · 11 months
oh oh oh!!!!! “the water’s so cool! come on, just come in for a dip to cool yourself down.” with bully!eddie!!! swoons
Thank you for the request my love! God I adore Bully!Eddie; Bully!Eddie goes soft on you at Lover’s Lake. You can’t find it in yourself to complain; 500< words
Lovers Lake is heaven at this time of year.
It’s sweltering, the type of heat that makes you want to crawl out of your own skin, makes your muscles slow and sticky like molasses, tired and sweaty and not particularly inclined to do much other than lay in the grass. The gaggle of your friends splashing in the shallow water laugh and chatter, each voice overlapping the other until most of the conversation is inaudible.
You turn from your place at the mouth of the lake, hair sticking to your shiny forehead as you squint and try to make out the sulking figure in the trees. The breeze rustles the viridescent leaves, branches hanging low and heavy and obscuring the dark haired boy’s features.
Pushing yourself up on your forearms, you waver at the sight of him, all long and lean and pale, hiding behind the leaves; his hair is pulled back rather than down in its usual messy curls, mötörhead t-shirt slung lazily over the slope of his torso.
“Eddie,” you call. His head tips up at the sound of you.
“What?” he snaps back, venomous. His scowl doesn’t deter you, not anymore.
“It’s too hot to be sitting over here,” you giggle. “Come down with us.”
He scoffs, turning away before your sentence is even over. He glistens in the rays of sunlight peeking through the undergrowth, a thin layer of perspiration coating his pallid skin.
“Eddie,” you whine, bouncing on the very tips of your toes. “Please.”
“Hey,” he barks, brows marrying into an expression you really hate on him. “What have I told you about whining? Don’t be annoying.”
You huff, crossing arms over your chest and crouching until you’re eye level with him.
“The water’s so cool!” You reach out to twirl a loose curl that’s broken free from the confines of his hair tie. “Come on, just come in for a dip to cool yourself down.”
He grumbles something under his breath; you know you’ve won.
“You’re so fuckin’ annoying, you know that?”
You only smile.
He snatches his hand away when you reach for it, but lets you ogle as he strips his band tee off and slides into the clear water. You plop back down next to him, Robin to your other side.
He prickles as your hands coast the bare length of his arms, spreading over his shoulders to tickle his face.
“Quit it,” he murmurs; you know he doesn’t mean it.
“Hold my hand?” you ask, soft doe eyes staring him down until he has no choice but to agree. You splash as you turn to face him, rippling water casting shapes around your body.
“Will it make you quiet?” he gripes. You scrunch your nose at him in this cute way that has his heart clenching in his chest. If anyone else ever upset you he thinks he’d kill them.
Your fingers are intertwined almost immediately. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you smile so big, so uninhibited. You hum, squeezing his fingers every so often. He squeezes you back just to keep you happy.
Maybe he doesn’t hate you as much as he thought.
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unamused-boss · 10 months
California Dreaming pt2
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disclaimer! Yo, so I moved recently. That is why I have been slow with somethings. So part 2 to California Dreaming. Hope you enjoy!
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common…. and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream. Now all he can do I reminisce about you.
Billy was spending his day ay 3:50 like he always has ever since coming to Indiana. Driving 70 on a 45, with Max in shot-gun waiting to get home. It has been over a month an Billy still can't stand being here. He hasn't even changed his license plate yet cause he can't swallow the idea of having an Indiana plate instead of California.
He misses it all. He already knows he can't get you off his mind. He still remembers every detail of the hand full of dates you guys went on. Billy had a code, a never the same girl twice code unless he's just looking for some fun. You were more than fun, you were everything to him. He can't just let you go so easily. He gave you the address of his new house in hopes of writing to you, but he's been to chicken shit to write anything. Not only is his hand writing not the best, he wouldn't know what to say to you. Max had written to you for a bit, but he doesn't keep up with what she does.
"Do you think about Y/N at all?" Max suddenly quipped. Breaking Billy from his thoughts, he glanced to Max for a minute.
"Why are you asking." He sighed. Trying to focus on the road instead of the conversation.
"I just think you're missing them a lot, I am." Max said, looking down to her lap. She's trying not to upset Billy but she just misses you to much not to. She told the party about you but that conversation didn't last long.
"Yeah." It was now Billy's turn to break Max from her thoughts. "I miss Y/N more than anything." Billy didn't look to Max when he said it. Continuing look forward toward the road in hopes of something new.
"What do you miss?" Max asked.
"What?" Billy is now confused.
