#Matthew perryman jones
rockabye-billy · 1 year
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How do you love someone So restless and torn? 
Matthew Perryman Jones, Canción De La Noche
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critterofthenight · 6 months
36 :>
idk if y'all know Love, Death & Robots on Netflix, but if you only watch one episode it should be Beyond the Aquila Rift imo. this song is in the ending and it's SO EPIC!!
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nicealbumcovers · 2 years
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Land of the Living by Matthew Perryman Jones
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queenbirbs · 9 months
I’m not letting you go again
I’m not letting this story end
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altfire · 1 year
woke up w the tunmarc song stuck in my head so hopefully thats a sign i'll get some writing done today
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misskaboom · 7 months
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Lyrics from Only You by Matthew Perryman Jones
… 🖤
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heyftinally · 1 month
Cruel Summer sounds just like Stylish by Loona. Paper Rings sounds just like Breathe In, Breathe Out by Hillary Duff. But the worst of all is Dear John which was DIRECTLY ripped from the song Amelia by Matthew Perryman Jones who is a tiny indie artist with less than 200k streams on his song. Some of Taylor's music sounding like other artists/songs is probably coincidental or inspired, but she straight up stole Dear John, and that should have been enough to end her career all the way back in 2010.
Continuation of this post.
Thank you for this, anon. This is fantastic.
I did NOT know that Dear John was fully stolen! That's VERY interesting. Makes me wonder who's listed as the songwriter 👀 smells like plagiarism!
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ao719 · 8 months
…Sometimes Not (Part 11)
All I’ve Ever Known
This is a submission for @choicesflashfics, using prompt #1, and @choicesoctober prompt ‘best friend’.
Title inspo: Only You - Matthew Perryman Jones
A/N: This is an au mini series to my Always You story. Not beta’d. Please excuse any errors.  
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x OC (Reyna)
Rating: T • Warnings: None but some mild language.
Word count: 2500
Catch up here
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Sitting on the balcony of the estate in Valtoria, Liam sipped his morning coffee as his eyes skimmed over a newspaper. 
Valtoria hosted its annual Lantern Festival the previous day, and the King had been invited to be the first guest to stay overnight at the duchy’s estate since its recent updates and repairs had been completed. 
The estate had always been a wonder and one of the most elegant, but with its new design, it was almost otherworldly. They had done an incredible job bringing the place back to life since the King’s announcement months prior that he was hoping to instate a new ruler over the duchy since it had gone unclaimed for so long. 
Taking another sip of coffee, Liam’s eyes slid to where his overnight bag sat on the bed bench inside the master suite. Inside the bag was the worn leather-bound journal Reyna had given him to read. While he was packing for his trip to Valtoria, he grabbed it from his nightstand; it was where it had been since the day he arrived home from his trip to New York. 
And it had remained unopened. 
Yes, Liam promised Reyna he would read it, and he had every intention of doing so because he would never break a promise to her … but he’d been terrified of what he was going to find inside. “You think I simply fell out of love with you over the years … but hopefully reading this will make you understand. It will tell you everything you need to know.” He’d convinced himself that whatever was in that journal wasn’t anything good for him. 
Was it a detailed dissertation on all the reasons why she fell out of love with him? 
Was it everything she did to help herself let him go? 
Was it a compiled list of all the reasons why they never should have crossed that line to begin with and why they’d never work?
Reyna said she was hopeful that it would make him understand, but why would Liam want to understand that? Simply knowing was hard enough; he was content not being privy to all of the tragic details.
Liam had to read it, however, and fast … because Reyna would be arriving in Cordonia tomorrow evening. He was a fairly quick reader, but that journal was thick and he had no idea what or how much was inside; he hadn’t even fanned through the pages, afraid of possibly catching a glimpse of something he wasn’t yet prepared to see.