"What do you miss about them?!" Max said a bit louder. "You and I both know we'd go back to see Y/N if we could." Max had a point. She knows Billy has been to the travel agency to get flights to California but he doesn't have enough money yet. The only reason she knows is because that's were Dustin's mom works. He told her he saw Billy come in asking about flights to California. Specifically Santa Monica, were your house is and where their old house is. Billy was stunned, actually he did not know what to say.
"I miss when Y/N and I would go to the mall together..." Max remembers the days you would take her to the mall. Billy would usually be busy with something. While Neil would drag her mom off somewhere. Max's mom never really kept her promises to Max. So you stepped in for her. Max remembers when you took her to buy her walkman and first cassette tape.
You and Max walked out of the store giggling. You had just bought Max her first cassette. Kate Bush. Max was eleven and you were sixteen. Having been babysitting Max since she moved next door and taking her to skate parks, you thought it was time to take her to the mall. You used the money you had saved for this exact moment. With a bag in each hand you turn to Max.
"So MadMax, What do you think?" You ask her, grinning down to her.
"This is the coolest!" Max exclaimed looking at the cassette in her hands. She thought you were the coolest person ever.
"How about we get something from the food court? Billy said he would come to get us in half an hour." You said. That's when Max stopped in her tracks.
A with a disgusted look on her face she says, "What, really Billy?! I don't see what you see in him?"
"What?" You responded, with a light shade of blush on your cheeks and ears.
"You are Best Friends with Billy, I don't get it." Max said rather aggressively, "Why be friends with him, he's a buttface!"
"How about you get the table and I explain when I get us some food." You said, handing the bags over to Max to get a burger at the mall Burger King... Once you got your two burgers and fries you sat with Max.
"So what's got you so bent out of shape with me and Billy?"
"He's just so mean! Like all the time and you are his only friend." Max said taking a bite into her burger.
"I'm not his only friend, his got a lot of friends I've seen them at school."
"You're the only friend he likes." Max knew about Billy's crush on you. With the many downs of having connected air vents, the one plus was that she could hear Billy confess his feelings to imaginary you at least once a week.
"Listen Max, I know you don't care but Billy has been through some nasty stuff before you came into his life." You said.
"Then why does he have to be mean to me about it then."
"He's just... complicated.... feelings are complicated. And those feelings have nothing to do with you." You somewhat explained.
"Then what is it?"
"I really shouldn't open this can of worms with you, but what the hell.." You sighed. "Billy- Billy lost his mom when he was a little younger than you." You saying that got Max's attention, she didn't know anything about Billy's mom. Other than Nail yelling about her some nights. "Billy is the sweetest guy I know, when I was getting picked on in elementary school Billy scared off my bullies." Max was looking to you with such intent. Her and Billy have never really bonded, they had their moments but those moments are barley talked about.
"And Just to tell you, Billy was a small kid till middle school." You laughed, Max did too. "But ever since he did that we have been best friends since... and I know if he did that for me, I can do it for him." Hearing this Max understood the relationship a bit more now. It wasn't some weird convince for both of you. You both helped each other in many ways. "Plus don't tell Billy but his ears turn red when he gets embarrassed." Now Max shouted with laughter at that.
"Really!" Max exclaimed.
"For real." You said matter a factly. Flipping your wrist over to see the time, your watch read 1:30. You start gathering your stuff, "Come on kid, Billy will be here any minute to pick us up." An with that the moment was over. Max was now back in the blue Camaro in Hawkins, not the Santa Monica mall.
"I miss hearing Y/N laugh." Billy said, somewhat quietly. It was out of character for him. Max's head snaps to him.
"Really?" Max said.
"Yes shit-bird." Billy stated. "I miss everything about them. Y/N was the only thing I had... now they're across the country."
"So you're sad?" Max questioned.
"For fuck sake Max, YES!" Now Max see's it. The sensitive Billy you had talked about. The one that took you to the eight grade formal the middle school had, he even took you to freshmen homecoming. Only saying it was as friends though Billy was to scared to actually ask you. Billy remembers the last date you guys went on before he moved. He took you out to a remote field, one with an ocean view. Like in movies. Billy dressed in his best pants in his opinion, the ones that make his ass look good. You looked breath taking, dress how you wanted. Billy always looked to you with stars in his eyes, cause you were his universe. You guys were sitting on the head of his Camaro taking in the night sky.
"Billy." You breathed out, "Will you miss me?"
Billy's head snapped to you. "What makes you think I won't?" It seemed like at out of pocket question. He will miss you more than anything in California.
"I know, stupid question..." You said. "It's just- It hit me that I won't see you Monday at school. I won't see you at lunch. I won't see you till, I don't know when I'll see you again." Tears were starting to well up in your eyes. They started spilling out down your cheeks. You couldn't stop. Billy brought his hand up to the apple of your cheek an stroked your tears away.