Liam sighed as he stood and walked inside; he dipped his hand into the bag and pulled out the journal. He flipped it over in his hands, studying it. For all the staring he’d done at it since it was given to him, he still hadn’t been able to place why it looked so familiar. 
Letting out a breath, Liam glanced out the double doors that led to the balcony, staring at the waterfall across the gorge in thought; he didn’t have much time left to fulfill his promise. 
Just get it over with, Liam told himself. 
Letting out another sigh, Liam exited the room, looking for the estate’s majordomo; once he found her, the King informed her that he’d be staying another night. He relieved her and the rest of the staff of their duties for the next two days so he could have the place to himself. 
When the estate had finally cleared out, Liam headed back to the master suite; he returned to his seat on the balcony with the book resting in front of him on the table. He let out a breath as he finally flipped it open to the first page.
Liam’s eyes first fell on the date written at the top … the day of his wedding. Then, he saw the first line.
“Dear Liam …”
Pausing on those first two words, Liam furrowed his brows. It’s a letter? Curious, he finally fanned through the book; every page started the same way: “Dear Liam …” 
The journal was filled with letters Reyna had written to him. 
It wasn’t what Liam had thought it would be … and now he truly had no idea what to expect from it. 
Letting out another nervous breath, Liam flipped back to the beginning. He scanned over the page, noticing spots where the ink had smeared and the paper was cockled … spots where her tears had fallen onto the pages. 
With a tightness growing in his chest, Liam finally started to read. 
“Dear Liam, I just watched you say your vows … and I feel like a piece of me just died …”
Hours had passed since Liam started reading. He couldn’t seem to stop. He’d been consumed by every word, and every time he flipped the page to a new letter, he found himself holding his breath, not knowing what was coming. 
Liam checked every date with each new letter; Reyna had written to him almost every single day. Some letters were long and deep and vulnerable while others were short, some a mere sentence or two. 
Reyna wrote to him about her days. 
 “Today without you was particularly hard …”
Reyna wrote to him about her accomplishments.
“I’m officially done with school. I’m not going to the ceremony, though. I told my parents I just didn’t feel like it, but the truth is much deeper than that. You’ve been to both my graduations before this: high school and undergrad. I can’t bear to go because I know I’ll look for you in that crowd … and you won’t be there …” 
Reyna wrote to him every time something reminded her of him. 
“I went to an apple festival upstate today. Obviously, you were heavy on my mind because you and apples go hand-in-hand. It made me think about all the times we spent together in Applewood. I really miss those days …”
Reyna wrote to reminisce, even adding photographs to some of the pages. 
“We had so much fun that night. Do you remember? I’ll never forget how much we laughed.” 
Reyna wrote to him when she and Luca became official. And she wrote to him when they got engaged. 
“I hate saying I’m happy because I don’t know if I can truly be happy without you. But he’s good, Liam. And he loves me. A part of me feels so guilty, though. Choosing anyone but you feels like … settling. I know that’s a horrible thing to say. He doesn’t deserve that … and I don’t deserve him …” 
Liam rubbed his hand over his mouth as he blinked away the sting in his eyes. Despite knowing where they ended up, it was still hard to read about how Reyna had almost moved on. She was fully prepared to have a future with someone else, and his stomach twisted in knots at the mere thought of it. 
Liam continued to read letter after letter. 
Each page detailed what Reyna’s day-to-day life was like without him. 
Liam was reliving their time apart through her eyes … and he went through every emotion with her as he read, adding some tears of his own to the pages alongside hers. 
Wincing from the kink in his neck, Liam let out a low groan; pausing his reading only to eat, he’d eventually moved from the balcony to his bed when night started to fall. He’d fallen asleep reading and woke up, slouched uncomfortably against the headboard. 
When his eyes opened, Liam saw the journal sprawled across his chest. He’d made it about halfway through, and despite being unable to put the book down, the heaviness in his eyes from reading all day — and from his emotions getting the better of him at times — had him succumbing to sleep.
Liam shifted his position on the bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before he glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. It was 7 a.m.; he had to leave there by noon. Shit. Letting out a breath, he lifted the journal, scanning over the page he’d left off on. It detailed Reyna’s first time viewing a venue for her wedding; she said nothing about it felt right.
Setting the book facedown to mark his page, Liam got up and headed out of the room. 
After making a fresh pot of coffee and plating some fruit for breakfast, Liam headed back to the room; when he stepped inside, he set the tray he carried everything up on down on the bed before sitting next to it. 
With only a few hours to finish before he’d have to leave to prepare for Reyna’s arrival, Liam lifted the journal, picking up where he’d left off. 
Within a couple of hours, Liam found himself three-quarters of the way through the journal. When he flipped another page, he checked the date at the top before his eyes slid down to the letter. 
It was from the day Reyna had called off her engagement. 
“I know I made the right decision, but I feel awful, Liam. I never should have let it drag on this long, but I’m only now realizing that I wasn’t truly happy. I was simply distracted from my sadness. It’s not fair to hold him to this impossible standard that he will never meet, though. The simplest way to put it … he wasn’t you …” 
Liam let out a shuddered breath, feeling his eyes sting as he read those words again. He wasn’t you. Clearing his throat and blinking away the tears, he continued to read.
The further Liam got into the journal, the more he expected Reyna’s words to start to shift and change … to tell him she was getting better, that she was starting to let him go. But with each page turned … those words never came.
Each letter only seemed to be more riddled with heartache and longing. 
“I’d give anything just to hear your voice right now.” 
“I’m not myself. I haven’t been for a long time. I walk around with a permanent missing piece … a void inside me that will never be filled. I wish you were here, Liam.”
“I miss you so much it fucking hurts.”
“I wish there wasn’t so much of you left behind inside me. Laughs. Smiles. Inside jokes. So much history. A decade’s worth of memories.”
“I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this, Liam … how much longer I can pretend that you not being in my life isn’t destroying me. I miss my best friend.” 
Liam found himself struggling to rein in his emotions. He had often wondered during those years apart if Reyna ever thought about him the way he thought about her. 
This journal proved that she had. 
When Liam finally found himself on the last page, he momentarily froze. He wiped his eyes and blew out a slow breath, trying to gather himself. 
With a slightly trembling hand, Liam flipped the page. When he checked the date, his brows furrowed before his gaze shifted to the letter.
Dear Liam,  It’s been three years, but I finally made it to the last page of this journal … and I think it’s going to be the most difficult letter yet.  I’m in Paris for a charity function on my mom’s behalf. I haven’t been here in years, but the first thing I thought of when I landed was you. After the event, I came right to the bridge where we put our lock. And get this: I actually found it. I’m sitting next to it right now, hoping it’ll somehow give me the strength I need to write these next words.  When I finish this letter, I’ll need to close the book … and not just this one … but our book as well. God, it hurts to even write those words because I don’t ever want to close the book of ‘us’, but I think it’s time I face the reality that we’ll never be anything more than two people with a past and some memories.  Maybe our fate was something decided long ago. And no matter how much we wanted it to be different — how much I wanted it to be different — we couldn’t escape a fate that had already been sealed. We can’t change what’s been written in the stars. No matter how much I might want to ignore it, I need to come to terms with the fact that this is how things were supposed to be … even if I don’t understand it.  I wish I knew the purpose of it all … the purpose of the universe letting me get to know and love you only for you to be taken away from me. There’s got to be a life lesson somewhere in all of this, right? I don’t know what it is yet … but I hope to figure it out someday.  I wish you were here with me right now. I’m looking at this lock … this piece of us that stood the test of time in a way that we couldn’t. And just like that word we etched into the metal … you and what we had will forever be etched inside me, no matter how much time goes by. It’s said that everyone has one great love in their life, and you are, without a doubt, mine.  Loving you and being loved by you was my greatest honor, and I could spend lifetimes trying to force myself to fall out of love with you, but I know that it would be futile to even try. My heart has been yours since I was 16, and even though I have to close our book, what I feel for you will never change. No matter where I am, what I feel, or who I become, it will always begin and end with you. You will forever have a piece of me that I will never get back. And I hope that wherever you are, you know that I will, unequivocally and with my entire heart and soul, always love you, Liam. Only you.  Always you. 