"I will miss you." Billy said to you, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. "The feelings I have for you will not go away, even in Indiana."
"You know you can date other girls right?" You laughed. "I don't want to hold you back from having fun." Tears were still streaming down your face. Billy looked to you with sad eyes. He doesn't want another girl, especially some cow in Indiana.
"I don't want to." Billy said. "I want you."
"I know Billy, I want you to but... I'll try to come see you." You suggested. "Maybe for spring break or over the summer."
"I don't want to wait."
"Neither do I, but... us moving forward from this will help." You said.
"You shitting me!" Billy exclaimed. "I want no one but you, Y/N. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will do whatever it is you want or what I have to do to be happy with you. I will do anything for you." You don't think you've ever seen Billy more serious in his life. And that's after thinking he could do a handstand on a tower of kegs. You want to be selfish, keep him and Max with you. But the universe has other ideas.
"Let's go home Billy." You said softly. With that Billy Hargrove drove the speed limit to your home not his. Billy's house wasn't a home your house was more of a home for him ever since his mom left. He parked his car in your driveway, knowing your parents park in the garage. You both go to your room upstairs, take your shoes off, and climb into your bed holding each other for the night. It was a way of comfort you guys had in private. No one knew that Billy was a cuddler. You both stayed like that till you fell asleep. An when you woke up the next morning Billy was already up an at his house moving boxes into a moving truck to go to Indiana. You saw all the commotion from your bedroom window. You go downstairs as fast as you can, grabbing a jacket to go over your date outfit from last night. You run out your front door, bare foot in your front lawn. You just stare at what was going on in front of you. It seemed that the last of the boxes were being moved into the truck to be taken away. Max was making her way out the front door for the last time to see you. She drops her skateboard on the ground and starts running to you.
"Maxine!" Niel yells. Billy is just staring from his car since he was driving separate from the rest.
Max tackled you into a hug. If she squeezed any tighter you would pop like a bubble. "I'm going to miss you Y/N." There were tears coming down from her eyes an staining your jacket.
"I'll miss you to Max." You kiss the top of her head. Giving her one quick squeeze till...
"Maxine, let go. We got to get to Indiana!" Neil shouted from his car. Honking the horn. Max left you, grabbed her board to get into the car. He turned to Billy and handed him an envelope.
"This is the address of the house when you get to Indiana, idiot." Neil stated, "Hopefully you'll get lost..." He whispered that last part but Billy still heard it. The wheels of Niels car screeched out of the driveway into the road driving away. With Max looking out at the back at you going further away. You turn back to Billy as he wakes up to you.
"This is our new address 4510, Cherry Lane SW, Hawkins Indiana." He seemed less that enthused to tell you the information. And in it appears Billy already had it written down for you to take.
"You should write Max, she'll miss you." Billy suggested. You look up to him. Having said nothing yet. "You're kinda creeping me out with the no talking thing babe?" Babe... something Billy started calling you when you guys went on your first date last week. No he won't call you babe ever again. You look up to Billy.
"I love you Billy Hargrove." With that all the weight Billy had felt leave his body as he leaned into kiss your lips. They were soft as expected. The kiss felt electric. Everything was there all at once. Every moment. Heartbreak. Laugh. Cry. All of it was there, you and billy were in the center of it all. In your pocket of dream.
"I love you too, Y/N." Billy says once the kiss breaks. No words were said after that. Billy held you close one more time then walked to his car. Getting in the front drivers seat. Starting the engine. Then Driving away, like Max, watching you through the revue mirror. As you slowly walk back up to your house. The car came to a complete stop on Hawkins, Cherry Lane. Billy is now back in Hawkins without you. Max got out of the car, slamming the door shut to make her way up to the house. Billy thought he should do the same then, hopefully not be bothered by anyone else in the house.
"Billy!" Neil shouted. Billy froze, he really didn't want another "talking to" from his dad this week. He slowly turns to Neil.
"Sir?" Billy said with caution. Neil came up to him slapping a envelope into his hand then walking away.
"You got mail." Billy sped to his room to open the letter as fast as he could: when Billy opened the letter he was met with your pretty and neat hand writing. He smiled bigger than ever in the past month in a half. His eyes fell onto the first sentence. It read.
Hello Billy I still love you...
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 
“Steve!” Dustin bursts through the doors of Family Video, having dropped his bike carelessly outside and then running inside, jumping the counter, and making a mess.
“Dude! What the hell!” Steve yells at him, “No, no, get out, out!” he tells him lightly pushing him back to the other side of the counter but Dustin doesn’t budge.
“No, Steve, look! Look!” he says and slaps a sheet of paper on the counter in front of him.
Steve huffs and rolls his eyes at Dustin's dramatics but then he turns and leans on the counter, looking at what Dustin is presenting him.