Tears streaked Liam’s cheeks as he finished reading the last letter; his breath hitched as his blurred vision skimmed over the words again and again and again. And as he did, he realized when this last letter was written: the night they had run into each other on the bridge in Paris a year ago. 
That’s why the journal looked familiar; it’s what had fallen out of her bag. Liam remembered seeing it as he crouched down to help her pick up her things, how he could have sworn he saw his name written on the pages but hadn’t gotten a good enough glance before she snatched it away. 
Reyna filled a thousand pages in that journal trying to express both her unwavering love for him and her heartbreak over what she lost. And she had written the last one on the same night they found each other again. 
A reunion written in the stars … a fate far from sealed. 
Liam finally understood what Reyna meant when she said that the journal would tell him everything he needed to know. 
All this time … she had loved him all this time. 
Hearing the soft lilt of her voice, Liam lifted his tear-filled eyes to see Reyna standing in the doorway. 
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Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @emichelle @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @gibbles82 @the-soot-sprite @esmckenzie @dcbbw @burnsoslow @deb-1106 @bbrandy2002 @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @foreverethereal123 @choiceskatie @sirbeepsalot @gnatbrain @openheart12 @sincerelyella @superharriet @queenrileyrose @aestheticartsx @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @emkay512 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @forallthatitsworth @walker7519 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @princessleac1 @21-wishes @appleone @tessa-liam @pixelatedpassion @malblk21 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @forthebrokenheartedthings @nomadics-stuff @differenttyphoonwerewolf 
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wingsandcoffeecups · 2 months
Not another life
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Not in another life. Not if I have anything to say about it.
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mistdancerwrites · 8 months
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🎶 I want to taste you again... Like a secret or a sin...🎶 -- Only You, Matthew Perryman Jones
Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi
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betulinia · 5 months
Levi after Erwin
Quit with me
Lucy Wainwright Roche feat. Matthew Perryman Jones
Quit with me
There is no closer
We will grow to be
I look out every night
Across the sea
And wait to see you hide
Your highest, lowest, reddest tide
Quit with me
Quit with me
We came to be
A misdiverted giant galaxy
Provinces rose and art and industry
That kept the lights on bright
We’d see them walking home at night
And then the trees
All blooming effortlessly
'Round our knees
Reaches of every kind
Free of disease and wounds with endearment
You were my love
You were my friend
We lost it all
We’re on an island now
That’s worse than small
When I come home it’s hard to spot it all
I swear I tried to make it out
To reach across, to hear you now
Quit with me
There is no closer
We will grow to be
You are a burning, bleeding part of me
One thing I know is true
The path I walked was laid by you
So quit with me
Quit with me, ah-oh
Quit with me
Quit with me, ah-oh (ah-oh-ah)
Richard Walters
So I burn off the cold night
And I sit by its flame
And I wait for the moment
That you come back again
And I sense your possession
Of my voice in your head
And I know every stitch of you
I can't wait any longer
I can't bear any more
I was trained by the morning
By the wolves at the door
That you'll stir in a moment
And my world will align
And I know every piece of you
And I know every piece of you
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hezuart · 8 months
A handful of songs for Mono and Seven, but let's let Six have some glory and discuss a song for her:
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day.
This song might fit multiple LN characters, but I think it fits Six the most.
You said that Six is a lone wolf, so the song's constant theme of being alone suits her. The 'what's f*cked up' bit could reference her being repulsed of screwed up things like her finding out that kids are being cooked and served as food in the Maw (cannibalism), and she has to choose picking between the sausage she knows is made of human flesh or a Nome (just a critter as far as she knows and that she may have hugged up to 12 of before).