“What’s this?”
“Evidence!” The kid yells excitedly.
“What?” Steve stares at the page. It’s a character sheet, for a Dungeons and Dragons character, he knows what one looks like from when Dustin helped him make one to play with Erica last summer. So he has a vague idea of what all the stats and numbers mean, and this character looks really powerful.
And then he notices the name, and chuckles, “Harry Stevenson?” he moves the sheet closer to him, trying to remember what everything meant, “Did you do this?”
Dustin shakes his head and smiles mischievously, eyes shining and almost vibrating out of his skin with how excited he is, “Eddie did!”
“What.” Steve means to ask but it doesn’t come out like a question at all,
“Fighter, level 3, club and shield,” he reads lowly, mostly to himself.
“Look, Steve!” Dustin interrupts him impatiently, “These stats are insane! Plus four strength, plus three dexterity, AND constitution, plus two charisma and wisdom, he even gave you a plus one in intelligence,”
Steve frowns, “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks Dustin and raises his eyebrow at him, trying to hide his amusement.
Dustin shoves him, “Shut up, you’re missing the point,” he says jumping up and down and shaking Steve a little, 
“He thinks you’re strong and athletic and charming and wise!”
Steve just stares at the page with a faint smile playing on his lips, unsure what to say, how to react.
And Dustin points at the little square that says ‘personality traits’ where Eddie wrote,
‘Brave, funny, and kind’
Which Dustin reads out loud and then keeps going, “Ideals, to protect his loved ones, flaws?” He says and jabs his pointer finger on the sheet repeatedly, “Doesn't think he is good enough!”
Steve laughs because it also says “kind of prissy” but Dustin foregoes saying that out loud.
“Steve! He likes you! I think he’s kind of in love with you, actually,” Dustin tells him, shaking the sheet in his face.
Steve notices there’s something written on the back of the sheet too when he does that, so he takes it from Dustin, “Dude you're going to break it. Stop,” he chastises him.
On the back, it reads, ‘Prince from a fallen kingdom, he’s looking for a new home for his found family, the people from the palace he managed to save. He is overprotective and loving to his own but can be mean to outsiders. Does what needs to be done. He’s handsome like royalty should be, but beautiful in a way that makes the gods jealous.’
Steve smiles, caressing the corner of the page with his thumb absently, but then something occurs to him,
“Dustin... Where did you get this?”
Dustin’s eyes open big and he flinches, looking incredibly guilty. 
“I didn’t steal it! I found it! I swear,” he says hurriedly showing Steve the palms of his hands.
“You shouldn’t have shown me this, dude! This is so not okay!” Steve tells him, crossing his arms. 
“But! You needed to know! Steve, this is important, you weren't believing me! And now you do so now you have to tell Eddie how you feel!” Dustin implores.
“I don’t have to do anything! And you have to mind your own business!” he answers back harshly.
But Dustin looks really sorry and Steve is a weak, weak man when it comes to his kids, so he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Fine, I’ll talk to him…”
Dustin immediately jumps yelling, “Hell yes!” and Steve instantly regrets forgiving so easily, but then Dustin hugs him, “This is going to be awesome!” he giggles, and Steve can’t help but chuckle along with him. He ruffles Dustin’s hair and shakes his head a little, making him look at him,
“But you need to apologize to Eddie! You can’t just take people’s private things. And you sure as hell shouldn’t be showing them to others, either. It’s not an okay thing to do, no matter if you think your intentions are good, you got it?”
Dustin nods seriously a couple of times but then he goes back to smiling, going on a tangent about all the places Steve could take Eddie for a date that has Steve sighing and smiling as he listens to him, rolling his eyes as the ideas get progressively wilder by the minute.
𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱
part 1: ❤️
part 2: 🧡
part 3: 💛  
part 4: 💚    
part 5: 💙
part 6: 💜
part 7: 💗
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pretty-emo-dad · 1 year
I think Max signed and started her letters to each party member (+Steve) in a different way.
Lucas’s was “I would say ‘Dear stalker number 1’, but we both know you’re more than that to me,” and “Love, your totally tubular, MadMax”
Dustin’s was “Dear stalker number 2, and Hawkins’ certified boy genius” and “Yours, MadMax (PS. You’ll never beat my high score),”
Steve’s was “Hey Harrington,” and “Sorry for the trouble, Mayfeild,”
Wills was “To the least annoying boy I know, Will” and “I’m counting on you, and I see you. Love, Max”
El’s was “Dear Stalker number 3, and my best friend, El,” and “Love you from Hawkins to Paradise Island, Max”
Mikes was, “Dear Paladin,” and “Love, your Zoomer,”
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
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👋 Hi Murray
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