And the line from the song that's made for her is 'My shadow's the only one that walks beside me', because of Shadow Six.
Ah, a Six playlist!
Yes, Boulevard of Broken Dreams... the lyrics fit well. Great choice! ~~~
Ruins (Ella Isaacson) - Voices in the head, trapped in a madhouse, burning betrayal, the ending is an escape... walking away from the ruins.
Blood // Water (grandson) - Sacrifices, corrupt systems, the price of greed, poisoned.
Without Me (Halsey) - Supporting someone you feel left you behind. In a way, that person moving on to bigger more powerful things because of what you did for them... even if the context for this is wrong.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (XYLO) - Circling tides like time, drowning, needing saving; the choice between the chaos of the land or the chaos of the sea and being stuck amidst both of them.
Run Boy Run (Woodkid) - Also befitting of Mono and Seven... Fleeing from a world not meant for you. People trying to catch you. One day you'll grow up, but for now you are young and must flee when you are powerless.
Living in the Shadows (Matthew Perryman Jones) - Confused on who the enemy is. Shadows. Feeling like something was taken from you. Seeing a truth others can't. No longer hiding from one's dark side.
Falling Inside the Black (Skillet) - Dreaming of the way things used to be. Having a connection with someone. That someone leaving you in some way. Begging to not be alone. Falling into darkness.
Youth (Daughter) - Those who still breathe are lucky, because you breathe through corruption. Shadows settle in after someone left. Chasing the future. One day revealing the truth that could threaten your life. Apathy. Old memories recollected. Destruction caused by someone important, a shocking revelation. A silhouette, a shadow of yourself than you were before. Bitter feelings. Perhaps still missing the one who your feelings have soured for.
Vandalize (ONE OK ROCK) - Safety, rebuilding... caught off guard, broken heart, betrayal, marked by those you once knew.
Goodbye (Ramsey) - Memories of bloodshed; smoke up ahead. No longer recognizing one's home... wondering where your childhood friend disappeared to. Deciding its time to say goodbye to it all.
Fault Line (The Rigs) - Standing up to a world as a hero, only to flee and hide when the world bites back. Crushed dreams, caught in the wreckage, unable to tell friend from foe. Caught in the crossfire of the war inside one's soul. Searching for that someone... no matter what side they are on.
Living Hell (Bella Poarch) - Don't let people close. Threaten to make one's life a living Hell. Won't change. Always been cruel.
Two Birds (Regina Spektor) - Two friends. One rambunctious and free. The other promises they too will be like this... but lies.
Carousel (Melanie Martinez) - Round and round like a time loop. No turning back. Running through playland hand in hand. Freakshows together. Disappearing act.
Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez) - Playing tag. Rough housing. Getting kidnapped.
Milk and Cookies (Melanie Martinez) - Lunacy, craziness. Singing a lullaby where you die at the end. Cookies baked sweet and poisoned for you. Never want to see you again. Ashes burning down.
Playground (Bea Miller) - Playground of nightmares and fantasies. Welcome to the lost and found. Prices to pay, sinking into the wasteland.
Mountains (Message to Bears) - (Also works for Mono and Seven) Running away into the night, always could have. Maybe never could have.
Gasoline (Halsey) - Been insane, been in pain. Wasting a pretty face. This isn't a dream. Part of the machine. Not human. Living on a screen. A face made up. Lighting matches. Pointing fingers. Voices in your head. Heart of gold, but hands are cold.
Season of the Witch (Donovan) - Things to see. Strange faces, strange places. Witches and stitches. Surreal and paranormal.
DARKSIDE (Neoni) - No heroes or villains. Shadows in your head. Phantoms. Monsters and demons. Darksides. Embracing madness. Living in nightmares.
Dolls (Bella Poarch) - Cute, polite doll. Deranged and backstabbing beneath. Knife under the sheets. Bitter and Sweet. Provoked and then attacked. Walking all over those who went after you.
INFERNO (Sub Urban, Bella Poarch) - Sweet but villainous. Run away. Be afraid as she loses her head.
Evil Spider (BENEE) - Tangled together. Never letting go. Won't bite unless you hurt me or struggle. Fangs out. Run and hide.
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cpprcoyote · 9 months
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Oki, I'll do another one, thanks for the tag @kaijuqgle <3
Favourite colour: boring answer, orng. Unnecessarily specific answer, phthalo green, and Razzmatazz. I like a lot of different shades of orange, but Scarlet for example (apparently, that's red, but to me, it is orange u-u).
Currently reading: does Avatar Legends Roleplaying game sourcebook count?
Last song: Matthew Perryman Jones - Living in the Shadows
Last series: i think,,, wait- *cartoon bonks and glass shattering* Star Trek Enterprise
Last movie: uhhhhh I think it was Barbie
Sweet/savory/spicy: I like da spicy.
Currently working on: my silly little portfolio for a silly little job application. I'm tagging: @seasinkarnadine @aint-no-slowregard @sharkodactyl @geekariffic @khaleesileksa @jayenator565 @werewolfofwesteria @squiwward
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Bagginshield: Collapse
Fanmix Part Three
Part One * Part Two
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Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post
You can find Collapse at AO3.
Walls (Cara Dillon)
Some walls are lined with gold * Where some hearts stay safe and cold * Some walls are made of doubt * Holding in and keeping out
Songbird (Fleetwood Mac)
For you, there'll be no more crying * For you, the sun will be shining * And I feel that when I'm with you * It's alright * I know it's right
Who Saved Who (Mindy Smith & Matthew Perryman Jones)
If I showed you my old scars * My war wounds * My broken heart * Would you let down your iron guard, your armor? * Show me who you are?
Thank You For Loving Me (Bon Jovi)
Thank you for loving me * For being my eyes * When I couldn't see * For parting my lips * When I couldn't breathe * Thank you for loving me
Not Enough Hours In The Night (Doug Supernaw)
There's not enough hours in the night * Not enough time to hold you tight * How time flies when your love * We lay down and the sun comes up
I Won't Let Go (Rascal Flatts)
It's like a storm * That cuts a path * It breaks your will * It feels like that * You think you're lost * But you're not lost on your own * You're not alone
Currents (Sleeping At Last)
All the weight of my intentions * Are making it so hard to breathe the air at all * I see in you, coastlines reaching out * When there's nothing left to reach
My Love Is For (Jill Andrews)
I never thought that we'd be more than friends * But you've been more than a friend to me * You were someone I could hold onto * Always had a hold on you it seems
Almost Goodbye (Mark Chesnutt)
You called me this, I called you that * Standing on the welcome mat * Everything we felt it all came down to just one word * But you couldn't say it, and I couldn't say it
All Through The Night (Sleeping At Last)
All through the night * I'll be awake and I'll be with you * All through the night * This precious time when time is new * Oh, all through the night today * Knowing that we feel the same without saying
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obi-wan-catobi · 11 months
ten songs + ten people
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten other people.
thanks for the tag @starrrgazingbunny @thestarwarslesbian 💜💜
Get Scared - Sarcasm
Future Royalty - Seven Nation Army (Epic Cover)
Sub Urban - Cirque
Get Scared - The Strangest Stranger
Skillet - The Resistance
2WEI & Edda Hayes - Blindside
Madalen Duke - How Villains Are Made
REACH - Higher Ground
Karliene - The Dark Ones
Matthew Perryman Jones - Living In The Shadows
NPT: @commander-sunshine @sunkissedclones @starrylothcat @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @lostamongthe-stars @rebel-ezra @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @kixs-husband
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